the age of jackson jacksonian ideals economic disputes indian policy nullification crisis other...


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The Age of JacksonJacksonian IdealsEconomic DisputesIndian PolicyNullification CrisisOther People and Affairs100100100100100200200200200200300300300300300400400400400400500500500500500

Final Jeopardy

What social class supported Jackson and his ideals?Who are the common people.

Which national bank was used to hold funds of the Federal Government? Jackson wanted to kill this bank.What is the Bank of the U.S.

What act by Jackson forced thousands of southeastern Indians west so whites could settle on their territory? What is the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

What state caused the Nullification Crisis?What is South Carolina.

Who was awarded the presidency over Jackson in 1824 because of a corrupt bargain?Who is John Quincy Adams.

What ideal allowed for all white males to vote and hold office regardless of property or religion?What is universal male suffrage.

Which Supreme Court case ruled that Indians were not independent nations and could be regulated by the Federal government?What is Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831).

What affair involved most of Jacksons cabinet members resigning due to the morals of the Secretary of States wife? What is the Peggy Eaton Affair.

What Jacksonian Ideal allowed an elected official to appoint loyal voters to government positions? Commoners could run the country. What is the Spoils System.

Who was the Secretary of State under Jackson that transferred funds from the U.S. Bank to state or pet banks? Who is Roger Taney.

Which Supreme Court case denied the right of a state to extend its jurisdiction over tribal lands? What is Worchester v. Georgia (1832).

Who was the leader of the Nullification theory in South Carolina. He said The Union, next to our liberties, most dear!Who is John C. Calhoun.

What financial crisis caused the Whig party to blame the policies of Martin Van Buren? Actually caused by Specie Circular. What is the Panic of 1837.

How were presidential candidates nominated before a party nominating convention?What is the King Caucus.

What tariff by John Quincy Adams alienated southern farmers to favor the interests of northeastern manufacturers?What is the Tariff of 1828.

What was the name for the U.S. Armys removal of the Five Civilized Tribes west across the Mississippi River?What is the Trail of Tears.

What speech by Jackson stated that the nullification and disunion of South Carolina were treason?What is the Proclamation to the People of South Carolina.

What was the nickname for William Henry Harrison and john Tylers campaign to appeal to commoners in 1840?What is the Log cabin and hard cider Campaign.

What system did Jackson use to maximize the number of Democrats in office by Limiting an officers tenure to one term only?What is Rotation of Officers

What financial act by Jackson allowed only gold and silver to be used as payment for public lands? Partial cause of the Panic of 1837.What is Specie Circular.

What were the names of the Five Civilized Tribes?What are the Cherokee, Creek, Chocktaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole tribes.

What Jeffersonian documents concerning nullification of the Alien and Sedition Acts provided precedent for the Nullification Crisis? What are the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions.

Which two third parties arose in the 1820s to appeal to people not interested in politics?What are the Anti-Masonic Party and the Workingmens Party.

The Two Party System

How did the Whig party get its name?It came from the term for American Patriots revolting against the king during the Revolution. They compared Andrew Jackson to a king during the 1820s and 1830s.