the age of discovery. christopher columbus in 1492 columbus starts the age of exploration by trying...

The Age of Discovery

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Page 1: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

The Age of Discovery

Page 2: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean
Page 3: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Christopher Columbus

• In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia

• He lands in the Caribbean but believes he is in Asia

Page 4: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Columbus’s Journeys

Page 5: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

European Countries: Four Main Goals of Exploration

1. To spread Christianity

2. Expand their empires

3. Become rich

4. Gain military influence

Page 6: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Spanish Explorers Conquer

• Amerigo Vespucci (Italian but worked for Spain)

• Ferdinand Magellan• Hernando Cortes• Francisco Pizarro

Page 7: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Reasons for Spanish Victories

1. Europeans spread diseases that killed millions of Native Americans and weakened more.

2. Spanish had trained soldiers with guns, the Native Americans did not have guns.

Page 8: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

More Reasons

3. Spain made alliances with Native Americans who were enemies of the Aztecs and Incas

4. The Spanish acted brutally towards Native Americans (fear)

Page 9: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

European Competition in North America

• While Spain was exploring the Americas, other Europeans were trying to find the Northwest Passage, a water route through North America to Asia

Page 10: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

John Cabot

• Leads the way for English colonies by discovering and claiming New Foundland

Page 11: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Spain and French Clash

• Spain and France both try to claim land in Florida

• Spain defeats the French and continues claiming land in Florida

Page 12: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Defeat of the Spanish Armada

• The Spanish Armada was a group of ships that were sent to battle England

• England had smaller ships that moved faster

• This allowed them to defeat Spain

Page 13: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

English Victory Effects

• 1) England remains Independent and Protestant in their religion

• 2) Spain’s image is weakened since countries know that Spain can be defeated

Page 14: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Effects of Exploration

• 1) Spain uses Native Americans as slaves on plantations

• 2) Spain spreads Catholicism

• 3) Columbian Exchange

• 4) Africans used as slaves

Page 15: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Columbian Exchange

• Movement of plants, animals and diseases, from Spain to the Americas

Page 16: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean
Page 17: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Effects of the Columbian Exchange

• 1) Germs--smallpox, measles and influenza kill many Native Americans and weakened others

Page 18: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Effects of the Columbian Exchange

• 2) Europeans brought cattle pigs and horses to the Americas

Page 19: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Effects of the Columbian Exchange

• Europeans introduces foods such as grapes, onions and wheat

• Europeans took back to Europe foods such as potatoes and corn which could feed a lot of people

Page 20: The Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus starts the age of exploration by trying to find a quick route to Asia He lands in the Caribbean

Overall Effect of the Columbian Exchange

• The world became closer together as cultures began to blend