the adair county news.. (columbia, kentucky) 1907-04-03 [p...

J T w I A rai t i l J = I 1 eji1 i < L c o > r i f Jr wt f Kl s t > r 7I q r Tq < < > VOLUME 10 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY APRIL 3 1907 NUMBER 21 tli I iW ENTOTAjNING r > LECTURE d f tt- o Was Matrimonial Mistakes De ¬ livered at the Courthouse r Mondy Evening T laecta in the Co it house Mon- day eVetJgby 13ishop C Carter of Chattanooga on M rimonial Mis talsfes was a treat to all Who heard it Fr m beginning to clos the lecture was one of sound logic interspersed with humor and adorned with sentiment The many mistakes th jr origins and i farfUIconsequences w are vividly pic tiired but the crownin feature the lrg t of the discourse was di ¬ rected to a higher and broader cencep tibn oiJlntrimonial relations the wis- dom displayed in choice and the bless ¬ ings that reign over the homes of the fortunate in wedlock J If this lecture couI d be delivered throughout the country it would prove a great blessing and would doubtless save many an erring one from a fatal step disperse misery and install happi ¬ ness in mauy homes The lecturer was V introduced by Gov JI lv Hindman in Jlis usual happy mannfll after listen i jigiv rjispinrgunjiKWTOiaae by the Co lumbia Babd In closing Bishop Carter dwelt on the tender memories of early life and paid a just tribute to home one that impressed his many hearers with its in ny blessings after wnicli the Band played Home Sweet Home BUTTER UNDER PURE FOOD j Under tjhe Pure Food Law which goes into effect September 1st the following butter should claim the at ¬ tention of All who sell the article All butter sold by dealers in this com ¬ modity must not contain more than 15 per cent of moisture For selling the same with more than that amount of finedW in each amd every case The word moisture im the above case simply Workx your butter till it is hard and firm and there will b no trouble Too test for determiningl the amount of moisture is Very simple and any one can become an expert a ter a few trial Take a nickle plate knife cut in half a pound plate of butter On examination of the knife if small globules or drops of buttermilk appear on the knifes sur ¬ face or each of the divided halves of butter it contains 15 per cent of mois ¬ ture and is not up to regulations But these regulations will not beenforced until September 1st next so everyone will have time to learn how to make butter according to requirements for merchants will have to test it after I that date to protect themselves MURRELL The death angel visited the home of Mr and Mrs E C Murrell of Portales New Mexico on the 15th of March and tookfljfl jm theirjorecious little girl D8iothyto that fond where pain and 5rrow never enter She vas born itjairfield Iowa 10th mi diedMarch 1907 and Jiuarythe agtf3 Years days Death resuii rom She was the firs titer of her arents formerly of Hnis county an whose many friends zhd kindred she with them the t sympathy in the loss t of their precious child whos bright I mind and swee disposition held out the fondest of ho es but whos sudden taking has left i vacant place hat can never be filled A sweet little irl the pride of the par nts A precio is child taken from this worldof sin i nd sor ¬ row only remi Is us all of the uncer- tainty ¬ of life t e certainty oj death and the unchan eableldecree pi Prov ¬ idence May th rest upon the sorrowing parents may they see and realize hat their littlJ one is far better off dy her removal from earth to heaven n the budhood of life It is with plea ure pat we announce the fact that within a1 few more weeks the News will beienlarg rdt 0 its forme- rsizea 6 column paper he pre- sent size seems to met the den ands of its many readers yet ye are no satis1 fled with it and too ol en are fo ced to leave out interesting common catibni Our purpose is to ma e it arid eep its 1 rJ t tI Jt iJ 0 iI 7 I 1r to the best local paper in Southern Ken ¬ tucky and at present its space is too limited to meet the requirementsofad ¬ vertisecland give the amount of local news we are capable of giving pell your friends that The News will soon be larger and better and the same price 100 gets 52 issues We have in stock about 40 reams of paper and when that is exausted it will appear in its old size KILLING IN METCALFE Word was recieyed here Monday morning of a killing in Metcalfe county Sunday We were unable to get full particulars but learn that a man by the name of Pierce and another man were in a difficulty when a young man by the name of Dilley attempted to act as peacemaker As is usually the case the participants turned on the young man and the father seeing his son was in danger attempted to interfere when he was instantly shot by Pierce Sheriff Patteson was notified and is on the lookout for the murderer NEW POSTMASTER Mr J N Coffey recently appointed postmaster in Columbia took charge of the office Wednesday Mr Coffey is too wellknown to need any introduction to the people of this vicinity He is a business man thoroughly capable of ren ¬ dering efficient service and that it will be done is not a doubtful proposition Mr George Nell is Mr Coffeys deputy and a man experienced in the business having been postmaster here under the Harrison Administration Mr Pete Conover will be retained as clerk and his knowledge and adaptation to the work is a further guarantee of satisfactory service With good will to our retiring postmaster and good wishes for the new one his deputy and employees the News cheerfully accepts the change In another column will be found the advertisment of Young Coffeys stock which your attention is directed if you are interested in the propagation of good horses and mules These gentle ¬ man are so thoroughly known to the people of this entire country as not to needany introduction from this publi ¬ cation but in justice to them and in justice to their stock and the people within this section we feel that it is our duty to say that they are men who know the value and importance of well bred stock as truly as the make up of an ideal individual In offering what they have they feel that they are giv ing the best service in this line ever of ¬ fered to the people in this immediate section Any business entrusted them will show up correct Call and exam ¬ ine their stock if you are interested in what they offer Mr J H Young returned from the Indian nation last week where he and A Hunn purchased boundary of tim ¬ ber land Mr Young is well pleased with that section and Mr Hunn is also delighted Mr Hunn is now engaged in the manufacture of the timber into staves and headings One of attractive features was the charms attached to the names of the native redskins with whom the aforesaid gentleman met As we get it a few are as follows Eli Bot Ed Blackfox Thomas Sourjohn Jim Youngpuppy Luny Goingsleep Betsy Gallcatcher John Dirteater Jim Goose Tom Bigdrum Jake Yel lowhammer Tom Mankiller Charley Bob Tail Joe Hogshooter George Dragon Daniel Bearpaw Ned Bull ¬ frog Thomas Toadfrog Abe Squirrel Sol Bigdrum Tommy Littledrum Abe Eaglefeather Sam Wildturkey Abra ¬ I ham Owl and Bill Red Bird The above names are Cherokee OFFICIALI i Mr J M Russell who has been hand ¬ ling our mails for several years retired from the service Tuesday morning en ¬ joying the good will and wishes of the duringhis official accommodating pleasant to customers and accurate and painstaking in business So far as this community is concerned Mr Russell was entirely satisfactory and his many friends re ¬ gret that political fate has swept him from public position but while he did his duty well yet the powers were against him Y r 4 i t i o J 7 iJft 9 i o I w LAYING OFCORNER STONE Of The United Brethren Church in Columbia Last Monday After ¬ noon at 2 Oclock At 2 oclock p m April 1st the corner stone of the United Brethren church to be erected in this city was laid with appropriate ceremonies by Bishop T C Carter of Chattanooga Tenn The Bishop was assisted by Rev J F Claycomb of the Presby¬ terian church who read the scripture and Eld Z T Williams of the Christ ¬ ian church led in prayer There were also present and assisting Revs C R Dean J F Turner J M Turner and Rev Marion Antle The Bishop held up a neat tin box in which were deposited a New Testa ¬ ment a United Brethren Discipline The Religious Telescope the Adair County News and the Columbia Specta ¬ tor These were placed in a square ex ¬ cavation in the stone and sealed and the cap stone placed upon it Bishop Carter made a short address on the significance of the occasion giving a history of the United Brethren church and thanked the pastors and churches and people of Columbia for the val ¬ uable help rendered in money and co ¬ operation in the enterpris- eBEAUTIFUL EASTER I SERVICES I I At the Presbyterian Church Last ISunday MorningBishop T C Delivered Sermon A very large audience greeted Bishop T C Carter of Chattanooga Tenn at the Easter services at the Presby ¬ terian church lr st Sunday morning The room was handsomely decorated and the special music was beautiful and in perfect harmony with the day The Columbia Band rendered sacred mnsic and acquitted itself in an admirable manner considering that this was their I first attempt thisI all for their attendance The master ¬ ly manner in which his subject was handled the clear and consise presenta ¬ tion of Gods words showed conclusive- ly ¬ that the Bishop is one of the most gifted and learned divines that has filled a Columbia pulpit for many a day A man of scholarly attainments mag ¬ netic pesonality his coming will be heralded with delight by Columbia church goers- SERVICES AT DISAPPOINTMENT Mr Moorman a student at the Lind ¬ sayWilson and a young man who has dedicated his life to the service of his maker will preach at Diappointment Schoolhouse 3 miles from Columbia next Sunday the 7th at 3 oclock Ion IDIVIDEND NOTICE The Directors of The First National Bank of Columbia have declared a semi annual dividend of 4 per cent payable April 1st to stock holders of March 30th 1907 A D PATTESON Cashier Mr R F Paull has decided to re ¬ model his dwelling and work will be ¬ gin at once He will build an addition 19x26 feet two stories high and change the interior of one or two rooms of the present building Mr E G Shaw has contracted to do the entire work The walls of the new structure will be brick and in keeping with the present build ¬ ing and when completed will present as attractive appearace as any home in Columbia Mr F B Waggener returned from New Mexico a few days ago He found that his claim was no good and made an exchange while there for another that suits him to a finish Mr Waggener is inclined to the opinion or rather a fear that the rainfall in that country will hardly be adequate to meet the de ¬ X < J J j J mands of good crops until the country is fairly well broken The Band boys desire to return thanks to Rev and Mrs J F ClayI comb and Mrs W W Bradshaw delightful treat served in the band room Monday evening Also to Mr W R Myers for a nice lot of fruit the same evening The second Quarterly Conference of the Methodist Church will be held this afternoon at 3 oclock There will be preaching this evening by the Presiding Elder Rev W A Hines Communion will be held at the close of the evening sermon Commonwealth Attorney Durham of Greensburg bought 87 acres of landI from James B Burton for 650 This tract adjoins the one he purchased from W E Frazer last year This purchase rounds up 500 acres for Mr Durham Miss Emerine Lapsley who has been visiting for the last three months in Dallas Texas returned to her home at Esto Ky last week Miss Lapsley spent a few days visiting in Columbia on her return Rev J C Cook preached to a large congregation at Providence Baptist I Church last Sunday and baptized three who had joined that congregation under the preaching of Mr Cook in a series of meetings held there the first of March Particulars concerning the death of Will Hudson which occurred in Mich¬ igan several weeks since have not been recieved except the telegram which stated that he died of Pneumonia The family are corresponding with parties in the town where Will died and as soon as definite information is recieved we will give it to his friends- NORTIWEST TEXAS 100000 acres of rich Texas land con ¬ venient to railroads produces finest al ¬ falfa cotton corn also a goodstock country The climate is ideal and the altitude about 2500 feet All kinds of fruits do well Price from 10 and up per acre J cash and balance to suit purchaser Any one desiring to inves ¬ tigate this proposition write T L INGRAM Camp Knox or call at the News office 21tf LECTURE TONIGHT Southern Mans View of Abra ¬ IThe for the benefit of the I Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church Admission 15ctwo for 25c children 10c GREENSBURG TURNPIKE Eld W K Azbill who was invited to make a horseback survey of the route for a turnpike from Columbia to Greens burg made the trip last Saturday and Monday He returned to Columbia Tuesday morning and states that a road can be built between the two places on a three per cent grade and not increase the distance over present road He found the material for pike building in abundance and believes that a substan ¬ tial road can be built for 1500 per mile or even less He further states that between the Russell Creek bridge and the bridge at Greensburg there will be HutchinIson grades of ordinary turnpikes will al- most be entirely eliminated From the i fact that the survey will approach these two summits along the course of streams the rise and decline will be gradualAt rate the lay of the land is ideal and all parties enthusiastic in Green county for its building There is scarcely a doubt about the people of Green county building to the Adair coun ¬ ty line and the proposition will be up to the business interests of Columbia See my Spring and Summer Dress goods silk and silk waist patterns just received W L WALkER 21tf Attend Bishop Carters lecture to ¬ night at the Court House Subject The Southern Mans View of Abraham Lincoln MURDER OF FATHER I C r > Plea of SelfDefense Will Be Enter¬ I ed and Mother Will Be a Witness Marrowbone Ky March 30Spec- ialThe ¬ April term of the Monroe Circuit Court will begin at Tompkins ville Monday April 1 The civil docket is light but the criminal docket con ¬ tains several very important cases among which is that of Clarence Nuckols charged with the murder of his father Henderson Nuckels It is chargen he killed the old man two years ago at their home on Meshack creek by beating him over the head with a gun barrel Young Nuckols plea will be that of selfdefense When first ac ¬ cused however he stoutly denied that he killed his father at alland claimed that he found him at their barn with his skull crushed in and in a state of un consciousness It is said that Mrs Henderson Nuck ¬ ols mother of Clarence Nuckols and wife of the dead man will testify in behalf of her son who she says was compelled to kill his father in defense of his own life She too claimedat the start that her husband was found at their barn in a dying condition and that she did not know who had assaul r ed him i f Henderson Nuchols the dead man was about fiftyfive years of age a farmer and had the reputation of being a quiet peaceable citizen Clarence Nuckols his son and slayer is about j twenty years old unmarried and is tr said to be almost overcome with grief I over the slaying of his father Sunday ttp Courier Journal f 1 NOTICE ° Young Bros of Joppa have pur chasedthe McFarland big jack the 1 noted breeder and sure foal getter 7 years old 155 hands high He will make the season of 1907 at A 0 Youngs barn 1 mile north of Joppa on Russells creek They also have a fine bred horse Rex Peacock a perfect model He is a dark bay 4 years 16 hands high sired by old Jordan Peacock out of a registered maref YOUNG BROS Joppa Ky PREACHING NEXT SUNDAY W H C Sandidge Union A R Kasey Columbia J A Johnston Milltown G Y Wilson Picketts Chapel T J Campbell Glensfork F J Barger Beech Grove 1 Z T Williams Cane Valley H T Jessee White Oak z PAID LIST r News Honor Roll Is Your Name Written There J W Burdick S H Rexroat G A Bault C M Walters T G Dillon N J Davenport T J Campbell D Wil ¬ son Lilburn Phelps Mrs Olga Gooch DrW G Flanagan Geo E Wilson J A Vaughan J M Russell W T ° Walker Wm Mack J F Pendleton Owen Giles Luther Maupin Geo H Squires P C McCaffree JJ Allen DOWN GOES FLOUR T- will best grade 220 wholesale We pay 60 cents for merchantable corn at exchange or mill and 85 cents for wheat BURCHETT SMITH I offer the services of my beautifu young horse Fayett Artist for 1250 to insure a living colt He will bg lim ¬ ited to 20 mares If you like him now is the time to make engagement At Coffey Bros stable 213t A S CHEWNING The Columbia Band is receiving many compliments on the excellent grade of music now being turned out Rev J Frank Turner will preach at Hutchinson School house next Sunday at 11 oclock v j f 1

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Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1907-04-03 [p ] · 7 iJft 9 I i o w LAYING OFCORNER STONE Of The United Brethren Church in

J T w I



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Was Matrimonial Mistakes De¬

livered at the Courthouser

Mondy Evening

Tlaecta in the Coit house Mon-

day eVetJgby 13ishop C Carterof Chattanooga on M rimonial Mistalsfes was a treat to all Who heard itFr m beginning to clos the lecture wasone of sound logic interspersed withhumor and adorned with sentimentThe many mistakes th jr origins and

i farfUIconsequences w are vividly pictiired but the crownin feature thelrg t of the discourse was di ¬

rected to a higher and broader cenceptibn oiJlntrimonial relations the wis-

dom displayed in choice and the bless ¬

ings that reign over the homes of thefortunate in wedlock J

If this lecture couI d be deliveredthroughout the country it would prove

a great blessing and would doubtlesssave many an erring one from a fatalstep disperse misery and install happi ¬

ness in mauy homes The lecturer wasV introduced by Gov JI lv Hindman in

Jlis usual happy mannfll after listen

ijigiv rjispinrgunjiKWTOiaae by the Co

lumbia Babd In closing Bishop Carterdwelt on the tender memories of earlylife and paid a just tribute to homeone that impressed his many hearerswith its in ny blessings after wnicli

the Band played Home Sweet Home


Under tjhe Pure Food Law whichgoes into effect September 1st thefollowing butter should claim the at¬

tention of All who sell the articleAll butter sold by dealers in this com ¬

modity must not contain more than 15

per cent of moisture For selling thesame with more than that amount offinedWin each amd every case The word

moisture im the above case simplyWorkxyour butter till it is hard and firm andthere will b no trouble Too test fordeterminingl the amount of moisture isVery simple and any one can becomean expert a ter a few trial Take anickle plate knife cut in half a poundplate of butter On examination ofthe knife if small globules or drops ofbuttermilk appear on the knifes sur¬

face or each of the divided halves of

butter it contains 15 per cent of mois ¬

ture and is not up to regulations Butthese regulations will not beenforceduntil September 1st next so everyonewill have time to learn how to makebutter according to requirements formerchants will have to test it after

I that date to protect themselves


The death angel visited the home ofMr and Mrs E C Murrell of PortalesNew Mexico on the 15th of Marchand tookfljfl jm theirjorecious littlegirl D8iothyto that fond where painand 5rrow never enter She vas bornitjairfield Iowa 10thmi diedMarch 1907and Jiuarytheagtf3 Years daysDeath resuii rom Shewas the firs titer of her arentsformerly of Hnis county an whosemany friends zhd kindred she withthem the t sympathy in the loss

t of their precious child whos bright

I mind and swee disposition held out thefondest of ho es but whos suddentaking has left i vacant place hat cannever be filled A sweet little irl thepride of the par nts A precio is childtaken from this worldof sin i nd sor ¬

row only remi Is us all of the uncer-tainty


of life t e certainty oj deathand the unchan eableldecree pi Prov ¬

idence May th restupon the sorrowing parents may theysee and realize hat their littlJ one isfar better off dy her removal fromearth to heaven n the budhood of life

It is with plea ure pat we announcethe fact that within a1 few more weeksthe News will beienlarg rdt0 its forme-rsizea 6 column paper he pre-sent size seems to met the den ands ofits many readers yet ye are no satis1fled with it and too ol en are fo ced toleave out interesting common catibniOur purpose is to ma e it arid eep its

1rJ t tIJt iJ

0iI 7 I


the best local paper in Southern Ken ¬

tucky and at present its space is toolimited to meet the requirementsofad ¬

vertisecland give the amount of localnews we are capable of giving pellyour friends that The News will soon

be larger and better and the same price100 gets 52 issues We have in stock

about 40 reams of paper and when thatis exausted it will appear in its old size


Word was recieyed here Mondaymorning of a killing in Metcalfe countySunday We were unable to get fullparticulars but learn that a man bythe name of Pierce and another manwere in a difficulty when a young manby the name of Dilley attempted to actas peacemaker As is usually the casethe participants turned on the youngman and the father seeing his son wasin danger attempted to interfere whenhe was instantly shot by Pierce SheriffPatteson was notified and is on thelookout for the murderer


Mr J N Coffey recently appointedpostmaster in Columbia took chargeof the office Wednesday Mr Coffey istoo wellknown to need any introductionto the people of this vicinity He is abusiness man thoroughly capable of ren¬

dering efficient service and that it willbe done is not a doubtful propositionMr George Nell is Mr Coffeys deputyand a man experienced in the businesshaving been postmaster here under theHarrison Administration Mr PeteConover will be retained as clerk and hisknowledge and adaptation to the workis a further guarantee of satisfactoryservice With good will to our retiringpostmaster and good wishes for the newone his deputy and employees theNews cheerfully accepts the change

In another column will be found theadvertisment of Young Coffeys stockwhich your attention is directed if youare interested in the propagation ofgood horses and mules These gentle¬

man are so thoroughly known to thepeople of this entire country as not toneedany introduction from this publi ¬

cation but in justice to them and injustice to their stock and the peoplewithin this section we feel that it isour duty to say that they are men whoknow the value and importance of wellbred stock as truly as the make up ofan ideal individual In offering whatthey have they feel that they are giving the best service in this line ever of¬

fered to the people in this immediatesection Any business entrusted themwill show up correct Call and exam¬

ine their stock if you are interested inwhat they offer

Mr J H Young returned from theIndian nation last week where he andA Hunn purchased boundary of tim ¬

ber land Mr Young is well pleasedwith that section and Mr Hunn is alsodelighted Mr Hunn is now engagedin the manufacture of the timber intostaves and headings One of attractivefeatures was the charms attached tothe names of the native redskins withwhom the aforesaid gentleman metAs we get it a few are as follows EliBot Ed Blackfox Thomas SourjohnJim Youngpuppy Luny GoingsleepBetsy Gallcatcher John DirteaterJim Goose Tom Bigdrum Jake Yellowhammer Tom Mankiller CharleyBob Tail Joe Hogshooter GeorgeDragon Daniel Bearpaw Ned Bull¬

frog Thomas Toadfrog Abe SquirrelSol Bigdrum Tommy Littledrum AbeEaglefeather Sam Wildturkey Abra ¬

I ham Owl and Bill Red Bird The abovenames are Cherokee


Mr J M Russell who has been hand ¬

ling our mails for several years retiredfrom the service Tuesday morning en¬

joying the good will and wishes of theduringhisofficial accommodating pleasant tocustomers and accurate and painstakingin business So far as this communityis concerned Mr Russell was entirelysatisfactory and his many friends re ¬

gret that political fate has swept himfrom public position but while he didhis duty well yet the powers wereagainst him Y r4 i t


o J7 iJft 9

i oIw



Of The United Brethren Church in

Columbia Last Monday After ¬

noon at 2 Oclock

At 2 oclock p m April 1st thecorner stone of the United Brethrenchurch to be erected in this city waslaid with appropriate ceremonies byBishop T C Carter of ChattanoogaTenn The Bishop was assisted byRev J F Claycomb of the Presby¬

terian church who read the scriptureand Eld Z T Williams of the Christ¬

ian church led in prayer There werealso present and assisting Revs C RDean J F Turner J M Turner andRev Marion Antle

The Bishop held up a neat tin box inwhich were deposited a New Testa ¬

ment a United Brethren DisciplineThe Religious Telescope the AdairCounty News and the Columbia Specta¬

tor These were placed in a square ex¬

cavation in the stone and sealed andthe cap stone placed upon it BishopCarter made a short address on thesignificance of the occasion giving ahistory of the United Brethren churchand thanked the pastors and churchesand people of Columbia for the val¬

uable help rendered in money and co ¬

operation in the enterpris-





At the Presbyterian Church Last

ISunday MorningBishop T C

Delivered Sermon

A very large audience greeted BishopT C Carter of Chattanooga Tennat the Easter services at the Presby¬

terian church lr st Sunday morning Theroom was handsomely decorated andthe special music was beautiful and inperfect harmony with the day TheColumbia Band rendered sacred mnsicand acquitted itself in an admirablemanner considering that this was their


first attemptthisIall for their attendance The master ¬

ly manner in which his subject washandled the clear and consise presenta ¬

tion of Gods words showed conclusive-ly


that the Bishop is one of the mostgifted and learned divines that hasfilled a Columbia pulpit for many a dayA man of scholarly attainments mag¬

netic pesonality his coming will beheralded with delight by Columbiachurch goers-


Mr Moorman a student at the Lind ¬

sayWilson and a young man who hasdedicated his life to the service of hismaker will preach at DiappointmentSchoolhouse 3 miles from Columbia

next Sunday the 7th at 3 oclockIon


The Directors of The First NationalBank of Columbia have declared a semiannual dividend of 4 per cent payableApril 1st to stock holders of March 30th1907 A D PATTESON Cashier

Mr R F Paull has decided to re ¬

model his dwelling and work will be ¬

gin at once He will build an addition19x26 feet two stories high and changethe interior of one or two rooms of thepresent building Mr E G Shaw hascontracted to do the entire work Thewalls of the new structure will be brickand in keeping with the present build ¬

ing and when completed will present asattractive appearace as any home inColumbia

Mr F B Waggener returned fromNew Mexico a few days ago He foundthat his claim was no good and made anexchange while there for another thatsuits him to a finish Mr Waggener isinclined to the opinion or rather a fearthat the rainfall in that country willhardly be adequate to meet the de¬

X <J J j J

mands of good crops until the countryis fairly well broken

The Band boys desire to returnthanks to Rev and Mrs J F ClayIcomb and Mrs W W Bradshawdelightful treat served in the bandroom Monday evening Also to Mr WR Myers for a nice lot of fruit thesame evening

The second Quarterly Conference ofthe Methodist Church will be held thisafternoon at 3 oclock There will bepreaching this evening by the PresidingElder Rev W A Hines Communionwill be held at the close of the eveningsermon

Commonwealth Attorney Durham ofGreensburg bought 87 acres of landIfrom James B Burton for 650 Thistract adjoins the one he purchased fromW E Frazer last year This purchaserounds up 500 acres for Mr Durham

Miss Emerine Lapsley who has beenvisiting for the last three months inDallas Texas returned to her home atEsto Ky last week Miss Lapsleyspent a few days visiting in Columbiaon her return

Rev J C Cook preached to a largecongregation at Providence Baptist


Church last Sunday and baptized threewho had joined that congregation underthe preaching of Mr Cook in a seriesof meetings held there the first ofMarch

Particulars concerning the death ofWill Hudson which occurred in Mich¬

igan several weeks since have not beenrecieved except the telegram whichstated that he died of Pneumonia Thefamily are corresponding with partiesin the town where Will died and as soonas definite information is recieved wewill give it to his friends-


100000 acres of rich Texas land con ¬

venient to railroads produces finest al ¬

falfa cotton corn also a goodstockcountry The climate is ideal and thealtitude about 2500 feet All kinds offruits do well Price from 10 and upper acre J cash and balance to suitpurchaser Any one desiring to inves ¬

tigate this proposition writeT L INGRAM Camp Knox

or call at the News office 21tf


Southern Mans View of Abra¬IThe for the benefit of theI Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterianchurch Admission 15ctwo for 25cchildren 10c


Eld W K Azbill who was invited tomake a horseback survey of the routefor a turnpike from Columbia to Greensburg made the trip last Saturday andMonday He returned to ColumbiaTuesday morning and states that a roadcan be built between the two places ona three per cent grade and not increasethe distance over present road Hefound the material for pike building inabundance and believes that a substan ¬

tial road can be built for 1500 per mileor even less He further states thatbetween the Russell Creek bridge andthe bridge at Greensburg there will be

HutchinIsongrades of ordinary turnpikes will al-

most be entirely eliminated From the i

fact that the survey will approachthese two summits along the course ofstreams the rise and decline will be

gradualAtrate the lay of the land is

ideal and all parties enthusiastic inGreen county for its building Thereis scarcely a doubt about the people ofGreen county building to the Adair coun¬

ty line and the proposition will be upto the business interests of Columbia

See my Spring and Summer Dressgoods silk and silk waist patterns justreceived W L WALkER 21tf

Attend Bishop Carters lecture to¬

night at the Court House SubjectThe Southern Mans View of Abraham



Cr >

Plea of SelfDefense Will Be Enter¬


ed and Mother Will Be aWitness

Marrowbone Ky March 30Spec-ialThe


April term of the MonroeCircuit Court will begin at Tompkinsville Monday April 1 The civil docketis light but the criminal docket con ¬

tains several very important casesamong which is that of ClarenceNuckols charged with the murder ofhis father Henderson Nuckels It ischargen he killed the old man two yearsago at their home on Meshack creek bybeating him over the head with a gunbarrel Young Nuckols plea will bethat of selfdefense When first ac ¬

cused however he stoutly denied thathe killed his father at alland claimedthat he found him at their barn withhis skull crushed in and in a state of unconsciousness

It is said that Mrs Henderson Nuck ¬

ols mother of Clarence Nuckols andwife of the dead man will testify inbehalf of her son who she says wascompelled to kill his father in defenseof his own life She too claimedatthe start that her husband was foundat their barn in a dying condition andthat she did not know who had assaul r

ed him i fHenderson Nuchols the dead man

was about fiftyfive years of age afarmer and had the reputation of beinga quiet peaceable citizen ClarenceNuckols his son and slayer is about j

twenty years old unmarried and is trsaid to be almost overcome with grief I

over the slaying of his father Sunday ttpCourier Journal f




Young Bros of Joppa have purchasedthe McFarland big jack the 1

noted breeder and sure foal getter 7years old 155 hands high He willmake the season of 1907 at A 0Youngs barn 1 mile north of Joppa onRussells creek They also have a finebred horse Rex Peacock a perfectmodel He is a dark bay 4 years 16

hands high sired by old Jordan Peacockout of a registered marefYOUNG BROS Joppa Ky


W H C Sandidge UnionA R Kasey ColumbiaJ A Johnston MilltownG Y Wilson Picketts ChapelT J Campbell GlensforkF J Barger Beech Grove 1

Z T Williams Cane ValleyH T Jessee White Oak



News Honor Roll Is Your NameWritten There

J W Burdick S H Rexroat G ABault C M Walters T G Dillon NJ Davenport T J Campbell D Wil ¬

son Lilburn Phelps Mrs Olga GoochDrW G Flanagan Geo E WilsonJ A Vaughan J M Russell W T °

Walker Wm Mack J F PendletonOwen Giles Luther Maupin Geo HSquires P C McCaffree J J Allen



willbest grade 220 wholesale We

pay 60 cents for merchantable corn

at exchange or mill and 85 cents forwheat BURCHETT SMITH

I offer the services of my beautifuyoung horse Fayett Artist for 1250to insure a living colt He will bg lim ¬

ited to 20 mares If you like him nowis the time to make engagement AtCoffey Bros stable213t A S CHEWNING

The Columbia Band is receiving manycompliments on the excellent grade ofmusic now being turned out

Rev J Frank Turner will preach atHutchinson School house next Sundayat 11 oclock v

