the adair county news.. (columbia, kentucky) 1906-10-10 [p...

S T y r I f 1 < Rr e f b it 1 Ii 11 i s D < j 1- 0 Y i 41 il tm i 4 4 1 V of i YL2 s 1f 0 VOLUME 9 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENT 13KY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10 1906 NUMBER 48 UNITED BRETHREN One of the Most Successful Meet lings in the History of the v Conference I The Fortysecond Annual Kentucky Conference of United Brethren which met in the Presbyterian Church in this city last week was of the most success- ful ¬ meetings in the history of the Con ¬ ferenceBishop T C Carter of Chattanooga Tenn presided over the session and despatched business in a manner that was pleasing to all Rev I B Fisher of Louisville was elected Secretary The attendance of ministers and del ¬ egates was unusually large and reports from the various churches show that II this denomination is in a very thriving a condition The membership has been largely increased the Sunday Schools doing a great work and the church as a whole is rapidly forging to the front Throughout the session the pulpits were filled by able men and some very logical and eloquent sermons were de- livered ¬ On Sunday Bishop T C Car ¬ ter filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian Church in the forenoon and at the Courthouse in the afternoon treating our people to two excellent discourses- D C W Musgrove preached at the M E Church Sunday morning and Rev 1 B Fisher atthe Presbyterian church in R1 the evening The Conference passed resolutions in which they were very complimentary to Columbians for the manner in which they were entertained to the Presby ¬ terian Church for the use of their building and to the ministers of our town who rendered every assistance possible w From every viewpoint the meeting was a success and our people were de ¬ lighted at having the pleasure of enter- taining ¬ the body and assure them of a hearty welcome if they should again select Columbia as a meeting place During a business session it was de ¬ cided to erect a church here Partic ¬ ulars will be found in another column Sunday morning W B Seymour was ordained an elder and given a pastorate in Hancock county Following is a list of assignments read out by the Bishop Sunday morn ¬ ing LOUISVILLE DISTRICT- V R GentryPresiding Elder LouisvilleI B Fisher Benview CircuitW B Seymour VictoriaDr C W Musgrove PaducahTo be supplied COLUMBIA DISTRICT A Whitten Presiding Elder EdmontonJ F Turner GlenvilleA J Melton AlbanyW J Etherton and wife LibertyT J Gibson GlasgowJ B Rasner Hadley Circuit Thomas Hadley Conference EvangeIi sW R Lynn and 0 B West Sunday School OrganizerC R Dean FAIR WARNING It is not desirable to place accounts in the hands of a Collection Agency neither is it desirable to have thousands of dollars accumulating on books and never paid Every person who takes a paper ought to pay for it and not force a publisher to beg for the pay 1 am tired of such methods and will put out several hundred of accounts unles s paid within a short time If you owe Promisesr I dont pay my accounts and not likely to > square you on my books C S HARRIS MAKING GOOD IN CALIFORNIA f Mr Chester Collins youngest son of our townsman Mr Tim Collins has- t r developed much skill in the use of car ¬ penters tools within the last tw rs- r > i1 Ji a 6 Jio i r 1 tt- r s 0t f5Jrc frs < t J He writes his father from Oakland California in which he states that he gets 50 cents per hour No one who is acquainted with Chester doubts his abil- ity to make money any where he directs his energy As a boy he was ever ready for a job as a man he is proving his ability hold a job AN LOUR WITH BACH Friday afternoon the M F Music ¬ al History class entertained the entire Musical Department with An Hour With Bach r f Miss Elizabeth Hollady had the honor of reading the biography of the com- poser ¬ while a paper on the Interpre ¬ tation of the Works of John Sebastian Bach was beautifully read by Miss Margaret Todd Miss Alice Walker de ¬ lighted everyone with the C Minor Fan ¬ tasia so popular with all lovers of Bach Mr Ohlenmacher played in his usual style two Fugues one in C Minor and one inC Major This is the first of a series of enter- tainments s Mr Ohlenmacher has plan ¬ ned for his class All are anticipated with much pleas ¬ ure by every pupil NEW ROLLER MILL RUNNING I Mr J S Stapp has been quite a l while in getting his Roller Mill equippe- and adjusted to his notion but a few days ago he announced ready for busi ¬ ness As we understand it the Stapp Mill is thoroughly equipped for produc ¬ ing the very best results in the way o making highgrade mill products The time and money required in building and equipping this mill is no small mat ¬ ter and Mr Stapp is to be congratu- lated ¬ on putting in such a valuable an complete enterprise While not inside the corporate limits of Columbia yet it is within easy reach and will doubt ¬ less do a thrifty business from the yery start ELECTED ASSISTANT CASHIER At a meeting of the Board of Direc ¬ tors of the Bank of Columbia held last Tuesday Mr Thomas A Murrell was elected AssistantCashier Mr Murrell is a young man of unusual business qualifications and we feel that the bank could not have made a wiser selection For four years he served as County Judge of Adair county and since the ex ¬ piration of his term of office he has been very successful in the insurance field Mr Murrell has a host of friends throughout Adair and adjoining counties who vtfll be glad to learn of his selec ¬ tion to this position r LAST NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Remember that all persons who have not paid their Taxes for the year 1906 on or before Nov 1st will be reported to the County Court Clerk as delinquent I who will immediately issue a warrant and place with me for immediate Col ¬ coli ¬ to the 6 per cent penalty which is to be collected on all Taxes unpaidon above date This also draws 6 per cent interest in addition I trust that every Taxpayer will heed this notice and save the trouble and cost of this kind of collection W B Patteson Sheriff 47tf REGISTRATION j The registration in Columbia last Tuesday gives the following figures r r EAST COLUMBIADemocrats 54 Re I publicans 35 Independents 4 Prohibi- tion ¬ 4- WEST COLMBiA Democrates 40 Re ¬ publicans 34 Independents 7 Prohibi ¬ tion 1 Voters who were absent from home on registration day or who were pre- vented ¬ from registering by illness may register tat the supplimented registrtiont i Farmers Institute November 12 and 13th u- J 1 r rd l NEW CHURCH FOR COLUMBIA The pnited Brethren Will Erect a Modern Church Sere in the Near Future Sunday afternoon after an able dis ¬ course at the Courthouse Bishop T G Carter Chattenooga Tenn anneunc ¬ ed that his church had purchased lot on Jamestown street in the Motgomery ad ¬ dition for 150 and would erect a modern structure at an early date He asked that the citizens of Columbia donate 100 toward payment for lot and in a few minutes the entire cost price of lot was subscribed and 120 with which to start the building The location for the new church is a splendid one situated on the hill over ¬ looking the city and on the only street where there is no building of this kind ENTERTAINS COLUMBIA BAND t ThisWednesday evening the young men who compose the Columbia Band will be royally entertained by the management of the Columbia Hotel the proprietors desiring to compliment the seasond supper nothing will be left undone to make the occasion enjoyable The band has been organized about one year and to say itf season music for three fairs a number of pic- nics ¬ etc and have given satisfaction upon every occasion Much credit thed way an unusually clever gentleman who has labored faith ¬ fully to bring the band to its present high standard ADRifT ON OCEAN FOR TWO DAYS R ° A Walford Escapes Death by Clinging to Driftwood and Washed Ashor Mrs E G Atkins of this city re ¬ ceived a letter from Pensacola Fla last week stating that her brother Mr R A Walford who is employed at the Government Quarantine Station off the coast from Pensacola had a very narrow escape from death during the recent storm on the Gulf coast The Quaran tine Island was completely submerged and for two days and one night Mr Walford only escaped death by clinging to the roof and bits of dritwood until r he was finally washed ashore Mrs Alice Herman Mrs Annie Thorp and Mr George Walford sisters and brother to Mrs Atkins who reside in the same town were fortunate in escaping with ¬ out any injury to themselves or loss of propertyJ DAVENPORTS PRIVATE ZOO i It was recently announced that Homer Davenport the cartoonist has returned from abroad with the largest and finest collection of Arabian horses ever ship- ped ¬ to America There are twenty seven splendid steeds in the above col ¬ lection and they represent a little side issue to Davenports trip tb Turkey and Arabia where he went to write and il = Ilustrate a series of urticles for the Womans Home Companion Daven ¬ ports great admiration for horses is lnotgenerally known nor the fact that zoo of wild fowl and animals near Morris Plains New Jersey The cartoonists firsthand impressions of the Sultan and his people should make interesting reading 1Y The Fiscal Court was in session last weekandmoetof the time w ens in idjustingchina The fai that yr f p < flZJ J u jEI c < i V r l J I i t t i f f A I ff < f 1ro Jt 7P L withfheexception chase bloodhounds and it was knocked sit by a majority of 2 toThe road building proposition did not come to the front and the question of building bridges was carried over until the April meeting The Fiscal Court defeated the propo- sition ¬ to buy and keep a pair of well trained bloodhounds Mr T C Dav- idson V Deputy Sheriff offered to keep the dogs without expense to the coun ¬ ty While dogs are not accepted as evidence yet they would be of great value in preventing crime as wellas w catching criminalsljfcln our judgment it was a mistake when the proposition was defeated TWO COUPLES WED Mr G P Burress and Miss Mattie Reynolds Mr S Reigherds And Miss Mattie Montgomery j i REYNOLDS BURRESS This Wednesday afternoon at 4 oclock at the residence of the brides father Mr J H Reynolds near Vester Miss Mattie Reynolds and Mr GaP Burress will be united in marriage The ceremony will be pro nounced by Rev John Rice and will be witnessed by only a few friends and relatives Immediately after the cere ¬ mony the bridal party will repair to the Columbia Hotel where an elegant sup ¬ per will be served The bride is a handsome and accom ¬ plished daughter of Mr J H Reynolds of Vester this county and is quite popular in that section Mr Burress isa native of Taylor county but for a number of years has been engaged in the lumber business in Adair being connected at present with the Hugh McLean Lumber Co of Buf ¬ falo N Y Pat is a young man of sterling integrity and has made a host of warm friends during his stay in our communityWe many friends of this cou ¬ ple in extending congratulation and wishing them a happy and successful journey on lifes highway MONTGOMERYREIGHARD Miss Mattie Montgomery of near Columbia and Mr Samuel Reighard of Troy Ohio will be married this Wednesday morning at nine oclock at the residence of Mr R S Todd the Rev A R Kasey officiating It is the intention of the contracting parties to have a quiet home wedding witnessed by only relatives and friends Miss Montgomery is a very popular young lady possessing a lovable dispo ¬ sition a true Christian character and is indeed well fitted for the new duties she will assume Mr Reighard is in the Transfer busi ¬ ness in Ohio and comes well recom ¬ mended as a very excellent gentleman KELVIN BUTLER KILLED Melvin Butler who was shot by Ze rella Schmitt in a pistol duel Monday night in the saloon at 227 Seventeenth Street Louisville died at the Norton Infirmary Wednesday evening at 940 oclockThe affair came up over a remark made by a woman who lived with Schmitts family to Butlers child Later Schmitt and Butler met in the saloon with the result as above stated Butler was a native of Adair his wife being a daughter of Jo JuddFor a number of years he has made his home in Louisville and was sent to the penitentiary from there charged with the mufder of John McCoy In 1891 Butler was granted a pardon and since thai time acc rdingtothe Louisville has neverjbeeh in any trouble jJftf r cf d > L- t > 1 i J i l 1 1 REAL ESTATE DEALS Mr J0 Russell Purchases the Isenburg Property and will l Erect a Handsome Busi ¬ ness House Mr J O Russell purchased the Isen berg corner from Messers Tutt and Beard last Monday evenng for a con ¬ sideration of 3250 It is the intention of Mr Russell to remove the old struct- ure and erect in its place a handsome and modern stonebuilding This is one of the best locations in Columbia for a business house and the purchaser will erect a structure which will be an honor to the town The same party purchas- ed ¬ a lot on the northeast side of the public square from the Salle heirs and willerect thereon a building to be used as a postoffice PURCHASED STEWART PROPERTY Last week tr Sam H Mitchell of Bliss purchased of Miss Sallie Stewart the farm on which she resides Mr Mitchell gets the entire tract except ¬ ing forty acres of woodland adjoining W L Walkers farm paying therefor 3000 We are glad to learn that this clever gentleman and his Estimable family will remove to our town and predict that Mr Mitchell will take the front rank with our city farmers The large livery barn and lot near the public square was purchased by Allen Walker Co this Tuesday morning from J B Barbee for 3600 Mr Payne of the firm of Allen Walker Co informs us that his firm has made no arrangements as to what this prop eroy will be used for L B Hurt bought an unfinished cottage and lot on Boomer Heights from H C Wolford paying 420 Mr Hurt- will i complete the building in the near future Mr S D Barbee sold a lot contain ¬ ing two acres adjoining the old Trip lett homestead to Mr B F Chewning for 350 OUR UNPARALLELED OFFER Written for the Adair County News For the next 30 days every maiden lady claiming to be over 29 years of age sending us a correct written solution of the following rebus with one dollar in Confederate currency issued prior to the year 1816 to pay for mailing and pack ¬ ing will receive by return mail secure y packed and free from inspection one genuine diamond newnothing to wear around her wrisyf If u r a married man Read this rebus if u can A ur1ur2uraw if12ubu- cancu2r3 Address J T JONES Montpelier Ky FISCAL COURT ELECTIONS H f 1i At the session of the Adair Fiscal Court held last week the following elections were made For poorhouse keeper Henry Janes of BreedingFor supervisor Jo N Conover was reelected and the salary fixed at 300 Mr M Cravens was elected a mem ¬ ber of the Committee on theBoardof Health BIG LOSS IN CORN r It was reported last week that an unprecedented rain on Pitman creek Green county had caused the loss of ten thousand barrels of corn Water stood for several dayaoverthe corn As a result of the overflow an unusual demand for hogs to turn into the wet bottoms has been created and inl tii < f way a part of it will besaved t 1 > j faT O I s 6 f Y e- rFJl 1iil Ti N I J t t o JJ t gi jj r R L Snow and family moved last Friday to BuTiside where they will re ¬ main and Bob will go into the whole ¬ sale grocery business with a firm al- ready ¬ established at that place and Finis Baker has moved into his resi- dence ¬ here which was vacated by Mr Snow and Mr Robert Rowe our mer- chant and postmaster has moved from his farm above here into the George Brockman propertyCumberland Coun tyNews Mrs Mumcilla Scholl an aged and highly respected woman of Jamestown r died last Wednesday October 3rd Mrs Scholl had been in delicate health for a I number of years and her death was riot unexpected She was a consistent mem ¬ ber of the Christian church and much beloved in the community where she re ¬ sided Several children and quite a number of relatives survive herf W L GRADY A WINNER AT CELINA Ills Peacocks and R L Smiths Two Mares Captured Twenty six Out of Thirty Shows Mr W L Grady of Gradyville and R L Smith of this place returned from Celina Tenn Monday where they had been attending the Clay coun ¬ ty Fair They report an excellent show of stock but the attendance was light The Association will probably pull even The Adair county men made thirty < shows and were awarded twentysix blue ties and four seconds In a num ¬ ber of rings where they had two or more entries they won second money In the 75 dollar saddle stake they won first second and third and in the roadster class won first money on Bir ly Dodd Mr R L Smith won the gentlemans riding ring against a field of nine PAID LIST v The News Honor Roll Is Your Name Written There W T Irvine J V Willis Mrs S H Pile S H Fisher GW Coffey J W Murray Ed Franklin J W Town send John Parson Jack Morgan G A Young W F Guy S C Mackin Con over Bros Dr J T Jones Mrs Mary McKinsey L L Scott Jo Leftwich Dr D C D9nan A J Bridgwaters John Hughes M W Wade S M Morgan Bro Mrs J C Hutchinson 0 C Collins D B Dowell J D Eu ¬ bank J E Davenport W A Biggs J E Mitchell Gus Jeffries J H Shir ¬ ley Mrs Henry Farlee Mrs W G Conover Ethalana Turner Eld J T Williams W Ga Smith W C Ru barts BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL REUNION The Reunion of the Baptist Sunday School last Sunday brought out many of the old members who renewed their vows for regular attendance The pro ¬ gram Consisted of songs by the school addresses by some ot the older members and recitations by Misses Mary D Pat teson and Francis Garnett Both recit ¬ ing impressive pieces in a most enter- taining ¬ 1 manner The Reunion was all that could be expected and gave ev¬ idence of renewed interest There were t nearly 100 present fM BERKSHIRE HOGS FOR SALE f I have only 2 Berkshire fpe now left for sale Those asking me i to save iI them one had better come at once fort 1 the first man gets choice l JoInS A HARRIS COLUMBIA 4- I The cwt drills will all be in use this wiiiit 1 < Jt tffh 1 L C ti ti

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Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1906-10-10 [p ] · Modern Church Sere in the Near Future Sunday afternoon after an able dis¬



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One of the Most Successful Meet

lings in the History of the

v Conference


The Fortysecond Annual Kentucky

Conference of United Brethren which

met in the Presbyterian Church in this

city last week was of the most success-



meetings in the history of the Con ¬

ferenceBishopT C Carter of Chattanooga

Tenn presided over the session and

despatched business in a manner that

was pleasing to all Rev I B Fisher

of Louisville was elected Secretary

The attendance of ministers and del ¬

egates was unusually large and reports

from the various churches show thatII this denomination is in a very thriving


condition The membership has been

largely increased the Sunday Schools

doing a great work and the church as

a whole is rapidly forging to the front

Throughout the session the pulpits

were filled by able men and some very

logical and eloquent sermons were de-



On Sunday Bishop T C Car ¬

ter filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian

Church in the forenoon and at the

Courthouse in the afternoon treating

our people to two excellent discourses-

D C W Musgrove preached at theME Church Sunday morning and Rev 1

B Fisher atthe Presbyterian church inR1 the evening

The Conference passed resolutions in

which they were very complimentary to

Columbians for the manner in which

they were entertained to the Presby¬

terian Church for the use of their

building and to the ministers of our

town who rendered every assistancepossible w

From every viewpoint the meeting

was a success and our people were de¬

lighted at having the pleasure of enter-



the body and assure them of a

hearty welcome if they should again

select Columbia as a meeting place

During a business session it was de¬

cided to erect a church here Partic ¬

ulars will be found in another column

Sunday morning W B Seymour was

ordained an elder and given a pastoratein Hancock county

Following is a list of assignments

read out by the Bishop Sunday morn ¬


V R GentryPresiding ElderLouisvilleI B FisherBenview CircuitW B Seymour

VictoriaDr C W Musgrove

PaducahTo be supplied


A Whitten Presiding ElderEdmontonJ F TurnerGlenvilleA J Melton

AlbanyW J Etherton and wifeLibertyT J Gibson

GlasgowJ B RasnerHadley Circuit Thomas HadleyConference EvangeIi sW R Lynn

and 0 B WestSunday School OrganizerC R



It is not desirable to place accountsin the hands of a Collection Agencyneither is it desirable to have thousandsof dollars accumulating on books andnever paid Every person who takes apaper ought to pay for it and notforce a publisher to beg for the pay 1

am tired of such methods and will putout several hundred of accounts unles spaid within a short time If you owe

PromisesrI dont pay my accounts and not likely to>

square you on my booksC S HARRIS



Mr Chester Collins youngest son ofour townsman Mr Tim Collins has-

t r developed much skill in the use of car¬

penters tools within the last tw rs-


> i1Jia

6Jio ir 1 tt-


0t f5Jrcfrs<t J

He writes his father from OaklandCalifornia in which he states that hegets 50 cents per hour No one who isacquainted with Chester doubts his abil-

ity to make money any where he directshis energy As a boy he was everready for a job as a man he is provinghis ability hold a job


Friday afternoon the M F Music¬

al History class entertained the entireMusical Department with An HourWith Bach r

fMiss Elizabeth Hollady had the honor

of reading the biography of the com-


while a paper on the Interpre ¬

tation of the Works of John SebastianBach was beautifully read by MissMargaret Todd Miss Alice Walker de ¬

lighted everyone with the C Minor Fan¬

tasia so popular with all lovers of BachMr Ohlenmacher played in his usual

style two Fugues one in C Minor andone inC Major

This is the first of a series of enter-


Mr Ohlenmacher has plan ¬

ned for his classAll are anticipated with much pleas ¬

ure by every pupil


I Mr J S Stapp has been quite al while in getting his Roller Mill equippe-

and adjusted to his notion but a fewdays ago he announced ready for busi ¬

ness As we understand it the StappMill is thoroughly equipped for produc ¬

ing the very best results in the way o

making highgrade mill products Thetime and money required in buildingand equipping this mill is no small mat ¬

ter and Mr Stapp is to be congratu-



on putting in such a valuable ancomplete enterprise While not insidethe corporate limits of Columbia yetit is within easy reach and will doubt ¬

less do a thrifty business from the yerystart


At a meeting of the Board of Direc ¬

tors of the Bank of Columbia held lastTuesday Mr Thomas A Murrell waselected AssistantCashier Mr Murrellis a young man of unusual businessqualifications and we feel that the bankcould not have made a wiser selection

For four years he served as CountyJudge of Adair county and since the ex¬

piration of his term of office he has beenvery successful in the insurance field

Mr Murrell has a host of friendsthroughout Adair and adjoining countieswho vtfll be glad to learn of his selec ¬

tion to this positionr


Remember that all persons who havenot paid their Taxes for the year 1906

on or before Nov 1st will be reportedto the County Court Clerk as delinquent


who will immediately issue a warrantand place with me for immediate Col ¬coli¬

to the 6 per cent penalty which is tobe collected on all Taxes unpaidonabove date This also draws 6 per centinterest in addition I trust that everyTaxpayer will heed this notice andsave the trouble and cost of this kindof collection W B Patteson Sheriff47tf



The registration in Columbia lastTuesday gives the following figures r r

EAST COLUMBIADemocrats 54 Re I

publicans 35 Independents 4 Prohibi-tion



WEST COLMBiA Democrates 40 Re¬

publicans 34 Independents 7 Prohibi ¬

tion 1Voters who were absent from home

on registration day or who were pre-


from registering by illness mayregister tat the supplimented registrtiont

iFarmers Institute November 12 and13th









The pnited Brethren Will Erect a

Modern Church Sere in

the Near Future

Sunday afternoon after an able dis¬

course at the Courthouse Bishop T G

Carter Chattenooga Tenn anneunc ¬

ed that his church had purchased lot on

Jamestown street in the Motgomery ad¬

dition for 150 and would erect a modernstructure at an early date He asked

that the citizens of Columbia donate100 toward payment for lot and in a

few minutes the entire cost price of lotwas subscribed and 120 with which tostart the building

The location for the new church is asplendid one situated on the hill over ¬

looking the city and on the only streetwhere there is no building of this kind


tThisWednesday evening the young

men who compose the Columbia Bandwill be royally entertained by themanagement of the Columbia Hotel theproprietors desiring to compliment the

seasondsuppernothing will be left undone to make theoccasion enjoyable The band has beenorganized about one year and to sayitfseasonmusic for three fairs a number of pic-



etc and have given satisfactionupon every occasion Much creditthedway an unusuallyclever gentleman who has labored faith ¬

fully to bring the band to its presenthigh standard



A Walford Escapes Death by

Clinging to Driftwood and

Washed Ashor

Mrs E G Atkins of this city re¬

ceived a letter from Pensacola Flalast week stating that her brother MrR A Walford who is employed at theGovernment Quarantine Station off thecoast from Pensacola had a very narrowescape from death during the recentstorm on the Gulf coast The Quarantine Island was completely submergedand for two days and one night MrWalford only escaped death by clingingto the roof and bits of dritwood until


he was finally washed ashore MrsAlice Herman Mrs Annie Thorp andMr George Walford sisters and brotherto Mrs Atkins who reside in the sametown were fortunate in escaping with¬

out any injury to themselves or loss of



It was recently announced that HomerDavenport the cartoonist has returnedfrom abroad with the largest and finestcollection of Arabian horses ever ship-



to America There are twentyseven splendid steeds in the above col¬

lection and they represent a little sideissue to Davenports trip tb Turkey andArabia where he went to write and il=

Ilustrate a series of urticles for theWomans Home Companion Daven ¬

ports great admiration for horses is

lnotgenerally known nor the fact thatzoo of wild fowl and

animals near Morris Plains New JerseyThe cartoonists firsthand impressionsof the Sultan and his people shouldmake interesting reading

1YThe Fiscal Court was in session lastweekandmoetof the time w ens

in idjustingchina The fai that

yr f p <

flZJ J u jEI c<

i V r lJIi t t if f A I

ff < f1roJt 7P


withfheexceptionchase bloodhounds and it was knocked

sit by a majority of 2 toThe roadbuilding proposition did not come to thefront and the question of buildingbridges was carried over until the Aprilmeeting

The Fiscal Court defeated the propo-


to buy and keep a pair of welltrained bloodhounds Mr T C Dav-idson


Deputy Sheriff offered to keepthe dogs without expense to the coun¬

ty While dogs are not accepted asevidence yet they would be of greatvalue in preventing crime as wellas

wcatching criminalsljfcln our judgmentit was a mistake when the propositionwas defeated


Mr G P Burress and Miss Mattie

Reynolds Mr S Reigherds And

Miss Mattie Montgomery j i


This Wednesday afternoon at 4

oclock at the residence of the bridesfather Mr J H Reynolds nearVester Miss Mattie Reynolds andMr GaP Burress will be united inmarriage The ceremony will be pronounced by Rev John Rice and will bewitnessed by only a few friends andrelatives Immediately after the cere ¬

mony the bridal party will repair to theColumbia Hotel where an elegant sup ¬

per will be servedThe bride is a handsome and accom ¬

plished daughter of Mr J H Reynoldsof Vester this county and is quitepopular in that section

Mr Burress isa native of Taylorcounty but for a number of years hasbeen engaged in the lumber business in

Adair being connected at present withthe Hugh McLean Lumber Co of Buf¬

falo N Y Pat is a young man ofsterling integrity and has made a hostof warm friends during his stay in our

communityWemany friends of this cou ¬

ple in extending congratulation andwishing them a happy and successfuljourney on lifes highway


Miss Mattie Montgomery of nearColumbia and Mr Samuel Reighardof Troy Ohio will be married thisWednesday morning at nine oclock

at the residence of Mr R S Todd theRev A R Kasey officiating It is theintention of the contracting parties tohave a quiet home wedding witnessedby only relatives and friends

Miss Montgomery is a very popularyoung lady possessing a lovable dispo¬

sition a true Christian character and isindeed well fitted for the new dutiesshe will assume

Mr Reighard is in the Transfer busi ¬

ness in Ohio and comes well recom ¬

mended as a very excellent gentleman


Melvin Butler who was shot by Ze

rella Schmitt in a pistol duel Monday

night in the saloon at 227 SeventeenthStreet Louisville died at the NortonInfirmary Wednesday evening at 940

oclockTheaffair came up over a remark

made by a woman who lived withSchmitts family to Butlers child

Later Schmitt and Butler met in thesaloon with the result as above stated

Butler was a native of Adair hiswife being a daughter of Jo JuddFora number of years he has made hishome in Louisville and was sent to thepenitentiary from there charged withthe mufder of John McCoy In 1891

Butler was granted a pardon and sincethai time acc rdingtothe Louisville

has neverjbeeh in any trouble

jJftf rcf

d >



> 1i J

i l 1 1


Mr J0 Russell Purchases the

Isenburg Property and will

l Erect a Handsome Busi¬

ness House

Mr J O Russell purchased the Isenberg corner from Messers Tutt andBeard last Monday evenng for a con ¬

sideration of 3250 It is the intentionof Mr Russell to remove the old struct-ure and erect in its place a handsomeand modern stonebuilding This is oneof the best locations in Columbia fora business house and the purchaser willerect a structure which will be an honorto the town The same party purchas-


a lot on the northeast side of thepublic square from the Salle heirs andwillerect thereon a building to be usedas a postoffice


Last weektr Sam H Mitchell ofBliss purchased of Miss Sallie Stewartthe farm on which she resides MrMitchell gets the entire tract except ¬

ing forty acres of woodland adjoiningW L Walkers farm paying therefor3000 We are glad to learn that this

clever gentleman and his Estimablefamily will remove to our town andpredict that Mr Mitchell will take thefront rank with our city farmers

The large livery barn and lot nearthe public square was purchased byAllen Walker Co this Tuesdaymorning from J B Barbee for 3600Mr Payne of the firm of Allen Walker

Co informs us that his firm has madeno arrangements as to what this properoy will be used for

L B Hurt bought an unfinishedcottage and lot on Boomer Heights fromH C Wolford paying 420 Mr Hurt-


complete the building in the nearfuture

Mr S D Barbee sold a lot contain ¬

ing two acres adjoining the old Triplett homestead to Mr B F Chewningfor 350


Written for the Adair County News

For the next 30 days every maidenlady claiming to be over 29 years of agesending us a correct written solution ofthe following rebus with one dollar inConfederate currency issued prior to theyear 1816 to pay for mailing and pack ¬

ing will receive by return mail securey packed and free from inspection onegenuine diamond newnothing to weararound her wrisyfIf u r a married man

Read this rebus if u canA



Address J T JONES Montpelier Ky


H f 1i

At the session of the Adair FiscalCourt held last week the followingelections were made

For poorhouse keeper Henry Janesof

BreedingForsupervisor Jo N Conover

was reelected and the salary fixed at300

Mr M Cravens was elected a mem ¬

ber of the Committee on theBoardofHealth



It was reported last week that anunprecedented rain on Pitman creekGreen county had caused the loss often thousand barrels of corn Waterstood for several dayaoverthe cornAs a result of the overflow an unusualdemand for hogs to turn into the wetbottoms has been created and inltii <

fway a part of it will besaved t1

>j faT O I

s 6

fY e-

rFJl1iil TiN I


to JJ

t gijj r

R L Snow and family moved lastFriday to BuTiside where they will re ¬

main and Bob will go into the whole¬

sale grocery business with a firm al-ready


established at that place andFinis Baker has moved into his resi-dence


here which was vacated by MrSnow and Mr Robert Rowe our mer-chant and postmaster has moved fromhis farm above here into the GeorgeBrockman propertyCumberland CountyNews

Mrs Mumcilla Scholl an aged andhighly respected woman of Jamestown

rdied last Wednesday October 3rd MrsScholl had been in delicate health for a


number of years and her death was riotunexpected She was a consistent mem¬

ber of the Christian church and muchbeloved in the community where she re¬

sided Several children and quite anumber of relatives survive herfW L GRADY A


Ills Peacocks and R L SmithsTwo Mares Captured Twenty

six Out of Thirty Shows

Mr W L Grady of Gradyville andR L Smith of this place returnedfrom Celina Tenn Monday wherethey had been attending the Clay coun¬

ty Fair They report an excellentshow of stock but the attendance waslight The Association will probablypull even

The Adair county men made thirty<

shows and were awarded twentysixblue ties and four seconds In a num ¬

ber of rings where they had two ormore entries they won second money

In the 75 dollar saddle stake theywon first second and third and in theroadster class won first money on Birly Dodd Mr R L Smith won thegentlemans riding ring against a field

of nine


The News Honor Roll Is Your

Name Written There

W T Irvine J V Willis Mrs S

H Pile S H Fisher GW Coffey JW Murray Ed Franklin J W Townsend John Parson Jack Morgan G A

Young W F Guy S C Mackin Con

over Bros Dr J T Jones Mrs Mary

McKinsey L L Scott Jo Leftwich

Dr D C D9nan A J Bridgwaters

John Hughes M W Wade S M

Morgan Bro Mrs J C Hutchinson

0 C Collins D B Dowell J D Eu¬

bank J E Davenport W A Biggs

J E Mitchell Gus Jeffries J H Shir¬

ley Mrs Henry Farlee Mrs W G

Conover Ethalana Turner Eld J T

Williams W Ga Smith W C Rubarts


The Reunion of the Baptist Sunday

School last Sunday brought out many

of the old members who renewed theirvows for regular attendance The pro ¬

gram Consisted of songs by the school

addresses by some ot the older members

and recitations by Misses Mary D Patteson and Francis Garnett Both recit¬

ing impressive pieces in a most enter-



manner The Reunion was all

that could be expected and gave ev¬

idence of renewed interest There weretnearly 100 present fM

BERKSHIRE HOGS FOR SALE fI have only 2 Berkshire fpe now left

for sale Those asking me i to save iIthem one had better come at once fort 1

the first man gets choice lJoInS A HARRIS COLUMBIA



The cwt drills will all be in usethis wiiiit


<Jttffh 1L C

