the adair county news.. (columbia, kentucky) 1901-01-09 [p...

a 111i PERSONAL MENTION Mr S R Elllnft of Ant tnrliiril 1Q was In town Monthly Mr S A nurdesty Lebanon spent last Sunday In Columbia Coli ¬ umbia Monday Mr J D Sharp Amandavllle was MondayI Mr W L Brockman Inroad came to the city the first of the week Mr Tyler Marshall Campbellsvllle has been in Columbia several days Mr FP Dohoney Milltown w- here County Court Mr John Riall Cane Valley called on us Monday and left a dollar Mr EG Atkins returned from Lou Isvlll last Friday 1i Mr T J Epperson Montpelier was in town Monday i Miss Florence Hall this city Is vis ¬ iting friends In Burksville Mr J T Barbee this city Is visit ing in Elizabethtown Mr W J Winfrey who lives near Dunnville is still a very sick man Mrs R C Neal and George Rubarts Dunnville were in Columbia Monday Hon Geo Nell who has been quite sick for several weeks is improving Miss Lora West is visitingher broth ¬ er Mr T J West Campbellsvllle Mr Eugene Montgomery and family residet Miss Corine Jones Jamestown enter ¬ ed the M and F High School last Mon ¬ day Miss Mamie Baker who has been visiting in Montlcello returned home last week g I iMr JH Stone Jamestown who has at Battle Creek Mich for several weeks has returned hone Mr J II Pelly and Mr E L Feese Pellyton were in Columbia the first of the week Messrs H C Walker WM Wil more W L Grady Luther Wiluiore b Gradyville were here Monday SallieMontgomeryhas been suff erlng for several days and nights with a felon on her finger Mr Jo Russell and wife Louisville who spent the holidays In Columbia returned to the city Saturday m Mr Leslie Allen and Mr F M Rob- ertson ¬ left for Cherry Business College Bowling Green last Saturday Mr VW Kirtley and daughterMlss wMyftle of Mac Taylor Co visited the family of Wm F Jeffries last week Miss Leona McClister left for Nasb ¬ ville this Tuesday morning to visit relatives She will be gone one month Mr George Epperson has accepted a position with W E Caldwell Co Louis ¬ ville as shorthand and type writer He left last Friday Mr J F Conover left last Wednes ¬ day for Rocklane Ind on a visit to that section He will probably be gonet 1t1six or eight weeks Miss Minnie Kemp who has been teaching at Bradfordsville will notre turn but will remain at home the re- mainder of the winter She was very much liked at Bradfordsville Mr Azure Damron wife and child left Columbia last Monday morning for WakendaMo where theyexpect i to reside Mr Damron was born and F reared on Green river Adair county and is wellknown to all the citizens of this place He is a farmer and trader and his social disposition will soon make him many friends at his new home We trust that he will be suc¬ cessful in all his undertakings LOCAL JOTTINGS Circuit court Monday week Mr JB Watson killed a mad dog Sundayf The Twicfraweek CourierJournal and Adair County News 150 per year The week of prayer commenced Sun ¬ day nlghtand will continue on through the week All parties indebted toW ni FJett fries S Son are requested to come and settle at once 2t Dont forget that The Commercial Club will meetJn the office of J RI Hindman Monday night January 14th The Christmas dinner extended Into the 20tb Century but its now every day living just as it was in the win ter of 1990 1When you visit Louisville stopat the New Phoenix Hotel Firstclass i fare and well located corner ofjthand Market Streets J ly = All prices on every thing in my store will be reduced especially on clothing wraps jackets and under wear Come and see 26 WL WALKER The followijlg gentlemen comprise f the Municipal board for 1901 Rollln Hurt J W Richards Scott Nontgoin cry S D Barbee W A OfftFi 7t I ° A protracted meeting p sfAtthe i ° Presbyterian church nexX < t ILKld g Anight RevShive who itttuassistth pastor Is an entertaining ana zealous Vfiiieaken TMe merchants fnCpIuinblabavoirj y Iced their stock ojTjioods and Una that they bavepl and to Sdtferare hargaI1J5ire ready tblil taltlf Wan u j j1f t rt- riOl Communion service at the Pre b te 1 Ian church Sunday uiorjtilng flJ BRusKell R finny Plum Point are buying bogs They have eighty on hand Winston Rogers who stabbed F P Dpboney several weeks ago was given an examining trial recently and held overAll accounts on our books were due January 1 1901 Please come in and settle and save the necessity of a dun RUSSELL MURRELL Mr W L Walker bought a small farm from Eugene Montgomery last week for which he paid 927500 It is situated 2 miles from Columbia on DIs- appointment creek All persons having books belonging to The Parmelee Library are request- ed to bring them in at once The shipment is being delayed by persons keeping books out Several farmers have told us that they have more fly than wheat The truth is wheat has been a flying and we fear that biscuits will be nightly rais- ed in a few more fleeting months All notes and accounts owing me are now due and must be settled at once It you dp not want statement sent you please call once and settle 2t WL WALKER Kemp S Young advertises their bus ¬ Inessintodays Ne sThey are pop- ular ¬ and deserving young men and guarantee to sell groceries aschcap as any store in Columbia The CourierJournal has raised the price of its weekly to 100 per year By special arrangement The Adair County News and the CourierJournal will be furnished for 8150 per year The citizens of the ClearSpring Pub licSchtKil district have decided to build a new schoolhouse They propose to push this matter at once It will be built according to law Contractors take notice Mr C T Triplett is badly bruised and cut in the face the resultof arunj away His horse flew the track as it were and the buggy and harness now need repairs Mr Triplet will be all right in a few days Mrs Mary Harveys school was to have opened at Cane Valley last Mon ¬ day but on account of the prevalence of measles she will not begin until theI first Monday In February Six new cases last Sunday Terry and Pedigo of Barren county were in Columbia Monday They bought of Coffey Bros one mare at 9100 and one horse at 990 They also bought one mare from A Hunn for 8100 and a horse from Jo Tucker at 965 We now have club rates with The Commoner published by Wm J Bray an in Lincoln Neb We can furnish it to our subscribers who are not in arrears with us for only 75 cents per The first issue will appear in his month Miss Mary Harris Morristown Tenn who is visiting her brother Mr CS Harris entertained a party of young people last Monday evening Music and social games were in evi- dence and all report a very pleasant time Miss Mabel Wolford entertained quite a number of young people last Monday evening Those Who attend ed speak of their enjoyment in glow ¬ ing terms The music was very delight- ful and the games afforded much amusement Mrs Kizzie Murrell entertained quite a number of her lady friends Tuesday evening of last week at the residence of Mrs Nannie White It was a delightful gathering of friends who are perfuse in their commenda ¬ tion of the enjoyable event and the elegant luncheon spread Eld Lawrence Williams left this county last Wednesday for Still Water Okla Mr Williams Is atalented young minister devoted to his profession and we expect hlmto rise to the front ranks of the ministry He has a bright future and we trust that his new home will be congenial in every particular There was a boiler explosion at Mr Jo Thomas sawmill one day last week It is said that a portion of the machin- ery ¬ was carried several hundred yards but no one was seriously hurt One man was slightly in iu redabou t thefdce Asawrnill iSlike tqe foot adz at times a dangerous tool to fool with rattle yarn Aylme the twoyearold daughter of Mr and Mrs Short Moore died the first day of January She bad been sick for five wepks and hjer JJi had been for several days She is Infinitely better off than to have remained in this = world but it Is hard for parentsto drive away grief If your neighbor dont take the News ask him to do so or If you have a rela- tive ¬ or friend in the West send IP bls name and address and we will mall him a sample copy We intend to make theNews a better paper and its circulation mustlncrease Dont read thlsland argot j The Farmers Home Fire Insurance Ky200Og0e strong Insures all kinds of property except steam mills uempuud tobacco Rates reasonable Insures against Fire LightmogaodWind Z DL STAPLES County Director II j t 0 Quite a number of the Misses of Co- lumbia who will make their debut next rear spent a very delightful Christmas They met each evening and entertained as gracefully as queens Brides Miss Alice Walkers reception Miss Lina RosenHeld open ¬ ed her parlors to her numerous friends affording the lilliputians an opportuni- ty ¬ of spending some happy hours at her home Misses Fannie Jones Katie Murrell Nina Marcum Carrie Bright Flowers all entertained at supper and a happier week for the younger set was never spent in Columbia Miss Lina Rosenfields entertainment like Miss Walkers deserves more than a pass¬ ing notice There were about twenty five couples present handsomely att- ired and were just as sweet as they looked The luncheon consisted of coffee and meats ices cakes etc The company remained until 1030 and upon taking leave of their young asso ¬ ciate expressed themselves as having been most delightfully entertained While in Louisville last week a rep- resentative of the News was conducted ed through the large manufacturing establishment of Frank A Menne represented in this section by Mr Geo R Miller one of the most popular salesmen in Kentucky This is the largest candy manufacturing establish ¬ ment in this State and is surpassed by only two others in the United States Mr Menne has three hundred and twentyfive employes in the different departments and it is a sight worth seeing when they are all at work Just think of it Three hundred and twen ¬ tyfive men making and selling candy daily from the rising of the sun to the setting thereof The establishment covers twelve or fif ten States and fre ¬ quently with the large force employed orders can not be filled so fastly do they arrive This manufactory is an honor to the proprietor and one of the prides of Louisville One of the most delightful events at at the close of the holidays was the entertainment given by Mrs Rollin Hurt to a number of her lady friends Her home was beautifully decorated and upon the arrival of the guests it was found that each lady was dressed in white presenting a lovely and in ¬ viting picture The luncheon was de- lIghtful and the music charm ing Mrs Hurt is perfectly at home when enter ¬ taining friends and her friends are decidedly at home while spending a few honrs at her hospitable residence A letter from Mr Lilburn Phelps a representative citizen of Russell coun ¬ ty states that a meeting will be held in Jamestown on the 14th inst for the purpose of agitating the building of a pike from Columbia to Cumberland river He states that the people of Russell county are interested and that the project will be a go so far as they are concerned He wants to know what steps the Commercial Club here will take This is a matter the people of Adair county should push to afin Ish and doubtless propositions will be submitted at an early date Up to date there are 17 boarders att- ending the M F High School sev ¬ eral of them coming from Russell county This is a fine showing and a guarantee that Prof Ballard is a pop ¬ ular teacher as a large percent of those who came from a distance have gone to school to him in years gone by Everything Indicates that thisis to be the most prosperous session the insti ¬ tution has known for many years If your education is not complete and you want to enter a good school the doors are open Paid list W B Rowe Frank Sin ¬ clair Reed Miller GG Morrison P L Tyler W I Ingram Geo Lee S BConover Eld Lawrence Will ¬ iams Miss Myrty Kertley J II Rey ¬ nold J H Holladay J T Gbwdy W F Rowe W E Lester FP Dohon ¬ I ey Jasper Doss John Rialh John F Rial L R Wade Allen J Corneal R C Neal N B East A S Stapletonl Mrs J Me Scott RL Caldwell J E Burton John Willis S J East J V Willis J S Royse Eugene Montgom ¬ cry Art Bradshaw The Patterson Hotel Jamestown was ablaze last Friday evening the occasion being a reception given by Miss Ethel the accomplished daughter of Mr and Mrs J B Patterson The building was brilliantly Illuminitated and artistically decor adv a highly commended for ftsfoveUness- All the young ladles and gentlemen of Jamestown and vicinity were guests and it was an evening of pleasure long to be remembered It is said thesup per was mot affair ever given in Jamestown We understand that Mr FlIl Fra zer and family the children of Judge John R Sampson and Mrs Mary Cravens who have gen living In Middjesborougb will return fo Co¬ lumbia in a few days and Will occupy the residence owned by Mr M H Marcum on Burksville street Tbey will be given a hearty welcome Judge Sampson we are told will locate at Williamsburgrand will tie In Columbia as often as his business will admit By reference U > another column it will be seen that the Bank of Colum ¬ bia is In a heajty Condition This in- stitution ¬ Is under splendid manage ¬ ment and the cleric 1 force are accu ¬ rate business pet very courteous to those who transact monetary affairs over theircoUuter The M F IlghJ3 < booljuudertbe management ofProf A H Ballard opened with twentynew pupils last Monday The school UJn aflourish IngjdiUwo and the ufembenihlp will reach one h tie ypatyitVakralitfivW3yteodar J Jot r Notice We desire a prompt settlement with all who owe us notes or accounts Respt Willis Bros Eld Z T Williams of Montpelier has accepted the call of the Christian church in this town as pastor for the present year Mr Williams is a man of fine ability and his earnestness and zeal for the cause of Christianity ¬ dears him to the people irrespective of denominational proclivities Besides the sales reported in another item Terry Pedigo bought a sorrel marc from Geo Todd for 8110 Geo Todd bought a saddle horse from Ar ¬ thur Taylor for 100 J D Todd pur ¬ chased one mare mule from Lewis Wilkerson for 8750 W H Hudson purchased carload of hogs from va ¬ rious parties at 4 cents Mr George Coffeys bay gelding while hitched to a buggy slipped the bridle at Mr W H Gills the other day and Set the earth a fire from start to fin ¬ ish arriving at Wilsons mill In a hurry The buggy did not upturn until the mill was reached butwas then wrecked in shortorder The horse was unhurt All persons who subscribed money to be applied to the building of the Plum Point Bridge are requested to make payment to J B Russell at once The bondsmen are paying interest on money and if the amounts subscribed are not handed in at an early day the business will be placed in the hands of an officer Two colored men named Vaughan were before Judge Butler last week charged with breaking into E Rice and Co and Bob Wilsons stores Cane Val ¬ ley and stealing a lot of goods One of the darkies confessed and the other one went into trial resulting in both be ¬ ing held over The cases will go to the grand Jury Monday week The Buckner Tobacco House Louis ¬ ville has been established for years and it is doing a fine business Farm ¬ ers could not ship their tobacco to a better house Four months storage free If you want quick returns mark your hogsheads Buckner House Louisville Ky For further particu ¬ lars see card in todays News Farmers who will ship tobacco to Louisville should remember that the Independent House is one of the best The firm comprises strictly business men who use their best ener- gies ¬ In securing the highest prices for tobacco consigned to them Four months storage free See their card published in this weeks papsr Mr G A Dohoney who was born and reared near Columbia is a candi- date ¬ to represent Washington County in the next Legislature Mr Dohoney is a Demociat who was never known to flicker and being quite popular in the county of his adoption it is said he is almost sure to be nominated The following persons were elected officers of Glensfork Lodge No 528 on the 27th day of December Dr S W Strange Master J A Turner Sr Warden W L Taylor Jr Warden Matthew Taylor Secretary WPhelps Treasurer W Lf Brockman Senior Deacon Jo Dudley Junior Deacon L A Fletcher Tyler j G R Abrell Chaplain Under the Mayorality of A G Todd and the present town council the town of Columbia has a neat little lash bal ¬ ante in its favor Up to January 1st 1901 Columbia was ahead of the hounds 45026 with 24300 of taxes to be collected Assuming that this will all be paid Columbia would be out of trouble with 68428 to its credit Now is the time to have a few lights on the streets Dont you see Judge J W Butler informed us that he gathered 608 barrels of corn from 60 acres Mr Butlerhasa valuable and desirable farm but Mr S H Mitchell claims that the Judge is not the only man in this county whohascurklebur land We understand that Mr Mitch ¬ ell is annoyed a great deal picking cur cleburs off himself every time he visits bis farm Mr Miller Stapleton son of Mr A S Stapleton who resides on Green river was married last Friday to Miss Mary Bryant who was making her home at Mr J Co Dunbars Mr Stapleton is a young farmer who has many friends in the neighborhood In which he lives and his wife is a very worthy young woman The News ext- ends Its nest wishes to the young couple IJr Crecfl Haskins the w liknown boot and shoe snlesmatl1S now with Kabn Martin GO ail old establish- ed ¬ house of Louisville He bas been given his old territory and will be through this part of the State In a few days with a full line of samples Mr Haskins has been in the shoe business formore than a quart rot a century and is satisfied that be Is with afirstr class house one that will give perfect satisfaction Mr B Rlpney whose home was near Neatsburg on Green River died last Thursday and the body was conveyed to Pulaskl county for burial on the fol ¬ lowing daj Mr Rlgney was a good citizen progressive farmer and a Triad who will be pissed in this county TfteeauWof his death was consump- tion and it seemed 19 get injts fearful workin a short while as be was only sick 5 weeks lie was 53 years old and apparently enjoyed fair health His > lfdi dfeTaral tnt ago btlft h<> chi iII itbe a M 4 ± J Notice We thank all our friends and cus- tomers for their liberal patronage In in the past and trust you will not for ¬ get our successors Kemp Youurf who will continue the business at same old stand Wishing all good luck we are Resp t yours WILLIS BROS Mr W L Dowell a prominent young man of Jamestown will be mar this Wednesday evening to Miss Ola Baugb who is alsu a resident of the capital of Russell The Intend ¬ ed bride is a sister of Eld Arthur Baugh and is one of the best young ladies of Jamestown Mr Dowell is a very deserving young man and his nu ¬ merous friends extend their best wishes for future happiness In another column the advertise- ment of the Columbia and Campbells ville Stage Line will be seen For many years the stage between this town and Campbellsvllle has conveyed passengers and at no other time has it been better equipped than It is now In the past it has been in good hands but Mr George Lee the present pro- prietor takes special Interest in the comfort of those Who take passage on the stage Adams Fistula Salve manufactured and guaranteed by L W Adams Co of Paints Lick Ky to be a sure cure for Fistula Pole Evil Sweeney Scratches Saddle Bolls Enlargement Greasy Heel Distemper Big Jaw etc Sold by CAMPBELL BROS Pellyton Ky War F JEFFRIES SON Colum ¬ bia Ky J P MILLER C SONS Cro- cus Ky MEADOW CREEK As I have never seen a letter from our part of the county permit me to indite a few items for the vacant cor ¬ ner of your paper- TheNews Is a frequent vlsi tor at our home and without it would be as a lost sheep in the wilderness Wheat looks exceedingly well in our sectionChristmas has passed and gone leav ¬ lug the young people with gleeful hearts and thoughts that will linger in their memory many years Miss Edrington of Campbellsvllle spent the holidays with relatives in this neighborhood Miss Nannie Speer who hasbeen confined to her room for some time is improvingslowly Miss Nannie is vine of our leading society girls and is miss ¬ ed very much among the young folks Miss VIrgie Reed of Campbellsville spent this week with parents Mr Will Rice who has been very ill at his home for the past six weeks we are glad to say is improving very fast and he will soon be seen out on the grassy plains of health again Mr Waller Blakeman of Thurlow has removed his family in our midst where he will reside the coming year Emmet Bailee and Estey Hayse re¬ turned from a flying trip to Lebanon yesterdayMiss Rogers returned to her home in Campbellsville Friday after a weeks visit to friends and relations in this vicinity accompanied by L W Hayse A few of our young folks attended the social at the residence of Mr Lin sey Childers Wednesday night Rev Taber will fill his regular liP pointment at Roucbvillc Sunday He is an able minister and every body should turn out Sunday and give htm a large crowd for the new year High watery will prevent some of our folks from hearing the able discourse to be delivered by Rev Walton at Eb eneezer Sunday A crowd of young peoplegatbered at the home of Mr and Mrs Mantz Wed nesdaynight and spent several hours of enjoyment which will long reign in their memory Mr and Mrs Nantz are ever readyto accommodate the young In their social games The candy pulling held at the home of John Gaines was largely attended AH report a jolly time in spite of the breaking of window panes and we are under many obligations to Mr and Mrs Gaines for the hospitality ren ¬ dered IIult Speer passed through the pearly gates of that solemn city matrimony Rev Wells officiating Willie is one of Adair county best lineage having re¬ sided in Taylor for several years pre- vious to his marriage He is known throughout the county as a noble so berininded hqy This lw been a long Sunday ¬ years but true at the end Miss Lillie Is one stTaylor countys fairest belles and daughter of Mr Bill Speer May they live a ioug and prosperous life god the tie never be broken CREELSBQRO Since New Year trade has been ratherdull1The are making ther regular trips again Uncle Billie Hudson iscollectlng hogs at this place for the next boat Prof Scheldler is visiting bisJaugh ter MrsL H Bustert WB Self and wife are again clti zeus of Old CreesbirO 5 lira F M FlaltisccmduetlnR a wrl ting KclRiol in E itkbimMj Bottom AlClallJst night at Hr A M JackBaaaslu honoTof MlarEula Du 1 a11 ut1kor Ciossrords e- r Joo ot l people btlng entertained by Mr and Mrs Perkins In their usual pleasan manner Elder Z T Williams will preach for us once each month during the com ¬ ing year His first appointment is for he3rd Sundiy in this month Mr Alfred Armstrong who spent Xmas and New Year at Jamestown reports a pleasant trip Mr Silar Denny is attending the writing school in Rockbousc There Is considerable talk of W T Vigle and W B Self uiakiug a land tradeB Buster has collected 75 or 80 head of hogs In the last few days Prof Silas Sullivan will teach a sub- scription school here this winter The Steamer B Dunbar passed up last night Mr Hiram Campbell has returned from Garrard County Mr George W Bledsoe was In town yesterdayYoung Goebel Clayton has a light attack of cold John Campbell Is attending the wri ¬ ting school in Wells Bottom conduct- ed by Prof Bob Flatt QRADYVILLE Mr W C Yates is on the sick listQuite a number from here att- ended court at Columbia Monday Mr and Mrs S D Caldwell were visiting here last Saturday D A Grady killed the largest red fox of the season last weekat the first shot Mr Willie Hindman was the successful shot during the past two months He killed 50 birds out of one hundredshots Miss Emma Browning will take charge of the music department in the school at this place Wilmore Moss are taking an inventory of their stock of goods Smith Nell sold last week to Durham Bros of Campbellvillea car load of fat hogs at 4 cts Mr J DWalker and son made a trip to Breeding last week and bought a nice bunch of cattle from James Patterson Mr Will Hill representing W B Belknap Co called on our merchants last week and did a good businessMrs Wilmore and son were visiting relatives at Cray Craft last Saturday night Prof W H McCaffrey will teach this Winter at Mt Pleasant we understand that he has a large school and we recommend him as one of our best teachers Messrs J W and Robt Walker two of our popular young men will leave in a few days for the Lone Star State to make their fu- ture ¬ home Mr Frank Dohoney and wife of Milltown were visiting the family of Mr R L Caldwell last week Messrs Hughes Coffey of Co- lumbia ¬ were here last week Smith Nell sold to J P Do ¬ steersat Mr Jo Thomas was here last sheepof Rev Saudidge preached an in ¬ teresting sermon to a large congre ¬ gation at Union last Sunday Prof P C McCaffrey will leave in a few days for Cumberland county to teach a class in music several weeks OLENSFORK Tho school opened here last Mon ¬ day with good attendance x Miss Flowers who has been vis- iting ¬ her sister Mrs J A John ¬ son returned home Friday Misses Pinkie Jeffries and Lena Powellof Joppa and Minnie White of Neatsburg are attending school at this place J B Rippoy n representative of the J R Florida book concern of Nashville was here last Friday John Couinton generally known as Paddy was found dead in bedat m J W Marshalls Sun¬ day morning He was an old sol dier and had been afflicted for many ypars with heart disease He was never married and had made his hjjue with Mr Marshall for many pears- Hncklens Arnica Salve Hasworldwlde fame for ° marvelous cures 6 surpasses any other salveI lotion lnti ent or balm for Corns Bums Boils Sores Felons Ul ¬ cers Tetter Salt Rheum Fever Sores Chapped Hands Skin Eruptions In tuaratitetllc I c QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE BANK OF COLUMBIA AT THE CLOSE OPB VSINESS ON TBS filet D4V OF DEC 1900 RESOURCES Loans and discounts less loans to Directors t8C107 U Loans to Directors officers OJLoans Overdrafts secured in 38Due Due from State Banks and 2231107DankiDjt Mortgagesx07621 OSpecle 31Other soExpenses Due Fromiuaurance Comp 87t 189m ES LIABILITIES 00Surplus whichInterest 15211863 Due Banks342 04 Fund to pay expense last quarter53137 fU9993 9 STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY of ADAIRS8 Columba ¬ dulysworn respects a true statement of the condition of 3Is1day edge and belief and further says that the busi ¬ ness of said bank has been transacted at the lo ¬ cation named and not elsewhere and that the above report is made in compliance with an otStatedesignatlag as the day oil which such report shall be made Jo Cory Cashier JAMES GAUKBTrDirector WW JONES Director R P PAUXX Director SoCofley CCommission nONTPELIER Christmas is gone but left many pleasant memories Mr Lafayette Higgenbottom of Creelsborq was visiting rela ¬ tives here during the holidays Mr Flavy Conovet is visiting relatives in Indiana There was quite an interesting singing at Pleasant Hill last Sun¬ day afternoon conducted by R 0 CabbellMiss Sanders is on the sick list Misses Sallie and Lena Wil ¬ liams have returned to the Glas ¬ gow school Several young ladies from this place will enter the M F High Schoolsoon Bid Lawrence Williams left for Stillwater Oklahoma last week Mr Joe Williams is now walk¬ ing with the aid of a crutch from the effects of too much hunting ChristmasMr E Bradshaw opened school at Pellyton the 8th Miss Stella Jones who has been confined to her room for quite a while is now able to be out PELLYTON Robt Carson Phil was here SaturdayMr T Jones and wife return ¬ ed from Columbia last week Mrs J C Feese and son Guy were visiting here last week N T Jones was in Columbia MondayMr Pelley is in Columbia John Maupin sold two mules to Van Dunbar last week Price not known Ef L Feese was in Columbia and Cane Valley the first of the week Miss Fannie Jones wasvisiting in Columbia last week Rev Prather will begin a pro¬ tracted meeting at this place Mon ¬ day night January 14th Old People Made Young J C Sherman the veteran editor of the Vermontville Mich Echo has discovered the remarkable secret of keeping old people young For years he has avoided Nervousness Sleepless- ness Indigestion Heart trouble Con- stipation and Rheumatism by using Electric Bitters and he writes It cant be praised too highly It gent > stimulates the kidneys tones tLtt toraacb aids digestion and gives a splendid appetite It has worked won- der ¬ fur my wife and me Its a mar velous remedy for old peoples com- plaints Only BOc at T E IPaulli drug store Made Young Asuif One of Dr Kings New Life Pills each night for two weaksjias jmt mi n my teens again wdtes P HTur ner of Dempseytown Pa theyre the best In the world for Liver Stoma Nevergripe tJ 4

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Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1901-01-09 [p ] court Monday week Sundayf Mr JB Watson killed a mad dog The Twicfraweek

a 111i


Mr S R Elllnft of Ant tnrliiril 1Q

was In town Monthly

Mr S A nurdesty Lebanon spentlast Sunday In ColumbiaColi ¬

umbia Monday

Mr J D Sharp Amandavllle wasMondayIMr W L Brockman Inroad came

to the city the first of the week

Mr Tyler Marshall Campbellsvlllehas been in Columbia several days

Mr F P Dohoney Milltown w-

here County Court

Mr John Riall Cane Valley calledon us Monday and left a dollar

Mr EG Atkins returned from LouIsvlll last Friday

1i Mr T J Epperson Montpelier was

in town Mondayi

Miss Florence Hall this city Is vis¬

iting friends In Burksville

Mr J T Barbee this city Is visiting in Elizabethtown

Mr W J Winfrey who lives nearDunnville is still a very sick man

Mrs R C Neal and George RubartsDunnville were in Columbia Monday

Hon Geo Nell who has been quitesick for several weeks is improving

Miss Lora West is visitingher broth ¬

er Mr T J West Campbellsvllle

Mr Eugene Montgomery and familyresidetMiss Corine Jones Jamestown enter ¬

ed the M and F High School last Mon ¬


Miss Mamie Baker who has beenvisiting in Montlcello returned homelast week


IiMr JH Stone Jamestown who hasat Battle Creek Mich for several

weeks has returned honeMr J II Pelly and Mr E L Feese

Pellyton were in Columbia the first ofthe week

Messrs H C Walker WM Wilmore W L Grady Luther Wiluiore

b Gradyville were here Monday

SallieMontgomeryhas been sufferlng for several days and nights witha felon on her finger

Mr Jo Russell and wife Louisvillewho spent the holidays In Columbiareturned to the city Saturday

m Mr Leslie Allen and Mr F M Rob-


left for Cherry Business CollegeBowling Green last Saturday

Mr VW Kirtley and daughterMlsswMyftle of Mac Taylor Co visited thefamily of Wm F Jeffries last week

Miss Leona McClister left for Nasb ¬

ville this Tuesday morning to visitrelatives She will be gone one month

Mr George Epperson has accepted aposition with W E Caldwell Co Louis¬

ville as shorthand and type writer Heleft last Friday

Mr J F Conover left last Wednes ¬

day for Rocklane Ind on a visit tothat section He will probably be gonet

1t1six or eight weeks

Miss Minnie Kemp who has beenteaching at Bradfordsville will notreturn but will remain at home the re-mainder of the winter She was very

much liked at Bradfordsville

Mr Azure Damron wife and childleft Columbia last Monday morningfor WakendaMo where theyexpect

i to reside Mr Damron was born andF reared on Green river Adair county

and is wellknown to all the citizens of

this place He is a farmer and traderand his social disposition will soon

make him many friends at his newhome We trust that he will be suc¬

cessful in all his undertakings


Circuit court Monday week

Mr JB Watson killed a mad dogSundayfThe Twicfraweek CourierJournal

and Adair County News 150 per year

The week ofprayer commenced Sun¬

day nlghtand will continue on throughthe week

All parties indebted toWni FJettfries S Son are requested to come andsettle at once 2t

Dont forget that The CommercialClub will meetJn the office of J RIHindman Monday night January 14th

The Christmas dinner extended Intothe 20tb Century but its now everyday living just as it was in the winter of 1990

1When you visit Louisville stopatthe New Phoenix Hotel Firstclass

i fare and well located corner ofjthandMarket Streets J ly

= All prices on every thing in my storewill be reduced especially on clothingwraps jackets and under wear Comeand see 26 W L WALKER

The followijlg gentlemen comprisef the Municipal board for 1901 Rollln

Hurt J W Richards Scott Nontgoincry S D Barbee W A OfftFi


A protracted meeting p sfAtthei° Presbyterian church nexX

< t ILKld g

Anight RevShive who itttuassistthpastor Is an entertaining ana zealous


TMe merchants fnCpIuinblabavoirjy Iced their stock ojTjioods and Una

that they bavepl and toSdtferare hargaI1J5ire ready tbliltaltlf Wan u

j j1f trt-


Communion service at the Pre b te1 Ian church Sunday uiorjtilng

flJ BRusKell R finny Plum Pointare buying bogs They have eighty onhand

Winston Rogers who stabbed F PDpboney several weeks ago was givenan examining trial recently and held


accounts on our books were dueJanuary 1 1901 Please come in andsettle and save the necessity of a dun


Mr W L Walker bought a smallfarm from Eugene Montgomery lastweek for which he paid 927500 It issituated 2 miles from Columbia on DIs-appointment creek

All persons having books belongingto The Parmelee Library are request-ed to bring them in at once Theshipment is being delayed by personskeeping books out

Several farmers have told us thatthey have more fly than wheat Thetruth is wheat has been a flying and wefear that biscuits will be nightly rais-ed in a few more fleeting months

All notes and accounts owing me arenow due and must be settled at onceIt you dp not want statement sent youplease call once and settle


Kemp S Young advertises their bus¬

Inessintodays Ne sThey are pop-


and deserving young men andguarantee to sell groceries aschcap asany store in Columbia

The CourierJournal has raised theprice of its weekly to 100 per yearBy special arrangement The AdairCounty News and the CourierJournalwill be furnished for 8150 per year

The citizens of the ClearSpring PublicSchtKil district have decided to builda new schoolhouse They propose topush this matter at once It will bebuilt according to law Contractorstake notice

Mr C T Triplett is badly bruisedand cut in the face the resultof arunjaway His horse flew the track as itwere and the buggy and harness nowneed repairs Mr Triplet will be allright in a few days

Mrs Mary Harveys school was tohave opened at Cane Valley last Mon ¬

day but on account of the prevalenceof measles she will not begin until theIfirst Monday In February Six newcases last Sunday

Terry and Pedigo of Barren countywere in Columbia Monday Theybought of Coffey Bros one mare at 9100

and one horse at 990 They also boughtone mare from A Hunn for 8100 and ahorse from Jo Tucker at 965

We now have club rates with TheCommoner published by Wm J Brayan in Lincoln Neb We can furnishit to our subscribers who are not inarrears with us for only 75 cents per

The first issue will appear inhis month

Miss Mary Harris MorristownTenn who is visiting her brother MrC S Harris entertained a party ofyoung people last Monday eveningMusic and social games were in evi-dence and all report a very pleasanttime

Miss Mabel Wolford entertainedquite a number of young people lastMonday evening Those Who attended speak of their enjoyment in glow ¬

ing terms The music was very delight-ful and the games afforded muchamusement

Mrs Kizzie Murrell entertainedquite a number of her lady friendsTuesday evening of last week at theresidence of Mrs Nannie White Itwas a delightful gathering of friendswho are perfuse in their commenda¬

tion of the enjoyable event and theelegant luncheon spread

Eld Lawrence Williams left thiscounty last Wednesday for Still WaterOkla Mr Williams Is atalented youngminister devoted to his profession andwe expect hlmto rise to the front ranksof the ministry He has a bright futureand we trust that his new home will becongenial in every particular

There was a boiler explosion at MrJo Thomas sawmill one day last week

It is said that a portion of the machin-ery


was carried several hundred yardsbut no one was seriously hurt Oneman was slightly in iu redabou t thefdceAsawrnill iSlike tqe foot adz at timesa dangerous tool to fool with

rattle yarn Aylme the twoyearolddaughter of Mr and Mrs Short Mooredied the first day of January She badbeen sick for five wepks and hjer JJi

had been for several days

She is Infinitely better off than to haveremained in this = world but it Is hardfor parentsto drive away grief

If your neighbor dont take the Newsask him to do so or If you have a rela-


or friend in the West send IP blsname and address and we will mallhim a sample copy We intend tomake theNews a better paper and itscirculation mustlncrease Dont readthlsland argot j

The Farmers Home Fire InsuranceKy200Og0estrong Insures all kinds of propertyexcept steam mills uempuud tobaccoRates reasonable Insures againstFire LightmogaodWind

Z DL STAPLES County DirectorIIj t


Quite a number of the Misses of Co-lumbia who will make their debutnext rear spent a very delightfulChristmas They met each eveningand entertained a s gracefully asqueens Brides Miss Alice Walkersreception Miss Lina RosenHeld open ¬

ed her parlors to her numerous friendsaffording the lilliputians an opportuni-ty


of spending some happy hours ather home Misses Fannie Jones KatieMurrell Nina Marcum Carrie BrightFlowers all entertained at supper anda happier week for the younger set wasnever spent in Columbia Miss LinaRosenfields entertainment like MissWalkers deserves more than a pass¬

ing notice There were about twentyfive couples present handsomely att-

ired and were just as sweet as theylooked The luncheon consisted ofcoffee and meats ices cakes etc Thecompany remained until 1030 andupon taking leave of their young asso ¬

ciate expressed themselves as havingbeen most delightfully entertained

While in Louisville last week a rep-

resentative of the News was conducteded through the large manufacturingestablishment of Frank A Mennerepresented in this section by Mr GeoR Miller one of the most popularsalesmen in Kentucky This is thelargest candy manufacturing establish ¬

ment in this State and is surpassed byonly two others in the United StatesMr Menne has three hundred andtwentyfive employes in the differentdepartments and it is a sight worthseeing when they are all at work Justthink of it Three hundred and twen ¬

tyfive men making and selling candydaily from the rising of the sun to thesetting thereof The establishmentcovers twelve or fif ten States and fre ¬

quently with the large force employedorders can not be filled so fastly dothey arrive This manufactory is anhonor to the proprietor and one of theprides of Louisville

One of the most delightful events atat the close of the holidays was theentertainment given by Mrs RollinHurt to a number of her lady friendsHer home was beautifully decoratedand upon the arrival of the guests itwas found that each lady was dressedin white presenting a lovely and in¬

viting picture The luncheon was de-

lIghtful and the music charm ing MrsHurt is perfectly at home when enter¬

taining friends and her friends aredecidedly at home while spending afew honrs at her hospitable residence

A letter from Mr Lilburn Phelps arepresentative citizen of Russell coun ¬

ty states that a meeting will be heldin Jamestown on the 14th inst for thepurpose of agitating the building of apike from Columbia to Cumberlandriver He states that the people ofRussell county are interested and thatthe project will be a go so far asthey are concerned He wants to knowwhat steps the Commercial Club herewill take This is a matter the peopleof Adair county should push to afinIsh and doubtless propositions will besubmitted at an early date

Up to date there are 17 boarders att-

ending the M F High School sev ¬

eral of them coming from Russellcounty This is a fine showing and aguarantee that Prof Ballard is a pop ¬

ular teacher as a large percent ofthose who came from a distance havegone to school to him in years gone byEverything Indicates that thisis to bethe most prosperous session the insti ¬

tution has known for many years Ifyour education is not complete andyou want to enter a good school thedoors are open

Paid list W B Rowe Frank Sin¬

clair Reed Miller G G MorrisonP L Tyler W I Ingram Geo LeeS BConover Eld Lawrence Will ¬

iams Miss Myrty Kertley J II Rey ¬

nold J H Holladay J T Gbwdy WF Rowe W E Lester FP Dohon¬


ey Jasper Doss John Rialh John FRial L R Wade Allen J Corneal RC Neal N B East A S StapletonlMrs J Me Scott R L Caldwell J EBurton John Willis S J East J VWillis J S Royse Eugene Montgom ¬

cry Art Bradshaw

The Patterson Hotel Jamestownwas ablaze last Friday evening theoccasion being a reception given byMiss Ethel the accomplished daughterof Mr and Mrs J B Patterson Thebuilding was brilliantly Illuminitatedand artistically decor adv ahighly commended for ftsfoveUness-All the young ladles and gentlemen ofJamestown and vicinity were guestsand it was an evening of pleasure longto be remembered It is said thesupper was mot affair evergiven in Jamestown

We understand that Mr FlIl Frazer and family the children of JudgeJohn R Sampson and Mrs MaryCravens who have gen living InMiddjesborougb will return fo Co¬

lumbia in a few days and Will occupythe residence owned by Mr M HMarcum on Burksville street Tbeywill be given a hearty welcome JudgeSampson we are told will locate atWilliamsburgrand will tie In Columbiaas often as his business will admit

By reference U> another column itwill be seen that the Bank of Colum ¬

bia is In a heajty Condition This in-


Is under splendid manage ¬

ment and the cleric 1 force are accu ¬

rate business pet very courteous tothose who transact monetary affairsover theircoUuter

The M F IlghJ3 <booljuudertbemanagement ofProf A H Ballardopened with twentynew pupils lastMonday The school UJn aflourishIngjdiUwo and the ufembenihlpwill reach one h tieypatyitVakralitfivW3yteodar



NoticeWe desire a prompt settlement with

all who owe us notes or accountsRespt Willis Bros

Eld Z T Williams of Montpelierhas accepted the call of the Christianchurch in this town as pastor for thepresent year Mr Williams is a manof fine ability and his earnestness andzeal for the cause of Christianity ¬

dears him to the people irrespectiveof denominational proclivities

Besides the sales reported in anotheritem Terry Pedigo bought a sorrelmarc from Geo Todd for 8110 GeoTodd bought a saddle horse from Ar¬

thur Taylor for 100 J D Todd pur ¬

chased one mare mule from LewisWilkerson for 8750 W H Hudsonpurchased carload of hogs from va ¬

rious parties at 4 cents

Mr George Coffeys bay gelding whilehitched to a buggy slipped the bridleat Mr W H Gills the other day and

Set the earth a fire from start to fin ¬

ish arriving at Wilsons mill In a hurryThe buggy did not upturn until themill was reached butwas then wreckedin shortorder The horse was unhurt

All persons who subscribed moneyto be applied to the building of thePlum Point Bridge are requested tomake payment to J B Russell at onceThe bondsmen are paying interest onmoney and if the amounts subscribedare not handed in at an early day thebusiness will be placed in the hands ofan officer

Two colored men named Vaughanwere before Judge Butler last weekcharged with breaking into E Rice andCo and Bob Wilsons stores Cane Val ¬

ley and stealing a lot of goods One ofthe darkies confessed and the other onewent into trial resulting in both be ¬

ing held over The cases will go tothe grand Jury Monday week

The Buckner Tobacco House Louis ¬

ville has been established for yearsand it is doing a fine business Farm ¬

ers could not ship their tobacco to abetter house Four months storagefree If you want quick returns markyour hogsheads Buckner HouseLouisville Ky For further particu ¬

lars see card in todays News

Farmers who will ship tobacco toLouisville should remember that the

Independent House is one of thebest The firm comprises strictlybusiness men who use their best ener-gies


In securing the highest prices fortobacco consigned to them Fourmonths storage free See their cardpublished in this weeks papsr

Mr G A Dohoney who was bornand reared near Columbia is a candi-


to represent Washington Countyin the next Legislature Mr Dohoneyis a Demociat who was never known

to flicker and being quite popular inthe county of his adoption it is saidhe is almost sure to be nominated

The following persons were electedofficers of Glensfork Lodge No 528 onthe 27th day of December Dr S WStrange Master J A Turner SrWarden W L Taylor Jr WardenMatthew Taylor Secretary WPhelpsTreasurer W Lf Brockman SeniorDeacon Jo Dudley Junior Deacon LA Fletcher Tyler j G R AbrellChaplain

Under the Mayorality of A G Toddand the present town council the townof Columbia has a neat little lash bal ¬

ante in its favor Up to January 1st1901 Columbia was ahead of thehounds 45026 with 24300 of taxes tobe collected Assuming that this willall be paid Columbia would be out oftrouble with 68428 to its credit Nowis the time to have a few lights on thestreets Dont you see

Judge J W Butler informed us thathe gathered 608 barrels of corn from 60

acres Mr Butlerhasa valuable anddesirable farm but Mr S H Mitchellclaims that the Judge is not the onlyman in this county whohascurkleburland We understand that Mr Mitch ¬

ell is annoyed a great deal picking curcleburs off himself every time hevisits bis farm

Mr Miller Stapleton son of Mr AS Stapleton who resides on Greenriver was married last Friday to MissMary Bryant who was making herhome at Mr J Co Dunbars MrStapleton is a young farmer who hasmany friends in the neighborhood Inwhich he lives and his wife is a veryworthy young woman The News ext-

ends Its nest wishes to the youngcouple

IJr Crecfl Haskins the w liknownboot and shoe snlesmatl1S now withKabn Martin GO ail old establish-ed


house of Louisville He bas beengiven his old territory and will bethrough this part of the State In a fewdays with a full line of samples MrHaskins has been in the shoe businessformore than a quart rot a centuryand is satisfied that be Is with afirstrclass house one that will give perfectsatisfaction

Mr B Rlpney whose home was nearNeatsburg on Green River died lastThursday and the body was conveyedto Pulaskl county for burial on the fol¬

lowing daj Mr Rlgney was a goodcitizen progressive farmer and aTriad who will be pissed in this countyTfteeauWof his death was consump-tion and it seemed 19 get injts fearfulworkin a short while as be was onlysick 5 weeks lie was 53 years old andapparently enjoyed fair health His>lfdi dfeTaral tnt ago btlft h<>chiiIIitbe





NoticeWe thank all our friends and cus-

tomers for their liberal patronage Inin the past and trust you will not for¬

get our successors Kemp Youurf whowill continue the business at same oldstand Wishing all good luck we areResp t yours


Mr W L Dowell a prominentyoung man of Jamestown will be marthis Wednesday evening to MissOla Baugb who is alsu a residentof the capital of Russell The Intend ¬

ed bride is a sister of Eld ArthurBaugh and is one of the best youngladies of Jamestown Mr Dowell is avery deserving young man and his nu ¬

merous friends extend their bestwishes for future happiness

In another column the advertise-ment of the Columbia and Campbellsville Stage Line will be seen Formany years the stage between thistown and Campbellsvllle has conveyedpassengers and at no other time has itbeen better equipped than It is nowIn the past it has been in good handsbut Mr George Lee the present pro-prietor takes special Interest in thecomfort of those Who take passage onthe stage

Adams Fistula Salve manufacturedand guaranteed by L W Adams Coof Paints Lick Ky to be a sure curefor Fistula Pole Evil SweeneyScratches Saddle Bolls EnlargementGreasy Heel Distemper Big Jaw etcSold by CAMPBELL BROS PellytonKy War F JEFFRIES SON Colum ¬

bia Ky J P MILLER C SONS Cro-cus Ky


As I have never seen a letter fromour part of the county permit me toindite a few items for the vacant cor ¬

ner of your paper-

TheNews Is a frequent vlsi tor at ourhome and without it would be as alost sheep in the wilderness

Wheat looks exceedingly well in our


has passed and gone leav ¬

lug the young people with gleefulhearts and thoughts that will linger intheir memory many years

Miss Edrington of Campbellsvlllespent the holidays with relatives inthis neighborhood

Miss Nannie Speer who hasbeenconfined to her room for some time isimprovingslowly Miss Nannie is vineof our leading society girls and is miss ¬

ed very much among the young folksMiss VIrgie Reed of Campbellsville

spent this week with parents

Mr Will Rice who has been very illat his home for the past six weeks weare glad to say is improving very fastand he will soon be seen out on thegrassy plains of health again

Mr Waller Blakeman of Thurlowhas removed his family in our midstwhere he will reside the coming year

Emmet Bailee and Estey Hayse re¬

turned from a flying trip to Lebanon


Rogers returned to herhome in Campbellsville Friday after aweeks visit to friends and relations inthis vicinity accompanied by L WHayse

A few of our young folks attendedthe social at the residence of Mr Linsey Childers Wednesday night

Rev Taber will fill his regular liPpointment at Roucbvillc Sunday Heis an able minister and every bodyshould turn out Sunday and give htma large crowd for the new year

High watery will prevent some of ourfolks from hearing the able discourseto be delivered by Rev Walton at Ebeneezer Sunday

A crowd of young peoplegatbered atthe home of Mr and Mrs Mantz Wednesdaynight and spent several hoursof enjoyment which will long reign intheir memory Mr and Mrs Nantz areever readyto accommodate the youngIn their social games

The candy pulling held at the homeof John Gaines was largely attendedAH report a jolly time in spite of thebreaking of window panes and we areunder many obligations to Mr andMrs Gaines for the hospitality ren ¬

deredIIultSpeer passed through the pearly gatesof that solemn city matrimony RevWells officiating Willie is one ofAdair county best lineage having re¬

sided in Taylor for several years pre-vious to his marriage He is knownthroughout the county as a noble soberininded hqy This lw been a longSunday ¬

years but true at the end Miss LillieIs one stTaylor countys fairest bellesand daughter of Mr Bill Speer Maythey live a ioug and prosperous life godthe tie never be broken


Since New Year trade has been

ratherdull1Theare making ther regular

trips again

Uncle Billie Hudson iscollectlng hogsat this place for the next boat

Prof Scheldler is visiting bisJaughter MrsL H Bustert

WB Self and wife are again cltizeus of Old CreesbirO 5

lira F M FlaltisccmduetlnR a wrl

ting KclRiol in E itkbimMj Bottom

AlClallJst night at Hr A MJackBaaaslu honoTof MlarEula Du 1

a11 ut1kor Ciossrords e-





people btlng entertained by Mr andMrs Perkins In their usual pleasanmanner

Elder Z T Williams will preach forus once each month during the com ¬

ing year His first appointment is forhe3rd Sundiy in this month

Mr Alfred Armstrong who spentXmas and New Year at Jamestownreports a pleasant trip

Mr Silar Denny is attending thewriting school in Rockbousc

There Is considerable talk of W TVigle and W B Self uiakiug a land

tradeBBuster has collected 75 or 80

head of hogs In the last few days

Prof Silas Sullivan will teach a sub-scription school here this winter

The Steamer B Dunbar passed uplast night

Mr Hiram Campbell has returnedfrom Garrard County

Mr George W Bledsoe was In town


Goebel Clayton has a lightattack of cold

John Campbell Is attending the wri ¬

ting school in Wells Bottom conduct-ed by Prof Bob Flatt


Mr W C Yates is on the sick

listQuitea number from here att-

ended court at Columbia Monday

Mr and Mrs S D Caldwellwere visiting here last Saturday

D A Grady killed the largestred fox of the season last weekatthe first shot

Mr Willie Hindman was thesuccessful shot during the past twomonths He killed 50 birds out ofone hundredshots

Miss Emma Browning will takecharge of the music department inthe school at this place

Wilmore Moss are taking aninventory of their stock of goods

Smith Nell sold last week toDurham Bros of Campbellvilleacar load of fat hogs at 4 cts

Mr J DWalker and son madea trip to Breeding last week andbought a nice bunch of cattle fromJames Patterson

Mr Will Hill representing WB Belknap Co called on ourmerchants last week and did a good

businessMrsWilmore and son were

visiting relatives at Cray Craft lastSaturday night

Prof W H McCaffrey will teachthis Winter at Mt Pleasant weunderstand that he has a largeschool and we recommend him asone of our best teachers

Messrs J W and Robt Walkertwo of our popular young menwill leave in a few days for theLone Star State to make their fu-



Mr Frank Dohoney and wife ofMilltown were visiting the familyof Mr R L Caldwell last week

Messrs Hughes Coffey of Co-


were here last week

Smith Nell sold to J P Do ¬

steersatMr Jo Thomas was here lastsheepofRev Saudidge preached an in ¬

teresting sermon to a large congre ¬

gation at Union last SundayProf P C McCaffrey will leave

in a few days for Cumberlandcounty to teach a class in musicseveral weeks


Tho school opened here last Mon ¬

day with good attendance x

Miss Flowers who has been vis-


her sister Mrs J A John ¬

son returned home FridayMisses Pinkie Jeffries and Lena

Powellof Joppa and MinnieWhite of Neatsburg are attendingschool at this place

J B Rippoy n representativeof the J R Florida book concernof Nashville was here last Friday

John Couinton generally knownas Paddy was found dead inbedat m J W Marshalls Sun¬day morning He was an old soldier and had been afflicted formany ypars with heart diseaseHe was never married and hadmade his hjjue with Mr Marshallfor many pears-

Hncklens Arnica SalveHasworldwlde fame for ° marvelous

cures 6 surpasses any other salveIlotion lnti ent or balm forCorns Bums Boils Sores Felons Ul¬

cers Tetter Salt Rheum Fever SoresChapped Hands Skin Eruptions In

tuaratitetllc Ic



filet D4V OF DEC 1900

RESOURCESLoans and discounts less

loans to Directors t8C107 ULoans to Directors officersOJLoansOverdrafts secured in38DueDue from State Banks and

2231107DankiDjtMortgagesx07621OSpecle31OthersoExpensesDue Fromiuaurance Comp 87t

189m ES


00SurpluswhichInterest 15211863

Due Banks342 04Fund to pay expense last quarter53137

fU9993 9


Columba ¬

dulyswornrespects a true statement of the condition of3Is1dayedge and belief and further says that the busi ¬

ness ofsaid bank has been transacted at the lo ¬

cation named and not elsewhere and that theabove report is made in compliance with an

otStatedesignatlagas the day oil which such report shall be made

Jo Cory CashierJAMES GAUKBTrDirectorW W JONES DirectorR P PAUXX DirectorSoCofley


Christmas is gone but left manypleasant memories

Mr Lafayette Higgenbottomof Creelsborq was visiting rela ¬

tives here during the holidaysMr Flavy Conovet is visiting

relatives in IndianaThere was quite an interesting

singing at Pleasant Hill last Sun¬

day afternoon conducted by R0


Sanders is on thesick list

Misses Sallie and Lena Wil ¬

liams have returned to the Glas ¬

gow school

Several young ladies from thisplace will enter the M F HighSchoolsoon

Bid Lawrence Williams left forStillwater Oklahoma last week

Mr Joe Williams is now walk¬

ing with the aid of a crutch fromthe effects of too much hunting

ChristmasMrE Bradshaw opened

school at Pellyton the 8thMiss Stella Jones who has been

confined to her room for quite awhile is now able to be out


Robt Carson Phil was here

SaturdayMrT Jones and wife return ¬

ed from Columbia last week

Mrs J C Feese and son Guywere visiting here last week

N T Jones was in Columbia

MondayMrPelley is in Columbia

John Maupin sold two mules toVan Dunbar last week Price notknown

Ef L Feese was in Columbia andCane Valley the first of the week

Miss Fannie Jones wasvisiting inColumbia last week

Rev Prather will begin a pro¬

tracted meeting at this place Mon ¬

day night January 14th

Old People Made YoungJ C Sherman the veteran editor of

the Vermontville Mich Echo hasdiscovered the remarkable secret ofkeeping old people young For yearshe has avoided Nervousness Sleepless-ness Indigestion Heart trouble Con-stipation and Rheumatism by usingElectric Bitters and he writes Itcant be praised too highly It gent >stimulates the kidneys tones tLtttoraacb aids digestion and gives a

splendid appetite It has worked won-der


fur my wife and me Its a marvelous remedy for old peoples com-plaints Only BOc at T E IPaullidrug store

Made Young AsuifOne of Dr Kings New Life Pills

each night for two weaksjias jmt min my teens again wdtes P HTur

ner of Dempseytown Pa theyre thebest In the world for Liver Stoma

NevergripetJ 4