the 7 worst kept secrets of property investing

Vicki Wusche 7 Worse Kept Secrets in Property Investment

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Learn the worst kept secrets of property investing AND how they can help you create a successful property business.


  • 1. Vicki Wusche 7 Worse Kept Secrets in Property Investment

2. The Property Mermaid 3. 1. You cant focus unless you know why! 2. Step away from the crowd go commercial ! 3. Learn from your mistakes (and others)! 4. Create rules you stick to! 5. Wheres the opportunity (it doesnt have to be a new idea)! 6. Its not the size that matters its the cashflow! 7. Be accountable 7 Worse Kept Secrets in Property Investment 4. 1. Why are you investing in property? To get away from something? Or just another scheme on your path to get rich quick Or are you really clear? Financially and lifestyle? 5. Cashflow! Capital! Financial Security! ! ! What about life style ! Freedom! More time? Why are you investing in property? What does that mean?! How much do you need a month to pay bills?! ! ! What strategy will give you the time you want to do the things you love? 6. Lease Option! Rent to Rent! Assisted Sales! ! Buy to let! ! Development or Flipping Why are you investing in property? Time heavy! Cash invested with no guarantees Cash flow Time and the gamble for capital 7. Think of yourself as a business and speak to banks directly! ! Create a commercial business relationship and get access to funding 2. Go Commercial 8. What strategy could you develop?! What lending could you access?! Which bank will support your business goal? Go Commercial 9. Analyse your deals! Write goals and review their success! Get a coach or mentor and talk about plans and deals! ! Best lessons often found in deals that went wrong it helps find areas for development 3. Learn from your mistakes 10. And then stick to them! ! A rule is something that works ! ! So do it again! ! Become a Property Business Owner!! ! What happens when you become bored? 4. Create rules and systems 11. To make more money from what you know?! ! What can you do for others?! Where can you increase the return?! Where can you save costs?! ! Profit = income - expenses 5. Where is the opportunity? 12. How can you Make More Money from Property? 13. Think like a business Who is talking about you and what are they saying? 14. ! Its the cashflow 6. Its not the size that matters! 15. Your wages! Your passive income! Your path straight to time freedom! ! ! Then diversify Cashflow 16. 1. Write goals! (why which strategy)! 2. Have a business plan (commercial / creative)! 3. Get a coach or a mentor (learn)! 4. Systemise your business (rules)! 5. Make more money from property (opportunity)! 6. Focus on the cash and its flow (size / buy to let)! 7. Track your results (Be accountable) 7. Be accountable 17. Or is something still holding you back? Was that valuable? Questions?! [email protected] 18. Books! ! Webinar Become a Property Sourcer in 21 days - 697! ! Strategy sessions! ! Coaching and mentoring How we can help 19.! ! Training, Education and Information designed to help you create a successful property business! ! Free Resources to help you at whatever stage you are at in your property journey Latest Offers