the 7 step lightspeed copy conversion formula

By Rob Schultz creator of Profit Seduction © 2021 Rob Schultz all rights reserved PROFIT SEDUCTION PRESENTS: THE 7-step lightspeed copy conversion formula The Core Formula to craft powerful copy that converts with lightning speed!

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By Rob Schultz creator of Profit Seduction

© 2021 Rob Schultz all rights reserved


THE 7-step lightspeed copy

conversion formula

The Core Formula to craft powerful copy that converts with lightning speed!

The Scoop on Rob Schultz

What if the key to creating your own game-changing rush of revenue wasn't about tricks, tactics, or tools. But about activating powerful hidden emotional profit triggers already inside your ideal clients? So they want you like crazy? And buy like crazy?

THAT'S your million dollar turnaround!

And that's exactly what ROB SCHULTZ does for entrepreneurs and business owners worldwide. Rob's powerful Profit Seduction Process guides clients to skyrocket their profits through magnetic messaging and insanely ingenious promotion and launch strategies. That deliver unprecedented bottom line results.

Rob has crafted powerful marketing messages and campaigns for some of the biggest names in online marketing: Including Suzanne Evans, Adam Urbanski, Milana Leshinsky, Melanie Benson Strick, and Michael Port.

He's spoken all over the country at conferences like the Colorado Independent Publisher's Association. The Career Management Alliance. At events like Speaker's Summit, and the 10K Club Income Acceleration Intensive. He's even taken the main stage (twice!) at Suzanne Evans' industry-leading Be the Change Event.

When you get out in front of what your prospects are already rushing towards … they rush towards you. And that is exactly what Rob Schultz is here to help us do.

Discover Rob’s spellbinding story, along with powerful tips to skyrocket your business at

What if you could get your hands on 21 powerful keys to eliminate most client objections before you begin. By helping you discover where to find the prospects who not only want to work with you. But are ready and willing to pay what YOU want to be paid! It’s not a dream ... in fact you can get started now at:

Here are the 7-Steps in a nutshell:

Step One: START with the primary problem? What is the painful / uncomfortable situation your offer helps overcome?

Step Two: PIVOT to the possibility Let them know: They don’t have to put up with it. There is a solution.

Step Three: INTRO your offer as the RESPONSE to their pain, and the solution to their problem So they associate your offer with a new chance at a life or outcome they dream of.

Step Four: description of discovery Bullet points and copy describing what your offer delivers, and the difference it makes.

Step Five: THE BIG BENEFIT Seal the deal and get their juices flowing with the biggest benefit of your offer.

Step Six:THE COST of not taking action What they will lose or leave behind by saying no.

Step Seven:CALL to action and transformation Tell them exactly what you want them to do, and what that makes possible.

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 3

The 7-Step Copy Conversion Formula The basic structure you can use to create Copy that converts for any copy you create


There is a basic structure I return to again and again that helps me create successful copy in a flash.

And it works for:

• Opt-in pages• Emails• Webinar of Facebook Challenge sign-up pages• Even sales pages!

While certain applications of the structure will be concise and to the point (opt-in pages, videos) and others a bit longer (emails, sales pages), the bottom line is: It works to create effective copy and messaging fast, when you don't have a lot of time.

So let's get started! Here is how it's going to work:

• We will walk through each of the seven steps.• I'll provide a brief example of copy for that step.• We will put all the example copy together, back-to-back so you can

see it as your prospects will see it: In one continuous flow.

Then … try it yourself on your next copy project!

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 4

Step One: START with the primary problem

Most entrepreneurs mess up their copy by going right to the pitch:

• "Finally, enroll all the clients you want!"• "Here it is: The webinar that finally helps you find love!"• “5 fantastic keys to amazing presentations that seal the deal!”

What’s wrong with that? your prospects don't care about your freebie. Or your webinar or product. They care about what your freebie or your product can do FOR THEM.

When you start with the PRIMARY problem that your freebie, webinar or product helps solve for THEM, they feel heard. Recognized. Which makes them far more receptive to your offer.

So start with the primary problem first your offer solves FIRST!

TIP: You want to focus on the one, primary problem that is most painful for them, right off the bat. Don’t make them wait for it.

EXAMPLE: It doesn't seem fair, does it? No matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to convey the powerful impact your work has on your clients. So your list stays tiny. And you struggle for every single client.

Connect them immediately to the pain the problem is causing, and the cost of failing to find a solution.

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 5

Step Two: PIVOT to the possibility

Once you have re-awakened their awareness of the Primary Problem, and what it is costing them, create interest and hope letting them know there is a solution that can put their pain behind them.

Except when you are writing a sales page, you want to do this as briefly as possible, in 1-2 sentences.

EXAMPLE: But your past doesn't have to be your future! In in less than 60 minutes, you can discover the 5 crucial keys that can catapult your conversions, almost overnight!

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 6

Step Three: INTRODUCE your webinar / product / opt-in / offer as the RESPONSE to their pain

NOW you introduce your freebie / opt-in / webinar / product as the solution and remedy to their struggles.

This usually includes:

• The name of your freebie, webinar or program.• A short paragraph describing the primary benefit• If it’s an opt-in page for a webinar / teleseminar: The date and time

Except for sales page, keep this as brief as possible.

EXAMPLE: Introducing Conversion Crazy Copy: 5 Seductive Secrets to Catapult Your Copy Conversions and Turn Every Offer You Ever Make into a Cash Cow.

Wednesday September 24 • 8pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern[ DO NOT include date / time in your email … only on the opt-in page! ]

It’s the powerful webinar that presents core keys to change your profit picture fast! Because when you know how to position your genius as the Gateway to a Dream, EVERYTHING turns around!

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 7

Step Four: DETAILS of discovery

After you introduce what you are offering, present bullet points of the benefits / outcomes / powerful take-aways your program provides.

TIP 1: I generally shoot for 3-4 bullet points in an email, and 4-5 on an opt-in page. Sales pages can have many more, depending on the size of your product and the price point.

TIP 2: Because sales pages are longer, you will also add additional copy with more in depth description of your offer.

EXAMPLE: And when you join us for this world premiere webinar you will discover:

• Why "trying to sell" virtually guarantees you won't make a dime. And the one thing you must do instead that's the fastest path to all the sales you want!

• The most powerful way to end most of your client objections forever. Every singe one!

• How a $2 felt tip marker can open the door to tens of thousands of dollars in profits.

• The ONLY 3 things you will EVER need to send your conversions through the roof. (Once you get this, it will transform the success of all your offers forever!)

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 8


The Big Benefit is the biggest, juiciest most magnetic feature of your offer. The bullet points in Step Four build interest and desire. The Big Benefit should tip them over the edge and prompt them to take action.

EXAMPLE: And most crucial of all: Why describing what you do is the fastest path to the poor house. (Surprise!) And what you must talk about instead that can catapult your response (and revenue) in an instant!

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 9

Step Six: THE COST of not taking action

After you have positioned the tantalizing benefits of saying yes, you want to build the cost of saying no. Especially with a paid product, one of the reasons prospects say no is to avoid spending money. But a powerful key prompting prospects to say yes is when they realize saying “no” might actually cost them MORE!

• In lost time• Lost revenue• Lost opportunity

Every single time I have made a substantial investment in my own business, this “cost of saying no” was one of the core reasons that prompted me to do so.

Never underestimate the power of reminding your prospects of the cost in lost time, lost money and lost opportunity to saying no to your offer.

EXAMPLE: Sure, you can go on for weeks, months (or even years) trying to get this on your own. But why struggle when in one amazing hour, I spoon-feed you the secrets to the success of my own six-figure business. That can make the same difference in yours as well!

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 10

Step Seven: CALL to action and transformation

Finally, ask them to take action. Describe exactly what you want them to do:

• Click here with the link (for an email)• Enter your name and email (for an opt-in or webinar sign-up)• Enroll now! (For a sales page)

And briefly reiterate the amazing benefits your offer brings to their life. And the pain or struggle it puts behind them.

EXAMPLE: So click the link below to reserve your seat! Look, I know it’s hard to believe after so many months or even years of struggle, your solution could be minutes away.

But these powerful keys have worked wonders in my business, and in the lives of my clients. And I know … they can do the exact same thing for you. Talk to you then!

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 11

When you put it together, it looks like this: The following example is for an email for a webinar:

It doesn't seem fair, does it? No matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to convey the powerful impact your work has on your clients. So your list stays tiny. And you struggle for every single client [ STEP ONE ]

But your past doesn't have to be your future! In in less than 60 minutes, you can discover the 5 crucial keys that can catapult your conversions, almost overnight! [ STEP TWO ]

Introducing Conversion Crazy Copy: 5 Seductive Secrets to Catapult Your Copy Conversions and Turn Every Offer You Ever Make into a Cash Cow.

LINK to opt-in page here

It’s the powerful webinar that presents core keys to change your profit picture fast! Because when you know how to position your genius as the Gateway to a Dream, EVERYTHING turns around! [ STEP THREE ]

And when you join us for this world premiere webinar you will discover:

• Why "trying to sell" virtually guarantees you won't make a dime. And the one thing you must do instead that's the fastest path to all the sales you want!

• The most powerful way to end most of your client objections forever. Every singe one!

• How a $2 felt tip marker can open the door to tens of thousands of dollars in profits.

• The ONLY 3 things you will EVER need to send your conversions through the roof. (Once you get this, it will transform the success of all your offers forever!) [ STEP FOUR ]

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 12

And most crucial of all: Why describing what you do is the fastest path to the poor house. (Surprise!) And what you must talk about instead that can catapult your response (and profits!) in an instant! [ STEP FIVE ]

Sure, you can go on for weeks, months (or even years) trying to get this on your own. But why struggle when in one amazing hour, I spoon-feed you the secrets to the success of my own six-figure business. That can make the same difference in yours as well! [ STEP SIX ]

So click the link below to reserve your seat for free! Look, I know it’s hard to believe after so many months or even years of struggle, your solution could be minutes away.

But these powerful keys have worked wonders in my business, and in the lives of my clients. And I know … they can do the exact same thing for you. Talk to you then! [ STEP SEVEN ]

LINK to opt-in page here

REMEMBER: I’ve seen this structure work for sales pages, opt-in pages, webinar sign-up pages, emails and just about every copy application!

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 13

Michael Port says: "Rob is someone to watch . . ."

Rob is someone to watch because he literally . . . like almost nobody I have ever worked with . . . delivered on every single thing he promised, with such professionalism that sometimes I was surprised. Honestly.

The viral video Rob created for us -- called Entrepreneur Idol – helped Book Yourself Solid remain one of the bestselling marketing books in the country. So, you can understand why I'm a big fan of Rob.

Creativity is clever. When you can combine it with marketing savvy it's productive. When you can deliver on your promises you change the world. Rob can do all three ...

Michael Port Author of Book Yourself Solid & The Think Big

“Within the first 30 days ... I closed $35,000 in sales!"

“Within the first 30 days of working with Rob, I closed $35,000 in sales as a result of the branding message he developed for me.”

“To this day, I continue to use his brilliant hook line for my booth. The brand theme that Rob created for my sponsorship has resulted in thousands of warm leads and millions of dollars. Honest, supportive, brilliant, and pure genius! Thank you Rob!”

Jane M. Powers

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 14

What the big players and your colleagues are saying about Rob Schultz:

“Rob ... helped me pull in over $10,000 in just a few hours!”

“Rob is one of the secrets to my recent success. In my very first high-end coaching launch, Rob's strategies helped me pull in over $10,000 in just a few hours. Later, his seductive ideas helped me enroll as many as 11 new clients in just a few days' time.”

Rob's genius for marketing psychology is positively uncanny. You can't put a value on the level of confidence his one-of-kind strategies provide.”

“Rob, I can't thank you enough. You are magic!"

Ann Convery

“Doubled my conversion rate on sales ... ”

“Rob not only helped me double my conversion rate on sales. But I now have a very clear and doable annual marketing plan I can repeat, year after year. That will grow, year after year.”

“My goal is to take my business to a million dollars a year and beyond. And because of Rob's help, I know I will get there!”

Susan Gregory

Milana Leshinsky says: "What's so amazing about Rob . . ."

What's so amazing about Rob is he knows the marketing game as well as the video game. Because you can’t just throw any old thing up on the web and expect it to stick.

Rob can help you come up with ideas that will make your marketing stand out. He can help you choose the right strategy so your content will be magnetic time after time.

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 15

If you want to learn the mechanics, hire a college kid or go to eLance. What Rob helps you do is create great marketing that reflects the unique business identity your target customers instantly respond to. And that is the name of the game.


“It’s been years since I have been this profitable”

Before working with Rob, I never considered doing more than consulting and working from my office. I didn't really know how to think bigger.

But now, as the Midlife Miracle Mentor, my possibilities for growth and income are endless! And as Rob continues to feed me amazing idea after amazing idea, I see ways I can make this bigger profit picture a reality right now.

My finances have completely changed in the last 2 months because of working with you! It’s been years since I have been this profitable. Thank you!

Brenda Sahlin The Midlife Miracle Mentor

©-2021 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 16