the 4 week manifesting: key to abundance coaching program...

1 PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT Presents: The 4 week Manifesting: Key to Abundance Coaching Program By: Christy Whitman Copyright ©2007 Christy Whitman All rights reserved.

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The 4 week Manifesting: Key to

Abundance Coaching Program


Christy Whitman

Copyright ©2007 Christy Whitman All rights reserved.


Welcome! Welcome to the Personal Empowerment 4 week, Manifesting: Keys to Abundance Coaching Program. This program has been designed to assist you in creating abundance in every area of your life. It is based on the premise that your inner world creates your outer world. The more you concentrate on changing your inner reality, the faster you will see new results in your outer reality. The premise of this coaching program is based on The Law of Attraction. What you focus your attention on expands. It is only when your thoughts, emotions and actions are all in alignment that your desires manifest. Your thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions and actions lead to results. This program will help you get your energy field and your vibration in a high place so you may attract with ease and effortlessness. When we are thinking and feeling (vibrating) in accordance with what we desire, the actions come from a place of inspiration and it is always the right action to take. The results in your life naturally flow into manifestation. You are the source of your abundance. By working with your feelings, thoughts, and intentions, you can become a master creator. YOU are the source of your riches, not your job, your investments, your spouse, or your parents. By linking with the unlimited abundance of your soul or higher self, by opening your connection to the higher forces, by expressing and radiating your higher qualities of inner peace, joy, love, well-being, and freedom, you become the source of your abundance.


The 4 Week Manifesting: Keys to Abundance Coaching Program



I Intend to Create . . . ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I Intend to Receive …

Because ________________________________________________________________________


Week One

Step 1: Magnetizing Yourself: Learn to turn on your money “magnet” and draw in abundance. Reprogram at a cellular level for abundance.

1. Think of what you have chosen to magnetize. Get as specific as you can about the details of the item.

2. Visualize or sense what you want, making the picture as real as possible. Imagine yourself receiving it, experiencing the good feelings you will have as you get it. What feelings is this bringing you by having it?

3. Imagine a power source within you that generates energy. Then picture a coil that goes around and around. This coil begins in the area of your solar plexus inside your body and expands outward and upward. Begin to circulate power and energy through this coil by drawing in power from your source.

4. As you think of what you want to magnetize, make your coil whatever size you think it will need to be to draw what you want to you. How large does it need to be? How much power do you need to send through the coil to draw what you want to you? Use your imagination to play with the size, shape, and intensity of the coil until it feels just right. You are now beginning to generate a magnetic force field around you, magnetizing what you want.

5. As you start to draw in what you want, evaluate where to bring it into your energy. You may want to imagine it coming into your hands. Or, it may feel more comfortable dispersing this thing all around you.

6. As you build your coil, imagine what events need to occur before you have this thing that you want. How many steps


need to take place in order to receive what you want? You can control the rate at which those events and steps occur. Begin to work with time in manifesting by getting a feeling or picture of how many steps and events are involved.

7. Continue to generate your magnetic coil until you reach a point that feels like a completion of energy. You may feel a “click” or a stop, or the energy may start fading. You may receive a feeling of certainty.

8. Go within and ask your inner wisdom how often to magnetize what you have asked for.

9. Over the next several days notice if you have any insights about this thing you want to magnetize and how you might get it.

Affirmations: I am increasingly magnetic to money, prosperity, and abundance. Good things come to me easily Week One Continue:


Step 2: Awakening Your Prosperity Self: Talk to the part of you (subpersonality) that creates your prosperity. Talk to it, and give it a new vision of who you are and what you want. This is one of the most powerful techniques known for creating rapid changes in your reality.

1. Imagine you are sitting in a beautiful meadow. You are going to work with a subpersonality a part of you to teach how to work with you to become more prosperous. Feel the beauty of the meadow. The peace and tranquility all about you.

2. Imagine a part of yourself coming to greet you in the meadow. This is a part of you that is having doubt/fears about your current situation with money. This part of you is not yet in alignment of your new vision of being prosperous and abundant. Allow it to come close to you until it is in front of you. What does this part of you look like, male/female, young/old, how is it dressed?

3. Notice as you observe this part of you, the compassion that you feel. This part of you is trying in the best way it knows how to assist you in some way. It does not know who you are right now. It does not see your new goals and new visions that you want to create. It is operating based upon a program of who you used to be and it is trying very hard to do something good for you. Look at it in the eyes with great compassion. Ask it “What good thing are you trying to do for me?” It maybe trying to protect you in some way. Listen very carefully.

4. Now, ask this part of you if it would be willing to walk with you to the top of a mountain where you will show it your new goals, your new vision of who you are and give it a new role to play in your life.


5. When it is ready, begin to walk up the mountain together. You can dance, fly, anyway you want. Continue until you reach the top of the mountain.

6. Now, at the top. Take the subpersonality and show it the view, the heights that you are reaching, and how expanded the view. This is how much you have grown. This is the wider view you now have of your life.

7. Turn to this part and show it the vision of your financial goals, how much money you want to make, want in the bank, monthly income, whatever you want to create right now. Show this part your vision.

8. Think of something that is important for you to accomplish in the next month, 3 months or 6 months.

9. Ask this part for help in creating these goals. Give this part of you a new assignment. Think about the role this part of you was trying to help you with. Think of a new role so that this part of you can help you in your new goals. Notice that this part wants to help you. It is delighted to be asked to help you.

10. Call in a master, great spiritual teacher who is going to touch and work with this subpersonality to evolve into its highest expression of light.

11. A master is now joining you on the top of the mountain. The subpersonality is walking over to the master to work with him/her. Observe the work that is going on. Notice that this part of you is growing more and more beautiful as the master works with it.

12. When the master is finished, he/she walks over to you and brings you this part of your subpersonality. This part now knows how to create prosperity and abundance. It is now a part of your team working with you. The master says good bye and leaves you with your evolved self. Embrace this being with love. Imagine your heart opening. You love this part of you. It has worked so hard to serve you. It now knows a better way to serve you. Love and embrace this


part of you. Hold it like a mother would hold a child. This part is now going to find many new ways to align with your visions and goals to help you create what you desire.

13. This part of you is now going to give you at least three new ways you can become prosperous. It is eager to fulfill its new assignment. It is full of joy and eager to assist you.

14. Face this part of you that is now full of your love. It will now turn into a symbol; a symbol of prosperity and abundance it can now give you. Take this symbol and merge it into your heart. Becoming one with this subpersonality. Letting your heart expand. Feeling the unity of yourself with your subpersonality.

15. You are now walking down the mountain back to the meadow. Imagine it is six months from today. You now have what you have been wanting. This part has been working. How is your life different now? What changes have been accomplished? Spend a few minutes daydreaming about the changes that you have experienced in the last six months and what you now have in your life.

16. Feel the power and strength of your future self. Let your future self send you a message, a message of confidence.

17. Feel the joy and peace within you. The new feeling of abundance that you are opening up to. As you connect with your future self and merging with your prosperity self.

Affirmations: My prosperity is on its way. I deserve the unlimited abundance of the Universe.

Week Two


Step 3: Abundance: You can have anything you want-more money, love, success, friends, health, and free time. Learn to receive, believe you deserve, and open to unlimited joy and prosperity. Increase your trust in yourself and the universe.

1. Connect with your soul light. 2. Look out at your life right now. What are you doing that is

adding the most light to the world (activities, thoughts, career actions)? What are you doing that is adding light to other people’s lives, to the world around you? The more you add light to the world around you the more you will create for yourself.

3. Think of the area you want to create abundance in (money, love). How might you increase the amount of light you are adding to the world?

4. Start creating abundance by creating light all about you. For abundance of light will bring everything to you in its highest form and in the best highest way. Imagine every action you are taking is adding light to the world. Notice your own cocoon of light is getting larger and larger. Feel the energy of your heart. The energy of love. Feel the love that travels outward on the light. There is infinite abundance of love and light in the Universe. It is available to you. Money, objects and things simply reflect your ability to draw in energy and change it into form. Working at this level to increase your light will assist you in creating abundance.

5. Imagine yourself in a meadow and surrounded all around you is blackberry bushes. You are here to gather a bucket full or more. The first few bushes you come in contact with have very few ripe blackberries and they are hard to find. You pick what you can. You continue down the path and you find


more and more blackberries that are ripe. The blackberry bushes are full of blackberries all over. You can hardly decide what to pick there are too many. They almost fall into your bucket. Your bucket is full and there is more than you could possibly want or need. So you only take what you need, easily. You wonder how you could have ever worked so hard, when right in front of you is abundance. Imagine this represents symbolically of whatever you want to experience an abundance of. It is all around you, waiting to be claimed. Energy in the universe is awaiting your command to change itself into money and form. You now gather the skills to know what to do to take the unlimited energy and turn into abundance.

6. Think of the area you want to experience abundance in. Ask yourself “If I had all that I wanted right now, what quality, what essence, would I have that I don’t now have?” Joy, aliveness, well-being, self-esteem, self-respect, love, courage? Imagine you have abundance in this area right now. What qualities does this abundance give you? Pick one quality that is most important. How might you begin to create that quality right now? What small steps can you take this week to bring that quality into your life right now?

7. What deeper needs will be fulfilled in having this? Only you can give this to yourself. As you give this to yourself, you will magnetize it to you.

8. Allow it. Open your heart to receive this. Tell yourself you deserve to have this as you open your heart and picture yourself receiving abundance in this area.

9. Think of an area in your life where you already have abundance where you have already mastered the art of abundance. You have even taken it for granted. Imagine in this new area you have the same feelings. You take it for granted in this new area now. Imagine that right now you are receiving everything you want. Imagine the feelings of receiving and allowing easily and effortlessly. You trust that


those things that serve your higher good will come and do come. Make a picture of it coming to you easily. You trust the universe. Your soul is abundant.

Affirmations: I have everything I need to create unlimited abundance. I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being, and happiness. Week Two Continued:


Step 4: Success! Release your fear of success or failure. Imagine success in every area of your life; go beyond any previous limits, and allow yourself to have your dreams. Become more confident, accept and love yourself, and feel successful.

1. Think of a time in the past when you felt successful (something very simple, learning a new skill, getting something you wanted). What were you doing? What did you get? Bring that feeling into your body now. Notice how your body experiences success. Notice how you felt emotionally. Bring that emotion into your body right now. And how did you think about your success? How did you feel about yourself? Let yourself feel the joy of success.

2. Begin to build a self-image of success around you by remembering all the times you had experienced success. You now say to yourself “I am a success. In my past I have many successes”. Think of your life right now. What are you doing successfully? What successes have you had recently? Notice the feeling in your physical body, emotions, and mind. Really acknowledge yourself. Find even really small things. Success through the eyes of your soul is the times you are loving to yourself and others. Times that you come from your truth. Times you act in integrity with who you are. When you make the choice to choose the path that carries that most light for you.

3. Think of your days in the last week. Think of how you have been successful from you soul’s perspective. All of life is a learning experience. There is no such thing as failure. There is only growth and learning. You are successful. Feel it in your body. Acknowledge it right now.

4. Think of an area in which you would like to experience greater success. Imagine that there is a ceiling above your


head that represents the limits you have put on yourself for having success in this area. How low is the ceiling, how thick, what does it look like? Now, you are going to lift that ceiling imagining that it is rising higher and higher or simply dissolve it. Notice you can expand more and more and the ceiling is being lifted. You are now experiencing your unlimited potential for success. Anything is possible. There are many choices in front of you.

5. Imagine that there are many paths in front of you. See this with you inner eyes. One path has more than the others, goes further and higher. This is your path of most light in this area. When you are ready, select that path of most light and walk on that path. There may be forces that try to pull you off, distractions and people. See yourself planting your feet firmly in this area. You may imagine that the top of this path ends at the end of a mountain. And there is a symbol of success at the top of the mountain. Walk towards your goal growing lighter and brighter as you get closer to your goal. As you approach your goal success is all around you. Reach the top. Take the symbol of success, the highest success possible in this area and put it in your heart.

6. Think of how far you have already come in accomplishing this goal. You have taken many steps already. You have been preparing for success in this area. Acknowledge yourself right now. Create a vision right now, what life is like with success in this area. Remember the feelings in your body, emotions and mind. Picture yourself in a scene with success in this area. Make it as real as you can. Feel how good you feel.

7. Ask your soul to show you if there is any fear. It might be expressed as a thought of why you can’t have this success. If you are able to experience this fear, love it like a small child. Thank it for what it is trying to do for you. Ask this fear to be your friend. Imagine that everything in your life is working. Simply bring this at a feeling level in your body. How do you


feel if every area in your life is working the way you want it to? Allow yourself to feel total success right now. Ask your soul to assist you in adding light. Allow your soul to remove any areas where you have any fears. You concentrate and focus on the path of your heart. You come from your greatest integrity and speak your truth. Every decision you make creates success for you.

Affirmations: My thoughts are clear and focused. I acknowledge all my successes. I believe in myself and I nurture myself.

Week 3


Step 5: Clearing Beliefs and Old Programs: Your life can change rapidly when you change your beliefs, for your beliefs create your reality. This is a powerful and life-changing process to release beliefs that are not working and establish new ones.

1. Connect with your soul light to illuminate your mind to look and examine your beliefs to create a more abundant and prosperous reality. Increasing your vibration and lift into the soul planes of reality. Sense a greater inner light and a change in your breathing as you lift your vibration and mind into the universal realms where true information can be found.

2. Ask this wise all knowing part of you to look at your and your beliefs about attracting money (objects, or abundance in any area). From this wiser perspective, pretending you have the answers that you know what they are, what belief is creating your current reality? What would you have to believe to be true to create your current circumstances in this area? Trust whatever comes into your mind. If it is words or images, let those dissolve. Imagine you are erasing them, or surrounding them with so much light that they dissolve. With your soul, your higher self, give yourself a new belief a new statement about the nature or reality that you would like to have in this area. Say it as a positive affirmation. Every time you use this journey, you will see new and more beliefs that you can change until you have shifted your beliefs and you will have a change in your reality. Energize these new beliefs. Say them to yourself throughout the day. Write it out and put it where you can see it. There is much power in repetition.


3. Look at your beliefs around having money (or this thing you want). This is different than attracting it or brining it into your reality. Let your soul show you what current beliefs you would need to shift or change in regards to having money. Take those thoughts and erase them or dissolve them in the light. Design a statement that you would like your new reality to be. Say it in the present tense as a positive affirmation. Feel this truth. How good it feels, these new beliefs. Make it into a clear statement that you can write out and say to yourself many times throughout the day.

4. Think of something you want and do not have. What beliefs have kept you from having this in the past? You can’t afford it? You don’t have what it takes to get it? That you don’t really deserve it? Let your higher all knowing self, show you the belief that is standing in your way from having this thing or circumstance. Now change it into a positive belief of why you can have it or deserve it and energize this new belief.

5. We are going into the cellular level. We are going into the DNA of the cells. We will communicate with this level of your being to release old beliefs and bring in new beliefs about your ability to attract, have and create abundance. Imagine you are growing smaller and smaller. Until you are small enough to put your awareness into the center of the cell. As you talk to the center of one cell, the rest of the cells will respond. You are standing in the center of a cell. You notice there is a double helix like an in twined rope and there is light around this. You don’t need to know how, but imagine that you are the higher self to the DNA and you are now broadcasting and you are commanding that all old beliefs be released at the cellular level. Anywhere this pattern is being held in the DNA is now being transformed into the light to its higher expression. Ask for the new beliefs to be built into the cellular level and to take on a structure and reality. Ask for beliefs that make you magnetic to prosperity. It is done.


6. Bring awareness back to your present size. Ask for a belief holding you back and replace it with a new truth. Think of all the reasons you can have money and abundance and why you will succeed in having it. Think of an action you can take this week to affirm some of the beliefs you have created in this journey. Simple actions.

Affirmations: I am abundant, prosperous, and wealthy. My abundance continues to grow, expand and flourish. I can attract, have, and keep abundance and prosperity. Week 3 Continued:


Step 6: Aura cleaning, energy, and lightwork: Work on the energy fields around your body to increase your ability to hold and to attract abundance. As you increase your vibration you become magnetic to all the forms, sums of money, and people that serve this new level.

1. Work on aura (energy around your body) to expand it. Imagine you are standing in a cocoon of moving light. Make the cocoon as large or as small as you like. Using your imagination, smooth out the energy in your aura. Now imagine you can see, or feel your first chakra. It is the energy center at the base of your spine. If you do not know where it is, there is a part of you that knows. This is the center of manifesting and often associated with the color or red. Imagine that you are clearing and opening up this center. All you need to do is ask your soul to do this for you. Affirm that you are ready to open up to more abundance in every area of your life. Think of the most beautiful cleansing energy color of red and put at the base of your spine at the beginning of your 1st chakra. Your higher self and soul will work with you now (during your sleep and while you are awake) to clear out this center. Ask that any old energy be released. Giving it to the higher forces of the universe, releasing any blockages until this center feels free.

2. There is another chakra, the crown center, at the top of your head. This center deals with your higher purpose, your spiritual center. Imagine this center is connecting with the first chakra at the base of your spine, and the energy between them is open and clear. You might imagine that the crown center of your head is shining a light through all your energy centers and aligning with your higher purpose. Drawing the energy upward from the base of your spine from the


manifesting center all the way through the crown chakra. Now, imagine light is coming down from the crown chakra at the top of your head pouring into all the other energy centers throughout your body. Let that light come into your heart. Allowing your heart expand at an energy level. Trust, love yourself, allow, and believe you deserve to have abundance. Imagine a pinpoint of light in your heart. That light is radiating throughout your body, radiating a new level of self-love. The light of your aura is growing more and more beautiful. Notice how beautiful it is becoming. Imagine that any fogginess is clearing up. As if you are standing in the sunlight and the fog is clearing. Any darker places are being dissolved so that anything that is standing between you at a personality level and your soul is now being released and dissolved.

3. Make a symbol; you might imagine it as a wall or anything that comes into your mind. It is a symbol of those things that are blocking you at an energy level and is blocking you from having the prosperity you want. Now using the symbol, change it until it is a beautiful symbol filled with light. You can create profound changes in your life by changing what you want into a symbol or image and working with that image. Think of something you would like to have, or the essence of something you would like to have. Now add light to it. Hold this image in your mind. See it expanding, becoming even more beautiful. It is becoming even more than you are asking for.

4. A master is going to come and work with you. A beautiful being is approaching you, a very high being. Whether you are aware of your guide or not it is approaching you to heal you. Allow yourself to feel the healing that this master gives to you. Let your guide work on your aura and receive the healing. Feel your energy growing more and more beautiful. Open to having more light, more abundance, and more success. Open your heart to receive it. Begin to trust


yourself. Say to yourself, “I now release everything that is not for my higher good and I ask it to release itself from me.” Letting go, release any of the lower frequencies of energy, anything that has been blocking your higher good. You now say “I now draw to me all those things that are for my higher good. I am magnetic to them and they are magnetic to me.” Filling your aura with light. Feeling the balance of giving and receiving. Pulsing light outward and bringing light in.

Affirmations: I feel all the good things coming to me. I open up my heart to receive all my good.


Week 4

Step 7: Linking with your soul and the guides: Work with a guide who will assist you in creating money and fulfilling your higher purpose. Meet and work with your soul which is always abundant.

1. See waves of light coming from you moving out into your environment, room, and house, transforming everything it touches. Expanding and opening up to your soul’s unlimited abundance. Feeling the connection to your soul.

2. Think of something you want right now. Feel the light of your soul radiating through you. See your soul easily and effortlessly drawing the essence to you so when it comes it will be in the highest form and come at the perfect time.

3. Imagine that you are sitting in a meadow (higher plane of reality). Appreciate all that is around you in this meadow. There is beauty beyond description. While you are in the meadow, your prosperity guide is going to join you. Imagine that a very high being is walking toward you as you sit in this meadow. This being is a radiant light. As this being comes closer, see or imagine its presence. Sense or feel it. This guide is also a master teacher, a wise spiritual advisor. This being can advise you in areas of abundance. As this being comes closer, notice all you can about it. Does this being have a form or appear as a person?

4. Invite this being to join you in the meadow. Feel the love and compassion that is radiating from this special being to you. The wisdom. Ask this being if it has a name that you may call it? This master teacher loves you without any


reservation. It sees the beauty and perfection as you are right now. It wants to help you achieve your life’s purpose. This guide speaks to you telepathically. This guide may send you a concrete message or send you energy.

5. Think of an area in your life you would like assistance in, perhaps an area you feel blocked, or an area you want to create abundance. Allow the being to change the energy around this situation. This guide will give you an energy transmission to open you up for change. Receive this transmission. Let this guide transmit words, pictures, images, thoughts, or feelings to show you some new things you might do to open up to more prosperity or abundance in this area.

6. Ask this guide to show you and help you see a bigger vision, to expand your thinking for what you might have, to show you new possibility and choices. Ask this guide if there is any information that he/she would like to transmit to you, advice or guidance about creating more abundance in your life?

7. Now with the power of your soul and the help of this guide, now energize your goals. Think of the monthly income that you would like. Imagine that you are becoming magnetic to that goal. Think of the money you would like in a savings account. Imagine you have that right now. Call in the power of your soul and the guide to help you begin to make the vision even more real. Send light to the vision. Accept it as your reality. Notice how it feels to have this abundance on an energy level. Your guide will show you in your dreams and moments when you are quiet, ways to create this with ease and effortlessness.

8. Ask your soul to make you more magnetic to abundance and prosperity. Imagine the guide is filling you with light to make you more magnetic to abundance. Imagine that money is all around you. Say to yourself “Everything I do bring me abundance.” Imagine it is raining money, large checks coming your way more and more of the time. See yourself


making large deposits into your bank account. Everywhere you turn money is coming. Coming to you in ways you never imagined.

9. This guide will be with you during the days to come. Thank your guide for being with you.

Affirmations: Everything I do brings me abundance. I am more and more magnetic to abundance.


Week 4 Continued: Step 8: Releasing doubts and fears: Become more powerful and confident. Let go of any fears that may be holding you back from having abundance. Believe in yourself and your unlimited capacity to create prosperity and anything you want.

1. Invite beings to put light where there is fear and to erase pain. Imagine that you are being joined by these angelic beings, one or more. You need not even see them, or imagine them. They will release fear at a cellular level. Almost all the fear that you have, you have taken on from others and the Universe around you. Receive while these beings remove fear from your body, emotions, and mind. In its place they will put the vibration of love.

2. Starting with the physical body at the cellular level: Say to yourself, “I now release any fear to the light. I now accept love in its place.” You may notice tightness in your body. Imagine this is a place of negativity or fear being held in your body. Accept the transformation of love. Now, on the emotional level, the beings are releasing any negative emotions, loving the emotions of fear and putting love in their place. You are starting to sense the higher emotions. Now working with your mind, open up your thoughts. Bring in more light into your mind, brain, and nervous system. Taking the fear out of your nervous system. Allow the circulatory system to circulate love and light. Your mind is growing clearer and clearer. You are now receiving feelings of abundance.

3. Imagine you have an enormous sum of money in the bank. Allowing the feeling of abundance of having enough come into your body. Feeing it at an emotional level. The more you can feel this way, the more you create it as your reality. All


the fear is dissolving. You are being beamed pure love. Love is being added to every cell in your body. Your capacity to love yourself is growing. These beings are available anytime you call upon them. Focus on what you do have and all the things that are going right in your life. Think of the abundance you have in your life right now.

4. Think about a doubt that you may have about money or how to deal with a current situation with money. Now take that thought and add light to it and tell yourself why you can have money. Tell yourself that you can handle the situation in the highest way. Trust that the universe is friendly and everything that is happening is for your highest good.

5. Think of an area that you may have some fear or doubt in. Maybe your entire financial situation. Imagine it as if you were in a box (making a symbol out of this situation). What does this box look like, what is it make of, how thick are the walls? Now, build doors and windows until you are free and can leave the box. Do so until all the walls are gone and you are free. What can you do right now? Is there any inner guidance that you can take to transform this situation? It might just be a step in the right direction.

6. Expect the best to happen and take actions to affirm that you expect the best. When you do, you draw good things to you. Think of something you may have fear or doubt that you can’t have what you want. Now picture it happen it turning out wonderfully. Imagine miracles happen. Things can turn around in a second. Feel how good you feel that everything has turned out wonderfully. Remember you are not your fears. It is only a feeling of fear or doubt that passes through you. Think of the doubt and love it as though it is a small child. Ask it if it has a message for you or something it is trying to tell you. As you love this fear/doubt it is transformed. You are connecting to your strong self. This is the self that knows you can create anything you want and knows that you are the source of your abundance.


7. Imagine that there are two paths in front of you. There is a path of joy and a path of struggle. You can choose which ever path you want. You can learn your lesson on either path. When you are ready to leave the path of struggle, move to the path of joy. Decide to learn your lessons through joy. Affirm that you are willing to experience joy and all good things. Follow your inner guidance and you believe in yourself.

Affirmations: I am on a path of great joy. I am full of faith, and confidence. I am willing to experience joy and all good things. I follow my inner guidance and believe in myself.