the 4 things mobile marketers can learn from game of thrones

© 2015 Marchex, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The 4 Things Mobile Marketers Can Learn from Game of Thrones July 2015

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The 4 Things Mobile Marketers Can Learn from Game of Thrones

July 2015

GOT’s cultural significance cannot be ignored. It’s a powerhouse and a key brand for HBO.

In the twists and turns of every season, there are clear messages mobile marketers can take away to assist with their marketing strategies.

All men must die. This can be applied to your marketing campaigns. Just like George R. R. Martin, you cannot be afraid to kill off your creations. There will come a time that your high-performing whitepaper, report or landing page offer is going to reach a saturation point. Your target audience will become fatigued with the same offering over and over again, and that’s when it’s time to send those particular ad sets to a party hosted by Walder Frey.

1. Valar Morghulis

Tag. Your. Campaigns. All of them. Every single one. Your campaigns need a name for you to appropriately track your successes and your challenges. If you don’t name your campaigns, if you don’t code incoming links, if you leave everything to chance, no one will know what worked and what didn’t. Your calls that convert will just be floating in the breeze leaving you with no idea how you got to a successful conversion. You will be unable to capitalize on your winning strategies, leaving upcoming campaigns in a constant state of trial and error. Listen to Jaqen H’ghar, and make sure your campaigns have a name.

2. A Man Needs a Name

Say as much as you can in as few words as possible. Be malleable. Let your ad content drive to your landing page and your landing page drive to conversions in as succinct a way as you can. The fewer words it takes you to explain who you are and what you do, the easier it will be for a potential customer to make up their minds about booking your service or buying your product. And when you get them on the phone? The quicker they can complete their task without dancing around their intended visit, the quicker you can move them from a prospect to a sale. Take a page from Hodor and Hodor, Hodor Hodor. Hodor? Hodor.

3. Hodor

Don’t be afraid to admit that you don’t know everything. Algorithms change, keywords become more or less helpful, Google changes rankings seemingly on a whim. Unless you have 100% keyword attribution (which Marchex can provide) you don’t know the path to success. The world of mobile marketing is never set in stone, and the more you’re willing to admit that you need all the help you can find, the more your campaigns will flourish. Read everything. All the time. Learn all you can about the constant flux of the state of mobile affairs and be prepared to turn to others for help.

4. You know nothing, Jon Snow