the 2nd bng newsletter

Cover by Legolover

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It's our 2nd!


Page 1: The 2nd BNG Newsletter

Cover by Legolover

Page 2: The 2nd BNG Newsletter

About usWhat is Bionicle : The Next Generation?

Bionicle The Next Generation is a Fan-made project founded by Lord Jampot to make all the Bionicle Story into Movies. It was first formed on the Biggest Bionicle fan forum of Bzpower. Later B:NG moved to their own forum site where so-far over 200 members have joined. Sadly only about 50 are active. The current leaders are Lord Jampot and Lewa Krom.

Who can join B:NG?Anyone is free to join? Just Pm Lewa Krom on Bzpower. Please however do not join just to spy out on us. Spies will be booted from our forum site.

What is this Newsletter about?It is for followers of B:NG to learn more and here about our progress. Also contest will be held and the winners may appear in B:NG's films

Will Bionicle wiki's recognise this project as canon?Sadly no. Angel Bob and The 11th Doctor were unable to persuade Bs01 and the 11th Doctor has had no further progress with any other Bionicle Wiki.

Who is making this Newsletter?The 11th Doctor is putting it all together but lots of different people are doing different things.

Will the Contests in this count as canon?Probably not but they may appear in B:NG's films. I'll try my hardest to make them appear.

Page 3: The 2nd BNG Newsletter

Teaser Trailer Review

As you know our Teaser Trailer came out not long ago and it is up to The 11th Doctor to Review it

“So this trailer was released in early December about a week later that it was meant to. It can be viewed on our Bzpower page. The animation its self was made by Renddslow. It was rendered by a couple of BNGers and then put together by about 4 or 5 editors.

SummaryIt starts in a Metru Nui street. A statue of Nidhiki is at the end, holding Lhikan's mask. Suddenly a strange Portal appears and a white toa wearing grey armour falls through it. Looking around he sees the statue and wonders where he is.

ReceptionSome Bzpowers received it with great interest. But the general view was disappointment. This was due to it being rushed out. Red Star Studio is sorry about this and will make sure the Film won't share the same fate.

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Takanuva's StoryAs you know we decided to have 2 Takanuvas in the Empire. This month we will see the story of the Post-Makuta virus Takanuva.

Progress on Omega's Takanuva.

Final Version by 00dude00

Concept art by Omega

Progress on Omega's Takanuva.

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How to Write ScriptsBy Legolover361

It was during Bionicle: Next Generation’s humble beginnings that a peculiar issue came up.

There were plenty of jobs available then, from modeling and animating to voice acting to even composing music. Yet not many people applied for those jobs. Instead, they all appeared interested in writing scripts.

Now, being one of those numerous people (and one of the several to actually get the job), I can’t complain. I only want to dispel the notion that script writing is the easiest job in BNG.

So, I’ve compiled a list of things to consider greatly when applying as a script writer. I suggest you keep these in mind; following these tips is essential to getting the job. And who knows -- perhaps when you’re done reading this, you’ll see that script writing isn’t as easy as some people make it out to be.


1. Be considerate of your audience.If you’re writing for a ten- to sixteen-year-old audience, you shouldn’t throw in corny lines aimed at eight-year-olds. Many teenagers on BZPower complained about such lines in the official Bionicle movies; that, in fact, is one of the things we want to improve on relative to those official movies.

2. Write clearly and concisely.Seeing as a script writer writes scripts, not books, don’t worry about throwing in paragraphs full of prose. Going into a character’s thoughts in detail is not a good idea; it’s best to only write what will show up during the movie (dialogue, expressions, etc.).

3. Make sure dialogue sounds natural.Whenever you write, strive to make scenes believable; this way the audience can emotionally connect with the characters, a hallmark of any good story or movie. Unnatural dialogue will only take away from that effect.

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4. Have the plot in mind at all times.This is especially important because BNG’s script writers are not coming up with plotlines on their own. Make sure your script matches the official, canon Bionicle story as well as possible (barring exact dialogue).

5. Be able to limit your script to a set number of pages.The modelers and animators of BNG don’t want to work on a three-hour movie -- and I doubt the concept artists and voice actors think differently! For movies, try to keep the number of pages between fifty and ninety. For episodes, aim for a script of twenty to twenty-five pages.

6. Be able to meet deadlines.We can’t wait a year for you to finish your script! The ability to finish scripts quickly is prized greatly, because the sooner your script is finished, the sooner the voice actors, concept artists, and everyone else involved with the project can start working.

7. Describe camera movements.I don’t mean you need to describe every single camera movement throughout the movie; however, for certain scenes that you feel need a certain ‘touch’, you can describe where the camera will be and when, so the storyboard artists can easily change your script into a storyboard.

8. Grammar, grammar, grammar!If you can’t type well in English, it’s doubtful you will get a chance to write scripts. Use dictionaries and thesauruses to help with this. In addition, if you use Microsoft Word, try to ignore (for the most part) the green squiggly lines underneath so-called ‘grammatical errors’; many times Word ends up being wrong, except on simple matters such as word use and capitalization.

9. Characterization is key.Unfortunately, this isn’t your own little fan-fiction story. You have to take the official characters’ already-defined personalities and use them. Make sure each character acts recognizably.

10. Be creative!Yes, we’re sticking to the canon Bionicle story. No, you don’t have to hang onto it like a lifeline. Feel free to stick in your own, small twists on the story occasionally -- slightly improved wording, more of a spotlight on a certain character, etc.

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Member Spotlight

Today we are interviewing Cherixon.So Cherixon what do you do for B:NG? And Do you enjoy it?Well, I co-lead the editing department with Krayce-- I'm film editing and he's sound editing. I'm also head web designer, a canon correspondent, and a sound editor. I love my jobs here, and am very grateful that I have had the chance to receive them.How did you come across project?BZPower. I started off as a concept artist (when I thought I was half-decent at drawing).When do you think the empire will be done by?This year...hopefully in time for a big LEGO event...Brickfair, perhaps?Which Person in B:NG do you admire most? And Why?Lewa Krom. He's gone through so much crud to get us where we are today. He answers so many noobish questions, he handles members who want to become BNGers, and leads the project. He's a really, really awesome guy.Thanks for coming and doing this interview Cheri.Thanks for the interview, 11th Doctor.

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Quiz time and we have our 2 contestants.

Lego Lover Golden Tahu1 Who Made the Toa Mata?

Lego Lover: The Order of Mata Nui. (Wrong) 0-0Golden Tahu: the Great Beings (Wrong) 0-0

Correct answer was Artakha. 2 Where was Lewa's Mask of Speed Hidden?

Lego Lover: Under water in Le-Wahi. (Wrong) 0-0Golden Tahu: In the ocean off the shore of Mata Nui (Wrong) 0-0

Correct Answer was an Underwater Cave.Notes: Both answers were too vague.

3 What are Fohrok?Lego Lover: Imitations of Bohrok made by the Brotherhood of Makuta. (Correct) 1-0

Golden Tahu: Some type of ice-related Rahi? (Wrong) 1-04 What Mask does Dume wear?

Lego Lover: The Kanohi Kiril, Noble Mask of Healing. (Correct) 2-0Golden Tahu: The Noble Mask of Regeneration (Correct) 2-1

Notes: LL's answer wasn't exactly right but it was close enough.5 Who killed Sidorak?

Lego Lover: Keetongu (but Roodaka lured Sidorak to his death in the first place). (Correct) 3-1

Golden Tahu: Roodaka- he got burned. (Wrong) 3-16 Which Toa Hagah wears the mask of Rahi Control?

Lego Lover: Bomonga. (Wrong) 3-1Golden Tahu: Kualus does. (Correct) 3-2

7 When asked to open a safe, what did Vezok do?Lego Lover: Use his laser vision to cut it open? (Wrong) 3-2

Golden Tahu: Blasted it open! (Wrong) 3-2Correct Answer was He smashed the safe. (Wrong) 3-2

8 What is Darknesses Job?Lego Lover: To kill any Dark Hunters who are captured before they give away

information. (Wrong) 3-2Golden Tahu: To watch the Shadowed One for any sign of weakness, and then kill

him. (Correct) 3-3 Continued on next page

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9 Which Piraka used the Spear of Fusion on Vezok to create Vezon?Lego Lover: Zaktan? (Wrong) 3-3

Golden Tahu: Hakann (Correct) 3-4 10 Who was Varian's best friend?Lego Lover: Norik (Correct) 4-4

Golden Tahu: Never read that story... (Wrong) 4-4 11 Who made the Klakk of Karda Nui's swamp?

Lego Lover: Mutran (Correct) 5-4 Golden Tahu: Makuta Mutran (Correct) 5-5

12 How did Guardian die?Lego Lover: The ground opened beneath him, he fell down, and then it closed in on

him. Makuta did it soon after he took over Mata Nui's body. (Correct) 6-5Golden Tahu: Killed by Helryx's tidal wave? (Wrong) 6-5

13 Which Bara Magna tribe is the Largest?Lego Lover: The Rock Tribe (Correct) 7-5

Golden Tahu: The Skrall (Correct) 7-614 Which race lives on Xia?

Lego Lover: The Vortixx. (Correct) 8-6Golden Tahu: The Xians, Roodaka's species. (Wrong) 8-6

Note GT's answer is to vague.15 Name another member of Sidorak's specie?

Lego Lover: Krekka, though he's in a different social class. (Wrong) 8-6Golden Tahu: That big guy with clawed hands and a Bohrok head... I don't know

(Wrong) 8-6LL is correct but I was looking for specie and the Correct answer was Voporak.

This means Legolover is our Winner. Congratulations to him.

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The Toa Hagah

By 00dude00We have asked 00dude00 to tell us something about the Toa hagah

he made. “For me, creating the Toa Hagah in 3D was more than just work. It was more of a journey. When I first started the first of my Toa Hagah - Bomonga I was quite new to the 3d software I used, and quite new to B:NG. I had just been excepted into the team with open hands and I had decided that I should get to work immediately to prove my worth. Even though my models weren’t nearly as good as the others that had already been made I was able to feel pretty good about myself because of the nice comments, and constructive criticism that the B:NG team had to offer. I would spend hours modelling a piece, then add it to my model and continue this way the next week. It took quite a while for Bomonga version 1.0 to be finished, and when it was it really wasn’t all that great. After lots of tweaking, and hard work, along with the support of other members I soon had an entire Toa team on my hands. Even though in the beginning my Toa models weren’t all that great I was still able to feel proud of them and I still do. Here I am today, an active modeller in the B:NG community. I know I couldn’t have done it without the great hospitality I received …… or at least, not without the Hagah.”

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Onu-Pakari ProductionsToday we are also talking to Onua Krom about Onu-Pakari Productions

What exactly is OPP?Onu-Pakari Productions is a non profit organization that makes Bionicle based video games for us Bionicle

fans deserve [laughs]What sort of games are you making?

Right now OPP has several games in the such as Bionicle: Arena. Bionicle: Arena started about a year ago in February when I asked LK if I could make a game for BNG. Bionicle: Arena is basically Glatorian Arena on steroids [laughs]. And what I mean by that is where Glatorian Arena is slow and very inactive; Bionicle: Arena is fast paced and there is more of a Star Wars fighter feel to it. Also, instead of viewing from the side you view from behind. So I guess you could say its a lot like the jedi fights on Star Wars Battlefront 2. Next

we have RPG which is run by BZP and BNG member Dethraid. The RPG started out as an idea for an online MMORPG, but because they couldn't find a server they went on as an RPG. It has made a tremendous

amount of progress and will hopefully live to see its finish which I have much faith it will. Last, we have Super Smash Bionicle which is almost self explanatory. But, Super Smash Bionicle is a Bionicle version of

Super Smash Bros. Though I have not seen much programming I don't keep up with it as busy as I am. But, I have seen their models. Which look pretty good to be poly reduced.

How hard is it to Program them?Hm, well myself I do not program, but I do know enough to hold my own in a debate. Programming can be

easy or it can be hard. What can make it easy is if your game has a something called a script. A script is something in programming that basically does a lot of work for you. And what I mean by that is that say if your game calls for your character to jump, run and block scripts will have done the programming where

you don't have to program that. Even though it does not eliminate programming completely. But programming can be really technical and really confusing. But if you are looking into programming yourself

I would definitely recommend Unity 3D. Which is what OPP uses.When do you think one of the games will be released by?

As far as an actual game I would probably say you could expect Bionicle: Arena by the summer (June). But, you can expect beta testing by April. As far as the others I'm not quite sure.

Apart from yourself, who do you think makes OPP work smoothly? [Laughs] I would probably say that tosha96, HahliNuva or LegoLover-361. Legolover-361 mainly because he is OPP's co-leader and he has a great attitude and work ethic and he also has great people skills. I would say HahliNuva because she is so nice and she is willing to do a job if asked and she doesn't put it off. And I

would say tosha96 because he is the programmer for Bionicle: Arena and the RPG and he is great at figuring out technical problems and also that he's a nice guy. Also, how could I forget that he was the person who learned that BNG's movie models aren't too high poly for a game so we are using the movie models for

the games. You can argue all you want about them being too high poly but we've tested them many many times.

Are you planning for the games to be played online or downloadable?Downloadable. As I said before its hard to find somebody willing to donate a computer to be a server.

Is there anything you want to add to what you have said?Yes, I would like to say that making a video game IS possible. Go to the BZP gaming forum and find a

programmer. Modellers are very hard to find but you might be able to find one. But it is possible. Actually Bionicle: Arena was a big scam. When I came up with the idea I found a programmer and modeller. Well I made a topic and Black Six closed it telling me to show proof that I had programming done. So I had my

modeller make a picture of Tahu and Lewa in a fighting pose and everybody believed us for the most part. The topic died though when we moved to BNG's forum. We had actually finished the game but our

programmer lost the programming. So it is possible. I wouldn't recommend scamming BZP like I did [laughs]. So don't give up and get ready for Bionicle: Arena's beta testing!

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Comic time by Protohuman

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Member Spotlight

Today we are also interviewing MicroSnipe.So MS what do you do for B:NG? And Do you enjoy it?

I do a lot for B:NG actually. But the only one really worth mentioning is composing music. And I love every second of it.

Do you get on well with other BNGers?I feel that there is no tension between me and the other members at all. Even our

debates are very relaxed. I never say anything that might get somebody angry with me and the other way around. The B:NG Community is pretty chill.

How complete is the Empire film?Well, we're ready to animate some scenes of the Empire. The keyword in that statement

is some. Actually come to think about it we've put animation on hold. A problem we had with the teaser was the animation. We've put our animators to work making lots and lots of test animations. The only way to get better is by practising. And as shown

by the teaser, we weren't good enough yet.How hard is writing Music?

Writing music can be tough sometimes, but my family has history of music so it kind of just comes to me. I've played piano for almost 8-9 years and have been wanting to do something with music for about two years. When I joined B:NG it really got me into

composing. First I started out just recording my piano, and even though I was part of the project I felt that I couldn't put out my best effort with just a piano. It limited my ability and actually discouraged composing. So I when my piano broke my parents

were forced to get a new one. So they just so happened to find one with (almost) real instrument sounds. That really got me into it but it was still a chore to actually sit down and record a piece. But this Christmas I got a new music program. Although it's been

hard to learn It's really gotten me into composing even more. It's made it easier. Having Nusua around helps a lot too. He's the best guy to go to for feedback on a piece

or to ask a musical question about.Which Person in B:NG do you admire most? And Why?

The person I most admire in the project would have to be Nusua. His pieces are just stunning and his composing style isn't the same as every other composer out there.

He's gotten far in his career with music apart from the project and is just a pleasure to work with. He's a great example of a B:NGer.

Thank you MS.