the - · 2015-12-08 · 1 the left's promotion of the jihadist deconstructive...


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Page 1: THE - · 2015-12-08 · 1 THE LEFT'S PROMOTION OF THE JIHADIST DECONSTRUCTIVE NARRATIVE November 28, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – Studying the
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November 28, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – Studying the machinations of the country's Marxist "A" team operatives, for example, Soros' Open Society Foundation, Media Matters, MoveOn and their journo shock troops in the legacy media, makes it apparent that

they're very adept at incorporating or adapting Muslim Brotherhood talking points in their deconstructive broadsides.

That the left and the Islamists employ the same weapon doesn't imply that they share common goals, beyond eroding the society to the point that their starkly differing utopian hegemonies can be forcibly established.

Since the September 11 attacks it's been an article of faith among these allies of opportunity that the United States brought the calamity upon itself - a justifiable response to its violent colonialism, generalized oppression of the Third World, a slave-holding white patriarchy, support for Israel...the number of items on the charging documents is nearly endless.

One of the responses to the worst mass casualty event in U.S. history was that citizens intuitively linked true cause with effect, seeing a relationship between normative Islam and violence. Thus was developed what might be called a naturally reasoned wariness among the populace which the jihadist/leftist alliance have skillfully managed to brand as bigoted and Islamophobic, an example of successful lexicon based civilization jihad/warfare.

The mechanism itself is intriguing, illustrating how easily Western liberalism can serve as a double edged blade, just as easily turned against itself as it can be used to protect individual liberty or to ward off foes. As is the case with powerful machines, consequential ideas have implications which reach far beyond the moment.

This segues into a recent example of political manipulation, authored by MoveOn as it pitches the idea that the importation of tens [or perhaps ultimately hundreds] of thousands of young Muslim males into the United States is sacramental.

Act I:

"The Paris terror attacks sparked a terrible and counterproductive backlash here in America - one that's threatening the essential values proclaimed on the Statue of Liberty." [source, MoveOn alert]

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This is the core logic - a key element of cultural Marxism - within which victimizer is transformed into the victim. For all we know from the MoveOn alert, the carnage could have been committed by tea-crazed Buddhist monks rather than by ISIS hit squads run out of Belgium. How the inspiring words emblazoned on the Statue of Liberty - " Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" - can be reconciled against the murder of 130 French citizens is difficult to comprehend.

Note that this linguistic manipulation is intended to generate symbols geared towards creating a "mind-crime," a potent weapon especially in times where moral relativism is the governing ethos. Then, the Berkeley Bund rather than applying it generally against the West, instead targets GOP front runner Donald Trump. The intended effect is to characterize him as a neo-Nazi.

False allegations are piled one upon another; note that though the charges are footnoted [examples not provided here for sake of brevity] as if to suggest some level of substantiation/scholarship, they always link back to thoroughly disreputable sources, almost always MoveOn itself or MediaMatters:

"Republican presidential candidates are proposing to close mosques and impose religious tests on refugees. Local officials are publicly discussing internment camps."

Act II: The unthinkable is posed out, invoking the Almighty, which is unique in this writers long experience with the organization:

" what happens if—God forbid—there's another attack on U.S. soil?"

Yes that would be a problem for sure. It's difficult to believe that anyone outside overly obsessive adherents of the ideology would be able to rigorously reason through the process and arrive at the bizarre duality of the victim simultaneously functioning as the righteous angel of death.

Nonetheless this does identify in simplified form, the reason behind the phenomenon which left calls Islamophobia, Americans getting a bit peeved at constantly being hammered by the religion of peace.

"We seem to have forgotten the bitter lessons learned after 9/11. In fact, many Muslims and Arab-Americans say the climate in America today is worse than right after 9/11"

Act III:

Who got de violence?

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"Or do we fight terror with decency, with civility, by opening our hearts and homes...Fighting the culture of hate and celebrating the culture of compassion. We're calling out the rhetoric of Donald Trump and the violence of his followers"

This is weasel word compassion used by a group whose hysterical rhetoric is legendary, invoking noble ideas upon which it has historically urinated. At the same time the author conflates the imagined words of a citizen politician - who doesn't seem to be guilty of so much as a traffic ticket - with genuine violence. In a screed riddled with what MoveOn would normally call hate speech, to see the words "decency" and "civility" is stupefying.

Bottom line. No one but a Thorazine IV drip candidate could actually believe such fallacious arguments, not even the most rabid MoveOn-ers. This mumbo jumbo is offered merely to give the appearance of reasonableness.

In fact the organization is absolutely petrified at the prospect of having all of its sacred cows slaughtered en-masse by someone as outside the political mainstream as a Trump. In their minds, such a person would be capable of anything...anything...perhaps even bringing back the HUAC which would cause legitimately serious concern.

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November 23, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – We have written extensively over our 15+ years of existence about the relationship between the "evolving" dogma of the Catholic faith and the harm it's causing, not only within the Church itself but to foundational Western institutions. [please see our monograph, William Mayer, Bitter Harvest, How Marxist “Progressives” Have Infiltrated the American Catholic Church , The Religious Left Exposed].

Adding perspective to these issues, an important and very rigorous new study authored by Stephen Coughlin [Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy, Bridge Building to Nowhere, the Catholic Church's Case Study ] delves into a, "frank and insightful look at how jihadist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation take calculated advantage of liberal mindsets among Catholics from the lay faithful through the clerical hierarchy and all the way to the Vatican itself."

We commenced our study of what can only be characterized as an overturning of orthodox Catholic religious teaching over the last 100 plus years by noting the culturally subductive nature of Leo XIII's Encyclical Rerum Novarum [On Capital and Labor, which was issued as a malformed response to The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital].

However, Mr. Coughlin references a much more recent document, Evangelii Gaudium [The Joy of the Gospel] issued by the current See, which contains equally problematic language, this time dealing with the topic of "interfaith dialogue" with the Muslim world:

"253. In order to sustain dialogue with Islam, suitable training is essential for all involved, not only so that they can be solidly and joyfully grounded in their own identity, but so that they can also acknowledge the values of others, appreciate the concerns underlying their demands and shed light on shared beliefs. We Christians should embrace with affection and respect Muslim immigrants to our countries in the same way that we hope and ask to be received and respected in countries of Islamic tradition. I ask and I humbly entreat those countries to grant Christians freedom to worship and to practice their faith, in light of the freedom which followers of Islam enjoy in Western countries! Faced with disconcerting episodes of violent fundamentalism, our respect for true followers of Islam should lead us to avoid hateful generalisations, for authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence."

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It should strike the reader and especially those within the Catholic faith tradition that in a paragraph urging authentic dialogue between Christianity and Islam, there is but one sentence which mildly entreats Muslims to grant other religions the same level of respect and protection that Islam receives in the West. Any reasonably objective observer, not the least of which should be the Holy Father, should be able to intuit the fundamental and irreducible doctrinal differences between the two systems, even if judged only against the events of the last three weeks.

One of the most serious concerns - and one recycled from the hubris laden Rerum Novarum [in which the Church weighed into Marxist economics, with which it had little facility and no moral teaching authority] is the provably false declarative by Francis that the Qur'an, and consequently the Muslim faith are free from exhortations to violence.

Mr. Coughlin uses paragraph 253 in Evangelii Gaudium in a probative manner, examining the profound difference between the way Islam and Christianity view "faith sharing."

Bound by the ideas of the Reformation and Enlightenment, while the Catholic Church and other major Christian sects intrinsically believe that talking about religious matters with Muslims will produce understanding and comity, within the Islamic faith, as precisely and correctly stated within the literature of the Muslim Brotherhood, sharing is a one way street directed towards Islamic conversion, i.e., da'wa [Arabic, proselytizing or preaching of Islam].

For example:

"Through Contacts With Churches, Synagogues, Colleges And Universities: These are very important public platforms that must be used for the spread of Dawah when available, either on the invitation or by offering the services of the Da'ee to these institutions for presenting the viewpoint of Islam on various issues of the time. The I.M.O.A will open dialogues with dignitaries of the religious institutions, presenting Islam as the common legacy of Judeo-Christian religions and as the only Guidance now available to mankind in its most perfect form for its Falah (Deliverance and Salvation). These talks must be held in a very friendly and non-aggressive atmosphere, as directed by Allah (SWT) in the Qur'an as how to talk with the people of the Scriptures. "And argue not with the people of the Scripture unless it be in a way that is better.” (Al-Qur'an-29: 46)" [source, Shamin A Siddiqi, Methodology of Dawah Illallah pg. 119]

Proponents of forced submission to Islam and its governing protocol, the Shari'a are very careful to communicate such messages on two differing planes, an inauthentic one [taqiya, lying to advance the faith as condoned by the Qur'an] for Christian/Jewish consumption, and the other - truthful - for the Muslims.

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Stated plainly, "faith sharing" exercises, from the Islamic perspective, represent opportunities for stealth or cultural jihad: vehicles of internal subversion and coerced Shari'a compliance.

One might think that as the Islamic violence continues to expand, both as to the increasing size of the battle space, level of brutality, the horrific persecution of Christian minority populations and especially, given the now non-stop press coverage of the global Islamic holy war [sanitized of course], the Catholic Church and Christianity in general might be cautiously reassessing their positions vis-à-vis the ongoing "dialogue."

Counterintuitively, it's the reverse that is happening.

The Catholic Church from the top down, from Francis, through the College of Cardinals, to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, parish priesthood and finally to a significant percentage of the laity, is wedded to an idea which - devoid of inauthentic theology would be considered insane if not heretical.

Not only are Catholics supping in sublime ignorance [generally in delusional sanctimony] with people and groups whom are their mortal enemies [holding the kafir - infidel - in vile regard] they have constructed an enormous superstructure to actually import their foes [often in a clandestine/surreptitious manner] into the West, and then provide for their well-being, publicly sustained through governmental programs.

The entity which is primarily concerned with "refugee resettlement" is Catholic Charities USA [CCUSA]. Catholic Charities is comprised of hundreds of sub-directorates, local chapters through which federal dollars are routed - it's estimated that at least 2/3rds of the organization's funding is provided by government. The federal largesse is then spread around in a labyrinthine manner reminiscent of the way in which similar transactions are laundered within criminal syndicates.

It's an MO well known to students of Saul Alinsky, who just by happenstance owed much of his success to the Catholic archdiocese of Chicago whose early funding proved vital to his Marxist tinged "community organizing."

"ALINSKY: In the case of Back of the Yards, the area was 95 percent Roman Catholic, and I recognized that if I could win the support of the Church, we'd be off and running. Conversely, without the Church, or at least some elements of it, it was unlikely that we'd be able to make much of a dent in the community.

PLAYBOY: Wasn't the Catholic Church quite conservative in those days?

ALINSKY: Nationally it certainly was, which was why a little two-bit Hitler like Coughlin was never censured or silenced until the war. But Chicago in those days was a peculiar exception; under Cardinal Mundelein and Bishop Bernard Sheil, it was the most socially progressive archdiocese in the country..." [source, William

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Mayer, Bitter Harvest, How Marxist Progressives Have Infiltrated The American Catholic Church , pg 26-26]

Barack Hussein Obama stands upon tall shoulders indeed.

Catholic Charities USA isn't a mom and pop operation, it's big business. According to a piece published by the Washington Times CCUSA has received $1.6 billion dollars from Uncle Barry over the last 4 years alone. Though most are aware of the entanglements inherent in the process, it doesn't hurt to emphasize that strings are ALWAYS attached to DC based funding.

This is why we have such little sympathy for the U.S. Catholic Church' s various lawsuits against the fed over programs which it supported, such as its huge lobbying effort to pass ObamaCare. Thus we have a shell-game in which the federal government is using Catholic Charities [a willing participant] as an agent of fundamental transformation, intent upon diluting America's Western heritage, the intellectual proposition which has given U.S. Catholics the freedom to practice their faith.

A good deal of this DC centric largesse is devoted to providing legal assistance to "immigrants" legal or otherwise [the Church makes no distinction, essentially rejecting the ideas of national borders].

"I immigrant, you racist, call ACLU" - Dr. Michael Savage

Another aspect demonstrating the mercenary nature of Catholic Charities is manifested in the salaries of its top echelon managers. According to the charity's most recently filled 990 [2014, covering FY 2013] these were the executive salaries:

Larry Snyder, CEO - $338,956 and $42,124 in "other" compensation

Katherine Styles COO - $374,467 and $37,978 in "other" compensation

John S. Jackson, CFO - $178,607 and $42,805 in "other" compensation

Candy S. Hill, Exec. VP Social Policy & External Affairs $227,440 and $39,170 in "other" compensation

In total 19 members of the organization make more than $100,000.

Catholic Charities USA also employs a bevy of lobbyist/consultant types for example:

Manatt Phelps and Phillips - $485,000

Bully Pulpit Interactive - $453,660

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Arent Fox LLP - $343,770

If Catholic Charities was a transparent organization [in this regard it conducts itself with an opacity which would do the Obama administration proud] then a proper airing of these and related issues would be possible.

In many ways CCUSA is a minimalist/micro study, a reflection of the problems inherent in the Church's larger departure from traditional theology and embrace of Marxist Progressivism. But even larger than this issue is the ongoing harm that the Catholic Church's willful alliance with stealth jihadist/proven Muslim Brotherhood front groups is doing to Western Civilization.

Using a term which the President is fond of employing, we have some "skin" in an aspect of this game.

This writer [and an associate who prefers not to be named] have personally experienced the intransigence with which outside inquiries into matters concerning the Catholic Church are met.

Quite a few years ago we courteously challenged - through back channels - the U.S. Conference of Bishops on its Islamic faith sharing policy. We developed a contact within USCCB's inner circle of advisors, a very high level official [an Ivy League PhD] who was heavily connected to Rome. After numerous conversations [always polite] in substantiating of our claims, we submitted a raft of documents to demonstrate the seditious Islamist nature of some of the Church's faith sharing "partners." Unsurprisingly the information, though highly detailed and documented, was rejected as being "political in nature." When we countered that the decision to conduct dialogue at any level was itself inherently political, the conversation was terminated.

What did come as a surprise was the revelation - by the party with whom we were dealing - that he had a close personal relationship with someone we knew to be a key member of the American Muslim Brotherhood's directorate. Much to our dismay the source characterized this person as a good guy, a patriot and moreover, one with whom he had gone to school in addition to having shared numerous home-cooked dinners.

Similar inquiries at Catholic Theological Union, which has, “been educating and preparing men and women to serve God’s people throughout the world. Founded in 1968 in the spirit and vision of the Second Vatican Council, CTU has grown to be one of the largest Roman Catholic graduate schools of theology and ministry in the United States," led to a series of exchanges that became so bizarre we had to forcefully remind ourselves that we weren't dealing directly with a spokesman for HAMAS.

Hiding behind the excesses of Vatican II, the new reformationalists in the Catholic Church have made their decision and are now - apparently absent great concern - watching parishioners flee what they view as a heterodox theology.

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This is especially true of white, heterosexual males who simply want no part of what the Church has become and where it is apparently going.

Though there remain a tremendous number good and pious believers - all too many of which are nursing broken hearts - they tend toward being significantly older than the demographic that used to predominate among Catholic church goers.

Having witnessed the Church's retreat from traditionalism - thus alienating its historical faith center, the Cradle Catholic laity - it's not at all difficult to understand why it has embraced illegal Mexican aliens, unlimited immigration of "refugees" and open needs new parishioners.

End note:

Though the danger of Islamic kinetic jihad/irregular warfare sacralized by the Qur'an and Hadith should now be obvious to all, even absent this threat there remains a problem with serious implications - and this also applies, though not in as virulent a form, to America's "new arrivals" from south of border, the illegal Mexicans and Latin Americans.

Europe and America have painstakingly and organically been built on a small "L" liberalism which preaches tolerance, limited government, the value of individual liberty, freedom of choice/free will and private property. Its institutions have been constructed around this nucleus; the resulting edifice is one of grandeur offering unprecedented benefit and hope to mankind.

This didn't occur by happenstance, it's a natural consequence of empowering individuals to fulfill their true potential while allowing them to profit from their success and enterprise, absent the stultifying effect of over-reaching governments, ideologies and religions.

The so-called migrants/refugees have no understanding of what it means to be a Westerner. Sadly over a very long period of time these folks have demonstrated little interest in becoming non-hyphenated/fully acculturated Americans which requires them to embrace Western mores and refusing to live in ghettos which quickly then become no-go zones, functionally the microcosmic equivalent of the shit-hole countries from which they fled.

If the following offends you, so be it.

In general the "refugees" come from failed, inferior cultures where totalitarianism and the gangster mentality are the norm. Given their high birth rates, these people are demographic time bombs when loosed in societies which are reproductively challenged.

Leftists should ask themselves how such a transformed society would greet their pet causes, the freedom to be whomever/whatever they want, no matter how repugnant it is to

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the majority; LGBT liberation, sexual libertinism, full emancipation of the female gender, "tolerance" no matter how skewed, green "sustainable" environmental causes, pornography, drugs, agnosticism/atheism, aggressive modern music and a snotty, calculatedly militant anti-establishment attitude.

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By WILLIAM MAYER & BEILA RABINOWITZ The following is a republish from an October 16, 2006 feature article that we wrote. We believe it will be of interest to our readers in that it sheds considerable light on the historical absence of a vetting process when it comes to "refugees/asylees" thereby lending credence to those who charge that the Obama adminstration's claims regarding the existence of such a mechanism are demonstrably untrue.

November 21, 2015 - San Francisco, CA - - In a September 19, 2006 piece Muslim Taxi Drivers At Minneapolis International Airport Subjecting Fares To Shari'a we detailed the controversy surrounding airport taxi drivers who were in growing numbers, refusing to transport passengers whom they suspected of carrying beer, wine or other products containing alcohol, using as their justification that such was contrary to Islamic law.

The program that the Metropolitan Airports Commission had devised to deal with the problem - segregating the taxi fleet into two groups, those willing to take alcohol bearing fares and those who were unwilling and identifying each group by a colored beacon to be placed on the roof of the vehicle - was ultimately rejected under the pressure of a withering outpouring of negative comments from the public and media. This is a positive development, since the airport's "solution" actually represented a capitulation to Muslim strong arm tactics and thus a victory for the radical Islamists whose unstated goal remains the implementation of Shari'a in America under the guise of multiculturalism.

Largely obscured by the outlandish nature of the cabbie story lies a more sober tale, one that has its origin in a little known and even less discussed aspect of a social experiment being conducted by the U.S. Dept. of State known as the U.S. Refugee Program which found its origin in the Refugee Act of 1980 and the earlier Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, both a reflection of sentiments expressed by the United Nation's High Commission for Refugees' "Refugee Convention."

The idea behind this program is a noble one - as is often the case with these things - granting asylum to significant numbers of foreign nationals - refugees - who have been abused in various ways by circumstances including actions taken by their governments.

As defined by the State Dept., a refugee is one who meets one or more of the following criteria:

Has a particularly compelling history of persecution; Is a member of an ethnic or religious group that is considered by the United States to be of "special humanitarian concern" (for some groups, only those with relatives

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in the United States are eligible). Is the spouse, unmarried child, or parent of a refugee who has been resettled or is a U.S. permanent resident or an asylee in the United States.

Under this program and especially since 2003, tens-of-thousands of Somalis have migrated to the United States via the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, PRM.

"The total number of Somalis living in the United States is estimated at 150,000, of whom about 40,000 are Somali refugees from the dominant clans. With tens of thousands of Somalis, Minneapolis has the largest Somali community in the United States. Other metropolitan areas with large numbers of Somalis include Columbus, Ohio, New York City, Washington, D.C., Boston, San Diego, Atlanta, and Detroit. (For more information on Somalia in general, please see the Center for Applied Linguistics' Culture Profile on Somali refugees.)" - Link

The breakdown of the number of Somalis recently granted asylum to the United States is as follows:

Various publications have been assembled to explain and implement this program, one of which is available for purchase on the Dept. of State website - Muslim Refugees in the United States A Guide for Service Providers, by Patricia S. Maloof, Ph.D.and Fariyal Ross-Sheriff, Ph.D.

From the preamble of this work:

"For some Muslim refugees, religion is a powerful determining factor in life, while for others it may be less important. This guide presents information on the needs that arise from the practice of Islam, such as the need for an appropriate space for prayer, consideration during the month when fasting is observed (Ramadan), and the need to observe dietary laws. It also outlines behaviors that may arise as responses to the fear that Muslims experience when they encounter anti-Muslim sentiments and actions in the United States."

Such passages though not immediately alarming suggest however a Muslim-centric approach in which accommodation goes but one way and which inculcates in Muslim refugees an expectation of dhimmitude on the part of the host culture.

More to the point, one must wonder what forms of "anti-Muslim sentiments" exist in a nation reaching out to haggard Islamic populations who might reasonably be expected to perish in squalid refugee camps in Somalia absent the intervention of the United States?

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Maloof and Shariff's treatise presents a storybook version of Islam in which every potential area of concern is glossed over, such as their handling of jihad, defining it as, "the struggle; refers both to the individual's inner struggle to follow the way of Islam, and the struggle on the side of what is right," and this non-reality based declaration of gender equality, "Islam emphasizes the equality of all people, and, according to the teachings of Islam, men and women are equal in the eyes of God."

Aside from such minor encumbrances, the Somali refugee program is controversial from a number of standpoints:

• The impact that the importation of essentially alien cultures has upon the locales they are settled in.

• Since Somalia is a nation with a history of Islamic radicalism, support of terror and clan/warlord based violence, any expedited pathway into the United States [the asylum process] might be exploited as a vector for those inclined towards terror.

• That too little consideration has been given to the degree to which these refugees are asked or even willing to become acculturated.

• "Somalia's lack of a functioning central government, protracted state of violent instability, long unguarded coastline, porous borders, and proximity to the Arabian Peninsula made it a potential location for international terrorists seeking a transit or launching point to conduct operations elsewhere." - U.S. Dept. of State Country Report On Terrorism, April 2006

Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (AIAI) a Somali jihadist group, was designated as a terrorist organization under Executive Order 13224 Comprehensive List of Terrorists and Groups Identified Under Executive Order 13224 and it is believed that the "Union of Islamic Tribunals," Ittihad al mahakem al Islamiya or UIT, the ascending power in Mogadishu has ties to al-Qaeda, so the area remains of high concern.

There are many troubling signs that all is not well within the expatriated Somali community in the United States.

Shortly after the September 11 attacks, the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury added the Al-Barakaat network of money transfer to the "Specially Designated Global Terrorist" list, under the Office of Foreign Asset Control, OFAC.

Barakaat was founded by Ahmed Nur Jumali a Somali and had at the time operated in 40 countries worldwide, encompassing more than 180 offices and was the primary method of transferring money to Somalia.

The State Dept. has estimated that "worldwide cash flows could be as high as $300 to $400 million per year."

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Barakaat was in especially heavy use amongst the Minneapolis Somali community - as would be expected given Somalia's nonexistent banking system - both for the purposes of sending money back to family and friends still in East Africa and in some cases to fund terrorism as well as the sectarian and clan-based warfare that has plagued Somalia.

"But Abdi Samatar, an author of two books and many articles on Somali culture, said not all of the money is humanitarian aid. "Some people are sending money to warlords," he said. "That's a human rights violation of major proportions, and it's a criminal act, in my opinion." Collections in Minnesota for warlords in Somalia have fueled "the very violence that has brought them here in the first place seeking refuge," said Samatar, who grew up in Somalia and is a geography professor at the University of Minnesota. "It's absolute madness," he said." Minnesota Somalis send millions back to East Africa

Intelligence sources suspect - though no concrete proof has yet been provided - that part of the proceeds of Al-Barakaat's transactions found their way into the coffers of the terrorist group Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (AIAI) who then might have in turn, passed a portion of it directly on to al-Qaeda.

Upon the demise of Al-Barakaat an alternative to it - Dalsan - was created in August of 2001.

As terrorism expert, Peter Pham, Ph.D., writing for The Family Security Foundation, Inc. points out:

"The Dalsan firm's co-founder and chairman was none other than Mohamed Sheikh Osman, onetime spokesman of Al-Itihaad al-Islamiyya ("Islamic Union"), the radical Somali Islamist group from which today's ICU directly descendant operated in a manner similar to Al-Barakaat until it ceased operation without warning in May of 2006, taking with it possibly as much as $50 million in unredeemed shares in the enterprise and unconsummated money transfers. - Financing Somalia's Warlords

As noted in the Minneapolis Safe City Initiative, crime is a significant problem within the Somali community - "Somali gang members loitering in the area and committing crimes (auto theft, shootings, robberies, assaults, etc.)"

Then there is the case of Somali refugee Nuradin M. Abdi who is currently under a four count federal indictment involving his participation in a 2003 al-Qaeda plot to blow up a Columbus Ohio shopping mall.

One of the Minneapolis Somali communities' oft pointed to "success stories" is Hassan Ali Mohamud, who emigrated to the U.S. nearly 20 years ago, having obtained a number of college degrees.

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What is generally left unsaid is that Mohamud also has a significant leadership role - Vice President of the Minnesota branch of the Muslim American Society - a radical Islamist group.

"Hassan Ali Mohamud, Director of the MAS Freedom Foundation Office in Minneapolis, MN, gave a workshop to the Somali community on April 30 in the Tobin Community Center in Boston entitled, "Somali Muslim Identity in America Today". The workshop was given in Somali and English and focused on immigration laws and civil rights issues affecting Somali immigrants in the U.S. Mr. Mohamud is also the Imam of Al-Taqwa Masjid in St. Paul, and serves as the Vice President of the Minnesota MAS Chapter. In addition, he is an immigration lawyer, who was also appointed as a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Mr. Mohamud serves as the Immigration Law Project Advisor for the Legal Aid Society of Minneapolis, and serves as Senior Advisor to the Minnesota Muslim Council." - MAS FF Gives Somali Empowerment Workshop

As Dr. Daniel Pipes observes about MAS in The Muslim American Society's Goals:

"I wrote about the Muslim American Society in The Islamic States of America? and how it seeks to replace the Constitution with the Koran. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross takes this further today in MAS' Muslim Brotherhood Problem here he looks closely at the MAS Minnesota website and notes that it calls on members to fulfill their "duties as outlined in the Message of the Teachings by Imam [Hasan] Al-Banna." Gartenstein-Ross then takes a look at "The Message of the Teachings" and finds that it instructs Muslims that they must work on reforming their government:

"so that it may become a truly Islamic government...By Islamic government I mean a government whose officers are Muslims who perform the obligatory duties of Islam, who do not make public their disobedience, and who enforce the rules and teachings of Islam. Al-Banna also instructs that Muslims should "Completely boycott non-Islamic courts and judicial systems. Also, dissociate yourself from organisations, newspapers, committees, schools, and institutions which oppose your Islamic ideology." Al-Banna also condones in this book spreading Islam with violence: "Always intend to go for Jihad and desire martyrdom. Prepare for it as much as you can."

It is especially worth noting that even such mainstream media sources as the Chicago Tribune are claiming - and backing up with voluminous data - the connection between the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood and the Muslim American Society A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America - Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah, Sam Roe and Laurie Cohen, September 19, 2004

Mohamud in addition to his duties at MAS is also the Imam at St. Paul's al-Taqwa mosque, presumably serving much of the area's Somali Muslim population.

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"Hassan Ali Mohamud is the Imam at the Masjid Al Taqwa Mosque in St. Paul, the mosque associated with the new Islamic Center of St. Paul on North Snelling Avenue. Mohamud, who previously worked for the St. Paul Public Schools, is employed by the Legal Aid Society of Minneapolis, where he works on immigration cases. He is also the president of the Somali Family & Youth Association of Minnesota....He earlier received a bachelor of laws degree from Somali National University and a master's degree in Islamic Law from the Higher Islamic Institute of Cairo."

Islam is taking to politics in a big way in Minneapolis, with Keith Ellison [Mumammad] a disciple of Louis Farrakhan's much discredited anti-Semitic Nation of Islam, mounting a strong campaign [featuring reprehensible local media coverage] as a Democrat, for the U.S. House of Representatives

In what amounts to a cheerleading piece by the Christian Science Monitor - Contender may become first Muslim in US Congress Amanda Paulson notes:

"When Keith Ellison arrives at the Karmel Square, one of Minneapolis's Somali malls, a rock star might as well be walking by the bustling stalls of bright fabrics, jewelry, phone cards, and videos." As Powerline details:

"Moreover, Ellison's long commitment to and advocacy of the Nation of Islam is reflected in the various aliases he used over a period of ten years: Keith Hakim, Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison-Muhammad. Ellison's involvement with the Nation of Islam includes his support of "the truth" of Joanne Jackson's condemnation of Jews in 1997 as "the most racist white people...Ellison's involvement with the Nation of Islam is not the most offensive of his public associations and commitments. That distinction must belong to Ellison's work with Minneapolis gang leader and murderer Sharif Willis following the 1992 murder of Minneapolis Police Officer Jerry Haaf...Ellison's February 2000 speech on behalf of domestic terrorist Kathleen Soliah/Sara Jane Olson picked up this reprehensible aspect of Ellison's career and united it with his missionary work on behalf of the Nation of Islam. In that speech Ellison called for the release of Soliah/Olson and spoke favorably of cop killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and Assata Shakur." - Keith Ellison for Dummies

Now whether or not the majority of Ellison's Somali supporters intimately understand his background is really immaterial. Their strong support for him stems from the mere fact that he is a Muslim and thus we are returned to the question of acculturation, the so-called melting pot and if these people came to the United States because they wanted to become Americans or whether the U.S. is just another stop along the way and reflective of a mindset that rests heavily upon their previous nomadic existence and attitudes.

"When I use the term transnational nomads, I refer to a nomadic way of life rather than nomadism in the strict sense of a livelihood. What I call the Somali "nomadic

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heritage" includes a mentality of looking for greener pastures, a strong social network that entails the obligation to assist each other in surviving, and risk-reduction through strategically dispersing investments in family members and activities. In my opinion, this also means that Minneapolis will not necessarily be the final destination of the many Somalis who live there. Rashid comments: "Somalis always have an idea of temporality; they always have the option of looking for greener pastures in mind." - "New Issues In Refugee Research - Somalis in Minneapolis, family responsibilities and the migration dreams of relatives," Cindy Horst, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo Norway, June 2006

It also brings us full circle to the airport taxi confrontation, which is by no means a unique occurrence as these things seem to happen wherever America's Islamist organizations intersect with Somali immigrants.

Consider the March 2005 case in which 30 Somali Muslims chose to quite their jobs at Dell Computer's Nashville, Tennessee plant over a dispute involving a claim that the company had refused to allow them to stop work and pray five times a day while facing Mecca.

The job action, directed by the Saudi funded Wahhabist front group the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] led to a series of lawsuits that eventually bullied Dell into reinstating the workers with back pay rather than continue to face the bad publicity associated with a Jewish owned [Michael Dell] firm being pilloried in the press for being "anti-Muslim," a fact which no doubt caused endless satisfaction among CAIR's leadership.

Similar cases have occurred in the Nashville area such as that of Whirlpool Corporation which - rather than knuckling under - chose to fight a similar dispute taking it to the federal court system which found on behalf of the employer, affirming that the practice of stopping entire production lines for evening prayer caused undue hardship on the company.

Dell's record on recognition of religious diversity is exemplary, probably one of the reasons it allowed itself to be rolled by CAIR's thuggery.

As the company's spokesman Mark Drury stated, ''Dell values diversity in all areas, and that includes religious beliefs...The company's practice is to accommodate religious beliefs, so long as the accommodations are reasonable."

Drury further stated that not only does Dell accommodate minority religious beliefs, it goes to such great lengths that, "Employees are allowed time off with pay to pray. We have traffic-free areas for them to use for prayer.''

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He stressed however that reasonableness must be taken into account, claiming that, "granting time off during a shift on a manufacturing line would be disruptive.''

In yet another legal case, this one also involving Minnesota Somali refugees, a group of nine has brought a federal discrimination suit against Gold'n Plump, a Cold Spring based poultry processor.

The suit alleges that the plant refused to permit the litigants enough break time to allow them to pray.

Gold'n Plump spokesman Peggy Brown stated that the company has made considerable effort to accommodate its Muslim employees since 2003. Characterizing the demands being made by the litigious Somalis, Brown said, "modifications of this nature affect and possibly disrupt the lives and schedules of other employees." - Somalis alleged discrimination at Cold Spring poultry plant Associated Press, October 9, 2006.

Looking at the totality of the evidence in this matter a number of aspects stand out:

1. In general, American society has made a tremendous effort to accommodate tens of thousands of these Somali refugees and their perceived needs into the mainstream, offering them jobs suitable to their skill level along with housing, social welfare assistance and a cultural support structure.

2. For its part the federal government has expended hundreds of millions of dollars on plucking these people from East Africa, most likely rescuing them from early death. It has taken extraordinary steps to be understanding and accepting of the refugee's culture and religion.

3. Unfortunately, in large part many of these refugees seem to have less than total devotion to the idea of actually becoming Americans as distinct from Somalis who happen to be currently sojourning here.

4. In many cases American hospitality has been repaid with a refusal by the Somalis to integrate into the larger society that hosts them, bringing lawsuits and allying themselves with radical Islamist organizations.

5. In fact many Somali Americans seem be intent on reproducing nothing more than "little Mogadishus" wherever they have been resettled.

"A parallel economy was created [in Minneapolis] that enables Somalis nowadays to do everything "the Somali way": there are Somali shops, malls, NGOs, travel agents, hairdressers, restaurants, Quranic schools, mosques etc." - "New Issues In Refugee Research - Somalis in Minneapolis, family responsibilities and the migration dreams of relatives," Cindy Horst, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo Norway, June 2006

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The track record of America's Somali refugees so far suggests that these people are largely unappreciative of the stunning commitment which has been made to them by the people of the United States.

We therefore strongly recommend that the U.S. Dept. of State reevaluate the entire refugee program as it applies to both to Somalia and also to other African Muslim countries.

What has been demonstrated so far is that - for whatever reasons be they cultural or religious - the Somali refugees who have been granted asylum here, are unwilling to live as full citizens, demonstrating a singular lack of commitment to making the necessary accommodations that are required to live in a pluralist, secular Western society.

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November 15, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – In the first PEGIDA demonstration since the 11/13 terrorist attacks in Paris, over 10,000 turned out on a brisk Monday evening in Dresden to express opposition to Chancellor Merkel’s policy of accepting hundreds of thousands of Syrian “refugees.”

“Monday's rally by the group, whose name stands for "Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the Occident" in German, took place in front of one of Dresden's major landmarks, the Semperoper….Durchgezählt, a student research group that estimates attendance at large events, put the number of participants at between 9,000 and 12,000” [source, Anti-immigration group PEGIDA holds first rally since Paris attacks, Deutsche Welle]

Indicating that Durchgezählt’s crowd estimate might be on the low side, the UK Daily Mail called the gathering, “a huge rally,” though it couldn’t refrain from its usual characterization of the movement as being “Islamophobic.”

While Merkel is pretending that Germany in opening its doors to the “migrants,” has severed its ties with its horrific past she is busy using Gestapo tactics, investigating and prosecuting PEGIDA leaders under the country’s “hate speech” regulations.

“…prosecutors said a leading member of PEGIDA, Tatjana Festerling, was being investigated on charges of defamation and incitement…PEGIDA's founder, Lutz Bachmann, is already facing charges of incitement…after he described refugees and asylum seekers as "garbage" and "cattle" on his Facebook page.” [source, DW]

In establishing such a ridiculously low bar for defining what is acceptable speech in a so-called Western democracy, Germany’s leaders have demonstrated they have something in common with many of the new arrivals, a fondness for total suppression of dissent.

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November 16, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – As the immediate shock abates and the horrific reality of 11/13 permeates into the consciousness of the non-Muslim world, a single theory of causation is being offered.

It goes something like this; the organized teams of jihadists who struck with such force in Paris were previously blissfully peaceful, beret wearing Middle East type chaps whistling la Marseillaise….until…a

black cat or something crossed their path and they fell under the thrall of a “radical cleric” who convinced them that their time was better served by going on a murderous rampage while screaming “Allah is greatest.”

Chortle if you wish but this isn’t really that far from the truth. It’s spread – like manure - by the cultural elite because it supports the next set of precepts in an argument, notable only for its banality, that “not all Muslims are terrorists” and that “we are not at war with Islam.”

While it’s certainly irrefutable that all Muslims are not alike, still can it be happenstance that so many Muslim males are named in honor of an illiterate 7th century sadist? As to the other matter, in reality the West isn’t at war with anything, excepting its own heritage and traditions.

Fact: 10% of the French population is Muslim [6.5-7M out of a total population of roughly 65M] - by far the largest such population in Europe.

Muslims generally are not subject to what we in the West are calling “radicalization,” because that implies that certain clerics brainwash impressionable, primarily male, Muslims into behavior which is sociopathic and inconsistent with their holiest texts.

Even the madrassas don’t radicalize in the common understanding of the term. They merely instill the teachings of the Qur’an and Hadith through rote memorization.

But what about the “indoctrination” going on in Gaza and the West Bank, where children are taught how to use AK 47s, hate Jews and kill the kafir?

Think of it as Islamic parochial education.

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The intended impression that these apologias are crafted to produce is that left to their own devices these people would never even think of joining the jihad, that the concept is so alien that they actually have to be tricked into it.

The process so imprecisely referred to as Islamic radicalization is much more akin to the way that any totalitarian system of beliefs is learned:

1. Adherents become familiar with the hegemonic doctrine of Islam by reading the sacralized teachings of Mohammed.

2. Those teachings are really a political doctrine which is inherently triumphalist, violent, intolerant and anti-Western

3. As Islam is normatively taught and practiced, these “students” are walking time bombs, what the media refers to as radicalization is merely the mechanism of setting the detonator.

4. The development feeds upon itself. In the West Muslims tend towards congregating in ghettos, areas largely governed under the Shari’a. These places quickly become no-go zones for law enforcement.

5. The degree of bellicosity displayed against Dar al-Harb is proportional, governed by the “Islamic rule of numbers” as their presence grow, so do their demands.

6. The etiology of development and the doctrine itself are inseparable; hence the behavior is not an outlier, an aberrant interpretation. 7. Islam is the Shari’a and the Shari’a is a legal corpus of conquest. Though housed within trappings which invoke religion and ritual it must judged by the type of actions with which we all are now painfully familiar, which are largely military in nature.


A quasi-religious belief system whose very name invokes uncompromising universal submission to its precepts does not need to be radicalized in order to be an existential threat.


But who is pushing the insipid “radicalization” line?

The Islamist’s partner in subverting the West, the Marxist/progressive left, one half of the unholy alliance which unfortunately controls the legacy media.

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From the Berkeley Berserkers, MoveOn:

“Paris is, tragically, not alone in suffering. A double suicide bombing in Beirut, Lebanon on Thursday killed at least 43 people…other countries around the globe have experienced similar horrors this year…now, there's reason to fear that Paris will become a kind of tipping point [pushing the] global community further into mutual suspicion and perpetual retaliation.

Those responsible for these violent acts must be held accountable. But we can't forget how 9/11 was used to justify the war in Iraq, and that ISIS's own origins trace to a U.S-run Iraqi prison. It is precisely in moments like this one that we must be on guard against a rush to war.

France has already initiated military action against targets in Syria, with U.S. help. Anti-Muslim, anti-refugee rhetoric is flaring up in the U.S. and around the world. And we're already seeing right-wing hawks and neoconservatives in the United States - including those who pushed us to war after 9/11 - pushing for reckless military action and taking an even more cruel line towards desperate Syrian refugee families.”

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November 14, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – In the wake of the horrific 11/13 Muslim terror attacks which took place at six locations in and around Paris last night, Marie Le Pen, leader of France’s National Front party, offered sanity in the midst of multiculturalist idiocy.

"Urgent action is needed," Le Pen told reporters the day after 127 people were killed in assaults on cafes, a concert hall and a soccer stadium. "Islamist fundamentalism must be annihilated, France must ban Islamist organizations, close radical mosques and expel foreigners who preach hatred in our country as well as illegal migrants who have nothing to do here.” [source, France must 'annihilate' Islamist radicals, far-right leader Le Pen say , Reuters]

If the West is to survive, actions such as those suggested by Ms. Le Penn should be part of a comprehensive counter-attack against the jihad.

We will expand upon these ideas later today, for the time being, there should be no question that the suggestions offered by the leader of the France’s National Front are a reasonable starting place.

Tolerance of intolerance is suicide.

Continuance of the mad rush by the West to accept “refugees” from hostile cultures is suicide.

Coexisting in the presence of radical mosques and Muslim Brotherhood front groups on U.S. soil is suicide. Closing GITMO is suicide Refusal to secure the borders is suicide.

Compromise with the Islamists is suicide.

How many more innocent bodies will it take to shock the West into action?

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20:10 PST Update: November 13, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – The French Army and Gendarmerie have a massive presence this evening in Paris as multiple [at current count at least 6] attacks have convulsed the City of Lights.

The most serious of the incidents played out at a popular music venue, the Bataclan theater. A concert featuring the Eagles of Death Metal was in progress, when AK wielding jihadists dressed in black stormed the hall. An eyewitness report says the attackers said nothing as they moved through the now prostrate crowd executing people in a very deliberate manner, reloading several times in the process. Amidst the understandable confusion at least 100 are thought to have been killed and the NY Times reported that 100 had been taken hostage.

After a counter-attack by French security forces, the immediate crisis at the Betaclan is now over, two jihadists are believed to have been killed.

With President Hollande in attendance, multiple explosions also took place at Paris’ Stade de France stadium as the French team was playing Germany. Hollande was quickly evacuated as he declared a national state of emergency and closed the borders.

In yet another attack, a bar or restaurant in Northern Paris has been struck, details at this point are sketchy but Sky News is reporting fatalities and ambulances on the scene. As of this writing at least 129 have been killed.

In an interview earlier today the Commander in Chief of the United States, President Barack Hussein Obama declared that ISIS had been contained… We will continue to update this report as events play out.

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November 13, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – Breaking through the chimera created by George Soros and his minions as they seek to destroy the foundations of Western Civilization, 40,000 Poles took to the streets in Warsaw on Wednesday [Polish Independence Day] to protest the influx of jihadist age Muslim males into the country.

The largely Catholic nation is concerned that the so-called “refugee crisis” is threatening the traditional culture of Poland.

Though the nativist sentiment is much maligned by the legacy media and the Continent’s EU-centric leaders, it’s having a powerful effect on nearly all national elections across the region. This despite the skewed coverage which portrays concerned citizens as racists, knuckle-dragging troglodytes and Nazis - as was oddly reported on Breitbart – apparently on the strength of one goose-stepping geek caught on camera.

“The triumph of the conservative, anti-immigration Law and Justice party (PiS) in Poland's elections at the weekend demonstrates how the refugee crisis could play into the hands of anti-European Union parties. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the head of euroskeptic Law and Justice…played on the electorate's fears during the campaign by claiming that refugees were bringing diseases like cholera and dysentery to Europe.” [source, Catherine Boyle, Poland Election: Migrant Crisis Affecting EU Politics, CNBC]

The effect of Poland’s PiS win is hard to overestimate, it’s a body-slamming of the EU’s multicultural lunacy as the PiS didn’t just win, it crushed the ruling party, Civic Platform, by 15 points.

Though the attempted narrative management by Western cultural elites is most obvious right now 3,000 miles across the Atlantic, very much the same phenomenon is happening in the United States. Nevertheless, anyone watching the dynamic rolling through Fox News, as typified by the increasingly annoying [Trumpophobic] Megyn “Butch” Kelly would consider it unremarkable, the network’s headline piece regarding the Polish march - Polish extreme nationalists hold large anti-migrant march on Independence Day – is clearly indicative of the left-wing/Islamist friendly direction which the formerly iconic news source has taken as it falls into lock-step with the rest of the sheepish Western media.

Despite considerable efforts by the press to distort what is simply the desire of Europeans [and very soon their American cousins] to retain their native culture, the anti-Islamist/pro traditional culture movement is growing faster than even its most hysterical critics can possibly imagine as their nightmare becomes reality.

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November 13, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – In a major escalation of the intifada, Arab terrorist gunmen killed two Israelis today and injured another in what appears to be a carefully premeditated attack in the city of Otniel.

The victims, who were not immediately identified, were both males, one 40 the other 18 years old. The wounded party is a 16 year old male whose injuries are described as moderate.

Though details are sketchy at the time of this writing, reports indicate that the attacking vehicle pulled up alongside the car containing the family and strafed it with gunfire. When the vehicle came to a stop the jihadists continued to fire upon the occupants.

“Arab terrorists overtook an Israeli family traveling in their car and raked it with bullets…Four children who were traveling in the car were treated for shock at the scene, and evacuated to Soroka hospital in Be'er Sheva.” [source, Ari Sofer, Two Killed in Shooting Attack Near Hevron, Arutz Sheva]

PM Netanyahu immediately stated his intent to hunt the terrorists down, "’We will get to these heinous murderers and we will bring them to justice as we have done in the past,’ he said in a statement.”

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November 12, 2015 - San Francisco, CA - – Amidst growing outrage by native Germans, the Merkel government is being forced against its will to start the deportation process, sending numbers of the so-called Muslim “refugees” back to the country of their initial entry into the EU.

“Germany is to start deporting Syrian refugees after reinstating EU rules under which they must claim asylum in the first member state they enter. But there was fresh discord in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government after it emerged Thomas de Maiziere, the interior minister, had ordered the measure without consulting colleagues. It is the second time Mr. de Maiziere has been accused of acting unilaterally in less than a week.” [source, Justin Hunter, Discord in German government as Syrian refugees to be deported to other EU countries, UK Telegraph]

Open warfare has broken out between the German Interior Minister and the Chancellor, who heretofore had been reversing the actions of de Maiziere, until the public outcry forced her to become an unwilling ally in the deportation process.

The lock-step Marxist Western press in not happy after having controlled the dialogue on the matter for so long, making it difficult to find coverage of current developments related to these issues. What journo does exist relating to the ME “immigrants” is decidedly slanted, of course, siding with the relentless Islamic army.

Oddly, YouTube seems to be the best source for the most current information regarding what can only be called a popular uprising by Europeans against their leftist, multi-culti leaders. It is only through this portal that one can view the dozens of marches and protests which have sprung up all over the Continent.

Knowing how the ‘Net works and mindful of what company owns YouTube we realize that the display of unfiltered news cannot be expected to continue forever. Even now the only way to view what is happening with any sense of the currency of the developments is to use the YouTube “filters” which allow one to order search output by date and time. We hasten to add that though this is not a hidden utility, most users are likely unaware of its existence so if they do a simple search for “Pegida” [Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West] for example will produce a jumble of results, some possibly a year old. The lack of a default chronological output substantially lessens the perception of how quickly this movement is growing as there have been literally hundreds of marches and protests over the last few months.

The takeaway, as it always is in such matters, is unless one is aware of developments which run afoul of the official ideologically approved mindset, that phenomenon such as

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the anti-Islamization movement in Europe will travel well below the radar of even curious and literate readers of news content.

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November 11, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – Investigative journalist Matthew Gonzales is reporting [via the Merced County [CA] News Television website] that there appears to be much more to the recent stabbing incident at UC Merced perpetrated by Faisal Mohammad, which injured 4 in an unprovoked attack and led to his shooting death, than was immediately apparent.

“From the information I have gathered, the suspect was…on the FBI’s terrorist watch list [and] also on a national watch list and had been one of the topics of discussion at a recent FBI briefing to Merced County law enforcement…about 6 months ago the FBI held a terrorist/extremist briefing with Merced County law enforcement leaders…several suspected terrorist with ISIS links were said to be here in Merced County. Names and photos were presented including one of Faisal Mohammad. Based on the FBI’s own analysis and a number of people on the terrorist watch list that are in the area they projected an attack at the UC Merced campus…” [source, Matthew Gonzales, Were Law Enforcement Leaders and US Chancellor Aware of Threat by Terrorists/Extremists to Attack UC Merced? , Merced County News Television]

At the time of the incident this news source reported:

“Though it took a full 24 hours for the details to finally slither out, we now know that on Wednesday morning, 18 year old U.C. Merced freshman Faisal Mohammad stabbed 4 people in an unprovoked attack.

The injured – two students, a contractor working on campus and an employee of the university – are expected to fully recover.

Mohammad who used an “8 – 10 inch” hunting style knife in the attack, was shot and killed by local law enforcement, thus proving that the only way to stop a bad guy with a knife is a good guy with a gun.

“One stabbing victim…Byron Price, is being called a hero after he ran to the classroom where the initial stabbing happened when he heard commotion. Price

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was able to distract Mohommad, allowing other students and staff to get away. ‘He had a smile on his face," Price said. "He was having fun, which is more what bothers me…’” [source, Sara Heise, Officials: Stabbing Suspect Was Freshman At UC Merced , KCRA Merced]

Though the media is taking the normal multi-culti dodge claiming ignorance regarding the reason behind Mohammad’s multiple acts of attempted murder – “A motive for the stabbings has not yet been released” – it seems pretty clear that there just might be some connection between Mohammad’s rampage and what is happening in Israel as identical jihadist attacks by young Arabs are taking place along the country’s major ethnic fault lines.”

This writer has initiated further contact with knowledgeable sources on this matter and will report further as information becomes available and conditions dictate.

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November 9, 2015 - San Francisco, CA - – There has been much said in the media about the surging level of violence in Israel between Arabs and Jews.

Most of this journo follows an unfortunately familiar meme, charging Israeli law enforcement with brutalizing the nation’s, always irritated minority, the so-called Palestinians. According to this narrative, even when self-defense is justified, for instance when an Arab drives a vehicle into a crowded bus stop, the press cautions against the use of what it calls a “non-proportional” response, a vague concept at best.

For some observers however the level of restraint exercised by Israel against Islamic jihadists is remarkable. There are no reprisals, no leveling of hate-factories masquerading as communities, not even an “eye for an eye,” type justice, unless someone can point to an occasion where for example, the IDF retaliated against a vehicle attack by driving a 65 ton Merkava tank into a gathering of Arabs. In pursuit of what the Western elites like to refer as “common ground” the following video was prepared as a guide for Arabs interested in avoiding any further “brutality.”

We hope this will help foster an environment in which political violence will no longer be used as a strategic weapon against Israel’s Jewish population.

As the late President Lyndon Johnson used to grandly intone, “come, let us reason together.”

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November 9, 2015 – Utrecht, Netherlands – - Just two weeks before the Turkish elections of November 1, 2015, the ruling Refah Partisi (AKP) or Welfare Party and its Prime Minister Ahmed Davutoglu sent a controversial letter to Turkish citizens in the Netherlands calling on them to vote for the AKP. This vote-recruiting letter was sent to the home addresses of possibly more than 100,000 Dutch Turks. Davutoglu even promised those who fly back to the country via Turkish Airlines a twenty percent fare reduction.

Some politicians in Holland are now worried about Ankara’s far-reaching power in their small country, the letters being indicative of the arrogance of Turkey’s Islamist rulers. AKP founder Recep Tayyip Erdogan won the elections after a campaign designed to intimidate political opponents, critical journalists and encourage attacks on the Kurdish minority.

Erdogan now behaves as an Ottoman Sultan.

It was back in 2004 that I wrote a lengthy Dutch study on “Misdaad, Migratie en Cultuur” (Crime, Migration and Culture). At that time leading politicians in Europe advocated Turkish membership of the European Union (EU). I still remember how I was ridiculed by liberals for expression opposition to this idea, although I did not write about the role of Islam in Turkey. The thesis of that essay was, “the external borders of the European Union should not be expanded in such a way that the instable Middle East is within reach,” because it would foster Turkey and the Turkish mafia’s ability to export even more crime and criminal elements to Europe.

My well documented book dealt with crime and criminal networks from Turkey, Morocco, Africa, the Balkans, Latin America, Jamaica and Curaçao. There was also a chapter on crime among asylum seekers in the Netherlands and Germany. It was a follow-up-study of a book that I published early 2000.

It is now via Turkey that Europe is importing hundreds of thousands of Syrian, Iraqi and Afghan asylum seekers. During October 2015 about 210,000 refugees arrived on the Greek islands near Turkey. That is as many as the total number of refugees who arrived

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in Greece in 2014 – 216,000. Between January and October 21, 2015, the so-called “refugees sea arrivals” on Greek islands totaled: Lesbos 268,829, Chios 46,890, Samos 56,250, Agathonisi 21,675, Kos 43,519, Symi 5201 and Rhodos 5600.

These massive immigration flows are by no means spontaneous. All these migrants/asylum seekers have been assisted by ruthless Turkish migrant traffickers who earn huge amounts of money every day. All these criminals have a vested interest in creating the massive immigration flows mentioned above. Many European governments are simply unable or unwilling to cope with the problems caused by powerful migrant trafficking mafias. [Hungary is a notable exception, though].

Most certainly not all of those who claim to be Syrians are Syrian refugees. There are extensive criminal networks in Istanbul and other Turkish cities which sell forged Syrian passports to all those who want to apply for asylum in Europe. “Just wave your new passport as soon as you arrive in Greece and also when you have to travel to other European countries,” these criminals instruct the buyers.

Each Syrian passport costs $ 600.00 [U.S.] and most migrants want to apply for asylum in richer countries in northern Europe, notably in Germany, Holland, Belgium and Sweden.

There will be more than one million Syrian, Iraqi and Afghan asylum seekers in Germany by the end of 2015. Millions are expected to follow in the years to come, partly due to the right of family reunification - we are talking about large families. That is why Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel paid a visit to Turkey on Sunday October 18, 2015. She begged President Erdogan and Prime Minister Davutoglu to do something about the unprecedented influx of asylum seekers who had been assisted by Turkish migrant traffickers. But Erdogan responded that he wants Turkey to join the European Union. And he also wants the European Union to lift all visa restrictions for Turkish citizens. Merkel announced that she was “ready to support Turkey’s EU accession process.”

Two weeks earlier EU’s First Vice-President Frans Timmermans and EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn had also paid a visit Turkey. Timmermans prematurely announced that he could strike a deal with the Turks, but he and Merkel failed to realize that it is not really in Erdogan’s interest to curb the powerful Turkish migrant trafficking mafias. The refugee crisis provides an excellent opportunity to blackmail the European Union and the European Commission with a view to acceding accession of Turkey to the EU.

Moreover, the Islamists in Turkey do not at all object to the gradual Islamization of Europe. It is part of their agenda. They are very close to the anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood. The Turks tried to conquer Europe before, but were fortunately stopped at the gates of Vienna in 1683, after a siege that began in 1529. They referred to Vienna as “The Golden Apple.”

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“Germany may soon have 8 million Muslims and an Islamic political party, German political scientist Professor Jürgen W. Falter from the Johannes- Gutenberg University in Mainz was quoted in the Osnabrücker Zeitung and in Raheem Kassam’s article in Breitbart. “Currently, we have about five million Muslims living in Germany. Suppose there comes another million, plus family reunification. Then there will be between seven to eight million. That is not an entirely fanciful number.”

All these Muslim immigrants will have enormous political power and huge political influence and they will no doubt have an impact on Germany’s friendly relations with Israel. Moreover, anti-Semitism, Islamic radicalism and ill-treatment of women are bound to increase, not only in Germany but in all European countries with a rapidly increasing population of Muslim immigrants.

Professor Falter criticizes Merkel’s silly statements on immigration which “sound like an invitation to the entire world that unlimited refugees are welcome.”


There is also the demographic time bomb that is exploding right now in Africa and the Arab world. Back in 1950 there were about 76 million Arabs, but by 2010 their number had increased to 360 million and by 2050 there will be 630 million Arabs. And Syria’s population grew from four million in 1950 to twenty-two million now. It’s not very different in Egypt, Gaza, the West Bank and North Africa. Most of the young in the Arab world and Africa are unemployed and frustrated and want to emigrate to the West.

Professor Paul Scheffer, a leading Dutch immigration expert from the University of Amsterdam, recently warned in NRC Handelsblad that the flow of immigrants to Europe must be curbed, otherwise “the disruption of the region will lead to the disruption of our own society and the decline of the Arab world will be seen more and more in our societies.” Back in January 2000 Paul Scheffer, who is an active member of the liberal Dutch Labor Party (PvdA), wrote an important essay on “The Multicultural Drama.”

We in Europe are also importing crime, terrorism and Muslim radicalism from Syria, Iraq, North Africa and Turkey. Refugees in Germany and Holland already recognized several Syrian war criminals and jihadists who applied for asylum in Europe. The Dutch daily news program NOS Journaal reported on October 23, 2015, that asylum seekers from Syria said that they recognized a Syrian war criminal who is currently trying to apply for asylum in the Netherlands. They said that this man was responsible for torture practices and abductions in Syria.

Salem Kurdi and other Syrian and Iraqi refugees run the alarming Facebook page “Killers in Europe.” Kurdi warned in an interview on the popular Dutch TV program EenVandaag (or 1Vandaag) that there are “war criminals and members of militias, Assad warriors as well as ISIS jihadists” among those who applied for asylum in Europe. They were proud

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of what they did in Syria or Iraq “and published photos of themselves on their own Facebook pages when they were still there,” Kurdi said.

In 2014 about 170 asylum seekers in Holland were suspected of having been involved in war crimes. Some fifteen suspected war criminals from Syria are under investigation now. These investigations are very costly and time consuming. But these asylum seekers cannot be sent back to their home countries because of European human rights laws. Their applications for asylum can be rejected, though.

EenVandaag also quotes Abu Mohammed, one of the founders of “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently,” a highly reliable website with reliable information on events in ISIS controlled territories in Syria. The Syrian town of Raqqa is the so-called capital of ISIS and it was there that Abu Mohammed was born in 1995. He is now a refugee whose real name is Ibrahim Abdel Kader. He addressed members of the Dutch parliament on November 4, 2015. Abu Mohammed claims that “a high ranking Daesh/IS/ISIS member has left for Europe.” “He is a dangerous person who worked previously for the intelligence service. Ten people confirmed that he left for Germany or the Netherlands.”

The Turks are belatedly realizing that ISIS also poses a real threat to their own domestic security. After a suicide bomb attack by ISIS jihadists on peaceful Kurdish demonstrators in Ankara on October 10, 2015, a number of ISIS suspects were arrested. But the Turkish government also bombed Kurdish PKK targets.

Al-Arabiya reported on November 4, 2015 that Turkey arrested nine suspected members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria for allegedly plotting suicide attacks. “The suspects were acting on the orders of high-ranking ISIS members in Syria and had planned to create an atmosphere of fear and chaos” ahead of last Sunday’s parliamentary election, the Gaziantep governor’s office said in a statement.” They “were caught with grenades, explosives and suicide vests.”

Emerson Vermaat is an investigative reporter in the Netherlands specialized in crime and terrorism.

Website: Emerson Vermaat


Algemeen Dagblad (Rotterdam), October 20, 2015, p. 1, Turken moeten uitleg geven over ronselbrief; Zaman Vandaag, October 17 and 20, 2015, SP bevraagt Koenders en Asscher over AKP-brief aan Turkse Nederlanders,

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Emerson Vermaat, Misdaad, Migratie en Cultuur (Soesterberg, The Netherlands Uitgeverij Aspekt, 2004), p. 325.

UNHCR Refugees/Migrants Emergency Reponse – Mediterranean, Comparison of monthly Mediterranian sea arrivals (2015)

NRC Next (Rotterdam/Amsterdam), November 3, 2015, p. 1, Alleen de cijfers (210,000); de Volkskrant (Amsterdam), November 3, 2015, p. 2, Oktober: evenveel vluchtelingen naar Europa als in hele jaar 2014; Der Spiegel (Germany), October 31, 2015, p. 23, Problem Hotspot (Gezählte Flüchtlinge Lesbos, etc.)

Tagesschau (German TV), October 29, 2015, Die Passfälscher von Instanbul,

Sunday’s Zaman. October 18, 2015, Merkel visits Turkey despite concerns over rights, freedoms,

Raheem Kassam, Germany May Soon Have 8 Million Muslims, Islamic Political Party, Breitbart/MEForum,

Osnabrücker Zeitung, October 23, 2015, Falter: Angela Merkel hält Asylpolitik nicht durch,

De Morgen (Belgium), 3 maart 2015, Klimaatverandering deed mee bom Syrië barsten, “Syria – van 4 miljoen inwoners in de jaren 1950 naar 22 miljoen in de laatste jaren.”

Paul Scheffer, De exodus en ons geweten, NRC Next (Rotterdam/Amsterdam), October 24, 2015, pp. 26-29 (demographic time bomb; ). “Zonder een begrenzing van de migratie- en vluchtelingenstroom wordt de ontwrichting van de regio de ontwrichting van

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de eigen samenleving, wordt de neergang van de Arabische wereld, steeds meer een onderdeel van onze eigen samenlevingen.”

Paul Scheffer, Het multiculturele drama, NRC Handelsblad, January 29, 2000,

NOS Journaal (Daily news program on Dutch TV), October 23, 2015, 18:00 hours, Asielzoeker waarschuwt voor oorlogsmisdadiger in de opvang.

EenVandaag (Daily news program on Dutch TV), October 22, 2015 (on Salem Kurdi and his Facebook page “Killers in Europe”); see also, October 22, 2015, Vluchtelingen maken via social media jacht op oorlogsmisdadigers in Europa,

EenVandaag, November 4, 2015 (ISIS-opponent Abu Mohammed from Raqqa, Syria); see also: Abu Mohammed, We will bring back luster to the city of Raqqa, Speech of Abu Mohammed for the Parliament of the Netherlands, November 4, 2015,

Al-Arabiya, November 4, 2015, Turkey Arrests ISIS Suspects Over Attack Plots,

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November 8, 2015 - San Francisco, CA - – Europe’s middle class is in an incendiary, pre-revolutionary mood as it watches its political class embracing the Islamic death cult as hundreds of thousands of young military age jihadists descend on the Continent like the Biblical plague of locusts, veritably trashing everything in their wake.

Germany, the economic hub of the now tattered EU, is ground zero in this epic battle and the media have clearly taken the side of those in the hijra.

Typical is the Guardian UK, certainly a leftist/Marxist journal, but in its effort to denigrate the rapidly growing so-called “anti-immigrant” movement, the newspaper is going to such lengths that its coverage is becoming hysterically comical in one sense, sinister in another.

In setting up a recent piece, the author grabs a pull-quote from a party it obviously portrays as the voice of cultural enlightenment, someone off to the opera:

“My daughter wanted us to babysit our grandchildren so she could go to that [Pegida rally] I said: ‘You must be joking, my darling. I’m going to the opera, not to that nonsense.’”

Ever the multicultural juggernaut, even between scenes those who run the opera house assail the audience with the politically approved ideological line in the form of a banner, “Open your eyes…open your hearts…The dignity of humans is sacrosanct…We’re not a backdrop for intolerance.”

No, of course no intolerance in the land that loosed Hitler and the Holocaust upon the world not that long ago…

But the Guardian continues to pile one steaming mass upon another, quoting a journo – who just happened to be present - to characterize the movement which is galvanizing Europe as representing, “the embittered centre, who lost their sense of…belonging, when communism collapsed and have never found it again. Many, he says, work in the service industry, often in call centres or logistics firms, on low wages…” The Euro version of "bitter clingers."

“No longer able to contain its editorial rage then comes the supposed coup de grace, “Pegida has crept into every family, every workplace…you name it, like a poison.” [source, 'Like a poison': how anti-immigrant Pegida is dividing Dresden , the Guardian]

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Like a poison…

Indeed, a poison has been loosed upon the West.

The secular religion of morally relativistic progressivism/cultural Marxism has created a zombie like culture. Inhabiting this alternative reality are blissfully ignorant, emotionally fragile and manifestly intolerant little cake-eaters who actually believe that salvation comes upon the mere expression of concern for “the downtrodden” and rage against the capitalists whose greed and rapaciousness created these conditions in the first place.

Of course, all the while these nasty drones are vocalizing, in the most loathsome manner imaginable, contempt for those who fall outside their make-believe universe, the - “haters” – they’re texting each other on their IPhones, driving accordion-like green vehicles and contemplating the ramifications of their white privilege. That these people are parasites, feeding upon the wealth created by the system they claim to detest, is entirely lost on them.

Oblivious to the cultural incongruity of their sacralized belief systems, they will be unable to link cause and effect when - after their darling Muslim refugees have assumed critical mass - these self-fighteous fools become familiar with the word clitoridectomy.

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November 6, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – Hat tip to Steven Emerson and the folks at The Investigative Project on Terrorism for making available an important new 50 plus page study [prepared by Dr. Raz Zamit, The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center] detailing the activities of Qasem Soleimani who leads Iran’s QUDS/QODS Force, considered the elite cutting edge of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps [IRGC].

“The Qods Force was established in 1990 as an organized, operational framework for the extensive activities Iran conducts to export the Islamic Revolution to other countries.” [source,

study, p. 1]

Soleimani has run the Quds operation since the late 1990’s and is the face of the Iranian effort to promote the revolutionary ideology of Shia Islam throughout the ME [targeting its Sunni majority] and indeed the world.

Soleimani was instrumental in coordinating the Iranian funded and trained Shia militias during the United States’ Operation Iraqi Freedom campaign and is now responsible for leading the Ayatollocracy’s efforts in support of Syria’s embattled president Bashar al-Assad as various stripes of Sunni jihadists try to destabilize this key Iranian buffer state.

Though quite successful, from the standpoint of creating thousands of additional casualties among U.S. troops [many of which were killed or seriously wounded by Iranian IEDs] serving in Iraq, his Syrian operation has run into difficulties, especially in its ground campaign:

“The Syrian regime's strategic distress is forcing the Qods Force, under Soleimani's command, to concentrate its efforts to help the Syrian army repel the rebels in northwestern Syria (in the regions of Homs, Hama, Idlib and Aleppo), with Russian aerial support. So far the Syrian offensive has had difficulties and IRGC fighters in the front lines have suffered serious losses (more than thirty dead, among them three senior officers with the rank of colonel or brigadier general).” [p. 5]


“The Qods Force, commanded by Qasem Soleimani, has been in the forefront of Iran's effort to prevent the fall of Damascus and other strategic strongholds, and the collapse of the Syrian regime. Iran provided Syria with weapons, strategic guidance

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and military advisors, and sent Hezbollah and Shi'ite foreign fighters (primarily from Iraq and Afghanistan) to active duty in Syrian territory.” [p. 12]

To a very large degree it is Soleimani who is responsible for bringing Russia into the Syrian conflict via his direct negotiation with Vlad Putin

“In...August 2015 Fox News reported that during a visit to Moscow Soleimani met with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In retrospect it would seem that the meeting focused on expanding Russian-Iranian security and political collaboration in the Syrian arena during the months before the beginning of the Russian aerial attacks in Syria.” [p. 17]

At the time Soleimani was barred by international law from travelling outside of Iran, having been declared a terrorist in an October of 2011 U.S. Treasury Dept. finding because of his involvement in an Iranian plot [he ran the operation] to assassinate the Saudi ambassador while he was on official business in DC.

“As IRGC-QF Commander, Qasem Soleimani oversees the IRGC-QF officers who were involved in this plot. Soleimani was previously designated by the Treasury Department under E.O. 13382 based on his relationship to the IRGC. He was also designated in May 2011 pursuant to E.O. 13572, which targets human rights abuses in Syria, for his role as the Commander of the IRGC-QF, the primary conduit for Iran's support to the Syrian General Intelligence Directorate (GID).” [source, Treasury Sanctions Five Individuals Tied to Iranian Plot to Assassinate the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States , U.S. Treasury Dept.]

Of note, this designation was well in advance the Obama administration’s [P5+1] Iranian nuke deal and should have provided more than ample reason to reject the agreement out of hand because of Iran’s brazen defiance of the already extant rules governing its behavior.

Soleimani is not on good terms with Iraq’s current president Abadi and thus is seen as a major irritant in efforts for Iraq and Iran to maintain something of a united front against ISIS.

“Al-Abadi strongly criticized Soleimani, asking if he was speaking on behalf of the Iranian government or expressing his own personal opinions. Soleimani told him that he was speaking as the advisor to the popular Iraqi militias. Al-Abadi answered that he himself made decisions that expressed the will of the Iraqi people and the Shi'ite religious leadership in Najaf. He said there was no justification for Soleimani's presence at the meeting, at which point Soleimani left.” [p. 27]

Though seen as a more than effective fighter, a “man of deeds,” rather than words, Soleimani holds such sway within Iran’s complex governing structure that he’s also

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developed a strong backlash, with some feeling that he is advancing himself politically having established a cult of personality as the vehicle.

Dr. Zamit’s study concludes with the observation that regardless of the path Soleimani chooses, military, political or some mixture of both:

“[his] extensive experience and proven talent in advancing Iranian interests in the Middle East ensure he will continue playing a key role in the turmoil which is certain to plague the Middle East in the coming years. Whether or not he remains in the Qods Force or enters national politics, he can be expected to continue as an important player in the Iranian leadership and as a key figure in Iran's regional politics.” [p. 56-57]

The P5+1 group is mired in confusion with little prospect – absent strong future American leadership - of ever being able to effectively deal with Iranian ambitions. Obama and his European cohorts’ failure to check the terrorist state’s aggressive and expansionist foreign policy means that Qasem Soleimani will remain a valuable asset as long as he continues to find favor with the Ayatollahs who run the country.

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November 5, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – Over the last 96 hours two significant jihadist attacks have taken place; the terror related crash of a Russian airliner and the stabbing of 4 yesterday on California’s UC Merced campus, by an Arab youth.

The terrorist downing of the Russian aircraft is of huge significant, leaving 224 dead, the most serious incident of this type since 9/11, when out of the

2,996 victims, 246 were passengers on the four hijacked airliners.

On Wednesday Faisal Mohammed an 18 year old freshman student at U.C. Merced stabbed 4 people in an unprovoked jihadist attack. All of the victims are expected to recover.

As these two events took place, Europe is in melt-down mode, gang-raped by hundreds of thousands of – soon to be on the dole - surly Muslim males, a process which assumed critical mass last April.

The response by the Obama WH to the Islamist threat is the sound of chirping crickets, mum is the word, and the word is mum.

Rather than deal with the unpleasant realities of a worsening global jihad, the CIC’s Monday schedule reveals nothing but business as usual, no heavy lifting:

“In the morning, the President and the Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. This meeting is closed press.

In the afternoon, the President will participate in the latest installment of “Live from the White House” by conducting a round of interviews with radio hosts from Tampa, Atlanta, Dallas, Kansas City, and Seattle to discuss the Affordable Care Act and the importance of reducing the number of people without health insurance. While in Washington, the local anchors will spend the day at the White House with the President’s top advisers. These interviews are embargoed until 5:00PM EDT. The interviews will take place in the Oval Office.

Later in the afternoon, the President will deliver remarks to tribal leaders and take part in a conversation with Native youth at the 2015 White House Tribal Nations Conference at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in

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Washington, DC. Each federally recognized tribe was invited to send one representative to the conference. This will be the seventh White House Tribal Nations Conference for the Obama Administration, and continues to build upon the President’s commitment to strengthen the government-to-government relationship with Indian Country and to improve the lives of American Indians and Alaska Natives, with an emphasis on increasing opportunity for Native youth. The President’s remarks are pooled for TV and open to limited pre-credentialed still photographers and correspondents.”

True to form though, local media anchors reported en masse for a full day of indoctrination and self-criticism coaxed along by WH staffers, interspersed with an opportunity to touch the president’s royal scepter and gaze upon his countenance.

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November 5, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – Though it took a full 24 hours for the details to finally slither out, we now know that on Wednesday morning, 18 year old U.C. Merced freshman Faisal Mohammad stabbed 4 people in an unprovoked attack.

The injured – two students, a contractor working on campus and an employee of the university – are expected to fully recover.

Mohammad who used an “8 – 10 inch” hunting style knife in the attack, was shot and killed by local law enforcement, thus proving that the only way to stop a bad guy with a knife is a good guy with a gun.

“One stabbing victim…Byron Price, is being called a hero after he ran to the classroom where the initial stabbing happened when he heard commotion. Price was able to distract Mohommad, allowing other students and staff to get away. ‘He had a smile on his face," Price said. "He was having fun, which is more what bothers me…’” [source, Sara Heise, Officials: Stabbing Suspect Was Freshman At UC Merced , KCRA Merced]

Though the media is taking the normal multi-culti dodge claiming ignorance regarding the reason behind Mohammad’s multiple acts of attempted murder – “A motive for the stabbings has not yet been released” – it seems pretty clear that there just might be some connection between Mohammad’s rampage and what is happening in Israel as identical jihadist attacks by young Arabs are taking place along the country’s major ethnic fault lines.

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November 4, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – It is now the consensus opinion of the media that the Russian Airbus A321-200a [Kogalymavia, Flight 9268] which crashed in the Sinai on Saturday killing all 224 passengers was brought down due to an act of terrorism, most likely at the hands of ISIS, which claimed responsibility for the attack shortly after its occurrence.

ABC News - 'Significant Possibility' Russian Plane Was Brought Down by Explosive Device, UK Says

CNN - Russian plane crash: U.S. intel suggests ISIS bomb brought down jet

Fox News - Sources: Significant chance bomb caused Russian jet crash

We filed two reports on the incident, the first just hours after Russian aircraft inexplicably slammed into the desert a little more than 20 minutes after having taken off from Sharm El-Sheikh airport in Egypt. Both of them expressed our carefully reasoned opinion that terrorism loomed as the only reasonable explanation.

November 1:

“Though speculative, we believe that the possibility of terrorism regarding this event is quite high given the number of incidents which would have to be dismissed as being purely coincidental in order for the crash to have occurred for reasons not related to terrorism or some similar external agent.

A Russian airliner was indeed brought down; it broke up in mid air, apparently without warning; Russia has recently expanded its air operations in Syria, hitting targets believed to be associated with ISIS, prompting threats of reprisal; The group has claimed responsibility; The Sinai is a known to house numerous jihadist groups and ISIS has already made its presence known, “On 29 January 2015, militants from the ISIL-affiliated Wilayat Sinai (Sinai Province) militant group launched a series of attacks on army and police bases in Arish using car bombs and mortars. The attacks, which occurred in more than six different locations, resulted in 44 deaths: source, Wiki].” [source, [ Was Russian Airliner Brought Down By A Bomb? , PLN]

As this matter currently stands - taking into account that the investigation is still unfolding - the most reasonable working theory is that this tragedy was directly associated with jihad.”

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We updated that filing on November 3:

"With each passing hour it seems more likely that the Russian Airbus A321-200a [Kogalymavia, Flight 9268] which crashed in the Sinai on Saturday killing all 224 passengers and crew was brought down due to an act of terrorism. As this matter currently stands - taking into account that the investigation is still unfolding - the most reasonable working theory is that this tragedy was directly associated with jihad."

From a piece just posted by the Washington Post:

“In a Wednesday night television appearance, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond cited “a significant possibility that the crash was caused by an explosive device on board the aircraft.” He said that flights from Britain to Sharm el-Sheikh would be suspended indefinitely…a U.S. official said that intelligence potentially indicates the Russian plane was brought down by a bomb” [Griff Witt and Erin Cunningham, Britain Suspends Flights From Sinai, Citing Bomb Fears ]

This administration has been criminally negligent, and much of the Western world complicit, in refusing to take proactive kinetic measures to deal with the global jihad, especially in light of the horrors perpetrated over the last year by ISIS.

In the face of what is now a clear demonstration of the increasingly deadly ability of ISIS to project power far outside its central base of operation, President Obama still refuses to even acknowledge the linkage between Islam and terrorism.

On the specifics of the Russian disaster he has yet to make a statement.

As this event continues to unfold, Europe and to a lesser degree, the United States are facing a colonial invasion as millions of young Muslim males defiantly bring with them a 10th century culture of rape, violence and intolerance into what used to be the cradle of modern civilization.

It’s no wonder that the public merrily goes about its business oblivious to the existential threat facing them, as the media carefully controls what it does and does not cover relating to terrorism. Upon the occasion that the legacy scriveners are forced to report about such matter it refuses to honestly deal with the nature of a war in which we are already deeply involved.

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November 3, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – Germany is heading towards a civil war over the direction the culture is taking as Chancellor Merkel’s ongoing policy of not only allowing, but actually welcoming 1 million Muslim males of military – jihadist – age into the country takes hold.

The actions have ignited a level of outrage and civil unrest never seen within modern Germany. Crowds are growing as thousands are taking to the streets every evening, a development which the few Western media sources are even mentioning.

“Hansjoerg Mueller, of the Alternative for Germany party, said the country was 'sliding towards anarchy' and risks becoming a 'banana republic without any government.’ He made the claims after about 8,000 people joined the anti-Islam Pegida movement for a rally in Dresden over Angela Merkel's decision to allow up to one million migrants into the country this year. Some demonstrators held crucifixes and upside-down German flags while others shouted 'Merkel out!'” [source, German official says Merkel’s open door migrant policy will lead to ‘civil war’ after thousands march through one city holding crucifixes… , UK Daily Mail]

Commenting on the same phenomenon:

“Bavarian official Peter Dreier called German Chancellor Angela Merkel to tell her personally that if Germany welcomes a million refugees, his town of Landshut will only take in around 1,800. Any extra will be put on buses and sent to her Chancellery in Berlin.” [source, Migrant crisis pushing Germany towards ‘anarchy and civil war’, RT News]

We have devoted substantial portions of our coverage over the last month [see, Hungarian PM Orbán Blames Soros For Muslim Invasion, PLN] reporting on the events as the well engineered hijra descends upon Europe.

One of the primary movers behind the “migrant crisis” is George Soros:

According to the widely quoted, left-wing German news journal Der Spiegel, Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán is charging George Soros, the shadowy American Marxist billionaire, with aiding and abetting the massive Islamic invasion of Europe, which Western media is attempting to minimize, dealing with it as simply a “refugee and/or humanitarian crisis.”

As reported today in Der Spiegel:

“Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán blames the American billionaire and philanthropist George Soros for the current refugee movements in Europe…’This

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Western way of thinking and this activist network is perhaps the most represented by George Soros,’ Orbán added. [Soros] A native of Hungary promotes…worldwide initiatives and groups who work for democracy and human rights. His Open Society Foundation ( OSF ) supports Budapest activists who help refugees…” [source, Ungarn: Orbán gibt US-Milliardär Soros Mitschuld an Flüchtlingskrise? , Hungary: Orbán, Is US Billionaire Soros Complicit In Refugee Crisis? - Google translation from the German].

Soros has poured untold millions into his global operation and is heavily invested in U.S. media to the extent that it’s difficult to determine where his hard left politics ends and where American journo begins, assuming there is any separation at all - a dubious proposition

Please note that U.S. media is bending itself into pretzels in order to avoid covering the disaster, a continuation of a policy in which Islam must never be presented in a negative light, no matter how deserving. Nowhere on the nightly news, sadly including Fox, will viewers be made aware of what it taking place.

To our knowledge, not been a single network news story has been devoted to the rape crisis which is an integral part of the jihadist’s psychology of terror. For example, “In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%.” [source, Sweden, Rape Capital Of The West, Gatestone Institute]

The increase in crime correlates with near perfect symmetry to the increasing number of Muslim immigrant “refugees” – now a Continental-wide problem. As these young Muslim males are granted official granted immigrant status, the crime rate spikes accordingly.

Of even more concern, is that as this process plays out under the watchful and approving eyes of the governments which are involved, respect for civil discourse is plummeting. In its stead a pre-revolutionary mindset is starting to take hold among a citizenry which realizes that Europe’s culture is on the chopping block.

When even the normally docile rule-following German polity takes to the streets in the tens-of-thousands to protest the Islamic invasion, the genuine possibility of widespread civil conflict becomes more likely. Given the nature of the revolutionary dynamic once the tinder is lit, there is little chance of controlling the ensuing conflagration.

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November 2, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – With each passing hour it seems more likely that the Russian Airbus A321-200a [Kogalymavia, Flight 9268] which crashed in the Sinai on Saturday killing all 224 passengers and crew was brought down due to an act of terrorism.

Russian experts have just definitively concluded that the crash was not the result of pilot error nor was it caused by any structural defect in the airframe.

“’We absolutely exclude the technical failure of the plane, and we absolutely exclude pilot error or a human factor,’ Aleksandr A. Smirnov, a former pilot and the airline’s deputy director for aviation, told a packed news conference in Moscow.” [Neil MacFarquhar, Mystery Deepens Over Russian Airliner Crash in Egypt , NY Times]

The flight data recorder is in the custody of Egyptian officials who are guarding it with a level of security and secrecy that only increases speculation that the crash was terror related.

Airline spokesman Alexander Smirnov stated that the jet’s avionics were capable of handling human error:

“Kogalymavia airline official Alexander Smirnov told reporters in Moscow that the protection systems on the plane would have prevented it from crashing, even if there were major errors in the pilot's control equipment. ‘Therefore the only reason that could explain the plane's breaking up in the midair can be a certain impact, purely mechanical (and/or) physical impact on (the) flying vessel,’ he said.” [source, Jethro Mullen and Susannah Cullinane. Russian plane crash in Egypt: It's too early to determine cause, officials say , CNN]

As we reported yesterday:

“Though speculative, we believe that the possibility of terrorism regarding this event is quite high given the number of incidents which would have to be dismissed as being purely coincidental in order for the crash to have occurred for reasons not related to terrorism or some similar external agent.

A Russian airliner was indeed brought down; it broke up in mid air, apparently without warning; Russia has recently expanded its air operations in Syria, hitting targets believed to be associated with ISIS, prompting threats of reprisal; The group has claimed responsibility; The Sinai is a known to house numerous jihadist groups and ISIS has already made its presence known, “On 29 January 2015, militants from the ISIL-affiliated Wilayat Sinai (Sinai Province) militant group launched a series of attacks on army and police bases in Arish using car bombs and mortars. The attacks,

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which occurred in more than six different locations, resulted in 44 deaths: source, Wiki].” [source, [Was Russian Airliner Brought Down By A Bomb? , PLN]

As this matter currently stands - taking into account that the investigation is still unfolding - the most reasonable working theory is that this tragedy was directly associated with jihad.

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November 1, 2015 - San Francisco, CA – – Russian officials are now admitting that the Metrojet Airbus A321-200a which crashed in the Sinai on Saturday killing all 224 passengers and crew had “broken up at high altitude,” a non-revelation really, considering that remnants of the commercial airliner were strewn over an unusually wide area:

“The plane's flight data and cockpit voice recorders were recovered from the crash site, which spreads out over 16 square kilometers (over 6 square miles) some 70 kilometers (44 miles) south of the Egyptian city of el-Arish.” [source,

The Latest: Russian Plane to Evacuate Crash Victims' Remains , New York Times]

These same officials were noncommittal regarding when, or where the information from the plane’s black box flight data recorder would be analyzed.

Aviation experts seem to agree that it’s possible the flight could have been taken down by a bomb placed in the luggage hold, “French experts believe Isil may have placed bomb on [the] plane…President Sisi says nothing has been ruled out [source, Raf Sanchez, Magdy Samaan, David Chazan and Ben Farm, Could a bomb have caused the Russian plane to crash in Sinai? , Telegraph UK]

Almost immediately after the crash, ISIS claimed responsibility for the disaster and in short order a video, disclaimed as fraudulent by ISIS, appeared on social media.

It was the worst air disaster in Russian history.

Though speculative, we believe that the possibility of terrorism regarding this event is quite high given the number of incidents which would have to be dismissed as being purely coincidental in order for the crash to have occurred for reasons not related to terrorism or some similar external agent.

A Russian airliner was indeed brought down; it broke up in mid air, apparently without warning; Russia has recently expanded its air operations in Syria, hitting targets believed to be associated with ISIS, prompting threats of reprisal; The group has claimed responsibility; The Sinai is a known to house numerous jihadist groups and ISIS has already made its presence known, “On 29 January 2015, militants from the ISIL-affiliated Wilayat Sinai (Sinai Province) militant group launched a series of

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attacks on army and police bases in Arish using car bombs and mortars. The attacks, which occurred in more than six different locations, resulted in 44 deaths: [source, Wiki].

It would be surprising [pleasantly in a macabre way] that, assuming Russian and Egyptian authorities release the nature of the cause when it has been determined, the crash of Airbus A321-200a was not somehow related to the global jihad and ISIS in particular.

CounterStrike Magazine ©2015 LLC. Feature piece, “Turks Blackmailing the European Union While Jihadists Pose as Refugees" ©2015 Emerson Vermaat. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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