the 18th century enlightenment

By: Luke Robbins, Isabel Leonard, and Sydney Weisbach

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The 18th Century Enlightenment. By: Luke Robbins, Isabel Leonard, and Sydney Weisbach. TIMELINE. ENLIGHTENMENT. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The 18th Century Enlightenment

By: Luke Robbins, Isabel Leonard, and Sydney Weisbach

Page 2: The 18th Century Enlightenment


John Locke(1632-1704)

The Enlightenment(1656-)

Natural Laws(1664)

Mary Astell(1666-1731)

Baron deMontesquieu(1689-1755)



Adam Smith(1723-1790)


A Vindication of theRights of A Woman(1792)

Page 3: The 18th Century Enlightenment

A philosophical movement of the 18th century that emphasized the use of reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions and that brought about many humanitarian reforms.

Page 4: The 18th Century Enlightenment

• Started in France

•Began in 1656

• Intellectual thinkers that began to push people to think not of religion and superstition to rational thinking and questioning

•Theory of Progress

Page 5: The 18th Century Enlightenment

John Locke

What he did, his effect on the enlightenment

Things that influenced the enlightenment

(did john locke invent natural law? Or Im not sure)

John Locke

What he did, his effect on the enlightenment

Things that influenced the enlightenment

(did john locke invent natural law? Or Im not sure)

• Two Treatises of Government

• Natural Laws

• Essay Concerning Human Understanding

•Political Philosopher

Page 6: The 18th Century Enlightenment

Beginning of The Enlightenment

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• Essay on Tolerance

• The Glorious Revolution

• William III and Mary II

Page 7: The 18th Century Enlightenment

Francois-Marie Arouet

•Pen name is Voltaire

•Individual Freedom

•Against the Roman Catholic church and Christianity

Page 8: The 18th Century Enlightenment

Baron De Montesquieu

•L’Esprit de Lois (1748)•Letters Persanes (Persian Letters)

Page 9: The 18th Century Enlightenment

• Political Equality

• The Social Contract

•Popular Sovereignty/ Sovereignty

Page 10: The 18th Century Enlightenment

• Wealth of Nations

• Laws of Supply and Demand

Page 11: The 18th Century Enlightenment

Mary Astell


Howshe influenced the Enlightenment

Effect on society

Mary Astell


Howshe influenced the Enlightenment

Effect on society

• Enlightenment Feminist

• A Serious Proposal to The Ladies Part I and II

Page 12: The 18th Century Enlightenment

• Philosopher and Feminist

•A Vindication of Women’s Rights

Page 13: The 18th Century Enlightenment

The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.

Page 14: The 18th Century Enlightenment

The Enlightenment Today