thayer china's naval modernization and u.s. strategic rebalancing: implications for stability in the...

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  • 7/30/2019 Thayer China's Naval Modernization and U.S. Strategic Rebalancing: Implications for Stability in the South China S


    Chinas Naval Modernization and

    U.S. Rebalancing: Implications for

    Stability in the South China SeaCarlyle A. Thayer

    PLAN Luyang II-class Missile Destroyer Haikou 171 South Sea

    Paper to Panel on Militarization and Its Implications4th International Workshop on the South China Sea

    cosponsored by the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and the

    Vietnam Lawyers Association, Ho Chi Minh City

    November 1821, 2012

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    Chinas Naval Modernization and U.S. Strategic Rebalancing:

    Implications for Stability in the South China Sea

    Carlyle A. Thayer*


    This paper examines whether or not Chinas naval modernization and U.S. strategic

    rebalancing in East Asia will lead to conflict in the South China Sea. This paper is divided into

    six parts. Part 1 discusses Chinas maritime objectives. Part 2 analyses Chinas force

    capability development with a specific focus on the South Sea Fleet and the development of

    military infrastructure on Hainan Island and the Paracel and Spratly islands. Part 3 discusses

    the U.S. strategy of rebalancing its military forces in the AsiaPacific. Part 4 focuses on

    specific U.S. initiatives with Southeast Asias maritime states including the Philippines and

    Vietnam. Part five offers a net assessment of future force modernization trends and their

    impact on regional stability. Part 6, the conclusion, evaluates the prospects for maritime

    cooperation for regional security by reviewing (a) ChinaU.S. bilateral strategic dialogues

    and (b) current multilateral initiatives by the ASEAN Regional Forum, ASEAN Defence

    Ministers Meeting Plus, ASEAN Maritime Forum and the East Asia Summit.

    Part 1 Chinas Maritime Objectives

    Chinas 2010 Defence White Paper enumerated four national defence objectives: (1)

    safeguarding national sovereignty, security and interests of national development; (2)

    maintaining social harmony and stability; (3) accelerating the modernization of national

    defence and the armed forces; and (4) maintaining world peace and stability.1

    Chinas military strategy to achieve these objectives is encapsulated in National Military

    Strategic Guidelines for the New Period that propounds an operational doctrine termed

    Active Defence.2

    Chinas Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is tasked with three

    *Carlyle A. Thayer is Emeritus Professor, The University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force

    Academy, Canberra. Email: [email protected] .

    1The Peoples Republic of China, State Council, Information Office, Chinas National Defense in 2010 (Beijing:

    March 2011).

    2Office of the Secretary of Defense, Military and Security Developments Involving the Peoples Republic of

    China 2011, A Report to Congress Pursuant to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000(Washington, D.C. 2012).

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    essential missions: defeating invasion from the sea, defending territorial sovereignty, and

    protecting maritime rights. It primary area of operations are focused on the socalled first

    and second island chains. The first island chain refers to the line of islands that runs north

    south from the Kuriles, Japan, the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Indonesia.The second island chain extends further east of Chinas coast and includes a line running

    northsouth from the Kuriles through Japan, the Bonins, the Marianas, the Carolines, and


    With respect to Chinas maritime domain, China pursues a defence doctrine known as

    Offshore Defence or Near Seas Defence.3

    The Near Seas include the Yellow Sea, East

    China Sea and South China Sea and are a PLAN priority.

    The PLAN is tasked with developing the capability to conduct six offensive/defensive

    maritime campaigns: blockade, antisea line of communication (SLOC), maritimeland

    attack, antiship, protection of maritime transportation, and naval base defence.

    Chinas phenomenal economic growth has been driven by exportorientated trade. This has

    increased Chinas dependency on maritime routes to export goods and to import natural

    resources. As a consequence, China has an interest in protecting vital trade routes or SLOCs.

    Chinese defence analysts have expressed concern about what has been termed the

    Malacca dilemma the threat to Chinas national security by the closure of narrow straits

    or choke points in Southeast Asia.4

    Chinas phenomenal economic growth also fueled a rising demand for resources and energy.

    China claims most of the South China Sea on the basis of historic rights. Chinese officials

    claim the fish and other aquatic resources, minerals on the deep seabed and hydrocarbons

    (oil and natural gas).

    Five points may be drawn from the above discussion:

    3Nan Li, The Evolution of Chinas Naval Strategy and Capabilities: From Near Coast and Near Seas to Far

    Seas, in Phillip C. Saunders, Christopher D. Yung, Michael Swaine and Andrew NienDzu Yang, eds., The

    Chinese Navy: Expanding Capabilities, Evolving Roles (Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press,

    2011), 109140.

    4Thomas M. Kane, Chinese Grand Strategy and Maritime Power(London and Portland: Frank Cass, 2002), 127128.

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    First, Chinas spectacular economic rise has provided the basis for increased defence

    spending that in turn has led to the transformation and modernization of all military

    services, including the PLAN (see below).5

    In many respects this is a normal development.

    Second, China places highest priority on Taiwan and national reunification. After the Taiwan

    Straits crisis of 199596, when Chinese attempts to intimidate Taiwan resulted in U.S. naval

    intervention, China has sought to forestall future intervention by U.S. carrier forces by

    extending its naval reach beyond the first to the second island chain by developing what the

    Pentagon terms antiaccess/areadenial capabilities.

    Third, Chinas rise has raised the salience of protecting its major SLOCs from the Gulf of

    Arabia through the South China Sea to its eastern seaboard.

    Fourth, Chinese resource nationalism has raised the importance of the South China Sea with

    respect to oil, gas and mineral resources and sovereignty claims. Increasingly PLAN

    operations have extended into the far seas including the South China Sea with a particular

    focus on the waters adjacent to the Philippines.

    Fifth, as China becomes a global power with widespread economic and political interests, it

    will develop a blue water navy to protect its interests much further afield.

    Part 2 Chinas Force Capability Development

    There are nine main elements to Chinas naval modernization program: antiship ballistic

    missiles, antiship cruise missiles, submarines (conventional and nuclear), air craft carriers,

    surface combatants, amphibious ships, landbased aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles,

    nuclear and electromagnetic pulse weapons and maritime surveillance and targeting


    Five elements of PLAN modernization are of particular significance to the South

    Sea Fleet: submarines, aircraft carrier, surface combatants, amphibious ships and maritime

    5For a discussion of Chinas defence spending consult: Joachim Hofbauer, Priscilla Hermann and Sneha

    Raghavan, Asian Defense Spending, 20002011: A Report of the CSIS DefenseIndustrial Initiatives Group

    (Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic & International Studies, October 2012), 811.

    6Ronald ORourke, China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities Background and Issues

    for Congress, CRS Report for Congress (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, July 31, 2012), 834.

    See also: Ronald ORourke, PLAN Force Structure: Submarines, Ships, Aircraft, in Phillip C. Saunders,

    Christopher D. Yung, Michael Swaine and Andrew NienDzu Yang, eds., The Chinese Navy: Expanding

    Capabilities, Evolving Roles (Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 2011), 141174 and Anthony

    H. Cordesman and Nicholas S. Yarosh, Chinese Military Modernization and Force Development: A WesternPerspective. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic & International Studies, July 30, 2012, 104130.

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    powered ballistic missile (SSBN); Shang class or Type 093 nuclear powered (SSN); Yuan class

    or Type 041 (or Type 039A) SS; and the Song class or Type 039/039G SS.9

    These submarines

    are armed with one or more weapons systems including antiship cruise missiles (ASCM),

    wireguided and wakehoming torpedoes and mines. The Kiloclass subs are armed with theSN27 Sizzler ASCM. By the end of 2010 the PLAN had 31 relatively new modern attack

    submarines in commission. Given current production rates and life expectancy the PLAN

    could have a force of 75 modern submarines by 202024.10 China has accorded the South

    Sea Fleet new priority. The PLAN has redeployed its newest attack SSNs and SSBNs from

    their traditional port of Qingdao to Hainan Island.

    The PLAN also deploys five new classes of indigenously build guided missile destroyers

    (DDG) in addition to the Russian Sovremennyclass: Luhu (Type 052), Luhai (Type 051B),

    Luyang (Type 052B), Luyang II (Type 052C) and Louzhou (Type 051C). As of 2012, the PLAN

    had fourteen of these destroyers under commission; an additional six Luyang II destroyers

    are currently under construction. Eight destroyers are currently deployed with the South

    Sea Fleet including the Luyang and Luyang IIclass.11

    The PLAN deploys four classes of indigenously build frigates: Jiangwei I (Type 053 H2G),

    Jiangei II (Type 053H3), Jiangkai I (Type 054) and Jiangkai II (Type 054A).12 The PLAN

    currently has 28 of these frigates under commission. Fortyfour frigates of all types are

    currently deployed with the East Sea and South Sea Fleets.13

    Of Chinas twentyeight

    amphibious ships, 26 are currently deployed with the East Sea and South Sea Fleets. The

    South Sea Fleet also is home of the largest marine battalion, amphibious platforms and

    Chinas largest hospital ship. According to a recent study:

    Somewhat surprisingly, as this text has shown, many of the newest DDGs, frigates, andsubmarines tend to be based in the South China Sea. This configuration does not necessarily

    support a Taiwan conflict, but does match a future mission of escorting oil convoys to the Middle

    East, or asserting greater sovereignty over Chinese claims to the South China Sea. The Luyang

    9ORourke, China Naval Modernization, 1015.

    10ORourke, China Naval Modernization, 15.

    11Andrew S. Erickson, Chinas Modernization of Its Naval and Air Power Capabilities, in Ashley J. Tellis and

    Travis Tanner, eds., Strategic Asia 201213: Chinas Military Challenge (Seattle and Washington: National

    Bureau of Asian Research, 2012), 99.


    ORourke, China Naval Modernization, 2526.13

    Erickson, Chinas Modernization of Its Naval and Air Power Capabilities, 99.

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    DDGs 168 and 169 and the Luyang DDGs 170 and 171 form the core of two battle group

    formations based at Yulin for distant operations.14

    China commissioned the Varyag aircraft carrier this year.15

    The Varyag is an old ship and will

    be used primarily for training purposes. China has begun training flight crews to take off and

    land on a carrier using a shore based mock up. The Varyag uses a sky jump to assist take

    offs. This limits the kinds of aircraft and payloads that can be launched. The Varyag can

    easily embark helicopters. China is also designing and constructing a special aircraft for the

    carrier, the J15. Even when it is operational it will only have limited capacities. If the Varyag

    carrier is based at Yulin Naval Base, as is expected, it could be used to exert sea control over

    the South China Sea. It is unlikely the Varyag will be fully operational until after 2015 with

    many analysts saying it will take longer.

    The South Sea Fleet headquarters at Zhanjing, Guangdong province, forms the central hub

    of a major complex of strategic space and tactical longrange radars and communications to

    support operations in the South China Sea. These electronic systems link Woody Island,

    Fiery Cross Reef and other Chineseoccupied features with local and fleet commanders.

    Also, they are augmented by the combat and other electronic systems of PLAN warships,

    aircraft and paramilitary vessels. Zhanjiang and other ports on China southern coast are

    equipped with navigation aids as radio beacon navigation differential global positioning

    system (RBNDGPS). The South Sea Fleet HQ at Zhanjiang also maintains a radar and

    computer vessel traffic service (VTS).

    Hainan Island

    Since the 1980s, China has maintained RBN aids at Haikou, Haifou and Sanya on Hainan

    Island. In 1999, three new RBNDGPS systems were activated at Baohujiao, Yangpu and Yulin

    Naval Base at Yalong Bay near Sanya. In addition, facilities at Dongfang and Haikou also

    operate radar and computer vessel traffic services (VTS). In 1965, China constructed its first

    highpowered low frequency (LF) station on Hainan to support submarine operations. One

    of China very first highpowered very low frequency (VLF) stations was built at Yulin Naval

    Base to communicate with submarine and surface ships. Hainan houses several electronic

    14James C. Bussert and Bruce A. Elleman, Peoples Liberation Army Navy: Combat Systems Technology, 1949

    2000 (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2011), 189. A picture of the Luyang DDG 171 is featured on the cover of

    this paper.15

    ORourke, China Naval Modernization, 1718

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    intelligence (ELINT) stations, including one on a mountaintop in the southwest directed at


    The PLAs Lingshui Air Base on the southeast coast also operates an ELINT station

    with an estimated 1,000 signal analysts.

    The facilities at Yulin Naval Base include piers, docks and underground submarine pens. 17

    The PLAN stations several major surface combatants, amphibious landing craft, and

    conventional and nuclear submarines at Yulin. Continued construction indicates that Yalong

    will be able to accommodate larger advanced surface combatants such as assault ships,

    attack and ballistic missile submarines, and eventually one or more aircraft carriers. The

    South Sea Fleet has the important mission of securing the Strait of Qiongzhou to protect

    southern China and Hainan Island. From this perspective, the development of a naval base

    at Yalong may be seen as defensive in motivation.

    However, as two American naval analysts have concluded:

    By homeporting new vessels in southern Hainan, China appears to be carrying out a naval

    strategy in the South China Sea of exerting regional maritime control incrementally.

    Extrapolating from the rapid growth of its communications, intelligence gathering, and naval

    supply structure on Hainan and its island bases in the South China Sea, China appears to have

    linked these bases with a modern electronic communications network. Many of the islands and

    reefs occupied in the SCS have a few buildings and a few antennas with a rudimentary pier. The

    only allpurpose base including aircraft shelters and support is located on Woody Island.

    Although crude, such outposts are being improved, if space is available, and could add to thePLANs overall mobility and ability to outmaneuver any regional competitors.18

    The development of the Yulin Naval Base raises important questions about Chinas strategic

    intent. Continued construction at Yulin Naval Base suggest that it will be a major military

    base that will provide China with the capacity to surge expeditionary forces into the South

    China Sea and beyond. The Yulin base will also provide China with a forward presence to

    protect its SLOCs through the Malacca and Singapore Straits.

    NuclearPowered Ballistic Missile Submarines (SSBNs)

    The development of a naval base in Yalong Bay has strategic implications for the balance of

    power in the AsiaPacific. Analysis of construction activities indicates Yulin Naval Base will be

    capable of housing nuclear submarines capable of launching intercontinental ballistic

    16Bussert and Elleman, Peoples Liberation Army Navy, 142.

    17Office of the Secretary of Defense, Military and Security Developments Involving the Peoples Republic of

    China 2011, A Report to Congress Pursuant to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000

    (Washington, D.C. 2012).18

    Bussert and Elleman, Peoples Liberation Army Navy, 180.

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    missiles. Portions of the base are being built underground to provide facilities that cannot

    be easily monitored. The hardened underground tunnels, for example, can protect vessels

    ranging from SSNs up to Luyangclass DDGs. When these facilities are completed they will

    provide China with the potential capability to station a substantial proportion of itssubmarinebased nuclear deterrent force there. The deployment of nuclear submarines,

    including ballistic missile submarines, will introduce a new geostrategic dimension to the

    regional balance of power. Chinese nuclear submarine deployments will attract the

    continuing attention of the U.S. Navy in conducting military survey/intelligence gathering in

    the waters off Hainan.

    Satellite imagery has confirmed the presence of a single Chinese Type 094 Jinclass nuclear

    submarine at Yalong since late 2007. The Type094 is a secondgeneration nuclear powered

    ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) and represents Chinas most lethal naval strike weapon.

    This marks the first permanent deployment on an SSBN to Chinas South Sea Fleet. Five

    more Chinese Jinclass SSBNs are expected to become operational in coming years and Yulin

    is expected to become their home base.

    Chinas most modern strategic nuclear submarine is not yet fully operational but when it is

    the submarine is expected to carry twelve Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles. This class of

    submarine will be even more potent if China succeeds in equipping the missiles with

    multiple warheads. Chinese nuclear subs will be able to patrol and fire from concealed

    positions in deep waters off Hainan island if China can develop the necessary operational


    Naval Exercises

    China regularly conducts major naval exercises to showcase the growing prowess of the

    PLAN. In 2010 China conducted three major naval exercises. The first exercise was held in

    early April 2010 and involved the longrange deployment of sixteen warships from the PLAN

    drawn from the North Sea, East Sea and South Sea Fleets. The PLAN flotilla conducted live

    firing exercises north of the Philippines before steaming toward the Malacca Straits. Up until

    this exercise Chinas South Sea Fleet was the only fleet to operate in the South China Sea.

    The second naval exercise was conducted in late July 2010. It was the largest of its kind and

    involved twelve of Chinas most modern warships from each of its fleets. This exercise was

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    notable for the Chinese media coverage of live missile firings and the presence of senior

    commanders from the Central Military Commission and the PLA Chief of Staff, General Chen


    In November 2010 the PLA Marine Corps held the third major exercise in the

    South China Sea involving more than 100 ships, submarines and aircraft and 1,800 marines.

    In July 2011, China conducted antisubmarine exercises off Hainan involving surface

    combatants and landing craft.20 In November 2011, China conducted naval exercises in the

    Western Pacific.21

    In May 2012, the PLAN conducted tactical formation exercises and

    helicopter training missions involving two destroyers, two frigates and a Landing Platform

    Dock (LPD). The Type 071 LPD is one of the largest combat vessels in the PLAN and can

    embark a reinforced battalion of marines as well as landing craft and medium helicopters.

    The exercises was held about midway between Taiwans southeast coast and Luzon in the

    northern Philippines.22

    Chinese naval exercises in the East China Sea in October 2012 involved PLAN warships

    exercising with the paramilitary vessels from the China Marine Surveillance (CMS) and the

    Fishery Law Enforcement Command (FLEC). A total of eleven ships and eight aircraft took

    part.23 A statement issued by the PLAN East Sea Fleet noted, This exercise will simulate a

    situation where foreign law enforcement vessels obstruct and interfere with our maritime

    surveillance and fisheries administration vessels on a mission to safeguard maritime rights

    and enforce the law. In this exercise the East Sea Fleet responded by dispatching a frigate,

    hospital ship, tugboat and advanced fighters and helicopters for support, cover and

    emergency rescue.24

    Although this particular exercise was held in the shadow of dispute

    over Senkaku Island it holds implications for the Philippines and Vietnam as well.

    PLAN exercises can be viewed as a demonstration by China that it is now capable of

    deploying beyond the first island chain to the second. The implications are clear: China is

    19Xinhua, 29 July 2010.

    20China: naval exercises in South China Sea, All Voices, June 17, 2011.

    21The Economic Times, November 23, 2011.

    22J. Michael Cole, Taiwan monitors Chinese naval moves, Taipei Times, May 10, 2012.

    23East China Sea tension: China conducts naval exercises, BBC News Asia, October 19, 2012.

    24 Ariel Zirulnick, Chinas naval exercises in East China Sea send warning to regional rivals, The ChristianScience Monitor, October 19, 2012.

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    developing the capacity to sustain larger naval deployments in the Spratly archipelago and

    further south for longer periods.

    Combat Ready Patrols

    On June 28, 2012, Geng Yangsheng, a spokesperson for Chinas Ministry of Defence,

    revealed that China had commenced combatready patrols in disputed waters in the South

    China Sea. In reply to a question about Vietnams recent air patrols over the Spratly islands,

    Geng stated the Chinese military has already set up a normal, combatready patrol system

    in seas under our control to protect national sovereignty and our security and development


    In an embarrassing incident for China, one of its frigates on routine patrol ran

    aground near Half Moon Shoal near Palawan island on July 11, 2012.26

    The frigate

    reportedly had been intimidating Philippine fishing craft found in the area. Six PLAN ships

    and smaller utility boats came to the frigates rescue and refloated it four days later. The

    frigate left the area.27

    This is a significant development because up to now the PLAN has played a relatively low

    key behindthescenes role in South China Sea incidents. Chinas surveillance patrols have

    been mainly conducted by ships belonging to the CMS force or the FLEC.

    Paracel Islands

    Developments on Hainan have been paralleled by Chinas construction activities in the

    Paracel islands. In 1990, China constructed 1,200 foot runway on Woody island that has

    been extended twice to it present length of 7,874 feet. The airstrip on Woody Island can

    accommodate fighter aircraft such as the Su27 and Su30MKKs, H6 bombers and large

    supply transport aircraft. The facilities adjacent to the runway include four hangers. Air

    traffic is controlled by a Type 791 Xband precisionapproach radar. Other military

    infrastructure on Woody Island includes naval docks capable of accommodating frigates and

    25Quoted in Zhao Shengnan and Zhang Yunbi, China Pledges to protect maritime sovereignty, China Daily,

    June 29, 2012 and Sutirtho Patranobis, China to set up new military base in south China sea, Hindustan

    Times, June 28, 2012.

    26Agence FrancePresse,China navy ship stranded in disputed waters, July 13, 2012.

    27Manuel Mogato and Ben Blanchard, China frigate heads home, averts S. China Sea standoff, Reuters, July

    15, 2012; Jim Gomez, Associated Press, China removes grounded warship, easing sea tensions, The Christian

    Science Monitor, July 15, 2012; and Edward Wong, Freed From Shoals, Warship Heads Back to China, TheNew York Times, July 16, 2012.

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    destroyers and a fuel depot. PLA soldiers are based on Woody island to protect the runway

    and other military facilities.

    China has also built militaryrelated facilities elsewhere in the Paracels. A weather station

    has been built on Pattle Island, while Robert Island houses a radio beacon, the only beacon

    south of Hainan. The docks on Duncan Island are being expanded. A Signals Intelligence

    (SIGINT) station has been operating on Rocky Island, the highest premonitory, since 1995. 28

    This station could provide air or surface warning and support air missions or ship targeting.

    Open sources report that China may have stationed the HY2 antiship cruise missile on

    Woody Island.29

    On July 19, 2012, Chinas Central Military Commission officially decided to establish a

    military command in Sansha City after its elevation to prefecturelevel administrative status.

    The garrison was placed under the PLA Hainan provincial subcommand within the

    Guangzhou Military Command. The Sansha military garrison has been assigned

    responsibility for national defence mobilization, military operations and reserves. According

    to Defence Ministry spokesperson Geng Yansheng, China may set up local military

    command organs in the city [Sansha] according to relevant regulations.30 Senior Colonel Cai

    Xihong was appointed commander of the Sansha garrison and Senior Colonel Liao Chaoyi

    was named Political Commissar.31

    According to a Japanese source, Chinas decision to establish a security area in Sansha is

    considered preparation for fullscale military action in the South China Sea.32 This view is

    disputed by retired U.S. Rear Admiral Mike McDevitt who argues that a military garrison in

    Sansha will not affect the military balance or signal imminent hostilities. McDevitt points out

    that any major military operations in the South China Sea would be mounted from Hainan

    where the PLA has major bases. According to McDevitt, putting garrisons on Woody Island

    28J. Michael Cole, China Deploying Military Garrison; to South China Sea?, The Diplomat, July 23, 2012

    29Bill Geertz, Woody Island Missiles, The Washington Times, June 15, 2001.

    30Xinhua, Chinese military may establish presence in Sansha: defense spokesperson, Ministry of National

    Defence of the Peoples Republic of China, June 28, 2012.



    China steps up claims over worlds most disputed waters, National Post, July 27, 2012.32

    Chinas hardline stance cause for grave concern, The Yomiuri Shimbun, July 26, 2012.

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    or elsewhere in the Paracels would effectively maroon these guys, so the only advantage

    would be just showing the flag to say, We are serious.33

    According to regional security specialists, the standing up of a military garrison command on

    Woody Island does not represent an attempt to build a base for forward deployment into

    the South China Sea.34

    In their view, the Sansha military garrison is merely an administrative

    response to the upgrading of Sansha to a prefecturelevel city. Military garrisons do not

    command PLA main force combat units, PLA Navy for PLA Air Force units.

    South China Sea

    China has also consolidated its military presence in the South China Sea by construction on

    several of the features it currently occupies.35

    China occupied Mischief Reef in 1995 and

    built its first structures in the South China Sea. These were expanded in October 1998 with

    the addition of three octagonshaped wooden structures and two twostory concrete

    towers one at each end. The towers bristle with SATCOMM and HF antennae for

    communications. The towers are thought to house ELINT and radars. The facilities on

    Mischief Reef has since been upgraded with the construction of two new piers, a helicopter

    pad, a navy navigation radar, several antiaircraft guns and an antiship cruise missile system

    (either the HY2 or C801).

    A 200foot long concrete building was constructed on Fiery Cross Reef. It houses a naval

    High Frequency (HF) yagi radar antenna (Bean Sticks), two Electronic Counter Measures

    (ECM) radomes, and several whip communication and mast antennas. The various antenna

    support different requirements, such as radio signal surveillance and Long Range (LR)

    communications. The facilities on Fiery Cross Reef also include satellite communication

    (SATCOMM) and meteorological dishes.

    33Kirk Spitzer, New Garrison, Old Troubles In The South China Seas, Battlefield, July 26, 2012. Another

    analysts argues, the Sansha garrison has minimal operational value barring a significant upgrade in naval and

    air infrastructure to enable sustained operations and is mainly an example of Chinese coercive diplomacy.

    See: Oriana Skylar Mastro, The Sansha Garrison: Chinas Deliberate Escalation in the South China Sea, Center

    for a New American Security, East and South China Sea Bulletin no. 5, September 2012.

    34Dennis J. Blasko and M. Taylor Fravel, Much Ado About The Sansha Garrison, The Diplomat, August 23,


    35 John J. Tkacik, Investigating the Chinese Threat, Part One: Military and Economic Aggression, Testimonyfor the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, March 28, 2012, 1418.

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    Chinese facilities on Johnson South Reef include four octagonshaped huts and a rectangular

    two story building on a concrete base supporting two towers. One SATCOMM and three

    mast head antennas are mounted on the roof. Chigua Reef contains an identical building

    structure plus a wooden barracks. Subi Reef hosts a wooden barracks, a two story buildingwith a SATCOMM antenna and a helicopter landing pad.

    In summary, Chinese facilities in the South China Sea will give the PLAN an enhanced

    capability to exercise its sovereignty claims over this area. According to naval specialists,

    Although small in size, if necessary these facilities could support future Chinese expansion

    throughout the area, and could perhaps even support a limited naval conflict in this

    congested region.36

    Chinas Paramilitary Fleets

    Chinas maritime surveillance fleet is estimated at more than 300 vessels only two of which,

    the Haixun 11 and Haixun 31, weighed more than 3,000 tons. In October 2010, China

    announced it would build thirtysix new CMS vessels for maritime law enforcement over the

    next five years. In May 2011, the CMS announced it would recruit 1,000 more law

    enforcement officials, bringing its total to over 10,000 personnel. And in June 2011, China

    announced plans to expand its maritime surveillance force to sixteen aircraft and a total of

    350 vessels by 2015.

    Chinas objective of enforcing its jurisdiction in the South China Sea through an increasingly

    modern civilian enforcement fleet was highlighted in late July 2012 with the launching of

    the Haixun 01.37

    The Haixun 01 weighs in at 5,418 tons and its largest and most capable ship

    in Chinas maritime surveillance fleet. It can travel 18,500 km without refuelling and reach a

    top speed of 37 km per hour. The Haixun 01 is capable of supporting helicopter operations.

    Also, it can berth 200 passengers and comes equipped with an emergency medical surgery.

    In sum, China has developed an enhanced capability to exercise its sovereignty claims over

    the South China Sea and protect its vital SLOCs through the Malacca and Singapore Straits as

    well as the capacity to surge expeditionary forces into the South China Sea from these bases

    36Bussert and Elleman, Peoples Liberation Army Navy, 145.

    37 China Launches the Countrys Largest and Most Advanced Patrol Vessel, The Maritime Executive, July 30,2012.

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    with a considerably shortened logistics tail. By extension, China will also have the capacity to

    interdict the same SLOCs on which Japan, Taiwan and South Korea are dependent. These

    developments portend a greater Chinese capacity to assert regional influence and to

    challenge U.S. naval supremacy.

    Part 3 U.S. Strategy of Rebalancing

    When the Obama Administration took office in 2009, it quickly asserted that the United

    States is back in Asia. The United States promptly acceded to the ASEAN Treaty of Amity

    and Cooperation, appointed a permanent ambassador to the ASEAN Secretariat and revived

    the annual ASEANUnited States leaders meeting. When Chinese assertiveness in the South

    China Sea raised regional security concerns, both the U.S. Secretary of State and Secretary

    of Defense used visits to the region to declare that the United States had a national interest

    in safety of navigation and over flight in the South China Sea.

    In direct response to Chinese naval modernization, the U.S. deployed thirtyone of its fifty

    three fast attack submarines to the Pacific and stepped up its antisubmarine warfare

    program. Eighteen of the U.S. subs are homeported in Pearl Harbor; the others are based in


    In late Juneearly July 2010, in a calculated demonstration of naval power, the USS

    Florida, USS Michigan, and USS Ohio submarines, simultaneously surfaced in Diego Garcia

    (Indian Ocean), Busan (South Korea) and Subic Bay (the Philippines), respectively.39

    Each of

    these submarines has been modified to carry 154 conventional Tomahawk cruise missiles.

    All of the above development took place before the formal announcement that the United

    States would rebalance its forces.

    This year the United States announced that with its withdrawal from Iraq and eventual

    withdrawal from Afghanistan, it will rebalance its force posture and quarantine defence

    cuts in the AsiaPacific. The heightened importance of the AsiaPacific was underscored in

    January 2012 with the release of a new national defense strategy, Sustaining U.S. Global

    Leadership: Priorities for 21st

    Century Defense. This document stated:

    U.S. economic and security interests are inextricably linked to developments in the arc extending

    from the Western Pacific and East Asia into the Indian Ocean region and South Asia creating a

    mix of evolving challenges and opportunities. Accordingly, while the U.S. military will continue to


    Navy Times, July 21, 2010.39

    The Chosun Ilbo, July 8, 2010 and Time Magazine, July 8, 2010.

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    contribute to security globally, we will of necessity rebalance toward the AsiaPacific region. Our

    relationships with Asian allies and key partners are critical to the future stability and growth of

    the region. We will emphasize our existing alliances, which provide a vital foundation for Asia

    Pacific security. We will expand our networks of cooperation with emerging partners throughout

    the AsiaPacific to ensure collective capability and capacity for securing common interests

    [emphasis in original].40

    The United States also is developing an airsea battle concept to counter Chinas

    development of areadenial/antiaccess capabilities. The airsea battle concept is being

    drawn up to enable the United States to prevail in conflicts where areadenial/antiaccess

    capabilities are well developed. According to the new U.S. defense strategy one of the ten

    main missions for U.S. armed forces is to project power despite antiaccess/area denial


    In response to Chinas use of asymmetric capabilities, including electronic and

    cyber warfare, ballistic and cruise missiles, advanced air defences, mining and other

    methods, to complicate our operational calculus, the U.S. military

    will invest as required to ensure its ability to operate effectively in antiaccess and area denial

    (A2/AD) environments. This will include implementing the Joint Operational Access Concept,

    sustaining our undersea capabilities, developing a new stealth bomber, improving missile

    defenses, and continuing efforts to enhance the resiliency and effectiveness of critical space

    based capabilities [emphasis in original].42

    New developments in U.S. military technology will see the introduction of more

    sophisticated undersea drones and unmanned systems for intelligence gathering,

    reconnaissance and surveillance such as Large Diameter Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

    and Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance Systems.43

    According to Mark Valencia, the

    deployment of these new systems will generate tensions and more frequent crises; they

    will produce defensive reactions and escalatory dynamics; and they will lead to less stability

    in the most affected regions, especially in Asia.44

    40Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21

    stCentury Defense (January 2012), 2.

    41Ibid., 4.

    42Ibid., 45.

    43In October 2012, the U.S. Navy successfully fired six Rafael Spike missiles from an unmanned surface

    precision module (USV PEM) in the first demonstration of this capability. Navy Demonstrates 1st

    launch of

    Spike Missiles from Unmanned Surface Vehicles, NAVSEA Office of Corporate Communications, October 26,


    44Mark J. Valencia, The South China Sea, Military Activities and the Law of the Sea, Paper presented to the

    International Conference on Major Law and Policy Issues in the South China Sea: European and American

    Perspectives, cosponsored by the Institute of European and American Studies and the Center for AsiaPacificStudies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, October 78, 2011.

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    Part 4 U.S. Initiatives in Southeast Asia

    Chinas increased military prowess also has implications for the South China Sea where

    Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei have conflicting territorial and maritime

    disputes with China. Chinas increasing assertiveness has raised regional security concerns

    about Chinas strategic intentions and its challenge to U.S. primacy. Several Southeast Asian

    states have sought reassurance from the United States that it will continue to remain

    engaged in the region. The United States has responded to these concerns by declaring it

    has a national interest in the freedom and safety of navigation and over flight in the

    maritime commons and unimpeded commerce.

    The United States has responded to Chinas naval buildup and development of anti

    access/area denial capabilities by strengthening its posture on Guam, stepping up weapons

    and equipment sales to the Philippines, negotiating new arrangements with Australia giving

    the U.S. greater access to training facilities near Darwin, and basing Combat Littoral Ships in


    The Philippines

    Chinese assertiveness in waters claimed by the Philippines led President Benigno Aquino to

    take steps to revitalize its alliance with the United States and to seek clarification of whether

    or not their 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) would apply in the case of conflict with

    China in the South China Sea.

    The Philippines policy of revitalizing its alliance with the U.S. has been reinforced by the

    Obama Administrations new defence policy of rebalancing towards the AsiaPacific. U.S.

    defence officials view support to improve the Philippines maritime capabilities as part of

    the strategic rebalancing policy. According to Deputy Secretary for Defense Ashton Carter,We are focused on building the Philippines maritime security presence and capabilities,

    and strengthening their maritime domain awareness.46

    This has already resulted in a step up in U.S. access to the Philippines. For example, between

    May and October 2012, four U.S. Navy nuclear submarines (SSNs) have made port calls: USS

    45Craig Whitlock, Navys next stop in Asia will set China on edge, Checkpoint Washington, November 18,


    Remarks by Deputy Secretary for Defense [Ashton] Carter at the Woodrow Wilson Center, October 2, 2012.

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    North Carolina (May), USS Louisville (June), USS Hawaii (September) and USS Olympia



    The United States and Vietnam have stepped up modest defence cooperation activities to

    include fly outs to U.S. aircraft carriers transiting the South China Sea, ship repairs, a new

    senior leaders dialogue, signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on defence

    cooperation and the initiation of lowlevel naval exchange activities.

    In 2009, Vietnamese defence officials began making highpublicity fly outs to U.S. aircraft

    carriers transiting the South China Sea off Vietnams eastern seaboard. The first took place

    in April 2009 when Vietnamese officials landed on the USS John D. Stennis. This was

    followed by flyouts to the USS George Washington in August 2010, August 2011 and

    October 2012. In addition, in December 2009 Vietnams Defence Minister stopped off in

    Hawii enroute to Washington, D.C. He was photographed peering through the periscope of

    the USS Florida (SSGN), a nuclear attack submarine. In August 2010, Vietnamese diplomatic

    officials visited the newest U.S. aircraft carrier, the USS George H.W. Bush at Norfolk, to

    mark the fifteenth anniversary of diplomatic relations. This visit coincided with the fly out to

    the USS George Washington, half a world away.

    In 2009, Vietnams Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung dramatically announced that the

    commercial repair facilities at Cam Ranh Bay would be open to all navies of the world. The

    U.S. was the first country to take up the offer. The following year the United States and

    Vietnam signed a contract for the minor maintenance and repair of U.S. Navy Maritime

    Sealift Command ships. Five ships were subsequently repaired: the USNS Richard E. Byrd

    underwent voyage repairs in FebruaryMarch 2010, August 2011, and June 2012; the USNS

    Walter S. Diehlin October 2011 and the USNS Rappahannockin February 2012. The three

    most recent repairs were carried out at commercial facilities in Cam Ranh Bay.

    In August 2010, the USVietnam defense dialogue was upgraded to a Defense Policy

    Dialogue between officials at deputy minister level. The first meeting was held in Hanoi.

    Vietnam was represented by Deputy Minister of National Defence Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh

    and the U.S. was represented by Robert Scher, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for

    South and Southeast Asia. The two sides agreed to cooperate in military exchanges and

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    training and collaboration in search and rescue and humanitarian assistance and disaster


    The U.S. and Vietnam signed their first formal military agreement, a Statement of Intent on

    Military Medical Cooperation on August 1, 2011;47 and the Commander of the U.S. 7th Fleet

    visited Hanoi four days later. These developments took place immediately prior to the 2nd

    U.S.Vietnam Defence Policy Dialogue held in Washington on September 19, 2011. Deputy

    Assistant Secretary of Defence Robert Scher and Vice Minister of National Defence Lt. Gen.

    Nguyen Chi Vinh signed the first formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on defence

    cooperation. The MOU included five priority areas: the establishment of a regular highlevel

    dialogue between defence ministries; maritime security; search and rescue; studying and

    exchanging experiences on United Nations peacekeeping; and humanitarian assistance and

    disaster relief.

    In June 2012, Vietnam hosted Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.48

    Prior to his arrival in

    Hanoi, Secretary Panetta unexpectedly and symbolically stopped in Cam Ranh Bay to

    meet with the crew of the USNS Richard E. Byrdundergoing minor voyage repairs. Panettas

    visit led to speculation that the United States Navy might return to Cam Ranh. The meeting

    between the two defence ministers focused on the implementation of the 2010 MOU.

    Vietnams National Defence Minister General Phung Quang Thanh flagged future

    cooperation in addressing nontraditional security issues such as humanitarian assistance

    and disaster relief and search and rescue. He also noted a longstanding Vietnamese

    concern to elicit further support from the U.S. to address legacies from the Vietnam War

    (eg. Agent Orange and unexploded ordnance disposal). He also repeated a request that he

    made during his first visit to Washington in December 2009 for the U.S. to lift its restrictions

    on military sales to Vietnam

    Part 5 Force Modernization Trends: A New Assessment

    Chinas military modernisation and transformation, especially naval modernisation, coupled

    with increased Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea, has created a security dilemma

    47The Statement of Intent to cooperate in health is a precursor for exchanges and research collaboration in

    military medicine.

    48Carlyle A. Thayer, Hanoi and the Pentagon: A Budding Courtship, U.S. Naval Institute, June 11, 2012.

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    for Southeast Asias states.49

    Chinas efforts to safeguard its security by developing what it

    considers a reasonable force structure to deter the United States has created insecurity in

    several ASEAN states due to Chinas lack of transparency.

    ASEAN states have been circumspect in public statements but their concerns can be

    discerned by the significant rise in defence expenditures and the kinds of weapon systems

    and platforms that they have acquired. Several regional states are developing their own

    antiaccess/areadenial capabilities.50 In addition, Southeast Asias arms procurements go

    beyond force modernisation and include the introduction of new capabilities that can be

    operated at extended ranges. It should be recognized, however, that not all of these new

    capabilities have been acquired in response to Chinas military build up. The subsections

    below reviews force modernization developments in the Philippines, Vietnam and

    elsewhere in the region.

    The Philippines

    In 2011, in response to Chinese assertiveness in its EEZ and Kalayaan Island Group, the

    Philippines drew up a new defence strategy focused on both internal security operations

    and external territorial defence. The Aquino Administration allocated P11 billion to support

    force modernisation of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). In March 2011, AFP Chief

    of Staff General Eduardo Oban announced plans to upgrade the airfield on PagAsa island.

    Two months later a Philippine navy study recommended the acquisition of submarines as a

    deterrent against future potential conflicts.51

    In September 2011, President Aquino announced that 4.95 billion pesos would be allocated

    to top up the defence budget.52

    These funds were earmarked for the purchase a naval

    patrol vessel, six helicopters and other military equipment in order to secure the

    Malampaya oil and gas project. In 2012, the Philippine government began implementation

    of a fiveyear modernization program totalling P40 billion. In July 2012, the Philippines

    49For a recent appreciation see: Andrew Shearer, Southeast Asia and Australia: Case Studies in Responding to

    Chinas Military Power, in Ashley J. Tellis and Travis Tanner, eds., Strategic Asia 201213: Chinas Military

    Challenge (Seattle and Washington: National Bureau of Asian Research, 2012), 241275.

    50Robert Karniol, Vietnam prepares to better protect its S. China Sea claims, The Straits Times, January 10,



    Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 17, 2001.52

    Agence FrancePresse, September 7, 2011.

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    announced a U.S. $1.8 billion fund to purchase a refurbished frigate, C130 aircraft, utility

    and combat helicopters as well as other defence equipment.53

    In 201112, the Philippines took delivery of two former U.S. Coast Guard Weather

    Endurance Cutters. The first cutter has been assigned to operate in waters off Palawan in

    Western Command with the mission of protecting the Philippines EEZ. The Philippines also

    expects to take delivery of three new Taiwanmanufactured MultiPurpose Attack Craft and

    procure a third U.S. Coast Guard Hamiltonclass Cutter.54

    The Philippines has signed an

    agreement with Italys Defence Ministry to acquire military equipment, possibly including

    frigates and aircraft.

    The Philippines has presented the Pentagon with a wish list of new equipment including:

    coastal radar, longrange patrol aircraft, strategic sea lift vessels, three offshore patrol

    boats, two to five naval helicopters, air defence radar, six jet trainers, surface attack aircraft,

    antiship missiles, and a submarine.55

    The Philippines has also reached out to Japan, South Korea, France and the United Kingdom

    for defence acquisitions. In September 2011, during President Aquinos visit to Tokyo, he

    and Prime Minister Noda agreed to strengthen maritime security ties by holding frequent

    highlevel defence discussions and by stepping up cooperation between their Coast Guards

    and defencerelated authorities. Prime Minister Noda agreed to increase the involvement

    of Japans Coast Guard in training their Filipino counterparts.56

    Following a visit by South

    Koreas President Lee Myungbak to Manila in November 2011, President Aquino

    announced that the Philippines would purchase military equipment form Seoul. The

    Department of National Defense was reported to be drawing up a list including aircraft,

    helicopters, boats and other military equipment.


    In 2009, in a major development, Vietnam announced that it would procure six conventional

    53Manuel Mogato, Philippines Refuses to Budge on South China Sea Row, Reuters, July 23, 2012.

    54Reuters, April 13, 2011 and AFP, September 3, 2011.

    55 The Philippine Star, August 24, 2011. For a discussion of U.S. arms sales and transfers to the Philippines

    consult: Ronald ORourke, Maritime Territorial and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Disputes Involving China:

    Issues for Congress, CRS Report for Congress (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, October 22,

    2012), 4042.56

    The Wall Street Journal, September 28, 2011.

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    diesel powered Kiloclass submarines from Russia. These are scheduled to be delivered in

    2014. The Kiloclass submarines are likely to be equipped with seaskimming 3M54 Klub

    antiship missiles with a range of 300 kilometres.

    In 2011, Vietnam stepped up its force modernization program when it took delivery of four

    additional Su30MK2 multirole jet fighters. These are expected to be equipped with the Kh

    59MK antiship cruise missile with a range of 115 km. Vietnam currently has on order

    sixteen more Su30MK2 jet fighters.57

    Also in 2011, Vietnam also took delivery of two

    Gephardclass guided missile stealth frigates armed with Kh35E antiship missiles with a

    range of 130 km and two Svetlyak class missile Patrol Boats.58

    In addition, Vietnam launched

    its first indigenously built Ocean Patrol Vessel and troop transport.59

    In October, while on a

    tour of the Netherlands, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung gave his approval for the

    purchase of four Sigmaclass corvettes, two of which are slated for construction in


    In 2011, Vietnam beefed up its coastal defences by acquiring its second Bastion landbased

    antiship ballistic missile system. Vietnam reportedly has acquired Israeli Extended Range

    Artillery Munitions ballistic missiles effective beyond 150 km. In October 2011, President

    Truong Tan Sang made a state visit to India and requested Indian assistance in four areas:

    submarine training, conversion training for pilots to fly Sukhoi30s, transfer of medium sized

    patrol boats, and modernization of port facilities at Nha Trang.61

    The local media reported

    that India was considering whether or not to sell Vietnam its BrahMos supersonic cruise


    In February 2012, Russia announced it will coproduce the Uran antiship missile

    (SSN25 Switchblade) with Vietnam.63

    In November 2011, Vietnam announced a $3.3 billion defence budget for 2012, a reported

    rise of 35% over 2010. According to IHS Janes Vietnams annual naval procurement budget

    57Thanh Nien News, July 3, 2011.

    58The Voice of Russia, June 22, 2011; BBC Vietnamese Service, August 24, 2011 and October 25, 2011; and

    InterfaxAVN, October 11, 2011.

    59BBC Vietnamese Service, October 3, 2011.

    60BBC Vietnamese Service, October 18, 2011.

    61The Hindu, November 9, 2011.


    Business Insider, September 20, 2011.63

    RIA Novosti, February 15, 2012.

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    has increased by 150% since 2008 to US $276 million in 2011. The naval budget is projected

    to rise to $400 million by 2015.64

    Vietnam is seeking to develop an antisubmarine warfare

    capability by acquiring either the U.S. P3 Orion of the Spanish Airbus Military C295.65


    According to one noted regional security analyst, naval acquisitions in Asia have become

    especially disturbing, with undeniable signs of actionreaction dynamics and Northeast Asia

    in particular is witnessing an emerging naval arms race.67 Defence analysts estimate that

    86 submarines will be added to the fleets in the AsiaPacific by 2020 of which 30 will be


    China currently has the largest submarine fleet and most extensive plans to

    expand its numbers including the Type 095 nuclear attack submarine (SSN) and Type 094

    Jinclass SSBN. China is expected to base both attack and ballistic missile submarines at Yulin

    Naval Base on Hainan Island. This prospect has led Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines,

    Singapore and the United States to step up investment in their antisubmarine warfare

    capabilities. Security analysts warn that the proliferation of submarine fleets may be

    destabilizing in times of tensions and crises due to the complexities of command and


    In Southeast Asia the conventional submarine has become the new hallmark of naval

    acquisitions. Vietnams purchase of Kiloclass submarines is part of a regional trend.69

    Indonesia, the first country in Southeast Asia to acquire submarines, has indicated it will

    replace them with newer South Korean models. Indonesia reportedly will boost defence

    spending by 35% in 2012.70

    Singapore has upgraded its submarine fleet by taking delivery of

    64Quoted in The Economic Times, November 14, 2011.


    Aviation Week, February 17, 2012.66

    Richard A. Bitzinger, Recent Developments in Naval and Maritime Modernization in the AsiaPacific:

    Implications for Regional Security, in Phillip C. Saunders, Christopher D. Yung, Michael Swaine and Andrew

    NienDzu Yang, eds., The Chinese Navy: Expanding Capabilities, Evolving Roles (Washington, D.C.: National

    Defense University Press, 2011), 2340 and Richard A. Bitzinger, Military Modernization in the AsiaPacific:

    Assessing New Capabilities, in Strategic Asia 201011: Asias Rising Power and Americas Continued Purpose

    (Seattle and Washington, D.C.: National Bureau of Asian Research, 2010), 79111.

    67Desmond Ball, Asias Naval Arms Race, Paper presented to the 25

    thAsiaPacific Roundtable, ISIS Malaysia,

    Kuala Lumpur, 29 May 1 June 2011.

    68Business Week, November 25, 2011.


    Aviation Week, February 17, 2012.70

    Al, November 7, 2011.

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    two Archerclass submarines in 2011.71

    Singapore reportedly is in the market for four or five

    P3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft.72

    Malaysia has acquired two Scorpeneclass submarines.

    Both the Singaporean and Malaysian submarines are equipped with Air Independent

    Propulsion systems. Thailand and the Philippines are currently considering acquiring theirown conventional submarines.

    Regional force modernization has and will continue to result in the introduction of increased

    numbers of warships equipped with new technologies and weapons systems. A recent

    review of regional force modernization over the last decade highlights the introduction of

    new capabilities such as standoff precisionstrike, longrange airborne and undersea

    attack, stealth, mobility and expeditionary warfare and, above all, new capacities when it

    comes to greatly improved command, control communications, computing, intelligence,

    surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) networks.73

    This review concludes, new types of

    armaments promise to significantly upgrade and modernize the manner of war fighting in

    the region [and] fundamentally change the concept and conduct of warfare.74

    In summary, Southeast Asias arms buying spree, although largely intended for defensive

    purposes, may have a destabilising impact on regional security. According to Vice Admiral

    Scott Swift, Commander U.S. Seventh Fleet, his prime concern is not the outbreak of a major

    conflict but any tactical trigger with strategic implications I do have concerns about a

    specific brushup that could result in a tactical miscalculation75

    So far there have been few

    if any indications that this issue is being effectively addressed by ASEANcentric multilateral


    Part 6 Prospects for Cooperation for Regional Security

    The major challenge to Southeast Asias strategic interests is the potential for great power

    rivalry to undermine ASEAN centrality and regional autonomy and contribute to regional

    71The Straits Times, December 3, 2011.

    72Flight Global, December 15, 2011.

    73Richard A. Bitzinger, A New Arms Race? Explaining Recent Southeast Asian Military Acquisitions,

    Contemporary Southeast Asia, 31(1), April 2010, 6364.

    74Bitzinger, A New Arms Race? Explaining Recent Southeast Asian Military Acquisitions, 64.

    75Quoted by Stephen Coates, US Pacific commander warns of tactical errors, The China Post, November 10,

    2011. Admiral Smith also noted that he expected diplomacy to prevail in the event of a brushup andcompromise to prevail.

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    instability. Major power rivalry could impact directly on regional security in one of three

    ways: a conflict between the major powers, a conflict between a major power and a littoral

    state, and a conflict between a major power and a littoral state that draws in the other

    major power. Major power rivalry could impact indirectly on regional security by spillingover and affecting ASEAN cohesion resulting in individual members calculating whether

    alignment with a major power is a better guarantee of their national security than ASEAN

    multilateralism. ASEAN states currently prefer a balance among the major powers and do no

    want to become involved in a dispute between them or be forced to choose sides.

    The subsections below consider whether China and the United States will be able to

    manage their relationship peacefully and the prospects for multilateral institutions in

    promoting maritime cooperation for regional security

    (a) U.S.China Strategic Defence Dialogues

    U.S. diplomatic intervention in the South China Sea issue coupled with its newly announced

    policy of rebalancing its global force posture has provoked a negative if not hostile reaction

    by China. China views the U.S. as an outside power whose intervention will only complicate

    matters. At a recent conference hosted by the Australian Chief of Army, PLA Lt. Gen. Ren

    Haiquan offered this blunt assessment:

    Some countries pursue strategies such as rebalance to the AsiaPacific and looking East and

    are increasing their strategic investment. Several countries do not let go the Cold War mentality.

    They are consolidating military alliance system in Asia Pacific and strengthening their military

    presence and military deterrence capability.76

    The United States has repeatedly called on China to be more open about its military

    modernization and has repeatedly sought open militarytomilitary defence contacts to

    manage their relations. The Obama Administrations new defense strategy states with

    respect to China:

    Over the long term, Chinas emergence as a regional power will have the potential to affect the

    U.S. economy and our security in a variety of ways. Our two countries have a strong stake in

    peace and stability in East Asia and an interest in building a cooperative bilateral relationship.

    However, the growth of Chinas military power must be accompanied by greater clarity of its

    strategic intentions in order to avoid causing friction in the region.77

    76Quoted by Brendan Nicholson, Chinese top brass bags US influence in the region, The Australian, October

    31, 2012.77

    Ibid., 2.

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    The U.S. and China currently have nearly sixty mechanisms for coordination and

    collaboration on strategic policy issues. The Obama Administration has sought to manage its

    relations with China through new mechanisms such as the Strategic and Economic Dialogue

    S&ED) and Consultations on AsiaPacific Affairs. Military representatives are included bothas part of the S&ED process and the separate Strategic Security Dialogue within the S&ED.

    The Pentagon consistently has sought to keep channels of communication open with China

    through various bilateral dialogue mechanisms. A review of three key mechanisms

    Defense Consultative Talks (DCT), the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement (MMCA)

    and the Special Policy Dialogue/Defense Policy Coordination Talks (SPD/DPCT)

    demonstrates that it has been very difficult to isolate purely militarytomilitary contacts

    from their political and strategic settings. For example, continued U.S. arms sales to Taiwan

    and U.S. intelligence gathering in Chinas EEZ have caused China to suspend scheduled

    meetings in protest.

    What does a balance sheet on the performance of these multilateral mechanisms tell us

    about U.S.China military relations? On the plus side the following accomplishments can be

    noted: (1) exchange visits by highlevel defense officials (defense ministers and chiefs of

    defense forces); (2) regular Defense Consultation Talks; (3) continuing working level

    discussions under the MMCA (4) agreement on the 7point consensus;78

    (5) no serious naval

    incidents since the 2009 USNS Impeccable affair; (6) continuing exchange visits by senior

    officers (7) the initiation of a Strategic Security Dialogue as part of the S&ED process; (8)

    agreement to hold meetings between Coast Guards and (9) agreement on a new working

    group to draft principles establishing a framework for militarytomilitary cooperation.79

    On the negative side it must be noted first that U.S.China militarytomilitary contacts have

    gone through cycles of cooperation and suspension. In 2009 a U.S. diplomatic cable

    reported a senior PLA official as observing, the defense relationship lags behind other

    aspects of the overall bilateral relationship and it is often caught in a vicious cycle of

    78The 7 point consensus was reached in October 2009 between Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and by

    General Xu Caihou, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Committee, in Washington, D.C. in October 2009.

    79Carlyle A. Thayer, Enhancing Transparency? U.S.China MilitarytoMilitary Contacts and Strategic

    Dialogues, Presentation to International Conference on The U.S. and China in Regional Security: Implications

    for Asia and Europe, cosponsored by Stiftung Wissenshaft und Politik and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Berlin,Federal Republic of Germany, June 1819, 2012, 2122.

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    progress and suspension.80

    The senior PLA official noted that with two exceptions all

    other suspensions in militarytomilitary relations were the result of U.S. arms sales to

    Taiwan. Shirley Kan notes that China promotes repeated cycles of suspending contacts and

    then leverages the timing of their resumption.81

    U.S. defense officials view this as thepoliticization of militarytomilitary contacts.

    Second, since militarytomilitary contacts were first initiated in 1980 until the present, the

    U.S. and China have only been able to reach one militarytomilitary agreement, the MMCA.

    An evaluation of the health of this agreement is not good. A senior PLA official offered this

    evaluation, We signed the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement (MMCA) in 1998

    but over the past 11 years the mechanism failed to play an effective role.82

    A review of the

    MMCA written by the U.S. principal negotiator, argued that it remains the only miltomil

    agreement between these two nations and is of only limited effectiveness because it is held

    hostage by China over U.S. actions in carrying out our stated obligations under the Taiwan

    Relations Act.83

    Third, there is not much evidence that militarytomilitary contacts and strategic dialogue

    have reduced strategic mistrust and raised transparency.84 Chinese officials repeatedly raise

    three obstacles to bilateral defence cooperation in their discussions with the United

    States: continued U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, U.S. intelligence gathering in Chinas Exclusive

    Economic Zone, and FY2000 National Defense Authorization Act restrictions on military

    interaction with the PLA. U.S. policy towards the South China Sea policy represents an

    addition major irritant.

    In weighing up the pluses and negatives in the bilateral relationship the bottom line is that

    despite the deficits the United States and China will persist in engaging with each other.

    802009 U.S.China Defense Consultative Talks (DCT), Session 1: MilitarytoMilitary Relations, U.S. Embassy,

    Beijing, July 1, 2009.

    81Shirley A. Kan, U.S.China Military Contacts: Issues for Congress, Washington, DC: Congressional Research

    Service, February 10, 2012, 4.

    822009 U.S.China Defense Consultative Talks (DCT) Small Group Session, U.S. Embassy, Beijing, July 1, 2009.

    83Bruce Lemkin, U.S.Taiwan Relations Are No Threat to China, Defense News, November 8, 2012. Lemkin

    was Deputy Under Secretary of the U.S. Air Force (International Affairs) from 200310

    84See the sobering review offered by Kenneth Lieberthal and Wang Jisi, Addressing U.S.China Strategic

    Distrust, John L. Thornton China Center Monograph Series No. 4, Washington, DC: The John L. Thornton ChinaCenter at Brookings, March 2012, 733.

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    Both sides understand that militarytomilitary contacts are a critical component of bilateral

    engagement. Without such interaction there is a risk that mistrust between the two

    militaries could spill over and have a major negative impact on bilateral relations in general.

    It is likely that strategic mistrust will persist through lack of greater transparency andmilitarytomilitary relations will continue to exhibit elements of cooperation and

    contention. When incidents and disputes arise between the two militaries, the civilian

    leadership will intervene, as it has in the past, to reset bilateral relations.

    (b) Current Multilateral Initiatives

    The East Asian security architecture is currently evolving as a result of the expansion of the

    East Asia Summit (EAS) in 2011 to include the United States and Russian Federation. At the

    2011 EAS informal leaders retreat, sixteen of its eighteen members raised concerns over

    maritime security issues. China was the only country to argue that the EAS was not an

    appropriate venue for such discussions. Nevertheless, the EAS Chairs concluding summary

    noted that maritime security has been established as a legitimate agenda item.

    For the new regional security architecture to be effective there must be some streamlining

    of policy advice to the EAS from other multilateral arrangements currently considering

    maritime security issues. There are a number of overlapping arrangements under the

    auspices of ASEAN and the ASEAN Regional Forum charged with maritime security and

    South China Sea issues:

    ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM). The ASEAN Defence Ministers met for thefirst time in May 2006 and began the process of institutionalizing defence cooperation

    on a regional basis. The ASEAN Defence Ministers are now sectoral members of the

    ASEAN Political Security Council established under ASEANs Charter. The ADMM brought

    under its umbrella what had been separate informal meetings of the ASEAN service

    chiefs (army, navy and air and military intelligence) that had been conducted outside the

    official ASEAN framework. At the 4th ADMM in May 2010, in a first step to address

    maritime security issues, it was agreed that ASEAN navies would cooperate to patrol

    their maritime boundaries.

    ASEAN Navy Chiefs Meeting (ANCM). Maritime security issues fall under the purview ofthe ANCM. The prospect of practical cooperation among ASEAN navies does not appear

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    good. At the ANCM5 in Vietnam in 2011 there was disagreement over a number of

    issues including the formal name of the meeting, how often it should meet, conducting

    joint patrols, and a proposal for an ASEAN communications protocol when navy ships

    passed each other at sea.

    ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus). The ADMM was expanded inOctober 2010 to include eight of ASEANs dialogue partners: Australia, China, India,

    Japan, New Zealand, Russia, South Korea and the United States. At this meeting it was

    agreed that the ADMM Plus would meet every three years with the second meeting

    scheduled for Brunei in 2013. It has since been decided that the ADMM Plus will now

    meet every two years from 2013. The inaugural ADMM Plus meeting set up the ASEAN

    Defence Seniors Meeting Plus (ADSOM Plus) and five Expert Working Groups (maritime

    security, humanitarian assistance/disaster relief, peacekeeping, military medicine and


    ADMM Plus Expert Working Group on Maritime Security (EWG on MS). The EWG on MSis scheduled to meet twice a year and report its deliberations to the ADSOM Plus. The

    ADMM Plus EWG on MS is cochaired by Malaysia and Australia. It held its first meeting

    in Perth in July 2011 and discussed information sharing. The terms of reference for EWG

    on MS were approved in October 2011. In February 2012, Malaysia hosted the second

    EWG on MS that focused on specific initiatives for practical cooperation and capacity

    building. Malaysia tabled a Concept Paper on establishing a mechanism to support the

    work and implement the decisions of the EWG on MS.

    ASEAN Maritime Forum (AMF). ASEAN established the AMF in 2010 under the terms ofthe ASEAN Political Security Community Blueprint.

    85The second meeting of the AMF

    was held in Thailand in August 2011 and proposed expanding its membership to include

    dialogue partners in a separate meeting (AMF Plus). The AMF is focused on a

    comprehensive approach to maritime issues and has so far not dealt with South China

    Sea issues in detail.86

    The AMF held an expanded meeting in 2012 with the inclusion of

    the plus eight dialogue partners.

    85Hanoi Plan of Action to Implement the ASEAN Regional Forum Vision Statement, May 20, 2010, Point 3.

    86Chairs Statement of the 19

    thASEAN Summit, Bali, 17 November 2011, Points 1417 (Maritime


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    ARF InterSessional Meeting on Maritime Security (ARF ISM on Maritime Security). In2009, the ASEAN Regional Forum established the ARF ISM on MS and later approved its

    Work Plan at the at the 44th

    ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in July 2011.87

    The ISM on

    Maritime Security focuses on information sharing, capacity building, and training ratherthan practical activities such as South China Sea CBMs.

    The evolution of the regional security architecture is at a nascent stage and it is unclear how

    an expanded EAS will relate to the already existing multilateral security institutions. On the

    one hand, the current evolution of the regional security architecture may be viewed as a

    positive development since it brings together all the major actors, including the U.S. and

    China at head of state/government level. On the other hand, if China feels that the other

    external powers are ganging up on it, the EAS process may become deadlocked. Of the eight

    dialogue partners, five are either allies or close strategic partners (U.S., Japan, South Korea,

    Australia, New Zealand).


    What are the prospects for future cooperation over maritime security and South China Sea

    issues? The future security environment of the South China Sea region will be influenced by

    five major overlapping trends. These trends contain both stabilizing and destabilizing

    elements. The five trends are:

    U.S.China strategic rivalry Regional force modernization Increased regional maritime enforcement capabilities Evolution of the regional security architecture ChinaASEAN discussions on the South China Sea

    China (and possibly the United States) is undergoing a power shift as a new generation of

    leaders takes office. In the shortterm, strategic mistrust will continue to influence their

    bilateral relations and any maritime security incident could be viewed as a challenge to the

    new leadership. Over the longer term, however, the top leaders of China and the United

    87ASEAN Regional Forum, Draft Outline of a Work Plan on Maritime Security: A Template for Discussion, 2


    ARF ISM on Maritime Security, Auckland, 2931 March 2010; CoChairs Summary of the Third ARF Inter

    Sessional Meeting on Maritime Security, Tokyo, Japan, 1415 February 2011; and 44th AM/PMC/18th ARF,Indonesia 2011, Chairs Statement, 18

    thASEAN Regional Forum, 23 July 2011, Bali, Indonesia, Point 41.

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    States can be expected to meet and set objectives and priorities for their relationship. Major

    power relations will continue to reflect contention and cooperation.

    Chinese and regional force modernization programs, coupled with the increase in maritime

    enforcement capabilities by China and regional states, represent potentially destabilising

    trends. Chinas growing naval power will not eliminate Southeast Asias security dilemma.

    The most disturbing trend is Chinas increased reliance on citizen fishing fleets and state

    paramilitary forces to concentrate in a disputed area in order to assert Chinese jurisdiction.

    Recent joint exercises between the PLAN and CMS/FLEC vessels are particularly unsettling.

    Chinese assertiveness has provoked the U.S. to rebalance its force posture and increase its

    presence in the South China Sea. The South China Seas contested waters will become

    increasingly congested raising the possibility of an accidental mishap.

    In the shortterm it is unlikely that the evolving regional security architecture will be able to

    effectively manage challenges to maritime security. The ASEANcentric regional security

    architecture is an inchoate mixture of multilateral mechanisms with overlapping

    responsibilities. ASEAN Defence Ministers have not been particularly proactive in addressing

    maritime security issues. The ASEAN Regional Forum can only promote confidencebuilding

    measures; preventive diplomacy is barely on the horizon. The ADMM Plus process shows

    some signs of progress, but it is proceeding at too slow a pace. It remains to be seen how

    the defence ministers will respond to proposals from their Expert Working Groups. The

    ADMM Plus must meet annually and report to the EAS to be effective. Since the EAS works

    on the basis of consensus, it will take some time before agreement is reached on whether or

    how to streamline the regions existing multilateral security institutions. Strategic distrust

    between China and the United States is likely to hamstring the EAS and prevent it from

    taking effective action.

    Finally, ASEANChina discussions on a Code of Conduct appear as elusive as ever. ASEAN and

    China are presently focused on implementing the DOC Guidelines. They have yet to initiate a

    single cooperative project, and even if they do, there is no guarantee that confidence

    building measures will spill over an effect practical measures to address maritime security

    issues. Rising Chinese domestic nationalism has become particularly jingoistic and is likely to

    scuttle any diplomatic effort that is perceived as undermining Chinas indisputable

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    sovereignty over the South China Sea. Domestic nationalists have a natural ally in the


    In sum, Southeast Asia is ripe for rivalry but not armed conflict due to strategic mistrust

    between a rising and increasingly militarily powerful China and a United States committed

    to maintaining the present balance of power. These two powers will continue both to

    cooperate and contend. Tensions in their relations will be transmitted to Southeast Asia and

    pose challenges to ASEAN as its seeks to become a more cohesive and unified political

    security community.

    The security environment in Southeast Asia will continue to be characterised by intractable

    sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea, rising resource nationalism, and potentiallydestabilizing regional force modernization programs. As a result, regional sea lanes are set

    to become more crowded, contested and vulnerable to armed strife. 89

    88Willy Lam, Chinas Hawks in Command, The Wall Street Journal, July 1, 2012; Michael Sheridan, Control of

    PLA at heart of Chinas power struggle, The Australian, July 2, 2012; David Lague, Reuters, Chinas Hawks

    Gaining Sway in South China Sea Dispute, Jakarta Globe, July 26, 2012; Yohanes Sulaiman, China Puts On a

    Show of Strength, But OneParty System Showing Weaknesses,Jakarta Globe, August 1, 2012; China military

    strength put on display, Sky News, August 2, 2012; and Michael Sainsbury, Hu sets in motion train of

    succession, The Weekend Australian, August 45, 2012.

    89 Rory Medcalf and Raoul Heinrichs, Crisis and Confidence: Major Powers and Maritime Security in IndoPacificAsia (Sydney: Lowy Institute for International Policy, June 2011), 3.