thank you to welsh government for taking the significant step of investing in initiatives which...


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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Thank You

• To Welsh Government for taking the significant step of investing in initiatives

which “enable” a stronger Welsh Credit Union community. Undertaking

marketing on this scale would have been impossible without assistance.

• The £1.2m investment programme has allowed us to seek out ways to partner

more productively, examine alternative infrastructure and to look at new

product opportunities.

• To all of you that actively participated in the marketing programme – You have

helped created lasting legacy and a strong case for additional investment.

Why is it important?

• The number of people excluded from mainstream borrowing is now over *12m.

• Not just people on benefits but those that have survived recession, changed job,

missed credit commitments, max’d a couple of credit cards and now getting

back on their feet.

• Restricted choice means you are vulnerable and that can rapidly evolve into


• In Wales only a little over 2% of people use a Credit Union.

• We needed to go back to basics… Start telling more people what a Credit Union

is and why we were different from other lenders.

*Provident Financial Group

The All Wales Marketing Campaign


ActivityTelevision & Radio Advertising

• TV - 1.4m adults viewed once & 700K saw it 4 or more times

• Radio - 2.4m adult listened 3 or more times

ActivityOutdoor Advertising

• 2 x 96 sheets• 63 x 48 sheets• 6 x Backlight 48 Sheets• 7 x HD48 Sheets

• Seen 10.7m times

ActivityOutdoor Advertising

Streetliners – Typically 4 opportunities to see & an estimated 4.7m impacts

ActivityPress Advertising



• 63 articles

• Print & on-line 59

• Broadcast items 4

• Value: £680,000

•  Reach: 38m+

ActivityMailing Materials & Posters (A2, A3 & A5)

270,000 leaflets distributed throughout Wales


• 3 venues (Swansea, Cardiff x 2 and Wrexham)

• Generated 830 plus entries segmented by local authority area

• Contacted each about campaign, identified opportunities to support and provided with materials

• 1,665 posters • 19,682 leaflets • 11,000 balloons,

pens, beach balls,


ActivityCredit Unions of Wales - Website

Almost 6,000 referrals generated

ActivitySocial Media Highlights

Increase in activity(15th May - 31st June)

• Unprompted awareness of credit union advertising

has increased from 31% to 43%.

• The highest recall was amongst the female, 55-64,

C2DE audience, in the Mid/West and North Wales


• Biggest increases by region came in Mid /West Wales,

amongst the male audience and the age range of 25-


• Social classes ABC1 and C2DE both showed an

increase in awareness (around 7%).

• Invested in creative and made a good start.

PerformanceWales Omnibus Survey Mar 2014 - June 2014


• Credit Unions of Wales - Working together for the common good regardless of trade affiliation

• A new “All Wales” refreshed branding

• All Wales Website

• TV & Radio advertisement (subtitled)

• One fat orange squirrel suit

• Campaign images (12 months)

• Animated information film (due for release ME July)

• Image library of all campaign materials with brand and PR press release guidelines (USB memory stick)

• A foundation for marketing collaborative working – sharing costs and production

• A strong platform for future investment


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