th. me abit. 'tvbttn& - chronicling america « library of...

'tVbttn& v»- xxii.!\°- ü,">83. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, MAY IO. 1802. PB1CE TWO CENTS. TH. ME irffCIAlin ABIT. ? GREAT -ATTIE AT WEST POINT. m fMmtmn »Tünflift on the Peninsula« «« ^NCTHÉLH ONION VICTORY. fitN. Bi'RNvVÖE MARCHING ON WELDON. -«.» Gfc-i-V- ttWTKM-MT ATMORFOL*. «a» Bfltll Frepa-__2 to Destroy tho Wavy-Yara. Pearaan -taara« «. lta_Mto« Mi»«, i v.» Bal-w-ore Knday, May B, IB* I j .tu t -: ni Ita al it G m. Me» C1 -vi» -'I " "' '' **' !n'' ' '' 004* ^,l" I,., ;. r-; v'r.i! akfan lahm arl h tha .«aani .«. , of traofM te Wee! l'eut wa. -H.., w.¡- | .. tr, Bad a beat mi nki i I mWi r' i betwem ti,« t .¦' I. ;.- the Kebab aeeer Lm.whe wen eadean um« Bab e*aj le Ki ' n It ¡a mid to bare I . a i ¦.< n battle ea the rr«,,, ¦ ..». _B- 1 KB lot v trd 4U ! o..., ,1 | or von bach toward tin neem eade. (,«i. ,h tbe Cbi i i . ¦ ate kllcd Bad aaaaet Tom enemy wen drirea 1 ao -."¡beete« T I j.. Bni wbile ear whole 1 ewmant on. I 1:.'. '. i Bad it n--? !>ren foi Ita ga» bes*i. Mt v ere ¡Id bara !.. m datan «i. Ti,»»' '.vii' ? -' .'..-_ a'¦ li .'<.«ir-.,i tren t:. ¦¦ report -.?.iti- gréai «.xi-iierr.tnt at Mt r- fdbt-tai sfelOeB. BfltBaide, erith o large i-rif. ittitl ii ra a ile- efTC« Idoa, thal tbe ¦ndireopaa i utti ,. < B) <v. . eli «weal- Mi- »¡ l Nu;.u» m..! .'ig Pointa, tbey ny.ea alnnl] »i«! iiiiii-ii, m. ) prépara tan wen um ki:.g io «to¬ rt..,y t!«- Nw .: o la- | lie |irOi«-rty. \x. Il «- Mi »'« Vatbiiig'.ei M.-. '- The -Ulta . I bbh '! : y ure m tetamiBom ii I :l ali nul bai --.«. io »m »i ii» i... MeClellm which ia new i. '.-..' iB-Beam yore tanitaeanhtgta. fíen. J t i- barn appointa 1 HiliiaryQe tmor ami Pn II . bal of ile loam. fbe i-.» iel report oi d»- Kille«! au-1 vroimdfd l.nnir Me) T to aead «.vor il.«' military telegrepb ü ha. ti, vrr n. ad bv mail. T;-.-. *i -..L'l-i'i ip Toik River basbseaama am* re»«',,,i .... \'. «-»¦ |'|. |l... w Heg haslam beard la thal dh I the. pan» ticoii.-. i na. lim BJ '. .le n.ilil it Uli: fhoi :i Énraiiab a th tbi nargaard of the eue;uy i'.¡ «avi-i. bbwi n oro, 'I v the ei m j baa. ,,. .a-Jii- .-u.« »br «it;» H T- ¦.- : b thal <'¦¦!.¦ .. hot h -. -., nit ii nil«« bayoud V. iii niir- haagtben i Haag »\-iii 'nil» ii mnywagmaia th<- ret'».«,' of |Ba »'U-iny Brtag-taf»t-i ral ga i II- Va«Alea l.a«*.een npryintl '. f (ii- lier n:al Con mandant »if inrkii'Wi i- Mer, with I u; t- Oyrn \ mun O-ii. Vin. J i- a I :.. «i ma ¡atad Gapt liaren? al Um Kih N'.-»t iori i... mt, lo be Pi-oroal Kanbal. vv »., u. »r.j.r Meg -. .'. É eileen leane feonaa eascer in the arnyo! i':-«* Pot».mat: a I ..*¦-'. .'.. ii ti« Bil - wv leeefa beal tro,«, l-l lo Johastm -a t i ' '' i tpssna haw ¦¦:¦'¦¦ ra safe bel - s'a I Ti.,- -tobeli : 1 « '. n. 1! tbem ti,, beal a .. to th li m r«i Uki be PambM - 11 - W MI Peh¦ t m 'i an » . «iii id-erith a lett; of IBO I ¡lied aed em Hr i r-nl,.»- '.e ..»' a ur>»!«'i"n* a «e Luvt n pan sale '.' »tn | ma-Bane at ate 1 i . ¦ I . sr-»''.;,. Wbei laaad ihi aaaauenl pnb m ) hame e«w BJEPOBT i BOM i.»..'.'. KcCLBLI-hl Un i, au« ii- .Me .v l-l in Te Bl ii r I .! a I keerd erna atiaaMaag thal the Galeas» waa Bfrrou .<i uti Hot' -«lao'l--! j id»;«' not l-adlv, for Um Bemm ttat Capia Bo ami ino ihren em ni «wal. I»- e al nu ali ii.» ». . Baal My tom* « an la -arti .,...,.-, < srir.!*. 1. y ha.s all ii» air and feeNag .earan». Itwoaldd at good team then. .Iliari- ¦-«..-i >.i a ii iib lb I no. PraakUB. RMtoaettam tkm navy «ii mtiv« ¡jidirt'*« M-i ;-. : abonen and «¦.. .. -. «uii*u. ei, li. V I 11 *.., !'\i i it-e-^' ( ,. < HU ABE '.«,-«; I ..i.V. i Capt Muí..- , - ¦» i.. C i j«i«-«v.<| ioui turi. \\h.-- »»yrarta.). ? rainfk « Jha an m »:..-.. ii. la Br. of Vaaaaa, ff. P.), P-v-e-v,«,.. ., Royal, i _rriri : ob rrtatflnaaan 8l.e ; re l| . "¦.¦ V",!*"'.'" v '' tornntbehtai I « tai« I, S^'iah^ m^^, A , ^ .. (WMfrw| "-*»«.ri»n.i. nu ,»f «..::. eau. ¿Vi. -a- ¦", Mrane« ..,..., 1V; ^ ; .Uoa.i.vti.,,,1. tajraMBmi, JCLî/a. S^.Hlh.ü.&gaVboat ÍSSV leo de ( ,. ¡_ Ma, v.« fn , » a » ''«'.'-i1', .¿r. I ., .vJa>j m< h-.-1 un, v.. «"Bs»tinr*,.t,,.(i A*i'.r.i» '«>... (.-Mum daoiwi innBnnnn mgBmt Ut m<-j.n, ilia»'». Jin, ina iv 1 ).-!,« r iu rai.k' ba» teobh r in »mi tLaa 1 _j t. li' I ''I t >. of il,e achina Hi.t-aie, h-B-d iu m.; Igy at IPtlHaamtamg, Ciu,t. Pncej fe*, for V4 3r« d Le If-»' »'0.r){ir«V;ll'. .li Br/efof .at erjr*rmHon*>ataBdt fro.., u,e| Toblic iJoii-aiii ty. nil,., i,-,' J Bpmtal BhiygirtB-.nroLoiira t». tim BMBBnBBl ii.ra.ure, snl f. Lw-itirr jnrp.,-a, limn aiy mau wIi-t iu,r,vr« tia,. Vying berniia!!*, ead gkrit«r> aa be did, eiali be amM have beard al the cvaplet« tiiunnl .asd Kefoim bef-re be waa r.llivi frnm aa lie an* j .*. of tbe earliest voluiileei-i fwlbi wUr and meat .***> it witb a tliorougb comprebeLtin-i of »hat it ¦tom tod »),*i it ought to atnie ve. The Ham r«**»» bggi bo iBon -titoliisaju or feVlBBBjan, fcd ¿"try. THE WAR FOR THE UMI0... '.iilillili.NAL FlfOM KF.W-OItLEANS. m, -- HOW MB. BAILEY WA8 RECEIVED. ? . STAIR 111- AFFAIRS IN UEMIIÍ.M. ««? THE PRESIDEHT AT YORKTOWN. ACTIVITY OF REBEL WOMEN. The Repolntiou of Tliaiiks to McClellan. VV ishik« ton Krlisy. Hay », II ? I MOM M.W-liltl UM, ('..¡¦- tv'.v, from HsiTfrrlMM.aeja that the wealthy eiiinas, the apper (tdunss, sad the maules, ih h or BOI t. aie in sv ii.j.tttUy t«, i.ti lbs reb« II; .n, bul tiiit the l«i.i.ring emana, dm madaillaat ¦immm, an Iii rl si! leVOl. te la I'lll"! . ('mu. Baila*». Bmntba bnnt tif the tart ^ rm am to s.irre- d«r sail vii lu«, wey to tha: Mayot*oe»Oi Iwmmji «tedod bj a ( î.-'-i.ii' iv «v».«. iagerowd wbe ;¡rr.i!ieii f,r ti". lVivi« nd Beatvegurd, and sli-aiiteii. " l.i.l him! "llaii.' Lim a BUU] ; Mt " I »vii let i im go t.rtvk aiiv« ' Beert bdu ami thoa, l"w«vrr. ImOJV throi 1 sleeve vvvaiii be (.ulled, M lis Lm-iJ jr.¦«.«¦', 01 « vvLisjitr dnpped .iiu> »üe ew, Mab at " Uiu-J tu ne 1 Wby dida'tysununbefne t" BswMti eorted baeli la a eemage by twe amorto detoiled the the pat] n bj Gea. I., veil, vt-t..- eatotnioed tb* lerowdwkileheWM asleiy BMaMng Ins wayOaibe a van. ¿,l«>n« s lissiiriiijiiB Ihnl lev :¡ei« r t'ive u«i tl.e l'y. lue A inn ¡«till tim., after it tv«- hiieted over bal CustorjfH sa hattagal liol baaa Mh ah il a CBSrd wai» * :. ii ia tie euee' B0BI inoir.iT:. ton ai.J tiaaapled i«i iL«- «lu«. 'Iii- MtnpBfen are -very irniudrnt, Lit it b ti« ug'.t thal "Pic.ty.ine 1'i'lir v/ill dik«u bett ti.« lia Tia Jovis e\pre«F»rd tt«ir repret ti at flu.:«...'., l-'airsüii I s«! Ml BBUSsd BBUatanaol lriii.-rr !.. ein! t i m ia -oinj'i le tliir-oi araiioii« tai Medí lent. I i bbbUbW ¡. j ), a BBBOb more lotm..!..!.'. ..«'!.-»' ¦! belMrj 'linn tbtn win. li hgand m Bat atajea had IroM hmaehed i»n«. *t«>iii«l.'»/thai»..'.«-, ia re. rave J 1>.r .¡in.aiieu! an.I « ii» r defci wea J bave L'-en m .tun d. leabnts mea tmt apM Ila an(i a rill of an extreme v lanstaUMa ehMBCtn t pegs1 B I n 1 vs it < allis, lud Ire', B&etebed Mans tha near ahata tha *M*f, in,-«-! .¦» luui for I- l»,'-(.lll.<-..r «-«»ote wLeu lie «l.ould mun (low.. s'rvMDi. 'Hie enBfl auule-ts rt ll.e I.i.pi li «Aid «-r.-i.rb »mr- vee»»-le m il«- Maudaslsnal lold «.ur <.tlir.«re ÜasTJ weald fail m the attoaast o eapton Hi »*..» »rian i. It wn haunted Iel i . i md na li «it ¡ht. a itii.caJiy BBBB to Jlcu.(iiis. Mi «.ti!» IS M i \ IBaBJtIA. i'aj.v O. BiinaTtead our «nrgwle Brigsdi '"mr- lernmaer, thie aaiadng r»«u/e«i m AlessadrisSO 000 bagaol s1.. lied eera sad in beeatredbaejfiei narbed i'-iiWr ntuatn. TI suata mer- aati báldeme« Engumt eveuiagand bauwm i a deane II take the Mina of a Bgiuiue .<> the Pbi f ii ...ut ead pay the anal Hi i ney M be enta mm bj the B*an »,'l|..-'S. Tbei »bat a a ama an !.e i|,, ¡i.'e.l | atomiasienet of i-« retnwal,4tad ni ¡.-».li« . BU -r MS t-y.-iely luii.iei.tfj, « : i «as t! < v <uu de lio i BTtSt PI I. -i>\ M Ur, » . ' if . atari reed at dbm u t n 111 -, m latiaMml s < -t iv l-'.x ni I Mi. Hettgwiet ("I., ii.j: ' ' l.'.r li MM VBMACObbMjs» .-e. lui panjaBMssT BISU ajBaaatT« TWl*)MBsdnt Ima BOt ret. neil Ii»in »otltfuwu Pe aim» n at a laie 1 SM to-inui t. 11« witnraeed ti.« ,,- ni ti Sewalt'e Po bl jaowatwf, baa tivy,, -Ai'liiu rifle sie t. BBlaBUssftha '.:'». iniv.ii» .«* .'b as a nets aixl as Iv'ly ai. . iteusi ss Ledi«|ilavs mbtnMBlhag n new lorentiuu at tl.e Navy-Var«! [l e. It ii iinilerjl*«)»! »list lie hu« bein BSertTaaiag a 'ni- letal atpeaauaudeeua, «veil n bstatasaj Éeeh BMsTSJ whaiatM Le Las «val. in« «.. tv. -i rim.r. \i iv befare venurdav, tamk FiiUisiii. « a:i. f!- n. S !,..! ,. I»-, r ai« ree u brij-a l'i «j! fie lau« r, wl .- 'i .») «axe i'.eil f. m. t»o.-e ericpniiieil M ii¦¦. Mall rids of v«.'i> Blnr, Bafualta lf/e : 'l'l.e Rtfot la bed Ihi .a a ab» ¦» a d«)tcn s!.e li fr».i» i.,t/le. ¦¦; ,1 1 inland, !-.<t < Ml illari r n BM tin m te lliiiLt. A rain of Ml rmtnlug iii :'..- Wtst I'o::t dejH.l vvae in lied by our bai.) j « i«.>d toread i..- k. r 'in. i m ITWB OV HI ItaUN » Mr. BaUMBUan of M nsoiin ««vii«) Iii. i,;, v Lor 1er- .S'.il'e N Uli »I VVi'i V(,t« «J Ki bUBbJ ti ¦.) Ulo.iey (»11,,'nb- iii«'.« bj |ha i'-tv nana » f ûé Ditiikt to 'Le aaaaa« liol oftheh earn uiieud of wi.ii. ahilaras, ead to ¦earn obi I laen! wl I Lave (¡¡».iiBí-e-J fie Na- j liuiiaJ Capital *<> BBB ) veaia. 'fill, itl.ül.l. MilVII.N. A' ah .* «*.' «j baa )ii«i Bru vel from Me u- :>. a ..y i Biehnead, batiag booa f«».r rsaahal ob| . loaraey arya t'. t whimyer ile araateha Io a d a '..( M .«': * lula (levotlou to tbe MUM of lill« : vu." Berti ula.-ly BJUOtUJ IL«- woixen, wir. v.'..- ntujiringtb BsnriuMel ihehMap**ÍMMMMMMiiBafJ li!-, i." a '.vi; v' eviiyilii«.!' la the Babel Uoyinuieni. aiuili.ii Ma-y .'ft: .-:: bud 'n'. ntheeaVBBtO tram ¡le:..- 'loot,, in Le made u.:«» rbaivJ*fur U¡- »oldiii». un vi «.rRtvs MIBUTBB. Tbe Atie'rinu M ¡..»t-r, CLtva n-r llulseuiiiiin, a!...1.1 u, rtturu home let a Summer mijourn. anOTBBT OI COU *3aVt*Wtrm*l*a\%\ AM)'T.. i. if PoTTKIt. i-'0'. '.»'.oil.uin, 8C4A)rdin(.' to a Inlt 1'Uer from N«)iiii (ur. H ¡ertcDverin/' frrna ihaeaVata «if tbr août, 1 be r., e.yed ¡. Nor.), ( ,..ima. TLe amj.u- ution of Lu leg wi-.i Uo,, B(., Irai tLuuijlit. bMMM neeesaary. LicuU-CoL Polier now Lire, «onta- leertrnf, en rout* to rejoin lus n-^iovent in Nirtb ( H.tb of tl«sn ofliccn *>iuijjja»rjd ¿Kew- I11NÍ-OI KICK AT hl.V W*->T. Key \\ eat, Florida, bul bl eu nuda: a ali-tri' l'i.ri-«).hce. Jty |bbuir.uigiincnt, «lb bl ataBBtthn, an w i 11 un privat coi re.poiuleuie, will he regularly iiid fabbly InuiHiiiiüid lu every H re'"ion. siw11 N wivriii. The Navy llejiuline ,t m taUBadbtt B o' un ir. Kiln tiducemi nt» lav«» ban otter».i ii. tim «a li y of Hil» iittc. e, and in eli the »eauieu air ! ibb| lag u larvato of prize man» A singla» Ml of the rea eut SSBSBBBS, it « eatirnbti-d. ' will vif Id to each MM M the Btttttrfanj VSattl j from $l 'iii) to 11,-ton. A line «h.uice for ths Ne*- I rbnd liehermen. MRBTltBaj OP rn\N| f»v«.Tivi s. The fnlbiiing Balbi wii» read from tim dirks «i. »i» iiiuiie« lutlely att»r ile BdrMnMntt of ihe llitl-e lo-tlaj Tlirr» w ii I..- a n .»ti, . at* le ,«:.' ,»«',». M. . t.r« B ag .m lin» litii, tomeana |l atoaiajli M »y toi o', ci k p. m." All (<ii-errative BMBBMe «fren BU Uto Bttttaatt i-»i;..i io !itt»iid, to eeaaett togtobn n to the bM | muan* le defeat the Hclierne» of the Aholiti' nid» sud ístceeeiouiatn.'' r i.m wMATwae, The Renate, la Rsocotivs ssaatan, today na. t'ined J..'ii ,1. ('¦» Ü» t». --ni Tr. inn r f ti e I UaBedgentoo ttltew«Tmb| QeorgnD.Cnaa tey« oi the Cntonn tat .'.«* «port of «raw dock, li I.; Col. George W. TayloroftbaSd>>"> --%- Velum« ci», io he Brigadk I ¦« rul. RAI M "lim n". rtn mar* Dapntamnl bn issaed the Ml «h «Li 1.1 J i«« \\. nilli lo rea r«. nCooaamsaki ! .' I ,,.r Ï i- .. .-. ,, r.l -, ii..; lad Ballal ii " li. ii«idas, Como« ¦' I. a h I', bi one del iched trom I : di I Mon eely al BartM, and* ti refwt toCej«*. . u. lar Ihe n.iu.i.itd oi the Or..;,-re, M [Taaxia ,,,. (tasaaolL Qaabl, jr. of Bat«, si ¦¦ inte«i 4 ti | *-,.-> - uid oed, os t«> rsperl t ( ii.<('i,n 'rani 'i o !"' ii Ilwrj H. Vtrntar, John MctJowonsmd «Samuel vTatarbory of lae roioma flotilla ni» pie«.1 le be Art lag Mh.i».« I bri -I 'n'«. I r-i| «rai Jol B M. li Ifa r f Nrw- , «'it, HI « poiOtl «I lil|g W .ei.-ir «ii ttO*BOW-1 ol'» yard. Attoag the pan..:..'» g Ce ¦.¡.¦.¡ce «Depett'i mwadrrm h drttag Mártir Ti Dodd, ta he Acting Vul-llitfer I.ii ni« in, .! IMPORTANT laaOll iOKIiTH. m rn mm imcin hi un. gram. Tiley Fall Back to a New Position -,.. m,«t -.* A aaaattl ia Tit i '«j aa»t Aiiiialu I, it.» lru>. l'..!.hiirK Batt thn the Beheb ia, ra. B'tatafd hy lien, lirnnl "n Wrali »wlav a fa«w ile» ,,f (i, lutt.. I heir linn waa constantly I titi .-1 k iba«gh lo ponhctn I'l On i -».iii of iii1« .'11 ga»'rn, «-n t appa ar» in Ihe r»| Id ii ,.»»ii i.t « f She Ii« i" '. hy tl.'ir i,¿lu lim,k to th» nath-eM,Ibaas «dering ti" Mm sftBM Men ila aad i bai «no Railroad Bad tabbaj a| apasb ibnntti Hobib ladOhbBaad natbal I'onnll Tin» n.o»eri t, together w ith tl.o r«port« tf tie demi srs, iadkaB th» absta Bebri kan will bs stn at rapidly n posaihta tt CaaoaaBBa, 19 lillie» -'lilli «,f f'./l '.'I Al tatt posto iba Bobeta ban aattaaba werbe tot tie Baaabttan of ara« aad ordnen «¦. * UtO'l I III III Kit lilli! III. .:. lorn mt I in »ii I 11'oi.ara tal. (air Kirm'. i:. i.irli l.rcnl II. .. MBBttB al l'ri...aui t>. I.'«» Ita-Oaln llamón und III c1. Iran \ i.n Julinu A Han able 'tut. mi liai... ,- . . to I Le V | ,;l, ., n/«a»ai » i rldar Ma) I, MM ii... ibatteb from krodawiadtshorg .ittaiiii the ful1 ,.v,i.c BOWS ii aal'liti .ti I*, «ash »»Indi SB arn not tal liberty lo pnlli.h- Ueeta l>HIii|sa*«y, Co. A, 1*1 N. Y ag, M, Biet Cup. Farrith, Co. It. î'.Hb Bew«T rb prisoners .'ia in Bbbnoad ania-ed l«»t «They my tia» ti»y wen mybbtunanly toatted whilebitheBtabnaad «orbae, ead bli or .>! I tba atter eitiu.'ion ol' tba »oheb If»'.«'! lurde. <"« '. CesessM in vary bad bnbb. Tbs Bisanb chun «unit ttnggbtttWilhaanbooj Iwn» a viettry lar Iban, and ¦«*¦> th-t they are sann« fully holding Mrl'l. ian in c'i« c1» Tiie DaNtotoM* rim ,rd to aiivf Keim*-iel ti oin ti.. M T A«> ai.'.fc-irri íioiii i'.» I.t Booth CaroliMBagi ii.ent, Cn!, liam li .i.,arrived i .,, They HaaaapMieb Cbateb, aim !«n.i«,n I'mdrkle- í.iiraí, t*»-<U.y. Tbef tty thal W'.li the li» bel funy-a «let a lit!'» Lar«. U radi a ill denert. Th Ckriatima Bmtmwai Ibb «orniog pablioBn the bibra lag Da tam aseraase« "a» IM of i ¦.-. «myee« «-»iib«, tom.of i i , . a,,» '.,. «I.»/» »al »l»»ei !..,. «. lait .'..«.» lo !,»l»il:|,*n f.e,«r p-,1»! a di.I an .ni.y laSBeB »... .. «XfttlI Batta Ihm i. J or n -.» o.,i o,m of «n,. »,.. »»ilUIg. Br- ie itsenaj leaav« th»y tri ara t0 r. Si tita » d ita in aad tal t- «'« *.> .tie | iwlaj v»i»ei, .- » .1 ei I ir.!' ,:a ... « ¦' | Si i». ... aaajg, , i.wL'd b, Mr« »ia»), tanti Cn., Ballia i, Md in«. ii « ttg. »vii ,1 It »I! ia«. -, |, ,,..,'.., .'.an UW '. '-'ii« f BeRiuiLi-l «« I-. BetiaVeta ingbt, ral »u at ».'ia«, i:ri(,,ir»r » V. (. MeWa Milrae! I.f I. »a' a. I to Da i|«»ii«. Hin*,! »i a.:'«i ,ai» i lair», nwntt hy R »*> ld«»-tat-idl B.I. ,.-.. ii k.ttnrg I « »»li.ed .. 4 .««. Hi ,, ( «a ^ ,,. Rtans I »..i.i-.'i-n li l V'bIÚibI tan «-d .i I. and Angln Havana, »wael by Be«* B featlaa ,'«..J o.« > « val ied at + M l'a,..Iig Ulli, ri-lerl »ab i-e Va. tajasd ti $. I'nt. .., .i*iti bp A "-I .lii»u.l an I I! V, »,., r I » BBtttl la u«v inlinnBI ¦" .'nu,.. Ha f, »wntdbvCt Mi, r j Pankina ttaki i. ni I o ..-» Va, ralead st B4«e. J IBaW I.n «aler av. v,.l ie,l «t +. .:, . », li.-niy 'f. ¦) '"' III ii». >.d( .,i ni) I. vaJu.J at Bt.SIO .-,.11 -.. BWaad BJ Ml » «>l r-alli.iiiara, I «LO k «Sa-,n, R ,i, ad la tnlned M - Mai) iw'lu» , ewan by O, BatfnM« f.«-»iui, s.rl»i li «, «.., au» Vli.ler f M;dd.-a. I \ « i.ln« «I at 14,0«; Ntl «le lan el »«an by R g v..,«i »« |t,M, j. . I award by aaWsnanfOM ¦».«».«« .1 a. v»|,»d«t+iiio, im. a »lh», owii»d y Mi («uiiiid It I.-'ila 1 »»lii-d »a I.'« « glaae liiHtl.yit Bwi.rd hy I ipi. I at OmtMéêjt ti ttotrOt Inbtni a* ralane « «Wli toewasO| 'tm »am» w !.. \ufcn.i* «it,a Ha. r> !.«>... It «a li be tm otarnd that more than S i 'S.000 worth ipi» trli a » ititi -rd. to «ay uti lug »b-iil a vail »lu .111,1 ,1 gra.B . ad otbrr pr,«party wbla li wu a u e.l In iliem all »I ,«-< ably p. ova iu Hi» »id» total h«»» to li.» owi «11 «'u coi.tec.ilon with tbt bun.) 12 «f biidgai Bud SBBBBa. a « »o-jldaiat» that froui glMttttl *«' RM »a'iríb uf «ott«,u wu »lao liurufJ whloh nilfbt bl»e < u ».»ed, bid Lol aucii t terrllil» pa ila ». lied «li» niau*!-" »' «."» call V. e a* ri.«.»ad ina burning Bf ti.» bridgi and veatfl», and traly tba Kana wm ona of i.«»:«arboly mt lin.Ity M»y wt nevar a»nu «-,ln^» lucb rtlkit.i, wietMd ,iU"B of pi« y ft THE VICTORY AT NEW-ORLEANS. Till: OFFICIAL MiPORTS. MT. SniREMlERED OS THE 2811 ALL THE REBEL NAVY DESTROYED. "TUB OLD FLAG" flfll IN TRU'WII, ARRIVAL OF GUNBOAT CAYUGA. WiSBIBBIBB Frl !»y. May». UBI 'im- Kavy Déportâmes bra neairm ibe to!lew tag int-reifin^' otlii ml detaiii« o: IBB « of tfeW* OriaBBBI I'k.tbi- Sr it«v Bl «o Bat* lli.TTorti, i at Am «eK urr in« « tri er Bra-Onta««« \ I'i.»«rf«v tja 2'«, MB ) Biri I um happy aaatn i loyontbel our iIhü «av.« -.v.-- .iii PoneJaehcoaead st. Phillp, ki; I'¡t Ne« (>il.-Hie. arm ihnCaaiamlleaaB. I am taklug ' tatt lur-.ii« to aeeure tli« "t< u)>«liuu by I ¡eu, e. .l-l ,11 ti . foil» al,.iik) lin» romt. iifiai- k- ii v ai.'i i-'nt Pike bomheeBaheo« <?..<"t; in t.u :. ine.i« :i K»'iii-rul »taiii¡«'dr. I «luill mdram to talton u ap. I tm briagteg np the troon m tam ra potsibtaa We ban- metroyra all -,nr forts aimee the Bj few la Bcaabn, -*" 1.irL» an i.: mi to he all the lui|mlinaale belwam -H_ k'.i Maaapbtai Ii _b vary iMMclfuiiy rear cbaatam «a-rsal, I. (1 »¦ «lill vol T, Kief n* »¦ l-'iT III kaüii | S n«r!,-r.i llnt.t. i>«. M Wki a.-, Ser ,-rt.iy til là« N»v, WaahiagtoB, D.1 r. s San- Baaatm i »»». kg at» ia : Bil I tie after the«hip* pu»»e.l He foris, I »-. al a aV a aal ... i 1. lli.yiii« t... a rarrandei M tbe i i». ti in n vin* ii a in.r.l. (»n ti.- 27th I seat i< .'.-< i. Iligghieaeemmm-ieaiioD, bera with in i. -k. ,-a. iin tor thelurreoder. Huamwei imlunil Oa ti -'iii I m aired a evramuni * ini. (rum binatattag ":at be weald aBrmmerlhe tarte, aad 1 » «ni«» n^ ead leah MaaaasreB, «In.« np antrim of ntiitalatim ann bnatod the A-BariBBB lee v.. ib» lu.:». 1 m m m' u ¡ave d- Irniled tiree full with a BTBT* »;« ti "ii. y of a bettor naaa. I mated then erith ml iii«- naafeaarattaa that demontaaeei would a lil'. 1 ti* then Masmen na an lag vii ii .n-d.-r iii» eeaa» n.m ,!,.:' ( lu aai dei .1. K. Mu- beBa Ina 'IP'e'"' iii, furl m k..ovt le,iir, «1 im m;,rein «iib thmn, aiui * itlir.l in im way lo he iiiuBideird i«t|«ii,.iblr foi their », le. \\ 111«-1 bad « Han al t. an aa-tha) teen aaaptoyed win.* ti a og battery of aiatam gaaa, tonataahta -Bnair, to a plan aha se the ion», and 4*1 ile ilravt mf "I1 Im uni. ¦ < f I -) nul..lina in ::.« to «-t il.r Han .ri I ima H ««« r»-| otte.l la tie Ibey bad aac tn le ihehauerya i to-raed it adrift apea m. I aaBed the Oemral If it had pawnee m m lim.« loaded. Mi- ".) >«. -I thai be wml o'-i aaeVrtafee te ni what UM Haryedi an timid do. li-- ..*:..ed lo bav« «real loi.teuii l lor ibriil. I told bim «e r.iiilJ »land ihn ure aud blow np, ii I he fould, and went on «iii. tim « m íereu«-«, Mt.. Idtoac'iajl Ibe i.fll i to tam out for tlirlr «lii|l \\ lilla drifting duli ii on ii», tin- K»n», get I in// ln-uu-i. .i.l-ir! t .a »bot above the nvrr. A I fate .ai..m«« altar, ti» Boatlag halton exploded erith a irruí'..- nil«»* lhrowto| the frmmmte all vi r the riser, ead weamtogeem e? their own moo m Port Bt, l" ilii', mid inn! edtau ly diaappoaied aadmwatar. Mad »be blown ti), ur_r Ibe walala, f_e v4 oeld kars destroyed ti e abela of than, \\ inn I «.: li ¡«be '...«." «i D «-»i.-ioii of tbe fort. Igtaaadarway in the Uairnt l-tne, and »tiirtivi for the Mnmars, ena ef wbtah am Mill lylag the Ctinfedente ".iii. Iliad IS-Öl oter b.r, and Ibey »iirrtniirred. Iberr 444» OB boord of tl.em u mira- f a- ..¡¡a 1 lind IWO "ii., :il.:..-.. f ¡'.iii .v art'll. iy. II !..«¦> tbe "1 »nrrrodrr and for theil iufiiiii'u« foü'liiit ia InBfeg t«. bb'vv m up w Llle '.1 ilrr a flu« of time, muley..; ti.eui lo i io.« erafiaenoBl prlaomn ot wu.-, indthl k iiiry naald ha ami la ibe Keeth and kapi in don mi,1,tir-iii i.t ihne Beril the war m ever, o u.«v il.o.ild be tried tur ibi 1 inf nuoi.» oodm t. I lutv. a great deal le de ben, nni «iii ¡ ndymalltha I aneri' when I an. al le to urra.'.,;- lb, in. I tunird over tbe lane ia (im. Pbelpe. Pert Jackam ta a perta toko» Ian told that over i,(M ¦baue toll io mil beni ever Ike co er of tm tan, Tbe I r_rlire win brani''' I. The ne* foi', ive go ni ma «Bill aettle eoeoer, ea ihtahn bara bard to m » ¦. Ibe i't» tillite-r» »nilli one guiilmal vi lui.- lie ai i.liiin ;i ita« gelog an.hol 1 anvi bobo! Um t r. t«, « tteaam, al a rh, and kopi m to b_,\t Ide eilier. 1 li. 1.1 It.»« We ate in bl tbo " Hi Werenf \Vi>o«J BOil 'lui .4.1» ot v...t»'I, bi'l a. the h- '.i.rir BBVB BOtl lu« ben aehamm aetive merer, we anil do all an ... I ahrahihave deanedod bj ondtttonal aarna» .li r nt witl'i MB ti ii tara m y .. .|i, H »» a. gi -li¬ li ii.i " »i: paaaenaton of ahem tartan mm m poa atrio. 1 ne otu,cr» lañad ern ereryih-bg io good « ibe walli aad bnilding, ahuman im . !¦>¦ the amrtrn a 4 » y ..-,,... I». POR1 -;i ,..'_» To I U llS.eri I», li . tkm.,1 T. ' I « .¦¦ -.».'¦ KB lllhKI..-» 1 MiMIM .n Hive Ai.i. i'li- S I u. ..e lu"» vi- li i ,i |ii!ii I ii lim uf Foil« «J m k am Bin! Bia PI lap, vi I.l« ii « irren tared to the mailer It 'lilla» OB the BBb .lav i.-- Rp -I, I '.'. I »ii«'- li lure a hu I-- nardi I in Ham a earies, ail tim tb.»-» ia la the tn »forte, with Ihe erigiml lag hoisted oa Pert Bt. PI Bp whan the Biala «it LaaWaaa **.- .., r it Jackson le a aaefaol V4 n, . K.nythlpg m Hie »lui« «if a btaldfan ta an<i .i.. n vi«,, uni-'i Bp by the ametai amalla und ,,. |,Boo ti-il« f'll in the wink mopra.lo wv in m«/u' ! < n vi m b 1 urti over und «round it. I ,,..,-.. 'ni Itth Bl till- i' la I uri Bt, 1'bilip, I. i.vt t «ri . 'l'-1 "- fell Uta i ';i»ii' vt-ml 11. Ilow. ilii« lovilH«' tlutlil- ia «lill I,erb. lrtil: the bach* ..., f |i r ni., ia bl' «en. m, the '-'«'i «¦; ni« i.i.ii,ii. I aaal .i- of the f mann te ii« i«'k "i Peet Jachem t" I,, K the I.i» tai prevml mpi Iin petting In. I'hrmoi .-. -'tod «iti-i to Port l.i. ii -'.m ..«. , j i orad the for! baan mil a uhr,, lag ,, a ii. The Ki'iiiiiuiiv, « in, li bad bom , ,,i.f ia«.!« f-.r » ni e m.a, a m .. ni to ad ia I, | .... 4. ml um. .iii,, tbe ebon Ini, jeiitivt.l ii "< ''"' pin Braal boiitiog itir lag ,. ,r vi.»: bad e .i. «..«! !«-.| t il.i- i..niai li,'illa. , i ¦:!-., -mi we ,.ie nUattad. lain beni T 'oslan <-il"'' i. mai i retí an- all V4eil ui^i ,.!. pirti* I Ben the henel lo remals »" rnbi Hen! »AV .¡i 1' POg Mt. i. ' "i i I - -inrilHi lim. n las. i I ,, IMS »na Bi l'un n MitiiMirri Bitsb, > Amil M, lest) It. lit! I.B* Capitulation entered Into thii Kb ,l ,v '». A.l .I«-' femWaaa l»«vi.'. I' ii.:, .111,1 ». la«; S». I,.. 1 -.. .-! a M j,, t ti. u e ina _.<! Bilsi-tarUraaral J. II l»u« « ,1 -I « l ..» t I'. '. n... -ii.l I.,,.. . .ni |.i,.| Id ea.« Hit.."« MBimaadlaa Part* kara aad at. l'a Up. «4 Ifea. i.'ll» |.¦" V »,-tiel I lim Ulli -O u. li .m an ai.a la. a-1,1. l|i.i... ali»' ,.,,,,I-, '. li.,i.'la t ..I. l«.k«o-i ti.d.-i. I iii. ana., i.i'n i .aa « of war, »Bil »II ti,. BpgM trueii« ». thSMM I... i, an. i k-i1"-' «i . ali pal .. pn a ii, ih.i n.»> ¡.. .... t-ail» | Tli«i>. It ('»n l> ne-en «n I Lira- Cal, lli.-ilnsfeSMthM BfeàtmsBtoMisadm ihsOseMmeada ii.aiiD« f millaa! n r.laüi «I -ii i'1, -TUil a li'.t »'I |ni»a.e J roperlv «lia li" :,.,.-ii J i iii .n nure, toa '.hi-yi'i»il (lie iBetrpni ,.«¦' . 1,11.0 t'<» >' in t: ¦ I«.ii,ii Iii» ClalUil S'at. ui.lli .hey itaBmlarlpeasaaBss-i J it ia ii«lirrui-.i. aiirrl br Cmiiii,aail.r I»»vli Porter, rall, .»el.-I til« li rt ,r lletlll«, OB li'« |nil uf lil« HU»¦! St.«. li... ti Hut' the nun -.m, iniitivaird olticer«, prl Veta* »'.- amah 'I1'« ».- .«' fe« peru-ll M to naire uwun lleir c an' "li « « a' > li" afeaMM her iinln« r- «p.. a'ii.« lui lata, aad «hat n-T «hail dallvtr np thair axu.eand »r.'euler- inn,!. In ili-ir pr» aiiili'.,a. pri », lied Iii. I Hie .lut a-i» of IL. nal.!.- il«i.ei. ut iii., iii«!, aliad» ilr'iai «J l-l liar Uirv wtema^^ltm^HoAr^tjy 4. On th« il.nirtg of BUM »rtie'»i by fie roi.triftlng pir- (.». Hi» foil».' II f'iriiiiliT tikea pctriiloa of by llie I'oii.dS'.te« Ntvtl I nei, c ti i«n.ioi ib» BMtta» Brot, Um ( m '. il»isi» Hag slisll ba lowered, the flig of mr b'ini»d Mala» on th* H.gttafls of Po"i Ja ksoa sid St PI.Up. In the agrre-a.Dl of iii« tbove we, the uud»t»igti»d, do b-rtuvi'ti ta.r handt and a*.!. DA\ If) I) PORT K11. Cou.d'i Mort»r K1- ills. W B RKNbIIAU'.Cobi. V. i N»»y. J M. YVAINVY IlKllir. Ll«ui -Coiud'i Dtrri«t Line J It lil Ni AN. Urig (leu I -smd'g ( tit lleleuiri. r.DVVAUU lill.(IIRa Lieut. ( ol. C. S A.. (cudi hot i JasfcSBB and Phi Ip. Vi...«»; Klisv. Nu.non, L'eut ^ou,d g YX ino'«. J. A Rcs.bii, I.lout .Cotnd'g Xtrtwba. I'MiTBD Sr»T«« OrsBoiT t.tvrui, I On NswOma**»«. Apiti li, ia*";.. I Fr 4<;-0rrir*n: Your b«»l.)ly-conceive<l and splen¬ didly-executed ;.«l in ol' h «tile luv ¡«ii/ re»,iked in per- fect'au« eera, leavci me time to make on the report of my Divifion. I IBB will lind in Lieut.Commanding Harrison's rep-m an curate outline of the noble part taken by the CayagB, un kr hil command, and leering MJ di'vi-ional flig. We led MT b1 9 ii. m., in accordance with rear »ilinal. and iteereil dire.ily np the stream, ed ni uti a li ile to starboard, in oid»r to «ivo room for y oar Division. I was followed by the I>iiBirola in Une style, the laeannaaref my division followini* in regular and eenpacl onitr. \\e «ON acarcely ahove tie boom when we were discovered, aid .Ia« kson and Ht. Pnilij oimned up« ii n». We tould hring no gun le tear, but «trerad rfirertlv ra We weie »trink Iron, »tem to »tern. hi length we vvtre more close un with 5vt. Philip, when we oj«eDf 1 with grajo and <Ttui»tor. *4carcely were wi Beere the lineot fire wi en we found our- *»lve» stta- lie«l by the Keb» I rleet of g'inboa'B. This waa bel v..u! non eaneMuni work. 'I'wj larys stearaeii now ait. mt ted to hoard onr »tarhoard how, the other a-teru, an-1 a thiid on om rlui board lean. Tl,u nirie-iiirh l>'ihlgr»»n lu in». taraed on this fell " «v. we II red at a range of th'r». s yard», and the efl'e. t wa« vu» de«'rtietive. Sh- iiu- intdiitteiy sirere«! in »hore, ian s»*miind, and lunk. The I'arrott gin on the f.ue.iitilr drove oil the one on th# i ow, waite we prepartd to re: el boai-l- »r» so close xva» onr remaining eii»rriv. About ti is t in»,|Moi'c»" and Lee i»n e du«hir><« in, an 1 BMjdB a 'iu!in ol the hebel louts.i leven in all. In the kihi . f ii.«- morning we di*over»d a camp wiih Ike Steed tia»,' (1. ing, weorveiied with cann inter. Al 4 p. in. vxr re .«ived the IWafd and flin,' of Col. BfJ aieBah li ai«d hie command of five companies, |»im-, and «aicp e iiiipBge. While etigag»d at this ¡iniii ohteiveij itie Ver.«tia in contint with a nuuiber of gBubeBtej ahe had hren hut'od hy one of 'hem and «inil, but with Ins fo wind .-tins atill atom i he water, »fee ana bterety m«iniaii:iiig th« 'ig'it diivirl| off I i. enemies 'ind auvhig hi. irew. 1 (if rrniUfj Cat t. Lee of the O eida, who had also bena ettftgoi with ti t eaaatp, of the Verona'« »iiua- (i «n, Le lutiaiiily iteauied up aid made a Balah of ikeBefeel ¡Maa« lue *aaajiaajaiof tbe tleet now na.» ui iii» M -h« ip¡a, ilntt liai BUM druiued he- low xvrith the .Maiiav-eai and'hei non-clad. Alter this, »-veryt'iiiiij purged under your olservuiion. 1 Le j letrunt July i.oxx IBMOMB of fpeakaap ofihe Cayuga and her hinvi: oftiers and s.resx , :iuiu Iinji lo I'll'. Lieut.-CeBimandnig 11. II Ilainson <!;»- lived araasterlr ebililrr ia*slewing He re-.el |.«»i tiie forts under a of »I».,; and ii-li, and atleissardiu maneiiveili.g atad Itajhling tier BBBStoJ ll.e giiiitrocia. Iiani.ot «var lee BUtofe fer lim. 1 e w«i» BÜhully s«i»taii.e«l l«y Li»«,', l.eo!«'» II. I'erkii'i mil Actit-g lllaetof Ihuuiu« II. .Mim in: ii ire'Hr» uki., in ¡unbounded aduiiraiiou. 1 muet, in cou ilaehn, ex- preis ll.e pl»jiure xxliiih I ex, eneiiced in W11 ness- ii«A the «riiii,«-Llike n a'ii« r in wfeicfeull ti wire b«,n«l lad. The rrtxirta of tho l»i«Linnet lap- tains will toaren you of the BaftnhMJjW iwrt (¡one by each ship. RrtMctfully fr jr ,i!,»dl»t t servir'., J BAILI CtPtaiii ('¡g U'ii> ..¡i of li« Ke«l To Slag-Oil. »r I) li. r*»*ni«li- I j;. matd.r ii: tile!". «C. .Nea Urlt.i... I'bitbp Sr«»«» Bl «Ho,Tf «tua, t AT »B», Msy 7. l.tSS J /»« Urn (in,mi» XX«,ra«, Sr<rr:,ry flat *ory. Bia: Hain g fo,ii, I a i'j)po«»ih|e to get the Colo- rt«l«. over the Dar« of tie Mi»ri«*i| 11. I «eut up a lir^e portion of her g-n» and crew, tilling up deii- <i»ncy of both in the difTereot veraals, and wi'.b my ale, BtetsUf, Midahipman Biajahkeoa, »teward and boat » ciew. followed up myst-lf, hmslina hy author- ny of the Flag Officer roy red ili-'.iii«!uialii'ig rtig re, ,a I in comiiiHiiil, first on the ( Incida, Comnauder lae», nnu afterward on the Ctr uga. dal, resolute. Bud' iiidefatiuahle OUtaM, Coirmarder D, I», l'orter, waa al ««Sfffe with li« mortar tle»t. throwing theil at end tutu Fort Jack« MB, wl ¡lo ti« u. II liK-r with a di.-'-ion of his army j in t ran-port s wns wainn,' it lareraBBI ni-ment te «ni!. Aft r ihr mortar tleet had bren playing BBBR 11» tari lor »ix oi« v n au i nietht« vxiiioiit pranepii l.« « t'.ir lire, a' d one or txro thanBc« ol' Piegraasrne, l''lag-(iifl«er Fa-iagnt tinned Ihn chip» [attitWU columns " Line ahead, the column ot MB lied«! mi orders befeuj «ned on the fiafet, Brui ¦.liai»;. «I ol 'le ("BViiM, La« at.-l oin d14 ll»rri"o;i, n.v DAR ana l*>«ilii«^ the lViit-tioln, Cap». m ¡g tbe Ml »inlppi, Com. sim ¡1. (jnteaa, 1 o,,i. ',. I». Lee, Y irollll, Cot'. I?. L. Il'»gl2"! Kiltn'idlU, 1. eiit.-i iii.i a l*rel e. li a a leet. Uoasd'/j Baaetan, .1 I the WiaaaliirVon. Liout.-to uu'g A. A. Rn ¡h. lir «. Ininti of the Line vin» forii.e-I ou Hie lef'. tihI ii-, t!¡." liver, anil «m»!t-t»d of ILtif iliip Xortolk. t om. A WatoWtUtfet, ami hearing the of 1 ... 1- ion .-r i'i-i ict l- i«r; ¡!jKi.i, the Bfoohlya, Caj-t. 1. r. Claren ; ti« llkbrnoud, Com. tldua the 6«ioio, .he I' Ila«; ol''he Ih et, Ca; t. II, li. I » I. ¡oil wisl hy he Iro«¡n,,|«, ItttaOB, \\iu«;i"., »vud K' 11 i.ele c atol» It«!, e-i iiairtiiiifr of ihe .'¦iih.ilu.HBaelle Rd« Viiii r via» lliiosvli out in ai t! e Ila-2-lili . ile i ivinf«, a, a «liait Iv «etghed aaehor un 1 led uti the ,, ona« .Ve wen «tweercred et the fe« a, a da little beyead both torta opened iheinire». «aYken ehna as with -i,« B liiiii'. we tnaaad xvith *rr*yt mi wfrtw. «U| «teeni ii 011. after paniaa their lue ol lire, »li.o.iiiteieil the Moi.iiroiiery BOtillaX, 1,11 ii:«' <>t IRguatweta ludeenuj the ran afiBBanaui nu baiterj Lotuaiaaa, of Wajaank i iva» a in BMd (¡f eniie'r, u.« no »ntijHirtiti«,' . l.p v«ra» in ai^-ht. Hy »kill:al siceiin«.', bowa«M we ;, IhtW Blinna to Bull ami b«>¡.!i|, a id ha«l MtKS »'l.'l ni fefl lüg t^e tan en.1er of t'irro winn i(,e Veroae, ("u;t. liop»:-, ¡md Otei.ia. c.ipi. ¡Lea «an anet**ra*radaeer at inaa. 'ih* anlbaa eipi Ita .¦. .». »I,i;>», xxiii be i.t.i,- k ian hy I lien Mats un let j. Al early duw: i¡¡. rated a rebel nasa a ii at beak el tke river, ettjatriraj Lieu» Otua» a nin'ing N". P. IlHrr;«on to in« f-«r el « al ii,.1«,, mid orde.ed MB Colonel f., tile M in., h on ih» laver ank aal im ou beerda lula pies ed lo ha the Cbalnette Beg! ian I, « aanaend by Cot» /'stn,,,-»,. The re iiiie!i»«l RBg, tOBtl, 8)Ud maip eiiiiip " .. w»te rafstaied« * m the lum iniii' ot the ¿Oth, still leadin«.' and con- » ahead oi the lan, the .* Chalraette hat« 11 », eliUui« u IhrM u Ü' bel.i»y I an t'iy.opeicd -e mu on the c.y ultu, i o i in«, we r. ran aaed uri ...,r two gili.«,. Ai tin« end ol twenty miaule» tai )l,2-»!np liii.eed ni' iii ead in«! BjBBJeed Hit. 1.1 -ni» » -»illa«, i 'om till» (oil Ho ot um o'.«lu. le» «.:«. ia, 'lia laird ex.ept binni.», alor« a, lou.iu- ¦hipe, (ne iui<», and th«i like. Luu.iii.ii.l» alton aiiiuoting in front of tbe city, J iv .«..¡«.riol «uislioio by Hie Flag (»llicer, to Jemand the »uruu.loi ol ilie eBj, und thal ne nagBlniuid be l. i»lfil nu lha l'or' -Ubi« B, Cuni« I:n- II o ita-, aud Mint. VNiat MMUkd Bl mit interview xxiii be helier« j iniii» Ung uiti«! * Bepetrtss du ihuVlbth, 1 went «wife iho Hag Ollker BMM seven ntilt's ahove the «av. nfeera ne feaarj n¡e éwanna afeunanaai,afea .»,,111« p,kü«l, |2vi!!-..i'ii«gea huruiu,'. '1 hera «lefeum-i «enera <-<i m ¡unrn»! iho iearnnaad paseare ot, l.'upt. Jrooie. ÜB the '.¡iii. it lar«*« bootu, situated above the de- feíisea, was dcBiroy.d ¡>y Capí. J. l'nilli, n Lee. Ou th« ..*«ih, tnJto llutlor laaunti aliove kort «St- l'bilip, under the Kuna of Mia.umppi and Kutti. 'Ibu land- ing of llie anny ahovo, totjeher wuh the paasuge 1 ot the fleet, ai-pcnra to have put tbe liuisiiiog touch to the deiiioruli/iaiion of their Kerrison, iiotb forts tiuiei.ilercd ,0 Commodore l'orter, who was near at baud wi'h the- v. »nein ol his flotilla. ' As I left the river, Ueu. liutler bad «rarrlained Forts Jackton and hi. Piiilip, and his tmuap-oris, with tioop« ou bourd, were on «ay to «racopy New- IJilisan». 1 unuut too stroogly expíen mr admiration of the tool and able isaiiagemeiit of au lite vríasela ol ^ím^^l^^t^iÜJ ^Aijl^ .... i Aft« we had petsed the font, It tu s ontoet btv twn.. iron Lnrtt in woorien vanelo and ir« iv-s'tyl, with iron beak«, and the " iron beana " won. On the 29tb, lae Cayuga, Lienu^omataatiing ii >ri baa, wa« «elected io ne hem*-, a bearer Ol di«;.i.t he« Li » e ( 'over me t. I »ave iii« hnnoi lo !).'. «er» r-.p- t ally ya» e>F»»«l «ni «?, TI» O DO Rit BA1LLET. M I*. S. tra ««i (a--, h at Catc.a, st *j«a, May ». ».».'J- lion o. \\ mum, tasnasra tiiJ" .Nu*»- Kia: 1 have tba honor to im loee herewith a dupli¬ cate of ih« report of Commander Boen, late of the V. roi a, and aitact.ed to my division of the atteeiing force. jrallant officer carne up to my sapper! w lu n I bad more of the etieuiy's steamers attnmng« me ihsn 1 rould well attend to. I afterward saw him lo conflict with three of the enemy s steamers, and directed (on.. I«*e of the ( »acida to «o to bia support, which be did ia a most d- ¦Liii|' ii «imer. Cou., liagp s des« rip ion of the ¡na el hie ve+sel I believe io be accnrau. 1 at him brave'y fightine, bia anns level with the wtter, bis v«'isel grdSaaljy sunb ttoderneaiu, leaving bet bow i' . iug on the liiore and above water. I btv« Iks honor to be. your oh««H«..t servant, T l'vll.r.y. (»piala. Ubitph Btstb« Utpabsm Bkoos.i.n, I VU Nsw UaiSASa. April ÏS, IKS. f Sir: I have the honor to report that after pasaiug the !..arenes with the »loaver Var ana, tinner bii coui-imnd, on the morning ultu, budina my veesej aruidanest of Re Lei itearoer« I trailed abeed, de¬ livering he/ fire bo h tt:irbi*rd and port at every one that »lu pissed. The Hrst on berMarl-oard beam that received her fire appeared to he rrowdtd tv iib troopi. lier boiler wa* exploited, «md the drifted to shore. In like maoner Hirn other vee» leis, one ol tie u s gnnboHt, wen (inven sabot* ia flame«, and ai; cr * ..rd blew up. At 0 a. m. the Va. una was attacked by the Mor- jvan, iron-clad about the bow, uiu,amie'l by Btv- erley K««iimou, an ea ua«al officer. Tuia v«b*I raked us along the port ejBBtjBBJ', killing fonr and wounding nine of the crew, b.tiing the verana on the quarter, and agiiu on the tt«i*U>ard »ide. 1 niau«.ed to get three H-im-li abell in« on abttlt her annor. as also nveral shot I cm the alter tided ruii, when she dropped out of action pan Lally disabled. While still engaged with ber, another Rebel «.';...'-;, ¡i.iii.clh.i, with a prow u...'or water. Btruch ns BJ the port gangway, Bang co 1. iden» le damas-e. < »nr shot glanced tioin ber bow. Mie bucked off for a iii e- blow, and struck again lu tbe same pla/«, cruthing in the side, but by going u' ead faat the con- eui »Kin drew ber bow around, and I was able wiik tie (ort ((lias to (five ber while (Lie alongside, five K im li rhells shall lier »ra,or. 1 bia e l«-«i ber, and drove ber a-L-ire in flame«. MaaliBg the Varuna in.kink/, I r;.n her i «to ibe bank, mt go ber anchor, ui,.! tie J up io He trees. o-i a* all this time the gnus were actively at work, o ¡nilling the Morgan, wa. u waa making feeble eft' a to wet Up sie..iii. I ne Lie was kept np until the wtter waa over »».üi-trii' ka when I turned my «mention to getti (t the wounded and crew out of the veteel. 'Hie, Cent LatS. seciug Hie «oliüüoii ol the Va runs, had rmhed lo her aet-istsme, but 1 waved her OB, aud li.e Morgan surreiid«-red lo Ler, Ibe vveaail m flamea. 1 bu-, e liare learned that over M af her crew wen » , .-. mid wounded, aud s1 e w«s tel ou Ure by Ler aWaMMBsMT, who tamed At» uowt.ud walu hi« te* m1. I H'.iio award too much ¡ i,.i»e to ibe others kiel ( ew of the Varuna, 1or the noble mauuer in Wfeieb '!'"-y a .(',«..rted u ¦, ai .1 li.rir cr.It.«» .loder MBB .arl ¡ii|{ i., | nilli iLrly vv LCi. es- laii/.iishirii: fire, haviag been set ou tire twice dining the action by shells. l-i bfteeu n.ibu!«* from the time the Va. una tu s'a a,, k, «Le was on the bo tou wii*i ouly her top- galkint foreesstle ont of water. Ibe», a-.¡J crew lt«t eyeryll int they (.Oeseseed, tio till« think¬ ing ..1 leitving hi» station until driv-u ihen.e by Wa¬ ter. 1 trull the at lei.ii.ii of tbe I).-, artun i;t Will tie called to their Ives, and couipeiiB-.tiou made to thon who bave lost their all. i ha rrew were taken off by the «i if. ictit ve-ieel* of ti i fleet as last they arrived, and are now dil- Uibotod through the s'liutdro-i. the wound««! have been seul to he I', nsmoL. I w, i,LI frtrti« niarly BeeMBOBd to the no1 ice of tba DapflrtMMt («MM Peek, BBSMd claes Loy, and pow- d-r boy af ibe after rille, whose «v.Lins» and iii'.re- Btaptj» afiUMBtod the Mtoarin of «ii j«ud». a ùi reward tor suth lerner« wo ,1J be an appointiiient to b* Navel ft-hool. T'ie ni. in.-«, ni.L-..!tr*j ne«. '-». ni. », more lhan mainti ii.ed tbe lej.utauan of their io. r«. Their tj¡.Ililli' 'i"-«* cleared Mm un « rifled bud. Brid pteventrd a rejietitioo of har mar Ir.-u« l.r, tour of the msiines were I fmr, mortally-. lo soon as the ne* were raved. I n-i« Tied to you ia Beran anJ witLiu an Lou.-, l-'i ia ibe only re- maining bvrlongiiifir lo tha Va rai. a, with your .jjtBSSein for <¡en. Untier, returning Lim yes- («iduy afternDoi). Vervre.i««.U.lly, ( l.ARf.r.H Bi)0(¡S, lo.i.ii.Aii.ler I' I, N T. 1.«,-('!*"-»: H «. Ka'ac.i. r, Comitis. :1 ». VVeaiprn («ulf ». t»:. a -¦,«¦!'¦¦¦¦¦ Kla.í Suir BABtnam BbwObUUP«, Airiiïa, IHtfJ. J Bia I bave the honor te re, ort tne following lut of k'llcriani wo«ind. d in tie flee» during tbe bil.» liant engagement willi Forts Ja«kson and M. I tulip and the tiatteries below the Lily of New »Orleans, on Ibe atath ttud JJib inat.. tats : KILLED. ii aaean um «n Josapk Lawrence, ae», wound »l.oi. VV'bs. Brown, lai.J.iiia-, ahalli A j,. Th«,aiae, eBSBBB Ivrcuaelip, «hall. Tuisl J. !.»,.»¦ ty. John t "leTter. »trn.-k and ki. riet orprboaud ¡b» caroon st> >t; Win. Len»br»y. carme. I'aniel M.-K.mery. la» ,.«: if ¦¡.«lim»..'-. ....... W rn «. .; «lu of ¦«Inlay I Hpaiy H. tot, ¦ariaei A i.-w BsaiSa, see. in.!., DeuBia«, orrbiuuy *«aui«u. Jclm Wade, aeainan. 1 o-ai '(. , ., l's«i«»(-ni v.Tbea. Myer«. ae*-i.»n¡ ian »s Mnirav, orJI nsiy se»ii«n Thoi.ii« U iu¡.lu. .«i.i»it»u ¡ -triaoa Dow nu., !..,,|. »n. Total, «. i. .m «n bi P. Itrarly »tad IV a 'in* mat'er'a -, »ia, I a* in brotvn.vil Ne» fur« Lau Win, braty orili »r »»» *.e<l 2.1. fcl»! .'. I*, »ii«, Aler. Van V'araenbti-, ... «r«-. » >l. nj.e M ir, ..y r airy a*»inm Kdwu K Tirrel' boy. .»«oh «riri. sat« :dt, n:alua¡ Ueari» VV ( sip u.a.! ia natal, o'- > rive. «, llio«. ttttf, tamÉ» at fiecast«; Bco«l*. H. JeM.aon, li..u.¡..a.., Jl-u N ,i», Jo- -(" »1 ¦.. i »»Kl aaj. « , l,4..v a Sr-it) )«nl.u.»Q¡ Charl«« Har»' ;* taaiaaa Dsiii. MtFa) PMW, irdluary ««».. s«».ti-lal ki.lecf, jo. ""* wo« ». «.. ian HARr»«-,»!,. " *'¦.-. « «"n'" *J*'t.!'!> .1 iiir .. »tei.ks. lai,,]., i«» J I ."¦ .-I' ¦¦»,. »«. utti.;. i «»>««:. d... itaudaJt i'.lll. H- ly Ma.lil-r. «a.liuaiy setiuan do Henry Mil« .-i e lo. j J.'.ii« toa-*. «ISIIIIB. sllsjtily ¡ ... V\ fi« e. ¡fi.-ii ». do. MsCen v r*»p. nTer aeverely Air lie,»lei, u*ai !).«!:ii-», al.«lal«. .«la., IV. i.H.'OSLV». Xr Im ¦.. Kana, «juvtttr, » «r,--y. J.oie» Hsirfcrd ».- au, v.s'er. »l,,li'iy ; Mr. K J. I.»w. n^aier s Baa*, do. i V'.,., M lin'e. scaiiiai., ««.vrrely l^»[n Iteaib. rnarlii». .Ii.-1.11) i cía. i..abo, «u«f, sastertljl Jehu U « iratuatjreaman,ia l-l... ( .e aastaea, aii|:,¡ly¡ f.. I .1 vi., ii.« t. .. ia, t- sr« y, .! K. I.» ,»' ma ire, c aioii. Mr. We I, leau.i. apvenU») l( .bert erJin iv KBBHn, do.; J im It« .»t, Isadtniaa di».,» ( «roll.. ,a.itier, I«, ; I ..«rd Ki,ion) .nara», «hsbtiy tai'ivn.« .Vla.'ie, ord'iiary te-¡¡ >n'It BMSTtallyi Junta II. i*o»e', oidUaiy stMiu.sii all,hilf li. (1. Lukin oidmsrv »evinan, aevpisly Julia V ¡ms. d«. du Jena Panie.. I», d«u.« ., aiijhdy; Janie* VV Bbkajr. »f*la Baléeseita U »eveiny. Aieianuer Au'., r,, . 'i J«'. !'. . tPPrtarrnp.tpf. «ll-hily. Isa. Ii-» .... .:¦¦:. d v I, I«, i,, o^^, p »Xle-l-iuili, iv J »lil a a Wl, i.,. »u. Ul.i'l op, da. 1'oUl, .'. . r«S-A( "I A. Jr in Hysn. Q'iarteniiss as, acd tsaaaSI Mowry, «Jo nor- («I.v J ...» han Kobrrl* idici > *. «m.i,, sever»! * , Mich»»! M.K.'ia '.jll.l.J.SI. do. Tlijiua» Knlj. bo-!u.»!.'»'u.«ie. Jo.. Kd» Ban»«. I *ptsL. of (t.i«rd, do I, jn .-»herlork, «hi»>'è eeea»d JetoJs kia«.epeteaar« ssasaa*. Jo. JeneeOstae a»., «e..»u a ., >..,ii,.| i... ,.«i, or,ia«iv aasaaaa, do, llttJUa! I»«: J II- u!.-r»i.|i, de. ¡ A. C. I, r|. J, «le. ¡John «Ma- art jil Sum ie' Baaaeln, «ij I*. Me Bay, si Juan do Baaataa, Be. tat Ne« «n J. '-j.-.-a I.~-, « L.s«. « .' l-tlv li .-v I'»einu v.-L .«».». rit M.rn.e. J:. vv.ji BUBB OB (Ha '«tim ami .oiH «run.. i'SNna.,11 .. C«. H Vi'tkls., Battra, «,1,'itly, Michael O'Brien, ia.; tiri vaam ee»i Pa*«««, de.i .''bn Bttnee «lo., lohn ( liai ia lie t niariu»* \to n ii thfbtit. > lu.* (»eiaid. d-. Acti. | M««ter do. ; W11« u Uoodrlch. bo«'.»»: do.. J .. i! i i .i, ei Ui. ia. I A.ntd Ivajuolia, aiaJlpi . L «:«, do «Je" Do ! u- i. Jj.--Tpi«1, 1JJ. aiCHPO«!!.. JsSB .l"idoi: «eau«:., «everelyi (ha« A Bsusop. crdiuary «lo -, «lisli.y «.dwaid tVltaa, d* j. bn r'oru. traman, de Tola!, I latnroii J.iiie»- Noland w«on<led i,.or!»lly ; VV'*!tsr J. Whit«. BH paral»*, ¡ B<.l)t La««l.. «rB.orer «sverely, (lea i.ik «.unei. do Kool (jre.n.Pa!. »e.nnu do.| Johe ha Iii boy, d .. ¡ .Martin W lah t, toaUwala/« a,ata, tv. ; Jokn Hro»r c«P««iii ' l,,0P ..ipoHyi Joh.i ( osaay, akln's coi- ptHBl J«. Ora Hlti-ln« a.«e «n. do. ; Beij Bockwsll iu. Waa i ojI, oidn»aiy »tauteo., do. Hein y W allara, do t W,0. Uor,aii, |aed».ua». d«.. ; thoa Kealy. d>. ¡ Uwpn CpBiphe., Hj Al'ret lire«««!. U <t d-, Alf.ed Jsekspu, uaaiiaa do J»iue« Uoisn. «aarnan. do Jauiia Mol' lu.laky do, Thom at) r-ianc'. Of J »ary «n au, do. r.suk K. Hs.Tis, "Jaaai.u . aa,ioaar. do. lotaj, JJ. iBBaass Tbo* Foa'er .ahip'srook .Ki«:»!«; Thoa. Fard, laadaiuan rio ; lloa. H. Jonr» «j d Heury Stoliery, eiaicpr«' eooka, do Win. Ackaorth qo»rtern)«.ter, allfhtly ; t',0«. L. Meriti« ena) beaver, ia\ | Jaiiias A oakford, ordluaty naas an. «lo. Tstai 7 . . a UIKU. l«hn tawscn areli'redenek U 0. F rulla landaWlB. «e- rprpiy Kr«.! Is Nnrasll. ordii.srv seamjji Jshn lluiuphr«.. ¦-.I leaver. I.¡i.e. «luiiih, UndBOiaai Juba Titas, sJBc«i.' oak, «ii Sushi«/. Total S. . ««.'(OTA. r rancla Matter and J. Hairlustoa, «li»h:ly. .. .. yanoi»». M K«ana ti d T. Johaaon. oidlnary saan-ava. rrry ttaaU] , A L,. Je), e, .and» niau sa,Uly, J. i«oid»u, ajarloe, MvaraJy, «*ne*«j»jt«*thdr»kaB.v----

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'tVbttn&v»- xxii.!\°- ü,">83. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, MAY IO. 1802. PB1CE TWO CENTS.

TH.ME irffCIAlin ABIT.?


fMmtmn »Tünflift on the Peninsula«««



Gfc-i-V- ttWTKM-MT ATMORFOL*.«a»

Bfltll Frepa-__2 to Destroy tho


Pearaan -taara« «. lta_Mto« Mi»«, iv.» Bal-w-ore Knday, May B, IB* I

j .tu i» t -: ni Ita al it G m. Me»C1 -vi» -'I "

"' '' **' !n'' ' '' 004* ^,l"

I,., ;. r-; v'r.i! akfan lahm arl h tha.«aani

.«. , of traofM te Wee! l'eut wa.

-H.., w.¡- | .. tr, Bad a beatmi nki i I '¦ mWi r' i betwemti,« t .¦' I. ;.-

the Kebab aeeer Lm.whe wen eadeanum« Bab e*aj le Ki ' n

It ¡a mid to bare I . a i ¦.< n battle ea therr«,,, ¦ ..». _B- 1 KB lot v trd 4U !o..., ,1 | or von bach toward tin neem eade.(,«i. ,h tbe Cbi

i i . ¦ ate kllcd Badaaaaet Tom enemy wen drirea 1ao -."¡beete« T I j..

Bni wbile ear whole 1 ewmanton. I 1:.'. '. i Bad it n--? !>ren foi Ita ga»bes*i. Mt v ere ¡Id bara !.. m datan «i.

Ti,»»' '.vii' ? -' .'..-_ a'¦ li .'<.«ir-.,i trent:. ¦¦ report -.?.iti- i« gréai «.xi-iierr.tnt at Mt r-

fdbt-tai sfelOeB. BfltBaide, erith o largei-rif. ittitl ii ra a ile- efTC« Idoa, thal tbe¦ndireopaa i utti ,. < B) <v. . eli «weal-

Mi- »¡ l

Nu;.u» m..! .'ig Pointa, tbey ny.ea alnnl]»i«! iiiiii-ii, m. ) prépara tan wen um ki:.g io «to¬rt..,y t!«- Nw .: o la- | lie |irOi«-rty.

\x. Il «- Mi »'« Vatbiiig'.ei M.-. '-

The -Ulta . I bbh '! : y ure m

tetamiBom ii I :l ali nul bai --.«.

io »m »i ii» i... MeClellm which ia newi.'.-..' iB-Beam yore tanitaeanhtgta.fíen. J t i- barn appointa 1 HiliiaryQe

tmor ami Pn II . bal of ile loam.fbe i-.» iel report oi d»- Kille«! au-1 vroimdfd l.nnir

Me) T to aead «.vor il.«' military telegrepb üha. I» ti, vrr n. ad bv mail.

T;-.-. *i -..L'l-i'i ip Toik River basbseaama am*re»«',,,i .... \'. «-»¦ |'|. |l...w

Heg haslam beard la thal dh I the. pan»ticoii.-. i na.lim BJ '. .le n.ilil it Uli: fhoi :i

Énraiiab a th tbi nargaard of the eue;uy i'.¡«avi-i. bbwi n oro,

'I v the ei m j baa. ,,. .a-Jii- .-u.«

»br «it;» HT- ¦.- : b i« thal<'¦¦!.¦ ..

hot h -. -., nit t« ii nil«« bayoud V. iii niir-

haagtben i Haag »\-iii 'nil» ii mnywagmaiath<- ret'».«,' of |Ba »'U-inyBrtag-taf»t-i ral ga i II- Va«Alea l.a«*.een

npryintl '. f (ii- lier n:al Con mandant »ifinrkii'Wi i- Mer, with I u; t- Oyrn \mun '¦

O-ii. Vin. J i- a I :.. «i ma ¡atad Gapt liaren? al UmKih N'.-»t iori i... mt, lo be Pi-oroal Kanbal.

vv »., u. »r.j.r Meg -. .'.

É eileen leane feonaa eascer in the arnyo! i':-«*Pot».mat: u» a I ..*¦-'. .'.. ii ti« Bil

- wv leeefa bealtro,«, l-l lo Johastm -a t i ' '' i

tpssna haw ¦¦:¦'¦¦ra safe bel - s'a I

Ti.,- -tobeli : 1 « '. n. 1!

tbem ti,, beal a .. to th li m

r«i Uki bePambM - 11 - W MI Peh¦ t m 'i an » .

«iii id-erith a; of IBO I ¡lied aed emHr i r-nl,.»- '.e ..»' a ur>»!«'i"n* a

«e Luvt n pan sale '.' »tn |ma-Bane at ate 1 d« i . ¦ I .

sr-»''.;,. Wbei laaad ihiaaaauenl pnb m ) hame e«w

BJEPOBT i BOM i.»..'.'. KcCLBLI-hlUn i, au« ii- 4« .Me .v l-l in

Te Bl ii r I .! a

I keerd erna atiaaMaag thal the Galeas» waaBfrrou .<i uti Hot' -«lao'l--! j id»;«' not l-adlv, for UmBemm ttat Capia Bo ami ino ihren em ni«wal. I»- e al nu ali ii.» ». . BaalMy tom* « an la -arti .,...,.-, <

srir.!*. 1. y ha.s all ii» air and feeNag.earan». Itwoaldd atgood team then..Iliari- ¦-«..-i >.i a ii :¦ iib lb I no. PraakUB.RMtoaettam tkm navy «ii

mtiv« ¡jidirt'*« M-i ;-. : abonen and «¦.. .. -.

«uii*u. ei, li. V I 11 *..,!'\i i it-e-^' ( ,. <

HU ABE '.«,-«; I ..i.V.i

Capt Muí..- , -

¦» i.. C i j«i«-«v.<| ioui turi. \\h.--»»yrarta.).


rainfk« Jha an m »:..-.. ii. la Br. of Vaaaaa, ff. P.),

P-v-e-v,«,.. ., Royal, i _rriri:ob rrtatflnaaan 8l.e ; re l| . "¦.¦

V",!*"'.'" v '' tornntbehtai I «tai« I, S^'iah^ m^^, A , ^ .. (WMfrw|

"-*»«.ri»n.i. nu ,»f «..::.eau. ¿Vi.

-a- ¦", Mrane« ..,..., 1V; ^ ;.Uoa.i.vti.,,,1. tajraMBmi,JCLî/a. S^.Hlh.ü.&gaVboatÍSSV leo de ( ,. ¡_ Ma, v.« fn ,

» a » ''«'.'-i1', .¿r. I .,.vJa>j m< h-.-1 un, v.. «"Bs»tinr*,.t,,.(i

A*i'.r.i» '«>... (.-Mum daoiwi innBnnnn i» mgBmtUt m<-j.n, ilia»'». Jin, ina iv 1 ).-!,« r iu rai.k' ba»teobh r in »mi tLaa 1 _j t. li' I ''I t >. of il,e achinaHi.t-aie, h-B-d iu m.; Igy at IPtlHaamtamg, Ciu,t.Pncej fe*, for V4 3r« d Le If-»' »'0.r){ir«V;ll' Br/efof .at erjr*rmHon*>ataBdt fro.., u,e|Toblic iJoii-aiii ty. nil,., i,-,' J BpmtalBhiygirtB-.nroLoiira t». tim BMBBnBBl ii.ra.ure,snl f. Lw-itirr jnrp.,-a, limn aiy mau wIi-t iu,r,vr«tia,. Vying berniia!!*, ead gkrit«r> aa be did, w«eiali be amM have beard al the cvaplet« tiiunnl.asd Kefoim bef-re be waa r.llivi frnm aa lie an* j.*. of tbe earliest voluiileei-i fwlbi wUr and meat.***> it witb a tliorougb comprebeLtin-i of »hat it¦tom tod »),*i it ought to atnie ve. The Hamr«**»» bggi bo iBon -titoliisaju or feVlBBBjan, fcd¿"try.


m, --





The Repolntiou of Tliaiiks to McClellan.

VV ishik« ton Krlisy. Hay », II ?

I MOM M.W-liltl UM,

('..¡¦- tv'.v, from HsiTfrrlMM.aeja that the

wealthy eiiinas, the apper (tdunss, sad the maules,ih h or BOI t. aie in sv ii.j.tttUy t«, i.ti lbs reb« II; .n, bultiiit the l«i.i.ring emana, dm madaillaat ¦immm, anIii rl si! leVOl. te la I'lll"! .

('mu. Baila*». Bmntba bnnt tif the tart ^ rm am

to s.irre- d«r sail vii lu«, wey to tha: Mayot*oe»OiIwmmji «tedod bj a ( î.-'-i.ii' iv «v».«. iagerowd wbe

;¡rr.i!ieii f,r J« ti". lVivi« nd Beatvegurd, andsli-aiiteii. " l.i.l him! "llaii.' Lim !» a BUU] ; Mt" I »vii let i im go t.rtvk aiiv« '

Beert bdu ami thoa, l"w«vrr. ImOJV throi 1sleeve vvvaiii be (.ulled, M lis Lm-iJ jr.¦«.«¦', 01 «

vvLisjitr dnpped .iiu> ȟe ew, Mab at " Uiu-J tu ne1Wby dida'tysununbefne t" BswMti

eorted baeli la a eemage by twe amorto detoiled thethe pat] n bj Gea. I., veil, vt-t..- eatotnioed tb*lerowdwkileheWM asleiy BMaMng Ins wayOaibe

a van. ¿,l«>n« s lissiiriiijiiB Ihnl lev:¡ei« r t'ive u«i tl.e l'y.lue A inn ¡«till tim., after it tv«- hiieted over bal

CustorjfH sa hattagal liol baaa Mh ah il a

CBSrd wai» * :. ii ia tie euee' B0BI inoir.iT:. tonai.J tiaaapled i«i iL«- «lu«.

'Iii- MtnpBfen are -very irniudrnt, Lit it bti« ug'.t thal "Pic.ty.ine 1'i'lir v/ill dik«u bettti.« lia

Tia Jovis e\pre«F»rd tt«ir repret ti at flu.:«...'.,l-'airsüii I s«! Ml BBUSsd BBUatanaol lriii.-rr !..

ein! 1« t i m ia -oinj'i le tliir-oi araiioii« tai Medílent. I i bbbUbW ¡. j ), a BBBOb more lotm..!..!.'...«'!.-»' ¦! belMrj 'linn tbtn win. li hgand m Batatajea had IroM hmaehed i»n«. *t«>iii«l.'»/thai»..'.«-,ia v« re. rave J 1>.r .¡in.aiieu! an.I « ii» r defciwea J bave L'-en m .tun leabnts mea tmt apM Ila

an(i a rill of an extreme v lanstaUMa ehMBCtnt pegs1 B I n 1 vs it < allis, lud Ire',

B&etebed Mans tha near ahata tha *M*f, in,-«-! .¦»

luui for I- l»,'-(.lll.<-..r «-«»ote wLeu lie «l.ould mun(low.. s'rvMDi.

'Hie enBfl auule-ts rt ll.e I.i.pi li «Aid «-r.-i.rb »mr-

vee»»-le m il«- Maudaslsnal lold «.ur <.tlir.«re ÜasTJweald fail m the attoaast o eapton Hi »*..» »rian i.

It wn haunted Iel i . i md na li «it ¡ht.a itii.caJiy BBBB to Jlcu.(iiis.

Mi «.ti!» IS M i \ IBaBJtIA.i'aj.v O. BiinaTtead our «nrgwle Brigsdi '"mr-

lernmaer, thie aaiadng r»«u/e«i m AlessadrisSO 000bagaol s1.. lied eera sad in beeatredbaejfieinarbed i'-iiWr ntuatn. TI suata mer- aatibáldeme« Engumt eveuiagand bauwm i a deaneII take the Mina of a Bgiuiue .<> the Pbi f ii

...ut ead pay the anal Hi i neyM be enta mm bj the B*an

»,'l|..-'S.Tbei»bat a a ama an

!.e i|,, ¡i.'e.l | atomiasienet of i-« retnwal,4tad ni

¡.-».li« . BU -r MS t-y.-iely luii.iei.tfj, « :

v« i «as t! < v <uu de lio i BTtStPI I. -i>\ M

Ur, » . ' if . atari reed at dbm u t n 111 -, .« m

latiaMml s < -t iv l-'.x ni I Mi.Hettgwiet ("I., ii.j: ' ' l.'.r li MM VBMACObbMjs».-e.

lui panjaBMssT BISU ajBaaatT«TWl*)MBsdnt Ima BOt ret. neil Ii»in »otltfuwu

Pe aim» n I» at a laie 1 SM to-inui t. 11« witnraeed ti.«,,- ni ti Sewalt'e Po bl jaowatwf, baa tivy,,

-Ai'liiu rifle sie t. BBlaBUssftha '.:'». iniv.ii» .«* .'b as

a nets aixl as Iv'ly ai. . iteusi ss Ledi«|ilavsmbtnMBlhag n new lorentiuu at tl.e Navy-Var«!

[l e.

It ii iinilerjl*«)»! »list lie hu« bein BSertTaaiag a 'ni-

letal atpeaauaudeeua, a« «veil n bstatasaj ÉeehBMsTSJ whaiatM Le Las «val.

in« «.. tv. -i rim.r.\i iv befare venurdav, tamk FiiUisiii. « a:i. f!- n.

S !,..! ,. I»-, r ai« ree u brij-a l'i «j! fie lau« r,

wl .- 'i .») «axe i'.eil f. m. t»o.-e ericpniiieil Mii¦¦. Mall rids of v«.'i> Blnr, Bafualta lf/e:

'l'l.e Rtfot la bed Ihi .a a ab» ¦» a d«)tcn s!.e li fr».i»i.,t/le. ¦¦; ,1 1 inland, !-.<t < Ml illari r n BMtin m te lliiiLt. A rain of Ml rmtnlug iii

:'..- Wtst I'o::t dejH.l vvae in lied by our

bai.) j « i«.>d toread i..- k.r 'in. i m ITWB OV HI ItaUN »

Mr. BaUMBUan of M nsoiin ««vii«) Iii. i,;, v Lor 1er-.S'.il'e N Uli »I VVi'i V(,t« «J Ki bUBbJ ti ¦.) Ulo.iey (»11,,'nb-iii«'.« bj |ha i'-tv nana » f ûé Ditiikt to 'Le aaaaa«liol oftheh earn uiieud of wi.ii. ahilaras, ead to¦earn obi I laen! wl a« I Lave (¡¡».iiBí-e-J fie Na- jliuiiaJ Capital *<> BBB ) veaia.

'fill, itl.ül.l. MilVII.N.A' ah .* «*.' «j baa )ii«i Bru vel from Me u-

:>. a ..y i Biehnead, batiag booa f«».r rsaahalob| . loaraey arya t'. t whimyer ile araatehaIo a d a '..( M .«': * lula (levotlou to tbe MUM of lill«:vu." Berti ula.-ly BJUOtUJ IL«- woixen, wir. v.'..-

ntujiringtb BsnriuMel ihehMap**ÍMMMMMMiiBafJli!-, i." a '.vi; v' eviiyilii«.!' la the Babel Uoyinuieni.aiuili.ii Ma-y .'ft: .-:: bud 'n'. ntheeaVBBtOtram ¡le:..- 'loot,, in Le made u.:«» rbaivJ*fur U¡-»oldiii».

un vi «.rRtvs MIBUTBB.Tbe Atie'rinu M ¡..»t-r, CLtva n-r llulseuiiiiin, u«

a!...1.1 u, rtturu home let a Summer mijourn.anOTBBT OI COU *3aVt*Wtrm*l*a\%\ AM)'T..

i. if PoTTKIt.i-'0'. '.»'.oil.uin, 8C4A)rdin(.' to a Inlt 1'Uer from

N«)iiii (ur. H ¡ertcDverin/' frrna ihaeaVata «if tbraoût, 1 be r., e.yed ¡. Nor.), ( ,..ima. TLe amj.u-ution of Lu leg wi-.i Uo,, B(., Irai tLuuijlit. bMMMneeesaary. LicuU-CoL Polier i» now Lire, «onta-leertrnf, en rout* to rejoin lus n-^iovent in Nirtb( H.tb of tl«sn ofliccn *>iuijjja»rjd ¿Kew-

I11NÍ-OI KICK AT hl.V W*->T.

Key \\ eat, Florida, bul bl eu nuda: a ali-tri' ui.ngl'i.ri-«).hce. Jty |bbuir.uigiincnt, «lb bl ataBBtthn,an w i 11 un privat a» coi re.poiuleuie, will he regularlyiiid fabbly InuiHiiiiüid lu every H re'"ion.

siw11 N wivriii.The Navy llejiuline ,t i» m taUBadbtt B o'

i« un ir. Kiln tiducemi nt» lav«» ban otter».i ii.tim «a liy of Hil» iittc. e, and in eli the »eauieu air

! ibb| lag u larvato of prize man»A singla» Ml of the rea eut SSBSBBBS, it « eatirnbti-d.

' will vif Id to each MM M the Btttttrfanj VSattlj from $l 'iii) to 11,-ton. A line «h.uice for ths Ne*-

I rbnd liehermen.MRBTltBaj OP rn\N| f»v«.Tivi s.

The fnlbiiing Balbi wii» read from tim dirks«i. »i» iiiuiie« lutlely att»r ile BdrMnMntt of ihellitl-e lo-tlaj

Tlirr» w ii I..- a n .»ti, . at* le ,«:.' ,»«',». M. . t.r« Bag .m lin» litii, tomeana |l atoaiajli M »y M» toi

o', ci k p. m."

All (<ii-errative BMBBMe «fren BU Uto Bttttaatti-»i;..i io !itt»iid, to eeaaett togtobnn to thebM

| muan* le defeat the Hclierne» of the Aholiti' nid» sudístceeeiouiatn.''

r i.m wMATwae,The Renate, la Rsocotivs ssaatan, today na.

t'ined J..'ii ,1. ('¦» Ü» t». --ni Tr. inn r f ti e

I UaBedgentoo ttltew«Tmb| QeorgnD.Cnaa I«tey« oi the Cntonn tat .'.«* «port of «raw dock,li I.; Col. GeorgeW. TayloroftbaSd>>"> --%-

Velum« ci», io he Brigadk I ¦« rul.RAI M "lim n".

rtn mar* Dapntamnl bn issaed the Ml «h

«Li 1.1 J i«« I» \\. nilli lo rea r«. nCooaamsaki! .' I ,,.r Ï i- .. .-. ,, r.l -, ii..; lad Ballal

ii " li. ii«idas,Como« ¦' I. a h I', bi one del iched trom I : di

I Mon eely al BartM, and* ti refwt toCej«*.. u. lar Ihe n.iu.i.itd oi the Or..;,-re, M[Taaxia ,,,.

(tasaaolL Qaabl, jr. of Bat«, i» si ¦¦ inte«i4 ti | *-,.-> - uid oed, os t«> rsperl t( ii.<('i,n 'rani 'i o !"' ii '»

Ilwrj H. Vtrntar, John MctJowonsmd «Samuel A«vTatarbory of lae roioma flotilla ni» pie«.1 lebe Artlag Mh.i».«

I bri -I 'n'«. I r-i| «rai Jol B M. li Ifa r f Nrw-, «'it, HI « poiOtl «I A« lil|g W .ei.-ir «ii ttO*BOW-1 ol'»yard.Attoag the pan..:..'» g Ce ¦.¡.¦.¡ce «Depett'i

mwadrrm h drttag Mártir Ti Dodd, ta he ActingVul-llitfer I.ii ni« in, .!


rn mm imcin hi un. gram.

Tiley Fall Back to a New Position

-,.. m,«t -.*

A aaaattl ia Tit i '«j aa»t

Aiiiialu I, it.» lru>. l'..!.hiirK Batt thn the Behebia, ra. B'tatafd hy lien, lirnnl "n Wrali »wlav a fa«w

ile» (« ,,f (i, lutt.. I heir linn waa constantlyI titi .-1 i« k iba«gh lo ponhctnI'l On i -».iii of iii1« .'11 ga»'rn, «-n t appa ar» in Ihe r»| Id

ii ,.»»ii i.t « f She Ii« i" '. hy tl.'ir i,¿lu lim,k to th»

nath-eM,Ibaas «dering ti" Mm sftBM Menila aad i bai «no Railroad Bad tabbaj a| apasbibnntti Hobib ladOhbBaad natbal

I'onnllTin» n.o»eri i» t, together w ith tl.o r«port« tf tie

demi srs, iadkaB th» absta Bebri kan will bsstn at rapidly n posaihta tt CaaoaaBBa, 19

lillie» -'lilli «,f f'./l '.'I

Al tatt posto iba Bobetaban aattaaba werbe tottie Baaabttan of ara« aad ordnen «¦.


UtO'l I III III Kit lilli! III.

.:. lorn mt I in »ii I 11'oi.ara tal. (airKirm'. i:. i.irli l.rcnl II. .. MBBttB al

l'ri...aui t>. I.'«» Ita-Oaln llamón undIII c1. Iran \ i.n Julinu A Han able 'tut.

mi liai...,- . . to I Le V | ,;l, .,

n/«a»ai » i rldar Ma) I, MMii... ibatteb from krodawiadtshorg .ittaiiii

the ful1 ,.v,i.c BOWS ii aal'liti .ti I*, «ash »»Indi SBarn not tal liberty lo pnlli.h-Ueeta l>HIii|sa*«y, Co. A, 1*1 N. Y ag, M, Biet

Cup. Farrith, Co. It. î'.Hb Bew«T rbprisoners .'ia in Bbbnoad ania-ed l«»t

«They my tia» ti»y wen mybbtunanly toattedwhilebitheBtabnaad «orbae, ead m» bli or .>!

I tba atter eitiu.'ion ol' tba »oheb If»'.«'! lurde.<"« '. CesessM i» in varybad bnbb.Tbs Bisanb chun «unit ttnggbtttWilhaanbooj

Iwn» a viettry lar Iban, and ¦«*¦> th-t they are sann«fully holding Mrl'l. ian in c'i« c1» Tiie* rim ,rd to aiivf Keim*-iel ti oin ti.. M

T A«> ai.'.fc-irri íioiii i'.» I.t Booth CaroliMBagiii.ent, Cn!, liam li .i.,arrived i .,, They

HaaaapMieb Cbateb, aim !«n.i«,n I'mdrkle-í.iiraí, t*»-<U.y. Tbef tty thal W'.li the li» bel funy-a«let a lit!'» Lar«. U radi a ill denert.Th Ckriatima Bmtmwai Ibb «orniog pablioBn

the bibra lagDa tam aseraase« "a» IM of i ¦.-.

«myee« «-»iib«, tom.of i i , .

a,,» '.,. «I.»/» »al »l»»ei !..,. «. lait .'..«.» lo !,»l»il:|,*nf.e,«r p-,1»! a di.I an .ni.y laSBeB »... .. «XfttlIBatta Ihm i. J or n -.» o.,i o,m of «n,.

»,.. »»ilUIg.Br- ie itsenaj leaav« th»y tri ara t0 r.

Si tita » d ita in aad tal t- «'« *.> .tie | iwlaj v»i»ei,.- » .1 ei I ir.!' ,:a ... « ¦' | Si i». ... aaajg, ,

i.wL'd b, Mr« »ia»), tanti Cn., Ballia i, Md in«.ii « ttg. »vii ,1 It »I! ia«. -, |, ,,..,'..,

.'.an UW '. '-'ii« f BeRiuiLi-l «« I-.

BetiaVeta ingbt, ral »u at ».'ia«, i:ri(,,ir»r »

V. (. MeWa Milrae! I.f I. »a' a. I toDa i|«»ii«. Hin*,! »i a.:'«i

,ai» i lair», nwntt hy R »*> ld«»-tat-idl B.I.,.-.. ii k.ttnrg I « »»li.ed .. 4 .««. Hi I« ,, ( «a ^

,,. Rtans I »..i.i-.'i-n li l V'bIÚibI tan «-d.i I. and Angln Havana, »wael by Be«* B featlaa ,'«..Jo.« > « val ied at + M

l'a,..Iig Ulli, ri-lerl »ab i-e Va. tajasd ti $. I'nt. ..,.i*iti bp A "-I .lii»u.l an I I! V, »,., r I » BBtttl la u«vi« inlinnBI ¦" .'nu,.. Ha f, »wntdbvCtMi, r j Pankina ttaki i. ni I o ..-» Va, ralead st B4«e.J l« IBaW I.n «aler av. I« v,.l ie,l «t +. .:,. », li.-niy 'f.¦) '"' III ii». >.d( .,i ni) I. vaJu.J at Bt.SIO.-,.11 -.. BWaad BJ Ml » «>l r-alli.iiiara, I «LO k «Sa-,n,R ,i, ad la tnlned M -

Mai) iw'lu» , ewan by O, BatfnM« f.«-»iui, s.rl»i li «,«.., au» Vli.ler f M;dd.-a. I \ « i.ln« «I at 14,0«; Ntl «lelan el »«an by R M» g v..,«i »« |t,M, j. . Iaward by aaWsnanfOM ¦».«».«« .1 a. v»|,»d«t+iiio, im.a »lh», owii»d y Mi («uiiiid It I.-'ila 1 »»lii-d »a I.'« «

glaae liiHtl.yit Bwi.rd hy I ipi. I at OmtMéêjt ti ttotrOtInbtni a* ralane« «Wli toewasO| 'tm »am» w !.. \ufcn.i*«it,a Ha. r> i« !.«>...

It «a li be tm otarnd that more than S i 'S.000 worth ipi»trli a » ititi -rd. to «ay uti lug »b-iil a vail »lu .111,1 ,1

gra.B . ad otbrr pr,«party wbla li wu a u e.l In iliem all»I ,«-< ably p. ova iu Hi» »id» total h«»» to li.» owi «11

«'u coi.tec.ilon with tbt bun.) 12 «f biidgai Bud SBBBBa. a «

»o-jldaiat» that froui glMttttl *«' RM »a'iríb uf «ott«,u wu»lao liurufJ whloh nilfbt bl»e '¦ < u ».»ed, bid Lol aucii tterrllil» pa ila ». lied «li» niau*!-" »' «."» call

V. e a* ri.«.»ad ina burning Bf ti.» bridgi and veatfl», andtraly tba Kana wm ona of i.«»:«arboly mt lin.Ity M»y wt

nevar a»nu «-,ln^» lucb rtlkit.i, wietMd ,iU"B of pi« y








WiSBIBBIBB Frl !»y. May». UBI'im- Kavy Déportâmes bra neairm ibe to!lew tag

int-reifin^' otlii ml detaiii« o: IBB « of tfeW*OriaBBBI

I'k.tbi- Sr it«v Bl «o Bat* lli.TTorti, iat Am «eK urr in« « tri er Bra-Onta««« \

I'i.»«rf«v tja 2'«, MB )Biri I um happy t» aaatn i loyontbel our

iIhü «av.« -.v.-- .iii PoneJaehcoaead st. Phillp,ki; I'¡t Ne« (>il.-Hie. arm ihnCaaiamlleaaB. I amtaklug ' tatt lur-.ii« to aeeure tli« "t< u)>«liuu by I ¡eu,e. .l-l ,11 ti . foil» al,.iik) lin» romt.

iifiai- k- ii v ai.'i i-'nt Pike bomheeBaheo«<?..<"t; in t.u :. ine.i« i« :i K»'iii-rul »taiii¡«'dr. I «luillmdram to talton u ap. I tm briagteg np thetroonm tam ra potsibtaa We ban- metroyra all-,nr forts aimee the Bj few la Bcaabn, -*" 1.irL» ani.: mi to he all the lui|mlinaale belwam -H_k'.i MaaapbtaiIi _b vary iMMclfuiiy rear cbaatam «a-rsal,

I. (1 »¦ «lill vol T,Kief n* »¦ l-'iT III kaüii | S n«r!,-r.i

llnt.t. i>«. M Wki a.-, Ser ,-rt.iy til là« N»v, WaahiagtoB,D.1

r. s San- Baaatm i »»». kg at» ia :

Bil I tie after the«hip* pu»»e.l He foris,I »-. al a aV a aal ... i 1. lli.yiii« t... a rarrandei Mtbe i i». ti in n vin* ii a in.r.l. (»n ti.- 27th I seat

i< .'.-< i. Iligghieaeemmm-ieaiioD, berawith ini. -k. ,-a. iin tor thelurreoder. Huamwei

imlunil Oa ti -'iii I m aired a evramuni *

ini. (rum binatattag ":at be weald aBrmmerlhetarte, aad 1 » «ni«» n^ ead leah MaaaasreB, «In.« npantrim of ntiitalatim ann bnatod the A-BariBBBlee v.. ib» lu.:».

1 m m m' u ¡ave d- Irniled tiree full with a BTBT*»;« ti "ii. y of a bettor naaa. I mated then erithml iii«- naafeaarattaa that demontaaeei woulda lil'.

1 ti* then Masmen na an lag vii ii .n-d.-r iii» eeaa»n.m ,!,.:' ( lu aai dei .1. K. Mu- beBa Ina 'IP'e'"'iii, furl m k..ovt le,iir, «1 im m;,rein «iib thmn, aiui* itlir.l in im way lo he iiiuBideird i«t|«ii,.iblr foitheir », le.

\\ 111«-1 bad « Han al t. an aa-tha) teen aaaptoyedwin.* ti a og battery of aiatam gaaa,

tonataahta -Bnair, to a plan aha se the ion»,and 4*1 ile ilravt mf "I1 Im uni. I» ¦ < f I -) nul..lina in::.« _» to «-t il.r Han .ri I ima H ««« r»-| otte.l la tie

Ibey bad aac tn le ihehauerya i to-raed it adriftapea m. I aaBed the Oemral If it had m lim.« loaded. Mi- ".) >«. -I thai be wml o'-iaaeVrtafee te ni what UM Haryedi an timid do.

li-- ..*:..ed lo bav« «real loi.teuii l lor ibriil. Itold bim «e r.iiilJ »land ihn ure aud blow np, ii

I he fould, and went on «iii. tim «m íereu«-«, Mt..

Idtoac'iajl Ibe i.fll i r» to tam out for tlirlr «lii|l\\ lilla drifting duli ii on ii», tin- K»n», get I in// ln-uu-i..i.l-ir! t .a »bot above the nvrr. A

I fate .ai..m«« altar, ti» Boatlag halton explodederith a irruí'..- nil«»* lhrowto| the frmmmte allvi r the riser, ead weamtogeem e? their own moom Port Bt, l" ilii', mid inn! edtau ly diaappoaiedaadmwatar. Mad »be blown ti), ur_r Ibe walala,f_e v4 oeld kars destroyed ti e abela of than,

\\ inn I «.: li ¡«be '...«." «i D «-»i.-ioii of tbe fort.Igtaaadarway in the Uairnt l-tne, and »tiirtivifor the Mnmars, ena ef wbtah am Mill lylag theCtinfedente ".iii. Iliad IS-Öl oter b.r, and Ibey»iirrtniirred. Iberr 444» OB boord of tl.em u mira-

f a- ..¡¡a 1 lind IWO "ii., :il.:..-.. f ¡'.iii .v

art'll. iy.II !..«¦> tbe "1 »nrrrodrr and fortheil iufiiiii'u« foü'liiit ia InBfeg t«. bb'vv m upw Llle '.1 ilrr a flu« of time, muley..; ti.eui loi io.« erafiaenoBl a« prlaomn ot wu.-, indthl kiiiry naald haami la ibe Keeth and kapi in donmi,1,tir-iii i.t ihne Beril the war m ever, o u.«vil.o.ild be tried tur ibi 1 inf nuoi.» oodm t. I lutv.a great deal le de ben, nni «iii ¡ ndymallthaI aneri' when I an. al le to urra.'.,;- lb, in.

I tunird over tbe lane ia (im. Pbelpe. PertJackam ta a perta toko» Ian told that over i,(M¦baue toll io mil beni ever Ike co er of tm tan,Tbe I r_rlire win brani''' I. The ne* foi', ive go ni

ma «Bill aettle eoeoer, ea ihtahn bara bard to m » ¦.

Ibe i't» tillite-r» »nilli one guiilmal vi lui.- lieai i.liiin ;i ita« gelog an.hol 1 anvi bobo! Umt r. t«, « tteaam, al a rh, and kopi .¦ m to b_,\t

Ide eilier.1 li. 1.1 It.»« We ate in bl tbo " Hi Werenf \Vi>o«J BOil

'lui .4.1» ot v...t»'I, bi'l a. the h- '.i.rir BBVB BOtl lu«ben aehamm aetive merer, we anil do all an

... I ahrahihave deanedod bj ondtttonal aarna».li r nt witl'i MB ti ii tara m y .. .|i, H »» a. gi -li¬

li ii.i " »i: paaaenaton of ahem tartanmmm poaatrio. 1 ne otu,cr» lañad ern ereryih-bg io good

« ibe walli aad bnilding, ahuman im. !¦>¦ the amrtrn a

4 » y ..-,,...I« I». POR1 -;i ,..'_»

To I U llS.eri I», li . tkm.,1 T.

' I « .¦¦ -.».'¦ KB lllhKI..-» 1MiMIM .n Hive Ai.i. i'li- S

I u. ..e lu"» vi- li i ,i |ii!ii I ii lim uf Foil« «Jm kam Bin! Bia PI lap, vi I.l« ii « irren tared to the mailer

It 'lilla» OB the BBb .lav i.-- Rp -I, I '.'. I »ii«'- li lurea hu I-- nardi I in Ham a earies, ail tim tb.»-»ia la the tn »forte, with Ihe erigiml lag hoisted

oa Pert Bt. PI Bp whan the Biala «it LaaWaaa **.-

.., r it Jackson le a aaefaol V4 n, .

K.nythlpg m Hie »lui« «if a btaldfan ta an<i.i.. n vi«,, uni-'i Bp by the ametai amalla und,,. |,Boo ti-il« f'll in the wink mopra.lo wv

in m«/u' ! < n vi m b 1 urti over und «round it. I,,..,-.. 'ni Itth Bl till- i' la I uri Bt, 1'bilip, I. i.vt

t «ri . 'l'-1 "- fell Uta i ';i»ii' vt-ml 11. Ilow.ilii« lovilH«' tlutlil- ia «lill I,erb. lrtil: the bach*

..., f |i r ni., ia bl' «en.

m, the '-'«'i «¦; ni« i.i.ii,ii. I aaal .i- of thef mann te ii« i«'k "i PeetJachem t"

I,, K the I.i» tai prevml mpi Iin petting In.I'hrmoi .-. -'tod «iti-i to Port l.i. ii -'.m ..«.

, j i orad the for! baan mil a uhr,, lag,, a ii. The Ki'iiiiiuiiv, « in, li bad bom

, ,,i.f ia«.!« f-.r » ni e m.a, am .. ni to ad iaI, | .... 4. ml um. .iii,, tbeebon Ini,

jeiitivt.l ii !¦ "< ''"' pin Braal boiitiog itir lag,. ,r vi.»: bad e .i. «..«! !«-.| t il.i- i..niai li,'illa.

, i i» ¦:!-., -mi we ,.ie nUattad. lainbeni T 'oslan <-il"'' i. mai i retí an- all V4eil ui^i

,.!. pirti*I Ben the henel lo remals »" rnbi Hen!

»AV .¡i 1' POg Mt.i. ' "i i r«

I - -inrilHi lim. n las. i

I ,, IMS »na Bi l'un n MitiiMirri Bitsb, >Amil M, lest)It. lit! I.B* Capitulation entered Into thii Kb

,l ,v '». A.l .I«-' femWaaa l»«vi.'. I» I' ii.:, .111,1 ». la«;S». I,.. 1 -.. "» .-! a M

j,, t ti. u e ina _.<! Bilsi-tarUraaral J. II l»u« « ,1-I « l ..» t I'. '. n... -ii.l I.,,.. . .ni |.i,.| Id

ea.« Hit.."« MBimaadlaa Part* kara aad at. l'a Up. «4Ifea. i.'ll» |.¦" V »,-tiel

I lim Ulli -O u. li .m an ai.a la. a-1,1. l|i.i... ali»',.,,,,I-, '. li.,i.'la t ..I. l«.k«o-i ti.d.-i. Iiii. ana., i.i'n i .aa « of war, »Bil »II ti,. BpgM trueii« ». thSMMI... i, an. i k-i1"-' «i . ali pal .. pn a ii, ih.i n.»> ¡.. .... t-ail»| Tli«i>. It ('»n l> ne-en «n I Lira- Cal, lli.-ilnsfeSMthM

BfeàtmsBtoMisadm ihsOseMmeada ii.aiiD« f millaa! nr.laüi «I -ii i'1, -TUil a li'.t »'I |ni»a.e J roperlv «lia li":,.,.-ii J i iii .n nure, toa '.hi-yi'i»il (lie iBetrpni ,.«¦'

. 1,11.0 t'<» >' in t: ¦ I«.ii,ii Iii» ClalUil S'at. ui.lli .heyitaBmlarlpeasaaBss-i

J it ia ii«lirrui-.i. aiirrl br Cmiiii,aail.r I»»vli I» Porter,rall, .»el.-I til« li rt ,r lletlll«, OB li'« |nil uf lil« HU»¦!St.«. li... ti Hut' the nun -.m, iniitivaird olticer«, prlVeta* »'.- amah 'I1'« ».- .«' fe« peru-ll M to naire n» uwun

lleir c an' i» "li « « a' > li" afeaMM her iinln« r- «p.. a'ii.« luilata, aad «hat n-T «hail dallvtr np thair axu.eand »r.'euler-inn,!. In ili-ir pr» aiiili'.,a. pri », lied Iii. I Hie .lut a-i»

of IL. nal.!.- il«i.ei. ut iii., iii«!, aliad» "« ilr'iai «J l-l liar Uirv


4. On th« il.nirtg of BUM »rtie'»i by fie roi.triftlng pir-(.». Hi» foil».' II '» f'iriiiiliT tikea pctriiloa of by llie

I'oii.dS'.te« Ntvtl I nei, c ti i«n.ioi ib» BMtta» Brot, Um( m '. il»isi» Hag slisll ba lowered, the flig of mr b'ini»d Mala» on th* H.gttafls of Po"i Ja ksoa sid St PI.Up.

In the agrre-a.Dl of iii« tbove we, the uud»t»igti»d, dob-rtuvi'ti .» ta.r handt and a*.!.

DA\ If) I) PORT K11. Cou.d'i Mort»r K1- ills.W B RKNbIIAU'.Cobi. V. i N»»y.J M. YVAINVY IlKllir. Ll«ui -Coiud'i Dtrri«t LineJ It lil Ni AN. Urig (leu I -smd'g ( tit lleleuiri.r.DVVAUU lill.(IIRa Lieut. ( ol. C. S A..

(cudi hot i JasfcSBB and S» Phi Ip.Vi...«»; Klisv. Nu.non, L'eut ^ou,d g YX ino'«.

J. A Rcs.bii, I.lout .Cotnd'g Xtrtwba.I'MiTBD Sr»T«« OrsBoiT t.tvrui, IOn NswOma**»«. Apiti li, ia*";.. I

Fr 4<;-0rrir*n: Your b«»l.)ly-conceive<l and splen¬didly-executed ;.«l in ol' h «tile luv ¡«ii/ re»,iked in per-fect'au« eera, leavci me time to make on the reportof my Divifion. IIBB will lind in Lieut.Commanding Harrison's

rep-m an h« curate outline of the noble part takenby the CayagB, un kr hil command, and leering MJdi'vi-ional flig.We led MT b1 9 ii. m., in accordance with rear

»ilinal. and iteereil dire.ily np the stream, ed ni uti ali ile to starboard, in oid»r to «ivo room for yoarDivision.

I was followed by the I>iiBirola in Une style, thelaeannaaref my division followini* in regular andeenpacl onitr.

\\e «ON acarcely ahove tie boom when we were

discovered, aid .Ia« kson and Ht. Pnilij oimned up« ii

n». We tould hring no gun le tear, but «treradrfirertlv ra We weie »trink Iron, »tem to »tern.hi length we vvtre more close un with 5vt. Philip,when we oj«eDf 1 with grajo and <Ttui»tor. *4carcelywere wi Beere the lineot fire wi en we found our-

*»lve» stta- lie«l by the Keb» I rleet of g'inboa'B. Thiswaa bel v..u! non eaneMuni work.

'I'wj larys stearaeii now ait. mt ted to hoard onr

»tarhoard how, the other a-teru, an-1 a thiid on om

rlui board lean. Tl,u nirie-iiirh l>'ihlgr»»n lu in».taraed on this fell " «v. we II red at a range of th'r». s

yard», and the efl'e. t wa« vu» de«'rtietive. Sh- iiu-intdiitteiy sirere«! in »hore, ian s»*miind, and lunk.The I'arrott gin on the f.ue.iitilr drove oil the

one on th# i ow, waite we prepartd to re: el boai-l-»r» so close xva» onr remaining eii»rriv. About ti ist in»,|Moi'c»" and Lee i»n e du«hir><« in, an 1 BMjdB a

'iu!in ol the hebel louts.i leven in all.In the kihi . f ii.«- morning we di*over»d a camp

wiih Ike Steed tia»,' (1. ing, weorveiied with cann inter.Al 4 p. in. vxr re .«ived the IWafd and flin,' of Col.BfJ aieBah li ai«d hie command of five companies,

|»im-, and «aicp e iiiipBge. While etigag»d at this¡iniii w« ohteiveij itie Ver.«tia in contint with a

nuuiber of gBubeBtej ahe had hren hut'od hy one of'hem and «inil, but with Ins fo wind .-tins atillatom ihe water, »fee ana bterety m«iniaii:iiig th«'ig'it diivirl| off I i. enemies 'ind auvhig hi. irew.

1 (if rrniUfj Cat t. Lee of the O eida, who had alsobena ettftgoi with ti t eaaatp, of the Verona'« »iiua-(i «n, Le lutiaiiily iteauied up aid made a Balah ofikeBefeel ¡Maa« lue *aaajiaajaiof tbe tleet nowna.» ui iii» M -h« ip¡a, ilntt liai BUM druiued he-low xvrith the .Maiiav-eai and'hei non-clad. Alterthis, »-veryt'iiiiij purged under your olservuiion.

1 Le j letrunt July i.oxx IBMOMB of fpeakaap ofiheCayuga and her hinvi: oftiers and s.resx , :iuiu Iinjilo I'll'. Lieut.-CeBimandnig 11. II Ilainson <!;»-lived araasterlr ebililrr ia*slewing He re-.el |.«»i

tiie forts under a of »I».,; and ii-li, andatleissardiu maneiiveili.g atad Itajhling tier BBBStoJll.e giiiitrocia.

Iiani.ot «var lee BUtofe fer lim. 1 e w«i» BÜhullys«i»taii.e«l l«y Li»«,', l.eo!«'» II. I'erkii'i mil Actit-glllaetof Ihuuiu« II. .Mim in: ii ire'Hr» uki., in

¡unbounded aduiiraiiou. 1 muet, in cou ilaehn, ex-

preis ll.e pl»jiure xxliiih I ex, eneiiced in W11 ness-ii«A the «riiii,«-Llike n a'ii« r in wfeicfeull tiwire b«,n«l lad. The rrtxirta of tho l»i«Linnet lap-tains will toaren you of the BaftnhMJjW iwrt (¡one byeach ship.

RrtMctfully fr jr ,i!,»dl»t t servir'.,J BAILI

CtPtaiii ('¡g U'ii> ..¡i of li« Ke«lTo Slag-Oil. »r I) li. r*»*ni«li- I j;. matd.r ii: tile!".

«C. .Nea Urlt.i...

I'bitbp Sr«»«» Bl «Ho,Tf«tua, tAT »B», Msy 7. l.tSS J

/»« Urn (in,mi» XX«,ra«, Sr<rr:,ry flat *ory.Bia: Hain g fo,ii, I a i'j)po«»ih|e to get the Colo-

rt«l«. over the Dar« of tie Mi»ri«*i| 11. I «eut up a

lir^e portion of her g-n» and crew, tilling up deii-<i»ncy of both in the difTereot veraals, and wi'.b myale, BtetsUf, Midahipman Biajahkeoa, »teward andboat » ciew. followed up myst-lf, hmslina hy author-ny of the Flag Officer roy red ili-'.iii«!uialii'ig rtig a»re, ,a I in comiiiHiiil, first on the ( Incida, Comnauderlae», nnu afterward on the Ctr uga.dal, resolute. Bud' iiidefatiuahle OUtaM,

Coirmarder D, I», l'orter, waa al ««Sfffe with li«mortar tle»t. throwing theil at end tutu Fort Jack«MB, wl ¡lo ti« u. II liK-r with a di.-'-ion of his army

j in t ran-port s wns wainn,' it lareraBBI ni-ment te«ni!. Aft r ihr mortar tleet had bren playing BBBR

11» tari lor »ix oi« v n au i nietht« vxiiioiit pranepii l.«« t'.ir lire, a' d one or txro thanBc« ol'Piegraasrne, l''lag-(iifl«er Fa-iagnt tinned Ihn chip»[attitWU columns " Line ahead, the column ot MBlied«! mi orders befeuj «ned on the fiafet, Brui¦.liai»;. «I ol 'le ("BViiM, La« at.-l oin d14 ll»rri"o;i,

n.v DAR ana l*>«ilii«^ the lViit-tioln, Cap».m ¡g tbe Ml »inlppi, Com. sim ¡1. (jnteaa, 1 o,,i.

',. I». Lee, Y irollll, Cot'. I?. L. Il'»gl2"! Kiltn'idlU,1. eiit.-i iii.i a l*rel e. li a a leet. Uoasd'/j Baaetan,.1 I the WiaaaliirVon. Liout.-to uu'g A. A. Rn ¡h.

lir «. Ininti of the Line vin» forii.e-I ou Hie lef'.tihI ii-, t!¡." liver, anil «m»!t-t»d of ILtif iliip Xortolk.t om. A WatoWtUtfet, ami hearing the of 1 ... 1-

ion .-r i'i-i ict l- i«r; ¡!jKi.i, the Bfoohlya, Caj-t. 1.r. Claren ; ti« llkbrnoud, Com. tldua the 6«ioio,

.he I' Ila«; ol''he Ih et, Ca; t. II, li.I » I. ¡oil wisl hy he Iro«¡n,,|«, ItttaOB, \\iu«;i"., »vudK' 11 i.ele c

atol» It«!, e-i iiairtiiiifr of ihe .'¦iih.ilu.HBaelle Rd«Viiii r via» lliiosvli out in ai t! e Ila-2-lili . ile i ivinf«,a, a «liait Iv «etghed aaehor un 1 led uti the ,, ona«.Ve wen «tweercred et the fe« a, a da little beyeadboth torta opened iheinire». «aYken ehna as with-i,« B liiiii'. we tnaaad xvith *rr*yt mi wfrtw.«U| «teeni ii 011. after paniaa their lue ol lire,»li.o.iiiteieil the Moi.iiroiiery BOtillaX, 1,11 ii:«' <>t

IRguatweta ludeenuj the ran afiBBanaui nu

baiterj Lotuaiaaa, of Wajaanki 1» iva» a in BMd (¡f eniie'r, u.« no »ntijHirtiti«,'

.l.p v«ra» in ai^-ht. Hy »kill:al siceiin«.', bowa«Mwe ;, IhtW Blinna to Bull ami b«>¡.!i|, a id ha«lMtKS »'l.'l ni fefl lüg t^e tan en.1er of t'irro winn i(,eVeroae, ("u;t. liop»:-, ¡md Otei.ia. c.ipi. ¡Lea «ananet**ra*radaeer at inaa. 'ih* anlbaa eipi Ita .¦.

.». »I,i;>», xxiii be i.t.i,- k ian hy I lien Matsun let j. Al early duw: i¡¡. rated a rebel nasaa ii at beak el tke river, ettjatriraj Lieu» Otua»

a nin'ing N". P. IlHrr;«on to in« f-«r el « alii,.1«,, mid orde.ed MB Colonel f., tile M in., h on

ih» laver ank aal im .» ou beerda lula piesed loha the Cbalnette Beg!ian I, « aanaend by Cot» I»/'stn,,,-»,. The re iiiie!i»«l RBg, tOBtl, 8)Ud maipeiiiiip " .. w»te rafstaied«

* m the lum iniii' ot the ¿Oth, still leadin«.' and con-» ahead oi the lan, the .* Chalraette hat«

l« 11 », eliUui« u IhrM u Ü' bel.i»y I an t'iy.opeicda« -e mu on the c.y ultu, i o i in«, we r. ran aaeduri ...,r two gili.«,. Ai tin« end ol twenty miaule»tai )l,2-»!np liii.eed ni' iii ead in«! BjBBJeed Hit.

1.1 -ni» » -»illa«, i 'om till» (oil Ho ot um o'.«lu. le»«.:«. ia, 'lia laird ex.ept binni.», alor« a, lou.iu-¦hipe, (ne iui<», and th«i like.

Luu.iii.ii.l» alton aiiiuoting in front of tbe city, Jiv .«..¡«.riol «uislioio by Hie Flag (»llicer, to Jemandthe »uruu.loi ol ilie eBj, und thal ne nagBlniuid bel. i»lfil nu lha l'or' -Ubi« B, Cuni« I:n- II o ita-, aud Mint.VNiat MMUkd Bl mit interview xxiii be helier« jiniii» Ung uiti«! * Bepetrtss du ihuVlbth, 1 went«wife iho Hag Ollker BMM seven ntilt's ahove the«av. nfeera ne feaarj n¡e éwanna afeunanaai,afea

.»,,111« p,kü«l, |2vi!!-..i'ii«gea huruiu,'. '1 hera «lefeum-i«enera <-<i m ¡unrn»! iho iearnnaad paseare ot,l.'upt. Jrooie.ÜB the '.¡iii. it lar«*« bootu, situated above the de-

feíisea, was dcBiroy.d ¡>y Capí. J. l'nilli, n Lee. Outh« ..*«ih, tnJto llutlor laaunti aliove kort «St- l'bilip,under the Kuna of Mia.umppi and Kutti. 'Ibu land-ing of llie anny ahovo, totjeher wuh the paasuge 1

ot the fleet, ai-pcnra to have put tbe liuisiiiog touchto the deiiioruli/iaiion of their Kerrison, iiotb fortstiuiei.ilercd ,0 Commodore l'orter, who was near atbaud wi'h the- v. »nein ol his flotilla. '

As I left the river, Ueu. liutler bad «rarrlainedForts Jackton and hi. Piiilip, and his tmuap-oris,with tioop« ou bourd, were on «ay to «racopy New-IJilisan».

1 unuut too stroogly expíen mr admiration ofthe tool and able isaiiagemeiit of au lite vríasela ol

^ím^^l^^t^iÜJ ^Aijl^ .... i

Aft« we had petsed the font, It tu s ontoet btvtwn.. iron Lnrtt in woorien vanelo and ir« iv-s'tyl,with iron beak«, and the " iron beana " won.On the 29tb, lae Cayuga, Lienu^omataatiing

ii >ribaa, wa« «elected io ne hem*-, a bearerOl di«;.i.t he« Li » e ( 'over me t.

I »ave iii« hnnoi lo !).'. «er» r-.p- t ally ya» e>F»»«l «ni«?, TI» ODORit BA1LLET.M

I*. S. tra ««i (a--, h at Catc.a, st *j«a, May ». ».».'J-lion o. \\ mum, tasnasra tiiJ" .Nu*»-Kia: 1 have tba honor to im loee herewith a dupli¬

cate of ih« report of Commander Boen, late of theV. roi a, and aitact.ed to my division of the atteeiingforce. jrallant officer carne up to my sapper!w lu n I bad more of the etieuiy's steamers attnmng«me ihsn 1 rould well attend to.

I afterward saw him lo conflict with three of theenemy s steamers, and directed (on.. I«*e of the( »acida to «o to bia support, which be did ia a mostd- ¦Liii|' ii «imer. Cou., liagp s des« rip ion of the¡na el hie ve+sel I believe io be accnrau. 1 athim brave'y fightine, bia anns level with the wtter,a« bis v«'isel grdSaaljy sunb ttoderneaiu, leaving betbow i' . iug on the liiore and above water.

I btv« Iks honor to be. your oh««H«..t servant,T l'vll.r.y. (»piala.

Ubitph Btstb« Utpabsm Bkoos.i.n, I

VU Nsw UaiSASa. April ÏS, IKS. fSir: I have the honor to report that after pasaiug

the !..arenes with the »loaver Var ana, tinner bii

coui-imnd, on the morning ultu, budina my veesejaruidanest of Re Lei itearoer« I trailed abeed, de¬livering he/ fire bo h tt:irbi*rd and port at everyone that »lu pissed. The Hrst on berMarl-oardbeam that received her fire appeared to he rrowdtdtv iib troopi. lier boiler wa* exploited, «md thedrifted to shore. In like maoner Hirn other vee»

leis, one ol tie u s gnnboHt, wen (inven sabot* iaflame«, and ai; cr * ..rd blew up.At 0 a. m. the Va. una was attacked by the Mor-

jvan, iron-clad about the bow, uiu,amie'l by Btv-erley K««iimou, an ea ua«al officer. Tuia v«b*Iraked us along the port ejBBtjBBJ', killing fonr andwounding nine of the crew, b.tiing the verana on

the quarter, and agiiu on the tt«i*U>ard »ide. 1niau«.ed to get three H-im-li abell in« on abttlt herannor. as also nveral shot I cm the alter tided ruii,when she dropped out of action pan Lally disabled.While still engaged with ber, another Rebel

«.';...'-;, ¡i.iii.clh.i, with a prow u...'or water. Btruchns BJ the port gangway, Bang co 1. iden» le damas-e.< »nr shot glanced tioin ber bow. Mie bucked off fora iii e- blow, and struck again lu tbe same pla/«,cruthing in the side, but by going u' ead faat the con-eui »Kin drew ber bow around, and I was able wiiktie (ort ((lias to (five ber while (Lie alongside, fiveK im li rhells shall lier »ra,or. 1 bia e l«-«i ber, anddrove ber a-L-ire in flame«. MaaliBg the Varunain.kink/, I r;.n her i «to ibe bank, mt go ber anchor,ui,.! tie J up io He trees.

I« o-i a* all this time the gnus were actively atwork, o ¡nilling the Morgan, wa. u waa makingfeeble eft' a to wet Up sie..iii.

I ne Lie was kept np until the wtter waa over»».üi-trii' ka when I turned my «mention to getti (tthe wounded and crew out of the veteel. ', Cent LatS. seciug Hie «oliüüoii ol the Varuns, had rmhed lo her aet-istsme, but 1 waved herOB, aud li.e Morgan surreiid«-red lo Ler, Ibe vveaail mflamea.

1 bu-, e liare learned that overM af her crew wen» , .-. mid wounded, aud s1 e w«s tel ou Ure by LeraWaMMBsMT, who tamed At» uowt.ud walu hi« te*

m1. I H'.iio award too much ¡ i,.i»e to ibe otherskiel ( ew of the Varuna, 1or the noble mauuer inWfeieb '!'"-y a .(',«..rted u ¦, ai .1 li.rir cr.It.«» .loderMBB .arl ¡ii|{ i., | nilli iLrly vv LCi. es-

laii/.iishirii: fire, haviag been set ou tire twice diningthe action by shells.

l-i bfteeu n.ibu!«* from the time the Va. una tus'a a,, k, «Le was on the bo tou wii*i ouly her top-galkint foreesstle ont of water. Ibe», a-.¡Jcrew lt«t eyeryll int they (.Oeseseed, tio till« think¬ing ..1 leitving hi» station until driv-u ihen.e by Wa¬ter. 1 trull the at lei.ii.ii of tbe I).-, artun i;t Will tiecalled to their Ives, and couipeiiB-.tiou made to thonwho bave lost their all.

i ha rrew were taken off by the «i if. ictit ve-ieel*of ti i fleet as last a« they arrived, and are now dil-Uibotod through the s'liutdro-i.the wound««! have been seul to he I', nsmoL. I

w, i,LI frtrti« niarly BeeMBOBd to the no1 ice of tbaDapflrtMMt («MM Peek, BBSMd claes Loy, and pow-d-r boy af ibe after rille, whose «v.Lins» and iii'.re-Btaptj» afiUMBtod the Mtoarin of «ii j«ud». a ùireward tor suth lerner« wo ,1J be an appointiiientto b* Navel ft-hool. T'ie ni. in.-«, ni.L-..!tr*j ne«.

'-». ni. », more lhan mainti ii.ed tbe lej.utauan oftheir io. r«.Their tj¡.Ililli' 'i"-«* cleared Mm un « rifled bud. Brid

pteventrd a rejietitioo of har mar Ir.-u« l.r, tour

of the msiines were I fmr, mortally-.lo soon as the ne* were raved. I n-i« Tied to youia Beran anJ witLiu an Lou.-, l-'i ia ibe only re-

maining bvrlongiiifir lo tha Va rai. a, with your.jjtBSSein for <¡en. Untier, returning Lim yes-(«iduy afternDoi).

Vervre.i««.U.lly, ( l.ARf.r.H Bi)0(¡S,lo.i.ii.Aii.ler I' I, N

T. 1.«,-('!*"-»: H «. Ka'ac.i. r, Comitis. :1 ». VVeaiprn («ulf». t»:. a -¦,«¦!'¦¦¦¦¦

Kla.í Suir BABtnamBbwObUUP«, Airiiïa, IHtfJ. J

Bia I bave the honor te re, ort tne following lutof k'llcriani wo«ind. d in tie flee» during tbe bil.»liant engagement willi Forts Ja«kson and M. I tulipand the tiatteries below the Lily of New »Orleans,on Ibe atath ttud JJib inat.. tats :

KILLED.ii aaeanum «n

Josapk Lawrence, ae», wound »l.oi. VV'bs. Brown,lai.J.iiia-, ahalli A j,. Th«,aiae, eBSBBB Ivrcuaelip, «hall.Tuisl J.

!.»,.»¦ ty.John t "leTter. »trn.-k and ki. riet orprboaud

¡b» caroon st> >t; Win. Len»br»y. carme. I'aniel» ,.«: if J« ¦¡.«lim»..'-. ....... W rn «. .; «lu

of ¦«Inlay I Hpaiy H. tot, ¦ariaei A i.-w BsaiSa, see.

in.!., DeuBia«, orrbiuuy *«aui«u. Jclm Wade, aeainan.

1 o-ai '(. , .,

l's«i«»(-ni v.Tbea. Myer«. ae*-i.»n¡ ian »s Mnirav, orJI

nsiy se»ii«n Thoi.ii« U iu¡.lu. .«i.i»it»u ¡ -triaoa Dow nu.,!..,,|. »n. Total, «.

i. .m «n bi P. Itrarly »tad IV a 'in* mat'er'a -, »ia,I a* in brotvn.vil Ne» fur« Lau Win, bratyorili »r »»» *.e<l 2.1. fcl»! .'. I*, »ii«, Aler. Van V'araenbti-,... «r«-. » >l. nj.e M ir, ..y r airy a*»inm Kdwu

K Tirrel' boy. .»«oh «riri. sat« :dt, n:alua¡ Ueari» VV( sip u.a.! ia natal, o'- >

rive. «,llio«. ttttf, tamÉ» at fiecast«; Bco«l*. H. JeM.aon,

li..u.¡..a.., Jl-u N ,i», Jo- -(" »1 ¦..

i »»Kl aaj. « ,

l,4..v a Sr-it) )«nl.u.»Q¡ Charl«« Har»' ;* taaiaaa

Dsiii. MtFa) PMW, irdluary ««».. s«».ti-lal ki.lecf, jo. ""*

wo«». «.. ian HARr»«-,»!,.

" *'¦.-. « «"n'" *J*'t.!'!> .1 iiir .. »tei.ks. lai,,]., i«»J I ."¦ .-I' ¦¦»,. »«. utti.;. i «»>««:. d... itaudaJt i'.lll.

H- ly Ma.lil-r. «a.liuaiy setiuan doHenry Mil« .-i e lo. j J.'.ii« toa-*. «ISIIIIB. sllsjtily ¡... V\ fi« e. ¡fi.-ii ». do. MsCen v r*»p. nTer aeverely Air

lie,»lei, u*ai !).«!:ii-», al.«lal«. .«la., IV.i.H.'OSLV».

Xr Im ¦.. (» Kana, «juvtttr, » «r,--y. J.oie» Hsirfcrd».- au, v.s'er. »l,,li'iy ; Mr. K J. I.»w. n^aier s Baa*, do. iV'.,., M lin'e. scaiiiai., ««.vrrely l^»[n Iteaib. rnarlii»..Ii.-1.11) i cía. i..abo, «u«f, sastertljl Jehu U

« iratuatjreaman,ia l-l... ( .e aastaea, aii|:,¡ly¡f.. I .1 vi., ii.« t. .. ia, t- sr« y, .! K. I.» ,»'ma ire, c n« aioii. Mr. We I, leau.i. apvenU») l( erJin iv KBBHn, do.; J im It« .»t, Isadtniaadi».,» ( «roll.. ,a.itier, I«, ; I ..«rd Ki,ion).nara», «hsbtiy tai'ivn.« .Vla.'ie, ord'iiary te-¡¡ >'It BMSTtallyi Junta II. i*o»e', oidUaiy stMiu.siiall,hilf li. (1. Lukin oidmsrv »evinan, aevpisly JuliaV ¡ms. d«. du Jena Panie.. I», d«u.« ., aiijhdy; Janie*VV Bbkajr. »f*la Baléeseita U »eveiny. Aieianuer Au'., r,,. 'i J«'. !'. . tPPrtarrnp.tpf. «ll-hily. Isa.Ii-» .... .:¦¦:. d v I, I«, i,, o^^, p »Xle-l-iuili, ivJ »lil a a Wl, i.,. »u. Ul.i'l op, da. 1'oUl, .'. .

r«S-A( "I A.

Jr in Hysn. Q'iarteniiss as, acd tsaaaSI Mowry, «Jo nor-(«I.v J ...» han Kobrrl* idici > *. «m.i,, sever»! * , Mich»»!M.K.'ia '.jll.l.J.SI. do. Tlijiua» Knlj. bo-!u.»!.'»'u.«ie. Jo..Kd» Ban»«. I *ptsL. of (t.i«rd, do I, jn .-»herlork, «hi»>'èeeea»d JetoJs kia«.epeteaar« ssasaa*. Jo. JeneeOstaea»., «e..»u a ., >..,ii,.| i... ,.«i, or,ia«iv aasaaaa, do,llttJUa! I»«: J II- u!.-r»i.|i, de. ¡ A. C. I, r|. J, «le. ¡John «Ma-art jil Sum ie' Baaaeln, «ij I*. MeBay, si Juan do

t» Baaataa, Be. tat Ne« «n J. '-j.-.-a I.~-, «

L.s«. « .' l-tlv li .-v I'»einu v.-L .«».». rit M.rn.e. J:.vv.ji BUBB OB (Ha '«tim ami .oiH «run..

i'SNna.,11 ..

C«. H Vi'tkls., Battra, «,1,'itly, Michael O'Brien, ia.;tiri vaam ee»i Pa*«««, de.i .''bn Bttnee «lo.,lohn ( liai ia lie t niariu»* \to n ii thfbtit. > lu.*(»eiaid. d-. Acti. | M««ter do. ; W11« u Uoodrlch. bo«'.»»:do.. J .. i! i j» i .i, ei Ui. ia. I A.ntd Ivajuolia, aiaJlpi .

L «:«, do «Je" Do ! u- i. Jj.--Tpi«1, 1JJ.aiCHPO«!!..

JsSB .l"idoi: «eau«:., «everelyi (ha« A Bsusop. crdiuary«lo -, «lisli.y «.dwaid tVltaa, d* j. bn r'oru. traman, deTola!,I latnroii

J.iiie»- Noland w«on<led i,.or!»lly ; VV'*!tsr J. Whit«. BHparal»*, d« ¡ B<.l)t La««l.. «rB.orer «sverely, (leai.ik «.unei. do Kool (jre.n.Pa!. »e.nnu do.| Johe

ha Iii boy, d .. ¡ .Martin W lah t, toaUwala/« a,ata, tv. ; JoknHro»r c«P««iii ' l,,0P ..ipoHyi Joh.i ( osaay, akln's coi-

ptHBl J«. Ora Hlti-ln« a.«e «n. do. ; Beij Bockwsll iu.Waa i ojI, oidn»aiy »tauteo., do. Hein y W allara, do t W,0.Uor,aii, |aed».ua». d«.. ; thoa Kealy. d>. ¡ Uwpn CpBiphe.,Hj Al'ret lire«««!. U <t d-, Alf.ed Jsekspu, uaaiiaa doJ»iue« Uoisn. «aarnan. do Jauiia Mol' lu.laky do, Thom at)r-ianc'. Of J »ary «n au, do. r.suk K. Hs.Tis, "Jaaai.u .

aa,ioaar. do. lotaj, JJ.iBBaass

Tbo* Foa'er .ahip'srook .Ki«:»!«; Thoa. Fard, laadaiuanrio ; lloa. H. Jonr» «j d Heury Stoliery, eiaicpr«' eooka, doWin. Ackaorth qo»rtern)«.ter, allfhtly ; t',0«. L. Meriti« ena)beaver, ia\ | Jaiiias A oakford, ordluaty naas an. «lo. Tstai 7

. . aUIKU.

l«hn tawscn areli'redenek U 0. Frulla landaWlB. «e-rprpiy Kr«.! Is Nnrasll. ordii.srv seamjji Jshn lluiuphr«..¦-.I leaver. I.¡i.e. «luiiih, UndBOiaai Juba Titas, sJBc«i.'oak, «ii Sushi«/. Total S.


r rancla Matter and J. Hairlustoa, «li»h:ly.....

yanoi»».M K«ana ti d T. Johaaon. oidlnary saan-ava. rrry ttaaU] ,

A L,. Je), e, .and» niau sa,Uly, J. i«oid»u, ajarloe, MvaraJy,
