tf 4 prolapso miocarditis y marfan

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  • 7/27/2019 Tf 4 Prolapso Miocarditis y Marfan


    surements determined at cardiac catheterization. Am J Cardiol1991;67:100712.

    14. Carabello BA. Evaluation and management of patients with aorticstenosis. Circulation 2002;105:174650.

    15. Rosenhek R, Binder T, Porenta G, et al. Predictors of outcome insevere, asymptomatic aortic stenosis. N Engl J Med 2000;343:6117.

    16. Dehmer GJ, Firth BG, Hillis LD, et al. Alterations in left ventricular

    volumes and ejection fraction at rest and during exercise in patientswith aortic regulation. Am J Cardiol 1981;48:1727.

    17. Nistri S, Sorbo MD, Marin M, Scognamiglio R, Thiene G. Aorticroot dilatation in young men with normally functioning bicuspid aortic

    valves. Heart 1999;82:1922.18. Svensson LG, Kim KH, Lytle BW, Cosgrove DM. Relationship of

    aortic cross-sectional area to height ratio and the risk of aortic

    dissection in patients with bicuspid aortic valves. J Thorac CardiovascSurg 2003;126:8923.

    19. Rahimtoola SH. Choice of prosthetic heart valve for adult patients.J Am Coll Cardiol 2003;41:893904.

    20. Borer JS, Herrold EM, Hochreiter C, et al. Natural history of leftventricular performance at rest and during exercise after aortic valvereplacement for aortic regurgitation. Circulation 1991;84:III1339.

    Appendix 1

    The authors of this report declared they have no relation-ships with industry pertinent to this topic.

    Task Force 4: HCM andOther Cardiomyopathies, Mitral ValveProlapse, Myocarditis, and Marfan SyndromeBarry J. Maron, MD, FACC, ChairMichael J. Ackerman, MD, PHD, FACC, Rick A. Nishimura, MD, FACC, Reed E. Pyeritz, MD, PHD,

    Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD, FACC, James E. Udelson, MD, FACC


    General considerations. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM) is a relatively common form of genetic heart disease(0.2%; 1:500 in the general population) (1), and the mostcommon cause of sudden unexpected cardiac death in youngpeople, including competitive athletes (2). Sudden deathmay occur at any age, but is most common in individuals 30years of age or less. At present, 12 mutant genes (mostencoding sarcomeric proteins) and over 400 specific muta-tions in these genes have been implicated in the pathogen-esis of clinically diagnosed HCM (3).

    The disease is characterized by heterogeneous presen-tation and natural history in which the most consistentdiagnostic feature demonstrated by echocardiography isotherwise unexplained and usually asymmetric hypertro-phy associated with a non-dilated left ventricle (LV)

    (35). Clinical diagnosis of HCM is made by recognitionof the disease phenotype with LV hypertrophy (3,4). Inthis regard, a maximal LV end-diastolic wall thickness of15 mm or more (or on occasion, 13 or 14 mm) is theabsolute dimension generally accepted for the clinicaldiagnosis of HCM in an adult athlete (in children, 2 ormore standard deviations from the mean relative to bodysurface are; z-score of 2 or more); however, any LV wallthickness (including normal) is theoretically compatiblewith the presence of a mutant HCM gene (3,4). Of note,individuals of virtually any age (but usually less than 14years old) harboring a HCM-causing mutant gene may

    not manifest LV hypertrophy (3,4).In a disease such as HCM, extrapolation of risk level

    from non-athletes to highly trained competitive athletes istenuous. This relates to the unstable electrophysiologicsubstrate and propensity for potentially lethal ventriculartachyarrhythmias in HCM, interacting with the physiologicstresses inherent in athletic training and competition (i.e.,

    alterations in blood volume, hydration, and electrolytes).Furthermore, no single clinical, morphologic, or electro-physiologic factor has emerged as the reliable predictor ofrisk in HCM (3,4). Therefore, because the panel could notprecisely stratify sudden death risk specifically for all athleteswith HCM, the present recommendations for sports eligi-bility remain conservative and homogeneous for thoseathletes within the diverse HCM clinical spectrum.

    Given the inability to precisely stratify risk on clinicalgrounds in individual young patients with HCM, a broadrecommendation to exclude such individuals from compet-itive sports will, by definition, deny participation to some

    unnecessarily. However, given the frequency with whichHCM is associated with sudden death in young athletes (2),and recent data showing that athletic activity per se isassociated with higher risk in those with underlying cardio-vascular abnormalities (6), the present recommendations areviewed as prudent. That is, the goal is to encompass allpreventable sudden deaths in young persons with HCM,while acknowledging that other athletes who may not bedestined for sudden death will also be subjected to the samerecommendations.Preclinical diagnosis. With the availability of preclinicalgenetic diagnosis, a relatively small number of youthful

    family members have been identified as affected by aHCM-causing mutant gene solely on the basis of laboratory

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    DNA analysis, and in the absence of typical morphologic(phenotypic) features of the disease (3,4). As family geneticscreening for HCM becomes more widespread, cliniciansmay be increasingly faced with the dilemma of makingrecommendations regarding sports participation for subjectswho have only preclinical evidence of HCM (i.e., genotype

    positive-phenotype negative). Nonetheless, it is likely thatmost such individuals are destined to ultimately develop theHCM phenotype with the attendant possibility of a poten-tially unstable electrophysiologic milieu. Moreover, theHCM phenotype (i.e., LV hypertrophy) may develop overthe course of several years (3,4) after initial evaluation, whencompetitive sports participation could still be an ongoingand important lifestyle issue.

    Based on these considerations, prudent recommendationsfor athletes with preclinical HCM would include, on a 12-to 18-month basis, in addition to serial two-dimensionalechocardiography: 12-lead ECG and ambulatory Holter

    electrocardiogram (ECG), and less frequently cardiac mag-netic resonance (CMR) imaging and exercise stress testingto a level similar to that expected in the sport underconsideration (for evaluation of exercise tolerance, bloodpressure, and ventricular tachyarrhythmias). If all of theseparameters continue to be normal, then based on the level ofpresent knowledge, restriction from competitive athleticactivities is not recommended. Such systematic follow-up ofthis subgroup is strongly recommended, particularly if thereis a family history of HCM and sudden cardiac death.

    Relevant to these considerations are the prior observa-tions that abnormalities on 12-lead ECG and preload-

    independent measures of diastolic dysfunction with tissueDoppler ultrasonography may precede the appearance ofLV hypertrophy, providing clues to impeding developmentof wall thickening (79). Athletes with abnormal 12-leadECG and absence of LV hypertrophy on two-dimensionalechocardiogram (particularly if relatives in HCM families)should be afforded a high index of suspicion for HCM andundergo CMR imaging to determine whether areas ofsegmental hypertrophy undetected by echocardiography arepresent in regions of the LV chamber such as anterolateralfree wall or apex (7). However, 12-lead ECG abnormalitiesin family members without LV hypertrophy (particularly if

    relatively minor or nonspecific) should not per se be re-garded as evidence of HCM.


    1. Athletes with a probable or unequivocal clinical diag-nosis of HCM should be excluded from most com-petitive sports, with the possible exception of those oflow intensity (class IA). This recommendation isindependent of age, gender, and phenotypic appear-ance, and does not differ for those athletes with orwithout symptoms, LV outflow obstruction, or priortreatment with drugs or major interventions with

    surgery, alcohol septal ablation, pacemaker, or im-plantable defibrillator.

    2. Although the clinical significance and natural historyof genotype positive-phenotype negative individualsremains unresolved, no compelling data are availableat present with which to preclude these patients fromcompetitive sports, particularly in the absence ofcardiac symptoms or a family history of sudden death.

    Given the effectiveness of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) in preventing sudden death in HCM(10), clinicians will increasingly be faced with decisionsregarding athletic participation for HCM patients withICDs. Although effective for sudden death prevention inobservational studies (10), the unique physiologic milieuassociated with competitive athletic activities, includingintravascular volume and electrolyte disturbances, neurohor-monal activity, and the potential for myocardial ischemiamake the absolute reliability of ICDs in such settingsunpredictable. Furthermore, there is a possibility for device

    malfunction and the risk for traumatic injury to the athlete-patient (or other competitors) should the ICD dischargeeither appropriately or inappropriately. Thus, the placementof an ICD in an HCM patient does not change thecompetitive sports recommendations for this disease (aspreviously noted), namely, that restriction from participa-tion in contact and most non-contact sports is advisable(11); such individuals may engage only in low-intensitycompetitive sports (class IA).

    The presence of a free-standing automated externaldefibrillator (AED) at sporting events should not be con-sidered either absolute protection against sudden death, a

    prospectively designed treatment strategy for known cardio-vascular disease, nor a justification for participation incompetitive sports in athletes with previously diagnosedHCM. Athletes with HCM using drugs such as anabolicsteroids or energy stimulant drinks may in fact increase theirrisk of arrhythmias, although definitive data are lacking.


    Mitral valve prolapse (i.e., myxomatous degeneration) is ofparticular importance in the evaluation of athletes, given itsrelatively high prevalence in the general population (esti-

    mated, 2% to 3%) (1214). The condition is defined byechocardiography as systolic displacement of one or bothmitral leaflets into the left atrium beyond the plane of themitral anulus in the parasternal long-axis view (13). Thesepatients may be identified by auscultation with a mid-systolic click and/or murmur of mitral regurgitation. Addi-tionally, MVP is characterized by a mostly favorable prog-nosis and low event rate (1215). In general, the greatestrisks for unfavorable clinical sequelaewhich include severeprogressive mitral regurgitation requiring valve surgery,infective endocarditis, embolic events, atrial and ventriculartachyarrhythmias, and sudden death appear to be associated

    with substantial structural abnormality of the mitral valve(i.e., classic MVP) with diffuse leaflet thickening, elonga-

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    tion, and redundancy, and in some cases ruptured chordaetendineae (1215).

    Sudden cardiac death due to isolated MVP is rare amongyoung patients, particularly in relation to exercise and/or intrained athletes (1216). Such events are probably not morefrequent than in the general population and occur predom-

    inantly in patients older than 50 years with severe mitralregurgitation and/or systolic dysfunction (15).

    Some individuals with MVP appear to be part of aconnective tissue phenotypic spectrum with tall, thin habi-tus, thoracic cage deformity, and joint hypermobility (i.e.,MASS phenotype), for which there is a risk, albeit low, forprogression to aortic dilatation or sudden death (17).


    1. Athletes with MVP but without any of the followingfeaturescan engage in all competitive sports:a. prior syncope, judged probably to be arrhythmo-

    genic in originb. sustained or repetitive and nonsustained supraven-

    tricular tachycardia or frequent and/or complexventricular tachyarrhythmias on ambulatory Holtermonitoring

    c. severe mitral regurgitation assessed with color-flowimaging

    d. LV systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction less than50%)

    e. prior embolic eventf. family history of MVP-related sudden death

    2. Athletes with MVP and any of the aforementioned

    disease features can participate in low-intensity com-petitive sports only (class IA).

    Recommendations related to hemodynamic burden sec-ondary to moderate-severe mitral regurgitation (as assessedby physical examination and two-dimensional echocardio-gram and Doppler study) in athletes with MVP appear inTask Force 3.


    Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of myocardium anda cause of sudden death in young athletes (2,1824). It is

    usually of infectious etiology due to a variety of viral agents,most commonly enterovirus (e.g., Coxsackie virus), adeno-virus, or parvovirus in young people, but also by drugs andtoxic agents such as cocaine (2225). Myocarditis evolvesthrough active, healing, and healed pathologic stagescharacterized progressively by inflammatory cell infiltratesleading to interstitial edema and focal myocyte necrosis andreplacement fibrosis (20)which potentially create an elec-trically unstable substrate for development of ventriculartachyarrhythmias (2,18,24). In some instances, viral myo-carditis can culminate in dilated cardiomyopathy with LVsystolic dysfunction, presumably as a consequence of viral-

    mediated immunologic damage to the myocardium orcytoskeletal disruption (2225).

    Myocarditis can be diagnosed by established histopatho-logic, histochemical, or molecular criteria (20,2325), but ischallenging to identify clinically. Suspicion may be raised bychest pain, exertional dyspnea, fatigue, syncope, palpita-tions, ventricular tachyarrhythmias and conduction abnor-malities or by acute congestive heart failure associated with

    LV dilatation and/or segmental systolic dysfunction, cardio-genic shock, or ST-T changes on ECG (22,24).

    When clinical judgment suggests the presence of myo-carditis, an endomyocardial biopsy may clarify an otherwiseambiguous clinical profile. Because of patchy distribution ofinflammatory cells, biopsies are often insensitive and fre-quently yield false-negative histologic results (20,22,24).However, the diagnostic yield of histology can be enhancedby molecular analysis with PCR amplification of the viralgenome (23,25).


    1. Athletes with probable or definite evidence of myo-carditis should be withdrawn from all competitivesports and undergo a prudent convalescent period ofabout six months following the onset of clinicalmanifestations.

    2. Athletes may return to training and competition afterthis period of time if:a. LV function, wall motion, and cardiac dimensions

    return to normal (based on echocardiographic and/orradionuclide studies at rest and with exercise)

    b. clinically relevant arrhythmias such as frequentand/or complex repetitive forms of ventricular or

    supraventricular ectopic activity are absent on am-bulatory Holter monitoring and graded exercisetesting

    c. serum markers of inflammation and heart failurehave normalized

    d. the 12-lead ECG has normalized. Persistence ofrelatively minor ECG alterations such as someST-T changes are not, per se, the basis for restric-tion from competition.


    Marfan syndrome (and related disorders), caused by morethan 400 individual mutations in the gene encodingfibrillin-1 (FBN1), is an autosomal dominant disorder ofconnective tissue with estimated prevalence of 1:5,000 to1,10,000 in the general population (2629). It is character-ized clinically by a diverse constellation of abnormalitiesvariable in severity and involving primarily the ocular,skeletal, and cardiovascular organ systems (2830). Diag-nosis is made according to the Gent nosology if majorcriteria are present in two organ systems and a third isinvolved, or when there is a family history of Marfansyndrome (28,29). Skeletal abnormalities include arm span-

    to-height ratio greater than 1.05, tall stature, arachnodac-tyly, dolichostenomelia (long, thin limbs), hyperextensibility

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    and ligamentous laxity, scoliosis, and chest wall deformity(pectus excavatum or carinatum), in addition to ectopialentis (lens dislocation).

    Cardiovascular manifestations that impact on naturalhistory are: 1) progressive dilatation of the aortic root ordescending aorta, which predisposes to dissection and rup-

    ture (3033); and 2) MVP with associated mitral regurgi-tation or LV systolic dysfunction, which may occasionallypredispose to ventricular tachyarrhythmias and suddendeath (33). The risk for aortic rupture is usually linked tomarked enlargement of the aorta (transverse dimensiongreater than 50 mm), although dissection can occur with anormal (or near-normal) aortic root dimension (3036) (A.DePaepe, personal communication, April 12, 2004).Weightlifting has been specifically associated with aorticdissection in athletes with cystic medial necrosis (with orwithout systemic hypertension or use of anabolic steroids)(35,36). The incidence of aortic dissection appears to have

    decreased with earlier prophylactic surgical aortic rootreconstruction and beta-blocker therapy (30,32,34).

    Ascending aortic root dilatation (and dissection) has alsobeen associated with congenital bicuspid aortic valve dis-proportionate to that attributable to abnormal valvularfunction (3741), as well as familial aortic aneurysm anddissection, independent of Marfan syndrome (4143).


    1. Athletes with Marfan syndrome can participate in lowand moderate static/low dynamic competitive sports(classes IA and IIA) if theydo not have one or more of

    the following:a. aortic root dilatation (i.e., transverse dimension 40

    mm or greater in adults, or more than 2 standarddeviations from the mean for body surface area inchildren and adolescents; z-score of 2 or more)

    b. moderate-to-severe mitral regurgitationc. family history of dissection or sudden death in a

    Marfan relativeIt is recommended, however, that these athletes havean echocardiographic measurement of aortic root di-mension repeated every six months, for close surveil-lance of aortic enlargement.

    2. Athletes with unequivocal aortic root dilatation(transverse dimension 40 mm or greater in adults orgreater than 2 standard deviations beyond the meanfor body surface area in children and adolescents;z-score of 2 or more) (41,43), prior surgical aortic rootreconstruction, chronic dissection of aorta or otherartery, moderate-to-severe mitral regurgitation, orfamily history of dissection or sudden death canparticipate only in low-intensity competitive sports(class IA).

    3. Athletes with Marfan syndrome, familial aortic aneu-rysm or dissection, or congenital bicuspid aortic valve

    with any degree of ascending aortic enlargement (asdefined in 1 and 2 above) also should not participate

    in sports that involve the potential for bodily colli-sion.

    4. Recommendations related to aortic regurgitation arethe same as those in Task Force 3.

    These recommendations are offered independent of

    whether beta-blockers are administered to mitigate aorticroot enlargement.


    The vascular form of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome carries asubstantial risk of rupture of the aorta and its majorbranches (28). This is a rare autosomal dominant disorder,caused by a defect in type III collagen, encoded by theCOL3A1 gene. Patients have variable joint hypermobility,susceptibility to bruising, difficult wound healing, and oftenprematurely aged appearance.


    1. Individuals with the vascular form of Ehlers-Danlossyndrome should not engage in any competitiveathletic activity.



    Cited as a major cause of sudden death in young people andathletes (4446), particularly in the northeastern (Veneto)region of Italy (45) but seemingly less common in the U.S(2,18), ARVC is characterized by a broad phenotypic

    spectrum and characteristically by loss of myocytes in theright ventricular myocardium with fatty or fibro-fatty re-placement resulting in segmental or diffuse wall thinning. Itis frequently associated with myocarditis (44,45,47). Clini-cal diagnosis is challenging, but relies largely on familialoccurrence, ventricular tachyarrhythmias (particularly ven-tricular tachycardia of right ventricular origin elicited byexercise), T-wave inversion in precordial leads V1 throughV3 and epsilon waves on ECG, or right ventricular dilata-tion and/or segmental wall motion abnormalities, aneurysmformation, and fatty deposition in the right ventricular wallidentified with echocardiography, multi-slice computed to-

    mography, or cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.Recommendation:

    1. Athletes with probable or definite diagnosis ofARVC should be excluded from most competitivesports, with the possible exception of those of lowintensity (class IA).


    A number of other uncommon diseases of the myocardiumdeserve consideration as potential causes of sudden death inathletes. These include dilated cardiomyopathy (due to a

    variety of etiologies including genetic); primary non-hypertrophied restrictive cardiomyopathy, systemic infiltra-

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    tive diseases with secondary cardiac involvement such assarcoidosis, and also isolated non-compaction of LV myo-cardium with or without systolic dysfunction (48,49). Fewdata are presently available regarding the relative risks ofathletic training and competition in athletes with theaforementioned myocardial diseases.


    1. Until more information is available in this regard, itis most prudent to exclude athletes with these dis-eases from most competitive sports, with the possibleexception of those of low intensity (class IA) inselected cases.



    1. Athletes with pericarditis, regardless of etiology,should not participate in competitive sports duringthe acute phase. Such athletes can return to fullactivity when there is no longer evidence of activedisease, including effusion by echocardiography, andwhen serum markers of inflammation have normal-ized. For pericarditis associated with evidence ofmyocardial involvement, eligibility recommendationsshould also be based on the course of myocarditis.Chronic pericardial disease that results in constric-tion disqualifies one from all competitive sports.



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    Appendix 1. Author Relationships With Industry and Others

    Name Consultant Research Grant Scientific

    Advisory Board Stock Holder Expert Witness Testimony

    Dr. Michael J. Ackerman CV Therapeutics None Genaissance Genaissance None Genaissance

    PharmaceuticalsPharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals

    Medtronic Pfizer

    Dr. Barry J. Maron None Medtronic None None 1996, Defense, Northwesternvs. Knapp

    Dr. Rick A. Nishimura None None None None None

    Dr. Reed E. Pyeritz Genzyme Genzyme None None None

    Dr. Jeffrey A. Towbin None None None None 2005, Defense, Myocarditis,sudden death in child

    2004, Defense, Myocarditis,sudden death in child

    2004, Defense, Myocarditis,sudden death in child

    2002, Defense, Myocarditis,sudden death in child

    2000, Defense, Myocarditis,sudden death in child

    1996, Plaintiff, Myocarditis,sudden death in professionalathlete

    1995, Plaintiff, Myocarditis,sudden death in professionalathlete

    Dr. James E. Udelson None None None None None

    1345JACC Vol. 45, No. 8, 2005 Maron et al.April 19, 2005:13405 Task Force 4: HCM, Other Cardiomyopathies, and Marfan