text processing with finite state transducers in unitex

ANALYSIS OF IMAGES, SOCIAL NETWORKS, AND TEXTS April, 9-11th, 2015, Yekaterinburg Text Processing with Finite State Transducers in Unitex Artem Lukanin This work is partially supported by the RFH grant #13-04-12020 “New open electronic thesaurus for Russian”.

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ANALYSIS OF IMAGES, SOCIAL NETWORKS, AND TEXTSApril, 9-11th, 2015, Yekaterinburg

Text Processing with Finite StateTransducers in Unitex

Artem Lukanin

This work is partially supported by the RFH grant #13-04-12020“New open electronic thesaurus for Russian”.

What is Unitex?• An open-source corpus processor, based on automata-oriented


• mainly developed by Sébastien Paumier at the Institut Gaspard-Monge

(IGM), University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (France)

• It works on Windows, Linux, Mac OS and other systems

• It has lexical resources for French, English, Greek, Portuguese, Russian,

Thai, Korean, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Arabic, German and more

• http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~unitex/


What is corpus?A corpus is a collection of pieces of language text in electronic form, selected

according to external criteria to represent, as far as possible, a language or

language variety as a source of data for linguistic research.

Sinclair 2005“


What is Finite State Transducer (FST)?FST, is a type of finite automaton which maps between two sets of symbols.

We can visualize an FST as a two-tape automaton that recognizes or

generates pairs of strings. Intuitively, we can do this by labeling each arc in

the finite-state machine with two symbol strings, one from each tape.

Jurafsky 2000


Simple sentence splitting FST

... в четвертичном периоде. Достигали высоты ...

... в четвертичном периоде. {S} Достигали высоты ...


Get your corpus from a text file in Unitex1. Run Unitex

• If you are working on Windows, the program will ask you to choose a

personal working directory, which you can change later in

Info>Preferences...>Directories .

2. Select Russian as your working language

• For each language that you will be using, for the first time the

program will copy the root directory of that language to your

personal directory, except the dictionaries.


Get your corpus from a text file in Unitex3. Open corpus-ru-dbpedia-short-dea-1000.csv from the

Corpus subfolder: Text > Open...

4. Preprocess the text

• Apply Sentence.grf in MERGE mode

• Apply Replace.grf in REPLACE mode

• Tokenize the text

• Apply all default dictionaries

• Analyze unknown words as free compound words


Preprocessing• Sentence.grf splits the text into sentences, adding {S} tag before

the next sentence (language dependent)

• Replace.grf removes ¬ (soft hyphen) and converts no-break spaces

to spaces

• The standard separators (the space, the tab and the newline characters)

are normalized


Tokenization• is language (alphabet) dependent

• Newlines in a text are replaced by spaces

• A token can be:

• the sentence delimiter {S}

• the stop marker {STOP} to delimit texts

• a lexical tag, e.g. {ЮУрГУ,.N+ORG+gen(M)}

• a contiguous sequence of letters (from alphabet.txt )

• one (and only one) non-letter character, e.g. a digit


Applying dictionaries• consists of building the subset of dictionaries consisting only of forms

that are present in the text

• The corpus becomes "tagged", i.e. every token is assigned all possible

grammatical forms

• e.g. семью assigned these lexical tags:





Hyponyms and hypernymsUnlike synonymy and antonymy, which are lexical relations between word

forms, hyponymy/hypernymy is a semantic relation between word meanings:

e.g., {maple} is a hyponym of {tree} , and {tree} is a hyponym of {plant} .

Much attention has been devoted to hyponymy/hypernymy (variously called

subordination/superordination, subset/superset, or the ISA relation)...


Hyponyms and hypernymsA concept represented by the synset {x, x′,...} is said to be a hyponym of the

concept represented by the synset {y, y′,...} if native speakers of English accept

sentences constructed from such frames as An x is a (kind of) y. The relation

can be represented by including in {x, x′,...} a pointer to its superordinate, and

including in {y, y′,...} pointers to its hyponyms.

Miller 1993


Hyponym and hypernym mining fromRussian textsМамонты — вымерший род млекопитающих из семейства

слоновых, живший в четвертичном периоде.{S} Достигали

высоты 5,5 метров и массы тела 10—12 тонн.{S}

Таким образом, мамонты были в два раза тяжелее самых

крупных современных наземных млекопитающих —

африканских слонов .


IndicatorsМамонты — вымерший род млекопитающих из семейства

слоновых, живший в четвертичном периоде.{S}

1. Text > Locate pattern...

2. Type род into Regular expression

3. Select Index all utterances in text in Search limitation

4. Click Search



• hyponyms and hypernyms are nouns

• вымерший (participle) and широколиственных (adjective) can be



Patterns in Unitex1. Text > Locate pattern...

2. Regular expression <N> — <V:S>* род (<A>+<!DIC>)* <N>

3. Click Search

2 matches

Мамонты — вымерший род млекопитающих из семейства слоновых

Бук — род широколиственных деревьев семейства Буковые




Lexical masks• <род> : matches all the entries that have род as canonical form

• <стать.V> : matches all entries having стать as canonical form and

the grammatical code V

• <V> : matches all entries having the grammatical code V

• {стану,стать.V} or <стану,стать.V> : matches all the entries

having стану as inflected form, стать as canonical form and the

grammatical code V


Lexical masks. Special symbols• <E> : the empty word or epsilon. Matches the empty string

• <TOKEN> : matches any token, except the space; used by default for

morphological filters

• <MOT> : matches any token that consists of letters

• <MIN> : matches any lower-case token

• <MAJ> : matches any lower-case token

• <PRE> : matches any token that starts with a capital letter


Lexical masks. Special symbols• <DIC> : matches any word that is present in the dictionaries of the text

• <SDIC> : matches any simple word in the text dictionaries

• <CDIC> : matches any composed word in the dictionaries of the text

• <TDIC> : matches any tagged token like {XXX,XXX.XXX}

• <NB> : matches any contiguous sequence of digit (1234 is matched but

not 1 234)

• <#> : prohibits the presence of space


Graphs in Unitex• can match text (Finite State Automata)

• can produce new output text (Finite State Transducers)

• in MERGE mode combine the matched input text and the output text

(useful fot tagging)

• in REPLACE mode convert the matched input text into the output



1. FSGraph > New

2. Click on the initial state (arrow), click inside the empty place while

holding Ctrl to create a new box, connected to the initial state, type <N> ,

press Enter


A graph for matching text3. Create a — box, connected to the <N> box

4. Create a род box, connected to the — box

5. Create a <N> box, connected to the род box

6. Click on the second <N> box, click on the final state (a circle with a

square inside) to connect these 2 boxes

7. Create a <V:S> box between the — and род boxes

8. Create a <A>+<!DIC> box between the род and <N> boxes

9. Save the graph as Graphs/match-hyponyms.grf : FSGraph > Save


A graph for matching text

Text > Locate Pattern... , Locate pattern in the form of: Graph, Set

match-hyponyms.grf , Search


Transducers in Unitex1. Click on the first <N> box (hyponym) and change it to <N>/{[ to add

{[ before the matched noun, when the graph is applied in the MERGE


2. Click on the <N>/{[ and click on the — box to disconnect these boxes

3. Create a <E>/]=HYPONYM} box between the <N>/{[ and — boxes.

It will add ]=HYPONYM} after the matched noun

4. Modify the second <N> box for adding a HYPERNYM tag to it


Transducers in Unitex5. Save the graph as tag-hyponyms.grf


Tagging hyponyms and hypernyms1. Text > Locate pattern...

2. Set tag-hyponyms.grf

3. Select Merge with input text in Grammar outputs

4. Click Search

5. Build concordance

• The matched and tagged texts are stored in the concord.ind

file in the corpus folder



Tagging hyponyms and hypernyms{[Мамонты]=HYPONYM} — вымерший род

{[млекопитающих]=HYPERNYM} из семейства слоновых

{[Бук]=HYPONYM} — род широколиственных

{[деревьев]=HYPERNYM} семейства Буковые

• We can then use some script to extract tagged hyponyms and


• or mine them right in Unitex in the REPLACE mode




Mining hyponyms and hypernyms1. Open match-hyponyms.grf : FSGraph > Open...

2. Click on the first <N> box, right-click on it and select

Surround with > Morphological mode

3. Click on the first <N> box and change it to <N>/$hyponym$ to store

the matched noun with all morphological information in the

$hyponym$ variable


Mining hyponyms and hypernyms4. Modify the second <N> box to store the matched noun in variable

$hypernym$ in the morphological mode

5. Add <E>/$hypernym.LEMMA$: $hyponym.LEMMA$ before the

final state

6. Save this graph as mine-hyponyms.grf

7. In Info > Preferences... > Morphological dictionaries add



Mining hyponyms and hypernyms


Mining hyponyms and hypernyms1. Set this graph in Text > Locate pattern...

2. Select Replace recognized sequences in Grammar outputs

3. Click Search

млекопитающее: мамонт

дерево: бук

дерево: бука

дерево: Бук






Mining hyponyms and hypernyms1. Why so many Бук outputs? Let's see in the dictionary: DELA >

Lookup... , select CISLEXru_igrok.bin and enter this word






Mining hyponyms and hypernyms2. Let's modify mine-hyponyms.grf to remove ambiguous outputs:

change the first <N> box to <N~PN:n>

2 outputs

млекопитающее: мамонт

дерево: бук




References1. Jurafsky, D., & James, H. (2000). Speech and language processing an

introduction to natural language processing, computational linguistics,

and speech.

2. Miller, G. A., Beckwith, R., Fellbaum, C., Gross, D., & Miller, K. J. (1990).

Introduction to wordnet: An on-line lexical database*. International

journal of lexicography, 3(4), 235-244.


References3. Paumier, S. (2015). Unitex 3.1.beta User Manual. Université Paris-Est

Marne-la-Vallée. January 15, 2015,


4. Sinclair, J. (2005). "Corpus and Text - Basic Principles" in Developing

Linguistic Corpora: a Guide to Good Practice, ed. M. Wynne. Oxford: Oxbow

Books: 1-16. Available online from

http://ahds.ac.uk/linguistic-corpora/ [Accessed 2015-04-01].


Text Processing in Unitex• PatternSim (github.com/cental/PatternSim) — a tool for calculation

semantic similarity between words from a text corpus based on lexico-

syntactic patterns

• Normatex (github.com/avlukanin/normatex) — Russian text normalization

for speech synthesis, machine translation and other natural language

processing tasks

• Unitext Tutorial (github.com/avlukanin/unitextutorial) — the slides and

source files used in this tutorial


Text Processing with Finite StateTransducers in UnitexArtem Lukanin

• about.me/alukanin

• @avlukanin

[email protected]

Slides: artyom.ice-lc.com/slides/unitextutorial