text classification, active/interactive learning

Text Classification, Active/Interactive learning

Upload: virginia-mccormick

Post on 12-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Text Classification, Active/Interactive learning

Text Classification,Active/Interactive learning

Page 2: Text Classification, Active/Interactive learning

Text Categorization

• Categorization of documents, based on topics

• When the topics are known – categorization (supervised)

• When the topics are unknown – classification (a.k.a clustering, unsupervised)

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Supervised learning

• Training data – documents with their assigned (true) categories

• Documents are represented by feature vectors x=(x1, x2,…,xn)

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Document features

• Word frequencies• Stems/lemmas• Phrases• POS tags• Semantic features (concepts, named entities)• tdidf :

tf = term frequencyidf = inverse document frequency

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TFIDF Weights

TFIDF definitions:tfik: #occurrences of term tk in document Di

dfk: #documents which contain tk

idfk: log(d / dfk) where d is the total number of documentswik: tfik idfk term weight

Intuition: rare words get more weight, common words less weight

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Naïve Bayes classifier

• Tightly tied to text categorization• Interesting theoretical properties• A simple example of an important class of

learners based on generative models that approximate how data is produced

• For certain special cases, NB is the best thing you can do

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Bayes’ rule





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Maximum a posteriori hypothesis

)|(argmax DhPhHh







)()|(argmax hPhDPHh

As P(D) isconstant

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Maximum likelihood hypothesis

If all hypotheses are a priori equally likely, we only need to consider the P(D|h) term:

)|(argmax hDPhHh


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Naive Bayes classifiers

Task: Classify a new instance D based on a tuple of attribute values into one of the classes cj CnxxxD ,,, 21

),,,|(argmax 21 njCc

MAP xxxcPcj

)()|,,,(argmax 21 jjnCc


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Naïve Bayes assumption

• P(cj)– Can be estimated from the frequency of classes in the

training examples.

• P(x1,x2,…,xn|cj) – O(|X|n•|C|) parameters– Could only be estimated if a very, very large number

of training examples was available.Naïve Bayes Conditional Independence Assumption:• Assume that the probability of observing the conjunction

of attributes is equal to the product of the individual probabilities P(xi|cj).

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Naive Bayes for text categorization

• Attributes are text positions, values are words

• Still too many possibilities• Assume that classification is independent of the

positions of the words– Use same parameters for each position– Result is bag of words model (over tokens not











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• Textj single document containing all docsj

• for each word xk in Vocabulary– nk number of occurrences of xk in Textj

Naïve Bayes: learning probabilities• From training corpus, extract Vocabulary• Calculate required P(cj) and P(xk | cj) terms

– For each cj in C do• docsj subset of documents for which the target class is cj

|documents # total|

||)( jj


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Naïve Bayes: classifying

• positions all word positions in current document which contain tokens found in


• Return cNB, where

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Underflow Prevention

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Binomial Naïve Bayes

• One feature Xw for each word in dictionary

• Xw = true in document d if w appears in d

• Naive Bayes assumption: Given the document’s topic, appearance of one word in

the document tells us nothing about chances that another word appears

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Parameter Estimation

fraction of documents of topic cj

in which word w appears

• Binomial model:

• Multinomial model:

– Can create a mega-document for topic j by concatenating all documents in this topic

– Use frequency of w in mega-document

)|(ˆjw ctXP

fraction of times in which word w appears

across all documents of topic cj

)|(ˆji cwXP

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Learning probabilities

• Passive learning – learning from the the annotated corpus

• Active learning – learning only from the most informative instances (real time annotation)

• Interactive learning – the annotator can choose to suggest specific features (e.g., playoffs to indicate sports) and not just complete instances

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{Inter}active learning

• Available actions:–Annotate an instance with a class–Annotate a feature with a class–Suggest new feature and annotate it

with a class

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Adding prior to features’ max likelihood

- Normalization factor (summing over all words)

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Adding prior to classes’ max likelihood

- Normalization factor (summing over all classes)

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Semi-supervised (learning from unlabeled data)

• Learning model probabilities ( )using only priors

• Apply the induced classifier on the unlabeled instances

• Re-estimate the probabilities using the labeled as well as the probabilistically labeled instances (multiply the latters with 0.1 to avoid over whelming the model)

• Possibly iterating this processes • This is actually EM

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Suggesting instances for annotation

• Use weight function• For example, entropy-based uncertainty weight:

• Then, suggest the top D documents

Document d

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Suggesting features for annotation

• Using info-gain

• Then, suggest the top V features for the class with which they occur most

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Results of 3 annotators, comparing active, interactive and passive learning

(Closing the Loop: Fast, Interactive Semi-Supervised Annotation With Queries on Features and Instances, Burr Settles)