tests for the error component model in the presence of local misspecification

 * Corresponding author. Tel.: #1-217-333-4596; fax: #1-217-244-6678.  E-mail address: anil@"sher.econ.uiuc.edu (A.K. Bera). Journ al of Econ ometr ics 101 (2001 ) 1 }23 Tests for the error component model in the presence of local misspeci "cation Anil K. Bera*, Walter Sosa-Escudero, Mann Yoon  Department of Economics, University of Illinois, 1206 S. Sixth Street, Champaign, IL 61820, USA  Department of Economics, National University of La Plata, Calle 48 No. 555, Of. 516, (1900) La Plata, Argentina  Department of Economics and Statistics, California State Uni versity at Los Angeles, 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032, USA Received 1 February 1998; received in revised form 1 March 2000; accepted 5 July 2000 Abstract It is well known that most of the standard speci "cation tests are not valid when the alternative hypothesis is misspeci "ed. This is particularly true in the error component model, when one tests for either random e ! ects or serial correlation without taking account of the presence of the other e! ect. In this paper we study the size and power of the standard Rao's score tests analytically and by simulation when the data are con- tami nated by local misspeci "cation. These tests are adversely a! ected under mis speci "ca- tion. We suggest simple procedures to test for random e ! ects (or serial correlation) in the presence of local serial correlation (or random e ! ects), and these tests require ordinary least-squares residuals only. Our Monte Carlo results demonstrate that the suggested tests have good "nite sample properties for  local  misspeci"cation, and in some cases even for far distant misspeci "cation. Our tests are also capable of detecting the right direction of the departure from the null hypothesis. We also provi de some empiri cal illustrations to highlight the usefulness of our tests.    2001 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.  JEL classi  xcation:  C12; C23; C52  Keywords:  Error component model; Testing; Random e! ects; Serial correlation; Local misspeci"cation 0304-4076 /01/ $ - see front matt er    2001 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved. PI I: S 0 3 0 4 - 4 0 7 6 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 7 1 - 3

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  • *Corresponding author. Tel.: #1-217-333-4596; fax: #1-217-244-6678.E-mail address: anil@"sher.econ.uiuc.edu (A.K. Bera).

    Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

    Tests for the error component model in thepresence of local misspeci"cation

    Anil K. Bera!,*, Walter Sosa-Escudero", Mann Yoon#

    !Department of Economics, University of Illinois, 1206 S. Sixth Street, Champaign, IL 61820, USA"Department of Economics, National University of La Plata, Calle 48 No. 555, Of. 516,

    (1900) La Plata, Argentina#Department of Economics and Statistics, California State University at Los Angeles,

    5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032, USA

    Received 1 February 1998; received in revised form 1 March 2000; accepted 5 July 2000


    It is well known that most of the standard speci"cation tests are not valid when thealternative hypothesis is misspeci"ed. This is particularly true in the error componentmodel, when one tests for either random e!ects or serial correlation without takingaccount of the presence of the other e!ect. In this paper we study the size and power ofthe standard Raos score tests analytically and by simulation when the data are con-taminated by local misspeci"cation. These tests are adversely a!ected under misspeci"ca-tion. We suggest simple procedures to test for random e!ects (or serial correlation) in thepresence of local serial correlation (or random e!ects), and these tests require ordinaryleast-squares residuals only. Our Monte Carlo results demonstrate that the suggestedtests have good "nite sample properties for local misspeci"cation, and in some cases evenfor far distant misspeci"cation. Our tests are also capable of detecting the right directionof the departure from the null hypothesis. We also provide some empirical illustrations tohighlight the usefulness of our tests. ( 2001 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

    JEL classixcation: C12; C23; C52

    Keywords: Error component model; Testing; Random e!ects; Serial correlation; Localmisspeci"cation

    0304-4076/01/$ - see front matter ( 2001 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 4 0 7 6 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 7 1 - 3

  • 1. Introduction

    The random error component model introduced by Balestra and Nerlove(1966) was extended by Lillard and Willis (1978) to include serial correlation inthe remainder disturbance term. Such an extension, however, raises questionsabout the validity of the existing speci"cation tests such as the Raos (1948) score(RS) test for random e!ects assuming no serial correlation as derived in Breuschand Pagan (1980). In a similar way doubts could be raised about tests for serialcorrelation derived assuming no random e!ects. Baltagi and Li (1991) proposeda RS test that jointly tests for serial correlation and random e!ects. Oneproblem with the joint test is that, if the null hypothesis is rejected, it is notpossible to infer whether the misspeci"cation is due to serial correlation or torandom e!ects. Also, as we will discuss later, because of higher degrees offreedom the joint test will not be optimal if the departure from the null occursonly in one direction. More recently, Baltagi and Li (1995) derived RS statisticsfor testing serial correlation assuming "xed/individual e!ects. These tests re-quire maximum-likelihood estimation of individual e!ects parameters.

    For a long time econometricians have been aware of the problems that arisewhen the alternative hypothesis used to construct a test deviates from thedata-generating process (DGP). As emphasized by Haavelmo (1944, pp. 65}66),in testing any economic relations, speci"cation of a given "xed set of possiblealternatives, called the priori admissible hypothesis, X0, is of fundamentalimportance. Misspeci"cation of the priori admissible hypotheses was termed astype-III error by Bera and Yoon (1993). Welsh (1996, p. 119) also pointed outa similar concept in the statistics literature. Typically, the alternative hypothesismay be misspeci"ed in three di!erent ways. In the "rst one, which we shall call&complete misspeci"cation, the set of assumed alternatives, X0, and the DGP,X@, say, are mutually exclusive. This happens, for instance, if one tests for serialindependence when the DGP has random individual e!ects but no serialdependence. The second case occurs when the alternative is underspeci"ed inthat it is a subset of a more general model representing the DGP, i.e., [email protected] happens, for example, when both serial correlation and individual e!ectsare present, but are tested separately (one at a time). The last case is &overtestingwhich results from overspeci"cation, that is, when X0MX@. This can happenwhen, say, Baltagi and Li (1991) joint test for serial correlation and randomindividual e!ects is used when only one e!ect is present. (For a detaileddiscussion of the concepts of undertesting and overtesting, see Bera and Jarque,1982.) In this paper, we study analytically the asymptotic e!ects of misspeci"ca-tions on the one-directional and joint tests for serial dependence and randomindividual e!ects. These results compliment the simulation results of Baltagi andLi (1995). Then, applying the modi"ed RS test developed by Bera and Yoon(1993), we derive a test for random e!ects (serial correlation) in the presence ofserial correlation (random e!ects). Our tests can be easily implemented using

    2 A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

  • ordinary least-squares (OLS) residuals from the standard linear model for paneldata. Our testing strategy is close to that of Hillier (1991) in the sense that we tryto partition an overall rejection region to obtain evidence about the direction (ordirections) in which the model needs revision.

    The plan of the paper is as follows. In the next section we review a generaltheory of the distribution and adjustment of the standard RS statistic in thepresence of local misspeci"cation. In Section 3, the general results are specializedto the error component model. In Section 4, we present two empirical illustra-tions. Section 5 reports the results of an extensive Monte Carlo study. Theseresults, along with the empirical examples, clearly demonstrate the inappro-priateness of one-directional tests in identifying the speci"c source of misspeci"-cation(s), and highlight the usefulness of our adjusted tests. Section 6 providessome concluding remarks.

    2. E4ects of misspeci5cation and a general approach to testing in the presence ofa nuisance parameter

    Consider a general statistical model represented by the log-likelihood(c, t, /). Here, the parameters t and / are taken as scalars to conform withour error component model, but in general they could be vectors. Suppose aninvestigator sets /"/

    0and tests H

    0: t"t

    0using the log-likelihood function

    1(c, t)"(c, t, /

    0), where /

    0and t

    0are known values. The RS statistic for

    testing H0

    in 1(c, t) will be denoted by RSt . Let us also denote h"(c@, t@, /@)@

    and hI "(c8 @, t@0, /@

    0)@, where c8 is the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) of

    c when t"t0

    and /"/0. The score vector and the information matrix are

    de"ned, respectively, as


    Lafor a"c, t, /




    L2(h)LhLh@ D"C

    Jc Jct Jc(Jtc Jt Jt(J(c J(t J( D ,

    where n denotes the sample size. If 1(c, t) were the true model, then it is well

    known that under H0: t"t



    ndt(hI )@J~1t >c(hI )dt(hI )

    DP s21(0),

    A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23 3

  • where DP denotes convergence in distribution and Jt >c (h),Jt >c"Jt!JtcJ~1c Jct . Under H1 : t"t0#m/Jn,

    RStDP s2


    1), (1)

    where the noncentrality parameter j1

    is given by j1,j

    1(m)"m@Jt >cm. Given

    this set-up, asymptotically the test will have correct size and will be locallyoptimal. Now suppose that the true log-likelihood function is

    2(c, /) so that

    the alternative 1(c, t) becomes completely misspeci"ed. Using a sequence of

    local values /"/0#d/Jn, Davidson and MacKinnon (1987) and Saikkonen

    (1989) obtained the asymptotic distribution of RSt under 2(c, /) as

    RStDP s2


    2), (2)

    where the non-centrality parameter j2

    is given by j2,j


    d@J(t >cJ~1t >cJt( >cd with Jt( >c"Jt(!JtcJ~1c Jc( . Due to this noncentrality

    parameter, RSt will have power in the model (c, t, /) even when t"t0 ; and,therefore, the test will have incorrect size. Notice that the crucial quantity isJt( >c which can be interpreted as the partial covariance between dt and d( aftereliminating the e!ect of dc on dt and d( . If Jt( >c"0, then the local presence ofthe parameter / has no e!ect on RSt .

    Turning now to the case of underspecixcation, let the true model be represent-ed by the log-likelihood (c, t, /). The alternative

    1(c, t) is now underspeci-

    "ed with respect to the nuisance parameter /, leading to the problem ofundertesting. In order to derive the asymptotic distribution of RSt under thetrue model (c, t, /), we again consider the local departures /"/


    together with t"t0#m/Jn. It can be shown that (see Bera and Yoon, 1991)

    RStDP s2


    3), (3)



    3(m, d)"(d@J

    (t >c#m@Jt >c)J~1t >c(Jt( >cd#Jt >cm)"j


    2(d)#2m@Jt( >cd.

    Using this result, we can compare the asymptotic local power of the under-speci"ed test with that of the optimal test. It turns out that the contaminatednoncentrality parameter j

    3(m, d) may actually increase or decrease the power

    depending on the con"guration of the term m@Jt( >cd.The problem of overtesting occurs when multi-directional joint tests are

    applied based on an overstated alternative model. Suppose we apply a joint testfor testing hypothesis of the form H

    0: t"t

    0and /"/

    0using the alternative

    model (c, t, /). Let RSt( be the joint RS test statistic for H0 . To "nd the

    4 A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

  • asymptotic distribution of RSt( under overspeci"cation, i.e., when the DGP isrepresented by the log-likelihood either

    1(c, t) or

    2(c, /), let us consider the

    following result, which could be obtained from (1) by replacing t with [t@, /@]@.Assuming correct speci"cation, i.e., under the true model represented by(c, t, /) with t"t

    0#m/Jn and /"/


    RSt(DP s2


    4), (4)



    4(m, d)"[m@ d@]C

    Jt >c Jt( >cJ(t >c J( >c D C


    dD.Using this fact, we can easily "nd the asymptotic distribution of the overspeci-

    "ed test. Consider testing H0: t"t

    0and /"/

    0in (c, t, /) where

    1(c, t)

    represents the true model. Under 1(c, t) with t"t

    0#m/Jn, we obtain by

    setting d"0 in (4)

    RSt(DP s2


    5), (5)

    where j5,j

    5(m)"m@Jt >cm.

    Note that the noncentrality parameter j5(m) of the overspeci"ed test RSt( is

    identical to j1(m) of the optimal test RSt in (1). Although j5"j1 , some loss of

    power is to be expected, as shown in Das Gupta and Perlman (1974), due to thehigher degrees of freedom of the joint test RSt( .

    Using result (2), Bera and Yoon (1993) suggested a modi"cation to RSt so thatthe resulting test is valid in the local presence of /. The modi"ed statistic is given by


    n[dt(hI )!Jt(>c(hI )J~1( >c(hI )d((hI )]@[Jt>c(hI )!Jt( >c(hI )J~1(>c(hI )J(>tc(hI )]~1

    [dt (hI )!Jt( >c(hI )J~1( >c(hI )d((hI )]. (6)This new test essentially adjusts the mean and variance of the standard RSt .

    Bera and Yoon (1993) proved that under t"t0

    and /"/0#d/Jn RSHt has

    a central s21

    distribution. Thus, RSHt has the same asymptotic null distribution asthat of RSt based on the correct speci"cation, thereby producing an asymp-totically correct size test under locally misspeci"ed model. Bera and Yoon (1993)further showed that for local misspeci"cation the adjusted test is asymptoticallyequivalent to Neymans C(a) test and, therefore, shares the optimality propertiesof the C(a) test. There is, however, a price to be paid for all these bene"ts. Underthe local alternatives t"t


    RSHtDP s2


    6), (7)

    A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23 5

  • where j6,j

    6(m)"m@(Jt >c!Jt( >cJ~1( >cJ(t >c )m. Note that j1!j6*0, where


    is given in (1). Result (7) is valid both in the presence or absence of the localmisspeci"cation /"/

    0#d/Jn, since the asymptotic distribution of RSHt is

    una!ected by the local departure of / from /0. Therefore, RSHt will be less

    powerful than RSt when there is no misspeci"cation. The quantity



    6"m@Jt( >cJ~1( >cJ( >tcm (8)

    can be regarded as the premium we pay for the validity of RSHt under localmisspeci"cation. Two other observations regarding RSHt are also worth noting.First, RSHt requires estimation only under the joint null, namely t"t0 and/"/

    0. Given the full speci"cation of the model (c, t, /) it is, of course,

    possible to derive a RS test for t"t0

    in the presence of /. However, thatrequires MLE of / which could be di$cult to obtain in some cases. Second,when Jt( >c"0, RSHt"RSt . In practice this is a very simple condition to check.As mentioned earlier, if this condition is true, RSt is an asymptotically valid testin the local presence of /.

    3. Tests for error component model

    We consider the following one-way error component model introduced byLillard and Willis (1978), which combines random individual e!ects and "rst-order autocorrelation in the disturbance term



    it, i"1, 2, 2, N, t"1, 2, 2,,






    it, DoD(1, (9)

    where b is a (k]1) vector of parameters including the intercept,ki&IIDN(0, p2k) is a random individual component, and eit&IIDN(0, p2e ). The


    and lit

    are assumed to be independent of each other withli,0

    &N(0, p2e /(1!o2)). N and denote the number of individual units and thenumber of time periods, respectively. For the validity of the tests discussed here,we need to assume that the regularity conditions of Andereson and Hsiao (1982)are satis"ed. Also, testing for p2k involves the issue of the parameter being at theboundary. Although for the nonregular problem of testing at the boundaryvalue, both the likelihood ratio and Wald test statistics do not have their usualasymptotic chi-squared distribution, the RS test statistic does [see, e.g., Beraet al., 1998].

    Let us set h"(c, t, /)@"(p2e , p2k , o)@. Consider the problem of testing for theexistence of the random e!ects (H

    0: t"0) in the presence of serial correlation

    (/O0). To derive our RSHt , which will now be denoted as RSHk , we note that it issu$cient to consider the scores and the information matrix evaluated at

    6 A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

  • h0"(c

    0, t

    0, /

    0)@"(p2e , 0, 0)@ because of the block-diagonality of the informa-

    tion matrix involving the b and h parameters. These quantities have beenderived in Baltagi and Li (1991):






    "dk,dt"!N2p2e C1!



    u@u D,LkLo


    ~1u@u B, (10)

    where IN

    is an identity matrix of dimension N, eT

    is a vector of ones ofdimension , u@"(u

    11,2, u1T ,2, uN1 ,2, uNT) and u~1 is an (N]1) vector

    containing ui,t~1

    . To simplify notation, here the score for the parameter p2k isdenoted as dk . We will continue to follow this convention for the elements of theinformation matrix and for expressing our test statistics. DenotingJ"(N)~1E(!L2/LhLh@) evaluated at h

    0, we have

    J" 12p4e C

    1 1 0

    1 2(!1)p2e




    This implies that

    Jko >c"Jt(>c"!1p2e


    Jk >c"Jt >c"!12p4e


    Jo >c"J( >c"!1

    , (11)

    where c stands for the parameter p2e . Since Jko >c0, indicating the asymptoticpositive correlation between the scores dk and do , the one-directional test for therandom e!ects reported in Breusch and Pagan (1980) is not valid asymptoticallyin the presence of serial correlation. For this case our RSHk can be easilyconstructed, from Eq. (6), as


    2(!1)(1!(2/)) , (12)

    A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23 7

  • where A and B denote, as in Baltagi and Li (1991),

    A"1!u8 @(IN?eTe@T )u8u8 @u8


    B"u8 @u8 ~1u8 @u8


    Note that u8 are the OLS residuals from the standard linear modelyit"x@


    itwithout the random e!ects and serial correlation. Also notice

    that A and B are closely related to the estimates of the scores dk and do ,respectively. It is easy to see that the RSHk adjusts the conventional RS statisticgiven in Breusch and Pagan (1980), i.e.,


    2(!1), (13)

    by correcting the mean and variance of the score dk for its asymptotic correla-tion with do .

    To see the behavior of RSk let us "rst consider the case of complete misspeci"-cation, i.e., p2k"0 but oO0. Using (2) and (11), the noncentrality parameter ofRSk for this case is

    j2(o)"d@Jok >cJ~1k >cJko >cd"2o2

    !12 , (14)

    where for simplicity we use o in place of d. In this case, the use or RSk will lead torejection of the null hypothesis p2k"0 too often. For local departures RSHk willnot have this drawback when oO0 since under p2k"0, RSHk will have a centrals2 distribution. Let us now consider the underspeci"cation situation i.e., whenwe have both p2k0 and oO0, and we use RSk to test H0 : p2k"0. From (1), (3)and (11), we see that the change in the noncentrality parameter of RSk due tononzero o is given by

    j3(m, d)!j


    2(o)#2m@Jko >cd"o2

    2(!1)2 #2p


    "2(!1) Co2#

    p2kop2e D, (15)

    where we use p2k in place of m. From (15), it is easy to see that when o0, thepresence of autocorrelation will add power to RSk ; but when o(0 it canloose power if the individual e!ect is very high and p2e is low. In this situation,the noncentrality parameter of RSHk is not a!ected. From (7) and (11), the

    8 A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

  • noncentrality parameter of RSHk under p2k0 and oO0, can be written as


    6(p2k)"p4k(Jk >c!Jko >cJ~1o >cJok >c)







    2!1B, (16)

    which does not depend on o. There is, however, a cost in applying RSHk when o isindeed zero. From (8) the cost is


    7(p2k)"p4kJko >cJ~1o >cJok >c"


    !1 . (17)

    Note that this cost is present only under p2k0. That is, there is a cost only interms of the power of RSHk ; the size is una!ected. Later we will provide aninteresting interpretation of this cost of RSHk in terms of the behavior of theunadjusted test RSo under p2k0.

    As mentioned before, Baltagi and Li (1995) derived a RS test for serialcorrelation in the presence of random individual e!ects. Naturally, the testrequires MLE of p2k . Our procedure gives a simple test for serial correlation inthe random e!ects model. In this situation RSHo is obtained simply by switchingp2k and o to yield

    RSHo"N2(B#(A/))2(!1)(1!(2/)) . (18)

    If we assume that the random e!ects are absent throughout, then RSHo in (18)reduces to

    RSo"N2B2!1 . (19)

    This conventional RS statistic (19) is also given in Baltagi and Li (1991).As we have done for RSk , we can also study the performance of RSo under

    various misspeci"cations. When there is complete misspeci"cation, i.e., wheno"0 but p2k0, the noncentrality parameter of RSo is

    j2(p2k )"m@Jko >cJ~1o >cJok >cm"


    !1 , (20)

    where we have used p2k in place of m. Therefore, RSo will reject H0 : o"0 toooften when p2k0. Similarly, when there is underspeci"cation, i.e, oO0 withp2k0, the change in the noncentrality parameter due to the presence of the

    A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23 9

  • random e!ect, is

    j3(m, d)!j


    2(p2k )#2d@Jok >cm

    "!1p2kp2e C


    #2oD. (21)Therefore, we have an increase in (or a possible loss of ) power when o0 (oro(0). The noncentrality parameter of RSHo will not be a!ected at all underp2k0. On the other hand, we do, however, pay a penalty when p2k"0 and weuse the adjusted test RSHo . The penalty is

    j7(o)"o2Jok >cJ~1k >cJko >c"2o2

    !12 . (22)

    Due to this factor the power of RSHo will be somewhat less than that of RSo whenp2k is indeed zero; the size of RSHo , however, remains una!ected. It is veryinteresting to note that


    2(o), (23)

    given in (14). Similarly, from (17) and (20)

    j7(p2k )"j2(p2k). (24)

    An implication of (23) is that the cost of using RSHo when p2k"0 is the same asthe cost of using RSk when oO0. Similarly, (24) implies that the loss in thenoncentrality parameter of RSHk when o"0 is equal to the unwanted gain in thenoncentrality parameter of RSo when p2k0. We will explain these seeminglyunintuitive phenomena after we "nd a relationship among the four statistics,RSHk , RSk , RSHo , and RSo . It should be noted that the equalities of Eqs. (23) and(24) are not speci"c for the error component model, and they hold in general.This can be seen by comparing j

    2(d) below (2) with j

    7in Eq. (8), where t swaps

    position with / and m is replaced by d.Baltagi and Li (1991, 1995) derived a joint RS test for serial correlation and

    random individual e!ects which is given by


    2(!1)(!2) [A2#4AB#2B2]. (25)

    Under the joint null p2k"o"0, RSko is asymptotically distributed as s22 . Use ofthis will result in a loss of power compared with the proper one-directional testswhen only one of the two forms of misspeci"cation is present, as we noted whilediscussing (5). For example, when o"0 and p2k0, the noncentrality para-meter of both RSk and RSko is (see (1) and (5)).

    j1(p2k )"p4kJk >c"



    . (26)

    10 A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

  • Since for RSk and RSko we will use, respectively, s21 and s22 critical values, RSkowill be less powerful. An interesting result follows from (12), (13), (18), (19) and(25), namely,

    RSko"RSHk#RSo"RSk#RSHo , (27)

    i.e., the two directional RS test for p2k and o can be decomposed into the sum ofthe adjusted one-directional test of one type of alternative and the unadjustedform for the other one. Using (27) we can easily explain some of our earlierobservations. First, consider the identities in (23) and (24). From (27), we have

    RSo!RSHo"RSk!RSHk . (28)

    Let us consider the case of p2k"0 and oO0. Then the left-hand side of (28)represents the &penalty of using RSHo (instead of RSo) while the right-hand sideamounts to the &cost of using RSk . Eq. (28) implies that these penalty and costshould be the same, as noted in (23). A reverse argument explains (24). Secondly,the local presence of o (or p2k ) has no e!ect on RSHk (or RSHo ); therefore, from (5)and (27), we can clearly see why the noncentrality parameter of RSko will beequal to that of RSo (or RSk ) when p2k"0 (or o"0).

    So far we have considered only two-sided tests for H0: p2k"0. Since p2k*0, it

    is natural to consider one-sided tests, and it is expected that it will lead to morepowerful tests. Within our framework, it is easy to construct appropriateone-sided tests by taking the signed square root of our earlier two-sidedstatistics, RSk and RSHk . We will denote these one-sided test statistics as RSOkand RSOHk , and they are given by


    2(!1) A



    2(!1)(1!2/) (A!2B).

    The negative sign is due to the fact that L/Lp2k"!(N/2p2e )A and theone-sided tests are based on this score function or its adjustment. UnderH

    0: p2k"0, the adjusted test RSOHk will be asymptotically distributed as N(0, 1).

    The unadjusted RSOk will be asymptotically normal but with a nonzero meanJ2(!1)/2o when oO0 as can be seen from (14). The statistic RSOHk was"rst suggested by Honda (1985) and its "nite sample properties have beeninvestigated by Baltagi et al. (1992). Similar one-sided versions for RSo and RSHocan also be used. However, in practice, the direction of serial correlation is rarelyknown for sure for the one-directional tests to be more powerful. It is easy to seethat the one directional tests will not satisfy the equality in (28). In our empiricalillustrations below and in the Monte Carlo study we also use these one-sidedtests and study their comparative "nite sample performance.

    A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23 11

  • 4. Empirical illustrations

    In this section we present two empirical examples that illustrate the usefulnessof the proposed tests. The "rst is based on a data set used by Greene (1983,2000). The equation to be estimated is a simple, log-linear cost function:






    where Rit

    is measured as output of "rm i in year t in millions of kilowatt-hours,and C

    itis the total generation cost in millions of dollars, i"1, 2, 2, 6, and

    t"1, 2, 3, 4. The second example is based on the well-known Grunfeld (1958)and Grunfeld and Griliches (1960) investment data set for "ve US manufactur-ing "rms measured over 20 years which is frequently used to illustrate panelissues. It has been used in the illustration of misspeci"cation tests in the error-component model in Baltagi et al. (1992), and in recent books such as those byBaltagi (1995, p. 20) and Greene (2000, p. 592). The equation to be estimated isa panel model of "rm investment using the real value of the "rm and the realvalue of capital stock as explanatory variables:







    where Iit

    denotes real gross investment for "rm i in period t, Fit

    is the real valueof the "rm and C

    itis the real value of the capital stock, i"1, 2, 2, 5, and

    t"1, 2, 2, 20.We estimated the parameters of both models by OLS and implemented the

    following seven tests based on OLS residuals: the Breusch}Pagan test forrandom e!ects (RSk), the proposed modi"ed version (RSHk ), the LM serialcorrelation test (RSo), the corresponding modi"ed version (RSHo ), the joint testfor serial correlation and random e!ects (RSko ), and the two one-sided tests forrandom e!ects (RSOk and RSOHk ). The test statistics for both examples arepresented in Table 1; the p-values are given in parentheses.

    All of the test statistics were computed individually, and the equality in (27) issatis"ed for both data sets. In the example based on Greenes data the unmodi-"ed tests for serial correlation (RSo ) and for random e!ects (RSk to some extent,and RSOk quite strongly) reject the respective null hypothesis of no serialcorrelation and no random e!ects, and the omnibus test rejects the joint null.But our modi"ed tests suggest that in this example the problem seems to beserial correlation rather the presence of both e!ects. For Grunfelds data,applications of our modi"ed tests point to the presence of the other e!ect. Theunmodi"ed tests soundly reject their corresponding null hypotheses. The modi-"ed versions of the random e!ect tests (RSHk and RSOHk ) also reject the null butthe modi"ed serial correlation test (RSHo ) barely rejects the null at the 5%signi"cance level. It is interesting to note the substantial reduction of theautocorrelation test statistic, from 73.351 to 3.712. So in this example themisspeci"cation can be thought to come from the presence of random e!ects

    12 A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

  • Table 1Empirical illustration. Tests for random e!ects and serial correlation!

    Data RSk RSHk RSo RSHo RSko RSOk RSOHk

    Greene 5.872 0.269 15.569 9.966 15.838 2.423 0.518(0.015) (0.604) (0.000) (0.002) (0.000) (0.007) (0.3020)

    Grunfeld 453.822 384.183 73.351 3.712 457.535 21.303 19.605(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.054) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

    !p-values are given in parenthesis.

    rather than serial correlation. As expected, the joint test statistic is highlysigni"cant.

    In spite of the small sample size of the data sets, these examples seem toillustrate clearly the main points of the paper: the proposed modi"ed versions ofthe test are more informative than a test for serial correlation or random e!ectthat ignores the presence of the other e!ect. In the "rst case, serial correlationspuriously induces rejection of the no-random e!ects hypothesis, and in thesecond case the opposite happens: the presence of a random e!ect inducesrejection of the no-serial correlation hypothesis. The joint test RSko rejects thejoint null but is not informative about the direction of the misspeci"cation.

    RSko provides a correct measure of the joint e!ects of individual componentand serial correlation. The main problem is how to decompose this measureto get an idea about the true departure(s). From a practical standpoint ifRSko"RSk#RSo does not hold, that should be an indication of the presenceof an interaction between random e!ects and serial correlation; and the unadjus-ted statistics RSk and RSo will be contaminated by the presence of otherdepartures. For example, for the Grunfeld data

    RSk#RSo!RSko"RSk!RSHk"RSo!RSHo"69.638.This provides a measure of the interaction between p2k and o, and is also equal tothe correction needed for each unadjusted test.

    It is important to emphasize that the implementation of the modi"ed tests isbased solely on OLS residuals. It could be argued that a more e$cient testprocedure could be based on the estimation of a general model that allows forboth serial correlation and random e!ects, and then the tests of the hypothesesof no-serial correlation and no-random e!ects as restrictions on this generalmodel (either jointly or individually) could be carried out. But this would requirethe maximization of a likelihood function whose computational tractability issubstantially more involved than computing simple OLS residuals. Hsiao (1986,p. 55) commented that the computation of the MLE is very complicateda. Formore on the estimation issues of the error component model with serial correla-tion see Baltagi (1995, pp. 18}19), Majunder and King (1999) and Phillips (1999).

    A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23 13

  • 5. Monte Carlo results

    In this section we present the results of a Monte Carlo study to investigate the"nite sample behavior of the tests. To facilitate comparison with existing resultswe follow a structure similar to the one adopted by Baltagi et al. (1992) andBaltagi and Li (1995).

    The model was set as a special case of (9):



    it, i"1, 2, 2, N, t"1, 2, 2, ,






    it, DoD(1,

    where a"5 and b"0.5. The independent variable xit

    was generated followingNerlove (1971):




    where uit

    has the uniform distribution on [!0.5, 0.5]. Initial values werechosen as in Baltagi et al. (1992). Let p2, p2k , p2v and p2e represent the variances ofuit, k

    i, v

    itand e

    it, respectively, and let q"p2k/p2, which represents the strengtha

    of the random e!ects. Here, p2"p2k#p2v , and we set p2"20.q and o wereallowed to take seven di!erent values (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8), and threedi!erent sample sizes (N,) were considered: (25, 10), (25, 20) and (50, 10). Sincefor each i, v

    itfollows an AR(1) process, p2

    v"p2e /(1!o2). Then, according to this

    structure, the random e!ect term and the innovation were generated as

    ki&IIDN(0, 20(1!q)),

    eit&IIDN(0, 20(1!q)(1!o2)).

    For each sample size the model described above was generated 1000 timesunder di!erent parameter settings. Therefore, the maximum standard errors ofthe estimates of the size and powers would be J0.5(1!0.5)/1000K0.015. Ineach replication the parameters of the model were estimated using OLS, andseven test statistics, namely, RSk , RSHk , RSo , RSHo , RSko , RSOk and RSOHk werecomputed. The tables and graphs are based on the nominal size of 0.05. Oursimulation study was quite extensive; we carried out experiments for all possibleparameter combinations for the three sample sizes. We present here onlya portion of our extensive tables and graphs; the rest is available from theauthors upon request.

    Calculated statistics under q"o"0 were used to estimate the empirical sizesof the tests and to study the closeness of their distributions to s2 through Q}Qplots and the Kolmogorov}Smirnov test. From Table 2 we note that both RSkand RSHk have similar empirical sizes, but these are below the nominal size 0.05for N"25, "10 and N"50, "10. The results for RSo ,RSHo , RSko are not

    14 A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

  • Table 2Empirical size of tests. (nominal size"0.05)


    (N, ) RSk RSHk RSo RSHo RSko RSOk RSOHk

    (25, 10) 0.047 0.048 0.087 0.072 0.062 0.045 0.051(25, 20) 0.050 0.051 0.060 0.056 0.057 0.052 0.058(50, 10) 0.043 0.040 0.065 0.062 0.059 0.046 0.053

    good. All of them reject the null too frequently, but the empirical sizes improveas we increase N or . Comparing the performances of RSo and RSHo , we noticethat RSHo has somewhat better size properties. As expected, the one-sided testsRSOk and RSOHk have larger empirical sizes than their two-sided counterparts.Overall, except for a couple of cases, the size performance of all tests are withinone standard errors of the nominal size 0.05.

    The results of Table 2 are consistent with the Q}Q plots in Fig. 1 forN"25, "10. To save space "gures for the other two combinations of (N,)are not included. We also do not present the "gures for the joint and one-sidedtests, since they resemble those reported for the other tests. From the plots notethat the empirical distributions of the test statistics diverge from that of the s2


    the right tail parts. For RSk and RSHk the points are below the 453 line,particularly for the high values, and that leads to sizes being below 0.05 as wejust noted from Table 2. However, the number of points (out of 1000) that are faraway from the 453 line at the tail parts are not many. For RSo and RSHo weobserve a higher degree of departure from the 453 line in the opposite direction,and this leads to much higher sizes of the tests. Results from the Kol-mogorov}Smirnov test, not reported here, accept the null hypothesis of theoverall distribution being the same as s2 for the "rst "ve, and standard normalfor the last two statistics. For the true sizes of the tests, however, it is only the tailpart, not the overall distribution, that matters.

    Let us now turn into the performance of tests in terms of power. For N"25and "10, the estimated rejection probabilities of the tests are reported inTable 3, and are also illustrated in Figs. 2(a)}(d). The results for q"o"0.08 arenot reported since in most cases the rejection probabilities were one or veryclose to one. Moreover, our adjusted tests are designed for locally misspeci"edalternatives close to q"o"0.0, and the main objective of our Monte Carlostudy is to investigate the performance of our suggested tests in the neighbor-hood of q"o"0.0. Let us "rst concentrate on RSk , RSHk , RSOk and RSOHkwhich are designed to test the null hypothesis H

    0: p2k"0. When o"0, RSk and

    RSOk are, respectively, the two- and one-sided optimal tests. This is clearlyevident looking at all the rows in Table 3 with o"0; RSOk has the highest

    A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23 15

  • Fig. 1. Q}Q plots. Sample size (25, 10).

    powers among all the tests and RSk just trails behind it. The power of RSHk is lessthan that of RSk when o"0. The losses in power are, however, not very large, ascan also be seen from Fig. 2(a). When q exceeds 0.2 (or p2k exceeds 4, since we setp2k"20q) both tests have power equal to 1. The amount of loss in using RSHkwhen o"0 was characterized by (17) in terms of the decrease in the noncentral-ity parameter. That loss increases with q(p2k ). However, the overall power of RSHkis guided by the noncentrality parameter in (16):

    j6(p2k )"



    !1 ,

    where the second term is the amount of penalty in using RSHk when o"0, and itis given in (17). Since the "rst term dominates, the relative value of the loss isnegligible. While RSHk and RSOHk do not sustain much loss in power when o"0,we notice some problems in RSk and RSOk when p2k"0 but oO0. RSk andRSOk reject H0 : p2k"0 too frequently. For example, when q"0 (i.e., p2k"0)and o"0.4, RSk and RSOk have rejection probabilities 0.847 and 0.888, respec-tively. For other values of o the proportion of rejections of p2k"0 (when it is

    16 A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

  • Table 3Estimated rejection probabilities of di!erent tests. Sample size: N"25; "10

    q o RSk RSHk RSo RSHo RSko RSOk RSOHk

    0.00 0.00 0.047 0.048 0.087 0.072 0.062 0.045 0.0510.00 0.05 0.053 0.050 0.143 0.141 0.122 0.085 0.0390.00 0.10 0.123 0.080 0.381 0.333 0.342 0.187 0.0610.00 0.20 0.322 0.158 0.869 0.788 0.818 0.416 0.1280.00 0.40 0.847 0.325 1.000 0.999 1.000 0.888 0.3540.00 0.60 0.998 0.776 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.998 0.804

    0.05 0.00 0.344 0.298 0.153 0.072 0.308 0.435 0.3730.05 0.05 0.442 0.301 0.351 0.118 0.423 0.530 0.4020.05 0.10 0.514 0.296 0.598 0.326 0.605 0.591 0.3590.05 0.20 0.734 0.364 0.949 0.789 0.932 0.776 0.4280.05 0.40 0.955 0.576 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.971 0.6410.05 0.60 0.998 0.867 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.890

    0.10 0.00 0.752 0.691 0.371 0.047 0.702 0.808 0.7600.10 0.05 0.759 0.630 0.563 0.123 0.728 0.818 0.7070.10 0.10 0.830 0.644 0.792 0.301 0.852 0.876 0.7230.10 0.20 0.907 0.648 0.990 0.794 0.980 0.937 0.7100.10 0.40 0.988 0.790 1.000 0.999 1.000 0.991 0.8300.10 0.60 1.000 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.949

    0.20 0.00 0.983 0.968 0.802 0.042 0.977 0.988 0.9820.20 0.05 0.977 0.962 0.906 0.139 0.981 0.984 0.9730.20 0.10 0.987 0.967 0.966 0.300 0.988 0.992 0.9750.20 0.20 0.991 0.942 0.997 0.785 0.998 0.994 0.9580.20 0.40 0.999 0.954 1.000 0.999 1.000 0.999 0.9640.20 0.60 1.000 0.990 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.992

    0.40 0.00 1.000 1.000 0.995 0.045 1.000 1.000 1.0000.40 0.05 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.125 0.999 1.000 0.9990.40 0.10 1.000 1.000 0.999 0.321 1.000 1.000 1.0000.40 0.20 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.774 1.000 1.000 1.0000.40 0.40 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.998 1.000 1.000 1.0000.40 0.60 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

    0.60 0.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.045 1.000 1.000 1.0000.60 0.05 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.156 1.000 1.000 1.0000.60 0.10 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.311 1.000 1.000 1.0000.60 0.20 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.739 1.000 1.000 1.0000.60 0.40 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.998 1.000 1.000 1.0000.60 0.60 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

    true) for RSk can be seen in Fig. 2(b). As we discussed in Section 3, this unwantedrejection probabilities is due to the noncentrality parameter j

    2(o) in (14), which

    is purelya a function of the degree of departure of o from zero. RSHk and RSOHkalso have some unwanted rejection probabilities but the problem is less severe.

    A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23 17

  • Fig. 2. Tests for random e!ects. Sample size (25, 10).

    For the above case of q"0 and o"0.4 the rejection probabilities for RSHk andRSOHk are, respectively, 0.325 and 0.354. Fig. 2(b) gives the power of RSHk whenq"0 for di!erent values of o. As we mentioned earlier, RSHk and RSOHk aredesigned to be robust only under local misspeci"cation, i.e, for low values of o.From that point of view, they do a very good job } their performancesdeteriorate only when o takes high values. Now by directly comparing the one-and two-sided tests for H

    0: p2k"0, we note that the former has higher rejection

    probabilities except for a few cases when q"0.0. For these cases the scoreL/Lp2k takes large negative values and that leads to acceptance of H0 whenone-sided tests are used and rejection of H

    0when we use the two-sided test.

    Note that RSOk"signJRSk rejects H0 if RSOk1.645 while using RSkrejection occurs if RSk3.84 which exceeds 1.6452.

    From Table 3 and Fig. 2(c), we note that when q0, an increase in o(0)enhances the rejection probabilities of RSk . For example, when q"0.05 therejection probabilities of RSk for o"0.0 and 0.2 are, respectively, 0.344 and0.734. This can be explained using the expression (15), which gives the changes inthe noncentrality parameter of RSk due to o. From (16) we see that thenoncentrality parameter of RSHk does not depend on o. This result is, of course,

    18 A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

  • Table 4Estimated rejection probabilities of di!erent tests for negative o

    q o RSk RSHk RSo RSHo RSo,k

    Sample size: N"25; "100.00 !0.05 0.039 0.031 0.173 0.170 0.1180.00 !0.10 0.044 0.019 0.396 0.346 0.2850.00 !0.20 0.162 0.016 0.902 0.857 0.8330.00 !0.40 0.573 0.048 1.000 1.000 1.0000.05 !0.05 0.254 0.289 0.097 0.130 0.2690.05 !0.10 0.202 0.340 0.184 0.314 0.3650.05 !0.20 0.097 0.369 0.680 0.830 0.7700.05 !0.40 0.039 0.679 0.997 1.000 1.000

    Sample size: N"25; "200.00 !0.05 0.041 0.025 0.247 0.217 0.1680.00 !0.10 0.049 0.025 0.640 0.600 0.5200.00 !0.20 0.136 0.010 0.999 0.999 0.9920.00 !0.40 0.610 0.018 1.000 1.000 1.0000.05 !0.05 0.652 0.707 0.090 0.200 0.6650.05 !0.10 0.613 0.758 0.244 0.557 0.8060.05 !0.20 0.507 0.829 0.882 0.987 0.9920.05 !0.40 0.303 0.963 1.000 1.000 1.000

    valid only asymptotically and for local departures of o from zero. Fig. 2(d) showsthat there is some uniform gain in rejection probabilities of RSHk only wheno"0.4. For smaller values of o, the rejection probabilities sometimes evendecrease but are always close to values for the case o"0.

    As we indicated earlier there could be some loss of power of RSk when o(0.We performed a small-scale experiment for this case, results of which arereported in Table 4. First note that when q"0, an increase in the absolute valueof o leads to an increase in the size of RSk . For example, when N"25, "10and q"0, the rejection frequencies for o"0 and !0.4 are, respectively, 0.047and 0.573. This is due to the noncentrality parameter (14) which is a function ofo2. When q0 (p2k0), the changes in the noncentrality parameter could benegative, and there could be a substantial loss in power of RSk . For instance, forthe above (25, 10) sample size combinations, and q"0.05, the powers of RSk ,for o"0.0 and !0.4 are, respectively, 0.344 and 0.039. RSHk does not su!erfrom these detrimental e!ects as we see from Table 4. Its size remains small forall o(0, and power even increases as the absolute value of o becomes larger.

    In a similar way, we can explain the behavior of RSo and RSHo using Table 3and Figs. 3(a)}(d). From Table 3 we note that, as expected, when p2k"0, RSohas the highest powers among all the tests. The powers of RSHo are very close tothose of RSo . Therefore, the premium we pay for the wider validity of RSHo isminimal.

    A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23 19

  • Fig. 3. Tests for serial correlation. Sample size (25, 10).

    The real bene"t of RSHo is noticed when o"0 but q0; the performance ofRSHo is quite remarkable, as can be seen from Fig. 3(b). RSo rejects H0 : o"0 toooften, whereas, quite correctly, RSHo does not reject H0 so often. For example,when q"0.2 and o"0, the rejection proportions for RSo and RSHo are 0.802and 0.042, respectively. Even when we increase q to 0.6, the rejection proportionfor RSHo is only 0.045, whereas RSo rejects 100% of the time. In a way, RSHo isdoing more than it is designed to do, that is, not rejecting o"0 when o is indeedzero even for large values of q.

    From Fig. 3(c), we observe that the power of RSo is strongly a!ected by thepresence of random e!ects, while there is virtually no e!ect on the power of RSHoas seen from Fig. 3(d) even for large values of q. This performance of RSHo isexceptionally good. For negative values of o in Table 4, we see that the presenceof q has a less detrimental e!ect on RSHo . For example, when o"!0.10, therejection probabilities of RSo are 0.396 and 0.184 for q"0.0 and 0.05, respec-tively; for the same situations, the powers of RSHo are, respectively, 0.346 and0.314.

    Comparing the performance of RSHo and RSHk , we see that the former is evenmore robusta in the presence of q, both in terms of size and power, than is the

    20 A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23

  • latter in the presence of serial correlation. To see this from a theoretical point ofview, let us consider (17) and (22), which are, respectively, the penalties of usingRSHk and RSHo . From (17), p4k/p4e (!1)/, the penalty in using RSHk , also dependson o through p2e"20(1!q)(1!o2), while (22), 2o2(!1)/2, is a function ofo only and is of smaller magnitude in terms of .

    Finally, we discuss brie#y the performance of the joint statistic RSko in thelight of our results (4) and (5). This test is optimal when p2k0 and oO0. As wecan see from Table 3, in this situation RSko has the highest power most of thetime. However, when the departure from p2k"0, o"0 is one-directional (say,p2k0, o"0), RSk and RSko have the same non-centrality parameter (see (26)).Since RSko and RSo use the s22 and s21 tests, respectively, there will be a loss ofpower in using RSko . For example, when q"0.10 and o"0, the powers for RSkand RSko are 0.752 and 0.702, respectively. Similarly, when q"0, o"0.2, thepower of RSo and RSko are, respectively, 0.869 and 0.818. These results areconsistent with those of Baltagi and Li (1995). Although RSko has overall goodpower, it cannot help to identify the exact source of misspeci"cation when thereis only a one-directional departure.

    The qualitative performance of all the tests do not change when we increasethe sample sizes to N"25, "20, and N"50, "10 and they furtherillustrate the usefulness of our modi"ed tests. These results are not presented butare available from the authors upon request.

    6. Conclusions

    In this paper we have proposed some simple tests, based on OLS residuals forrandom e!ects in the presence of serial correlation, and for serial correlationallowing for the presence of random e!ects. These tests are obtained by adjust-ing the existing test procedures. We have investigated the "nite sample size andpower performance of these and some of the available tests through a MonteCarlo study. We have also provided some empirical examples. The Monte Carlostudy, along with the examples, clearly show the usefulness of our procedures toidentify the exact source(s) of misspeci"cation. One drawback of our methodo-logy is that we allow for only local misspeci"cation. For nonlocal departures,e$cient tests could be obtained after estimating full model(s) by maximumlikelihood; that, however, will loose the simplicity of our tests using only OLSresiduals.


    We would like to thank the co-editor A. Ronald Gallant, an associate editorand two anonymous referees for many pertinent comments that helped us to

    A.K. Bera et al. / Journal of Econometrics 101 (2001) 1}23 21

  • improve the paper. Thanks are also due to Miki Naoko for her help inpreparing the manuscript. An earlier version of this paper was presented atTexas A&M University, March 1996; the Midwest Econometric GroupMeeting, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, November 1996; theEconomics seminar at University of San Andres, Argentina, November 1997;and the Annual Meeting of the Argentine Association of Political Economy,Bahia Blanca, Argentina. We wish to thank the participants and Badi Baltagi forhelpful comments and discussion. However, we retain responsibility for anyremaining errors.


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