testing assumptions in repeated measures design using spss

Testing Assumptions in Repeated Measures Design Presented by Dr.J.P.Verma MSc (Statistics), PhD, MA(Psychology), Masters(Computer Application) Professor(Statistics) Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, India (Deemed University) Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: Testing Assumptions in repeated Measures Design using SPSS

Testing Assumptions in Repeated Measures Design

Presented by

Dr.J.P.VermaMSc (Statistics), PhD, MA(Psychology), Masters(Computer Application)


Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, India

(Deemed University)Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Testing Assumptions in repeated Measures Design using SPSS


Assumptions in Repeated Measures Design

1. Assumptions on data typeIV - categorical with three or more

levels. DV - interval or ratio

2. Observations from different participants are independent to each other

3. No outliers in data sets4. Normality assumption5. Sphericity assumptions

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What happens if Assumptions are Not Satisfied?

The type I error increases Power of the test decreases Internal and External validities

are at stake

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How to Test These Assumptions

Some assumptions are design issues


Some can be tested by using SPSS or other software

Lets Learn to use SPSS first

Page 5: Testing Assumptions in repeated Measures Design using SPSS


This Presentation is based on

Chapter 3 of the book

Repeated Measures Design for Empirical Researchers

Published by Wiley, USA

Complete Presentation can be accessed on

Companion Website

of the Book

Page 6: Testing Assumptions in repeated Measures Design using SPSS


Learning SPSS – Initial Steps

Step 1: Activate SPSS by clicking on the following command sequence.

Start All Programs IBM SPSS Statistics

Figure 3.1 Option for creating/opening data file

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Advantage of Experimental Research

Step 2: Prepare data file Choose the option “Type in data” if data file is

prepared first time Choose the option “Open an existing data source” if

existing data file to be used

Step 3: Prepare data file in two stepsa. Define all variables by clicking on “Variable View”b. Feed data by clicking on “Data View”

Page 8: Testing Assumptions in repeated Measures Design using SPSS


Defining Variables in Data File

i. Define short name of the variable under column Name Name should not start with number or any special character Only special character that can be used is underscore “_” If the name consists of two words it must be joined with

underscore ii. Define full name of the variable, the way you feel like under Label  iii. If variable is nominal define coding under heading Valuesiv. Define data type of each variable in Measure

Step 1

Figure 3.2 Option for defining variables and coding

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Data Feeding Format in Data View Step


Figure 3.3 Format for data feeding

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Procedure of checking Normality

By skewness and Kurtosis By Means of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Shapiro-Wilk test Normal Q-Q plot

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Testing Normality with Skewness and Kurtosis

Most of the statistical tests are based upon the concept of normality

To test the normality

Check the significance of



Page 12: Testing Assumptions in repeated Measures Design using SPSS


Skewness- Measure of symmetricityOne of the characteristics of normal distribution




Symmetrical distribution

How to measure skewness?

Skewed curves

Positively skewed curve

Negatively skewed curve



- ∞ + ∞ - ∞ + ∞



Page 13: Testing Assumptions in repeated Measures Design using SPSS


Interpretation of Skewness

Positively skewed curve

- ∞ + ∞X: 3,2,3,2,4,6,3,5,5,4,6,4,3,8,90


Remark: Most of the scores are less than the mean value

Negatively skewed curve

- ∞ + ∞X: ,3,2,65,68,66,70,67,64,65,69,72,70

Mean=58.3Remark: Most of the scores are more than the

mean value



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How to test the significance of the skewness?

Skewness is significant if its value is more than two times its standard error

)3n)(1n)(2n()1n(n6)(SE)Skewness(SE 1

)(SE2 11

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Kurtosis –Measure of spread around mean



One of the characteristics of the normal distribution

How to measure the spread of scores?





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How to test the significance of kurtosis?

Kurtosis is significant if its value is more than two times its standard error

)(SE2 22




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Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Shapiro-Wilk test

Self image (in nos.) Height(in ft.)

24.00 5.4030.00 5.5022.00 5.5042.00 5.6038.00 5.6021.00 5.6024.00 5.7030.00 5.7022.00 5.7024.00 5.7023.00 5.8023.00 5.8028.00 5.8024.00 5.9021.00 5.9045.00 6.0024.00 5.8023.00 5.5028.00 5.6030.00 5.6022.00 5.7028.00 5.7024.00 5.7045.00 5.8042.00 5.90

Analyze Descriptive statistics Explore

Figure 3.4 Initiating commands for testing normality and identifying outliers

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Option for finding Outlier through BoxPlot

Figure 3.5 Option for selecting variables and detecting outliers

Check for identifying outliers through Box-Plot

Click on for outlier options

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Option for Shapiro test and Q-Q Plot

Check this option for generating outputs of Shapiro test and Q-Q plots

Click on for normality test and QQ Plots option

Figure 3.6 Options for computing Shapiro-Wilk test and the Q-Q plot

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Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality

Table 3.3 Tests of normality_________________________________________________ Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk

Statistics df Sig. Statisticdf Sig.

_________________________________________________Self image .269 25 .000 .785 25 .000

Height .140 25 .200 .963 25 .484 _________________________________________________

If Shapiro-Wilk statistic is not significant (p>.05) then normality exists.

Result: Height is normally distributed but the self image is not

Criteria of Testing

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Limitations of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Shapiro-Wilk test

Shapiro-Wilk Test is appropriate for small sample sizes (n< 50) but can be used for sample sizes as large as 2000

In large sample more likely to get significant resultsLimitation

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Normal Q-Q Plot for Normality

Normal Q_Q plot for self image

Normal Q_Q plot for height

Figure 3.7 Normal Q-Q Plot for the data on self image and height

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What is an Outlier?

A data which is unusual

How to detect ? Most of the behavioral variables are

normally distributed

And therefore

If a random sample is drawn then any score that lies outside 3σ or 2σ limits is an outlier

If population mean, µ is 40 and standard deviation,σ is 5 then

Any value outside the range 30 to 50 or outside the range 25 to 55 may be an outlier

Page 24: Testing Assumptions in repeated Measures Design using SPSS


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Repeated Measures Design for Empirical Researchers

and all associated presentations

Click Here

Complete presentation is available on companion website of the book