tester cards evidence template

Recipe Cards Tests and experiments Stephanie Westerman

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Post on 14-May-2015




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Recipe Cards

Tests and experiments

Stephanie Westerman

Page 2: Tester cards evidence template

Organic Gnocchi Salad:

Here is a JPEG version of the first two recipe cards I made.The first one I made is named ‘Version 1’ and the second is ‘Version 2’.

As you can see looking at version 1 the card looks quite simple and I feel, unprofessional on the front page. This is because of the way that the front cover doesn’t look at professional as the back one.

To make it look more professional I thought that I would put a image of the food on both sides of the card, this is on version 2, I thought by this doing this it would create more of a running theme, but instead it made the card look really cluttered because of the font that would be on the top of the image.This idea is out of the picture.

On the next page there is a more developed version of the cards with both ideas put together.I felt that the card on the next slide made a better and stronger card.

On BOTH cards the title of the dish on the front pages will be varnished.

Version 1: Front –

Back -

Version 2:

Front –

Back -

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Organic Gnocchi Salad:

Here is a JPEG version of the card that I feel is best of the 3.

I feel that this is the best version of the card because it’s a mixture of version 1 and 2.

I have stuck with the colours green on this cad because I wanted it to let the audience know that the food is healthy before seeing what the food is. To make the card look more expensive I have also used a fancy yet simple font, this makes the card look better than it would if it where just a normal Serif font.

You can see that this is a version of them both put together because of the way that the back page has been set out. This has been the same throughout all thee cards, apart from the title on version one, along with prep time and serving suggestions, was to the right of the card.

The front cover of the card has been done with the font and set out of it the same, it will also be being varnished as it was going to be, but as you can see there is a boarder on the top and bottom of the card this time, still of the image of the food but with some of it cropped out so that it isn’t cluttered.

I think that the way the images on the card has been faded out also makes it look stronger and more subtle, to me this look more professional than bright and bold colours.

The company logo will be on the front page.

Version 3: Front –

Back -

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Version 1: Front


Version 2: Front


Girls Sleepover Card:

Here is a JPEG version of another two cards that I did earlier today, the first one that I did is called ‘Version 1’, the other is ‘Version 2’.

Looking at these cards from first glance you can clearly see who the target gender for this is, girls, this is because of the colours that here been used, being pink, purple, red and white, these are typical colours that all females like.From the Disney princess characters on the bottom of the back pages this also tells the audience who the card is for, by using these images of the princess’s at the bottom of the page this will make the card more enjoyable for young girls to look at.

The food that has been featured on this card also represents girls, this is because of the fact that they look like butterflies on the top of the bun, so I thought this recipe would be a good idea to make it more apt for girls.

The font that I have used on both the cards is also sans-serif, this means that the font has flicks, making it feminine. To carry on with the Disney theme I have also used the Disney font so that it looks even more professional and has a running theme.

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I think that the quality of the work on the Girls Sleepover card is extremely good, this is because I have used a high quality image for the front cover and if you zoon in on the card the font isn’t blurred either it’s all clean and crisp.

The quality on the Organic card could be better. I feel it could be better on the whole of the front page, this is because if you zoom in on the font its clear but not as clear as it could be, to overcome this I could type it out again and make sure the font is bigger rather than small and stretching the font.The boarder of the food on the page is also blurred, this is because I cropped some of the image so that it was a rectangle, this meant I had to stretch it to the sides which made it blurred and distorted. To over come this I could have used small blocks of the image and kept pasting it in.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of the Organic CardThe advantages of the organic card:- The back page looks professional,

this is because the font is clear and everything is set out correctly, the image in the background of the card has also been faded out, this means that the audience will be able to see the text better rather than if it weren’t faded.

- The font on the page page is clear and easy to read, this will mean that when the customer is making the food they will be more relaxed as they won’t have to concentrate as much.

- By having the boarder on the first page it’s tied the two pages together.

The Disadvantages of the Organic card:-The front page looks quite plane because there's no background colour behind the text.-The font on the front of the card is quite blurred because rather than changing the size of the font I used ‘scale’ to stretch it.-Varnishing the card would cost extra to make.-The font on the back of the card is very easy to read though it could be thicker.-I could use a nicer colour green for the front of the card as the colour that is on the front of the card looks quite depressing and mucky.

These are things I could improve on the final cards.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of the Girls Sleepover CardThe advantages of the Girls Sleepover

Card:- By first glance of the card its obvious

which gender its targeting.- The whole of the card is clear, if you

zoom in non of its blurred.- The font is easy to read, this will mean

it will be easier for the customer to cook than fancy writing.

- The images on the card will make it better and more interesting for young girls.

- The colour schemes run through the card showing professionalism.

The disadvantages of the Girls Sleepover Card:-Although the font is easy to read, everything is quite squished together, to make this better I could reduce the size of the font even more or create more space on the page by pushing the boarder back a bit so its not as big.

These are things I could improve on the final cards.