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A narrative is a form of a story but can be categories into fiction and non-fiction. The non-fiction narrative can be seen in news Journalism, creative non-fiction, biographies, and historiography whereas fiction narratives can be included in anecdotes, myths, legends, short stories, novels and sometimes in poetry and drama. Narratives can be found in many forms of human creativity and art including speech, writing, songs, film, television, video games, photography, theatre, and visual arts. There are many ways for stories or narratives to be told or expressed but depending on the media platform used will change how the audience viewing or their views towards the narrative itself.

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Summery of “Narrative”

  It was interesting finding out what the real definition narrative is and how this word relates to almost every kind of media. Its also interesting how each of these narratives use different ways to entice an audience into exploring deeper or keeping the viewers interested to find out a story.

  I plan to further research into techniques that many use to interest the audience

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There are many techniques that can be used to entice an audience and draw their attention towards the narrative. These techniques can be separated into categories; for example:

  Using Emotions To Take Them Over

  Use of flattery

  Distinction and Contrast

  Sense Of Obligation

  People Cooperating

Each of these techniques can be used to diverse and categories a wide audience

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Cooperate Influenced Techniques

  Humor - If you can make people laugh, you make them feel good. This allows you to easily establish a relationship with them.

  Smile - First impressions last, and first impressions created with a smile is definitely an advantage. Try smiling at every person you come across the street and you'll see what I mean.

  Respect - We all know that respect is earned and not given. However, you should always give respect, initially, to any person you meet. It's always easy to do a favor for someone who shows you respect.

  Build instant rapport - People who can create rapport instantly with anyone has more friends and can establish good relationships than those who can't.

  Use body language - Understanding body language is part of the plan. Our everyday communication is 55% body language. Although you get the signals unconsciously from the people you talk to, knowing how to consciously recognize these signals is a plus in the art of persuasion.

  The Halo Effect - We usually categorize people as generally good or generally bad. Any trait that you show to a person in the future can be influenced by what you show today. Make sure that anyone you meet today will get the impression that you are generally good.

  Similarity - Birds of the same feather, flock together, don't they? If you can always find a way to immediately learn what's similar between you and the other person, you can easily create a bond. This bond will eventually develop into trust which is always what you need to get people to do something for you.

  Goodwill - Always be genuine when showing interest in other people. Being sincere about your concern for other people will make them like you quicker.

  Bonding - People's names sound like jingle bells to their ears. Call people by their names and they will give you more attention.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3155599

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The Mirroring and Matching Techniques

  Mirror their language - Mirroring is a technique used in neuro-linguistic programming to unconsciously establish rapport with a person. Using the same kind of language that the other person is using can help you build that rapport in no time at all.

  Match their breathing - Breathing alone can help you establish rapport that you will use in persuasion. The effectiveness of this technique relies on its concealment. Who will ever notice that someone is trying to copy their breathing pattern anyway?

  Match their voice - Matching a person's voice works on the unconscious level as all of the mirroring techniques you see here.

  Mirror their moods - When a friend of yours is in a bad mood, do you approach them with a joke? Of course not. Always determine people's mood before you try and make them do what you want.

  Match their energy level - A person's energy level will give you an indication of how prone they are to suggestions. If you can be as happy or lively as they are, it may be much easier for you to lead them toward your plan.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3155599

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Obligation Influenced Techniques

  Gift giving - How do you feel when someone gives you a gift and you don't have anything to give back? Pretty awful, isn't it? You'll likely say, "Geez, don't have anything for you. Just let me know if you need anything..." Ain't that powerful?

  Mutual concession - There will be times when someone will try to influence your mind wherein you might feel helpless after realizing you don't agree to what just happened. Don't worry! What the other person does not know is that he/she is just as vulnerable when it's your turn to make them agree to your demand.

  Give a favor, get one back - Sometimes, people will do things for you whether you like it or not. The problem with this is that it generates a need to reciprocate within the recipient's mind. If you're a generous person who finds happiness in giving favors for other people without expecting anything in return, just make sure you let them know.

  Sharing secrets - Share a secret to create a bond, a sense of obligation, and a feeling of trust. Just remember, the kinds of secrets you share should depend on the kind of person you're sharing it with.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3155599

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The Language of Persuasion

  Use double speak - Avoid using offensive words and substitute them with less offensive ones. For example: use "mentally challenged" instead of "idiot," "communication" instead of "propaganda," "enhanced interrogation" instead of "torture," and so on.

  Play with numbers - When you are demonstrating something, play around with numbers in your attempt to persuade. Try something like, "close to nine out of ten" or "fewer than five out of every...”

  Use positive words - What you want is for people to feel confident and comfortable in doing what you want. Hence, use positive words whenever you're trying to communicate.

  Pack words with emotion - Emotion packed words are extremely useful in making people act. Just look at how George W. Bush used the word "terrorist" in his campaign against enemies of the U.S.

  Be silent - After closing a deal, the best thing to do is to be silent. The person has already made his choice and you don't want to ruin the whole thing by accidentally giving the other guy contradicting ideas.

  Paint pictures with words - Isn't it nice to spend some time walking at the park with those lovely trees all over the place, swaying back and forth to the flow of fresh air? You can just feel the rays of the morning sun gently touching your soft skin until, suddenly; you step on a pile of dog poo...

  Choose the right words - Using the right words can sometimes make a big difference. Instead of saying, "Sir, I'm sure we'll have trouble convincing the staff about your plans." try, "Sir, I'm sure the staff will greatly appreciate it and give you more approval if we try other means.”

  Replace "you" with "let's" - You can get more cooperation from people by replacing "you" with "let's." The phrase "let us" gives a hint of involvement on your part. So let's try using "let's" from now on.

  Use simple statements - Give your instructions in simple, direct, and brief statements. Not only is it easier to remember, but it is also easier to understand and absorb.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3155599

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The Language of Persuasion

  Use everyday language - Complicated language will only confuse your listeners and/or your readers. Sure you got an enormous vocabulary, but if you talk like an intellectually dexterous individual (geek) all the time, it's more likely that you'll just be misinterpreted.

  Avoid vulgar and curse words - As much as possible, try to avoid using profanity in your statements (especially with new acquaintances). Most of the time, your credibility depends on the kinds of words you use.

  Avoid jargon and technical language - If the person you're talking to is working in the same field as you are, then there's no problem with this. In most cases, however, you interact with different people. Like I said earlier, just use everyday language.

  Keep sentences short - In the early centuries, a single sentence can stand as a whole paragraph. Today, we're clearly living in a world where a single word such as "party" is enough to say it all. With that said, "let's" "party.”

  Don't beat around the bush - If you have something to say, say it directly.

  Use verbs - Action words are more likely to make people move. Keep in mind that the words you say are being imagined by the person you're talking to. Thought precedes movement.

  Use words that grab attention - Words like FREE, EARN NOW, EASY, SEXY, and GUARANTEED are just few of the numerous attention grabbing words that you can use. Try to EXPERIMENT with these words by adding them in your statements.

  Emphasize what you want - Take a look at the last sentence above.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3155599

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The Language of Persuasion

  Pace - Studies have found that speaking faster is more persuasive than speaking in a slow and monotonous way.

  Avoid vocal fillers - What this means is that... uhm... well... to make... uhm... your ideas accepted... er... don't use these kinds of words when speaking.

  Determine your pitch - Adjusting the pitch of your voice by making it lower is proven to be more effective in persuasive speech.

  Adjust your volume - Always speak loud enough so that people can hear you. If you're speaking in front of a crowd, test the sound system first to ensure that your audience will not end up being deaf after your presentation.

  Be more articulate - Ideas that are communicated in a smooth flow and a coherent way adds more credibility. People are more likely to act on your requests or instructions when they are able to fully understand what you're trying to say.

  Take some time to pause - Emphasis does not necessarily mean you should only speak louder, more fluently, in a low voice, and so on. There are times when you need to pause so that people will have time to absorb what you just said.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3155599

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The Power of Suggestion

  Expect to affect - Expectation is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Did you know that you can affect people's behavior just by showing them your expectations?

  Consider it done! - You've probably heard this before. However, you're not supposed to be the one to say this. Whenever you send out instructions, just imagine the other person uttering these words to give strength to your unconscious signals.

  Use persuasive suggestions - Doctors are not the only ones who can use the placebo effect. You can actually use the same principle to make people do what you want them to do.

  Emphasize the time - What time is it? Well, it's time for you to make people do what you want instead of the other way around. Did you get the point?

  Use their reputation - Most people strongly identify themselves with their reputation. "Boss, I know you're a generous guy. How about giving me a raise?”

  Use embedded commands - Here's an example of an embedded command: "You can try this one right away after you finish this article. (Embedded command: "try this one right away")

  Pacing and leading - Make the person feel comfortable and in agreement with you then try to move them in the direction that you want.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3155599

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Emotionally Influenced Techniques

  Envy - Envy is what a person feels when they perceives in themselves a lack of other people's qualities, accomplishments, or material possession. This technique can also be called jealously as both of these emotions will make others feel envious but even so this is still an effective persuasion technique.

  Worry - Persuasion may be ineffective if the person you're trying to persuade is worried about something. Help the person get back to reality first by using positive and affirming words before applying any of the techniques here.

  Fear - Fear is commonly used as a marketing strategy, but you can also persuade people by invoking fear with the use of your words.

  Anger - Someone who is angry may be someone who wants attention. You just need to know how to diffuse the person's anger when it's time for you to persuade.

  Sympathy - You see this being used a lot of times on television. Starving children, tortured animals, war victims, and so on. When people feel sympathy towards something, they are more willing to help.

  Jealousy - Jealousy is what you feel when you see other's possessing something that you don't want them to have. There's a good chance that you can persuade a person who is jealous.

  Shame - When people do something they regret, they may or may not be motivated to make up for their mistakes. If they still see a little bit of hope, help them get up.

  Pity - Pity is what you feel for people who have been treated unjustly or have experienced some unfortunate events in their lives.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3155599

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Flattery Influenced Techniques

  Favoritism at its finest - Favoritism in the workplace is definitely undesirable. So make everyone, in any place, your favorite and you are sure to get them to do things for you.

  Challenge the person's ego - Do you have the guts to try out everything you've read here? Let's see!

  Don't react; just respond - Persuasion is not about you. It's all about your purpose, and your purpose is to influence other people. Failure is sometimes inevitable, but once you've learned your lesson, brush it off and move on.

  Make them feel important - Hitting on people's self-esteem by making them feel important is a very effective technique in persuasion. Give them a supply of importance; they'll give you a supply of favors.

  Learn how to praise - Aside from making them "feel" important, it is also necessary that you tell people directly what you find nice about them.

  Show appreciation - Every effort made from the other person's part should be responded to with gratitude and appreciation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3155599

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Distinction and Contrast Influenced Techniques

  Triple the value - If you are selling a product, people are more likely to buy it when they see an extra value. Whatever you are selling, try adding a discount, bonus products, a warranty, or anything else that will give the impression of a good deal.

  Change their perspective - When you talk to a salesperson, try to observe how they breakdown the price of what they are selling into ridiculously small easy monthly payments. This is called reframing.

  Shift their focus - This is a technique used by advertisers to put your attention on the "lighter" side of the picture. Is the glass half full or is it half empty? Is it bad for your purse or is it good for your health?

  The Door-In-The Face - Make an initially huge request that has a possibility of being turned down. After getting the response, make another request that is reasonable for the other person.

  Use Comparison - Another technique used in advertising. I'm sure you see a lot of this on television. You compare your product or request to something similar but undesirable in order to get the person to agree with you.

  Start high with your request - When asking for a request, try to make your way through in getting a "yes" by starting off high. Large request usually get a "no" so make sure before you get down to the real request, ask for something bigger first.

  Use the right timing - In order for the previous technique to be effective, always state your real request immediately after the earlier ones.

  Take note of the situation - Are you in the office, in class, in a party, inside a church, or inside a bar? Different places have different moods. Be aware of the situation to be able to match the person's mood.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3155599

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Summary of “Techniques”

  The research into persuasive technique was interesting, I discovered for any narrative or story will feature a persuasive technique to interest the audience.

  I feel I need to see these techniques myself so I plan to deconstruct a few advertisements that feature these techniques. I decided to use advertising due to most advertisements use these persuasive techniques to interest an audience and gain their attention by these techniques

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Advertisements   What is advertisements   Advertisements is a promotion of a product, service,or either an event or a a job vacancy.

Coke Print Advert

This advertisement uses the persuasive technique of respect. This advertisement prioritizes the consumer by reinsuring them that the quality they have experienced previously will be the same experience they will have with every bottle of the product; within the statement the term “trust” is used and in order to have trust with an established company is through the value of the products and Coke respect the fact that their consumers demand making the consumer feel important and prioritized

Fast Five Advert

This advertisement uses the persuasive technique of celebrity endorsement to help draw attention from an audience. Also the positioning of these celebs is significant; the main recognized characters within the series is placed in the foreground whereas those featured in previous episodes are placed further back; only fans that keep up with the series will be interested with the celebs within the background but those that are quite well known (of the most known out of the characters) are placed at the forefront

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Summary of “Examples of Techniques Within Advertisements”

  The research into advertisements was thought-provoking, challenging and interesting, I discovered that it is key for any and every advertisement regarding any media product needs persuasive techniques but its interesting what techniques are used depending on what product is being sold.

  I feel I need to see these techniques a lot more so I plan to deconstruct more advertisements but to a further extent; analyzing all aspects of the print advertisements.

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Sony Print Advertisement

In this print advert created by Sony, They used a plain white background to help place their product. This is done because the product being advertised is black and the opposite colour to this colour is white; white will enhance the look of the product and make it stand out from the background.  The product is placed at the centre of the print advert; this is the main focal point that the audience would be targeted towards to. Mis-en-scene ·        Location & setting The location and setting is unknown, it’s a white plane background and looks to be manipulated by software. Also manipulated by software is the shadows behind the product; these shadows make the product seam to be in the air, floating without strings attached, this could represent how powerful this product is. This will grab the audiences attention. ·        Prop/objects The console and controller – These objects are smaller then it is in real life, the resizing is done to make the product look compact and small, something you can use when you need and when you don’t, can simply put in a small area and it will remain as it is. Also this object is part of Playstation’s iconography and this object represents the square but the controller has the Playstation’s logos printed on it. Also the alignment of the big logos are the same on the controller. Cinematography Angles, shots, focus, frames, movement This is a still image and an extreme long shot. This is done to let the viewer see the environment or location behind the subject or objects in full focus (maybe to let the viewer know where this product would be seen or placed). The main focus in this advert is the Playstation and the iconography. These buttons are positioned in the exact same way the logos on the Playstation controller; the only thing different about these logos are the sizing and the colors, the sizing is increased to emphasize there USP. Also the coloring is done to match the colors of the console and controller; this match makes the shown products ‘smart’ and tidy. Features & benifits – Simplistic shapes, logos and colors that the target audience should be interested in. The shapes show and represent quality, there USP logos haven’t changed since 1994; the release of PS1 (1st version of there game console) and if there isn’t anything wrong with these logos for more then a century then this will defiantly show quality

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The Coke side of life advertisement

This is an extreme long shot. This shot is used to show the product in full detail but also allow the viewer to see the full background. It is taken looking down high angle at the product; they did this to allow the viewer to see into the bottle and view the colorful icons exploding out of it. They use the light colors against the vivid coca cola red. They do this so the consumer can recognize the coca cola red from the standard red. 'The Coke side of life' - This phrase is used to let the viewer know theirs a life that they can experience and the only way they can is through this product 'Coca-Cola' - This is the product name, 'Coke' is used more then once on this advert. This is a form or repetition and that is a persuasive technique to make it easy for the viewer to remember the product and create interest in this product. This is an extreme long shot and makes the bottle seam smaller then what it would be true to life and on a big advert and its easier for the viewer to remember the small product instead of a massive object across the page. The icons are placed above the lid of the product. This is done so it looks like the icons are exploding out of the product; as if there are too many icons too keep in such a small product. There are 2 text; one is across the product and the other is directly beneath it; 'Coca-Cola' is beneath it and in big font that will stand out. They poisoned the text so it stops where the icons start to fade out. They did this so the viewer knows 'Coca-Cola' lasts till the end and even through its finished the feeling still continues. 'The Coke side of life' runs through both sides of the product on the advert. This backs up and reinforces what the icons are showing; Different activity's that should make all viewers happy. Also there's an activity for everyone so everyone is included in this 'Side of life’.

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Sony UFO Advertisement

Narrative - •  Genre - sci-fi - when this advert was created the main genre was Sci-Fi so the target audience would be bigger at that time. Also this is the audience that Sony Playstation focus’s on and needed to create a range of adverts to let the viewers know that this brand supports this.

• Location & setting This advert is set in a crop field. Strangely this advert looks to have shapes in the crop field. This is a familiar event that is seen in movies and at the time; this genre of movie was highly popular and Sony supports this genre and needed to let the audience know they have a range of games biased around this genre • Prop/objects – The shapes and logos seen in this advert are the Sony Playstation’s USP logo are the objects in this advert. These objects are strange and unusual therefore the target audience would be more prone to figure out what they mean and represent. Also the colours of this advert are highly familiar to scenes seen in movies are adverts in this genre such as: yellow (fresh cut crops) and brown for the uncut crops

• Target audience – The audience that this advert is aimed is the generation that had a vast amount of Sci-Fi based films. In the present days its rare to find movies biased on this situation therefore it was a generation that is slightly older then Generation Y’s. The target audience is Generation X’s because at the time; this was the main genre. Movies such as ‘Back To The Future’ and ‘Terminator’ were made and published at this time; Sony published games that were biased on these films therefore an advert was needed to show and represent what this brand does. Viewers that watch sci-fi adventure films and those that have seen movies where crop circles or UFO’s from outer space appear from outer space or in random areas that the film is biased upon 

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Summary of “Advertisements”

  The research I conducted to make sure I fully understand the effects of certain advertisement techniques used within adverts was very helpful, after conducting this research I feel I’ve gathered enough data linking between the types of products being advertised and the type of advertisement technique used to gain awareness and publicity for the products or the brand.

  Whilst conducting my research there was many adverts that gathered my attention but this was due to my personal preferences (physiographic) and daily activities; I decided to deconstruct the adverts that I felt advertise towards me the most because I can comment as to how successful these advert techniques really were.

  I decided from this step onwards I should try to communicate a narrative within an advert using persuasive techniques that I’ve learnt

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Ideas For An Advert

Before I can start thinking of adverts I need to decide what brand I will be advertising for. I feel that for me to successfully advertise a product it needs to be a product I’m familiar with. I’m fascinated with the development of technology and how far it has come so I know what I will advertise will have to do with technology or gadgets. From the gadgets I’ve owned my favourite ones are Apple, Microsoft Xbox and Sony Playstation. In the past I’ve owned a verity of products from all three brands, some developing issues of themselves and others becoming outdated but from my experience I feel that the Sony Playstation is a brand that I can advertise for due to the products they produce and how reliable they are compared to the other brands. Also I am an avid gamer and I use the Sony Playstation product more then the others.

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