test plan template 01

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  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


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    ** Note to Document Author – Red and blue text (with the exception of the title and document name above) inthis document is directed at the template user to describe processes, build standards and help build the documentfrom the template. All such red and blue text should be removed before submitting any formal documentation,including both draft and/or final, deliverables. **** 


    Test Plan

    pdated !ebruary "#,$0"%

  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    Table of Contents

    1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................3

    "." &'*........................................................................................................................................ #1.1.1 In Scope....................................................................................................................................3

    1.1.2 Out of Scope.............................................................................................................................3".$ +A- 1*'-2*..................................................................................................................#1.2.1 Primary O!ecti"e....................................................................................................................31.2.2 Seconary O!ecti"e................................................................................................................$

    ".# R  *& A34 R *&3&----*&..................................................................................................... 51.3.1 De"eloper.................................................................................................................................$1.3.2 %opter.....................................................................................................................................$1.3.3 Testin& Process 'ana&ement Team.........................................................................................$

    ".5 A&&6-3& !R  *& *7*'-3..........................................................................................%".% '3&RA-3& !R  *& *7*'-3..........................................................................................%".8 4*!-3--3&..............................................................................................................................8

    2 TEST METHODOLOG......................................................................................................................!

    $." R&*....................................................................................................................................8

    2.1.1 O"er"ie(...................................................................................................................................) 2.1.2 *saility Testin&......................................................................................................................) 2.1.3 *nit Testin& +'ultiple,............................................................................................................. 2.1.$ Iteration/e&ression Testin&.................................................................................................... 2.1.0 inal release Testin&................................................................................................................ 2.1.) Testin& completeness riteria..................................................................................................

    $.$ *& *2*&............................................................................................................................. 92.2.1 4uil Tests................................................................................................................................

    $.$."." evel " : uild Acceptance ests....................................................................................................... 9$.$.".$ evel $ : &mo;e ests........................................................................................................................ 9$.$.".# evel $a : ug Regression esting....................................................................................... ......... ....9

    2.2.2 'ilestone Tests.........................................................................................................................5$.$.$." evel # : 'ritical ath ests...............................................................................................................<

    2.2.3 /elease Tests............................................................................................................................5

    $.$.#." evel 5 : &tandard ests.....................................................................................................................

  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    #.% R  *&3&--- 6AR-7.........................................................................................................."8

    $ RESOURCE % EN"IRONMENT NEEDS.......................................................................................1!

    5." *&-3= &........................................................................................................................ "8$.1.1 Tracin& Tools........................................................................................................................1) 

    5."."." 'onfiguration 6anagement....................................................................................................... ......"@

    5.$ *& * 32-R36*3................................................................................................................"@

    $.2.1 ?ar(are................................................................................................................................1 $.2.2 Soft(are..................................................................................................................................1 

    5.# = &*2*R- A34 R-R- 4*!-3--3................................................................................"@$.3.1 Se"erity @ist............................................................................................................................1 $.3.2 Priority @ist............................................................................................................................1

    5.5 = R *R-3=......................................................................................................................."9

    & TERMS'ACRONMS.........................................................................................................................1(


  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    1 Intro)uctonhis test a!!roach document descri"es the a!!ro!riate strategies# !rocess# wor$flows andmethodologies used to !lan# organi%e# e&ecute and manage testing of software !ro'ects withinca*.

    1.1 ScopeDescri"e the current test a!!roach sco!e "ased on your role and !ro'ect o"'ectives.

    1.1.1In Scopehe ca* +wor$s!ace name, +system name, Test Plan defines the unit# integration# system#regression# and Client -cce!tance testing a!!roach. he test sco!e includes the following

    esting of all functional# a!!lication !erformance# security and use cases re/uirements listed inthe Use Case document.

    uality re/uirements and fit metrics+system name,.

    nd2to2end testing and testing of interfaces of all systems that interact with the +system


    1.1.2Out of Scopehe following are considered out of sco!e for ca* +wor$s!ace name, +system name, system est 3lan and testing sco!e

    4unctional re/uirements testing for systems outside +a!!lication name,

    esting of usiness 563s# disaster recovery and usiness Continuity 3lan.

    1.2Quality Objective

    1.2.1Primary Objective - !rimary o"'ective of testing a!!lication systems is to assure that the system meets the full requirements, including quality requirements (AKA: Non-functional requirements) and fit metrics for each quality requirement and satisfies the use case scenarios and maintainthe quality of the product.  -t the end of the !ro'ect develo!ment cycle# the user should find

    that the !ro'ect has met or e&ceeded all of their e&!ectations as detailed in the re/uirements.

     -ny changes# additions# or deletions to the re/uirements document# 4unctional 5!ecification#or Design 5!ecification will "e documented and tested at the highest level of /uality allowedwithin the remaining time of the !ro'ect and within the a"ility of the test team.


  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    1.2.2Secondary Objectivehe secondary o"'ective of testing a!!lication systems will "e to identify and expose allissues and associated risks, communicate all knon issues to the pro!ect team, andensure that all issues are addressed in an appropriate matter "efore release.  -s ano"'ective# this re/uires careful and methodical testing of the a!!lication to first ensure all areas

    of the system are scrutini%ed and# conse/uently# all issues ("ugs) found are dealt witha!!ro!riately.

    1.3Roles and Responsibilities7oles and res!onsi"ilities may differ "ased on the actual 56W. elow listed functions are fortesting !hase.

    1.3.1Developer -n 8C2designated Cancer Center selected and funded "y 8CC to !artici!ate in a s!ecific

    Wor$s!ace to underta$e software or solution develo!ment activities. 7es!onsi"le to

    (a) Develo! the system9a!!lication

    (") Develo! :se cases and re/uirements in colla"oration with the -do!ters

    (c) Conduct :nit# system# regression and integration testing

    (d) 5u!!ort user acce!tance testing

    1.3.2Adopter -n 8C2designated Cancer Center selected and funded "y 8CC to underta$e formalado!tion# testing# validation# and a!!lication of !roducts or solutions develo!ed "y Wor$s!aceDevelo!ers. 7es!onsi"le to

    (a) Contri"ute to :se case# re/uirement develo!ment through review

    (") Contri"ute to develo! and e&ecution of the develo!ment test scri!ts throughreview

    (c) Conduct 4ull :ser -cce!tance# regression# and end2to2end testing; thisincludes identifying testing scenarios# "uilding the test scri!ts# e&ecuting scri!tsand re!orting test results

    1.3.3Testing Process Management Team

    nclude 8C# -H and Cancer Center

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    1.4Assumptions for Test Execution

    elow are some minimum assum!tions (in "lac$) that has "e com!leted with some e&am!les

    (in red). -ny e&am!le may "e used if deemed a!!ro!riate for the !articular !ro'ect. 8ewassum!tions may also "e added that are reasoned to "e suita"le to the !ro'ect.

    4or :ser -cce!tance testing# the Develo!er team has com!leted unit# system and integration

    testing and met all the 7e/uirement>s (including /uality re/uirements) "ased on 7e/uirementracea"ility =atri&.

    :ser -cce!tance testing will "e conducted "y nd2users

    est results will "e re!orted on daily "asis using *forge. 4ailed scri!ts and defect list from

    *forge with evidence will "e sent to Develo!er directly.

    :se cases have "een develo!ed "y -do!ters for :ser -cce!tance testing. :se cases are

    a!!roved "y test lead.

    est scri!ts are develo!ed and a!!roved.

    est eam will su!!ort and !rovide a!!ro!riate guidance to -do!ters and Develo!ers to

    conduct testing

    =a'or de!endencies should "e re!orted immediately after the testing $ic$off meeting.

    1.5 Constraints for Test Executionelow are some minimum assum!tions (in "lac$) followed "y e&am!le constraints (red). -nye&am!le may "e used if deemed a!!ro!riate for the !articular !ro'ect. 8ew constraints mayalso "e added that are reasoned to "e suita"le to the !ro'ect.

     -do!ters should clearly understand on test !rocedures and recording a defect orenhancement. esting 3rocess =anagement eam will schedule a teleconference withDevelo!ers and -do!ters to train and address any testing related issues.

    Develo!er will receive consolidated list of re/uest for test environment set u!# user accounts

    set u!# data set (actual and moc$ data)# defect list# etc. through GForge after the initial -do!ter testing $ic$ off meeting.

    Develo!er will su!!ort ongoing testing activities "ased on !riorities

    est scri!ts must "e a!!roved "y est

  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


     -do!ters are res!onsi"le to identify de!endencies "etween test scri!ts and su"mit clear

    re/uest to set u! test environment

    1.6Definitionsugs -ny error or defect that cause the software9a!!lication or hardware to malfunction. hatis also included in the re/uirements and does not meet the re/uired wor$flow# !rocess orfunction !oint.

    nhancement1) -ny alteration or modification to the e&isting system for "etter wor$flow and !rocess.@) -n error or defect that causes the software9a!!lication or hardware to malfunction.Where 1) and @) is 86 included in the re/uirements can "e categori%ed as an enhancement.

    nhancement can "e added as a new re/uirement after a!!ro!riate Change =anagement!rocess.

    2 Te+t Metho)o,o-


    2.1.1Overviewhe "elow list is not intended to limit the e&tent of the test !lan and can "e modified to "ecomesuita"le for the !articular !ro'ect.

    he !ur!ose of the est 3lan is to achieve the following

    • Define testing strategies for each area and su"2area to include all the functional and /uality

    (non2functional) re/uirements.

    • Divide Design 5!ec into testa"le areas and su"2areas (do not confuse with more detailed

    test s!ec). e sure to also identify and include areas that are to "e omitted (not tested)also.

    • Define "ug2trac$ing !rocedures.

    • dentify testing ris$s.

    • dentify re/uired resources and related information.

    • 3rovide testing 5chedule.

    2.1.2Usability Testinghe !ur!ose of usa"ility testing is to ensure that the new com!onents and features willfunction in a manner that is acce!ta"le to the customer. Develo!ment will ty!ically create a non2functioning !rototy!e of the : com!onents to evaluatethe !ro!osed design. :sa"ility testing can "e coordinated "y testing# "ut actual testing must"e !erformed "y non2testers (as close to end-users as possible).  esting will review thefindings and !rovide the !ro'ect team with its evaluation of the im!act these changes will haveon the testing !rocess and to the !ro'ect as a whole.


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    2.1.3Unit Testing (Multiple):nit esting is conducted "y the Develo!er during code develo!ment !rocess to ensure that!ro!er functionality and code coverage have "een achieved "y each develo!er "oth duringcoding and in !re!aration for acce!tance into iterations testing.

    he following are the e&am!le areas of the !ro'ect must "e unit2tested and signed2off "efore"eing !assed on to regression esting

    • Data"ases# 5tored 3rocedures# riggers# a"les# and nde&es

    • 8 5ervices

    • Data"ase conversion

    • .6CA# .D

  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    2.1.6Testing completeness Criteria7elease for !roduction can occur only after the successful com!letion of the a!!lication undertest throughout all of the !hases and milestones !reviously discussed a"ove. 

    he milestone target is to !lace the release9a!! ("uild) into !roduction after it has "een shown

    that the a!! has reached a level of sta"ility that meets or e&ceeds the client e&!ectations asdefined in the 7e/uirements# 4unctional 5!ec.# and ca* 3roduction 5tandards.

    2.2Test Levelsesting of an a!!lication can "e "ro$en down into three !rimary categories and several su"2levels. he three !rimary categories include tests conducted every "uild (uild ests)# testsconducted every ma'or milestone (=ilestone ests)# and tests conducted at least once every!ro'ect release cycle (7elease ests). he test categories and test levels are defined "elow

    2.2.1Build Tests2.2.1.1 Level 1 - Build Acceptance Testsuild -cce!tance ests should ta$e less than @2 hours to com!lete (1 minutes is ty!ical).hese test cases sim!ly ensure that the a!!lication can "e "uilt and installed successfully. 6ther related test cases ensure that ado!ters received the !ro!er Develo!ment 7eleaseDocument !lus other "uild related information (dro! !oint# etc.). he o"'ective is to determineif further testing is !ossi"le. f any

  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    2.2.3Release Tests2.2.3.1 Level ! - Standard Testsest Cases that need to "e run at least once during the entire test cycle for this release. hese

    cases are run once# not re!eated as are the test cases in !revious levels. 4unctional estingand Detailed Design esting (4unctional 5!ec and Design 5!ec est Cases# res!ectively).hese can "e tested multi!le times for each =ilestone est Cycle (teration# 4inal 7elease#etc.).5tandard test cases usually include nstallation# Data# *:# and other test areas. Level " - Suggested Test hese are est Cases that would "e nice to e&ecute# "ut may "e omitted due to timeconstraints.=ost 3erformance and 5tress est Cases are classic e&am!les of 5uggested test cases(although some should "e considered standard test cases). 6ther e&am!les of suggested testcases include W-8#

  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    2.5Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirementshis section should "e defined to list criteria>s and resum!tion re/uirements should certaindegree and !re2defined levels of test o"'ectives and goals are not met.3lease see e&am!le "elow2 esting will "e sus!ended on the affected software module when 5mo$e est (

  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01



    ments B6C

    roDect lan



    &pec B6C

    est lan   est &pec.

    / utline









    ' 'overage


    ug Reports




    est 'ase


     -s the diagram a"ove shows# there is a !rogression from one delivera"le to the ne&t. achdelivera"le has its own de!endencies# without which it is not !ossi"le to fully com!lete thedelivera"le.

    he following !age contains a matri& de!icting all of the delivera"les that esting will use.

    3.1Deliverables Matrix

    elow is the list of artifacts that are !rocess driven and should "e !roduced during the testinglifecycle. Certain delivera"les should "e delivered as !art of test validation# you may add to the"elow list of delivera"les that su!!ort the overall o"'ectives and to maintain the /uality.his matri& should "e u!dated routinely throughout the !ro'ect develo!ment cycle in you!ro'ect s!ecific est 3lan.



      est -!!roach  est 3lan

      est 5chedule

       est 5!ecifications

    Test Case % &ug Write-'ps

      est Cases 9 7esults

      est Coverage 7e!orts

      *4orge ug trac$er for "ug re!orting



  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    est results re!ort

    est 4inal 7e!ort 2 5ign26ff 


    3.2.1Test Approach Documenthe est -!!roach document is derived from the 3ro'ect 3lan# 7e/uirements and 4unctional5!ecification documents. his document defines the overall test a!!roach to "e ta$en for the!ro'ect. he 5tandard est -!!roach document that you are currently reading is a "oiler!latefrom which the more s!ecific !ro'ect est -!!roach document can "e e&tracted.

    When this document is com!leted# the est

  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    of est Cases and includes list(s) of test case areas and test o"'ectives for each of thecom!onents to "e tested as identified in the !ro'ect>s est 3lan.

    3.2.5Requirements Traceability Matrix

     - 7e/uirements racea"ility =atri& (7=) which is used to lin$ the test scenarios to there/uirements and use cases is a re/uired !art of the est 3lan documentation for all !ro'ects.7e/uirements tracea"ility is defined as the a"ility to descri"e and follow the life of are/uirement# in "oth a forward and "ac$ward direction (i.e. from its origins# through itsdevelo!ment and s!ecification# to its su"se/uent de!loyment and use# and through !eriods ofongoing refinement and iteration in any of these !hases). 1

     -ttached is a sam!le "asic 7= which could !rovide a starting !oint for this documentation.he im!ortant thing is to choose a tem!late or document "asis that achieves thoroughtracea"ility throughout the life of the !ro'ect.

    C:\Documents andSettings\523217\My

    3.3Defect Tracking & Debugging

    3.3.1Testing Workflowhe "elow wor$flow illustrates the testing wor$flow !rocess for Develo!ers and -do!ters for:ser -cce!tance and nd to nd testing.

    3l. note the yellow highlighted !rocess where the -do!ter is re/uired to directly send defect listwith evidence to the Develo!er. 5imilarly# Develo!er is re/uired to confirm directly with the -do!ter after "ug fi&es along with u!dating on the ug%illa.

    " httpF//www.proDectperfect.com.au/infoGreuirementsGtraceability.php


  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    3.3.2Defect reporting using G FORGE -

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    Field Comments

    Hardware 2

  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    5u"mit 2 5u"mit the "ug tic$et

    3.4Reportshe est

  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    !.1.1.1 Con#iguration $anagement 3lease include your configuration management !lan

    4.2Test Environment

    4.2.1Hardwarenclude the minimum hardware re/uirements that will "e used to test the -!!lication.esting will have access control to one or more a!!lication9data"ase servers se!arate fromany used "y non2test mem"ers of the !ro'ect team. esting will also have access control to anade/uate num"er of variously configured 3C wor$stations to assure testing a range from theminimum to the recommended client hardware configurations listed in the !ro'ect>s7e/uirements# 4unctional 5!ecification and Design 5!ecification documents.


    n addition to the a!!lication and any other customer s!ecified software# the following list ofsoftware should "e considered a minimum

    • 8 Wor$station B.0 or Windows K.

    • =5 6ffice K 3rofessional

    • =5 &change

    • C= (esting ool 5erver)

    • as$ =anager (esting ool 5erver)

    4.3Bug Severity and Priority Definitionug 5everity and 3riority fields are "oth very im!ortant for categori%ing "ugs and !rioriti%ing if

    and when the "ugs will "e fi&ed. he "ug 5everity and 3riority levels will "e defined asoutlined in the following ta"les "elow. esting will assign a severity level to all "ugs. he est

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    ma'or im!act to the user# !revents other areas of the a!! from "eingtested# etc. 5ev. @ "ugs can have a wor$ around# "ut the wor$ aroundis inconvenient or difficult.

    =edium ncorrect functionality of com!onent or !rocess. here is a sim!le wor$around for the "ug if it is 5ev. .

    B =inor Documentation errors or signed off severity "ugs.

    4.3.2Priority List

    $riorit! $riorit! +eel $riorit! Description =ust 4i& his "ug must "e fi&ed immediately; the !roduct cannot shi! with this


    B 5hould 4i& hese are im!ortant !ro"lems that should "e fi&ed as soon as!ossi"le. t would "e an em"arrassment to the com!any if this "ugshi!!ed.

    4i& When Haveime

    he !ro"lem should "e fi&ed within the time availa"le. f the "ugdoes not delay shi!!ing date# then fi& it.


  • 8/21/2019 Test Plan Template 01


    T(*%/C(0N1* DFNT0N

    7;5 lectronic 7ecords; lectronic 5ignatures

    89- 8ot -!!lica"le

    8C 8ational Cancer nstitute

    - uality -ssurance

    7= 7e/uirements racea"ility =atri&

    5= 5u"'ect =atter &!ert

    563 5tandard 6!erating 3rocedure

    3 issue an$ and 3athology ools

    D o e Determined

    57 est 5ummary 7e!ort