test infected

#testinfected Mert ÇALIŞKAN Feb 2013 @ankarajug #testinfected

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#testinfected, Java test yöntemlerini sizin için inceliyor. Sunumda testin amaçları, JUnit ile test, mock test yöntemleri, arayüz testi, web servis vb. gibi framework testi, sürekli entegrasyon ve denetleme yöntemleri, test kapsama oranının arttırılması ve ürün kalitesi nasıl arttırılır konuları hakkında detaylı bilgiler edinebilirsiniz.


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#testinfectedMert ÇALIŞKAN

Feb 2013

@ankarajug #testinfected

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#testinfected is:

@ankarajug #testinfected

Programmers that LOVE Writing Tests...so infected with of testing

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@ankarajug #testinfected





first event @ November 2012...

Founding Fathers: Barış BAL Çağatay ÇİVİCİ Mert ÇALIŞKAN


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@ankarajug #testinfected


Open Source Software Advocate, Founder, Implementor

Member of Apache Software Foundation and OpenLogic ExpertCommunity

Author of PrimeFaces Cookbook from PacktPub

10+ years of experience w/ Java

Coder @ T2.com.tr


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@ankarajug #testinfected

We are hiring..!

Send Resumes to [email protected]

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@ankarajug #testinfected

What will I talk about?Objectives of Testing

What to Test, How to Test with

Java Testing Frameworks

Unit, Integration, Mock and Functional Testing

Intensive Code Samples w/ github project

Test Automation with,

Concluded with Best Practices and Mottos

Continuous{ IntegrationInspectionDelivery

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Do you really need to listen to me?

Please DO..!

The test coverage for the projects that I involved with was SOOOO damn low.


Let’s increase these numbers...!!

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@ankarajug #testinfected


I’m a DEVELOPER.. so, I develop code to test my code...So you will see - coding best practices that I gatheredrather than - silver bullets, documentation procedures & etc.

which is cool, I suppose...

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@ankarajug #testinfected

How many Test Infected Zombies among us?

Raise your hand..!

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Do we need to TEST?@ankarajug #testinfected

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Your Software...after some coding...

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Your Software...after some coding...

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Your Software...after some coding...

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@ankarajug #testinfected

So again, Do we need to TEST?

@ankarajug #testinfected

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@ankarajug #testinfected

test 1 |tɛst|noun

a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use...

webster says that...

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@ankarajug #testinfected

test 1 |tɛst|noun

a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use...

webster says that...

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@ankarajug #testinfected

The Wh- Questions







to test?

should we test it?

should we test it?

do we need to test?

should we test it?

tests it?

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@ankarajug #testinfected

The Wh- Questions







to test?

should we test it?

should we test it?

do we need to test?

should we test it?

tests it?

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@ankarajug #testinfected

WHAT to Test?Unit Tests

Integration Tests

Mock Tests

Functional Tests

every method...with its every line of code...

DAO tests, framework tests...(web services, hibernate search and etc)

service layer, mocking each other :)

UI testing, WS testing

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@ankarajug #testinfected

WHERE should we test it?

Go for 3 different locations other than local if it’s applicable.

Try to make Prod and Staging identical...

LocalStagingProd Test


BlackBox WhiteBox SmokeTest

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@ankarajug #testinfected

HOW should we test it?Unit Tests

Integration Tests

Mock Tests

Functional Tests


jUnit along with custom implementations

mockito, hamcrest...

selenium, soapUI

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@ankarajug #testinfected

BlackBox Testing

you don’t know the internals of the systema.k.a. Acceptance Testing

WhiteBox Testing

Tester knows the design/implementation of the systema.k.a. Unit/Integration Testing

GrayBox Testing Black Box mixed with White Box :)

How to testThe Boxing Approach

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Unit Testing

In unit testing, you're just verifying that a single unit works according to expectations.

Unit tests are not interactive. Once written, they can be run without further input.

Each test should be responsible for its own actions not interfere with each other.

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Common Rules forTesting Frameworks

Each unit test must run independently of all other unit tests.

Errors must be detected and reported test by test.

It must be easy to define which unit tests will run.


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@ankarajug #testinfected

JUnitFounders, Kent Beck and Erich Gamma, like ~14 years ago.

Kent Beck the creator of sUnit and tossed the coin on the term, XP.

Major differences between 3.x and 4.x new packaging, annotations and etc...

The Latest and Greatest of jUnit is: 4.11 (use it)

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@ankarajug #testinfected

The Simplest Test

public class Example {

@Test public void method() { org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(new ArrayList().isEmpty()); }}




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@ankarajug #testinfected

The Simplest Testpublic class Example { @Test public void method() { org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(new ArrayList().isEmpty()); }}

What happens above?

- jUnit creates a new instance of Example class.- It invokes the method() which is annotated with Test

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@ankarajug #testinfected

The Simplest Test

@Test Annotation bundles 2 optional parameters.

expected: the exception that the method should throw.timeout: the amount of time in ms for the test to fail.

public class Example { @Test public void method() { org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(new ArrayList().isEmpty()); }}

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Preparing and Tearing down for tests




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@ankarajug #testinfected

public class SampleTest {

@Before public void setup() { // prepare some stuff.. }

@Testpublic void checkIfTheCodeWorksOkOrNot() { // Some assertions and bla bla...}

@After public void tearDown() { // tear down all... }}

Sample @Before and @After

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@ankarajug #testinfected

public class SampleTest {

@BeforeClass public void setup() { // prepare some stuff.. }

@Testpublic void checkIfTheCodeWorksOkOrNot() { // Some assertions and bla bla...}

@AfterClass public void tearDown() { // tear down all... }}

@BeforeClass and @AfterClass with Question

Question is: Will it compile?YES..!But,

will it work?

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@ankarajug #testinfected

public class SampleTest {

@BeforeClass public void setup() { // prepare some stuff.. }

@Testpublic void checkIfTheCodeWorksOkOrNot() { // Some assertions and bla bla...}

@AfterClass public void tearDown() { // tear down all... }}

@BeforeClass and @AfterClass with Question

Question is: Will it compile?YES..!But,

will it work?

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@ankarajug #testinfected

public class SampleTest {

@BeforeClass public void setup() { // prepare some stuff.. }

@Testpublic void checkIfTheCodeWorksOkOrNot() { // Some assertions and bla bla...}

@AfterClass public void tearDown() { // tear down all... }}

@BeforeClass and @AfterClass with Question

Question is: Will it compile?YES..!But,will it work?

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@ankarajug #testinfected

public class BeforeOrderSample { @Before public void finalSetup() { System.out.println("final stuff"); }

@Test public void doTheTest() { System.out.println("test test test"); }

@Before public void initialSetup() { System.out.println("initial stuff"); }}

Multiple methods with @Before or @After annotations?


Question is: Will it work?

If so, which method works first?

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Let’s introduce some inheritance :)

Class A

Class B


@Before public void classASetup() { System.out.println("class A setup"); }

@After public void classATearDown() { System.out.println("class A tear down"); }

@Before public void classBSetup() { System.out.println("class B setup"); }

@After public void classBTearDown() { System.out.println("class B tear down"); }

@Test public void doTheTest() { System.out.println("test test test"); }

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Let’s introduce some inheritance :)

Class A

Class B


@Before public void classASetup() { System.out.println("class A setup"); }

@After public void classATearDown() { System.out.println("class A tear down"); }

@Before public void classBSetup() { System.out.println("class B setup"); }

@After public void classBTearDown() { System.out.println("class B tear down"); }

@Test public void doTheTest() { System.out.println("test test test"); }





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@ankarajug #testinfected

Test Methods’ Execution Order

public class TestCasesExecutionOrder {

@Test public void secondTest() { System.out.println("Executing second test"); }

@Test public void firstTest() { System.out.println("Executing first test"); }

@Test public void thirdTest() { System.out.println("Executing third test"); }}

Question is:

What’s the execution order?


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@ankarajug #testinfected

Test Methods’ Execution Order

public class TestCasesExecutionOrder {

@Test public void secondTest() { System.out.println("Executing second test"); }

@Test public void firstTest() { System.out.println("Executing first test"); }

@Test public void thirdTest() { System.out.println("Executing third test"); }}


Question is:

What’s the execution order?


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@ankarajug #testinfected

My Way or the Way



For Unit TestingAttached to test phase

For Integration TestsAttached to pre-integration-test phase and others...

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@ankarajug #testinfected

testinfected demo @ github

2 projects (demo + template) available at

fork it and enjoy it..

demo is for demo as it is named... template is a brand new beginning...template for all the frameworks with testing infrastructure...




CXF Hamcrest




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@ankarajug #testinfected

Code Walkthrough

Unit Testing

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Integration Tests

@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"/applicationContext-test.xml"})@TransactionConfiguration(defaultRollback = false, transactionManager = "transactionManager")

public abstract class BaseIntegrationTestCase {}

What’s with this class?

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Integration Tests

Framework testing is one of the coolest things...

You can even test Web Services like,

Get Jetty UP

Create a client

Did a WS call

Assert the result

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Differentiate your DB’s...


First Rules First...

Use an ORM (JPA, Hibernate, bla bla)

But WHY o’WHY...?

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@ankarajug #testinfected

First Rules First...




Always go for in memory DB for Testing environment.

Everything will vanish so you can do anything you want.

And you can easily tests frameworks like Hibernate Search

Differentiate your DB’s...

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Case Study: Quartz Scheduling Testing

Question is: How would you test it?

@Servicepublic class SomePrettySophisticatedJob { @Autowired private SomePrettySophisticatedService1 service; private SomePrettySophisticatedService2 service; private SomePrettySophisticatedService3 service; @Scheduled(fixedDelay=500) public void execute() { //Some heavy duty coding... service calls, calls, calls, computations and bla bla.. }}

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Quartz Scheduling Testing

Well you don’t need to test it, it’s a framework remember?and since it’s a well-known one, just use it for scheduling.It will work..trust me..

@Servicepublic class SomePrettySophisticatedJob { @Autowired private GatheredPrettySophisticatedService service; @Scheduled(fixedDelay=500) public void execute() { service.execute(); }}

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Code Walkthrough

Integration Testing

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Anatomy of a Mock Test

It’s good for service layer testing.

Set your expectations, do the service layer call, verify the calls and assert the results.

@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class)public class CalculatorServiceImplTest { @Mock private CalculatorDao dao;

@InjectMocks private CalculatorServiceImpl impl = new CalculatorServiceImpl();

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Anatomy of a Mock Test

@Testpublic void addInvokedSuccessfully() { impl.add(4, 5);


@Testpublic void addInvokedSuccessfully() {

when(helper.retrieveSomeStuff()). thenReturn(someNiceInstance);

impl.add(4, 5);


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Anatomy of a Mock Test

@Testpublic void addInvokedSuccessfully() {

when(helper.retrieveSomeStuff()). thenReturn(someNiceInstance);

impl.add(4, 5);


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Anatomy of a Mock Test

Always use static imports while using Matchers...

Also see other annotations,



little something something on the topic:


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Functional Testing

Enough with coding..! let’s see that it just works.. mode on...

UI Testing with Selenium with the IDE

Web Service Testing with SoapUI

Functional Testing

Load Testing

jMeter Performance Testing

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Code Walkthrough

Mock TestingFunctional Testing

(SoapUI, jMeter, Selenium)

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Continuous Integration leads to Continuous Delivery

So you have 10.000 tests... Congratz..!

But...They’ll be useless if developers need to run them by hand every time..!

We need a build triggered with each commit, right?

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Continuous Integration Tools out in the field



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Release Life CycleDemystified




Release Candidate

Release to Manufacturing


General Availability

(GA)} }

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Release Life CyclePre-Alpha



More of an idea in development... with nightly builds..milestones..

Working draft but probably w/ lots of bugs...do extensive testing on it...!

The prototype..features are complete..! first time available to the outsiders (open/closed beta)

The radiation level is high..! but not relevant of course, since these are the first 2 letters of greek alphabet..

White Box

Black B


Grey Box

feature freeze

testing phase

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Release Life Cycleall features implemented/testedcall for a “code complete". you have the candidate..!

You are ready to go mass manufacturing.hardware + software bundled together.

You are now live..! you did all the commercial stuff and you are good to go.. just sell it..!!!

Release Candidate

Release to Manufacturing


General Availability


code complete

ready to release

ready to advertise

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Continuous Integration DEMO w/ Jenkins

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@ankarajug #testinfected

Continuous Inspection

Metric dashboard for,

Test & Code Coverage (cobertura)

Coding Violations (checkstyle)

Triggering at each build so you’ll have incremental reports.

For installation and getting it up and running you need to,

configure its DB,

hook it with Jenkins to make more sense...

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Continuous Inspection DEMO w/ Sonar

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Continuous Integration and Inspection DEMO with


Kerem ÇAĞLARSolveka Yazılım

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Best Practices

Use Matchers with static imports...Assert.assertEquals(result.getResult().doubleValue(), 9.0);

assertThat(result.getResult(), is(9.0));

Test method names can be long, no worries. They should be understood when read by someone like,retrieveListStatusByNationalIdReturnsOneElementWhenThereIsManuallyAddedPersonWithExemptedInfo()

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Whenever you are tempted to type something into a print statement or a debugger expression, write it as a test instead

(Martin Fowler)

Code without automated test simply doesn’t exist.

Once you get them running, make sure they stay running.

If you can’t test it, just trash it.


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@ankarajug #testinfected

We do not need private methods, get rid of them..!

Run the fast tests first.. group them.. If they fail you’ll get notified early.

Test your app with different localizations (for sorting and etc.)

Increase your coverage for sleeping tight at night.

Keep the bar green to keep the code clean.

You want to test the code, not yourself. Don’t be the keyboard monkey...


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@ankarajug #testinfected@ankarajug #testinfected

You cannot test EVERYTHING..!

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