tess fireplace

TESS Fireplaces for the Hearths of America

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Post on 26-Oct-2014




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for theHearths

of America

he tslearth:liteFlly fie joining of the Home and Eanl-r -

lr has hern the center of domestic life sincethe earlicst inces o{ mrn. The 6re has served to wum,heal, prorect and comfot usi the moonrv edince has

cooked our meals and poidcd a solden ndidce thaldraws peoplc togetho. Ovd fie millenia, the masonrvI renla. e 1a. ̂ o . "d ,o be.ome r \e Arai ' an dchiFc-tural fearuie most associated with the tmditional valuesof fanily life.

Historical reverence aside, the masonrv {ireplace hsbeen facing nodern, necess.ry challenges TherrnalEnergy Storage Systems, lnc. hm met these challenges- co.r$ - f i , icn.v. . on , ompcr r r rpn*. and ' Ion a r .

throuel - - \ . u .e or open6ineercd, roJ- lar ma onn' onDorea,.mo -perim l'ear RL"irins r"leialc.TESSha. appl rd ontempomrt techro log. ro rn ' "hctnh '

andre+rabl i .hcd, . 'onr .bu on 'o 'he l -ome envi rcnment while still pioviding us with physical and spmtu'

As vou rad thmugh this book, take rirne to imagine howvereatjle TESS modular svstems cn be for vou: brick,stone, stuccq narblc and rile finishes are onlv some ofthe nany possible finishing naterlah. This design flexi-bility will enhance a hone of any sryLe with vout per

sonal si$ature.

So. when visitors arrive, yo,i can once asain offer the

time-honored tmdition ofsmciousnss: share with them

the warmth and nagic of you! 6re.






!!r bu4rne 6qr ryprcal 2.1'hour hcrt ourDut cv.le tha'lmosr $ood stoves n common use ooay,

TESS models 148 and 116 are rhe nostadvanced masonry firplaces mrnulac-rurcd iD Nofh Anerica. Br combininsdmc-honored, pro!en heat storage prin-ciples rvirh lnnovative, !.c'engineeiedconsftuction, the patented TESS Heat-Storing Fireplaccs bring you thc bcst inircplace techtolog'.

A masonry {ireplace thatwill help heat your homeA tradinonal masonrr fireplace can losealnost alL the heat lt prcduces up rhechinDcy, alons $i!h some \Larm rconair TESS Heat-Sroring Flreplaces cap'turc rhe heat ofthe fire and use it tohelp heat your home.

This renarkable hcri saving process be-sns in the firebox. The nodified-Runford fitechanbet reflecc immediatehcat from rhe 6re directLv into theroon... nuch as a bandshell reflectssound ro an audience.

Ahove the fitechanbcr, heared gascstravel though a nassive heat stougea.ea conldininS heat tiansler passage'ways, thar caprure and store the hear'

Now rhe real bc:,dq ofrhe hear stomsedesign comes into pla\'. Hear srored inrlle masoDr! mass s gllcn off- gndual'ly and steadilr - for orcr 21 hours a{icrthe fire has eone out. \ irh rhousandsof Bfl-l's sroed in on: of nasonrv, aTESS HearStonng Fireplace is capableofsupplrin,s enough adiant heat toconftibure sisniffcaodl to the heatinsrequirmenr oi i'our hone.

Efficient and Clean Burning

Sone of thc energy produced by thefire is ndia|ed directiy inro rhe homewhilc the 6rc is burnlng. A sisnificlnrportion of thc energy reicased is srorcdin the masonry mass, rn conrr.lsr ro aconventional masonry {irepLace whelethis encrgv is simply losr up the nue.

. Available in t$o rvidrhs: ModeL 148h.s a 4s-inch widc lir.'box, Model 116has a l5-inch rvide {irebox. Also avail-.bLe sirh a 5'course hear exchangeror a 7-coune hcat exchanger Gee thespeciffcarion chart, p. 9 for ceilinghcight requiremenis)

For oprimum performance, it is recom-nended that TESS Hear-Storing Fire'places be constructed within rhe insula'rion ewelopc of the house.

f!r.$!f !::ls6+!r!rc+L:'f dlsdJt 5h.lto. tncEv Kesear9h.^t tCn!4

+#!hliri'#.:1+#ffiHe. r-si; nqE'.ri T!-€fEqb+

Modular components forfast, easy constructionAn experienccd rnason with a helpercan put up rhe core of a TESS Heat-Sroring Flreplace in Les than a dayTlc sinpLiciry is in ihe design becauseal1 the corect shapes aod angles areprc-engineered. The builder has only tonoftar the componenrs tosether whilekeeping them plunb and leveL. Theftsult is rcdu.ed construction rime andperformance you can count on.

Outstanding features thatset TESS Heat,StoringFireplaces apart. Ourside air ductcd directly to thc fire,

for seater confort and perlormance.. Chinney Top Damper which seals

our weather and reduces heat Lost uP

. Adaprs to cither a coDventionalmasonry chimney, of to a pefabricated netal chinnc'y.

. Facinc matcrial can be cusromized tocnhance aDy archireftural style- Brick,tile, stone, slate or plaster are just afew of the possibilities.

Abore tl'e Jnachanber ol th. TESS I +8afld 136, Acared sases Pass riro4lA acareJulb engiraeretL heat snrage area.Tlu marorrr mass stores the JtaI, ro begixen ofl ' graatatl! a etcnt:' - Jor over24lnlf aJtet tlr lie l.ts sone o!1.

A TESS Fireplace Model forEvery NeedI L5b Ka'lrdnr fLrcpLaces roccasional ffres ate desned, and whenheatlng efficiency n not a Piimaiy

I Lbs K"drrnr rtrepLa.e! ceither within the home or aLong anoutside lvall. The-v Mv also be desir-able in a second floor imtallntion whena TESS Helt-Storins Fireplace hasbcen built on the 6rsr floor

th i 1b55 l ld and tne r ro r tepracesfeature the sane five sided, modi6ed-Runford firechamber found in TESSHeat-Storing Fireplaces.

The unique shape of rhis firebox has itsroots in rhe Rrmfotd-style fireplace ofthe l8th century, long acknowledged{or its superior ability to radlate hear{;on the fire into the room

Borb the T48 and T16 Radiant Fne-places are conscucted using the TESSmocluLar masonry component system.The dunble, reftactorv nxonrv com-ponents arc pre'engineeied, plth all theionplicated fiteplace angles buih in,reducing the lllelihood ofjob site

Vhile invouLd tale a skiLled masonand hr.rndreds of bricks to buiid the firand smoke chambeB of a coN€ndonaLmasonry fireplace, the conpletely a*sc.mbled core of the T36 is conprisedof only l7 nasonty comPonents

TESS Fireplaces willAccommodate theConvenience of Gas Logslf you choose to install one ol thenany aurhentic.looking gas log sets orgas log lighters, the hearth of yout

TESS Fireplace can be easily nodifiedduiiDc construction ro accomroodare

Special featuies providedesign flexibiliry. Gro models fton rvhich to choose,

The TESS T18 hs a 4&nch widefircbox, thc TESS T.16 hc a l6'inch

. May be coNtructed eiiher inside thehouse ot on an outside wal ofyour

. May be adapred ro either a conven'flonaL masonry cntmney, or ro a pie-{abricated netal chinney-

. Borh litplaces provide outslde air toicombustion, resuking in livelier ii.esand reduced floor dnfts

. \XAi1e a chinney top danper isrcommended, a traditional throatdanper lnay also be used with theT48 and T36 Fireplaces.

. As with the heat-storing modeLs, youchoose your own exterior facingnatcial. This cives you mdimumllqibiLity to blend the appearance oiyour fireplace with rhe interior design

All of rhese unique TESS leaturesnake the T48 and T36 Fireplaces to'dayt superiot alternative to conven'tional, sire.built masonry fireplaces

The nalded nasoao con|onents fomthe fircclanber of the Radiant FreblaeThi' nad'lat Aesisn insne' ptuPer Jite'PLace canvttction, consttent qualt4 andoNiM Perfonntlnce.

The 718 and 736 Fiellaces dte btiltqri.Lll dnd earilt

"stns tie niqre TESS

nodular wisoto comporenr trlem. Both

Jircptdces featne d nodifiei'R1nlo

fireba\, knawn Jat its s|Peiat heat tunr


Radiant Fireplaces

Tiaditional Series FireplaceTle TESS liaditlonal Serles Firc'p1aceoffers thc sinpLest constructh, of anyTESS Frcplace nodel. And n does thissirhou. conpronise bv combiding thedunbilitr. of 100od masonry rvirh thecharn of a tradirionaLlv shaped firebor.

The lladitiuul Series Fircpiace fearuesa 16 'Nidc fircbo!, aDd is built usinsju< 15 pre-enginccred and labelcdmasonrv conPonc.ts. As a rcsult, tneTnditionaL Serics compoDen$ .anu-.ualLr be buiLt nr les tllan 2 houtsiOnce thc ircplace corc is compLcted,vou harc the option o{ choosins !+ich{acing naterial will best fit the s4ie of

rour home, as wcll as $'hich chinneytrpc -vou prefer ' a corvendonal ma".on-11 chimney, or a netaL pe-fabricrtedchrmnet.

Like aLl TESS Fireplaces, thc liadiiion-al Seties has bccn caretully designed roensurc that constru.tion and use ateroubLeJree. Ounide air ducted directlvto the fire, and u chimnet lor danperhelp to assure superior perfornance.

Simfli.u-,- otlielisn anl edr or'disemblllend rhe ?aditoml .Senes Fireplace toa{ n et b lildet dP PIi c t1ti. ̂ s.

The ?ddrtional Seri!5 ire.hambcr britgsd"r inno(arire norl,ldr J€stn to cl.asic,.l-iided /irspld.e vrliru. Ed.h bloct com-ponent is clearll labeled. for toubtelree

Fireplace Replacement SystemThe TISS Firc'place Rcrlacenent Svs'.enr was ctared at the urging ot iwodedicated, psfessional chimncy sweeps.Their business brought them into maDyhomes ilhcie rhey sas'an increaslngnumber of porend:rl]], utsafc a"d unusable nasonq fircplaces with metal ti€-

Chimner sreeps and firepLace inspec-tors have found that nanv of these ftu-places mth steel firebores aod snoke'.hanbers had NarFed or .uste.l-out.Danp .linatic tonditions arc the,,primary.causc, btri tmProper tnsrala-don and mNuse can also PIaY a P!rr'Telhale signs o{ this damage includc .

Janper that no Lo.get works, a warped

:-c'.or, or rust holes ln the mctal

--:iii no{t dre only way to tstore

::.< fircplaces has been to disnanrLerhe iace of the fireplace and to rbuildir - a process which is both difficuLt and

The Good NewsThe TESS Rcplacement System rcstores{irplaces siniply and cost-effectirclr to

safe, tu1ly'tunctioning condirion. lt ls

the only product of irs klnd on thenarkcr rodar', speciically designcd tot

renovation of the fireplacc withour dis-turbing the nantel or face ofthe fire-place. Thc eristng .hinDen founda'rion, and itbrick lloor all rcnain

Innovative Design APProachUsing rhe sane .onstrucrion rech-niques found in TESS Finplaces, theRepLacenent Svsten {eatures pre-

.engineefed ma$n comPonenrs rnatinterlock ivirhnr thc existing tireboi,and a stainless steel smokechamber*'hich nakcs the coonecrion to the

The RcpLacement Srstcm naY be cus-

tomizcd ro rcstore any masonrv near-

citcuLaring firc'place up to 60" wide. For

situatiots ivhe* the llue as ivcll as the

firepLace needs repair, le harc a Chin'

ncy Linlng Ad.ptor, allowing rhcRcplacement System to bc connected to

any o{the chinney relinins systens on

The TESS Replacemert Slstem is a.1dpt.t'hle to a aiAe tunse al fnelld.e sitc5 and

c.^f:surution. lnsarlldtio al a dstoni\edTESS Replaccment Slstem alloucd theo*ner oJ tt k beartiful, but muabta,sA-inch *ide fnePLdce ta entq th. na&col a itklins firc ance asain

ln thc hands of a rianred technician,imtallation of rhe TESS ReplacenentSysrem is a relativcly stnightforwanlprocedure. 1r is not, howevc't, a 'do-it'

yourself" prcject. Please cal ot write usfor the name of the aurhorizcd TESSdealer or faciory'trained installer in

The metal linins al this h.at'circnLdtinsJircplace is can|LetelJ tuskn anL s sdleand vn"Jable. A TESS Replacenrent SrvEn uill rcstarc the fneplace to fulL.r aperable, sale conditian with Lone life.

Planning Makes PerfectA litiLe advance plannins wiLi help en' ' Rcnenber that the T48 and T16

sure that the construction of your both fearure a modilied-Rumford fire'

TESS Fireplace goes snoothlv and box' while the liadidonaL Series has a

without delali liete are some impo.tant moie traditionallv shaped firebox'

considerations to guide vou rhrough construction Accessories-

h ( . e " P ' p < ' b u a r - n e i "

From The Ground Up ".d

.onst.,atun a-o,o,les whrch youAIl TESS Fireplaces require the sane will necd ro conpLete the constfu'tion

footings and foundation as convention- of your TESS Fteplace. \{hiie sone

al nasonry fiteplaces. The foundation naterials ar arailable locallv from vourand iaming ior TESS Fireplaces shouLd masonry suppll vard, othet TE9S &' .meet al1 lool building code requirc- cessorics have bcen specificallv designed

menrs peirainjng to site'built masoniy to enhance thc pelfornane ofou ffre'

GrepLaes in youi area. A construction piaces.lb lvoid construction delavs and

sujie is included with each TESS Fit- additional ieighr costs, be surc ro includeplace and outlines corect consrruction these itens rvh-'n you order ihe lirePlacc.

nmredures rnd whrh specifLc marerLals" ; ; " ,

" " - ;

- .p " , i ' ; ; ; ' "pr^ " . f

' nre-m;ed RerractoN Mortar : RF

i ' J ; ; ' ; . . , . ' a . o p r o r l - e '

a u " d r o r h F f " h d 1 q " " d ' ' t

- . ' " , , . " . " - i * - t "

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I . J ' i r / - - , u r e d ., - 'Our! ,de A;r Ki t : T\" -L ' id ' "

- n

Choosing /- dunp combination is required for all

The Correct Model TESS Fneplaces, and should bc-in-' oPo' -g Pad for h.

l l \ ' r t r o l F r . " I . p p a ! . . o F . , - . o n . c . e o . I G r u - .roo. lc4E/- l -6 . l .ep in - i 'd ,h. io

" " . , ^ , _

" ; r t door , .d r r

l o v r r s _ r e r " J J , r p e , o n . ir - l - l ieob. t lo .LJ be lo rd ' 'd"

V. Chtmn"y T"p Damper: R"q r red, h e r . . r " , e d < . ' e r o D

" ' 1 . - 1 . . . / \ . . , t - f t . . 4 8 " n d o l - . r . ! . g- h . , l o o r c " n

h . u d . d c b ' o p r ' . F r e o d - . a r a , L " T - " o , i ^ r r t , - i , .L . " l l o w

o . r l L t , i o r o l l ( , r r c d d r i r e r L . - . - . o , s t \ ? o m n " r J F d i , rid e i ' ^o1 . , t . F5c T4a "rd T1o { \dr ' "b le :. l n n " l , n g "

^ \ . i ! b e , w + r t F b o r r a . o n r l a r d p r c b . " r e o r e ' a l' I

t )c : r ! o 11/ .oa d( roon . i ,e

fo, bo h '+ ,ng" o l . , ,d \ . u . . . / . M"^t f hroaL Damper: r . . *

o e a . r . - o r ' 5 e r e p a . e o o P r r s ! z c . - ^ i , h , . t t s s - , s n J T , o o n l ,

. F o i l o m ! , ' L " ' d l r t , d 1 . p L . n . r , l l " r r o n . ^ 1 . " a r i r r + r o 6

. . p _ h o o - a t e p a , , \ v r i r . n e r r o d n p l r . . T D r . r r a .

- \ . h . r s - . . u _ . e . . | ' r p . e ' r c r < - . 2 5 - d e s r e e o r G e r : s r p . f i . , l

" _ '

l - g n e r j a n 8 f . - . a " \ ' , r " , e ' o , / . . o - o " i , g . , " . , , " " i c . - . ,? \ e r - r h " e e ' . o t - ' . ' " 1 ' , , 0 " r o . " . . ? " - o r i . O r . a . o " r o ,, r e e o l " d d

' r o | l . o z e " , a f : D ' r r q . g l . o , t . r o , . , ! t , \ j t l q a r d - r 8

l f . o u r . r o e . " - E ' ) l ! 8 , T l o o - I o n + r ^ \ " b ' { o ( e d e' I i "o: t i^ ra.

>ere rhe gurdel in . ' , r ro ; ' 1 ' . p 'c 1 ̂ - tp 6 Tto r -n I

r Each of these freplaces can be con-

stiucted either inside the house, oralong an outside *all.. T2ke into accouni the srze ot theroom rvhen comparing the ditrcredce invisual appearance tpresented by the

481wide firebox ofthe T48 and the

16"-nde irebox of thc T16 and liadirionaL Series Fircplaces.

^-/. Fireplace Doorsr Available eirher,jr' arched or rectansular, in Black,

Polished Bras or Antique Btas. Thcdoor frames are consttucted ot a heavygauge wclded sreeL that rvil not twist ofbend. A11 TESS Fircplace Doors in-clude an inng ser ofhigh qualirY

sceen doors which swing out for easvaccess to the nre,

;y'e...1"a ..a n""t".gular Lintel/ Bars: Lintcl bars are desisned ro sup'

pon the nasonn' used for the facing olthe fireplace. Manufactured to the sanespeciications as TESS doors, thev sillhelp guarantee proper sizing of thc fit-

Flace opening. lmportant note: TESSFireplace Doors and lintel bar shouldbe on-site befoft rhe facing naterial is

I added ro msuc correct 1ir.

4 . Fireplace Grate; TESS FneplaceI C.ates are constructed of heavY-duty

cast iron which will not mrP FifeplacegEtes ensurc befter ai. floe ro the fire,porect glass doore, and offer pmtecrionftom Logs rcLling out of the firc.



8"x1Z to ll"xlrJ



(indudiu rh. tISs



l0 lbs.

r48.? 136.i 136,7


Lt.'::.d ol Heat Erchangei

=.;-d"d rvfl"t'r*

rr --::!:-i oi \hsonry

:ii :*;.roa Cement Requiredil ,_ -- ' -r\5q 15 b. pail - #{Ml5)

j::: 3an (o suppol1 hcing:::i:a! oler fireplace opening)

-t^ attit""it


l::::: AlrAsh Dunp

.::.: l\rc & Model

9"xll'#iDl6Rll rll'#lDl61l x18" #lD{8

j'l'isi DooRs j

::::ii qrr { in.s msh

:,-a.i *,orique bra$ hamer-:rt{ r polisitd bms frane:.-::rerlar *.'bhcl hane:-'-:.erld s'antique bra$ flanc::.--inar N polished bn$ ftlme

li::::.rned fo. aU in$llations.:::s lcors ha\€ a solid ha$ vcned over a steel irne. framc. The frane dirccdy around the gla$ is black painted steel. TESS Glas Doos arcjr:-..J ro b. ured \rirhTESS LintelBaLs lno glas doors arc available fo flat arched ljntell6ALl6:15 for 16T5 Fireplace). Othdslss door$yles

:ij -- a.e available. Call vour Authorized TESS Dealer or the TESS Vemont offi.e at (E02) 728-4485 fo. additional nrfonnation.


Radiaot modeis mar be inshlhd eitbs insidc thc insulated envelope of the hour or along an outside


All helr:stoing modds should behsulled within the inlhcd tnvclopt

o{ rh. house ( withii a. i.suhed .hs.

4'slid mmon,y on sids, befrand finnr of fircphq 6"around tmrition rdion,

4" $lid mmon.v on sids. back ,nd {rontof fimpl{ei 6 doud rransitior s.rioo.

::,r-rllg\DED LSS


Siiaight #6FLl6


Straishr l6IL48 Sraisht #6IU6 straight #6FL18

150sA(Top Danper;|t"d8", #lu48i

Top Dmrr;lt"xll", #]D36;

chinney #3D36M

dampcr #lDJ6Cl

Top Danpai

11"r1i", #lDl6


lip Danpe$ aF iequned.8"x18 , #lD48r or U,xlJ". flDl6; or14" Frctub .hinnq 10" plefab .himnEdrmpe, rlD4SM Jdmpef DlbM

Optional in drse nodeis.


Glas doors are recommended lm optinunperfornance of hcat-storing models.

ZAB{8 IABJ6IAAB4E 14A8]6IAPB{8 IAPB]6IRB48 /RB]6IMB{s lM8l6lRrB48 ll?816


We Pledge Our Commitmentln 1980,1av Pirhr had an idea: apply European*tyLe nasonry heatins svstems to l,r.fla.es, sivnrs homeolvners

the pleasures ofa cnclling fire as wc11 as the usable heat

ln thc pasr rhe standard method ofbuilding a nasonry fireplace hrs been one brick a. a time- Thi\ l'l'"i''r

process produced ffrepLaces that, though beautiftl when in use, wasted note heat than thev contributcd So,in t982,lay Pithafounded TESS in order to prcvide consuncrs with hish qualnl and efllcient mason'v ffre'pLaces.In addition to the devclopment of heat-storing tftactory matcrial, rve sere able to nanuircrunnodu'lar masonry conponents which simpLified and rcduced fireplace consriucrion time

The first TESS Hcat'stoiing Fireplace, introduced in 1982, rvas hemlded as rcvolutionarv in borh desisn and

ef6cied.y. Since then, thc grorvth ofthe product line has bcen guided by our commitment |o deveioping in-

noativc and usetul nasonry prcducrs.

Visit Your TESS Dealer\{t are committcd to customet servlce and prcduct suppon through our nenrork ofqualificd dealers Your

TESS Deller will help you sclcct the fitplace systcm which qill $or[ best in lour home and rvill oiien be

able to rcfcr you to a qualified contra.tor who can bulld your TESS Fireplace. Callus in our Randolph, Vermont Sales Officc for rc{crral to your nearcst dealer, or visit our shorvroom in Kenvil, N-ew Jece1'

If 1'ou are not icratcd within convenieDt distance of a dealcr. our professional smff ivill be clad to a*st louin choosing the right fireplace for your home and arrangc shipnent of your TESS Fireplrce directlv rc a Loca-

tion ofyour choicc. \&ichever way you purchase your TESS Fiieplace, you can count on a t.ained stali per'

soD io a$ist you aloDg ihe way.

Lct us bring rhe Lishi and warnth ofa TESS Fircplace in.o your liie


(:-,L- C)--a/-,Charlie Page

Need Additional In{ormation?]lik ro our FirepLacc Spccialists durins the planning srages o{your nerv homc or rcmodeLing ptoject. A con'prehemive step'by*tep CohstructioD Guide is shipped rvith each fireplace and mat aiso be obiained lrcm )ourdealer or by calling us.

"ITESSInnovalions In Masonry

Thermal Energy Storage Systems, Inc. R.R.l Box 3,01988, TESS, ]nc. (802) 728.4185

Randolph, Vermont 05060

Printed in US.A-

""JESSInnovations In Masonry

Thermal Energy Storage Systems, Inc.RR 1, Box 3, Beanville Rd.Randolph, V€rmont 05060

(8O2) 7284485FAx (802) 728-9582

Dear Homeowner -

There is magic in a lively fire on the hearth!

We feel a sense of well-being while basking in the penetrating warmth ofthe fire; it provides uswith an opportunity for quiet contemplation. And there is an indescribable magnetism that drawsus to the fire for comfort and socializing. TESS recognizes the timeless need foi fireplaces in ahome settinB. We are aiso aware of the practical concerns that homeowners have regarding ef-ficiency, safety and value:

. the economics of investing in features which add value to a home

. the desire to build a structure that is both permanent and durable

o the requirement for clean-burning, environmentally sound products

. a need for efficient heating systems

TESS had applied modern technology to the design and construction of masonry fireplaces - atechnology that addresses all these needs in a unique and innovative way.

A Revolutionary ldea for Fireplace Construction

Instead of building a fireplace piece,by-piece with hundreds of bricks (or stone) ljke old-fashionedfireplaces, TESS.has designed pre,engineered modular masonry components that fit together quick-lyandeasily. This cuts down on construction time and diff icuky. All ofthe complex irechamberangles which normally would have to be handcrafted by a skilled mason have been built inlo thedesign, assuring you of a finished fireplace that performs consistently well.

As a permanent all-masonry structure, a TESS Fireplace adds to the value and qualjty of yourhome, And your TESS Fireplace can be faced with a wide variety of masonry materials to comple-menL your home design.

A Malor Breakthrough - TESS Efficient Heat-storing Fireplaces

TESS has developed a new generation of efficienr fireplaces by applying the principles used inEuropean masonry heatjng systems to a fireplace. The Heat-Storing models contribute significant-ly to your home's heating needs by incorporating a dense masonry-mass above the firechimber toabsorb and radiate heat that would normallv be lost Uo the flue.

A Fireplace for Everv Ne€d

TISS Radiant Fireplaces are ideal where ambiance ratherthan home hearinS is desired. They areavailable with either the modified Rumford firechamber design of the Heat.Storing models or theTraditional Series 3-sided design to reflect heat directly into the room.

The TESS Replacement System was desiSned with the assistance of chimney sweeps to renovatemasonrv fireDlaces with deteriorated metalfirebox liners. These rusted or warped fireboxes canpose saiety hazards and make a fireplace unusable. Our unique Replacement System renovatesihe fireplace without disiurbing either the existinS chimney or mantel and facing of the fireplace.

Each TESS FireDlace is completely described and illustrated in the enclosed information package.our staff. or th; Authorized TEss Dealer indicated below, will answef anv questions you may haveabout oui fireplaces. we can arrange shipments directly from our manufacturing facilitytoyourbuilding site to coincide with the building contractor's or installer's schedule. Wecanalsohelpyou, your architecl or builder/designer with technical desiSn information during the planningstages of your home Project.

You may like to read more about us in the following publications:



Thank you for your interest in TESS Fireplaces.

Your Autnonzecl I E5> ueater:

TESS Sales officeRR 1, Box 3, Beanvil le Rd.Randolph, VT 05060

January'1 987, November l 9BBJanuary 1988November 1987, ranuary 1988,

October 1988i988November 1987October 1988Spring 1983


and in The Book of Masonry Stoves by David Lyle.

TheTEss Dealer nearest you is indicated below. lfthere is nota dealer near you, wewill be happyto assist with your planning and ordering from our office in Randolph, Vermont. Outside of Dealerareas, call oui HOTLINE for technical assistance at 80G323-TESS, in Vermont call 802-728-4485.

Send for our complete Fireplace Construction Cuides:148 - 48" Heat-Storing FireplaceI36 - 36" Heat-Storing FireplaceT48 - 48" Radiant FireDlace (modified Rumford fitechamber)T36 - 36" Radiant Fireplace (modified Rumford firechamber)TS - 36"Traditional Series Fireplace {3-sided firechambet}36R - Replacement SystemEook of Masonry Stoves by David Lyle

,PJease make checks payable to TEss, Inc.


Charlie PagePresident

$ 2.00$ 2.0o$ 2.00$ 2.oo$ 2.00$ 2.00$12.9s

rccognitedInc. (NER-Q4219)

TESS f leat, Storing Fireplaces. Mote ellicient than regulor masonry fieplaces;

hest frcm the lie ts ca\tuted snd storcd in themasonr! moss, then radiated back into hone loxcaftet fie hu gone out,

. Pre.engineercd moduldr masonry cotubonents lorIast, eas! construction.

. lnnowtfue design lets lou choose the finishedoppeorance...brick, slate, tile, stone, or stu.co...tomatch your home's ilecor.

. Solid rnosonry cottstruction lot salety, dwa.bility, and enhanced rcsale talue of yolll home.

Thermal Energy Storage Systems, Inc. RFil Box 3, Beanville Rd.' Bandolph, VT 05060 802-728-4485

Tiaditionalcharm.ModernlnnovartonAdvanced engineering and outstanding features

make a TESS Heat-Storing Fireplacethe clear choice over a conventional masonry fireplace.

1 Ch.n"ytop damper seas out weather andreo-.6. ed o-. Jp L e Ue a' ie. f e r , co- ' tprere y our

Z Aodp.. to pre{abric"-pd ^ -d .hir nev or co-.e1-tona masonry l lue

J De.se r ason,y abo,. ts. fre.apt. 'es and o F,.escaping heat lor ateT reease back nto thehome. Available wth 5 or 7 heat exchangercourses

4 Pre engineered moduar masonry componenrshave all lhe comp cated flfechamber ang es builtjn, makng construction fast and easy

5 Innovalve design lets yoLr seect a facing materaof brck stone, slate, tile, or stucco to matchnome s qecor.

6 Modifed Rumford lrechamber ref ects lmmeoraleheat directly nto the room, much as a bandshelTei ects sound out to an audience.

7 Two szes from which to choose to match roomsize and desired heat outputr l\,4odel 148 has a48" wide f rebox, wh e fvlodel 136 has a 36" widefirebox.

d O- l 'dF d n le l s -pp es cor b . ' lo d ' ro r o . ' -sde the house to ensure lively fires without robDrng warm room arr .

V A comple te r^e o 'op lons arcued or rec ta^g- ld rglass doors avallable n antque brass polshedbrass, or black, linte bars refractory mortar, loggrates, ch mney offsets, and outs de a r kits.

Thermal Energy Storage Syslems has ong been lhe pioneeri- l i replace nnov6l ior in rhe Urr led Slares. l r addlon lo lheTESS Heat-Stor ng F'replaces. oJr drverse I re of oua ilyrnodular masonry products inc udes:. the TESS B.dlant Fllsplaces thal combine economy,

flexibility and ease ol conslruction,. the TESS Tradltlonal Serlos Flreplace, an economical

a le.nar ve Io converlio']a nasonry consl'Jclion.. the unique TESS Flr€placo R6placement System lhal

enables restoration of rnasonry flreplaces having deleriorated

Your TESS Aulhorzed Dealer can help you delermine whlchnoou ar maso'rry ' rep ace besr sLi ls your needs a-d orovidFanswe's lo yoJr .onslrucl or oueslrors. We also oiferBuilder/Architecl iniormation packages on reqlesl.

Model 136and Model 148

Yonr TESS Authorized Dealer:

€ 1939, ThemalFnersy sto6s€ sysi€ms Inc. Pfnred nu.s.A