teradata connect 2014 unofficial summary

14 slides Stamford Bridge, London 3-4 June 2014 an (unofficial) summary in only

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Teradata connect is conference on the power of data-driven digital marketing. The conference had a number of inspiring keynotes from Google, Facebook, Wired and Virgin Galactic to name a few. This is an unofficial summary perspective on the conference...that from an Australian technology startup - www.localz.co. Key takeaways: 1. Customer data is like a currency - access is earned through demonstrated value 2. Technology is re-enabling the era of personalised, contextually relevant interactions…but at mass scale 3. Data savvy businesses will win


Page 1: Teradata Connect 2014 Unofficial Summary

14 slides

Stamford Bridge, London 3-4 June 2014

an (unofficial) summary

in only

Page 2: Teradata Connect 2014 Unofficial Summary

Back in university (90’s), I was the lone geek that brought a laptop to every class; typing was faster than writing and it’s easier to search and share. As a bonus, sharing notes usually resulted in free beer from classmates. !With that in mind, the following is my summary perspective and notes from the Teradata Connect 2014 conference in just 14 slides. This deliverable has not been endorsed by Teradata, the conference organisers or speakers. !Feel free to get me a craft beer at the next conference ;-) !Many thanks to Teradata for hosting an outstanding conference and to the speakers for their inspiring talks. !Cheers from the land down under, !Pete Williams [email protected]

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Customer data is like a currency - access is earned through demonstrated value

Technology is re-enabling the era of personalised, contextually relevant interactions…but at mass scale

Data savvy businesses will win

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Facebook bought WhatsApp for $19b in 2013; WhatsApp total advertising spend since founding - $0.00 who speaks with whom what they speak about if you know content, you can do 1:1 marketing

!We’re entering the era of datafication

every product and service will generate and send data that information will be used to drive contextually relevant experiences !

Digitisation makes data cheap and abundant !Big data is a business and marketing topic - not just tech !Used properly, data can

reduce fraud win more customers drive more revenue

!Knowing your customer will be key; make it

relevant personalised contextual

!Building trust and value is essential

customers are suppliers of data access to data has to be earned - demonstrate value data is the new currency, treat it as such

Hermann Wimmer !

President International Teradata

!Opening keynote

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Overall advertising budgets have not risen but companies are looking for same or better results !How do I get a unified view of a customer - a 360 view? !Facebook has been the winner in social media advertising spend with $8b in revenue - a 10x increase in 4 years !Just 18% of marketers have a single customer view and only 10% take advantage of this !Less than 10% of marketers use their data in for strategic use those that do are recognising an uplift in engagement !There is a fundamental shift in the marketing landscape

data is becoming the biggest asset we’re moving to integrated, consistent messaging - tell the same story across all channels

Volker Wiewer !

Vice President International, Marketing

Applications Teradata

!Opening keynote

2005 2013

total US advertising spend $157b $160b

% online advertising 8% 25%

“ We think of data as the customer’s voice. It’s telling us what works and what doesn’t work. Data is the lifeblood of the

business. We always begin with data.” Riley Newman,

Head of Data Science, Aribnb

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Personalisation it's what we did in the past and it's where we're going !In the late 50’s we replaced personal relationships with brands enter the era of Mad Men marketing !This is the beginning of a renaissance we’re adopting (mobile & internet) technology to make it personal again !Mobiles outnumber people 7b phones in existence, 1.75b are smartphones !FB is now a mobile first company !50% of online time is mobile Adoption has been crazy fast

67 years for 1b TVs smartphones - 5 years tablets - 2 years

!Show real value for your audience, else loss of trust (and data)

Nicola Mendelsohn !

Vice President Facebook - EMEA

!Reaching the connected


FB lessons always go where consumer are marketing for, not at people get to insight first focus on content, not devices

Make it relevant respectful rewarding

Make marketing personal again, the tools are there to do it at scale

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We are all mobile most consumers have 2nd/3rd screens (during TV) !We are less attentive to ads always multitasking !The smartphone is becoming the mobile laptop but users are selective on smartphone apps Getting to a customer requires a central topic !Complete transparency is required for today’s advertising measuring effectiveness is essential go beyond Excel - integrated Ad testing frameworks be fast and repair a bad campaign !We want you to talk with us (not at us)

Harald Kratel !

Partner and MD mlv Werbeagentur

!LOST! Digital Marketing

in a fragmented media world

average # of apps used per month


will not leave home without their smartphone


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on Growth Hackers & Data Scientists !Barriers to entry have collapsed anyone can be a marketer anyone can set up a store !WhatsApp lessons what can you do to simplify the experience what can you take away…not add !A/B testing to drive decisions use data and metrics to ensure alignment !Only by measuring do you know the answer - Obama campaign !Remove friction! eg, scan credit cards rather than type on mobile !We are getting to a more human way of interaction there is no offline anymore everything will be connected

David Rowan !

Editor Wired UK

!How tech is changing how

marketing works

strategy result $300k in traditional ads 3,000 users in 6mo !“try this” to bottom of email 1m users in 6mo 12m users in 18 mo


what makes things go viral?

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Few business have a single view of their customers !Have a contextual view of customer at time it matters !Never underestimate the importance of a Proof of Concept !There is little understanding of what works, PoCs have 2 benefits 1) provides an objective case study to validate value 2) creates bottom up stories from workforce !Trials, PoCs = awesome sauce! but… make sure it's customer facing to get real learnings !Even with a PoC, ensure you have the right level of support Who is your exec sponsor?

!Maggie Buggie

!VP & Global Head of

Digital Sales and Markets Capgemini

!Using digital intelligently

to get you two steps ahead

increase in productivity over 12 months for business that embrace digital


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Business Intelligence: use information to make the enterprise smarter Customer Intelligence: provide information directly to customers for personal decisions making !It’s not just for business, consider this government mandate "open and machine readable...the new default for government information" Barack Obama !We are in an open data revolution open data initiatives shave the potential to create huge economic benefits across all industries eg, over $3m jobs in USA are directly dependent on the availability of open GPS data in US economy alone, this data is estimated to create $90B per year !A framework for assessing openness Accessibility: who is allowed access Machine readable: how easy it to process data Cost: how much $$$ to access Rights: what limits exist on the use, transformation and distribution of data !Mobile devices are the perfect tool to collect crowd sourced data everyone has them they are GPS enabled cool for non techies easy to develop apps for collection

!Stephen Brobst


Teradata Corporation !

How to Innovate in the Age of Big Data

"The future belongs to the companies who turn data into products” Mike Loukides

VP Content Strategy, O'Reilly

McKinsey Report

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!Stephen Attenborough

! Commercial Director

Virgin Galactic !

Virgin Galactic - Making the Future Now

Never underestimate the power of a story


Have a relationship with the public and sell a story

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database of intentions: a catalogue of peoples needs and desires collected by online searches vs. database of infinity: peoples tasted and preferences collected by observations of their social behaviour !The DB of affinity can bring the same discipline to brand advertising that the DB of intention brought to direct marketing !Consider Ad formats that create brand impact support storytelling, not closing a sale !!!!!!!!!How can you use this today use affinity to define your message eg, star wars dolby twitter message, how we relate to your passions use affinity data to find lookalikes identify correlations to identify unobvious relationships reward the vendors who offer affinity eg, google affinity segments, to align adwords and youtube targeted messaging with ads Combine your data with theirs (social media) but beware; consider data leakage and potential brand damage

Luca Paderni !

VP Research Director Marketing Research

Forrester !

How To Exploit The Database Of Affinity

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Keys to standing out in social media (twitter) !Information, insight, humour it’s about serendipity and presence tweet amusingly !Topicality join the conversation timing is key - be ready to respond !Live tweeting making the second screen work !Events and formats !Originality !Images and vines everything is getting more visual, more likely for sharing !Be Creative and Courageous! it makes the difference

David Schneider !

Comedy writer and performer

!Cutting through with

social - twitter

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Majority of revenue is influenced by mobile !Push notifications are the ideal tool to combine mobile marketing and the unique benefits of immediacy but…if you can't say anything valuable, don't say anything at all !4 steps 1) earn your place on mobile it’s the most valuable real estate on planet ! 2) Not every push deserves a shove push drives immediacy use badges to indicate something ! 3) Using location to deliver content iBeacons 4) integrate mobile in your total brand experience leverage information for later context 30% of people fail to use information they collect on customers know whats in it for consumer to share location data

Nigel Arthur !

Managing Director EMEA Urban Airship

!Ignite all consumer

interactions with mobile context

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!Offline and online shopping experiences are merging !Customers are looking beyond price and discounts…for a better experience !Consider a world where you know what customer wanted before entering the store you know their shipping habits you know about their likes & dislikes you know what they previously purchased !Optimise your customer engagement to create a unique experience Simple contextual personalisation like iBeacons to trigger events !Leading use behaviour scoring to link events Segmentation scoring … how do customers act, and likely to act Hotels4u mobile optimisation experience 59% increase in hotel searches & 16% increase in conversion !!If you understand the behaviour and they’re likely to convert without a discount, why give money away?

Simon Bloom !

Strategic Alliances & Partner Sales Director

EMEA Webtrends

!Is online shopping more about value than price

consumers say they prefer buying from retailers that cater to their preferences


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The best way to predict the future is to invent it !The next 5b user are coming - are you ready? !By 2020 - all will be connected !Survivors will use data to inform decision as best as they can !Beware the HIPPO! highest paid person's opinion….the most dangerous person in the room empower the conversation through data !Use A/B testing with data to determine best results !Google is always running about 60 experiments on the customer experience Google's hyperlink blue color ;) change was worth $200m in added business !Google uses data to identify unobvious associations & relationships ‘Jaguar’ search results to predict corresponding car sales volume !Consumers have changed !Data is exploding !Data savvy businesses will win

Dan Cobley !

Managing Director UK & Ireland

Google !

Winning with data in a changing world

Google correlate what searches relate to a given data set

Google (World Lense) Live language translation - WOW!

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