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teoria fce temas 1,2,3


Unidad 1 y 2

3Unidad 1 -3


31.-Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous

42.-Adjectives ending in -ed and ing

73.-Words used with make and do

85.-Comparatives and superlatives

96.-Expect, hope and wait

97.-Giving your opinion

108.-Past simple, past continuous and used to

119.-Travel, Journey, trip y way

1210.-At, in or on in time phrases

1311.- Present perfect simple and continuous


20Phrasal verbs

Unidad 1 -3Gramtica

1.-Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous

1.1 Present perfect continuous (the activity is not complete )Esta forma verbal se emplea cuando interesa destacar la accin en s misma ms que el resultado; no se precisa si la accin ha finalizado o no (la accin comenz en el pasado y puede que acabe de terminar o que incluso contine).

I have been reading a book (resalto lo que he estado haciendo; no indico si he finalizado el libro o no)

Este tiempo se utiliza tambin para indicar la duracin de una accin que comenz en el pasado (y que acaba de finalizar o an contina).

I have been playing tennis for two hours

I have been waiting for him for 1 hour (puede que la otra persona acabe de llegar o que yo an siga esperando; el contexto determinar un sentido u otro)

El empleo de este tiempo indica que el emisor considera que la duracin ha sido larga.

1.2 Present perfect simple (the activity us complete but the time isnt complete)Describe una accin que comenz en el pasado y que acaba de finalizar. Pone el nfasis en el resultado y no en la accin en si misma.

I have read a book (destaco que he ledo un libro, que lo he terminado, y no el hecho de haber dedicado un tiempo a la lectura).

En el siguiente ejemplo se puede observar la diferencia entre estas dos formas verbales:

I have done my homework (indico que ya lo he finalizado)

I have been doing my homework (indico la actividad que he estado desarrollando; no informo de si he terminado mis deberes o no)

Se utiliza tambin para indicar cuantas acciones se han realizado en un tiempo determinado.

Today I have read ten books

El empleo de este tiempo informa indirectamente sobre el presente, ya que conlleva que la situacin no ha cambiado.

He has gone to Canada (esta persona sigue en Canada o est de viaje hacia all; en cualquier caso todava no ha regresado)

I have broken my leg (la pierna sigue rota; an no ha sanado)

Si no se da informacin sobre el presente hay que utilizar el "past simple".

He went to Canada (no se informa de si l sigue all o ya volvi)

I broke my leg (puede que la pierna ya est curada o que an siga rota)

En aquellos verbos en los que no se utiliza la forma continua hay que recurrir en todos estos supuestos al "present perfect simple"

2.-Adjectives ending in -ed and ing

2.1 "-ed" Adjectives (Adjetivos terminados en "-ed") Describe how the person feels about something.Los adjetivos que terminan en "-ed" indican o describen emociones. Estos adjetivos suelen acabar en "-ado", "-ido" o "-edo" en espaol y van despus del verbo "estar".


John is interested in art. (John est interesado en el arte.)Denise was bored in class. (Denise estaba aburrida en clase.)Luke is excited about his new job. (Luke est emocionado con su nuevo empleo.)2.2 "-ing" Adjectives (Adjetivos terminados en "-ing") Describe the persono r thing which produces the feeling.Los adjetivos que terminan en "-ing" indican o describen una caracterstica de algo o alguien. A diferencia de los adjetivos que terminan en "-ed", no hay regla en espaol para formar estos adjetivos y van despus del verbo "ser".

Ejemplos:John is an interesting person. (John es una persona interesante.)The class was boring so Denise fell asleep. (La clase era aburrida asi que Denise se durmi.)Luke started an exciting new job. (Luke acaba de empezar un nuevo empleo emocionante.)Nota: Como hemos mencionado anteriormente, el uso de un adjetivo en vez de otro cambia el sentido de la frase.

Ejemplos:Steve is embarrassed. (Steve est avergonzado.)Steve is embarrassing. (Steve es vergonzoso.)A continuacin tienes una lista de algunos de los adjetivos ms comunes terminados en "-ed" y "-ing".

"-ed" AdjetivoEspaol"-ing" AdjetivoEspaol



















































3.-Words used with make and do

3.1 MakeCrear o producir algo.

3.2 DoDesarrollar una actividad o trabajo.

3.3 Examples



an attempt

a bed

a change/changes

a comment

a complaint

a declaration

a deal

a discovery

a difference / an exception

an effort

an enquiry

an excuse

fun of something/somebody

an impression

a mistake


an offer

a point

a presentation

a profit


a reservation

room for something (find place for)

a speech

a statement

a suggestion

sure / certain

a telephone call

a treat a Choice

a decision


a Noise

a copy

a promise

a mess

a meal

the accounts

an assignment


one's best

the crosswords


a degree / a course

drugs (consume/use)

your duty


a favour

the gardening

a good turn

good / harm

a good job

your homework

a lesson

a job


military service

your nails / hair / make-up

a project


(something) right/wrong

the shopping

a test

a translation

well / badly


without something

a sport

the Cleaning

the housework

the ironing

4.- QuestionsHow was your weekend?

What did you do?

Where did you go?

Who did you go with?

How long did you go for?

Did you have a good weekend?

5.-Comparatives and superlatives5.1 1 Syllable and 2 Syllables


1 syllableSmaller

BiggerThe smallest

The biggest

2 syllablesHappierMore beautifulThe happiestThe most beautiful

These rules are the same for adjectives and adverbs.5.2 IrregularGood


the best



the worst

5.3 others comparatives

As + adj/adv + as

Not + so/as + adj/adv + as

Less/least + adj

Much/far/a lot + adj/adv + er/more + adj/adv

Slightly/a bit/ a little

Not quite as

Rather than

6.-Expect, hope and wait

6.1 Expect

Se utiliza cuando crees algo va a ocurrir. Por ejemplo, Mara siempre llega tarde a la fiesta, y no crees que llegue temprano I expect that Mara is going to arrive late.6.2 hope

Cuando deseas que ocurra algo. I hope Ill win de Lotery.

6.3 wait

Ests esperando algo (fsicamente). Im waiting for my result. I waiting for the new information.7.-Giving your opinion

8.-Past simple, past continuous and used to

8.1 Past simple

Completed action in the past. We use past simple to talk about: Actions or events in the past: I visited Egypt last Year.

Actions or events which happened one after another: I saw the Pyramids then I went round the Cairo Museum and later I went to a traditional restaurant.

Things which happened for a long time in the past: She lived in Zurich for ten years from 2003 to 2013.8.2 past continuous

Started in the past and continues until an event in the past. Example: He was riding his motorbike when it broke down. We use past continuous to talk about: An activity which started before and continued until an event in the past: He was riding to school when his motorbike broken down.

An activity which started before and continued after an event in the past. I was watching television when the news was announced.8.3 Used to Situation or states in the past which are not true now. Example: I used to go to the school. We use used to talk about: Situations or states in the past which are not true now: My maths teacher used to be in the army.

Repeated activities or habits in the past which do not happen now: she used to run in the London Marathon every year until she injured her leg.

When we want to talk about habits in the present, we use the present simple with an advert like usually, every day: I usually drink tea with my lunch. He catches the same train every day.

9.-Travel, Journey, trip y way

9.1 Travel

Significa viajar .Es un verbo y no se puede usar como sustantivo. 9.2 Trip Significa viaje, y se utiliza para viajes cortos de un fin de semana o cosas as.9.3 JourneySignifica trayecto. Se utiliza para hablar cuando viajas de un sitio a otro

9.4 Way

Camino o ruta que usas para ir de ir de un sitio a otro

9.5 Examples

1. The journey was scary, I though we were going to crash.

2. I went on a weekend trip to Barcelona.

3. On the way home, can you call for some beer, please?

4. I travelled to Madrid last weekend

5. We travelled for eight hours. It was the longest journey.

10.-At, in or on in time phrases

10.1 At

We use at with:1. Points of time: At three oclock, at the end of the lesson, at midnight.

2. Mealtimes: We can meet at breakfast.

3. The weekend, Christmas and Easter: Why dont we got o the cinema at the weekend?

4. Night when talking about nights in general: I prefer to study at night because it is quieter.

10.2 In

We use in:

1. For periods of time: In 2014, in April, in the summer, in the 19th century.

2. For parts of the day: Paola often has a short sleep in the afternoon. (But Paula slept for two hours on Sunday afternoon).

3. To say the period of time before something happens or how long something takes: Ill be going to university in six weeks time. He did the writing task in just 13 minutes.

10.3 OnWe use on:

1. For particular dates, parts of days or types of days: He was born on July 13th.whats are you doing on Sunday night?. I got married on a sunny day in August.11.- Present perfect simple and continuousBoth the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous talk about something which started in the past and: Either has a result in the present: hes twisted his ankle, so he cant play football with us this afternoon. Ive been partying all weekend, so Im feeling tired now.

Or is still happening now: Weve been building an extension to our house (and we havent finished yet).Often they are interchangeable. However:

11.1 the present perfect simple:

Emphasises the result: Ive phoned all my friends and theyre coming to the party.

Says how much of an activity is complete: Ive written two essays.11.2 The present perfect continuous

Emphasises the action: Ive been phoning my friends (and thats why havent done my homework).

Says how long the activity has been in progress: Ive been studying all afternoon.

12.- Diferencia entre gone y been12.1 Been

Lo utilizamos para indicar que una persona ha ido y ha vuelto de un sitio.

12.2 Gone

Se utiliza para indicar que ha ido a un sitio pero no ha vuelto.

Writing1.-Linking words

1.1 to show contrastEnglishSpanish

Even thoughA pesar de que


WhereasMientras que

HoweverSin embargo


In contrastPor el contrario, a direrencia

On the other handPor otro lado

1.2 to show similarlyEnglishSpanish

SimilarlySimilarmente, de manera similar

LikeComo (comparative).


In a similar wayDe manera similar

likewiseIgualmente, as mismo.

1.3 to give examples


For examplePor ejemplo

e.g.Abreviatura de por ejemplo

Such asTal como, como, parecido

For instancePor ejemplo

1.4 to express result


SoA s que, por lo que.


ConsequentlyPor consiguiente, entonces

ThereforePor lo tanto, por eso

As a resultComo resultado, como consecuencia

thusAs, por consiguiente

1.5 to express reasons


becausePorque,debido a, por causa de

sincePorque, dado que, ya que

Due toDebido a

That is whyEs por eso que

1.6 to express sequence



To start withEmpezar con

ThenEntonces,despus, en ese momento.

After thisDespus de esto

AfterwardsDespus, luego, ms tarde

FinallyPor fin, de manera definitiva

lastlyFinalmente, por ltimo

1.7 to clarify/explainEnglishSpanish

In other wordsen otras palabras, dicho de otro modo

That is to sayo sea, es decir

Another wayde otro modo, de otra manera

1.8 to conclude


In shortEn sntesis, para resumir, en pocas palabras

BrieflyEn pocas palabras, en resumen

To sum upPara resumir

To summarisePara resumir

In conclusionEn conclusion

1.9 to add information


AndY, y tambin

AlsoTambin, adems

In additionadems

BesidesAdems, aparte

Not onlybut alsoNo solo sino tambin




AffairAsunto, aventura, reunion

Starting offIniciar, comenzar

Play on (the playstation, wiietc)Jugar con (la playstation, wii).


Get on withContinuar haciento algo, especialmente un trabajo.

Do upRedecorar, renovar

Clear upLimpiar, ordenar

Go onContinuar

Wear outAgotar, cansar

Pick upRecoger a alguien, recoger algo.


Nothing elseNada ms. Se dice cuando terminas una frase.

Household task/choresTareas domesticas

Cook o prepare mealCocinar o preparar comida

TidyOrdinar, limpiar

Do the cleaningLimpiar la clasa

Dust the furnitureLimpiar el polvo

Make the bedHacer la cama

Hang the washing out to dryTender la colada para secar

Sweep the floorFregar el suelo

Wash the dishesFregar los platos

Mop the floorBarrer el suelo

Do the washing uplavar

Do the ironingplanchar

Set the table/ Lay the tablePoner la mesa

Clear the tableQuitar la mesa

Take out the bins/rubbishSacar la basura


Doing the choresHacienda las tareas

Have a duty to helpTener el deber de ayudar

Bag pipesgaitas


PromenadePaseo martimo

Treadmillcinta de correr


CirculateHacer un circulo

No have a clueNo tener ni idea

Take riskHacer cosas peligrosas

Have a gointentar

Take upPrimera vez que haces algo

Keep a promiseMantener una promesa

Get hold ofConseguir

Make upInventar

Sum upResumir


ApproachAcercarse, aproximarse

TreatTratar, invitar, sorpresa

Lack of respectFalta de respeto


To holdEsperar, contener

Bring upSacar un tema

Untidy roomHabitacin desordenada

fairJusto, imparcial,feria.

Run the shopEstar a cargo de



NearbyCerca, prximo.

ImpressiveImpresionante, impactante.

LeisureOcio,tiempo libre



Window-shoppingIr de escaparates

EncourageAnimar, alentar

RequireRequerir, demandar

DistractDistraer, entretener


Head offSalir, irse, desviar

clamberTrepar(con out sera salir trepando).

ShotArruinado, herido, daado(con off es salir disparado).



Heap ofPila o montn de

ElatedExultante, eufrico

WakingSoar despierto

Starting upPuesta en marcha


SmackBofetada, torta, golpear

BendDoblar, inclinarse



CookeryCocina(de cocinar, no la cocina fisica)

Keen CookCocinero aficionado


ComplainQuejarse, reclamar

Come aroundPasarse, dejarse caer



DreadfulTerrible, espantoso

SuperbMagnfico, soberbio

Time-consumingPrdida de tiempo, que lleva tiempo



RelyDepender, confiar

Go off(explode)Explotar

Put off(postpone)posponer

Let someone offExcusar a alguien para hacer algo

Show off(boast)presumir

Set offSalir, partir, empezar un viaje

Cut offdesconectar


CampingsiteSitio de acampada

TentTienda de campaa




HikeCaminata,escursin a pie

ChinneyCasa rural


City breakDesconectar en un pequeo viaje a la ciudad

SightseeingIr a ver esculturas, puntos de interes

Youth hostelHostal barato que compartes habitacion y bao.

Guest houseCasa de invitados

Rural houseCasa rurarl


cabinCabina(como la de mijas)

SlopePista de esqui

Half boardMedia pension

All inclusiveTodo incluido, pensin completa

SunbathTomar el sol

Selft-cateringTe llevas tu comida

Themed hostelHostal tematico

RollercoasterMontaa rusa

Make the most of your timeAprovechar el tiempo


JailCarcel, encarcelar

OverlandIr por tierra, por carretera

ForthcomingPrximo viaje

HomewardLa vuelta de un viaje

OutwardLa ida de un viaje

Round tripViaje de ida y vuelta

ExtendedMuy largo

UnawareNo conocer, ignorer,no ser consciente


StingPicadura, pinchazo, ardor

Bothered to mentionVale la pena mencinar

Sea-snakesCulebra marina



Kicking toddlerNio pataleando


legroomEspacio par alas piernas

counterArgumentar,mostrador, ventanilla

groanedCrujir, quejarse

Palm treePalmeras


Force someone to do somethingObligor a alguin a hacer algo.

UnderwearRopa interior


sunshineLuz del sol


staresMirar fijamente, quedarse mirando


sprungDe muelles, de resortes

ReckonPensar, creer

Frozen wastesTierras heladas

Phrasal verbsPrhasal verbDescription

Clear upMake a place tidy by removing things from it or putting where they should be

Do upRepair or decorate a building so that it looks attractive

Go forChoose

Go onContinue

Pick upCollect (or go and get) someone or something

Wear outMake someone extremely tired

Get on withContinue doing something, specially work

(not) have a clueHave any idea/knowledge

Have a goTry to do something

Get hold ofObtain something (conseguir, hacerse con, pillar a alguien).

Take upWhen start a new hobby or activity (sports)

Have a goTry something

Take riskDo something dangerous

Make upTell a story thats not true/make an excuse

Keep a promiseYou give your word in something and you do it.

Not have a clueBe completely unable to guess, understand or deal with something

Sum upDescribe the important facts or characteristics about something or someone Written in a few words

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