tending the garden in non-classroom settings

Tending the Garden in Non-Classroom Settings Mark Tateosian Anoka-Hennepin Schools November 18, 2013 Metro SW-PBIS Winter Training

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Tending the Garden in Non-Classroom Settings. Mark Tateosian Anoka-Hennepin Schools November 18, 2013 Metro SW-PBIS Winter Training. Outcomes. Be able to articulate the main features of PBIS and how “managing non-classroom settings” fits in. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Tending the Garden in Non-Classroom Settings

Mark TateosianAnoka-Hennepin SchoolsNovember 18, 2013Metro SW-PBIS Winter Training

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1. Be able to articulate the main features of PBIS and how “managing non-classroom settings” fits in.

2. Be able to identify non-classroom settings and explain how they differ from classroom settings.

3. Be able to describe at least specific 3 strategies for managing non-classroom settings.

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Outcomes (cont.)

4. As a team, be able to develop and implement procedures for managing non-classroom settings with respect to:

• the Basic Management Considerations and Practices listed on p.80 of the workbook,

• the Guidelines on p. 81 of the workbook.

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How will we get there?

1. A metaphor and review2. Non-classroom definition and

examples3. Managing non-classroom

settings4. Supported planning

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A metaphor for the work:

How is managing non-classroom settings like tending a garden?

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Garden Logic

(Modified from Zins & Ponti, 1990)

Successful plants

are linked to


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Systems Logic

(Zins & Ponti, 1990)

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Successful Behaviors


School Climate



Laying the foundation for PBIS (managing non-classroom settings, for example) is like

fertilizing a garden.

Garden/ Systems Logic

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How does “managing non-classroom settings” fit in with

the features of PBIS?

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SupportingStaff Behavior

SupportingStudent Behavior







How do we

approach our


SupportingDecision Making

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5 Systems

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Tiers of Interventions Strategies

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1. Be able to articulate the main features of PBIS and how “managing non-classroom settings” fits in.

2. Be able to identify non-classroom settings and explain how they differ from classroom settings.

3. Be able to describe at least specific 3 strategies for managing non-classroom settings.

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Outcomes (cont.)

4. As a team, be able to develop and implement procedures for managing non-classroom settings with respect to:

• the Basic Management Considerations and Practices listed on p.80 of the workbook,

• the Guidelines on p. 81 of the workbook.

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Non-classroom Problem Behavior Examples

• Crowding at stairs and in hallways• Fighting at lunchtime• Teasing on the playground• Pushing in the halls before school• Leaving a mess in the lunchroom

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• Particular times or places where supervision is emphasized– Cafeteria, hallways, playgrounds, bathrooms– Buses & bus loading zones, parking lots– Study halls, library, “free time”– Assemblies, sporting events, dances

• Where instruction is not available as a behavior management tool

Non-classroom Settings

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Classroom vs. Non-classroom

• Classroom– Teacher directed– Instructionally focused– Small # of predictable


• Non-classroom– Student focused– Social focus– Large # of unpredictable


Workbook p.80

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At your table can you agree and explain you position?

Classroom or Non-classroom?1. Lunchtime in the cafeteria

2. Class field trip to the theater

3. School library with 3 teachers and their students

4. Bus loading

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1. Be able to articulate the main features of PBIS and how “managing non-classroom settings” fits in.

2. Be able to identify non-classroom settings and explain how they differ from classroom settings.

3. Be able to describe at least specific 3 strategies for managing non-classroom settings.

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Outcomes (cont.)

4. As a team, be able to develop and implement procedures for managing non-classroom settings with respect to:

• the Basic Management Considerations and Practices listed on p.80 of the workbook,

• the Guidelines on p. 81 of the workbook.

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Managing Non-classroom


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Workbook p.80

Basic Management Considerations

Basic Management Practices

• Physical/environmental arrangements

• Routines and expectations

• Staff behavior and practices

• Student behavior

• Teach directly expected behaviors and routines in context

• Actively supervise (scan, move, interact)

• Pre-correct and remind

• Positively reinforce expected behavior

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Considerations(What can be changed?)

Physical environmen


Routines & expectation


Staff behavior

Student behavior

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Supervise Actively (Scan, Move, Interact)

Pre-correct (Remind Early)

Positively Reinforce

Teach Expectations &


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Physical / Environmental Arrangements

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Serving Area

Lunch Line

Hungry Students

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Serving Area

Lunch Line

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Making the Preferred Choice Fun

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White Space

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What Physical / Environmental Arrangements can you make that

would help your school?

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Students are ready to leave when buses are called.

Stay with the class until bus is called.

Walk quietly with staff to bus.

Sit in assigned seat quietly.

Keep hands and feet to yourself.

Follow all staff instructions.

Dismissal Routine

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Entering the Cafeteria

• Each class is assigned a specific time to go the cafeteria (e.g. 11:00, 11:04, 11:08). This eliminates long lines and substantially reduces disruptive behaviors.

• An enter and exit traffic pattern is followed. Students bringing their own lunch go directly to their assigned table.

• All students are assigned seats.

• A cup is placed on the table for the first 5 minutes, indicating no talking to ensure lunch is eaten. Aides keep time so cups are removed after 5 minutes.

• 5 minute timers are also placed on the tables, so students can monitor how long they need to stay quiet.

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Routine1.Walk into assembly quietly.2.Stay with your class.3.Sit in one spot during assembly.4.Keep hands and feet to yourself.5.Quiet mouth6.Clap appropriate.7.Leave quietly with your class.

Assembly Routine

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Where could routines help your school?

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Teach directly expected

routines in context

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1.Discuss steps to routine and guide students through each.

2.Write the steps as discussed.3.Review sequence of routine.4.Copy icons and have the students

write a sentence to form a book of routines. (maybe a guided writing activity?)

Teaching ExamplesExample:

• A student follows the steps to the cafeteria routine.

Non examples: • A student goes in the “out”

door.• A student jumps ahead of

others in line.• A student is loud in the


After the LessonRemind the students of the routine before leaving the classroom and while in the cafeteria.

5. Role play routine in class, and practice the routine.

6. Teacher role play and make mistakes so the students can verbally correct.

7. Show icon and have the students label the step.

8. Cut the sentence from the icon, and play memory matching icon to sentence.

9. Make two copies of icons and play memory.

10.Discuss how to be safe, be respectful, and be cooperative in the cafeteria.

11. State expectation and have student state if it is safe, respectful, or cooperative.

Cafeteria RoutineTeaching Activity

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Teaching ExamplesExample:

• A student follows the steps to the assembly routine.

Non examples: • A student moves from seat to seat.• A student is loud during the


1.Brainstorm steps to routine and guide students to the steps listed.

2.Write the steps as discussed.3.Review sequence of routine.4.Copy icons and have the students

write a sentence to form a book of routines. (maybe a guided writing activity?)

5.Role play routine in class, and practice the routine.

1.Teacher role play and make mistakes so students can verbally correct.

2.Show icon and have the student label the step.

3.Cut the sentence from the icon, and play memory matching icon to sentence.

4.Make two copies of icons and play memory.

5.Discuss how to be safe, be respectful, and be cooperative in the assembly.

6.State expectation and student state if it is safe, respectful, or cooperative.

Assembly RoutineTeaching Activity

After the LessonRemind the students of the routine before leaving the classroom and in the assembly.

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The Crazy Stairwell Landing

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Video for Staff Training• Hallway, Library (start at 2:00) – Also example

of staff training.

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How could you teach non-classroom routines at your


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Precorrect and Remind

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Waukee HS PBIS Proper Assembly Behavior

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Identify & analyze setting in which problem behavior is most likely to occur.• Behavior triggers & function of behaviors• Expected & acceptable behaviors

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PrecorrectionBefore•Modify setting•Check-in w/ student•(Re)teach & remind•Reinforce•Re-direct

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PrecorrectionDuring•Monitor & reinforce•Re-direct

After•Reinforce •Revise, (re)teach, remind

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Positively reinforce expected behavior

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Polar Table Tunes Is Here!

Do you like music?

Do you like lunch?

Do you like music at lunch?

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Try “Polar Table Tunes.”

Here’s how it works.

Each day, after lunch, the cafeteria is checked for clean tables.

After 5 days of 100% clean tables, we get music.

It’s that simple! Let’s show how Polars can take care of their space, and get music, too.

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Earn yours by showing commitment to:

Caring CommunityAcademic Excellence

Personal Integrity

Used to Reward Individual

Students and Tables

“Approximating Results”

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• Is your recognition system working?

• What non-classroom location or behavior could be targeted with your recognition system?

• Would a location-specific recognition system help?

• What data can you collect to monitor your recognition efforts?

For Your Consideration

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Actively Supervise

Critical features & essential practices

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Did I positively interact with most students?

• Variety of interaction types– Social positives & acknowledging School-wide

behavior expectation• Variety of students• Quick• Noticeable• Publicly appropriate

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Teachers report that when students are greeted by an adult in the morning, it takes less time to complete morning routines & get the first lesson started.

“Good morning”

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• Individualized• Informative• Sincere

Did I positively acknowledge at least 5 different students for

displays of School-wide expectations?

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• Have more positive student contacts than negative

• Use variety of contact forms

• For example: smile, handshake, greeting, etc.

Did I have at least 4 positive contacts for each negative

student contact?

“4 to 1”

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Fight Referrals by Month


Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May

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Fight Referrals by Month


Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May

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Fight Referrals by Month

Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May

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Active Supervision Video Resource Samples of Videos Available for

PurchaseHigh Schoolhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=rCqIzeU-0hQ

Middle Schoolhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=95YA8mfY-2c&NR=1

High Schoolhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JB2xSf-S58&list=PLLi08AejqezrLrF4SqZBHKaDOa1bPTp84

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• Who needs to get trained?

• Who will do the training?

• When will the training occur?

• How will you train them?

• How will active supervision be monitored to make sure it is occurring?

For Your Consideration

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• Individually complete the Supervision Self-assessment (p.82) . Discuss results with your team.

• Update your team action plan to train staff on Active supervision. Please include:• Method of training• Materials needed• Personnel needed to do the training• Any available data (Big 5?) that might

inform you training• Prepare to share your progress with


For Your Planning

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SWPBS Workbook p.82

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SWPBS Workbook p.83

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SWPBS Workbook p.81

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SWPBS Workbook p.80

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What did we do?

1. A metaphor and review2. Non-classroom definition and

examples3. Managing non-classroom

settings4. Supported planning

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1. Be able to articulate the main features of PBIS and how “managing non-classroom settings” fits in.

2. Be able to identify non-classroom settings and explain how they differ from classroom settings.

3. Be able to describe at least specific 3 strategies for managing non-classroom settings.

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Outcomes (cont.)

4. As a team, be able to develop and implement procedures for managing non-classroom settings with respect to:

• the Basic Management Considerations and Practices listed on p.80 of the workbook,

• the Guidelines on p. 81 of the workbook.

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Ready, Set, Grow!

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Tending the Garden in Non-Classroom Settings

Mark [email protected]

Anoka-Hennepin Public Schools

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