ten myths (and ten truths) about winning non-government work:

Turning Strategy Into Business www.intelliven.com © Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Systems Integration Work

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Page 1: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Businesswww.intelliven.com

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning

Non-Government Systems Integration Work

Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning

Non-Government Systems Integration Work

Page 2: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Ten Myths About Winning Non-Government Systems Integration Work

There is a commercial industry Develop domain competence Software vendors bring business The best RFP response wins Charge full price from the first hour Treat clients fairly Sell & service clients wherever they are Be a hero Invent the future There is a way to develop a non-government SI practice

Page 3: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Myth 1: There is a commercial industryFACT: You can sell to governments, banks and hospitals But can you sell to commercials? Each vertical has its own vernacular, CSFs, business model

– i.e., banks are totally different from airlines– which are different from packaged goods companies

which are different from auto makers – which are different from healthcare providers,

which are different from farmers, which are different from etc., etc., etc.

Inside each vertical are big differences; e.g., retail bankers– are totally different from wholesale bankers

who are different from investment bankers– who are different from mortgage bankers

Truth 1: Pick domain to dominate

Page 4: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Myth 2: Develop domain competenceFACT:

Can hot young techies and sharp MBAs sell to three-star generals?

Of course not. That’s why you hire military personnel to win DoD work.

By the way, how many : – bankers have you hired to win work with banks? – airline execs to sell to airlines? and – utility professionals to sell to utilities?

Truth 2: Hire domain experts

Page 5: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Myth 3: Software vendors bring business


Andersen didn’t wait for SAP to sell software and turn over integration projects

Hundreds of partners told clients to install SAP Application software is the pony, but you have to ride it

Truth 3: Find clients with the problem you want to solve with a specific solution

Page 6: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Myth 4: The best RFP response wins FACT:

There is no counterpart to the Commerce Business Daily

Clients do not know what they want An RFP that says what the client wants means

you have already lost

Truth 4: Know client’s business so well that you tell them what to do (before someone else does)

Page 7: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Myth 5: Charge full price from the first hour


People buy what:– is tangible– they relate to

Truth 5: • Make what you want to sell look real & personalized (@low cost)• Charge client (@high revenue) to finish it

Page 8: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Myth 6: Treat clients fairlyFACT:

Every client wants to be special

Truth 6: Make a deal to let them

know that they will– get more and better attention than others– come out ahead of others– get something they can brag about

Page 9: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Myth 7: Sell & service clients wherever they are


90% of winning is showing up (Woody Allen)

Late on Friday, folks on travel are out the door while locals stay for cocktails

Travel wear & tear burns people out

Truth 7: Set up offices where there are great clients and a supply of smart people

Corollary: Find best clients where you are

Page 10: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Myth 8: Be a heroFACT:

Heroes and lone rangers are out

Truth 8: Swarm to Success– Unit Manager -- Assigns resources; connection into parent company – Engagement manager -- Accountable for overall success– Project manager -- Manages resources against a plan– Relationship Manager -- Drives to deepen your relationship– Technical Architect -- Maps technology to business needs– Technical Specialists -- Implement technology – Process expert -- Brings knowledge of the business process– Domain expert -- Brings knowledge about the industry

Page 11: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Myth 9: Invent the future

Truth 9: Reuse and leverage what you have learned from the past:

Pick a specific – business problem– solution approach and– target clients

and dominate that niche

Page 12: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Myth 10: There is a way to develop a non-government SI practice

Truth 10: There are several ways:– Cambridge Technology Partners--prototype leads to big

projects with firm deadline– Sapient--fixed price, on time– IBM--mass marketing– Andersen--ride the software “pony” (as with SAP)– AMS--solution platforms for specific high-stakes problems– CA--acquisition (Platinum, Legent)– SAIC--may a thousand flowers bloom!

Page 13: Ten Myths (and Ten Truths) About Winning Non-Government Work:

Turning Strategy Into Business

© Copyright 1999. IntelliVen LLC

Truths about winning non-government SI Projects

Industry vertical (and sub-vertical) expertise is a must Acquire (as well as develop) domain expertise Take the lead in driving software solutions into clients Tell clients what to do Use tangible, personalized solutions as bait Make a deal Co-locate with clients and supply of people Swarm to success Leverage and reuse past experience Pick a play and drive