ten caesars 5 10 prelude to mors


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Page 1: Ten Caesars 5 10 Prelude To Mors
Page 2: Ten Caesars 5 10 Prelude To Mors

Welcome back to the Ten Caesars legacy. It's been a while since things have been updated but that does not mean things haven't been happening. Just because history isn't recorded doesn't mean it stops after all. And things never slow down when

Ameila Marius is involved.

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But Ameila may have pushed things too far this time.Claudius: Ameila, you know why I summoned you here. You went beyond what is allowed of you. You didn't consult me first.

What explanation do you have for what transpired the other night?

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Ameila: Claudius, are you really asking me for that? Really? Given what you know of the situation? Claudius: What do I know? You never consulted with me.

Ameila: Don't play coy old friend. You know full well why I did it.

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Marina: Be that as it may Ameila, it does do not us well to have such things associated with the purple. It makes us seem like Gaius. What's worse is that this is not your first offense! After what you did to Raythew, you had the gall to murder someone


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Ameila; With all due respect your highness, I find it amusing that you can pass judgments so easily.Marina: What? What is that supposed to mean?

Ameila: You are Empress. You can do as you please. Slight as you please.

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Ameila: And it is not as if you have had reason to either. Your slights have hardly been to the degree of mine. Your biggest problem is your sons not agreeing with you. This extends far beyond what you can comprehend.

Claudius: Ameila! That is quite enough.

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Ameila: I'm sorry Claudius. I meant no offense towards you or the Empress. Claudius: I understand Ameila. And I also understand that this circumstance was personal. But it cannot happen again without

my consent. Do you understand?

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Ameila: Yes, my friend. Claudius: You are free to go.

Ameila: *Red headed idiot. What does she know? Claudius, you could be so much more without her.*

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Ameila: Hello boys. I see Vespasian you have found something to keep yourself. occupied while I attended to business.Vespasian: Of course mother.

Ameila: And if I've heard correctly, you'll have quite a match on your hands.

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Ameila: Britannicus, you are growing into a handsome young man. No wonder your father speaks so well of you.Brit: Thank you Lady Marius.

Ameila: Please Brit. Call me Ameila.

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Ameila: If I had my way, you'd also call me mother. Vespasian, have you told Brit about Quintilla's coming of age?Vespasian: It had not yet come up mother.

Ameila: I see. Well Brit, my lovely daughter has just come of age and she would love to see you again.

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Ameila: You must come by and pay Quintilla a visit. I mentioned it to your father and he thought it a good idea.Brit: I see, well I shall consider it.

Ameila: Excellent. Until then boys, I will leave you to your game. Good luck Vespasian. You will need it.

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Brit: Your mother is quite the pushy one.Vespasian: You just realized this?

Brit: I was merely reiterating.

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Vespasian: But she does bring up an excellent point. You and my sister would make an excellent couple.Brit: And you say that based on?Vespasian: You would find her beautiful. She is also smart, like my mother, but much more gentle.

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Brit: That doesn't narrow it down much. But regardless, while I'm sure your sister is a treasure my friend, I am currently involved with a treasure of my own.

Vespasian: Oh yes, Cassia Posthumous Marius. Brit, Brit, Brit.

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Brit: And I suppose you have a problem with her?Vespasian: A single one? More like multiple.

Brit: And what are these problems?

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Vespasian: Cassia is your elder by what, five years? She is like her father, aggressive, self-serving and obsessive. And she craves children. You won't be able to provide that to her for some time.

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Vespasian: She is extremely possessive and still living with her brother and his wife despite her ascent into adulthood. Why? Because she views her niece and nephew as HER children. Such a woman is not fit to rule. We need not another Gaius and

my cousin has many of the same qualities.

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Brit: I admit, she isn't perfect. But if that were the standard, Rome would have died out centuries ago.Vespasian: My point is that you should be keeping your eyes open. There are plenty of options for an Imperial Prince.

Brit: I can assure Vespasian, I am not blind.

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Brit: Recently, I met a very delightful young woman by the name of Dahlia. She has recently moved her from a land called Authorville, from what I understand.

Vespasian: Never heard of it, but interesting. How are her looks?

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Brit: Is that all you think about?Vespasian: It's an important part of the puzzle.

Brit: *sigh* I find her quite stunning if you must know. But... there is a catch.

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Vespasian: What is that? Does she have six fingers? Webbed toes?Brit: Nothing with her looks. You see, her father is Rhys Fitzhugh... who is also from there. Apparently, Dahlia is the product of

a relationship between him and... Julia Caesar. As in my rather murderous great-great aunt.

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Vespasian: The daughter of an unsavory charlatan and our country's greatest monster. Brit, you sure can pick them. Makes me wonder what your mother did to you growing up.

Brit: Certainly nothing less scarring than yours. But enough about me. Do you have the interest of anyone?

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Vespasian: As a matter of fact I do. Your cousin Sextia Severus. Brit: Sextia? And you questioned my choices? Sextia's a nice girl but one who sprouted from the rough patch of the Caesar

lands my friend. I'm your your mother was just thrilled!

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Ameila: Sextia Severus? As in Sextus Severus' daughter? As in something that was incubated inside of Drusila Ceasar's psychotic womb? Vespasian, please tell me this is a joke.

Vespasian: I can assure you mother, Sextia is not her mother. But don't take my word for it. I'd like you meet her.

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Ameila: Is that safe? What are the odds she comes at me with a rusty meat cleaver?Vespasian: Oh mother, you say that as if you wouldn't be able to defend yourself.

Ameila: Still, I'd prefer not to have to make the effort....

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Brit: If there is one thing I admire your mother for, it's common sense.Vespasian: Thankfully she is less judgmental than some parties.

Brit: Says the man who insulted two of the women he believes me interested in. You're either jealous or a hypocrite.

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Vespasian: Wish casting Brit, will get you nowhere. Sextia is far better looking than you. Besides, I never said I wasn't just as judgmental. There's a reason we get along so well.

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Naturally my mother was nervous about Sextia. She did her best to restrain it though.Ameila: So... Sextia... if I were to ask you what person came to mind when I said the words "crazy" or "unbalanced"...

Brit: Sounds like she knocked it out of the park.

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Vespasian: Certainly it got off to a rocky start, but soon Sextia's brilliant mind shone through.Sextia: And then I made sure to disregard the entire lesson. I mean really, poisoning your brother just to show him something?

Doesn't that take it too far?

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Sextia: I realize that sometimes plotting is necessary in Rome, but I think the subtle approach is king. Or should I say queen, goddess of the Underworld.

Ameila: Oh Sextia, even when you try to hide it, the Dru in you bleeds through. Painfully obviously I might add.

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Brit: And this went well?Vespasian: As swimmingly as this last move my friend. My mother saw your aunt in her, but that's unavoidable. But she was

convinced that Sextia is not imbalanced and if she were, she couldn't hide it.

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Vespasian: She admitted that it was time for her eldest to start looking for the right partner. And she couldn't see the harm in seeing if Sextia were that woman.

Brit: You mean she decided to find out if the power her ties to the purple outweigh her potential insanity.

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Vespasian: Must you put it so coldly? Brit: Truth is truth.

Vespasian: *Ahem* Regardless, Sextia was pleased to accepted. And my faith in her would be rewarded.

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Vespasian: But alas, I wasn't the only Marian man to be exploring new relationships. I overheard my Grandfather Jack discussing the little matter of an affair my father was conducting with Samantha Ottomas.

Brit: Excuse me? Did I hear that right Vespasian? An AFFAIR?

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Vespasian: More than an affair, Brit. From what I heard, he was quite proud that she was pregnant with their "love" child. Apparently, father was quite displeased that mother would not give him at least one more child. So he found someone who also

was craving offspring.

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Brit: Is he mad? What would happen if your mother found out?Vespasian: He thought he took the proper precautions. He obviously warned her not to speak of it to anyone. He also told her

never to call the villa. Basically, say nothing because my mother has ears everywhere.

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Vespasian: And a bastard little girl was born.Brit: Her name?

Vespasian: I don't know and frankly, I do not care.

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Vespasian: Grandfather was naturally torn. His friendship to my great grandfather made him love my mother as if she were his daughter by blood. But he could not do anything without betraying his son. His stress indirectly led to him betraying both.

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Vespasian: My grandfather had decided to look for companionship. He met a nice young woman named Sandy.Brit: And your mother had no problem with that?

Vespasian: No. Why?

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Brit: Just asking. Vespasian: I don't agree with everything my mother does you know. Anyway, they were soon wed.

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Vespasian: They even have a child together; Piratus.Brit: Piratus? Egad, he's not even trying anymore. No wonder we haven't been heard from in a year.

Vespasian: Can we stop with breaking down certain walls so I can continue with my story?

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Vespasian: Sandy mentioned that grandfather had mentioned some odd things in his sleep. Something involving Samantha Ottomas and a child that shouldn't be. She was actually worried that he might be cheating on her. But mother had suspicions to

the contrary.

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Vespasian: Naturally, father tried to downplay such talk as bad dreams. He tried to offer a flimsy explanation of how grandfather was worried about more children and that seeing Samantha just naturally makes one thinks of large families. That

of course sent off warning signals in mother's mind.

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Vespasian: Naturally, she decided to find out if there was truth to the rumor. She put out her feelers and summoned Pallas to see if he had learned anything about her. Or if Claudius had any leads.

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Vespasian: But the trail was cold. Pallas had talked to your father Brit, but he had heard or seen nothing. No one could find any evidence of my father's affair outside of him being seen with Samantha a while back. Nothing recently. Naturally, my

mother was perplexed. Surely father couldn't have been that good at covering it up.

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Vespasian: But the days and weeks went on. Nothing more was ever found. The doubt in mother's mind grew. She didn't speak to myself nor Quintilla much. She preferred to be alone with our cat Atia most nights.

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Vespasian: I think it may have even begun to bother Atia. I wanted to come to mother with the truth, but how could I? Me overhearing a conversation? I think even I wished to believe that I was wrong.

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My mother was wracked with self doubt. It was almost too painful to watch. Considering how weak willed my father had been, I suppose I should have been proud. But instead, all I could see was a cowardly attempt to get his way. A true Roman would

have imposed his will. Instead he hid and drove my mother towards a breaking point.

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So I called in my agent of subterfuge.

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Vespasian: And within a few weeks, I felt comfortable enough to broach the subject while mother and I were fishing together. Naturally she was surprised I mentioned it, but I assured her that when we talked later, I would explain everything.

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That evening, the inquisition began. How did I know of what she was worried about? What information did I posses? Did father tell me anything? Had I heard something?

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I explained that her depression was obvious and that I'd be foolish to miss it. Then I revealed that I had overheard a conversation father had, but did not wish to trouble her until I was sure. Now I was.

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She was surprised of course. If her sources had uncovered nothing, what on earth could I have found? She was even skeptical over what I had heard. Maybe it was grandfather after all, she had begun to wonder.

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But I confirmed otherwise. I swore I had a source which had seen them involved romantically.

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I had a source who had seen the wench refer to the bastard child as the product of true love between herself and my father and how one day they'd be a big happy family. About how she was already carrying another child and it was only a matter of time

until it all worked itself out.

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Brit: So who was this source?Vespasian: None other than Sharla Ottomas herself.

Brit; Impossible. She wouldn't be dumb enough to tell you.

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Vespasian: No, but she has no trouble confiding in her close friend Sextia.

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Vespasian: It was conclusive proof. Sextia had also seen father entering the house and spending time with them. The inside information was enough I argued. Action was necessary.

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Vespasian: Mother was torn. She was proud of my resourcefulness, infuriated with father and falling in love with the concept of having someone as devoted and cunning as Sextia as her daughter-in-law.

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Vespasian: Naturally, I offered to strike the blow for our family. But mother insisted otherwise. She was proud of me but explained that as much as I was enraged at father, this was not my war, nor my battle. If the hammer had to be dropped, then

she would be the one wielding it.

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Brit: And judging from her conversation with my parents, I suppose she did.Vespasian: Of course. In her usual method of choice.

Brit: Pallas? For all her talk of subtlety, that's anything but.

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Vespasian: If my mother were going for subtle. But this was revenge Brit. So she ordered for Pallas to wait for the wench to put her toddler to bed. Then make a noise outside. Don't make it too loud though; they needed her to come out alone.

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Vespasian: Naturally, my father had given her some warning. So my mother no doubt told Pallas to confront her. Soothe her fears. She was not a warrior and thus cannot deal with fear. Her desire to escape her fate will give her pause if a pseudo olive

branch is offered.

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Naturally, one has to make the most of that hesitation.

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Vespasian: She had to be dead. Buried. Whatever spawn she may have been carrying, whatever threats to the family, had to be removed. Total war my friend.

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Brit: Lovely. Treating a family as you would a tribe of barbarians. Why didn't she just wipe out the whole clan?Vespasian: She would have. But my mother didn't want to chance Claudius getting upset. She gathered this alone would be

pushing it.

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Vespasian: Still, she wanted them to know what happens when they cross her.. She wanted them to know what happens when you threaten our happiness. And she wanted them to never forget it.

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Vespasian: Naturally, she also could not wait to see the face on my bastard of a father when he finds out his beloved baby factory has been permanently put out of business.

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Vespasian: My mother is many things Brit. Above all is loyal to those she cares about. But if you play on that trust and abuse it, you will pay. It's something I admire greatly in her. She commands respect. If you cannot do that simple task then she has no

use for you.

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Vespasian: Of course suspicion arose quickly. My grandfather went to my mother first. She didn't exactly play coy, but where she was seemingly flustered was when he asked her where she got the information. He suspected that my father's plan had

eluded her and was curious how she deduced it. For that, her answers were surprisingly weak.

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Vespasian: Even with that hint, I doubt father would have ever deduced the truth. But the old mastermind didn't take long. Grandfather Jack wanted to have a talk with me the next night.

Brit: And what transpired then?

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Vespasian: My grandfather is no fool and lying would have gotten me nowhere. So I laid out the situation as I saw it. The Ottomas wench was a threat. Not just to mother but to me. History has taught us that those who take those threats lying down

suffer the consequences. I would not allow that to happen to me.

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Brit: Evoking your grandfather's memory? How you are your mother's son. Vespasian: I aspire to be a mountain among molehills Brit. One of my parents is the same. Anyway, grandfather talked about

the risk involved in what I had done. About the consequences of my father learning of my part in the deed.

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Brit: To which I can see how concerned you are.Vespasian: Please. My father is a pathetic, weak-minded fool. He deserves everything he has received for betraying my family.

A true Roman fights for his land or else he does not deserve it.

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Brit; Ah, a "true roman." A commonly used description, normally spoken most truly when someone is dead. Vespasian: And that means?

Brit: Even our ancestors chose their battles carefully Vespasian. You would do wise to do the same.

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Vespasian: And whose to say I didn't pick this one wisely Brit? I expended quite a bit of effort and resources into this. I even used my beloved Sextia, whom I hold quite dear.Brit: It meant that much to you to foil your father?

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Vespasian: It was a choice. We all have the parent we'd choose if forced to. I would select my mother, without hesitation.

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Brit: That's a lie. How can anyone just say that about the people who raised them without any hesitation? Your father is not perfect, but part of who you are is because of him.

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Vespasian: Your point? It doesn't change who I would choose. Take this conversation for instance. This line of reasoning is clearly your mother's Brit. Yet, I do not doubt that given a choice left entirely up to you, it would be Claudius who you would side

with should the two ever require you to pick sides.

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Brit: That's ridiculous. I can't even imagine making that choice. Vespasian: Yes you can. Here you have to. Anyone who plans on living does. And considering how much I respect your

intelligence Brit, I don't believe you don't already know that.

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Brit: Enough. I don't wish to discuss this anymore. What would my poor mother do if she heard this type of talk?Vespasian: Of course, of course, I'm sorry Brit. You're right, I shouldn't have brought it up.

Brit: *grumble*

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Brit: So did Jack impart any other nuggets of wisdom in your mind?Vespasian: Well, admittedly the experience taught me to be more subtle. Not every mark can be as simple as my father.

Brit: A lovely lesson for us all.

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Vespasian: Brit, Brit, Brit. Stop with the false indignation. You and I both know scheming is part of life here. Take your situation for example. How will you ensure you become Emperor? Your mother favors Nero. You know that.

Brit: Maybe. But father favors me.

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Vespasian: That's true. However, your mother wields considerable influence on your father. Brit: And you have a problem with that.

Vespasian: Not normally. Your mother is a bright woman. But in this case I fear her judgment is less than sound...

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Brit: Now while I think Nero might be---Nero: I might be what?

Vespasian: Might be interested in challenging the winner perhaps?

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Nero: Ugh. Why? Takes too long to play a game! I've got women to woo. And then to hoo! But I'll be sure to watch the winner's Triumph. I'm sure it will have many majestic stone soldiers. Oh and stone slaves. I'll be looking forward to the stone madiens

most of all. You let me know if they kiss as well as the genuine articles. If you knew what that was like, HA!

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Vespasian: I see his vocabulary is getting better.Brit: Probably because mother's forced him to listen to some of her novels. Something's got to stick, right?

Vespasian: And you wonder what I question her judgment in this matter.

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Brit: Fine, you're right about Nero being the wrong choice to ascend. But how do we prevent it entirely? Even with me being in father's good graces, there's still a chance things could backfire.

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Vespasian: And that is where me, Sextia and Septimius come into play.Brit: Now Septimius is involved?

Vespasian: He is my love's twin, you know.

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Brit: My love? And you say I have problems. Whatever. I'll meet with you three. Might as well find out what you have to say.Vespasian: Excellent. Brit, we are committed to sanity in Rome. And you are our best hope for that. Now we just have to

ensure your victory.

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Brit: Then again, judging by the last game, maybe I should be the one in charge.Vespasian: Nonsense, one battle hardly decides a war my friend. Let us go once more. My soldiers are clamoring for another

chance to have their way with your army's stone maidens.

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Sextia: So my ancestor finally updated Constantine. When the heck is your mom going to do the same?Septimius: Yeah. We want more potty jokes. Your mom's reappearance months ago was such a tease!

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Constantine: What one update and now you can demand the great Toast updates? You're out of your mind. Besides who says he'll actually update again? Walk before you can run Severans.

Vespasian: He brings up a fair point. How do we know there will be more?

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The answer ladies and gentlemen is that there will not be much more. The Caesars are ending. I know at this point I'm not finishing ten generations. But it would be just wrong to paste "THE END", since they've been an important part of my life for the

past few years. So...

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What is coming is an ending. A climax. A grand send off. Hopefully, a multi-part epic which closes the book on the legacy, resolving those dangling loose ends, unresolved plot aspects and hopefully gives the crew the send off they deserve. It all

starts next update. So until then, happy simming.