temple of economy€¦ · piles without further treatment. if it proves its value to vou order more...

) TEVIKS-1?EPUBLICA^, MABSHALLTOAV^IO^A, DECEMBER 14, 1909 s, ; FREE PILE CURE | cluced. and adopted •with Clark, Good, i and 1'senicka dissenting:. The mayor, i however, announced immediately his veto of the resolution, saying that lie- to jail -to await l*is hearing tills after- noon. airs. Flakes, when she filed the complaint against/ her husband, said Bant to Demonstrate the Merits of Pyramid Pile Cure. might as well inform the council now | that she ha<d had her husband arrested as a, week hence. la few days a-go at Boone. t>he then Clark first raised an objection {o the I loft and came to h?r parents. 45he said passage of "the resolution. on the i her husband told her that ^ hen he ground that the city hail gone so t'ar | came after her h.e would not ask for already 'that he wanted to see the case I admission to the Crawtord home, but ftnallv disposed of, so that the city that he would "break in the door, and What It Has Done for Others, It Can Do for You. "We have testimonials by the hun- dreds showing all stages, kinds and de- grees piles which have been cured '•> Pyramid Pile Cure. If you could read these unsolicited letters you would no doubt go to trie Jiearest drug store and buy a- box of 3'yramid Pile Cure at once, price iiO rents. Wo do not ask von to d" ibis, ^end us your name ard address and \v«i will tend vou a trial packus' 1 by maii free. We know whai the trial package will do. 1 ri manv cases has cured piles without further treatment. If it proves its value to vou order more Irani your druggis:. at r.t 1 cents a i>n\ 'I'his is lair, is it noiv Simply till out fvee council below :tnd vml »oda»v CITY COUNCIL TAKES FORMAL ACTION IN CONFORMITY WITH ,, RECENT DECREES. LEVY OF 1 MILL FOR TWO YEARS SETTLES CITY END List of the Assessments, as Made by Council on Different Properties In- volved—Majority of Council Wants tc Expunge Morgan Case From Records But Mayor Vetoes. might know where it stood in view of paving to come. Psenieka sided with Clark. The mayor announced his position as being anxious to know whether or not the city could or could not assess a _propertv like, the Morgan Jiome for paving. He confessed ho was a little jealous, for he paid for his paving. If the supremo court holds as did Judge Bradshaw -on corner lots, he would like t'i know it. so that the city cmild b^ governed in its paving work done in the future. I' was announced from the gallery by Judge Burniiam that the case was .-•» t for hearing in the supreme oiirt today. "shoot up the outfit." especially his father-in-law. Fearing that he might do as lie threatened the warrant was secured. : "CUT IT OUT.", RESENTS ALLEGED INSULT. The .•!:> J--in Tinny rreof in tin >unci! Monday nignt. in : with th.- recent court de- asphalt paving case®. !•'!"- FREE PACKAGE COUPON Pill out the blank lines below with your name and address, .at out coupon and mail to the PYRAMID r>RCa COM PA N V. ]1Hi pyramid Bid?.. Marshall. Mich. A trial pack- age of the great Pyramid Pile Cure will then be sent vou at once by mail, FREE, in plain wrapper. Name Street C:ty and State Councilman Herman Miffed at What He Believes Contractor Cleary Said. A regrettable incident enlivened Monday night's eoilncil meeting when ' "ouncilman Herman, of the Fourth ward, thought Contractor Cleary. who has charge of the concrete dam work, was poking fun a: Herman's English. For a few moments ihe situation was at fever heat, and all that the mayor could do. in attempting to get t\Ir. Herman to take his seat, proved un- ciuurman 01 me streets and alleys avy j!ing. Mr. Herman's ire knew no mall.v levied the againsi the different •vial assessments , properties in- ! vo'ived in the settlement, for ihe paving done six years ago. Resolutions by Mr. Herman. a:- Real Estate committee, were acted upon, one levy- ing uu the city improvement fund to care fsr the city's share of the settlc- , meat, due the Barb-r Asphalt Paving Company: another •r^-ring' th^ war- 1 ran':- dra wn, in the sum of ?4.!<T l.'iO. and the third ordering ihe assessments. ! Mr. Hernian's resolution levying on I the city improvement fund for a 1 bounds, and he talked about as plainly as a mail couid to Cleary and the mayor. There was no one else in the council chamber who understood Mr. Cleary as Mr. Herman did. hence for a time it was a problem as to what the fuss was , about. Mr. Herman had questioned a bill for : twisted iron that had been used in the Some Itfms Prepared at Western Gror cer Company Mills. This list will assist in determining the brands of goods you want: Mayflower blueing. Mayflower ammonia. Mayflower baking powder. Mayflower and Big L corn. Mayflower and Big 1., tomatoes. Mayflower and Big L pumpkin. Mayflower and Big 1- hominy. Cameo homiijy. < Cameo pumpkin. Cameo kidney beans * , Big L sauerkraut. ( ' Cameo baked bean.-. >u ' Big I- baked beans. Cameo lemon and vanilla. I ('ameo mince meat > Mayflower pancake ilv.ir. ('ameo tea. Cameo and Mayflower catsup. Cameo spices of all Kinds. .w ; i Mayflower tapioca and sago. - Mayflower pearl barl.-j. Ked Rose oats. Red Rose coffee. < Chocolate Cream coitee. Scarlet King coffee And many others. Several kinds of prepared mustard. Salted peanuts. Cameo seeded raisins. Mayflower currants. Mayflower 10-cent package pow- dered sugar. of thg Lettis-FIetcher Company Mon- day night, tentative plans were made for a ten days' revival for men of the | city. The ten days from Jan. 20 to j 30 were chosen, altlio they are subject! to change. The religious campaign is ] to be in charge of the evangelistic i. committee of the federation, which has as its members Messrs. A. H. Welker, C. H. Cul'ley, Lewis D. Vitek, Dr. P. R. "VVoocfand IX E. Collins. An elfort will be made to secure the co-opera-1 tion of the Marshalltown Pastors' As- I sociation, and if possible a strong speaker from a distance will be se-; cured to conduct the series of meet- 1 ings. The committee which is in charge •of the plans will select the speaker and choose the pte.ee or places where . the meetings will be held. j A full membership of all of the conij- I mittees of the federation was chosen at the meeting. I mil! tax payablfe in lf'10. and another i construction of the joints of the re- . 1 mill in lull, for the purpose of pay. j straining walls. The Fourth ward ine the Barber people in the com- \ councilman wanted to know why the .promise settlement, was adopted. The ! iron had not been included in the bid. series were, ordered certified to the county -auditor. Altho he introduced ! tile resolution Mr. Herman did not'sup- For Sale—.-room co^age, on ;>a\ed . pu!-L jt. and with Chirk, who has op- j ftreet near car line, has electric lights, I I'o-td the settlement from the begin- , , n.ng. voted against the resolution. Mr. i^th room, and furnace. Possession i Herman explained his vote because he Priced now-f ^d not want t" levy a tax on the people. , Warrants Draw 5 Per Cent. Thi- le\ y nf i' mills, togetner with j what is on hand, will care f.,r the S4.- ! 947.GO. the amount th - -icy i j indebted ; to the Barber p*..pie ia the settlement. The warrants, which were ordered by re.-olution drawn .-n ilu improvement fund, are in the .-urns ••.*' 447..n>, $!.- i -••<> and ^l.i'.'i.i.. All draw interest at '•> i per cent from I >•>-. ?•. K-"'i!'. and are pay- will be given April 1, 1910. J2.r>00. Marsnalltown propertv increasing in value, if you are looking! Tor a good home close in, had better I Investigate this at once. For Rent—1 rooms close in. with W iter. electric lights ana g* for cook- I. g $12 per month. - ; If you have property for sale or rent. : I I: with us for quick r-tarns . John Coburn or L H. Treat 'PHONE 806. Mr. Clear\- arose to explain for 'Mr. Herman's benefit, and so stated. He said that the specifications did not call for 'the iron, and that consequently he did not bid on it. The city engineer had discovered that the iron had not been called for. and insisted that it be placed. Mr. Cleary said that it was proper construction, and should have been called for. Mr. Steiner. city en- gineer, explained how he had noticed | the absence <>f the iron, and had called j upon the mayor to "O. K." the pur- I * * Real Estate Transfers. J. W. Bark'nurst to Logan Watson, :ot G. block 2. Webster's addition, j $1,600. I Earl Gates and wife to X. A. -Evans, lot 5, block 1, Webster's 'third addition. $1. B. F. Cuminings an d wife, to Walter Canaday. part of lots 8 and 9, block 1, Delano park. SI. John MoPherson and wife, of Des Moines, to Rosa Kohlef, lot I. block 9, Marshalltown addition, $3,000. Enos K. Pemberton and wife, to Charles J. ana Harry F. McCombs, lot 9. block 3. Hughes' addition, $1. R. A. Blzy and wife, to National De- natured Alcohol Company, land in east Marshall, $2,100. J. 'M. Alexander to National De- natured Alcohol Company, land In east 'Marshall. $1. Ella D. Pyle and husband, to Charles Zimmerman, land on North First street, $3,500. Flora E. Burch and husband, to J. W. Burch, land in Logan township, $SS0. Temple of Economy HOLIDAY SEASON IS AT BAND We arc' here with the goods. We have the largest stock of Toys and Holiday Goods BUY YOUR TABLE LINEN Wednesday for Christmas—Special Prices Froni 8 to 12 O'Clock Only. Commencing at S o'clock Wednesday morning and quitting o'clock, we will make prices on table linen: Choice of all our si for -Sf» cents. Choice of all our £1.3 Choice of all our 73 cents. Choice of all our 7T. 69 cnts. sharp at 12 the following Local Weather Record. Twentq-seven was Monday's maxi- mum •temperature, one degree colder than the day before: The minimum last night was 24, three degrees warmer than the night before. At 7 o'clock •this' morning the temperature was 26, one degree warmer than at the corres- ponding hour yesterday .morning. _ . bleached linen > for $1.19. cent linen for New Beacon Light for Odd Fellows. The city council Monday night granted to Banner Lodge: No. 123, I. I O. O. P., the privilege of erecting a cent linen fori now beaco n Hsht in front of the Odd i Fellows' hall. The sign is to be hung |tu der the direction of the sign In- ever shown in Mar ing of Dolls, Fancy Glass, Doll Cabs, Fancy Glass, Collar bums, Salad Dishes, Sets, Water Sets, Burnt Wood Novel- Drums, Pictures and goods we have no here. Call and look over our immense stock. You are wel- ; come whether | you buy or not. shalltown, consist- China, Vases, Cut Desks, Sleds, Wagons and Cuff Boxes, £l- Sugar and Creamer Dinner Sets, Lamps, ties, Brass Goods, thousands of other rodm to mention "fTKH.it I Temple of Economy all napkins. | ipector. CURING CATARRH. Oftu-e over. ytrtekl '^iOthiil -Lor-.-. ing per cent, interest ;[ drawn and certified 'to : 'Hvnc-r. .\!ti"Uiii'.V-- ?., Victoria C. Payn- f ! Victor C. Payn° I i Victoria >'. Payn,.- j John A. Sieg Mary i Vnklitig |-Mary <'. Z:'-'r>erger : Lulu A. L til" ^: . Luiu A. Lair . ! Thomas Swearings!! ' M. P.. .Si'.nonds '; M. B. Simonds . . . M. B. Simoiids .. i : .'t i Anna Young Alice M. Simmons ' Alice M. Simmons i A. X. French D. T. .Smith THE RIGHT KIND D T _ - of at friend to stand by you durin^'nie | D. T. Smith D. T. Smith M. E. Andrews ! Fannie F. Darner ... ....... .. ... ! A. T. Bircliard i A. T. Birchard .... . . . . . : . .. . 4 Ten per cent off on Pv.-niem'oer to get your order in fori e pull the thread in all our linens I elias*. This the major did. and didi an( j that takes time. Can not do that.; without any action on the part of the I after 1- o'clock. ! council, lor waiting for the action 1 BEXKDICT & BRIXTXAL.L. i v - ... . would have delayed the work. ^ : j Acce P l ° ur J dv,c « a " d T r £ Th,s Rem " .Mr. Herman ih.-n attacked Mr.! Walks Damaged by Frost. ' _ y a ur ,s * Cl-'arv tor making fun of his, (Hor- i cif- Kngincer St-- : .uor r<-portcd to; * atairh is a. disease of the mucous a'oi- in i1!U". and lull. A pmviso i man's) English, and referring sar- J the council Moi.dav night th at the membrane. The mucous membrane is, made, however, that, th.- wan-ants [casticaliy to the word "nottings" i Cook cement walks at Main, and First one may say. the interior lining of the sha'1 not be issU'-d in excess th* ' ivhich a native German might use for': streets, ordered repaired by the council body. Catarrh therefore may exist in amount anticipated from tile levies at';'he word "nothing." the time o:' i.-su»-. This r.-solut:on j Ck-arj* of continually insulting both I the cold and parts with all voting aye with the him and Mr. Rteiner. The mayor ruled haVi exce)i!ion of Clark. List of Special Assessments. T .I" »,,a- Mi as-ssaiv-ms under the " said, shaking his list at | -v.t; eni'-nt. for which certiiicates bear- ,'<"leary. and. turning to Mayor Ingle- j iv- ordered ' l1ue - s aid. "And I can take- cart- of you. j •oiiiitv a.-'" *'°°-" r. Cleary rose to apologize if he! : had said anything at all to offend Mr. | 'Herman, and said that he had certain- ly meant no insult of any kind. This : I t Herman out of order, and Herman re- i Tlu- : filled to -it down. "I can Take care of i Herman accused ! iate this season'.^had been uamaged by any ]-iart of the system. the walk would j Wh'-n the catarrhal poison attacks to be reconstructed in th« spring. I the mucous membrane, inflammation '.valks cost ilv'.-t'T. ; and congest ion are produced and nature fails to throw off the accumulated GARNET GOODS I sment. i S V.",.7> i To. !0 j •r^.'IU 10.-J.ll' ' 12'i.JS ' 105.1.1 l'.'S.U' H>3.12 jOt'.OO H>'| ItC.T'.i I."0.21 14'-J.lj0 1 t i la - ; 1(_, vlac ] !K,t used the word "not-; i tings."' Mr. Herman, however, insists 454 - 1 - that he did. "4.2V .... l.'n'fi The Most Beautiful Stones Next Diamonds Are Always Big Line at Hellberg's. Hellberg always tries to have different O.'lli - tiian vou can find in re. did not appease the councilman, how- ever. and the mayor yelled. "S;t down! Th-re is no occasion for any such j hubub here."' "i'all me a hobo if you ' want to." replied Herman, shaking f lilius with emotion. ''Order me out of here : the ordinary s if you want to." ! !t 'jig shipmen Councilman Gregory then poured oil j 'on the troubled waters, and pt-ace; , . reiirn-'il complete and you are invited to see Att>-r the meeting Mr. Cleary of- ' this selection. He also received today ; feiyd his hand, and iviterateil that he a shipment of genuine Amber beads, »oisons. The organ which has been afflicted ceases to perform its proper function as nature intended it should | The result is, complication upon com- i plication, which may lead to other even to j more serious afflictions. jr avor i We honestly believe Rexall Mucu- ! Tone will do wonders toward over- had meant no offense whatever, and \ Xmas season is A FINELY TAILORED SUIT MADE AT THIS SHOP. T: won't Tiiake itself, and w- •rnaise it unless we have your\order. 1 •< ail' ., we get that order today; OUR SUITS MAKE YOU LOOK WELL XMAS. l.Vl. «x. •dll't i <' A. PSENICKA Fine Tailoring SENSIBLE, PRACTICAL _ GIFTS Brushes. Combs and Mirror*' Make an Ccellent Present. Our Line is Complete. ' / 1 LEATHER GOODS Pocket Books, Purses, Card Cases. Bill Books, Cigar Cases Are Al- ways Acceptable Gifts Trine j O. 15. P.arrows ,.--tate . O. B. Barrows estate Ed Myers Emily F. Monohon . . . . Kmily F. Monohon .. Ida M. Evans W. E. M'-I-eiand J. 1 Armstrong J J. C. Ar.astrone j J. 1 '. Armstrong and Lora A . Bennett 1 A'i:-,"- E. I.»evine Wi'.'iam H. Da\'is Wil'.iam H. Davis Alice Cam isvn S. \V. EaSh-ii" S. \V. LaShelle . S. W. l.rtShelle ;J. M. Parker Agn"s <'. Sears Agnes i". Sear- Agnes C. S'-ars- Sarah T Me»K>T A d olph K11 nkel J;; .V Adolt.h Ktoilt"' J.'O.jl I.Vi >«1 i.j0.s2 : "0.77 1.V0.7T 171.ST S47.n0 100.00 120.02 :i4:;.7*. 137.r ,0 Sti.sS THE BLUE MOUSE. Returns to the New Odeon Thursday Evening. A i>Iav that: gives one nothing to think of but all to iaugh ai is whai. "The Blue Mouse" is said to be. This latest Clyde Fitch farce, which has re- ceived the honors as the biggest hit of the Xew York theatrical season, comes io tile New Odeon theater next Thurs- ' day. Dec. 16. under the management of the Messrs. Siiub'-rt. The foundation for the play has been i coming catarrh. It is made from the prescription of an eminent physician who made a. long study of catarrh, and , his great success with this remedy w^s He received today i an enviable one. of imported Bohemian I "We want you if you are a sufferer garnets, broaches and pins: the line is 'from catarrh in any form, to give Rex- all Mucu-Tone a thorough trial. Use it with regularity and persistency for a reasonable time, then if you are not satisfied, come back and tell us, and j without question or formality we will hand back to you every cent you paid us. This is certainly the fairest offer that anyone could make and should at- test our sincerity of purpose. It comes in two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1. Remember you can obtain it only at our store—The Rexall Store. The Mc- Bride & "Will Drug Company. together with a large assortment of other beads. If you want something different you should see. Hellberg. NORTHUP FILES BILLS. City Solicitor Presents Claim For $1,086 Against City. For legal services on behalf of the city F. E. Xorihup, city solicitor, filed with the council Monday night a bill for Sl.OSS. The itemized statement in- cliides settlement and compromise in thirty-four paving cases at $20 pet- case, oi- 56S0. and other legal work at *206. The communication states that i the bill does not Include work done on j j the. franchises, paving, construction ol 'dam, etc. The bill was referred to the Some Facts Which Every Resident of Iowa Should Know About v \ in lit* •> 6 Dr. MairV Hair Remedy •- '• - f •' It stops itching scalp; 'it eradi- cates dandruff; it stops falling hair; it prevents baldness; it is an ideal hair dressing; it does all this and more. Try a bottle and be convinced. Sold on a positive guarantee by druggists and barbers. 4 , v f . •. ^ * .• J DR. H. T. MAIRS* REMEDY COMPANY Marshalltown, Iowa. \\ obtained from the German. In the land of the Kaiser "The Blue Mouse" has | been running for ov--r two years. It is : also running in France and is amusing 12!*.02 j n Denmark. Sweden and Austria. The 4* f| .i3 Clyde Fitch version is local in every l.a.'.H , re-pect. There are three extremely 103.12 ! novel scenes and a east of twenty-five 343.i.•> ; person? is required yto interpret the i.ai.Oo : s torv. among them are Alma Karie. O. . 1.10.00 | e. Hallan. Jack Belgrave/ Charles E. our special fur salesman will be a 1 i.6G i ciarke. Frank V. French. H. H. Dud- 447.6f> gfon. Leo DuMont. I-avina Thomson, 110.SI '{intrude Steel". Josephine Kemety and iIness Ragan. Seats on sale tomorrow 1-lO.SO , al a n) v 2 2-1. SO :; l - s J PAID MORE THAN BILLED. 100.00 $5 Per (judiciary committee. SPECIAL FUR SALE.' j Our Special Fur Salesman Will Be at : Our Store Wednesday and Thursday. If you want to buy yourself or your friends a Christmas present, attend our fur sale tomorrow and Thursday, when our store, with a full line of furs, any- thing from the smallest 'piece up to the long coats. These furs will be de- livered from his sample, no waiting. Come in tomorrow. A. H. SIMOX. REVIVAL FOR MEN. Our Line PERFUMES s Most Complete Packages SETS n Holiday Wants Another Reduction. 'Election Officials to Be Paid A petition filed with the council by; Day instead of $3.75. On a motion "f Psenieka Monday the J. C. Armstrong estate, asked for ! a further reduction on the assessment' . , .. ,, t , e night the city council considered the ie ' granting to all election judges, and clerks who served at the recent special .'for paving. This was referred j judiciary committee, mayor, and city 1 1 iraUCinac iCCx. Our Line of Traveling, Baby an<i Mi itary Sets is Very Complete CIGARS. ~ ) Buy Your Christmas Cigars of us. We Have All Kinds Watch Our Windows for Xmas Sug- gestions Tjy PETER MAYER, Pharmacist THT QUALITY STORE. Mayor Vetoes Resolution. , Th ..r,/i A resolution by Mr.. Hull, calling for ! day insteadI of^$3..o. Ihe judge, and ,. . , , . crerks of all the wards excepting the the .-topping of any further proceed- j , 1..,, ings in the paving case of Mrs. F. Federation of Chiirch Men's Clubs Fixes Date for Late in January. At the first meeting of the,,new ex- ecutive committee of the Federation of j Church Men's Clubs, held at the office I Morgan against the city, was intro- "I have used your valuable Cascareta •ad I find them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am sow completely cured. Recom- mend them to everyone. Once tried, you will never be without them in the (family. "—Edward A. Marx, Albany, N.Y. JJaaaaat, Palatable. Potent. Taite Good. H? New Siekea.WeakM or Grip*. > 10c.tSe.9te. Never sold ta bulk. The rea- ufaa tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to •aroar year nosey back. 19 w.tvM/ss-,/-: •,: •-> JA/\ 'mm Fourth had already filed bills for $3. lb. {The Fourth ward officials asked $j. (Councilman Herman explained that it | had been customary heretofore to pay | ; $5, and for that reason has filed the j ; bills in his ward in that amount. It j will be necessary for the officials of' the' four wards billing for the smaller iamount to file new bills with the city clerk. They will be acted upon next Monday night, the date fixed in de- ferring final action. The increase will mean $25 more to the applicants for the franchise than the original bills called for. BOONE NEGRO ARRESTED. WANDA LUDLOW, In "The Candy Kid." Simon Flakes Locked Up For Threat- ening the Crawford Family. Because, so it is claimed, he made the threat in Boone that when he came to this city looking for his •wife, who is the daughter of W. D. Crawford, colored, that he would "bust" in ithe door and clean out the -hoiroe, ^Irs, Flakes secured the issuance of a warrant charging threatening a public offense, and Flakes, a Boone negro, was arrested when he stepped from the train Monday night. He was arraigned before Justice Peek this morning, iwhen ihe pleaded not guilty and was taken An Egg Scrambled with Post It's Surprising what a de- lightful charrn is added to the old dish. - --"v. •-yj v..-" •. - •-... ..• .. j' •. Many other reolpes in book: "Tid-Bits made with Toasties" in <Svery other pkg. ' V Popular size .10c. .v. ^Family aire 15c. Fostum Ceraal Company, , . Battle Creek, iMlch. . Ltd. Christmas Suggestions »-r. -t". A Smoking Table or Shaving Mirror for Husband A Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet for Wife Rockers ^ Picture Library Table Center Tables i Large Mirror Pedestal Screens 1 /- r Roman Chairs ^ V ^ ' Child's Rockers t r"" . " Bissel Carpet Sweepers _ - j; •; •" Globe Wernicke Book Cases Goods Stored Free Until Christmas h, ,<a . - - - . Beginning Wednesday Open Until Christmas r. E. South Center St.—The Big Store

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Page 1: Temple of Economy€¦ · piles without further treatment. If it proves its value to vou order more Irani your druggis:. at r.t1 cents a i>n\ 'I'his is lair, is it noiv Simply till



| cluced. and adopted •with Clark, Good, i and 1'senicka dissenting:. The mayor, i however, announced immediately his

veto of the resolution, saying that lie-

to jail -to await l*is hearing tills after­noon.

airs. Flakes, when she filed the complaint against/ her husband, said

Bant to Demonstrate the Merits of

Pyramid Pile Cure.

might as well inform the council now | that she ha<d had her husband arrested as a, week hence. la few days a-go at Boone. t>he then

Clark first raised an objection {o the I loft and came to h?r parents. 45he said passage of "the resolution. on the i her husband told her that ^ hen he ground that the city hail gone so t'ar | came after her h.e would not ask for already 'that he wanted to see the case I admission to the Crawtord home, but ftnallv disposed of, so that the city that he would "break in the door, and

What It Has Done for Others, It Can

Do for You.

"We have testimonials by the hun­dreds showing all stages, kinds and de­grees piles which have been cured '•> Pyramid Pile Cure.

If you could read these unsolicited letters you would no doubt go to trie Jiearest drug store and buy a- box of 3'yramid Pile Cure at once, price iiO rents.

Wo do not ask von to d" ibis, ^end us your name ard address and \v«i will tend vou a trial packus'1 by maii free.

We know whai the trial package will do. 1 ri manv cases has cured piles without further treatment. If it proves its value to vou order more Irani your druggis:. at r.t1 cents a i>n\ 'I'his is lair, is it noiv Simply till out fvee council below :tnd vml »oda»v






List of the Assessments, as Made by

Counci l on Di f ferent Propert ies In­

volved—Major i ty of Counci l Wants

tc Expunge Morgan Case From

Records But Mayor Vetoes.

might know where it stood in view of paving to come. Psenieka sided with Clark.

The mayor announced his position as being anxious to know whether or not the city could or could not assess a

_propertv like, the Morgan Jiome for paving. He confessed ho was a little jealous, for he paid for his paving. If the supremo court holds as did Judge Bradshaw -on corner lots, he would like t'i know it. so that the city cmild b^ governed in its paving work done in the future.

I' was announced from the gallery by Judge Burniiam that the case was .-•» t for hearing in the supreme oiirt today.

"shoot up the outfit." especially his father-in-law. Fearing that he might do as lie threatened the warrant was secured. :



The .•!:> J--in Tinny rreof in tin

>unci! Monday nignt. in : with th.- recent court de-asphalt paving case®. !•'!"-

FREE PACKAGE COUPON Pill out the blank lines below

with your name and address, .at out coupon and mail to the PYRAMID r>RCa COM PA N V. ]1Hi pyramid Bid?.. Marshall. Mich. A trial pack­age of the great Pyramid Pile Cure will then be sent vou at once by mail, FREE, in plain wrapper.


Street •

C:ty and State

Councilman Herman Miffed at What He Believes Contractor Cleary Said. A regrettable incident enlivened

Monday night's eoilncil meeting when ' "ouncilman Herman, of the Fourth ward, thought Contractor Cleary. who has charge of the concrete dam work, was poking fun a: Herman's English.

For a few moments ihe situation was at fever heat, and all that the mayor could do. in attempting to get t\Ir. Herman to take his seat, proved un-

ciuurman 01 me streets and alleys avyj!ing. Mr. Herman's ire knew no

mall.v levied the againsi the different

•vial assessments , properties in- !

vo'ived in the settlement, for ihe paving done six years ago.

Resolutions by Mr. Herman. a:-

Real Estate

committee, were acted upon, one levy­ing uu the city improvement fund to care fsr the city's share of the settlc-

, meat, due the Barb-r Asphalt Paving Company: another • •r^-ring' th^ war-

1 ran':- dra wn, in the sum of ?4.!<T l.'iO. • and the third ordering ihe assessments. ! Mr. Hernian's resolution levying on I the city improvement fund for a 1

bounds, and he talked about as plainly as a mail couid to Cleary and the mayor.

There was no one else in the council chamber who understood Mr. Cleary as Mr. Herman did. hence for a time it was a problem as to what the fuss was

, about. Mr. Herman had questioned a bill for

: twisted iron that had been used in the

Some Itfms Prepared at Western Gror cer Company Mills.

This list will assist in determining the brands of goods you want:

Mayflower blueing. Mayflower ammonia. Mayflower baking powder. Mayflower and Big L corn. Mayflower and Big 1., tomatoes. Mayflower and Big L pumpkin. Mayflower and Big 1- hominy. Cameo homiijy. < Cameo pumpkin. Cameo kidney beans * , Big L sauerkraut. ( ' Cameo baked bean.-. >u ' Big I- baked beans. Cameo lemon and vanilla. I ('ameo mince meat > Mayflower pancake ilv.ir. ('ameo tea. • Cameo and Mayflower catsup. Cameo spices of all Kinds. .w ; i Mayflower tapioca and sago. -Mayflower pearl barl.-j. Ked Rose oats. Red Rose coffee. < Chocolate Cream coitee. Scarlet King coffee And many others. Several kinds of prepared mustard. Salted peanuts. Cameo seeded raisins. Mayflower currants. Mayflower 10-cent package pow­

dered sugar.

of thg Lettis-FIetcher Company Mon­day night, tentative plans were made for a ten days' revival for men of the | city. The ten days from Jan. 20 to j 30 were chosen, altlio they are subject! to change. The religious campaign is ] to be in charge of the evangelistic i. committee of the federation, which has as its members Messrs. A. H. Welker, C. H. Cul'ley, Lewis D. Vitek, Dr. P. R. "VVoocfand IX E. Collins. An elfort will be made to secure the co-opera-1 tion of the Marshalltown Pastors' As- I sociation, and if possible a strong speaker from a distance will be se-; cured to conduct the series of meet- 1

ings. The committee which is in charge •of the plans will select the speaker and choose the pte.ee or places where . the meetings will be held. j

A full membership of all of the conij- I mittees of the federation was chosen at the meeting.

I mil! tax payablfe in lf'10. and another i construction of the joints of the re-. 1 mill in lull, for the purpose of pay. j straining walls. The Fourth ward

ine the Barber people in the com- \ councilman wanted to know why the .promise settlement, was adopted. The ! i ron had not been included in the bid.

series were, ordered certified to the county -auditor. Altho he introduced

! tile resolution Mr. Herman did not'sup-For Sale—.-room co^age, on ;>a\ed . pu!-L jt. and with Chirk, who has op- j

ftreet near car line, has electric lights, I I 'o-td the settlement from the begin-, , „ n.ng. voted against the resolution. Mr.

i^th room, and furnace. Possession i Herman explained his vote because he Priced now-f ^d not want t" levy a tax on the

people. , Warrants Draw 5 Per Cent.

Thi- le\ y nf i' mills, togetner with j what is on hand, will care f.,r the S4.-! 947.GO. the amount th - -icy i j indebted ; to the Barber p*..pie ia the settlement. The warrants, which were ordered by re.-olution drawn .-n ilu improvement fund, are in the .-urns ••.*' 447..n>, $!.-

i -••<> and ^l.i'. 'i.i.. All draw interest at '•> i per cent from I >•>-. ?•. K-"'i!'. and are pay-

will be given April 1, 1910.

J2.r>00. Marsnalltown propertv

increasing in value, if you are looking!

Tor a good home close in, had better I

Investigate this at once.

For Rent—1 rooms close in. with

W iter. electric lights ana g* for cook-

I. g $12 per month. - ;

If you have property for sale or rent. :

I I: with us for quick r-tarns

. John Coburn or L H. Treat 'PHONE 806.

Mr. Clear\- arose to explain for 'Mr. Herman's benefit, and so stated. He said that the specifications did not call for 'the iron, and that consequently he did not bid on it. The city engineer had discovered that the iron had not been called for. and insisted that it be placed. Mr. Cleary said that it was proper construction, and should have been called for. Mr. Steiner. city en- • gineer, explained how he had noticed | the absence <>f the iron, and had called j upon the mayor to "O. K." the pur- I

• * * Real Estate Transfers. J. W. Bark'nurst to Logan Watson,

:ot G. block 2. Webster's addition, j $1,600. I

Earl Gates and wife to X. A. -Evans, lot 5, block 1, Webster's 'third addition. $1.

B. F. Cuminings and wife, to Walter Canaday. part of lots 8 and 9, block 1, Delano park. SI.

John MoPherson and wife, of Des Moines, to Rosa Kohlef, lot I. block 9, Marshalltown addition, $3,000.

Enos K. Pemberton and wife, to Charles J. ana Harry F. McCombs, lot 9. block 3. Hughes' addition, $1.

R. A. Blzy and wife, to National De­natured Alcohol Company, land in east Marshall, $2,100.

J. 'M. Alexander to National De­natured Alcohol Company, land In east 'Marshall. $1.

Ella D. Pyle and husband, to Charles Zimmerman, land on North First street, $3,500.

Flora E. Burch and husband, to J. W. Burch, land in Logan township, $SS0.


We arc' here with the goods. We have the largest stock of

Toys and Holiday Goods


Wednesday for Christmas—Special Prices Froni 8 to 12 O'Clock Only. Commencing at S o'clock Wednesday

morning and quitting o'clock, we will make prices on table linen:

Choice of all our si for -Sf» cents.

Choice of all our £1.3 Choice of all our

73 cents. Choice of all our 7T.

69 cnts.

sharp at 12 the following

Local Weather Record. Twentq-seven was Monday's maxi­

mum •temperature, one degree colder than the day before: The minimum last night was 24, three degrees warmer than the night before. At 7 o'clock •this' morning the temperature was 26, one degree warmer than at the corres­

ponding hour yesterday .morning. _ .

bleached linen •

> for $1.19. cent linen for

New Beacon Light for Odd Fellows. The city council Monday night

granted to Banner Lodge: No. 123, I. I O. O. P., the privilege of erecting a

cent linen forinow beacon Hsht in front of the Odd i Fellows' hall. The sign is to be hung |tu der the direction of the sign In-

ever shown in Mar ing of Dolls, Fancy Glass, Doll Cabs, Fancy Glass, Collar bums, Salad Dishes, Sets, Water Sets, Burnt Wood Novel-Drums, Pictures and goods we have no

here. Call and look over our immense stock. You are wel-

; come whether | you buy or not.

shalltown, consist-China, Vases, Cut Desks, Sleds, Wagons and Cuff Boxes, £l-Sugar and Creamer Dinner Sets, Lamps, ties, Brass Goods, thousands of other r o d m t o m e n t i o n

"fTKH.it I

Temple of Economy all napkins. |



Oftu-e over. ytrtekl '^iOthiil -Lor-.-. ing per cent, interest

;[ drawn and certified 'to :

'Hvnc-r. .\!ti"Uiii'.V--?., Victoria C. Payn-

f! Victor C. Payn°

I i Victoria >'. Payn,.-j John A. Sieg

Mary i Vnklitig |-Mary <'. Z:'-'r>erger : Lulu A. L til" ^: . Luiu A. Lair . • ! Thomas Swearings!! ' M. P.. .Si'.nonds '; M. B. Simonds . . .

M. B. Simoiids .. i:.'t i Anna Young Alice M. Simmons

' Alice M. Simmons i A. X. French

D. T. .Smith THE RIGHT KIND „ D T _ -

of at friend to stand by you durin^'nie | D. T. Smith • D. T. Smith

M. E. Andrews ! Fannie F. Darner ... ....... .. . .. ! A. T. Bircliard i A. T. Birchard .... . . . . . : . .. .

4 >«

Ten per cent off on Pv.-niem'oer to get your order in fori e pull the thread in all our linens I

elias*. This the major did. and didian(j that takes time. Can not do that.; without any action on the part of the I after 1- o'clock. ! council, lor waiting for the action1 BEXKDICT & BRIXTXAL.L. i v - ... . would have delayed the work. ^ • : j AcceP l °ur Jdv,c« a"d T r£ Th,s Rem"

.Mr. Herman ih.-n attacked Mr.! Walks Damaged by Frost. ' _ y a u r , s * Cl-'arv tor making fun of his, (Hor- i cif- Kngincer St-- :.uor r<-portcd to; * atairh is a. disease of the mucous

a'oi- in i1!U". and lull. A pmviso i man's) English, and referring sar- J the council Moi.dav night th at the membrane. The mucous membrane is, made, however, that, th.- wan-ants [casticaliy to the word "nottings" i Cook cement walks at Main, and First one may say. the interior lining of the

sha'1 not be issU'-d in excess th* ' ivhich a native German might use for': streets, ordered repaired by the council body. Catarrh therefore may exist in amount anticipated from tile levies at'; 'he word "nothing." the time o:' i.-su»-. This r.-solut:on j Ck-arj* of continually insulting both I the cold and parts

with all voting aye with the him and Mr. Rteiner. The mayor ruled • haVi exce)i!ion of Clark.

List of Special Assessments. T . I " »,,a-Mi as-ssaiv-ms under the " said, shaking his list at |

-v.t; eni'-nt. for which certiiicates bear- ,'<"leary. and. turning to Mayor Ingle- j iv- ordered ' l1ue- said. "And I can take- cart- of you. j •oiiiitv a.-'" • *'°°-" r. Cleary rose to apologize if he!

: had said anything at all to offend Mr. | 'Herman, and said that he had certain­ly meant no insult of any kind. This

: I


Herman out of order, and Herman re- i Tlu-: filled to -it down. "I can Take care of i

Herman accused ! iate this season'.^had been uamaged by any ]-iart of the system. the walk would j Wh'-n the catarrhal poison attacks

to be reconstructed in th« spring. I the mucous membrane, inflammation '.valks cost ilv'.-t'T. ; and congest ion are produced and nature

fails to throw off the accumulated



sment. i S V.",.7> i

To. !0 j •r^.'IU • 10.-J.ll' ' 12'i.JS '

105.1.1 l'. 'S.U' H>3.12 jOt'.OO H>'|

ItC.T'.i I."0.21 14'-J.lj0 1

ti la- ;1(_, v lac] !K,t used the word "not-; i tings."' Mr. Herman, however, insists

454-1- that he did. "4.2V ....

l. 'n'fi

The Most Beautiful Stones Next

Diamonds Are Always

Big Line at Hellberg's.

Hellberg always tries to have different

O.'lli -tiian vou can find in re.

did not appease the councilman, how­ever. and the mayor yelled. "S;t down! Th-re is no occasion for any such j hubub here."' "i'all me a hobo if you ' want to." replied Herman, shaking f l i l ius

with emotion. ' 'Order me out of here : the ordinary s if you want to." ! ! t 'jig shipmen

Councilman Gregory then poured oil j 'on the troubled waters, and pt-ace; , . reiirn-'il complete and you are invited to see

Att>-r the meeting Mr. Cleary of- ' this selection. He also received today ; feiyd his hand, and iviterateil that he a shipment of genuine Amber beads,

»oisons. The organ which has been afflicted ceases to perform its proper function as nature intended it should | The result is, complication upon com-

i plication, which may lead to other even to j more serious afflictions.

jravor i We honestly believe Rexall Mucu-! Tone will do wonders toward over-

had meant no offense whatever, and \

Xmas season is



T: won't Tiiake itself, and w-•rnaise it unless we have your\order.1

•< ail' ., we get that order today;



l.Vl. «x.

•dll't i <'

A. PSENICKA Fine Tailoring



GIFTS Brushes. Combs and Mirror*' Make an

Ccellent Present. Our Line is Complete. ' /


Pocket Books, Purses, Card Cases. Bill Books, Cigar Cases Are Al­

ways Acceptable Gifts

Trine j O. 15. P.arrows ,.--tate . O. B. Barrows estate

Ed Myers Emily F. Monohon . . . . Kmily F. Monohon .. Ida M. Evans

• W. E. M'-I-eiand J . 1 A r m s t r o n g

J J. C. Ar.astrone j J. 1 ' . Armstrong and Lora A . Bennett 1 A'i:-,"- E. I.»evine

Wi'.'iam H. Da\'is Wil'.iam H. Davis Alice Cam isvn S. \V. EaSh-ii" S. \V. LaShelle

. S. W. l.rtShelle ;J. M. Parker

Agn"s <'. Sears Agnes i". Sear-Agnes C. S'-ars-Sarah T Me»K>T A d olph K11 nkel J;; .V Adolt.h Ktoilt"'

J.'O.jl I.Vi >«1 i.j0.s2

: "0.77 1.V0.7T 171.ST S47.n0 100.00 120.02 :i4:;.7*. 137.r ,0



Returns to the New Odeon Thursday Evening.

A i>Iav that: gives one nothing to think of but all to iaugh ai is whai. "The Blue Mouse" is said to be. This latest Clyde Fitch farce, which has re­ceived the honors as the biggest hit of the Xew York theatrical season, comes io tile New Odeon theater next Thurs-

' day. Dec. 16. under the management of • the Messrs. Siiub'-rt.

The foundation for the play has been i

coming catarrh. It is made from the prescription of an eminent physician who made a. long study of catarrh, and

, his great success with this remedy w^s He received today i an enviable one.

of imported Bohemian I "We want you if you are a sufferer garnets, broaches and pins: the line is 'from catarrh in any form, to give Rex­

all Mucu-Tone a thorough trial. Use it with regularity and persistency for a reasonable time, then if you are not satisfied, come back and tell us, and j without question or formality we will hand back to you every cent you paid us. This is certainly the fairest offer that anyone could make and should at­test our sincerity of purpose. It comes in two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1. Remember you can obtain it only at our store—The Rexall Store. The Mc-Bride & "Will Drug Company.

together with a large assortment of other beads. If you want something different you should see. Hellberg.


City Solicitor Presents Claim For $1,086 Against City.

For legal services on behalf of the city F. E. Xorihup, city solicitor, filed with the council Monday night a bill for Sl.OSS. The itemized statement in-cliides settlement and compromise in thirty-four paving cases at $20 pet-case, oi- 56S0. and other legal work at • *206. The communication states that i the bill does not Include work done on j

j the. franchises, paving, construction ol 'dam, etc. The bill was referred to the

Some Facts Which Every Resident of Iowa Should Know About

v \

in lit*


6 Dr. MairV Hair Remedy

• - ' • - * » f • ' •

It stops itching scalp; 'it eradi­cates dandruff; it stops falling hair; it prevents baldness; it is an ideal hair dressing; it does all this and more. Try a bottle and be convinced. Sold on a positive guarantee by druggists and barbers. 4 , v f . •. ^ * .• J

DR. H. T. MAIRS* REMEDY COMPANY Marshalltown, Iowa. \\

obtained from the German. In the land of the Kaiser "The Blue Mouse" has | been running for ov--r two years. It is : also running in France and is amusing

12!*.02 jn Denmark. Sweden and Austria. The 4* f |.i3 Clyde Fitch version is local in every l.a.'.H , re-pect. There are three extremely 103.12 ! novel scenes and a east of twenty-five 343.i.•> ; person? is required yto interpret the i.ai.Oo : storv. among them are Alma Karie. O. . 1.10.00 | e. Hallan. Jack Belgrave/ Charles E. our special fur salesman will be a

1 i.6G i ciarke. Frank V. French. H. H. Dud-447.6f> gfon. Leo DuMont. I-avina Thomson, 110.SI '{intrude Steel". Josephine Kemety and

iIness Ragan. Seats on sale tomorrow 1-lO.SO , al a n) v 2 2-1. SO

: ; l- s J PAID MORE THAN BILLED. 100.00

$5 Per

(judiciary committee.


Our Special Fur Salesman Will Be at :

Our Store Wednesday and Thursday. If you want to buy yourself or your

friends a Christmas present, attend our fur sale tomorrow and Thursday, when

our store, with a full line of furs, any­thing from the smallest 'piece up to the long coats. These furs will be de­livered from his sample, no waiting.

Come in tomorrow. A. H. SIMOX.


Our Line


s Most Complete Packages


n Holiday

Wants Another Reduction. 'Election Officials to Be Paid A petition filed with the council by; Day instead of $3.75.

On a motion "f Psenieka Monday the J. C. Armstrong estate, asked for ! a further reduction on the assessment' . , .. ,, „

t, e night the city council considered the ie ' granting to all election judges, and

clerks who served at the recent special

.'for paving. This was referred j judiciary committee, mayor, and city1

1 iraUCinac € iCCx.

Our Line of Traveling, Baby an<i Mi itary Sets is Very Complete


Buy Your Christmas Cigars of us. We Have All Kinds

Watch Our Windows for Xmas Sug­gestions Tjy

PETER MAYER, Pharmacist


Mayor Vetoes Resolution. , Th ..r,/i A resolution by Mr.. Hull, calling for ! day insteadI of^$3..o. Ihe judge, and

,. • . , • , . crerks of all the wards excepting the the .-topping of any further proceed- j , 1..,, ings in the paving case of Mrs. F.

Federation of Chiirch Men's Clubs Fixes Date for Late in January.

At the first meeting of the,,new ex­ecutive committee of the Federation of j Church Men's Clubs, held at the office

I Morgan against the city, was intro-

"I have used your valuable Cascareta •ad I find them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am sow completely cured. Recom­mend them to everyone. Once tried, you will never be without them in the (family. "—Edward A. Marx, Albany, N.Y.

JJaaaaat, Palatable. Potent. Taite Good. H? New Siekea.WeakM or Grip*.

> 10c.tSe.9te. Never sold ta bulk. The rea-„ ufaa tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to

•aroar year nosey back. 19

w.tvM/ss-,/-: •,: •-> JA/\


Fourth had already filed bills for $3.l b . {The Fourth ward officials asked $j. (Councilman Herman explained that it | had been customary heretofore to pay | ; $5, and for that reason has filed the j ; bills in his ward in that amount. It j

w i l l b e n e c e s s a r y f o r t h e o f f i c i a l s o f ' the' four wards billing for the smaller

iamount to file new bills with the city clerk. They will be acted upon next Monday night, the date fixed in de­ferring final action. The increase will mean $25 more to the applicants for the franchise than the original bills called for.


WANDA LUDLOW, In "The Candy Kid."

Simon Flakes Locked Up For Threat­ening the Crawford Family.

Because, so it is claimed, he made the threat in Boone that when he came to this city looking for his •wife, who is the daughter of W. D. Crawford, colored, that he would "bust" in ithe door and clean out the -hoiroe, ^Irs, Flakes secured the issuance of a warrant charging threatening a public offense, and Flakes, a Boone negro, was arrested when he stepped from the train Monday night. He was arraigned before Justice Peek this morning, iwhen

ihe pleaded not guilty and was taken

An Egg Scrambled with

Post It's Surprising what a de­

lightful charrn is added to the old dish. - •

• --"v. • •-yj v..-" •. - •-... ..• • . . j' •.

Many other reolpes in book: "Tid-Bits made with Toasties" in <Svery other pkg.

' V Popular size .10c.

.v. ^Family aire 15c.

Fostum Ceraal Company, , . Battle Creek, iMlch. .


Christmas Suggestions • »-r. -t".

A Smoking Table or Shaving Mirror for Husband

A H o o s i e r K i t c h e n C a b i n e t f o r W i f e

Rockers ^ Picture

Library Table

Center Tables

i Large Mirror


Screens 1

/ -


Roman Chairs • ^ V ^ '

Child's Rockers t r"" .

" Bissel Carpet Sweepers • •

_ - j; • •; •"

Globe Wernicke Book Cases

Goods Stored Free Until Christmas

• h, , < a . - - - .

Beginning Wednesday Open Until Christmas


E. South Center St.—The Big Store