temple emanu-el newsletter jan-feb 2013 online edition

President Cliff Halevi [email protected] 1st Vice President Rich Rosen [email protected] 2nd Vice President Ken Marcus [email protected] Treasurer Barry Langlieb [email protected] Secretary Jackie Foil [email protected] Board of Trustees Deb Grafton Barron Guss David Haymer Stan Jacobs Jackie Mild Lau Larry Steinberg Sisterhood Board Reps Marcia Klompus Mim Lang Professional Staff Ken Aronowitz – Prayer Leader & Cantorial Soloist [email protected] Richard Field – Executive Director [email protected] Helene Mann – SJS Director School of Jewish Studies (SJS) [email protected] Momi Martinez – Director Gan Yerushalayim Preschool [email protected] Office Secretary [email protected] Librarian [email protected] Inside this issue… From our Prayer Leader & President (page 2) Save The Dates (page 3) Aloha Chaver (page 4) Sam Glaser Is Returning! (page 5) Sisterhood News (pages 6-7) SJS Update (pages 8-9) New Members, Jewish Seniors & JFF Committee (pages 10-11) Recent Events in Review (pages 12-20) Worth Menschening (page 21) Levinson-Krupp Library (page 15) Donations (page 22) JAN/FEB 2013 VOLUME 2013, ISSUE 1 The Center of Jewish Life in Hawaii During almost every single week in November and December, Temple Emanu-El was packed with non-stop services and events. From spiritually uplifting services led by Ken Aronowitz, and a return visit by Rabbi Lenore Bohm, to an amazing array of guest musicians including an Israeli Opera Star, a Jewish Blues guitarist, a “flamenco -klezmer fusion duo” and a Hanukah dance featuring a classic-rock band led by an SJS parent, the Temple was the place to be. Other events included: several congre- gational dinners, a family “bring your own menorah” lighting, a Holiday Craft Fair, and the SJS “Maccabee Games”, featuring a “time portal dreidel”. And 2013 will feature even more activities, with visiting rabbis, musicians and speakers, holiday services and events, and the annual Jewish Film Festival. Check out the pages inside for details on recent and upcoming events at your Temple Ohana!

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Page 1: Temple Emanu-El Newsletter Jan-Feb 2013 online edition

President Cliff Halevi [email protected]

1st Vice President Rich Rosen [email protected]

2nd Vice President Ken Marcus [email protected]

Treasurer Barry Langlieb [email protected]

Secretary Jackie Foil [email protected]

Board of Trustees Deb Grafton Barron Guss David Haymer Stan Jacobs Jackie Mild Lau Larry Steinberg

Sisterhood Board Reps Marcia Klompus Mim Lang

Professional Staff

Ken Aronowitz – Prayer Leader & Cantorial Soloist [email protected]

Richard Field – Executive Director [email protected]

Helene Mann – SJS Director School of Jewish Studies (SJS) [email protected]

Momi Martinez – Director Gan Yerushalayim Preschool [email protected]

Office Secretary [email protected]

Librarian [email protected]

Inside this issue… From our Prayer Leader & President (page 2) Save The Dates (page 3) Aloha Chaver (page 4) Sam Glaser Is Returning! (page 5) Sisterhood News (pages 6-7) SJS Update (pages 8-9) New Members, Jewish Seniors & JFF Committee (pages 10-11) Recent Events in Review (pages 12-20) Worth Menschening (page 21) Levinson-Krupp Library (page 15) Donations (page 22)


The Center of Jewish Life in Hawaii

During almost every single week in November and December, Temple Emanu-El was packed with non-stop services and events. From spiritually uplifting services led by Ken Aronowitz, and a return visit by Rabbi Lenore Bohm, to an amazing array of guest musicians including an Israeli Opera Star, a Jewish Blues guitarist, a “flamenco-klezmer fusion duo” and a Hanukah dance featuring a classic-rock band led by an SJS parent, the Temple was the place to be. Other events included: several congre-gational dinners, a family “bring your own menorah” lighting, a Holiday Craft Fair, and the SJS “Maccabee Games”, featuring a “time portal dreidel”. And 2013 will feature even more activities, with visiting rabbis, musicians and speakers, holiday services and events, and the annual Jewish Film Festival. Check out the pages inside for details on recent and upcoming events at your Temple Ohana!

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From our Prayer Leader…Ken Aronowitz

Serving Something Greater

I was honored to represent Temple Emanu-El at the beautiful Memorial Service for the late Senator Dan Inouye that was held at Punchbowl National Cemetery this past weekend. (This is why I was unable to attend the wonderful “Champagne & Blues Brunch”

featuring Saul Kaye that same morning.)

At the Memorial Service, what came across very powerfully to me was that Senator Inouye served G-d through his service to the people of Hawaii, and through his support of the Hawaii Jewish community and the State of Israel.

The passing of Senator Inouye represents the passing of one of Israel’s greatest friends and supporters and he will be sorely missed. I recall a meeting I attended many years ago with the Senator in which he shared his fascination with Judaism. He had even considered converting, but ultimately remained faithful to his family’s Buddhist roots.

Our tribute to the memory of this honorable man is an appropriate message as we embark upon a secular new year, 2013. I believe, and Senator Inouye exemplified, that we derive the most meaning and happiness in our lives by our service to something that is bigger than ourselves, namely our community and “the Eternal One.”

With this in mind, yasher koach to all those who have served Temple Emanu-El by helping with congregational dinners or at events such as our incredible Rock of Ages concerts, or the aforementioned Champagne Blues Brunch.

However, with so many wonderful Temple events that are being planning for 2013, we will need a lot of helping hands to help bring these events to fruition.

Please consider calling or e-mailing our Executive Director, Richard Field, and letting him know that you are able to help with one of our upcoming activities. Or if you get a phone call asking for help with an upcoming event, please say yes!

You will gain a great deal of satisfaction and will be helping to foster and perpetuate the warm feeling that is infusing itself in all our services and events and which is allowing our congregation to grow and flourish. Shalom u’vracha!

From our President…Cliff Halevi

Rededication Happy Hanukah! Hanukah is Hebrew for “dedication” and refers to the rededication of our Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd Century B.C.E. How appropriate then, given our efforts to “rededicate our Temple to once again becoming the Center of Jewish Life on Oahu.” Just flip through this

newsletter, or check out our calendar at www.shaloha.com, and you will see that we are well on our way to fulfilling that promise. Almost every week the Temple has been “the place to be” with spiritually enriching services, interesting speakers, wonderful and talented Jewish artists and musicians, and fun-filled community events that appeal to all ages. Membership is once again increasing, and donations are up, so the huge deficit that we inherited last summer is slowly starting to shrink. More importantly, all our services and events are marked by a warm and friendly spirit that is hard not to notice.

Just in the past month or so, we’ve had a wonderful Craft Fair, heard from a visiting Israeli Opera singer, had a return visit from guest Rabbi Lenore Bohm, and our youth group had a pool party at the “Obama Winter White House”. Additionally we’ve had a first-ever “4th Friday Thanksgiving Leftovers Potluck” and to celebrate Hanukah we started on the 1st Night with two back-to-back concerts. First in the Sanctuary we heard “Cradle Duende”, a SF-based duo that played an amazing blend of “flamenco klezmer hip-hop fusion” that had all ages dancing in the aisles, and that was immediately followed by a rock concert and dance in the Social Hall, featuring a classic-rock band led by front-man Matt Goldenson, who is the father of one of our SJS students. Then on the following Friday night, the 7th Night, about one hundred congregants attended our congregational Hanukkah dinner and service, and last Sunday, the last day of Hanukah, we held the SJS Maccabee Games, which was amazing and the kids really loved.

This past Sunday we held a “Champagne & Blues Brunch” featuring talented Jewish Blues guitarist Saul Kaye. That event attracted about 120 current and former Temple members, including a lot of new faces too. Mark January 27th on your calendar as we welcome back Sam Glaser in Concert. Work is also underway for events later in the year, such as the Jewish Film Festival, Woman of Valor and Purim Carnival. Lots of volunteers are needed to help make these plans a reality so please let us know if you’d like to help out.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Temple this coming year!

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Every Saturday at 9am – Torah Study in the Library Led by Dan Bender. Dan has been the Lay Leader at the

Aloha Jewish Chapel at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam for the past eleven years and holds a Masters Degree in

Jewish Education from Hebrew Union College.

Every Saturday at 1pm – Talmud Study in the Library Led by Jay Friedheim and Gregg Kinkley

Fri. Dec. 28th 6pm - Kabbalat Shabbat (Followed by congregational semi-potluck dinner)

Sun. Jan. 13th 2pm – 4pm Sisterhood’s “Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social”

Sun. Jan. 27th. 6:30pm Sam Glaser in Concert!!!

Sun. Feb. 10th 10:30 a.m. Sisterhood’s “Woman of Valor” Luncheon

Honoring Lillian Malzman Waialae Country Club

Looking Ahead: SJS Purim Carnival - Sun. Feb. 24th Kirk Cashmere Jewish Film Festival - March 2nd-14th

And many more events are being planned! To get the latest info on upcoming events and services, check out our online calendar

at www.shaloha.com.

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ALOHA CHAVER Senator Daniel Inouye, long-time honorary member of Temple Emanu-El, passed away on December 17th at the age of 88.

He was a tremendous supporter of Israel through his work in the Senate. He had visited the State of Israel as recently as this past January, meeting with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen Benny Gantz and other officials.

We were fortunate to have Senator Inouye speak at Temple Emanu-El on several occasions.

May the memory of Senator Daniel Inouye be for a blessing.

Congratulations to Hawaii’s newest Senator, Brian Schatz.

Brian is the son of long-time members of our community, Irv and Barbara Schatz.

The Temple Ohana congratulates Brian on this historic honor and wishes him and his family mazal tov!

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Coming Events!

SAVE THE DATE!!! Sunday January 27, 2013 at 6pm Details to be announced shortly.

Grateful acknowledgement to our generous sponsors: • Mark & Janie Davis (Platinum) • Bernie & Madeline Scherman (Gold) • Jean Hankin (Gold) • Matt & Mabel Sgan (Silver) • Your Name Here (we need one

more sponsor!)

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Sisterhood Aloha Temple and Sisterhood Members!

Our own Past Sisterhood President Lynne Halevi is generously donating copies of her book, "LOVES LOST AND FOUND" to the Temple Gift Shop. This book retails for $18, but the first 10 people who donate $25.00 to the Sisterhood of Temple Emanu-El will get a copy of the book. That means the Sisterhood will get the full $25, and you will get a nice book filled with wonderful stories and poems.

We need to receive your tax deductable donation by December 31, 2012 to honor this offer. Please email [email protected] to reserve your copy. The book may be picked up at the Temple Library. Temple Librarians Sally Morgan or Deborah Washofsky will be happy to receive your check and present you with your copy of this "must read" book. The Library is open Monday and Thursday from 9:00 AM to Noon. ALSO... MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 13TH 2:00-4:00 PM at TEMPLE EMANUEL FOR THE SISTERHOOD'S “OLD-FASHIONED ICE CREAM SOCIAL" This is a "free" gathering for all Paid Up Members of Temple Sisterhood. Dues for this year's membership will be accepted at the door. Questions can be directed to [email protected]. Finally, save the date:

Sunday, Feb 10, 2013 Sisterhood’s Annual “Woman of Valor” Luncheon

This year’s honoree is Lillian Malzman. Silent auction at 10:30 am. Lunch begins at 11:30 am. Waialae Country Club. $36. Please attend to honor and support Lillian.

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Lillian Malzman Six-decade member of Hawaii’s Jewish community

(This article was written by Jana Wolff and originally appeared in the December 2010 Temple Newsletter. We are reprinting this now in honor of Lillian’s selection as the Sisterhood’s 2013 “Woman of Valor”.)

While many young couples travel to Hawaii for their honeymoon, Lillian Ariel came here in 1943 both to get married and to stay. She traveled alone from New Jersey, first by railroad to San Francisco, and then by Navy boat to Honolulu. Her betrothed—Morris (“Mal”) Malzman—was working at Pearl Harbor. They first met two years earlier, when Mal was visiting his ailing brother at a NJ hospital where Lillian was training as a nurse.

He saw in Lillian an independence and charm that seem to have long been a part of her nature. At summer camp for Girl Scouts, she was the camp’s bugler, swim instructor, and lifeguard. And from the time she was in seventh grade until her graduation from nursing school, Lillian spent her summers and vacations traveling with Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus as part of horse act called “Bella Donna Brengk and her Golden Girls.”

Three days after Lillian and Mal reunited in Hawaii, the young couple was married in Waikiki by a Navy chaplain (who, according to Lillian, was also a used car salesman and gave them a very good deal!) Bertha Stern was the matron of honor and also Lillian’s entrée into the Jewish Women’s Club of Honolulu (now Sisterhood), which at the time met monthly in a church on Young Street.

Religious functions in the 1940s often were held at many different venues around town; a few years after Lillian arrived, a large seder was held at McKinley High School. Services took place at the Jewish Welfare Board/Jewish Community Center in a kama`aina residence on So. Beretania Street and later in a renovated home that the congregation purchased on Oahu Avenue in Manoa. Temple Emanu-El took its name in 1951 and moved into its permanent home on the Pali in 1960. For the most part, Lillian loved bringing up her two sons and working as a nurse and nursing home administrator in Hawaii … though she clearly remembers a boss of hers at Pearl Harbor who wanted her fired for being a Jew, and a neighbor looking closely at her head for horns.

Then, as now, Lillian fully embraced her Judaism, jumping in with both slippers. She was the congregation’s first Sunday School kindergarten teacher; she worked with Sisterhood to support a needy Jewish child in France; she helped raise money for Sisterhood through rummage sales; she hosted an Israeli family in her home for three years; and she convinced a newcomer with a good voice to start the Temple’s choir.

Now 90, [editor’s note: now 92, as of this reprint] Lillian’s enthusiasm and energy have not waned. In fact, her son Irwin (as in “Captain Irwin,” the legendary helicopter traffic reporter for 27 years), has to work around his mother’s busy schedule when he comes to visit from Las Vegas. She’s chaplain of B’nai B’rith; still active in Sisterhood; attends Bible Study and weekly services at Aloha Jewish Chapel; and somehow finds time to play Panguini once a week, Mahjong twice a week, and golf at Hickam when she can squeeze it in. Ours is a better Jewish community thanks to Lillian’s six decades of involvement in it.

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From The School of Jewish Studies (SJS) Shaloha Everyone!

We are having a great year at SJS! We started the year off with a wonderful Rosh Hashanah activity with Renee Derrickson our 2/3 grade teacher and her madricha (and daughter), Summer, making round challot with the whole school. The circular shape of the challah is a symbol of renewal, and how appropriate as we began the renewal of our Temple and SJS this year. The Sisterhood invited SJS to entertain at their Craft Fair on November 11th. The younger grades, with Teachers Galit Levinson and Rene Derrickson, sang, and the stole the show. Rebecca Simmons, our fourth grade teacher, choreographed a rousing dance, and the sixth and seventh grade taught by Jan Fried and Rachel Haymer, respectively, performed a play based on the book by Eric Kimmel, Hershel and the Chanukah Goblins, written by our own Rachel Haymer.

On December 8th we had our Rock of Ages fund raiser concert with muchos mahalos and a basket full of todah rabbahs to the Charles Taylor Band, with our own SJS father, Matt Goldenson, as lead singer (and a special Chanukah song written and performed by our own Rachel Haymer), at that truly awesome concert we introduced the Amazing SJS Chanukah Race, proposed and executed by Temple member Alice Lachman. Every year in Israel, runners bring a torch form one town to another, starting in Modi’in, the hometown of the historic Maccabees. The runners end their trek in Jerusalem. We had a

virtual race, bringing Judah Ha Macabbee to Honolulu. Donations brought him closer and closer to us, but he didn’t quite make it. So even though Chanukah is over. We’re still open to donations to bring Judah to Oahu. On December 16th we held our annual Maccabiah games to celebrate Chanukah. This year Jackie Lau, our art teacher extraordinaire, outdid herself. She built an amazing maze, with the help of Bart Ulansey, Jack Ing, Rich Rosen, Jan Fried, Rachel Haymer; and our awesome students, Ollie Goldstein, Yaron Hanan Katelyn McAraw, and Jade Unabia. Each cubicle of the maze housed an activity, but to enter the maze you had to climb into a huge dreidle, which was a time portal to the past. Round and round you went in the Dreidel, and when it stopped, you entered the maze during the time of the Maccabees.

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The kids played Jewpardy, held relay races, cleared the (virtual) pigs from the (virtual) Temple, hit the driedleyata (a piñata with a Hebrew spin), and ate fried donuts (malasadas here in Hawaii, and suvganiot in Israel). Parents Hinda Aronowitz, Susan Kroe, Donna Queener, and Bart Ulansey (please forgive me if I’ve forgotten anyone) along with Joanne Shapiro, Ed Committee member, as well as teachers; and madrichim, Dixie Kvatek, Hannah Hall, and Misha Woodward, manned the booths. All of us had fun and danced at the end to the super stylings and singing of our own Mr. A+, aka Ken Aronowitz.

There was so much ruach; what a wonderful, joyous way to learn about and celebrate our traditions! It has been my mission to infuse ruach and joy into the learning experiece at SJS. The children learn about mitzvot, about our holidays and traditions, and of course, how to read Hebrew, with ruach and fun. D’var Torah, studying Torah, traditions, and Hebrew are all mitzvot, and therefore all blessings; and that is all of us at SJS

making a joyful noise unto the Lord. Todah Rabbah, Helene Mann SJS Director

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The Board of Trustees of Temple Emanu-El warmly welcomes the following new members to the

Temple Emanu-El Ohana: Jaime and Joseph DeGuzman Michael and Cynthia Lebowitz

Join the Membership Committee! The Membership Committee (MemCom) is involved with implementing a series of welcoming receptions, events and activities to welcome and integrate new members into our community.

New Member Receptions are usually held off-site at members' homes and are a great way to welcome new members and to meet prospective members.

We also need volunteer “greeters” for the “welcoming tables” that we now have at all Temple services and events.

If you want to be a greeter, or want to join this committee, or you just want to help host an event, (or volunteer your home for an event), please contact MemCom Chair Jackie Foil at [email protected]

Hawaii Jewish Seniors The Seniors’ Chanukah party was a huge success thanks to Ken Aronowitz and the keiki from our Gan. Thanks again to the members of the Sisterhood Council who pitched in and cooked and served. Hawaii

Jewish Seniors wishes everyone a Happy New Year and we look forward to more fun, friendly and interesting activities in 2013. Hope to see all of you in the coming year and please bring a friend.

Evelyn Davis

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Join the Jewish Film Festival Committee! The Jewish Film Festival Committee is responsible for planning and running Temple Emanu-El’s Kirk Cashmere Jewish Film Festival.

This film festival, which will be held March 2-14, 2013 at the Doris Duke Theater at the Honolulu Museum of Art (formerly the Academy of Arts), is in its 11th year.

Volunteers are needed to help with PR and fund-raising, and to help out at the film showings. Once the festival is over, committee members then start planning for next year’s festival which entails many months of reviewing dozens of award winning films. If you are a film buff, this is the best hard work you could ever dream of!

If you would like to join this committee, or just want to help at a specific movie showing during the upcoming festival, or just would like more information, please contact the JFF Committee Chair Stan Jacobs at [email protected] .

SAVE THE DATES! Mark your calendar!

11th Annual Kirk Cashmere Jewish Film Festival March 2-14, 2013

Doris Duke Theater at the Honolulu Museum of Art

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Recent Happenings HOOTY Presidential Pool Party

On November 3rd, HOOTY had a “Presidential Pool Party” at the “Obama Winter White House” in Kailua. Attendees also got to take a tour of the inside of the house.

The room that garnered the most interest was the “Presidential Bathroom”! A close second was the Presidential Jacuzzi and Waterfall that are built into the lava rock swimming pool.

HOOTY is seeking new members so please call the Temple at 595-7521 or send email to [email protected] to sign up!

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Recent Happenings Sisterhood Craft Fair

The Sisterhood held their annual Craft Fair on November 11th. Many crafters were there. Several Temple members who are authors were also there selling their books.

Highlights of the Fair include a performance by our SJS students and a few songs performed by Irit Stark, a visiting Israeli Opera Singer who had performed some songs during the preceding Friday night services.

Your ad could be here!

Have a business or service that you’d like to advertise to the Temple community? Your ad could appear in this newsletter and in our online versions and website too. Call Richard Field at 808-595-7521 to inquire.

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Recent Events Nu’u’anu Valley Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Temple Emanu-El has been a long-time participant in the Nu’u’anu Valley Interfaith Thanksgiving service, which most of the houses of worship in the Nu’u’anu Valley corridor participate in. This year’s service was highlighted by the appearance of guest speaker Tulsi Gabbard, who is our newest member of congress.

Another highlight was the blowing of the shofar by our very own Kelvin Aronowitz, son of Temple Emanu-El’s prayer leader and Cantorial Soloist Ken Aronowitz!

Eagle eyes may notice SJS teacher and Temple member Jan Fried in the background in the photo below, providing interpretive sign language. Temple member Hannah Hall also participated in the choir.

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From the Levinson-Krupp Library, December 2012, part 2 (Hours: 9 am-noon, Monday & Thursday or upon request)

A big thank you to all who took part in our Book Sale at the November Sisterhood Craft Sale. As a result, we were able to purchase two more courses from the Teaching Company. We hope that you will find these courses a good addition to your Judaic learning experience . As with the first two courses, these are filed along with the books on these topics.

296.15 REN

The Dead Sea Scrolls by Professor Gary A. Rendsburg This course on the Dead Sea Scrolls provides an evolving understanding of their authorship and significance. Taught by Professor Gary A. Rendsburg, a dedicated Dead Sea Scrolls scholar who has spent decades immersed in the

study of this amazing find, these 24 lectures will tell you what the scrolls are, what they contain, and how the insights they offered into religious and ancient history came into focus.

200 RUD

BETWEEN Cross and Crescent: Jewish Civilization from Mohammed to Spinoza by Professor David B. Ruderman

BETWEEN Cross and Crescent: Jewish Civilization from Mohammed to Spinoza presents an overview of Jewish culture and society from its rabbinic foundations in late antiquity until the dawn of modernity in the 17th century. In so doing, it places a special focus on Judaism's creative encounter with Christianity and Islam, giving us a unique perspective

from which to examine the three major Western religions as they interact over time, and noting especially their ability or inability to tolerate and even appreciate the "other," as viewed from the vantage point of the Jewish minority.

Again, thank you to all who made these purchases possible. Have a Happy New Year as we enter 2013.


Deborah and Sally

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Hanukah 2012 Hanukah 2012 at Temple Emanu-El was a spiritual and musical

adventure for the whole family.

We kicked things off on the 1st Night with a short Havdallah service and the lighting of the first candle on the Hanukah Menorah, immediately followed by two back-to-back concerts.

First, in the Sanctuary we heard from “Cradle Duende”, a SF-based

duo that played an amazing blend of “flamenco klezmer hip-hop fusion” that had all ages dancing in the aisles.

That was immediately followed by a rock concert and dance in the Social Hall, featuring the classic-rock Charles Taylor Band led by front-man Matt Goldenson, who is the father of one of our SJS students.

Then on the following Friday night, the 7th Night of Hanukah, about one hundred congregants attended our congregational Hanukkah dinner and service.

Highlights of the night were dreidel games for the kids, and a “bring your own menorah” group menorah lighting in the Sanctuary preceding the service.

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More Hanukah Photos

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Recent Events Champagne & Blues Brunch

Sunday December 23rd, Temple Emanu-El held a free congregational “Champagne & Blues Brunch”. According to Event Chair Nancy Halevi, “the idea was to welcome current, former and prospective members of Temple Emanu-El” and by any measure the event was an overwhelming success with about 120 attendees, and many new and familiar faces, including some faces not seen at the Temple for many years.

Aside from lox and bagels and passion fruit mimosas, congregants were treated to a concert by SF-based Blues guitarist Saul Kaye. Mixing the blues with Jewish lyrical

and/or musical themes, attendees enjoyed Saul’s laid-back music during the first “brunch set” and then were clapping and singing along during the upbeat “post-brunch” second set.

So that the adults could enjoy a relaxing brunch, complimentary supervised children’s activities, including arts and crafts and a movie, were held in the Weinberg multi-purpose room.

The “Champagne & Blues Brunch” was made

possible by the generous sponsorship of

Seymour & Sue Kazimirski and from Margery

Ziffrin & John Marlowe; (and with help from

lots of volunteers!)

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Champagne & Blues Brunch Continued

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Worth Menschening Thanks Gwen!

While Richard Field was on vacation during most of November (on a cruise that also took him to Israel), our very own Gwen Matsui returned as a volunteer to reprise her role as our front office secretary. It was a great Homecoming! Pictured here is Gwen, along with Richard Field and President Cliff Halevi, at a lunch to thank her.

Congratulations Lynne, Times Two! Lynne Halevi and Marty Kogan were selected to participate in Olelo’s Kupuna Lens program, which selected about 10 seniors out of dozens of applicants. Selectees were given Sony HD video cameras, a 3-month intensive course in film-making and Final Cut Pro, and the assignment of creating a short film. These films were then screened at the recent Honolulu International Film Festival. Lynne and Marty’s film, entitled “Care”, described Lynne’s experience as a care-giver for husband Vic as he suffered from

and eventually succumbed to Alzheimer’s. And a second congrats to Lynne on the release of her book “Love’s Lost and Found”, now available at Amazon (and at the Temple Gift Shop as a fund-

raiser for the Temple!)

Harpists for Peace! Triple congratulations for our Kitchen Maven, Ruth Freedman. First , Ruth was referenced in the Star Advertiser (12/12/12) as being one of 600 harpists throughout the world in a Harpists for Peace event at Honolulu Hale. Then on 12/15 she was invited to play at Gov. & Mrs. Abercrombie’s holiday reception at Washington Place; and for the 12th year in a row, Ruth has been invited to appear on 12/25 at the Honolulu City Lights as “Mrs. Santa playing her harp”! Read all about it a http://www.midweek.com/ruth-freedman/. Way to go Ruth!

More Member-Authors! We Jews are known as “The People of the Book” and so it only makes sense that in addition to Lynne Halevi, member-authors Laurie Hanan and Larry & Rosemary Mild also have new books out, just in time for the holidays! Congratulations!

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DONATIONS from October 25, 2012 – December 24, 2012

General Temple Fund Donna Allen-Queener Harriet Weissman in honor of Friends at Temple Emanu-El Carl Berger Rosemary and Larry Mild in memory of John Mild Jackie Foil in memory of Samuel Jack Foil Barbara Edelstein in memory of Harry and Alice Boxman Lewis Katz in memory of Jacob Katz Daniel Bender Torah Class sponsorship in memory of Charles E. Bender Daniel Bender in honor of the wedding anniversary of Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg Dr. Sorrell H. Waxman Leona Weightman in memory of Noah Pozner Richard Kersten in memory of Caesar S. Kersten Arnold Feldman in memory of Philip Feldman Hawaii Vision Presbyterian Church Leona Weightman in memory of Noah Pozner Lynne Halevi Building Fund Harvey and Diane Minsky in honor of Ryder and Amber Bray Jerry and Vanny Clay in memory of Louis Clay Family Promise

Torah Restoration Fund

Levinson-Krupp Memorial Library Morton Nemiroff Diana Guss in memory of John S. Soares Sally Morgan in memory of Marshall H. Morgan Chaplin Fund (School of Jewish Studies Scholarship Fund) Charlene Anaya in memory of Ruth Martell Judith, Jim and Megan Hiramoto in memory of Eric Rose Rosemary and Larry Mild in memory of Miriam Luby Wolfe

SJS Amazing Race (SJS Fundraiser) Giannasio Family Lisa Maddock in honor of Jacob’s Birthday Bea Haymer in honor of Mathew, Rachel and Malka Barry Langlieb Alice Lachman in honor of her 5 grandchildren Kelvin and Jennie Aronowitz Misha Woodward Michael and Cynthia Lebowitz Mel and Mim Lang Cliff and Nancy Halevi Jackie Foil Helene Mann Greg and Anita Mueller Diane Farkas Amelia Levy Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Marcia and Stuart Gross in memory of Joseph Kurzweil Rabbi Morris Goldfarb Fund - Camp Scholarship Fund

“CHAMPAGNE BLUES BRUNCH” SPONSORS Seymour and Sue Kazimirski Margery Ziffrin and John Marlowe “SAM GLASER CONCERT” SPONSORS Mark and Janie Davis Bernie and Madeline Scherman Jean Hankin Matt and Mabel Sgan

Page 23: Temple Emanu-El Newsletter Jan-Feb 2013 online edition

Worship Schedule for January – February 2013


SHABBAT SHEMOT Friday January 4, 2013 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Evening Service Saturday January 5, 2013 9:00 am Torah Study 1:00 pm Talmud Study SHABBAT VAERA ROSH CHODESH SH’VAT Friday January 11, 2013 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Evening Service Saturday January 12, 2013 9:00 am Torah Study 1:00 pm Talmud Study SHABBAT BO Friday January 18, 2013 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Evening Service Saturday January 19, 2013 9:00 am Torah Study 1:00 pm Talmud Study

SHABBAT BESHALACH SHABBAT SHIRAH &TU B’SHVAT Friday January 25, 2013 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday January 26, 2013 9:00 am Torah Study 1:00 pm Talmud Study SHABBAT YITRO Friday February 1, 2013 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Evening Service Saturday February 2, 2013 9:00 am Torah Study 1:00 pm Talmud Study SHABBAT MISHPATIM SHABBAT SHEKALIM Friday February 8, 2018 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Evening Service

Saturday February 9, 2013 9:00 am Torah Study 1:00 pm Talmud Study

SHABBAT TERUMAH Friday February 15, 2013 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Evening Service Saturday February 16, 2013 9:00 am Torah Study 1:00 pm Talmud Study SHABBAT TETZAVEH SHABBAT ZACHOR Friday February 22, 2013 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday February 23, 2013 9:00 am Torah Study 1:00 pm Talmud Study

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Page 24: Temple Emanu-El Newsletter Jan-Feb 2013 online edition

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by sponsoring an Oneg or Bima flowers.Contact: Noreen Kinzler at [email protected]

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[email protected] and note “Worth Menschening” in the subject field.

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Contact: Gail Marcus [email protected]