tema 3 health and illness de naturales


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Page 1: Tema 3 health and illness DE NATURALES


José Ángel


Page 2: Tema 3 health and illness DE NATURALES

Infectious diseases: The bacterias and viruses are common phatogens.

Other microorganisms are fungi and protist can also cause diseases.

-Some harmful bacterias cause diseases such as tetanus, types of pneumonia and tonsilitis.

-Some viruses cause diseases measles, chickenpox, the flu, mumps, common colds, papiloma and AIDS.

Page 3: Tema 3 health and illness DE NATURALES

How do infectious diseases spead?

An infectious diseases are consiredered contagious can be transmitted from one person to another.

-Malaria, a common tropical, is transmitted from a bite of Anopheles mosquito.

-Salmonela is transmitted from contaminated food, eggs or chicken.

-Infectious diseases are treated with antibiotics ir antivirals

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Non-infectious diseases: Are not caused by organisms, cannot be spread

from person to person. They have different factors.

Allergy: Is a reaction that some people have when theycome into contact with subtances such as dust, pollen, animal hair, antibiotics, centain foods or hay fever allergy.

Cancer: Cells begin to develop in a different way and grow uncontrollably, damaning the normal cells.

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-Diabetes: High amounts of sugar within the bloodstream. Patients need take insulin blood sugar level under the control.

-Mental diseases: Such as depression, and degenerative conditions such as alzheimer’s diseases affect the nervous system.

-An unhealthy lifestyle, such as eating fast food problems and heart diseases.

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Eat healthy: Eat five times a day: -Three meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. -Two snack (Fruit or a carrot). -Avoid sugary foods and drink two litres of water.

Do exercise: It’s important do exercise. Doing sport or playing

games with friends. Makes your muscles stronger, including the heart.

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Sleep enough: When we sleep the body repair itself and grow.

Sleep helps the brain develop, the memory function and the speech.

Keep clean: We wash our body to remove bacterias. We must

wash our hands before eating. We need to clean our teeth after the meal.

Prevetion is better than cure: Regular check-ups and vaccinations will protect

you from certain diseases.

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Game over! Play for short periods. It’s fun but it’s harmful if you

play too time.

Say no! Drugs, alcohol and tobacco cause serious health

problems affect your brain and smoking stop you growing taller.

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Prevetion of illnesses: vaccination. One way of developing immunity to some

infectious diseases is through vaccination. Vaccines were discovered in 1798 by Edward Jenner. Louis Pasteur created the first vaccine in 1818.

Diagnosis of illnesses: Diagnosis is the act of identifying an illness based

on symptoms and tests, ultrasound scans and CT scans.

Treatment of illnesses: In 1928 Alexander Fleming, penicillin, antibiotics.

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New techniques in surgery: Anasthesia, microsurgery, keyhola and surgery.

-Other advances in medicine: Blood transfusion. Insulin. Pacemaker. Organ transplant. Test-tube baby. Clone. Human genome