oregonnews.uoregon.edutelegraphic news. sii .hh ix mow: ad anno ad bbal kntate rales. a i...

SII .HH IX mow: ad anno ad TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. B BaL KnTATE RALES. a i mameakmsmmmBsmm A Notorious Set op Robbers. A former resident of Eugene, Jos Theimer, has gone back to Nebraska, and writes 1.'. ......... I - -- 1 J! , ON FIRE WITH ECZEMA The Ortgonian, for lhe first lime In a long while, is engaged in writing "crisp" articles. Jh( -- yr- Pipe Brigade. MKilK H Cigar Cohorts, ifwijpi 'h V ' front cs never before. The high (!S0f ! ' "c r; ' ' c'ears helping "aMflQkA j rS ive i'.:T-..fc- use .Millions ! . Blackwell's I am Smoking Tobacco. . . '. 'pul.ii Drr.r.J in the market. Smoked for overtwenty. an; 'rme is still growing Quality always the same. DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. DURHAM, N. C. m Cay eats, and Trade Marks ohtnlned. ana nl T ent business conducted for r!nr!erat Fscj. Oar Office Is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we can secure patent in less time than Urn remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo.. a, ,. H desert tlon. We advise, if pa'entablo or ...t. free charge. Oar fee not one till patent is secure A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents." will names ofactu-- clients In your State, com. r town, sent f.-- 'c. Address, C.A.SNOW&Ct Patent OCic. rVaMete " LFAII COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE j ALBANY, OREGON 1891, 1892. Ins Terns linear! September tMk , A f corps of Instruotom, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged so meatttt all grades or students S fecial tuauctmtutt tftrtd tc Undent t from abroad. ?. is$tiaT 1 cerr Pre. I.I en I. YAQDINA BAY ROUTE o Oregon Pacific Railroad . t a H04.C, ateecavsr. o- - Qrag-i- n DeFelopmani Po's Steamsrs, Short Line to California Flint alaaa through paaaencer and Veight line fram Portland and all poifi o the Willamette Valley to and from Hath f raaoiaoo, Cal. Boats make cloet. connection at A loan tth trains of the Oregon Pacifi Hall road TIME SCHEDULE. exeeptSnndars.) Leeye Albany t 2 r. M, . laqwna, rntOaS i Corrauia 1:03 r. Laare Coryallia.lU a a, Artf'e Taquina, 1:3 p. Amy Albany, 11:11 a. C. fc C. trains connect at Albans- - ao Oarwallia. The above trains connerr'ai x aoulna with the Oregon OeveiopiuAOl Urrmprsny's Ldns of Steamships balrewr and San Francisco, SAILING UAVTEN . Terrible HafTe rings of XdtUe Baby. Seven Doctors aad Two Hospitals Pall, Cured by Cuttcora. Bass ate. asnSa awl eezeras. Bsttetaat and rata aSS BBBSBSS spread to tea BabTfireaat, iacT head, until was nearly covered r ar. ', aaouaas were suable to behoM; he had no - T "turn reai sum or flay. He was under treat, meat at different limes at ptw worse sU the aha. sr month I expendw: about a ner week Is aaadashaaa, and was dasaonraged. I par. end Ccrrcvaa, Ccn-ccn- a Soapand fJtmcr-- a 111.... r. mnA InlUal ' " i so .ut. letter wa a. rjar. ig were atteas. . ruUr-l-y crirn, aid I n as ' .oy as any mrrrhar enaM ih rtoorsaeud srery awtker ts ose it for every Bah VVJ. if. TEEOr.aow ss w. " -- t.irmasi Cuticura Remedies The zrtest skin carte. Mood nrkliia, sad asnaes noted of Ur.a. iamtm.j reSey the tzuei ay.mj nrwi or rod coawarteaUy and Sr. f jasi mn tn rTj sareVe et fortariag , dladgnrisc I: Vis, burning, bieadnsg, scaly, mutad, and nira 7 dtwjas aad aaasora of the ifela. scarn.acd VRyl, vri h k.w ot hair, froas faafaacy to ace, r ' Sfjsa, acrofaloa. or hwRditary, yia aU -f- titod aad teat phyfcaa fad. old : Price. Ccnccaa, SOe. ; Boa, .vzT, SI. Prepared hy the Porrrsn DBi.O 3 . CoaroaaTioa, Boaton. 1.7- - id for " now to Cor Skin Diseases," St tQaatr ation. aad 1 m Isatinsnnails Maekbeada, red, rough, -- .happed, Bad P1--n.- i iff Sy sk:a cared by Cenctraa Soar. fi njai-i- , zxa Wcaka of the aavd k - ..Icon Aa! -- PrJn the ':- - t and only ; sdag :.fti. t TB A DtTV yoa awe ysanell cad i ta aw sm beat wsttsa Car Tear aaeaer. year nmwear ay sirraaiac. walM for nsrieas asked, as BO 9VBtntTVTE.JB B9 W. L DOUGLAS 83 SHOE cairf&W K B8T SHOE IITtCssJaU HsmtaJEx. a sessise aewrea sase. that sag set ras.1 I frVliaacmrallMamrcnarcwcTe-- ; mid at the price. Tiisaas rsasiiai i i 'i ai asiiaslas I tlSava Hand swd.fcacsafaaas. rkaa wF EM BBjtaw. SBwcTSal- - - Si SRO SO Pall SwOStsars arSO arat a olSBi?i snssawexiesnr c, eft - , .. k ir . yr t i Itaeptaayrdrj a&iwarp. i a SS) nae Calf, fTX.15 and sR-O- Wart- - I wTTma Si iidis sawiasasnw autYlaTsssai Ladies' srtrSS& rxasanas oe SweCaK. aa slasaaastWt. Ttajaii aaa. TheSaJ'st ae . ' iiissaw a aa a e.. z, v itwar r aa nsi siaBiniaa nisiiaa. Cnsrriaa.-- W. iTncassaw' same mA the arks atsnni II ea the ootxnaa of each shoe: sook (or a "saeaisal af Hi rrTTTimrr- - II n mmmm SnwaSwaaattjaiJ atato taeaujtitaB bj saw tarcaV W. lZ DsTCsSTJ. Krwcataa! aiaaa. SnMaW Lr R. BIdAIN. Ssie Aen AgccyfaT ?or aaftgtasaea r? '. MUXX i lSB Osnsat teres he c Brery nawass taa lie pcifc ; : r z efdfliir Laraat c w - ; atl fLat sal BIUOTJSN'eSS Tit? S. I. Bfati-f- af aad LivfT Cure IS A ftlH at PHYSIC SAFE. ratur If taken as directed, we Guarantee Saiis-facti- on or refund your money. D0NT SICKEN. DOS1 GRIPE. 50 cents per bottle, by POSH AY A MASON. DR S AJa-SKSr- S ELECTRIC BELT LATEST PATEMTS wTTa ELECTS 0-- ? KSJ sUCKETtC nsnWMIUMrS. e F saspfusosy wutear vrnaeu gjft au w. raealwas ftwa rer layatsia r Simla, ayrr? 'K. yrimas areaetTM- -. .uiwm. eraiaa. t Iftaaarcs. laaasvr. raeawaw.w. Sva aal - ,.jrf aaftatalata, sael MtTTaa etWal sett i ansBLitrwi a earraet tsat a ausaaUy Salt a. ta, weasar at WtsVrttt S,Ca, aaa -- Bl tan allir lay iiaraaaaa. TWaaS aay. Seeawarets. HIZ7-ta- after all sakar Un SsaereSa t aaalaaaalal ia Ula aaa 7rtTi-i.- I aw ixriyii, kiaittir srsrsaaeBi. ta eeaaest SeM erer ySary wast aaea.rmkXS ... mi. oaauaa aa4 riearMa MiwelSl'iaimaai. u. . ., s4 Cr ntsasssaai PuapSMa. watiaa. was, ray. aaSta WIT it?tcirga Tc; -- a Me, IT First St.. POaTANO. ORE. MDSIC HATH CHARMS. can truly say, there is no place like home, happy home, iiyou possess one of eiegant and sweet toned pianos, at Hymans, u.e. First street. These evenings is just the time to enpv hi Store. Uas stock of 2nd awT goods in the alley, anal the mast reasonable prices on hand all kinds of G B Tycer to L B Tycer, undivided half 40.21 acres 14 w 2 625 GW PbiHips to UO tiayne and C L Bock, 240 acres 10 w 2.... 4000 W f and B E Davenport by sheriff to Louis Bhitnarr et al, 200 acres 111 1100 j 1 N Woodle to W H Dougherty, Iot7b!7W'sAd 150 U 8 to 8 A Pierce, 1 00 acres 11 E 1 .Patent J P Cavendish to T W Swearingei , 3 acres 14 w3 400 Q B Tycer et ux to JC McCormick, 19.70 acree 14 w 3 Z0 L Tyeer et ux to J B McCor mick. 25 acres 14 w 2 1 C Jos Sanderson to School Dist 110, 10 acres 11 w 2 Farah Thompson to E N Calaham, 80 acres 10 w3 200 U E Coggswell to Dora Coggawell, 170 acres 14 w 4 -- .. 3000 I) Hanslett to (i VV and A Homer, 242 acres 13 w 1 4000 l5,4f7j Ifi on insult to your intelligence, bat some an- - j scrupulous dealers try it For in--, stance : you're suffering from some Skin, Scalp or Scrofulous affection, m are feeling "run-down- " and; " used-np.- " There's a torpid liver, ! impure blood, and all that may come ' from it. You've decided, wisely, tats Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the medicine to help you. i on know that it s guaran- teed to do so, as no other blood-purifi- er is. If it doesn't benefit or core, you get your money back. But what is best for you to take isn't always best for tbe dealer to selL He offers something else that's just as good." Is it likely? If the maker of a medicine can't trust it, can you f One of two things has to happen. You're cored of Catarrh, or you're paid $500 cash. That's what is mused by the proprietors of Dr. s Catarrh Kemedv. Br its soothing, cleansing, and heal ing properties, it cures the TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD ! rm 4 ' 6- - Vhile trying to Crowd theii 0EY0E & FROMwUTbROS store-- , where they always have on hand he largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Sho ins; " tmraifitse stock of Fishing "tck't. '.f eery cescrlptioa; Tents, tan. oc .Cam p Chair and thousands t ot. ings too nameroat to mention fa ;pair Shop connect n with tbe Store, and one ot He beat wa -- men In the State to do any mi nil kind, of Cowie one Come No roobie to how goods "Small prasfit and naick is ou; -- not to WILL'S MUSiCE STOR seali 'iassaaaPsaS CHICKEKrSG- .- HFMilira- - "STECK," AXD t sr. A Sv..a ESTEY." XEVT1IAS BROS.." D EARin.Tr OKGANS. -- Wondar-COCit Bvtl lailria Write for Calalornes and Prices bet- -r Farehftsine I ssaaaaal ntwui. taasa1 is at lowest fSrkast mail Inatreniar la. Boaea and Masse af Every Ikaseriptioo M.w U - XeedWa. E. IL WILL, Albany, lr. lledCrownMills ISOM & LANNINC, PflOPSIETORS. aw r roc ass sxocn strrcaioa roa raan.ii arro sunn rss, ail RFST ST0RAGK ?A0UITlES sty SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. You The success of this Great Cough Care ts those wii hoot a parallel in the history of medicine. Mrs AH druggists are authorised to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee. . test that no other cure can Jong successfully aland. That it may become known, the Proprietors, st an enormous ex- pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States sad Canada. roa have a Cough, Soro Throat, or Bron-ohlti- s, use It, for it will care you. It your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use promptlv, and relief ty sure. If you dread that indiums disease CVnsnmotion, use it. .Sfsk your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, fVicel0cts..Mcts. acdSl.OO. If your Lungs have are sore or Back lame, use Shi'.oii's Porous Plaster. Price 25cts. Im.it sale uy all Lru 3lUaad le- - Multnomah county continues to assess mortgages at 50 per cent. Douglas and Union did better at 75 per cent, and Polk ' at two-thir- ds value. The other counties respected the law. The lawyers think they have a joke on a couple of their brethren, resulting from a little unpleasantness between them dur- ing the examination of a witness this fore- noon, in which it was proposed 'o settle the matter in a muscular manner out in the hall, but the matter terminated like a newspaper war for Instance. Just what the corpui delicti was we have not learned. A photograph of the skull of a prehis- toric animal, found at Baker City, Or., was sent to Professor Condon, of the State University, who pronounced It a rare specimen of the bos latifrous, an ox that exlted during the glacial period. He had a thick skull and a very small brain. The professor adds: ''It is worth some- thing to know that he lived, too, among the Blue mountains in prehistoric time.-- ' Eugene Register. The Albuquerque citlxen says: "A newspaper man haa no business to seek office, ft is his business to try and get an office for the other fellow; to sound the praises of the candidate and keep quiet his own feelings; to whoop her up for his man and let his man forget all about him when he Is elected ; to defend his candi- date against th" unjust attacks of the opposition, and fee that whatever favors his candidate has to bestow goes to the other fellow It is his business to boom th,. ltw f txr all If la wnrtly mnnlh afl.r ( month, and then see it 00 worth of print ing go out of the city because tan cents can be saved in doing so. It Is the busi ness of the newspaper to give every enter-pris- e a frequeni "send-of- f ."and then catch shoe! because he had failed to record the fact that some prominent cltiten hsd his delivery wagon painted. To subscribe liberally to every public, charitable and church entertainment, advertise them far nothing, pay hla own way to everything, and then be called prejudiced and mean spirited because a column is not devoted to that particular affair. Do you wonder that there are mint cranks In the news paper business? It i beund to make either a crank or a philosopher out of a man." Last vear Oregon 'a 31 county boards oj aqnaltzstlon retaraad to the Secretarv ot state s total taxable property of 128,447,-746- . This year the same returns shew a total taxable property of 1131,230,132. Some of onr Albany merchants do not propose to allow any monopolies, and hence any they will take Encyclopedia and Olimpwea coupons, as well as tbe regulars. This may liven matters op ; some. Elsewhere appears a notice) of one offering to do eo.and others it is said will follow. Oregon is full of colleges, some 58 ac- cording to tbe luteal returns. Aa every little collection of houses is a city, so nearly every private school is a college. These are matters needing regulation. On the other. hand it means that Oregon is alive on educational matters and is after the game. Though not baring a high grade college like tbe big three we have some splendid leaser lights where tbe instruction is thorough and superior faculties are employed. The Pendleton E O tells of a sample foot race : There waa quite a foot-rac- e at Athena Tuesday- - The contestants were Killiao and Lewis- - Rillian ia a reservation amateur of some note aad Lewis has been employed for a consider- able length of time on a ranch near Warren elation. He ia supposed to be a California professional who has pre- served bis incognito in order to make an easy natch. Tbe stakes are said to have been 11725, and it is supposed that al- together there most have been S2250 up on tbe race. The contestants were started and Killian signalised himself by tailing down in a mod hole. Lewis ran ; oat the distance fifty yards, and was de- - clared the winner. Deiuich, the Willamette hotel porter who got away with Mr Eaves money, to I the amount of ntarlv SS00, baa served i bis time and been pardoned bv the gov- - ' ernor. upon recommendation of tbe , district attorney, who convicted bin - Journal. It would seem that a man rrr r, ra.a "TZ " tbi OTd ! ' Mr Glover writes back from Kansas for I UM S syajv vuut:uKai SSS VlsJKVU UU , atay where they are. After selling his place down in Fox Valley some time ago, i he moved back to his old home and find j ing things different from what he expect ed, volunteers advice to friends in the valley Mill City Gazette. A neat and dandified looking fellow wearing diamonds, medals, etc. long hair and a sombrero bat waa on Tuesday's sooth train. He waa Captain Jim. a well-know- n Arisona stockman who had been in Oregon purchasing land. Tbe Pullman porter said tbe decorations were distinctions placed on bim for heroic services done the world in killing 14 re- porters, three horses and two doaen mules in one shot. Ashland Record - A Umatilla county coyote is equal to an Albany man according to the following from the Pendleton E O : The other day ume nonters piacetl some decors noon the bank of a stream east of here, says tbe ' lenuieton intrane, while goinj to dinner. A rancher who happened o be passing, saw a coyote approach, keeping ms rinngry eyes on the supposed ducks. Gradually creeping upon them, the coyote suddenly pounced on tbe decoys only lo discover that all that glitters is not ducks, or words to that effect . j The Phi ppa family, of Jackson county ueata use recora tor lamilv trouble. Here it is : M J Phipps waa sued for damages l y Spencer ChUdere for throw- ing him over a plow, by which the latter received injuries- - The suit was for $10,000, hut the jury gave Childers 1000-Emm- Cooper sued Celeste Phipps and ber son for damages for defamation of character and obtained a verdict of $60Ut). Young Phipps married a sister of the plaintiff and afterwards procured divorce, to sat aside which another sait is now pending in the docket. In his sworn testimony in the divorce case he made an allegation against Miss Cooper which the jury found to be false, malte-iou- s and of such a character that thev gave the verdict as stated. PaKHAPS Yau want the nest groceries to be at secured In the cltv ; then call on Parker Bros. Perhaps You want flesh produce just Irom the gardeners, then call on Parker Bros. a Pei haps You want the best baked goods in the city, breads, cakes, cookies, pies, etc. .then call on Parker Bras and you will get the at goods and first class tieatment. Cash Crocesy Store Allen Bros, are now in their new quarters in the Brink Block, at the corner of Feiry and SecOud Street, and wi'.h cheap tents, a small expense account generally, and a first class stock ef goods. are prepared to give their customers the best bargains to be obtsined in the city, tor cash. ton Caah counts with them, and the public want- ing Ihe best goods and produce to he se- cured In in the city should call on them, where for they wlH get low prices and the bett goods a Reopened W R Graham haa reopened his tailoi shop, and has on hand a fine line suitings, ready to be made up for those wishing nrst-cla- work done. Thanking the public for a liberal patronage in tbe past, icsolicitsn continuance of their patronage and to romises good work and prompt aMention to e needs of his patrons. 15, A Look Here, Take vour bntler, eggs. chickens, and other farm produce to Car- ters grocery opposite the Rusa House, in Albanv, ami rei tne highest market into prices In trade or cash. Great reductions iu Aerniotor wind mills Decembir. See the agent, Vi W Craw TUCKSI1AY Hops are 18 cento. Wheo they were 22 oeott some held for more, ami now get less. Mr Tbomae Brink ha. moved hi fortune store to the building opposite Htewait k Sox, where he will no be found. A special meeting of Alpha Temple No 1 will b held a the K of V Mall tomorrow nr i at 2 o'clock, to which all memUjs I sre i j'Ksttd to attend. uurapuhf in retool hss a nice pian.. wblcb thev wi.k tf.!,i. i i t i giving.e. of anlaaZ uZnnZ ! Jan 10th and 11th, 1503. The WilUrn.ite Valley, at rived at Ys-- ! .U,u. mm ii ocoth tnis morning, with a amaii lit of passenger, who will come U the valley tomorrow noon. It is not certain abont the du srs between tiarriahurg and Cohgrg to be the advent smoog them of Or Litnenger aad J R Wliitnev. Thaw j turned tc day, after having killed fifty eignt uncae ana two (jeese. The ground la being cleared for Mis Wood's brick, at the corner of Second and Ellsworth s'.reets. The marble shop will be moved io the resr of the lot, and the brick, one store, t wo stoi ies high and sixty-fee- t deep, will oe erected on the corner. There sre several applicstfons for the store already, as well as for those in the P O. buliding. The Baddlng k Ixian Association meets at the Oregon Bank tonight. The Oregon City Express says OB Whit-mor- e, grand official instructor, pmconoce the A O C W lodge of that city the best drilled of any in tbe district. Paol Baeltoer, a 15 year old boy, Lett three stories in the Capitol building st Ss-le- m to tbe basement . His head waa ent ht,r i 00 bnes were I roken. He had been playing : OQ railiog. Marshal Mint , of Salem, pnlled faro baik Wedoeeday night, ueidg ran by George ( Sands. He was held to await the action of thegraod iurv ncd-- r .VI kmmAm j : . . . ' were j wpaiwn in caan. .. ,. ,i. j ltd!?aJ! VZt aLn"? Twsy, of laWauW bar. -- TJ". ,"' villa aiwi -- ;n " . . . -.- wawar aawaw IllSSiaiU. John Iaorn Sr. lisp EJ Ltnnm, and haa Ffeiff-- r hat uurcnaawi of Pm w ..i a the north west corner of Second and EUa-wo- rth street, consisting of a frontage of 67 feat, consideration $5000. This mi ass a PwJdsal for Second street which is torn . attracting considerable attention. i The State Boa an r ; ! a .... , , I fas a - - - - ' JB. i f j W"l K IM COUtT Clifk' isfllra. S. At. ' ,TH,T Thursday, Dec it aed j ' ,n mrtt ,,lh county offcert, i ,0,1''' ln!f Jpnvate citizens, who mav j """unem matters wjui , ' , l""'v. AM Wilson, of TaJl-na- recently aad vc:u iinrp anteo or legs. R eaten bee Can nA Heodricaoa take Ora-goci- ao coo peni on sll cash sales. Toe opera bonse rasAtageaneat assure as , the Tomer Gaiety iroanp's ' nnl will beoce any lady need not hesitate to at-- I . ABU edd;eon lost 200 sacks of potatoes in tbe Jefferson fire 1 be cow, of ! be neagb-- b rHood had agreat fesat of roasted potatoes ootd two of them died aad several others j naoome daagerasly sick. H J Clark has parchastd the old I O OF j property at tbe corner of Dcejglaa aad Bane I aste aad, we andcratand. teanne the old ha I dowa on toe site oi Review r- - awsieroay moral eg a satail buore in Ea- - m" "sreeo. 1 bad been a caar of . uiphtieerta in tne hocae. and U faeaii y had vacated it. It waa nodcubt set acre le bara tne ga-r- of tbe disease. Some innrsxre ootapany will fact the tell, $309. , The Eagene Joarnsl says. Rev K A M-c- Altster. pastor of the Unireraaiiet church of ! Ottsetty. ta Ml in, ,ries of Sand.y iinTB"?r,,,IfanaTmot-t- - in the doc: tne of radioes pan- - nhment will be reviewed and refnted. On going from tbe eailv snoraisg train yesterday raoratag VI r Pre-- Fia. thaaalooa k.'Pr- - w a meteor fvi! into the street at me tptaKispa, charcii. l a dig aim the hot absuoc froea the groood it way foaed to he ! brown clay tah kind af a aW. - lao in orcamferencs. Part of it waa seat. 1 1 crtiaod or analysts. I 'ePT the f. lowing aotice cf Tamer '. ! ' "" wae ...ria, use oosxpaay that play at tbe otera nca.- - next Wednesday, Dec 21 From theMaioa-- t e Daily Mining Joarcal: Taraer v.,,, Garety Orris Co is "all . "4 ht The ftft.naf a ly played hs,e .'aa. nig bt to a a ".-- . crowd, J boaae, and gar the best show i j ,M J" ever gteea apaa a Mar- - CITT 7 ""f regretted pan y waa enable to fcire as a I I second night, f he nan nan t- - mVv ,f . i , tikv.1 . , f!L " appe.-- , rreaa nne interta:Lrr,er.t. COUPONS taken at W f Read's. Klein's. A nice pair of slip, err for holiday st Scavetvfr poooaat Wis A Sari's Ladies if yon waat your Xeoas present at- - I uptrera as rv'e.n a. j 6y far the largest aasaartaneat of holiday slippers for gentlemen at Klein Bros. Al- most at yoar own prices. ; Osvu sinning school a. the Baptist c ha rob r ndaj eeeotnge AH sn been ber will have to pay whether attending or not. Onlr f 1 23 , for 12 ieaaoa. Kiem Bros sell no shoddy stuff, hat sell , boots aad shoes made of leather. VIA VI Co (Bw io Baltimore bloci. Doa't fail to bar dry goods, hcltdav toods, elcete, of WFKead. I The beet ewtlrv at Will Jt .Mark r. Oeuniee Tereseee Sorstum co draught at CK Bmwnell's. A fell "ice cf fleece iifwrr to lee at K!"a Broa. Klein Mr oa iren clad schocl shoes nox em all yoo van Huy avergaiUrj from 75c at Kleio Bros. 11 tne go. jj tjriir ir. unrrti t i ds a Read's. Jr.iFER.sox. Mr 1 learn has removed from Harrishnrg to this city, wheie she will reside in the future. Art Holt has rented a house in Albany and will winter up there. No empty-hous- e in this city is the reason. Jefferson Lodge No 33, A F &A M.will hold tbeir annual intalhuion i..:.i..ii in tins city this evening, at which time itiu'i" officers will be installed: Huddleeon.W M ; J W Houck, t W ; Jjeo Richardson, J W; DH Looner Treas; T M Witten, Sec ; F E Shnfer! Jivler. Grand Master Moore, Grand Sec. hadwick and Grand Sen. Warden Phil Metechan will be present Review. Mill Crrv. The Cliff House in thia place took Ore in the roof last Friday af- ternoon, from a drfective atovepipe, and had there not been timely effort it would have burned to the ground. This is the second time in the past aiz months that the building has been on firs, and if it had been consumed it would have went down without any insurance covering tbe property. Mrs C R Read, of Gates, while return- ing from her visit at Mr Robertson's last Sunday evening, accidently fell off the bank of the roadway to tbe log tramwav, brnising herself badly. Her husband was meanwhile walking in front of her with a lantern, but cnnlit ,.rn around in time to save her from the fall, cjue rolled down thn ami t , , - n omuf distance, but at no time since can ac- count for her mishap. Gazette. Vas. Mors It Peoplr want good groceries than anything else, lt means a good it neat lor tne harmonv of the household. Matters go alon moresmooth.lv. Deal with Conn tt Hendricson and vou will get the best groceries at the lowest prices rhelr produce la always fresh, and thev keep the latest In every thing. You are In it if you do not buv your eatln goads of Conn - Hendricson. Curo for Colds. Fevers and (loner I TVv. btlity, Small Bile Iseaiis. 2&c. per bottle. The hnest line of pocket knives in th: f nuicuious manner, on the face of it showing the man to be a liar of the first magnitude. The paper the fitrattoD Herald, takes it all in ami warns people to shun the far famed "garden of Eden" as a pestifcnee. Here is the article: "Emigrants, westward bound, are warned against locating in Eugene, Oregon. The writer had a nice home, worth 2500, in the above named city, but was swindler! out of the same by the city officers, who are a notorious set of robbers, with but one exception, the city marshal. This band 0f cut throats trumped up charges against me, had me thrown in jail where I took sick, and waa only released after deeding my property to my wife. After they got my property out of my bands, by chicanery, they induced my wife, who was in collu- sion with the conspirators.to swear false- ly against me and forced me to leave the country." The Guard takes the wind alt out of his sails, among other things saying : "Thlmer was a resident of Eu gene for many years, and during all that time never contributed to the support of his family, but on the contrary took tbe hard earnings of his wife and children ami spent them for liquor. He frequent- ly became intoxicated and shamefully abused and maltreated his wife. Owing to the influence of the UAR post, of which he was a member, he waa treated far more leniently than he deserved, yet he had to be confined a number of times in jail. His conduct became so unbear- able at one Hme that he was committed to the insane asylum." This is tbe kind of a ma:i who gener- ally writes op Oregon. Ha must either be crazy or malicious. Thk College Extebtaixm .xr. Last evening in Assembly Hall.at the College, the Erodelphian and A. C. L. societies gave an open entertainment delighting thv good sired audience present. and ron ferring great credit on studer ts and facul ty alike. Miss Abliie r ry presided for the Krodelphians and Mr Melvin Wil- - ',,...,(.. i ft T VI : :.. "wi a--- a. ibb oixa ncsiii recited "The Swan's Nest." aqnarte..Ethel Redfield.Nin. UElbriith', Victor Moses and Oscar Goodman was heard with much pleasure and heatrtily encored. A duet by Misses Cooa-il- i and KUUlemir. ....all ,n U, tl.1.1. V illiams pronounced an oration on"Our Future," which waa a very bright effort speaking for the talent of the young man. Eva Simpson recited a selection from "As yon like it," with rare talent. Mr Bert Wight read an essay on "The Priv- ilege of Being an Ameriaui,'- - an inter- - eating production. Miss Nina Oalbraiih I . . ..1 a. f a kUL.. JI .La. part in a happv manner. A live leature of tbe program waa some impromptu speeches by Profs Condit sod Lee, and some toasts under the efficient manage- - mentofthe toastmistress, Mies Mamia Cundifl. Miss Ava Baltimore responded to a toast on the prominent topics of the day in a pleasing manner. Mies May Pollock took off ('hauncey Denew's Cleveland after dinner toasts in a bright way, and Eva .Simpson did tbe French- man in a captivating manner on the su t- ied of "The Ladies " Patker Bros, grocers. I. M. French keep railroad tistw Bay yoor groerrie of Parker Bros Kb groceries st Conn 3t Hendr.csoo's. La teat abtet masse at Will & Link's. New ti sain eheese joet teo-iva- at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Ftina Block, does first class work. Smoke th oalebrated Havana, filled S cent cigar at J sites Joseph 'a. Or Vf H E;ln, nhyetasa and aareoa Albany. Orafti. Calls salts ta cnty'ar can try . With hi nw Sairry I' ran I May abieto yr .ij ai 1 iew ciitsawt, thing firalclaas m baked gordx PttVMA.VEVT Er.ASCH LatXISRV A branch office of the Salejs Steam laun- - dry has been established in Albany. All wrk srH be collected and the laondried articles delivered at Salem prices. No other expense AH work guaranteed Orders may be left with Oaborn Davy. permanent agent ana soiiciiortor ioaoy A Big Optnjbti-xit- y R G Watson tc Co, have a jar -- lied with beans and giee to the re rsoo guessing aeansst 'o tbe number it c auras, an elegant gold wa'ch and chair . The watch has an Elgin movement with a 14 carat Hun'i-- ; rase . . "III aaaiaaju iu " Si a" a vt a. S a sm with chain is $35. One goes wi-.- each so cents worth af merchandise, , Before baj 10 ryoer winter .lock nf hoota .- -J .k ..I .v.l- - 1. LasTU. Km. Albaoy, and get their pneea. Thev wtil and can save ya money on every s mt is a please re s tkena to show goodr W y Read bat a large stack of hoots aad ahnes to select C om, sod tbe best va.n io town. A large stock of pruning shears .ad prao-o- g hooka, fj.be beat made, jast referred at Stewart & Sot's. Now is the iixtt to aae hem. r Po yoor achool shoes go to Klein Bros as they repair them free of charge if (hey rip, ran oyer orjthe soles come loose. Tbe heat msat eaaffea la the city at I l i dyer a Kemenaber that FL Da moat does goar-snt- as fit, sad sears ooesible coming rips n c'othing bonght of his store. Overcoats sold at cost notil Christmas. Call and new fall dress goods at W Read's. Movivc OfTFtr. The undersigned is prcitared lo do ail kinds of house raisin? and house moving promptly and in first- - class order. Call or leave orders at my i residence at coi ot inir ano t'an s'reeis, Albany. I B Tuxaraoat. r.unranteed to cure Bilious Attacks and i Cuoatipaiion. Small Bile Ucans. KNCTCLOPADIAE and Glimpses of tbe World con pons taken at W F Read's. To ah) nigestkm take one Small UeeBesO after eating. 25c. per Ixittlc. nil n. HOWE. On Saturday.De-- .. 17th,1892 the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C W. Sears, Mrs. M. A- - Howe, of cancer of ( the stomach, aged i0 years. Mrs. Howe was a pioneer of 1S53, coming from Iown residing i.i Portland from that time until few yen ra ago. She was a member of Taylor Mreet M. s. church, Portland, and waa a woman of excellent character. Funeral services tomorrow at 2 o'clock residence of C W Sears. MclLWAjN. On Thursday morn! n Dec. i.sih, 1S92, at the family resldence.in Albany, of paralysis, after a short illness, Mrs. A. 15. Ncllwaln, aged 57 years The deceased came to Albanv with her husband and family In 1S77.fi 0111 Southern Oregon, where tney had resided for twenty years, and was highly respected, she leaves a husbard, two daughters, 1 and many f Heads to mourn her death Mr. and Mrs. Met twain came toCallfernia 185a from Pennsylvania, residing mere five years. The deceased belonged to wealthy ano mnuenusi tamlly In the East, liAVAGE At the family home In Salem, Sunday, December 11th, iSoa after a brief illness, the wife of W N Sav- age, aged about 35 years. MrsSayage was the daughter of Mr Ray, of tbe San- - tiam valley, and she leaves nine children mourn her lots. DODGE. On Thursday evening, Dec IS02, at Lebanon, of dropsy, Mr nomas Dodge, aged 08 years. Mr Dodge was an earlv pioneer, residing around Petersons Butte for manv vears not until Ave awo years when he moved Lebanon, where he owns valuable propertv. He waa a man of wealth, be- ing worth 130,000 or 140,000, and pos- sessed many good qualities. He leaves a wife and several children. Whlakry Did III Thk Dalles, Or, Dec 16. William Bethune, a native of Scotland, aged 55, was found dead in his bed at the L mitt il In house this morning. Bethune came here from Mitchell about three months Just before leaving there, he claimed to have discovered a wonderfnlly rich vein of quartz in digging a well on one of his ranches. Divorce papers had been lately served in behalf of his wife, who is in Mitchell, and since that time he has been drinking heavily. He owned three good ranches in crook county. The coroners jury returned a verdict of death from excessive use of liquor. Meat He a Rtekest Clllaea Seattle. Dec 17. Henry L Yesler, a pioneer of Seattle, who diet! at his home at 2:30 o'clock this morning, was the strong-lin- k between the infancy and the manhood of this city, and was for many years its most active citizen- - Brick and stone blocks erected since the great fire of three years ago by bim and those now under way cost about $700,000, and represent a small share of his property here. Set Key olutlonary Laredo, Tex, Dec 16. Orders have been sent to Lieutenant Hedieken, In command of the troops in the field in the lower coun- try, to go at once to San Ygnacio and in- vestigate the report that the Mexican soldiers captured iu Saturday's battle were brought there and are being held prisoners and, if there, to liberate them at once. A Spanish paper claims Saturday's fignt was not revolutionary: that the Mexican soldiers came to San Ygnacio to a dance, and that a row resulted. Creea Casds Wen Arrested New Yore, Den 16. The police raided the printing establishment of Eugene H Marvin, at 482 Kighth avenue, this after noon aad captured three truck leads of green goods literature and paraphernalia. Marvin. Drourietor of the olace. was not caught, but three of his men were arrested. Marvin is said to be the man who has the printing for all the big green goods oper- ators in the country. Hanged ot Brow ned Victoria, B C, Dec 16. Law night. Wallace Christian, formerly a sealer on the Oscar and Hattie. fell overboard from the dock into the harbor. A number of men on the dock witnessed the accident and secur- ing a rope threw it to Christian. In some unaccountable manner, the rore fell over the unfortunate man's head, but this was not seen in the darkeeas. and when the reacoeia drew the body up they discovered they had banged Christian. The Wall rauer Tru.i New Yore. Dec 16. The National Wa Paper Company, popularly known as th0 wall paper trust. todav filed a certificate t increase its capital from U.w,w to S30.000.000. The capital was divided in to 3,000,000 shares. A Baakrant Castatry ! Losaox. Dec 15. The Times prinU a dispatch from Sydney. NS W, to the effect that lor tbe next three months no omciai salaries wilt be raid in Snmoa. except those of the chief justice and the president of the council, tven the king is not exempt. The prevailing destitution is the cause of this action. Public bankrubtor impends. and appeals for outside help will be made soon. Boise, Idaho, Dec IS. Early in Mar Frank Ford tee. a voting stock baron, will attempt to drive from the center of this state to Ogalalla, Neb, 45,000 sheep, a distance of 1000 miles. Tbe trip will oc cupy six months. Tbe sheep will have to cross the Rocky mountains in the wildest part. nJid will have to ford scores of small a r tee-la- g Banker New York, Dec 15. The mystery sur- rounding tbe disappearance of Banker Linns E Post, of Tacoma. Wash, is cleared up. He has not been murdered nor has be committed suicide, as was generally sup-p- ea rd. and it U denied that tbe present Is not tbe first occasion on which be has ly disappeared Mr Post was seen alive in loboken. where it now turns out be took the steamer for Europe. It ia be Sieved his departure was to escape censure for carelessness in hiiiiness A t heap Warderrr Pas am a. Dec 15. Adrices from Sai dor state a plot to kill President Eaetm was discovered a few days ago. Tbe plot was formed by Salvador exile in Gautemala. Tbe president was invited to s banquet at Salvador, at which an Italian hired to as- sassinate him, bad been detailed to serve as a waiter. When the snetu were sealed. tbe police, who had been informed of the plot, arrested tbe Italian. He confessed that he had been hired for to esmSatl murder. r aUalac Very Sirk. WAsnixoTOX. Dec 15. Inqairr at Blaine's residence tonight elicited the simple response that Mr Blaine's condition was about tbe same. From other sources it is learned his condition is less favorable than this morning, and that be is not only a very sick man. but that his present con dition creates tbe gravest fears. A person qualified to speak by reason of-hi-s relation- ship with tbe family, says Blaine's trouble is with his kidneys. These become con gested whenever be takes cold. aUs ate lea ad HI en SHst. Chicago. Dec i5. George Moore, who was arrested two davs aso in Los Angeles. Cal. is wanted at Johet, III. for the murder of one Garlidt. committed over 25 years ago. Both men worked in a distillery, and one day, during a quarrel. Moore brained GariicK with a poker. He thrust the body into a fnrnace and Bed. Jamas Brown, a colored teamster, became aware of Moore's residence in California and informed the police. All Ceaslp New York, Dec i3. Mr Cleveland an nounced today be had decided to go to I.nkewood. Januarv i5. to remain till he goes to Washington. He will prepare his inaugural address at Lstkewood, and go from there direct to w ashington. N hen asked about the cabinet. Mr Cleveland said: ''There is nothing in the gossip you hear about it. anil there will be nothing to say authoritatively for some time to come. At the proper time there will be no secret of the selection of members of the cabinet." Bach Party .e ta a Tale Bismarck, N D, Dec 14. -- North Da- kota will this year present an anomaly ia the electoral college. Harrison, Cleveland and Weaver will each receive one vote. 1Tie state board of canvassers have declared Wamberg, republican, elected by eight majority; WifiiaMs, fusion, by 181 ma- jority. The first named will vote for Har- rison, tbe second for Weaver and the last for Cleveland. Nat so Terr Bnd Thk Dali.es. Or, Dec i4. P W Dee- - huff, master mechanic of the Union Pa- cific here, has just returned from I'alouse City, which town was reported to be in danger of quarantine on account of the prevalence of scarlet fever. Mr Deehuff, who visited fulouse City to attend the funeral of his little granddaughter, reports only three deaths. He states that the dis- ease is abating, and that the report of a panic is untrue. J n McCoraacK lost but one child, not two, us reported, the other being convalescent. Mlsased the Mall Maiishfiei.d, Or, Dec 14. Postoffice Inspector WC Boutele arrived Saturday evening from Bandon, with Mrs Manset under his charge, tearing hero Monday morning; The charge is supposed to be be for sending obscene matter through the mails. Her husband, Frank Manset, Is now in the insane asylum at Salem. She was divorced several years ug. A Peeatlar Origin TonoKTO, Ont, Dec, i4. A four-tor- y building on Pearl street, occupied by John French a Co, dealers in paints and oils, and five other firms, was destroyed by fire of today. The estimated loss is $.r0,000. The fire was caused by the spilling of some methylated kpirits in French a Co's part of the building. rta's Elect Inn Abtoiua. Dec 14. A city election for three councilman was held today, the two tickets in the field being tbe republicans and citizens. The elections resulted in a complete victory for the citizen candidates. Cloaks and' jacketa at cost and leas al W for Read's. rn vascnia. Ka . VaUsf, Oi Mater Uah , ttii t raoa aaa raaacnaSo Willamette Valley. December Bth 13th ; TTVh. W nether at the poles or at the equator, the world's people are really traveling around the sun with the earth itself at the rate of about 65,000 mile an hour. The earth's motion is one of comparatively slow rotation, yet of swift progression on Its orbit. The republicans in Kansas and Nebraska are straining every nerve to cheat the pop ultsts out of two United States senators to which they are clearly entitled. The pop- ulists may depend upon it that the demo- crats will come to their aid when republi- cans attempt to force stolen senators into acts in the United States senate. As the tariff question la yet an unsettled ptoplem we deem it pertinent to call at ten lion to the fact that during the late cam palgn we were told by republicans that the tin plate manufacturing industry had so far advanced that the markets were largely supplied with the home product. ; If this be so, why was it necessary to import daring the month of October 189J, 43.158,075 pounds of tin plate against only 30,054,856 pounds for the month of October 1891 f Already a large Dumber of manufactories that shut down after the election, to scare the country into the idea ihat Democracy was hostile to industrial pursuits, have re- turned wotk ia fitC al! of them have The closing do i was simply an exhibition of the same kimi of petulance that a child shows who refuses to play when it can't have everything its own way. Democracy is not the enemy of industry and prosperity, but the steadfast friend and promoter oi both. Unner the policy of a tariff for rev- enue only we shall have our ships back upon the seas where oar fathers placed them, and our markets enlarged to the utmost limits of the earth. With the enlargement of our markets will iome increased demands for our products, which will create an Increased de- mand for labor. Free trade is the natural principle of commerce, and to interfere with it is to place restriction upon its utmost possibilities. The Chinese wall, as poor Tom Re-- d boasii.igly calls the tariff, shuts out more prosperity than it shut in. The people lound it out and tore down the hin- drance at the November polls. Ex. Mr Woolgroaer, we have a word with yon. We trust you will listen attentively while wt recite a few facts. It was promised when the McKialcy bill was passed that the Increase In duties on wool would result ia largely keep- ing foreign wool oat of the msiket, and (has you were to have the privilege of the control of the boose market, and thus you would se cure more ready sales for your wool and the consequent better price for wool was given is return for the largely Inct cased duty placed upon manufactured woolen. Listen, now. Since the passage of lhe KcKwIay bill you have been selling wool at less figures than before and you have less control of the wool- en market than prior to the passage of that Jill. Proof: For the month of October 1S91 there were 9.359,955 pounds of foreign wool imported. For tae month of October 1893 there were I7.a03.737 pounds importer . For the ten months ending October 31, 1S91, there were 114,1X1,733 pounds imported. For the ! "ioolDB """ 3. were 140,174.814 pounds Imported. Keasem-- bet these fgurcs are taken from the record aad we chsilange dispute. Voa may re! v upon them. Now what do voa think of these facts? There are two extremes in Presided! Har rison a message which when placed upon an even f ootisq show his deductions to be un- tenable t that extent as to be rtdicaons. These are, tbe advocacy of a subsidy for the purpose of developing so American raercha t( marine. Taking the republican defiaifiiai of a protective tariff it ia for the.' pat note of developing manufacture so ss to supply the ho ne demand aad create a market whose consumptive capacity will demand the home supply. Thus to pat tbe lepobhcaa policy of protection into effort granting that a pro- tective tariff would acsompish all that re. publicans claim it will we would need no merchant marine as the scene of production would be the scene of consumption. Ia other words we would neither export nor Import. Thus it will be seen that we cannot have high protective tariff laws In effect aad at the same time develop s merchant marine. nor can we with tbe hope of making it re munerauve have an efficient merchant ma- rine service under high protection. These sre diametrical and one can only exist at the expense of tbe of the other. To make our merchant marine profitable we would have to develop our import and export trade, whici is just the reverse of what the republicans claim for high protec- tion. Mr. strikes an unpopular string when be advocates further voting of subsidies, even if his proposition were logi- cal. The development of enterprise in tbe f Hurt, at least so long as tne democracy is in power, must be by natural conditions, with subsidy as the most remote contingency Common sense does not tesch that any peo- ple shall tax themselv s excessively to de velop an industry or an enterprise In oppo sition to tbe fixed laws of n.ture. The best and surest way, and I he only ennitable way. to develo a merchant marine is to amend our shipp ng laws and wipe out class legis Istion to 'be end that we mav have an unre- stricted commerce. Give as an unrestricted commerce so that vessels can command frei .ii both vav, going and coming, and the merchant marine service will develop without a subsidy, Cann-il Bluffs Gie. SOME ODD rALCUliATIONS A flea can jump straight upwards and vault over a barrier Jfarj tlmea Its own height. If a man could til. play as much agility , he could clear a wall a mile high at a single bound. If he could jump at far forward accoiding to his weight as a flea can, he cou'd make two and a half trips around the world at one leap. According to the beat and most recent calculations 1 00,000.000 tons of water pour over Niagara every hour. This represents 16,300,000 horse power. The totsl coal production of the world, either dally, weekly, monthly or yearly, would not furnish steam power sufficient 10 pump it back agatn. ?ABioOi kkr. Ilearin mind Ibatevervne subscriber to the Democrat la entitled to lhe New York WorUl and Democrat both for the mall sum of $2,80. Every person who is aireaoy a t otlie Democrat c by paying all arrearages and one year in ad vsnce have both for the same pri;e. Th H orld, u the best genersl newspaper in the M world and the Democrat is the best local paper in ihe valley. Now is the time to sub- scribe fur your v, inter tending. A Grsat Invention. I the self pouting- - coffee and lea pots. With them yon can pour coffee or tea without furri- ng the pots. Wonderful. None of the hundred 'Ittle inconveniences of the old fnsliloned way. Coffee cooka sure and pure and cannot burn, and tta to perf You iaisc' the light Hd and tbe coffee or tea runs from 'he spout. Ifyou would have the finest thing In tne world order one when Mrs 'I ait, the local agent calls on ou. F I 1ITEATBKRFORD A CHAMBERLAIN, Attorneys at law. Will practice In courts of th state. Special attention given to matters in probate and to co lections. OFFICE In the Flinn block. w R BIIXYEU Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Co 'lee- - tions made on all points. Loans neirotiatr.l rable terms. Albany, Oregon G KO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Pob.ic. Will practice In all the courts ot this state Special attention rlren to cellec-ion- a and matters in pre bite O alee: Upstairs le Block Albany. Oga D. K v 11 V I A WATSON, All legal matters will reel ire pre mp esaaaasa fltj In Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, 0 M OXTAXVK A HACKLGMaN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J- - WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. JAMES J. CHARLTON, Attornsy-et-La- All leg J businessl attended "to promptlv: F LINN'S Block, Albany, Or 1) R. J. I.. HI 1.1. . and Snrreon. OFFICE r,. Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. D . MASTOY eft DAVIS. Physicians an Sanreon. OFFICE Corner and streets. Albany, Or, Cans projipUv attended 1 citv and c.ontry. c V. CHAMBERLAIN. It. I Herneopathist. TSpeciJit in diseases of the Bye. Twenty years' experience OSce hoars 7 Ulan; 1 S p m. and tc evening. . .'buy , Oregon. 'IRMT NATIONAL BANM, OF ALBANY, OKMOH, resident . LFLIXS ran Presidcnl 8. E.YOCNG .K. W. LAXODOK rRASSACTS A OKNKrULbaaktnahnstoass. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to chad. SIGHT EXCHANGE and Vel Taphic transfer, ssM Hew Torn, San Francisco, Chicago and 'agon CO .LECTION HADE on taorable Tome E. w. La L. Fins Eswaas 1. Sox. INK CO NATIONAL BAXK, I or A LB ART, OBXaoN. CAPITAL STOCK tlSO.SOO. ident . ,,,,, ' L COWAN, 11 RALSTON. s: Cashier O A ARCHIBOLD I aacroea, J L Cowan, t If Balshan. 1 baaM, WH O jUra, J A Crawerd and O A Arch held. fRANSAOTS a ceoaral banMrur business. DRAW SIOHI DRAFTS en New Tork. n tat 1. Orssron. tiOAN atOn'EY on approrsd security RKT.EIVE deposit subtect check. KICK sfc CO.,B4!VKEItS Or ALBANY, OREGON, TRANSACT a general Rankin business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS so New Tsrk, San Fr n ce and Portland, Oregwa. LOAN MONEY on approrsd Security. RECEI VE deooaita subject to check. ujLLtmuss made on ryorIle INTEREST paid on Urns deposit. B ISK OF MCIO, SCTO, OtMOU, dent 1 8 .O 8 Ma AHK OP OREUON. B ALBANY, OBBGOW. nollel, -- I- . ..... H F MERRILL Was fn4 lent... .. a; J LANNING ahi-- r . lavWBLAIN Transacts a gene-- a banldnr business: Exchange bought and sold on all the priudpa cities in the United States! also en England, Ireland Kranne and Germany. Collections made at all accessible points on faror ble terms. 'ntereat allowed o.i time deposits. ANDERSON k ANDRERSON -- CITY A.XJTH X ET, : ...1 e'Xt diaries Hotel. - Bed niotning and lace curtains well Ins i aad to Ntarcl. wor a specialty. Krai ch office nt Mcsea' harbor shop si iiorv a rise'1 evenings at 7 30 o'clock POSHAY & MA80N 4.1U ffsTTsiill u, inst8and Booksellers i i lor John B. Alden's publications, iiMi waSwlJaVl publisher's prions with tl.KitMV. OBKsnOB irfcL,'-- . DIUGING -- Ed Davidson in Dren red to do wall - ia flfrt o'.a.s tyle. promptlv. and will a: uar ientrw ni work. A BARGAIN ano vbortaulb FAraflor sals Fp.uir of 40 acres or less ..f lnd ona oiilo ' iixrth of Albany Lati'l well Im proved. For psrtiettlats Inxalre of WH Walnbr Albany Market. Whes'.oflc. OaU. 86o. Flour, 5.0tl. Hatter, 20o. Eags 80rt. Lard, IVAn. Pork-hn- ns. 16o; whould jrH,;8c sides; Ifa. Hsy. baled, 1S, o atoes. 25o. Apples, 60c. Hops. 17c. Drld fruit plnma, 9c, spp:es,'9c Chickens, $4 60 per dozen. Beef, on foot, 2c. Hogs, dressed. 70. The Company rryea tbe ngnt to iHsmga sailing dates without notion. X. B. Passengers from Portland and 7Ulamette Valley poinu can make clpss with the trains of the Yaqob natsat Albany or Corvallis. and if dftt i nod to San Franeiaeo should arrange to rrrve at Yaanina the evening before date f saiUnr a rrwlEkt rates ntwnya tk Lame I If yon wsnt to bay a horse cheap or feed for the ass of it this winter esil at Will' Mnsic ((tors. ACADEMY OF Lady of Perpetual Help EAST AND-SOUT- H, -- VIA- 8outhern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Trains lears Portland Daily Booth rnox Vtlt 1. ISM. North 7:Ur. si. Le Pxtlaod Ar 7M tu 10 23 r m Lr Albany Lv ri3 a H CUislAr Saa Prtndeeo Lt I TflO r si Abr stoo only at fnllninc .... . iv.tiuri. ajurtiand, Oregon City. Vi.ad Albany Twant 4knHH Har-- lJ, ii 'i"S. LUjfir.f . aossscav sun., naar I Lt Portland Ar' i f Hr m Lv Albany Lr I J2rS m SMrs Ar Roeeborg Jlsrl 7a auarrteca Bartr ncarr gmn lUra Ly Portland Ar lOSIa r si Ar Albary Lr :31 a 8:10 a Lr Albany Ar ' a 9:00 a n Ar Lebanon Lv SOan Albany Ar I :tu :00a a I Ar Lebanon Lr - 2:39 T a PULLMAr BUfFET SLEEPESS. SEMsHU HE lie Far Aseansaswdattawaf rnsaeazera. haldlsTa second- - ia llrhei,.aiiarlicii e: prr Trains 0t iHf ai.i.i.N KeTyVKK roRTLASJII ANSS KIUIAIM. Man, raaiBDAtti (Except Hunaar, ly V? oVtTSsn Ar TtSm :lt ' I Ar CorvalUa Lr 1!:56 ra si rasas rsais ssilt (Excapt Sunday . 4:lc r m bv Portland Ar :'.l 7:26 rn Ar ttcMlnnyille I.V B.4S a Through Ticbetta o all point EAST AND SOUTH. re fail iufoiiaatioj rat, mai on Or.mpany Agent at AiSauy KOBHLEM E P. EOOEK8, anaer ,,'t Q. f. rd Portland, Oregon. 500 Reward ! riay tUeftboro reward for any caw of Ian ITpepla, BIck Ueadaclie, Indlgwit4i Or r Costiveneaa wo cannot euro wits W. . ia i.lycrPm. when the direction - r.;l .1 with. They are purely Vegetable, an ive satlifactlon. Suj-- .; l.'natod Laiiro e ceatr. twavs of aiwiah i a aa ..c. lanufacterod O'l ' lulls' r wkbt ooau-AH!- : '"UlCA'i i. il ALSAJVY CR. WRIfMAH & HULBSRT BROS, Res! Estate Agents tarms and Ranches for sale Alaocity broperty in, AlHar-an- d Corvallis HaLU CHRAP. ilr AmoV old I? pa en, being bloc 4, Hsckle.n.'an's Srd addition, Oood hnusa. will salt cbrap. one hall down, balance to suit purchaserlnqulre of Dr W;n Amos. FURNITURE; TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKE. PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY. ETC, ETC. On door went of SS Young's old store, L. C0TLE16. REVERE HUU3E ILBAKY. OREGON HAS. PFiSIFFER ! PROPRIETOR oity at Stewart & Sox's. ford.

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  • SII .HH IX mow: ad anno adTELEGRAPHIC NEWS. B BaL KnTATE RALES.a i mameakmsmmmBsmm

    A Notorious Set op Robbers. Aformer resident of Eugene, Jos Theimer,has gone back to Nebraska, and writes

    1.'. ......... I - -- 1 J! ,


    The Ortgonian, for lhe first lime In along while, is engaged in writing "crisp"articles.

    Jh( --yr- Pipe Brigade. MKilK

    H Cigar Cohorts, ifwijpi'h V ' front cs never before. The high (!S0f

    ! ' "c r; ' ' c'ears helping "aMflQkA j

    rS ive i'.:T-..fc- use .Millions !. Blackwell's I

    am Smoking Tobacco.. . '. 'pul.ii Drr.r.J in the market. Smoked for overtwenty.

    an; 'rme is still growing Quality always the same.


    mCay eats, and Trade Marks ohtnlned. ana nl Tent business conducted for r!nr!erat Fscj.

    Oar Office Is Opposite U. S. Patent Office,and we can secure patent in less time than Urnremote from Washington.

    Send model, drawing or photo.. a, ,. H deserttlon. We advise, if pa'entablo or ...t. freecharge. Oar fee not one till patent is secure

    A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents." willnames ofactu-- clients In your State, com. rtown, sent f.--'c. Address,

    C.A.SNOW&CtPatent OCic. rVaMete "



    1891, 1892.Ins Terns linear! September tMk ,

    A f corps of Instruotom,




    Courses of study arranged so meattttall grades or students

    S fecial tuauctmtutt tftrtd tc Undent tfrom abroad.

    ?. is$tiaT 1 cerrPre. I.I en I.


    Oregon Pacific Railroad .t a H04.C, ateecavsr.

    o--Qrag-i- n DeFelopmani Po's Steamsrs,

    Short Line to CaliforniaFlint alaaa through paaaencer and

    Veight line fram Portland and all poifio the Willamette Valley to and from Hathf raaoiaoo, Cal.

    Boats make cloet. connection at A loantth trains of the Oregon Pacifi Hall road

    TIME SCHEDULE. exeeptSnndars.)Leeye Albany t 2 r. M, . laqwna, rntOaSi Corrauia 1:03 r. Laare Coryallia.lU a a,Artf'e Taquina, 1:3 p. Amy Albany, 11:11 a.

    C. fc C. trains connect at Albans- - aoOarwallia. The above trains connerr'aix aoulna with the Oregon OeveiopiuAOlUrrmprsny's Ldns of Steamships balrewr

    and San Francisco,SAILING UAVTEN .

    Terrible HafTe rings of XdtUe Baby.Seven Doctors aad Two HospitalsPall, Cured by Cuttcora.

    Bass ate. asnSa awleezeras. Bsttetaat and rataaSS BBBSBSS spread to tea BabTfireaat, iacThead, until was nearly covered r ar. ',aaouaas were suable to behoM; he had no -

    T "turn reai sum orflay. He was under treat,meat at different limes at

    ptw worse sU the aha.sr month I expendw:about a ner week Isaaadashaaa, and was

    dasaonraged. I par.end Ccrrcvaa, Ccn-ccn- aSoapand fJtmcr-- a

    111.... r. mnA InlUal' " i so .ut. letter waa. rjar. ig were atteas.. ruUr-l-y crirn, aid In as ' .oy as any mrrrhar enaM ihrtoorsaeud srery awtker ts ose it for every Bah

    VVJ. if. TEEOr.aowss w. " --t.irmasi

    Cuticura RemediesThe zrtest skin carte. Mood nrkliia, sad asnaesnoted of Ur.a. iamtm.j reSey thetzuei ay.mj nrwi orrod coawarteaUy and Sr.fjasi mn tn rTj sareVe et fortariag , dladgnriscI: Vis, burning, bieadnsg, scaly, mutad, andnira 7 dtwjas aad aaasora of the ifela. scarn.acdVRyl, vri h k.w ot hair, froas faafaacy to ace,r ' Sfjsa, acrofaloa. or hwRditary, yiaaU -f- titod aad teat phyfcaa fad.

    old : Price. Ccnccaa, SOe. ; Boa,.vzT, SI. Prepared hy the Porrrsn

    DBi.O 3 . CoaroaaTioa, Boaton.1.7- - id for " now to Cor Skin Diseases," St

    tQaatration. aad 1 m Isatinsnnails

    Maekbeada, red, rough, --.happed, BadP1--n.-i iff Sy sk:a cared by Cenctraa Soar.


    njai-i- , zxa Wcaka of the aavd k- ..Icon Aa! -- PrJn

    the ':- - t and only ;sdag :.fti.

    t TB A DtTV yoa awe ysanell cad ita aw sm beat wsttsa Car Tear aaeaer.year nmwear ay sirraaiac.walM for nsrieas asked, as

    BO 9VBtntTVTE.JB


    W. L DOUGLAS83 SHOE cairf&W

    K B8T SHOE IITtCssJaU HsmtaJEx.a sessise aewrea sase. that sag set ras.1I frVliaacmrallMamrcnarcwcTe-- ;

    mid at the price. Tiisaas rsasiiai i i 'i ai asiiaslasI tlSava Hand swd.fcacsafaaas. rkaa

    wF EMBBjtaw. SBwcTSal- - - Si

    SRO SO PallSwOStsars arSO arat a olSBi?isnssawexiesnr c, eft - , .. k ir . yr t

    i Itaeptaayrdrj a&iwarp.i a SS) nae Calf, fTX.15 and sR-O- Wart- -I wTTma Si iidis sawiasasnw autYlaTsssai

    Ladies' srtrSS&rxasanas oe SweCaK. aaslasaaastWt. Ttajaiiaaa. TheSaJ'st ae

    . ' iiissaw a aa a e.. z, vitwar r aa nsi siaBiniaa nisiiaa.

    Cnsrriaa.--W. iTncassaw' same mA the arksatsnni II ea the ootxnaa of each shoe: sook (or a

    "saeaisal af HirrTTTimrr- - II n mmmmSnwaSwaaattjaiJ atato taeaujtitaB bj saw tarcaVW. lZ DsTCsSTJ. Krwcataa! aiaaa. SnMaW

    Lr R. BIdAIN.Ssie Aen


    ?or aaftgtasaea r? '.MUXX i lSBOsnsat teres he c

    Brery nawass taalie pcifc ; : r zefdfliirLaraat c w

    - ;atl fLat sal


    Tit? S. I. Bfati-f- af aad LivfT CureIS A ftlH atPHYSICSAFE. ratur

    If taken as directed, we Guarantee Saiis-facti- onor refund your money.

    D0NT SICKEN. DOS1 GRIPE.50 cents per bottle, by




    nsnWMIUMrS. e F saspfusosywutear vrnaeu gjft au w. raealwas ftwarer layatsia r Simla, ayrr? 'K. yrimas areaetTM- -..uiwm. eraiaa. tIftaaarcs. laaasvr. raeawaw.w. Sva aal - ,.jrfaaftatalata, saelMtTTaa etWal sett

    i ansBLitrwi a earraet tsat a ausaaUy Salt a. ta,weasar at WtsVrttt S,Ca, aaa -- Bl tan allirlay iiaraaaaa. TWaaS aay. Seeawarets. HIZ7-ta-after all sakar Un

    SsaereSa t aaalaaaalal ia Ula aaa 7rtTi-i.-Iaw ixriyii, kiaittir srsrsaaeBi. taeeaaest SeM erer ySary wast aaea.rmkXS ... mi.oaauaa aa4 riearMa MiwelSl'iaimaai. u. . .,s4 Cr ntsasssaai PuapSMa. watiaa. was, ray. aaStaWIT it?tcirga Tc; -- a

    Me, IT First St.. POaTANO. ORE.

    MDSIC HATH CHARMS.can truly say, there is no place likehome, happy home, iiyou possess one ofeiegant and sweet toned pianos, atHymans, u.e. First street. Theseevenings is just the time to enpv

    hi Store.Uas stock of 2nd awT goods in the

    alley, anal the mast reasonable priceson hand all kinds of

    G B Tycer to L B Tycer, undividedhalf 40.21 acres 14 w 2 625

    G W PbiHips to U O tiayne andC L Bock, 240 acres 10 w 2.... 4000

    W f and B E Davenport by sheriffto Louis Bhitnarr et al, 200acres 111 1100 j

    1 N Woodle to W H Dougherty,Iot7b!7W'sAd 150

    U 8 to 8 A Pierce, 1 00 acres 11 E 1 .PatentJ P Cavendish to T W Swearingei ,

    3 acres 14 w 3 400Q B Tycer et ux to J C McCormick,

    19.70 acree 14 w 3 Z0L Tyeer et ux to J B McCor

    mick. 25 acres 14 w 2 1C Jos Sanderson to School Dist 110,

    10 acres 11 w 2Farah Thompson to E N Calaham,

    80 acres 10 w 3 200U E Coggswell to Dora Coggawell,

    170 acres 14 w 4 -- .. 3000I) Hanslett to (i VV and A Homer,

    242 acres 13 w 1 4000


    Ifi on insultto your intelligence, bat some an-- jscrupulous dealers try it For in--,stance : you're suffering from someSkin, Scalp or Scrofulous affection,m are feeling "run-down- " and;" used-np.- " There's a torpid liver, !impure blood, and all that may come


    from it. You've decided, wisely,tats Dr. Pierce's Golden MedicalDiscovery is the medicine to helpyou. i on know that it s guaran-teed to do so, as no other blood-purifi- er

    is.If it doesn't benefit or core, you

    get your money back.But what is best for you to take

    isn't always best for tbe dealerto selL He offers something elsethat's just as good." Is it likely?If the maker of a medicine can'ttrust it, can you f

    One of two things has to happen.You're cored of Catarrh, or you'repaid $500 cash. That's what is

    mused by the proprietors of Dr.s Catarrh Kemedv. Br itssoothing, cleansing, and heal

    ing properties, it cures the



    rm4 ' 6- -Vhile trying to Crowd theii

    0EY0E & FROMwUTbROSstore-- , where they always have on hand

    he largest Stock south of Portland, ofthe latest improved Rifles and Shoins; " tmraifitse stock of Fishing"tck't. '.f eery cescrlptioa; Tents,tan. oc .Cam p Chair and thousands

    t ot. ings too nameroat to mentionfa ;pair Shopconnect n with tbe Store, and one ot

    He beat wa --men In the State to do anymi nil kind, of

    Cowie one Come No roobie tohow goods "Small prasfit and naick

    is ou; --not to


    seali 'iassaaaPsaS

    CHICKEKrSG- .- HFMilira- - "STECK," AXDt sr. A Sv..a


    --Wondar-COCit Bvtl lailria

    Write for Calalornes and Prices bet- -r FarehftsineI ssaaaaal ntwui. taasa1 is at lowestfSrkastmail Inatreniar la. Boaea and Masse af Every


    M.w U - XeedWa.E. IL WILL, Albany, lr.

    lledCrownMillsISOM & LANNINC, PflOPSIETORS.aw r roc ass sxocn strrcaioa roa raan.ii

    arro sunn rss,ail




    CURE. YouThe success of this Great Cough Care ts those

    wii hoot a parallel in the history of medicine. MrsAH druggists are authorised to sell it on a pos-itive guarantee. . test that no other cure can Jongsuccessfully aland. That it may becomeknown, the Proprietors, st an enormous ex-pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free intoevery home in the United States sad Canada.

    roa have a Cough, Soro Throat, or Bron-ohlti- s,use It, for it will care you. It your

    child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, usepromptlv, and relief ty sure. If you dread

    that indiums disease CVnsnmotion, use it..Sfsk your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE,fVicel0cts..Mcts. acdSl.OO. If your Lungs haveare sore or Back lame, use Shi'.oii's PorousPlaster. Price 25cts. Im.it sale uy all Lru3lUaad le- -

    Multnomah county continues to assessmortgages at 50 per cent. Douglas andUnion did better at 75 per cent, and Polk


    at two-thir- ds value. The other countiesrespected the law.

    The lawyers think they have a joke ona couple of their brethren, resulting froma little unpleasantness between them dur-ing the examination of a witness this fore-noon, in which it was proposed 'o settlethe matter in a muscular manner out inthe hall, but the matter terminated like anewspaper war for Instance. Just whatthe corpui delicti was we have not learned.

    A photograph of the skull of a prehis-toric animal, found at Baker City, Or.,was sent to Professor Condon, of the StateUniversity, who pronounced It a rarespecimen of the bos latifrous, an ox thatexlted during the glacial period. Hehad a thick skull and a very small brain.The professor adds: ''It is worth some-thing to know that he lived, too, amongthe Blue mountains in prehistoric time.-- '

    Eugene Register.

    The Albuquerque citlxen says: "Anewspaper man haa no business to seekoffice, ft is his business to try and get anoffice for the other fellow; to sound thepraises of the candidate and keep quiethis own feelings; to whoop her up for hisman and let his man forget all about himwhen he Is elected ; to defend his candi-date against th" unjust attacks of theopposition, and fee that whatever favorshis candidate has to bestow goes to theother fellow It is his business to boomth,. ltw f txr all If la wnrtly mnnlh afl.r (month, and then see it 00 worth of printing go out of the city because tan centscan be saved in doing so. It Is the business of the newspaper to give every enter-pris- e

    a frequeni "send-of- f ."and then catchshoe! because he had failed to record thefact that some prominent cltiten hsd hisdelivery wagon painted. To subscribeliberally to every public, charitable andchurch entertainment, advertise them farnothing, pay hla own way to everything,and then be called prejudiced and meanspirited because a column is not devotedto that particular affair. Do you wonderthat there are mint cranks In the newspaper business? It i beund to make eithera crank or a philosopher out of a man."

    Last vear Oregon 'a 31 county boards ojaqnaltzstlon retaraad to the Secretarv otstate s total taxable property of 128,447,-746- .

    This year the same returns shew atotal taxable property of 1131,230,132.

    Some of onr Albany merchants do notpropose to allow any monopolies, andhence any they will take Encyclopediaand Olimpwea coupons, as well as tberegulars. This may liven matters op ;some. Elsewhere appears a notice) ofone offering to do eo.and others it is saidwill follow.

    Oregon is full of colleges, some 58 ac-cording to tbe luteal returns. Aa everylittle collection of houses is a city, sonearly every private school is a college.These are matters needing regulation.On the other. hand it means that Oregonis alive on educational matters and isafter the game. Though not baring ahigh grade college like tbe big three wehave some splendid leaser lights wheretbe instruction is thorough and superiorfaculties are employed.

    The Pendleton E O tells of a samplefoot race : There waa quite a foot-rac-eat Athena Tuesday- - The contestantswere Killiao and Lewis- - Rillian ia areservation amateur of some note aadLewis has been employed for a consider-able length of time on a ranch nearWarren elation. He ia supposed to be aCalifornia professional who has pre-served bis incognito in order to make aneasy natch. Tbe stakes are said to havebeen 11725, and it is supposed that al-together there most have been S2250 upon tbe race. The contestants werestarted and Killian signalised himself bytailing down in a mod hole. Lewis ran ;oat the distance fifty yards, and was de--clared the winner.

    Deiuich, the Willamette hotel porterwho got away with Mr Eaves money, to Ithe amount of ntarlv SS00, baa served ibis time and been pardoned bv the gov- - 'ernor. upon recommendation of tbe ,district attorney, who convicted bin -Journal. It would seem that a manrrr r, ra.a "TZ"tbi OTd !


    Mr Glover writes back from Kansas for IU M S syajv vuut:uKai SSS VlsJKVU UU ,

    atay where they are. After selling hisplace down in Fox Valley some time ago, ihe moved back to his old home and find jing things different from what he expected, volunteers advice to friends in thevalley Mill City Gazette.

    A neat and dandified looking fellowwearing diamonds, medals, etc. long hairand a sombrero bat waa on Tuesday'ssooth train. He waa Captain Jim. awell-know- n Arisona stockman who hadbeen in Oregon purchasing land. TbePullman porter said tbe decorations weredistinctions placed on bim for heroicservices done the world in killing 14 re-porters, three horses and two doaenmules in one shot. Ashland Record -

    A Umatilla county coyote is equal to anAlbany man according to the followingfrom the Pendleton E O : The other dayume nonters piacetl some decors noon

    the bank of a stream east of here, says tbe 'lenuieton intrane, while goinj todinner. A rancher who happened o bepassing, saw a coyote approach, keepingms rinngry eyes on the supposed ducks.Gradually creeping upon them, thecoyote suddenly pounced on tbe decoysonly lo discover that all that glitters isnot ducks, or words to that effect . j

    The Phi ppa family, of Jackson countyueata use recora tor lamilv trouble.Here it is : M J Phipps waa sued fordamages l y Spencer ChUdere for throw-ing him over a plow, by which the latterreceived injuries- - The suit was for$10,000, hut the jury gave Childers 1000-Emm-

    Cooper sued Celeste Phipps andber son for damages for defamation ofcharacter and obtained a verdict of$60Ut). Young Phipps married a sisterof the plaintiff and afterwards procureddivorce, to sat aside which another saitis now pending in the docket. In hissworn testimony in the divorce case hemade an allegation against Miss Cooperwhich the jury found to be false, malte-iou- s

    and of such a character that thevgave the verdict as stated.

    PaKHAPSYau want the nest groceries to be at

    secured In the cltv ; then call on ParkerBros.

    PerhapsYou want flesh produce just Irom the

    gardeners, then call on Parker Bros.a

    Pei hapsYou want the best baked goods in the

    city, breads, cakes, cookies, pies, etc. .thencall on Parker Bras and you will get the atgoods and first class tieatment.

    Cash Crocesy Store Allen Bros, arenow in their new quarters in the Brink Block,at the corner of Feiry and SecOud Street,and wi'.h cheap tents, a small expense accountgenerally, and a first class stock ef goods.are prepared to give their customers the bestbargains to be obtsined in the city, tor cash. tonCaah counts with them, and the public want-ing Ihe best goods and produce to he se-cured


    in the city should call on them, where for

    they wlH get low prices and the bett goods a

    Reopened W R Graham haa reopenedhis tailoi shop, and has on hand a fine line

    suitings, ready to be made up for thosewishing nrst-cla- work done. Thanking thepublic for a liberal patronage in tbe past,icsolicitsn continuance of their patronage and toromises good work and prompt aMention to

    e needs of his patrons.15,A

    Look Here, Take vour bntler, eggs.chickens, and other farm produce to Car-ters grocery opposite the Rusa House, inAlbanv, ami rei tne highest market intoprices In trade or cash.

    Great reductions iu Aerniotor wind millsDecembir. See the agent, Vi W Craw


    Hops are 18 cento. Wheo they were 22oeott some held for more, ami now get less.

    Mr Tbomae Brink ha. moved hi fortunestore to the building opposite Htewait k Sox,where he will no be found.

    A special meeting of Alpha Temple No 1will b held a the K of V Mall tomorrow nr

    i at 2 o'clock, to which all memUjsI

    sre i j'Ksttd to attend.uurapuhf in retool hss a nice pian.. wblcbthev wi.k tf.!,i. i i t i

    giving.e. of anlaaZ uZnnZ !Jan 10th and 11th, 1503.The WilUrn.ite Valley, at rived at Ys-- !

    .U,u. mm ii ocoth tnis morning, with aamaii lit of passenger, who will come Uthe valley tomorrow noon.

    It is not certain abont the du srs betweentiarriahurg and Cohgrg to be

    the advent smoog them of OrLitnenger aad J R Wliitnev. Thaw

    j turned tc day, after having killed fifty eigntuncae ana two (jeese.The ground la being cleared for MisWood's brick, at the corner of Second and

    Ellsworth s'.reets. The marble shop willbe moved io the resr of the lot, and thebrick, one store, t wo stoi ies high and sixty-fee- t

    deep, will oe erected on the corner.There sre several applicstfons for thestore already, as well as for those in theP O. buliding.

    The Baddlng k Ixian Association meets atthe Oregon Bank tonight.

    The Oregon City Express says O B Whit-mor- e,grand official instructor, pmconocethe A O C W lodge of that city the bestdrilled of any in tbe district.

    Paol Baeltoer, a 15 year old boy, Lettthree stories in the Capitol building st Ss-le- mto tbe basement . His head waa ent ht,r

    i 00 bnes were I roken. He had been playing: OQ railiog.

    Marshal Mint , of Salem, pnlled farobaik Wedoeeday night, ueidg ran by George( Sands. He was held to await the action ofthegraod iurv ncd-- r .VI kmmAmj : . . . ' werej wpaiwn in caan... ,. ,i.


    ltd!?aJ!VZt aLn"? Twsy,

    of laWauW bar. --TJ". ,"'villa aiwi -- ;n " . .. -.-wawar aawaw IllSSiaiU.John Iaorn Sr. lisp EJ Ltnnm, andhaa Ffeiff--r hat uurcnaawi of Pm w ..i

    a the north west corner of Second and EUa-wo- rthstreet, consisting of a frontage of 67feat, consideration $5000. This mi ass aPwJdsal for Second street which is torn .

    attracting considerable attention. iThe State Boa an r ; ! a ...., ,I fas a - - - - ' JB. i f jW"l K IM COUtT Clifk' isfllra. S. At.

    ' ,TH,T Thursday, Dec it aed j' ,n mrtt,,lh county offcert,i ,0,1''' ln!f Jpnvate citizens, who mavj """unem matters wjui, '

    , l""'v.AM Wilson, of TaJl-na- recently aadvc:u iinrp anteo or legs.R eaten bee Can n A Heodricaoa take Ora-goci- ao

    coopeni on sll cash sales.Toe opera bonse rasAtageaneat assure as

    , the Tomer Gaiety iroanp's ' nnlwill beoce any lady need not hesitate to at--I .

    A B U edd;eon lost 200 sacks of potatoesin tbe Jefferson fire 1 be cow, of ! be neagb-- brHood had agreat fesat of roasted potatoesootd two of them died aad several othersj naoome daagerasly sick.

    H J Clark has parchastd the old I O OFj property at tbe corner of Dcejglaa aad BaneI aste aad, we andcratand. teannethe old ha I dowa

    on toe site oi Reviewr- -awsieroay moral eg a satail buore in Ea- -

    m" "sreeo. 1 bad been a caar of. uiphtieerta in tne hocae. and U faeaii y hadvacated it. It waa nodcubt set acre le baratne ga-r- of tbe disease. Some innrsxreootapany will fact the tell, $309.

    , The Eagene Joarnsl says. Rev K A M-c-Altster. pastor of the Unireraaiiet church of

    ! Ottsetty. ta Ml in, ,ries of Sand.yiinTB"?r,,,IfanaTmot-t- -in the doc: tne of radioes pan--nhment will be reviewed and refnted.

    On going from tbe eailv snoraisg trainyesterday raoratag VI r Pre-- Fia. thaaalooak.'Pr- - w a meteor fvi! into the street atme tptaKispa, charcii. l a dig aim the hotabsuoc froea the groood it way foaed to he !

    brown clay tah kind af a aW. -lao in orcamferencs. Part of it waa seat. 11 crtiaod or analysts.

    I 'ePT the f. lowing aotice cf Tamer '. !' "" wae ...ria, use oosxpaay that playat tbe otera nca.- - next Wednesday, Dec 21From theMaioa-- t e Daily Mining Joarcal:Taraer v.,,, Garety Orris Co is "all .

    "4 ht The ftft.naf a ly played hs,e .'aa. nig bttoa

    a".-- .

    crowd, J boaae, and gar the best show ij ,M J" ever gteea apaa a Mar- -CITT 7 ""f regrettedpan y waa enable to fcire as a II second night, fhe nan nan t-- mVv ,f . i, tikv.1 ., f!L " appe.--,rreaa nne interta:Lrr,er.t.

    COUPONS taken at W f Read's.Klein's.

    A nice pair of slip, err for holiday st

    Scavetvfr poooaat Wis A Sari'sLadies if yon waat your Xeoas present at--

    I uptrera as rv'e.n a.j 6y far the largest aasaartaneat of holidayslippers for gentlemen at Klein Bros. Al-most at yoar own prices.

    ; Osvu sinning school a. the Baptist c ha robr ndaj eeeotnge AH sn been ber will haveto pay whether attending or not. Onlr f 1 23, for 12 ieaaoa.

    Kiem Bros sell no shoddy stuff, hat sell ,boots aad shoes made of leather.VIA VI Co (Bw io Baltimore bloci.Doa't fail to bar dry goods, hcltdav

    toods, elcete, of WFKead. IThe beet ewtlrv at Will Jt .Mark r.Oeuniee Tereseee Sorstum co draught atC K Bmwnell's.A fell "ice cf fleece iifwrr to lee at K!"a


    Klein Mr oa iren clad schocl shoes nox emall

    yoo van Huy avergaiUrj from 75cat Kleio Bros. 11 tne go.jj tjriir ir. unrrti t i ds a Read's.

    Jr.iFER.sox. Mr 1 learn has removedfrom Harrishnrg to this city, wheie shewill reside in the future.

    Art Holt has rented a house in Albanyand will winter up there. No empty-hous- ein this city is the reason.

    Jefferson Lodge No 33, A F & A M.willhold tbeir annual intalhuion i..:.i..iiin tins city this evening, at which timeitiu'i" officers will be installed:Huddleeon.W M ; J W Houck, t W ;

    Jjeo Richardson, J W; D H LoonerTreas; T M Witten, Sec ; F E Shnfer!Jivler. Grand Master Moore, Grand Sec.hadwick and Grand Sen. Warden PhilMetechan will be present Review.

    Mill Crrv. The Cliff House in thiaplace took Ore in the roof last Friday af-ternoon, from a drfective atovepipe, andhad there not been timely effort it wouldhave burned to the ground. This is thesecond time in the past aiz months thatthe building has been on firs, and if ithad been consumed it would have wentdown without any insurance coveringtbe property.

    Mrs C R Read, of Gates, while return-ing from her visit at Mr Robertson's lastSunday evening, accidently fell off thebank of the roadway to tbe log tramwav,brnising herself badly. Her husbandwas meanwhile walking in front of herwith a lantern, but cnnlit ,.rnaround in time to save her from the fall,cjue rolled down thn ami t ,, -n omufdistance, but at no time since can ac-count for her mishap. Gazette.

    Vas.Mors It

    Peoplrwant good groceries

    than anything else, lt means a good itneat lor tne harmonv of the household.Matters go alon moresmooth.lv. Dealwith Conn tt Hendricson and vou will getthe best groceries at the lowest pricesrhelr produce la always fresh, and thevkeep the latest In every thing. You are

    In it if you do not buv your eatlngoads of Conn - Hendricson.

    Curo for Colds. Fevers and (loner I TVv.btlity, Small Bile Iseaiis. 2&c. per bottle.

    The hnest line of pocket knives in th:

    f nuicuious manner, onthe face of it showing the man to be aliar of the first magnitude. The paperthe fitrattoD Herald, takes it all in amiwarns people to shun the far famed"garden of Eden" as a pestifcnee. Hereis the article: "Emigrants, westwardbound, are warned against locating inEugene, Oregon. The writer had a nicehome, worth 2500, in the above namedcity, but was swindler! out of the sameby the city officers, who are a notoriousset of robbers, with but one exception,the city marshal. This band 0f cutthroats trumped up charges against me,had me thrown in jail where I took sick,and waa only released after deeding myproperty to my wife. After they got myproperty out of my bands, by chicanery,they induced my wife, who was in collu-sion with the conspirators.to swear false-ly against me and forced me to leave thecountry." The Guard takes the windalt out of his sails, among other thingssaying : "Thlmer was a resident of Eugene for many years, and during all thattime never contributed to the support ofhis family, but on the contrary took tbehard earnings of his wife and childrenami spent them for liquor. He frequent-ly became intoxicated and shamefullyabused and maltreated his wife. Owingto the influence of the UAR post, ofwhich he was a member, he waa treatedfar more leniently than he deserved, yethe had to be confined a number of timesin jail. His conduct became so unbear-able at one Hme that he was committedto the insane asylum."

    This is tbe kind of a ma:i who gener-ally writes op Oregon. Ha must eitherbe crazy or malicious.

    Thk College Extebtaixm .xr. Lastevening in Assembly Hall.at the College,the Erodelphian and A. C. L. societiesgave an open entertainment delightingthv good sired audience present. and ronferring great credit on studer ts and faculty alike. Miss Abliie r ry presided forthe Krodelphians and Mr Melvin Wil- -',,...,(.. i ft T VI : :.."wi a--- a. ibb oixa ncsiiirecited "The Swan's Nest."aqnarte..Ethel Redfield.Nin. UElbriith',Victor Moses and Oscar Goodman washeard with much pleasure and heatrtilyencored. A duet by Misses Cooa-il- i andKUUlemir. ....all ,n U, tl.1.1.V illiams pronounced an oration on"OurFuture," which waa a very bright effortspeaking for the talent of the young man.Eva Simpson recited a selection from"As yon like it," with rare talent. MrBert Wight read an essay on "The Priv-ilege of Being an Ameriaui,'- - an inter- -eating production. Miss Nina Oalbraiih

    I . . ..1 a. f a kUL.. JI .La.part in a happv manner. A live leatureof tbe program waa some impromptuspeeches by Profs Condit sod Lee, andsome toasts under the efficient manage- -mentofthe toastmistress, Mies MamiaCundifl. Miss Ava Baltimore respondedto a toast on the prominent topics of theday in a pleasing manner. Mies MayPollock took off ('hauncey Denew'sCleveland after dinner toasts in a brightway, and Eva .Simpson did tbe French-man in a captivating manner on the su t-ied of "The Ladies "

    Patker Bros, grocers.I. M. French keep railroad tistwBay yoor groerrie of Parker BrosKb groceries st Conn 3t Hendr.csoo's.La teat abtet masse at Will & Link's.New ti sain eheese joet teo-iva- at Conrad

    Meyers.P J Smiley job printer, Ftina Block, does

    first class work.Smoke th oalebrated Havana, filled S cent

    cigar at Jsites Joseph 'a.Or Vf H E;ln, nhyetasa and aareoa

    Albany. Orafti. Calls salts ta cnty'arcantry .With hi nw Sairry I' ran I May

    abieto yr .ij ai 1 iew ciitsawt,thing firalclaas m baked gordx

    PttVMA.VEVT Er.ASCH LatXISRV Abranch office of the Salejs Steam laun- -dry has been established in Albany. Allwrk srH be collected and the laondriedarticles delivered at Salem prices. Noother expense AH work guaranteedOrders may be left with Oaborn Davy.permanent agent ana soiiciiortor ioaoy

    A Big Optnjbti-xit- y R G Watson tcCo, have a jar -- lied with beans andgiee to the re rsoo guessing aeansst 'o tbenumber it c auras, an elegant gold wa'chand chair . The watch has an Elginmovement with a 14 carat Hun'i-- ; rase

    . ."III aaaiaaju iu " Si a" a vt a. S a smwith chain is $35. One goes wi-.- eachso cents worth af merchandise,


    Before baj 10 ryoer winter .lock nf hoota.- -J .k ..I .v.l- - 1. LasTU. Km.Albaoy, and get their pneea. Thev wtiland can save ya money on every s mtis a please re s tkena to show goodr

    W y Read bat a large stack of hoots aadahnes to select C om, sod tbe best va.n iotown.

    A large stock of pruning shears .ad prao-o- ghooka, fj.be beat made, jast referred at

    Stewart & Sot's. Now is the iixtt to aaehem.

    r Po yoor achool shoes go to Klein Bros asthey repair them free of charge if (hey rip,ran oyer orjthe soles come loose.

    Tbe heat msat eaaffea la the city at I l idyer a

    Kemenaber that F L Damoat does goar-snt- asfit, sad sears ooesible coming rips n

    c'othing bonght of his store. Overcoats soldat cost notil Christmas.

    Call and new fall dress goods at WRead's.

    Movivc OfTFtr. The undersigned isprcitared lo do ail kinds of house raisin?and house moving promptly and in first- -class order. Call or leave orders at my iresidence at coi ot inir ano t'an s'reeis,Albany. I B Tuxaraoat.

    r.unranteed to cure Bilious Attacks and iCuoatipaiion. Small Bile Ucans.

    KNCTCLOPADIAE and Glimpses of tbeWorld conpons taken at W F Read's.

    To ah) nigestkm take one Small UeeBesOafter eating. 25c. per Ixittlc.

    nil n.

    HOWE. On Saturday.De-- .. 17th,1892the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C

    W. Sears, Mrs. M. A- - Howe, of cancer of (the stomach, aged i0 years. Mrs. Howewas a pioneer of 1S53, coming from Iownresiding i.i Portland from that time until

    few yen ra ago. She was a member ofTaylor Mreet M. s. church, Portland, andwaa a woman of excellent character.

    Funeral services tomorrow at 2 o'clockresidence of C W Sears.

    MclLWAjN. On Thursday morn! nDec. i.sih, 1S92, at the family resldence.inAlbany, of paralysis, after a short illness,Mrs. A. 15. Ncllwaln, aged 5 7 yearsThe deceased came to Albanv with herhusband and family In 1S77.fi 0111 SouthernOregon, where tney had resided fortwenty years, and was highly respected,she leaves a husbard, two daughters, 1

    and many fHeads to mourn her deathMr. and Mrs. Met twain came toCallfernia

    185a from Pennsylvania, residing merefive years. The deceased belonged to

    wealthy ano mnuenusi tamlly In theEast,

    liAVAGE At the family home InSalem, Sunday, December 11th, iSoaafter a brief illness, the wife of W N Sav-age, aged about 35 years. MrsSayagewas the daughter of Mr Ray, of tbe San- -tiam valley, and she leaves nine children

    mourn her lots.DODGE. On Thursday evening, Dec

    IS02, at Lebanon, of dropsy, Mrnomas Dodge, aged 08 years. Mr

    Dodge was an earlv pioneer, residingaround Petersons Butte for manv vears notuntil Ave awo years when he moved

    Lebanon, where he owns valuablepropertv. He waa a man of wealth, be-ing worth 130,000 or 140,000, and pos-sessed many good qualities. He leavesa wife and several children.

    Whlakry Did III

    Thk Dalles, Or, Dec 16. WilliamBethune, a native of Scotland, aged 55,was found dead in his bed at the L mitt il Inhouse this morning. Bethune came herefrom Mitchell about three monthsJust before leaving there, he claimed tohave discovered a wonderfnlly rich vein ofquartz in digging a well on one of hisranches. Divorce papers had been latelyserved in behalf of his wife, who is inMitchell, and since that time he has beendrinking heavily. He owned three goodranches in crook county. The coroners juryreturned a verdict of death from excessiveuse of liquor.

    Meat He a Rtekest Clllaea

    Seattle. Dec 17. Henry L Yesler, apioneer of Seattle, who diet! at his home at2:30 o'clock this morning, was the strong-lin- k

    between the infancy and the manhoodof this city, and was for many years itsmost active citizen- - Brick and stone blockserected since the great fire of three yearsago by bim and those now under way costabout $700,000, and represent a small shareof his property here.

    Set Key olutlonaryLaredo, Tex, Dec 16. Orders have been

    sent to Lieutenant Hedieken, In commandof the troops in the field in the lower coun-try, to go at once to San Ygnacio and in-vestigate the report that the Mexicansoldiers captured iu Saturday's battle werebrought there and are being held prisonersand, if there, to liberate them at once. ASpanish paper claims Saturday's fignt wasnot revolutionary: that the Mexican soldierscame to San Ygnacio to a dance, and thata row resulted.

    Creea Casds Wen ArrestedNew Yore, Den 16. The police raided

    the printing establishment of Eugene HMarvin, at 482 Kighth avenue, this afternoon aad captured three truck leads ofgreen goods literature and paraphernalia.Marvin. Drourietor of the olace. was notcaught, but three of his men were arrested.Marvin is said to be the man who has theprinting for all the big green goods oper-ators in the country.

    Hanged ot Brow ned

    Victoria, B C, Dec 16. Law night.Wallace Christian, formerly a sealer on theOscar and Hattie. fell overboard from thedock into the harbor. A number of men onthe dock witnessed the accident and secur-ing a rope threw it to Christian. In someunaccountable manner, the rore fell overthe unfortunate man's head, but this wasnot seen in the darkeeas. and when thereacoeia drew the body up they discoveredthey had banged Christian.

    The Wall rauer Tru.iNew Yore. Dec 16. The National Wa

    Paper Company, popularly known as th0wall paper trust. todav filed a certificate tincrease its capital from U.w,w toS30.000.000. The capital was divided into 3,000,000 shares.

    A Baakrant Castatry !Losaox. Dec 15. The Times prinU a

    dispatch from Sydney. N S W, to the effectthat lor tbe next three months no omciaisalaries wilt be raid in Snmoa. except thoseof the chief justice and the president of thecouncil, tven the king is not exempt.The prevailing destitution is the cause ofthis action. Public bankrubtor impends.and appeals for outside help will be madesoon.

    Boise, Idaho, Dec IS. Early in MarFrank Ford tee. a voting stock baron, willattempt to drive from the center of thisstate to Ogalalla, Neb, 45,000 sheep, adistance of1000 miles. Tbe trip will occupy six months. Tbe sheep will have tocross the Rocky mountains in the wildestpart. nJid will have to ford scores of small

    a r tee-la- g BankerNew York, Dec 15. The mystery sur-

    rounding tbe disappearance of BankerLinns E Post, of Tacoma. Wash, is clearedup. He has not been murdered nor has becommitted suicide, as was generally sup-p- ea

    rd. and it U denied that tbe present Isnot tbe first occasion on which be has ly

    disappeared Mr Post was seenalive in loboken. where it now turns outbe took the steamer for Europe. It ia beSieved his departure was to escape censurefor carelessness in hiiiiness

    A t heap WarderrrPas ama. Dec 15. Adrices from Sai

    dor state a plot to kill President Eaetm wasdiscovered a few days ago. Tbe plot wasformed by Salvador exile in Gautemala.Tbe president was invited to s banquet atSalvador, at which an Italian hired to as-sassinate him, bad been detailed to serveas a waiter. When the snetu were sealed.tbe police, who had been informed of theplot, arrested tbe Italian. He confessedthat he had been hired for to esmSatlmurder.

    r aUalac Very Sirk.WAsnixoTOX. Dec 15. Inqairr at

    Blaine's residence tonight elicited thesimple response that Mr Blaine's conditionwas about tbe same. From other sourcesit is learned his condition is less favorablethan this morning, and that be is not onlya very sick man. but that his present condition creates tbe gravest fears. A personqualified to speak by reason of-hi-s relation-ship with tbe family, says Blaine's troubleis with his kidneys. These become congested whenever be takes cold.

    aUs ate lea ad HI en SHst.Chicago. Dec i5. George Moore, who

    was arrested two davs aso in Los Angeles.Cal. is wanted at Johet, III. for the murderof one Garlidt. committed over 25 yearsago. Both men worked in a distillery, andone day, during a quarrel. Moore brainedGariicK with a poker. He thrust the bodyinto a fnrnace and Bed. Jamas Brown, acolored teamster, became aware of Moore'sresidence in California and informed thepolice.

    All CeaslpNew York, Dec i3. Mr Cleveland an

    nounced today be had decided to go toI.nkewood. Januarv i5. to remain till hegoes to Washington. He will prepare hisinaugural address at Lstkewood, and gofrom there direct to w ashington. N henasked about the cabinet. Mr Clevelandsaid:

    ''There is nothing in the gossip you hearabout it. anil there will be nothing to sayauthoritatively for some time to come. Atthe proper time there will be no secret ofthe selection of members of the cabinet."

    Bach Party .e ta a TaleBismarck, N D, Dec 14. -- North Da-

    kota will this year present an anomaly iathe electoral college. Harrison, Clevelandand Weaver will each receive one vote.1Tie state board of canvassers have declaredWamberg, republican, elected by eightmajority; WifiiaMs, fusion, by 181 ma-jority. The first named will vote for Har-rison, tbe second for Weaver and the lastfor Cleveland.

    Nat so Terr BndThk Dali.es. Or, Dec i4. P W Dee- -

    huff, master mechanic of the Union Pa-cific here, has just returned from I'alouseCity, which town was reported to be indanger of quarantine on account of theprevalence of scarlet fever. Mr Deehuff,who visited fulouse City to attend thefuneral of his little granddaughter, reportsonly three deaths. He states that the dis-ease is abating, and that the report of apanic is untrue. J n McCoraacK lost butone child, not two, us reported, the otherbeing convalescent.

    Mlsased the MallMaiishfiei.d, Or, Dec 14. Postoffice

    Inspector W C Boutele arrived Saturdayevening from Bandon, with Mrs Mansetunder his charge, tearing hero Mondaymorning; The charge is supposed to bebe for sending obscene matter through themails. Her husband, Frank Manset, Is nowin the insane asylum at Salem. She wasdivorced several years ug.

    A Peeatlar OriginTonoKTO, Ont, Dec, i4. A four-tor- y

    building on Pearl street, occupied by JohnFrench a Co, dealers in paints and oils,

    and five other firms, was destroyed by fire oftoday. The estimated loss is $.r0,000. Thefire was caused by the spilling of somemethylated kpirits in French a Co's part ofthe building.

    rta's Elect InnAbtoiua. Dec 14. A city election for

    three councilman was held today, the twotickets in the field being tbe republicansand citizens. The elections resulted in acomplete victory for the citizen candidates.

    Cloaks and' jacketa at cost and leas al W forRead's.

    rn vascnia.Ka . VaUsf, Oi Mater Uah , ttii t

    raoa aaa raaacnaSoWillamette Valley. December Bth 13th ; TTVh.

    W nether at the poles or at the equator,the world's people are really travelingaround the sun with the earth itself at therate of about 65,000 mile an hour. Theearth's motion is one of comparatively slowrotation, yet of swift progression on Itsorbit.

    The republicans in Kansas and Nebraskaare straining every nerve to cheat the popultsts out of two United States senators towhich they are clearly entitled. The pop-ulists may depend upon it that the demo-crats will come to their aid when republi-cans attempt to force stolen senators intoacts in the United States senate.

    As the tariff question la yet an unsettledptoplem we deem it pertinent to call atten lion to the fact that during the late campalgn we were told by republicans that thetin plate manufacturing industry had so faradvanced that the markets were largelysupplied with the home product. ; If this beso, why was it necessary to import daringthe month of October 189J, 43.158,075pounds of tin plate against only 30,054,856pounds for the month of October 1891 f

    Already a large Dumber of manufactoriesthat shut down after the election, to scarethe country into the idea ihat Democracywas hostile to industrial pursuits, have re-turned wotk ia fitC al! of them haveThe closing do i was simply an exhibitionof the same kimi of petulance that a childshows who refuses to play when it can'thave everything its own way. Democracy isnot the enemy of industry and prosperity,but the steadfast friend and promoter oiboth. Unner the policy of a tariff for rev-enue only we shall have our ships back uponthe seas where oar fathers placed them, andour markets enlarged to the utmost limits ofthe earth. With the enlargement of ourmarkets will iome increased demands for ourproducts, which will create an Increased de-mand for labor. Free trade is the naturalprinciple of commerce, and to interferewith it is to place restriction upon its utmostpossibilities. The Chinese wall, as poorTom Re-- d boasii.igly calls the tariff, shutsout more prosperity than it shut in. Thepeople lound it out and tore down the hin-drance at the November polls. Ex.

    Mr Woolgroaer, we have a word with yon.We trust you will listen attentively while wtrecite a few facts. It was promised when theMcKialcy bill was passed that the Increase Induties on wool would result ia largely keep-ing foreign wool oat of the msiket, and (hasyou were to have the privilege of the controlof the boose market, and thus you would secure more ready sales for your wool and theconsequent better price for wool was givenis return for the largely Inct cased duty placedupon manufactured woolen. Listen, now.Since the passage of lhe KcKwIay bill youhave been selling wool at less figures thanbefore and you have less control of the wool-en market than prior to the passage of thatJill. Proof: For the month of October 1S91there were 9.359,955 pounds of foreign woolimported. For tae month of October 1893there were I7.a03.737 pounds importer . Forthe ten months ending October 31, 1S91, therewere 114,1X1,733 pounds imported. For the

    ! "ioolDB """ 3.were 140,174.814 pounds Imported. Keasem--

    bet these fgurcs are taken from the recordaad we chsilange dispute. Voa may re! v

    upon them. Now what do voa think of thesefacts?

    There are two extremes in Presided! Harrison a message which when placed upon aneven footisq show his deductions to be un-tenable t that extent as to be rtdicaons.These are, tbe advocacy of a subsidy for thepurpose of developing so American raercha t(marine. Taking the republican defiaifiiaiof a protective tariff it ia for the.' pat note ofdeveloping manufacture so ss to supply theho ne demand aad create a market whoseconsumptive capacity will demand the homesupply. Thus to pat tbe lepobhcaa policyof protection into effort granting that a pro-tective tariff would acsompish all that re.publicans claim it will we would need nomerchant marine as the scene of productionwould be the scene of consumption. Ia otherwords we would neither export nor Import.Thus it will be seen that we cannot havehigh protective tariff laws In effect aad atthe same time develop s merchant marine.nor can we with tbe hope of making it remunerauve have an efficient merchant ma-rine service under high protection. Thesesre diametrical and one can only exist at theexpense of tbe of the other.To make our merchant marine profitablewe would have to develop our import andexport trade, whici is just the reverse ofwhat the republicans claim for high protec-tion. Mr. strikes an unpopularstring when be advocates further voting ofsubsidies, even if his proposition were logi-cal. The development of enterprise in tbef Hurt, at least so long as tne democracy isin power, must be by natural conditions, with

    subsidy as the most remote contingencyCommon sense does not tesch that any peo-ple shall tax themselv s excessively to develop an industry or an enterprise In opposition to tbe fixed laws of n.ture. The bestand surest way, and I he only ennitable way.to develo a merchant marine is to amendour shipp ng laws and wipe out class legisIstion to 'be end that we mav have an unre-stricted commerce. Give as an unrestrictedcommerce so that vessels can commandfrei .ii both vav, going and coming, andthe merchant marine service will developwithout a subsidy, Cann-il Bluffs Gie.


    A flea can jump straight upwards andvault over a barrier Jfarj tlmea Its ownheight. If a man could til. play as muchagility , he could clear a wall a mile highat a single bound. If he could jump at farforward accoiding to his weight as a fleacan, he cou'd make two and a half tripsaround the world at one leap.

    According to the beat and most recentcalculations 1 00,000.000 tons of water pourover Niagara every hour. This represents16,300,000 horse power. The totsl coalproduction of the world, either dally,weekly, monthly or yearly, would notfurnish steam power sufficient 10 pump itback agatn.

    ?ABioOi kkr. Ilearin mind Ibatevervnesubscriber to the Democrat la entitled to lheNew York WorUl and Democrat both forthe mall sum of $2,80. Every person whois aireaoy a t otlie Democrat cby paying all arrearages and one year in advsnce have both for the same pri;e. ThH orld, u the best genersl newspaper in the Mworld and the Democrat is the best localpaper in ihe valley. Now is the time to sub-scribe fur your v, inter tending.

    A Grsat Invention. I the selfpouting-- coffee and lea pots. With themyon can pour coffee or tea without furri-ng the pots. Wonderful. None of thehundred 'Ittle inconveniences of the oldfnsliloned way. Coffee cooka sure andpure and cannot burn, and tta to perfYou iaisc' the light Hd and tbecoffee or tea runs from 'he spout. Ifyouwould have the finest thing In tne worldorder one when Mrs 'I ait, the local agentcalls on ou. F


    Attorneys at law. Will practice In courts of thstate. Special attention given to matters in probateand to co lections. OFFICE In the Flinn block.

    w R BIIXYEUAttorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Co 'lee- -tions made on all points. Loans neirotiatr.lrable terms. Albany, Oregon

    GKO. W. WRIGHT,Attorney at law, and Notary Pob.ic. Will practice Inall the courts ot this state Special attention rlren tocellec-ion- a and matters in prebite Oalee: Upstairs

    le Block Albany. Oga

    D. K v 1 1 V I

    A WATSON,All legal matters will reel ire pre mpesaaaasa fltj In Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, 0

    MOXTAXVK A HACKLGMaN,Attorneys at Law,

    Albany, Oregon.

    J- - WHITNEY,

    Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.

    JAMES J. CHARLTON,Attornsy-et-La- All leg J businessl attended "topromptlv:

    FLINN'S Block, Albany, Or

    1) R. J. I.. HI 1.1. .and Snrreon. OFFICE r,.Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon.

    D . MASTOY eft DAVIS.Physicians an Sanreon. OFFICE Cornerand streets. Albany, Or, Cans projipUvattended 1 citv and c.ontry.

    c V. CHAMBERLAIN. It. IHerneopathist. TSpeciJit in diseases of the Bye.Twenty years' experience OSce hoars 7 Ulan;1 S p m. and tc evening. . .'buy , Oregon.


    resident . LFLIXSran Presidcnl 8. E.YOCNG.K. W. LAXODOK

    rRASSACTS A OKNKrULbaaktnahnstoass.ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to chad.SIGHT EXCHANGE and Vel Taphic transfer, ssMHew Torn, San Francisco, Chicago and

    'agonCO .LECTION HADE on taorable

    Tome E. w. LaL. Fins

    Eswaas 1 . Sox.


    CAPITAL STOCK tlSO.SOO.ident . ,,,,, ' L COWAN,11 RALSTON.

    s: Cashier O A ARCHIBOLDI aacroea, J L Cowan, t If Balshan. 1

    baaM, W H O jUra, J A Crawerd and O A Archheld.

    fRANSAOTS a ceoaral banMrur business.DRAW SIOHI DRAFTS en New Tork. ntat 1. Orssron.

    tiOAN atOn'EY on approrsd securityRKT.EIVE deposit subtect check.


    TRANSACT a general Rankin business.DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS so New Tsrk, San Fr nce and Portland, Oregwa.

    LOAN MONEY on approrsd Security.RECEI VE deooaita subject to check.ujLLtmuss made on ryorIleINTEREST paid on Urns deposit.

    B ISK OF MCIO,SCTO, OtMOU,dent 1 8

    .O 8 Ma

    AHK OP OREUON.B ALBANY, OBBGOW.nollel, -- I- .

    ..... H F MERRILLWas fn4 lent... .. a; J LANNING

    ahi-- r . lavWBLAIN

    Transacts a gene--a banldnr business:Exchange bought and sold on all the priudpa

    cities in the United States! also en England, IrelandKranne and Germany.

    Collections made at all accessible points on farorble terms.'ntereat allowed o.i time deposits.



    : ...1 e'Xt diaries Hotel.- Bed niotning and lace curtains well

    Ins i aad to

    Ntarcl. wor a specialty.

    Krai ch office nt Mcsea' harbor shopsi iiorv a rise'1 evenings at 7 30 o'clock

    POSHAY & MA80N4.1U ffsTTsiill

    u, inst8and Booksellersi i lor John B. Alden's publications,

    iiMi waSwlJaVl publisher's prions with

    tl.KitMV. OBKsnOB

    irfcL,'-- . DIUGING -- Ed Davidson inDren red to do wall - ia

    flfrt o'.a.s tyle. promptlv. and will a: uarientrw ni work.

    A BARGAINano vbortaulb FAraflor salsFp.uir of 40 acres or less ..f lnd

    ona oiilo'iixrth of Albany Lati'l well Im

    proved. For psrtiettlats Inxalre ofW H Walnbr

    Albany Market.

    Whes'.oflc.OaU. 86o.Flour, 5.0tl.Hatter, 20o.Eags 80rt.Lard, IVAn.Pork-hn- ns. 16o; whould jrH,;8c sides;

    Ifa.Hsy. baled, 1S,

    o atoes. 25o.Apples, 60c.Hops. 17c.Drld fruit plnma, 9c, spp:es,'9cChickens, $4 60 per dozen.Beef, on foot, 2c.Hogs, dressed. 70.

    The Company rryea tbe ngnt toiHsmga sailing dates without notion.

    X. B. Passengers from Portland and7Ulamette Valley poinu can make clpss

    with the trains of the Yaqobnatsat Albany or Corvallis. and if dftti nod to San Franeiaeo should arrange torrrve at Yaanina the evening before datef saiUnr

    a rrwlEkt rates ntwnya tkLame I

    If yon wsnt to bay a horse cheap or feedfor the ass of it this winter esil at Will'Mnsic ((tors.


    Lady of Perpetual Help


    8outhern Pacific RouteSHASTA LINE.

    Trains lears Portland DailyBooth rnox Vtlt 1. ISM. North7:Ur. si. Le Pxtlaod Ar 7M tu10 23 r m Lr Albany Lv ri3 a HCUislAr Saa Prtndeeo Lt I TflO r si

    Abr stoo only at fnllninc ..... iv.tiuri. ajurtiand, Oregon City. Vi.ad

    Albany Twant 4knHH Har--lJ, ii 'i"S. LUjfir.f .

    aossscav sun., naarI Lt Portland Ar'i fH r m Lv Albany Lr I J2rS mSMrs Ar Roeeborg Jlsrl 7a

    auarrteca Bartr ncarr gmnlUra Ly Portland Ar lOSIar si Ar Albary Lr :31 a

    8:10 a Lr Albany Ar ' a9:00 a n Ar Lebanon Lv SOanAlbany Ar I :tu:00a a I Ar Lebanon Lr - 2:39 T a


    SEMsHU HE lieFar Aseansaswdattawaf rnsaeazera. haldlsTa

    second- - ia llrhei,.aiiarlicii e:prr Trains

    0t iHf ai.i.i.NKeTyVKK roRTLASJII ANSS KIUIAIM.Man, raaiBDAtti (Except Hunaar,

    ly V? oVtTSsn Ar TtSm:lt ' I Ar CorvalUa Lr 1!:56 rasi rasas rsais ssilt (Excapt Sunday .

    4:lc r m bv Portland Ar :'.l7:26 rn Ar ttcMlnnyille I.V B.4S a

    Through Ticbettao all point

    EAST AND SOUTH.re fail iufoiiaatioj rat, maion Or.mpany Agent at AiSauy

    KOBHLEM E P. EOOEK8,anaer ,,'t Q. f. rdPortland, Oregon.

    500 Reward !riay tUeftboro reward for any caw of IanITpepla, BIck Ueadaclie, Indlgwit4i Orr Costiveneaa wo cannot euro wits W. .

    ia i.lycrPm. when the direction - r.;l.1 with. They are purely Vegetable, anive satlifactlon. Suj-- .; l.'natod Laiiro

    e ceatr. twavs of aiwiah ia aa ..c. lanufacterod O'l 'lulls' r wkbt ooau-AH!- : '"UlCA'i i. il


    Res! Estate Agentstarms and Ranches for saleAlaocity broperty in, AlHar-an- d


    HaLU CHRAP. ilr AmoV oldI? paen, being bloc 4, Hsckle.n.'an'sSrd addition, Oood hnusa. will saltcbrap. one hall down, balance to suitpurchaserlnqulre of Dr W;n Amos.



    ETC, ETC.

    On door went of S S Young's old store,

    L. C0TLE16.


    HAS. PFiSIFFER ! PROPRIETORoity at Stewart & Sox's.ford.