telangana revolt

Home Videos Live TV News Articles Audio Forums Book-e-pedia Blogs Photos Search TDF-Charcha JAC My Account Sign-up Write News Add News Link Add Event Write a Blog Chat Invite Friends Telangana History -An Open Book Kakathiya Period Telangana Movement - History Home » telangana_history Telangana Movement - History A dying feudalism is only a part of the problem. After all, feudalism has been a national problem. But in Telangana, it received hammer blows at the hands of the Socialist and Communist strug the forties. It received a fillip at the hands of Andhra rulers in the fifties and sixties who pushed the Hyderabad Tenancy Act under the carpet. But now it is on its last legs slowly getting converte elitist professions and an incipient capitalism. Caste too is a part of the problem, though the Arya Samaj Movement of the thirties and forties tried to resolve it in its own manner. The weakness movement was that it was largely an urban movement, failing to effectively penetrate the countryside. Communalism too is a part of the problem, albeit a small part, being basically an urban phenomenon bound up with history and race memory. The basic problem of the Deccan, of which Telangana is a part, was and is total denial of participation to local people in the affairs of the was not always so. Tribal kingdoms and the Kakatiyas Empire were, to the extent possible then, participatory systems, based on the concept of the welfare of people. The attack on the participatory system came during Bahmani rule which was basically a military and imperial system. Such a system which depended on foreign mercenaries for its survival ha exploitative, cruel and anti-local. It depended on foreign recruits even though local soldiers were available. It had to because its aim was not the welfare of people but a luxurious style of life fo Locals, both Muslims and Hindus, revolted against this, resulting first in the massacre of foreigners, Iranians and Turks, followed by decimation of local soldiers and subjugation of the countrys of Golkonda fought against the Bahamanis with a small force against overwhelming odds and died a martyr. The revolt of the locals in Bidar and the Golkonda battle can be described as the fi Deccan. Most Qutub Shahis, on the other hand, tried to reconcile their political interests with the well-being of people. The use of the Telangana language as a vehicle both in cultural and adm about a sense of participation in the local population. The martyrdom of Akkanna and Madanna at the hands of traitors, the resistance of Abdul Razzak Laari and the arrest and detention of Ab Qutub Shahi king, by Aurangazeb, reversed the process. The system relapsed into imperialism and the militant mentality and people into sullen silence. The Asafjahis were aliens and their support base was mainly the north Indian gentry. They brought thousands of north-Indians to man the administration. Though Mahbub Ali Pasha, the Sixth process continued till it was challenged during the reign of the Seventh Nizam, by local Muslims who launched what is described as the Mulki (local) movement. The movement was successfu rules to protect local interests. During the same period Gonds of Adilabad revolted against oppressive rule. The Nizam invited Hammendorf, a reputed German anthropologist, to report on the and suggest reforms. His proposals were accepted and martyrdom of Bhim did not go in vain. Though it was laudatory that Urdu, an Indian language, was used as the language of administration and education, other language like Telugu, Marathi and Kannada also should have been us Arya Samajis too taught Hindi in their night schools, avoiding local languages. Local people, both Hindus and Muslims, were ridiculed for not knowing proper Urdu which of course meant Urdu the Dakhani language. The Dakhani language, a beautiful product of interaction between Iranian settlers and the people of the Deccan speaking Telugu, Marathi and Kannada was totally ignor Events before the police Action and after were traumatic. Five thousand socialists, communists and common people died fighting Nizam`s feudal system and the Razakars, a paramilitary orga e-Ittehadul Muslameen. Policemen and Razakars also suffered heavy casualties. Then came the Police Action. While there was not much violence in Telangana after the Police Action, Hydera Marathwada presented a different picture. From 1948 to 1956 Telangana passed through several phases-Military rule, Velodis rule and the induction of a popular government after elections in 1952. with Burugul Ramakrishna Rao as C Tenancy Act, one of the most progressive acts in the history of modern India, was passed and partly implemented. The period between 1952 to 1956 can be described as the happiest period f a long time. The Hyderabad State could have continued its happy existence but for the decision to form linguistic states. Nehru and Lohia, in fact, advocated its continuance. But, as on many o people of Telangana were betrayed by a section of its leadership. Ostensibly on caste grounds. Brahmins belonging to the Congress raised the bogey of Reddy rule. Thus was formed Andhra recommendations of the Fazal Ali Commission and advice of Nehru and Lohia. The Andhra leadership still smarting at the ill-treatment meted out to them by the Tamil ruling ruling class in the old Madras Presidency, transferred the injury to the people of Telangana. But it psychological problem. What was important was the lust for power and money of the feudal classes of the Andhra area, Kammas, Reddys and Brahmins. While Brahminic influence was elimin own lust for land, power and money increased. They agreed lusted for the river waters of Telangana. Kammas, for a long time had been lusting for power. Their anti-Brahminism had nothing to caste system. They only wanted to replace Brahminic rule with their own dispensation. But Reddys of Rayalaseema, in alliance with the frustrated feudal elements of Telangana, checkmated t of Rayalaseema continued to hold on to their lands and despotic power inspite of land reforms. They subjected Telangana feudals to every type of humiliation imaginable. Yet a character from peoples` movement for Telangana of 1968-1972. As early as 1952, people of Hyderabad had revolted against alien rule. Six students laid down their lives in the anti-non-Mulki agitation. This agitation too was betrayed as also the 1956 agitati Telangana with the Andhra State. Such is the character of Telangana leadership. Let the people beware! The Naxalite movement itself was a product of the betrayal of the 1968-1972 movement as also tardy implementation of land reforms by the Coastal area-Rayalaseema feudal coalition. It is ab feudalism in Andhra area. It is in fact along with north Bihar, the most despotic feudal system of India. Like North Bihar, it is a totally castist system too. can anybody imagine anything like Kara happening in Telangana? While both the feudal system and the caste system in Telangana have become extremely weak, they have been strengthened in the Andhra area with the influence o Telangana resources for agricultural development. A marauding capitalism has been superimposed on a casteist and feudal society. The ill-gotten film wealth and colonial exploitation of Telang resources have created an insane society. This can be seen in the casteisation and feudalisation of the communist parties. The Congress and Telugu Desam of course are the official represen attempt is being made to paper over contradictions in the Andhra area by throwing some crumbs to other castes and turning them into a comprador class. All the contradictions of the Andhra a by involving oppressed sections into a wholesale exploitation of Telangana link what was done by the ruling classes of West Pakistan in the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Wholesale e resources for the benefit of the Andhra area is accompanied by attacks on the way of life of Telangana people. In fact, the insistence on the formation of Andhra Pradesh was itself with the inte Telangana resources. A separate Hyderabad State or Telangana would have prevented such a take-over. But people can be totally enslaved only when their language and culture are destroye continuation of the notion of white man’s burden. Those humiliated by the British and the Tamil ruling class have not learnt any lessons. They imagine that they can lord it over Telangana indef so. The sun however has set on the British empire. Telangana language is no Telugu, Telangana people are lazy, and they are also fools and criminals at the same time: Such are the officially sanctioned Andhra attitudes. While the entire count way of life the Andhra rulers are never tired of saying that Telangana people are uncultured. Thus, the suicidal attempt to subjugate Telangana permanently continues. Even the recent outburs planned killing of Mohan Ranga has been forgotten. It is one of ironies of history that oppressors do not seem to learn anything from the searing experience of history. What is described as the Telangana movement of 1969 actually commenced in December 1968 On 6th December1968, students took out a procession from Vivek Vardhini College in Hyderab attacked both by rowdies recruited by so-called integrationists and the police. In the melee that ensued along, several students were injured. Thus commenced the movement. Soon in Khamm demonstrations were organised which later spread to Nizamabad and other parts of Telangana. Integrationists decided to organise a public meeting on 6th April 1969, at Buru Mahadev Hall, S a call for boycott of the meeting. The meeting to be addressed by a few Congressmen and Communists, was finally held but it was a very small gathering in a small hall. But thousands hand g denouncing the holding of the meeting. Policemen opened fire on a totally peaceful crowd killing several young men. The martyrdom of young men was the spark that lit the fire all over Telang meeting of intellectuals, it was decided to from an organisation called Tellangana Praja Samithi. Pratap Kishore and Raghuvee Rao were the prime movers behind this move. A.Madan, an adv President. Madan Mohan had no experience in politics and was chosen mainly because most others were employees in some organisation or the other. Under the banner of Telangana Praja S to all corners of Telangana. A remarkable feature of this movement was its totally decentralised character. Praja Samithi and Students` Action Committees were formed everywhere without an Whenever funds were required collections were made at the local level. By March 1969, the organisation was in shape to take on the Andhra Government. After the police firing of 6th April the agitation began building up. Finally, the Praja Samithi decided to take out a rally to Raj Bhavan on 1st May 1969 which can be described as the golden day Government banned the rally. For about a kilometer on all sides of Charminar, movement of people was banned. Yet a night before hundreds had left their localities and taken shelter in Ghans kaman and Pathargatti areas around Charminar. Most of them were from the old city. The writer himself could reach Charminar after persuading armed policemen that he was going to offer po (temple). For that purpose he carried coconut, arti karpoor and agarbattis. Of course, the pooja was performed, the only pooja he preformed in his life. Parikrama too was performed around Ch around ‘Gudi’. By that time K.V.Ranga Reddy had arrived. He had become so weak that he could be taken to the Chabutra with the greatest difficulty. He was almost blinded and deaf. Yet whe firm, not betraying old age. By the time he started speaking hundreds had gathered at the site defying thousands of armed policemen. He spoke very briefly. The last sentence of his speech w memory-”Ghulami Ki Zindagi se mouth acchi hai” (death is preferable to a life of slavery). Even before he could be escorted out of the place teargas cylinders were bursting all around. Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana 1 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

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Telangana Movement - History

A dying feudalism is only a part of the problem. After all, feudalism has been a national problem. But in Telangana, it received hammer blows at the hands of the Socialist and Communist struggles ofthe forties. It received a fillip at the hands of Andhra rulers in the fifties and sixties who pushed the Hyderabad Tenancy Act under the carpet. But now it is on its last legs slowly getting converted intoelitist professions and an incipient capitalism. Caste too is a part of the problem, though the Arya Samaj Movement of the thirties and forties tried to resolve it in its own manner. The weakness of themovement was that it was largely an urban movement, failing to effectively penetrate the countryside. Communalism too is a part of the problem, albeit a small part, being basically an urbanphenomenon bound up with history and race memory. The basic problem of the Deccan, of which Telangana is a part, was and is total denial of participation to local people in the affairs of the state. Itwas not always so. Tribal kingdoms and the Kakatiyas Empire were, to the extent possible then, participatory systems, based on the concept of the welfare of people.

The attack on the participatory system came during Bahmani rule which was basically a military and imperial system. Such a system which depended on foreign mercenaries for its survival had to beexploitative, cruel and anti-local. It depended on foreign recruits even though local soldiers were available. It had to because its aim was not the welfare of people but a luxurious style of life for the foreign ruling classLocals, both Muslims and Hindus, revolted against this, resulting first in the massacre of foreigners, Iranians and Turks, followed by decimation of local soldiers and subjugation of the countryside. The valiant Yadavaof Golkonda fought against the Bahamanis with a small force against overwhelming odds and died a martyr. The revolt of the locals in Bidar and the Golkonda battle can be described as the first stirrings for self-ruleDeccan. Most Qutub Shahis, on the other hand, tried to reconcile their political interests with the well-being of people. The use of the Telangana language as a vehicle both in cultural and administrative matters brouabout a sense of participation in the local population. The martyrdom of Akkanna and Madanna at the hands of traitors, the resistance of Abdul Razzak Laari and the arrest and detention of Abul Hasan Tanasha, theQutub Shahi king, by Aurangazeb, reversed the process. The system relapsed into imperialism and the militant mentality and people into sullen silence.

The Asafjahis were aliens and their support base was mainly the north Indian gentry. They brought thousands of north-Indians to man the administration. Though Mahbub Ali Pasha, the Sixth Nizam, was a folk king,process continued till it was challenged during the reign of the Seventh Nizam, by local Muslims who launched what is described as the Mulki (local) movement. The movement was successful and the Nizam createdrules to protect local interests. During the same period Gonds of Adilabad revolted against oppressive rule. The Nizam invited Hammendorf, a reputed German anthropologist, to report on the state of affairs in tribal and suggest reforms. His proposals were accepted and martyrdom of Bhim did not go in vain.

Though it was laudatory that Urdu, an Indian language, was used as the language of administration and education, other language like Telugu, Marathi and Kannada also should have been used. It did not happen. TArya Samajis too taught Hindi in their night schools, avoiding local languages. Local people, both Hindus and Muslims, were ridiculed for not knowing proper Urdu which of course meant Urdu of Lucknow and Delhi the Dakhani language. The Dakhani language, a beautiful product of interaction between Iranian settlers and the people of the Deccan speaking Telugu, Marathi and Kannada was totally ignored.

Events before the police Action and after were traumatic. Five thousand socialists, communists and common people died fighting Nizam`s feudal system and the Razakars, a paramilitary organisation of the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslameen. Policemen and Razakars also suffered heavy casualties. Then came the Police Action. While there was not much violence in Telangana after the Police Action, Hyderabad-Karnataka andMarathwada presented a different picture.

From 1948 to 1956 Telangana passed through several phases-Military rule, Velodis rule and the induction of a popular government after elections in 1952. with Burugul Ramakrishna Rao as Chief Minister. The HydeTenancy Act, one of the most progressive acts in the history of modern India, was passed and partly implemented. The period between 1952 to 1956 can be described as the happiest period for the people of Telanga long time. The Hyderabad State could have continued its happy existence but for the decision to form linguistic states. Nehru and Lohia, in fact, advocated its continuance. But, as on many occasions in the past thpeople of Telangana were betrayed by a section of its leadership. Ostensibly on caste grounds. Brahmins belonging to the Congress raised the bogey of Reddy rule. Thus was formed Andhra Pradesh, much againstrecommendations of the Fazal Ali Commission and advice of Nehru and Lohia.

The Andhra leadership still smarting at the ill-treatment meted out to them by the Tamil ruling ruling class in the old Madras Presidency, transferred the injury to the people of Telangana. But it was not merely a collecpsychological problem. What was important was the lust for power and money of the feudal classes of the Andhra area, Kammas, Reddys and Brahmins. While Brahminic influence was eliminated by kammas, Reddown lust for land, power and money increased. They agreed lusted for the river waters of Telangana. Kammas, for a long time had been lusting for power. Their anti-Brahminism had nothing to do with the eliminationcaste system. They only wanted to replace Brahminic rule with their own dispensation. But Reddys of Rayalaseema, in alliance with the frustrated feudal elements of Telangana, checkmated them. Thus, Telangana of Rayalaseema continued to hold on to their lands and despotic power inspite of land reforms. They subjected Telangana feudals to every type of humiliation imaginable. Yet a character from this class betrayed thepeoples` movement for Telangana of 1968-1972.

As early as 1952, people of Hyderabad had revolted against alien rule. Six students laid down their lives in the anti-non-Mulki agitation. This agitation too was betrayed as also the 1956 agitation against the merger oTelangana with the Andhra State. Such is the character of Telangana leadership. Let the people beware!

The Naxalite movement itself was a product of the betrayal of the 1968-1972 movement as also tardy implementation of land reforms by the Coastal area-Rayalaseema feudal coalition. It is absurd to say that there ifeudalism in Andhra area. It is in fact along with north Bihar, the most despotic feudal system of India. Like North Bihar, it is a totally castist system too. can anybody imagine anything like Karamchedu and Chundurhappening in Telangana? While both the feudal system and the caste system in Telangana have become extremely weak, they have been strengthened in the Andhra area with the influence of film capital and misusTelangana resources for agricultural development. A marauding capitalism has been superimposed on a casteist and feudal society. The ill-gotten film wealth and colonial exploitation of Telangana water and powerresources have created an insane society. This can be seen in the casteisation and feudalisation of the communist parties. The Congress and Telugu Desam of course are the official representatives of this insanity. attempt is being made to paper over contradictions in the Andhra area by throwing some crumbs to other castes and turning them into a comprador class. All the contradictions of the Andhra area are sought to be reby involving oppressed sections into a wholesale exploitation of Telangana link what was done by the ruling classes of West Pakistan in the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Wholesale exploitation of Telanganresources for the benefit of the Andhra area is accompanied by attacks on the way of life of Telangana people. In fact, the insistence on the formation of Andhra Pradesh was itself with the intention of taking control oTelangana resources. A separate Hyderabad State or Telangana would have prevented such a take-over. But people can be totally enslaved only when their language and culture are destroyed. The Andhra burden continuation of the notion of white man’s burden. Those humiliated by the British and the Tamil ruling class have not learnt any lessons. They imagine that they can lord it over Telangana indefinitely. The British also so. The sun however has set on the British empire.

Telangana language is no Telugu, Telangana people are lazy, and they are also fools and criminals at the same time: Such are the officially sanctioned Andhra attitudes. While the entire country lauds Hyderabad andway of life the Andhra rulers are never tired of saying that Telangana people are uncultured. Thus, the suicidal attempt to subjugate Telangana permanently continues. Even the recent outburst of kapu anger after thplanned killing of Mohan Ranga has been forgotten. It is one of ironies of history that oppressors do not seem to learn anything from the searing experience of history.

What is described as the Telangana movement of 1969 actually commenced in December 1968 On 6th December1968, students took out a procession from Vivek Vardhini College in Hyderabad. The procession waattacked both by rowdies recruited by so-called integrationists and the police. In the melee that ensued along, several students were injured. Thus commenced the movement. Soon in Khammam and Warangaldemonstrations were organised which later spread to Nizamabad and other parts of Telangana. Integrationists decided to organise a public meeting on 6th April 1969, at Buru Mahadev Hall, Secunderabad. Studentsa call for boycott of the meeting. The meeting to be addressed by a few Congressmen and Communists, was finally held but it was a very small gathering in a small hall. But thousands hand gathered outside the haldenouncing the holding of the meeting. Policemen opened fire on a totally peaceful crowd killing several young men. The martyrdom of young men was the spark that lit the fire all over Telangana. A little before this,meeting of intellectuals, it was decided to from an organisation called Tellangana Praja Samithi. Pratap Kishore and Raghuvee Rao were the prime movers behind this move. A.Madan, an advocate, was elected asPresident. Madan Mohan had no experience in politics and was chosen mainly because most others were employees in some organisation or the other. Under the banner of Telangana Praja Samithi, the movement to all corners of Telangana. A remarkable feature of this movement was its totally decentralised character. Praja Samithi and Students` Action Committees were formed everywhere without any direction from above.Whenever funds were required collections were made at the local level. By March 1969, the organisation was in shape to take on the Andhra Government.

After the police firing of 6th April the agitation began building up. Finally, the Praja Samithi decided to take out a rally to Raj Bhavan on 1st May 1969 which can be described as the golden day of the movement. TheGovernment banned the rally. For about a kilometer on all sides of Charminar, movement of people was banned. Yet a night before hundreds had left their localities and taken shelter in Ghansi Bazar, Alijah Kotla, Kakaman and Pathargatti areas around Charminar. Most of them were from the old city. The writer himself could reach Charminar after persuading armed policemen that he was going to offer pooja at the Charminar “G(temple). For that purpose he carried coconut, arti karpoor and agarbattis. Of course, the pooja was performed, the only pooja he preformed in his life. Parikrama too was performed around Charminar and not merelaround ‘Gudi’. By that time K.V.Ranga Reddy had arrived. He had become so weak that he could be taken to the Chabutra with the greatest difficulty. He was almost blinded and deaf. Yet when he spoken his voice wfirm, not betraying old age. By the time he started speaking hundreds had gathered at the site defying thousands of armed policemen. He spoke very briefly. The last sentence of his speech will ever remain etched inmemory-”Ghulami Ki Zindagi se mouth acchi hai” (death is preferable to a life of slavery). Even before he could be escorted out of the place teargas cylinders were bursting all around.

Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

1 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

Page 2: Telangana Revolt

‹ Kakathiya Period up

Posted on: Fri, 05/23/2008 - 09:59


Post count: 478

Posted on: Fri, 05/23/2008 - 11:28

Post count: 450

The grand old man of Telangana had spoken and people spoken with their blood. More than a hundred teargas shells were fired at the procession. But there was no stopping the procession and by the time it reacheAfzalgunj it had swelled to a few thousand. The police started firing at Siddiambar Bazar area which continued all along the procession route, till it reached Raj Bhavan. But even then firing continued intermittently anUmrender Rao, President of Secunderabad College Union (Evening), fell to a bullet near Raj Bhavan. It was said later that a section of Telangana policemen had refused to open fire in the Raj Bhavan area. Yet in spall the tear-gassing and firing the procession continued to swell and by the time it reached Raj Bhavan there were more then fifty thousand people. It was an amazing spectacle. Generally crowds disperse as soon apolicemen open fire. But here was a procession which was swelling with every round of firing. By March itself Congressmen had started infiltrating the movement. Later they proved to be Trojan horses. They startedpropagating the pernicious thesis that the movement needed a `leader of stature` whatever it might mean. And they started canvassing for Channa Reddy, suggesting the resignation of Madan Mohan from PresidenAlternatively, they threatened to form a parallel samiti. At this critical juncture, courage and common sense were needed. White Madan Mohan proved to be totally spineless, B.Satyanarayana Reddy and Badri Vishasupported Channa Reddy`s plans. Others followed him. On 21st May 1969, six months after the agitation was launched Channa Reddy who had nothing to do with the movement, became the President of TelanganaSamiti. The Trojan horse had entered the organisation. He started dismantling the organisation at every level, disbanding student, trade union, NGOs and women`s Committees. Centralised collection of funds starteCorruption seeped in. Yet the movement continued since it was still alive at the grassroots level. A call had been sent out to boycott examinations to be held from 1st June onwards. The NGOs` strike was continuingentire administration had been paralysed.

There was heavy police firing on 1st and 2nd June. Aruna a high school student, who was picketing an examination centre near Chandarghat was killed on 1st June, 1969. Several more student fell to police bullets aTelangana. It was then that Indira Gandhi, healding a weak minority Government, paid a flying midnight visit to Hyderabad to pacify people, perhaps also to purchase some leaders. In the meantime a parallel Samiti formed with M. Sridhar Reddy as Chairman who soon left for America. Channa Reddy announced the suspension of the movement even though Nagam Krishna Rao and Madan Mohan had been elected to the Asseas people’s candidates. With the approach of 1971 midterm poll, the TPS decided to contest the election and won, inspite of Channa Reddy`s leadership. Channa Reddy in a volte-face announced the merger of TPSthe Congress. Students stormed the TPS office but Channa Reddy had escaped. The merger was a stunning blow to the people of Telangana and their aspirations. More than 370 had fallen to police bullets., hundremore had been crippled. The people of Telangana were overcome with a sense of despair and hopelessness. They had made immense sacrifices even the movement was with drawn. What else were they expected

The Socialist Party, the Republican party and a few unattached intellectuals revived the agitation under the banner of TPS and gave a call for Telangana Bandh on 23rd November 1972, which was total. A young makilled in police firing near Charminar. In the meantime, an agitation had been started for a separate Andhra State. Congressmen soon took over the reins of that movement also which was originally led by TennetiVishwanathan and Gouthu Lachanna. In fact. a joint committee to fight for two separate states of Andhra and Telangana was formed of which the writer was a member. Using the Channa Reddy model Congressmenover the Jai Andhra movement, sabotaged it and demanded cancellation of all Telangana safeguards. Channa Reddy and his Congress followers collaborated with them and all the safeguards were taken away to bereplaced later by the six Point Formula.

In the meantime 1972 Assembly elections had arrived and Sampurna Telangana Praja Samiti whose President was B.Satyanarayana Reddy and the writer, the Secretary, decided to contest 49 seats. Three candidaSTPS were victorious and a large number lost with narrow margins. All this without any resources. But the decline had started and by the end of 1972 the agitation petered out. It was the longest, most spontaneous,non-party, toughest, most-intense and the greatest movement of free India. It was a totally peaceful movement. Yet those who are never tired of calling themselves followers of Gandhi unleashed the most terrible vioon the movement. Telangana had been turned into a National Police Museum. Malabar Special Police, Maharashtra Armed Police, Uttar Pradesh Armed Constabulary, Jammu Kashmir Militia, Karnataka Armed PolicTamil Nadu Armed Police, Bihar Armed Police companies were posted all over Telangana. The Gorkha Marhatta regiments of the army were also deployed. In fact officers of the Gorkha Regiment were amazed at thability of Telangana people to improvise new forms of agitation. Gorkhas came face to face with a 8 feet high barricade in Hussaini Alam area and could not believe that it was erected by civilians !

Yet most horrible atrocities were inflicted on the citizens. Lakhs went to jail. Most school and college buildings in Telangana had been turned into prisons. With Telangana jails full, detainees were sent to RajahmundrVizag jails. White no Andhra was touched in Telangana two Telangana citizens were burnt alive in the Andhra area. We were witnessing the unfolding of regional fascism of the worst kind.

I cannot forget a few incidents. In the 1952 agitation the shirt of a slain student had been turned into a flag-the red flag of anger, martyrdom and relentless battle was fluttering in the air and policemen were firing at thprocession on the Abids Chowrasta. On women’s satyagraha in 1969 day I saw hundreds of women, from the age of 15 to 75 marching along the Puranapul-Hussaini Alam road towards Charminar and being lathichby policemen, On another day about twenty young men singing, an Urdu song “Telangana, Telangana Telangana ki Jai” were marching towards a police platoon posted near Charminar to stop processions. There arthousand of such stories. A leaderless agitation head emerged morally victorious even though politically betrayed. But the movement continued, undaunted by betrayals. Twice every year large numbers gathered at Martyrs Memorials in Secunderabad and Hyderabad and paid tributes to martyrs. In January, 1986 some activists decided to form `Telangana Information Trust`. Soon “Ma Telangana” was launched, which was closdown after seven months due to financial troubles. More then a thousand people had gathered at its inaugural function at Basant Talkies, Kachiguda,. Around 1991 two organisations, Telangana Student Front andTelangana Liberation Students Organisation were launched in Osmania Universty. In 1992 the Kakatiya Unit of Telangana Students Front was formed. A national seminar on small state was held in Landscape GardeTagore Auditorium in August 1993 . Surendera Mohan inaugurated the conference and Justice Madhav Reddy addressed the gathering. George Fernandes addressed the concluding session. Delegates from variouof the country including Vilas Bhongade from Vidarbha and Laxman Dasti from Hyderabad-Karnatak attended the conference. Both TSF and TLSO organised demonstrations on and outside O.U.campus and forcedOsmania University to sanction 15 per cent supernumerary seats to Telangana students.

Stirrings of a new movement could be clearly seen in Warangal on 1st November 1996 at the Telangana Praja Samiti convention attended by more than five thousand delegates from all parts of Telangana. The Hydeconvention was held on 1st December 1996 and after that a series of conferences, group and public meetings have been held at Godavarikhani, Karimnagar, Siddipet,Jangaon, Aler, Ghanpur, Nizamabad, KhammamNalgonda, the old city of Hyderabad and Bhongir. The Bhongir conference and the public meeting proved to be a turning point. The Bhongir conference was addressed among other by Kaloji Narayan Rao, Dr. JayasProf.P.L. Vishweshwer Rao, Dr.Srinivasulu, Sidda Reddy, Dr.Simhadri and many others who had come from all parts of Telangana. The public meeting presided over by shri Mallayya Gupta, a respected Communist and addressed by Gaddar among others was a huge gathering, much beyond the expectations of organisers. Gaddar called upon the people to launch a totally peaceful agitation for achievement of a separate statethe writer called for a new type of leadership from grassroots upwards, emphasizing total control over leaders by masses. A mong parties opposing the Telangana movement of 1969 were the Communist party, Jan and Majlis-Ittehadual-Muslimeen. While the first two represented upper-caste, upper-class section of the Andhra area, the Majlis represented upper-caste, upper-class, and non-Daccani section. However both HinduMuslims supported the movement and dealt a crushing blow to all the above mentioned parties in the 1971 Lok Sabha elections. The role of Daccani and Urdu in the Telangana movement cannot be ignored. WhileTelugisation is a historical and necessary process it would be a folly to ignore Urdu and Daccani. Such an act would be a repetition of Nizam`s mistake in ignoring Telugu, Marathi, Hindi and Kannada. Hindi and Urdubased on Dahhani and Khadi Boli. They are a part of our heritage. Who can forget the part played by Maqdoom Mohiuddin, Ibrahim Jalles, Sulaiman Areeb, Raja Dube, Jeelani Bano, Om Prakash Nirmal and many who have enriched the politics and culture of Telangana through their. writings. The Andhra elite in their linguistic chauvinism of regarding Guntur Telugu as the only Telugu have tried to rodeo roughshod over TelangTelugu and Daccani as also Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, and Kannada, Similarly tribal language were sought to be destroyed. New Telangana will nurture all these languages which are a part of our cultural and literary heri

Telangana now stands on the verge of another movement for liberation from aliens and for participatory politics. What the people of Telangana do now and how colonialists react will decide the future course of Indianpolitics. The demand for small states is a demand for responsible and participatory politics. The Telangana movement of 1969 was the first Indian struggle for economic and cultural autonomy. The movement going ohas added a demand for social emancipation. This is as it should be. The whole world is moving towards liberation from racism, sexism and casteism. Telangana has stood in the vanguard of such movements for thfifty years and awaits correct leadership. What then shall we do now? The job is not to liberate Telangana from a colonial system but also to liberate Andhras from their selfishness and greed which is increasing in lebounds. The liberation of Andhras, however, can only commence with the formation of a separate state of Telangana. How do we visualise Telangana? Because people are asking us for whom Telangana is sought tformed? What is the point in fighting for Telangana if nothing is to change? One thing that will change for sure is that we will have control over our resources, jobs and education. But, that has to be only the beginningpolicies have to be visualized and projected

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- Srinath.M !

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What a beautiful narration

What a beautiful narration of events.Congratulations to the author and Editor of Web site.

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Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

2 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

Page 3: Telangana Revolt

Posted on: Sun, 11/29/2009 - 19:37


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Posted on: Sat, 12/12/2009 - 03:55


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Posted on: Sat, 12/12/2009 - 04:33


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Posted on: Sat, 12/12/2009 - 04:52


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Posted on: Sat, 12/12/2009 - 05:30


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I am from andhra area ...but now a days a started reading about Telanagana history ..may be due to talangana movement etc..Thanks for providing lot of details...not sure why wemissed all these details in history books. and want to know more details.



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MN for most Andhrites Telanagana starts and ends with KCR

MN wrote:

I am from andhra area ...but now a days a started reading about Telanagana history ..may be due to talangana movement etc..Thanks for providing lot of details...not surewhy we missed all these details in history books. and want to know more details.



MN for most Andhrites Telanagana starts and ends with KCR .They dont want to look at our struggle for a sepearte state over the years as it undermines their very concept of a "Visha

You have raised a good point .. "missing these details in history books". Not including our history has been a deliberate attempt to dilute our identity .One of our primary reason for aseperate state is to reclaim our history !

Thanks for your interest.

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This is madness

Your article is beautifully written but it show more of a narrow view of agitating against regions. Stating that Telangana has been ruled by outsider all the time is a lie coz there were thrchief ministers who hailed from the region ........and moreover the local MLA's or the local authorities were not something which were governed by people from Andhra sir ..Andmorevoer who has stopped people from participating in elections or taking up the issue to the governments notice.When the states were merged than only the differences are to besquashed..if it was a deliberate attempt to keep the people of Teleangana supressed why would education be encouraged in Telangana..the only REC we have in our state belings toTelangana....I do not know regarding the past history of affairs ..i do not believe half of your views coz it is one sided....Ther is no reason why Telangana should be agitating so much tobecome a separate state coz ti has been taken care of well....there is lot of investment in Telangana...why would that happen if not for betterment of people ..can u please give me thestatistics of investment in andhra region vs telangana region ...stating a clear indication that the government has been very partial towards andhra region or rayalseema region...u cantbet coz......talengana was where most of the ivestment went..there are many factories in telangana .....and wat else do u neeedd.u people need a good psyciatrist to cure ur mentalcondition of onesided ness

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We want our share of water and resources !

Simple reason we want our water,resources and our cultural identity .And thats our birth right ! Is time for Andhra to let go of the freebies .Ever wondered why Andhra wants to piggyback on Telangana even if are against it it '56,69 or now ! The reason is simple , we contribute 60%+ of the revenue ( even in '56 and even today) even though we are 40+% in arand population .Andhra(+R) does not want to leg go the free ride .

As far as Cheif Minsters goes ..T CM's were at the helm for a grand total of 9 years in the total 57 years .P.V Narsimha Rao could complete his 5 years as a PM with a minoritygovernment but could not complete 2 years as the CM of A.P . The reason is simple , A+R politicians with their combined strength cannot see a T CM nor allow our resources beutilized for own people.

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Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

3 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

Page 4: Telangana Revolt

Posted on: Sat, 12/12/2009 - 10:10


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Posted on: Sat, 12/12/2009 - 16:33


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Posted on: Sat, 12/12/2009 - 18:55


Post count: 5

Cant this be more clear .. we want out !! We have demanded this before and will continue to do it ! How long will you force us in this forced marraige ?

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Chaitanya ..we are

Chaitanya ..we are contradicting our statement here ..u say telangana is neglected and u also say it contributes to 60 percetn of the reveneue now how can tht be possible and ..also usee in politics everybody with the backing of people are powerful u made a very powerful person out of KCR who was not able to get majority in any of hisconstituencies...similarly is people who make other powerful tere is nothing to do with A+R politics ...and more did anybody object ....ur festivals...arent they celebrated inthe region without any objetion...did anybody put a rule not to speak the telangana dialect of telugu ...why do u compain that you have lost your cultural identity when u are dongeverything..and more over i guess u are very much interested in agriculture u speak a lot about getting your water back there are dams lie sairam sagar and nizam sagar dams whichprovides irrigation facilities to telangana and also nagarjuna sagar dam provides irrigation for nalgonda.also .....and why do u alsways cry about agriculture when there is a lot ofdevelopement going on in hyderabad ,,,how was all that possible....when u speak of resources ...and mention that u r providing them for free to Andhra ,,,,,please also mention wat arethose is not your birthright by th way ....telangan was merged in Andhra pradesh long before u were born ........So stop blabering without thinking and knowing .....

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Read this article and we shall continue the argument

srinath5pep wrote:

Chaitanya ..we are contradicting our statement here ..u say telangana is neglected and u also say it contributes to 60 percetn of the reveneue now how can tht be possibleand ..also u see in politics everybody with the backing of people are powerful u made a very powerful person out of KCR who was not able to get majority inany of his constituencies...similarly is people who make other powerful tere is nothing to do with A+R politics ...and more did anybody object ....urfestivals...arent they celebrated in the region without any objetion...did anybody put a rule not to speak the telangana dialect of telugu ...why do u compain that you havelost your cultural identity when u are dong everything..and more over i guess u are very much interested in agriculture u speak a lot about getting your water back there aredams lie sairam sagar and nizam sagar dams which provides irrigation facilities to telangana and also nagarjuna sagar dam provides irrigation for nalgonda.also .....andwhy do u alsways cry about agriculture when there is a lot of developement going on in hyderabad ,,,how was all that possible....when u speak of resources ...and mentionthat u r providing them for free to Andhra ,,,,,please also mention wat are those is not your birthright by th way ....telangan was merged in Andhra pradeshlong before u were born ........So stop blabering without thinking and knowing .....

Lets take up irrigation .

Please read the article above and lets continue the argument .I will respond to all of your questions , but you need read and understand before you make an argument .

P.S - Demand for a seperate Telanagna existed at the time of merger , and yes even before I was born !!

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Read this article and we shall continue the argument

srinath5pep Read below points and you will understand how Telangana is neglected

Whenever the topic of Telangana is raised, many of us blindly support Andhra or Telangana based on where we come from. Not sure how manyreally think of why the demand for separate state has been there for such a long time. The 2 major reasons why the demand has been pending forso many years is WATER AND HYDERBAD. People around the state have earned and invested in and around Hyderabad so there is a concernabout the safety of the investment if the state is separated while both the major rivers in our state flow mostly through Telangana. Below are somefacts that are few reasons for the demand. Sentiments can be foolish but not facts.

There are 10 districts in Telangana, 9 in Andhra and 4 in Rayalaseema. Out of these 7 districts in Telangana, 3 in Andhra and 1 in Rayalaseemaare considered severely backward districts which means 70% of districts in Telangana are backward while in Andhra it is 35% and in Rayalaseemait is 25%. Apart from these there are some areas in all parts of the state which are also backward.

45% of the state income comes from Telangana region. When it comes to utilization of funds, the share of Telangana is only 28%.

Normally canals are dug to supply water to the crops from rivers for cultivation. The amount of land cultivated through canals in just Guntur district ismore than the land cultivated with canals in entire Telangana region.

Nagarjuna sagar dam is built in Nalgonda district which is in Telangana but majority of the water from the dam is used for Krishna and Gunturdistrict. The original dam was supposed to be build much ahead of its present location but the location was changed so that it falls in the Telanganaregion. Due to the construction of the dam several hectares of Lime stone mines vanished as part of the dam back waters. Everyone knows thatlime stone is used for producing cement. Even the natural resources were not allowed to remain.

Fluorinated water problem is only in Nalgonda district which has not been resolved since the formation of state. Because of this problem so manyvillages in Nalgonda district dies at the age of 30. It will take Govt will and budget to built water supply system (so many villages are within 10kmdistance of River Krishna). No Govt so far took any care.

RDS (Rajolibanda Diversion Scheme) is build in Mahaboobnagar to provide water to 85000 hectares of land in the district. The leaders ofRayalaseems blasted the gates of RDS and water is supplied to KC (Kurnool-Cudapah) canal while only remaining water, if any, is supplied to thelands in Mahaboobnagar. No action taken on them or the gates are not been repaired. People of Mahaboob Nagar are looking at the waterhelplessly because there is no protection to them from State Govt.

Two major rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra enter the state of AP in the district of Mahaboobnagar(the biggest district in Telangana) but the districtalways remains the worst draught hit areas along with Anantapur because there is no project and process with which the water can be utilized. Theplans for utilization has been pending for decades.

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Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

4 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

Page 5: Telangana Revolt

Posted on: Sun, 12/13/2009 - 17:17


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Posted on: Tue, 12/29/2009 - 05:24


Post count: 4

Posted on: Tue, 12/29/2009 - 05:57

h) 3 TMC of water from Gandipet is sufficient to supply drinking water to our city. Every year 1700 TMC of water is wasted and is flown into Bay ofBengal from river Godavari. Starting from Nizambad to Bay of Bengal there is no project allowed to build on Godavari. If it is built leaders inGodavari districts fear that the fertile lands in the area may fall short of water. If the Godavari water is utilized properly, there will be no scarcity forfood grains in our state.

i) In Telangana regions, only few areas cultivate one crop a year and very rarely two crops a year while most of the land doesn’t even cultivate singlecrop. In both the Godavari districts, Krishna and Guntur district, two crops a year is common and there are times where even 3 crops a year arecultivated. The only reason is WATER.

j) Government issue G.O.’s for implicating its decisions. G.O number 610 is the longest non implicated G.O in the history of AP. The G.O was issuedin 1986 by late NTR who was then the CM of AP, which is not yet implicated. The G.O speaks about the share of Telangana employees inGovernment jobs in Telangana region.

k) 33% of the population in Mahaboobnagar district have left the district for livelihood to different parts of the state due to draught and majority of themare working as daily labour. No other district has so many people who fled the home place due to lack of livelihood and working as daily labour.

l) There are 25 plus government degree colleges in Krishna, Kadapa and Guntur district while there is not even a single government degree college inRanga Reddy district.

m) Dairy development corporation of AP purchases milk from farmers across the state for distribution. For the same milk, in Andhra, the governmentpay Rs. 24 to the farmers and in Telangana they pay Rs. 22 per litre.

n) In between 2005-2008 government sold lands worth Rs. 20000 crores in and around Hyderabad which was utilized to build projects in Rayalaseemaand Andhra.

o) Not even a single project was completed in Telangana in the last 5 years while several projects were completed in Andhra and Rayalaseema.

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It was very knowledgable

Gandhari.....Sir i have read the article u have given ..and i accept many of your points is a well know fact that telangana was not provided with irigation facilities and agriculture intelangana was deprived of its share of water....but in this case of extreme scarcity also can u expalin me how is it able to contribute to 45 percent of state's income sir.....u say 70 perceof it is backward but how can such backward society be the backbone of the economy..........i have one more question sir.....if that is the case all therepresentative of telangana peopleare from telanagana only rte sir ..and without the support of whom forming a government is not quite that case why did they not make any arrangements for it to be developedall these years sir....a person like u who is so knowledgeable should be knowing that it needs the support of all the three regions in the state for the government to be there....and i alsohavea point to mention here ...due to contribution of mp's from the state we have our own stand in the centre's decisions....when the states are divided we lose such a stand where in oopinions will be considered last u think these leaders who have not done anything in so many years will be able to do wonders in a helpless situation......regarding colleges u havementioned, there is no college in RR district but there are many colleges in other districts of telangana...and moreover u have hyderabad which is the capital of education ...and peopleof telangana are considered local for these instittutions...we have NIT (REC) in telangana...we have prestigous hyderabad university..we have two technical universitites....and there aloads of industries in hyderabad......when investment in water was being done in other parts ..investment from all over the state is being directed to hyderabad...which is an integral paof telangana......hyderabad and its surrounding are the most developed parts of state...the brand equity of hyderabad is raised to many folds bringing it on par with the likes ofmetropolitan cities in india.....all this was done because it was the state capital and due to the cumulative effort of people from all over the state sir did not happen from the wand ofpeople belonging to only one region.......In 1969 the scenario must have been quite different coz Hyderabad was also not so developed but sice then the develoment in industrial sectohas is very good and most of it happened in Telangana.............Most of the region which is backward is considered to be in telangana because most of the tribal area is in telangana isuppose......and there is also the problem of naxals..which is a big hindrance for though the statement u made in the beginning of your post is right ...i am notspeaking out of sheer sentiments sir... i have certain concerns and some unanswered questions ligering in my mind......that is the reason i am enquiring so much....other wise i am notarguing.........

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I'm Seshu from Vijayawada. I

I'm Seshu from Vijayawada. I agree with Srinath. The arcticle looked somewhat biased. I believe some of them might be true and agree that those issues must be addressed. But, thesolution is not seperate Telangana state which is the demand mainly for political reasons for the parties. But for common people it is simple, they just want to have better life with enjoythe resources which was not provided to them even when there are stalwarts from Telangana in the government. Infact, if you look at AP injustice has been done even for Rayalaseemand North-Andhra as well. I know that some places in Srikakulam tribal people die from Fever as no basic medical facilities are available. Telangana people are being taken for a ride bthe political opportunists. Even after getting seperate state all the parties will fight to get credit for getting the state or even if the verdict is United Andhra the politicians leave shame ansay bhai bhai with each other. People do not get close to each other so easily. Moreover AP as two seperate states will loose bargaining power at center. I think we need to get into facthat how much funds are used for each part and how many from Telangana enjoyed minister position and did nothing to their places and assess their properties/assets values. I'm notsaying ministers from Andhra are honest. Andhra ministers are also same in earning money/power.

Yesterday British "divided and ruled" and today KCR is deviding to rule. Telugu thalli is a name for whole of Andhra Pradesh speaking Telugu lanuguage. It is not for language, it is forentire land that is telugu people home like bharat mata for India. KCR even ridiculed with it. How sad.

Hyderabad is AP People's life. People from all over the state came there for living and made it their home and the city developed in that process. There is no true that only andhrapeople developed it or Telanagana people developed it. It is a mutual effort. People simply get emotional and get carried away by politicians.

The solution is to demand more amneties/facilities/funds/resources to Telangana and Telangana ministers should fight with government for that and as far as I know common peoplefrom other parts of the state will be happy to support you. Not the political parties.

For me there is no andhra or rayalaseema or telangana. We are same people having similar cultures and common language. Just this year we got Historical Language status to "Teluglanguage and now we as Telugu people are at verge of loosing integrity and dignity.

Jai Telugu Jathi.

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Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

5 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

Page 6: Telangana Revolt


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Posted on: Tue, 12/29/2009 - 08:35


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Posted on: Tue, 12/29/2009 - 10:31


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Posted on: Wed, 01/06/2010 - 12:32


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Posted on: Wed, 01/06/2010 - 13:32


Post count: 251

Conditions not met break the bond, simple understanding.


Nothing will happen to your telugu pride.. you will be treated as we treat Tamilians, Kannadigans, and other people.. Demand for funds/resources/etc has been done in past 55yrs.

Simple and basic understanding... Andhra and Hyderabad state was merged on conditions and these conditions were never met in past 55ys.

Where ever it may be if a treaty or conditions are signed and they are not fulfilled then one can 100% demand to break the treaty or bond.

I can't understand why Andhra and Rayalaseema people are so emotionally attached by Telangana, In contrast Telangana people don't have any hard feelings on Andhra andRayalaseema.

- ! !!

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Separate state tesukuni emi chestharu..


Now came to know the history of Telangana. What you people do with the separate state, The only thing that you can do is taking the andhra people assets(By doing rowdyism). You aonlty saying that andhra people are doing so many businesses and all, so if all andhra people wants to go back means will you plople will give the enough money to them for all theirassets they purchased in hyderabad and all. You are all educated people you should think about the solution and the problems after separation. You had elected the politicians whatthose people are doing till now(past from 50yrs).There are so many people who elected as MPs and did cabinet posts, what they did till.If they says the government is not listening ourwords to develope the telangana region , After separation also they have to ask the same government for the same telangana people. Will they listen at that time.Just think, thegovernment will be the same.Even after separation also the our capital will be in delhi not in the pakistan or in America. You are the educated people you should educate yourparents.Even in andhra also there are so many people who don't have bus facility. I am from that type of area. The developement is not happend only because of the politicians oftelangana , not because of andhra and telangana together. Before the formation of Andhara pradesh there arae 49Lakhs of acres are working in Andhra pradesh and 19Lakhs of Acreare in the wokring in telangana and 9lakhs in rayalaseema.After formation and till now the working acres in the state is telangana-- 49 Lakhs, andhra-64Lakhs, Rayalaseema-- 19lakhs.Please have a look into these type of statistics tell me who are developed. You people only developed.Even if the state is divided nothing will happen to andhra people, becausethe government will give the new packages to andhra only because they have build up a new capital. Telangana won't get the new package because hyderabad is already a newworking capital. Just think please educate the people. You don't know how the other state people are laughing looking into telugu people.

I think you people will understand.

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Hi Srinath,I can't say for

Hi Srinath,

I can't say for everybody in Andhra and Rayalaseema but most common man in those areas will be emotionally attached to Telangana as we feel it also as our home. I'm not talkingabout politicians here as they might be attached to protect their assets. I do not have anything in Hyderabad but I still love it and the people in Telangana as we are like brothers undersame roof. It is same with Rayalaseema. May be as you said Telangana people are no so attached to Andhra and Rayalaseema and that's why hell bound to have a seperate state evthough issues can be resolved in different ways. Why didn't Telanaga politicians do such agitations to get the funds to get the rivers or any other other quota you deserved. Why can'tyou fight in the same way for the merger conditions. Why didn't any Telanagana politician resign when the govt is not fulfilling those merger conditions. Why only for seperate state. Whdid your politicians from Telanaga region did? How many assets have they accumulated? This agitation for seperate state is only hurting people not politicians.

Telugu pride is not only mine it is yours too. You do not have a habit of saying ours. That's the problem.

Moral of any story would say unity is strength. Telanaga people who are fighting for seperate state will know it in future but I'm afraid it might be too late.


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Please let me know what can telanagana people can achieve being a part of united andhra.We could achieve nothing... ever and ever.I accept that few politicians like chenna reddy... are basterds.....

Can I know who devoloped hyderabad,what for they they have devoloped , who got benifited by devoloping and the where the investment had been spent.

Either it might be a public or private sector people from andhra got jobs and they are not even encouraging/promoting people from telanagana...

Jobs,resources and lands have been stolen away from telanagana.....

People even dnt have water or education can they get settled in good positions............

please read the 610 G.O and the gentlemen act that had been proposed.

I haven't seen people for getting united....instead of getting separated...

Even britishers..haven't asked that one...even after ruling hundreds of years...

Except few andhra politicians who have made investments in hyderabad....every body in A.P knows the effort made telanagana people....I want to reminder that all the 369 people whohad died and the people still striving from past 50+ years in achieving telanagana are not fools.


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Nobody develops anybody for free

Nobody develops anybody for free. Especially total business minded andhrites. Its investment not development. No Charity.

You guys sold 1 acre, and was able to make good life in hyderabad. land was cheap. all is good.

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Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

6 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

Page 7: Telangana Revolt

Posted on: Wed, 01/06/2010 - 13:44


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Posted on: Wed, 01/06/2010 - 15:59


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Posted on: Mon, 02/15/2010 - 19:28


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Posted on: Fri, 02/26/2010 - 18:40


Post count: 4

telangana people sold 50 acres, to buy a plot in hyderabad, life is destroyed for that family. They are not complaining. They are the ones who should be complaining.

Ask, all your big businessmen did they really bring the money in suitcases from andhra or they made money on already developed hyderabad and used forces in government to aquirehuge amount of land to make more money. You know the answer. Ramoji Rao came with his slippers or without slippers to hyderabad. We are happy for his achievements, leaving hisillegal businesses aside.

Tatas, Birlas took 50 plus years to become billionaires. How come Lagadapati, who used to run illegal businesses with Russian Girls in 2000, Jagan Who is good for nothing, becomebillionaires in 5 years. You know the answer. They abused telangana land. Now, time has come to payback.

Jai Telangana

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Seshu Bhai

Division--------Seriously Seshu, We dont really give importance to telugu language that much or for that matter Telugu Talli. We were in a seperate state before. This does not hold water.

Capitol---------How should people of telangana feel about taking their capitol in 1956 and going for a abusing ride for 50 years. Hyderabad was built with taxes from telangana people. You came aftewas totally built and ready. In 500 years of hyderabad history, you paid taxes for 50 years.

If andhrites taxes is 20% in these 50 years if you go by their population in hyderabad, In total 500 years, that is like 2%. Yes, you contributed that much.

Asking for funds----------------We did, unfortunately, your leaders are not telling you the truth of the matter. We gave up. In last one month, 2 GO's released. NABARD, 9 crores allotted to telangana out of 130 croreCrop Insurance Program, 100 crores allotted out of 800 crores. This is in the middle of big agitation for seperate state.

Culture is not same-------------------We dont, You may want to look again. Our culture is different. Our festivals are different. Our Language, your media says not even telugu, ofcourse, we dont care anymore.

Telugu Pride------------Please understand we care less about telugu. In telangana, Its we have marathis, gujarathis, muslims, kayasths, they all speak different langauges.

Telugu Jathi------------Definitely, for seemandhra, this will work. Memu Telugu Jathi kaadu, meeko dandam. Thank You

Jai Telangana

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Don't need Andhra's comments in this site plz

I see many andhra people registering and commenting in this website, I feel its a good thing at least few will understand why we need Telangana. But I also see few blindly arguingwithout trying to accept the facts. This is because they don't want to come out of some false prejudice. First of all, they equate the Telangana movement with KCR. Telangana is notabout KCR, its about the people in it. This movement is by the people of Telangana and only for the people of Telangana. Therfore, its obvious that Andraits are trying to suppress themovement and ridicule our sentiments (as they did for the past 50+ years). They are even going to the point that, they are registering the (even though they hate it)and commenting against the whole moment and also the purpose of the existence of this site.

For all those who are registering in this site to oppose the cause, please keep away, we don't require your suggestions. We are educated enough and we won't be fooled by your dirtytactics like the generations of Telangana people have. This movement is led by students, this time we are not leaving it to politicians, we will make it sure that we get Telangana. We wexpel those leaders who sell them selfs to Andhra's money and influence. And if you still have any doubts, let me tell you guys that Telangana formation process is initiated and this timit will be complete, its out of any one's hands now, you guys should wake up and understand that Telangana state is happening and there is no use of trying to suppress the movemen

Jai Telangana.

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Srinath, there is a saying if u love someone dont say it just show it, but if u hate someone say it but dont show it, likewise why Andhra and Seema politicians did not resign as they didafter dec 9 anouncement, when people of telangana r fighting for their rights,jobs,water,resources etc if (A+R) would have fought for us(telangana) there would have been belief in 2brothers(A+R) that they r fighting for us and there would not have been slogan jai telangana, we would have loved to be with u(A+R) BUT THAT WAS NOT DONE,




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Hello Brother..., i would like to clear you some doubts. Every body knows that there are 3 regions in our state and the political strength of telanga is less and weaker when comparedwith Seemandhra... all u andhra people are saying that we have 3 cm's from our regoin, but none of the cm was in power nore than 2 years, coz, the political parties of seemandhradidn't supported the cm, hence they got down from power every time. An one more thing is, u people are telling that we have mla's and mp's from our region, but they became puppetsin the hands of the ruling party... The TELANGANA region was seperate till 1956 as a seperate state. Hyderabad is not Telangana... it is a part of telangana... U people are telling that,the entire economy is invested in Hyderabad... Yes. its true, U peole are investing in hyderabad and taking the profits to the andhar region.... U can't steal it from us.... Every time From1956 to till today, every time our politicians cheated us, hence we lost hopes on them... But this time, the people who fighting for the seperate state of TELANGANA........ An done morthing is, All the andhra people say that telugu speaking people should stay united, but our telugu is different from ur telugu.... so dont say it agian.... ........

We will fight for our TELANGANA till we get our seperate state.......

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Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

7 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

Page 8: Telangana Revolt

Posted on: Fri, 02/26/2010 - 20:13


Post count: 1290

Posted on: Sat, 02/27/2010 - 15:05


Post count: 18

Posted on: Sun, 02/28/2010 - 01:15


Post count: 153

I dont wan't to disrespect ur feelings, Please understand us, We are fighting for our Self Rule...

So Please Please Understand...



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Please stop baias.

Madhavi wrote:


Now .......... (By doing rowdyism). .........

Can you show me any Rowdyism in Telangana state? Could you name few???????

Check these articles

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Madhavi, Separate state


Separate state teesukoni em chestamo neeku anavasaram.Nee upanyasam valla evaru ikkada vari opinions marchukoru. Inke vere edaina unte cheppu.

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response to Madhavi garu

Amma Madhavi garu (assuming you are a lady and not a a guy under a pseudoname):

You don't understand. Telangana state is being asked to get away from Political domination and and partiality of Seemandhra leadership against Telangana.

Telangana State is demanded to get away from Colonial treatment and robbery of Telangana resources using Andhra majority.

Telangana State is demanded to get away from suppression and ridicule of Telangana accent, culture and mannerisms.

Telangana State is demanded to give space for Telangana Leadership to grow and develop without the domination of Andhra political party bosses and adhistanams.

Telangana State isn't being asked to drive away Andhra people or Businesses from Telangana. If they want to leave on their own, they take the risk of fire sale of their assets.

Besides, most of these businesses didn't invest much of anything. They got free land and free resource or at nominal cost using political influence.

Many didn't bring anything other than clothes on their backs. So, act educated and don't spew venom on Telangana educated or Telangana people.

Try to understand. Telangana State demand: It is about freedom from unfairness and freedom from exploitation. Freedome from colonial domination and freedom to grow and

develop under their own effort without the big brothers from Andhra seema impeding and ridiculing Telangana.

It is not against Seemandhra people but their crooked Ledership and a few crooked businessmen.

Please don't ask, " What is Seetha to Rama, after reading whole of Ramayana".

Read Sri Botsa Satyanarayana gari statement. It is good for Seemandhra and Telangana to have separate states.

People can go and stay or move about in both states as they wish. It is good for all Telugus. There are many Hindi speaking states.

Why can't 80 million Telugus have two states, rather than be in one state and fight like street dogs? Did you ever see Hyderabad streets, traffic?

One can't breathe. If there are two state Capital, atleast there will be some breathing room, and more areas will develop.

I don't know why you people think it is end of world to have two separate states? Hyderabd/ Telangana was already a State for 6-years before your ancestors

came to Telangana and wanted to be one state. It was OK, we had only 30 million people then. Now, there are 80 million Telugus with one Capital and every day

thousands are coming from Seemandhra to Hyderabad and living like dogs and making life miserable for every one else. A second Capital is a must for your and their health

both social, Cultural, political and economical health. So cheer up. :)


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Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

8 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

Page 9: Telangana Revolt

Posted on: Mon, 01/10/2011 - 19:00


Post count: 1

Posted on: Mon, 02/07/2011 - 14:38


Post count: 1

Posted on: Wed, 11/02/2011 - 14:49


Post count: 2

Posted on: Wed, 11/02/2011 - 15:26


Post count: 2

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Something do better

Hello Everybody,

This is Aditya, I know you all are expert to communicate the things but you all are only civilian means a common man that why you people talking like that and throwing your commenton blogs,with these comments, What can you Do for your nation and regions.Whenever in family,Any children will be stupid and illitrate then what will react the father and familymembers, that children who dont know what will happen behind his stubborn things.

So I want to suggest you all please do somethings for our state not send your comments,people is listening to KCR because he came forward with the issue so some peoples are stanbehind him,Who are illitrate and selfish,but you can think that If people will stand and take decision and stand for our community and problems then people like KCR will be behind us,

We dont have power to fight with these type of people that why we are commented.So please wake-up its your life,your nation,your state hw can one person divide this.

Please go forward and tell them who wants other state from andhra what could be side effects of that and what will be the future.

And at last for the KCR,If you think that peoples are in trouble then why are you creating more problem for them only for your politics greed? You can teach them that nation candevelope with educations,If you want to grow your nation then become a IAS,PCS,Prof.,Scientist e.t.c, why are you wasting their time in speeches and railies.I thinks you have capacitto see all the thinks but they dont have, so I request you KCR please stop this movement and listen us.

our unity,our educations,labours makes any country,state,village.

I have been ready for wake up india movement like Osmania university not because of you,its because of our state,nation and unity.Do you have it in you,

If yes please come with us.

If anyone want to join us please connect with our mail [email protected] I am alone or not Its will decide by you. If

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Quoting everyone

Nice article. Good discussion. Atleast I see a decent argument going on here without slang and all. Please do continue to discuss intelectually, don't get your emotion in the discussion


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Your arguments don't add up. On one hand, you talk gloriously of the Nizam regime...on the other there was a strong people's movement against the Nizam during his regime, clearlyindicating that his rule was oppressive. You talk as if you had great water management during the Nizam...then why did you fight him?

You list out various small movements favouring Telangana at various stages...if the mischief was large scale, why did the majority not protest? And even now, why are there so manyTelanganites who don't see any value in this movement?

The Nagarjuna sagar dam was constructed in Nalgonda as far back as how come your folk didn't know how to utilise it...since you are so brave, you could have agitatedagainst those who were taking your is not clear why the students went agitating in 1969...against whom, for what? Telugu films were being made out of Madras at thattime...what stopped you from creating your own film industry? Or your own radio or whatever?

Why is it that a populace that can face bullets and march forward, can't create own businesses or utilise water?

Yes, Reddy domination is there in AP Andhra these Kammas are looked at with fear and contempt because they are unscrupulous....but that is politics...what have Andhraen masse got to do with this?

Don't publish my comment if you don't want to...makes no difference to me. But your facts, your angst and your complaining doesn't add up. And definitely, I am not able to draw theconclusion the Andhras are responsible for your plight.

And why do you have SO many checks on your page? Like the american paranoia against terrorists?

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Purushotham Garu Assuming

Purushotham Garu

Assuming you are a guy and not a female with a male name:

I have no problem with 2 states or 20 states. But all your arguments are false, have heard them before, and your targeting of Andhras is mischievous.

There is more to this issue than the writer of this blog is willing to consider, than you are willing to know....and reality is more hard hitting than emotion....

But it is true that Hyderabad is one of the most uncultured cities I have lived in. As a working person there, it is the only city in which I used to carry personal safeguard measureswhenever I left home...and while your language is charming when you folk are nice, it becomes pretty disgraceful to hear when hawkers in sabzi mandi start hurling abuses...which weare not used to in Andhra...and particularly when they do so without even half noting the fact that the person in front of them is elderly. Yes, we grimace when after being used toaddressing one another as 'meeru'....a rickshaw wallah addresses us as 'nuvvu' is jarring for takes a while to accept it. Workers in your region get shrill very quickly and areconstantly up for a fight. It is also the only city in which generosity is not met with a sense of gratitude. If you give an auto rickshaw wallah more than the reasonable fare, never have

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Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

9 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

Page 10: Telangana Revolt

Posted on: Thu, 11/03/2011 - 18:44


Post count: 1290

seen him being polite. In fact, no matter how much I pay, the end of the journey results in a fight. It is exasperating. In contrast, whether it is Pune or Calcutta there seems to be adecided fare at which the person gracefully moves on. So you kind of know what you are dealing with. I come from East Godavari and when having a payment dispute, I find that theway of expressing dissatisfaction almost never gets best they will say they won't entertain you. Yes, we are used to dealing with things differently.

These are realities...but they are by no means conclusive that one side is dominating the other, both sides experience its effects...we just don't keep harping about it and think itnecessary to go on agitations for it..

If all your money was used to develop our region, why would there be so much migration towards yours? People move towards growth centres...your arguments don't add up...for thefinal time.

I have no problem whether you have Telangana or not..but your ranting about your injustices suffered does not break my heart...because at the end of the day you folk are lying andmaking Andhras scapegoats...

Despite writing ad nauseum, the writer of this website has not provided enough material to suggest that Andhras caused your problems. He is also extremely silent on your own lack oentrepreneurship and initiative. He only glorifies your agitations...but says little about the majority of your folk who failed to capitalise on the democratic institutions of the country. EveNani Palkhivala used to shred the Indian government policies to pieces, but that didn't stop him from becoming a great lawyer. Your folk could have changed the systems by using the All you talk about is reservations, exploitation and domination. Ad Nauseum. The Brahmins in Andhra as your own author has admitted, have virtually been decimated by the KammaKapu politics...this does not prevent them from doing what they can to better themselves.

You can blame the Andhras if Hyderabadis in general have started speaking Guntur telugu so to speak. But they have not. Their language is intact. In fact many Andhraites have goadjusted to speaking like Telanganites. But your writer does not mention that. Like all others, he undertakes convenient journalism.

You should have had the decency to demand for Telangana without blaming Andhras for your troubles. That would have been honest. But you are not honest. Just bullshitters. And this the main problem I have with your agitation...and of course you will write in your silly history books all these lies for generations to read...and in the end you will have done nothingdifferently. There is an agrarian crisis in India, and districts in your region are victims of that. But to say that Andhras caused it is stupidity and naivette. There is a lot more to it thanyou would care to know.

Goodbye. No, I am not interested in your stupid response. Have been reading endlessly about this agitation for weeks now, and like a cow chewing cud, I have your imaginaryproblems byhearted by now I would pass a Telangana history exam with distinction. Provided I write the hash that you folk have been propagating through your propaganda machines

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Your answers.

Your attitude shows what kind of poker you are with your first sentence and your experience proves it.

vijaya2011 wrote:

But it is true that Hyderabad is one of the most uncultured cities I have lived in.

Still you love living in Hyderabad.

vijaya2011 wrote:

As a working person there, it is the only city in which I used to carry personal safeguard measures whenever I left home...and while your language is charming when you folkare nice, it becomes pretty disgraceful to hear when hawkers in sabzi mandi start hurling abuses...which we are not used to in Andhra...

Ha ha day in and day out you talk with abusive words.

vijaya2011 wrote:

Yes, we grimace when after being used to addressing one another as 'meeru'....a rickshaw wallah addresses us as 'nuvvu' is jarring for takes a while to acceptit.

You don't treat people around you with equality. You came to teach us culture?

vijaya2011 wrote:

Workers in your region get shrill very quickly and are constantly up for a fight.

This shows you are the culprict, people like you create such mischief.

vijaya2011 wrote:

If you give an auto rickshaw wallah more than the reasonable fare, never have I seen him being polite. In fact, no matter how much I pay, the end of the journey results ina fight.

There are several people living in Hyderabad have no such complaints. If you poke you get such experience.

vijaya2011 wrote:

In contrast, whether it is Pune or Calcutta there seems to be a decided fare at which the person gracefully moves on. So you kind of know what you are dealing with. Icome from East Godavari and when having a payment dispute,

One more.......

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Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

10 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM

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Swaroop Kunduru

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Telangana Movement - History | Our Telangana

11 of 11 12/01/2012 08:43 AM