tehran saadabad palace1

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/michaelasanda-1442259-saadabad1/ Thank you! Please see also http://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda/tehran-saadabad-palace2 http://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda/tehran-saadabad-palace3 http://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda/tehran-saadabad-palace4 http://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda/tehran-saadabad-palace5 The Saadabad Palace is a palace built by the Pahlavi dynasty of Iran in the Shemiran area of Tehran.The complex was first inhabited by Qajar monarchs and royal family in the 19th century. After an expansion of the compounds, Reza Shah lived there in the 1920s. And his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi moved there in the 1970s. After the Iranian Revolution, the complex became a museum. However, the current presidential palace is located adjacent to the Sa'd Abad compound. Currently, parts of the Saadabad Palace compound are museums, in which visitors can roam through and look at the rich history of Iran, and some parts of the compound are used by the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization which is responsilbe for most of the


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The Saadabad Palace is a palace built by the Pahlavi dynasty of Iran in the Shemiran area of Tehran.The complex was first inhabited by Qajar monarchs and royal family in the 19th century. After an expansion of the compounds, Reza Shah lived there in the 1920s. And his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi moved there in the 1970s.After the Iranian Revolution, the complex became a museum. However, the current presidential palace is located adjacent to the Sa'd Abad compound.

Complexul de palate Saadabad din cartierul Shemiran din Teheran a fost locuit de monarhii dinastiei Qajar şi familia regală în secolul XIX. După extinderea şi reamenajarea palatelor Reza Shah a locuit acolo din 1920. Şi fiul său, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi şi-a stabilit reşedinţa acolo în 1970. După revoluţia iraniană, complexul a devenit un muzeu. Palatul prezidenţial actual este situat adiacent acestui complex

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The Sa‘dabad Palaces (included 8 gates and 18 palaces ) are a group palaces built by the Pahlavi dynasty of Iran in the Shemiran area of Tehran. White Palace is the largest palace in the 110-hectare ensemble of Sa‘dabad.

Ansamblul de palate Saadabad este format din 18 palate şi muzee (8 porţi) dintre care cel mai mare palat este Palatul Alb, numit astfel din cauza culorii zidurilor sale exterioare.

Entrance to Sa'd Abad

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Arash or Arash-e Kamängir (Arash the Archer) or Arash Tirandäz is a heroic archer-figure of Iranian oral tradition and folklore.Arash was a mythological and legendary Persian archer (based on ancient real story) who put his soul into his arrow to save his country.

Arash Arcaşul este un erou legendar Iranian, figură mitologică persană, (a cărui poveste transmisă prin tradiţie orală se bazează pe un fapt istoric), care şi-a pus sufletul într-o săgeată pentru a-şi salva ţara.

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The basic story of the bowman runs as follows: In a bloody war between the Iranians and non-Iranians (Turanians) the two sides agree to make peace and reach an agreement that whatever land falls within the range of a bow-shot shall be returned to the Iranians, and the rest should then fall to the Aniranians.

De fapt legenda Arcaşului se referă la sfârşitul unui sângeros război al Persiei cu Turanul. Atunci când beligeranţii au hotărât să facă pace, au ajuns la un acord privind cedarea teritoriului: Turanul va restitui sau ceda Iranului tot pământul situat până la limita de demarcaţie stabilită de distanţa la care va ajunge săgeata trasă de un arcaş iranian

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On 13th day of Tir, Arash climbed the Alborz Mountains, stood on its highest peak Damavand (highest summit of the Iranian plateau), put his soul into his arrow and fired it towards Turan with all his might, then collapsed and died. The arrow traveled from dawn till noon over an unimaginably great distance till finally landed somewhere near Amu Darya (Oxus River) and marked the border between Iran and Turan.

În ziua de 13 a lunii Tir, Arash a urcat în munţii Alborz, pe cel mai înalt vârf, Damavand, şi-a pus sufletul în săgeată şi a tras-o spre Turan, cu toată puterea lui, apoi s-a prăbuşit şi a murit. Săgeata a călătorit din zori până la amiază pe o distanţă neînchipuit de mare şi a aterizat undeva lângă Amu Darya (Oxus River) marcând astfel graniţa dintre Iran şi Turan.

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That was a joyful moment for the Iranians as they even gained more lands than before. The event which was coincided with the pouring of the rain is ever since celebrated as Jashn-e Tiragan or Tirgan.Arash kamangir (Arash the Archer) sacrificed his life for his country and became a legend whose name and memory's still alive. The name Arash and Mearic remains of the most popular names among Persian speakers in Iran.

Bucuria a fost mare pentru că iranienii au câştigat chiar mai mult teren decât înainte de război. Evenimentul, care a coincis cu începerea ploii, este încă sărbătorit ca Jashn-e Tiragan sau Tirgan.Arash kamangir (Arash Arcaşul) care şi-a sacrificat viaţa pentru ţara sa a devenit o legendă care a supravieţuit. Arash este şi astăzi unul dintre numele cele mai populare în rândul persanilor din Iran.

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The remains of a gigantic statue of Reza Shah (d1941)

Resturile unei gigantice statui a lui Reza şah, distrusă la „revoluţie”

You can also take a photo with a shah’s carriage….

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The White Palace is the largest palace in the 110-hectare ensemble of Sa‘dabad. This building, in addition to a place for administrative and ceremonial affairs, was the summer residence of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and his wife Farah. The buildings construction was started by order of Rezashah in 1931 and completed in 1936. Many artists and craftsmen have contributed to construction of this palace

Palatul Alb este cel mai mare palat din ansamblul celor 18 palate aflate pe domeniul de 110 hectare din Sasdabad. Această clădire, înafară de sediu administratriv şi de reprezentare a fost şi resedinţa de vară a şahului Mohammad Reza Pahlavi şi a soţiei sale, Farah. Construcţia clădirii a început din ordinul lui Rezashah în 1931 şi a fost finalizată în 1936. Multi artişti şi meşteşugari au contribuit la construirea acestui palat.

The main entrance hall

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The White Palace includes 54 different units, such 10 ceremonial halls, the largest of wich is a dining hall with a square footage of 220 square meters

Palatul Alb cuprinde 54 de încăperi dintre care 10 săli de ceremonial, cea mai mare dintre ele fiind o sală de mese cu o suprafaţă de 220 de metri patraţi

The main entrance hall

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The main entrance hall

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The main entrance hall

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The main entrance hall

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Bronze busts of the king and Farah sculpted by K.Todorov 1970 Teheran

Furniture French made. Louis XV style

Wall tapestry french hand woven silk XVII

Bronze chandelier with porcelain flowers, crafted in France

Waiting and Reception Hall for foreign guests

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Waiting and Reception Hall for foreign guests

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Waiting and Reception Hall for foreign guests

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Waiting and Reception Hall for foreign guests

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Waiting and Reception Hall for foreign guests

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Waiting and Reception Hall for foreign guests

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Tableware: Rosenthal porcelain. Germany

Baccarat crystal glasses. France

Bronze chandelier with crystal adornments: Bohemia Czechoslovakia

The dinning hall

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The dinning hall

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The dinning hall

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The superb stucco carvings inside the palace were made by such master craftsmen as Gholam-Reza Pahlavan from Qazvin, Abd-ol-Karim Shaykhan, Hossein Kashi and Reza Mala’ekeh.

The revetment of the corridors is in marble from Yazd and Torbat-e Haydariyeh and was executed by master Lorzadeh.

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Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s Office

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Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s Office

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Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s Office

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Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s Office

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Formal Reception Room, used to receive Ambassadors

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Formal Reception Room, used to receive Ambassadors

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Formal Reception Room, used to receive Ambassadors

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Formal Reception Room, used to receive Ambassadors

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Formal Reception Room, used to receive Ambassadors

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Formal Reception Room, used to receive Ambassadors

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Formal Reception Room, used to receive Ambassadors

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Formal Reception Room, used to receive Ambassadors

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Formal Reception Room, used to receive Ambassadors

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Billiard Room in the Palace of Nation

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Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Sanda Potroviţă

Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu

www.slideshare.net/michaelasandaSound: Dariush - Aman az; Dele Divooneh

Southern Magnolia fruit