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Identify reasons for keeping your mouth Identify reasons for keeping your mouth healthy.healthy.

Discuss what causes teeth and gums to Discuss what causes teeth and gums to become unhealthy.become unhealthy.

Identify that different teeth have specific Identify that different teeth have specific functions. functions.

Understand that different food choices can Understand that different food choices can decay or stain your teeth. decay or stain your teeth.

Identify the parts of a tooth and explain how to Identify the parts of a tooth and explain how to keep teeth healthy. keep teeth healthy.

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Babies Vs. Adults

How many teeth does the average baby have?

How many teeth does the average adult have?

Why is there a difference?

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Human Teeth

20 Primary teeth (baby teeth)

32 Permanent Teeth

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There are four different types of teeth.

molar pre molar

Incisors and canines

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Incisor-teeth in the very front, sharpest teeth, built to cut food and shaped to shovel the food toward the back of the mouth..

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corners of the mouth, meant for grasping and tearing food, they have very long roots.

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flat chewing surface because they're meant for crushing food.


last teeth towards the back of your mouth, much bigger than the Premolars and have bigger, flatter chewing surfaces because their job is to chew and grind the food into smaller pieces.

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What are your teeth made of?

Crown Enamel Dentin Pulp Root Gums Neck

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Enamel- White outer surface of tooth, Calcified surface that is stronger than bone.

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Dentin-Surface directly beneath enamel that is less calcified, similar to bone, becomes visible with excessive wear to the teeth. (Shock Absorber)

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Pulp- Inner most part of the tooth, houses the nerve and blood supply to the tooth. Damage could cause the tooth to die.



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A sticky film that forms on your teeth from the bacteria, food, and saliva in your mouth.

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In the BEFORE picture, you can see the buildup of plaque on these teeth with the aid of a disclosing agent.

The AFTER picture shows the removed plaque.

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How are cavities formed?

Bacteria causes a build up of plaque.

Plaque acid attacks the tooth The tooth eventually rots away

Plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing

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Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay -Cavities

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Caused by the accumulation of plaque on the tooth and under the gum tissue.



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Causes the gums to become red, inflamed, and to bleed and hurt when brushing.

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Plaque that is not removed will sit on the teeth and below the gums, will harden or mineralize, thus forming tartar.

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Tartar is also an irritant to the gum tissue that can cause gingivitis

Tartar can only be removed by your dental hygienist.

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Mouth Guards for Contact Sports

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Different Types of Mouth Guards

Off-the-Shelf Commercial

Mouth-Formed (“Boil and Bite”)

Custom-Made by Your Dentist

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First Aid for Teeth

This is what a newly knocked out tooth looks like.

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•Find an adult.

•Pick it up by its crown.

•Rinse in milk (or tap water).

•Put it back, in the mouth.

•Get to a dentist, or to the emergency room quick!

If a Permanent Tooth is Knocked Out

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Chipped Teeth

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Don’t Use Tobacco

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What does Tobacco do to the body?*Ugly teeth*Bad breath*Receding gums*Mouth sores*Cancer, especially mouth.

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Brushing removes plaque and food debris that sits on your teeth

Brushing also keeps your gum tissue healthy

Brushing promotes a clean and healthy environment in your mouth

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Brush twice daily with a soft bristled toothbrush

When brushing, make sure that half the bristles are on the gums and half on the tooth

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Brush in a small circular motions, with light pressure

Brush for 2-3 minutes

Don’t forget to brush your tongue

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Flossing reaches where the tooth brush cannot

Floss cleans between the teeth, a popular area of cavities to form

Flossing also removes the plaque and debris below the gum line

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Use an arm’s length piece of floss

Floss at least once a day, preferably before going to bed

Wrap around middle fingers leave ½” between fingers, and use index fingers as your guide

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•Don’t snap into the gums, instead use a gentle see-saw motion

•Once in between the teeth, wrap floss around the tooth in a “c” formation and move in up/down motion

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Fluoride is a mineral

Helps fight decay in areas where enamel has started to breakdown

Prevents decay by strengthening the enamel

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Fluoride is found in Fluoride is found in most any toothpastemost any toothpaste

Over-the-counter Over-the-counter rinses, like ACTrinses, like ACT

Fluoride is also Fluoride is also found in many cities found in many cities water sourceswater sources

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So what do I do to keep my teeth healthy?

Brush regularly Visit the dentist Floss

Eat sensibly Look after your gums

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Cavity and Stain Experiment 20 Points

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Directions If you break the egg your group loses 5 pts. Take the cap off and smell ( DON’T TASTE) the

reactant. List reactant on lab sheet. ( Hint** If it has a strong smell it is probably an acid, if no smell probably a base)

Write Down Observations of egg ( color, size, texture, hardness)

Write down what happened to the egg when you mixed it in the jar with the reactant ( Observation)

Make a HYPOTHESIS on what the reactant will do to your egg over time. (3 days)

Place lid back on jar and write down the reactant on label.