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TEE DAILY COMMONWEALTH, VOL. 5. FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY, J 4 Mi A lit 29, 1S56. NO. 103 XilZ ihl'mu COMUXtt'OlTIl VILl BE PUBLISHED EVERT MOSDAT, WED TSDAT, AND FRIDAY, By A. G. HODGES & CO., STATE PRINTERS, At THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, nava tie in advance. Tas Weskly Commonwealth, a large 12am tooth ahee', is pubHahed- everv Tuesday morn' mg at TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in ad vance. Our term? tor advertisine, either la the Tri- - vVeckly or Weekly Comraonweaith, wiii be as uoerai as in any 01 tae newspapers puoltshed Ui the west. D"A11 leltera upon business should be post- paid tj insure attention. nn 1 r fi ti Ti n r 1 m it T Ti c ill 1 o 1 i 0 1 it 1 V L Ei u OF KENTUCKY, 3y C. A. W tckliae, S. Turner, dt 8. S. .Ilcbolsa, cosijttsaroEEs Arror.-nr- by the lesijiatori: PROVED A!(D ADOPTED BY THE LEGISLATURE", Jasl punished and may bo obtained at TKli OFFICE, ob. at WW. M. TODD':"? BOOK STORE- PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF TEE CONVENTION, C.UXii.i) TO MODIFY, AMKND Oil CONSTITUTION OF SSSTUCK, OFFICIAL REPORT,) 'om pubilM and fbr sal at tLe CoMMONMiini: Office, at g6 par cop;, ft ork coiU1iaS IY.Ju nr.'i U bjcnJ la lie tat aw Binding. .SUREW MON'RJDE. K. A. LOOAJI- - MONItOE & LOGAN, A TXOR.VEY5 AT I, AW, LOUISVILLE, KY. I F i'lCL on the East side of Sixth timet, between Mar V hot and Jetiersou, near the Court House yard. Apr'.1. 11, 1455 u. GEORGE 3TEALEY, CIVIL & MINING ENGINEER AND LAND SCTRVEYOK. ?C7"0(Ece atSmllh, Bradley A Co., Land Agei.ts, yo rtaadoipn street, South side, bstwee-- Clark and streets, Chicago, til. Sept. 14, 1855 tf. . T. WALL. JOHN W.FIN'VELL. WALL k F I N NELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, rAVivn Tn 'si trv vrrtcKf Third Strebt, Opposite SorTH snd Cirv H.l. W. F. practice in the Courts of Kenwu, Cauipooit, j jriLnt, Boon, fiiii Mcholas, and the Cnurt of Appeals JOHN M. HARLAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KY. ufilce on St. Clair Street, with J. it V.'. i.. HnrL'in. RUfKR TO BuMi J. J. Crittenden, ij.t. L. W. Powell, 5 Frantfoit. Ky. fcvn. James Harlan, ) I avlor, Turner oi Co., liankcrs, Letinginn, Ky. G. H. Monsarrit Ol Co., Bankers. Loul'.ville, Ky. W. Tanner, Louisville, Kv. July 23, W.3 by. E. RANDOLPH 9HITM. SHARP, SMITH &C0 ATTOENEYS AT LAW, AND KL.VL ESTATE BROKERS. .No. S9, Kandulph Street, iAUr. us, . CHICAGO, ILL. JOHN W. APPLEGATE, Attorney and Cornice!. or at Law . PUBLIC, 3oJ Commiiiioner to take N'OTAKY Actwleupmenia ot' Deeds, Mortfraes, rowers o: Attorney fur Kontdoky, lUinois, lisiou-r- l, Indiana, arid JJew York. Office, North-Ea- comer of four'.h and WalnulSts., CliiciiicaU, Ohio. Jan. 11, l?iO. T. N. LIND.SEYs ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frankfort, Ky., H7LLL pructlce Law In all the Courts held in Frankfort It and the adjoining counties. His Office is at bis resi- dence, Dear P. Swlgerl's, entrance on Washington 3treet. Frankfort, Feb. ifn, 1849,751-L- f. MORTON & GRISVOLD. CootelIei, Stationert, Bindera, ond Book and Job l'rinters, Main street, LonUvlile, Ky., HAV coastanliy on band a complete &isorUiieiat of Medical, Theological, Classical, School, end Miscellaneous Rooka, at low prioe3. Paper of eury description, quality, and price. TTJ'CoUeKes, Schools, aud Private Libraries supplied i.t h small advance on cost. Wholesale or Retail. April 1, 1B5 y. GEORGE W. CTlADDOCK, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KY. removed to East side of Sl Clair street, OFFICE Telegraph Oillce. Will practice Law in ail the Courts held in Fianklort, and adjoinlngcourities. Dej. 7, liu tf. JOHN RODMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olltce un SL. Clair Street, next boor to Monica Telegrapb Oulce, HTIU. prattke in all the Courts held in Frankfort, and t In Oldham, Henry, 'iriinble and Owen counties. Oct. 23, Wi3- - MOREHEAD FSROWN partners iu the PRACTICE OP LAW, atwud to ail businesa coofided to ihyu, m U Court of AppeaLs, federal Court, and otner Ccuics wtici told thilr session at Frftukfort, Ky. Ojje or ooth Oaay ahveys he foucd at their otllce, to give counsel ortruosict busfness. rraiikfon. Jar. fj, oy. TOrTIX M0NK0E, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KY. UTiiX pructlce Law in the Courts held In FranLIn , and adjoining counties. lie wlil, us ooininUilonr jf Lieds, take the acknowledgments of Heeds, and other writings to bo used or recorded in other states; and, as Commissioner uudertliO actof CVnress, j;t:cnd :o the talngof depositions, atHdavits, Sic. CtEce, Federal Court Clsra s Office, Old Bank. Frhnfciort, June C, 153 by. JOHN C. II ERNDON. VTTOUXEY AT LAW, jFraiiklorr, Ky. 5!Li. practice In ail the Courts held in 1'ranklo.ri- ?V th Anderson. Owen, Woodford, and Shelby Cir- cuit Courts and will attend to the of deot 1q iiy part of the State. 6aioe on Sl CUlr street, aecond do-- r bovo the Curt jJpHe will &,u&d to tb preparation aadproseco-tlgao- t the clairas of soldiers to bo amy land, for proper- ly lot, and for arrears of pay. as April 1, cTpFoTlT PRE.MlljIrl Saddle, Harness and Trunk Warehouse, Number Sixty-Oa- Tblrd Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. C. G- GHAHA3I, Agent. April 0 dm. at FraniJort. FALL AND WINTER 33 CO f? IS 2 G2 FURNISHING GOODS. T am now receiving ruv stocked" FALL AND WINTER 1 CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, consisting Overcoats, Business Pants, Oversacks, Business Vesta, Dress Frocks, Shirts, Dres3 Pants, Under Shirt3. Dreoa Vests, Drawers, Easiness Coats, Half Hose, Shirt Collars, &c. &c. My entire stock of Clothing was eot ud by the celeura. ieu establishment 01 vy. 1. Jennings Sc O., JWw York, and are WARRANTED to be made in the MOST AP PROVED STYLE AND MANNER. Persons wishing: to purchase, and all others, are In. viiea to cat! ana examine my stock. :.55. JOH.N' M. TODD. YOUNG AMERICA CLOTHING EMPORIUM, earner 01 .nam and St. Clair Stic.it' FRA.YKFORT, KY. WEILEK & GET2 . TJAVING taken the corner room in the new building of xx air. tiatuu,uiyo openea aa entirety new stock ol Ready-mad- e Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Jiats, umbrellas, &c. wtiKhttey will at than ever before offer ed in tms market, lhev Invite all to uiey are coalident of boin able to please both in the quality LB-.- price ot their goo.t. September 12, 1855. JOHN If. TODD. DEALER IN GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING . FURNISHING GOODS. WALKING CANES, UMBRELLAS, HODGE3' Bl'ILDINO, ST. CLAIR ST., Frankfort, Kentucky. milE proprietor having purchased uoni but the besl A articles, and such as lie can warrant, hopes by strict uueu'jon to ousiness, and iitt attention to his custom- ers, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. The need of such an establishment ha, been lone- flt in this cin'. .'.pril 4, 1155. f 0 A C IT F A C T 0 R Y7 yW-...- . HEMING & QTJIN, f ttP constantly on liand a fine assorunont of Car-- 1 IV riages any Kind ol Carriage made to order and ol the best material. We have purchased the sole rif;tit ol Everett's Patent Coupling, for the counties of Franklin, Anderson, Lincoln and Garrard. iN. B. We would call tho attention of purchasers to r Storing assortmentof Carriagev r r All wnrlr mtc itv ns warranted for one vear. April a, 15 If. W'lLMA.it MORRIS. John j. Hampton MOEEIS & HAMPTON HAVE ju.st opened, In the room formerly occupied by Lampton, on Su Clair street, noxt door to Pier- - sou s comeeuonerv. a lar-- e aud well selected a.saorl- - utcntoi BOOTaS, shoes, hats and caps. Jmt imported from the East, and eaualllnz if not ur-- passinc in variety, elepauce of staple and mewnkss, anv ever before ottered In Uii? market. These anicles are! all new, having been purchased only a few days since I iroiu me oesi rnanuiaeiurers ot ruuaaelphia and iew York, and are warranted ot the best workmanshin and a la mode in pattern. The attention of purchasers U par- - I AiuiAiin, lL.inu ij mu m uuriait;u a3runeni 01 Fancy snots for both ladle1 and Kentlemeu's wear, selected for summer use, ana 10 iiieir supero stoct ol hats, of every shape and hue, from the recherche white silk ventilated neaa-piec- as ngliT., rial and poetic as a faints dream, to the woolen skull-ca- or a SrO cent straw bat. Their I StOCb oi BOOKS ANO STATIONERY is larfje and well selected. The public are Invited to can anu examine ins siock or koous, ana if they desire to purchase now and good articles, will uo doubtflodll tneir aavamace. Frankfort, .March Wi- if. FALL AND AHNTER GOODS. JOHN L. MOORE & SON.. 1 lit now receiving at their New Store Rooms, Main iL sireet,an unusually large stock or new style STAPLE & FANCY GOODS in great variety. Also Carpetings, Hoots, Shoes, iiats, Caps Bonnets, Queeiisware, Giassware, Gun ., ir., A.C., All at the lowest rates. aus. 31, lc55. Frankfort Normal Scliool for Soys, FRANKFORT, KY. rptiE Bext Session of this Institution will open on the I X second jlnoctv ot ner'tember, tn the room formcrl occupied by Dr. Hensleyasan office, on Ann street. Just aouiu ot .nam. i union per session ot sso weeks ashere- - tofore.in the primary, Junior, and sanior departments, fio, 71.1 ana respectively. SIUSEV WILBUR. Fept. 1, 1P55 v,'itw3m. E- U. TAYLOR, JR. ISAAC SHELBY. WM. SHOUSI I TAYLOR, SHELBY k CO,, BANKERS. UTE have this day opened an OiSce in the city of Lex- is li.gton, for the purpose of trasAeetiatf A t.eneral Hanking, xcliRiige: and Col-lecti- ns Business- - e are at all times prepared to check upon the prtn-ip- cities of the United Slates, and to make collections icreon. We will aliow Interest ou deposit, to be vrlth .irawu at pleasure, and transact whatever business is generally connected with private bankiuf;. Approved paper can be cached at any time during omce hours, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Oct. 22, lssi. I .i i DENTAL SURGERY. KY E. G. HAKBLETON, M. JAtii."!.,."' U1S operunous on the Teoth will be direct! by a knowledge, both of Surgery and Medicine; u.is uciag uic ouij saic guide to UQitorm success. From I iiAu uo w unaoieu io operate witn tar less paia to the i, void of danger. All work warranted; the work manship will show for itself. Talis v.lil bo thankfully re' ri, JOfficc, at his residence on Main streer. Frankfort, .May 27, 1KV BOOTS AND SHOES. AVE a splendid stock of the above goods for Ladles, Gentlemen. Children, and Servants, which I will sell low as any house in Frankfort. Call and examine be- fore ynu purchase at HUMPHREY EVAN'S Nov. 21, 1S55. Shoe and Book Store. Cologr.es, Perfumery, Toilet, Soap, &c. FINE assortment of Colognes, Perfumery, Toilet A Soapand Toysof all varieties. December 7. V. S. WEST & CO. TTTOOL HAT A.D CAF8 for Secroej, very low at vV hUMPHHSY EVAN'S. Hor. SL She an4 Book Store. Dissolution. ' THE heretofore under the stv firm Of Todd A-- Gonilwin. in 1, rnnCi-lln- and Grocen' business, was dissolved thisday bv rautu; consent. All those indebted to the late firm, are requested to como forward and tnalte payment, and those having claims against the Arm will please present them for set- tlement. H. L. ratlr. frntr the. Either one of the Ilrm is authoruod 10 use the name of uie crm in setuig account'. DARNEV TODD, Aug. i. 'is, Aug. 15. HUGH L. GOODWIN. DARNEY TODD. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALE2 is CONFECTIONERIES x GROCERIES, ST. CLAIR ST., BETWEEN MAIN A BROADWAY (T. P. Pierson's Old Stand.) FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. T7EEPS constmtlv on hand a full seleption nf r r.niw. IV llonerles, Toys, Fancy Articles, and Groceries, where he wil be pleased to see his old friends and custom- e. Aug. 15, 1855 If. BOOK BINDING. A f ' . r ui "VA - frir,,i. f ..... ;V!A that bavin; regained his health , he hat Durchased back from A. Ji.- - a G. Hodges the blnderv sold to fa' w ..wvcumci .usi, ana win ; five bis whole HUer.tinn to hs management tie respectfuKv eoticits a continuBne 01 tnepatronsze heretofore eiteaded to the establishment. ilr tttitKi will be furnisned with RECORD ijwwiva ru.ca to anv nattcrn. and or the veiv hpet i. ty of paper. ir? BLANK BOOKS of mi.u at mult uyncw, iw uruer, on rctfionaoie terais. TT75" Bindery at the old staaU, over Harlsns Law vmce. rant fort- - Juiv 31. lr-rr-ut- f. CAPITAL HOTEL, JOHN T. HOBEETS. Pronrietor. r OAAAOA7, KY. FRANKLIN DOUSE FRANKFORT. KY. . returned to mv former Tavero Bland, at Ha South end of the Bridto. 1 have fitted u un r.l now have it in good order, to accommodate any who luiiv HiYour me w,iu a call, l rttveiers. traiment n. inr. anu ooaruers may rely on all e.tro being taken to rcn dertiiem comfortable. A few Members of the Legislature can find comforta- - me ano quiet ooardine during the coming ... .inn. nt.j in ail cases my bills will be moderate. i have also attached a good stable and c::rofuI ostler. K. T. i'oLEMA.N. .Nov. P, 1855 3m. Yeoman copv. MANSION HOUSE. Corner ol Main ami St. CInir Sircem. r KA.NKr Uii T . K.Y. iliiih undersigned would notiry- his friends and the 1 nubile thnt hp li., mh.il tin. i.,t..vE, of . T. Luckelt in this old established and well known Hotel, and will continue to entertain the public In the best manner that the markets. &.Q.. will ailow. He hns engaged the services of his Wm. K. Tavlor, who iswell known to a largo portion of the traveling oomiuunny, as a man ol business, and who will have cuarge 01 tneottice. fie asks the patronage or the pub 1e and will endeavor to doserve it. May S3. 1S55. BEN. LUCKETT. " FRANKFORT HOTEL i'oroer of Broadway and Adu klretm, r KANKr ORT. KY. ij'HE underslfrncd having ir.ken this well know n home i (lateiy occupied by .Hr. D. MeriweiuerJ solicits a sliare of the public natronarc. and bv close at tention to business, and koeplug such n house as this heretofore has been, v, ill emleavorto merit the confidence 01 me traveling community. June 1H, lo55 If. J. K. WASSO.Y FALL AND WINTER GOODS, GAINES & PAGE. II At EJust received a large stock of Kail and inter IJl boods, or every dcscrinllon. Ca I and evamie be- - tore purchasing elsewhere, as small nrotits aridnuick aalesis our motto. In addition to our lare stock of goods wo have on hand a largo supply oi ItaLs and Caps, w hich wo " ill sell at reduced prices. September 10, 1855. PROSPECT IS OE THE NATIVE AMEKICAN AND PRO T E ST ANT ADV OCATE. proposed to publish in the City of Jackson, a semi- monthly periodical under the above title, in pamphlet .iu, savii uuiuugt uuiiiaiuiii aoout linny-lw- o paes. Tho struggle between Katlve Americanism and the do- minion of Foreigners, between Popery and Protestant-Ism- , is in its infancy. It must be continued until forwign Influence and Popery shall have crashed lieroocracy and the freedom of conscience, er Democracy and the right to worship God according to the dictates of the on. science of each man and woman shall be dually secured. Luther and his associates went through a fearful struggle to achieve the reformation. We are now engaged in the same struerle. to continue and confirm to ir.itn. nAiii;..ai and religious liberty. Wo have been as men in fancied security, sleeping around a volcano, the lava silently rising and about to overwhelm them btore theyare con- scious of the impending danger. Securely reposing in the enjoyment of our political and religious freedom, popery and foreigners have silently gained strength, until those who have lnvostig-ate- the subject see that the danger must be averted, now, or never. A few years more ot inactivitvand all Is Inst. W wKh to the people from this dangerous apathy, by Laying before them well authontlcatod facts, whereby each Individual can Judge for himself. We propose to avoid everything but calm, decorous and fair reasoning from true p'remis- - w9,buu w inflva ueiure tuc community me materials, with lmparLiallly: facts as Uiev are and hava ln win, ,h evidences of their authenticity. I he periodical will be edited trratu1tnu.lv hv .,m. mlttca composed alike of Democratsand WhioY .,,! nf christians of each sect in our country, that the public may a.ou.auv, uia, i, i. idiny auu impartially conduct- ed. The price, Two Dollars oer annum. navkiiiR on ih delivery of the first number, which will issue so soon as one thousand subscribers are obtained, and the names forwarded. If a surplus fund remain, it will be appro-ate- d to distribute gratuitously amongst the lodges, pa- pers for circulation. Act promptly, friends of freedom, and forward subscriptions, directed to "The Eiecu-liv- e Committee of American IPartv." Miss. ' of .November, 19, 1355. STRANGE DEVELOPMENT SCIENTIFIC Men are daily bringing to light new the march of progress is onward; per- sons Baxd, or becoming so, will be pleased to learn that Science and long research combined, have hrnnrri,. k. fore the public the greatest wonber or the age. in the articleof EMERSON'S AMERICAN HAJ.K RESTORA- TIVE, a sure cure for Baldness, and to nrev: ri,'- - from falling. See circulars, to be had of Agent. ;, ' ; Agent. L. K. Fisher oi Co.. Proprietors. No. 57, Superior it.. I'Uvotrn.t f, May 3, 1851 tf. r,' r r n . Au uwu"s OI WBOlgia i,ann UA'Uu associated myseil with w. c. Nesbit. of it mtwesvuie, ivy-- , wiouueurm iands on nnmmi.. aion at Drivate sale, we oLrer our Aervi.-- in ..,.'r such lands, and to act as ageuti to proiect tue siuie from tax sales and freudulentriiles. Owners living out of the State are continually losing their lands by tax aaies or intruders under false titles, and it is the Interest of owne s .0 havo i.n atreut in tue State to protect their lands. C. EDWARDS, Macon, Georgia. . C. NESBIT, Itawesville, Ky. itErCREN' ES. Gov. II V. Jouxson, Mliildgcvlile Ga.: Holt, Macon. Ga.; Coi. 1. T. Watx Tl , ,,' A, March 19. 1S5; - . .... GAS FIXTURES. Ke...ahai oi CO., lexixotox, Kv., beg lea citizens of Frankfort t'iiat tliev , . m.A hand a large stock of GAS Fi VrCRtS, iDoiuding fi 5 4, and3iight Chandeliers, 2 and I lirht n..n.i.. 'ri.' lorn au single cracKS, urop Ac an factured bv Messrs. Cornoilus. P.A-tr- r oi.,a,. Mill phin, and will be so'.d as low as they can bo had West ofl Philadelphia and put up, if desired, in the best manner. , -- uuiu aiso oo pieaseu io Kl . jipi; (n slore3 gape dwellings, or public houses, on the best possible terms for having superior workmen now engaged In the buinesi lor us in Lexington. We p.sk a call. KENNARD & CO. Alwavs on band, a large stock of CARPETING GOODS, PAPER HANGINGS, and' PIANO OFTTES tot sale on reasonable terms. K 4ro Lexington, Jan. 4, 1S54 tf. TODD'S BOOKSTORE, No. K Swigert's Row, St. Clair Street, FRANKFORT, KY I HAVE had tue above named etabltshment naUy and have Just received my FALL aud WIA'TER mpplyof Books, Stationery, Eoots, Shoea. HatR, Cap3, &c, &c, Whlcn prions vrtsulngto purchase would do neil to caliandexamlne before buvlDg elsewhere, as I am deter- mined to sell upon as favorable terms as auy other house inthocltv. Oct. J4, 1S55. ' wjj. TODD. Baoka! Eooks!! MV stock is unusually large, consisting lu part ol Law, Literary, .Miscoilaneous, Stellslons, ot Set Books. Cail and examine them. Oct. 24. W. M. TODD. Hata and Caps. ; S. A 1VKGE supply, of every variety, quality and 'a& ?l. ' furGon''emen, Boys, and Chiidreu, can be Lad I v calling on w- - w. it. Tc.ri. Eoots and Shoes. m S0R Misses, Gentiemen, 5. rouicsand cuuaren, of every quality i.i&2& anu paiiers, can be nrocure l at the w9ll known of Oct. 2!. M. TODD. STATIONERY. t" VEt;V tbluga person wsintsintheStiitinceiTlioo, can be had of Oct. V'. M. TODD. Cutitrv and Sciisor. t osieakoim's and Crook's Cutlery and Scis- sors, a nei! and wail selected ..:nr!:np,t dine,;.. hand at - J4' VV. TODD-S- . Wall Paner. A N eif;-an- t aisortLijent, of ever? s!".t ajd pattern, cii be ljud bv calliDLr- - on Oct. fii. U. M. TODD. Umbrellas and Canes. ,l GOOD lot of Umbrellas and Canes, can ! iY wuys be found at ' 4. V. M. TODD'S. IttatheniaUcal Instruments. Iy.OMiiie well known stal.twhrocnt of McAl!i-!- r laic b'. . 0c'. 21. w. M. TODD. EW GOODS ! UAKEK & SUNYAN, r. CUtlR STREET, TWO DOORS EROM OFFICE, FRt.NRFOHT. KY.. ARE now receivlt.K their usual large and splendid sup-nl- v of Faucv and Ktai.l. Knit nH u ini.. Kh. GoodA, also new style Bilk and Straw Buimeta, a large astortuicnt of Mats, Boots and Shoea, and furnishing good?, Carpets, Oil Clotn, die, G!a.ss and iueensware, all which they will sell low for cash or to nromnt navinir customers on the usual time. Thev invite all to cbrac and examine their slock, e.:rluinly the most general and complete that can be found in this citv. ept. 14, 1S55 3m. WM. H. GSAINGEE. F 11 0 N I X FO UN DRY. I'EN'TII ST. BETWEEN MAIN AND THE RIVER, Louisville, Ken tuck v.. Steam Envines for Grist, Saw. and Sugar Mills, Gudgeons, Cranks. SDur Wheels. Seg ments lor CotDn Gin Wheels, Hotchktss' Keaction Wa- ter Wheels; a general assortment of wrought and cast ..un w ort, ccc. !f!PJ flier from a 'll receive promntal-uiiou- . Feb. 1'.', 155 if. NEW BUSINESS. HL uudersigucd has takeu the third room from the . corner of Ann street on Main street, in J. H. HA.N- - A'S Block of Buildings, forthe purpose of trauaacUuga JEI:RAL iCCTIO. A.D COM.MisSlG.V i tiCril.VKSS. He w ill also connect with the said business an AGEICULTUEAL DEPOT. where may be found all the latest tmoroveincuts in Agricultural linpiiinents, as well as all descriptions of :eus required bv larmers in this vicinity. He hopes is enterprise Will rtceUe the prifrfiuminient nf tl farming community, ut.cn whom be deoends forth success of. this branch of his busiucss. Consignmeoti of Merchnndise at Aucuoo orprivAte' sale arc solicited. Jan. )'J, 1;55 if. SAM. C. SAYRfcS. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! TATE & 0H I NN . HAYfc opened lu Bacon's new building on Main striet, stock of Fall and Winter Drv Goods f even' description, whichthey are determined toseli prices wnicu cannot lail to suit. Their stock is one of eflutstever brought to the tatv. and selei-in.- i wlthr, clal reference to tho wants of this community. They In- vite all thelrfnends and the public In general to give them a call and examine their etock. Sep 14, 1S55 if. W. H. KEENE. WHOLESALE AND EETAIL GEOCElt, ST. CLAIR AND WAPPIN3 8TREITS, Frankfort, Kentucky. S now receivinvalaie ana choice aiAOitmem of Gro- ceries, ULuea, Lluuore. dcc.whl.Ji h wllisellat eery small profits for cash, or to prompt customers on usual terms. Ills stock is perhaps tho largest In the city, and every article of the bcstquality that can be surceas- ed. Call, examine, end beconvinced. Aug. 24, lsii. The Old Weiler House TO BE CLOSED OUT CHEAP! T'HE STOCK OFCLOTHIAGatNoaBrown'sbulld-- ing, St. Clair street, will be sold at extremely low pri- ces, order to close the concern. Thsrelsa fine stoik ready-mad- e Clothing, Underwear, &c, which will bo sold very low for CASH, as the business must be closed. All persons indebted to the Arm are requested to come forward within sLxty days and settle up, and those having clalrcsapalnitusw!!! pleaje present them Immediately. SOLOMON WEUJLK, Oct. 19, 1855. CHAS. 3. GET. FINE LIQUORS. HALF pipe superior (extra) old Pele Otard Brandy; pipe superior old Pale Otard Braudy; .SI P'p Hue Pale Brandv, F. lioolns tk Co.: Si plpa Hue Pale Brandy, Girard; t pipe fine London Dock Brandy; S cask old .Madeira Wine; ' i casks Howard, March Co., Madeira Wlr a; X cask Howard, March 6c Co., Madeira; cask Howard, March dt Co., Madeira. 3 v, casks Pale Shern- Wine; cast eld Scotch Whisky; 2 casks old Port Wlue; 3 cases, (26 bottles) Stiil Catawba; 4 cases (48 bot'.iesj Sparkling CaiiKt.. SO basnets (Keidsick; Champagne; 4 baskets (Great western) Champagne. 4 baskets (Ducal Grape) Champagne; 12 baskets (assorted brands) Champagne. 5 bbls. superior old Whisky; 3d bbls. superior 3 year old Whisky; :u oois. superior a year old vvnisky. On baud and lor'aIe ?.? r1"61' i'oa "a Kla"; bv. GRAY Si TODD. STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE. THE I NDEr.slGNED intending to leave the State i, prlvatesale tbelr Kleam Sew 11U. sltn.i,t mill" riOV.-- Pl'inVfnr, , ... r. nf n.( ... tnched. The Mill has one uiri?ht saw with iaih sjiw, atmi,.,! OI iuv mitji iiu pi oe uiirii'.s anu iu good order, i Ue is well located with a ood run of custom. The iaths, for which there is a great demand, will pay a largo portion of the running expenses. Those wishing 10 en. in the business would do well to call and examine themselves. GILL & WATSON. Frankfort, Sept. 12 If. Yeoman copy if. FaU Styls of Hats. S Hayes, Craig dtCo's and Oakford's, "Premium'" naimiuuiecrarecictne b . s. call and see them. la Sept. 10. , H. EVAKS. STILL GREATER ATTRACTIONS GODEY S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1856. t Volume: The Pioneer HaynxLno! liiTo t. ,7 "ie v ' A.a.ej 111 America l, rlLHfctais Wagaiiaelstakonln a house, other i tl wanted, astt compromises all that oould be o btaln. c" "J g mrce otner .Uagailncs. New Features for 1856. A and very interesting atorv will be commenced J'Euarv, by Marion Harlaad, author of "Alone," and HIdt.cn Path," two novels that have crettad an immense sensation in the Ulerarv world. Also .Miss VlrglniaF.TownsendwlU..nmmn(j.ln rHo Tt.. ruary number a tv'ouvelleue, which we know will strong- Stories by an English Authoress, how to make Wax Flowers and Fruits. with graving. llie urse and the Nursery. How to make a .bonnet. Troubles of an Lngltsh Housekeeper. ue Anoi Mtuvi-oin- nowerstrom Nature. With en- gravings To be copied bythe learner on paper to be Maternal counts toa Daughter Deslnged to aid hei in tne caroof her health, the improvement of Lcr mind. and me cultivation ot herhean. .New styto of iiiumtcating Windows and Lamp Shades. Poetrv a.'.d Historv of FlnrerRl nir. 11 itttMTAl' ol 1, for tho Ladies, and where they come from, wtthongrav- - i his Is ooly giving an idea of our intentions for 185e Aevf designs of interest to the ladies are springing ur everyday; we shall avail ourselves of everything thai can interestthem. Infact,"Oodev's Ladv's B'ook," will possess the interest of any other throe magazines. In addition to the above will be continued in each No. uoueys spiemilUMleel engravings. One hundred pages of reading. Godey's challenge Fashion Plates. In this as in every other department, e dely rivalry or imitation. Kiiibroider"P'".uems- - Any quantity of thorn are given .Model Cottftgos. Dress makitu;, wlih diagrams to cut by. Dress jauerni Infant's and Children Drcusos All fcin'ioi l. roenct and .Netting vtork Cloaks, ilauteieu. li'inas. Co..ars, Cliemiseas, Under Sleeves, Bonnets. Window Curtains, Broderto Angialse Suppers, Caps. Ciosks, Eveuing Drosses, fancy Articles, hond Dresses. Hair Dressing, llobcsfor Jiignt and iloining, Carria urcsses, enual liresses, w reams. lantlllas. Walkinc Dresses, Riding Habits, Boy's Clothing. Capes ami "",u' r"i iu acesuii. i,rocuei anu .vetting work, printed In colors. DRAWING LESSOSS for Vonth. innne.iim. r,,.u S3 worlhls given every year; the Nurse and the Nursery! with full instructions: Godey's Invaluable P.ecipesupon We wouldadvise all w ho Intend u subscribe to send in wieir oruera soon, ror i: we do not make duplicate ste reotyt oiaies.it will be difficult to unnr.i. tlu. riBmon,) Weespect onrlistfor ISrewill roach l(u,u00copios. The best plan of subscribing lsto send vour money direct to the publisher. Those who send large amounts had bet. ter send drafts, but notes will answer if drafts connot be procured. Letters had better be registered it onlv costs live centn extra, and their safe reception Is insured. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE One copy cine year, S3. Two coplesono yearns. Three wail's one jear, o. rive copies one vear, and extra copy to the person sendingthe club, making six copies 510. Eight copies one year, and an extra copv to the per sonsending the club, making nine copies, 15. Elovon copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making twelve coDies, SvU JLjThe above l'orms cannot be deviated from, uo matter how many are ordered. Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Magazine both one year for S4 50. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine both one year for S3 50. The money must be alt sent at one time for any of the Clubs. )TJf Additions of one or roop to clubs are received at clul) prices. yrrA Specimen or Specimens will be sent direct to anvrriMniaster making the request. 11 j- - t cuumwayssuppiy uacK numbers for tho vear, as tne worK 13 sterootvped. Subscribers in llie lirltisu Proviucea. .A ho suid for ciubs. must remit 36 cents extra on every ur..,,ur, uj jjuv ui iiiocnHQ pOSlCge 10 UiC lines. .Iddress, L. A. GODET, No. 113,Clie.stnut street, Philadelphia. CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSEXESS, BE0.CHITIS,WB00PIXC-C01JG- H, CROUP, ASTHMA, AXD COXSCMPTION. Among the numerous discoveries Science has made i this generation to facilitate the business of life Increase its enjoyment, and oven prolong tie term of human ex istence, none can be named of more real value to man kind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the Healing Art. A vast trial of Its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or ooiubluatioo of medicines yet known, can so surely con- - rot and cure the numerous varictie of pulmonary diaeaae w hich have hitherto swept from our midst thousandsand thousands every year. Indeed, there la now abundant reason to believe a Remedy has at length been found whiohcanbe relied on, to cure the most dangerous affeo-ttoo- a of tha luui'S. Our space here will not permit uatn publish any proportion ofthe cures affected by Its use, but we wouid present the following) end refer further enquiry to my Amorlcau Almanac, which the agenbbelow named, will always be pleased to furnish free, wtereio are full particulars, and indisputable proof of those Jtale- - laeuu. Offieo of Transportation,! Laurens K. R. S. C Aus-- 4. iSi3.1 J. C.Ater. Dear Sir, ily little sou, four years old has just recovered from a severe attack of malignant Scarlet Fever, his throat was rotten, and evory person tliatvUitodhliu.pronouncedhlin adead child. Hav-ln- i used your Cherry Pectoral In California, tn the winter I o: L?oD,ior a severe attack ol Bronchitis, wltheutiresu cess, I was Induced to try it on mv little bov. ! v him a every three hours, commencing In I the moralng, and by lea o'clock at night. I found adecl- - '(j" " ww.i, HUM NMI bUIW US), USC, U wasabie toeatordrink without pain. ltause in the above named disease will save many a premature grave, and reiievethe anxiety of manyafond parent. Forali affjotlousof theTnroataad Luljjs, I belitre it the best medicine extant. A feeiing giuuvuuc, muuipu ibo ii auureaiing yon these lines. but for your important discovery, mv Little bey would now have been in another world. I am yours, with great respect, J. D. POWELL. Supt Trans., L. II. K. Rock Hill,(Suaimerset Co.,) N. J., July21. 1852. J.O. AvER.-Sl-nce your medicine Las been known hei-3- , it has a greater demand than any othar oough I remedywe have oversold. It is spoken of In terms of y.u,u.i,u r:,igc u. uuuso wuo nave USOd It, aDO I know of some cases where the bast Libv unm nf il I is not too much for the good it has done. I lake pleasure In selling it, because I know that I am giving my cus- tomers the worth of their money, anu I feel gratlSed in seeing the benefit it confers. Plesse send me a further supplv. and bolleve tne Yours, with respoct, JOHN C. WHITLOCK. P. S. Almoetany number of certificates can be sent you, if you wish iL Winsor, C. VV., June 26, 1852. J. C. AVER. Sir: Tills may certify triat T hn,- - iuj yourCHERRV Pectoral for upwards of one year, and it lyru iwia. mj.iuwi, iwuci uiai i snouiu nave oeeun mv grave ere this lime if I had no(. It has cured me of a danger- ous aflection of the lungs, and I do not ovorstaiemy convlfiions when I toiiyou II is priceless remedy. Yours very respectfully, D. A. McCUH.iN, Attorney at Law. Wllksbane. Pa., September 23, 1850. Dr. J. (.. Akre. My dear Sir, Your medicine Is much approved of by those who have used lu oomposliion Is such astoinsureaod maintainits reputation. I Invariably recommend it for pulmonary affections as do many of our political physicians. I am your friend. CHAS.STREATJK,M.a Prepared by J. C. A LR, Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold by J. M Mills, Frankfort; Dr. Cloak, Ver sallies; .Vm. Wilson, Mortonsvllle; J. Dedman, renceburg; J. L. ELUngwood, Shelbyvule, and by AgenU every town in Kentucky. Dec. 5,1855 woitwSaj.' Nurserymen, Fniit Growers & Fancora. THE NEW YORK HORTICULTURAL REVIEW: A JOCR.VAL OF 8CECRBA3T ART. SCPERBLY A.yD PltOFCSELY ILLUSTRATES- - Devoted to Die Advancement ol tue Kuxai Uu esis lu America. rp.HIS Is oDeo'tiie largest and mosteiabsrate worts o' X the kind in the worid. K'j.ral Arciiitectur8 forms one of tae principal features. Each number contains from two to four ongravinjjs a. model coltajes, from designs by eminent and aililVi. architects. Sptca Is aico assigned to the tasteful an o. Landscape Gardening; engraved plant of gardens in every etj is, and adapted to the pecuiiarltiea of aiSecw .r. oruei-- of arciiitecture, beautify the work. Engravings of new fruits, new fiowcra, new vegetables, &C, are Illustrated and described as soon a tholr qualities can be determined, forming the moot complete and elegant Xanual of Kurul Husbandry ever attempted. An experienced corps of practical writers, veo la number, are engaged to flli iu columns. It oontaias seventy large pages, and is printed on Ilia Snest d paper, manufactured expreniy. i erms i per annum, payable invariably In advance Fifty cents oommltsioa on each subscriber allowed to these who act asagents. gl.wxiwlil be distributed attlw end of tue year among those who send us the tweutv largos', lists of aaoscribers. Those premiums wlU bi paid iu cash. The first premium will be $500. Ihe folioivlng ara selected from hundreds of slmiiar uolices, voluntarliy contributed bv contamporaneou " pubiicatlons: The Hort.'Ccltcral Eavtitv dejarves the most libera patronage. It Is not oniy eminentiy praotlal, but is written lu a style that equals the best eflorts of the late A J. Downing. Knickerbocker. The most elegant and useful book of the kind that hits ever come under our observation. Register. Mr. Beagles, the Editor of the Kcrticcltcrai lsa practical pomologist, and one oftheflnest scholars our country boasts of. lie possesses the giowtng daacrip tive powers ofDickens, the elegant gossip ol VValpoi.'. combined with a thorough knowledge of rural art Saf Police TYiliime. Farmers, buy it for yoursor.s buy It for your daugh ters. It is a rich intellectual treat; rare ootabiusuo:: of the beautiful and the useful. Jirrus, jV. y. We had thought thatin Downing!. sdcala,theeux:ue;a advocate of rural adornment had become onlya cherish ed remembrance; but in Mr. licogles we discover equally rich mine of mental wealth, that betokens of the spirit that Is gone Mmtrosc Trwvn. Advertisers will find this an unsurpassed medium o publicity, astho Horticcltural Review olrouhuosex tensively in every State in the Union. Advertisement inserted at the rate of 10 per page. WOOD ENGRAVING. Ihosc requiring Wood Engravirj(;, can have ttejr orders executed in an unrivalled manner. Specudattn rin Isgiven to views of ANIMALS; an experienced English Draughiinan Iscucagcd for this express purpose. Persons livingat a distance can forwarda daguerreotviK-- . ofthe object mail they wish engraved, which wllf guide to obtain a perfect ac-- j trail, stocl: Breeders will be dealt with on very liberal terms. Our Exchange List is already vervlarpa. A fnrthw extension is not desired, unless publishers are willing to give the above advenisoment several insertions in then respective papers. Agricultural Books can be furnished on evory use ful subject, from both Enfdlsh and American n.nnh.hnr by enclosing to our address the prico oftho book rcauir' ed. Specimen copies will be forwarded on tho receipt . 18 els. in posl.-ig- s'.nmps. C. REAGLF.S, PTdilUher, 2U8 Broadway, New York. Dec 111, 155 C m. ATHENjEUM FIRE I INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. Authorised Capital . . . 810,000,00; REVERtNCKS tN T 111 UOCLrilU. Atwooo A: Co., ,0iN Farkusi, John Gp.ioo, Georoe A. Stoaiit, Myers, Clauhokn & Co. vvM. M'Gee, dt Co I OWLIts & WtioUTMAN, WhitcStBFHSM t 'j. Agent for the United Statos FREDERICK. RATCHFOKD STAHrt t ni'.ed states Branch OSico, No. o, South Fourth sl Philadelphia. Agent for Covington, Kv P. s. BUSH, Cornerof Madison and CooperatrotA. insuresthrou'rhout the Sijiri. Will f., s.i plications upon request. " ; Nov. 3il, J55 11. HOME. INSURANCE COMPANY new yoas, OF PICK o. 4, WALL 8HBKT CASH CAP1TVL, !5J0O,GlJ Ol AJl'T OF ASob'i'S Jnue 30. '3."S. 747,973 44 A.MOr.M' OF LI VUH.l 1 li;s, 63,077 in This Company continues to Insure Buildings, .Yercbah .up, mi viianu iueircurgoes, Household Fur- niture and personal property generally, aaiut loss or Damage bv Fire, on lavomhi I..,..,. I.iKf Equitably Adjusted and Proiuj,U i ;iu. H. WINGATE, Agcut, Aug. JV, lb55. Frankfort . LIFE INSURANCE. MUTUAL BENEFIT. Ohio Lite iusurnnce Company, of Cauc1iaiaU ' Ohio. CAPITAL STOCK, - - - . ifuirir.i- ALL PAID JSV j?JVD HFrrrnrn rviHE undersigned having been appointed Ag'outforth. J- - alove Company, is prepared to receive pronosiUoni lor Insurance at his efflce iu this citv. Pif,i,V. tairungtho rates of premium, and full information la re- - uuon io tue l is u ran oo, are furnished free of charce. Das. Sneec dt Rodman. Agout Medical Examiners. Feb. 2D, ItsSsL FIEE AND MAEINE IN3UEANCE. Ha dim jFtiver insnrance CompODy, f lV&te-for- tew ior.s Capital $300,000 Cash Capital $200,000! THE uadersUjaoJ having boon appointed Agent to tha Company, Li prepared to insure ail prooeru such as is usually insured in the city of and vicinity, and noon sainmentA of TAbirnAi o. duce, upou as lair terms as any other responsible otaoe. TTPOffice near tha Cojrt Houai Eatisfactory references will n unoc anniirjiiu.. as to the solvency of this Company. J. C. KERNDOK, Fob. 20, 135 tf. AAjeut. SAMUEL'S IN EW ESTABLISHMENT HENRY SAMUEL, Barbir and Hair DsEsata, is ban lniorm his friends and tha nnsi.,. c., i,v. again established in comlortabie and com mradious roosns anu ready to attend to ail who may give him a cUi is in the building of Coi. Kogpa, Su Clair street. He solicits nubile natron ara. ,n,rnt... thathisold friendsand customers espocially, who neurosi ized him before the late flro, will nownud their wai back to his shop Jiarcu la, xe,'. flTITLDT? F,T'S OJLUlUliNO to clothe had better csll earlv. ..v w Mia jrei sept. !. 155. J3HN M. TCDD. Sundries. UTAILS. BlickeL.. T..l-,-. Cigars, Tobaoeo. 11 Cans, Sardines, Powder, Lead, Shot. Pennr ki Candles Soap, la.ligo.Table Salt. CraekoraiiBS: Ing, ore. otc. Aug.iS. If55. v. H. KEEN'. Dissolution of u.maan r. vv. lx. having dissolve,' " Pnnership. the business of the firm will be seitlod up. Either of the partners are authorized name of the Srm in settlement, and to secure lajj due the Arm. TllOSRWhn ilntrn s n.- - r. ., . presentihem to F. W. Knight for navment. JuneK, 1B55 tf. CRAUi iz KNIOHT. Flour. T " A 11 Ju9t received a small lot of FALL JtKD 1 TER CLOTHiJVQ FOR CHILDREN, oonslstingol r .i-'A"- , UVCKLuAiiJ, JACKETS SUSPENDERS, GLOVES. Ac. Tkn.....hAi,,.-..i.ra- . .' a fe. Law. 2 a (by ir-- uave in store twenty barrels extra fln FarellA Fall Style Hats.. : ."" !ndLT:ClTed, Betb' Co' FllStyle Hats.' Caii - vv.ia. TODD.

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Page 1: TEE DAILY COMMONWEALTH,nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hv66z/data/0065.pdf · icreon. We will aliow Interest ou deposit, to be vrlth.irawu at pleasure, and transact whatever business is generally





tie in advance.

Tas Weskly Commonwealth, a large 12amtooth ahee', is pubHahed- everv Tuesday morn'mg at TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in advance.

Our term? tor advertisine, either la the Tri- -

vVeckly or Weekly Comraonweaith, wiii be asuoerai as in any 01 tae newspapers puoltshedUi the west.

D"A11 leltera upon business should be post-paid tj insure attention.

n n 1 r fi ti Ti n r 1 m it T Ti cill 1 o 1 i 0 1 it 1 V L Ei uOF KENTUCKY,

3y C. A. W tckliae, S. Turner, dt 8. S. .Ilcbolsa,cosijttsaroEEs Arror.-nr- by the lesijiatori:


Jasl punished and may bo obtained atTKli OFFICE, ob. at WW. M. TODD':"?





'om pubilM and fbr sal at tLe CoMMONMiini:Office, at g6 par cop;,

ft ork coiU1iaS IY.Ju nr.'i U bjcnJ la lie tataw Binding.



LOUISVILLE, KY.I F i'lCL on the East side of Sixth timet, between MarV hot and Jetiersou, near the Court House yard.

Apr'.1. 11, 1455 u.



?C7"0(Ece atSmllh, Bradley A Co., Land Agei.ts, yo

rtaadoipn street, South side, bstwee-- Clark andstreets, Chicago, til.

Sept. 14, 1855 tf.



rAVivn Tn 'si trvvrrtcKf Third Strebt, Opposite SorTH snd Cirv H.l.

W. F. practice in the Courts of Kenwu, Cauipooit, j

jriLnt, Boon, fiiii Mcholas, and the Cnurt of Appeals


FRANKFORT, KY.ufilce on St. Clair Street, with J. it V.'. i.. HnrL'in.

RUfKR TOBuMi J. J. Crittenden,ij.t. L. W. Powell, 5 Frantfoit. Ky.fcvn. James Harlan, )I avlor, Turner oi Co., liankcrs, Letinginn, Ky.G. H. Monsarrit Ol Co., Bankers. Loul'.ville, Ky.W. Tanner, Louisville, Kv.

July 23, W.3 by.




KL.VL ESTATE BROKERS..No. S9, Kandulph Street,

iAUr. us, . CHICAGO, ILL.

JOHN W. APPLEGATE,Attorney and Cornice!. or at Law .

PUBLIC, 3oJ Commiiiioner to takeN'OTAKY Actwleupmenia ot' Deeds, Mortfraes,rowers o: Attorney fur Kontdoky, lUinois, lisiou-r- l,

Indiana, arid JJew York.Office, North-Ea- comer of four'.h and WalnulSts.,

CliiciiicaU, Ohio. Jan. 11, l?iO.


Frankfort, Ky.,H7LLL pructlce Law In all the Courts held in FrankfortIt and the adjoining counties. His Office is at bis resi-

dence, Dear P. Swlgerl's, entrance on Washington 3treet.Frankfort, Feb. ifn, 1849,751-L- f.

MORTON & GRISVOLD.CootelIei, Stationert, Bindera, ond Book and

Job l'rinters, Main street, LonUvlile, Ky.,HAV coastanliy on band a complete &isorUiieiat of

Medical, Theological, Classical, School, endMiscellaneous Rooka, at low prioe3. Paper of eurydescription, quality, and price.

TTJ'CoUeKes, Schools, aud Private Libraries suppliedi.t h small advance on cost. Wholesale or Retail.

April 1, 1B5 y.



removed to East side of Sl Clair street,OFFICE Telegraph Oillce. Will practice Law in ailthe Courts held in Fianklort, and adjoinlngcourities.

Dej. 7, liu tf.


Olltce un SL. Clair Street, next boor to MonicaTelegrapb Oulce,

HTIU. prattke in all the Courts held in Frankfort, andt In Oldham, Henry, 'iriinble and Owen counties.

Oct. 23, Wi3- -

MOREHEAD FSROWNpartners iu the

PRACTICE OP LAW,atwud to ail businesa coofided to ihyu, m

U Court of AppeaLs, federal Court, and otner Ccuicswtici told thilr session at Frftukfort, Ky. Ojje orooth Oaay ahveys he foucd at their otllce, to give counselortruosict busfness. rraiikfon. Jar. fj, oy.


FRANKFORT, KY.UTiiX pructlce Law in the Courts held In FranLIn, and adjoining counties. lie wlil, us ooininUilonr

jf Lieds, take the acknowledgments of Heeds, andother writings to bo used or recorded in other states;and, as Commissioner uudertliO actof CVnress, j;t:cnd:o the talngof depositions, atHdavits, Sic.

CtEce, Federal Court Clsra s Office, Old Bank.Frhnfciort, June C, 153 by.


jFraiiklorr, Ky.5!Li. practice In ail the Courts held in 1'ranklo.ri-

?V th Anderson. Owen, Woodford, and Shelby Cir-cuit Courts and will attend to the of deot 1qiiy part of the State.6aioe on Sl CUlr street, aecond do-- r bovo the CurtjJpHe will &,u&d to tb preparation aadproseco-tlgao- t

the clairas of soldiers to bo amy land, for proper-ly lot, and for arrears of pay. as

April 1,


Saddle, Harness and Trunk Warehouse,Number Sixty-Oa- Tblrd Street,


April 0 dm. at FraniJort.


T am now receiving ruv stocked" FALL AND WINTER1 CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, consisting

Overcoats, Business Pants,Oversacks, Business Vesta,Dress Frocks, Shirts,Dres3 Pants, Under Shirt3.Dreoa Vests, Drawers,Easiness Coats, Half Hose,

Shirt Collars, &c. &c.My entire stock of Clothing was eot ud by the celeura.

ieu establishment 01 vy. 1. Jennings Sc O., JWw York,and are WARRANTED to be made in the MOST APPROVED STYLE AND MANNER.

Persons wishing: to purchase, and all others, are In.viiea to cat! ana examine my stock.

:.55. JOH.N' M. TODD.


CLOTHING EMPORIUM,earner 01 .nam and St. Clair Stic.it'



TJAVING taken the corner room in the new building ofxx air. tiatuu,uiyo openea aa entirety new stock olReady-mad- e Clothing, Furnishing Goods,

Jiats, umbrellas, &c.wtiKhttey will at than ever before offered in tms market, lhev Invite all touiey are coalident of boin able to please both in thequality LB-.- price ot their goo.t.

September 12, 1855.




HODGE3' Bl'ILDINO, ST. CLAIR ST.,Frankfort, Kentucky.

milE proprietor having purchased uoni but the beslA articles, and such as lie can warrant, hopes by strictuueu'jon to ousiness, and iitt attention to his custom-ers, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Theneed of such an establishment ha, been lone- flt in thiscin'.

.'.pril 4, 1155.

f 0 A C IT F A C T 0 R Y7


HEMING & QTJIN,f ttP constantly on liand a fine assorunont of Car-- 1

IV riages any Kind ol Carriage made to order and olthe best material. We have purchased the sole rif;tit ol

Everett's Patent Coupling,for the counties of Franklin, Anderson, Lincoln andGarrard.

iN. B. We would call tho attention of purchasers tor Storing assortmentof Carriagev

r r All wnrlr mtc itv n s warranted for one vear.April a, 15 If.

W'lLMA.it MORRIS. John j. Hampton

MOEEIS & HAMPTONHAVE ju.st opened, In the room formerly occupied by

Lampton, on Su Clair street, noxt door to Pier- -sou s comeeuonerv. a lar-- e aud well selected a.saorl- -utcntoi

BOOTaS, shoes, hats and caps.Jmt imported from the East, and eaualllnz if not ur--

passinc in variety, elepauce of staple and mewnkss, anvever before ottered In Uii? market. These anicles are!all new, having been purchased only a few days since I

iroiu me oesi rnanuiaeiurers ot ruuaaelphia and iewYork, and are warranted ot the best workmanshin anda la mode in pattern. The attention of purchasers U par- - I

AiuiAiin, lL.inu ij mu m uuriait;u a3runeni 01 Fancysnots for both ladle1 and Kentlemeu's wear, selected forsummer use, ana 10 iiieir supero stoct ol hats, of everyshape and hue, from the recherche white silk ventilatedneaa-piec- as ngliT., rial and poetic as a faints dream,to the woolen skull-ca- or a SrO cent straw bat. Their I

StOCb oi

BOOKS ANO STATIONERYis larfje and well selected. The public are Invited tocan anu examine ins siock or koous, ana if they desireto purchase now and good articles, will uo doubtflodlltneir aavamace.

Frankfort, .March Wi- if.


JOHN L. MOORE & SON..1 lit now receiving at their New Store Rooms, Main

iL sireet,an unusually large stock or new style

STAPLE & FANCY GOODSin great variety. AlsoCarpetings, Hoots, Shoes, iiats, Caps

Bonnets, Queeiisware, Giassware,Gun ., ir., A.C.,

All at the lowest rates. aus. 31, lc55.

Frankfort Normal Scliool for Soys,FRANKFORT, KY.

rptiE Bext Session of this Institution will open on the I

X second jlnoctv ot ner'tember, tn the room formcrloccupied by Dr. Hensleyasan office, on Ann street. Justaouiu ot .nam. i union per session ot sso weeks ashere- -

tofore.in the primary, Junior, and sanior departments,fio, 71.1 ana respectively.

SIUSEV WILBUR.Fept. 1, 1P55 v,'itw3m.



BANKERS.UTE have this day opened an OiSce in the city of Lex-is li.gton, for the purpose of trasAeetiatf

A t.eneral Hanking, xcliRiige: and Col-lecti- ns

Business- -

e are at all times prepared to check upon the prtn-ip-

cities of the United Slates, and to make collectionsicreon. We will aliow Interest ou deposit, to be vrlth

.irawu at pleasure, and transact whatever business isgenerally connected with private bankiuf;.

Approved paper can be cached at any time duringomce hours, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Oct. 22, lssi. I

.i i



U1S operunous on the Teoth will be direct! by aknowledge, both of Surgery and Medicine;

u.is uciag uic ouij saic guide to UQitorm success. From I

iiAu uo w unaoieu io operate witn tar less paia to the i,

void of danger. All work warranted; the workmanship will show for itself. Talis v.lil bo thankfullyre' ri,

JOfficc, at his residence on Main streer.Frankfort, .May 27, 1KV

BOOTS AND SHOES.AVE a splendid stock of the above goods for Ladles,

Gentlemen. Children, and Servants, which I will selllow as any house in Frankfort. Call and examine be-

fore ynu purchase at HUMPHREY EVAN'SNov. 21, 1S55. Shoe and Book Store.

Cologr.es, Perfumery, Toilet, Soap, &c.FINE assortment of Colognes, Perfumery, ToiletA Soapand Toysof all varieties.

December 7. V. S. WEST & CO.

TTTOOL HAT A.D CAF8 for Secroej, very low atvV hUMPHHSY EVAN'S.Hor. SL She an4 Book Store.

Dissolution. '

THE heretofore under the stvfirm Of Todd A-- Gonilwin. in 1, rnnCi-lln-

and Grocen' business, was dissolved thisday bv rautu;consent.

All those indebted to the late firm, are requested tocomo forward and tnalte payment, and those havingclaims against the Arm will please present them for set-tlement. H. L. ratlr. frntr the.Either one of the Ilrm is authoruod 10 use the name ofuie crm in setuig account'.

DARNEV TODD,Aug. i. 'is, Aug. 15. HUGH L. GOODWIN.




FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY.T7EEPS constmtlv on hand a full seleption nf r r.niw.IV llonerles, Toys, Fancy Articles, and Groceries,where he wil be pleased to see his old friends and custom-e. Aug. 15, 1855 If.

BOOK BINDING.A f ' . r ui

"VA - frir,,i. f .....;V!A that bavin; regained his health, he hat Durchased back from A.

Ji.- - a G. Hodges the blnderv sold to

fa'w ..wvcumci .usi, ana win; five bis whole HUer.tinn to hs

management tie respectfuKv eoticits a continuBne 01tnepatronsze heretofore eiteaded to the establishment.ilr tttitKi will be furnisned with RECORD

ijwwiva ru.ca to anv nattcrn. and or the veiv hpet i.ty of paper.

ir? BLANK BOOKS ofmi.u at mult uyncw, iw uruer, on rctfionaoie terais.

TT75" Bindery at the old staaU, over Harlsns Lawvmce. rant fort- - Juiv 31. lr-rr-ut- f.



FRANKLIN DOUSEFRANKFORT. KY. .returned to mv former Tavero Bland, atHa South end of the Bridto. 1 have fitted u un r.l

now have it in good order, to accommodate any wholuiiv HiYour me w,iu a call, l rttveiers. traiment n. inr.anu ooaruers may rely on all e.tro being taken to rcndertiiem comfortable.

A few Members of the Legislature can find comforta- -

me ano quiet ooardine during the coming ... .inn. nt.jin ail cases my bills will be moderate.

i have also attached a good stable and c::rofuI ostler.K. T. i'oLEMA.N.

.Nov. P, 1855 3m. Yeoman copv.

MANSION HOUSE.Corner ol Main ami St. CInir Sircem.

r KA.NKr Uii T . K.Y.iliiih undersigned would notiry- his friends and the1 nubile thnt hp li., mh.il tin. i.,t..vE,

of . T. Luckelt in this old established and well knownHotel, and will continue to entertain the public In thebest manner that the markets. &.Q.. will ailow. He hnsengaged the services of his Wm. K. Tavlor,who iswell known to a largo portion of the travelingoomiuunny, as a man ol business, and who will havecuarge 01 tneottice. fie asks the patronage or the pub1e and will endeavor to doserve it.


i'oroer of Broadway and Adu klretm,r KANKr ORT. KY.

ij'HE underslfrncd having ir.ken this well know n homei (lateiy occupied by .Hr. D. MeriweiuerJsolicits a sliare of the public natronarc. and bv close attention to business, and koeplug such n house as thisheretofore has been, v, ill emleavorto merit the confidence01 me traveling community.

June 1H, lo55 If. J. K. WASSO.Y


GAINES & PAGE.II At EJust received a large stock of Kail and interIJl boods, or every dcscrinllon. Ca I and evamie be- -tore purchasing elsewhere, as small nrotits aridnuickaalesis our motto.

In addition to our lare stock of goods wo have onhand a largo supply oi ItaLs and Caps, w hich wo " illsell at reduced prices.

September 10, 1855.



PRO T E ST ANT ADV OCATE.proposed to publish in the City of Jackson, a semi-

monthly periodical under the above title, in pamphlet.iu, savii uuiuugt uuiiiaiuiii aoout linny-lw- o paes.

Tho struggle between Katlve Americanism and the do-minion of Foreigners, between Popery and Protestant-Ism- ,

is in its infancy. It must be continued until forwignInfluence and Popery shall have crashed lieroocracyand the freedom of conscience, er Democracy and theright to worship God according to the dictates of the on.science of each man and woman shall be dually secured.Luther and his associates went through a fearful struggleto achieve the reformation. We are now engaged in thesame struerle. to continue and confirm to ir.itn. nAiii;..aiand religious liberty. Wo have been as men in fanciedsecurity, sleeping around a volcano, the lava silentlyrising and about to overwhelm them btore theyare con-scious of the impending danger. Securely reposing inthe enjoyment of our political and religious freedom,popery and foreigners have silently gained strength,until those who have lnvostig-ate- the subject see thatthe danger must be averted, now, or never. A few yearsmore ot inactivitvand all Is Inst. W wKh tothe people from this dangerous apathy, by Laying beforethem well authontlcatod facts, whereby each Individualcan Judge for himself. We propose to avoid everythingbut calm, decorous and fair reasoning from true p'remis- -

w9,buu w inflva ueiure tuc community me materials, withlmparLiallly: facts as Uiev are and hava ln win, ,hevidences of their authenticity.

I he periodical will be edited trratu1tnu.lv hv .,m.mlttca composed alike of Democratsand WhioY .,,! nfchristians of each sect in our country, that the public may

a.ou.auv, uia, i, i. idiny auu impartially conduct-ed. The price, Two Dollars oer annum. navkiiiR on ihdelivery of the first number, which will issue so soon asone thousand subscribers are obtained, and the namesforwarded. If a surplus fund remain, it will be appro-ate- d

to distribute gratuitously amongst the lodges, pa-pers for circulation. Act promptly, friends of freedom,and forward subscriptions, directed to "The Eiecu-liv- e

Committee of American IPartv."Miss. '

of.November, 19, 1355.

STRANGE DEVELOPMENTSCIENTIFIC Men are daily bringing to light new

the march of progress is onward; per-sons Baxd, or becoming so, will be pleased to learn thatScience and long research combined, have hrnnrri,. k.fore the public the greatest wonber or the age. in thearticleof EMERSON'S AMERICAN HAJ.K RESTORA-TIVE, a sure cure for Baldness, and to nrev: ri,'- -from falling. See circulars, to be had of Agent.

;,' ; Agent.

L. K. Fisher oi Co.. Proprietors.No. 57, Superior it.. I'Uvotrn.t f,

May 3, 1851 tf.

r,' r r n .Au uwu"s OI WBOlgia i,ann

UA'Uu associated myseil with w. c. Nesbit. ofit mtwesvuie, ivy-- , wiouueurm iands on nnmmi..aion at Drivate sale, we oLrer our Aervi.-- in ..,.'rsuch lands, and to act as ageuti to proiect tue siuie fromtax sales and freudulentriiles.

Owners living out of the State are continually losingtheir lands by tax aaies or intruders under false titles,and it is the Interest of owne s .0 havo i.n atreut in tueState to protect their lands.

C. EDWARDS,Macon, Georgia.

. C. NESBIT,Itawesville, Ky.

itErCREN' ES.Gov. II V. Jouxson, Mliildgcvlile Ga.:

Holt, Macon. Ga.; Coi. 1. T. Watx Tl , ,,' A,March 19. 1S5;

-. .... GAS FIXTURES.Ke...ahai oi CO., lexixotox, Kv., beg lea

citizens of Frankfort t'iiat tliev , . m.Ahand a large stock of GAS Fi VrCRtS, iDoiuding fi 54, and3iight Chandeliers, 2 and I lirht n..n.i.. 'ri.'

lorn au single cracKS, urop Ac anfactured bv Messrs. Cornoilus. P.A-tr- r oi.,a,. Millphin, and will be so'.d as low as they can bo had West oflPhiladelphia and put up, if desired, in the best manner., -- uuiu aiso oo pieaseu io Kl . jipi; (n slore3 gapedwellings, or public houses, on the best possible terms forhaving superior workmen now engaged In the buinesilor us in Lexington. We p.sk a call.

KENNARD & CO.Alwavs on band, a large stock of CARPETING

GOODS, PAPER HANGINGS, and' PIANOOFTTES tot sale on reasonable terms. K 4roLexington, Jan. 4, 1S54 tf.

TODD'S BOOKSTORE,No. K Swigert's Row, St. Clair Street,


I HAVE had tue above named etabltshment naUyand have Just received my FALL aud WIA'TER


Books, Stationery, Eoots, Shoea. HatR,Cap3, &c, &c,

Whlcn prions vrtsulngto purchase would do neil tocaliandexamlne before buvlDg elsewhere, as I am deter-mined to sell upon as favorable terms as auy other houseinthocltv.

Oct. J4, 1S55.' wjj. TODD.

Baoka! Eooks!!MV stock is unusually large, consisting lu part ol Law,

Literary, .Miscoilaneous, Stellslons, ot SetBooks. Cail and examine them.Oct. 24. W. M. TODD.

Hata and Caps.; S. A 1VKGE supply, of every variety, quality and'a& ?l. ' furGon''emen, Boys, and Chiidreu, can be

Lad I v calling onw- - w. it. Tc.ri.

Eoots and Shoes.m S0R Misses, Gentiemen,5. rouicsand cuuaren, of every quality i.i&2&

anu paiiers, can be nrocure l at the w9ll knownof

Oct. 2!. M. TODD.


VEt;V tbluga person wsintsintheStiitinceiTlioo, canbe had of

Oct. V'. M. TODD.

Cutitrv and Sciisor.t osieakoim's and Crook's Cutlery and Scis-sors, a nei! and wail selected ..:nr!:np,t dine,;..

hand at- J4' VV. TODD-S- .

Wall Paner.A

N eif;-an- t aisortLijent, of ever? s!".t ajd pattern, ciibe ljud bv calliDLr-- on

Oct. fii. U. M. TODD.

Umbrellas and Canes.,l GOOD lot of Umbrellas and Canes, can !

iY wuys be found at' 4. V. M. TODD'S.

IttatheniaUcal Instruments.Iy.OMiiie well known stal.twhrocnt of McAl!i-!- r

laic b'. .0c'. 21. w. M. TODD.



FRt.NRFOHT. KY..ARE now receivlt.K their usual large and splendid sup-nl- v

of Faucv and Ktai.l. Knit nH u ini.. Kh.GoodA, also new style Bilk and Straw Buimeta, a largeastortuicnt of Mats, Boots and Shoea, and furnishinggood?, Carpets, Oil Clotn, die, G!a.ss and iueensware,all which they will sell low for cash or to nromnt navinircustomers on the usual time. Thev invite all to cbracand examine their slock, e.:rluinly the most general andcomplete that can be found in this citv.

ept. 14, 1S55 3m.


I'EN'TII ST. BETWEEN MAIN AND THE RIVER,Louisville, Ken tuck v..

Steam Envines for Grist, Saw. andSugar Mills, Gudgeons, Cranks. SDur Wheels. Seg

ments lor CotDn Gin Wheels, Hotchktss' Keaction Wa-ter Wheels; a general assortment of wrought and cast..un w ort, ccc.

!f!PJ flier from a 'll receive promntal-uiiou- .

Feb. 1'.', 155 if.

NEW BUSINESS.HL uudersigucd has takeu the third room from the

. corner of Ann street on Main street, in J. H. HA.N- -A'S Block of Buildings, forthe purpose of trauaacUugaJEI:RAL iCCTIO. A.D COM.MisSlG.V i

tiCril.VKSS.He w ill also connect with the said business an

AGEICULTUEAL DEPOT.where may be found all the latest tmoroveincuts inAgricultural linpiiinents, as well as all descriptions of:eus required bv larmers in this vicinity. He hopes

is enterprise Will rtceUe the prifrfiuminient nf tlfarming community, ut.cn whom be deoends forthsuccess of. this branch of his busiucss.

Consignmeoti of Merchnndise at Aucuoo orprivAte'sale arc solicited.

Jan. )'J, 1;55 if. SAM. C. SAYRfcS.


TATE & 0 H I N N .

HAYfc opened lu Bacon's new building on Main striet,stock of

Fall and Winter Drv Goodsf even' description, whichthey are determined toseliprices wnicu cannot lail to suit. Their stock is one ofeflutstever brought to the tatv. and selei-in.- i wlthr,

clal reference to tho wants of this community. They In-vite all thelrfnends and the public In general to givethem a call and examine their etock.

Sep 14, 1S55 if.


ST. CLAIR AND WAPPIN3 8TREITS,Frankfort, Kentucky.

S now receivinvalaie ana choice aiAOitmem of Gro-ceries, ULuea, Lluuore. dcc.whl.Ji h wllisellat

eery small profits for cash, or to prompt customers onusual terms. Ills stock is perhaps tho largest In the city,and every article of the bcstquality that can be surceas-ed. Call, examine, end beconvinced.

Aug. 24, lsii.


ing, St. Clair street, will be sold at extremely low pri-ces, order to close the concern. Thsrelsa fine stoik

ready-mad- e

Clothing, Underwear, &c,which will bo sold very low for CASH, as the businessmust be closed.

All persons indebted to the Arm are requested to comeforward within sLxty days and settle up, and those havingclalrcsapalnitusw!!! pleaje present them Immediately.

SOLOMON WEUJLK,Oct. 19, 1855. CHAS. 3. GET.

FINE LIQUORS.HALF pipe superior (extra) old Pele Otard Brandy;

pipe superior old Pale Otard Braudy;.SI P'p Hue Pale Brandv, F. lioolns tk Co.:Si plpa Hue Pale Brandy, Girard;t pipe fine London Dock Brandy;S cask old .Madeira Wine;

' i casks Howard, March Co., Madeira Wlr a;X cask Howard, March 6c Co., Madeira;

cask Howard, March dt Co., Madeira.3 v, casks Pale Shern- Wine;

cast eld Scotch Whisky;2 casks old Port Wlue;

3 cases, (26 bottles) Stiil Catawba;4 cases (48 bot'.iesj Sparkling CaiiKt..

SO basnets (Keidsick; Champagne;4 baskets (Great western) Champagne.4 baskets (Ducal Grape) Champagne;

12 baskets (assorted brands) Champagne.5 bbls. superior old Whisky;

3d bbls. superior 3 year old Whisky;:u oois. superior a year old vvnisky. On baud and

lor'aIe ?.? r1"61' i'oa "a Kla"; bv.GRAY Si TODD.

STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE.THE I NDEr.slGNED intending to leave the State i,

prlvatesale tbelr Kleam Sew 11U. sltn.i,tmill" riOV.-- Pl'inVfnr, , ... r. nf n.( ...

tnched.The Mill has one uiri?ht saw with iaih sjiw, atmi,.,!

OI iuv mitji iiu pi oe uiirii'.s anu iu good order, i Ueis well located with a ood run of custom. The

iaths, for which there is a great demand, will pay a largoportion of the running expenses. Those wishing 10 en.

in the business would do well to call and examinethemselves.

GILL & WATSON.Frankfort, Sept. 12 If. Yeoman copy if.

FaU Styls of Hats.S Hayes, Craig dtCo's and Oakford's, "Premium'"

naimiuuiecrarecictne b . s. call and see them. laSept. 10. , H. EVAKS.



t Volume: The Pioneer HaynxLno!liiTo t. ,7 "ie v ' A.a.ej 111 Americal, rlLHfctais Wagaiiaelstakonln a house, other itl wanted, astt compromises all that oould be o btaln.

c" "J g mrce otner .Uagailncs.

New Features for 1856.A and very interesting atorv will be commencedJ'Euarv, by Marion Harlaad, author of "Alone," and

HIdt.cn Path," two novels that have crettad an immensesensation in the Ulerarv world. Also

.Miss VlrglniaF.TownsendwlU..nmmn(j.ln rHo Tt..ruary number a tv'ouvelleue, which we know will strong-

Stories by an English Authoress,how to make Wax Flowers and Fruits. withgraving.llie urse and the Nursery.How to make a .bonnet.Troubles of an Lngltsh Housekeeper.ue Anoi Mtuvi-oin- nowerstrom Nature. With en-

gravings To be copied bythe learner on paper to be

Maternal counts toa Daughter Deslnged to aid heiin tne caroof her health, the improvement of Lcr mind.and me cultivation ot herhean.

.New styto of iiiumtcating Windows and Lamp Shades.

Poetrv a.'.d Historv of FlnrerRl nir. 11 itttMTAl' ol 1,

for tho Ladies, and where they come from, wtthongrav- -

i his Is ooly giving an idea of our intentions for 185eAevf designs of interest to the ladies are springing ureveryday; we shall avail ourselves of everything thaican interestthem. Infact,"Oodev's Ladv's B'ook," willpossess the interest of any other throe magazines.

In addition to the above will be continued in each No.uoueys spiemilUMleel engravings.One hundred pages of reading.Godey's challenge Fashion Plates. In this as in every

other department, e dely rivalry or imitation.Kiiibroider"P'".uems- - Any quantity of thorn are given.Model Cottftgos.Dress makitu;, wlih diagrams to cut by.Dress jauerni Infant's and Children Drcusos All

fcin'ioi l. roenct and .Netting vtork Cloaks, ilauteieu.li'inas. Co..ars, Cliemiseas, Under Sleeves, Bonnets.Window Curtains, Broderto Angialse Suppers, Caps.Ciosks, Eveuing Drosses, fancy Articles, hond Dresses.Hair Dressing, llobcsfor Jiignt and iloining, Carriaurcsses, enual liresses, w reams. lantlllas. WalkincDresses, Riding Habits, Boy's Clothing. Capes ami

"",u' r"i iu acesuii. i,rocuei anu .vetting work,printed In colors.

DRAWING LESSOSS for Vonth. innne.iim. r,,.uS3 worlhls given every year; the Nurse and the Nursery!with full instructions: Godey's Invaluable P.ecipesupon

We wouldadvise all w ho Intend u subscribe to send inwieir oruera soon, ror i: we do not make duplicate stereotyt oiaies.it will be difficult to unnr.i. tlu. riBmon,)Weespect onrlistfor ISrewill roach l(u,u00copios. Thebest plan of subscribing lsto send vour money direct tothe publisher. Those who send large amounts had bet.ter send drafts, but notes will answer if drafts connot beprocured. Letters had better be registered it onlv costslive centn extra, and their safe reception Is insured.

TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCEOne copy cine year, S3. Two coplesono yearns. Three

wail's one jear, o. rive copies one vear, and extracopy to the person sendingthe club, making six copies510. Eight copies one year, and an extra copv to the personsending the club, making nine copies, 15. Elovoncopies one year, and an extra copy to the person sendingthe club, making twelve coDies, SvU

JLjThe above l'orms cannot be deviated from, uomatter how many are ordered.

Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Magazine both oneyear for S4 50.

Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazineboth one year for S3 50.

The money must be alt sent at one time for any of theClubs.

)TJf Additions of one or roop to clubs are received atclul) prices.

yrrA Specimen or Specimens will be sent direct toanvrriMniaster making the request.

11 j-- t cuumwayssuppiy uacK numbers for tho vear,as tne worK 13 sterootvped.

Subscribers in llie lirltisu Proviucea..A ho suid for ciubs. must remit 36 cents extra on every

ur..,,ur, uj jjuv ui iiiocnHQ pOSlCge 10 UiC lines..Iddress, L. A. GODET,

No. 113,Clie.stnut street, Philadelphia.

CHERRY PECTORAL,For the rapid Cure of




COXSCMPTION.Among the numerous discoveries Science has made i

this generation to facilitate the business of life Increaseits enjoyment, and oven prolong tie term of human existence, none can be named of more real value to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the HealingArt. A vast trial of Its virtues throughout this broadcountry, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine orooiubluatioo of medicines yet known, can so surely con- -

rot and cure the numerous varictie of pulmonary diaeaaew hich have hitherto swept from our midst thousandsandthousands every year. Indeed, there la now abundantreason to believe a Remedy has at length been foundwhiohcanbe relied on, to cure the most dangerous affeo-ttoo- a

of tha luui'S. Our space here will not permit uatnpublish any proportion ofthe cures affected by Its use,but we wouid present the following) end refer furtherenquiry to my Amorlcau Almanac, which the agenbbelownamed, will always be pleased to furnish free, wtereioare full particulars, and indisputable proof of those Jtale--laeuu.

Offieo of Transportation,!Laurens K. R. S. C Aus-- 4. iSi3.1

J. C.Ater. Dear Sir, ily little sou, four years oldhas just recovered from a severe attack of malignantScarlet Fever, his throat was rotten, and evory persontliatvUitodhliu.pronouncedhlin adead child. Hav-ln- iused your Cherry Pectoral In California, tn the winter I

o: L?oD,ior a severe attack ol Bronchitis, wltheutiresucess, I was Induced to try it on mv little bov. ! v

him a every three hours, commencing In I

the moralng, and by lea o'clock at night. I found adecl- -

'(j" " ww.i, HUM NMI bUIW US), USC, Uwasabie toeatordrink without pain.

ltause in the above named disease will save many apremature grave, and reiievethe anxiety of

manyafond parent. Forali affjotlousof theTnroataadLuljjs, I belitre it the best medicine extant. A feeiing

giuuvuuc, muuipu ibo ii auureaiing yonthese lines. but for your important discovery, mv Littlebey would now have been in another world.

I am yours, with great respect,J. D. POWELL. Supt Trans., L. II. K.

Rock Hill,(Suaimerset Co.,) N. J., July21. 1852.J.O. AvER.-Sl-nce your medicine Las been known

hei-3- , it has a greater demand than any othar oough I

remedywe have oversold. It is spoken of In terms ofy.u,u.i,u r:,igc u. uuuso wuo nave USOd It, aDO I

know of some cases where the bast Libv unm nf il I

is not too much for the good it has done. I lake pleasureIn selling it, because I know that I am giving my cus-tomers the worth of their money, anu I feel gratlSed inseeing the benefit it confers.

Plesse send me a further supplv. and bolleve tneYours, with respoct, JOHN C. WHITLOCK.

P. S. Almoetany number of certificates can be sentyou, if you wish iL

Winsor, C. VV., June 26, 1852.J. C. AVER. Sir: Tills may certify triat T hn,- - iuj

yourCHERRV Pectoral for upwards of one year, and it


mj.iuwi, iwuci uiai i snouiu nave oeeun mv graveere this lime if I had no(. It has cured me of a danger-ous aflection of the lungs, and I do not ovorstaiemyconvlfiions when I toiiyou II is priceless remedy.

Yours very respectfully,D. A. McCUH.iN, Attorney at Law.

Wllksbane. Pa., September 23, 1850.Dr. J. (.. Akre. My dear Sir, Your medicine Is muchapproved of by those who have used lu oomposliion Is

such astoinsureaod maintainits reputation. I Invariablyrecommend it for pulmonary affections as do many ofour political physicians. I am your friend.

CHAS.STREATJK,M.aPrepared by J. C. A LR, Chemist, Lowell, Mass.Sold by J. M Mills, Frankfort; Dr. Cloak, Versallies; .Vm. Wilson, Mortonsvllle; J. Dedman,

renceburg; J. L. ELUngwood, Shelbyvule, and by AgenUevery town in Kentucky.Dec. 5,1855 woitwSaj.'

Nurserymen, Fniit Growers & Fancora.THE NEW YORK


SCPERBLY A.yD PltOFCSELY ILLUSTRATES- -Devoted to Die Advancement ol tue Kuxai Uu

esis lu America.rp.HIS Is oDeo'tiie largest and mosteiabsrate worts o'X the kind in the worid.

K'j.ral Arciiitectur8 forms one of tae principal features.Each number contains from two to four ongravinjjs a.model coltajes, from designs by eminent and aililVi.architects. Sptca Is aico assigned to the tasteful an o.Landscape Gardening; engraved plant of gardens inevery etj is, and adapted to the pecuiiarltiea of aiSecw .r.oruei-- of arciiitecture, beautify the work.

Engravings of new fruits, new fiowcra, new vegetables,&C, are Illustrated and described as soon a tholr

qualities can be determined, forming the mootcomplete and elegant Xanual of Kurul Husbandry everattempted.

An experienced corps of practical writers, veo lanumber, are engaged to flli iu columns.It oontaias seventy large pages, and is printed on Ilia

Snest d paper, manufactured expreniy.i erms i per annum, payable invariably In advance

Fifty cents oommltsioa on each subscriber allowed tothese who act asagents. gl.wxiwlil be distributed attlwend of tue year among those who send us the tweutvlargos', lists of aaoscribers. Those premiums wlU bipaid iu cash. The first premium will be $500.Ihe folioivlng ara selected from hundreds of slmiiaruolices, voluntarliy contributed bv contamporaneou"pubiicatlons:

The Hort.'Ccltcral Eavtitv dejarves the most liberapatronage. It Is not oniy eminentiy praotlal, but iswritten lu a style that equals the best eflorts of the late AJ. Downing. Knickerbocker.

The most elegant and useful book of the kind that hitsever come under our observation. Register.

Mr. Beagles, the Editor of the Kcrticcltcrailsa practical pomologist, and one oftheflnest scholarsour country boasts of. lie possesses the giowtng daacriptive powers ofDickens, the elegant gossip ol VValpoi.'.combined with a thorough knowledge of rural artSaf Police TYiliime.

Farmers, buy it for yoursor.s buy It for your daughters. It is a rich intellectual treat; rare ootabiusuo::of the beautiful and the useful. Jirrus, jV. y.We had thought thatin Downing!. sdcala,theeux:ue;a

advocate of rural adornment had become onlya cherished remembrance; but in Mr. licogles we discoverequally rich mine of mental wealth, that betokens

of the spirit that Is gone Mmtrosc Trwvn.Advertisers will find this an unsurpassed medium o

publicity, astho Horticcltural Review olrouhuosextensively in every State in the Union. Advertisementinserted at the rate of 10 per page.

WOOD ENGRAVING.Ihosc requiring Wood Engravirj(;, can have ttejr

orders executed in an unrivalled manner. Specudattnrin Isgiven to views of ANIMALS; an experiencedEnglish Draughiinan Iscucagcd for this express purpose.Persons livingat a distance can forwarda daguerreotviK-- .ofthe object mail they wish engraved, which wllf

guide to obtain a perfect ac-- j trail, stocl:Breeders will be dealt with on very liberal terms.

Our Exchange List is already vervlarpa. A fnrthwextension is not desired, unless publishers are willing togive the above advenisoment several insertions in thenrespective papers.

Agricultural Books can be furnished on evory useful subject, from both Enfdlsh and American n.nnh.hnrby enclosing to our address the prico oftho book rcauir'ed.

Specimen copies will be forwarded on tho receipt .18 els. in posl.-ig- s'.nmps.

C. REAGLF.S, PTdilUher,2U8 Broadway, New York.

Dec 111, 155 C m.


OF LONDON.Authorised Capital . . . 810,000,00;

REVERtNCKS tN T 111 UOCLrilU.Atwooo A: Co., ,0iN Farkusi,John Gp.ioo, Georoe A. Stoaiit,Myers, Clauhokn & Co. vvM. M'Gee, dt CoI OWLIts & WtioUTMAN, WhitcStBFHSM t 'j.Agent for the United Statos

FREDERICK. RATCHFOKD STAHrtt ni'.ed states Branch OSico, No. o, South Fourth slPhiladelphia.Agent for Covington, Kv

P. s. BUSH,Cornerof Madison and CooperatrotA.

insuresthrou'rhout the Sijiri. Will f., s.iplications upon request. " ;

Nov. 3il, J55 11.


new yoas,OF PICK o. 4, WALL 8HBKT

CASH CAP1TVL, !5J0O,GlJ OlAJl'T OF ASob'i'S Jnue 30. '3."S. 747,973 44A.MOr.M' OF LI VUH.l 1 li;s, 63,077 inThis Company continues to Insure Buildings, .Yercbah.up, m i viianu iueircurgoes, Household Fur-

niture and personal property generally, aaiutloss or Damage bv Fire, on lavomhi I..,..,.I.iKf Equitably Adjusted and Proiuj,U

i ;iu.H. WINGATE, Agcut,

Aug. JV, lb55. Frankfort .


Ohio Lite iusurnnce Company, of Cauc1iaiaU 'Ohio.CAPITAL STOCK, - - - . ifuirir.i-

ALL PAID JSV j?JVD HFrrrnrnrviHE undersigned having been appointed Ag'outforth.J- - alove Company, is prepared to receive pronosiUonilor Insurance at his efflce iu this citv. Pif,i,V.tairungtho rates of premium, and full information la re- -

uuon io tue l is u ran oo, are furnished free of charce.Das. Sneec dt Rodman. Agout

Medical Examiners. Feb. 2D, ItsSsLFIEE AND MAEINE IN3UEANCE.

Ha dim jFtiver insnrance CompODy, f lV&te-for-

tew ior.s

Capital $300,000Cash Capital $200,000!

THE uadersUjaoJ having boon appointed Agent to thaCompany, Li prepared to insure ail prooeru

such as is usually insured in the city of andvicinity, and noon sainmentA of TAbirnAi o.duce, upou as lair terms as any other responsible otaoe.

TTPOffice near tha Cojrt HouaiEatisfactory references will n unoc anniirjiiu..

as to the solvency of this Company.J. C. KERNDOK,

Fob. 20, 135 tf. AAjeut.

SAMUEL'SIN EW ESTABLISHMENTHENRY SAMUEL, Barbir and Hair DsEsata, is banlniorm his friends and tha nnsi.,. c., i,v.again established in comlortabie and com mradious roosnsanu ready to attend to ail who may give him a cUi

is in the building of Coi. Kogpa,Su Clair street. He solicits nubile natron ara. ,n,rnt...thathisold friendsand customers espocially, who neurosiized him before the late flro, will nownud their waiback to his shop

Jiarcu la, xe,'.


to clothe had better csll earlv...v w Mia jrei

sept. !. 155. J3HN M. TCDD.

Sundries.UTAILS. BlickeL.. T..l-,-. Cigars, Tobaoeo.11 Cans, Sardines, Powder, Lead, Shot. Pennr kiCandles Soap, la.ligo.Table Salt. CraekoraiiBS:Ing, ore. otc.

Aug.iS. If55. v. H. KEEN'.Dissolution ofu.maan r. vv. lx. having dissolve,'" Pnnership. the business of the firm will be seitlodup. Either of the partners are authorizedname of the Srm in settlement, and to secure lajj duethe Arm. TllOSRWhn ilntrn s n.- - r. ., .

presentihem to F. W. Knight for navment.JuneK, 1B55 tf. CRAUi iz KNIOHT.


T " A 11 Ju9t received a small lot of FALL JtKD1 TER CLOTHiJVQ FOR CHILDREN, oonslstingolr .i-'A"- , UVCKLuAiiJ, JACKETSSUSPENDERS, GLOVES. Ac. Tkn.....hAi,,.-..i.ra- . .'






ir-- uave in store twenty barrels extra fln FarellA

Fall Style Hats.. : .""!ndLT:ClTed, Betb' Co' FllStyle Hats.' Caii

- vv.ia. TODD.