technology tools for writing

Technology Tools for Writing Kelley Kawano Instructional Technology Fellow [email protected] Antonia Levy Instructional Technology Fellow [email protected] Sarah Morgano Academic Operations Assistant [email protected] Tech WAC: Technology and Writing Across the Curriculum CUNY School of Professional Studies 30 March 2012

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This workshop explore some pre-writing and writing tools for the classroom.


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Technology Tools for WritingKelley Kawano

Instructional Technology [email protected]

Antonia Levy

Instructional Technology Fellow [email protected]

Sarah Morgano

Academic Operations [email protected]

Tech WAC: Technology and Writing Across the CurriculumCUNY School of Professional Studies

30 March

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Web 1.0 (1991-2003)

jacombs, Netscape Navigator Box: mint condition, January 7, 2010 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution

•Content was pushed out to users

•No user-generated content

•Users could not reflect on content

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Web 2.0

Quang Minh, Web 2.0 City, December 29, 2006 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution


Why?•Engagement•Differentiation•Critical Thinking•New Capabilities•Alternative Learning Environments•Extend Learning•Lifelong learning

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COGNITIVE OVERLOADWhen learning new tools, use familiar tasks;when learning new tasks, use familiar tools.Barrett, 1991

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Your friendly neighborhood ITF’s…

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Your friendly neighborhood ITF’s…


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Point A

Your friendly neighborhood ITF’s…

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Point A

Point B

Your friendly neighborhood ITF’s…

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In This Workshop…Pre-Writing Tools:• Social Bookmarking


Writing Tools:• Blogs in Blackboard• Wikis in Blackboard• ePortfolios Beth Kanter, Tags: Keywords to describe digital objects, October 3, 2006 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution

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Social Bookmarking » Delicious

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Social Bookmarking » Diigo

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Writing Tools

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Wikis* in Blackboard

A wiki contains multiple, hyperlinked pages that are organized by content.

Wikis can be used for • collective brainstorming• collaborative study guides and (lab)

manuals• final group projects

* Hawaiian for “very fast”

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Wikis in Blackboard


• Simple design; easy collaboration• Wiki saves successive revisions• Instructor can monitor individual student

contributions• Wikis can be made available for non-members

(e.g. for peer review)• RSS feed available• Content is exportable

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Wikis in Blackboard


• multiple-page layout could get confusing when wiki pages multiply

• individual student’s contributions are not as easily distinguishable as in Blogs or Discussion Boards

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Blogs in Blackboard

• A linear site in which entries are made in journal style and displayed in reverse chronological order.

• Blackboard blogs can be set up for individual users, groups of students, or for the entire class.

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Blogs in Blackboard

• Developing a blog assignment– Good for either low- or high-stakes writing

assignments– Consider the type of assignment it correlates to in

a f2f or online environment

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Blogs in Blackboard

• How can blogs be used?– Private, individual, or public response journals– Sharing resources

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Blogs in Blackboard


• Reflective, response-driven medium• Familiar layout• Controlled conversation• Can chart chronological progress• Privileges new content• RSS feed available

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Blogs in Blackboard


• One voice, rather than discussion• Finding specific information in a blog• Focus on newer content• Blog content not exportable

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ePortfoliosAn ePortfolio is a student-authored website that allows

students to take over the learning process while developing writing and presentation skills.

• Customizable• Accessible• Sharable

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Show and Tell…General Course Template

Gen Ed: EAS 250 Oceanography Course Template Example (Kathleen Schnaars-Uvino)

Gen Ed: COM 110 Digital Information in the Contemporary World Example (Coy Jones)

MA in Disability Studies: Capstone ePortfolio Example (Cris Marchionne)

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ePortfolios in Digication

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Integrating ePortfolios

Questions to Consider

• What discipline-based skills and knowledge can ePortfolio strengthen or elicit? Think especially about the creative use of image and multimedia.

• What choices will you make about learning objectives using ePortfolio?

• How can a student learn best within your discipline using the capabilities that ePortfolios provide?

• How will you incorporate reflections (both on process and looking back on the course)?

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Teaching with Technology: Tips & Tricks

• Back up work: Technology can fail so it's important to back-up work on an external hard drive or USB key.

• Cleaning text: Text written in MS Word often retains quirky formatting when pasted into a web browser. Convert to plain text before posting your documents.

• Make use of media: The text editor in Blogs, Wikis, and ePortfolios allows easy inclusion of videos, images, and links.

• Citations: Students need to properly cite sources—whether text, images, or media—whenever they are used.

• Copyright: Students should not use copyrighted content unless they have permission, it is in the public domain, and/or it falls under the “fair educational use” exemption.

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Wikis Blogs ePortfolios

General Description

A collaborative space containing multiple, hyperlinked pages organized by content. Wikis can be set up for individual users, groups of students, or for the entire class. Blackboard 9.1 will include a plagiarism feature for blogs.

Wikis can be used for: •collective brainstorming •multiple-authored study guides and (lab) manuals, final group projects.

A linear site in which entries are made in journal style and displayed in reverse chronological order. They can be set up for individual users, groups of students, or for the entire class. Blackboard 9.1 will include a plagiarism feature for blogs.

Blogs be used for: •Private or public response journals •Sharing resources •Group projects

A student-authored website that allows students to take ownership over the learning process while developing their writing and presentation skills.

Types:•Course-based •Academic•Program / Capstone•Showcase

Advantages •Simple design, easy collaboration•Can incorporate multimedia content•Saves successive edits so previous versions can be restored•Allows multiple users to collaborate within same text entry area•Tracking feature allows to monitor individual contributions•Can be made available for non-members to view and comment (e.g. peer review)•RSS feed available•Tied to Grade Center in Blackboard•Linked to grading rubric in BB 9.1•Content is exportable

•Reflective, response-driven medium•Familiar layout•Controlled conversation•Privileges new content•RSS feed available•Tied to Grade Center in Blackboard•Linked to grading rubric in BB 9.1

•Student-centered•Incorporate multimedia and other web tools•Co-curricular and extra-curricular connections•Save work beyond the semester•Accessible and shareable•Users control privacy•Includes comments feature that sends an email notification to user•ePortfolios can be copied and exported

Considerations •multiple-page layout could get confusing when wiki pages multiply•Individual student’s contributions are not as easily distinguishable as other BB tools (e.g. blogs or discussion boards)

•One voice, rather than discussion•Difficulty of finding specific information in a blog•Focus on newer content•Blogs are not exportable

•May require higher technical competency•Requires a separate login from Blackboard•Tracking