technology nation project en


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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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BrainBasket Foundation is a non-for-profit organization that was launched in April 2014 by initiative group of top Ukrainian IT companies lead by Torben Majgaard, Ciklum’s Founder and CEO, with the participation of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and Kyiv City Administration.

Our goal is to make IT industry a driving force of economic growth of Ukraine by developing educational infrastructure and facilitating training of 100 000 new IT-specialists by 2020.

Technology Nation is a pan-Ukrainian fast-track IT education program that allows anyone to take free blended course on fundamentals of computer programming developed by world’s leading technological universities.

Today many industries Ukraine are in stagnation and one of the few that not only hasn’t been affected, but also continues to develop - is information technology. Therefore, cases when specialists from other industries switch to IT are very common nowadays. The problem is that people do not exactly know where to start, what kind of IT profession to choose and often lack basic minimum technical base to enter the industry.

Creating a free nationwide online course of foundations of programming will allow all newcomers to get the necessary basis for further education and employment in IT sector, that will help Ukraine to become one of the leading countries in IT.

Free pan-Ukrainian educational program on studying foundations of computer science in blended learning model (online courses from best technological universities of the world combined with live classes with experienced mentors on premises of libraries in all regions of Ukraine)

Supported by the Administration of the President of Ukraine

Take existing world-class

content available online

Turn libraries in offline

learning hubs across Ukraine

Powered by leading universities

Powered by Administration of President

Powered by BrainBasket

Find mentors to teach at

learning hubs

Powered by IT educational centers

Powered by SkillCloud

Provide specific IT-courses to get


Help graduates find internships and vacancies

People per year take online course and master foundations of computer science

People per year successfully complete the full course, continue their education and become interns/junior specialists in IT companies

• Using world class online courses in computer science developed by leading technological universities (such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford)

• Powering the course by regular in-preson classes in learning hubs in biggest Ukrainian cities to increase completion rate

• Reequipping libraries into learning hubs

• Enrolling IT-specialists as mentors for offline classes

• Partnering with biggest educational centers and IT-companies to provide further training and employment for the graduates

We want the program to become a 1st step people take to towards their new happy and prosperous life by mastering demanded and well-paid IT profession.

Technology Nation


IT specialist Student / Switcher/ Refugee / Unemployed

• Crash-test and public discussion of the concept

• Personal agreements with Harvard and MIT

• Launch of 2 pilot groups to validate assumptions

• Getting partners on board

• Holding press-conference on the launch of the project

• Contacting authorities and libraries in regions

• Collecting applications for the program

applications for the program have been collected as for 19.02.16

March 2016 - launch of studying groups in all regional centers of Ukirane:

• Equipping libraries with computers

• Recruiting 22 volunteers as mentors

• Selecting first 330 participants