technology behind web 2.0

Technology Behind Web 2.0 Isriya Paireepairit

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Foundation technologies behind Web 2.0. Including AJAX, RSS, Podcast.


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Technology Behind Web 2.0

Isriya Paireepairit

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• Blog

• Feed

• P2P

• Social Network

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“CMS for Personal User”

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Blog - Intro

• Weblog / Online Journal / Online Diary

• Ordinary CMS (Just PHP + MySQL)

• Contents are sorted by Date

• Easily published by Author

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Blog - Popularity

• Technorati database contains 30.5M blogs

• Even Sun President has his own blog

• Non-mainstream media

• Buzz Marketing

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Blog - Derivative

• Now Blog has been developed to

• Group Blogging

• Planet (with Feed)

• Photoblog

• Podcast (Audioblog)

• Videoblog

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Blog - Provider

• Global

• Blogger - Google

• LiveJournal

• Xanga

• MSN Space

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Blog - Provider

• Local

• Pantip - Bloggang

• Exteen

• Diaryhub

• Thaidairist

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Blog Softwares

• MovableType - still the most popular

• WordPress - Open Source Counterpart

• Major CMSs already have blog module

• Drupal, Mambo, Joomla, *Nuke

• CMS for blogging

• Serendipity, Textpattern, blosxom

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Blog - Solution

• Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

• Use exist blog engines

• In case that main website exists

• Seperate new blog site

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Simple Text File used as Notification

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Feed - Intro

• Naming

• Web Feed

• Content Syndication

• Content Aggregation

• also

• RSS, Atom, Orange XML?

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Feed - Concept

• Transform content of web site into standard XML

• Put it somewhere on server, provide URL

• Feed Readers (aka Aggregators) read Feed periodically

• If Feed has new content, notify user

• Similar to “Push Technology” (Active Desktop: 1997)

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Feed - Type

• Now there are 3 formats

• RSS 1.0

• RSS 2.0 - most popular

• Atom 1.0

• IETF Standard

• Supported by Google

• Technology advance over RSS

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Feed - Reader

• Bloglines - most popular (Web)

• Google Reader, Rojo (Web)

• NetNewsWire, NewsFire (Feed App)

• Firefox, Thunderbird, Google Desktop (Normal App)

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Feed - Howto

• Modern CMS have Feed built-in

• Content Wrapper e.g. FeedBurner

• or Write your own (not very hard)

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New Media

• “Blog” - Reader can be Author

• “Feed” - Distribution of Content

• Then “Blog + Feed” create path for new, personal, independent media

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Content Distribution Infrastructure

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• Content Downloader can become Content Provider

• Don’t need Central Servers (e.g. BitTorrent)

• P2P is infrastructure to transfer large size content

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P2P - Networks

• Popular Networks

• Napster

• Kazaa / Limewire / eMule / eDonkey / Gnutella

• BitTorrent

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Social Network

Effective way to solve huge problem

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Social Network

• AI has took so long...... to mature

• Many many people together can work as well

• Share common interest

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Social Network - Success Case

• Open Source - Software Development

• Wikipedia - Content Creation (Encyclopedia)

• - Site Information

• - Site Information

• - Music

• Orkut - Contact Information

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Social Network

• Social Network is not technology in term of implementation

• It’s how task can work via web

• Simply PHP/MySQL can be Social Network