
Technology Aidan Harrison

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Post on 05-Aug-2015




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TechnologyAidan Harrison

Equipment For my filming I used a Canon 100d DSLR camera which filmed in 1080p HD.

We used a tripod at all times to make for steady shots. The tripod was adjustable in height and was able to move up and down and sideways to allow us to do various

types of camera movements.

The camera was very simple to use and it allowed us to watch footage back whilst filming.

This disadvantage of this camera was the microphone that picked up a lot of background noise but we were able to rent out the boom and microphone to reduce this


My skills when using this equipment has improved since we started the project as I learnt from my errors I made in the preliminary.

Technology I used adobe premier pro to edit my footage together.

I used Photoshop to create my titles and premier pro to edit them.

I used after effects to make my production titles.

Premier pro allowed me to import my footage, cut clips and add transitions to my shots. I was also able to edit the lighting on my clips on premier pro which was helpful. I was able to put my music into my footage and decipher the volume of certain sections to allow dialogue to be heard.

I used after effects to add a transition to my institution title after I made it using Photoshop. I was also able to add in my film title and its sliding effect, also the effect on my director titles which recreated the typing effect used in lock stock.

I used Photoshop and my skills that I developed in photography to create my title freeze frames using various techniques to recreate the type of titles seen in the snatch opening.

Sound For sound we began with using the cameras microphone and decided that the background noise was too loud so then we used the boom and the extension which was adjustable and we could record sound near the characters but still film from further away.

We used music that we had found from the research to put alongside our footage, it had a fast pace which matched the tempo of film.

We used a door knocking sound also to match our shot so that it was a lot clearly as that was something we filmed without the boom. We also used premier pro to edit the volume of some dialogue that didn’t come out as well.

Keeping on track While working along we always referred back to our storyboard unless we made improvements. We wrote most of our ideas down so that we didn’t forget them come filming. You can see here some examples of us replicating the ideas from our storyboard into our final opening. Doing all this was very important to make sure we completed everything swiftly.

What have I learntI have learnt many things through out this whole process. But my technology skills have vastly improved by making my film opening. My skills in premier pro were bad before hand but now I can use it well and do everything necessary to make a successful edit, I also learnt some more technical things that can be executed in premier pro such as lighting effects. I also developed some skills in after effects as I had not used it before, I was able to develop four successful titles by using it. I learnt a lot when it comes to filming as I focused a lot on making sure the continuity was good and that we had good shot variety. Also I used new equipment that I have now learnt how to use such as the mic and boom also I'm a lot quicker at setting up a tripod and using it effectively. I also learnt how to use new features on Photoshop in order to achieve the effect on my titles.