technological language immersion


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Technological Language Immersion is the total immersion into a second language achieved through machines.


Page 1: Technological Language Immersion

Redefining TESOL in the Digital Age

Technological Language Immersion

3/30/2011 1© 2011 American TESOL Institute

Page 2: Technological Language Immersion

TESOL2 - Technological Language Immersion

•How the English language is evolving today.•How humans learn second languages now.•How humans will learn languages in the future.•Will language become obsolete?

3/30/2011 2© 2011 American TESOL Institute

Page 3: Technological Language Immersion

Evolution of the English Language Do you speak Panglish?

Any language is constantly evolving, so it's not surprising that English, transplanted to new soil, is bearing unusual fruit. Nor is it unique that a language, spread so far from its homelands, would begin to fracture. The obvious comparison is to Latin, which broke into mutually distinct languages over hundreds of years — French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian. A less familiar example is Arabic: The speakers of its myriad dialects are connected through the written language of the Koran and, more recently, through the homogenized Arabic of Al Jazeera. But what's happening to English may be its own thing: It's mingling with so many more local languages than Latin ever did, that it's on a path toward a global tongue — what's coming to be known as Panglish. Soon, when Americans travel abroad, one of the languages they'll have to learn may be their own.

A growing body of research shows electronic communications channels like instant messaging have created a kind of semi-speech - language that is between talking and writing. Some say it is evidence of evolution, not of decay.

Technology allows us to communicate faster using symbols and abbreviations, while expending less energy to convey the same ideas.

3/30/2011 3© 2011 American TESOL Institute

Page 4: Technological Language Immersion

How do we learn a 2nd language? Traditional Methods Art/Music Direct Based Communicative Vocabulary Total Physical Response Rassias Method Computer Assisted Language


It can take 5 to 10 years using traditional methods to become fluent in a language you are not immersed.Factors

Your age - the younger you are when you start, the better

Your aptitude for language -some people are just better at language than others

The effort you put into learning - if you practice every day you'll learn and remember a lot more than someone who goes to class once a week but never practices outside of class

3/30/2011 4© 2011 American TESOL Institute

Page 5: Technological Language Immersion

Technological Language Immersion How we will learn languages in the near future. Technological Language

into a second language

Augmented Reality

3/30/2011 5© 2011 American TESOL Institute


Immersion is the total immersion

achieved through

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How We Will Learn Languages in the Distant Future.

for wireless communication over networks. These nanocomputers will symbiotically fit into areas of the brain responsible for transmitting and receiving information.


3/30/2011 6© 2011 American TESOL Institute

perfect nanocomputers Symbiosis Eventually humans will Human-Computer

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Will Language Become Obsolete?

In the distant future it is conceivable that communication


3/30/2011 7© 2011 American TESOL Institute

forms of communication will be represented in a universal code. will be achieved through human-computer symbiosis, and all