technical specification mep

8/13/2019 Technical Specification Mep 1/326 Mechanical & Electrical Works PT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia Makassar – Indonesia TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL GENERAL 1. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The contractor is deemed to be familiar with climatic conditions prevailin in Indonesia and to be aware of the hih temperat!re "!p to #$ %C& and the hih relative h!midit' The contractor in s!bmittin a tender will be ass!med to warrant that all materials and items of e(!ipment are s!itable for contin!ed !se and)or operation in the vario!s climatic enco!ntered *. STANDA+DS  All details of the e(!ipments, materials and installations standard shall compl' with this specification and the c!rrent standards and re!lations as described in -ol!me 11. here the materials or e(!ipment offered compl' with other standards, the Contractor shall demonstrate the' meet the re(!irements of this specification and details shall be provided to be approval /. S0MISSION a. All s!bmissions m!st be made earl' eno!h in the Contract to enable the 2nineer to f!ll' chec3 s!ch item prior to orderin. 4enerall', a period of at least two months before an' e(!ipment re(!ires to be ordered to meet the main contractor5s proram. b. No claims for e6tensions of time or additional costs shall be entertained as a res!lt of the contractor5s fail!re to ma3e his s!bmissions in ade(!ate time. c. If, in the opinion of the 2nineer, the Contractors fail!re to ma3e his s!bmissions in ade(!ate time ma' res!lt in a dela' in the completion of the whole pro7ect, then the 2nineer shall have the a!thorit' to instr!ct the Contractor to order materials and)or e(!ipment of a t'pe from a so!rce approved and nominated b' the 2nineer at no increase to the Contract PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1

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8/13/2019 Technical Specification Mep 1/326

Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia




The contractor is deemed to be familiar with climatic conditions prevailin in

Indonesia and to be aware of the hih temperat!re "!p to #$ %C& and the hih

relative h!midit'

The contractor in s!bmittin a tender will be ass!med to warrant that all

materials and items of e(!ipment are s!itable for contin!ed !se and)or

operation in the vario!s climatic enco!ntered


 All details of the e(!ipments, materials and installations standard shall compl'

with this specification and the c!rrent standards and re!lations as described in

-ol!me 11.

here the materials or e(!ipment offered compl' with other standards, theContractor shall demonstrate the' meet the re(!irements of this specification

and details shall be provided to be approval


a. All s!bmissions m!st be made earl' eno!h in the Contract to enable the

2nineer to f!ll' chec3 s!ch item prior to orderin. 4enerall', a period of at

least two months before an' e(!ipment re(!ires to be ordered to meet themain contractor5s proram.

b. No claims for e6tensions of time or additional costs shall be entertained as

a res!lt of the contractor5s fail!re to ma3e his s!bmissions in ade(!ate


c. If, in the opinion of the 2nineer, the Contractors fail!re to ma3e his

s!bmissions in ade(!ate time ma' res!lt in a dela' in the completion of the

whole pro7ect, then the 2nineer shall have the a!thorit' to instr!ct the

Contractor to order materials and)or e(!ipment of a t'pe from a so!rce

approved and nominated b' the 2nineer at no increase to the Contract

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Makassar – Indonesia


d. If the Contractor s!bse(!entl' fails to place s!ch orders within a period of

fo!r wee3s from receipt of the enineer5s instr!ction, then the emplo'er

shall have the riht at his sole discretion to order the materials and)or

e(!ipment directl' from the man!fact!rer"s&.

The cost of all s!ch orders, incl!din freiht, shippin, ins!rance, handlin and

administrative chares shall be ded!cted from the contract s!m or recovered in

an' other method at the discretion of the 2mplo'er.

#. 290I:M2NT

a. All e(!ipment s!pplied shall be in accordance with this specification and

the relevant drawins and to the approval of the 2nineer.

b. The capacities of all plant and e(!ipment described in the contract are

minim!m capacities and the contractor shall chec3 them with the 2nineer,

ta3in into acco!nt an' variations which ma' be made to the s'stems

d!rin the proress of the contract wor3s.

c. The contractor shall be re(!ired to demonstrate at site that the d!tiesre(!ired of the e(!ipment are obtainable.

d. :h'sical si;es of all plant and e(!ipment are to be s!itable for the space

allocated for accommodation of s!ch plant and e(!ipment ,ta3in into

acco!nt of re(!irement of access maintenance p!rposes.

e. In selectin brand and t'pes of e(!ipment ,the contractor shall ascertain

that facilities for proper maintenance ,repair and replacement are provided.

f. here the contractor proposes to !se an item of e(!ipment other than that

specified or detailed in the drawin ,which re(!ires an' redesin of the

s'stem, drawins showin the la' o!t of the e(!ipment and s!ch redesinas re(!ired therefore shall be prepared b' the contractor at his own

e6penses here s!ch approved deviation necessitates a different (!antit'

and arranement of material and e(!ipment from that oriinall' specified or

indicated in the drawins. The contractor shall f!rnish and install an' s!ch

additional materials and e(!ipment re(!ired b' the s'stem at no additional


. 2(!ipment catalo and man!fact!rer specification m!st be s!bmitted for

the e6amination and details shall be s!bmitted for approval of the enineer

before e(!ipment ordered.

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Makassar – Indonesia

This item shall incl!de all information necessar' for the enineer to

ascertain the e(!ipment compl' with this specification and drawins dataand sales catalo!e of a eneral nat!re will not be accepted.

h efore orderin e(!ipment the contractor shall provide the enineer with

f!ll details of the weihts and electrical characteristics of the e(!ipment for

p!rposes of determinin floor loadin , power cons!mption etc.

i Man!fact!rer test certificate shall be s!bmitted.


a. The enineer shall be free to re7ect an' plant, materials and wor3manship

which not compl'in with the re(!irements of which are in an' wa'

!ns!itable and to order their removal and replacement, witho!t additional


b. The enineer5s decision as to what constit!tes compliance with

re(!irements and s!itabilit' shall be final and bindin , the tr!e intent and

meanin of the contract bein that the whole of the contract wor3s shall be

completed and acceptable b' the 2 nineer.

c. No re7ected item shall be considered as a reason of a dela' to meet thecompletion date of the pro7ect

?. C@2CIN4 D+AIN4S O> OT@2+ S2+-IC2S

a. D!rin the preparation of wor3in drawins, the contractor shall liaise

closel' with the main contractor, other b!ildin services and specialist

contractors to ens!re complete coordinate of services installed b' all

parties.b. lf directed b' the 2nineer, the contractor shall witho!t e6tra chare, ma3e

reasonable modifications in the la'o!t as needed to prevent conflict with

the wor3s for the proper e6ec!tion of wor3.


a. ithin 1# da's of reachin the date of practical completion of the wor3s,

the contractor shall s!bmit to the 2nineer three prints of all as fitted

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Makassar – Indonesia

drawins toether with one transparent neative of each drawin for the

whole installation. As fitted drawins shall show the complete installationincl!din all, pipin. e(!ipment, electrical wirin , maintenance accesses,

maintenance facilities and all necessar' details for the proper maintenance

and operation of the s'stem.

b. The e6act scope and details of the man!al shall be as describe in the

relevant section of the specification and areed b' the enineer.


a. ithin 1# da's of reachin the date of practical completion of the wor3s,

the contractor provide fo!r copies of operation and maintenance man!als

of the whole s'stem ,each man!al shall contain detailed description of the

s'stem e(!ipment ,operation and maintenance proced!re ,s!ppliers and

spare part lists of e(!ipment ,e(!ipment installation, operation and

maintenance details and all other for the proper maintenance and operation

of the s'stem.

b. The e6act scope and details of the man!al shall be as describe in the

relevant section of the specification and areed b' the enineer.

. 0ILD2+S O+

a. All fo!ndations ,footins, pits, ases, str!ct!ral d!cts, trenches holes and

other civil wor3 re(!ired for the installation will be provided b' the main


The contractor shall s!ppl' ,f!ll partic!lars dimensions of the toether with

the weihts of all e(!ipment.

b. The contractor shall s!ppl' detailed wor3in drawins, mar3 o!t on the site,provide fo!ndation embeddin material and ive all necessar' details for all

the b!ilders wor3. The contractor shall monitor that the wor3 is carried o!t

in accordance with his re(!irement and he will be responsible for the cost

of all s!ch wor3 and material d!e to lac3 of s!pervision, in correct

s!bmitted information or details and late s!bmission of wor3in drawins.

c. The contractor shall provide all sleeves and inserts re(!ired before the

floors and walls are b!ilt, sleeves shall be provided for all mechanical

pipin passin thro!h floor slabs and wall constr!ctions, !nless otherwise

indicated sleeves shall be of the same materials as the pipes which passin

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Makassar – Indonesia


d. here an' wor3 pierces water proofin incl!din water proof concrete themethod of installation shall have the approval of the enineer. The

contractor shall provided all necessar' sleeves ,ca!l3in and flashin

re(!ired to ma3e openin absol!tel' water tiht.


a. The contractor shall liaise with the main contractor and other contractors

and tradesmen who will be carr'in o!t other services wor3 on the site prior

to the commencement of act!al installations, d!e to ens!re that the wor3 of

all trades are occ!p' for the same pipe and d!ct space in ceilin void.

 All contractor shall be aware to leave clear access for f!t!re provision of

these services within b!ilders wor3 shafts, plants, plant rooms and false

ceilin. etc.

b.No claims shall be entertained for noncompliance with this cla!se.

11. S2TTIN4 TO O+

a. As soon as practicable after the completion of an' section of the

installation, the contractor shall, when it was a!thori;ed b' the enineer

,ive notice to the main contractor that it is re(!ired to operate this section

and shall re(!est the main contractor to clean o!t all plant spaces remove

all r!bbish !nder his control " r!bbish etc, ca!sed b' the contractor or his

contractors m!st be removed b' them selves &. And enerall' leave the

partic!lar portion of the installation and the access wa's thereto in a tid'

and finished state. The s!b8 contractor shall then set s!ch portion of the

installation to wor3, ad7!st all re!lators, controls, etc, and ad7!st thes'stem so that it complies the specification re(!irements.

b. In the case where the overall b!ildin proram is s!ch that the contractor

will need to ret!rn for the p!rposes of re!lation, ad7!stin, etc. to portions

of the b!ildins which b' that time ma' be shall allow in his tender

accordinl' and shall ta3e all necessar' preca!tions aainst damae when

wor3in in s!ch areas.

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Makassar – Indonesia

1*. +2S0LTS O> T2STS

If the test res!lts show that the plant and e(!ipment is not f!nctionin in a

satisfactor' manner or providin the re(!irements d!e to incorrectness of fa!lt'

wor3 b' the contractor and if this be the case, the contractor shall , when called

!pon, carr' o!t at his own e6pense s!ch alterations, replacements and

ad7!stments which ma' be re(!ired , which is acceptable b' the enineers.

1/. 40A+DS O+ +AILIN4S

The contractor shall provide removable !ards or railins for movin or rotatin


1#. LA2LS

The contractor shall provide labels for all e(!ipment, f!ses, terminals, switches,

handles, 3e's, instr!ments, a!es, valves, circ!it and pipin diarams,

indicators and wherever their provision will facilitates the proper operation andmaintenance of the s'stem.

 All letterin will be 2nlish with a translation into Indonesian ad7acent to it.


a. The defects liabilit' period for the p!rpose of this contract shall be a period

of twelve months from the “ date of practical completion” providin that

d!rin s!ch period the contractor shall have remedied and made ood all

fa!lts or defects as described below ,to the enineers and emplo'ers


b. D!rin the defects liabilit' period, the contractor shall at his own cost

remed' and repair with all possible discreet an' fa!lts or defects in the

plant or wor3s d!e, in the opinion of the enineer, to fa!lt' materials

wor3manship or desin and shall indemnif' the emplo'er and or the main

contractor aainst an' damae or in7!r' to the b!ildin contents and I or

occ!pants arisin as a res!lt of s!ch fa!lts or defects.

c. If the contractor fails to remed' s!ch fa!lts or defects within a reasonable

time the emplo'er ma' proceed to do at the ris3 and e6pense of thePT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 ?

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contractor and witho!t pre7!dice to s!ch other rihts as the emplo'er ma'

have !nder the contract.d. Other re(!irement shall be as described in the relevant section of the



 At the time of handover of the contract wor3s after the period of maintenance

the whole installation shall be in F as newG condition.

The contractor shall , d!rin the co!rse of the contract , protect all plant and

e(!ipment and shall restore I repaint I repair as necessar' before completion of

the contract.


a. All e(!ipment shall be desined to facilitate inspection , cleanin,

replacement and repair of individ!al components witho!t need

!nnecessar' removal of other components, Identical items of e(!ipment

shall have parts inter chaneable one with another or, matched setsformin interchaneable !nits and shall be recorded and described in the

operation and maintenance instr!ctions.

b. >acilities shall be provided for proper isolation of e(!ipment for

maintenance wor3 witho!t affectin the wor3in of other parts of the

s'stem, :rotection for live partsG shall be iven b' the !se of interloc3s,

isolators, shro!din or b' combination of these, There shall be warnin

labels show when parts remain alive when the isolator is opened and these

parts shall be properl' screened from inadvertent contact.

c. All special tools or ad7!sters re(!ired for maintenance of the maintenanceof the e(!ipment shall be s!pplied b' the contractor in a s!itable fitted

alvani;ed bo6, with padloc3in facilities.

d. The contractor shall s!bmit to the enineer a list describin the spares their

n!mber !nit rates and where appropriate the anticipated fre(!enc' of


S!ch spares and replacement of s!bstantial part of the e(!ipment and

deradation of performance or reliabilit'.


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Makassar – Indonesia


a. hat is meant b' the Contractor in this specification is the implementinaenc' that has been selected and been awarded a wor3 contract for thes!ppl' and installation of air conditionin installation of ma7or e(!ipment!ntil completion.

b. Contractor m!st learn and !nderstand all laws and re!lations,eneral re(!irements alon with their s!pplements, re(!irementsset !p b' the man!fact!rers man!fact!rin the air conditionin !nits,tender doc!ment boo3s, b!ndle of drawins as well as written instr!ctions

that have been iss!ed.c. Contractor ma' re(!est an e6planation to the oard of Directors )

:MSC ) :lanners or a desinated part' when in its opinion on the tenderdoc!ments, drawins or other matters there have been thins that needclarifications.

d. Contractor shall st!d' and also e6amine the implementation of the wor3carried o!t b' an' other Contractors who also participate in wor3in on thepro7ect if the wor3 of others can affect the smoothness of the Contractor ‟swor3. henever an interr!ption occ!rs, then the Contractor shall act!pon the s!estions for improvement for all parties.


a. Contractor shall coordinate with other parties for the smooth carr'in o!t ofthis pro7ect wor3. 2speciall' coordination with the civil wor3s Contractor,electrical, pl!mbin, fire protection Contractor.

b. >or all e(!ipment and machiner' provided or completed b' otherparties or p!rchased from other parties who fall within the scope of thisinstallation, the Contractor shall be f!ll' responsible for all these pieces ofe(!ipment and wor3.

*$. A++ANTE :2+IOD.

 All installation wor3 and its e(!ipment m!st be !aranteed to wor3 perfectl'. All wor3 incl!ded in the scope of this wor3 sho!ld be iven the warrant'period for 1 "one& 'ear after the handover of the wor3.


The maintenance period shall be 1$ "one h!ndred eiht'& calendar da'sfrom the date of the first handover to be accompanied b' the Min!tes of@andover. The Contractor m!st repair an' defects or deficiencies ca!sed b'

lac3 of perfect or proper e6ec!tion and ) or materials !sed. This repair wor3PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8

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Makassar – Indonesia

m!st be done !pon receipt b' the contractor the first warnin iss!ed b' theDirectors ) Constr!ction Manaement ) :lanners. The Contractor shall repairan' damaes ca!sed b' the e6ec!tion of this 7ob.

If the Contractor nelects this warnin or the repair wor3 the' have done isnot perfect or not as e6pected, the Constr!ction Manaement is entitledto as3 someone else to repair or replace at the contractor ‟s acco!nt.

 After the maintenance period elapses and an' damae or deficienc' hasbeen remedied or repaired properl' b' the contractor, then the wor3 ma' behanded over for the second time.

**. O+ @ANDO-2+The wor3 m!st be completed entirel' and handed over for the first time at thetime prescribed above. Notification of handover of the wor3 m!st be statedin writin b' the Contractor, b' settin forth the desired date of handover,within 1 wee3 prior to their desired handover to the Constr!ctionManaement. If the wor3 has satisfied the re(!irements, the Constr!ctionManaement will accept the wor3 for the first time, e6pressed in writin in theMin!tes of the >irst @andover.

*/. :2+MITS

a. All permits and re(!irements necessar' for carr'in o!t this installationshall be done b' the Contractor and the Contractor shall bear all theassociated costs.

b. All inspection, testin and other partic!lars alon with their officialstatements which ma' be re(!ired for the implementation of thisinstallation shall be cond!cted b' the contractor and the costs relatedthereto shall be borne b' the Contractor.

c. The Contractor shall be responsible for the !se of patented tools, thepossibilit' of compensation claims and costs re(!ired for this. The

Contractor shall s!bmit a written statement reardin this.


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Makassar – Indonesia



1. 2HT2NT O> O+.

The wor3 described in this specification covers, the s!ppl', installation, testin,

commissionin and maintenance of mechanical ventilation and air conditionin

installation of the b!ildin in accordance with this specification and associated

drawins, and witho!t abroatin the more e6tensive described elsewhere in

the specification and drawin incl!des the followin

a. S!ppl' and installation of all e(!ipment Split air conditioner "split wall, free

standin&, fans etc as shown on the drawin.

b. S!ppl' and installation of ventilation air d!ct, complete with splitter damper,

s!pport, haner and other necessar' material to et proper installation.

c. S!ppl' and installation of inta3e I fresh air and e6ha!st rille, complete

with, s!pport, haner, incl!din frame and all a!6iliaries.

d. S!ppl' and installation anti vibration mo!ntin for all e(!ipment.

e. S!ppl' and installation of all access manhole to ceilin space where

re(!ired and platform aro!nd l0 above ceilin for maintenance p!rposes.

f. S!ppl' and installation of 26ha!st Air >an, Toilet 26ha!st and fan !nits,followin d!ctin s'stems and other e(!ipment with the capacit', t'pe and

amo!nt of e(!ipment in accordance with the sched!le.

. The proc!rement and installation of fl!e s'stems followin the air

o!tside and inside ins!lation, damper, dampers, diff!ser ) rille, haner

and other fittins.

h. :aintin and labelin of d!ct and pipe wor3 and e(!ipment as necessar'.

i. The carr'in o!t of testin, ad7!stin, balancin and commissioninof all e(!ipment and air conditionin s'stems, incl!din carr'in o!t

meas!rements and ma3e a report. 7. Trainin of the emplo'ers staff for proper operation of the entire s'stem.

3 :rovide operation and maintenance !ide boo3.


a. Installation that is stated in this specification shall be accomplished inaccordance with the applicable laws and re!lations c!rrentl' in force inIndonesia and do not conflict with the provisions of the or3 Safet' Service Aenc'.

b. All the terms of acceptance of materials, e(!ipment, methods ofinstallation, the (!alit' of wor3 and others for this installation s'stem shallPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1$

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be in accordance with the international and national standards s!ch as A+I, AS@+A2, SMACNA, ASTM, N>:A, AMCA , ASM2 b' alwa's considerin asimportant the r!les ) standards ) National re(!irements.

c. All e(!ipment and machiner' installed for this s'stem, apart from theabove re(!irements, also m!st not deviate from the re(!irementsiss!ed b' their man!fact!rer.

d. Desin Conditions

a. O!tside Ai r Condit ions

8 Temperat!re /< C

8 +elative @!midit' BJ

b. Conditions in the room "all conditioned room&

8 Temperat!re *# C ± 1 C

8 +elative @!midit' <<J ±  <J +@

c.Noise Criteria

8 Office #$8#< NC8 Corridors, :!blic Areas #$8#< NC

/. AT2+ D+AINA42 :I:2Sa. =ob

Contractor shall install drainae pipes "drain& of air conditionin machinesdown to the nearest disposal site in the channel hidden or !nobtr!sive.

b. M a t e r i a l

To dischare water "drain&, :-C pipe shall be !sed.

c. 2 ( ! i p m e n t

Condensation drain pipes m!st be e(!ipped with a control basin, swan nec3

and other e(!ipment necessar'. Ins!lation la'er shall be iven !p to abo!t *meters or to areas where there is no condensation at the e6terior part of thepipe, ins!lation material m!st be of fiber lass, or st'rofoam pol'!rethene ofD.I. t'pe or similar t'pe of fire8resistant materials as thic3 as 1 K. The o!tisidesection shall be painted in accordance with a color that is approved b' theoard of Directors )Constr!ction Manaement ) :lanners.

d. a l l : e n e t r a t i o n

If the pipes sho!ld o thro!h walls, floors, etc., these pipes m!st beprotected with a la'er of vibration and a larer si;e pipe.

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#. +2>+I42+ANT :I:2

a. +efrierant pipes sho!ld all be caref!ll' done and as ood as possible. Allparts of these pipes m!st be clean, dr' and free from d!st and dirt.Copper pipe of t'pe L or that is Kdeh'dratedK KsealedK sho!ld be !sed.

b. C o n n e c t i o n

:ipe of Khard drawn t!binK t'pe sho!ld be connected with the mediationof Kwro!ht copper fittinsK or Knon p!ro!s brass fittins.K It isrecommended that silver solder with the blowin of m!pia as s!ch as dr'Nitroen as into a pipe that is bein connected to avoid the formation ofo6ide scale in the pipes.

Soft solder s!ch as K<$8<$K shall not be !sed. Solder of K<8<K can be!sed e6cept in the pipe hot as KdischareK pipes.

:ipes of Ksoft drawn t!binK t'pe can be connected with solder, or otherflame that is s!itable for refrierant pipe. hen Kprechared refrierant linesKare provided b' the man!fact!rer, man!fact!rers instr!ctions sho!ld beserio!sl' and tr!l' observed.

If there is e6cess of KprecharedK pipes, a coil sho!ld be establishedand s!pported on a flat field

c. Installation

+efrierant pipin sho!ld be well s!pported to prevent from fle6in.-ibration dampers sho!ld be installed to prevent the forwardin of vibration tothe b!ildin. here applicable, vibration dampers sho!ld be mo!nted on thepipe.

+efrierant pipe planned and installed in the field shall be implementedin accordance with the KAS@+A2 40ID2 OOK or theman!fact! rer s recommendation. The heiht difference and distancebetween the condensin !nit and the evaporator blower !nit sho!ld stillmeet the re(!irements of the man!fact!rer. After the pipe installation wor3is complete then the entire circ!it m!st be tested aainst lea3ae.

:ipe Ins!lation8 S!ction pipes ) dischare line refrierant m!st be ins!lated with

thermal ins!lation s!ch as armafle6, s!perlon or similar.

:I:2 DIAM2T2+ 1?8*< mm *<8<$ mm

Isolator Thic3ness *$ mm *< mm

8 On the roof ins!lation sho!ld be covered with a la'er of moist!re8resistant metal 7ac3et t'pe. :ipes m!st be s!pported at ever' * metersand at ever' t!rn and branchin.

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There shall not be an' pipes s!pported or h!n on the other pipes.

 All haner ) leverae for isolated pipes m!st not penetrate the ins!lationmaterial.

 All the pipes in the room shall remain to be s!pported with the leveraethat prevent forwardin of vibration "vibration eliminatin, haners, r!bber inshear&.

 All haners, pipe s!pports shall have their materials made of steel, canbe ad7!sted for heiht "ad7!stable&, oriinall' painted with anti8r!st paint andfinished with blac3 color.

The distance between the s!pport ma' not e6ceed the si;e below witho!t

the approval of the pro7ect owner ) S!pervisor ) :lanner.Si;e of :ipe Ma6im!m S!pport Distance "M&

*$   *<

/*   1<$

1<$ above




-ertical riser that oes thro!h the floor, on the floor that ispenetrated shall be s!pported b' the t'pe of KcollarK or KclampK inwhich the pipes are clipped at an KanleK firml'. Aro!nd the riser pipe

that there is still a ap ) hole shall be closed tihtl' with a r!bber seal.It is not 7!stifiable to close s!ch crac3s with cast concrete.

hen the pipe and clamp are different in terms of their material, aas3et shall be installed between the pipe and the clamp.

 All the pipes that are s!pported "h!n& ) the' shall be s!pported ins!ch a wa' so that the' will not ca!se an' press!re on p!mp isolation.

:rotective metal plate at least a minim!m of 7LS 1$$ with the lenth of1<$ mm "? K& on both sides of the clamp saddle or roller.

B. O+ E OT@2+S

a. or3 b' Main Contactor 

 All concrete e(!ipment plinths and concrete piers in plant room, 3e'ed to

the floor slab and raded where re(!ired.

:linths and concrete s!pport shall have shapes and dimensions as

indicated on the detailed drawins to be provided b' the main contractor.

Concrete inertia bases for p!mps incl!din steel frame wor3s andPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1#

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reinforcement for all p!mps shall be provided b' main contractor.

Detailed constr!ction drawins shall be provided b' related s!b contractor.S!ppl' and the b!ildin in of all pipe sleeves, p!ddle flanes and

e(!ipment holdin down bolts, where re(!ired to be b!ilt in d!rin


The contractor shall wor3 in coordination with the main contractor.

 Access hatches, doors and panels as re(!ired in false ceilin, masonr'

riser, masonr' shaft, walls, roof spaces plant rooms, and at other places b'

main contractor and in accordance with his details to allow access for

ad7!stment, maintenance, and cleanin, to be reclarified based on noise


Ins!lation of roof des3, !sin <$ mm thin3 roc3 wool of the densit' ?#

3)m/, complete with al!min!m foil, wire mesh and s!pports)haner to the

!nderside of roof dec3.

 All c!ttin, patchin, framin, f!rrin in chasin and ma3in ood,

associated with the b!ildin constr!ction for the passae of d!ctwor3,

pipes, cond!it and rilles etc

on drawins all roof penetration for cables and pipes, over flashin b' thecontractor.

b. or3 b' electrical contractor 

:rovision of electricit' to all e(!ipment.

The M-AC contractor shall ive the information and confirm the demand or

power cons!mption of all e(!ipment in accordance with provision the wor3s

the electricit' s!ppl' and wirin b' electrical contractor.


Not with standin an'thin to the contrar' contained herein pertainin to this

installation , it shall be the contractors responsibilit' to ens!re all the wor3s is in

strict accordance with followin stat!tor' obliations , re!lations and

specifications toether with an' amendments made thereto.

a. Air conditionin standard as AS@+A2 , A+I , SMACNA

b. The re!lations for electrical installation p!blished b' the instit!tion of

electrical enineers, London

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of !nits as described in the sched!le e(!ipment attached.

b. Motor compressors filter and other component and accessories shall bearraned so that the' are accessible for repair, maintenance and


c. 4rease fittins shall be mo!nted directl' on bearin !nless the latter are

not readil' accessible .where e(!ipment bearins are not visible or are

inaccessible provided easil' accessible e6tensions to bearins l!brication


d. All casins shall be factor' assembled for heav' a!e alvani;ed sheet

members and provided with s!fficient access panels for proper l!brication

and maintenance.

e. All s!pport and reinforcin members shall be treated to prevent corrosion.

f. The channel and ) or anle framewor3 for the casins shall be bolted

toether to allow for possible replacement, of individ!al !nits components.

 All bolts, n!ts, screw, etc shall be stainless steel metal or briht cadmi!m

coated steel.

. All 7oint in the casin shall be sealed airtiht.

h. All !nits shall be internall' ins!lated in the factor' with minim!m thic3ness

of *< mm hih densit' riid section roc3 wool " or approved e(!al insert

mineral fiber& faced to prevent erosion in the air stream.

i. Air filters shall be provided for all indoor !nit I l0 as specified in e(!ipmentsched!le.

 7. All !nits shall bear the man!fact!rer name plate ivin man!fact!rer name

serial and model n!mber and date of man!fact!re.


1. SCO:2

The scope this section sets o!t the t'pe, material constr!ction, dampers

ins!lation ,accessories diff!ser, rilles and installation of the d!ctin to be !sed

on this pro7ect and as indicated on the accompan'in drawins.



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a. AS@+A2 the !ide and date boo3.

b. SMACNA "Sheet Metal and Air Conditionin Contractor National Association&

/. 42N2+AL.

a. 0nless specificall' stated otherwise , the tern F air d!ct when !sed in a

eneral conte6t shall mean all d!ct wor3 , fittin , dampers, s!pports,

a!es and all other component and accessories re(!ired for the complete

installation of the s'stem as shown on the accompan'in drawins.

b. All d!ctwor3 shall be man!fact!red as far as practicable to site dimensionsta3en b' the s!b contractor, where site dimensions cannot be ta3en in

advance, dimensions shall ta3en from architect!ral ) str!ct!ral detail

dimensioned drawins and the s!b contractor shall ma3e s!itable

provisions to accommodate an' discrepancies that ma' occ!r between the

drawins and the site dimensions.

c. ithin si6 months of bein awarded the s'b contractor ,or at least two

month prior to commencin wor3 on site , whichever is the sooner, the

contractor shall s!bmit to the cons!ltant for approval complete shops

drawins for all d!ctwor3 s'stem incl!ded in the contract.

d. Shop drawin shall incl!ded plant, sections, elevations, schematic and

detail of all s'stems and shall show locations and details of all dampers ,

splitters, haners, s!pports, s!ppl', ret!rn ,inta3e and e6ha!st air fittins,

 7oints fle6ible connections, test points, ins!lation, linins, 3itchen hoods,


e. All d!ctwor3 and materials incl!din linins, adhesives, fle6ible connection

as3ets, sealants fiberlass boards, etc shall satisf' in respect of

resistance to penetration of fire and spread of flame and smo3e.


a. 4enerall', all d!ctwor3 shall be of hot dipped alvani;ed steel sheet to SII

or =LS "a7a Lapis Sen&.

b. All detail of cross 7oints, lonit!dinal 7oints , ta3e 8 offs bends, transitions

and shall be as shown on the drawins.

c. The dimension shown on the accompan'in drawin in this specification

are clear internal si;e.

here internal ins!lation is !sed , the thic3ness of the ins!lation m!st

be added to the dimensions shown on the drawin to determine the act!alPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1

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d!ct si;e.

d. The thic3ness of alvani;ed metal sheet shall be accordance with thefollowin sched!le

Lonest side 4a!e

0p to /$$ mm =LS <O

/*< to B<$ mm =LS ?O

BB< to 1/<$mm =LS $

1/B< to *1$$mm =LS 1$$

*1*< to above =LS 1*$

e. =ointin for flaned 7oints shall be formed from a r!bber as3et or other

approved materials to thic3ness not less than # mm.

f. Test point for meas!rin air flow shall be provided

8 >or all fans "in the straihtest section of d!ct near to the o!tlet&.

8 >or coolin coils "both before and after the coil&.

8 At other position indicated on the contract drawin.

Test hole shall be <$ mm diameter and fitted with an effective removable



This wor3 incl!des all material proc!rement, installation and ad7!stment ofd!ctin that can be !sed in this pro7ect as stated in the plannindrawins and specifications.


 As the !idelines for this wor3 the followin standards shall be !sed T@240ID2 from AS@+A2, SMACNA and N>:A No. $ A.

*. 42N2+ALa. Drawins and specifications onl' show the lenth of each chimne'

si;e, e(!ipment within the d!ctin and arranement of air fl!e s'stempath. If there are deviations from the contract drawins that were deemedappropriate b' the contractor, then details of s!ch deviation and thereasons shall be s!bmitted in writin to the 2nineer )Constr!ctionManaement) :lanner for approval.

b. Deviations that have been approved shall be !nderta3en b' the Contractorat no additional cost e6cept when it ca!ses chanes in desin orre(!irement.

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c. The contractor is re(!ired to ma3e wor3in drawins "shop drawins& thatare approved.


a. Materials !sed for this wor3 are 4a!e 4alvani;ed Steel or Qinc CoatedSteel. All implementation shall be in accordance with detailed re(!irementsandspecifications iven. Apart from it m!st also compl' with the re(!irementsof 

SMACNA Standard and the man!fact!rer.

b. The thic3ness of ;inc coatin "coatin& on a minim!m of 4alvani;ed Steel

Sheet is as follows=LS 9Q)ST

1$$ *,<$$ *,$$?$ 1,<$


a. Constr!ction re(!irements for the implementation of air chimne'installation

This installation s'stem !ses a low speed D!ctwor3. All d!ctinstallation  sho!ld be able to withstand speeds !p to *,$$$ ft permin!te and static press!re !p to *.< to /.< inches of water.

The contractor shall test the installation of d!ctin for lea3s thatma' occ!r.

 All of the connections that occ!r m!st be as tihtl' as possible"airtiht& if  necessar' a seal shall be iven.

Chanes in the si;e of the d!ct m!st be approved in writin b' the2nineer) Constr!ction Manaement) :lanners.

b. D!ctin s'stem that is not enclosed b' walls or the ceilin "o!tside theb!ildin, inside coridor in a room witho!t a ceilin&, m!st be made ofall!mini!m sheet iven ood reinforcement "bracin& and s!pported )h!n on a solid b!ildin constr!ction The thic3ness of d!ct is as follows"for ;inc 7ls&

T@2 I442ST SIQ2 :LAT2 TAL2

0p to *# inches

*# inches to # inches

* inches and above

*$ 0S 4a!e

1 0S 4a!e

1 0S 4a!e

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c. D!ctin s'stem shall be made of KQinc Coated SteelK and shall providedwith ood reinforcement "bracin& and s!pported ) h!n on a st!rd'constr!ction. The thic3ness of the d!ct is as follows "for Qinc 7ls&



1/K !p to /$K

/1K !p to <#K

<#K !p to #K

#K and above

7ls ?$

7ls B$

7ls $

7ls 1$$

7ls 1$$

d. Air chimne' dimensions indicated on drawins and specifications is internalclear si;es. hen an inner ins!lation sho!ld be, then the thic3ness of theins!lation sho!ld be added to the dimensions shown in the plannindrawins as the act!al si;e of the the air chimne'.

e. here the chimne' penetrates the wall or floor, an empt' hole "freespace& shall be sealed with Ka felt as3etK or Kasbestos ropeK and shallbe made neat with Ksheet metal flane anleK in s!ch a wa' to cover thehole.

<. T0+NS

 All of the t!rns "elbow& sho!ld be made in accordance with their drawinsand specifications. All the t!rns)elbows in the s!ppl' d!ct sho!ld bee(!ipped with steerin anles "vanes& in accordance with drawinspecifications.

 Al l the t!rns ) elbows shal l be of Klon radi!s elbowK t'pe e6ceptwhere circ!mstances do not allow. Sharp t!rns ) elbows "$& sho!ld beiven the steerin anles "vanes& in the form of appropriate aerod'namicprofile. +o!nded corner with the inner radi!s less than the side of the d!ct,the t!rns ) elbows sho!ld be iven the thin steerin anles "sinle thic3ness


?. TA:2+S, O>>2ST AND ST+2AM LIN2+

henever an obstacle that cannot be avoided occ!rs the contractor shallma3e Tapers, Offset or Stream Liner dependin the local conditions that shallbe made accordin to specifications.

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Materials and installation methods for all fle6ible connections between d!ctwor3

s'stems and e(!ipment shall be of lead imprenated vin'l.

a. >le6ible connections shall be provided at the s!ction and deliver'

connections of all fans, fan coil and air handlin !nits and elsewhere as

shown on the contract drawin or as ma' be re(!ired to eliminate vibration.

b. Al!min!m fle6ible ro!nd d!cts or a coated fiberlass fabric mechanicall'

interloc3 b' al!min!m spiral heli6 with press!re ratin /$$ mm 4 and fire


c. The contractor shall provided and install man!al vol!me dampers where

re(!ired for the proper re!lation of the ventilation and air conditionin

s'stem whether shown on the contract drawins or not complete with the

fi6in devices P loc3in (!adrant.

d. All vol!me dampers shall be provided in separate p!rpose P made flaned

casins of riid contraction.

e. >ire dampers shall be fitted in all firebrea3s walls and other fire barriers , all

fire dampers shall have a fire resistance ratin of not less than that of the

wall thro!h which the d!ctwor3 passes.f. 0nless otherwise stated , fire dampers shall be held open b' an approval

f!sible lin3 set at ? derees Celsi!s .the lin3 will be arraned in an

e6posed position !pstream of the dampers.

. the fire dampers shall be constr!cted enerall' to the same standards of air

tihtness as the rest the s'stem.

1. 4+ILL2 AND DI>>0S2+S

a. All air s!ppl', rille, diff!ser, ret!rn and e6ha!st fittins shall be provided of

the t'pes shown on the contract drawins.

b. 0nless otherwise stated or indicated on the doc!ment drawins, all s!ppl'

fittins shall have an opposable vol!me control device, the vanes or which

shall be sprin P loaded or otherwise arraned so that the' remain

permanentl' in their set position witho!t vibration or noise ,where shown on

the contract drawins, ret!rn and e6ha!st air fittins shall also have

opposed blade dampers.

c. All rille, reister and diff!ser shall be capable of bein removed easil'

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from the d!ctwor3 for access to d!mpers ,etc and constr!cted in

accordance with best practice.d. All s!ppl' and ret!rn air fittins shall have the facilit' for ad7!stment of the

air flow direction either b' do!ble deflection vanes or b' speciall' desined

deflectors as in the case of slot diff!ser.

e. efore an' diff!ser ,etc ,are ordered or man!fact!red of fittin commences

confirmation m!st be obtained from the cons!ltant as to e6act position and

finish of fittins re(!ired. Samples of ever' t'pe rille, diff!sers, etc, shall

be s!bmitted to the cons!ltant for approval before orders are placed.

f. The inta3e and dischare plen!m of >C0 I I0 shall enerall' be desined

as indicated on the contract drawins an shall have an o!tside casin of $ .

*< mm alvani;ed iron sheet.


a. All d!ctwor3 s'stems shall be installed enerall' in accordance with the

contract drawins b!t f!ll allowance shall be made b' the contractor for the

detailed development and on site coordination of the scheme and the f!t!re

removal and dismantlin of sections of the wor3s.

b. All d!ctwor3 shall be constr!cted and erected riid and free from dr!mminand movement. D!ctwor3 shall be tr!e to si;e and acc!ratel' lined !p.

c. +ectan!lar d!c3 wor3 with ma6 ,si;e over 1G shall be cross bro3en on all

fo!r si;es of the d!ct.

d. D!ctwor3 shall be constr!cted of prime (!alit' alvani;ed metal sheet ,7oint

shall be airtiht, d!ct shall be so constr!cted and installed as to be from

vibration items not shown in detail shall be set forth in the SMACNA low

velocit' and constr!ction standard.

e. Access doors and panels in d!ctwor3 shall be ade(!atel' braced and of the

(!ic3 release pattern.M!ltiple screw fi6ins shall not be accepted.

f. All rille and reisters shall be mo!nted on a s!bstantial frame connected

to be d!ct wor3 and shall be provided with an approved as3ets.

. All s!pports, haners, brac3ets, stiffeners, etc shall be painted after

installation of the cons!ltant.

h. An' damae to factor' applied finishes shall be made ood on site in the

manner recommended b' the man!fact!rer and to the specification of the


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2ns!re that motors mo!nted in the fan airwa' have frame si;es anshapes consistent with the man!fact!rer5s air (!antit' and noise level


Motors shall compl' with the followin specifications

8 Totall' enclosed t'pe for direct driven t'pe

8 indin ins!lation class 2.

8 @ori;ontall' mo!nted.

c. Impellers.

Impellers have aerofoil blades and shall be staticall' and d'namicall'

balanced .certification of balance shall be s!bmitted.

Impeller blade pitch shall be readil' and acc!ratel' ad7!stable of blade

pitch on site will not affect the static or d'namic balance.

d. Casin and Assembl'

>ans shall have a flaned casin e6tendin for the lenth of the fan and

motor " !nless specified or shown otherwise& , complete with one or more

airtiht access doors s!itabl' for eas' fan inspection.

>ans of /$$ mm diameter or less ma' have casins witho!t accessDoors. :rovided heav' a!e alvani;ed wire !ards as s!pplied b' the

fan man!fact!rer on accessible fan inta3es and dischares.

4!ards shall be easil' removable for access and shall be desined to

prevent accidental contact with movin parts !nder the f!ll weiht of the a

man. S!pport fans on vibration isolators. where sprin vibration are

specified provide bracin to resist the a6ial and for ional thr!st of the fan

2ns!re that vibrations from the fan are not transmitted to the str!ct!re via


#. :+O:2LL2+ >AN

a. >an shall be wall mo!nted t'pe.

b. >an shall be constr!cted with board s!rface impeller !sin to move air

smoothl' with relative (!ietness.

c. >or small diameter propeller fan blade assembl' shall be constr!cted of


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The electricit' s!ppl' will be **$ -)I phase)<$ @; and /$ -)/ phase)<$ @;,#

wire. All e(!ipment shall be desined to operate with ! 1 J voltae

tolerance witho!t a loss of rated o!tp!t.

The contractor shall be responsible for e6tendin the s!ppl' from the above

mentioned isolator)distrib!tion board and shall incl!de all electrical wor3s

incl!din control panels, starter, cond!its and wirin etc. necessar' for the

satisfactor' operation of their e(!ipment offered.

#. AC 2L2CT+ICAL, incl!des b!t not limited to

2lectrical wor3 that is meant here is all implementation of installations relatedto Air Conditionin wor3 pac3aes s'stem and mechanical ventilation in orderthat the' will be capable of f!nctionin well, the technical specifications sho!ldbe the same as electrical wor3, amon others

a. Installation of indoor cable !ses hih impact :-C cond!it t'pe whilefor o!tdoor installations !ses this t'pe of complete metal cond!it elbow,and its accessories.

b. Scope of the wor3 26ec!tor for the AC s'stem in this pro7ect incl!desthe proc!rement and installation of all control panels and AC powerpanels e(!ipped with components of the panel, ro!ndin,terminat ion in accordance with the desin drawins.

c. Control for the e6istin a!tomatic settin of temperat!re, h!midit',water flow, air flow, damper, damper indicator and all the necessar'e(!ipment on the air conditionin s'stem for the s'stem to wor3 properl'in accordance with the drawins and specifications shall be provided andinstalled b' the 7ob 26ec!tor. All e6istin e(!ipment and which ma' bere(!ired to carr' o!t the wor3 shall be done b' the 26ec!tor of this wor3

to show the ma6im!m res!lts.

<. +290I+2M2NTS >O+ T@2 O+

 All electrical wor3 m!st be carried o!t in accordance with there!lations, standards, re(!irements :0IL8'ear *$$$ and the or3 Safet'!rea!.

In addition to that the' m!st also meet the re(!irements or standards of theState and the man!fact!rer.

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If there are differences, it sho!ld be selected which is more appropriate.

 All test and inspection and testin of official information that ma' bere(!ired e6ec!ted for implementation b' the 26ec!tor ) Contractor of thiswor3 and all the costs inc!rred shall be incl!ded in the bid.


 All materials !sed m!st be of top (!alit', made in 4erman', 0SA, ore(!ivalent !nless otherwise stated separatel'.

The e6ec!tor of the wor3 sho!ld coordinate with other parties as far aspossible to obtain !niform e(!ipment e(!ipment from the same brand for all the

wor3 in this pro7ect.

B. 290I:M2NT, 2TC

a. 2ach !nit of e(!ipment shall be e(!ipped with a safet' s'stemseparatel'.

b. >or each phase the panel sho!ld be iven an indicator liht or meas!rintools.

c. All AC power panels !se a thic3 plate of minim!m of * mm andsho!ld be iven an anti8r!st paint la'er.

d. All the e6istin panels, switches, indicators, meas!rin tools and otherssho!ld be provided with a clear name and is sho!ld not easil' bedamaed.

e. All meas!rin tools that are installed sho!ld be from the most appropriateand acc!rate wor3in area *J.

. +2S2+-2S >0S2S

>or each panel sho!ld be provided as man' as spare f!ses which are

available and stored in a special place and iven a bade.


 Al l cab le connect ions sho!ld be made in accordance wi th the e6istinre(!irements of which amon others are

a. Connection of copper wire connector sho!ld !se the appropriatecopper and coated with white lead.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /$

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11. STA+T2+

26cept as otherwise provided b' the man!fact!rer or where otherwise stated,the t'pe of starter !sed are

:ower Inp!t Motor T'pe of Starter  

0p to < 3

? 3   <$ 3

<< 3 and above

On)Off Switch "DOL&

Star Delta

Soft Starter f!nction for >l!ct!ative loads

e(!ipped with -ariable Speed Controller 

-ariable Speed Controller Inverter 

This e(!ipment m!st be e(!ipped with harmonic filters, +> filters and motor o!tp!tas a !nitar' coil !nit ) b!ild8ins for optimal tool and for their f!nctionalit' to beoptim!m and save their placement.

In addition, the' shall still meet the standards of -D2, 2N, IC,

S2N. Inp!t

• -oltae /$8#1< -AC, / :hase

• >actor cos $. 1.$

•  Control

• Speed $ 81*$ @;

• C!rrent Limit $ 8 1$<J >LC

• @iht Tor(!e Start Selector -ector ) >re(. +atio

• +amp Shape Linear ) Sinne ) Sine

• +amp Settin $ 8/*$$ secs.

   Analo O!tp!t $8*$ mA, $8#$ mA  +ela'>acilit' $81*$ @;

   Analo Inp!t $ 81$ -, $8*$ mA, #8*$ mA,*$8

# mA, *$8$ mA

  Diital Inp!t $ *# -

1*. T2STIN4 O+Testin wor3 incl!des b!t not limited to the followin decomposition, so thes'stem can f!nction properl', amon others

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26ec!tor ) Contractor shall perform all the testin, test and balancine(!ipment of air conditionin s'stem installation, witnessed b' theS!pervisor' Cons!ltant ) :lanners ) :ro7ect Owners and other parties whosepresence sho!ld be needed.

efore carr'in o!t meas!rements and TA "Testin, Ad7!stin alancin&,the Contractor shall propose methods of wor3 :ress!re Test Commissionin, (!antities to be meas!red and meas!rin tools that are!sed, to S!pervisor' Cons!ltant and the :lanners Cons!ltant and as3 forapproval, no later than *"two& wee3s before the 7ob is e6ec!ted.

The entire cost of this wor3 shall be borne b' the Contractor and shall beincl!ded in the bid.

1/. 290I:M2NT TO 2 :+2:A+2D

The materials re(!ired to perform tests sho!ld be prepared minimall' b'the 26ec!tors ) Contractors, amon others

a.Meas!r in Tools

In ma3in meas!rements, the =ob 26ec!tor ) Contractor m!st !sethe meas!rin e(!ipment ) instr!ment with hih acc!rac' level"Laborator' Standard&.

b.Test in Standards

The method of meas!rement shall be in accordance with the methodof AS@+A2 Standard ANSI ) AS@+A2 8 III 8 1.

c . a t e r  

Shall become the responsibilit' of the =ob 26ec!tor) Contractor.

d . 2 l e c t r i c a l

Shall become the responsibilit' of the =ob 26ec!tor ) Contractor.


T'pe of the testin wor3 on balancin and ad7!stin of this installation, b'and lare incl!des the decomposition of the followin, amon others

a. ater Distrib!tion S'stem

Testin for lea3s at all connections when the chiller pipes are iven thepress!re of 1< 3 ) cm * and cleanin ) fl!shin of the installed pipes.Tests on the installation s'stem condensation on the o!ter s!rface ofchiller water pipe. 9!antities to be meas!red and recorded, incl!din

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temperat!re and press!re of water in and o!t and the water flow rate fromall A@0 !nits and p!mps.

b. Air Distrib!tion S'stem

Testin methods sho!ld be made to the lea3ae of overallconnections and d!ctin branches, d!ctin s!ppl', ret!rn d!ctin,d!ctin freshair and e6ha!st d!ctin.

>or the smo3e method the contractor m!st provide a enerator ) !nitfor the method of smo3e, accordin to the method of test andmeas!rement of ANSI ) AS@+A2 III81, SMACNA standards.

Testin sho!ld be done to lea3s at the connection, temperat!re,speed and amo!nt of air flow in the branches of d!ctin, diff!ser, rille,

test holes in the s!ppl' d!ct and fresh air d!cts.

alancin and ad7!stin all the e6istin damper to obtain the appropriate

price. 9!antities to be meas!red and recorded incl!de

Temperat!re and +@ of air in and o!t of coolin coil of all the A@0.

Temperat!re, +@ and air flow on the main chimne' "main d!ct& of airs!ppl' and ret!rn as well as the branchin and the fresh air inta3e.Temperat!re, +@ and air flow dischare at all o!tlets diff!ser and rille.

c. 2lectrical

Meas!rement and test of the strenth of c!rrents and voltaes, rpmever' phase of motor compressor !nits and the e6istin power8manaement s'stem. Comparison with the planned price orman!fact!rers data.

d. Temperat!re, +@ and +oom Noise Level

Meas!rin and testin of the temperat!re and h!midit' in the roomwhich are conditioned at several meas!rin points and the noise thatocc!rs in the room.


The precise method of carr'in o!t the followin test shall be areed with the

enineer prior to commencement.

The followin items shall be tested in the se(!ence indicated and a completed

report shall be b' the contractor and s!bmitted to the enineer for approval.

1?. +290I+2M2NTS >O+ MAT2+IALSa. 4eneral

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flashin of all roof penetrations for cables and pipes, over flashin b' the

pl!mbin contractor.

Constr!ction of all manholes, !ll' pits, s!rface channels, connect s!pport etc.

or3 b' electrical contractor.

:rovision of electricit' s!ppl' "feeder cable& to p!mp rooms, starter panel.

cables, etc, shall be s!pplied , connected and installed b' the contractor


:rovision of electricit' s!ppl' "feeder cable& to s!mp p!mps electrical panel as

indicated on drawins, cables, etc, shall be s!pplied , connected and installed

b' the con,actor pl!mbin contractor.

*. +240LATIONS

Not with standin an'thin to the contrar' contained herein pertainin to this

installation , it shall be the contractor responsibilit' to ens!re all the wor3s is in

strict accordance with the followin stat!tor' obliations, re!lations and

specification toether with an' amendments made there made thereto.

a. The relevant ritish and Indonesia Standard and Codes of :ractice for

:l!mbin wor3s.

b. The s!ppl' r!les of the Local :ower Companies ":0IL&

c. +e(!irement of the local a!thorities havin 7!risdiction over the installation.

d. Domestic water (!alit' shall compl' with the local re!lation "iss!ed b'Minister of @ealth No.$1 I I+@0MAS )1)1B<&.


1. 42N2+AL

a. The contractor shall be responsible for the coordination and location of all


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pipin and e(!ipment with other contractor before installation.

b. The contractor shall be responsible before commencin wor3 for chec3inall levels and radients shown on drawin and for relatin them to site

conditions to ascertain that conditions on site permit e6ec!tion of wor3 as

shown on drawins.

c. The contractor shall r!n all drainae pipes with a fan as indicated on the

drawin and shall ive hori;ontal anti s'phonae and vent pipes with a

correspondin !pward radient towards the main stac3s.

d. All pipes, fittins, 7oints and 7ointin materials !sed shall be s!itable for the

s!bstances conve'ed in the pipes and shall not deteriorate d!e to chemical

or atmospheric action. All pipes and fittins shall have ample strenth for

the press!re involved.

e. The contractors shall provide for dissimilar metal 7oints to prevent

electrol'tic action in the pipin s'stem, special flaned connection with

ins!latin as3ets pl!s ins!latin sleeves for the flane bolts shall be


f. here pipes and rainwater o!tlets pass thro!h roof slabs s!itable

openins shall be left d!rin castin b' others. The contractor shall install

the pipes. rainwater o!tlets, etc. ta3in into acco!nt the water proofininstallation method as detailed b' the enineer 

. >loor drains shall be installed in the same manners as rain water o!tlets

openin will be formed in the slabs b' others, detailed dimensions and

location shall be s!pplied b' the contractor 

h. All valves , coc3s, etc. which shall re(!ire an' approval b' local a!thorit'

m!st be s!bmitted to the a!thorit' b' the contractor who shall be

responsible for all chares inc!rred . no valves and fittins shall be installed

prior to approval b' s!pervisor or constr!ction manaement representative.

i. 26posed pipe wor3 will not be permitted in occ!pied area.

 7. The contractor shall locate all valve, traps, cleanins e'es and similar items

where the' are easil' accessible for operation, inspection and repair.

*. SCO:2 O> O+

a. Clean ater or3s

1&Installation pipes inside and o!tside the b!ildin .PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /

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*&:roc!rement and installation completel' !nits of ma7or e(!ipment

re(!ired in water s!ppl' s'stem in the form of p!mps and e(!ipment.

/&:roc!rement and installation of pipin s'stems and e(!ipment, incl!din

pipin, pipin in the installation of p!mps and distrib!tion pipin at

an' point in o!t8ta3e ) o!tlet.

#&Installation of distrib!tion pipes to individ!al sanitar' appliances s!ch as

closets, sin3s, !rinals and others.

b. Sewae and aste ater or3s

1&:roc!rement and installation of e(!ipment needed for its sewerae s'stem

and waste.

*&Installation of pipin in sanitar' e(!ipment s!ch as closets, sin3s, !rinals,

floor drain and others.

/&Drainae or3s in constr!ction, proc!rement and installation of rain

water. pipe from the roof of the b!ildin to the o!tside line of

b!ildin complete with its accessories.

c. Develop and prepare the Operational Standard and :roced!re "SO:& for !se

b' the 2nineerin Team of the Owner in performin tas3s and operations ofthe b!ildin.

d. 26ec!tor ) Contractor shall provide ed!cation to 2nineerin Team of the

Owner !ntil the' are well versed to operate the e(!ipment as well to

maintain and all costs become the responsibilit' of the 26ec!tor ) :l!mbin


e. Testin and Commissionin

Cond!ctin testin and commissionin of all s'stems installed in order to

obtain a ood s'stem in accordance with the re(!irements of laws and

re!lations c!rrentl' in force in Indonesia. And does not conflict with the

provisions of the Safet' !rea!.

/. 42N2+AL T2C@NICAL +290I+2M2NTS

a. Time >rame

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The lenth of time the implementation of the proc!rement, installation

and maintenance tailored to the staes of development in accordancewith the sched!le.

b. Material

The Contractor shall ens!re all !nits of e(!ipment imported are free of

defective materials, improver material and !arantee the (!alit' or (!alit'

of oods in accordance with ob7ective of the specifications, and m!st refer to

the standards of ISO 1#$$$ ) 1#$$1, 2nvironmental Manaement S'stem.

 An' material or e(!ipment that do not meet the specifications sho!ld be

replaced with the correspondin ones for a period of not more than 1

"one& wee3 after the min!tes of receipt of oods have been sined.

 All costs inc!rred d!e to replacement of material ) e(!ipment become

the responsibilit' ) b!rden of the Contractor.

c. The drawins and specifications

The drawins and specifications of these plans are !nited and not split. Ifthere is an' parts of the the 7ob or the e(!ipment are re(!ired for thisinstallation to wor3 properl', and onl' one drawin is e6pressed in theplannin or desin specifications alone. Contractor shall remain implement atno e6tra cost.

d. Desin Drawins

The desin drawins that are incl!ded in the scope of pl!mbin wor3 in

the Tender Doc!ments are the drawins with the drawin code n!mber

:L. Contractor shall chec3 the desin aainst the possibilit' of errors )discrepancies in terms of (!antities and the diameter of the pipe installation

and others. The thins above sho!ld be s!bmitted in writin or in the form of

drawins d!rin the pre8bid clarifications meetin . These desin drawins

are not meant to refer to all the pipes, fittins, valves and fi6t!res in detail. All

the parts mentioned above, altho!h not described or mentioned in the

specification sho!ld be ad7!sted and installed b' the Contractor, if necessar',

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in order to complete this installation and can wor3 well in accordance with the

implementation of the fair.

e. or3in drawins

or3in drawins for all wor3 m!st alwa's be at the field "site&. Incl!din

chanes or other proposals and so forth. As lon as the implementation of

this installation is r!nnin, the Contractor shall provide the sins with the

pencil ) red in3 on the set of drawins for an' amendments, deletions or

additions to the installation, S!ch wor3in drawins m!st be made in an!mber of 1 "one& set tracin paper and / "three& sets of bl!e print.

f. Imaes Implementation

The Contractor shall ma3e a detailed installation drawin "shop drawins& to

be approved b' the 2nineer, also m!st s!bmit the Implementation

Drawins "As !ilt Drawins&, which incl!des floor plans, as8b!ilt installation,

installation detail. Details of e(!ipment from all over the installations

drawn on tracin paper. Implementation of the installation m!st meet the

eneral re(!irements that appl' and follow the 4!idelines for :l!mbin

Indonesia in *$$$. As8b!ilt drawins shall be made in a n!mber of 1 "one&

set of tracin paper and / "three& sets of bl!e print.

. 26amples of 4oods

The Contractor shal l s!bmit samples of mater ia ls to be !sed in

the implementation, to the Constr!ction Manaement or the broch!resof the e(!ipment and wait for approval from the Constr!ction Manaement

before the tools are installed.

hen these materials are (!estionable in terms of their (!alit' the' will be

sent to the investiation office at the e6pense of the Contractor.

If it t!rns o!t that there are materials that have been declared not ood ) not

be !sed b' the Constr!ction Manaement, then the Contractor shall

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#&Contractor m!st s!bmit a permit or an official statement from the a!thorities

for installation of this pro7ect to Constr!ction Manaement, cons!ltantsor other parties appointed to this.

l. Correlation =obs

1&>or all the e6istin e6cavation and pilin wor3 which shall be done b'

other parties the Contractor shall provide the data, meas!rements

and drawins if an' to the other parties who carr' them o!t

*&All wor3 on installin the machine holders shall be done b' the Contractor.

Contractor shall provide the data, meas!rements, drawins and

e(!ipment necessar' to others who need them.

/&All p!llin of electrical cables to the e(!ipment panels shall be carried o!t

b' other parties. The Contractor shall provide the data and

drawins needed to the other parties who carr' o!t s!ch wor3.

#&All p!llin of water pipes incl!din clean water pipes, sewae pipes that

are not listed in the drawins and specifications that shall be

cond!cted b' the other parties, the Contractor shall coordinate and

provide the data, the si;e and the drawins to the other part' who are

doin those wor3.

<&All electrical facilities, water, sanitar' emerencies sho!ld be arraned b'

the Contractor. The Contractor m!st coordinate with the other

parties to tac3le this problem

m. S!b Contractors

1&here appropriate e6perts or speciali;ed personnel who are s!pposed to

do the wor3s are not able to carr' o!t installation, ad7!stment,

testin and other then the Contractor ma' ive !p some other

installations to the S!b Contractor !pon approval of the Constr!ction


*&Contractor shall be f!ll' responsible for all scope of wor3, either alone or

that have been implemented in the s!b8contracted.

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/&2mplo'er and the Constr!ction Manaement can not be prosec!ted if

there is a laws!it beca!se contractor5s pa'ments to their s!b8contractors do r!n smoothl'.

n. >ield S!pervisor 

1&All wor3 covered in this installation m!st be s!pervised b' an e6perienced

staff. @e is f!ll' responsible for all installation wor3 on this pro7ect.

*&Names, details of wor3 e6perience, orani;ational str!ct!re sho!ld be

provided b' the >ield S!pervisor Contractor to the

Constr!ction Manaement to re(!est approval.

/&If it t!rns o!t that in the opinion of the Constr!ction Manaement,

cons!ltants or a!thorities the desinated >ield S!pervisor is ill8

e(!ipped to lead the wor3 the contractor m!st replace them with


Contractor m!st maintain

1 .Da i l' +epor t oo3

* .ee3 l' +epor t oo3

/.Month l' +eport oo3

# .:ermit overtime wor3 permit ) holida' wor3 permit .

#& Contractor shall report the res!lts of their wor3 proress ever' wee3and its comparison with the sched!le that has been arraned.

<& here there is an' difference, shall be incl!ded also the reasons andwa's to overcome it.

?& >or each of the staes of installation that has been finished , the

Contractor shall obtain a written statement from the Constr!ctionManaement, cons!ltants and part'8appointed that the installationphase has been completed in accordance with e6istin re(!irements.

B& These installation staes shall be determined later based on thedetails of time sched!le s!bmitted b' the contractor.

& ithin each of the testin and Ktrial r!nK of this installation s'stemm!st also

be attended b' the Constr!ction Manaement, cons!ltants, e6perts

and representatives of the assin or, as well as other parties concerned.

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>or this p!rpose a certificate shall be iven statin the test res!lts b'

the part' a!thori;ed to ive the same.

o. >ield Clean!p

1& >ield that is !sed ever' da' after wor3 shall be cleaned b'Contractor. Contractor sho!ld contact the other parties to coordinatethe cleanin field

*& Immediatel' after the contract is completed, the Contractor shallremove all remainin materials e6cept the wor3 and e(!ipment thatare still needed for maintenance.

p. Operatin Instr!ctions

1&At the time of the handover for the first time the Contractor shall s!bmit

drawins, data e(!ipment operatin instr!ctions and methods

of maintenance of the machines installed !nder this Contract

in the Indonesian lan!ae.

*&These data m!st be s!bmitted to the Owner of / "three& sets and the

Cons!ltant 1 "one& set.

/&At the time of the first handover the followin m!st be s!bmitted

Instr!ction Man!al, Instalation Man!al, Maintenance 4!ide,

Operatin Instr!ctions, Tro!ble Shootin Instr!ction and oriinal


#&Contractor shall provide * "two& sets of operatin instr!ctions and

maintenance to the Owner, and sho!ld be placed in a lass, framed

and st!c3 on the wall in the main enine room or other place desinated

b' the Constr!ction Manaement.

<&Contractor sho!ld provide ed!cation abo!t the operation and maintenance

pract ices to technical off icers who are appointed b' the

Owner ) Constr!ction Manaement at no chare !ntil the'

capable of carr'in their d!ties.

?&Contractor m!st provide a written warrant' on ma7or appliances to the


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(. Data on Spare :arts

Contractors m!st ens!re b' a Letter of 4!arantee of spare parts that are

easil' available on the e(!ipment that ma' li3el' e6perience fail!re or

damae in a short

#. S:2CI>IC T2C@NICAL +290I+2M2NTS O> AT2+ S0::LE, S2A42


a. +e!lations ) +e(!irements

Code of practice and other !idance relatin to development re!lations

which are in force in the +ep!blic of Indonesia. D!rin the e6ec!tion of this

Contract to rioro!sl' be adhered to. In eneral the followin r!les are

related to the article as follows

1&+e!lation of the State ater Compan', reardin the installation of the


*&:l!mbin Indonesia +e!lation 4!idelines iss!ed b' the Directorate of

Sanitation 2nineerin Directorate of Cipta ar'a, Department of

:!blic or3s.

/&4eneral inspection for the inspection of constr!ction materials NI8/ ":0&

1<? NI8/ 1?/. :0 1?.

#&Indonesia Concrete +e!lations reardin emplo'ment of dail', wee3l',

monthl', contract wor3ers deemed to have !nderstood and are

aware of the content and intent of the re!lations and conditions

mentioned above.

<&Desin and Maintenance of :l!mbin S'stems *$$$ "SNI&.

?& SNI


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#& :!mp settins In :ress!re Control S'stem

8 The firs :!mp Start, if the water press!re on the networ3 !sersdrops to a threshold L on the press!re switch ":S1&.

8 The second :!mp starts, when the water press!re on thenetwor3 !sers

drops to a threshold L on the press!re switch ":S*& and so on.

8 The first :!mp and the second :!mp etc. Stop, if the waterpress!re on

the networ3 !sers rises to the threshold @ in :S1, :S* and so on.

8 :!mp at the On position s!ddenl' biased Off, if the water levelin the tan3 was down to the limit LL and will ret!rn to normal when

the water level rose !p to the limit L.

<& :!mp Settins In the >low Monitor Control

8 The first :!mp starts if the water press!re on the networ3 !sersdrops to a threshold L on the press!re switch ":S1&.

8 The second :!mp Starts and the second :!mp Stops, when

the rate of flow on the networ3 !sers rises to the threshold flow @1on the monitor.

8 The first :!mp Stops, when the rate of water flow on the

networ3 is down to a threshold @1 on the monitor flow and

water press!re rises to the threshold of @ on :S1.

8 All p!mps that are ON can with a s!dden become O>> and thealarm is ON, when the water level in the tan3 drops to athreshold hidap LL !ntil water is replenished aain reachin the

threshold L.


1& Soil waste rain water and ventilation pipin s'stems

8 Above ro!nd 0:-C pipes class 1$ 3)cm* and fittins to S #<1#

with solvent cement 7oint

8 0nderro!nd 0:-C pipes class 1$ 3)cm* and fittins to S #<1#PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 #

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*& -entilation :ipin

>or ventilation pipe is fitted toether with the wall 1 1 ) # Kfor each of the

fi6t!res in need. Then forwarded b' the main ventilation pipe which are

on the shafts in which final release on the roof floor is e(!ipped with a


/& Manhole

8 Manhole consists of frame and lid made of cast iron and coveredwith

bit!men paint.

8 >rame and the l id ta3e the form of a trap, so that once fi lledwith the

ease will be formed odors retainers.

8 The diameter of the hole to pass the minim!m of <$$ mm, whilefor the

passin of e(!ipment shall be in accordance with the n!mber

of e(!ipment.

8 The finishin of the s!rface of the manhole shall be ad7!stedto the

desination of the location.

#& Sewae Tan3

8 If specified in the plannin drawins, a sewae tan3 shall be

made as described here.

8 Sewae tan3 shall be made of a reinforced fi bre panel,watertiht bodies while the lid sho!ld be air8tihted.

8 2ach section sho!ld be able to be p!mped, then the bed of theSewae Tan3 sho!ld be slanted 1 1$ in the direction of the p!mp,while all the end anles sho!ld be made 1/< derees.

8 Sewae tan3 sho!ld be completed with

a.Sewae pipe sleeve for entr' and e6it.

b.Sleeve for vent pipe, Sleeve for cables

c.Level switch for a flood alarm, Level switch for p!mpcontrol

d.Manhole for the p!mp to o thro!h "for maintenancep!rposes&PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 <$

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U Dia. ?< and older t'pe of flane

U Standard ) class ANSI ) 1<$ :Sb. 4 a t e - a l v e

U The si;e of him. 1< to <$ mm

U -alve bod', steam disc material bron;e, female thread.

U The si;e of him. ?< and older 

Non +isin Stem, cast iron bod', @ened end

c. C h e c 3 - a l v e

U The si;e of him. 1< to <$ mmU -alve bod', bron;e disc material steam, female thread.

U The si;e of him. ?< and older 

U Cast iron bod', flaned end, cast steel disc.

d. S t r a i n e r  

U The si;e of him. 1< to <$ mm

U -alve bod', bron;e disc material steam, female thread, t'pe E The

si;e of him. ?< and older 

Cast iron bod', stainless steel screen, flaned end, the E t'pe.

e. >le6ible ConnectionU The si;e of him. <$ s ) d *$$ mm

U S'nthetic r!bber flaned end material

f . : r e s s ! r e 4 a ! e

U Dial t'pe # K

:ress!re +ane $ to 1$ 3)cm*

. - a l v e f l o a t e r  

ron;e bod', plastic ball, male thread

h . ater Level Contr ol / el ectr ode

i . >oot -alve ron;e bod'

& +oof Drain

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a. +oof drain !sed herein shall be made of cast iron with the

constr!ction of water proof 

b. Area thro!h which water from a roof drain cover is * "two& times

the si;e of the pipe dischare

c. +oof drain shall consist of / parts

• it!men coated cast iron bod' with flane of water proof 

• it!men coated dome cover t'pe


a. All pipe wor3 shall be free from b!rrs, r!st and shall be tho!ht cleaned

before erection. open ends d!rin the proress of wor3 shall be blan3ed

Poff with p!rpose made metal or plastic caps and the !se of wooden

pl!s is occ!r after the vario!s s'stems have been p!t into operation

owin to noncompliance with this re(!irement the contractor shall rectif'

the matter at no e6tra cost to the contract.

b. :ipes shall be installed with correct falls for ventin and drainin and

attention shall be paid to neatness of installation :ipe. ro!p of pipes

shall be acc!ratel' spaced and chaned direction toether end shall be

str!c3 from a common radi!s point.

c. The contractor shall note the restricted space available in certain

service d!cts and the absol!te necessit' to ens!re that all pipe wor3 is

installed in the correct se(!ence, manner and position to ens!re that

operation of all valves and maintenance possible.

d. All red!ction pipes si;es shall be made !sin approved standard

red!cin fittins. +ed!cin b!shed shall not be !sed witho!t approval.

Connections between lenths of pipes shall be made !sin standardfittins.

e. -ent pipes shall be contracted in s!ch a wa' that no water trap will be

formed in the entire pipe r!n.

f. All alvani;ed iron pipes and fittins where b!ried in walls col!mns or

slabs, or installed with flanes or in direct contact with concrete, the

pipe wor3 shall be coated with an approved protective tape before


. All pipe wor3 in the p!mp room , plant rooms and on roof level shall be

installed with flanes or !nions at intervals not e6ceedin ? m for eas'PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 </

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h. Chane in direction of pipes shall be made with lon radi!s bent witho!tthe !se of fittins.

i. All pipe r!ns when not installed !nderro!nd or in d!ct shall be

concealed as far as possible b' caref!l positionin or shall be chased

into walls , laid in screeds etc or as directed b' the enineer.

 7. All pipes passin thro!h wall tilin and e6posed to siht shall be

provided with wall flanes pl!ed and screwed to wall.

3. The contractor shall pa' partic!lar attention to the installation of

rainwater pipes)waste witch will be cast inside str!ct!ral members to

ens!re that the concealed pipes will not be damaed when po!rin


. :I:2 S0::O+TS

a. All pipes wor3 fittins, valves , connectin, shall be efficientl' s!pported

and brac3eted . all pipe wor3 shall be s!pported at intervals not reater

than the followin list on straiht r!ns, and additional s!pports shall be

provided at bends, valves, where necessar'

t'pe of si;e of interval "m&pipin pipe "mm& @ori;ontal vertical

80:-C t!be 1< 8 *< 1,1 *,1

/* 8 #$ 1,* *,#

<$ 1,/< *,B

$ 1,?< /,/

  1$$ 1, /,?

8 4 l pipes *< *,# /.$

/* *,B /.$

b. The s!pport for !nderro!nd site drainae pipin shall be of concrete


c. All pipes s!pports shall be of s!ch desin and t'pe to allow for the

removal of an' pipe section witho!t the necessit' of disconnectin other

ad7!stment pipes.

d. In all plant "p!mp& rooms pipe wor3 from p!mps, and all pipe wor3

where vibration co!ld be transmitted to the b!ildin str!ct!re, shall be

s!pported with brac3ets between the brac3et and the pipe shall have

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speciall' desined anti vibration haner ) s!pports.

. :I:2 SL22-2S

a. here pipes pass o!tside walls "O!tbow&, walls , floors, etc the

contractor shall provide pipe sleeves, sleeves for d!ctile iron, cast

iron ,alvani;ed iron and copper pipes shall be steel here sleeves are

fitted thro!h floors, the' shall e6tend to at least *$ mm clear above the

level of the finished floor.

b. Sleeves shall be of s!fficient si;e to allow free movement of pipes and

f!rthermore where pipes are ins!lated the sleeves shall be oversi;ed to

allow the ins!lation to be carried thro!h the sleeves. The contractor,

attention is drawn to the vertical pipe d!ct at floor levels, where pipes

pass thro!h floors, sleeves shall be provided.

c. Detail of pipes thro!h walls and floors and floors shall be s!bmitted to

the enineer for approval before commencement of the installation.

d. The contractor shall s!ppl' sleeves for settin in the walls, floors, etc

and in the sh!tterin before concrete is po!red.

e. @ole which are to be formed in beams shall be provided b' the

contractor s!fficientl' earl' to meet the prorammer of wor3.


a. 4eneral

8 All fittins shall be s!itable for the re(!ired wor3in press!re and

tested as specified elsewhere in this specification.

8 +ed!ction in bore of pipe shall be enerall' made eccentric forhori;ontal pipes "to prevent air loc3in & and concentric taper fittins

shall be fitted for vertical pipes !nless specificall' re(!ired to achieve

the re(!ired space and invert levels.

b. 4alvani;ed Steel pipes


8 Screw 7oint shall be !sed thro!ho!t, with beaded fittin for

connectin to cast iron soc3ets with molten lead 7oints.

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the d!t' re(!ired.

e. >laned 7oint for si;es from ?< mm and !pwards.f. >laned 7oint for !se in p!mp dischare pipe.

. >lanes to .S. #<$#V part I rated at re(!ired wor3in press!re.

1#. C@2C -AL-2

a. Chec3 valve in nominal si;es !p to and incl!din ?< mm shall be

8 To. <1<#

8 Of swin t'pe with s(!are n!t head

8 In bron;e

b. chec3 valves nominal si;es form $ mm !pwards shall be

8 of do!ble !ided disc slidin t'pe

8 constr!cted cast iron bod' bron;e disc and seat stainless steel sprin

with -ito or :,T.>,2 sealin material for !se in portable water s!ppl'

s'stem and rain water disposal s!mp and p!mp s'stem onl'.

c. >or all chec3 valves on the dischare side of p!mp , silent chec3 valves

f!ll open t'pe shall be !sed " non water hammer t'pe&.

1<. ALL >LOAT -AL-2S

a. all float valves in nominal si;e !p to and incl!din <$ mm shall be

8 To..S. 1*1* part I

8 In brass with copper float to .S.1?

b. all float valves in nominal si;es from ?< mm and !p ward shall be

8 To. .S. 1*1* part I8 In cast iron with bron;e trim and copper ball float to .S. 1?

8 >laned ends, flanes to .S. #<$# part I rated at re(!ired wor3in

press!re involved.


a. Drain valves shall be provided at law point of all water risers and mains

to ens!re that all sections of pipe wor3 and plant can be drained. Drain

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valves shall be !nmetal si;e to be as follows

Concealed pipin and e6posed 1< mm hose !nion b!lb pipin infinished spaces

ib coc3

:ipin <$ mm smaller 1< mm lobe

:ipin ?< mm <$ mm lobe

-ent valves B mm lobe

b. all valves shall be land pattern valves of 1< mm of si;e and over shall

have hose !nion, other valves shall have ribbed o!tlet for hose


c. 1< mm test valves shall be provided on the dead side of non8ret!rn

valves and isolatin valves on the mains.


a. >le6ible connectors shall be of stainless steel details shall be s!bmitted

to the enineer prior to orderin.

b. :ress!re ratin of the fle6ible connectors shall be the same as the

s'stem pipe wor3 !nless otherwise noted on drawins.

c. >le6ible connectors shall be installed at where shown on drawin and atall p!mp s!ction and dischares.

d. All Connectors shall have flaned connection to S #<$< and s!itable

for connectin to the appropriate pipe wor3 and e(!ipment.

1. ST+AIN2+S

a. Strainers shall be installed in all p!mp s!ction the strainer shall be of

pipe tine FEG t'pe or b!c3et t'pe and s!itable for !se in the appropriates'stem.

b. The strainers mesh shall be stainless steel with total available filterin

area of at least three times the sectional area of the pipe inlet to the


c. Strainer in nominal si;es of <$ mm die and above shall be ofG E t'pe.

!nmetal or bron;e bod'.

d. Strainer in nominal si;es of ?< mm die and above shall be of vertical

" b!c3et & t'pe cast iron bod' flaned to .S #<$# of press!re class

s!itable for the wor3in press!re.

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a. All sanitar' fittins and accessories will be installed b' the contractor.

b. The Contractor shall handle fittins in and o!t of store to 7ob site and

the' shall be well protected from damae of an' 3ind. After installation

fi6t!re shall be well protected from damae and spoilae b' effects of

weather and s!bse(!ent contraction and the finishin activities of other


c. All damaed fi6t!res or fittins d!e to improper installation, storae or

handlin after handover of the fi6t!res and fittins b' other contractor

shall be re7ected b' the enineer and shall be replaced with new,

!ndamaed items as specified. An' cost shall be borne b' the


d. The drawins onl' indicate the appro6imate position of sanitar' fi6t!res,

e6act positions will be approved b' the enineer before the fi6t!res are

finall' set in position.

e. The contractor shall fi6 in position of sanitar' fi6t!res and accessories

as indicated on the drawins.

f. The contractor shall s!ppl' all 7ointin and fi6in materials and seal tostr!ct!re with pol's!iphide sealant and other accessor' materials, ma3e

all connections to water s!ppl' service, overflows and wastes.

. Connection of fi6t!res o!tlets to cast iron pipes shall be as specified in

the pipe wor3 section of this specification.

h. aste o!tlets to lavator' basins, !rinal bowls and sin3s shall be made

b' !sin proper 7ointin medi!m of the approved t'pe the enineer.

i. The fi6in method of all sanitar' fittins shall be s!bmitted for approval

the contractor shall ens!re that installation of fi6t!re and fittins shall be

in strict accordance with the man!fact!rers recommendation.

*$. T+A:S >O+ >LOO+ D+AINS

a. The contractor shall provide and fi6 <$ mm die Traps for floor drain

inside toilets which shall be cast iron traps with B< mm deep seal.

b. The contractor shall provide and fi6 <$ mm die cast iron traps for floor

drain in mechanical room as indicated on the drawins.

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*1. +AINAT2+ O0TL2TS

a. All rainwater o!tlets as shown on the drawins shall be s!pplied and

installed b' the contractor.

b. +ainwater o!tlet on roofs shall be domed t'pe with removable ratin.

Details shall be s!bmitted b' the contractor prior to orderin.

c Cast iron component t shall be coated as specified for cast iron pipe


d. +ainwater o!tlets shall be set in position in perfectl' manner b' others.

The contractor shall provide the necessar' detailed drawins and chec3

that the locations are correct. The contractor m!st ens!re that the wor3s

are coordinated.

**. >LOO+ D+AINS.

a. All floor drains inside toilets shall have chromi!m plate brass ratin to

match the floor finishes. >i6in screws shall be chromi!m plated brassflat head co!nter s!n3 screw.

b. >loor drains for mechanical rooms shall have cast iron pratin fitted with

brass flat head co!nter s!n3 screw.

c. >loor drains shall be set in position b' the contractor. The contractor

shall seal the clearance between the floor drains and the floor slabs

after installation.


 All so!l waste vent pipes shall be terminated above roof level as shown on

the drawins. A copper wire " :lastic coated & vent balloon shall sec!rel'

fi6ed to the open ends of all vent pipes. An approved weatherin slate )

apron shall be fitted with !p stand of 1<$ mm mm.

*#. CL2AN O0T

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a. The contractor shall provide where shown and re(!ired, floor and wall

clean o!ts with cover plates in finished areas.b. All clean o!ts shall be easil' accessible and shall be lea3 proof.


1. 42N2+AL

The p!mp heads in the sched!le drawin are iven for tenderin !idance

onl' and the Contractor shall be responsible for chec3in the total final

resistance of each s'stem, based on the act!al pipe r!ns and e(!ipment

offered, prior to orderin. An' modifications to the s'stem or an' of this

component, i.e. p!mps, pipe wor3, motors etc. hich ma' be re(!ired to

meet the sched!led deities and space limitations shall be carried o!t at the

Contractor5s e6penses.

 All p!mps shall be constr!cted to meet the re(!ired wor3in conditions and

test press!re of the s'stem concerned.

*. :0M: A++AN42M2NT

:!mp for pl!mbin services in centrif!al end s!ction t'pe as shown in

2(!ipment sched!le)Drawin.

2ach p!mp shall be directl' complied with the electric motor and alined in

the man!fact!rer5s factor'.

/. :0M: S:22D AND NOIS2

:!mp shall be selected for an impeller speed as indicated in the 2(!ipment

sched!le)drawin. All p!mps shall be commerciall' silent in operation.

#. :0M: C@A+ACT2+ISTIC C0+-2S

The characteristic c!rves of the p!mps offered b' the contractor shall be

s!bmitted to the 2nineer for approval.

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<. :0M: >ITTIN4S

a. All p!mps shall be fitted with an air8coc3 and drain pl!. 2ach p!mp

dischare and s!ction line shall have a press!re a!e with a dial

diameter of 1<$mm completed with copper)brass siphon loop t!be and

pet coc3. Drains shall be piped to floor drain or channel.

b. The contractor shall s!ppl' and install fle6ible pipe connectors at the

p!mp s!ction and dischare for each as in theG pipe wor3G section as


c. All fle6ible connectors shall have flaned 7oints for the connectin pipe

wor3 and m!st be s!itable for the wor3in conditions and test press!re

of the wor3in conditions and test press!re s'stem concerned.

d. A!tomatic air release valve shall be fitted in the p!mp to p!re an' air

li3el' to be trapped inside the p!mp casin. S!itable fittins shall be

!sed for s!ch connection and the A.A.-. shall not dischare at a

location directl' over or not near to the p!mp motor or an' other

electrical e(!ipment.

?. :0M: -AL-2S

2ach p!mp shall be fitted with valves to enable to be isolated, and in

addition, where shown on the drawins, a chec3)non8ret!rn valve shall be

fitted in each p!mp dischare.

B. :0M: AS2S

a. 2ach p!mp set shall be mo!nted on an anti8vibration p!mp base.

Details shall be s!bmitted b' the Contractor well before the

man!fact!rer of the str!ct!ral base. All holdin down bolts shall be

provided b' this Contractors.

b. The str!ct!ral base shall be formed b' others.

. SA>2TE 40A+DS

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 All e6posed shafts, co!plins and movin parts of p!mps shall be provided

with s!itable alvani;ed anle iron wire mesh !ards which shall be Sto!tl'constr!cted and easil' removableV and shall be provided with livin handles.

Care shall be ta3en that these !ards do not ca!se F+ininG so!nd and)or

vibrate which will create.


a. An identification plate of metal shall be fi6ed to each p!mp !nit. This

plate shall incl!de f!ll detailed diameter of the impeller installed, p!mp

si;e, model and serial n!mber, rpm, etc head and deliver' for the d!t'

specified, and l!bricant re(!ired.

b. All p!mps shall be the man!fact!rer5s desination plate which shall

indicate the t'pe of services and serial n!mber of the !nit.

1$. 2L2CT+ICAL O+ :0M:S

 All electrical wor3s associated with the p!mps shall compl' with the l22

re!lations "latest edition& code of practice, s!ppl' r!les and re!lations anddescribed in the relevant sections of this specifications.

11. DOM2STIC AT2+ :0M:S

a. The p!mps shall be with flaned s!ction and deliver' connections.

b. Matenals shall be as follows

Casin 8 4re' cast iron to .S. 1#</ rade **$ or better Impeller 8 Leaded bron;e to .S.1#$$1B/ L4*, 3e' to shaft.

Shaft 8 Stainless steel to .S. B$1B$

minim!m 1/J C+. with content

Seal 8 Mechanical seal.

Co!plins 8 >le6ible t'pe, completed with co!plin !ards.

4!ide rins 8 :hosphor bron;e

earins 8 all thr!st t'pe, rease l!bricated.

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1*. L2-2L :+O2S IN TANS

a. The Contractor shall s!ppl' and install level probes in water tan3s as

indicated below and shown in the drawins.

b. 2ach probe shall be of the correct lenth for its partic!lar application

and tan3 location. 2lectrodes shall be of polished stainless steel *$mm

O.D. electrode holders shall be weather proof in all respect.

c. The earthlin probes shall be connected and wired to the b!ildin earth

s'stems of the b!ildin.

d. 2ach set of electrodes shall be installed inside a *<$mm diameter :-C

pipe actin as a wave barrier.

e. The level switch set shall operate with a stepped down voltae at *# -

ma6im!m. Stepped down transformers shall be provided for each set of

control probes and shall be installed inside control c!bicles.


 Anti vibration mo!ntin shall be

a. Sprins, neoprene pads or r!bber in shear isolators as specified in

sched!le e(!ipment)drawin.

b. Of specified static deflection and selected to provide isolatin efficienc'of not less than <J.

1#. :L04S

:l!s for fi6in to hard materials to be proprietar' pl!s or plastic, soft

metal, fiber or similar.

>i6in to variable materials, plaster board and the li3e are to be proprietar'fi6ins speciall' desined for that sit!ation, The !se of wood pl!s shall not

be permitted.


1. 42N2+AL

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This section covers the eneral re(!irements for electrical wor3 to be

installed !nder this specification.

The contractor shall s!ppl' and install all electric wirin electrical and

control panel and level control etc. for the complete, safe and satisfactor'

operation of the plant covered b' the specification.


The entire electrical installation shall be in accordance with the re!lation

and re(!irement of all relevant a!thorities havin 7!risdiction over the



The electricit' s!ppl' will be **$ -)phase)<$ @; and /$ -)/ phase)<O@;,

# wire. All e(!ipment shall be desined to operate with W 1$J voltae

tolerance witho!t a loss of rated o!tp!t.

The power s!ppl' to the s'stems shall be provide b' the 2lectrical

Contractor !p to electrical power panel in p!mps room, and where else


The Contractor shall be responsible for e6tendin the s!ppl' from the above

mentioned isolator)distrib!tion board and shall incl!de all electrical wor3s

incl!din control panels, starter, cond!its and wirins etc. Necessar'

operation of their e(!ipment offered.

#. :0M: CONT+OL :AN2L

efore commencin an' wor3 whatsoever on the p!mp control c!bicle, the

contractor shall s!bmit drawins of the proposed la'o!t showin all

dimensions, the total weiht, fi6in details, cable si;es and cable termination

details of both incomin and o!toin cable to the 2nineer for approval.

 Approval of drawins will be iven I principle onl', witho!t abroation of the

Contractor5s responsibilities in respect of associated details.

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C!bicle shall be constr!cted b' heav' a!e sheet steel of thic3ness notless than * mm, finished in enamel of a color which will decided b' the

2nineer and Architect.

C!bicle shall be wall mo!nted and provided with hined loc3able access

doors with mechanicall' retained as3ets and hined top panels containin

control switches, s!pervisor' instr!ments and pilot liht. All e6terior door

fittin shall be chrome plated.

:!mp control c!bicle shall contain a main f!sed switch, b!s wor3, rach

switch, b!s wor3, branch switch f!ses or molded case circ!it brea3ers,

motor starters, a!6iliar' rela's, control f!ses, on)off p!sh b!ttons,

man!al)a!to power eon5 lihts, p!mp r!nnin and overload lihts,

ammeters, terminal bloc3s, wirin and accessories for the f!ll operation and

control of the associated p!mps. All electrical e(!ipment shall compl' with

the relevant section of this specifications.

The :l!mbin and drainae Contractor shall provide voltae free dr'

contacts in from of terminal bloc3 inside the p!mp indication panel for each

respective alarm of the p!mps and water tan3 stat!s. The followin pointsfor each p!mp water tan3)s!mp pit are re(!ired to be monitored

8 :!mp +!nnin

8 :!mp Trip

8 ater tan3 low level

8 ater tan3 hih level

The 2lectrical Contractor responsible the wor3 will obtain the respective

sinals from those indication panels onl'.

<. CAL2S

 All wirin shall be carried o!t !sin :-C ins!lated stranded sinle core

copper cond!ctor cable to .S. ?$$#,?*/1,</#< or ?<$$ as appropriate.

The Contractor shall confirm loads and si;es of cable prior to placin orders.

 All main cond!ctors "incl!din ne!tral& shall be colored in accordance to


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c!bicle, Totall' enclosed fan cooled motors are also acceptable.

Motors shall be selected to be capable of r!nnin witho!t overload at *$Jin e6cess of the horse power absorbed !nder normal p!mp d!t' conditions.

Motors shall enerall' be three phase, however, small motors of I or

Les ma' be sinle phase.

+atins shall be based on contin!o!s d!t' in the prescribed environment or

an ambient temperat!re of #$ c whichever is the more demandin, with an

efficienc' !nder load of not less than $.<.

indin ins!lation shall be to class in accordance to .S.*B<B, allowin

on $Xc temperat!re rise above ambient, !nless otherwise specified.

The power factor of all motors shalt not be less than $.< lain !nder all


Motors !p to incl!din /.B w shall be fitted ball bearins at both ends.

Larer motors shall be fitted with roller or deep rove ball bearins. Motors

operatin with vertical shafts shall be e(!ipped with bearins desined to

co!nter !nbalanced end thr!st. Motors shall have a s'nchrono!s speed as

shown in 2(!ipment Sched!le.

 All motors rated at *$ w or more shall be fitted with thermistors or other

sealed, temperat!re sensitive devices embedded in the windins and

s!itable for connection to motor protection control circ!its.

Motors shall be mo!nted on a common bed plate with the driven machine

wherever possible.

Terminal bo6es shall be provided for all motors and shall be of s!ch

dimensions that will ens!re eas' access to the terminals and allow rooms

for the s!ppl' leads. A lenth of fle6ible cond!it shall be !sed for connection

to motor terminal bo6es.

>!ll catalo!e details describin the man!fact!rer and model of motors

selected shall be s!bmitted with the tender doc!ments. As far as

practicable, motors shall be prod!ced b' one man!fact!rer.

On all motors over *< 3 in weiht, Liftin e'es or l!s shall be s!pplied.


The precise method of can'in o!t the followin test shall be areed withPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 ?

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the 2nineer prior to Commencement.

The followin items shall be tested in the se(!ence indicated and acompleted report shall be prepared b' the contractor and s!bmitted to the

2nineer for approval.



 All parts of the wor3 installed !nder this specification shall be painted with

approved first (!alit' enamel paints, e6cept those items specified as bein

painted b' others or otherwise e6empted from paintin in this section of the


:aint shall be selected to withstand the temperat!re on the s!rface which it

is applied, and shall be s!itable in all respects for the environmental

conditions in which it shall be located.

 All paints !sed shall be of one approved man!fact!rer, and finishes shall e

f!ll loss !nless otherwise specified.

efore orderin an' primer, !ndercoat and finishin paint, the Contractor

shall s!bmit the color scheme to the enineer for approval.

The s!b8contractor shall select all finishin and paintin materials from t'pe

s!itable for the s!rfaces to which the' are applied and for the environmental

conditions in each area.

*. :LANT, MAC@IN2+E 290I:M2NT

 All items of paint, machiner' and e(!ipment s!pplied painted e6 factor'

shall be iven one finishin coat of f!ll loss enamel. 26cept where the

man!fact!rer5s standard finish is approved.

/. 2H:OS2D M2TALO+


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2mplo'ers plant operators to safet' operate each valve and to s!bse(!entl'

maintain of replace the valve as re(!ired.

The valve sched!le shall clearl' relate to the vario!s s'stem schematics to

enable the entire operatin se(!ence and circ!itr' to be followed.


 All parties shall be prepared and applied in accordance with the

man!fact!rer5s recommendations.

 All alvani;ed metal s!rfaces shall be properl' etch primed to ens!re

correct adhesion of the paint to the s!rface. Materials etch8primin shall be

as recommended b' the paint man!fact!rer5s. S!bse(!ent paintin of

alvani;ed s!rfaces shall compl' with this specification.

:rior to paintin, all metallic s!rfaces e6cept alvani;ed s!rfaces shall be

thoro!hl' scraped and wire br!shed as necessar' to remove scale, r!st

and sward. S!rfaces shall then be solvent cleaned to remove all oil, rease

and dirt.

hen the s!rfaces to be painted are clean and dr', one coat of an approved

primer shall be evenl' applied over the entire area. After s!rfaces have

been primed, the s!b8contractor shall notif' the enineers so that an

inspection of the primed s!rfaces can be made prior to the application of the

!ndercoat and the finishin coats.

hen the primin coat has been approve, one coat of an approved paint flat

!ndercoat shall be applied. efore appl'in the finishin coats, the s!b8contractor shall ens!re that the !nder coated s!rface is r!bbed flat and

smooth. >inall', two coast of an approved hih loss finishin paint shall be

when all d!st has been removed.

2ach s!ccessive coatin shall be completel' dr' prior to the application of

the ne6t coat.

The minim!m thic3ness of each la'er of paint shall be <$ !.



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1. 42N2+AL

The contractor shall ens!re to the satisfaction of the 2nineer that the

installation complies with all re(!irements incl!din the followin cla!ses.


a. The contractor shall the entire installation incl!din all sanitar' fitments

and pipe wor3, etc. After installation and 3eep them in a new condition.

b. All pipes, etc, shall be fl!shed thro!h with water, ridded when

necessar' to ens!re clearance of debris.

c. Cleanin and fl!shin shall be carried o!t in sections as the installation

becomes completed.

/, @ED+A0LIC T2STIN4 O> :I:2O+

a. The Contractor shall carr' o!t h'dra!lic test on the completed fire

fihtin s'stems to show that it is f!nctionin satisfactoril' within the

re(!irements of this specification and local re!lations.

b. The Contractor shall provide s!itable tests p!mps and arrane for a

s!ppl' of water re(!ired in connection with testin of pipe wor3, the test

p!mp shall be fitted with press!re a!es which shall be fitted with

press!re 4a!es which shall be of s!itable rane for the press!re bein


c. @'dra!lic tests shall be carried o!t as the pipe wor3 is installed and

shall be completed before cases in walls. Also tests shall be carried o!t

prior to false ceilins and other finished are installed.

d. All water services pipe wor3 shall be h'dra!licall' tested for a period of

not less than *# ho!rs to a press!re of not less than one and half times

the wor3in press!re. The Contractor m!st record all test fi!res

toether with sched!les of pipe lenths and sho!ld note that testin


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shall be witnessed b' the 2nineer. No press!re drop shall be allowed

d!rin the tests.

e. Testin apparat!s shall be provided b' the Contractor.

f. The Contractor m!st carr' o!t an' additional tests if re(!ired b' the

local a!thorities, witho!t an' additional cost.

. On completion of the section of drainae pipe wor3 to be tested blan3

off all open ends pipes and ens!re that all access covers are sec!rel'

tihtened so that the' are airtiht.

 At the base of each stac3, a drain ba drain pl! is inserted and small

(!antit' of water allowed to settle above it so as to form a seal that can

easil' be inspected if it lea3s.

low air thro!h the t!be and reconnect at the manometer a!e to

obtain a readin of /mm w.. the level sho!ld remain for a period of

not less than five min!tes witho!t fallin and witho!t f!rther air bein


8 That the plant and apparat!s is of rob!st constr!ction and of capacit'

for the d!t' specified.8 That all valves, switches, controls, etc, are properl' re!lated and

capable of proper operation and in the case of valves that are

capable of tiht sh!t8off.

8 That all apparat!s is silent.

8 That all instr!ments are correctl' calibrated and read acc!ratel'.

8 That all services are tested in accordance with the details of the

relevant cla!ses of this specification.

8 That the alinments for all p!mps are proper.

h. Sho!ld the res!lts of these test shown that the p!mps, etc or an' other

items of e(!ipment fail to perform to the efficiencies or others

performance fi!res as iven in this specification, and as replace the

e(!ipment witho!t additional cost to the contract in order that the

re(!ired performance is obtained. Sho!ld it be necessar' for the

Contractor to attend to item of plant as described he will be responsible

for cast for an' damae or deterioration to the b!ildin or an' other

services conse(!ent on s!ch attendance.


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I, The Contractor shall perform all tests and demonstrations as called for

b' the local a!thorities.

 7. Testin proced!res shall be s!bmitted two months after the approval of

ma7or e(!ipment to the 2nineer for approval.

#. S0::LE O> T2STIN4 290I:M2NT

a. The Contractor shall provide all tools, press!re p!mps, instr!ments and

recorders re(!ired to carr' o!t the tests iven in this section.

b. All water and electricit' re(!ired for testin p!rpose w0l be s!pplied b'


<. :+2T+2AM2NT

a. :rior to start8!p and after satisfactor' h'dra!lic testin, all pipin

s'stems shall be fl!shed and drained at least once thro!h to rid off

contaminatin materials.

b. All strainers shall be inspected and cleaned o!t or replaced.8 :re8conditions the metal s!rface to resist reaction with water or air.

8 2stablished an initial protective film.

8 After pretreatment, the s'stem shall be drained and refilled with fresh

water and left !ntil the s'stem is p!t into operation.

8 Details and proced!res of the pretreatment shall be s!bmitted to the

2nineer for approval.


1. 42N2+AL

On completion of the wor3, the contractor shall commission the installation

and p!t it into operation in accordance with the intent of this specification.

The Contractor shall provided all necessar' facilities and instr!ments to

carr' o!t s!ch test in accordance with local re!lations as m' be necessar'

to satisf' that the installation and p!t it into operation in accordance with the


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intent of this specification.

 After handover of the wor3, the contractor shall carr' o!t re!lar preventive

maintenance at interval not e6ceedin three calendar month, or other wise

as directed b' the Ynineer and shall provide a fast, efficient and

comprehensive brea3down services as re(!ired d!rin the defects liabilit'


 All materials s!pplied and installed b' the Contractor shall be new and

s!ch material m!st be s!itable for incorporation in the tropics.

Materials m!st be of ood (!alit' prod!cts from the latest prod!ction. >or

the materials mentioned below are the Owner m!st !arantee that the

oods are

ood and new b' prod!cin deliver' of mail order dealers ) aents ) factor'.

The Contractor m!st be willin to replace the material that is not

approved d!e to deviatin from the specifications or other matters, where

s!ch replacement is no e6tra cost.


>or all the materials offered the Contractor m!st complete list of

materials that mention the brand, t'pe, class complete with a broch!re )

catalo that are also attached at the time of s!bmittin their tender.

The table of the list of these materials ives priorit' to the components

in the form of factor'8man!fact!red oods.


If in the technical specifications or on the drawin some partic!lar

brand or rade (!alit' "(!alit' preformance& of certain materials or

components are mentioned, especiall' for materials which in terms of the

level of (!alit' ) factor' those are mentioned.

If later d!rin the co!rse of the pro7ect it happens that the materials listed

on thet tabel of materials cannot be made available b' the ContractorPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 BB

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for a stron reason acceptable to Owner, Constr!ction Manaement, a

replacement of the brand)t'pe ma' be considered with a certain sanctionto the Contractor.


The contractor shall within 1# da's of reachin practical completion hand8

over to the 2nineer fo!r "#& copies of a maintenance Instr!ction Man!al.

Man!al sho!ld the followin

a. A cover ivin

• The same of the development

• The title of the doc!ment

• The same and address of the installation contractor.

b. Inside pae ivin similar information to the cover b!t incl!din contact

telephone n!mbers for normal and emerenc' !se.

c. Content pae.

d. Description of the installation.

e. Sched!led details of all e(!ipment and plant.f. Operatin instr!ction incl!din details of an' a!tomatic control s'stem.

. Maintenance and fa!lt findin instr!ctions incl!din composite sched!le

of ro!tine maintenance.

h. Tests reports and commission records.

i. +ecommended spare parts and l!bricants.

 7. List of e(!ipment and plant with man!fact!rer5s name and address and

local aent, if applicable.

3. Man!fact!rer5s literat!res s!itable inde6ed to incl!de shop drawins,

wirin diarams, performance c!rves, etc.I. A complete valve sched!le as described in the Fpaintin, labelin and

finishinG section.

m. List of as8installed drawins.

Man!al sho!ld be prod!ced on A# si;e paper, all sections sho!ld be

s!itable separated and read' identifiable or paes sho!ld be n!mbered

consec!tivel' and paes n!mbers incl!ded in the contents pae.

>inaIl'. approved man!als sho!ld be s!bmitted in loose leaf rin bonders

with hard covers to facilitate storae.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 B

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 As8installed drawin ma' be folded and accommodated in the man!al ifappropriate.

 As8installed drawin sho!ld incl!de a diarammatic la'o!t of the completed

installation with ma7or items of plant s!itabl' referenced to the sched!les

"item above&

 A set of the as8 installed drawins sho!ld be provided for each cop' of the

O M man!al re(!ired to be provided.

In addition one set of cop' neatives sho!ld be provided.

<. S2+-IC2

The Contractor shall !nderta3e to provided a comprehensive brea3down

service whereb' a (!alified electrician or pl!mber attends to brea3downs as

soon as practicable after a brea3 down is reported and carries o!t

immediate remedial wor3.

?. :+2-2NTI-2 MAINT2NANC2

The Contractor shall carr' o!t re!lar inspections periods not e6ceedin

three calendar month, and shall f!ll' service all plant installed !nder this

specification for the term of the defects liabilit' period, and shall maintain all

s!ch plant in perfect operation d!rin that period.

 At each maintenance visit, the Contractor shall

a. Carr' o!t all l!brication necessar'

b. Chec3 and ad7!st as necessar' all drives.

c. Chec3 all bearin for correct operation

d. Chec3 all anti8vibration s!pports for deterioration

e. Chec3 all connections for tihtness

f. Chec3 all s!mp and drains, and cleans as necessar'

. :rove correct operation of all safet' controls

h. :rove operation of all a!tomatic controls, and

i. Chec3 all lands, pac3in, etc. and ad7!st or replace as ecessar'.


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In addition to the monthl' maintenance sched!le, the Contractor shall atinterval not e6ceedin si6 months

a. Clean and re8rease all bearins as necessar'

b. Inspect and clean as necessar' all items of plant and e(!ipment.

c. Clean and ad7!st all switchear, contactors and starters


The contractor shall attend all tests and inspections carried o!t b' stat!tor'

a!thorities, and shall forthwith e6ec!tive an' variation wor3 as a res!lt of his

fail!re to compl' with the stat!tor' re(!irements.

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 $

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The scope of wor3s for the fire @'drant S'stem shall incl!de the followin

a& 26ternal :illar >ire @'drants

b& Standpipe and hose s'stem

c& A!tomatic fire Alarm S'stem

d& :ortable >ire e6tin!isher 

:arts of wor3s becomin the scope of wor3s and the implementations ofwor3s in the site in the @'drant and Sprin3ler wor3 pac3ae are

a. :roc!rement and installation of >ire @'drant and Sprin3ler main s'stemthat covers p!mp installation and p!mp panel alon with the pipelinethereof.

b. :roc!rement and installation of fire fi6t!res s!ch as >ire @'drant o6"@&, @'drant :illar "@:&, Seamese Connection "SC& and Sprin3ler !nittools.

c. Cond!ctin the finishin of wor3 room5s ceilin and completedreinstallation !p to completel'8finished res!ltin from the @'drant.d. Cond!ctin Testin and Commissionin to the entire >ire @'drant S'stem

in order to be f!nctioned properl' and meet the re(!irements standards,the entire wor3 s'stems installed is able to obtain a proper s'stem inaccordance with the present applicable law and re!lation in Indonesia. And it is not in contradiction with the provision of the or3 Safet'Department.

e. @andlin the licensin process and other re(!irement to obtain theapproval from the D: Instit!tion and Local A!thorit' that the >ire @'drantS'stem Creatin Standard of Operation and :roced!re "SO:& from the

aforesaid @'drantPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1

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The desin and installation of the >ire @'drant S'stem shall compl' with thefollowin codes 8a& >ire >ihtin S'stemb& :!blic or3 Ministr' +e!lation No. $*) :TS )1<c& +e!lation of DI =a3arta) Ma3asar 4overnmentd& National >ire :rotection Association "N>:A&

8 N>:A 1$ :ortable >ire 26tin!isher 8 N>:A 1# Installation of standpipe and @ose S'stem8 N>:A *$ Installation of Centrif!al >ire :!mps

The material ) e(!ipment and the >ire >ihtin s'stem installation ands!b8s'stem that become part of wor3 scope in this chapter, sho!ld meetand in compliance with few references, standard material and wor3s,incl!din the relevant +eional +e!lation b!t not limited to the mattersspecified here!inder- Indonesian National Standard ) SNI $/81B#<8*$$$ pertainin to the

:lannin :roced!res and Installation S'stem of -ertical and Slan:ipe for the :revention of >ire Daner In !ildin Constr!ction.

- Indonesian National Standard ) SNI $/8$$$$8*$$1 pertainin to:!mp Installation :ermanentl' Installed for the >ire :rotection

- Indonesian National Standard ) SNI $/8?#18*$$$ pertainin to:l!mbin S'stem 8*$$$

- Indonesian National Standard ) SNI $/8$*<<8*$$$ or 4eneral+e(!irement 2lectrical Installation ":0IL8*$$$& specificall' for theelectrical wor3s in s!b8wor3 pl!mbin s'stem

- Certain International)other co!ntr' Standard which are not incontradictor' with the related SNI s!ch as N>:A, National :l!mbinCodes, etc.

- Indonesian :l!mbin +e!lation 4!idance p!blished b' theDirectorate of Sanitation 2nineerin of Directorate 4eneral ofCreative or3s of :!blic or3s Department.

- 4eneral 26amination for b!ildin material NI8/ ":0& 1<? NI8/1?/. :0 1?

- Indonesian Concrete +e!lation :I8NI8* ) 1B1- Indonesian Labor +e!lation pertainin to the dail', wee3l', monthl'

and labor contract !sae.- DI +eional +e!lation84reater8=a3arta No. Eear *$$ pertainin

to the :roced!re of >ire Anticipation in the territor' of Special+eion of Capital Cit' of =a3arta that can be !sed in the otherDistricts.

- Ministerial Decree of :!blic or3s No. * 'ear *$$$.

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *

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*. 42N2+AL

The @'drant s'stem shall be s!pplied and installed in .accordance with the

drawins, the re(!irements of the local re!lations and N>:A 1# as



The s'stem shall with wet s'stem.

#. @ED+ANT :I:2 O+

a The @'drant pipe material shall be blac3 steel pipe conformin to ASTM

 A</ S: Sch #$.

b :ipe 7oints shall be as described in the s!ction on the pipe wor3.


 An e6terior s'stem of fire h'drant in a loop pipin arranement shall be

provided aro!nd the b!ildin. Isolatin valves shall be provided in the loop

pipin to be able to sectionali;e the s'stem in the event on the brea3.

26ternal pillar >ire h'drants shall be provided alon the fire enine accesswa'. The h'drants shall be spaced not more than 1<$m.


The b!ildin shall be e(!ipped with hose stations containin one ?< mm

and one #$ mm hose valves, a linen hose and no;;le on a rac3.

@ose stations shall be distrib!ted in the b!ildin s!ch that an' portion of the

b!ildin is writhin .* meters of a no;;le when attached to a /$ meter


@ose station shall be properl' ro!ped with each ro!p proceeded with

press!re red!cin device to be able to limit flowin press!res at an' hose

valve at a ma6im!m of ?.< bars "1$$ psi&.

:ipe wor3 for the wet riser s'stem shall be alvani;ed mild steel pipe to S

1/B 1?B heav' rade "Class C &.


PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /

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Siamese connection shall be installed to allow the fire department tos!pplement the water s!pplies to the combined @'drant o6, standpipe and

e6ternal h'drant s'stem.

The' shall be located at the entrance on the Street side of the b!ildin and

arraned so that hose lines can be easil' attached to the connections b' the

fire department.

The water s!ppl' s'stem shall consist of two electric fire p!mps, each p!mp

is provided with emerenc' enerator power s!ppl', and a 7oc3e' p!mp.

=oc3e' p!mp shall be !sed to maintain desin press!re in the s'stem. It

shall be started a!tomaticall' tro!h a press!re switch in the 7oc3e' p!mp

controller once s'stem press!re drops below the rec!rred press!re. A

f!rther red!ction in s'stem press!re after the 7oc3e' p!mp has alread'

operated will a!tomaticall' start the main electric fire p!mp.

. :O+TAL2 >I+2 2HTIN40IS@2+

:ortable fire e6tin!isher shall be provided thro!ho!t the b!ildin. :ortablefire e6tin!isher shall be selected to match the si;e and t'pe of fire

e6pected in the b!ildin. The e6tin!ishers shall be readil' visible, properl'

mar3ed and easil' accessible.

. :I:2S >ITTIN4S

lac3 steel pipes as per 

 ASTM A</, minim!m

all thic3ness

Sched!le #$

Note :rotective corrosion resistant coatins to pipes, >ittins and haners

shall be !sed where corrosive conditions e6ist or where pipin is

e6posed to the weather. 0nderro!nd pipes shall be protected

aainst corrosion before bein b!ried.

1$. >I+2 @ED+ANT OH

The said bo6 sho!ld be made from steel plat with W *mm thic3ness. o6

Dimension see the drawin plans. The heihts sho!ld be W *$ cm thic3

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 #

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from the floor. The hine sho!ld be located ad7!sted with the condition so

that it is easil'8opened.

• The entire bo6es and door sho!ld be in red paint D!co e6

Danapaints and enraved with @'drant writin in white color.

• The lenth of the fire hose sho!ld be not less than /$ m, and eas'

to be e(!ipped with hose rac3 press!re proof and !se the co!plin

s'stem as the connection. No;;le variable "set spra'& φ 1 ZG and

landin valve φ * ZG sho!ld be in new condition and fabricated, with

minim!m class of *$$ psi, bron;e material.

11. @ED+ANT :ILLA+a. Two8wa' t'pe, made from steel and strenthened b' s!fficient

concrete fo!ndation.

b. :illar is painted with red color !sin D!co paint e6 Danapaints.

c. >ire ho!se is provided completed with its no;;le, co!plin is

ad7!sted with the standard of co!plin local D:, the lenth of the

ho!se is not less than /$ m with meas!rement of φ #G 6 * ZG 6 *

ZG and e(!ipped with chec3 valve.


Si;e 1$6??$6*$$ mm complete with S!pport.

Material Mild steel plate 1.<mm thic3.

 Accessories ?< mm [ 6 /$ meter linen hose

?< mm hose valve.


Si;e 1*<$6B<$61$mm complete with s!pport.

Material Mild steel plate 1.<mm thic3.

 Accessories #$ mm \ 6 /$ meter linen hose

?< mm \ and #$mm \ hose valves

#$mm \ variable 7et and spra' no;;le @ose rac3


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a. Seamese connection is !sin Two8wa' t'pe E made from castin


b. In Seamese connection !nit installation sho!ld be provided with a

stron fo!ndation as holder.

c. Seamese connection sho!ld be in eas' condition to see location

and near b' the cars traffic so that it is eas' to be !sed whenever

it is re(!ired. "See the drawin plan&

Dimensions 1$$6?<6?<mm

  >ree standin t'pe with chrome

Dimension 1$$6?<6?<mm

>ree standin t'pe with Chromi!m plated finish or Cast iron with anti8

corrosion Coatin

1<. >I+2 @OS2 CAIN2T

T'pe Semi8recessed wall mo!nted indoor h'drant o6.

Cabinet ) o6 Steel :late with *.$ mm thic3ness with the frame

constr!ction, welded connection and briht paint


Door Door with hine, instit!tional "heav' d!t'&.

@ose +ac3 One piece 1? 0S a!e steel.

 Accessories 1.< inch hose rac3 e(!ipped withV 1.< inch nipple18< inch cast brass valve 1,< inch r!bber lined

hose, /$ meter lenth.

No;;le 1.< 6 1$ inch smooth bore, straiht t'pe, /$$ psi

test press!re.

Standard ANSI.

1?. @ED+ANT C@2C -AL-2

T'pe @'drant !nderro!nd chec3 valve cast iron,

Si;e ? inch

Standard ) Class ANSI, /$$ psi O4.


T'pe @'drant !nderro!nd 4ate valve cast8iron,

Si;e ? inch,

Standard) Class ANSI, /$$ psi O4

1. LANDIN4 -AL-2

T'pe Obli(!e cast8iron landin valve with red briht

paintPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 ?

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U Diameter si;e above ?< is >lans t'pe

U Standard ) Class ANSI ) /$$ :SI

b. 4ate -alve

U Diameter si;e 1< s)d <$ mm

U -alve bod', steam disc bron;e material, female thread.

U Diameter si;e ?< !pper

Non +isin Stem, cast iron bod', @aned end

c. Chec3 -alve

U Diameter si;e 1< s)d <$ mm

-alve bod', steam disc bron;e material, female thread, E t'pe

U Diameter si;e ?< !pper 

Cast iron bod', stainless steel screen, flaned end, E t'pe.d. Strainer  

U Diameter si;e 1< s)d <$ mm

-alve bod', steam disc bron;e material, female thread, E t'pe

U Diameter si;e ?< !pper 

Cast iron bod', stainless steel screen, flaned end, E t'pe.

e. >le6ible Connection

U Diameter si;e <$ s)d *$$ mm

U S'nthetic r!bber material flaned end.

f. >orte6 :lateron;e bod'


a :ipe Connectin S'stem

%ire %ihtin Pi'e

The !se of fittin

:ipe below φ #$mmG malleable iron ANSI . 1?/ class /$$lb, Screwed

and pipe above φ <$mmG, wro!ht steel !tt weld fittin ANSI 1?. SC@#$ >lane Diameter above <$mmG, >ored Steel +> Class /$$lb, weldin


To strenthenin from the lea3, the pipe connectin !sin thread sho!ld

be firstl' la'ered with :rimatone 2:OHE AD@2SI-2 S2ALANTS.

  hile the flaned connection sho!ld be e(!ipped with +in :ac3 !7s )

as3et r!bber made homoeno!sl'.

b. Installations of >i6t!res, >ittin and etc.


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1) 0nderro!nd pipes e6cavation sho!ld be made with ?$cm depth for

the pipe below φ  #G and $81$$ cm for the pipes above φ  <G. Thefo!ndation of the e6cavation hole sho!ld be consistent and flat eno!h

so that the lenth of the pipe can be in ood leverae. >or the clean

water pipes and waste pipe sho!ld not be located in the same hole.

*& Soil e6cavation sho!ld be clean from an' dirt and debris. After it is all

clear then the e6cavation sho!ld be filled with sand with W <cm thic3

and pipe is installed s!bse(!entl' in the e6cavation hole e6amined b'

M, then restore it with sand and e6cavation soil that is free from


/& Standard )4!idance !sed for the depth of the e6cavation is meas!red

b' the diameter of the pipe to the road s!rface ) oriinal soil or else

sho!ld be ad7!sted properl' as the drawin plan.

#& The re(!irement of crossin the pipe passin the road or local

drainae sho!ld be observed as the drawin plan.

<& >ire h'drant pipe that is partic!larl' located o!tside of the site plan

sho!ld be firstl' coated with asphalt material or r!st proof plin3oot and

then la'ered with the 7ac3etin material made from !nn' sac3.

f. :aintin

 All !nderro!nd irons ) steel pipes sho!ld be la'ered with Tar "Tor Corted&or coatin to prevent from corrosive. hile for the e6posed pipes sho!ld

be mar3ed with color or paint where the color of which will be determined

later b' M. In the p!rpose of bein easil'8reconi;ed the entire pipes on

the ceilin sho!ld be mar3ed in color ) paint for a distance of W # m lon

on each main pipe as well as the pipe in the shaft where the e6amination

door is located. Standard paint colors that will be !sed are as followsV

- >or @'drant :ipe and Sprin3ler will !se red color 

- >or pipe direction will !se white color.

*<. S:2CI>IC T2C@NICAL +290I+2M2NT

a. 26ec!tion :eriod

The e6ec!tion period of the proc!rement, installation and maintenance is

ad7!sted based on the b!ildin phase in accordance with the provided


b. Material

The Contractor sho!ld warrant that the entire !nit of e(!ipment are in new

condition and free from an' defective material, improper material, and

also warrant that the (!alit' of the e(!ipments are in accordance with thePT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 $

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specification ob7ective, and sho!ld refer to the standard ISO

1#$$$)1#$$$*, 2nvironmental Manaement S'stem.

2ach material or e(!ipment that does not meet the specifications sho!ld

be replaced with the standard as per the specification within 1 "one& wee3

after the sinin of the official handover.

 An' cost occ!rred as the res!lt of the replacement sho!ld be borne b' the


c. Drawins and Specification

Drawins and plannin specifications are constit!ted an interal and

inseparable part.

Sho!ld there be an' part of wor3 or e(!ipment re(!ired in order that theinstallation ma' wor3 properl', and onl' stated in one of the drawins plan

or plannin specifications, the Contractor shall remain to implement it

witho!t an' additional cost.

d. Drawins :lan

1& Drawins plan incl!ded into the >ire >ihtin wor3s in this bid doc!ment

are the drawins with the code drawins >@

*& The Contractor is oblied to e6amine the desin over the possibilit' of

error ) incompatibilit' occ!rs either from the side of pipe diameter scale or

installation and etc. The above matters sho!ld be proposed in writin ordrawin b' the time of bid e6planation ) aanwi7;in. The drawins plan is

not intended to describe abo!t the pipes, fittins, valves and fi6t!res in

detail. Altho!h, the entire parts as mentioned above are not depicted

accordin to the specification, the' sho!ld be ad7!sted and installed b' the

Contractor, however as necessar', this installation sho!ld be complete

and able to be well8f!nctioned in accordance with reasonable


e. Shop Drawins

Shop drawins for the entire wor3s sho!ld be available on the site at all

times. Incl!din the chanes or s!estion and etc, d!rin the installation,

Contractor sho!ld mar3 the drawin sets with a pencil or red in3 for an'

chanes made, erasin or an' additional to the said installation, shop

drawins sho!ld be made in 1 "one& set of cal(!es papers / "three& sets

of bl!e print b' the Contractor.

f. As !ilt Drawin

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The Contractor sho!ld made drawins installation in detail "shop drawin&

to be approved b' oard of Directors Manaement, as well as to

handover the As !ilt Drawin comprisin the la' o!t, installed

installation, detail installation, detail of the e(!ipment from the entire

installation abovementioned ) draw in cal(!es paper. The installation

e6ec!tion sho!ld meet the applicable eneral re(!irement and in

accordance with the :l!mbin 4!ide Indonesia 'ear *$$$. As b!ilt

drawin is made in 1 "one& set of cal(!es / "three& sets of bl!e print.

. Model of 4oods

The Contractor is oblied to send the model of material that will be !sed in

the implementation or broch!res from the said e(!ipment to M andawaitin for the approval from M prior to the installation.

Sho!ld the said material be declared improper)!n!sable b' M, therefore,

the Contractor sho!ld remove the material o!t from the site within /

"three& da's, the said material sho!ld be no loner be in the site area


h. 26ec!tants

The entire wor3s sho!ld be implemented properl' b' the s3illed labor so

that it is able to precisel' prod!ce best (!alit' wor3.>or the partic!lar implementation, the Contractor sho!ld provide statement

letter that verif' the labor is capable in terms of e6perience and s3ill in

doin s!ch wor3.

i. Sec!rit'

The Contractor is responsible for the prevention of the material )

e(!ipments of the installation from the damae or thiever'. The lost or

damaed materials ) e(!ipments sho!ld be replaced b' the Contractor

witho!t an' additional cost.

 7. Coordination

D!rin the wor3 implementation, the Contractor is oblied to hold

coordination amon the other Contractors that enae the str!ct!ral,

electrical and interior wor3s and etc, in order to minimi;e an' error and

mista3es happenin in the installation.

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3. License

1& :ermits and other necessar' re(!irements to implement the

installation sho!ld be performed b' the Contractor at its own cost.

*& All the e6aminations, !tili;ation worthiness testin from the >ire

>ihtin Aenc' "D:& and others as well as the official notes that are

necessar' for the installation wor3s sho!ld be performed b' the

Contractor at its own cost.

/& The Contractor sho!ld be responsible for the !sae of cop'rihted

e(!ipment, the possibilit' of indemnit' claims and other necessar'

costs for s!ch wor3s. The Contractor is oblied to handover the

statement letter pertainin to this matter.

#& The Contractor sho!ld handover the permits or official notes obtainedfrom the a!thorities pertainin to this installation pro7ect to M,

Cons!ltant or to the appointed part'.

l. or3 Correlations

1& The Contractor sho!ld provide data, meas!rements and drawins

pertainin to the e6cavation and pilin wor3s that are performed b' the

other parties if an'.

*& All machine pedestal man!fact!rin sho!ld be performed b' the

Contractor. The Contractor sho!ld provide necessar' data,meas!rements, drawins and e(!ipments to the other parties that

re(!ire s!ch data.

/& All electrical cable withdrawals !p to the e(!ipment panel can be

performed b' the other part'. The Contractor is oblied to provide

necessar' data and drawins to the other e6ec!tin parties.

#& All the water pipe withdrawals incl!din clean water pipe, h'drant pipe

and sprin3ler pipe which are not listed in the drawins and

specifications performed b' the other part', the Contractor sho!ld

coordinate and provide data, meas!rements and drawins to the other

e6ec!tin part'.

<& All electrical facilities, water, emerenc' sanitar' sho!ld be done b'

the Contractor. The Contractor sho!ld coordinate with the other parties

to anticipate this matter.

m S!b Contractor

1& Sho!ld there be an' re(!irement partic!larl' in the s3illed labor as the

res!lt of incapabilit' of the e6istin labor to implement the installation,

ad7!stment, testin and other wor3sV therefore the Contractor is able toPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /

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handover part of the installation wor3 to the S!b8Contractor b' virt!e of

the approval from the M.

*& The contractor is f!ll' responsible for the scope of wor3s either

performed b' its own self or performed b' the S!b8Contractor.

/& Tas3master and M are ineliible for an' prosec!tion from the S!b

Contractor sho!ld there be an' inconsistenc' in pa'ment provided b'

the Contractor.

n Site S!pervisor  

1& The entire wor3s covered in s!ch installation sho!ld be s!pervised b'

(!alified person. @e ) She is f!ll' responsible for the wor3 installations

in this pro7ect.*& Name, detail wor3 e6perience, orani;ational str!ct!re of Site

S!pervisors sho!ld be provided b' the Contractor to M in order to

obtain an approval.

/& hen, in fact, that the appointed Cons!ltant or other a!thori;ed part' of

Site S!pervisor is consider incapable b' M, therefore the Contractor

sho!ld s!bstit!te them b' another person.

o. Installation +eport

1& The contractor sho!ld provide samples of all materials that will be !sedto M, cons!ltant or other appointed part' to re(!est a written

installation approval thereof.

*& ' listin a complete brand, t'pe and specification from all models of

material proposed.

/& The Contractor sho!ld create a sched!le of detail time for ever' wor3

and ive it to M, Cons!ltant or other appointed parties to obtain an


The contractor sho!ld provide

1. Dail' +eport oo3

*. ee3l' +eport oo3

/. Monthl' +eport oo3 completed with a :ict!re

#. Overtime ) holida' wor3s permit

<. The Contractor sho!ld report the wor3 proress in each wee3 alon

with the comparison as per sched!le havin been arraned.

?. hen there is an' discrepanc', then the reasons thereof toether

with the wa' how to overcome s!ch discrepanc' sho!ld be iven.

B. >or each completed installation wor3, the Contractor sho!ld obtain a

written statement from M, Cons!ltant and other appointed part'

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confirmin that this installation phase is alread' f!ll' completed in

accordance with the e6istin re(!irement.

. Installation phases are later determined b' the detail time sched!le

provided b' the Contractor.

. This each testin implementation, balancin and Ftrial r!nG

installation s'stem sho!ld be attended b' M, Cons!ltant, 26pert

and the representative of tas3master, as well as an' related part'.

Therefore, the certificate of testin res!lt sho!ld be iss!ed b' the

a!thori;ed officials.

p. Site Cleanliness

1& The site !sed sho!ld be cleaned !p after finishin the wor3 on each

da' b' the Contractor. The Contractor sho!ld contact the other part' tohave coordination in cleanin !p the field.

*& Immediatel' after the Contract ended, the Contractor sho!ld remove

the entire remainin wor3 material as well as the e(!ipment with the

e6ception for the e(!ipment that is still re(!ired d!rin the


(. Operational Instr!ction

1& ' the time of the initial handover, the Contractor sho!ld provide

drawins, operational instr!ction e(!ipment data and maintenancemethod of installed machiner' !nder this Contract in Indonesian


*& The said data sho!ld be handed over to the Owner in / "three& sets

and 1 "one& set to the Cons!ltant.

/& ' the time of the initial handover the Contractor sho!ld provide as

followsV Instr!ction Man!al, Installation Man!al, Maintenance 4!ide,

Operatin Instr!ction, Tro!ble Shootin Instr!ction and Oriinal


#& The Contractor sho!ld provide * "two& sets of abbreviation operational

instr!ction and maintenance to the Owner that sho!ld be placed in

lass framed and attach it to the wall in the main machine room or in

the other locations appointed b' M.

<& The Contractor sho!ld provide practical ed!cation at no cost pertainin

to the operational and maintenance to technical enineerin officers

appointed b' Owner ) M !ntil the aforesaid officer is (!alified eno!h

to perform the tas3.

?& The Contractor sho!ld provide a warrant' letter toward the main

e(!ipment to the Tas3master.

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r. Certificate

The contractor sho!ld provide Certificate ) +ecommendation from the

reional >ire >ihtin Aenc' "D:& for the evidence of the said !nit is

eliible to be !sed partic!larl' in wor3s of fire fihtin s'stem installation.

s. Spare :art Data

The Contractor sho!ld warrant with arrant' Letter for the e6istence of

spare part which is easil' ac(!ired for the e(!ipment that possibl'

e6periences to et an' dist!rbance or damae within the short period,

either for the main e(!ipment or s!pportin e(!ipment.

*? T2STIN4a. 26ha!st S'stem Testin

1& The entire water pipe s'stems sho!ld have pl!able hole so that the

said s'stems can be filled with water !p to the hihest F-entG hole.

*& The said s'stem sho!ld be able to hold the water filled as

abovementioned and if the observer wo!ld li3e to have another testin

other than the test above, the Contractor sho!ld allocate an additional

cost and borne b' the Contractor.


b. Distrib!tion Installation S'stem Testin1& :rior to performin the test over the entire pipelinin to ever' part of

clean water distrib!tion networ3, the Contractor is oblied to cond!ct

the test partiall' towards the main e(!ipment "p!mp, electrical panel,

control panel, press!re tan3 and etc.& The test that sho!ld be

performed shall be at least

• ater debit, :!mp rotation

• :!mp press!re, motor wor3flow

The test res!lt sho!ld be properl' recorded and reported to the

S!pervisor ) M for the approval thereon.*& Toether with the :lanner and S!pervisor ) M, :ro7ect Owner and

Contractor :lanner are oblied to cond!ct the testin towards main

e(!ipment performance with the s'stem havin been f!ll' f!nctioned.

This test covers

• :!mp capacit', Motor or3flow

• ater press!re on the farthest fi6t!re and etc.

The test res!lt sho!ld be properl' recorded and reported to the

S!pervisor ) M for the approval thereon.

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The test sho!ld compl' with the proced!re of N>:A *$ in the condition

that -alve is pl!ed b' p!mp @ead 1$181#$J in the capacit' of 1<$J

of normal capacit', @ead p!mp ?<J of the normal p!mp @ead.

c. Damae and >ail!re of Testin

Sho!ld there be an' damae or fail!re d!rin the test from the part of

installation or material from the installation, then the Contractor sho!ld

replace the part or the material damaed or failed and the test sho!ld be

reta3en in reards to the S!pervisor satisfaction.


a. >ire >ihtin or3sb. >ire >ihtin :!mp S'stem

>ire fihtin p!mp is !nit that consist of s!pportin p!mp, main p!mp with

electrical motor N>:A *$ standard.

c. =oc3e' :!mp


T'pe of :!mp


:!mp @ead

:!mp +otation:!mp :ower 

2lectric Characteristic


@ori;ontal Split Casin

as per the Drawins of :lanner

as per the Drawins of :lanner 

as per the Drawins of :lanner  as per the Drawins of :lanner 

as per the Drawins of :lanner 

as per the Drawins of :lanner 

d. 2lectric >ire @'drant :!mp


T'pe of :!mp


:!mp @ead

:!mp +otation

:!mp :ower 

2lectric Characteristic



@ori;ontal Split Casin :!mp, 0L)>M

as per the Drawins of :lanner 

as per the Drawins of :lanner 

as per the Drawins of :lanner 

as per the Drawins of :lanner 

as per the Drawins of :lanner 

as per the Drawins of :lanner 

N>:A *$

e. Diesel >ire @'drant :!mp



@ori;ontal Split Casin :!mp, 0L)>M

as per the Drawins of :lanner PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 B

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:!mp @ead

:!mp +otation

as per the Drawins of :lanner 

as per the Drawins of :lanner 2nine T'pe # Ta3 Diesel m!lti c'linder  

8 Compression Inition T'pe

8 Do!ble solenoid starter 

8 Completed control over speed

8 @ih Temperat!re

8 Low oil

Cl!tch S'stem


Direct Connection

#<? @:

:ower Acc! lead acid ) Nicad atter' *# volt, $

 Amp, * pieces of maintenance free t'pe.


• :!mp is e(!ipped with diesel enine co!ple on the top of the base

plat, completed with the radiator, m!ffler, and fle6ible pipeV !nloose

plat, f!el tan3, electrical panel and etc.

• atter' charer 

• >!el tan3 for * ho!rs capacit' "cap 1 4al ) 1 @: pl!s 1$J&

• Operation s'stem, a!tomatic start and man!al stop

f. Control :anel and S'stem Arranement

Control panel is part of the !tilities of fire fihtin !nit s'stem that is able to

re!late the p!mp a!tomaticall' either 7oc3e' p!mp as s!pportin p!mp,

main p!mp with electric motor.

The said s'stem is re!lated b' a special panel for fire fihtin p!mp in

compliance with N>:A *$ standard re!lation as followsV

- :ower 

- :hase reversal

- +elief valve dischare- >low Meter

- ater level

1&Arranements of @'drant :!mp Set is as followsV

a. If water press!re on the networ3 is decreasin d!e to the lea3ae test,

either fl!shin !p to the ma6im!m val!e provided, the =oc3e' :!mp

will a!tomaticall' start and stop if the water press!re reaches the

ma6im!m val!e provided.

b. If the water press!re on the networ3 is contin!o!sl' decreasin d!e to

the open of one or more h'drant valves or d!e to the wor3s of headsPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8

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!p to the time limit, the Main :!mp will a!tomaticall' start, and will be

man!all' stopped b' the operator if the testin or the fihtin test is

completel' accomplished.

*& @'drant :!mp Set 2lectric Driven

a. @'drant :!mp Set sho!ld be able to s!ppl' the water necessit' for

fire fihtin at all times to the ma6im!m limits of p!mp capacit'

a!tomaticall' and in man!al stop.

b. @'drant :!mp Set sho!ld consist of one or more main p!mps and

=oc3e' :!mps

c. Centrif!al T'pe :!mp !nit with flaned connection and componentis as followsV

8 Cast Iron Casin, bron;e Impeller

8 @eav' d!t' steel shaft, M2C@ANICAL seal

8 @eav' d!t' rease l!bricant bearin

d. :!mp Motor sho!ld et electrical power from ":LN and 4enerator

set a!tomaticall'&

e. 2lectrical :ower from :LN sho!ld be ta3en from partic!lar switch

before the main switch

f. @'drant :!mp Set sho!ld consist of the e(!ipment as follows8 =oc3e' :!mp c)w motor, Main :!mp switch motor 

8 O!tlet @eader, Inlet and O!tlet -alve.

8 Chec3 valve aainst water hammer, Inlet Strainer.

8 :ower and control panel, :ress!re switch, press!re a!e.

8 >le6ible connection, @'dra!lic connections, 2lectric

connections, ase frame.

. Ann!nciatin :!mp Stat!s

8 =oc3e' :!mp On, indicatin lamp, Main :!mp with motors

8 ater level drop, Alarm horn indicatin lamp.

8 ater level too low, Alarm horn indicatin lamp.

/&.2nine Driven >ire :!mp

a. 2nine driven fire p!mp is f!nctioned to s!ppl' the water for the fire

fihtin d!rin the fail!re of electrical p!mp or when re(!irin a reat

deal of more water for e6tin!ishin

 b. 2nine driven fire p!mp sho!ld be tested minim!m once in a wee3

for an ho!r 

c. 2nine driven p!mp sho!ld be in a pac3ae especiall'8desined for

the fire fihtin necessit' that consists ofV

8 @ori;ontal fire p!mp, Diesel 2nine.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8

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8 Starin device with p!ll' or motor starter.

8 atter' starter and o!tside batter' charer

8 2nine speed control, >!el oil tan3, @'dra!lic Connections.

8 2lectric connections, Control board, Instr!mentations


a. arrant' :eriod

The entire wor3s of installation and all e(!ipment sho!ld be warranted to

ma3e s!re that the' will wor3 properl'. All wor3s incl!ded into the scope of

theses wor3s sho!ld be warranted for 1 "one& 'ear after deliverance of thesaid wor3.

b. Maintenance :eriod

Maintenance period sho!ld be determined for 1$ "one h!ndred eiht'&

calendar da's since the date of initial wor3 deliver' alon with the Official

Notes. The Contractor sho!ld repair all the damae or the improper

f!nctions of the e(!ipment d!e to imperfectness of the implementation or

the material !sed. The repair sho!ld be performed immediatel' b' the

Contractor on the first warnin time from oard of Directors. TheContractor sho!ld immediatel' repair the damae res!ltin from the

implementation of the wor3.

Sho!ld the Contractor fail to do so or the repair is !nderta3en

!nsatisfactoril', then, the Constr!ction Manaement ma' as3 another

person to do the repair or replace it at Contractor5s e6penses.

 After the e6piration of maintenance period and all the damaes or the

imperfectness are alread' properl' accomplished b' the Contractor, the

wor3s can be then delivered for the second time.


c. or3 Deliver'

The said wor3 sho!ld be f!ll' accomplished and delivered for the first

period as mentioned above. The notice of the wor3 deliver' sho!ld be in

writin prepared b' the Contractor and mentionin the desired date of the

handover to the Constr!ction Manaement within 1 wee3 prior to the

desired performance of handover. Sho!ld the wor3s be considered

eliible, then the Constr!ction Manaement will accept the said wor3 for

the first time, declared in writin in the >irst Official Notes.

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The contractor shall s!ppl' and install all electric wirin electrical andcontrol panel and level control etc. for the complete, safe and satisfactor'

operation of the plant covered b' the specification.


The entire electrical installation shall be in accordance with the re!lation

and re(!irement of all relevant a!thorities havin 7!risdiction over the



The electricit' s!ppl' will be **$ -t phase)<$ @; and /$ -)/ phase ) <$@;,

# wire. All e(!ipment shall be desined to operate with W 1$J voltae

tolerance witho!t a loss of rated o!tp!t.

The power s!ppl' to the s'stems shall be provide b' the 2lectrical

Contractor !p to electrical power panel in p!mps room, Chillin plant and

where else re(!ired.

The Contractor shall be responsible for e6tendin the s!ppl' from the above

mentioned isolator)distrib!tion board and shall incl!de all electrical wor3s

incl!din control panels. starter, cond!its and wirins etc. Necessar'

operation of their e(!ipment offered.

#. :0M: CONT+OL C0ICL2

efore commencin an' wor3 whatsoever on the p!mp control c!bicle, the

contractor shall s!bmit drawins of the proposed la'o!t showin all

dimensions, the total weiht, fi6in details, cable si;es and cable termination

details of both incomin and o!toin cable to the 2nineer for approval.

 Approval of drawins will be iven I principle onl', witho!t abroation of the

Contractor5s responsibilities in respect associated details.

C!bicle shall be constr!cted b' heav' a!e sheet steel of thic3ness not

less than *mm, finished in enamel of a color which will decided b' the

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2nineer and Architect.

C!bicle shall be wall mo!nted and provided with hined loc3able access

doors with mechanicall' retained as3ets and hined top panels containin

control switches, s!pervisor' instr!ments and pilot liht. All e6terior door

fittin shall be chrome plated.

:!mp control c!bicle shall contain a main f!sed switch, b!s wor3, rach

switch, b!s wor3, branch switch f!ses or molded case circ!it brea3ers,

motor starters, a!6iliar' rela's, control f!ses, on)off p!sh b!ttons,

man!al)a!to power ^on5 lihts, p!mp r!nnin and overload lihts, ammeters,

terminal bloc3s, wirin and accessories for the f!ll operation and control of

the associated p!mps. All electrical e(!ipment shall compl' with the

relevant section of this specifications.

The :l!mbin and drainae Contractor shall provide voltae free dr'

contacts in from of terminal bloc3 inside the p!mp indication panel for each

respective alarm of the p!mps and water tan3 stat!s. The followin points

for each p!mp)water tan3)s!mp pit are re(!ired to be monitoredV :!mp

+!nnin, :!mp Trip


 All wirin shall be carried o!t !sin :-C ins!lated stranded sinle core

copper cond!ctor cable to .S. ?$$#,?*/1,</#< or ?<$$ as appropriate.

The Contractor shall confirm loads and si;es of cable prior to placin orders.

 All main cond!ctors "incl!din ne!tral& shall be colored in accordance to

:0lL for their entire lenth, and the phase to which the' are connected Allcontrol wirin shall be colored coded !sin spiral stripe tracer on base color.

 All :-C ins!lated wirin incl!din earth wires shall be enclosed in cond!it or

approved tr!c3in.

To eliminate the possibilit' of damae to cable d!e to thermal e6pansion,

allowance for movement shall be made b' the introd!ction of bend or set in

each cable)core ad7acent to the terminal.

Cables shall, at alt times, be handled with care and ever' effort made to

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shall be e6ercised when brea3in the rotation of the dr!ms and !nder no

circ!mstances shall babble be draed over loose earth of concrete Approved t'pe of cable rollers shall be !sed.

 After installation, all cables shall be tested for contin!it' and ins!lation

resistance and records of test s!bmitted to the 2nineer for approval. Sinle

core cable shall be p!lled into cond!it onl' after the whole networ3, or a

complete section of cond!it has been installed, tested for contin!it' and

swabbed thro!h.


Motors shall be man!fact!red in accordance with .S. # AND <$$$.

Motor of water p!mps for pl!mbin !ses shall be of drip proof s(!irrel cae

t'pe, e(!ipped with ant condensation heater and the heater is off when the

starter is on vice versa. @eaters shall be wired from the motor control

c!bicle. Totall' enclosed fan cooled motors are also acceptable.

Motors shall be selected to be capable of r!nnin witho!t overload at *$J

in e6cess of the horse power absorbed !nder normal p!mp d!t' conditions.

Motors shall enerall' be three :hase, however, small motors of 1 orLes ma' be sinle phase.

+atins shall be based on contin!o!s d!t' in the prescribed environment or

an ambient temperat!re of #$ c whichever is the more demandin, with an

efficienc' !nder load of riot less than $.<.

indin ins!lation shall be to class in accordance to .S. *B<B, allowin

on $Xc temperat!re rise above ambient, !nless otherwise specified.

The power factor of all motors shall not be less than $.< lain !nder all


Motors !p to incl!din /.B w shall be fitted ball bearins at both end,

larer motors shall be fitted with roller or deep rove ball beanns. Motors

operatin with vertical shafts shall be e(!ipped

ith bearins desined to co!nter !nbalanced end thr!st. Motors shall have

a s'nchrono!s speed as shown in 2(!ipment Sched!le.

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*. :LANT, MAC@IN2+E 290I:M2NT

 All items of paint, machiner' and e(!ipment s!pplied painted e6 factor'

shall be iven one finishin coat of f!ll loss enamel, 26cept where the

man!fact!rer5s standard finish is approved.

/. 2H:OS2D M2TALO+

 All e6posed metalwor3 shall he wire8br!shed and iron cleaned from r!st,

scale, dirt and rease, and shall then be iven one primin coat, one

!ndercoat and one approved color finishin coat of f!ll loss enamel

The primin coat for e6posed alvani;ed iron shall be an approved

alvani;ed iron primer.

The primin coat for e6posed non8ferro!s metalwor3 approved as s!itable

for the metal to switch it will be applied shall be.


 All alvani;ed iron s!rface concealed in roof spaces, false ceilins b!ildind!cts etc. shall not be painted.

< :I:2O+ M2TAL S@2ATIN4

:ipe wor3 and metal sheetin shall be painted as metalwor3 as

applicable.for e6posed or T!rned parts of valves, controls etc. shall be

cleaned and polished to approval


 All pipe etc. shall be identified in accordance with ritish Standards 1B1$


Circ!mferential bands of standard ro!nd colors shall be not les than

1$$mm wide on pipes !p to <$mm nominal diameter, and not less than

1<$mm wide on pipes reater than <$mm nominal diameter.

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S!pplementar' colors shall be displa'ed as bands not less than *<mmwide in the centre of the ro!nd color bands, here letterin is re(!ired it

shall be painted in contrastin color in accordance with the standard, in

bloc3 letters not less than 1<mm

hih for pipes !p to <$mm nominal diameter, and in bloc3 letter not less

than #$mm hih for larer pipes.

Direction of flow shall be indicated b' an arrow painted on the pipe ad7acent

to each color band. Arrows shall be B<mm lon on pipes !p to <$mm

nominal diameters, and 1<$mm lon larer pipes.


 All plant and e(!ipment provided !nder this specification is to be labeled in

both 2nlish and Indonesian as to d!t' or services, all s!ch labelin to

correspond to sched!les, diarams, etc. To be provided as part of the

+ecord Drawins. Labels are white trifoliate with blac3 enraved letterin

not less than *$mm hih or as otherwise re(!ired and approved

Man!fact!rer5s nameplate shall enerall' be provided for all plant and

e(!ipment and shall show serial and model n!mbers date of man!fact!re.

The followin refers to specific items "b!t not b' wa' of limitation& re(!irin


a. All valves, motor starters, fans, distrib!tion boards, a!e, Contractors,

cable terminals in switchboards, circ!it brea3ers.

b. Labels to be attached to valves "or pipe ad7acent thereto& with a liht

a!e metal band or alternativel' to be screwed to the ins!lated valve

bo6 where provided. These labels shall state the valve n!mber.

c. Distrib!tion boards, starters etc. Are to be labeled to indicated the circ!it

n!mber, phase and item controlled.

Label shall be screwed or riveted to sheet metal. Adhesive fi6in is not

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Details of e6act letterin shall be areed with the enineer prior to


 A Complete valve sched!le shall be incorporated in the as8b!ilt

drawins and this sched!le shall clearl' indicate the valve n!mbers,

d!t', f!nction, si;e, flow rate and an' other relevant information

necessar' to allow the 2mplo'er5s plant operators to safet' operate

each valve and to s!bse(!entl' maintain of replace the valve as


The valve sched!le shall clearl' relate to the vario!s s'stem schematics

to enable the entire operatin se(!ence and circ!itr' to be followed.


 All parties shall be prepared and applied in accordance with the

man!fact!rer5s recommendations.

 All alvani;ed metal s!rfaces shall be properl' etch primed to ens!re

correct adhesion of the paint to the s!rface. Materials etch8primin shall be

as recommended b' the paint man!fact!rer5s. S!bse(!ent paintin of

alvani;ed s!rfaces shall compl' with this specification.

:rior to paintin, all metallic s!rfaces e6cept alvani;ed s!rfaces shall be

thoro!hl' scraped and wire br!shed as necessar' to remove scale, r!st

and sward. S!rfaces shall then be solvent cleaned to remove all oil, rease

and dirt.hen the s!rfaces to be painted are clean and dr', one coat of an approved

primer shall be evenl' applied over the entire area. After s!rfaces have

been primed, the s!b8contractor shall notif' the enineers so that an

inspection of the primed s!rfaces can be made prior to the application of the

!ndercoat and the finishin coats.

hen the primin coat has been approve, one coat of an approved paint flat

!ndercoat shall be applied. efore appl'in the finishin coats, the s!b8

contractor shall ens!re that the !nder coated s!rface is r!bbed flat and

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smooth. >inall', two coast of an approved hih loss finishin paint shall be

when all d!st has been removed.

2ach s!ccessive coatin shall be completel' dr' prior to the application of

the ne6t coat.

The minim!m thic3ness of each la'er of paint shall be <$ !.


1. 42N2+AL

The contractor shall ens!re to the satisfaction of the 2nineer that the

installation complies with all re(!irements incl!din the followin cla!ses


a. The contractor shall the entire installation incl!din all sanitar' fitments

and pipe wor3, etc. After installation and 3eep them in a new condition

b. All pipes etc, shall be fl!shed thro!h with water, ridded when

necessar' to ens!re clearance of debris.

c. Cleanin and fl!shin shall be carried o!t in sections as the installation

becomes completed.

/. @ED+A0LIC T2STIN4 O> :I:2O+

a. The Contractor shall carr' o!t h'dra!lic test on the completed fire

fihtin s'stems to show that it is f!nctionin satisfactoril' within the

re(!irements of this specification and local re!lations.

b. The Contractor shall provide s!itable tests p!mps and arrane for a

s!ppl' of water re(!ired in connection with testin of pipe wor3. The test

p! mp shall be fitted with press!re a!es which shall be fitted with

press!re 4a!es which shall be of s!itable rane for the press!re bein


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c. @'dra!lic tests shall be carried o!t as the pipe wor3 is installed andshall be completed before cases in walls. Also tests shall be carried o!t

prior to false ceilins and other finished are installed

d. All water services pipe wor3 shall be h'dra!licall' tested for a period of

not less than *# ho!rs to a press!re of not less than one and half times

the wor3in press!re. The Contractor m!st record all test fi!res

toether with sched!les of pipe lenths and sho!ld note that testin

shall be witnessed b' the 2nineer. No press!re drop shall be allowed

d!rin the tests.

e. Testin apparat!s shall be provided b' the Contractor.

f. The Contractor m!st carr' o!t an' additional tests if re(!ired b' the

local a!thorities, witho!t an' additional cost.

. On completion of the section of drainae pipe wor3 to be tested blan3

off all open ends pipes and ens!re that all access covers are sec!rel'

tihtened so that the' are airtiht.

 At the base of each stac3, a drain ba drain pl! is inserted and small

(!antit' of water allowed to settle above it so as to form a seal that can

easil' be inspected if it lea3s.

low air thro!h the t!be and reconnect at the manometer a!e to

obtain a readin of /mm w.. the level sho!ld remain for a period of

not less than five min!tes witho!t fallin and witho!t f!rther air bein


8 That the plant and apparat!s is of rob!st constr!ction and of capacit'

for the d!t' specified.

8 That all valves, switches, controls, etc, are properl' re!lated and

capable of proper operation and in the case of valves that are

capable of tiht sh!t8off.

8 That all apparat!s is silent.

8 That all instr!ments are correctl' calibrated and read acc!ratel'.

8 That all services are tested in accordance with the details of the

relevant cla!ses of this specification.

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8 That the alinments for all p!mps are proper.

h. Sho!ld the res!lts of these test shown that the p!mps, etc or an' other

items of e(!ipment fail to perform to the efficiencies or others

performance fi!res as iven in this specification, and as replace the

e(!ipment witho!t additional cost to the contract in order that the

re(!ired performance is obtained. Sho!ld it be necessar' for the

Contractor to attend to item of plant as described he will be responsible

for cast for an' damae or deterioration to the b!ildin or an' other

services conse(!ent on s!ch attendance.

i. The Contractor shall perform all tests and demonstrations as called for

b' the local a!thorities.

 7. Testin proced!res shall be s!bmitted two months after the approval of

ma7or e(!ipment to the 2nineer for approval.

#. S0::LE O> T2STIN4 290I:M2NT

a. The Contractor shall provide all tools, press!re p!mps, instr!ments andrecorders re(!ired to carr' o!t the tests iven in this section

b. All water and electricit' re(!ired for testin p!rpose will be s!pplied b'


<. :+2 T+2ATM2NT

a. :rior to start8!p and after satisfactor' h'dra!lic testin, all pipin

s'stems shall be fl!shed and drained at least once thro!h to rid off

contaminatin materials.

b. All strainers shall be inspected and cleaned o!t or replaced.


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1. 42N2+AL

On completion of the wor3, the contractor shall commission the installation

and p!t it into operation in accordance with the intent of this specification.

The Contractor shall provided all necessar' facilities and instr!ments to

carr' o!t s!ch test in accordance with local re!lations as m' be necessar'

to satisf' that the installation and p!t it into operation in accordance with the

intent of this specification.

 After handover of the wor3, the contractor shall carr' o!t re!lar preventive

maintenance at interval not e6ceedin three calendar month, or other wise

as directed b' the 2nineer and shall provide a fast, efficient and

comprehensive brea3down services as re(!ired d!rin the defects liabilit'



The contractor shall within 1# da's of reachin practical completion

handover to the 2nineer fo!r "#& copies of a maintenance Instr!ctionMan!al.

Man!al sho!ld the followin

a. A cover ivin

The same of the development

The title of the doc!ment

The same and address of the installation contractor.

b Inside pae ivin similar information to the cover b!t incl!din contact

telephone n!mbers for normal and emerenc' !se.

c. Content pae.

d. Description of the installation.

e. Sched!led details of all e(!ipment and plant,

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f Operatin instr!ction incl!din details of an' a!tomatic control s'stem

. Maintenance and fa!lt findin instr!ctions incl!din composite sched!le

of ro!tine maintenance.

h. Tests reports and commission records.

I. +ecommended spare parts and l!bricants.

 7. List of e(!ipment and plant with man!fact!rer5s name and address and

local aent, if applicable.

3. Man!fact!rer5s literat!res s!itable inde6ed to incl!de shop drawins,

wirin diarams, performance c!rves, etc.

I. A complete valve sched!le as described in the Fpaintin, labelin and

finishinG section.

m. List of as8installed drawins.

Man!al sho!ld be prod!ced on A# si;e paper, all sections sho!ld be

s!itable separated and read' identifiable or paes sho!ld be n!mbered

consec!tivel' and paes n!mbers incl!ded in the contents pae

>inall', approved man!als sho!ld be s!bmitted in loose leaf rin bonders

with hard covers to facilitate storae.

 As8installed drawin ma' be folded and accommodated in the man!al if


 As8installed drawin sho!ld incl!de a diarammatic la'o!t of the completed

installation with ma7or items of plant s!itabl' referenced to the sched!les

"item above&

 A set of the as8 installed drawins sho!ld be provided for each cop' of the $

M man!al re(!ired to be provided.

In addition one set of cop' neatives sho!ld be provided.

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/ S2+-IC2

The Contractor shall !nderta3e to provided a comprehensive brea3down

service whereb' a (!alified electrician or pl!mber attends to brea3downs as

soon as practicable after a brea3 down is reported and carries o!t

immediate remedial wor3.

# :+2-2NTI-2 MAINT2NANC2

The Contractor shall carr' o!t re!lar inspections periods not e6ceedin

three calendar month, and shall f!ll' service all plant installed !nder this

specification for the term of the defects liabilit' period, and shall maintain

all s!ch plant in perfect operation d!rin that period.

 At each maintenance visit, the Contractor shall

a. Carr' o!t all l!brication necessar'

b. Chec3 and ad7!st as necessar' all drives.

c. Chec3 all bearin for correct operation

d. Chec3 all anti8vibration s!pports for deterioration

e. Chec3 all connections for tihtness

f. Chec3 all s!mp and drains, and cleans as necessar'

. :rove correct operation of all safet' controls

h. :rove operation of all a!tomatic controls, and

i. Chec3 all lands, pac3in, etc. and ad7!st or replace as necessar'

In addition to the monthl' maintenance sched!le, the Contractor shall at

interval not e6ceedin si6 months

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a, Clean and re8rease all bearins as necessar'

b. Inspect and clean as necessar' all items of plant and e(!ipment

c. Clean and ad7!st all switchear, contactors and starters


The contractor shall attend all tests and inspections carried o!t b' stat!tor'

a!thorities, and shall forthwith e6ec!te an' variation wor3 as a res!lt of his

fail!re to compl' with the stat!tor' re(!irements.


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This specification sets o!t the re(!irements, methods,materials,

wor3manship, standards and re!lation in connection with the 2lectrical

Installation for SD> D@L Indonesia >acilit', :LN Ma3asar Indonesia.

The electrical wor3 in this technical specification covers all electrical wor3s

and lihtnin rod.


 The wor3s incl!ded in the field of this e6pertise incl!de

a& :rovide all electrical s'stems wor3s so that it can operate perfectl'.

b& The drawins, specifications and bills of (!antit' are

complementar' parts of and somethin that is contained in the

drawins and specifications which shall be bindin.

c& All electrical installation wor3s !nderta3en sho!ld be done b' the

installer Contractor who can be tr!sted, has a ood rep!tation and

has s3illed and e6perienced wor3ers in their fields, and the

compan' is reistered as a :LN official installer b' holdin the

hihest class installers fittin "D& which are still valid for a c!rrent

last 'ear or has a valid techni(!e responsible person determination

"S:8:ST& and Certificate of 26pertise ) SA from ALI.

d& All installation wor3s m!st be done accordin to K4eneral

+e(!irements for 2lectrical Installation in Indonesia last edition in

*$$$ ":0IL& and :LN +!les "S:LN&K as a !ide and also prevailin

re!lations on the local area and other reconi;ed standards)codes

s!ch as I2C, -D2)DIN, AS, S and others.

e& The Contractor shall place a scholar or who is deemed an e6pert as

a representative of the compan' and can ma3e decisions if at an'

time necessar'. M ma' re(!est another s!pervisor t!rnover when

considered incapable.

*. D+AIN4PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 11?

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a. The plan drawins that incl!de the scope of electrical installation wor3

in this Tender Doc!ment are the drawins with the drawin coden!mber 22.

b. The Contractor shall chec3 the desin aainst the possibilit' of

errors)lac3 of match in terms of electrical (!antities as well as

installation and others. The matters above shall be s!bmitted in writin

or drawin on the e6planation of the tender)aan*i+,in .

c. efore the wor3 is s!bmitted in whole or in staes, the contractor shall

s!bmit to M of / "three& sets of drawins called Kas-built dra*insKthat are drawins of all materials, e(!ipments and installations of

electrical s'stems, "1 set tracin / sets of bl!eprints&

d. The electricit' drawin shows the overall manit!des and n!mbers

and terms of the p!rposes of installation, the installation m!st conform

to local conditions on the pro7ect.

e. The drawins of architect!re and str!ct!re m!st be related to the

constr!ction and final details of the pro7ect, while other drawins m!st

be related to the details constr!ction with reard to each wor3. The

contractor m!st complete all f!rther p!rposes s!ch as Ksho' dra*insK

and detailed drawins.

f. Meanin that if there is technical or ph'sical incompatibilit' then this

matter m!st be s!bmitted in writin # da's prior to the performance of

wor3, to be reported to M) the :lanner in the field as a step of

e6ec!tion, where the costs are alread' covered in the !nit price of the


/. :2+>O+M2D >I2LD O> O+

a. The contractor m!st help manain :LNs power connections, in the

amo!nt of accordin to the drawin of plannin incl!din

administrative arranements, all leal fees will be paid b' the Owner.

b. The provision and installation of the TM8*$ 3- cable from :LN

distrib!tion s!bstation "3@ meters& to the cons!mer @-D: panel.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 11B

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c. The provision and installation of cons!mers @-D:8*$ 3- panels

d. The provision and installation of the TM8*$ 3- cable from the @-D:panel to the distrib!tion transformer 

e. The provision and installation of distrib!tion transformers

f. The provision and installation of L-MD: panels.

. The provision and installation of SD: panels, lihtin, power and

control panel

h. The proc!rement and installation of cable from the distrib!tion

transformer to L-MD:i. The proc!rement and installation of cable from the 4enerator Control

:anel to L-MD:

 7. The proc!rement and installation of low voltae distrib!tion cable from

L-MD: to each floor as shown in the drawin of plannin

3. The proc!rement and installation of control cable from L-MD: to the

4enerator Control :anel ":4&.

l. The proc!rement and installation of ban3s capacitor e(!ipped with

det!ned reactor.

m. The installation of inside lihtin incl!din emerenc' and e6it lamp,

o!tdoor lihtin lamp and eneral p!rpose o!tlet)soc3et.

n. Complete lihtnin rod with ro!ndin

o. 2(!ipment ro!ndin s'stem.

p. The proc!rement and installation of fire stop materials amon others

shafts spaces and e6istin sparin holes on each floor.

(. Testin and commissionin of e(!ipment and installation.

#. 42N2+AL +290I+2M2NTS

a. Standards And +eferens

 All materials, e(!ipments and installation wor3s m!st compl' with the

re(!irements specified in the standard and reference and other doc!ments

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iss!ed b' instit!tions or orani;ations that refer to the drawin of plannin,

incl!din b!t not limited to the standard or reference below1& 4eneral +e(!irements for 2lectrical Installation in Indonesia last

edition in *$$$ ":0IL&

2) :LN +e!lations "S:LN& as a !ide and also prevailin re!lations

on the area

/& Indonesia National Standard "SNI&

#& International 2lectrotechnical Committee "I2C&

<& -D2)DIN Standard?& I22 irin +e!lations, latest edition

B& A!stralian Standard "AS&

& ritish Standard specification "S&.

& National 2lectrical Code latest edition "N2C&.

1$& National >ire :rotection Association "N>:A&.

 b.+eferenced Cla!se

If there are matters that are mentioned aain in other

section)chapter)drawin then this shall be interpreted not to eliminate one

another b!t instead to f!rther confirm the matter. If there occ!rred an'

contradictor' matters between drawins or to technical specifications as

well as 9, then a benchmar3 which shall be ta3en is havin technical

weihts and or havin the hihest cost weiht.

c. Coordination Of or3

To smooth this wor3 m!st be held coordination of all parts involved in this

pro7ect activit'. All activities involvin in the pro7ect m!st be coordinated in

advance for an' disr!ption and conflict with one another can be avoided.

Locali;in)itemi;in each wor3 !ntil the details for approval b' M)the


d. Material And Kor3manshipKPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 11

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 All e(!ipments, materials !sed in this wor3 m!st be new and the material

m!st be resistant to the tropical climate. All wor3s m!st be carried o!t inthe riht wa' and ever' wor3er m!st have a satisf'in s3ill. here special

trainin for wor3ers is necessar' and the Contractor m!st perform it. The

Contractor m!st complete the valid certificate for an' e6pert personal,

statin that the personnel has participated special trainins or has special

e6periences in their respective areas of e6pertise.

e. List Of Material At the time of bid, the Contractor m!st incl!de) attach KList of MaterialsK

which is firstl' specified from all materials to be installed on the pro7ect and

m!st be mentioned factor', brand, man!fact!rer, t'pe, complete with a

broch!re)catalo. This shall be bindin and m!st be filed complete, not be

a partial.

f. Name Of Man!fact!rer ) Specified rand

If this technical specification is mentioned the name of man!fact!rer)brand

from one t'pe of material)component, then the Contractor shall offer and

install as specified.

So there is no reason for the Contractor at the time of installation statin

the oods are no loner on the mar3et or are diffic!lt to be obtained in the

mar3et. >or the oods to be imported, soon after bein appointed as the

winner, the Contractor shall immediatel' order it on the aenc' in

Indonesia. If the Contractor had attempted to order it, b!t at the time of

orderin of s!ch material)brand is not)is diffic!lt to obtain, then the :lanner

will as3 for approval of the oard of Directors of >ield)M, to determine

alternatives from other brands with the same minim!m specifications. So

after 1 "one& month the appointment of the winner, the Contractor m!st

s!bmit a cop' of other material order, statin that these materials have

been ordered "order import&.

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. Shop Drawin

 After the approval, in this case before the list of material specification, theContractor is re(!ired to s!bmit shop drawins for approval of the :lanner.

The shop drawins m!st be iven the records of the Contractor, statin

that what is recommended is in conformit' with the specifications and the

conditions of the space provided.

The data for each s'stem m!st show the complete installation of all

component coordination to review the overall of the act!al from the entire

s'stem, the partial deliver' will not be considered. The drawin of shopdrawins m!st be made in # "fo!r& sets.

S"#$ %'()*+ -# / 01)--/% '/2

1. @-D: and L-MD: :anel

*. :ower and lihtin panels, o!tlet bo6es and others.

/. Transformer, distrib!tions wire la'o!t and other.

#. The details of the installation of lamps.

<. :lan of lihtin installation, soc3et ever' floor.

?. And others as re(!ested b' the :lanner)M.

Shop drawins are inserted for review ) approval of the planner)M at

least 1# "fo!rteen& wor3in da's after the iss!ance of Offer Letter


h. S!btit!tion

1& :rod!ct mentioned name of man!fact!rer 

Materials, e(!ipments, f!rnishins, accessories mentioned the name

of the man!fact!rer in the specification, the Contractor m!st complete

the prod!cts mentioned in the specification, or ma' propose an

e(!ivalent s!bstit!tion prod!ct, with complete data for approval of the

:lanner)M before order.

*& :rod!ct not mentioned name of man!fact!rer 

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m!st be repaired or done repaintin to obtain a perfect paintin res!lts. If

the e(!ipments have not been painted from the man!fact!re, theContractor shall be responsible for s!ch paintin.

 All frames, covers, cover plates and electric panel doors m!st be f!ll'

iven primer paint or prime coat and iven a final paint coatin "finishin

paint.& This final paint with the temporar' color is specified Kra'K !nless it

is held a chane of color. The determination of ra' color t'pe and brand

of paint in advance shall be as3ed approval of M)the :lanner. :aintin is

done with the Kstoe ennameled K process for lamps, while for the electricalpanel m!st be made corrosion resistant b' wa' of Kalani,ed cadmium

 'latin K or with K,inc chromatic 'rimer K shall be painted with f!el paint.

m.Act!al Installation Drawins

The Contractor m!st !se well a complete set of drawins in the field where

it m!st be mar3ed appropriate on the location of all t'pes of panel)cabinet

o!tlet s'stem, e(!ipment, wirin and so on with dimensions ta3en from the

center col!mn standard "as col!mn&. The Contractor m!st complete the

act!al installation drawins "Kas installed K& of the installation. The

Contractor at the approach of deliver' "* wee3s before deliver'& m!st

s!bmit a drawin Kas-built dra*in K statin the drawins s!ch as those

installed for the deliver' to the :lanner)M of # "fo!r& sets of printed

drawins and 1 "one& set of tracin.

n. Testin

The Contractor shall perform all testin as described and m!st perform an

e6periment as properl' real operation of the entire s'stem. The

e(!ipments, materials and how to wor3 the damaed ) defective ) wron

e(!ipments m!st be placed)corrected and the repeated e6periment. All of

the cablins, installations of K3e!rK the Contractor shall be responsible to

ain approval of :LN for the installation of electricit' networ3 s'stem and

all the costs shall be borne b' the Contractor. The period of the electricalPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1*/

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e(!ipment testin is 16*# ho!r non8stop, the testin costs shall be borne

b' the Contractor.

o. Spare parts data

Since the deliver' of parts and e(!ipments into the field, the Contractor

shall s!bmit to M a complete list of spare parts and s!bmit for each parts

accompanied b' a !nit price list and addresses of s!ppliers and an

additional list of spare parts and s!pplies that are be normal shall be in

an' p!rchase or   spare parts mentioned in the specifications to bef!rnished b' the contractor at a cost of the Contractor.

p. +e!lation Of :atent +iht

The Contractor shall protect the Owner aainst all claims or demands,

costs and price increases d!e to an' disaster, in connection with an' trade

or prod!ction name, cop'riht, in all materials, e(!ipments !sed in this


(. Cleaness

The Contractor shall clean all dirt)trash and the !n!sed waste materials as

the res!lt of his wor3 and m!st finish each part of the re!larl' and orderl'


r. !ilt8In Insert, Sleeves And It5s 2(!ipment

Complete inserts, sleeves and other e(!ipment for the p!rpose of b!ilt8in

concrete or constr!ction wor3.

s. Man!al And Instr!ctions oo3

The Contractor m!st complete man!al and maintenance boo3 and man!al

how to operate it, and the lan!ae of instr!ction for all parts of this

e(!ipment m!st be in 2nlish and Indonesian.

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t. Installation Completeness

In this technical specification and in the drawin for a s'stem or a deviceof electrical e(!ipment is intended as a s'stem that can operate well in

s!ch a wa' so that if an' part or component of the installation s'stem that

is not mentioned in this technical specification as well as in the drawins,

then this means the Contractor m!st establish and ens!re the s'stem )

installation will wor3 well.

!. Trainin

2d!catin the operator or persons desinated b' the owner to r!n, operate

the necessar' testin and maintenance of installations. All these costs are

borne b' the Contractor 

<. 2HT2NT O> O+

The wor3 embraced b' this specification covers the s!ppl', installation,testin, commissionin and maintenance of electrical services installation of

the b!ildin in accordance with this specification and associated drawins,

and witho!t abroatin the more e6tensive details decr'pted elsewhere in

the specification and drawins, incl!des the followin

a. 2lectrical

Incomin electricit' s!ppl' from the :LN s!bstation to *$ -

switchboard, power transformers, L.-. main switchboard, incl!din

s!ppl' and installation of incomin cables to *$ - switch board to :LNre(!irement *$ - main switchboards, *$ - I #$$ - power

transformers, L-. main switchboards.

:ower cables, b!sbar chambers and feeders to points of local

distrib!tion, cable tra's, cable ladder, cond!its, ener' meters and all

other a!6iliar' e(!ipment to complete the installation as shown on the


Distrib!tion boards, incl!din all protection devices and switchears.

Lihtin installation, incl!din fittins and all electrical accessories for allPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1*<

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areas incl!din where specified to be s!pplied b' others, b!t will be

installed b' this contractor.

Small power installation, incl!din all devices, isolatin switches and the

li3e. Detection, control circ!it and wirin for a!tomatic operation of the


1& :ower s!pplies to air conditionin plant.

*& :ower s!pplies to water p!mps, :ower S!pplies to fire p!mps.

/& 2arthin installation incl!din e(!ipotential)s!pplemental'

bondin, complete with all tapes, test lin3 and cross bondin


Lihtnin protection s'stem. >acilities re(!ired b' :LN inside the

transformer rooms and M.-. cable d!cts.

#& :aintin of material and e(!ipment

<& Testin and commissionin.

?& Liaison with :LN or all permits and final connections incl!din

the s!bmission of all forms and application. All arranement fees to

be incl!ded.

B& :rovision of spare parts.

& :rovision of twelve "1*& months operational maintenance andbrea3down services, incl!din the replacement of all failed lamps in

p!blic areas.

& :rovision operation)maintenance man!als and as8fitted

drawins +emote control s'stem.

?. D2SC+I:TION O> 2HT2NT O> O+

a. Site Location

The site is sit!ated at the Ma3asar Ind!strial facilit' Indonesia itcomprises the constr!ction of

8 4eneral Site :lan

8 Main !ildin

8 Office

8 Canteen

8 Loc3ers

8 Medical and pra' room

8 Trafo !ildin

8 :otash and chemical room

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4ro!nd floor lobb' and all o!tdoor)arden)e6ternal liht fittins shall beinstalled b' 2lectrical Contractor c)w cond!it and wirins.

26it sin boards and staircase lihtin shall be installed b' the

Contractor c)w self contained Ni8cad batteries for * ho!rs operations and

ancillar' components and associated wirin for the proper operations of

the fittins

Lihtin in plant rooms, s!ch as transformer room, p!mp rooms fan

rooms, toilets etc. Adm. !ildin, shall be controlled b' local switches.

Staircase lihts shall be switched on all at times. Lihtin for e6it5 sins

shall not be controlled b' an' switch other than the MO.

 All cablin in !ildin areas shall be :-C):-C cable attached to

messener wires. Cond!it are re(!ired.

• 2arthin s'stem

 A complete earthin s'stem shall be provided to compl' with the :LN+!les and the 1< th 2dition of 22 +e!lations.

 All main earthin tapes shall be connected to the main switchboards and

then connected to the earthin electrodes located on 1>L in

accordance with the Drawins.

The contractor shall be responsible to carr' o!t all the e(!ipotential

bondin to e6traneo!s and e6posed cond!ctive parts in compliance with,

the 1< th 2dition of l222 irin +e!lations.

o!ndin sho!ld be done !sin cad weld.

Separate earthin s'stem shall be provided for

• *$ - s'stems

• L- s'stem

• Transformer ne!tral

• 2lectronic "telephone, fire alarm, so!nd s'stem etc&.

• Lihtnin protection s'stem

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Lihtnin :rotection S'stem

The Contractor shall s!ppl' and install complete lihtnin protection

s'stem complete with perfector on top roof and coa6ial down cond!ctor

connectin to the earthin electrode located at ro!nd >loor in

accordance with the Drawins.

>acilities +e(!ired b' :LN

The s!b8contractor shall be responsible for the complete electrical fittin

o!t wor3s inside the :LN5s re(!irements.

 Application of Meters

The s!b8contractor shall fill in all details, s!bmit the forms to the power

compan,5 and arrane for s!bse(!ent testin and meter connection.


a All concrete e(!ipment plinths and concrete piers in plant rooms, 3e'ed

to the floor slabs and raded where re(!ired. :linths and concrete

s!pports shall have shapes and dimension as indicated on detailed

drawins to be provided b' the 2lectrical Contractor.

b The b!ildin in off all sleeves and e(!ipment holdin down bolts, where

re(!ired to be b!ilt in d!rin constr!ction. The 2lectrical Contractor shall

s!ppl' all bolts and sleeves, and detailed Drawins acc!ratel'positionin s!ch items

c All c!ttin, patchin framin !p, f!rrin in, chasin and ma3in ood

associated with the b!ildin constr!ction for the passae of d!ctwor3s,

pipes, cond!its etc.

Detailed and drawins shall be provided b' this 2lectrical Contractor 

d Trimmed openin in s!spended ceilins for liht fittins.

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e :rovision of access openins to service e(!ipment installed b' 2lectrical


f Sealin and waterproofin 0tilit' Compan'5s cable entr' d!cts.

Temporar' lihtin and power for constr!ction and testin p!rposes

h :rovision of earth pits and :-C d!ctin for earthin and lihtnin

protection s'stem etc. as indicatin on the tender.


Notwithstandin an'thin to the contrar' contained herein pertainin to this

installation, it shall be the s!bcontractors responsibilit' top ens!re all the

wor3s is in strict accordance with the followin stat!tor' obliation,

re!lation and specification toether with an' amendments made thereto

a ritish Standards Ins!lation or other approved international standards

b 1< th 2dition of L22. irin re!lation incl!din latest amendments

p!blished b' the Instit!tion of 2lectrical 2nineer, !.3.

c S!ppl' +!les and +e!lation of :LNd Latest Local >ire Safet' Department ">.S.D.& re!lation and code of


e The Tel3om +e!lation

f +e!lation of the Local telecomm!nication a!thorit' of Indonesia

An' other local a!thorit' havin 7!risdiction

. 2L2CT+ICAL 290I:M2NT

a. M2DI0M -OLTA42 MAIN :AN2L "*$3-&


Medi!m -oltae Main :anel ":0TM& or medi!m voltae switchear is a

partner in and placed in the b!ildin. The switchear m!st be metal

enclosed, prefabricated.

The switchears that str!n which will be called :anel

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Circ!it is composed of compartments or !nits. The circ!it panel and its

components m!st be able to meet operatin conditions for hot and h!midtropical climate area.

*& Standard

Switchear shall be desined and fabricated accordin to the

re(!irements set forth in the last edition I2C5s recommendation and the

correspondin added with the possible application of the followin

standards• N>C Standard

• -D2)DIN Standard

• ritish Standard

• N2MA Standard

 And the edition mentioned in this specification. The e(!ipment that meets

the other re!lator' standards, which !arantees the same (!alit' or

better than the standards in this specification, will also be accepted.

/& Climate Conditions

4eoraph' e(!ator 

@eiht less than 1$$$ meters above sea level

 Atmosphere h!midit' $J 8 1$$J


8 rowse temperat!re 1?OC 8 #$oC

8 The averae temperat!re in 1 'ear *B$C

8 The averae temperat!re in 1 da' /<$C

#&2lectrical Characteristics of Medi!m -oltae

• Identifier voltae *# 3-

• Service voltae *$ 3-

• Identifier fre(!enc' <$ @;

• 2nd!rance voltae of imp!lse standards, dried "pea3& 1*< 3-PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1/1

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• :ower end!rance fre(!enc' voltae in 1 min!te, dried


<$ 3-

• 2nd!rance voltae on isolation distance to ede

- Imp!lse voltae "pea3& 1#< 3-

- -oltae at 1 min!te power fre(!enc' ?$ 3-

• !sbar normal flow ?/$ A

• 2nd!rance flow of short circ!it 1 second _ 1#.<


• Ma6im!m ro!nd fa!lt flow for 1 second 1 3A

• Test voltae to a!6iliar' circ!its * 3-

• Switchin s!re voltae on power brea3er switch shall be

in accordance for transformers with oil cooler "witho!t

arrester& at 1*<3- IL

<& Desin And Composition

Circ!it >or :anel Desin

a. Constr!ction

Circ!it panel for medi!m voltae m!st consist of compartments which

are f!ll' enclosed in metal enclos!res incl!din closin of the base.:anel of circ!it for in the fabrication of steel plate and consists of

c!bicles which can be e6chane8switch its position.

C!bicles which can be e6chane8switch m!st have the dimension

standards and can be combined easil'.

Steel plate !sed to the panel constr!ction m!st be perfectl' flat and has

a thic3ness of not less than 1.< mm.

2nclos!res and ins!lation m!st be made stron so that the mechanicalimpact of * =o!les "e(!ivalent to a ball weihin $.< 3 fallin from a

heiht of $.# m& did not res!lt in ineffectiveness of controlear or modif'

a specified deree of protection or red!ce creepae distances or

clearances distances !nder the specified val!e.

b. Deree of :rotection

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The components in the control mechanism or loc3in e(!ipment and

components associated with it, are desined and constr!cted so as toprovide a safet' / factor in relation to permanent deformation or

r!pt!re of transmission "dependin on material& in the !nli3e preferred

condition of a st'le *<$ N which is applied to the cran3 ) control lever.

Interloc3in e(!ipment m!st have a hiher safet' factor than control


The position of separation e(!ipment)brea3er incl!din ins!lation, m!stbe seen with one of the followins

• 2de contacts movin in open position allows to be seen thro!h

Ktransl!cent windowK available in front of the enclos!re ) c!bicle door

• :artition that can be seen clearl', can inserted between fi6ed

contacts and movin contacts

• Separation b' the wa' of e(!ipment is p!lled o!t

• Openin contacts is shown b' a pointer to their each 7oint pole,

dependin on its constr!ction

• 2(!ipment of this pointer m!st be connected directl' to contacts

which move with tiht relationship so that it cannot be chaned its


. Information Label

Information plate indicatin the f!nction of the e(!ipment contained in

the vario!s compartments is installed in front of switchear panels.

Information that indicates the open ) close position and direction of

rotation for the C, LS, DS open)close operation and earthin

switches m!st be placed ad7acent to the respective switches

concerned so that it is easil' 3nown b' the operator.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1/<

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:lates of information m!st be written in Indonesian.

Identification plates meas!rin 11$ 6 #$ mm are installed with screwsin front of each c!bicle.

h. Dimension

Minim!m overall dimensions of a !nit load brea3er switch "LS& are

• @ih "@eiht& 1?$$ mm

• Depth "Depth& 1,$$$ mm

• idth "idth& <$$ mm

KLiftin l!sK that can be removed for c!bicles followin facilit', m!st

be provided and installed on top of each c!bicle.

i. :aintin and Corrosion :rotection

the Circ!it >or :anel as a whole m!st have a constr!ction that is

desined for !se in hot areas with a h!mid tropical climate, m!st also

be provided anti Kcondensation heaterK on each c!bicle with no more

than <$ power, b!t able to !arantee in terms of overcomin

h!midit' problems.

The e6ec!tion of all steel plates !sed m!st be caref!l in the protection

aainst corrosion and painted prior to assembl'.

2nclos!res, coverins and separators wall, m!st be coated twice on

the final paintin.

Methods of protection aainst corrosion and paintin proposed, m!stbe described in the biddin.

N!ts and bolts !sed in the constr!ction, m!st be in accordance with

ISO Standard "metric& and m!st be in the protection aainst r!st.

 7. Isolation Medi!m ) Termination of Arc of >ire

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Isolation Medi!m ) termination of the arc of fire m!st be of t'pe of S>?

as both for circ!it brea3er switch "C& and rea3er Switches Load"LS&.

?& *$ - C!bicle Specifications

a. Incomin 0nit Load rea3 Switches

1 set of ?/$ A b!sbar 

1 LS three8pole *# - with man!al control

1. Identifier flow ?/$ A8 2nd!rance flow of a short time of 1 second _ 1#.<3A8 Capacit' of 2ntr' /1.< 3A8 The main active load brea3in capacit'

":ower factor ` $.B&

?/$ A

*. Charin Cable brea3in capacit' *< A

1 three8pole earthin switch with man!al control

/ voltae control e(!ipment with fl!orescent lamps as voltaeindicator 

+oom and holder ) cable clamps m!st be provided at the bottom

of the c!bicle for the installation of three sinle8core terminals,

for medi!m voltae cables which are in isolation with solid

dielectric material

b 0nit -oltae Transformer T'pe

1 set #$$A b!sbars 1 LS three8pole *# - with man!al control

8 Identifier flow 1$$A8 2nd!rance flow of a short time of 1 second ... _ 1#.< 3A8 Top end!rance flow... .. /1.< 3A8 / @+C >!ses "hih8brea3er capacit'&8 Identifier flow ?./ A8 Termination capacit' _ 1#.< 3A

/ voltae TransformersPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1/B

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+atio 1<.$$$8*$.$$$)1$$ -

S/ S/Identifier b!rden /$8<$ -AClass of acc!rac' $.< "I2C 1?&

/ T+ >!ses for the phase and one lin3 for secondar' circ!it

ne!tral. The f!se is placed in a cover 

c. 0nit O!toin Load rea3 Switches

1 set ?/$A b!sbars

1 LS three8pole *# - with man!al control

8 Identifier flow... ... ... ?/$A8 2nd!rance flow short circ!it time of 1 second... _ 1#.< 3A8 Capacit' of 2ntr' ... . /1.< 3A8 The main active load brea3in capacit' ... ...

":ower factor ` $.B&


8 The brea3in capacit' of the cable charin *<A 

1 three8pole earthin switch with man!al control

/ @+C >!ses "hih8 brea3er capacit'&

B& Shop drawin

The Contractor is re(!ired to s!bmit shop drawins as listed below for

approval before the panel in the fabrication

a& Drawin of la'o!t and elevation

b& ill of Material

c& irin diaram

d& Details la'o!t of the components within the panel

e& electrical characteristics of components

& Medi!m -oltae :anel +oom

The Contractor is re(!ired to provide the followin e(!ipment ) fi6t!res in

medi!m voltae panel room

a& +!bber Mats

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1/

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The Contractor is re(!ired to provide and install the r!bber mat with

a si;e of 1$$$mm "width& and ?mm "thic3&. The lenth is ad7!sted tothe lenth of medi!m voltae panels.

b& Diaram of One 2lectric S'stems Line

The contractor m!st provide drawins of Diaram of One 2lectric

S'stems Line installed on lass frame and han on the walls of the

room. The drawin of the diaram m!st be si;ed appro6imatel'

1$$$mm 6 $$mm.

c& Daner SinsThe Contractor is re(!ired to provide a K@a;ard SinK TM panels

room and the room entrance.


1. 42N2+AL

a& The scope of wor3 of the contractor is a proc!rement,

man!fact!rer, factor' testin, deliver', installation, testin on site

and commissionin for *$)$.#3- distrib!tion transformers with

capacities as shown in the drawin .

b& The distrib!tion transformer is to !se copper windins "copper&, oil

immersed t'pe with Class A isolation s'stem with nat!ral coolin.

c& The transformer is !sed for this t'pe of partner indoor.

* STANDA+D AND +2>2+2NC2

a& The transformer m!st be desined, man!fact!red accordin to the

followin standards

8 I2C ?$$B?81 to ?$$B?8< power transformers

b& The prod!ction standard m!st be in accordance with ISO $$1

(!alit' standards and environmental standards "environment

friendl'&, ISO 1#$$1 and also has a test certificate from an

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1/

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Makassar – Indonesia

international independent aenc' for materials, constr!ction and

processin method.


T'pe Oil Immersed Transformer  N!mber of phase /

>re(!enc' <$ @;@ih voltae of s'stem *# 3--oltae witho!t load *$ 3-)#$$ 8 */$ -imp!lse end!rance voltae 1*< 3-

T'pe of coolin ONAN Aro!nd temperat!re /< XCMa6im!m Temperat!re of indin ?< XCThe ma6im!m temperat!re of

coolin oil "hermeticall' sealed&

?$ XC

isolation Class Class AIns!lation Material Oil ) f!ll chareThe short circ!it condition of the


1*.< 3-

:ower as indicated in the drawins

-ector ro!p D'n <)ad7!sted with local :LNT'pe Sittin, co!ples in

-oltae Ad7!stment b' tap


W *.<J, W <J

 Applied voltae test <$ 3-

So!nd level W <$ d "A&

:rotection 8 indin temperat!re

sensor "solid state t'pe&

e(!ipped with a warnin

indication "warnin& and the

sh!nt trip in the :0TM panel


8 A!6iliar' contacts interated

into the AS s'stem


1 42N2+ALPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1#$

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The main distrib!tion panel m!st be as indicated on drawins, !nless

otherwise appointed. The entire assembl' incl!din ho!sins, b!sbar,protective e(!ipments m!st be planned, b!ilt, tested and where

necessar' repaired in accordance with the re(!irements. The main

distrib!tion panel m!st be of the t'pe in door t'pe made of steel plate a

minim!m thic3ness of * mm and made in accordance with the I2C #/8

1 standard.

Sereation >orm of Main :anel of Low -oltae m!st be a minim!m

Incomin >orm / and o!toin >orm * in accordance with the I2C#/81 standard.

The Constr!ction m!st be made of a riid str!ct!re steel frame, which

can retain its str!ct!re b' mechanical strees at the time of short circ!it.

This framewor3 is completel' wrapped in the bottom, top and sides with

cover plates m!st be s!fficientl' lo!vers for ventilation where necessar'

to overcome the temperat!re increase of the parts that drain flow and

voltae parts in accordance with the :0IL8*$$$ CML ) I2C #/

re(!irements for the covered e(!ipment. -oltae materials m!st be

prevented perfectl' to the possibilit' of splashin water. All the meterin

and transfer b!ttons re(!ired m!st be ro!ped to a panel board hined

which is hidden.

* S@O: D+AIN4

efore fabrication, the Contractor is re(!ired to s!bmit shopdrawin for

approval of M ) the :lanner Cons!ltant. The wor3in drawins or shop

drawins to be s!bmitted shall incl!de detailed drawins s!ch as



sections,PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1#1

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schematic wirin diarams.


 All cabinets m!st be made of steel plate with minim!m thic3ness of *

mm, or made of other materials s!ch as pol'ester or a3elite. The

Cabinet to Kpanel boardK has the proportional si;e as re(!ired for the

panel board, which the amo!nt is in accordance with the si;e of the the

planner drawin or b' re(!irements so that for the n!mber and si;e ofwire !sed is not too f!ll ) solid. The frame ) framewor3 of the panel

m!st ro!nded to the cabinet m!st be an' ood wa's to install, s!pport

and set the Kpanel boardK and the lid. The cabinet with wires of Ktro!h

feedersK m!st be arraned in s!ch a wa' so that there is a channel

with a width of not less than 1$ cm for branch circ!it panel board. 2ach

cabinet shall be e(!ipped with 3e's. >or one cabinet shall be provided

* "two& pieces of 3e's, with 1'-/ 6/7 s'stems.The hih of panels m!st not e6ceed **$$mm.

# 0SA+ ) +AIL

!sbar m!st be of copper material which its o!tside la'er is coated

with a la'er of tin "tin plated& with a si;e in accordance with flow

capabilit' of 1<$J of load flow installed which its si;e is ad7!sted to the

:0IL r!les "list no. ?/$8DI8D#):0IL8*$$$&. All b!sbars ) rails m!st be

painted and held b' a stron and well isolator material into the

framewor3 of the panel. All b!sbar ) rails m!st be painted with colors

that match mentioned in :0IL. :aints m!st be resistant to a

temperat!re of B< XC.

!sbar is prepared and held b' ins!lator ver' well to s'stem / , #  

wires as indicated in the drawin. 2ach panel m!st have an isolated

ne!tral b!s to ro!nd and a bare ro!ndin b!s clamped firml' on the

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1#*

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- +ated load cap 1$ -A

d& +otar' Switch "On8Off Cam Switch&

8 +ated -oltae <$$ - QC8+ated ma6im!m c!rrent ?/ A8 Total pole #Installation at the Kbase plateK

e& Diital Meters "in L-MD:&

1. All set!p parameters re(!ired b' the :ower Meter will be stored

in atteries memor' and maintained in the event of termination )

sh!tdown of s!ppl' the control s'stem.

*. Acc!m!lated 2ner', :ea3 Demand, Minim!m and Ma6im!m,

and the lenth of time !sed are stored in batteries memor' and

retained in the event of termination ) sh!tdown of s!ppl' to the

control s'stem.

/. :ower Meters m!st be applied in / phase / wire s'stem, /

phase # wire and 1 phase.

#. :ower Meters m!st be able to be applied witho!t modification to

the nominal fre(!enc' of #<8?< @;.

<. Component Meas!red

:ower Meter m!st be able to displa' readins of the +MS val!e

of the s'stem meas!rement as follows

i& +eadin +eal8Time

• >low "per8phase, N "co!nted&, /8phaseaverae&

• -oltae "per8phase, /8phase averae, L8N8per8

phase, LN / phase averae&

• the act!al power "per8phase, /8phase total&U

•   +eactive :ower "per8phase, /8phase total&U

• :se!do :ower "per8phase, /8phase total&

• :ower factor "/8phase total&PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1##

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• >re(!enc'

• T@D "per8phase, c!rrent and voltae&

ii& 2ner' Cons!mption +eadins

•  Acc!m!lated 2ner' "3h act!al power, 3-arh

reactive power, 3-Ah apparent power&

iii& Demand +eadin

• Calc!lation of demand flow "per8phase&

"a& The time is now

"b& The pea3 time

• Calc!lation of the act!al power demand "/8

phase total&

"a& The time is now

"b& The pea3 time

iv& The calc!lation of reactive power demand "/8phase


"a& The time is now

"b& The pea3 time

v& The calc!lation of apparent power demand "/8phase


"a& The time is now

"b& The pea3 time

vi& -al!e of :ower Anal'sis

"a& T@D 8 -oltae "per8phase, L 8 L, L 8 N&

"b& T@D 8 >low "per8phase, ne!tral&

"c& Appointment of the power factor "/8phase&

vii& 0sae Time

:ower Meter m!st indicate the time when the device

has been located in the service, the appointment in

ho!rs and min!tesPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1#<

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• 3, 3-A+, 3h and 3-A+h will show the tr!e

val!e "net& of the !se of ener' cons!mption.

?. 2(!ipped with Modb!s and :rofib!s comm!nications and m!st

be interated with AS s'stems

f& Ampere Meter 

8 C l a s s 1.<8 Over load cap 1.* 6 In Contin!e8 Si;e $ 6 $ mm8 Scale $8/$$$ A8 T'pe Movin Iron, for AC

meas!rements8 Acc!rac' W1.<J for AC meas!rements

& -olt Meter 

8 C l a s s 1.<8 Over load cap 1.* 6 In Contin!e8 Si;e

8 Scale

$ 6 $ mm

$ 8 <$$ A8 Acc!rac' W1.<J for AC meas!rements

h& 3@ 8 Meters

8 +ated voltae / 6 /$ -olt8+atedc!rrent transformers o!tp!t < A8 Oc!rac' class *.$8aseplate of mo!lded

plastic8 The reister ? "si6& cipher rollers

meas!rement do!ble

i& Indicator Lihts

T!b!lar lamp, <8watt incandescent, <# mm diameter 

Color +ed, 'ellow, bl!e

 7& :!sh !tton

:anel mo!ntin, do!ble on81, off8$. All p!sh b!ttons are e(!ipped

with indicator lamps to indicate s'stem in the on or off.

3& +ela's

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1#?

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>or L-MD: panels, circ!it brea3er for Main feeder, it is e(!ipped

with OL protective rela's "over load&, SC "short circ!it& and 0-"!nder voltae&. As for the enerator, it is e(!ipped with a OL, SC,

0-, 2> rela' "2arth >o!ld& and +: "+everse :ower&.

l& Selector Switch

>rom the t'pe of rotar' switches, for switchin. +ated voltae /$

-olt AC ins!lation ??$ -.


a& :anel Constr!ction

• :ower and lihtin :anels completed with all the components

that m!st e6ist as shown in the drawin . The panels intended

to operate on **$)/$-, / phase, # wire, <$ @; and direct

ro!ndin and m!st be made to follow :0IL, I2C, -D2 ) DIN,

S, N2MA standard and so forth.

• The panels shall be constr!cted of * mm thic3 iron plate with

iron frame and m!st be entirel' in ;inchromate and in d!co *

times and m!st be painted with f!els paint, color and the paint

will be determined later b' the Owner or M ) :lanner. Door

panels shall be e(!ipped with a master 3e'.

• The constr!ction in the panels and the location of the

components and so on m!st be arraned in s!ch a wa' so that

improvements, switchin on the component can easil' be

implemented witho!t dist!rbin the other components.

• The si;e of each panel !nit m!st be adapted to circ!mstances

and needs and has been approved b' M ) :lanners.

• od' of panels m!st be properl' ro!nded

b& :anel components

1. AccessoriesPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1#B

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• Main Circ!it rea3er of each emerenc' panel shall

be completed a sh!nt trip terminal.

#. Meterin

0sin the Diital Meter e(!ivalent KSocomecK Diris 2</ with

the followin specifications

• Contacted thro!h c!rrent transformer

• +eadins total and partial 3@

• +eadin total and partial 3-A+h

• +eadin of the active power ) reactive instantaneo!s


• +efer to Class 1I2C ?*$</8*1

• Indication if there occ!rred wron connection

• +eadin of the n!mber of c!rrent and voltae

• +eadins power factor in # 3wadrant

• +eadins # rate manaement via +S#<comm!nication "Modb!s and :rofib!s and 2thernet


a& The :anel shall be constr!cted of alvani;ed steel plate of * mm

thic3 plate, folds and anle plate forms thro!h a mechanical


b& The components of the lihtin panel

1& Molded Case Circ!it rea3er "MCC&

-oltae +atin /$ -, <$ @;

T'pe Compact

rea3in Cap. 1 3A

*& Contactor 

C!rrent +atin in accordance with drawins

-oltae +atin /$ -, <$ @;

:ole / poles

/& Miniat!re Circ!it rea3er PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1#

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+ated voltae **$ -, <$ @;

+ated voltae **$ -, <$ @;T'pe have KInstantaneo!s trippin val!eK 1* 6 In


1& *$ 3- Cables

a& 4eneral

Medi!m voltae cable that is !sed is sinle8core and m!lti8core

cables with isolation of KCross :ol'th'lenK from the o!tside copperprotective with :-C coatin on the o!tside.

The wor3in voltae is 1*)*$ 3-.

The cable will be planted directl' in the ro!nd at a minim!m depth

of $. m or accordin to the re(!irements in :0IL 1B and in the

pipe at the b!ildin entrance, or held in the trench cable provided.

The abilit' to do this cable c!rrent at ro!nd temperat!res is abo!t

/$$C cm)w, at least

Cross8section "m]& Abilit' "A&

< *?$

The ma6im!m temperat!re of cable in the load state sho!ld not

e6ceed $XC. At the time of offer m!st be also incl!ded the abilit'

to do the cable c!rrent for a short time of $.1, $.*, $.<, 1 second.

The ma6im!m temperat!re of cables for this short circ!it c!rrentdoes not e6ceed *<$XC. The cable is delivered in dr!m rolls of /$$

m. Dr!ms are not ref!ndable.

The characteristics of electrical s'stems served are

• Total phases /

• >re(!enc' <$ @;

• @ih voltae *# 3-

• Imp!lse end!rance -oltae 1*< 3-,PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1<$

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• Short circ!it conditions 1/.? 3A

• the temperat!re aro!nd averae /<XC

b& Constr!ction

8 Core Composition

2ach cond!ctor m!st be made of p!re copper in accordance

with the re(!irements of I2C p!blication No. **. ire cross

section m!st be perfectl' ro!nd.

8 Core :rotective La'ers

The cond!ctor protective la'er that m!st be placed between the

cond!ctor with a la'er of ins!lation m!st be made of nonmetallic

materials and is a semi8cond!ctive material with a thic3ness of

<J of the thic3ness of ins!lation material.

8 Isolation

This ro!nd cable ins!lation material m!st be pol'eth'lene that

is in Kcross lin3edK, m!st be homoeneo!s.

*& Low -oltae Cable "NEE, NE>4bE, NEM&

a& 4eneral

This specification describes the re(!irements for low voltae

cables that m!st meet the re(!irements of the abilit' to flow at a

temperat!re of /<XC, ma6im!m temperat!re of the cable in a state

of load sho!ld not e6ceed B$XC and ma6im!m temperat!re of the

cables for short circ!it c!rrent sho!ld not e6ceed *<$XC.

b& Constr!ction

The cable shall consist of

8 Two or fo!r cond!ctor made of twisted copper wire or

KcompactedK copper which was twisted.

8 :-C material ins!lation la'er on each cond!ctor phase and

ne!tral cond!ctive.

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1<1

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8 The waterproof settlin la'er is s!rro!nded b' the phase

cond!ctor veins and space filler between the phase wires.8 The second settlin la'er is o!tside the settlin la'er above.

8 The protector of the material ribbon settlin on the second

settlin la'er in accordance with the re(!irements of I2C


8 O!tside the protective coatin of steel pipes is iven a plastic

la'er as a protective.

The cable cross8section !sed is ? mm ]   1$ mm ]   1? mm ]   *< mm ]   /< mm ]   1<$ mm ]

<$ mm ]   B$ mm ]   < mm ]   *#$ mm ]   1*$ mm ]   1< mm ]

c& Mar3in)Color 

The s!rface cable color as sins for each wire are

:hase +ed



Ne!tral l!e

/& >ire +esistance Cable

a& >+C Cable m!st have the ISO $$1 (!alit' standards and ISO

1#$$1 environmental standards of independent aenc' that is

reconi;ed worldwide.

b& The constr!ction of the man!fact!re of fire resistant cables shall be

in accordance with I2C ?$//1 standard "B<$%C / ho!rs& and

S?/B paint CQ with ?$$)1$$$ volts voltae capabilit'.

c& The copper cond!ctor m!st be hard drawn with t'pe stranded

annealed copper wire.

d) The cable ins!lation is HL:2):-C "do!ble ins!lation&, non8to6ic

nat!re and LSO@ "Low Smo3e Qero @aloen& when b!rned.

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1<*

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e& >ire proof la'er thic3ness is minim!m $.1# mm, where the fire8

proof la'er coatin is wrapped with lonit!dinal s'stem alon thecable, not with overlappin s'stems for at the time of the fire the

fire did not spread fast.

f& The flow cond!ctivit' power of >+C cable is based on the ambient

temperat!res of #$%C.

& >or the m!lti8core cable then between the cables m!st have filler

"filler& that are not spreadin fire.



S #B?8#, 1B$


>ire Stop Materials are !sed to protect cables or prevent the spread of

fire thro!h electrical cables and pipelines in the area of shaft and

apert!re wall.

>ire Stop Material S'stems planned has the followin material


- be fle6ible and easil' disassembled at the time of the addition or

replacement of the new cable.

8 No material properties which will remove d!st.

8 +esistant to vibration and not easil' crac3ed.

8 Non8to6ic and odorless.

8 @eat resistant !p to 1$$$$C

8 No action or absorb water.

8 Installation can be !sed in damp areas.

8 2(!ipped with +OC OOL panels, raw densit' 1#$ 3)m/ and

meets S #B? :art #81B$, Temperat!re >ire ma6. B<$$C, the

resilience of fiber meltin point is 1$$$$C.

8 2(!ipped with @IS2AL.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1</

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Covered and m!st be installed within the scope of wor3 of >ire Stop

S'stem of these materials, incl!dina. :roc!rement and installation of fire stop materials, amon others

spaces of shafts and holes of 2lectrical sparin that e6ist at each


b. Installation and s!pervision are carried o!t b' s3illed personnel or

e6perienced e6perts from the factor'.

c. Installation of >ire Stop Materials in 2lectrical shaft is made as

m!ch as possible * "two& la'ers !sed in the 2lectrical shaft, thethic3ness of the first la'er is minim!m * mm and so on.


1& @ot dipped alvani;ed is accordance with S B* or colors powder


*& Cable tra' is perforated and is made from *mm thic3 steel plate

"mild steel sheet&

/& S!pport ) b!ffer of cacle tra' m!st be installed ever' 1*$$mm and

1<$mm from each corner, a for3 or riser 

#& Cable tra's m!st be ro!nded


1& >actor' standard, heav' d!t' t'pe

*& @ot dipped alvani;ed

/& All components and a!6iliar' e(!ipments m!st be man!fact!rer

standard and from the same man!fact!rer 

#& Installation of cable ladder incl!din cable clamps m!st be able to

s!stain minim!m of two times the weiht of the cable attached

<& Cable ladder m!st be ro!nded

?& Cable Tra's "hot dipped alvani;ed colors powder coatin&

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1<#

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H. INSTALLATION MATERIAL1& The installation e(!ipment in (!estion is the materials to complete

the installation in order to obtain res!lts that meet the re(!irements,

reliabilit' and eas' maintenance.

*& All cable clamps !sed m!st be made of man!fact!rer.

/& All cable connections m!st be made in the 7!nction bo6 ) doos, the

cable m!st be the same color.

#& =!ction bo6es ) doos that are !sed m!st be lare eno!h ande(!ipped with a safet' cap.

<& o6es and switches to be installed on the wall of a bric3 wall is the

t'pe of installation of entr' ) inbow "fl!sh mo!ntin&.

?& +e!lar soc3ets "inbow& installed has 1$A and 1?A ratin and follow

the -D2, *:in 2 standards, while special soc3ets for indoor AC

split has 1/A ratin, / :in standard S.

B& >l!sh8bo6 "inbow doos& to place switch, wall soc3et and p!sh b!tton

m!st be !sed of the t'pe of bla3el' or metal material.

& all bo6es installed are /$$ mm from the s!rface of the floor !nless

otherwise determined b' the Interior and the wet)damp spaces m!st

be water tiht t'pe ":& while for the switch it is installed 1.<$$ mm

from the s!rface of the floor or in accordance with the drawin

& The installation cond!it of lihtin and soc3et !sed is of the t'pe of

:-C @ih Impact where the diameter in of the cond!it is minim!m

of 1.< times of the diameter in "1 mm& or stated otherwise in the



1& The capacitor m!st follow the I2C ?$/1 standards, tests t'pe is

carried o!t in accordance with the temperat!re of the D cateor'

"ma6im!m << %C&.

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*& The !nit capacitor is a three8phase and dr' t'pe and is desined

to operate at a nominal fre(!enc' of <$@;./& The capacitor m!st be installed in the metal cabinet where all

the elements and wirin in it is connected to / phase termination

and a termination for ro!ndin.

#& All elements in the capacitor are s!rro!nded b' non8to6ic

materials, inoranic, inert and fire resistant which absorb the

ener' prod!ced or to e6tin!ish the fire.

<& The capacitors m!st be installed in a cabinet made of materialthat is not flammable.

?& The capacitors shall be e(!ipped with a dischare resistor and

an internal f!se to prevent a damain e6plosion.

B& 2ach capacitor m!st be e(!ipped with the means to dischare

the capacitor !nit in 1 min!te to <$ volts or less, from the initial

pea3 voltae of the s(!are root of * times the val!e of the

capacitor voltae after the capacitor is disconnected from the

s!ppl' so!rce as mentioned on the I2C /181 * standard.

Dischare circ!it m!st be connected to the terminals of each

capacitor !nit.

& The capacit' of capacitor ban3 is listed on the plannin


& Losses of capacitor !nit m!st be less than $.* per 3-A+ or

$.< per 3-A+ incl!din with the dischare of resistor.

1$&The capacitor !nit shall be desined to have a Kself8healin

propertiesK, which combines hih8(!alit' film pol'prop'lene as

dielectric vapor8coated with a la'er of special metal.

11&2ach capacitor !nit shall be provided with nameplate or label

containin amon others, ratin data, the man!fact!rers name,

'ear of man!fact!re and other relevant information as specified

in I2C ?$ /1.

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1*&The capacitor ban3s m!st be e(!ipped with det!ned reactor

filter with the followin specifications

T'pe Dr', Self Cool

Capacitor ratin #$3-A+ and $3-A+

-oltae S'stem #$$ -olts

Capacitor -oltae <*< -olts

The reactor will be desined accordin to the basic s'stem

harmonic c!rrents of <th, Bth, 11th, and 1/th orders, as follows

I< ` <$J

IB ` *<J

I11 ` 1*.<J

I1/ ` 1.*<J

Ind!ctance tolerance /J at rated effective c!rrent "leff&

Ind!ctance linearit' 1.* leff with L $.<Ln

Ins!lation class > class "1<< C& s!itable for ambient

temperat!res #$ C "others on re(!est&

Imprenation Completed !nits are imprenated !nder vac!!m

with over press!re and dried in oven chamber.

Standard Desined Tested Compl' with I2C8*

:ower >actor Controller ":>C&

:ower >actor Controller m!st be of the t'pe of microprocessor and can

be operated either man!all' or a!tomaticall'.

:>C m!st have the followin characteristics and f!nctions

a& meas!rements 8 Active power "3&, Apparent power

"3-A&, +eactive :ower "3-A+&,

-oltae "-&, C!rrent "A&,

Temperat!res, T@D-J, T@DIJ,

>re(!enc', -oltae harmonics 0*

!p to # and C!rrent harmonics I*PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1<B

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!p to I#.b& :arameter


8 Man!al prorammin on :>, c)3,

switchin dela' time, operatin

se(!ence, n!mber of o!tp!t

8 A!tomatic prorammin on C),

c!rrent transformer connection

a!tomatic adaptation to phase

rotationc& Operatin


8 Circ!lar  

8 Selectable se(!ence 111 ..., 1**

..., 1*# ... and an' other c!stomer

prorammable se(!enced& Safet' protection 8 A!tomatic disconnection of all

capacitor when power o!tae

8 A!tomatic disconnection of all

capacitor when hih temperat!re

8 A!tomatic disconnection of all

capacitor when over voltae and

!nder voltae

8 A!tomatic disconnection of all

capacitor when over [email protected]& Alarm 8 Alarm contacts and L2D when not

achievin tarets :> when all

capacitors are switched on in a

period of time

8 Alarm contacts and L2D when over

temperat!ref& Switchin dela' time - Switchin dela' time prorammable

& Savin f!nction 8 All prorams and parameters savin

when power o!tae and insensitive

to harmonicsh& Mo!ntin position 8 -ertical mo!ntin paneli& Comm!nication 8 Modb!s

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1& >L0O+2SC2NT LAM: A+MAT0+2

a& Armat!re /6TL81 att, complete recessed mo!ntin of M<

Lo!vre reflector and :rismatic diff!ser.

8 @o!sin $.B mm iron plate material, the ma3in m!st be with

the machine, b!ilt8in lamp e(!ipment.

8 All electrical components are in a home ) ho!sin "b!ilt in&.

The home constr!ction m!st be stron and st!rd' and made in

s!ch a wa' as to easil' be opened ) removed for repair )

replacement of components within it. All ho!sin m!st be coated

with a base paint, and iven final la'er of white paint. :aintin is

done b' wa' of Kstoe enamelled / bake enamelled K "f!el paint&.

 All of the armat!res m!st be complete with a frame of holder )


b& Armat!re *6TL8/?att, Open T'pe ) TO

 Armat!re is a 3ind of open t'pe.

 All e(!ipments and armat!re processin s!ch as

specifications point a& above.

c& Armat!re 16TL8/?att, Open T'pe ) al3.

 All e(!ipments and armat!re processin s!ch as

specifications point a& above.

*& LAM: ) T02 ) 0L >L0O+2SC2NT

a& TL8/?att >l!orescent Lamp

>l!orescent as dischare t!be t'pe lamps, white color K#$.

Minim!m o!tp!t l!men of //<$ l!mens "after 1$$ ho!rs of


Lifetime *B$$ ho!rs

b& TL81att >l!orescent LampPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1<

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>l!orescent as dischare t!be t'pe lamps, white color K#$.

L!men o!tp!t is minim!m 1/<$ l!mens "after 1$$ ho!rs of


Lifetime 1*<$ ho!rs


a& allast

Non8dimmable electronic ballasts

Dimmable electronic ballasts.

M!st be lea3 proof, has a lower wor3in temperat!re, less

noise, low loss. >or * "two& lamps it is arraned)!sed K t*in-

lam' ballastsK * "two& ballast "anti stroboscopic&.

allast shall be e(!ipped with terminals connection.

b& Lamp @older and Starter @older 

Lamp holders and starter holders are of white plastic material,

!nobtr!sive and to!chproof. Lamp holders and starter holders of

contact vibration (!e!e. +atin loc3 lamp holder t'pe, with or

witho!t starter soc3et adapted to home !sed.

c& Starter 

Starter for fl!orescent lamp has reliabilit'. It is made from hih

(!alit' white pol'carbonate. +atin starter is ad7!sted withfl!orescent lihts ratin.

d& Capacitor 

 As compensation for losses on the lihts and et cos $.<.

e& In all lihtin fi6t!res m!st be made n!ts and bolts as a ro!ndin

terminal place "ro!ndin&

#& S90A+2 2+2TS LAM:

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Lamp ho!se consists of $.B mm thic3 steel plate with the lid of a heat

resistant Acr'lic material and has not chaned the color of the liht ede!sin r!bber to ens!re impermeable.

:ower *$ att ) **$ -, <$ @;

T'pe S(!are +o!nd TL

<& AS@TA>2L LI4@TS

4ro!ndin s'stem implemented m!st be based on prevailin standards

and codes, amon others

:ower 1 6 *$ att, **$ -

T'pe complete s(!are of heat8resistant acr'lic cover and

do not chane color. Its ho!sin is fitted the r!bber,

impervio!s to o!tside air and solid.

?& DON LI4@T

@o!sin al!min!m c'linder, brown pol'carbonate inside is e(!ipped withblac3 ba'onet fittin diaphram and reflector. Lamp :L8C 1/ and

:LC1 .


Installed at several places in accordance with the plannin drawins of

lihts are mar3ed with arrows and sins direction of KOUTK in red color,

for lihts mo!nted amid the corridor are mo!nted * "two& sides "do!ble

side& while the liht on the wall is 1 "one& side "sinle side&.

2(!ipped with a Ni Cad batter', charer and other control devices, the

liht sta's on well when there is interference of :LN so!rce. Installation is

installed before switchin ) main C at the incomin feeder panel in s!ch

a wa' so that so lon as there is still tension on the main feeder cable, the

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4as3ets r!bber to hold the water 7ets and the I: <<d!st enter

@:IT Lamp 1$$$ att, *$$$ att

1$& 4A+D2N LI4@TS

@o!sin is made of Al!min!m lass l!minar'

 Al!min!m ase

>ittin 2.*B

Mil3 Color 

<$ att @:LN Lamp

>orms ) models are defined landscape


1& All electric motors shall be in accordance with DIN classification, both

in terms of protection, safet' isolation, manner of operation,

installation and others.

*& >or motors with a ratin of

• 0p to 1.< 3 8 1 phase ) / phases

• 1.< 3 and above 8 / phase

26cept as otherwise provided b' the man!fact!rer.

/& Selection of starter8motor is as follows

• Direct starter for motor of /.B< 3 "< @:&

• Star8delta open transition starter <.< 3 "B.< @:& !p to /B.< 3

"<$ @:&

• Motor above /B.< 3, start8delta closed transition, a!to8

transformers or rotor resistance starter

• Starter variable speed drives "-SD& m!st be !sed for all ACM-

wor3 p!mps, pl!mbin or other wor3s mentioned in the


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#& All a!6iliar')e6tra e(!ipments for this startin m!st be incl!ded in the

scope of Contractor5s wor3.<& C!bicles of starter panel shall

a. >abricated b' !sin steel plate with thic3ness of *.$mm is

e(!ipped with a ne!tral and ro!ndin terminal.

b. Metal8clad, ventilation itself with the deree of I:#* protection

c. >or indoor p!mp space or o!tdoor pairs m!st !se a panel with a

deree of <? protection.

d. 2(!ipped with loc3s and hines, complete with as3ets and labelstraffolite.

e. 2(!ipped with NO and NC contacts for interation with the AS.


1& SCO:2 O> O+

a. :roc!rement and installation of bod' ro!ndin s'stem "to!ch

voltae& on all electrical appliances made of metal, namel' TM

panels, transformers, lihtin panels, power and others.

b. Connection of the ne!tral ro!ndin of the transformer terminal to

the ro!ndin electrode.

c. 4ro!ndin s'stem a ma6im!m of / .  

d. Connection of ro!ndin s'stem of Mesh)Loop with are


e. B$ mm ] copper cond!ctors inside the cond!it pipe leadin to the

+od electrodes in the control basin.


4ro!ndin s'stem implemented m!st be based on applicable

standards and codes, incl!din

• ritish Standard, S.C:.1$1/ on ro!ndin.

• 0nderwriters Laboratories Standard 0L. #?B, Standard for

Safet' On 4ro!ndin and ondin 2(!ipment.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1?#

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•  And other applicable standards in Indonesia.


• The Contractor shall carr' o!t this ro!ndin wor3 in

accordance the plannin drawins.

• 4ro!ndin s'stem !ses m!ltiple 2lectrodes +ods ) 2arth

+od and interconnected with one another to form a relationship in


• The Contractor m!st consider the condition of the e6istin

ro!nd t'pe resistivit' in order to have a ood ro!ndin s'stem.


2ach of raftin ) for3 of the cond!ctor m!st !se KCadweld

ConnectionK. It can also !se a connector clamp for clip s'stem with a

lot teeth b' considerin thins

• Clamp materials m!st materials that have been alvani;ed

or in a partic!lar Treatment so it will not proceed if the contacts

with other t'pes of metal.

• C at the point ) place of raftin m!st be KtinnedK.

• It is recommended that the connection place after completion

 7ointed, wrapped with certain materials, s!ch as a t'pe of epo6'

and so forth.

If there is a termination that !se cable shoe t'pe terminals then it m!st

notice thins

• Shoes cable !sed m!st have two "*& bolt holes.

• It m!st be of stainless materials and has been in treatment

for it will not proceed if the contact with other metal species.


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a 4eneral

 All cable !sed for electrical installations m!st meet the SNI

re(!irements. All cables ) wirin m!st be new and m!st be clearl'

mar3ed on the si;e, t'pe of cables, the n!mber and t'pe of its sp!n. All

cables with cross section more than ? mm] m!st be made a twisted

"stranded&. This installation can not !se a cable with a cross section

smaller than *.< mm] e6cept for the !se of remote control.0nless other re(!irements, the cond!ctor !sed is of t'pe

• >or the installations of lihtin are NEM, all the installation of

lihtin and soc3et !sin the / cores s'stem where the third cores

are the ro!ndin networ3. Its ro!ndin is incorporated in the


• >or the distrib!tion cables and arden lihtin b' !sin NE>4bE

or NEE cable.• >or the installation of arden lihtin ) o!tdoor lihtin c!ttin

the road m!st be in 4I: cond!it.

 All installation cables in b!ildins m!st be in s!per hih impact :-C

cond!it adapted to its si;e, cable tra', cable trench, rac3 cable and

m!st be clamped.

It is !sed fle6ible cond!it with the same material for connectin the

installation to each liht fi6t!re.

b. KSpliceK ) branchin

It is not allowed the KspliceK or the connections in both the feeder and

the branches e6cept on the installation cable of lihtin and soc3et.

Connections of the cable is made mechanicall' and m!st firml' be

electric b' the wa's of Ksolderless connector.K -oltae cable t'pes, the

t'pe of Kcom'ression or soldered .K In ma3in the connectors KspliceK

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• 2nd of the pipe cable incl!ded in the panels and 7!nction bo6es

m!st be e(!ipped with KSoc3et)loc3 n!tK, so that the pipe is not

easil' removed from the panel. If not otherwise specified, then an'

cables that are at the heiht of the floor s!rface !p to * m m!st be

incl!ded in the pipe. And the pipe m!st be clamped to the b!ildin

at each distance of <$ cm.


a. Switches

The switches m!st be of t'pe of mechanism roc3er with a ratin of 1$

 A) *<$ -, the switch is enerall' installed inbow !nless stated

otherwise in the drawins. If not otherwise specified, the switches

frame m!st be installed fl!sh on the wall at a heiht of 1<$ cm above

the finished floor !nless otherwise determined b' M. Switches m!st

be installed in the bo6es and rins "standard&. Connections are onl'

allowed between ad7acent bo6es.

b. Soc3et

Soc3et m!st be the t'pe which !ses earthin contact "*: 2& with a

ratin of 1$ A, 1? A, *< A, *<$ - AC.

 All co!ples soc3et with a voltae of **$ - m!st be iven a channel to

the ro!nd "ro!ndin&. Soc3ets shall be installed fl!sh with the

s!rface of the wall with a heiht of /$ cm from the top of the finished

floor or wall d!ct o!tlet accordin to the drawins of plans or the M



a. 4eneral

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Lihtin fi6t!re shall be of the t'pe shown in the drawins. It shall be

made of s!itable material and the shape m!st be interestin and hiswor3 m!st be neat and nice, the thic3 of steel plate !sed for ho!sin

fi6t!re is a minim!m of $.B mm. The Contractor m!st provide e6amples

of all the fi6t!res which will be installed to the :lanner) M+ for


b. Cables for >i6t!re

0nless otherwise appointed or re(!ired, the cables for the Kfi6t!reKm!st be closed asbestos and heat8resistant. There sho!ld be no

smaller cable than *.< mm], the wires m!st be protected with a KtapeK

or Kt!binK in all places where there ma' be abrasion.

 All cables m!st be hidden in armat!re constr!ction e6cept where

re(!ired hanin chain or if the installation) plannin of fi6t!re appoint

otherwise. There sho!ld be no cable connection in an armat!re and

l'nchins and m!st contin!e to start at the connection bo6 to the

special terminals at the lamp armat!res. Cable channels m!st not be

sharp and protected so as not to damae the cable.

c. Lihts

 All fi6t!res m!st be e(!ipped with lihts and installed in accordance

with the terms and drawin s. >or incandescent lamps !ses lamp

holders and base t'pe edison screw, for lamp holder t'pes edison

screw sho!ld not be connected to a control center, !nless re(!ired b'

another. >l!orescent lamps m!st be of the t'pe of cool white or

accordin to the plannin.

 All fl!orescent lamps or other lihts that need repair power factor m!st

be e(!ipped with capacitor. In this specification the si;e of KmicrofaradK

of the capacitor for each liht is not too stressed beca!se of what is

needed is the end res!lt of power factor to at least $.<.

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d. Cable Installation to 3@ meter 

T'pe of cable from 3@ panel to panels of Tenant !nit is NEM. Thecable is neatl' arraned in the cable rac3 on the top of the corridor,

then the cable down into the wall leadin to the panel of Tenant !nits.

>rom the cable rac3 leadin to the panel !nit, the cable m!st be fle6ible

cond!it :-C.


a. Cabinet

 All cabinets m!st be made of steel plate with minim!m thic3ness of *

mm, or made of other materials s!ch as pol'ester or ba3elite. The

cabinet for Kpanel boardK has the proportional si;e as re(!ired for the

panel board, which the amo!nt is in accordance with the si;e of the

plannin drawins accordin to the needs so that the n!mber and si;e

of cable !sed is not too f!ll )solid. >rame)framewor3 of the panel m!st

be ro!nded in the cabinet it m!st be an' ood wa's to install, s!pport

and set the Kpanel boardK and the lid. The cabinet with cables of

Ktro!h feedersK m!st be arraned in s!ch a wa' so that there is a

channel with a width of not less than 1$ cm for branch circ!it panel

board. 2ach cabinet shall be e(!ipped with 3e's. >or one cabinet shall

be provided * "two& pieces of 3e's, master 6/7 7-/1.

b. >inishin

 All cabinets shall be painted with the color specified b' the :lanner)M.

 All the cabinets of the doors for electrical panels, shall be made

corrosion resistant b' the wa' of Kalvani;ed cadmi!m platinK or with

K;inc chromatic primer.K In addition to the above, it shall be coated with

anti8r!st coatin that is as follows

• The inside of the bo6 and door.

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 All cabinets, control panels, electrical panels, power brea3ers "C&,

switches, and other parts of the e(!ipment, if not mentioned in otherthins, m!st be made name board to indicate)identif')!se the name of

the tool. The name board m!st be made of bac3 plate stainless steel

with the diravier letter arise.

>or the whole, the name board shall be meas!rin 1.< inches "/.1

cm& hih with a width as necessar' with letters of 1.$ inches hih "*.<#

cm&, for smaller si;es where the lid is limited to !se 1.< inches "/,1

cm& hih from the plate. And the minim!m plate thic3ness of / mm.f. !sbar)+ail

!sbar m!st be of copper material which its o!tside la'er is coated

with a silver la'er with a si;e in accordance with c!rrent capabilit' of

1<$J of load c!rrent installed whose its si;e is ad7!sted to the :0IL

r!les "list no. ?/$8DI8D#):0IL8*$$$&. All b!sbar)rail shall be painted

and held b' a stron and well ins!latin material into the framewor3 of

the panel. All b!sbar ) rails shall be painted with colors that match

mentioned in :0IL. :aints shall be resistant to a temperat!re of B< XC.

!sbar is prepared and held b' ins!lator well for s'stem of / , # wire  

as indicated in the drawin . 2ach panel m!st have an isolated ne!tral

b!s to ro!nd and a bare ro!ndin b!s clamped firml' on the frame

and the panel is e(!ipped b' the clamps for panels ro!ndin needs to

be ro!nded ma6 * .  

The implementation drawin s "shop drawins& m!st indicate the

meas!res of the b!ses and its composition. The si;e of the b!ses m!st

be a meas!re alon the panel and m!st be provided the means to

connectin in the f!t!re.

. Terminal and N!t8boltsPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1B*

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 All branch terminals shall be iven a la'er of copper "ver8tin& and

screwed b' !sin the rin n!t8bolt of copper material or n!t8bolts ivennic3el "or stainless& with a copper rin.

h. ac3!p ) Connection in the f!t!re

hen in the drawin it is declared the e6istence bac3!p then these

rooms shall be e(!ipped with a b!sbar, installation clamps, s!pport

and so forth, for the e(!ipment to be installed later it can be b!sbar

e(!ipment, new panels, switches, circ!it brea3ers and others.

i. Meas!rin Tools

2ach panel m!st be e(!ipped with meas!rin tools s!ch as in the

drawins. Meters are of the t'pe of Kmovin iron vane t'peK specific for

the panel, with circ!lar scale, fl!sh or semi8fl!sh, in a vibration8resistant

bo6, meas!rin 1## 6 1## mm or ? 6 ? mm, with linear scale and

thoro!hness of 1.< J. :osition of rotar' switch for voltmeter

"-oltmeter Selector Switch& m!st be clearl' mar3ed.

 7. C!rrent Transformer

C!rrent transformer is of the dr' t'pe, in the window t'pe space with an

appropriate comparison with the precision of $./ with the b!rden in

accordance with I2C standards. The installation m!st be stron and

can withstand st'les and mechanical when there occ!rred short

connection of 1$$ 3A. The c!rrent transformer for Ampere8meter can

also be !sed in con7!nction with 3@ meter provided the acc!rac' is

still ood. If it is not better then it m!st be !sed the special c!rrent


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3. Control Cables

Control cable from the panels m!st be installed at the factor' )wor3shop completel' and b!ndled and protected aainst mechanical

damae. The minim!m si;e is 1.< mm* of ?$$ -olts t'pe.

l. >actor' rand

 All safet' e(!ipments m!st be arraned one factor'8made, similar

e(!ipments m!st be moved to each other and e6chaned its place on

the frame.

m. Safet' 2(!ipment of :ower brea3er 

Safet' e(!ipment is the power brea3er with the castin ho!se, thermal

and manetic trip with s!fficient brea3in capacit' "accordin to the


n. :ilot lamp

 All of the s!rface lid of panel is e(!ipped with

:ilot lamp to declare the e6istence of +, S and T voltae.

:rovision of the :ilot lamp mentioned above is a m!st, even in the

drawin s is not printed.

The colors for the pilot lamp

• >or + phase red

• >or S phase 'ellow

• >or 9 phase bl!e

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1. 42N2+AL

The s!b8contractor shall s!ppl', install, commission, test and maintain the

*$ 3v switchears, cables and transformers as herein specified and shown

on the drawins. An' item not mentioned b!t re(!ired for a complete s'stem

operation shall be provided as part of the contract.

The s!ppl' will be obtained from the :LN ) *$3v s!bstation at ro!nd floor.

The feeder cables between the cons!mer5s *$ 3v switch room and the :LN

s!bstation shall from part of the Contract.

The Contractor shall arrane for a,M.-. Licensin enineer to t!rn on the

cons!mer M.-. switchboards. All application and s!bmission for s!ppl' of

electricit' incl!din an' testin fees shall be paid b' the Contractor, and

shall be deemed to be incl!ded in the contract price.

 All wor3 shall conform to this section of the specification and to the bestprinciples of modem enineerin practice and be carried o!t b' f!ll'

competent tradesmen of appropriate rades.

 All electrical e(!ipment shall be of first rade (!alit' with reard to desin,

man!fact!re, installation and shall be completed for satisfactor' operation,

control, maintenance and safet' !nder all conditions of services.


the switchear shall conform to the re(!irements of :LN and shall be

man!fact!red, tested and approved in accordance with S</1 1 or 12C*.

It shall be certified b' ASTA, 2MA, or other independent testin a!thorit'

acceptable to :LN and local a!thorities havin 7!risdiction over the



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The Contractor shall s!ppl' and install *$3v cables from :LN s!bstation tocons!mer5s *$ 3v switch room. The cables shall be of the t'pes and si;es

indicated on the Drawins.

#. MAIN 2A+T@IN4

The contractor shall s!ppl' and install main earthin cond!ctor from the *$

- switchboards and transformers to the main earthin s'stem as

described in section 2arthin S'stem5.


The contractor shall s!ppl' and install all *$ - main switchboards and

*O3v)#$$- transformers as shown on the drawin and in the positions


The constr!ction of the switch board and transformers shall be in

accordance with section *$ -)#$$- :ower Transformers5.

2(!ipment shall be of the man!fact!re and ratins specified on thedrawins.

?. *$ - CAL2S

The contractor shall s!ppl', install and connect all *$ - cables as shown

on the drawin, toether with all manholes, trenches, cable ladders,

saddles, lands, etc, as necessar' for the complete and satisfactor'

installation. All *$- cables shall be installed in accordance with drawinsCables shall be of the t'pes and si;es as indicated on the Drawins.


The contractor shall carr' o!t s!ch tests on the installation as m' be

re(!ired b' the s!ppl' a!thorities or the 2nineer and shall provide all

instr!ments, labo!r and materials necessar' for s!ch tests.


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Labellin shall be carried o!t to the satisfaction of the 2nineer and to there(!irements of the s!ppl' A!thorities.


1. @.-.SITC@42A+

 All hih voltae switchear shall be of the indoor t'pe rated at *$- with a

short circ!it interr!ptin capacit' of not less than <$$ M-A for /sec. The'

shall be man!fact!red to s!it tropical atmospheric conditions with

temperat!re rane of *#XC and h!midit' rane of ?<J to <J.


 All switchear c!bicles shall be of sheet steel constr!ction with folded edes

bolted toether, mod!lar t'pe, totall' enclosed and be of factor' standarddesin, 2ach c!bicle shall be capable of fi6in onto another c!bicle witho!t

an' ma7or alteration, 2ach c!bicle shall be partitioned into compartments to

accommodate individ!all' the followin

"a& ithdrawable trac3 which carries the circ!it brea3er.

"b& :rotective rela's and meas!rin instr!ments.

"C& !s8bars

"d& >i6ed pl! t'pe contacts.

"e& Cable terminations.

:artitions shall be of sheet metal. A hined panel door shall be provided at

the front of each c!bicle with openins for the mo!ntin of voltmeter,

ammeters and neon liht indicator and a c!t o!t for a lass panel for the

observation of rela's.

 A0 metal wor3s shall be treated aainst corrosion with a minim!m of 1 coat

prime)antir!st paint and * coats of finishin paint, colo!r to factor' standard,

as selected b' the Constr!ction Manaement.


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?. @I4@ -OLTA42 CI+C0IT +2A2+

The hih voltae circ!it brea3er shall be of S>8? t'pe and f!se bad brea3

switch for transform protection.

The circ!it brea3er shall have the followin feat!res

"a&rated voltae 8 *$-

rated c!rrent 8 ?/$A

rated brea3in 8 <<OM-A at rated

capacit' voltae for /sec

"b& Tr!ct mo!nted hori;ontal withdrawable t'pe.

"c& Capable of / operatin position

service, position P in this position the brea3er is read' for operation test

position P in this position, the brea3er can be operated and tested

enain the live contacts.

isolation position P in this position, the brea3er cannot he enaed at


"d& Interloc3 facilities

:ositive interloc3 facilities shall incl!de b!t not be limited to the followin

The brea3er cannot be withdrawn when it is in the ^closed5 position. The

brea3er cannot be p!shed into the serve position when the brea3er is

enaed in the closed position or if safet' sh!tters are not !n loc3ed.

"e& Are control device

 Are control device shall be provided. A f!ll description of its operation

and characteristic of over voltaes shall be iven.

"f& Operatin mechanism

This shall be of the stored ener' t'pe. An electric motor operatin on

**$- AC voltae shall a!tomaticall' chare a sprin mechanism which

will close the brea3er on initiatin a p!sh b!tton or tole switch. Anti8

p!mpin rela's shall be incorporated to prevent accidental switchin

^ON of the circ!it brea3er when it is all read' in the ^ON5 position. A

man!al means of charin !p the sprin shall be incorporated


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 All hih voltae circ!its shall be protected for over c!rrent and earth fa!lt

C!rrent transformers shall be of the cast encaps!lated t'pe capable of with

standin the voltae level and short8circ!it c!rrents

C!rrent transformers necessar' for the operation of instr!ment and meters

shall have acc!rac' not less than class 1 for meas!rin, class $ < for

meterin and class <:)1$ for protection. There shall not be an' archin

between !n8connected open8circ!ited secondar' windin terminals with f!ll

load c!rrent flowin in the primar'.

One set of meterin CTs shall be provided to :LN !nder this S!b8contract

Meterin CTs shall be of class $.< and 1< -A.

Over c!rrent and earth fa!lt rela's shall be solid state electronic t'pe The'

shall be mo!nted with a switchear c!bicle and have a lass window door

panel for observation. The rela' casin shall be d!st proof and rela'

removable from the front for eas' replacement. The rela' cover shall

incorporate a reset b!tton so that re8settin is carried o!t witho!t openinthe cover. Liht emittin diode indicators shall be provided to indicate the

t'pe of fa!lt and the phases at fa!lt. All indicators shall be visible witho!t

openin the switchear c!bicle door panel. The trippin contacts shall be of

approved material and capable of repeated operation witho!t deterioration.

The rela' shall conform to S 1#*.

 All instr!ment shall be of fl!sh mo!ntin, s(!are or rectan!lar t'pe and

mo!nted on a panel separate from the circ!it brea3er panel covers. The'

shall be of ind!strial rade t'pe and shall be calibrated for !se with theirrespective c!rrent transformer, to carr' the f!ll load and fa!lt c!rrent witho!t

overheatin and damae. Qero ad7!stment for the indicatin instr!ment shall

be provided.


The *$- panel shall have the followin protection # nos. Over c!rrent

protection and I no. earth fa!lt rela's. Over c!rrent protection rela's shall be

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have hih set instantaneo!s trip elements t'pe

C!rrent shall be prom the secondar' of the c!rrent transformers, with theover c!rrent settin from <$J8*$$J, eath fa!lt settin rane from 1 $J to

#$J and the time dela' m!ltiplier from $.1 to 1.$. Instantaneo!s trip settin

rane shall be from 1 to /$ times of the rated c!rrent.


S!bmit for the approval the enineer the followin drawins before

man!fact!re of the e(!ipment

"a& :lan and elevation drawins.

"b& ill of material

"c& irin Diaram.

"d& Detail la'o!t of all the component in the switchear.

"e& 2lectrical characteristic of the components.

1$. T2ST +2:O+TS

+eports of all the tests in accordance with S </11 and an' other tests

re(!ired b' :LN shall be provided prior to shipment to site for review b' the

Constr!ction Manaement and :LN.

11. M.-. SITC@+OOM +290I+2M2NTS

The followin miscellaneo!s items shall also be provided

"a& +!bber Mats:rovide in front of the maint switchroom and other floor mo!nted s!b8

switchboards r!bber mats of appro6imatel' 1$$$mm wide and ??mm

thin3 for the f!ll lenth of the switchboard.

"b& Sinle Line Diaram

:rovide a main sinle line diaram framed in a lass panel in the main

switch room. Diaram shall be 1$$$mm 6 $$mm appro6imatel' shall

clearl' show f!ll details of connectin circ!its.

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"c& Daner Sin

:rovide a ^Daner Sin5 in the transformer room and elsewhere asre(!ired b' :LN

"d& >irst Aid5 Demonstration Sin

:rovide a >irst Aid demonstration sin in the transformer room and

elsewhere as re(!ired b' :LN



"a& Contin!o!s -A ratin P as shown on drawin.

"b& -oltae ratio8*O-)#$$- volts between phase at no load, delta)starconnection with L- ne!tral solidl' earthed.

"c& -ector ro!p P DEN<

"d& Tappin 8 <J at step of *.<J on @T side with of toad, tap chaner.Tap8chaner shall be b' e6ternal hand well and padloc3ed. A tapposition indicator shall be provided.

"e& Transformer impedance shall be ?,J or less.

"f& Total iron and copper losses at f!ll load shall be less than 1 J

"& Temperat!re rise 8 less than 1*<XC

"h& IL8<-

"i& >re(!enc' P <$@Q

"=& @o!sin l:*OPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1*

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"3& Noise Level P less than B?db


"a&. Transformer accessories.

G/*/'< '==/#)/

8 @- :orcelain !shin on.

8 L- :orcelain !shin on cover.

8 Oil level indicator.

8 Thermometer *lo Contact.8 Man!al offP Load Tap Chaner.

8 Name :late.

8 2arth Terminal.

8 +adiator.

8 Drain -alve.

8 Samplin -alve.

8 Liftin L!.

8 =ac3in L!.

8 +oller.8 @and @ole.

8 S3id ase ":ad Mo!nted&.

8 @aner ":ole Mo!nted&

8 Thermowell.

8 Oil filter -alve.

8 -oltae Chane Over oard.

8 >ilter -alve

S$/=)'< A==/#)/

8 :l! in !shin <$mm* cl* straiht connector or cover.

8 +IS)DMC+.

8 Manetic oil level a!e c)w contact.

8 Dial thermometer cl* alarm trip contact.

8 !chhol; rela'.

8 Conservator c)w samplin valve.

8 reather cfw Silicael.

8 Air >illed L- 7!nction bo6.

8 @-)L- cable bo6.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1/

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1. *$- CAL2S

The cables shall be of *$- /)C copper cond!ctor, e6tr!ded shielded,

cross8lin3ed pol'eth'lene "HL:2& ins!lated, semi8cond!ctin tape

shielded, copper tape screened, assembled with non8h'rocopic filters,

:-C separation sheathed power cable.

 All hih voltae cables shall have a minim!m rated voltae *$-, H8lin3ed

pol'eth'lene ins!lated, sinle wire armored and :-C sheathed, s!itable

for installation in cable tra', man!fact!red to S <#?B, All cables r!ns shall

be straiht thro!h witho!t 7oints and where cables are s!b7ect to bendin,

a minim!m bendin radi!s of 1 times the cable diameters shall be !sed.

 All cables when c!t shall have the ends sealed immediatel' !nless

pl!mbin follows s!bse(!entl'. After installation of the whole s'stem, the

cables shall be s!b7ected to the press!re tests of B?-

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between c!rrent carr'in cond!ctors and /$- between c!rrent carr'in

cond!ctors and screen and armo!r for 1< min!tes witho!t an' brea3down.

The contractor shall carr' o!t a short circ!it calc!lation and prove to the

2nineer that the Contractor5s choice of cables is correct.



The cond!ctor shall consist of compacted circ!lar "class *& stranded

annealed plain copper wires in accordance with l2O :!b **.


The cond!ctor shieldin shall consist of e6tr!ded semi8cond!ctin

separator tape ma' be applied between the cond!ctor and the semi

cond!ctin compo!nd la'er at man!fact!re5s discretion. if


"c& INS0LATIONThe ins!lation shall consist of e6tr!ded cross lin3ed pol'eth'lene


The averae thic3ness shall be not less than the specified nominal


The minim!m thic3ness or an' point shall not fall below the nominal

val!e b' more than $.1 mm pl!s 1$J of the nominal val!e.

"d& INS0LATION S@I2LDIN4The ins!lation shieldin shall consist of a semi8cond!ctin tape

applied with an overlap.

"e& M2TALIC SC+22N

The metallic screen shall consist of annealed plain copper tap

applied with an overlap.

"f& LAEIN480:

The screened cores shall be assembled toether with non8


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h'roscopic filters. The direction of la' shall be left hand.

"& Separation sheath

The separation sheath shall consist of e6tr!ded blac3 :-C. The

minim!m thic3ness at an' point shall not pall below $J of the

nominal val!e b' more than $.*mm.

"h& Armo!r  

The armo!r shall consist of one la'er of alvani;ed steel wires. The

nominal diameter of each wire shall be /.1<mm. A s!itable binder

binder tape ma' be applied over the armo!r at man!fact!rers

discretion, if necessar'.

"i& O!ter Sheath

The o!ther sheath shall consist of anti8termite treated and e6tr!ded

:-C compo!nd. The minim!m thic3ness at an' point shall not pall

below the specified nominal val!e b' more than $,*mm pl!s *$J of

the nominal val!e.

"7& Core identification

The core identification shall be carried o!t b' colo!red Narrow tapeslonit!dinall' applied over the ins!lation shieldin.

"3& Man!fact!rer5s identifications

Man!fact!rer5s name and)or trade mar3 Eear of man!fact!rer 

/. T2ST

The followin test shall be performed at man!fact!rer5s wor3 b' the methodin accordance with l2O <$*.

"a& Meas!rement of the electrical resistance of cond!ctors

"b& AC hih voltae test for < min!tes

"c& :artial dischare tests.

"d& Chec3 of dimension.

#. :ACIN4

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B. S:A+2 >0S2 CA+T+ID42S

S!ppl' <J spare @.+.C. f!se cartrides of the t'pe and ratin installed.

. 2A+T@IN4

 All L.-. e(!ipment and e6posed metal parts shall be effectivel' earthed in

accordance with section ^2arthin S'stemG.

 All liht fittins shall be earthed. All metal clad switches shall be earthed.


ire and connect all liht fittins as shown on the drawins. Switches shall

be shown on the Drawins and)or as specified in FLiht >ittins InstallationG.

Circ!it wirin shall be as indicated on the Drawins if shown. 2ach circ!itshall terminate at a miniat!re circ!it brea3er in the distrib!tion board.


S!ppl', install and wire all S.S.O. as shown on the Drawins.


The position of o!tlets shown on the drawins is appro6imate, and variation

of position !p to /$$mm ma' be effected witho!t

variation if s!ch alteration is made prior to the installation of cond!it.

The Contractor shall be responsible for chec3in the lihtin la'o!ts aainst

str!ct!ral plans and other services prior to the installation of tr!n3in,

cond!its, and lihtin fi6t!res so that conflict of liht fittins with str!ct!ral

members and other services can be avoided.

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The Contractor shall be responsible for meas!rin rooms and spacino!tlets acc!ratel' and s'mmetricall' and shall verif'the positions of o!tlets

before commencin installation.


alance the loads thro!ho!t the installation to the satisfaction of the s!ppl'

 A!thorit' and the 2nineer. :hase balancin shall be carried o!t in staes,

when the b!ildin is partiall' occ!pied and when f!ll' occ!pied.

Calc!late and chec3 the ma6im!m demands for all s!bmains and cables,

etc., from the information iven abo!t e(!ipment to be connected and chec3

the ratin of all cables, circ!it brea3ers, switches, etc., accordinl' notif' the

enineer immediatel' of an' discrepanc'. Chec3 that the voltae that drop

shall not e6ceed the limit of <J for final circ!its from the main switchboards.

Minim!m si;e of cables shall be *.<mm* copper cond!ctor for lihtin, *.<

mm* for eneral p!rpose soc3et o!tlet, *.< mm* earth contin!it' cable, 1.<

mm* copper cond!ctor for control wirin, materin and indicatin lihts.2ach lihtin circ!it shall be served b' a separate ne!tral wire.

1/. T2STIN4

The Contractor shall carr' o!t s!ch tests on the installation as ma' be

re(!ired b' the s!ppl' A!thorities or the 2nineer and shall provide all

instr!ments, labo!r and materials necessar' for s!ch tests.


Labellin shall be carried o!t b' the Contractor to the satisfaction of the

2nineer and to the re(!irements of the S!ppl' A!thorities.

Labels shall be ^T+A>>OLIT2G with blac3 letterin on white bac3ro!nd.

2ach switch, power o!tlet and e(!ipment shall be fitted with a circ!it

identification disc, n!mbered to indicate the distrib!tion board and circ!it.

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These disc shall be of the press in t'pe, appro6imatel' mm diameter of

vario!s colo!rs enraved to s!it to fit into screw holes on cover plates.

Similar disc shall be fitted on or beneath the correspondin f!sed or circ!it

brea3ers on the distrib!tion boards.

 As specified elsewhere, on completion of the installation, the s!bcontractor

shall s!ppl' ^as b!ilt5 drawins to the 2nineer, showin all variations and

alterations from the Tender Drawins as well as final circ!its and which

o!tlets are controlled b' s!ch.

 All circ!its shall be n!mbered and printed on identification charts.


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1. SCO:2

This section of the specification covers the eneral re(!irements for the

switchboard c!bicle when called for else where in this specification or in the


* 42N2+AL +290I+2M2NT

Notwithstandin an'thin to the contrar' contained herein pertainin to this

installation, it shall be the Contractor5s responsibilit' to ens!re all wor3s are

strictl' in accordance with the 1< th 2dition of l22 irin +e!lations and

S!ppl' Compan'5s s!ppl' r!les, S <#? :art 1 The switchboard shall be

s!itable for tropical climate with +.@. 1$$J and ambient temperat!re of



"a& L-. switchboard shall be of floor8standin, or wall mo!nted totall'enclosed t'pe, b!ilt !p from enclosed !nits ho!sin the circ!it brea3ers,

f!se switches, rela'sV Contractors, b!sbar and other items of ancillar'

e(!ipment as shown on the drawins.

 "b&The L.-. switchboards shall be s!itable for indoor service on a /$)**$

volt, / phase, # wire, <$@; s'stem. The rated short8time withstand

c!rrent shall be <$ A for / seconds for circ!its of 1?$$A and above,

and <$ A for 1 seconds for circ!its below 1?$$A.

"c& All switchboards and associated e(!ipment "switchear, b!sbarassemblies, etc.& shall be certified for the cateor' of d!t' specified.

"d& The L.-. switchboard shall compl' with S <#? :art 1 class / with t'pe

test certificates iss!ed b' an independent and approved test a!thorit'.

"e& The sheet metal for constr!ctin the switchboard shall be speciall'

selected, dead flat mild steel not lessthan *mm thic3. The panel shall be

b!ilt !p on s!bstantial framin with all necessar' stiffeners and s!pports

with no cross str!ts. The entire panel shall be vermin proof.

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"f& The deree of protection of enclos!res shall be in accordance with : /1to S <#*$ !nder normal service condition.

"& >ront access doors shall be provided and bac3 of the panel shall be

provided with hines and loc3able handles to facilitate inspection and

maintenance. +emovable land plates shall be provided at the top and

at the bottom of the switchboard with 3noc3o!ts or blan3ed off openins

for incomin and o!toin circ!its cables.

"h& All doors shall have concealed hines and where necessar', shall be

interloc3ed with the switch mechanism. All doors shall be provided with

d!st e6cl!din as3et of neoprene or e(!al and approved material.

"i& Screened ventilatin lo!vres of approved t'pe shall be provided on the

sides and rear panels to I: /1 of S <#*$.

"7& All switchboard shall be finished in the man!fact!rer5s standard, e6cept

the essential sections shall be finished in red

"3& The L-. switch board shall be s!pplied with an interal channel ironplinth of not less than 1$$ mm in blac3.

#. 0SA+S

"a& !sbars and b!sbars connections shall be constr!cted in accordance

with the re(!irements of S 1<.

"b& !sbars shall be restan!lar section, hard drawn, electrotinned hihcond!ctivit' copper to S 1#//, ade(!ate rated and s!pported b'

mo!lded ins!lators spaced at s!itable intervals. All b!sbars shall be in

the same manner as the t'pe8tested arranement. The complete

assembl' shall be capable of withstandin the ma6im!m mechanical

stresses to which it m' be s!b7ected !nder fa!lt conditions.

"c& >!ll si;e ne!tral bar shall be provided.

"d& !sbars installed in switchboards shall be so arraned that a0

cond!ctors can be bro!ht onto the bars bro!ht !nd!e bendin.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 1<

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!sbars shall be colo!red at strateic locations for phase


"e& >or rectan!lar section b!sbar, connections shall be made with do!ble

split cast brass clamps. Drillin of the bars will not be permitted !nless

approved b' the 2nineer.

"f& Ins!lators for b!sbar s!pports shall be nonh'roscopic and non8


"& Notwithstandin the above, all cond!ctors between the b!sbars, circ!it

bra3ers and f!se switches shall be hih cond!ctivit' copper bar,

havin a c!rrent ratin of not less than that of the f!se switches to

which the' are connected. The cond!ctors shall be colo!red to S

colo!r code for phase identification.

"h& Copper b!sbars and connection 7oints shall be tinned to S 1#/*.

"i& Atinned copper earthin strip of dimension not les than 1<$ mm* shall

be provided for the f!ll lenth of the switchboards and s!fficient

provisions shall be made for earthin connections of all electricalcirc!its. It shall be effectivel' connected to all metal parts other than

c!rrent carr'in cond!ctors.

"7& Main b!sbars of c!bicle switchboard shall be r!n in a hori;ontal

chamber over the f!ll lenth of the switchboard "or the section of& with

bolted lin3s at the end for eas' f!t!re e6tension.

"3& +emovable bolted lin3s shall be provided for the accommodation to

c!rrent transformers for meterin and protection >acilities witho!taffectin the mechanical and electrical properties of the b!sbars as a


<. AI+ CI+C0IT +2A2+S

"a& Air circ!it brea3ers to be provided shall be of triple pole or fo!r pole as

specified on the drawins. The circ!it brea3ers shall be rated at #1 <-

and certified b' t'pe tests b' ASTA to <$ A short circ!it brea3in

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capacit' and the rated short time withstand of <OA for / second for

 AC or MCC of above 1?$$A and #OA for 1 second for AC orMCC for 1?$$ and below.

"b& The circ!it brea3ers shall be of metal clad, fl!sh mo!nted, air brea3,

hori;ontal drawo!t t'pe and compl' with .S. #B<* :art 1.

"c& The circ!it brea3ers shall have a s!fficient short circ!it performance.

"d& The desin shall be s!ch that the main contact press!re increases

with heav' thro!h8fa!lt c!rrents. A!6iliar' arcin contacts shall be

provided to protect the main contacts from b!rnin d!rin the

switchin operations. All contact parts shall be readil' replaceable.

"e& A mechanicall' operated vis!al ON)O>>)ISOLAT2D indicatin devic6e

shall be provided to indicate the circ!it brea3er position. A local p!sh

b!tton shall be provided for man!al trippin. :rovision shall be made

in s!ch a wa' that it shall be possible to padloc3 the AC in the

ON)O>> position.

"f& ith hand chared sprin mechanism, the sprins shall not bedischared !ntil the sprin has been f!ll' chared and the means of

charin has been removed or disconnected.

"& The operatin mechanism shall be trip8free. The speed of operation

shall be dependent on the stored sprin ener' and speed of the

operatin of charin device.

"h& Mechanical interloc3s shall be provided to cater for the followin

f!nctionsThe circ!it brea3er cannot be inserted or withdrawn when in the closed

position. Atempted with drawable shall trip a closed circ!it brea3er.

The circ!it brea3er cannot be closed !ntil it is f!ll' enaed or

completel' isolated and withdrawn.

Covers or door ivin access to the circ!it brea3er cannot be removed

or opened !nless the circ!it brea3er is f!ll' isolated and with drawn.


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"i& All air circ!it brea3er shall be e(!ipped with the followin as shown on

the drawins

One / element I.D.M.T.L. t'pe rela'8three elements for overc!rrent

protection, with <$J to *$$J pl! settins in accordance with .S.

1#* "for incomin AC and where shown on the drawins&.

One sinle element I.D.M.T,L. t'pe rela' for !nrestricted earth fa!lt

protection with $01 8 #$J pl! settins to S 1#* "for the incomin

 AC and where shown on the drawins&.

One / element instantaneo!s overc!rrent rela's, with *$$J to $$J

pl! settin "for s!b8main ACs where shown on the Drawins&.

Direct actin overc!rrent release shall be provided on AC not fitted

with I.D.M.T. protection as specified on drawins.

Tripped, brea3er close and brea3er oven indications. :hase

indications lamps, where indicated on the drawins. Settins levels

of all ad7!stable trippin devices shall be clearl' indicated and

mar3ed !p on e(!ipment. here brea3ers is withdraw, all live partsshall be protected b' loc3able sh!tters. here # pole brea3er is

specified, f!ll ne!tral shall be provided.

Local brea3er control.

Castell interloc3s, where shown on the drawins.

Two sets each of spare a!6iliar' NC and NO contact.

-olt8free contacts as re(!ired for remote indication, as shown on

the drawins)as specified.

"7& The trippin mechanism shall be stable and its operation shall not be

infl!enced b' shoc3 or vibration. The desin of the trip pl!ner shall be

s!ch that its action is instantaneo!s once the trip circ!it is operated.

Sh!nt trip coils operated b' power s!ppl' from the mains shall not be

!sed. A separate D.C. power pac3 c)w /$ - ni3el cadmi!m cells

batteries and booster tric3le charer !nit shall be !sed for sh!nt trip

coils. The batteries !nder f!ll' chared condition shall be able to

maintain a minim!m of *$ times consec!tive trippin.

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"3& Individ!al are ch!tes shall be provided on each pole of the brea3er.The' shall be so desined that an' are ca!sed b' the openin of the

brea3er !nder ma6im!m fa!lt condition shall be contained in the are

ch!te the

?. C0++2NT T+ANS>O+M2+S

"a& c!rrent transformers shall compl' with .S. // of the ^straiht

thro!h5 t'pe and shall be rated for Class temperat!re rise and a

primar' voltae of ?$$-.

"b& C!rrent transformers shall be of the epo6' resin encaps!lated t'pe

and shall be capable of providin the necessar' o!tp!t to operate all

the -A b!rdens of connect and protected devices or instr!ments.

"c& C!rrent transformers with ad7!stable primar' t!rns will not be


"d& The secondar' circ!it of each set "+8E88N& of c!rrent transformers

shall be earthed at one point onl'. Means shall be provided for these

earth connections to be disconnected at accessible position for testin.

"e& +o!ntine test reports as detailed in .S.// shall be s!pplied for

individ!al c!rrent transformers with the act!al fi!res provided.

"f& C!rrent transformers provided in polastic casins and of the split core

t'pe will not be accepted.

"& Meas!rin c!rrent transformers shall be connected to test terminal

bloc3s, The test bloc3s shall be provided with easil' removable lin3s

and desined to facilitate connection of the c!rrent transformer.

"h& C!rrent transformer shall have an acc!rac' not less than Class I for

meas!rin and meterin and Class lO: 1< for protection.

"i& C!rrent transformer shall be capable of operation, witho!t damae,

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with open circ!ited secondar' and f!ll load c!rrent flowin in the


"7& C!rrent transformers shall be firml' s!pported and installed as to

permit eas' access and to be readil' replaceable, if necessar', witho!t

dismantlin of ad7acent e(!ipment.

B. :+OT2CTI-2 +2LAES

"a& 26cept where otherwise specified, protective rela's shall compl' with

S. 1#*.

"b& :l! selection desin shall be s!ch hat the <$J to *$$J pl! settin

can be chaned on load witho!t open8circ!itin the c!rrent transformer

and the hihest c!rrent tapin point will a!tomaticall' be selected

when the pl! is removed.

"c& Draw8o!t cases finished in phenolic blac3 shall be provided for fl!sh

mo!ntin of the rela's. A contact shall be fitted which shall short circ!it

the associated c!rrent transformer on withdrawal of the rela'.

"d& >or I.D.M.T, overload protection rela's, three sinle phase !nits shall

be arrane in one hori;ontal plane in accommodated in a common

casin. 2arth fa!lt rela' shall be separatel' accommodated.

"e& Overload protection rela's shall have ad7!stable c!rrent settins

between <$J to *$$J in seven e(!al steps and time settin of $8/. $

seconds at 1$ times c!rrent settin. The rela' shall be of 42C CD4,

+e'rolle T=M or e(!ivalent.

"f& I.D.M.L. earth fa!lt protection rela' shall have ad7!stable c!rrent

settin of $81./ seconds at 1$ times c!rrent settin. The rela' shall be

of 42C CD4, +e'rolle T=M or e(!ivalent.

"& Instantaneo!s overc!rrent rela' for instantaneo!s phase or earth fa!lt

protection, instantaneo!s hih set overc!rrent protection shall be three

sinle phase !nits havin contin!osl' ad7!stable c!rrent ratins

between *$$J to $$J of 1.$ amp "CT. ratin&. The rela' shall be of

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42C CA4 or e(!ivalent.

"h& +ela's shall be ho!sed in d!st and vermin8proof accessible cases with

viewin lass.

"I& Operation indicators shall be provided for each protective element and

installed within the same rela'. The rela' shall have a common hand8

reset devise openable witho!t openin the rela' case.

"7& The rela' contacts shall be capable of ma3in and brea3in the

ma6im!m c!rrent which m' occ!r !nder fa!lt conditions in the circ!it in

which the' are connected.

. AMM2T2+

"a& Ammeters shall be of movin iron t'pe class 1.< acc!ranc' to .S.

ind!strial and be capable of carr'in their f!ll load c!rrent witho!t

!nd!e heatin and shall not be damaed b' the ma6im!m fa!lt levels

of the switchear.

"b& All ammeters shall have a contin!o!s overload capabilit' of 1*$J ofthe !pper limit of the scale for two ho!rs. All ammeters are to be

1$$mm dial s(!are fl!sh pattern with (!adrant scales.

"c& Mechanical ;ero ad7!stment shall be provided and accessible from the

front witho!t dismantlin.

"d& The ammeters shall ive direct readins witho!t application of an'

m!ltiplication factors.

"e& >or the ammeter combinin with of ma6im!m demand c!rrent, a

separate calibrated readin scale shall be provided in one case.

. -OLTM2T2+

"a& -olt meter shall be of acc!rac' class 1.< and have e6panded scales.

The arranement, scale deflections shall be approved prior to

assembl' of the associated switchboard.

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"b& Mechanical ;ero ad7!stment shall be provided.

"c& Other re(!irements shall be as per the applicable cla!ses specified for


1$. :O2+ >ACTO+ M2T2+

:ower factor indicators shall be of acc!rac' Class 11.< havin be;el

dimensions 11< 6 11<mm. The' sho!ld ive direct readins witho!t the

!se of m!ltiplication factors. The arranement, scale deflection shall be

approved prior to assembl' of the switchboard.

11. >+2902NCE M2T2+

>re(!enc' meter shall be of acc!rac' class $.< and indicate b' vibratin

reeds. 2ach reed is t!rned to a different val!e in the fre(!enc' span.

1*. -OLTM2T2+ S2L2CTO+ SITC@

"a& The voltmeter selector switch shall be mo!nted on the front of the

panel and shall be of the rotar' t'pe with brea38before8ma3e contacts

for selection to meas!re red8'ellow, 'ellow8bl!e, bl!e8red and red,

'ellow and bl!e phase voltaes with +E, E, +, +8N, E8N, 8N

mar3ed clearl' on the switch.

"b& Contact shall be rated for a thermal c!rrent of ? amperes, **$ -,<$@;.

1/. ATT2+E

DC s!ppl' shall be !sed for trippin of MCC5s and to effect the

operational se(!ence of the switchboard described elsewhere in the


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1#. >0S2S

"a& @+C cartride f!ses to S :art *, Class 9i shall be s!pplied, ASIA


"b& The voltae ratin shall be #1<- <$@;. The rated brea3in capacit' of

f!ses shall be A at #1<- <$@;.

"c& All live terminals and contacts shall be effectivel' shro!ded and it shall

be possible to chane f!ses with the circ!it alive, witho!t daner of

contact with live part.


"a& The a!tomatic transfer switch shall comprise a pair of circ!it brea3ers.

 Air circ!it brea3ers shall be !sed for a!tomatic transfer switch. The

pair of circ!it brea3ers shall be the mechanicall' held t'pe,

mechanicall' and electricall' interloc3ed to e6cl!de an' possibilit' to

parallelin the normal and standb' so!rces. Operations of circ!itbrea3ers shall be b' individ!al momentaril' eneri;ed solenoid

mo!nted on each brea3er. The solenoids shall be operated at D.C.


"b& To ens!re contin!it' of service both circ!it brea3ers shall have two

stable positions, closed and open. It shall be possible to man!all'

operate the circ!it brea3ers in the event of the absence of control


"c& The circ!it brea3ers shall have a ne!tral position with both brea3ers in

the open position. It shall be possible to loc3 each brea3er in this


"d& The front panel of the e(!ipment shall be provided with indicatin

lihts to indicate closed and opened stat!s of each brea3er.

"e& here the circ!it brea3er is not withdrawable, an isolator sha@ be

provided for the isolation and maintenance of the a!tomatic transfer

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"f& The three phase sensin circ!its shall be provide on the main b!sbar

of switchboards. >ail!re of one or more phases of the incomin s!ppl',

or a red!ction in voltae to less than ?$J of normal, shall initiate a

timin device ad7!stable in the rane $ to 1< seconds. If the fail!re

persists at the e6pir' of this pre8set time dela', a sinal shall be

initiated to start the enine of the standb' enerator. hen power

becomes available from the enerator, the chaneover contractor shall

operate with an ad7!stable time dela' between $ to 1< seconds to

transfer the essential load to the enerator s!ppl'.

"& After restoration of the normal s!ppl', the a!tomatic chaneover

switch shall a!tomaticall' be restored to its normalposition after an

ad7!stable period of ten seconds. A sinal shall be initiated to stop the

enine of the standb' enerator which shall contin!e r!nnin for a

certain period to ens!re sec!rit' of mains s!ppl'


Control and a!6iliar' rela' shall be to S 1#* and shall be pl!in t'pe,

rac38mo!nted, provided with cable connection soc3ets and anchored b'

(!ic3 fastenin vibration8proof devices as re(!ired where deemed

necessar' for proper operation of the Circ!it rea3er or startin

e(!ipment. The switches of the rela's shall be do!ble brea3, easil'

accessible for maintenance and have ade(!ate c!rrent ratin to carr' the

connected load.


"a& F-olt8freeG contact shall be provided as re(!ired for the !se of other

trades for e6ternal control, alarm or indication circ!its.

"b& -olt8free contact shall enerall' be provided to effect the followin

remote indication

Availabilit' of enerator s!ppl' at the switchboards.

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Stat!s of all incomin AC, b!s section AC.

Others as shown on the drawins)or specified in this specification.


"a& All instr!ments and e(!ipment shall be sec!rel' mo!nted and all

internal wirin r!ns shall be so positioned as to ins!re complete

accessibilit' for servicin p!rposes.

"b& All internal wirin shall be :-C ins!lated, neatl' b!nched, r!n on

s!pportin cleats or ins!lators and shall be colo!red and ade(!atel'

labeled or sleeved for identification. All control wirin shall be 1.< mm

mm. Copper cable and shall terminate on the ^lipponG or similar

approved s'stem and shall incorporate loops to permit the openin of

doors and removal of components for inspection witho!t disconnectin

the cables.

"c& here control necessitates the !se for a batter' s!ppl', DC wirinshall be totall' sereated from the mains s'stem.

"d& All terminals shall be shro!ded and ade(!atel' labeled with ca!tionar'

sins. All circ!its shall be provided with removable lin3s)f!ses to

facilities isolation, chec3in and maintenance.

1. :O2+ >ACTO+ CO++2CTION 290I:M2NT

"a& Capacitor ban3 shall be !sed as the power factor correction e(!ipment

and shall be connected to the p!blic s!ppl' section of the switchboard

as shown on the drawin.

"b& The capacitor shall be dr' t'pe.

"C& The capacitor ban3 shall be arraned in ro!ps and interconnected in

parallel b' contractors controlled b' a ? or 1* step control !nits. The

control !nit shall comprise of f!se boards, contractors, CT5s, electronic

meas!rin and control circ!it boards, meters etc. The control !nit shall

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contin!o!sl' and a!tomaticall' meas!re and ad7!st the power factor of

the switchboard to within $.< to 1 b' Switchin on and of thecapacitor ro!ps.


Switchboards assembled or man!fact!red locall' !nder licence from a

man!fact!rer credited with t'pe test certificate from a third rep!table

independent part' "s!ch as ASTA, C2MA etc.& for a cateor' of d!t'

specified will be considered providin all certification is valid for the locall'

constr!ction !nits and the followin conditions are observed

"a& All drawin coverin the desin and constr!ction shall be prepared to

the satisfaction of the enineer.

"b& D!rin the constr!ction of the switchboard, a factor' enineer from the

licence5s wor3 shall be re(!ired to visit the local plant on at least two

different occasions and to inspect the (!alit' and wor3manship of the

locall' made e(!ipment. 0pon completion, a final insfection will be

made b' the factor' enineer to certif' that the completed controlpanel is in accordance with the approved drawins, and that the

standard of materials and man!fact!re f!ll' compl' with t'pe tests



"a& >!ll discrimination is re(!ired within and between switchboard ACs

and other switchear ens!rin that short circ!its or overloads on s!b8

circ!its will not trip the switchboard circ!it brea3ers b!t will effectivel'isolate the fa!lt' circ!it, leavin the health' circ!its !naffected. The

s!b8contractor shall be responsible in selectin correct switchears for

ens!rin discrimination is maintained.

"b& here earth fa!lt detection is provided, discrimination shall be

ens!red as for over loads above. S!fficient ad7!stment shall be

provided ens!rin that sp!rio!s trippin d!e to the inherent earth

lea3ae of lon cable r!ns and other e(!ipment, does not occ!r, 'et

ens!rin that discrimination is steel maintained.

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"c& here circ!it protection devices are not provided with earth lea3aedetection the' shall be arraned to trip on earth lea3ae b' means of

the over c!rrent protection b' ens!rin a low earth fa!lt loop

impedance in accordance with the :22 irin +e!lations.


The tenderer shall provide s!fficient dr' contacts and terminals, etc. in the

switchboard for interfacin with the remote control S'stem as detailed on

the Drawins or as specified.

*/. T2STIN4

"a& The followin tests shall be incl!ded, b!t not be limited to, at the

man!fact!rer5s wor3shop d!rin the co!rse of assembl' and on

completion immediatel' prior to transport to site.

Inspection of the switchboard incl!din wirin, electrical andmechanical connections, e6ternal and internal finish, etc.

Mechanical tests incl!din chec3in of all mechanical and electrical

connections, interloc3, etc.

:rimar' and secondar' in7ection tests to chec3 if all meas!rin

protection and control circ!its and associated components are

operative. Contin!it' and dielectric test.

>!nctional chec3s of all control circ!its incl!din the sh!nt trip

operation of brea3er at B$J and 11J of the rated control s!ppl'


Calibration of meterin instr!ment, etc. atter')charer load test.

 An' other tests as recommended b' man!fact!rer.

Mechanical operation tests of switchears. 2ach switchear

to be operated thro!h at least three "/& close8open c'des in both

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operatin and test position. All control circ!its, chaneover operations

and interloc3 shall be of rac38in and rac38o!t of all withdrawablee(!ipment to be carried o!t.

"b& After the transport and erection of the switchboard on site, the

followin test, b!t not be limited to, shall be also be carried o!t

4eneral inspection of the switchboard

Mechanical tests.

Contin!it' and dielectric tests.

>!nction chec3s.

:rimar' and secondar' in7ection tests to rechec3 all meas!rin,

protection and control circ!its and associated components.

"c& The followin commissionin inspections and tests, b!t not limited to,

shall be carried o!t before the switchboard is p!t into normal services.

-oltae tests between an' two combination of each phase, ne!tral and


:hase se(!ence tests on each o!toin !nits.

>!nction chec3s, speciall' on the controllin devices.


1. 42N2+AL

 All wor3 shall conform to this specification and to the best principles of

modern enineerin practice and be carried o!t b' f!ll competent

tradesmen of appropriate rades.

 All electrical e(!ipment shall be of first rade (!alit' with reard to desin,

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man!fact!re and installation and shall be complete for satisfactor'

operation, control, maintenance and safet' !nder all conditions of service.

 All wor3 performed !nder this contract shall compl' in ever' respect with

1< th 2dition of l22 +e!lations, +!les and +e!lations of all Local

 A!thorities havin 7!risdiction over the installation.

The L-. distrib!tion s'stem oriinates at the main L.-. switchboards as

shown in the drawins.

*. SCO:2 O> O+

This section sets o!t the re(!irements, methods, materials and standards

of wor3manship in connection with the L.-. electrical distrib!tion s'stem of

the wor3 defined below and as indicated on the drawins.


"a& 4eneral +e(!irement

this section of the specification covers the eneral re(!irements for the

s!ppl', installation, testin and commissionin of all cables that are

re(!ired for the complete installation of the electrical s'stem.

 All the main power cables involved in this s!b8contract are shown on

the drawins and the Contractor shall provide all the necessar' tra's,

ladders. cond!its, s!pports and cables tr!n3in, lands, shro!ds, and

bo6es, clamps, compo!nds, specialist tools, etc., necessar' to install,

terminate and connect the cables in accordance with ood enineerinpractice.

 All cables shall be provided with identification labels at each and at all

positions where cables chane direction. In cases where cables are of

m!ltiple r!ns, labels shall be provided at 1$ m intervals. Labels shall

be copper disc enraved to show the si;e of the cable and the fed


here m!lti8core cables are for indication, protection and control

applications, each core shall have an identification n!mber and the

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S!bcontractor shall in addition to the cable identification labels provide

enraved ferr!les over the cable rac3. The ferr!les shall be n!mberedaccordin to a wirin diaram approved b' the representatives of the

enineer. All wires shall be terminated with an approved t'pe of clamp

connector. :inchin screw t'pe connectors shall not be acceptable. f 

Not with standin the above the S!b8contractor shall install the cables

in accordance with the l22. irin +e!lation.

Cables r!nnin hori;ontall' at hih level shall be s!pported b'

perforated cable tra's !nless otherwise specified. This tra' shall be

not less than 1.?mm steel, hot8dipped alvanised finish, and with

ret!rned edes. It shall be s!pported from the rib of str!ct!ral slab,

beams, etc., b' mild steel rods of not less than 1<mm in diameter, with

!nderslin steel anle s!pports. A sample of the s!pportin brac3et

shall be s!bmitted for approval.

The' tra' desin and strenth and)or the tra' s!pports sha0 be

spaced at s!ch intervals, to ens!re that tra' sa is not noticeable

when installed with all cables.

here cables are clipped to wall or ceilin, the' shall be sec!red b'means of space saddles at centre as recommended b' the L22.

+e!lations. The space saddles shall be of steel deep spacer t'pe

fi6ed to the s!rface b' means of Frawpl!sG or other e(!al method.

2ach cable shall be fi6ed b' a saddles fi6ed to bases b' two cadmi!m

plated fi6in screws.

 All cables shall be of copper cond!ctor t'pe. The S!b8contractor shall

be responsible for the off loadin and handlin of the cables on site

and shall ens!re that cables are new and delivered to site on newdr!m and properl' protected aainst mechanical damae and loss with

man!fact!rer5s seals still intact. :artl' !sed dr!ms of cable which has

alread' been !sed elsewhere shall not be acceptable !nless special

approval is iven b' the 2nineer in writin.

"b& >ire +esistant Cables

>ire resistant cables shall be provided for fire and emerenc'

installation in accordance with the drawins.

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Cables shall be installed in accordance with the re(!irements of the

latest edition of the I.2.2. +e!lations. :roper tools shall be emplo'edas recommended b' the man!fact!rer d!rin the installation wor3.

>ireproof cable and accessories shall be compl' with relevant ritish

Standard and approved b' local >ire Services Department.

=ointin of fireproof cables shall not be allowed !nless a!thori;ed b'

the 2nineer in writin. :roper 7ointin material shall be !sed as

recommended b' the man!fact!rer when 7ointin is allowed. All 7oints

and termination 7oints shall be of approved man!fact!re and carried

o!t strictl' in accordance with the man!fact!rer5s recommendations.

The S!b8contractor shall 3eep all cables entirel' separate from pipe

wor3 associated with other services. No direct contact shall not be

permitted between the cables and s!ch pipes.

The S!b8contractor shall satisf' the 2nineer that all labo!r emplo'ed

in the installation of the cables shall be competent and have been

properl' trained in the methods of installations as recommended b'

the cable man!fact!rers. >inal cable termination to the motor

e(!ipment shall be coiled in ordered to avoid e6cessive vibration bein

transmitted to the cable termination.

"c& :-C):-C Cable

:-C ins!lated :-C sheathed copper cables ":-C :-C& shall be of

sinle core or m!lti8core with f!ll ne!tral and shall be ?$$ 2/I $$$ -

rade compl'in to .S. ?/?#1?.

The core of these shall be hih annealed copper cond!ctors compl'in

with .S. ?/?$1?.

here cables r!n hori;ontall', the' shall be properl' s!pported onperforated cable tra's and cleared at intervals of not e6ceedin * m

directl' on the tra'. here cables are installed verticall', the' shall be

cleared at distances not e6ceedin im. hen cables r!n in car par3s

and other protected areas, the' shall be protected with metal tr!n3in

or other approved means. The cable tra' and metal tr!n3in shall be

s!pported with riid metal brac3ets.

"d& :-C)SA):-C Copper Cable

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:-C ins!lated steel wire armo!red cable ":-C)SA and :-C& shallbe ?$$-11$$$ - rade compl'in to .S. ?/#? 1? m!lti8core with

f!ll ne!tral. The cores of these cables shall be hih annealed copper

cond!ctors compl'in with .S. ?/?$ 1?.

The :-C ins!lated cores shall be colo!red coded and shall be

sheathed with :-C which shall serve as a beddin for alvani;ed

sinle steel wire armorin. The armorin shall be served with an a!ter

:-C sheath.

Cables shall be terminated in a land fitted with an armo!r clamp. The

land bod' shall be provided with an internal conical seatin to receive

the armo!r clampin cone and a clampin n!t which shall sec!re the

armo!r clampin cone firml' to the armo!r wires, ens!rin that the

armo!r wires shall be tihtl' clamped between the armo!r cone and

conical armo!r seatin. The spiot on the land bod' shall be

threaded to s!it standard cond!it accessories. A :-C shro!d shall be

fitted to cover the entire land bod'.

The minim!m bendin radi!s shall be not less than eiht times theoverall cable diameter.

here cables r!n hori;ontall', the' shall be properl' s!pported and

perforated cable tra's and cleared at intervals of not e6ceedin *m

directl' to the tra'. here cable are installed verticall', the' shall be

cleared I S- distance not e6ceedin 1 m.

"e& :-C Cables

the cables shall consist of copper cond!ctors, ins!lated with :-C

compl'in to .S, ?$$# )$343. Cables for three phase and sinle

phase circ!its shall be #<$ -)B<$- rade.

The c!rrent carr'in capacit' of each circ!it shall be in accordance

with those indicated in I.2,2. +e!lations and latest amendments and

shall be limited to the specified voltae drop.

 All wirin shall be carried o!t b' the loop8in s'stem and the wirin shall

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be enclosed in :-C cond!its. =oints on connectors shall not be

allowed in an' s!ch cable lenth, e6cept that connectors ma' be !sedin accessible positions within fittins. The ma6im!m n!mber of cables

that ma' be accommodated in a iven si;e of cond!it is not to e6ceed

the limits iven in the 1<th 2dition of the I.2.2. +e!lations.

>or copper cables si;es ?mm and above, compression t'pe cable

connectr)B0s shall be !sed for all cable terminations. here

apparat!s is fitted with t!nnel t'pe terminals, stranded cable

cond!ctors shall be tinned solid for direct connection to s!ch terminal.

If for an' practical reason different termination method is !sed, prior

endorsement m!st be obtained from the representative of 2nineer.

Connections to electric fi6ed e(!ipment shall be b' means of :-C

cables in cond!its, with the final connection bein made b' :-C

covered pliable cond!it, and s!itable adaptor. A separate earth

contin!it' copper earth in accordance with l22. +e!lations and .S.

?$$# of not less than *.< mm shall be provided o!tside the fle6ible

t!be and solidl' connected at each t!be termination.

"f& >le6ible Cords

>le6ible cords shall be flame retardant :-C sheathed with copper

cond!ctors of /$$v)<$$v rade to .S. ?<$$. Minim!m si;e of cord

shall be 1.< mm.


"a& All f!sed switchears and isolators shall be heav' d!t' t'pe

conformin to the re(!irements of .S. <#1. All contact are to f!ll'shro!ded and are to have a brea3in capacit' of /< A.

"b& The f!se lin3s for f!se8switches and switch f!ses are to hih

interr!ptin capacit', cartride t'pe conformin to .S. , or .S.


"c& 2ach switchear shall be s!pplied in complete !nit consistin of a

basic !nit, and enclos!re and f!se lin3s. Ade(!ate space shall be

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provided in the enclos!re for proper cable termination, otherwise cable

bo6es shall be provided.

"d& The enclos!re shall be of totall' enclosed t'pe, made of heav' a!e

sheet metal, ade(!atel' r!st protected and finished in ename. An

earthin terminal shall be provided. The enclos!re shall be s!itable for

cond!it, tr!n3in and armored cable entries and also for connection to

b!sbar chamber from top or bottom. >rames si;es for the rane of

switchear shall be 3ept to a minim!m.

"e& The switchear shall be of (!ic38made and (!ic3 brea3 t'pe and the

switchin operation shall independent of the speed of the man!al

operation. An interloc3in device shall be provided s!ch that the front

cover of the switchear cannot be opened when it is at the ^ON5


Similarl' it shall not be possible to close the switch with the door open,

e6cept that provision shall be made for a!thori;ed persons to defeat

the mechanical interloc3 for test p!rposes, and close the switch with

the door in the open position.

"f& Ins!lation material !sed shall be of non8initable t'pe. The contactsshall be self alinin so that the contact press!re can be maintained at

all times. All live parts shall be ade(!atel' shielded from from the front

of the !nit b!t easil' accessible for maintenance b' !sin a tool.

"& The ^ON5 and ^O>>5 position of all switches and isolators shall be

clearl' indicated b' a mechanical fla indicator or similar device.

"h& Switch and isolator operatin handles shall be retractable into the !nit

when the switch is either the ^ON5 or ^O>>5 position.

"I& In T.:. N. f!sed switches or switch f!ses !nits bolted ne!tral lin3s

are to be fitted. >or sinle pole and ne!tral switch f!ses and isolators,

the ne!tral cond!ctor is to be ta3en thro!h a bolted lin3. rea3in the

ne!tral cond!ctor is to be ta3en thro!h a bolted lin3. rea3in the

ne!tral cond!ctor, either with lin3ed or non8lin3ed switch will not be


"7& here mo!nted e6ternall' or otherwise specified, weatherproof

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enclos!re shall be provided.

"3& 0nless otherwise specified, switches shall be to !tili;ation cateories

 AC8** for eneral application and AC 8*/ for electrical motor circ!it.

<. 0SA+ C@AM2+

"a& The b!sbar chamber shall be constr!cted incompliance with .S. <#?

:art 1, 1BB with f!ll ne!tral consistin of electro8tinned, hard drawn

copper b!sbar of appropriate si;e ins!lated b' porcelain s!pports or

other approved ins!lation material spaced at ?$$ mm intervals. The

enclos!re shall be made of * mm thic3 mild steel and, epo6' powder

paint finish to .S. #$$.

"b& The b!sbar chamber shall be of metalclad, air ins!lated, totall'

enclosed t'pe. The lenth of the b!sbar chamber shall be s!fficient to

accommodate all switchear connected to it witho!t staerin one

above another. Space shall be provided for f!t!re installation of

switchear when specified in the specification or drawins.

"c& The front cover and end plates of the enclos!re shall be removable

and normall' held in position b' captive, non8metallic screws.

"d& !sbar and b!sbar connection shall compl' with . S. 1<.

"e& !sbars shall be so arraned that all cond!ctors can be bro!ht onto

the b!s witho!t !nd!e bendin. 2ach b!sbar shall be colo!red in one

position or labeled to indicate the phase to which it is connected.

"f& Switchear shall be co!pled to the b!sbar chamber b' means of

proper alvani;ed connection flanes or cond!it co!plers and male


"& Cond!ctors between the b!s bars and switchear shall be copper

cable with cross sectional area not less than that of the o!toin cable

from the switchear.

"h& The b!sbar chamber shall be fabricated b' a rep!table man!fact!rer

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and shall be f!ll' t'pe tested b' ASTA for with stand capacit' of <$ A

for / second. Locall' made b!sbar chambers are acceptable provided ASTA certificate is available.


"a& Cable tra' are to be of a perforated pattern 1.? mm minim!m mild

steel with ret!rned edes and hot dipped alvani;ed overall.

"b& Tra's shall be s!pported from the soffit of str!ct!ral slabs and beams

b' rods not less than ? mm dia.

"c& Tra' s!pports shall be spaced accordin to the n!mber and si;e of

cables bein carried on the tra', b!t nowhere shall the' be at reater

than 1./ m intervals.

"d& Cables mo!nted on the tra's shall be laid after installation of the tra'

and spaced in accordance with the L22. +e!lations to avoid deratin

of the cables, Cables shall be rooped in circ!its and individ!all'

clipped, cleated or tied at intervals of not less than * m lenths on

hori;ontal r!ns and 1 m lenths on vertical r!ns, !sin ins!lated t'pe

or e(!al and approved fi6in.

"e& Notwithstandin the minim!m a!e of metalwor3 specified, a!es

shall be of s!fficient strenth to prevent sain between s!pports.

"f& Cables leavin cable tra's shall be installed properl' witho!t damae

to cables b' c!ttin edes of tra's and r!bbers pads shall be inserted

to !nderside of cables,

"& Tra's shall not be bent for chane in direction of r!n. :roper bends orstraiht tra's meetin at anle shall be empl'ed at chane of direction.

Cable tra's shall be s!pported at either sides of 7!nction.

"h& here tra's are e6posed to the weather, the' shall be coated with

epo6' resin before paintin, :-C coatin is not acceptable.

"i& Cable lader shall be fabricated from formed ood (!alit' hot dip

alvani;ed mild sheet steel of not less than 1 .?$mm for si;es !p to

1<$mm b' 1<$ mm and not less than *.$$ mm thic3ness for larer

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si;es and finished with two coat of ra' enamel paint.

"7& All bends, crosses are to be p!rpose made, lenth of cable ladder

shell be 7ointed toether b' means of s!itable fi6in plate complete

with copper earth bondin terminal.

"3& Notwith standin details on contract drawins, where ever it is not

practical or acceptable to the CM, to enclose cables in cond!it onl'.

Cable tra' and ladder shall deemed to be incl!ded in all necessar'



"a& Cond!it

The contractor shall s!ppl' and install !nder neath slab all :-C

copper cables into cond!it, !nless otherwise specified herein or shown

on the Drawins.

efore an' wor3 on the installation is started, the contractor shall

prepare drawins of proposed cond!it r!ns showin the n!mber, si;eand circ!it

reference of all cond!ctors to the satisfaction of enineer prior to the

commencement of wor3s. The 2nineer5s endorsement shall not

relieve the S!b8contractor from liabilit' in respect to the provision of an

ade(!ate n!mber and)or si;es of cond!its for the installation.

 All cond!its and fittins !sed in the installation, fle6ible cond!its, shall

be :-C hih impact class, screwed.

The minim!m si;e of cond!it !sed in the installation shall be *$mm


Separate cond!its shall be provided for circ!its at e6tra low voltae.

Inspection8t'pe and non8inspection t'pe cond!it bends, elbows and

tees shall not be permitted.

Cond!it s'stem shall be electricall' and mechanicall' contin!o!s and

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watertiht after installation. The' shall be arraned, wherever possible,

to be self drainin to cond!it o!tlet points for e(!ipment. The s'stemwhen installed, and before wirin, shall be 3ept pl!ed with wooden


 All cond!it and cond!it fittins shall be erected complete and swabbed

thro!h with approved drawtapes and absorbent cloths before an'

cables are installed. The swabbin operation shall be carried o!t to the

satisfaction of the enineer or his a!thori;ed representative.

 A0 s!rface cond!its shall be r!n in a vertical or hori;ontal direction.

Diaonal r!ns shall not be permitted. The cond!its shall be sec!red to

the s!rface b' means of heav' spacin saddles fi6ed with brass


On straiht r!ns, *$mm and *< mm dia. Cond!its shall be s!pported

b' not less than one saddle ever' $$mm and cond!it above *< mm

dia. Shall be s!pported b' not less than one saddle ever' 1*$ mm in

addition to an' s!pport provided b' str!ct!res, bo6es, or fittins etc. In

all cases bends shall be s!pported b' wo saddles fitted as near to

either side of the bend as practicable.

All bends in cond!it shall be formed on site b' bendin machines,

+!ns between draw8in bo6es shall not have more than two riht

anle bends on their e(!ivalent and the lenth of s!ch r!ns shall be

limited to 1$ m to permit eas' draw8in of cables.

In concealed cond!its s'stem all adaptable bo6es for accessories and

draw8in bo6es shall be installed s!ch that the o!ter rim of the bo6 in

fl!sh with the finished s!rface of the wall.

In concealed cond!it s'stems where fl!sh t'pe distrib!tion boards are

installed, a separate *$mm cond!it for each spare wa', shall be

installed from the distrib!tion board to a convenient point in the wall

near the ceilin and shall be terminated in a common .S. adaptable

fl!sh t'pe bo6.

All cond!its shall be entirel' separated from other pipin services

and no circ!it connections shall be permitted between the cond!its

and s!ch pipes.

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Cond!its and o!tlets fi6ed in area where there is water proofin to

b!ildin shall be installed with no damae to the water proofin. here a cond!it crosses e6pansion 7oint, special arranement shall

be made to allow relative movement to occ!r on either side of the

e6pansion 7oint. The circ!it protective cond!ctor shall have a cross8

sectional area rated to s!it the larest live cond!ctors draw into the

cond!its in accordance with the I222. irin +e!lation.

The ma6im!m n!mber of cables permitted in one cond!it shall be in

accordance with the l222. re!lation.

All cables !sed in cond!it installation shall have copper cond!ctors

and shall be :-C8 ins!lated. All cables shall be of #<$)B<$v rade

!nless otherwise specified.

2ach cond!ctor inside the cond!it r!n shall be of one contin!o!s

lenth. =oints in a cond!ctor in an' part of a r!n shall not be permitted

!nless directed b' the representative of the 2nineer.

here fle6ible metallic cond!its are fi6ed to the riid cond!its this shall

be achieved b' means of either male or female adaptors terminatin at

a .S. or adaptable bo6. The adaptors shall be of brass, sweated or

screwed onto the fle6ible cond!it.

here cond!it s'stems are installed e6posed in weather, all fittins

!sed shall be installed in s!ch manner that each is water8tiht.


"a& MO Distrib!tion oards

MO Distrib!tion boards shall compl' with and be t'pe tested to

.S. <#?:art 1*. Cons!mer !nits shall compl' with and be t'pe

tested to S <#?:art 1/. +ated -oltae shall be **$ -. sinle

phase or /$ - three phase. +ated fre(!enc' shall be <$@;. The

MOs, MO distrib!tion boards and cons!mer !nit shall be from

the same man!fact!rer.

2nclos!re and doors for Mcb distrib!tion board shall be be constr!cted

from sheet steel havin a thic3ness of not less than 1.$ mm and store

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enameled to a liht, re' finish otto the nearest man!fact!rers5

standard colo!r, The MO distrib!tion boards shall be of rob!stconstr!ction and s!itable for indoor application in commercial and liht

ind!strial sit!ation with a deree of protection not less than l: /$.

Cond!it 3noc38o!ts shall be provided in top, bottom and both sides.

@ined enclos!re doors are to be fitted with ball catch or similar


MO distrib!tion boards shall be of two t'pes. -i;. t'pe 1 and t'pe II.

T'pe I MO distrib!tion boards shall be s!itable for accommodatin

sinle8pole MO Sonl' while t'pe Il MO distrib!tion boards shall be

s!itable for accommodatin, in an' combination, sinle8pole and m!lti8

pole MCs.

 All t'pe Il MO distrib!tion boards shall each be provided with mo!ld8

case, triple8pole and ne!tral incomin switch disconnector havin

ratin not less than that of the s!ppl' side protection device.

The blac3 plate assembl' shall be of sheet steel of s!bstantial

thic3ness and attached to the bac3 of the distrib!tion board enclos!re

for mo!ntin of MOs and switches.

The metal front plate assembl' shall be of sheet steel and shall be

finished to the same colo!r as the distrib!tion board enclos!re. The

front plate shall be screwed on the enclos!re, ma3in the assembl'

s!itable for both s!rface and fl!sh mo!ntin. The front plate shall be

affi6ed with labels for circ!it identification.

 All c!rrent carr'in parts of the distrib!tion board s!ch as b!sbars.

ne!tral and earthin terminal, incomin cable terminal etc. Shall be ofcopper and shall be electro8tinned.

The sinle pole and ne!tral b!sbars for t'pe I MO distrib!tion boards

shall have c!rrent ratins of not less than 1$$A while t'pe II MO

distrib!tion boards shall have triple8pole and ne!tral b!sbars rated at

not less than *$$A. The confi!ration of the b!sbars, b!sbar s!pports

and mo!ntin arranements shall be t'pe tested and certified for a

short time withstandin c!rrent of not not less than ? A for $.*

second at a -oltae of not less than /$-.

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lan3in8off plates shall be s!pplied for spare circ!it for alldistrib!tion boards.

A0 distrib!tion boards shall be provided with line, ne!tral and

earthin terminal for the incomin cables. There shall be one

ne!tral and one earthin terminal for each o!toin MC wa'.

O!toin MOs shall be connected to b!sbars b' means of bolted

 7oints. :l! in t'pe of c!rrent carr'in contacts shall not be accepted.

 Al& boards shall be of the same man!fact!re as the MC5s installed


Space shall be provided for the f!t!re accommodation for *$J

additional circ!it bra3ers in all distrib!tion boards, All necessar'

b!sbars, st!ds and and ne!tral bar wa's shall be allowed.

Circ!it sched!les shall be provided and installed behind a prespe6

sheet on the inside of distrib!tion board door, ivin in 2nlish and

Indonesian for the followin information

8 Distrib!tion board desination

8 +atin of all circ!it brea3ers

8 Si;e of all cables

8 T'pe and location of circ!it load

"b& MCC Distrib!tion oard

The desin, constr!ction and testin specifications of the distrib!tion

boards shall compl' with S <#? :art I and s!itable for !se on /$ -"/ phase& <$ @; s!ppl'. All MCC distrib!tion boards shall each be

provided with a mo!lded case isolatin switch havin a c!rrent ratin

not less than that of the s!ppl' side protective device. The mo!lded

case isolatin switch shall meet the relevant re(!irement of ritish


The enclos!re and door of MCC distrib!tion boards shall be

constr!cted from sheet steel havin a thic3ness of not less than 1.<

mm, r!st proffed and ba3ed enameled to a liht re' finish or to the

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man!fact!rer5s nearest standard colo!r. +emovable land palte shall

be provided on the top and bottom. The constr!ction shall be of rob!stdesin, capable of withstandin the mechanical, electrical and thermal

stresses !nder all wor3in conditions incl!din fa!lt conditions. The

enclos!re shall have an inde6 of protection not less than l:/O. The

hined door are to be fitted with ball catch loc3s or similar approved.

MCC distrib!tion boards shall be provided with triple8pole and ne!tral

copper b!sbars of ratin not less than that of the s!ppl' side protective

device s!b7ect to a minim!m of *<$ A. All b!sbars shall be of the hard

drawn copper and shall be electro8tinned. Ne!tral b!sbars shall be of

the same cross section area as the phase b!sbars, and shall have

ade(!ate n!mber of terminals for all o!t oin circ!its incl!din spare


The confi!ration of the b!s bars, b!sbar s!pport and the b!sbar

mo!ntin arranement shall be t'pe tested and certified to a short8time

withstandin c!rrent of not less than 14 A in the case of boards with

b!sbar ratin **<A or above, or the prospective short circ!it c!rrent

which can occ!r at the point of installation whichever is the larest for

$.* second at a voltae of not less than /$ volts.

O!toin MCCS shall be mo!nted on both sides of the b!sbars. The

connection between the MCCS and the phase b!sbars, shall be b'

means of copper tapes and bolted 7oints. :l!8in t'pe of c!rrent

carr'in contacts shall not be accepted.

2ver' distrib!tion board shall be provided with a e6ternal earthin

terminal for connection to the main earthin terminal. In addition m!lti8

terminal connector shall be provided within the distrib!tion board forconnection of protective cond!ctors of all o!toin circ!its incl!din

spare wa's.

2ach distrib!tion boards shall be provided with spare wa's for f!t!re

e6pansions. 2ach spare wa' shall be blan3ed off with a s!itable

blan3in plate havin a finish comparable to that of the distrib!tion


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. SITC@42A+

"a& Switchear shall incl!de all metal clad switches and circ!it brea3ers

Miniat!re circ!it brea3er "MC&

Mo!lded case circ!it brea3er "MCC&

+esid!al C!rrent circ!it brea3er 

>!se switches

Switch >!se


Chaneover switch

 A!tomatic transfer switch

"b& The switchear shall be Triple :ole with ne!tral "T:N&, Sinle :ole

with Ne!tral "S:N&, Do!ble :ole "D:& or Triple :ole with Switched

Ne!tral "T:SN&.

>or D: and T:SN, the ne!tral pole shall ma3e first and brea3 last, and

shall onl' be !sed when specified. Switchear shall be of s!rface

mo!ntin or fl!sh mo!ntin t'pe s!itable for switchboard installation asper specified

"c& All switchear shall have ratins as specified and carr' contin!osl',

ma3e and brea3 the rated c!rrent witho!t an' overheat or damaes.

"d& Switchear shall be d!st and vermin8proof. >or o!tdoor application the

switchear shall be inloc3able weather proof enclos!res complete with

/ sets of 3e's. >or applications in damp, wet or h!mid area s!ch as

p!mp room, chiller plant room etc., damp8proof and flash8proof t'peshall be !sed.

"e& All switchear shall be constr!cted to prevent tamperin with the

protection device, alterin trip point or time dela' settins. Switchear

shall be provided with mechanical interloc3in device so as to prevent

the closin of switchear when the door is opened and the openin of

the door when switchear in ^ONG. All switchear shall be e6ternall'


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"f& All switchears shall have a (!ic38ma3e and brea3 action s!itable for

both AC and DC application. ith the e6ception of MCC, MC and2LC which are totallr erctced switchear shall be completed with

removable phase barrier contact shro!ds, and arc(!enchin devices.

 All switchear shall e(!ipped with sprin acceleratin mechanism to

ens!re positive ^on5 and ^off5 and ^trip5 shall be perrnantel' provided.

The front operatin handles of switchear "e6cept circ!it brea3er& Shall

be chrome palted, e6tensible and not protr!din more than B<mm from

the cover.

"& S!rface8mo!nt metal clad switchear shall have a casin constr!cted

of a least *mm heav' a!e sheet metal. The door shall have lipped

edes and neoprene as3ets and be completed with hine, chrome

plate handle, and ball catches. Screws shall be captive t'pe. Loose

screw will not be allowed, The switch casin shall be hot8dipped

alvani;ed "at least * la'ers& or cleaned, dereased, prime coated for

anti8corrosion before paintin.

26ternall' the switchear shall be finished with loss re' paint and

internall' in matt white paint. All paint shall be s'nthetic enamel and air

dr'in t'pe. >or pl!sh mo!ntin t'pe, the finishes shall be same and!niform as the c!bicle and other components.

"h& 2arth terminal shall be provided for all metal clad switchear. All

hined or removable doors shall be earthed b' fle6ible earth tape to

the earth terminal.

"i& :arallel operation of switchear as a sinle !nit is not allowed.

1$. MINIAT0+2 CI+C0IT +A2+ "MC&

"a& All miniat!re circ!it brea3er "MC& shall be of triple8pole or sinle8pole

and conform to S /B1 :art 1. The MO shall have the trippin

classification of t'pe *, e6cept for < amp which shall be either t'pe * or

t'pe /.

"b& The bod' and base of the !nits are to be mo!lded ba3elite, or similar

material, and the !nits are to be sealed after assembl'.

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"c& The load handlin contacts are to be silver)t!nsten and the contactsand operatin mechanism so desined as to ive a wipin action both

at ma3e and brea3.

"d& The brea3er operatin mechanism is to be of the trip8free t'pe so

desined to prevent the load handlin contacts from closin on fa!lt,

"e& Circ!it protection aainst overload and fa!lt conditions is to be

provided b' means of thermal8manetic or thermal8h'dra!lic device

desined to ive thermal operation on overload and

manetic)h'dra!lic operation !nder fa!lt conditions.

"f& Miniat!re circ!it brea3ers shall compl' and be t'pe tested to .C.

/B1. The followins is the minim!m re(!irements for short circ!it


8 Sinle pole brea3er <A

8 Triple pole brea3er A

"& MC with c!rrent carr'in contacts of pl!8in t'pe shall not be


"h& Cable terminals of the MCs shall be at top and bottom of the !nit with

access from the front and s!itable for terminatin the si;e of solid or

stand cond!ctor in accordance with table ? of S /B1:art1.

"i& :ositions of the brea3er operatin doll' are to be clearl' indicated for

^ON5 and ^O>>5.

"=& All cable and b!sbar terminations shall be sweated and tinned prior toconnection to M.C.. terminals.

11. MO0LD2D CAS2 CI+C0IT +2A2+ "MCC&

"a& 4eneral

MCCs shall be fo!r8pole, triple pole or do!ble pole, independent

man!al closin air bra3e t'pe the' shall be totall' enclosed in mo!lded

casin formed from an ins!latin material. The constr!ction of the

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casin shall be capable of with standin the appropriate rated short

circ!it c!rrent and reasonabl' ro!h !se witho!t fract!re or distortion.The mo!lded casin shall have protection not less than l:/O.

MCCs shall compl' with and the t'pe tested to S #B<* :art 1.

"b& Operation Characteristic

MCCs shall have thermal8manetic trippin mechanism ivin a

fi6ed, stable, inverse time8c!rrent characteristic shaD be s!ch that

The time dela' on over load trippin sha@ be inversel'

proportional to the over c!rrents !p to a threshold val!e of

appro6imatel' B times the rated c!rrent.

There shall be no intentional time8dela' on overc!rrent trippin

d!e to short circ!it or heav' overc!rrents e6ceedin the threshold


"c& :erformance characteristic

MCCs shall be certified, accordin to S #B<* part 1, to have the

followin performance characteristic

+ated short circ!it bra3in capacit' not less than <OA for !se in main

switchboard or indicatin in drawin and ** A for lateral s!b main

installation or the prospective fa!lt c!rrent at the point of installation

switch ever is reater. MCC short circ!it performance shall be

minim!m cateor' P-i.

1*. >0S2 SITC@

"a& >!se switch shall be metal clad and t'pe8tested in accordance with

Table -I of .S. <#11BB The rated f!sed short8circ!it c!rrent shall

be <$ A.

"b& >!se switch shall be of contino!s d!t' and shall be capable of closin

onto and remained closed on a fa!lt witho!t overheatin and damae.

"C& >!se lin3 shall be hih r!pt!rin capacit' cartride t'pe to S .

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rewire able f!se is not permitted to be !sed.

"d& Live contact shall be shielded from the front so that f!ses can be

replaced witho!t damae.

"e& >!se switch control of motors circ!it shall be of AC*/ cateor'.

1/. SITC@>0S2

"a& Switch shall be metal clad and t'pe8tested in accordance with table -I

of .S. <#1 1BB. The rated f!sed short8circ!it c!rrent shall be


"b& Switch f!se shall be of contin!o!s d!t' and shall be able to be closed

onto and remained closed on a fa!lt witho!t overheatin or damaes.

"c& >!se lin3 shall be hih r!pt!rin capacit' cartride t'pe to S .

rewirable f!se is not permitted to be !sed.

"d& Live part shall be shielded from the front so that f!se can be replacedsafel'.

"e& Switch f!se for control of motors circ!it shall be of AC */ cateor'.

1#. SITC@2S

"a& Switches shall be metal clad, t'pe8tested in accordance with Table -I

of .S. <#1 1BB s!itable for s!rface mo!nt. The rated f!sed short8

circ!it c!rrent shall be <$ A.

"b& Switches shall be of contin!o!s d!t' and shall be capable of closin

onto remainin closed on a fa!lt witho!t overheatin or damaes.


"a& Contractors shall be electromaneticall' controlled, do!ble aft8brea3.

fo!r8pole, triple8pole or sinle8pole as re(!ired. The' shall compl' with

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and be tested to .S. <#*# :art 1.

"b& 0nless otherwise specified contractors shall be of !tili;ation cateories

 AC8i for eneral application and AC8/ for motor circ!its.

"c& The rated operational voltae shall be /$ # ?J volt, / phase. <$ h;,

or **$ # ?J volt, sinle phase, <$ @;. The rated power and (!antities

of the contactors shall be as indicated on the drawins.

"d& oth the mm and a!6iliar' contacts shall be rated for !ninterr!pted

and intermittent d!t'. The main contacts of the contactors shall be

silver or silver8faced.

"e& Two spare sets of NC and NO contacts shall be provided in addition to

the contacts !sed.


"a& The a!tomatic transfer switch shall be a twin !nit consistin of two #8

pole contractors 5$ NC I NO& in compliance with S, <#*# 1BB or

l2O 1<81 * nd 2dition 1B$.

"b& A!tomatic transfer switch for load transfer between normal and

enerator s!ppl' shall be with do!ble rela' control. On detection of the

fail!re of the mains s!ppl' b' the rated voltae from the emerenc'

enerator b' the voltae sensin rela', the contractor shall be

a!tomaticall' chaned over.

"c& All contactors shall be enclosed and ventilated metal casinV arcin

shield or s!itable are (!enchin device shall be provided to minimi;eand confine arcinV contact s!rface shall be of sintered allo' or other

s!itable metal.

"d& The contractors shall be of cateor' AC8/ and have ade(!ate

brea3in capacit' at rated -oltae.

"e& The solenoid coil shall be rated at contin!os ratin compl'in with .S.

B?# 1<# and s!itable for **$ - sinle phase <$@; s'stem.

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"f& The twin !nit shall be both electricall' and mechanicall' interloc3ed to

prevent the normal and emerenc' so!rces prom parallel operation."& Indicatin liht showin to with so!rce the switch is connected shall be


"h& Spare voltae free a!6iliar' contact shall be provided, minim!m *NC

and *N$ for each contractor !nit.

1B. 0SA+ C@AM2+

"a& !s bar chambers with rated operational c!rrents above #$$ A shall

be t'pe tested to a short time c!rrent capacit' e(!ivalent at last to that

of the incomin switchear and t'pe tested to the rated operational


"b& A b!s bar chamber shall contain # sets of f!ll' si;ed, hard drawn

copper b!s bars electro8tinned and s!pported on epo6' resin or other

approved ins!lators. The b!s bar chamber shall be totall' enclosed

and man!fact!red from sheet steel s!itable r!st proved and painted or

hot dip alvani;ed. The front cover and end plates shall be removable

and normall' held in position b' non ferro!s metal screws.

"c& 2ach b!s bar shall be colored to indicate the phase to which it is

connected. Colorin shall comprise a band of paint in one position on

the shall not be painted thro!ho!t its lenth.

"d& Items of switchear or associated e(!ipment shall be connected or

 7ointed to a b!sbar chamber b' means of properl' desined

connection flanes havin similar material and finish of the b!s bar

chamber, or b' means of cond!it co!plers and b!shes to thesatisfaction of the 2nineer.

"e& Interconnection cables between a b!sbar chamber and other items of

switchear or associated e(!ipment shall be copper cond!ctors and

shall be si;ed in accordance with .S. <#? :arts 1 and * or the l22

irin re!lation.


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 All wirin shall be arraned in a re!lar manner with bends set at $o andsec!rel' held in position with s!itable clips and where convenient shall be

installed in the !p riht and)or bac3sta's.

Meter wirin for the switchboard shall be carried o!t in :-C ins!lated

cable of not less than 1.<mm*. All meters wirin shall be of similar colo!r

to those of respect veb!sbars to which connections are made. The cable

terminations shall be made with approval l!s.

irin shall be carried o!t in s!ch a manner as to ma3e circ!its and

connections easil' traceable. Cable mar3in ferr!les shall be !sed at each

terminators. Terminal shall be desinated in an approved manner.


1. SCO:2 O> O+

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This section o!t the re(!irement, standards, wor3manship and the e6tent

of wor3 in relation to the s!ppl', installation of electrical accessories, lihtfittin, wirin and switchin etc.


Concealed cond!it wirin s'stem shall be enerall' adopted thro!ho!t

the installation e6cept in services plant areas, inside false ceilins as noted

in drawin where s!rface cond!it wirin shall be !sed.

The specification of cond!it installation is the same as that stip!lated in

above mentioned relevant cla!ses of this specification.

/. LI4@TIN4


 All liht fittins shall be man!fact!red b' a rep!table lihtin

man!fact!rer and shall bear the reistered trade mar3. All liht fittins be as indicated on the liht fittins sched!le. >ittins b'

alternative man!fact!rers m' be considered provided that the

performance and (!alit' are the same or hiher than the specified

ones and shall be s!b7ect to the acceptance b' 2nineer and shall

compl' to the followin.

L!minaries shall be well constr!cted and shall compl' with the

re(!irements of S#<// and be choses to s!it the conditions !nder

which it will be operate. The' shall be s!itable for operation on **$volt, sinle phase <$ @; s!ppl'.

"b& >l!orescent >ittins

 All fl!orescent lihtin fittins shall be installed complete with t!bes,

control ear, lamp holders and accessories s!itable for operation on

**$ volts, sinle phase, <$@; s!ppl'. The ho!stin shall be

man!fact!red from best (!alit' mild sheet steel. All control ear, wirin

and accessories shall be ho!ses completel' inside the metaNio!sin.

The entire ho!sin shall be speciall' treated to prevent r!st andPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 */1

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 All ballasts shall be nat!rall' cooled pol'ester filled t'pe with class ains!lation compl'in with S *1 11.

 All starters shall compl' f!ll' with S /BB* 11. The canister shall be

made of electricall' safe and non8corrosive material capable of

withstandin hih temperat!res. A ceramic disc t'pe radio interference

s!ppression capacitor shall be fitted internall' to each canister, wa6ed

paper and foil t'pe capacitors will not be accepted. All capacitors shall

compl' f!ll' with S #$1B 1B and shall be s!itable to correct power

factor to not less than $.< lain.

 All fl!orscent t!bes shall be of the be8pin ener' savin, incompliance

with S 1</ and have a rated life of not less than B<$$ ho!rs. The'

shall be of the (!ic38start pattern shall operate at a colo!r temperat!re

of /<$$ !nless otherwise specified.

 All fl!orescent lamps e6cept those !nder dimmer control will be the

ener' saver "hih efficienc'& t'pe with the followin minim!m

maintained l!men o!tp!t "after *$$$ ho!rs operation&.

8 ?$$ mm ` 1 watt, 1*$$ l!men.

8 1*$$ mm ` /?watt, *<$$l!men.

Special for all l## "lobb', colo!r corrected lamps refer to incandescent

fl!orescent lamps similar to :hilips colo!r <#&

"c& Special re(!irements for o!tdoor L!minaires O!tdoor L!minaires shall

be able to withstand the weather. Metal wor3 sho!ld be protected

aainst corrosion, and l!mnaire parts which have to removed foraccess to the interior sho!ld be properl' as3eted to restrict the

entrance of moist!re and dirt. Stirr!p mo!ntin and similar parts shall

be heavil' alvani;ed and bolts shall either be made of stainless steel

or be alvani;ed, and bolts shall either be made of stainless steel or

be alvani;ed.

The ad7!stment n!ts and bolts of the l!minaires that wifl be mo!nted

hih on b!ildins or colo!mns shall be captive to prevent l!minaire

mo!nted at hih position droppin. The l!minaires installed in s!ch

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locations that are within hand reach shall bestronl' contr!cted, fitted

with an impact resistant transparent or diff!sin cover, an shall havesecret 3e' fi6ins for the cover to the bod' of the l!minaires. here

necessar', wire (!ards shall be fitted over the cover to ive e6tra


"d& !l3head L!minaire

!l3head l!minaire shall have s!bstantial front cover sec!red b'

captive screws. The lass to metal 7oint in l!minaire shall be water

tiht of 1:*/. The interior of the5i!mnaire shall be finished in white

vitereo!s enamel.

Incomin cond!its shall be laid so that no moist!re can drain towards

the l!minaire. An' spare o!tlet shall be pl! to the satisfaction of the


"e& 4as Dischare L!minaire

L!minaires for as8dischare lamps, s!ch as fl!orescent, merc!r'

vapo!r, sodi!m vapo!r etc., ich !tili;e cho3es at part of the circ!it

shall be complete with capacitors of s!fficient capacitance to ens!rethat the overall power factor of the lihtin circ!it does not fall below

$,< lain. The control ear shall be placed as near as possible to

the dischare lamp it serves.

"f& S!spended lamps and Liht >ittins

here a lamp or liht fittin is s!ppended other than b' means of a

riid pendant, it shall be connected b' means of a fle6ible cord, e6cept

other5Mse as directed. A sample of the method of s!spension of lampsshall be demonstrated on site for the approval of the representative of

the 2nineer before completion.

"& Lamp holders

No lamp holders shall be connected so that the voltae between its

terminals ma' e6ceed the voltae for which the lamp holder is

desined. Lamp holders shall not be connected in series across

voltae rater than *<$ volts.

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 A lamp holder shall not be !sed for the connection of a lamp ofwattae rater than *$$ att for normal ba'onet lamp holder.

 An' lamp holder ma' be deemed to be an all8ins!lated lamp holder for

the f!rpose of trisr!le if there is no e6posed metal of either lamp holder

or lamp after the lamp has been inserted.

If a ba'onet lamp holder is so constr!cted that terminals move with the

connect pl!ner, connection to s!ch lamp holder shall not be made b'

other than ple6ible cord.

2ver' lamp holder of the 2dison screw t'pe, other than those

incorporated in portable appliances, shall be connected to the s!ppl'

so that the ne!tral cond!ctor of the s!ppl' is not connected to the

centre contact.


"a& T!be :endant

T!be pendants shall comprise a dome cover and a piece of screwedsteel cond!it of s!itable lenth to ive the re(!ired mo!ntin heiht of

the l!mina ire. A loc3 n!t shall be provided to bear aainst the cond!it

entr' of the l!minaires.

"b& Cable 2nclosed L!minaire

Cables within an enclosed t'pe l!minaire shall be properl' protected

aainst damae d!e to the e6cessive heats enerated b' the lamp

within the L!minaire.

:rotection shall be b' means of sleevin the the ins!lation of the

cables with fibre lass or other e(!ivalent heat resistant ins!latin

materials. The sieves shall be provided for all cables within the

l!minaire and shall e6tend to a distance of 1<$ mm o!tside the


 Alterativel' protection shall be b' means of !sin heat resistin cables

selected in accordance with the l22 irin +e!lations.

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"c& :aintin of e6posed metal part and cond!it pendants

Metal parts s!ch as cover plates for adaptable bo6es, blan3in plate

for an' bo6es and cond!it pendants, etc. Shall be painted white or a

s!itable colo!r to match the interior finish of a partic!lar location.

"d& =oints and Connections in Liht >ittins

no 7oint or connection shall be made within a liht fittin, e6cept in

space incorporated therein for the p!rpose. An' cables !sed for wirin

within a liht fittin shall be of a t'pe s!itable for !se at the operatin

temperat!re within the fittin.

"e& Lamps Near >lammable Material

2ver' lamp which is near flammable material shall be s!itable shielded

b' a reflector !ard or enclos!re. >lammable shades shall not be !sed

in s!ch a manner that the' are liable to come in contact with an' lamp.

Nitro8cell!lose base material shall not be !sed for shades, reflectors,or candle t!bes, or in an' sit!ation near a lamp.

"f& Liht >ittin in Areas with >alse ceilins

Liht fittin in false ceilin shall be self s!pported b' s!spension rods

or chains, irin from ceilin bo6 to fittins shall be in :-C):-C

Cables. The S!bcontractor shall chec3 the false ceilin pattern with

the Main Contractor and coordinate with the fire services S!b8

contractor and Air conditionin S!bContractor before installation of thefittins.


"a& 4eneral

2lectrical accessories shall be enerall' in white colo!r, compl'in

with relevant S.

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"b& Soc3et O!tlet

Soc3et o!tlet shall be / pin, 1/A or 1<A as shown on drawins. All

soc3et o!tlets shall be switched or non8switched, sh!ttered t'pe

compl'in with .S. 1/?/ and <#? respectivel'.

"c& >!se Connection 0nit

>!se connection !nit shall compl' with S 1/?/ and provided with *A

to 1/A cartride f!se lin3 havin earthin facilities for connections to

the metal wor3 of c!rrent appliances bein fed.

"d& Appliance Control Switches

 Appliance control switches shall be D.:. or T.:. fl!sh pattern, all

ins!lated, white colo!r with pilot liht havin the ratin of *$A)/$A and

shall compl' with S /?B?. :roper words shall be enraved onto the

plate to desinate the appliance served, s!ch as air conditioner5,

^e6ha!st fan5 etc.

"e& Cable Connection 0nit

The cable connection !nit shall be fl!sh mo!nted t'pe with terminal

bloc3s s!itables for fi6in onto the S #??* bo6. :-C ins!lated and

sheathed cable with circ!it protective cond!ctor shall be !sed from the

!nit to the appliance served.

"f& Switches for controlfln lihtin circ!it shall be roc3er operator to

.S./?B? and rated at 1$ apms. AC. circ!it load shall not e6ceed amps. >or t!nsten t'pe lihtin fittins and ? amps. >or fl!orescent

t'pe lihtin fittins.

"& Switches

Switches mo!nted o!tdoors, or in positions where the' ma' be

e6posed to rain or water, shall have watertiht enclos!res with I:<A in

accordance with S</$. Alternativel' the' ma' be mo!nted inside

watertiht enclos!res b!t shall be s!b7ect to the statisfaction of

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"h& Time Switches

Time switches shall be mains operation and comprise a self8startin

s'nchrono!s motor, a main sprin of cloc3 mechanism which drives

the o!t p!t spindle carr'in a switch operatin dial, The cloc3

mechanism shall be controlled b' an escapement mo!nted

hori;ontall' to ive acc!rate time 3eepin. Switch contacts shaft be

coated with silver cadmi!m o6ide.

The time control !nit shall be pl!8in t'pe and shall permit instant

removal and replacement witho!t dist!rbin the wirin. The !nit shall

be s!pplied complete with a soc3et bloc3 which shall be permanentl'

sec!red and wired into position.

The !nit shall be fitted with a man!al /8position "ON8A0TO8O>>& lever

b' means of which the ne6t FONG or FO>>G operation can be preset

witho!t dist!rbin the normal a!tomatic switchin se(!ence. The level

shalt be of latchin t'pe and shall remain in either FONG or FO>>G

position, !nless it is reset to Fa!toG.

The time switch shall be off sprin reserved t'pe to maintain the cloc3

mechanis to contin!e to f!nction of power s!ppl', the motor shall

restart and (!ic3l' chare the sprin to f!ll' chared condition.

The time switch shall have a viewin window in the front cover for

vis!al chec3in of the movin mechanism.

?. :A+TIC0LA+ >O+ T@IS :+O=2TCT

"a& The 2lectrical Contractor shall s!ppl' and install a complete final s!b8

circ!it wirin s'stem incl!din commissionin and testin of the wor3

as shown on drawin and stip!lated in this specification.

"b& Method of wirin

The method of wirins installation in the areas will be as follows

S!rface Cond!it irins

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8 Transformer rooms8 Switch rooms

8 :!mp rooms

:-C):-C S!rface irin

8 All areas where there are false ceilin in office areas. Cable shall be

attached to messener ires.

8 Concealed Cond!it irins ">le6ible Connection or special

arranement m!st be installed at b!ildin e6pansion 7oints&

8 All area with the e6pection of the areas as specified in items above

"s!rface cond!it wirins&

8 All p!blic area, staircase.

8 All toilets

8 Sec!rit' alarm and remote control s'stem.

"c& The position of each liht fittins as shown on the Drawins are for

!idance onl', the 2lectrical Contractor shall chec3 the Architect!ralDrawins "or +eflected Ceilin :lan& for the e6act location off each

liht fittins before the cond!it wirins.

"d& The 2lectrical Contractor shall also s!ppl' and install a complete final

s!b8circ!it wirin s'stem thro!ho!t each office floor as indicated on

the la'o!t plan. This incl!de all the lihtin points, power soc3et

points, connection points and spare !nit etc. as shown drawins.

"e& :rovision of T:N MC distrib!tion board shall be provided for eachoffice floor. Sample of distrib!tion board sho!ld be s!bmitted for

approval prior to orderin.

"f& The Contractor is re(!ired to ta3e meas!rement of the loadin on all

s!b8mains circ!its "e6cl!din final s!b8circ!it for lihtin and small

power& Shortl' after occ!pation. The res!lts shall be indicated In the $

M man!al. All the electrical accessories, s!ch as lihtin switches,

soc3ets, etc, m!st be of same colo!r thro!ho!t and be of the prod!ct

of the same man!fact!res.

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 All metal wor3 associated with the electrical installation b!t not formin fart

of a live cond!ctor, incl!din e6posed cond!ctive parts, shall be solidl' and

effectivel' bonded and earthed in accordance with the latest edition of the

L22. irin +e!lations and the ritish standard codes of practive C:


 A solid copper main earthin terminal of ample si;e shall provided at a

position near the main incomin switchboard for the connection of the circ!itprotective cond1ictrs, the main e(!ipotential bondin cond!ctors and the

earthin cond!ctors to create the e(!ipotential ;one. The main earthin

terminal shall be connected to earth via an erathin terminal shall be

connected to earthin cond!ctor to an earth electrode or a ro!p of


2arth electrodes shall be in rods of mild steel inner core with a bonded hard

drawn copper selve of an approved t'pe. The overall diameter of the rod

shall not be less than 1*.B mm and the thic3ness of the copper sleeve shallnot be less than 1 ohm. The minim!m lenth shall be *.# m. Additional

lenths, whenever re(!ired, shall each be of I .*m, connected toether b' a

co!plin. The penertratin end of the rod electrode shall be a hardened

steel point.

2lectrodes shall be driven in to the ro!nd within an earth pit. Onl'

approved tools, e.. electric hammer or pne!matic hammer, shall be !sed

for their installation.

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In case the earthin resistance achieved b' bone rod is not s!fficienctl' low

for the p!rpose re(!ired, additional lenth or additional rods shall be driveninto the ro!nd o!tside the resistance area of the other rods. A m!t!al

separation of /,<m is re(!ired.

2arth resistance 1$ m!st be achieved.


Circ!it protective cond!ctors m' be formed b' a separate cond!ctor)cable,

the metallic sheath or armo!red of a cable, part of the same cable as the

associated live cond!ctor, tr!n3in or d!ctin, or the metal enclos!re of the

wirin s'stem. >le6ible cond!its, :-C cond!its, the e6posed cond!ctive

parts of e(!ipment shall not from part of the circ!it protective cond!ctors.

>or ever' soc3et o!tletB a separate circ!it protective cond!ctor shall be

provided connectin the earth terminal of the soc3et o!tlet and that inside

the enclos!re accommodatin the soc3et o!tlet.

>or ever' lenth of fle6ible cond!it, :-C cond!it, a separate circ!it

protective cond!ctor shall be provide inside the cond!it to ens!re the earthcontin!it' of the installation between the two ends of the cond!it.

>or wirin s'stem !sin :-C ins!lated, :-C sheated cables, the circ!it

protective cond!ctor of ever' rin final circ!it shall also be r!n in the form of

a rin havin both ends connected to the earth terminal ar the oriin of the


:rovision shall be made in an accessible position for disconnectin a

protective cond!ctor from the main earthin terminal or the earth electrodeto permit testin and meas!rements of earthin resistance. No switchin

device shall be inserted in a protective cond!ctor.

 All cables !sed protective cond!ctors, incl!din earthin cond!ctors, main

e(!ipotent ail bondin cond!ctors, s!pplementar' bondin cond!ctors and

circ!it protective cond!ctors shall be identified b' the color combination

Freen and 'ellowG.

 A bare cond!ctors !sed as protective cond!ctors shall be identified b' the

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application of tapes, sleeves or disc, or b' paintin with the same colo!r



The earthin s'stem shall be earthed with cond!ctors able to carr'

ma6im!m short8circ!it c!rrents.

#. 2A+T@IN4 >O+ OT@2+ 290I:M2NT

"a& Telephone 2arths

The Telephone Compan' re(!ires a separate earth for the telephone

s'stem which shall be s!pplied and installed !nder this contract to the

approval of the per!cntI and the !ildin Services 2nineer.

"b& 2arth S'stem for 4enerators

the ne!tral point of the enerator alternator and the casin sha@ be

solidil' also separated for lihtin protection earthed, b' means of a C

connected to the enerator earth pit as shown on the drawins.

"c& 2arth s'stem for board cast facilit' "separated&

"d& 2arth s'stem for IT Centre "Specified&

"e& 2arth s'stem for an3 -a!lt "Specified&


 At the ear8thin terminal, a permanent label mar3ed with the wor3s

FSA>2TE 2L2CT+ICAL 2A+T@8DO NOT +2MO-2G in 2nlish and

Indonesian shall be permanentl' attached to the final ear8thin leads

connection. In addition to the above label, a f!rther label shall be attached

to the earth indicatin the s'stem to which the s'stem belons and the

n!mber of pits involved, i.e. FN20T+AL 2A+T@8:IT NO.*$> /G.

The si;e of letterin shall be ?mm and the laminations shall be reen white

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?. :A+TIC0LA+ >O+ T@IS :+O=2CT

"a& The s!b contractor shall s!ppl', install, test, commission and set to

wor3 an ear8thin s'stem as shown on the drawins and specified


"b& 2arth pits shall be provided b' Main Contractor. The contractor shall

liaise with the main Contractor in determin the e6act locations of the

earth pits on site.

"c& All switchboard shall be fitted with tinned copper earth bar over its entire

lenth to which the b!ildin main earth networ3 shall be connected.

"d& All distrib!tion boards shall be fitted with tinned copper earth bar over its

entire lenth to which the b!ildin main earth networ3 shall be


"e& On completion of the earth bed installation, the ear8thin resistancesha@ be tested and the res!lt shall be presented to the satisfaction of

s!ppl' Compan' and the 2nineer.

"f& 2(!ipotentialit' m!st be achieved b' means of bondin all circ!its and

cond!ctor on manner that red!ces potential differences between

elements of the lihtin protection s'stem, metal installation, cond!ctive

parts, electrical and IT, telecomm!nications installation at the facilit'.

"& All ro!ndin connections of copper to copper and copper to steelcond!ctors of *,< mm* and lare si;ed cond!ctor shall be e6 other mic

welded connection.

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1. 42N2+AL

The lihtin protection s'stem shall be installed enerall' in accordance

with ritish Standard Code of practice C: /*?. and :0I:: ":erat!ran

0m!m Installasi :enan3al :etir&.

*. SCO:2 O> O+

This section incl!des s!ppl' install lihtin head, down cond!ctor,earthin control, testin and repair d!rin maintenance period of the

complete lihtin s'stem accordin to this specification and also the

arranement of the permit from the a!thoritative bod' "safet' department&.


The mast shall be ade(!atel' s!pported on the Antenna of the b!ildin and

shall be si;ed to withstand wind velocities of !p to 1*$3m ho!r. S!pport b'

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means of !' ropes or similar will not be permitted.

The masts shall be made of fiberlass. The terminations shall be similar to

2> model LT or approved e(!ivalent with ade(!ate protection radi!s to

cover the entire b!ildin. The locations of the masts and terminations show

on the drawins are appro6imate onl'. The s!b8contractor shall verif' on

site the best location to cover the b!ildin from lihtin stri3e. The top of the

mast shall be at least ?m above an' hihest point of roof.


The s!b8contractor shall s!ppl' and install down cond!ctors in the location

shown on the Drawins.

The down cond!ctor shall be of screened coa6ial down cable similar to 2>

or approved e(!ivalent and shall be fi6ed at one metre centre and shall be

connected to the earth electrodes via test lin3s.

The down cable shall be coa6ial with one cond!ctor placed coa6iall' with a

second cond!ctor, each cond!ctor placed cond!ctor of <$mm of copper. IThe ins!lation medi!m between inner and o!ter cond!ctor shall have a 1)<$

microsecond imp!lse withstand not less than *$ -.

The coa6ial cables shall be located at least ?$$mm awa' from an' other

cables. Man!fact!rer5s instr!ction shall be strictl' adhered to d!rin



The s!b8contractor s!ppl' and install test lin3s in the down cond!ctor. The

test lin3s be of phosphor bron;e and shall be located in an easil' accessible

position for testin.


No 7oints and bonds in the s'stems, e6cept at test lin3s, air termination shall

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be allowed.


2ach down cond!ctor shall be connected to an earth termination networ3.

2ach of these terminations sho!ld have a resistance to earth not e6ceedin

* ohms. The whole of the lihtin protective s'stem wo!ld have a combined

resistance to earth not e6ceedin * ohms before an' bondin has been

affected to metal in or on a str!ct!re to services below ro!nd.

2arthin points shall be as shown on the drawins.


 All tests all shall be carried o!t in accordance with the ritish Standard

Code of :ractice O: /?* 1$1/.

 All tests shall be carried o!t in presence of and to the satisfaction of the2nineer.

. T+2NC@IN4

Trenchin where re(!ired for r!nnin the lihtin earth connection leads

shall be e6cavated to a depth of 1 meter.

The trench shall be bac3 filled and compacted with earth to its oriinal level.

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1. 42N2+AL

The e(!ipment shall compl' with .S. 1<$, I2C ?$/181 "1?&, I2C?$/18* "1<& and the admissible ambient temperat!re shall be raned

from $XC to #<XC.

*. SCO:2 O> O+.

On the whole the scope of wor3 will cover s!ppl', install capacitor ban3

complete with accessories material and testin commissionin.


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The capacitor shall be dr' t'pe metal film capacitor and provided with andade(!ate dischare circ!it. The resid!al voltae shall be red!ced to <$- or

less within one min!te after the capacitor is disconnected from the so!rce.

The capacitor losses shall be less than $.< watt)-Ar.

Ins!lation level /- rms)1<- erest standard voltae available /$ -olt to

<*< volt. The dielectric shall be made of plastic film "pol'prop'lene&

imprenated with a non :C aent.

Capacitor li(!id shall be inflammable and non8to6ic.

The reactive power control rela' shall be f!ll' electronic and a!tomaticall'

enerate switchin imp!lse to the contactors for increasin or decreasin

the capacitance to the circ!it. An a!tomatic dischare to earth mechanism

shall be incorporated.

The installation shall in cl!ed a series of capasitors with a!tomatic step

control and power factor sensin rela' so that a!tomatic p.f. re!lation in

accordance to the :LN re(!irement is achieved.

The capacitor shall be installed and sec!red on riid steel s!pport.

Capacitor case shall be earthed.

The s!b8contractor shall be responsible for appl'in to the power

companies for the necessar' testin and acceptance of capacitor

installation on completion.

Complete installation shall be carried o!t accordance with the l22

+e!lation, 1<th edition end to the satisfaction of the 2nineer.

 A0 switchear, capacitor ban3 shall be properl' labeled. @+C f!ses of

ade(!ate ratin shall be !sed to protect each step of the capacitor ban3 inthe circ!it.

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"a& Installation inside internal conditioned space, the e6ternal s!rfaces of all

e(!ipment, fittin and services incl!din s!pports, haners andbrac3ets shall be painted.

"b& All sheet metal control cabinets, switchboards and contrib!tion board

enclos!res and similar shall be painted internall' and e6ternall'.

"c& All s!rface to be painted shall be cleaned, prime coated, !ndercoated

and then finished with two finishin coats. 2ach coatin "incl!din

primin, !ndercoatin and the first finishin coat& shall be allowed to dr'

and shall be r!bbed down before the ne6t coat is applied. The minim!m

thic3ness of each la'er of paint shall be <$ micro8metre.

"d& The re(!irement for paintin of all pipewor3, cond!its etc, is in addition

to the colo!r codin or bandin specified in this Specification.

"e& All fibreclass and plastic s!rfaces.

"f& 4alvani;ed metal wor3 installed in false ceilins, b!l3 head and vertical


"& Chrome plated and stainless steel s!rfaces.

"h& earin s!rfaces, slides, ad7!stin screws and an' s!rface that is

re(!ired to be !npainted for the correct operation or ad7!stment of the



 All plant and other preparation shall be non8poisono!s, lead8free prepared

s'nthetic prod!cts of approved brand, conformin to the relevant ritish

Standard, bro!ht onto the site read' mi6ed in man!fact!rer5s sealed

containers and !sed to the man!fact!rer5s specification.

:aint shall be selected to withstand the temperat!re on the s!rface which it

is applied, and shall be s!itable in all respects for the environmental

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conditions in which it shall be located, In partic!lar, paintin for enerator

e6ha!st pipes shall be of head resistant t'pe capable of with standin thehih e6ha!st as temperat!re.

 All paint !sed shall be of one approved man!fact!re, and finishes shall be

f!ll loss !nless otherwise specified.

efore orderin an' primer, !nder coat and finishin paint, the S!b8

contractor shall propose the color scheme to the satisfaction of the


efore orderin an' paintin materials, the S!b8contractor satisf' the

2nineer the t'pe and man!fact!rer of all materials.

The S!b8contractor shall select all finishin and paintin materials from

t'pes s!itable for the s!rfaces to which the' are applied and for the

environmental conditions in each area.

#. :+2:A+ATION O> S0+>AC2S AND :+IM2 COATIN4

Metal s!rfaces shall be wire8br!shed to remove loose r!st and scale.Castins shall be either ro!nd smooth or alternativel' filled with approved

fillin compo!nd and the r!bbed to a smooth finish.

Steel plate and all rooled steel sections incl!din brac3ets and s!pport not

alvani;ed, shall be iven an application of cold phosphatin compo!nd

before bein prime coated with red ;inc chromated primer. Steel pipes and

cond!its delivered to the site !npainted shall be prime coated as specified

for steel plate.

 All alvani;ed or ;in coated steel s!rfaces and all non8ferro!s s!rfaces

shall be iven and application of :-)Qinc chromate self8etchin primer

before bein prime coated as specified above.

Machiner', apparat!s, e(!ipment and fittins deliverd to the site alread'

prime or finish painted shall be thoro!hl' cleaned down.

<. >INIS@2S

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2ach finishin coat shall be of a different shade. The final coat shall be left

smooth, even and free from the visible br!sh mar3s and other defects.

>or s!rfaces which shall operate below XC, the finishin coat shall be hih

rade al3'd enamel.

:ipin, cable enclos!re and cond!its shall be painted to a lass finish in

color or colors to satisfaction of the 2nineer.

The entire ^enth of pipin, cable enclos!res and cond!it installed in the

followin locations shall be painted

:lant rooms.

:ipin in trenches.

:ipin in the !nderro!nd floors and in vertical d!cts.

• herever e6posed to the weather or to view.

 All pipin, cable enclos!re and cond!its installed in ceilins and similar

concealed spaces have the identification colo!r applied in bands spaced at

? metre centres e6cept that ro!nd colo!r bands shall be provided ad7acent

to branches, 7!nctions, valves, floors and walls "both sides&. All s!pports, haners and brac3ets, where associated pipin or d!ct wor3 is

to be finish painted shall be painted to loss finish of colo!r blac3.

Machiner', apparat!s, e(!ipment and fittins "incl!din e(!ipment

delivered to site alread' painted& shall be painted to loss finish in colo!r to

the satisfaction of the 2nineer.

 A0 sheet metal control cabinets, switchboard and distrib!tion board

enclos!res and similar shall be painted inside and o!tside to a loss finish.

?. LA2LS

Inscription of labels and enravin shall be in both 2nlish and Indonesia


Labels shall be made of sandwich plastic material with white o!ter la'ers

and a bloc3 or red inner la'er as re(!ired. Letterin shall be enraved on

the plastic material b' c!ttin awa' one of the o!ter la'ers to the o!tline of

the re(!ired letters, e6posin the inner la'ers !nderneath.

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Labeles shall be fi6ed to switchear and distrib!tion board b' drillin on tappin of the e(!ipment is impracticable, approved

adhesive means m' be !sed s!b7ect to prior endorsement of the 2nineer.

The front plate of each switch soc3er or soc3et or control switch feedin an

essential circ!it ao a fi6ed electrical appliance, s!ch as water heater,

coo3er, wall8mo!nted fan, e6ha!st fan, room cooler, etc., shall be enraved

accordin to the appliance bein controlled. Detail of the inscription shall be

s!bmitted to the 2nineer for endorsement.

 All instr!ments, a!es, indicators, control e(!ipment, contractors, circ!it

brea3ers, switches, starters, rela's and cable terminals on switchboard, etc.

Shall be clearl' labeled and identified with their associated f!nction.

Letterin, shall not be less than 1*mm hih or otherwise re(!ired or

approved. Details of the e6act letterin shall be as areed with the 2nineer

prior to man!fact!re

B. SC@2D0L2 O> COLO0+S

The whole of the installation shall be fainted in accordance with the

followin sched!le

:ipe wor3s

a. Identification 8 .S. 1B1$ 1#

b. Color codin 8 .S. #$$ 11

 A0 pipes etc. shall be identified in accordance with .S. 1B1$ 1#.

Circ!mferential bands of standard ro!nd colo!rs shall not be less than

1$$mm wide on pipes !p to <$mm nominal diameter. S!pplementar' colors

shall be displa'ed as bands not less than *<mm wide in the centre of the

ro!nd color bands.

here letterin is re(!ired it shall be painted in contrastin colors in

accordance with the standard, in bloc3 letters not less than 1<mm hih for

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pipes !p to <$mm nominal diameter, and in bloc3 letter not less than #$mm

hih for larer pipes.

Identification bands shall be located where the' ere clearl' visible in each

room or compartment thro!h which the pipe r!ns, and shall be placed at

centers not e6ceedin ?m.

Direction of flow shall be indicated b' an arrow painted on the pipe ad7acent

to each color band. Arrows shall be B<mm lon on pipes !p to <$mm

nominal diameter, and 1<$ mm lon on larer pipes.

2(!ipment shall be painted and color coded to S /1C 1$ as areed

with the 2nineer.


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1. >I+2 STO: SEST2M

:revention and installation of >ire stop S'stem m!st be done b' the

specialist from that :rod!ct,

:revention and installation of >ire stop S'stem complete with material, s!ch

as fire seal and s!pporter)complementar' which m!st be proc!red, will have

a f!nction to protect the cable or to prevent the fire spread thro!h the

electric cable.

:laces where the cable will pass thro!h on ever' floor are electric and

telecomm!nication at office.

The re(!irements for the raw material)material of the fire stop s'stem are

8 @eat8resistant !p to 1$$$ deree of Celsi!s within * ho!rs,

8 No >lame point.

8 >le6ible and there is no diffic!lt' when chanin or addin new


8 All the materials have no characteristic to be d!st'.8 Shoc3)tremble8proof)not crac3ed.

8 Not consist of asbestos.

*. STANDA+D AND +2>2+2NC2

8 CIass A1 DIN #1$* Sec.#

8 IMO A #B* "HIII&.

8 S#B?#.

8 I2C8/11*.

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *<#

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 A. 42N2+AL +290I+2M2NTS

1& Commissionin of the e(!ipment m!st be carried o!t b' the

Contractor toether with e6perts from the relevant man!fact!rer ors!pplier. Commissionin m!st also be coordinated with other wor3


*& Commissionin e6perts from the relevant Contractor m!st be

e6perienced and trained in their field. 9!alifications of

commissionin e6perts m!st be s!bmitted to M ) the :lanner for


/& Testin of all installations m!st be carried o!t either in per8

area)part as well as a whole to indicate that the Contractors wor3

has been carried o!t in accordance with the re(!irements in

technical specifications.

#& All e(!ipments, incl!din s!pervision personnel and other

personnel for commissionin m!st be prepared b' the Contractor.

 All e(!ipments m!st be calibrated the acc!rac' and m!st be

approved b' M ) the :lanner prior to the commencement of


<& All the commissionin res!lts m!st be recorded in test record

format. The Contractor shall s!bmit testin proced!res and test

records format to M ) the :lanner for approval. At the completion

of commissionin and prior to final inspection and handover, the

commissionin res!lts m!st be s!bmitted in a form that has been

recorded "bo!ndin& to M ) the :lanner who have the a!thorit' to

witness the e6ec!tion and commissionin proced!res as re(!ired.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *<<

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peed b' commissionin e6pert personnel. Act!all' from s'stem

after.<& Immediatel' after the commissionin wor3 is done, the Contractor

shall s!bmit all complete data of commissionin res!lts in an

areed format to M ) the :lanner for all e(!ipments and s'stems

as stated in the technical specifications ini. mmediatel'.


1& M ) the :lanner has the riht to review and e6amine the electricale(!ipment which is in fabrication to ens!re that the e(!ipment is in

accordance with the standards and re(!irements as specified in

technical specifications. The electrical e(!ipment re(!ires tests to

be performed in the presence of M ) the :lanner to prove that the

e(!ipment meets the re(!irements of this specification. All costs

inc!rred in carr'in o!t tests at the man!fact!rer m!st be incl!ded

in the cost of the Contractor.

*& The contractor is re(!ired to s!bmit immediatel' to M ) the

:lanner in writin, in / "three& triplicate, a list of all e(!ipments both

local and imported which need to be inspected and tested are

witnessed b' M ) the :lanner prior to the e(!ipment will be sent

to the pro7ect site.

/& 0pon completion of man!fact!re, or prior to deliver' to the pro7ect,

all intended device materials and e(!ipments m!st be inspected

and tested before M)the :lanner. Tests are cond!cted in

accordance with the needs and re(!irements of M ) the :lanner.

#& The Contractor shall be responsible and ens!re that M)the

:lanner has been notified in writin at least a wee3 before the date of

the test.


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1& M ) the :lanner has the power to inspect all wor3s in proress,

once completed or partiall' completed and re(!ires the contractorto carr' o!t tests to prove that all wor3s performed incl!din its

materials and installation, f!ll' satisfactor' and meets the

re(!irements of this specification.

2)  After completin the electricit' installation, or an' part thereof, the

installation or part and all related e(!ipment m!st be s!b7ect to the

relevant tests set o!t in :0IL8*$$$, I2C, ritish Standards, the

latest edition I22 irin +e!lations, or AS /$1B K2lectricalTestin and 4!idelines K, to prove the installation installed in

accordance with this specification.

/& Testin witho!t the presence of M ) the :lanner is deemed invalid

!nless there is an' prior official written notice from M)the :lanner

so that the contractor can proceed with the testin process.

#& The Contractor shall ens!re that M)the :lanner is provided with

ade(!ate facilities to carr' o!t an inspection that all tests are

cond!cted in a safe manner and compl' with all safet'

re(!irements of prevailin laws and re!lations.

<& There is no paintin wor3 of e(!ipment !ntil after bein reviewed

b' M)the :lanner.

?& The Contractor shall be f!ll' responsible for his wor3 sched!le so

that the inspection and testin can be performed as specified and

the completion of wor3 be'ond the date specified in the sched!le

will be deemed completed and read' to be handed over !ntil after

all the inspections and testin carried o!t has been satisfactor'

and ood res!lts.

B& M ) the :lanner has the riht to withdraw, in its sole discretion,

the re(!irements in relation to the e6amination of materials,

e(!ipments and installation and testin witness on it. The

implementation of these rihts b' M ) the :lanner will not in an'

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wa' red!ce the contractor from the obliations to carr' o!t tests

assined to s!bmit a test certificate.& If there are errors or defects that arise d!rin the maintenance

period in one plantroom, its e(!ipment or installation, M ) the

:lanner has the riht to as3 the contractor to carr' o!t f!rther tests

to isolate errors or defects that are occ!rred and then prove that

the errors or defect has been repaired.

2. T2ST 2L2CT+ICAL O+The followin test m!st be done

1& Testin in accordance with :0IL *$$$, AS /$1B or latest

edition I22 irin +e!lations

Contin!it' test of ro!ndin cond!ctor ":2&, incl!din the main

cond! ctor and additional e(!ipotential bondin cond!ctor 

+esistance test of ro!ndin electrode.

Ins!lation resistance Test :olarit' Test.

Operation of resid!al c!rrent devices "+CCD)2LC&

*& !sbar test

/& The main panel and distrib!tion Test

#& :rotection rela's test

Test e6ec!tion method m!st be approved b' M) the :lannin

The Contractor shall ive notice two "*& da's prior to testin. 2ach testm!st be witnessed b' M)the :lanner. Test res!lts m!st be s!bmitted

to M)the :lanner in triplicate no later than 1 wee3 after testin is

carried o!t.


It is implemented in accordance with the directions on :0IL *$$$ or AS

NQS /$1B.

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efore the s!bmission of the installation m!st be tested before the

pro7ect Owner ) M and the :lanner with a ma6im!m load capacit' andcontin!o!sl' for / 6 *# ho!rs.

If d!rin the testin process too3 place occ!rred damaes the

Contractor shall restore s!ch in its oriinal state as soon as possible

and over b!rden ) responsibilit' of wor3 e6ec!tor.


 A. 42N2+AL

1& All materials, e(!ipments and safe and reliable lihtnin protection

s'stem components shall refer to the S 2N <$ 1?#standard

*& All lihtnin rod and ro!ndin wor3 m!st be carried o!t b'

specialist s!bcontractors who have e6pertise in their field and

minim!m of 1$ 'ears e6perience.

. SCO:2 O> O+

The scope of wor3 of the contractor is the desin, proc!rement,

installation and testin of protection s'stems ) lihtnin rod and

ro!ndin as set o!t in the drawins and technical specifications.


 Apart from chanes in the contract doc!ments, it refer to the latest

re!lations and recommendations of

• :0IL *$$$ 4eneral +e!lations on 2lectrical Installation

8 *$$$

• SNI $/8B$1<8*$$# Indonesian National Standard

• I2C ?*/$< Lihtnin :rotection

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *?1

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• S B#/$ :ractical 4!ide for 4ro!ndin

• S 2N <$ 1?# Lihtnin :rotection Components Test

• S ??<11* !ildin Str!ct!re :rotection aainst



The main components of lihtnin protection s'stem are

• Termination water

• Down Cond!ctor

• Clamps, Clips and >!rseweld 26othermic connections Test =oints

• 2arth Termination c)w earthin loops


1& The installation of all the cond!ctors and components m!st be

correct, so that the wor3 that has been alread' done does not

damae the appearance of the b!ildins, while still considerin the

necessar' chec3s and maintenance for s!ch b!ildins stand.

*& All components m!st have ade(!ate mechanical and electrical

characteristics and was chosen to achieve a minim!m lifetime of *$

'ears. All materials m!st be prepared to obtain approval from

M)the :lanner.

/& :lannin of lihtnin protection can not onl' ens!re the protection

of b!ildins from the downward stro3e onl', b!t also flashes !pward

into consideration the heiht position of the b!ildin. The desin

m!st have the principle of a >arada' cae to protect h!mans and

e(!ipments in the b!ildin, as well as flashes from the side is not


>. T2C@NICAL +290I+2M2NTS

1& Termination ater "Terminal Tr!n3&

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *?*

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Termination water "terminal stem& m!st be installed firml' and

sec!rel' as bolts, n!ts and clamps to enerate a ood electricc!rrent flow, startin from the terminal water to the str!ct!re

cond!ctor of the roof of the b!ildins and ens!red all e(!ipments

are installed properl' even !nder mechanical stress d!rin the

c!rrent deliver' from lihtnin. Termination Networ3 for e(!ipment

or b!ildin transmission can be enerated thro!h the 1$m6*$m

mesh networ3 or terminal vertical. +oof cond!ctors of b!ildins

shall be installed with a clamp for ever' distance of 1m. Overallm!st be connected into one to form a lihtnin protection s'stem

which is paralleled b' the str!ct!re of the b!ildin.

*& Down Cond!ctor 

The n!mber of cond!ctors cond!ctivit' connectin the cond!ctors

cond!ctivit' shall be installed as shown in the plannin drawins.

2ach deliver' down to the room or the roof of the b!ildin !sin

coppers havin the hih prod!ctivit' with the si;e of *<mm 6 /mm,

in accordance with S2N 1/?$1 or can also !se al!min!m tape in

accordance with the S *81/<$ standard, drawn from the roof of

the b!ildin to fall into an' ro!ndin termination on the ro!nd

floor, with connections in parallel so as to avoid press!re from lare

electrical c!rrents d!rin the process of lihtnin c!rrent deliver'.

2ach cond!ctor cond!ctivit' m!st be sec!rel' installed with a

distance of 1m, and is connected with the termination of ro!ndin,

and shall be able to withstand the mechanical press!re d!rin

channelin the lihtnin. The copper ribbon or al!min!m !sed as a

cond!ctor cond!ctivit' m!st have the same si;e as the cond!ctor

on the roof. The cond!ctors cond!ctivit' shall be installed on a

re!lar basis aro!nd the col!mn str!ct!re of the b!ildin.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *?/

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/& ondin of metal material

 All metal materials m!st be bonded to the lihtnin protections'stem. >or lon8si;ed metal ob7ects s!ch as pipes, plates, cable

tra', etc., m!st be done bondin.

#& Corrosion

 All materials !sed for lihtnin protection s'stems m!st be resistant

to corrosion. A care m!st be iven to the relationship between

different metals materials s!ch as copper and al!min!m, bimetallic

connectors m!st be installed.<& =oints

Down cond!ctors shall be carried o!t 7oint test, which is !sef!l to

avoid interference at the time of the ro!ndin meas!rement.

Cond!ctivit' down which alwa's !sed to connectin the 7oint test of

the disc t'pe and ro!ndin s'stems, m!st be made of copper and

has the same si;e as the above cond!ctivit'.

?& Termination of Lihtnin 4ro!ndin

4ro!ndin termination m!st be connected to each down

cond!ctivit' from the roof of the b!ildin. An' termination of

ro!ndin m!st have resistance of ro!ndin no more than < ohms.

 All ro!ndin terminations m!st be connected >!rseweld toether

with the electrode ro!ndin of an' lihtnin protection s'stem,

which it is connected with a ro!ndin networ3 circle. The circle of

the ro!ndin s'stem m!st be planted with a minim!m depth of

?$$mm. All ro!ndin rods m!st be bonded with *<mm 6 /mm

copper tape, th!s formin a closed loop. All connections e6cept for

those in control tan3s shall !se s!ch hih8(!alit' clamps s!ch as


B& 4ro!ndin Termination for electrical and e(!ipment

 All ins!lator materials related to electrical devices, each electrical

s!bstations, casin, and armo!red cable, m!st be ro!nded with

*<mm 6 /mm copper ribbon to the ro!ndin networ3 locatedPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *?#

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aro!nd the location of electrical e(!ipments. The main ro!ndin

networ3 and potential e(!ation bondin m!st !se copper tapecond!ctor with hih cond!ctivit' and :-C ins!lation that is

reen)'ellow. The cond!ctors m!st have contin!it', and there

sho!ld be no connection.

Non8metal e(!ipment s!ch as cables, the main antenna, etc., m!st

be connected to * separate ro!ndin cables. Cross8sectional area

of bondin cables for electrical e(!ipment that is v!lnerable to

lihtnin "e cables& can not be less than B$mm* and the bondincables for other non8electrical e(!ipment can not be less than

*<mm. All connections m!st be made b' wa' of pinned, similar to

Thomas etts s3!n cable, done at the time of completion with the

perfect to protect s3!n and all the coppers from the infl!ence of the

air. An' electrical e(!ipment, ro!ndin termination sho!ld have

ro!nd resistance no more 18< ohm of the n!mber of ro!ndin

termination. All ro!ndin terminations m!st be connected toether

with the ro!ndin rod from an' electrical e(!ipment ro!ndin

s'stem and create a networ3 of ro!ndin. This networ3 m!st be

planted at a depth of ?$$mm. All rod ro!ndin m!st be

interconnected with *<mm 6 /mm copper tape and form a circle

closed. Installin ro!ndin m!st be maintained from corrosion and

mechanical damae.

& Main ar 4ro!ndin and Liaison Cond!ctor 

4ro!ndin bar with ? hole is similar to the >!rse artificial namel' L

and :ol'mer inspection pit shall be installed in a safe area,

preferabl' on a cable channel which is ?$$mm above the floor

s!rface. The main bar ro!ndin m!st have a hih cond!ctivit' and

e(!ipped with ceramic ins!lator material, and attach to the wall.

4ro!ndin bar m!st have s!fficient lenth to accommodate a cable

connection ) copper tape to

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• 4ro!ndin cond!ctor between the ro!nd bars and rods


• Circ!it :rotective cond!ctors between the ro!nd bars and other

cond!ctive materials.

• The main cond!ctor e(!ali;in the voltae between bars that

loo3ed and cond!ctive bars. 4ro!ndin st!d m!st have a

minim!m si;e M

The si;e of the main ro!ndin bar m!st have a cross8sectional

area of not less than /$$mm*.

The main ro!ndin cond!ctor m!st be prepared with a s!fficient

n!mber of terminals holes, s!ch as cables s3!n, bolts, etc.

& 2lectrodes

2ach ro!ndin point m!st have 0L #?B S B#/$ standard, each

rod8plated copper and has a diameter of not less than 1#.* mm with

a standard lenth of 1$$mm, and made of steel core wrapped in

copper with threaded and soc3et 7oint, the tip of the head that canbe rotated and >!rseweld connection. Copper rod m!st have a

copper electrol'te la'er with a thic3ness of $.*< mm. The

Contractor shall determine the lenth and n!mber of electrodes

re(!ired for each ro!ndin, after the soil resistance meas!rements

are performed at a location. 2lectrodes m!st be connected with

copper tape of *<mm 6 /mm >!rse which is col!mned at a depth of

?$$mm !nderro!nd.

1$& The minim!m distance between two electrodes.

The minim!m distance between two electrodes m!st be twice the

lenth of these electrodes.

hen soil conditions led to a ro!nd rod is not li3el' to achieve the

desired soil resistance, it is necessar' to !se a series of electrodes

that are combined with copper tape of *<mm 6 /mm with depth of

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *??

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?$$mm below ro!nd, th!s formin the copper networ3 to achieve

the desired resistance val!e. All connections and >!rseweld connections m!st be !sed to obtain

a sec!re connection and s!fficient si;e to avoid corrosion.

4ro!ndin networ3 m!st enerall' be installed at a depth of ?$$mm

alon with *<mm 6 /mm copper tape that is connected with circ!it

circle aro!nd the b!ildin complete with ro!ndin terminations.

 After completion of installation, the contractor needs to perform

testin and meas!rements as re(!ested b' the officer s!pervisors,to ens!re a ood 7ob. The Contractor do not need to ive the cost of

the above.

2ach ro!ndin point m!st !se a clamp to connect tape copper and

electrode. This connection m!st be 3ept in the inspection bo6. The

inspection o6 m!st be made of (!alified pol'mer material, and 0-

resistant. @ave a resistance of < tons, and cover with the

dimensions of /$$ 6 *1*. >!rse has it with :T*$< t'pe.


 A. 42N2+AL

 All materials or e(!ipment s!pplied and installed b' the Contractor shall

be new in the sense that no salvae or o!tcome of repairs and materials

shall be s!itable for incorporation in the tropics. Materials m!st be of

ood (!alit' prod!cts from the latest prod!ction. Materials or

e(!ipments shall have s!fficient capacit' or ratin it m!st compl' with

technical specifications or re(!irements.

If deemed necessar' the contractor ma' choose a larer capacit' with

the terms

• Does not ca!se the s'stem becomes more diffic!lt

• Does not ca!se additional material

• Does not ca!se additional space

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• Does not ca!se additional costs

>or the materials mentioned below then the Contractor shall ens!re that

the oods are ood and new b' the wa' of showin the letter deliver'

orders from dealers ) aents ) factor'.

:anel e(!ipment Switches, circ!it brea3ers, rela's and contractors.

Lihtin e(!ipment Armat!re, liht b!lbs, ballasts and capacitors

Installation 2(!ipment soc3ets, switches.

Cable NEM, NEE, NE>4bE, C, HL:2

In Door Cable Stel88$$*)SII.$?*18*

On completion of the wor3, the Contractor shall commissionin the entire

installation and pit it into operation in accordance with the intent of this


 After commissionin and prior to :ractical Completion5, the Contractor shall

provide all necessar' facilities and instr!ments to satisf' the 2nineer that

the installation meets the re(!irements of the Specification, and when so

satisfied the representative of the 2nineer shall iss!e a Certificate of:ractical completion. The Defects Liabilit' :eriod will Commence from the

date of :ractical Completion, Immediatel' after the practical completion, the

s!b  contractor shall also be responsible for providin ade(!ate trainin of

two "*& plant attendants for a d!ration of not less than one wee3. D!rin

thee Defects Liabilit' :eriod, the Contractor shall carr' o!t re!lar

preventive maintenance in accordance with the recommendations of the

man!fact!re of e(!ipment installed !nder this Specification, or otherwise as

directed, and shall provide a fast, efficient and comprehensive brea3down

service.. SCO:2 O> O+

The precise method and re(!irement of carr'in o!t tests on the installation

shall be areed with the enineer and shall meet with s!ppl' compan'5s

re(!irement. The followin are minim!m tests that shall be carried o!t b'

the Contractor after the installation has been completel' erected and

connected !p "e6cept for those e(!ipment which tests have to be carried

o!t before connection is made& on site.

The Contractor shall s!bmit testin and commissionin proced!re andPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *?

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sample tests records to the 2nineer for approval within I month of award of

contract. The Contractor shall notif' the representative of the 2nineer aminim!m of B da's in advance of tests to be carried o!t so that witness of

the tests can arranes properl'.

 All instr!ments, tools, materials and labo!rs re(!ired to perform these shall

be provided b' 2lectrical Contractor.

"1& Main Switchboard

In addition to the factor' tests as stip!lated in the relevant section,

2lectrical S!bcontractor shall perform the sita tests in accordance with

the followin specified re(!irement.

@ih voltae press!re tests at *$- for a period of one min!te.

Ins!lation resistance tests on all main and secondar' circ!its at 1,$$$

volts D.C. and <$$ volts respectivel'.

Mechanical Inspection of rela's to ens!re that

8 +ela' movement is free, after removal of all transport pac3in

8 Manet ap and ind!ction disc are clean.8 4ap teeth are clean

8 Contacts are clean and ma3e sim!ltaneo!sl'

8 Contact ma3e when the time m!ltipler settin in ;ero.

8 The resettin times are within prescribed limit for the rela'.

8 >la mechanism operate in correct se(!ence with respect to


8 >la and reset 3nobs operate with the rela' cover on.

8 +ela' cover lass and as3et provide effective seal.

8 C.T. shortin and D.C. isolatin contacts for switches operatesatisfactoril'.

CT5s and -T5s Test

8 :olarit' mar3ins and connections verification of each CT. AND vt.

b' D.C. batter' alvanometer ^3ic3bac35 method.

8 CT. ration a verification b' local primar' in7ection.

8 Maneti;ation c!rve plottin of each CT. !p to the sat!ration point.

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Secondar' In7ection Test on +ela's. Secondar' in7ection on all

protection and alarm rela's !sin voltae and c!rrent of sin!soidalwave form to test the operation of the rela's. Secondar' c!rrent and

voltae meas!rements to be made b' an instr!ment of 3now acc!rac'

conformin to the relevant +emote Control S'stem recommendations.

:rimar' in7ection tests to prove the correctness of interconnections

between C.T ro!ps and rela's and to prove the satisfaction operation

of the Over8all protecifon s'stem of the switchboards. In7ection c!rrents

shall be at least e(!al to the f!ll load c!rrents of the switchboards and

of sin!soidal wave form at <$@;.

Mechanical Operation Tests of Switchears 2ach switchear to be

operated thro!h at least three "/& open8close8open c'cles in both

operatin and tests positions b' man!al or electrical operations.

 All control circ!it, a!tomatic chane over operations and interloc3s shall

be tested for correct operation. Chec3s for ease of rac38in and rac38o!t

all with drawable e(!ipment to be carried o!t.

Trip test of circ!it brea3ers b' man!all' ma3in ever' control rela'contacts.

:hase se(!ence test

 A tests on phase se(!ence shall be made on the main switch

)switchboard to ens!re that the switch has been connected in the

correct se(!ence.

"*& :ower Cables and b!sbar Tr!n3in

All power cables and risers shall be tested at *- for one min!te.

 All power cables and risers shall be tested for ins!lation with a 1$$$

-olt meer. Ins!lation val!es shall be obtaines between cond!ctors

and ro!nd and between phaseV and before and after the press!re


"/& L.- Distrib!tion and >inal S!b8circ!it irin

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-erification of :olarit' "l22 +e. ?1/81#&These test ma' be carried o!t b' !sin proper tests probes and a test

lamp where mains s!ppl' is available or !sin a contin!it' tester where

mains s!ppl' is mot available. The !se of neon indicators for polarit'

testin is not reliable and the' shall not be !sed for this p!rpose.

Meas!rement of the +esistance of the 2arth 2lectrode "l22 +e.


The resistance to earth of the main, and an' a!6iliar' earthin s'stems

shall be meas!red, both at the earthin electrode position, and at the

main switch)switchboard.

Ins!lation +esistance)tests of Completed Installation "l22 +e. ?1/8< to


Tests re(!ired are show in the able below8



Tests Conditions of Tests +esistance

1. Ins!lation +esistance to earth to earth 1 Mea 8 ohm

* Ins!lation +esistance 1 Mea 8 ohm

between poles or phases

/ Ins!lation resistance $,< Mea 8 ohm

to case or frame wor3 of 

live parts of fi6ed apparat!s where

disconnected for p!rposes of tests 1 and *.

Test of +in8circ!it Co!ntin!it' "l22 +e, ?1/8*& >or the p!rpose of

this tests the s!ppl' m!st be disconnected and the rin cond!ctor

m!st be disconnected at the point of test.

"#& Lihtin :rotection S'stem

The earthin resistance of the lihtin protection s'stem earth electrodePT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *B1

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or electrodes shall be meas!red if this electrode is separate from the

main installation earth. The resistance of each electrode to earth shallnot e6ceed * ohm. here more than one electrode is installed at an

earthin position the resistance of all the electrodes in parallel shall be

ta3en to be the earthin resistance.

"<& Other Tests

The contractor shaD carr' o!t an' other tests that ma' be re(!ired b'

the 2nineer or the local s!ppl' compan'. All the costs for these tests

shall be deemed to be incl!ded in the s!b8contract prices.

"?& Test +eport and +ecords

Test reports of site test shall be s!bmitted to the 2nineer within B da's

from the date of testin carried o!t.

Man!fact!rer5s test reports and t'pe test certificates on ma7or

e(!ipment s!ch as L.-. switchboards and enerators shall be provided

with the e(!ipment. +ecords of all the readins ta3en from the

miscellaneo!s tests shall be s!bmitted to the prepresentative of the2nineer for inspection and comments.


The contractor shall within 1# da's of reachin :ractical Completion

handover to the 2nineer three "/& copies of a Maintenance Instr!ction

Man!al. Man!al sho!ld comprise the followin

"1& A cover ivin the name of the development the title of the

doc!ment the name and address of the installation contractor 

"*& Inside pae ivin similar information to the cover b!t incl!din

contact telephone n!mbers for normal and emerenc' !se

"/& Contents pae.

"#& Description of the installation.

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"<& Sched!led details of all e(!ipment and plant.

"?& Operatin instr!ctions incl!din details of an' a!tomatic control


"B& Maintenance and fa!lt findin instr!ctions incl!din composite

sched!le of ro!tine maintenance.

"& Test reports and commissionin records.

"& +ecommended spare part and l!bricants.

"1$& List of e(!ipment and plant with man!fact!rer5s name and address

and local aent, if applicable.

"11& Man!fact!rer5s literat!re s!itabl' inde6 to incl!de shop drawins,

wirin diarams, performance c!rves, etc.

"1*& List of as8installed drawins.

Man!al sho!ld be prod!ced on A# si;e paper, all sections sho!ld bes!itabl' separated and readil' indentifiable or paes sho!ld be

n!mbered consec!tivel' and paes n!mbers incl!ded in the contents


>inall', approved man!als sho!ld be s!bmitted in loose leaf rin

binders with hard cover to facilitate storae.

 As8installed drawin ma' be folded and accommodated in the man!al if

appropriate. As8installed drawins sho!ld incl!de a diarammatic la'o!tof the complete installation with ma7or items of plant s!itable referenced

to the sched!les "item ^e5 above&.

 A set of the as8installed drawins sho!ld be provided for each cop' of

the C M Man!al re(!ired to be provided. In addition one set of cop'

neatives sho!ld be provided.

The 2lectrical contractor shall state in the operatin and Maintenance

man!al that all electrical connections have been chec3ed and indicate

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when re8chec3 is to be carned o!t.

D. S2+-IC2

The contractor shall !nderta3e to provide a comprehensive brea3down

service whereb' a (!alified electrician attends to brea3downs as soon as

practicable after a brea3down is reported and carries o!t immediate

remedial wor3 d!rin the defect liabilit' period.

here the contractor fails to attent the plant, with si6 "?& normal wor3in

ho!rs of notification of a brea3 down and where remedial wor3 is

interr!pted d!rin normal wor3in ho!rs for p!rposes other than obtainin

replacement parts prom the nearest so!rce, the representatives of the

2nineer reserves the rih to order s!ch action as ma' reasonabl'

e6pedite completion of remedial wor3 at the contractor e6pense witho!t

abroation of the contractor5s responsibilities.

2. :+2-2NTI-2 MAINT2NANC2

The Contractor Shall carr' o!t re!lar inspections at periods not e6ceedinone calendar month, and shall f!ll' service all plat installed !nder this

specification within the Defects Liabilit' :eriod, and d!rin that period.

 At each maintenance visit, the s!b8contractor shall

"1& Chec3 all lihtin and power circ!its.

"*& Chec3 all liht fittins., wirin accessories.

"/& Chec3 all phase loadin and phase balance the circ!it if re(!ired.

"#& Service all circ!it brea3er, switches, soc3et o!tlets, swith panels

starters, motors, transformerts etc. and chec3 their proper


"<& Inspect all cables, cond!its, tr!n3in, distrib!tion boards etc.

"?& Chec3 the proper f!nctionin of all control circ!its, sensin and

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indicatin devic6es, etc.

"B& Chec3 the acc!rac' of all timers and reset if re(!ired.

"& Test for the proper f!nctionin of all protective devices.

"& Chec3 the batter' charer and batter' condition.

"1$& +ecord all meter readins

"11& +ecord all services and replacement carried o!t and inform the

owner5s maintenance 2nineer of an' wor3 that needs rectification.

In addition to the monthl' maintenance sched!le, the contractor

shall at interval not e6ceedin si6 months

"a& Inspect and clean as necessar' all items of plant and


"b& Clean and ad7!st all switchear, contactors and startersV and

"c& :rove operation of all thermal overloads.

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1. SA>2TE +290I+2M2NTS

The contractor shall allow for the followin items related to safet' in switch


"a& +!bber Mats

The contractor shall provide in front of all floor mo!nted switchboards

r!bber mats 1$$$ mm wide, ?mm thic3 and the lenth of the


"b& Sinle Line Diaram

The contractor shall provided in the main L.-. switch room8 ^as installed5

sinle line diaram framed behind lass.

The diaram shall be not smaller 1$$$ 6 $$.

*. S:A+2 :A+T

"a& The Contractor shall incl!de in his tender an itemi;ed priced list for the

s!ppl' and deliver' of spare part recommended b' him for the

contin!o!s operation of the plant for a period of two 'ears, The spare

parts listed in spare parts sched!le ma' be ordered in part or not at all.

The contractor shall !nderta3e that in the event of a contract bein

placed with him the itemi;ed list of prices will remain valid for a period of

1* months from the date of acceptance of tender.

"b& All spare part s!pplied shall be new, !n!sed interchaneable with the

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"e& The tools provide shall incl!ded special tools and a!6iliar' e(!ipmentre(!ired for to the operation and maintenance of the switchboard and

enerator. All tools shall be s!pplied in s!itable tool bo6es complete

with a list of parts contained in each bo6.

SECTION XVII 8 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 3*#- )* -"/ =#$/ #? (#64

1. 42N2+AL

The installation shall comprise enerall' of the followin

a& :AH t'pe is I: :@ON2 :AH

b& Operator ConsolesV

c& :ower So!rceV

d& MD> "Main Distrib!tion >rame&V

e& Cables between MD> and Telephone set via :AH

f& The t'pes and nos. of telephone sets specified below and shown on the


& Separate ro!ndin 1* Ohm, the minim!m distance is *$ m from2lectrical ro!ndin and #$m from lihtin protection ro!ndin.

 All e(!ipment shall be chec3ed and approved b' the 2nineer and :0

before installation. A0 parts shall be m!t!all' compatible and properl'

interated to f!nction and operate as intended. Components shall as far

as possible be the prod!cts of one man!fact!rer who is re!larl'

enaed in the prod!ction of telephone s'stem e(!ipment.

*. SCO:2 O> O+


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On the whole the scope of wor3 will cover the followin

a. :roc!rement and installation of one I: :@ON2 :AH Capacit' CO

and ?# 26tension toether with the illin chare s'stem. The one that

m!st be proc!red is a :AH with 2!ropean)American standard.

b. :roc!rement and installation of connection for line telephone e6tension

and direct line.

c. :roc!rement and installation of the I: :@ON2 :AH s'stem to the

p!blic line networ3 of the Telecomm!nication Compan'.

d. Cond!ctin the entire s'stem test so that the said telephone s'stem can

f!nction e6actl' and rihtl'.

e. Arranin the license for testin and the connection of the said

telephone s'stem with Telecomm!nication Compan'.

f. :reparin the indoor networ3 "indoor wirin s'stem& from the

s!bscription connection Compan', coverin the proc!rement andinstallation

8 Cable !sin 0T: Cat ?, and telephone installation pipe

8 Telephone feeder cable 0sin 0T: Cat ?

8 Telephone contact bo6

8 Lihtin arrester 

8 4ro!ndin s'stem

8 Other e(!ipments which s!pport this wor3

. :roc!rement and installation of service hand set "operator console&,

standard hand set, e6ec!tive hand set complete with displa' and hands


h. @oldin the maintenance for the s'stem incl!din the s!ppl' of spare

parts for minimal of / "three& 'ears.

Cond!ctin trainin to the personnel who will !se the telephone s'stem.


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/. :AH I I: :@ON2 :AH

a& The :AH I I: :@ON2 :AH shall be the electronic s'stem and be

p!lse code mod!lation time division m!ltiple6 s'stem t'pe. Onl' C:0 of

simple6 s'stem.

b& 4enerall' the :AH I I: :@ON2 :AH shall provide the followin


i& Intercomm!nication for internal e6tensions.

ii& Direct access to e6ternal lines from desinated e6tensions.

iii& Access to e6ternal lines from !ndesinated e6tensions.

iv& -oice mail "voice messain&.

c& The I: :@ON2 :AH shall be capable of providin the followin special

f!nctions 8

I& A!tomatic holdin8on of on8line calls b' pressin a switch or dialin

on e6tension telephones when connected.

ii& Call transfer from one e6tension to another.

iii& Add another e6tension to an e6istin on8line cafl,

iv& hen console is !nattended the desinated e6tensions shall be

connected to incomin calls directl'.

v& A!tomatic attendance.

vi& The s'stem s!pport pain "paer& and local 4SM P e6pandable.

vii& 26tension a!tomaticall' disconnected after pitch tone has been

transmitted for a predetermined period of time.

viii& arrin direct toll calls from specific e6tensions.

i6& hen an e6tension or attendant at console enco!nters a called

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b!s' e6tension, incomin call ma' be stepped to a second

e6tension line b' dialin last diit of second e6tension if precedindiits of first and second e6tension are the same "Fcall advanceG&.

6& An incomin call transferred b' attendant to a b!s' e6tension ma'

be held waitin and then a!tomaticall' connected when called

e6tension becomes idle "Fattendant camp8onG&.

d& All :AH ) I: :@ON2 :AH e(!ipment shall be mo!nted in a proper

metal enclos!re.


The operator console shall be of a des3 top, cordless)hand t'pe. T'pe

complete with displa' specificall' desined for console and be provided

complete with headset.

< :O2+ SO0+C2

The e(!ipment re(!ired for power so!rce shall incl!de batteries, rectifierand enclos!re. The batteries shall be of the Nicad in a transparent

pol'st'rene case with clad positive plates and paste neative plates for a

total of #- and with a capacit' of 1$$ A@ or minim!m ? ho!rs operation.

The rectifier shall have a capacit' of B$ A and be of f!ll wave brided

metallic silicon operated t'pe with a rated inp!t of /$- AC, <$ @;, three

phase and havin rated o!tp!t of #- DC. oth batteries and rectifier shall

be mo!nted in the same cabinet.

 All related e(!ipment to be provided shall incl!de a!tomatic voltaere!lator. meters. switches, indication lamps and other accessories re(!ired

for a complete s'stem. Meters and indication lamps shall he mo!nted in a

visible location

? MD>

The MD> shall be of floor mo!nted, metal "* mm mild sheet steel& enclos!re

t'pe and be same dimension as S!ppl' cabinet. Test and arrester sprins

shall be provided

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a& S'stem Capacit'

1& CO line and 26tension lines +efer to drawin " CO and ?# 26t&

*& :er!mtel Line Capacit' +efer to drawin "? :STN Lines&

b& N!mberin Schema

1& Call bac3 and transfer @oo3 flash of telephone set.

*& 26tension to e6tension #8diitGHHHHG

/& :ain call 18diit, Dialin5sG

#& :ain answer 18diit, Dialin FBG

<& Add8on conference

?& 26chane line call via operator and operator call recall 18diit,

Dialin FG

B& Direct o!tward dialin access code 18diit, Dialin $G

c& Operator Console

The operator console shall be provided with the followin feat!res

1& Des38top8mo!ntin, complete with b!s' indication amp field and

diital displa'.

*& :rovided with handset and p!sh b!tton dial.

/& Matri6 3e' arra'.

#& Separate call recordin printed for SMD+ service with C+T.

d& D.C. :ower S!ppl'

1& +ectifier >!ll wave rectifier c!rrent *< "rated A&

*& atter' Capacit' ?8ho!r Operation NICAD "C!bicle T'pe&

e& Telephone Sets

oth of des3 and wall t'pe DTM> p!sh b!tton telephone sets fl Testers

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and tools for maintenance

The followin are to be provided b' the Contractor for the retention of

the 2mplo'er 

8 Oscilloscope

8 Test handset

8 Line test console

8 2lectric cable wrappin tool

8 IC loic tester  

8 M!lti tester  

8 Cons!mables


Main incomin telephone cable swill be bro!ht into 7!nction bo6 b'

:er!mtelt location as shown on the drawins :ipes, tr!n3ins, cable tra's

etc. That are re(!ired for installin the incomin telephone cables from

o!tside of the b!ildin into the room shall be b' this contractor.


Connectin from the :er!mtel 7!nction bo6 to main distrib!tion frame and

also TT "Terminal o6 Telephone& and to the final o!tlets, etc. shall be b'

this contractor.

Interconnection 7!mper wirin between incomin)o!toin terminal of all

distrib!tion frames shall be provided and connected b' this Contractor.

Telephone cables shall be tinned annealed copper cond!ctors, si;e $.?mm*

ins!lated with :-C which is self colored or color banded to provide circ!it

distinction. The wires shall be twisted in pairs and the re(!ired n!mber of

pairs shall be laid !p in concentric la'er formation into a compact cabe core

over which is applied a la'er of h'rocopic tape. A sheathin of :-C shall

be then be applied. The colo!r codin of the wires shall conform to I2C

:!blication 1

Cable for The 26tension line :hone will be !se LAN cable which is !se 0T:

Cat ? and cable for Co line which is connect to Tel3om Line ":STN& will be

!se =ell' Armo!red t'pe.

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 All cables shall be labeled at each end showin where the cables areconnected at the other end.

M!lti8pair cables connectin 7!nction bo6, main distrib!tion frames and TT

shall be labeled with sandwich t'pe plastic sheets with letters enraved on

the first la'er. The plastic sheets shall be tied to the cables nearb' the end

b' releasable cable tie "t'pe +2LIOO b' @eller Mann Ins!lin&. The words

enraved shall indicate the t'pe of the cable "n!mber of pairs&, to which

terminal bo6es it is connected "at both side& and the n!mber of terminations.

2mpt' cond!it with draw wires shall be provided b' this Contractor panel

from the TT5s to the o!tlet points as shown on drawins.

1$ CONT+ACTO+ +290I+2M2NTS

"a& The Contractor shall desinate an 2nineer to represent him in all

technical matters relatin to b!ildin, installation. S!pervision and

commissionin of the s'stem. The s!b8contractors shall provide all

cablin re(!ired for s'stem to wor3 in a manner implicit and am plied inthese specification. The Contractor shall commission the s'stem and

brin same to <J of performance re(!irements prior to re(!estin

acceptance b' 2nineer.

"b& >!rnish a floor plan and necessar' elevations indicatin area

re(!irements for e(!ipment as well as heiht, lihtin levels and fi6t!re

la'o!t and environmental conditions and tolerances.

"c& :rovide a letter from the telephone compan' confirmin acceptance andcompabilit' of the proposed s'stem, prior to contract award

"d& :rovide recommended list of parts for estimated two8'ear operational


"e& S!bmit proposal for total s'stem maintenance for a two8'ear period

which is to commence as soon as the one 'ear period of maintenance


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prior to commencin installation.

c. Contract is to ens!re that the s'stem installation completed with the local

a!thorities re(!irement.



 All materials and installations sho!ld meet the re(!irement ) standard from

N>:A "National >ire :rotection Association& 0L listed "0SA& and

re(!irements of >ire 26tin!ishers from local 4overnment.


The contractor m!st s!bmit to Constr!ction Manaement approval the


8 Capacit' of the e(!ipment.

8 Installation proced!re.

8 Characteristic of the operation mode.8 Dimension.

8 Others.

#. MAN0>ACT0+2+

The completed with contract list and s!b7ect to Constr!ction Manaementapproval.


>or all materials and e(!ipment the Contractor is re(!ired to obtain the

Constr!ction Manaement approval.


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The Contractor m!st coordinate with other Contractor as necessar'.


The Contractors shall provide # "fo!r& sets of operational man!al incl!din

maintenance proced!res to Constr!ction Manaement. This incl!des

trainin for Owner operator.

. SCO:2 O> O+

The scope of wor3s incl!de all items for the s'stem to f!nction as specified

incl!din b!t not limited to the below item

8 :roc!rement and installation of all fire alarm e(!ipment s!ch as smo3e

Detectors, I+)0- Laser Detector, man!al brea3 lass, Alarm ells,

sirens, lamp indicators "LC&, hand set fire fihtin telephones and their

wirin installation, etc.8 :roc!rement and installation of Master Control >ire Alarm panel and

master control fire fihtin telephone and their wirin installation.

8 :roc!rement and installation of power s!ppl' and batter' to serve the

above mentioned s'stem.

8 :roc!rement and installation of ro!ndin !nits.

8 Testin and commissionin.

8 License "permit& arranement to the local fire office.


a. 42N2+AL +e(!irements

This technical specification e6plains the description and re(!irements in

terms of s!ppl' and installation of all e(!ipment as well as the operation of

all fire alarm and portable e6tin!isher installations, either attached or

constr!cted o!tside the b!ildin, as shown in the drawins or in other parts

of this technical specification.

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b. Drawins

In the Tender Doc!ments, the drawins in the plannin which incl!de the

wor3 scope of fire alarm installation wor3 are drawins coded with EF.

Contractor shall chec3 the desin aainst the possibilit' of errors )incompatibilit' in terms of electrical (!antities as well as installation andthe li3e. The above matter m!st be in writin or the drawins s!bmitted atthe time of tender biddin orientation ) aanwai7;in. efore the wor3 iss!bmitted entirel' or in staes, Contractor shall s!bmit to M / "three& setsof drawins to be called Kas b!ilt drawinsK which are drawins of allmaterials and >ire Alarm / installation.

c. or3in Drawins ) Shop Drawins

>or each e6ec!tion prior to installation or provision of materials, Contractor

shall s!bmit to M ) :lanner for approval of the wor3in drawins ) shop

drawins at least /$ "thirt'& wor3in da's from iss!ance of the S:.

d. Standards ) +e!lations

 All materials and installations in this wor3 m!st meet the 4eneral

+e(!irements for 2lectrical Installation ":0IL& *$$$ S:LN and

international standards for >ire Alarms S'stems, applicable in the +ep!blic

of Indonesia.

e. Material List

 At the time of biddin, Contractor m!st incl!de ) attach the KMaterial ListG

which sho!ld be more detailed, listin all the material that will be installed

later in this pro7ect and all accordin to the re(!irements in the

specification.In the Material List, name of man!fact!rer of brand and t'pe m!st be

mentioned, complete with broch!res) catalos or an' other information on

specifications reardin technical wor3in voltae, power fre(!enc',

ph'sical dimensions, etc.

f. Specified Name of Man!fact!rer ) rand

If the name of man!fact!rer ) brand from one t'pe of material is mentioned

in the technical specification, Contractor then shall deliver and install

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:lanner ive directions in order to et res!lts in line with the installation


3. Man!al, Spare8parts and Instr!ctions

 At least 1 "one& month before the pro7ect is handed over to Owner,

Contractor shall s!bmit the man!al, spare8parts information, and

instr!ctions, all of which are necessar' for installin all e(!ipment.

l. !ilt8in Insert

Contractor shall provide all KinsertK and other additional e(!ipment which

are needed to be immersed in concrete and other installations.

m. 4ro!ndin

 All e(!ipment m!st be ro!nded accordin to the prevailin re!lations.

>or that, Contractor m!st ma3e wor3in drawins ) shop drawins for

approval b' M ) :lanner.

n. >inishin

 All materials installed m!st alread' be in a ood finished state as re(!iredVfinishin after installation is a re(!irement and this incl!des all

improvements the said materials and other wor3s, res!ltin from

installation wor3s which incl!de repairin, repaintin, cleanin and the


 All e(!ipment of the fire alarm which are visible s!ch as a cond!it pipe

which are not implanted, man!al call, bell, sinal ) location lamp, fire8

fihtin !nits and the li3e, m!st be finished in red paint, or another paint

color accordin to M5s approval.

o. arrant'

 All installation wor3 and the relevant e(!ipment m!st be !aranteedwor3in perfectl'. All wor3s are incl!ded in the scope of this 7ob sho!ld beiven free maintenance for a period of 1 "one& 'ear. After the period of free maintenance, Contractor ma' s!bmit a proposal tohave a maintenance contract to Owner, !nless otherwise specified b'Owner.

p. Trainin

To train operator or persons desinated b' Owner, to r!n, carr' o!t thePT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *1

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be. This is the responsibilit' of and costs for Contractor.

c. Master Control >ire Alarm :anel, A!6iliar' Monitor :anel

1. Master Control >ire Alarm "MC>A& to be !sed is the Semi Addressable

t'pe of 0L Capacit' "accordin to dra*in 'lans& with complete

Terminal e(!ipment

• Indicator) sinal ;ones• !;;er) horn• >ire riade telephone line• >ire >ihtin "fire p!mp& line

• Monitor line*. To facilitate identification, sins m!st be p!t !p for indicator) sinal;ones in each ;one location.

d. :ower S!ppl'

-oltae that ma' be applied is the DC voltae of not more than 1$$ -

voltae enerated b' the rectifier. In an emerenc' or :LN power s!ppl'

loss, batteries which can serve s'stem for # "fo!r& ho!rs sho!ld be !sed.

The batteries m!st be Nic3el Cadmi!m "NiCad&. atter' capacit' and

rectifier s'stem m!st be accordin to performance and fire alarminstallation as a whole.

e. >ire Alarm Detector 

>i6ed temperat!re detector of ma6im!m cover area

W #$ m] at ?<XC ma6im!m temperat!reW /$ m] at B<XC ma6im!m temperat!re

 A combination rate of rise and fi6ed temperat!re detectors for #$ m] cover

area at ?< X C ma6im!m temperat!re while for cover area of /$ m] at B< X

C ma6im!m temperat!re.

f. Smo3e Detector and 0-)I+ Laser Detector "flame Detector&

Smo3e Detector is a detector that wor3s on the basis of f!me consistenc'limits. Smo3e detectors can be :hoto 2lectric Smo3e Detector thatwor3s on the principle of red!ced liht ca!sed b' smo3e of a certainconcentration. Loni;ation Smo3e Detector that wor3s on the principle ofioni;ation c!rrents ca!sed b' smo3e of a certain concentration. The flamedetector detects infrared radiation "I+8radiation&. >ires of oranic materialshave a ver' hih spectr!m in the rane .The infrared flame detectors>D>**18 and >D>*#18 are intended for the detection of smo3eless

li(!id and as fires as well as smo3e8eneratin open fires which are

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enerated in the comb!stion of carbonaceo!s s!bstances, e.. wood,plastics, ases, oil prod!cts, etc Infrared flame detectors cannot detect firesof inoranic s!bstances, e.. h'droen, phosphor!s, sodi!m, manesi!m,s!lf!r etc. @owever, if s!ch s!bstances are b!rned toether withoranic materials, e.. pac3ain material, the detection is aainens!red. The !nit 0-)I+ laser t'pe sho!ld be Sensitiveness t'pe with coveraerane lenth in 1 m straiht and 1$ m hih installation

. Alarm ell

S!ppl' m!st be not more than 1$$ -. DC, indoor t'pe. ell is fitted into the

b!ildin and m!st have eno!h fre(!enc' to overpower the noise level at

medi!m level. Installation of alarm bell is placed accordin to the locationapproved b' M.

h. Man!al Call o6

Indoor t'pe, mo!nted on either a wall or door. S!ppl' sho!ld not be more

than 1$$ volt DC.

i. Siren ) @orn Alarm

Installed o!tdoor, in open areas, par3in or the li3e, complete with poles.

@ave s!fficient fre(!enc' to be heard clearl' either in b!ildins or other


11. O+IN4S O> D2SI+2D TE:2 O> ALA+M

Master Control >ire Alarm wor3s in a few se(!ences. If one of the

detectors ) ;ones is wor3in, it will send a sinal to the Master Control

which will activate the alarm bell to rin and th!s lihtin !p the sinal

lamp. If a eneral alarm occ!rs, Master Control will send a sinal toro!nd the lift, inite :ress!ation >an at the fire escape and the li3e. To re8

set the s'stem, Master Control is done man!all'.


• Master Control >ire Alarm is placed in operator monitorin room,

mo!nted on the wall.

•  A!6iliar' monitor panel is installed on a des3 monitor in the monitor

room, on !ard for *# ho!rs. The cable connectin the MasterPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *#

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 Addressable Control :anel and Mod!le o6 "Am& is in the wire rac3 )

cable tra'.• 2ach floor inside the b!ildin is served b' an Amb located in the panel

space. To connect each Am at each floor with >ire 2(!ipment

Master Control, / T: * cores cable 1 A4 is !sed, placed in the wire

rac3 ) cable tra', clamped on the shaft wall.

• >or installation s'stem of Am into man!al call bo6 fire detector or

bell, @IS cable si;e 1.< mm ] is !sed and placed into the :-C pipe

cond!it, installed above the ceilin.

• >or installin the wirin in series, tap point each fi6t!re at the end of

the installation, !sin the 2nd Of Line +esistor.• 2ach deflection ) bif!rcation ) contin!ation m!st !se 7!nction bo6,

stronl' mo!nted on each holder, clamped onto a wooden frame or

the li3e.

• >or pipe cond!it, 7!nction bo6 is embedded in the concrete, walls or on

the floor.

• Contractor shall coordinate with >ield S!pervisor ) M to place it

before castin.

• >or fire e6tin!isher, the fi6ed t'pe !nit is h!n on hanin holder,

mo!nted onto the wall anchor, or placed in the provided and specified

fire h'drant closet. Or placed as specified b' M and ad7!sted to field


• The sinboards m!st be made of iron plate, $. mm thic3 plate si;e,

ad7!sted accordin to n!mber of alphabets in 'ellow, red primar' color,

leible from a minim!m distance of 1$ m for normal e'esiht.

• Contractor shall cond!ct testin on all installations and fire alarm

e(!ipment, to be witnessed b' :ro7ect Owner ) his representative,

:lanner, M.

In the testin process, Contractor m!st !arantee all res!lts of his

wor3 with a report ) warrant' statin that the wor3 done is accordin to

tender offer and additional attachments and that all installations are

wor3in properl' and perfectl'.

@ence, the Licence on 0se orthiness from the >ire Department

"D:& is the responsibilit' of Contractor.

1/. MAT2+IAL +290I+2M2NTS

4eneralPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *<

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 All materials s!pplied and installed b' Contractor m!st be new, specificall'

for tropic installationV written approval from M ) :lanner is mandator'.Contractor m!st be willin to replace materials which are not approved

beca!seof deviation from the specifications or the li3eV s!ch replacements

are at no e6tra cost. The components of the materials which ma' be often

replaced m!st be selected on eas' obtainin in the free mar3et.


1* month for date Owner acceptance of the s'stem.

1<. :2+>O+MANC2 +290I+2M2NT.

"a& Main Control >ire Alarm

Main Control >ire Alarm shall be N>:A)0L listed)Local a!thorities

approved is installed in the basement at the control room where it is

considered as a strateic place so that it can be easil' reached b' the

>ire officers.

"b& Stat!s :anel

Indicatin L2DGs shall be provided in twin pairs , the other shall still be

able to indicate the alarm at red!ced ill!minated.

The ilim!ninated liht on the panel m!st be capable of bein t!rned off

!ntil the alarm inititin points have been restored to normal.

The panel shall be provided with a b!;;er which shall so!nd when an'

alarm is received ,A b!;;er isolatin 3e' witch shall be provided on thepanel for ac3now ledement p!rpose.

Indication of the followin monitorin sinals shall be provided as a

minim!m on the stat!s panel

+!nnin and overload of each fire p!mp

:ower fail!re for each fire p!mp set

>.S .tan3 over flow alarm

>.S .tan3 low level alarmPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 *?

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:ower fail!re of each h'drant set

@'drant bo6 brea3 lass !nit alarm Charer >a!lt for each batter' charer of all panels

Others shown on drawin

The stat!s panel shall also incl!de the followin

*#- D.C. < amp. Normall' open dr' contacts to be wired to the lift motor

control panels at the lift motor rooms for lift homin and escalator

control panel for trippin of escalator e(!ipment in case of fire "i.e. an'

smo3e)heat detector, brea3 lass&.

 A b!;;er shall be provided at the stat!s panel which shall so!nd when

an' alarm is act!ated.

 A b!;;er isolation 3e' switch shall be provided on the panel to enable

the operatin staff to isolate the b!;;er at his sole discretion.

F:ower S!ppl' ONG indicator, reen.

FS'stem OnG indicator, reen.

Fatter' OnG indicator reen.

 A p!sh b!tton I 3e' switch for lamp testin.

"c& atter' Charer and atteries

The contractor shall s!ppl' and install individ!al a!tomatic *# - D.C.

tric3le batter' charer and batteries with s!fficient capacit' to s!ppl'

master fire alarm and control panel and strat!s panel.

The charer shall have facilit' for man!all' operated boost charer,

capable of re8charin the batteries from f!ll' dischared to f!ll'

charer condition in not more than eiht "& ho!r.

The !nit shall be s!itable for !se on a **$- A.C. <$ @; sinle phase

s!ppl' and shall a!tomaticall' maintain the *# - nic3el cadmi!m

batteries in a stat appro6imate to f!ll charer and at the same time to

compensate for the standin load.

The batteries shall be capable of maintainin the s'stem for not less

than *#ho!rs and then be able to operate in the FalarmG condition for all

bells for not less than * ho!rs.


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>a!lt indication shall be iven in the stat!s panel when an' one of the

batter' charer is fa!lt' or when the D.C. voltae is low.

"d&. @eat Detector 

 A!tomatic heat sensitive detectors shall be s!itable for open circ!it

wor3in and s!rface mo!ntin onto <$mm dia. 2SA bo6es.

here rate8of8rise response is !ndesirable d!e to the probabilit' of false

alarms and shall be of self non8resettable t'pe conformin to S <##<

:art < 1BB and rated to response a fi6ed temperat!re not less than <#

derees C and not more than ?* derees C.

The heat detectors shall have a stat!s indicatin L2D for vis!al

s!pervision. hen the detector is actiated, the L2D shall lacth on

stead' and at f!ll

brilliance. The detector shall have a!6iliar' rela' and connections for a

remote L2D alarm indicator.

here false ceilin is present, decorative mo!ntin plates shall beprovided for fl!sh mo!ntin of the detector onto the false ceilin.

here the detector is fi6ed inside hidden places s!ch as false ceilin

voids, remote indication lamps with decorative base plate shall be

provided and mo!nted at ceilin level or hih level directl' !nder the

hidden detector.

No address or code shall be set neither on the smo3e I heat detectors

nor in the detector bases.The heat detector shall be approved b' 0.L.

"e&. Ioni;ation smo3e detector

Smo3e detector "ioni;ation smo3e detector& has a coverae area

aro!nd B< m*. Smo3e detector is e(!ipped with indicator lamp that can

flic3er and this means that the detector is still well f!nctionin and is not

in tro!ble, on the other hand, if the indicator lamp contin!o!sl' on, this

means that the smo3e detector detects a fire daner.

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The a!tomatic smo3e detectors shall be of the AM *#1 ioni;ationchamber t'pe conformin to .S. <##? :art 1 1BB. The smo3e

detector shall have a reversible response dela' s!ch as a detachable

factor' pre8set /$ seconds sinal interation feat!re.

 Alternativel' the reversible response dela' feat!re in the smo3e

detector can be waived provided that the fire control panel is b!ilt in with

reversible response dela' feat!re "s!ch as a detachable factor' pre8set

/$ seconds dela'& for each smo3e detector ;one.

The smo3e detector shall have a stat!s indicatin L2D for vis!al

s!pervision. hen the detector is act!ated, the L2D shall latch on

stead' and at f!ll brilliance. The detector shall be resettable after bein

cleared of prod!cts of comb!stion. The detector base shall have

a!6iliar' rela' and connections for a remote L2D alarm indicator.

The detector shall be capable of operatin satisfactoril' !nder a

reasonable variation in s!ppl' voltae, s!ch as normall' occ!r in

service d!e to chare and dischare of the alarm s'stem batter'.

hen false ceilin is present, decorative mo!ntin plates shall beprovided for fl!sh mo!ntin of the detector onto the false ceilin.

here the detector is fi6ed inside hidden places s!ch as false ceilin

voids, remote indication lamps with decorative base plate shall be

provided and mo!nted at ceilin level or hih level directl' !nder the

hidden detector.

Detectors shall be s!itable for proper f!nctionin in environment with

temperat!re ranin from 1$XC to ?$XC, relative h!midit' not less than$J. The smo3e detectors shall be approved b' 0.L. and local


"f& Alarm ell

 Alarm bells shall be ironclad, corrosion proof *# - DC operation, 1<$

mm ro!nd on pattern s!itable for *$mm cond!it entr'. +ed ons

shall be provided.

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*$$)*/$ mm diameter. eather proof t'pe alarm bells shall be mo!nted

on e6ternal walls as directed b' the 2nineer.

In sit!ations where the same lamps or L2D5s are re(!ired both for fire

alarm)stat!s indication and fa!lt alarm indication, the' shall be of twin8

color t'pe, of s!itable colors to .S. #$1B? and .S. </B 1B?

and of the t'pe approved b' the 2nineer.

Other items shall conform to the F2lectrical 2(!ipment and InstallationG


"& Man!al rea3 4lass

>ire alarm brea3 lass !nits conform to .S. </#? :art 11BB and shall

be s!itable for *# - D.C. operation. The' shall have open circ!it

contacts arraned for s!rface fi6in with the front cover finished in red.

The contact shall close immediatel' after the lass is smashed.

The wor3 FIn Case of >ire rea3 4lassG shall be enraved both in2nlish and Indonesia.

The !nit shall be of fl!sh mo!nted and is enerall' ad7acent to the hose

reel cabinet or positioned as shown on the drawins and to the approval

of the 2nineer.

"h& eam Detector or 0-)I+ Laser Detector 

This detector consist * part, first part enerate infra red sinal, and theother part for receivin the infra red sinal, this e(!ipment !sed for lon

rane area s!ch as ware ho!se, and will detected the smo3e.


"a&. Installation and :ipin "Cond!it&

8 Master control fire alarm is placed in control room.

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8 2ver' floor is served b' one terminal o6 "T&. To connect T with

master control fire e(!ipment, # 6 *.< mm* NEA cable is !sed. Allcables m!st be Solid Cable and not stranded cable.

8 >rom T to fire detector, man!al call bo6 or bell, it 1.< mm* NEA

cable Is !sed.

8 2 ver' bend)branch)connectIon m!st !se 7!nction bo6.

8 To identif' T8d!s, clamp and ever' 1.< meter on the cond!it to be

painted red.

8 Cable tra' to be !sed for vertical)hori;ontal cable installed o!t bow.

"b&. 4ro!ndin

 All e(!ipments m!st be ro!nded accordin to s'stem re(!irement and


"c&. >inishin

 All finishin to s'stem to be as Constr!ction Manaement Director and


"d&. Spare8part man!al and Instr!ction

 At least / "three& months prior to hand over of the pro7ect Contractor

m!st deliver man!al, spare8part information and instr!ctions as


1B. MAIN CONT+OL >I+2 >I4@TIN4 T2L2:@ON2

"a&. the t'pe which is !sed conforms to standard for fire fihtin telephonecomplete 7ac3 ,hand set batter' bac3 !p, and other 

"b&. At floor is divided into several ;one and the n!mber of fire telephone

 7ac3, hand set !nits will be conformed to the s(!are meter of the room.

"c& Main control is located ad7acent to the master control fire alarm in the

control room.

"d&. Telephone =ac3s are installed inside the fire hose cabinet.

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1. +290I+2M2NT >O+ +A MAT2+IAL, MAT2+IAL AND +AND NAM2

"a& All materials s!pplied and installed b' the Contractor, m!st be new and

is speciall' for installation in the tropical area, and m!st et the written

of Constr!ction Manaement approval.

b. Components materials of s'stem sho!ld be those which can be easil'

proc!red in the mar3et.


1. 42N2+AL

CCT- S'stem comprise of I: camera, Monitor, device to move Scanner, :anTilt m!ltiple6er and video recorderm "Can be !se :C Des3 Comp!ter&. The

CCT- s'stem is in color.


The eneral re(!irements and specific re(!irements incl!din instr!ctions to

a!ction :articipants are an interal part of the wor3 description field and the

re(!irements of this implementation. This technical specification describes

the description and the re(!irements in terms of the provision and installation

of all e(!ipment and operation of all installations of CCT- s'stems installed

inside or o!tside the b!ildin, as shown in the pict!res of other parts of this

technical specification.


a. The pict!res for the installation wor3 of CCT- to be incl!ded in the Tender

Doc!ments are the pict!res with code n!mbers of the CCT-.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /$*

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b. Contractor shall chec3 the desin aainst the possibilit' of errors )

mismatch of electrical (!antities as well as installation and other s!ch

matters. The said thins above sho!ld be s!bmitted either in writin or

drawin at the time of clarification of the tender ) aanwi7;in.

c. efore the wor3 is s!bmitted totall' or in staes, Contractor shall s!bmit to

M, # "fo!r& sets of bl!eprints, 1 "one& set tracin, 1 "one& set of electronic

files ) cop' shop to be called as Fb!ild drawinsK i.e. all imaes from all the

materials, e(!ipment and installation of electrical s'stems.

d. In the case when there is technical or ph'sical disparit', it sho!ld bereported in writin fo!r da's before the oard of Directors of :lannin and

S!pervision)M ta3es to the fieldV costs sho!ld alread' be interated in the

!nit price of the said item.


 All materials and installation in this wor3 m!st compl' to the 4eneral

2lectrical Installation ":0IL *$$$&, S:LN ) SNI No. $#8$**<8*$$$,Indonesia5s National Standard and other international standards.

<. A::OINT2D MAN0>ACT0+2+ ) +AND

If the name of the man!fact!rer ) brand from one t'pe material )

component is mentioned in this technical specification, then Contractor

shall deliver and install the appropriate item component accordin to

specification. If at the time of installation, the said material)brand is not

available)diffic!lt to et, then :lannin and S!pervision)M shall specif'

another brand havin the same specifications.


• >or the materials mentioned below, Contractor shall pa' attention to

the sample material and shall obtain approval before it is installed at

the :lannin and S!pervision)M.

• If deemed necessar' b' Contractor and it miht be possible, thenPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /$/

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Contractor is oblied to show the sample from :lannin and

S!pervision)M. If the samples are re7ected b' :lannin and

S!pervision)M, then in order to obtain approval, Contractor shall

replace and show that the item is in accordance with the


•  Approved technical (!alit' ) electric, brand ) man!fact!rer, wor3in

characteristics, ph'sical and (!alit' of aesthetics of the sample

material ) material ) or installation is bindin.

• Cost of proc!rement of material samples are borne b' and cost of

Contractor, material samples m!st be s!bmitted to :lannin and

s!pervision)M not more than 1# "fo!rteen& calendar da's after bein



If there are cla!ses referrin to other items)articles in the Tender

Doc!ments, it does not mean the elimination of these items b!t more so to

emphasi;e the problem. If there is a contradiction between pict!res or

specifications, then the benchmar3 wo!ld be the one that has a technical

consideration and)or havin the hihest cost consideration.


 At the time of proc!rement of materials and installation, the CCT-

Contractor shall coordinate with other contractors on appointment b'

M ):lannin and S!pervision. If there is an item of wor3 to be done b'

other contractors, the Contractor shall set !p)deliver materials and ive

e6planations for installation. D!rin installation b' another contractor, theCCT- Contractor m!st be present to ive directions toether with :lannin

and S!pervision)M so that the res!lt will be s!ch as in accordance to the

installation re(!irements."e.. installation of cond!it in concrete and the


. O+ IMA42)S@O: D+AIN4

:rior to installation or material proc!rement, and in e6ec!tin, it is

mandator' for the Contractor to s!bmit to :lannin and S!pervision, wor3PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /$#

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imaes)shop drawins in # "fo!r& sets for review of )approval from M at

least 1# "fo!rteen& wor3in da's after the iss!ance 6urat Perintah 7er+a



The Contractor is oblied to s!bmit # "fo!r& sets of instr!ctions on

!se)operation as well as maintenance methods to the Owner, 1 "one&

month before handover. This incl!des trainin the operator or persons

appointed b' the Owner to r!n, !se)operate, ta3e the necessar' tests and

carr' o!t relevant maintenance of the installed CCT-. All costs are to beborne b' Contractor.

11. CLAIM AI-2+

:ro7ect owner is e6empted from patents and the li3e on all 3inds of

material proc!rement and installation. Owner is e6empted from an'

claims or chares aainst special rihts s!ch as patents and the li3e.

1*. S:2CIAL T2C@NICAL +290I+2M2NTS

a. I: Color CCT- S'stem

The CCT- s'stem is planned to s!pport the sec!rit' s'stem of the b!ildin

b' contin!all' monitorin movements displa'ed on the screen aro!nd the

area where the I: CCT- camera is installed. The placement plan of the

CCT- cameras sho!ld be accordin to the drawinsV cameras to be

placed in specific areas are re(!ired to !se o!tdoor ) indoor ho!sin

ad7!stments in line with the drawin plan.

b. Scope of or3

• S!ppl' and installation of the I: CCT- s'stem consists of Diital

Networ3 -ideo +ecorder "N-+&, Camera ) lens, monitor and


• S!ppl' and installation of cable is from the D-+ to camera, complete

with its s!pport.

• S!ppl' and installation of the shelf)table is the ma7or e(!ipment in the

operator5s room.PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /$<

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Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia

• S!ppl' and installation of power cable)power points for the I: CCT-


c..I: CCT- 2(!ipment

1. I: Camera and Lens

The camera !sed for the CCT- is the determinant of pict!re (!alit'

res!ltin from the CCT- s'stem as a whole. Selection of lens t'pe and

camera is defined accordin to the si;e of the room and stron liht in the

said ;one. T'pe of lens and camera !sed are

• Camera CCD 1)/ inch

8 Standard @ih +esol!tion Camera

8 @ih +esol!tion Da' and Niht Camera

8 Interior Dome Shaped Camera

• Lens Si;e 1)/ inch

8 >i6ed ide Anle

8 >i6ed Standard

8 Motori;ed Qoom

• Technical data for camera

8 Sensitivit' 1 l!6

8 +esol!tion *<$ T- lines

8 Imae Device 1)/ inch interline transfer CCD

8 Ambient Temperat!re 81$ %C W <$ %C

8 :ower Cons!mption 1* - DC) *# AC )**$ - AC

8 S'nc S'stem Internal

8 -ideo O!tp!t 1- p8p ) B< ohm

• @ih +esol!tion Da' and Niht Camera8 Sensitivit' $.$/ l!6

8 +esol!tion <*$ T- lines

8 Imae Device 1)/ inch interline transfer CCD

8 Ambient Temperat!re 81$ %C W <$ %C

8 :ower Cons!mption 1* - DC) *# AC )**$ - AC

8 S'nc S'stem Internal

8 -ideo O!tp!t 1- p8p ) B< ohm

• Interior Dome8Shaped CameraPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /$?

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Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia

8 Sensitivit' * l!6

8 +esol!tion #?$ T- lines

8 Imae Device 1)/ inch interline transfer CCD

8 Ambient Temperat!re 81$ %C W <$ %C

8 :ower Cons!mption 1* - DC) *# AC )**$ - AC

8 S'nc S'stem Internal

8 -ideo O!tp!t 1- p8p ) B< ohm

• Technical data for lens

• >i6ed ide Anle

8 >ocal Lenth "mm& # mm

8 Ma6im!m Apert!re >1.*

8 Nearest Distance $.*m

8 @ori;ontal >ield Anle ??.1 %

• >i6ed Standard

8 >ocal Lenth "mm& mm

8 Ma6im!m Apert!re >1.*

8 Nearest Distance $./ m

8 @ori;ontal >ield Anle /#. %

• Motori;ed Qoom

.8 >ocal Lenth "mm& <.B /#.* mm

.8 Ma6im!m Apert!re >1.*

 8 Nearest Distance $./ m

8 @ori;ontal >ield Anle #<. 8 .1%

*. @o!sin@o!sin is !sed to protect the camera from aro!nd especiall' if placed in

areas dist!rbance and dirt potential.

@o!sin specifications

• O!tdoor @o!sin

8 indow $.< " & 6 B* " @ &m thic3 lass

8 Constr!ction Al!mini!m

8 Mo!ntin >rom ottom

8 Active Cap Available to ad7!stable camera anle

• Indoor @o!sinPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /$B

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Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia

8 indow ?# " & 6 # " @ &m thic3 lass

8 Constr!ction Al!mini!m

8 Mo!ntin >rom ottom

8 Active Cap Available to ad7!stable camera anle

/ Monitor 

The monitor to be !sed is S-4A, si;e 1GV technical data as follows

8Screen si;e 1G 1$J

8Ambient Temperat!re $ C 8 #$ C

8 +esol!tion 1*$ 6 1$*# pi6el

8 Inp!t Impedance B< ohm ) hih8Q,"switchable&

8 @!midit' ma6.$J8 :ower Cons!mption $

Monitor si;e 1<G "1< inch&

8 M!lti stereo s'stem

8 Melod' on off 

8 2(!ali;er 

8 Qoom wide

8 :l! :la'

8 T!rbo so!nd

8 Absent power off 8 4raphic DSD

#. Diital Networ3 -ideo +ecorder "D-+&

This e(!ipment comprised the M!ltiple6er and +ecorder which diitall'

records pict!res. Displa' monitor can be selected from 1 ">!ll Screen&, #

"(!ad&, and 1?V has free;e f!nction and diital ;oom. This N-+ is

:ersonal Comp!ter8based ":C& so that it can be connected thro!h a

comp!ter networ3 via modem, ISDN, LAN or TC:)I: and can bac38!p b'

!sin CD + or >lopp' Dis3. It has also a 0ser Code facilit' which allows

!se either locall' or via comp!ter networ3. This N-+ has a n!mber of

recordin f!nctions which can be prorammed in advance, both

Contino!s, Motion Detector, AlarmMotion or Not +ecordin in each


The facilit' contained in this N-+ is

8 M!ltiple6er and +ecorder in one !nit

8 Diital +ecordin in format M=:24 or M:24#PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /$

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Makassar – Indonesia

8 M!ltiple displa' " 1,#,,1 &

8 @ih +esol!tion " B*$ 6 <B? &

8 Diital Qoom and >ree;e

8 :rorammed recordin

8 2as' to find recordins

8 Capacit' @ard Dis3 si;e " 1$$$ 4 e6pandable &

8 0ser Code Sec!rit'

8 Inp!t alarm

8 Networ3 Controllin via modem, ISDN,LAN or TC: ) I:

D-+ Specifications

8 C:0 IB8 +AM Min 4

8 @DD 1$$$ 4 " 26pandable &

8 -4A Card A4: 1*? Mb'te ATI

8 O)S indows B or

8 Camera inp!t 1? :ort " += #<&

8 Sensor Inp!t 1?:ort

8 Controller O!tp!t 1? :ort

8 Displa' Speed #$ >:S

8 +ecordin Speed /?$ 6 * Ma6 #$ >:S8 +ecordin +esol!tion /?$ 6 *,B*$ 6 <B?

8 Imae Compression Si;e 8 M:24 # /?$ 6 * abo!t 1<

  8 =:24 /?$ 6 * abo!t / 1$

8 -oice +ecordin 1? Chanel

8 Compression Mode M:24 # ) =:24

8 Motion Detection 1$ Area b' each channel " :re8even recordin&

8 Networ3in Modem, ISDN ,LAN, TC:)I:

8 ac3!p Device "Option& /.<G>DD,@DD, D-D8+AM,CD8+,QI:8 Drive

8 :an)Tilt)Qoom Control +S8#**)#< Interface

8 Si;e "@D& #$ 6 1B 6 #<$ "mm&,1G 6 BG 6 1G " inch &

8 eiht 1? " /< lbs &

d. irin

CCT- installation comprises

• 0T: CAT ?

• Control Cable

Control cable consists of !nshielded t'pe with fiber content "1* 6 A4PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /$

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Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia

** or A4 *#& or sinle cable "ITC ? 6 * 6 $,? mm&.

• :ower CableT'pe of power cable is NEM@E or NEA * 6 1,< mm

• :ipe :rotector 

T'pe !sed for :-C pipe with clamp, tee, soc3et "fittins& and so on.


It is mandator' for the Contractor to draw !p a list of material for all

materials offered. This list sho!ld state the brand and class, complete with

broch!re, all to be attached at the bid of tender.

1#. CAM2+A "I: CAM2+A&

Technical specification of a CCT- camera is

8 >i6ed color camera "wall)ceilin mo!nted&) dome color camera.

+esol!tion 1*$ 6 B*$


Minim!m ill!mination $,$# l!6 "sensitivit' L!6&

Operatin temperat!re 8 1$XC 8 <$XC.8 :an)Tilt, a!to foc!s, ;oom, d'namic color camera for wall )ceilin

mo!nted&) dome s'stem, Infra +ed for Niht Operatin

:an rane $X C to /?$XC


Tilt rane $X C to $XC from

hori;ontal plane.

:an)Tilt Man!al )Se(!ential

position)sort position)a!to pan

Lens Qoom, a!to ) man!al foc!s, a!to )man!al Iris, iris ALC, Iris level.

Qoom ratio 1* 6 "minim!m&.

Qoom speed ? second "tele)wide& minim!m.

>oc!s speed Minim!m < second "far)near&

:ower s!ppl' 1* -DC, *# -AC, <$ @; or :o2


Technical specification of monitor isPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /1$

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Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia

8 Screen Si;e #*G "inch&

8 +esol!tion "Minim!m& $$ Line T'pical

8 Displa' T!be @ih +esol!tion, $$ depletion

8 Color S'stem 2IA)NTSC color s'stem

8 Impedance B< Ohms

8 :ower **$8*#$ -AC ) <$ @;

8 Monitor Control :ower, Contrast, rihtness, @8@old, -8@old,

 -8 Linearit', @eiht and @8ith

1?. N2TO+ -ID2O +2CO+D2+ "N-+& /* CA@NN2L ANALO4 ) I:+2CO+D2+ O+ M0LTI:2H2+ -ID2O +2CO+D2+

Technical specification of N-+ or m!ltiple6er is

Operatin Mode Displa' Sim!ltaneo!s recordin and m!lti screen


Displa' Mode >!ll screen, life (!ad displa'

"individ!al, d!al, (!ad or c!stom

se(!encin& or m!lti screen mode decodef!ll, (!ad or m!lti screen displa'

Control Indicator >!ll screen, (!ad screen, m!lti screen,

cameo,;oom, free;e, ALT, Action Clear)Men!

alarm clear)enter, channel I thr! /*, power


:ower S!ppl' **$8*#$ -AC, <$ @;

Connectors -ideo Inp!ts, Camera /* inp!t, video o!tp!t

 Accessories I)O 8 *< pin connector for alarm and accessories

"/* selectable NO or NC&, One for actionR

alarm and one for video loss.

Temperat!re Operatin $$%C to <$%C

 Alarm :rorammed M!ltiple6er or Networ3 -odeo +ecorder "N-+&

This N-+ "m!ltiple6er& wor3 not onl' as m!ltiple6er, b!t is alread' completed

with facilit' which connected to alarm contractor " remote switch& If the alarm

sinal " contactor& is received then a!tomaticall' will displa' the pict!re ofPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /11

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Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia

location on the monitor screen, and will interr!pt "stop & the observation

se(!ence on the prorammed m!ltiple6er 


Technical specification of :an Tilt isV

8 An!lar Travel :an /<$ deree Ma6im!m

  Tilt $ derees Ma6im!m

8 Speed Travel :an B derees Ma6im!m

 Tilt # derees Ma6im!m8 :ower 1* -DC, *# -AC, <$ @; or :o2

1. SCANN2+

 Technical specification of Scanner is Indoor t'pe

8 :an Speed < derees ) second

8 :an Travel /?$ derees ma6im!m, completed with limit stop

8 :ower 1* -DC, *# -AC, <$ @; or :o2


Technical specification of

a. >IH2D L2NS #.< - 1.#

8 >ocal Lenth rane #,<mm

8 2ffective apert!re rane > 1.*

8 Speed ratin 8

b. >IH2D L2NS2S #.<- 1.#/

8 >ocal Lenth rane ,<mm

8 2ffective apert!re rane > 1.*

8 Speed ratin 8

c. QOOM L2NS2S - ? ?$

8 >ocal Lenth rane ? ?$mm

8 2ffective apert!re rane 1.* /?$PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /1*

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Makassar – Indonesia

8 Minim!m foc!sin distance /. "1,*& ft "m&

8 Speed ratin ?.< derees ) second

d. QOOM L2NS2S - < <$

8 >ocal Lenth rane #,<mm

8 2ffective apert!re rane 1.$ /?$

8 Minim!m foc!sin distance /. "1,*& ft "m&


0sin LAN Cable 0T: Cat ? or and for control p!rpose and !se NEA $.<


TIM2 LA:S2 -ID2O +2CO+D2+.

Technical specification of time lapse video recorder is

8 +ecordin and pla' *# ho!rs

8 N!mber of camera /* b!t !se for *$

8 -ideo S'stem :AL color  8 @ori;ontal resol!tion "minim!m& /<$ Lines

8 Tape format -@S Tape

8 Alarm command Initiate selectable recordin rate of <$,

"from the recordin or stop mode& 1$, or

< field ) second at the /, 1* or *# ho!rs

rate for the best doc!mentation d!rin


8 -al!able recordin feat!res 2merenc' recordin, alarm


wee3l' time recordin, 26ternal time

recordin, +epeat recordin Select

 Alarm recordin

8 Time memor' power loss More than bac38!p B$$ ho!rs

8 :ower s!ppl' **$8*#$ -AC, <$ @;




PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /1/

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Makassar – Indonesia


1 A) C#*%)-)#*/ 3AC4  

a. A)C !nit 1. Dai3in 268=apan

  *. Carrier 2680SA

  /. Mc 9!a' 2680SA


b Diff!ser rille 1. Comfort Air Lo3al

*. Dinamis Lo3al

/. :rima ani Lo3al


* >an 1. Cone6a A!stralia

  *. S'stem Air Swedia

  /. Nicotra Italia ) 4erman


/ :ipa ::+ 1. SD 4erman'

  *. Ar!san 0SA

  /. opra6 0SA


# Is!lasion :ipe 1. Armafle6 Thailand

  "2lastomeri3)Close Cell& *. Thermafle6 Scotlandia


< -alve8valve "4ate valve, 1.To'o =apan

  4lobe valve, Chec3 valve&

*. it; "Sinar Mas

 Andi3a& =apan

  /. Socla =apan


? -alve8valve 3h!s!s 1.To'o =apan


*. it; "Sinar Mas

2ndi3a& =apan

  /. Socla =apan


B 4lass ool /. im3o =apan

  /*)*# 3)m/ *. Thermafle6 Thailand

:ipa Tembaa 1. Inaba =apan

  *. embla =apan

  /. Den7i =apan

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /1#

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Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia

So!nd Atten!ator 1. Sonic Mala'sia

  *. r!eer Sinap!ra  /. SAL 0SA

1$ :ipa Drain "Drain pipe& 1. :ralon Indonesia)Lo3al

  *. avin Indonesia)Lo3al

  /. +!ci3a Indonesia)Lo3al


11 Alm!ni!m >oil 1. Thermofoil "B/$& Mala'sia

  *. Sisalation Mala'sia

  /. @arvifoli Mala'sia  #. Insfoil Mala'sia


1* Alm!ni!m Tape1. >le6 Al! AA


  *. Idenden =apan

  /. A >oli Mala'sia


1/ -ibration isolator 1. inete3 0SA

  *. Tosen =apan  /. M'son 0SA

  #. Amber both 2nland


1# :enant!n pipa "S!pport& LOAL

1< :anel Ma3er 1. Tamco Indonesia

  *. Ce7ete Ind!stira Indonesia

  /. Schneider Indonesia

 1? Component panel 1.Schneider >rance

  *. Moeller 4erman'

  /. A 2nland


1B Alm!ni!m sheet 1. 2lsindo Indonesia

  *. Indale6 Indonesia

/. Al3an Indonesia


PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /1<

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Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia


1 Tranformer "1?$$ 3-A& 8 0nindo 8 Indonesia

  8 Trafindo 8 Indonesia


* Trafo Isolasi , A!to transformer 8 ender ) Isotrol 8 0SA ) anada

/. 0:S 8 :ower are 8 0SA

8 Aros 8 Italia

# M-D: M2DI0M -OLTA42 *$3- 1.Schneider >rance

  *. A 2nland

  /. Moeller 4erman'

#. >lo!3it >rance

< L-MD:):0T+ Distrib!tion :anel

a. L- :anel Ma3er 1. Tamco Indonesia

*. Ce7ete Ind!stira Indonesia

  /. Schneider Indonesia

b. Component panel 1. Schneider >ranc

  *. A 2nland

  /. Moeller 4erman'


c. Capacitor an3 1. Alpivar >ranc

  *. No3ian 4erman'

  /. A 4erman'


? Low -oltaeCable 1. abelindo Indonesia

  *. abelmetal Indonesia

  /. S!preme Indonesia


B >+C Cable 1. >!7i =apan

  *. Ne6an 0SA

  /. +ado6 0SA

  #. shan China

@o!sin Lamp! ) Armat!re 1. Interlite Indonesia

  "t'pe ses!ai ambar)o9& *. -isilite Indonesia

  /. Ind!stira IndonesiaPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /1?

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Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia


Lamp Component a T!be Lamp! TL, :LC, :LS, Osram, :hilips 0, De!tch

b allast t'pe Low Loss est A!st)A,

Ma' Christ'




c >ittin -osloh Sweden

d Capacitor  Aid


e 2merenc' Lihtin 1. Interlite Indonesia

*. -isilite Indonesia/. Ind!stira Indonesia

1$ Lamp! Sorot O!t Door, L2D 1. ThornLihtin >rance

  "Specialist Lithin s'stem&

11 +eceptacle 1.Lerand >rance


1* Switch 1.Lerand >rance

 1/ 4rid Switch 1.Lerand >rance


1# Cable Tra' 1. Nobi Indonesia

  *. Interac3 Indonesia

  /. -isirac3 Indonesia

1< :!sh !tton 1. Telemechanic >ranc

  *. >!7i =apan

  /. A24 4erman'

1?, >re(!entie, ho!r, Ampere

-olt1. 4A2 4erman'

1B :enan3al :etir T'pe 2> 1. 2> 4erman'

  +adi!s ses!ai ambar *. 2rico A!stralia

  "LI4@TNIN4 :rotection& /. A24 4erman

1 42NS2T 1. Caterpilar 0SAPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /1B

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Makassar – Indonesia

*. >4 ilson8

:er3in 2nland

1 Alternator 1.Stamford


  /.Lero' Somer

*$ Control 4enset "T'pe Diital& oodward 0SA





1 lac3 steel pipe sch8#$ 1. a3rie Indonesia

  *. ::I Indonesia


* >ittin class *$ 1. > =apan

  *. en3en =apan


/ >ittin class 1$ 1. > =apan

  *. en3en =apan


# Safet' -alve 1. Socla =apan

  :ompa pemadam 3eba3aran *. M!esco

/. >!shiman 4erman' 

< :ompa 2lectric 1. ITT 0SA

  "N>:A8*$& ) 0L Listed *. Ni7h!is elanda

  /. S:: 0SA


? :ompa =oc3e' 1. ITT 0SA

  *. Ni7h!is elanda

  /. S:: 0SAPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /1

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Makassar – Indonesia

  #.:eerless 0SA

B :ompa Diesel Cadanan :ompa

1. ITT


  "N>:A8*$& ) 0L Listed *. Ni7h!is elanda

  /. S:: 0SA

  #.:eerless 0SA

 Diesel 2nine

1. Caterpilar 0SA*. Clar3e 0SA

/. C!mmins 2nland

>ire :!mp Control :anel 1.>iretrol 0SA

"N>:A8*$& ) 0L Listed *.Tornatech 0SA

/.Metron 0SA

>low switch 1. :enn 4erman'

  *. Si3a 4erman'

  /. :otter 4erman'


1$ :ress!re a!e 1. :otter =apan

  *. Naano =apan

11 !tterfl' -alve class 1?)*$ 1. To'o =apan


*. it; "Sinar Mas

 Andi3a& =apan

  /. Socla =apan


1* 4ate -alve class 1?)*$ 1. To'o =apan


*. it; "Sinar Mas

 Andi3a& =apan

  /. Socla =apan

1/ 4lobe -alve class 1?)*$ 1. To'o =apan


*. it; "Sinar Mas

 Andi3a =apan

PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /1

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Makassar – Indonesia

  /. Socla =apan

 1# Chec3 -alve class 1?)*$ 1. To'o =apan


*. it; "Sinar Mas

 Andi3a& =apan

  /. Socla =apan


1< E Strainer class 1?)*$ 1. To'o =apan


*. it; "Sinar Mas

 Andi3a& =apan

  /. Socla =apan 

1?Control -alve ) Alarm 4on )

"0L ) >M&1. :otter ) T'co =apan

  *. +eliable

1B:ress!re +elief -alve " 0L )

>M&1. :otter ) T'co =apan

1 :+- class 1?)*$ 1. =apan  *. Claval 4erman'


1 A!tomatic Air -ent 1. Eoshita3e =apan

  *. NC =apan

  /. To'o =apan

  #. Socla =apan


*$ >le6ible 7oint class 1?)*$ 1. To;en =apan

  *. To'o =apan


*1 Indoor @'drant o6 1. O;e3i =apan

  *. Appron Indonesia

  /. Ch!bb 0SA


** Acessories @'drant o6 1. O;e3i =apan

  *. Appron Indonesia

  /. Ch!bb 0SAPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /*$

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*/ :emadam Api +inan 1. Ch!bb 0SA  *. Eamato =apan

/. Servo

*# >low Switch 1. :otter ) T'co =apan

  *. >ivalco Sweden

*< Main Control -alve 1. :re!sa 4erman'

  *. O;e3i =apan

  /. -i3in 0SA

  #. 4rinnel 4erman' 

*? >loatin valve 1. =apan


*B ater @ammer 2liminator 1. =apan


* abel Teanan +endah 1. abelindo Indonesia

  *. abelmetal Indonesia

  /. S!preme Indonesia

* abel >+C 1. >!7i =apan

  *. Ne6an 0SA

  /. +ado6 0SA

  #.Shan China

/$ @'drant o6 1. O;e3i =apan

  *. Appron Indonesia

  /. Eamato =apan


/1 :'lar @'drant 1. O;e3i =apan

  *. Appron Indonesia


/* Seamese Conection 1. -an der @e'den 2ropa

  *. O;e3i =apan

// >oot -alve 1. 2bara =apan

  *. Socla =apanPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /*1

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/. ita;awa"SinarMas

 A& =apan 

/# >le6ible =oint Class 1$ 1. To'o =apan

  *. Thermosel

/< Clean O!t 1. Toto =apan

  *. San82i =apan

/? >loor Drain 1. Toto =apan

  *. San82i =apan 

/B :8Trap 1. Toto =apan

  *. San82i =apan

/ :+-, >loatin -alve, 1. Claval 4erman'

  ater @ammer 2liminator *. Eoshita3e =apan


/ >oat -alve 1. >A> 23oval T!r3i

  *. it; "Sinar Mas



  /. Showa =apan


#$ >le6ible =oint 1. To;en =apan

  *. Twin >le6 =apan

  /. Sam'an orea


#1 Low -oltae cable 1. abelindo Indonesia

  *. abelmetal Indonesia

  /. S!preme Indonesia

  #. Tran3a Indonesia

#* Low -oltae :anel Ma3er 1. Tamco Indonesia

  *. Ce7ete Ind!stira Indonesia

  /. Schneider Indonesia

#/ :anel Component 1. Schneider >rancePT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /**

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  *. A 2nland

  /. Moeller 4erman' 





I: :AH "I: Telephone& 1. Siemens 4erman

Incl!din "Telephone Set&, *. ATT 0SA

illin S'stem /. :hilips elanda

 * S''*' MDF 1. :hilips elanda

  *. Siemens 4erman'

  /. rone 4erman'


/ C#**/=-)*+ W))*+ 1. rone 4erman'

  *. :hilips elanda


Main 2(!ipment

Camera,Switcher, 1. :hilips ) osch Nedherland

D-+, N-+ ,T- Monitor, :ower

S!ppl',etc*. :elco Span'ol


< V)%/# P"#*/ 5 C#*-#< 1. Tech Star 0SA

  *. Airphone =apan

  /. 0rnet

#. ADC, Sec!er Span'ol

 PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /*/

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8/13/2019 Technical Specification Mep 324/326

Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia

B T/</$"#*/ O0-</- 1. Lerand >rance

  *. er3er 4erman'/. Merten 4erman


C'</ 1. abelindo Indonesia

  *. abelmetal Indonesia

  /. S!preme Indonesia

F)/ O$-)= C'</ 1. Commscope 0SA

  /. elden >rance

 1$ C'</ LAN 3UTP C'- @4 1. elden >rench

11 C'</ R'=6 5 T'7 1. Nobi Lo3al

  *. Interac3 Lo3al

  /. -isirac3 Lo3al






MC>A "semi Addressable& 1. Siemens 4erman'

  Anno!nciator *. 428-iilant 0SA

  Sirine /. 2sser 4erman'

  Detector #. Simple6 0SA

  Man!al rea3 4lass


4eneral Alarm

Indicator Lamp


@and Set 1. Thom 0SA

  =ac3 O!tlet *. =ohnson 0SAPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /*#

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8/13/2019 Technical Specification Mep 325/326

Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia

  Control 0nit /. Aritech 0SA

 / CONDUIT 1. Clipsal A!stralia

  *. 2a Indonesia







Clean ater :ipe ) :ipa Air

ersih 4alvani;ed 1. a3rie Indonesia

  Medi!m Class *. ::I Indonesia

* Alat Samb!n :ipa ) >ittin

>i6t!re 1. > =apan

  *. SN: =apan

  /. T4 =apan

  #. @2 =apan 

/:ipa Air otor "Sewae ater&

:ipe& 1. avin Indonesia

  las A *. +!ci3a Indonesia


# Alat Samb!n Ses!ai Denan 1. avin Indonesia

  :rod!3 :ipa ">ittin :ipe& *. +!ci3a Indonesia


< :ipa Air e3as "aste ater:ipe& 1. avin Indonesia

  las A *. +!ci3a Indonesia


? :ipa -ent "@awa& "-ent :ipe& 1. avin Indonesia

  las D *. +!ci3a Indonesia


B Alat Samb!n Ses!ai Denan 1. avin Indonesia

  :rod!3 :ipa ">ittin :ipe& *. +!ci3a Indonesia

 PT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /*<

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8/13/2019 Technical Specification Mep 326/326

Mechanical & Electrical WorksPT. Barry Callebaut Comextra Indonesia

Makassar – Indonesia

:ompa Air ersih "Clean ater

:!mp& 1. 4r!ndfos A!stralia


"Transfer, :ac3ae ooster

:!mp& *. 2bara "Indobara& =apan

4ate, Chec3, all -alve 1. To'o =apan


*. it; "Sinar Mas

 Andi3a& =apan

  /. Showa =apan

1$ Strainer 1. >A> 23oval T!r3i


*. it; "Sinar Mas

 Andi3a& =apan

  /. Showa =apan


11 >oot -alve 1. Mis! =apan

  *. 2bara =apan


1* >le6ible =oint 1. To;en =apan

  *. :roco =apan 

1/ ater Level ontrol 1. Omron =apan

  *. Telemechanic =apan


1# >a!cet 1. Toto =apan

  *. San82i =apan


1< >loat -alve 1. =apan

  *. A>A =apan


1? S!m pit :!mp 1. 4r!ndfos A!stralia

  *. 2bara "Indoara& =apan

/. Qenit;h 0SA


1B Sewae :!mp 1. 4r!ndfos A!stralia

  *. 2bara "Indobara& =apan

/. Qenit;h 0SAPT. PRP!C E!"I!EERI!" TS 8 /*?