technical guide | srg cgi commands - · 1/27/2015  · 1.0 ; aac16_64 . aac48_128 sets the...

Remote Camera January 27, 2015 RCTG001 Version 1.0.0 Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands

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Page 1: Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands - · 1/27/2015  · 1.0 ; aac16_64 . aac48_128 Sets the audio codec mode and parameter for the audio input. : AAC 16 kHz (64 kbps) : AAC

Remote Camera January 27, 2015 RCTG001 Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG

CGI Commands

Page 2: Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands - · 1/27/2015  · 1.0 ; aac16_64 . aac48_128 Sets the audio codec mode and parameter for the audio input. : AAC 16 kHz (64 kbps) : AAC

Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands



1. Overview ............................................................................................. 3 1.1. About This Document ............................................................................. 3

2. Set/Inquiry CGI Commands .............................................................. 3 2.1. Set Command......................................................................................... 3 2.2. Inquiry Command ................................................................................... 4

3. CGI Commands .................................................................................. 5 3.1. camera ................................................................................................... 5 3.2. date time ............................................................................................... 13 3.3. 802dot1x ............................................................................................... 17 3.4. filtering .................................................................................................. 19 3.5. imaging ................................................................................................. 22 3.6. iplimit .................................................................................................... 26 3.7. network ................................................................................................. 27 3.8. pan tilt zoom ......................................................................................... 31 3.9. preset position ...................................................................................... 42 3.10. ptzf control ............................................................................................ 45 3.11. qos ....................................................................................................... 47 3.12. sense up ............................................................................................... 50 3.13. serial ..................................................................................................... 52 3.14. snmp .................................................................................................... 54 3.15. ssl ......................................................................................................... 55 3.16. streaming .............................................................................................. 59 3.17. superimpose ......................................................................................... 63 3.18. system .................................................................................................. 69 3.19. system capability .................................................................................. 71 3.20. user ...................................................................................................... 73 3.21. user auth .............................................................................................. 74

4. Appendix .......................................................................................... 76 4.1. Definitions of Coordinate System .......................................................... 76 4.2. Zoom ratio and Zoom position (designed value) ................................... 77

Revision History ..................................................................................... 78

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


1. Overview

1.1. About This Document

This document defines the specification about CGI Commands of Sony SRG-300SE/301SE remote camera (this is called “camera” as described below).

2. Set/Inquiry CGI Commands

2.1. Set Command

The following Set command is used for changing configuration of the camera. When using these commands, describe as the syntax in below. It is possible to transmit several parameters at one time if the parameter to the same CGI name (The part of <cgi> of Syntax). In this case, it is necessary to insert "&" between each <parameter>=<value>.




http://<camera_address>/command/<cgi>?<parameter>=<value>[&<parameter>=<value>...] or http://<camera_address>/command/<cgi>?<parameter>=<value1,value2,...,valueN>


Refer to “3. CGI Commands” for details. Note that angle brackets in the table in the “3. CGI Commands”, “<” and “>”, mean that a string between one pair of angle brackets is just a symbol for numbers, but not parameter name itself. For example, if a parameter name is described as SampleParam<n>, for actual usage, SampleParam1, SampleParam2, ... are valid expressions.

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


2.2. Inquiry Command

The following Inquiry command is used for getting current status of the camera. The item which has an inquiry parameter in the “3. CGI Commands” can be inquired such as its current status. As a response format, "standard format" and "JS parameter format" which you can select arbitrarily are supported.



Syntax1 (standard format)


The response is as follows in the case of “standard format”.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n Content-Length: <len>\r\n \r\n <parameter>=<value>[&<parameter>=<value>&<parameter>=<value>...]

Syntax2 (JS parameter format)


The response is as follows in the case of “JS parameter format”.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n Content-Length: <len>\r\n \r\n var <parameter>=”<value>”\r\n var <parameter>=”<value>”\r\n var <parameter>=”<value>”\r\n : : :

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3. CGI Commands

Note: In this chapter, each default value is highlighted as for your reference.

3.1. camera

3.1.1. arc_config

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

AutoRateCtrl<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables the “Adaptive rate control”. This function is only effective when CBR<n> is ‘off’ and ImageCodec<n> is ‘h264’. : enable : disable (default)

AutoRateCtrlBitrateMax<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Sets the maximum bit rate for AutoRateCtrl<n>. Note that the bit rate actually delivered may be higher than this value, depending on the set image size, recorded scene, network environment, etc. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

AutoRateCtrlBitrateMin<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Sets the minimum bit rate for AutoRateCtrl<n>. Note that the bit rate actually delivered may be lower than this value, depending on the set image size, recorded scene, network environment, etc. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.1.2. audio_control

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

AudInCodec Set Inq 1.0

aac16_64 aac48_128

Sets the audio codec mode and parameter for the audio input. : AAC 16 kHz (64 kbps) : AAC 48 kHz (128 kbps)

AudioEqualizer Set Inq 1.0

off 1 2

Sets the frequency response of audio in accordance with its use environment. : disable : low cut : voice enhancement

AudioIn Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables the audio input. : enable : disable

AudioInVolume Set Inq 1.0

0 -10 to 10

Sets the volume of the audio input, when MicLineSelect is set to mic. : (default) : minimum : maximum

AutoLevelControl Set Inq 1.0

on off

Sets the audio input level to a suitable volume level automatically. : enable : disable

MicLineSelect Set Inq 1.0

mic line

Sets the audio input signal level. : MIC : LINE * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.1.3. image<n:1-ImageCodecMaxNum>

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

BitRate<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Sets the bit rate of ImageCodec<n>. This parameter is effective only when CBR1 is set to ‘on’. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values. ** Refer to the “Video Capability Command” for the details of availability.

CBR<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables the CBR function of ImageCodec<n>. : enable : disable, means VBR

FrameRate<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 16 20 25 30 50 60

Sets frame rate (frame per second) of video steam corresponding to the ImageCodec<n>. : 1 fps : 2 fps : 3 fps : 4 fps : 5 fps : 6 fps : 8 fps : 10 fps : 12 fps : 15 fps : 16 fps : 20 fps : 25 fps : 30 fps : 50 fps : 60 fps * Refer to the “Video Capability Command” for the details of availability.

H264FrameSkip<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables to permit frameskip for H.264 when both AutoRateCtrl<n> and CBR<n> are ‘off’. : enable : disable (default)

H264Profile<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

high main baseline

Sets the profile of H.264 for ImageCodec<n>. : High profile (default) : Main profile : Baseline profile

H264Quality<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.3

6 1 to 10

Sets the H.264 VBR quality of ImageCodec<n>. This parameter is effective only when CBR1 is set to ‘off’. : (default) : the lowest : the highest

IFrameInterval<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

1 to 5

Sets the I-Frame interval in second. : 1 sec. : 5 sec.

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


ImageCodec<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

h264 jpeg off

Sets the video codec of Image<n>. : H.264 (default value for ImageCodec1) : JPEG : disable (ImageCodec1 does not support ‘off’)

ImageSize<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Sets image size of video stream corresponding to the ImageCodec<n>. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values. ** Refer to the “Video Capability Command” for the details of availability.

JpBandWidth<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

0 500 to 8000 32000

Sets the band width for JPEG streaming of ImageCodec<n>. : no limitation : 500 kbps (minimum) : 8000 kbps (maximum) : 32000 kbps (maximum)

JpegQuality<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

3 1 to 10

Sets the JPEG quality of ImageCodec<n>. : (default) : the lowest : the highest

VBRMode<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

* Refer to VBRModeList<n> for the available values. standard bitratelimit

Sets the mode for VBR (AutoRateCtrl<n>=off and CBR<n>=off). : The quality is strictly kept to a value defined by H264Quality<n>. : The quality is controlled automatically to the lower value than H264Quality<n> not to exceed the maximum bit rate limit of VBRBitrateMax<n>.

VBRBitrateMax<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

* Refer to VBRBitrateMaxList<n> for the available range of value. (see Description)

Sets the maximum bit rate when the VBR mode parameter (VBRMode<n>) is set to ‘bitratelimit’.

3.1.4. image_define

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

ImageCodecMaxNum Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the maximum number of available ImageCodec. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

ImageMaxSize Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns maximum image size of video streams. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.1.5. image_set

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

InsertIFrame<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum) Set 1.0 on Insert the I-frame to the video stream of


3.1.6. session_num

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SessionNumMax Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the maximum number of supported video streaming sessions. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.1.7. setup

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Eflip Set Inq 1.0

on off

Selects to use the flip vertical images. : when you hang the camera from a ceiling : when you install the camera on a rack, etc. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

HdSdiFormat Set Inq 1.0

1080p_5994_ModeA 1080p_5994_ModeB 1080i_5994 1080p_2997 720p_5994 720p_2997 1080p_50_ModeA 1080p_50_ModeB 1080i_50 1080p_25 720p_50 720p_25

Sets the video format of the signal to be output from the SDI connector. The frame rate and image size that can be selected for the IP image may differ depending on the video format. After changing the video format, the PTZF position is returned to the position originally set when starting the camera and the video codec setting is returned to the default setting in accordance with the SDI video format. : 1920x1080p/59.94 (A) : 1920x1080p/59.94 (B) : 1920x1080i/59.94 : 1920x1080i/29.97 : 1280x720p/59.94 : 1280x720p/29.97 : 1920x1080p/50 (A) : 1920x1080p/50 (B) : 1920x1080i/50 : 1920x1080i/25 : 1280x720p/50 : 1280x720p/25

InformationDisplay Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables a function to display the message automatically for about 3 seconds on the external monitor screen that is connected to the SDI OUT connecter. : enable : disable * Refer to the User’s guide for the details of the messages which can be displayed.

VideoStd Set Inq 1.0

ntsc pal

Sets or returns System Video I/O base clock configuration. : NTSC : PAL * Refer to VideoStdSoftwareSelect parameter to know whether the SetCGI is available or not, depending on models.

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


WideDynamicRangeLevel Set Inq 1.0

* Refer to WideDynamicRangeLevelList for the available values. level1 level2 level3

Sets maximum level of the video dynamic range expansion. The actual level varies depending on brightness of the scene.: least effective : moderately effective : most effective

3.1.8. stabilizer

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Stabilizer Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates Stabilizer. The camera image vibration will be reduced on the place where this unit is installed with vibration. : activate : deactivate (Note : The shooting angle of view will be reduced about 5% by using Stabilizer. When the settings of masking or motion detection, Stabilizer has to be turned off temporarily.)

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.1.9. vbr_config

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=system

Parameter Set



. Value Description

VBRBitrateMaxList<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum) Inq 1.0

(see Description)

Returns the range of VBRBitrateMax<n> as VBRBitrateMaxList<n>=Value1,Value2. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

[Value1] minimum (given by an unsigned integer value) [Value2] maximum (given by an unsigned integer value)

VBRModeList<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum) Inq 1.0

(see Description)

Returns list of available VBR modes (VBRMode<n>) for each ImageCodec<n>. When the list contains more than one mode, each mode name should be separated by a comma. standard : The quality is strictly kept to a value

defined by H264Quality<n>. bitratelimit : The quality is controlled

automatically to the lower value than H264Quality<n> not to exceed the maximum bit rate limit of VBRBitrateMax<n>.

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.2. date time

3.2.1. datetime

SetCGI: command/system.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=system

Parameter Set



. Value Description

DateFormat Set Inq 1.0

ymd mdy dmy

Sets the date format. : YY-MM-DD : MM-DD-YY : DD-MM-YY

DstMode Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables the summer time (daylight saving time). The default value is ‘on’ for the SRG-300SE, and on the other hand, ‘off’ for SRG-301SE. : enable : disable

GmTime Set Inq 1.0 13 characters

Sets Greenwich Mean Time (GMT 00:00) as YYMMDDhhmmssW. YYMMDD : year month day [000101 - 380119] (actually defined by DateFormat) hhmmss : hour min second (24-hour clock) W : week (Sun = 1, Mon=2, …, Sat=7) If a wrong value is set to W, it will be corrected automatically.

Time Set Inq 1.0 13 characters

Sets the Local time as YYMMDDhhmmssW. YYMMDD : year month day [000101 - 380119] (actually defined by DateFormat) hhmmss : hour min second (24-hour clock) W : week (Sun = 1, Mon=2, …, Sat=7) If a wrong value is set to W, it will be corrected automatically.

ManualTimeZone Set Inq 1.0 0 to 256 characters

(see Description)

Sets a desired time zone that is not included in the options of TimeZone paramter. The input format is compliant with POSIX (IEEE 1003.1 section 8.3) standard. Format : stdoffset[dst[offset][,start[/time],end[/time]]] std : 3 to 100 character strings offset : time difference (displayed in +-) dst : name of summer time offset : offset of summer time, default time is 1 hour start : start date and time of summer time end : end date and time of summer time Values in [ ] can be omitted. For example: In case of (UTC-06:00) Central Standard Time (USA and Canada); CentralStandardTime6DaylightTime1,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 The name of the time zone is

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


CentralStandardTime and the time difference is 6 hours. The name of the summer time is DaylightTime, and the summer time offset from the time difference is 1 hour, starting from the second week on Sunday in March until the first week on Sunday in November.

TimeZone Set Inq 1.0

Etc/GMT+12 Pacific/Midway Pacific/Honolulu America/Anchorage US/Pacific America/Tijuana US/Mountain America/Chihuahua America/Phoenix America/Regina America/Mexico_City US/Central Etc/GMT+6 US/East-Indiana US/Eastern America/Bogota America/Santiago America/Caracas Canada/Newfoundland Etc/GMT+3 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires America/Sao_Paulo Etc/GMT+2 Atlantic/Cape_Verde Atlantic/Azores Europe/London Africa/Casablanca Europe/Amsterdam Europe/Berlin Europe/Belgrade Europe/Paris Europe/Warsaw Etc/GMT-1 Europe/Athens Europe/Bucharest Africa/Cairo Africa/Harare Europe/Helsinki Asia/Jerusalem Asia/Baghdad Asia/Kuwait Europe/Moscow Africa/Nairobi Asia/Tehran Asia/Muscat Asia/Baku Asia/Kabul Asia/Yekaterinburg Asia/Karachi Asia/Kolkata Etc/GMT-5.5 Asia/Katmandu Asia/Almaty

Sets the time zone. (POSIX-compliant) : (GMT -12:00) International Date Line West : (GMT -11:00) Midway Island, Samoa : (GMT -10:00) Hawaii : (GMT -9:00) Alaska : (GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) : (GMT -8:00) Tijuana : (GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) : (GMT -7:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan : (GMT -7:00) Arizona : (GMT -6:00) Saskatchewan : (GMT -6:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey : (GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada) : (GMT -6:00) Central America : (GMT -5:00) Indiana (East) : (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) : (GMT -5:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito : (GMT -4:00) Santiago : (GMT -4:00) Caracas, La Paz : (GMT -3:30) Newfoundland : (GMT -3:00) Greenland : (GMT -3:00) Buenos Aires : (GMT -3:00) Sao Paulo : (GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic : (GMT -1:00) Cape Verde Is. : (GMT -1:00) Azores : (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London : (GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia : (GMT +1:00) Amsterdam : (GMT +1:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna : (GMT +1:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague : (GMT +1:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris : (GMT +1:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb : (GMT +1:00) West Central Africa : (GMT +2:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk : (GMT +2:00) Bucharest : (GMT +2:00) Cairo : (GMT +2:00) Harare, Pretoria : (GMT +2:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius : (GMT +2:00) Jerusalem : (GMT +3:00) Baghdad : (GMT +3:00) Kuwait, Riyadh : (GMT +3:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd : (GMT +3:00) Nairobi : (GMT +3:30) Tehran : (GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat : (GMT +4:00) Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan : (GMT +4:30) Kabul

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


Asia/Dhaka Asia/Rangoon Asia/Bangkok Asia/Krasnoyarsk Asia/Shanghai Asia/Irkutsk Asia/Kuala_Lumpur Australia/Perth Asia/Taipei Asia/Tokyo Asia/Seoul Asia/Yakutsk Australia/Darwin Australia/Adelaide Australia/Brisbane Australia/Canberra Pacific/Guam Australia/Hobart Asia/Vladivostok Asia/Magadan Pacific/Auckland Pacific/Fiji Pacific/Tongatapu Etc/GMT-14 Manual

: (GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg : (GMT +5:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent : (GMT +5:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi : (GMT +5:30) Sri Jayawardenepura : (GMT +5:45) Kathmandu : (GMT +6:00) Almaty, Novosibirsk : (GMT +6:00) Astana, Dhaka : (GMT +6:30) Rangoon : (GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta : (GMT +7:00) Krasnoyarsk : (GMT +8:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi : (GMT +8:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar : (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore : (GMT +8:00) Perth : (GMT +8:00) Taipei : (GMT +9:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo : (GMT +9:00) Seoul : (GMT +9:00) Yakutsk : (GMT +9:30) Darwin : (GMT +9:30) Adelaide : (GMT +10:00) Brisbane : (GMT +10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney : (GMT +10:00) Guam, Port Moresby: Asia/Kabul : (GMT +10:00) Hobart : (GMT +10:00) Vladivostok : (GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia : (GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington : (GMT +12:00) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is. : (GMT +13:00) Nuku'alofa : (GMT +14:00) : Timezone is specified by ManualTimeZone parameter in IEEE 1003.1 Section 8.3 standard format.

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.2.2. ntp_setting

SetCGI: command/system.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=system

Parameter Set



. Value Description

NtpAuto Set Inq 1.0

on off

: The IP address of NTP (Network Time Protocol) server can be acquired from the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server. : The IP address of NTP server can NOT be acquired from the DHCP server.

NtpInterval Set Inq 1.0

3600 100 to 86400

Sets the synchronous period connecting to NTP server : 3600 sec. (1 hour) : 100 sec. : 86400 sec. (1 day)

NtpServer Set Inq 1.0 0 to 64 characters Specifies the NTP server with a style of IPv4 address

or host name within 64 characters.

NtpService Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates synchronization with the NTP server. : activate : deactivate

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Sony Remote Camera Version 1.0.0

Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.3. 802dot1x

3.3.1. dot1x_cert_info_ca

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=dot1x

Parameter Set



. Value Description

CACertInstalled<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ Dot1XCACertNum) Inq 1.0

1 0

Returns whether each IEEE802.1X CA certificate has been installed or not. : installed : not installed

CACertExtendedKeyUsage<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ Dot1XCACertNum) Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the extended key usage of specified

IEEE802.1X CA certification. CACertIssuerDn<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ Dot1XCACertNum) Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the issuer distinguished name of specified

IEEE802.1X CA certification. CACertSubjectDn<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ Dot1XCACertNum) Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the subject distinguished name of specified

IEEE802.1X CA certification. CACertValidity<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ Dot1XCACertNum) Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the validity period of specified IEEE802.1X CA


Dot1XCACertNum Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the maximum number of supported IEEE802.1X CA certificates. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

3.3.2. dot1x_cert_info_client

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=dot1x

Parameter Set



. Value Description

ClientCertAvailability Inq 1.0 1 0

Shows the IEEE802.1X client certification availability. : available : unavailable

ClientCertInstalled Inq 1.0 1 0

Returns whether an IEEE802.1X client certificate has been installed or not. : installed : not installed

ClientCertExtendedKeyUsage Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the extended key usage of specified

IEEE802.1X client certification.

ClientCertIssuerDn Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the issuer distinguished name of specified IEEE802.1Xclient certification.

ClientCertSubjectDn Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the subject distinguished name of specified IEEE802.1X client certification.

ClientCertValidity Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the validity period of specified IEEE802.1X client certification.

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3.3.3. dot1x_config

SetCGI: command/dot1x.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=dot1x

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Dot1XEapMethod Set Inq 1.0

tls peap

Sets the authentic method of IEEE802.1X. : EAP-TLS ( By this method, the supplicant and the server authenticate each other using a certificate. This enables secure port authentication. ) : PEAP ( By this method, an EAP password is used for the supplicant authentication and a certificate is used for server authentication. )

Dot1XIdentity Set Inq 1.0 0 to 250 characters Sets strings as the user name to identify the client in

the IEEE802.1X authentication server.

Dot1XPassword Set Inq 1.0 0 to 50 characters

Sets a supplicant EAP password encoded by BASE64, which is needed to be input when PEAP is selected with EAP condition.

Dot1XPrivPassword Set Inq 1.0 0 to 50 characters

Sets the password encoded by BASE64, which is for the private key information included in the client certificate.

3.3.4. dot1x_delete_cert

SetCGI: command/dot1x-cert.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Dot1xDeleteCert Set 1.0

dot1xclientcert dot1xcacert<n>

Deletes the specified IEEE802.1X certificate. : IEEE802.1X client certificate : IEEE802.1X CA certificate<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ Dot1XCACertNum)

3.3.5. dot1x_func

SetCGI: command/dot1x.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=dot1x

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Dot1XWiredFunc Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates IEEE802.1X wired function. : activate : deactivate

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3.4. filtering

3.4.1. filtering_ipv4

SetCGI: command/filtering.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=filtering

Parameter Set



. Value Description

V4FilterDefaultRule Set Inq 1.0

allow reject

Sets the basic filtering policy in the security function of IPv4. : All the other accesses whose settings are not specified by V4FilterRule parameter will be allowed. : All the other accesses whose settings are not specified by V4FilterRule parameter will be denied.

V4FilterFunc Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates the security function of IPv4. : activate : deactivate

V4FilterRule Set Inq 1.0

Specifies the sets of detailed rule about the security function of IPv4. Each set of rule is composed of six values. To set multiple sets (up to 10), these series are to be lined up. (For example, V4FilterRule= Value11,Value21,Value31,Value41,Value51,Value61, Value12,Value22,Value32,Value42,Value52,Value62 [,…,Value110,Value210,Value310,Value410,Value510,Value610])

[Value1] 0 to 9

the number of detailed rule which represents the order of priority to be applied If there are the same numbers in the list, the first one is only applied and the others are ignored. : the top of order : the bottom of order

[Value2] IPv4 address

the target network address If there are multiple rules for the same target, the one which has the highest priority (Value1) is only to be applied.

[Value3] 0 to 32

the subnet mask value which represents the bit number from the left of the network address For example, the subnet mask for ‘’ is ‘24’.

[Value4] tcp udp icmp all

the protocol : TCP : UDP : ICMP In this case, the port number (Value5) is ignored but still necessary, and the filter is applied to all ICMP messages. : TCP, UDP and ICMP The port number (Value5) designation only works for TCP and UDP.

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[Value5] 0 to 65535

the port number : exceptionally means any port : 65535

[Value6] allow reject

the policy : Specified accesses to the camera will be allowed. : Specified accesses to the camera will be denied.

3.4.2. filtering_ipv6

SetCGI: command/filtering.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=filtering

Parameter Set



. Value Description

V6FilterDefaultRule Set Inq 1.0

allow reject

Sets the basic filtering policy in the security function of IPv6. : All the other accesses whose settings are not specified by V6FilterRule parameter will be allowed. : All the other accesses whose settings are not specified by V6FilterRule parameter will be denied.

V6FilterFunc Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates the security function of IPv6. : activate : deactivate

V6FilterRule Set Inq 1.0

Specifies the sets of detailed rule about the security function of IPv6. Each set of rule is composed of six values. To set multiple sets (up to 10), these series are to be lined up. (For example, V6FilterRule= Value11,Value21,Value31,Value41,Value51,Value61, Value12,Value22,Value32,Value42,Value52,Value62 [,…,Value110,Value210,Value310,Value410,Value510,Value610])

[Value1] 0 to 9

the number of detailed rule which represents the order of priority to be applied If there are the same numbers in the list, the first one is only applied and the others are ignored. : the top of order : the bottom of order

[Value2] IPv6 address

the target network address If there are multiple rules for the same target, the one which has the highest priority (Value1) is only to be applied.

[Value3] 0 to 128

the subnet mask value which represents the bit number from the left of the network address For example, the subnet mask for ‘ffff:ffff:ffff::0’ is ‘48’.

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[Value4] tcp udp icmp all

the protocol : TCP : UDP : ICMP6 In this case, the port number (Value5) is ignored but still necessary, and the filter is applied to all ICMP6 messages. : TCP, UDP and ICMP6 The port number (Value5) designation only works for TCP and UDP.

[Value5] 0 to 65535

the port number : exceptionally means any port : 65535

[Value6] allow reject

the policy : Specified accesses to the camera will be allowed. : Specified accesses to the camera will be denied.

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3.5. imaging

3.5.1. exposure

SetCGI: command/imaging.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=imaging

Parameter Set



. Value Description


Set Inq 1.0

2 0 to 3

Sets the strength level of the Backlight Compensation function. When ExposureMode is set to ‘manual’ and VisibilityEnhancer is set to ‘0’, this parameter is NOT effective. : (defalut) : the lowest : the highest

BacklightCompensationMode Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates the Backlight Compensation function. When ExposureMode is set to ‘manual’ and VisibilityEnhancer is set to ‘0’, this parameter is NOT effective. : activate : deactivate

ExposureBrightLevel Set Inq 1.0

10 0 5 to 31

Sets the brightness level (combined with gain or iris) of the camera. When ExposureMode is set to ‘bright’ and VisibilityEnhancer is set to ‘0’, this parameter is NOT effective.

ExsposureCompensation Set Inq 1.0

6 0 to 12

Sets the target brightness level of the Exposure Compensation function. When ExposureMode is set to ‘manual’ and VisibilityEnhancer is set to ‘0’, this parameter is NOT effective. : (default) : the lowest : the highest

ExposureExposureTime Set Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Sets the manual exposure time to control the shutter speed. This parameter is only valid when ExposureMode is set to either ‘shutter’ or ‘manual’. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

ExposureGain Set Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Sets the manual Gain. This parameter is only valid when ExposureMode is set to ‘manual’. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

ExposureIris Set Inq 1.0

0 to 13

Sets the Iris value. This parameter is only valid when ExposureMode is set to either ‘iris’ or ‘manual’. : fully closed (the smallest F-number) : fully opened (the largest F-number)

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ExposureMaxExposureTime Set Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Sets the upper limit of auto exposure time (corresponding to the slowest auto shutter speed). This parameter is only valid when ExposureMode is set to ‘auto’. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

ExposureMaxGain Set Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Sets the maximum limit of Auto Gain. This parameter is only valid when ExposureMode is set to ‘auto’. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

ExposureMaxIris Set Inq 1.0

0 to 13

Sets the maximum limit of Auto Iris. This parameter is only valid when ExposureMode is set to ‘auto’. : fully closed (the smallest F-number) : fully opened (the largest F-number)

ExposureMinExposureTime Set Inq 1.0

0 to 15

Sets the lower limit of auto exposure time (corresponding to the fastest auto shutter speed).. This parameter is only valid when ExposureMode is set to ‘auto’. : the fastest : the slowest

ExposureMinGain Set Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Sets the minimum limit of Auto Gain. This parameter is only valid when ExposureMode is set to ‘auto’. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

ExposureMinIris Set Inq 1.0

0 to 13

Sets the minimum limit of Auto Iris. This parameter is only valid when ExposureMode is set to ‘auto’. : fully closed (the smallest F-number) : fully opened (the largest F-number)

ExposureMode Set Inq 1.0

auto shutter iris manual bright

Sets the mode of exposure control. : automatic mode : shutter priority mode The camera performs the gain adjustment and iris adjustment automatically, and you can select the shutter speed. : iris priority mode The camera performs the gain adjustment and shutter speed adjustment automatically, and you can select the iris. : manual mode : bright mode * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

ExposurePriority Set Inq 1.0

frame_rate low_noise

Selects which factor is given higher priority in case of deficient illuminance at shooting location. : When hope to get better motional resolution in AE transition, the AGC works prior to the Auto Slow Shatter. : When hope to get lower noise in AE transition, the Auto Slow Shatter works prior to the AGC.

HighSensitivityMode Set Inq 1.0 on


Sets the high sensitivity mode to On or Off. When set to On, the high-sensitivity gain is amplified according to the increase of general gain value. Note that the image is noisier than when set to Off.

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ExposureWindow Set Inq 1.0

Sets the detection window of light metering for auto exposure control as ExposureWindow=Value1,Value2,Value3,Value4. As realized variable detection window size by spot metering method, in normal exposure, these parameters are only valid when ExposureMode is set to ‘auto’ and BacklightCompensationMode is set to ‘off’. Each value means the proportion to the screen width or height.

[Value1] 0 to 1024

top corner of the detection window of light metering

[Value2] 0 to 1024

bottom corner of the detection window of light metering

[Value3] 0 to 1024

left corner of the detection window of light metering

[Value4] 0 to 1024

right corner of the detection window of light metering

WideDynamicRangeViewDR Set Inq 1.0

off low mid high

Sets the level of WDR from among OFF, LOW, MID and HIGH. When ExposureMode is set to ‘auto’ and VisibilityEnhancer is set to ‘0’, this parameter is NOT effective.

3.5.2. picture

SetCGI: command/imaging.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=imaging

Parameter Set



. Value Description

HighResolutionMode Set Inq 1.0 on


Sets the high resolution mode to On or Off. When set to On, you can enjoy emphasised edge and high-resolution images.

NoiseReduction Set Inq 1.0

0 to 3

Sets the strength level for Noise Reduction. : deactivate : the maximum strength * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

Sharpness Set Inq 1.0

3 0 to 6

Sets the level of Sharpness (aperture). The higher level is set, the stronger the edge enhancement becomes. : (default) : lowest level : highest level

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3.5.3. white_balance

SetCGI: command/imaging.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=imaging

Parameter Set



. Value Description

WhiteBalanceCbGain Set Inq 1.0

0 to 255

Adjusts the B gain of White Balance. This parameter is only valid when WhiteBalanceMode is set to ‘manual’.

WhiteBalanceCrGain Set Inq 1.0

0 to 255

Adjusts the R gain of White Balance. This parameter is only valid when WhiteBalanceMode is set to ‘manual’.

WhiteBalanceOffsetB Set Inq 1.0

0 -4095 to 4095

Sets the offset value of White Balance B gain. This parameter is only valid when WhiteBalanceMode is set to ‘atw’ or ‘atwpro’. (if available (WhiteBalanceOffsetFunc=1))

WhiteBalanceOffsetR Set Inq 1.0

0 -4095 to 4095

Sets the offset value of White Balance R gain. This parameter is only valid when WhiteBalanceMode is set to ‘atw’ or ‘atwpro’. (if available (WhiteBalanceOffsetFunc=1))

WhiteBalanceMode Set Inq 1.0

auto atw indoor outdoor onepushwb manual

Sets the White Balance mode. : Automatically adjusts the color to be closest to the image you are viewing (approximately 2500 K to 6000 K). : (Auto Tracking White balance) Eliminating the influences caused by environmental illumination or lights, adjusts the white balance automatically to reproduce original colors of the objects (approximately 2000K to 10000K) : Adjusts the white balance for shooting indoors under incandescent lighting (about 3200K). : Adjusts the white balance for shooting outdoors (about 5800K). : (one push white balance) The One push trigger becomes active so that the white balance can be adjusted instantly. : When this option is set, R gain (WhiteBalanceCrGain) and B gain (WhiteBalanceCbGain) become active.

3.5.4. white_balance_exe

SetCGI: command/imaging.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

WhiteBalanceOnePushTrg Set 1.0 on Gets automatic adjustment of the R gain and B gain of White Balance started by a trigger.

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3.6. iplimit

3.6.1. iplimit_define

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=iplimit

Parameter Set



. Value Description

IpLimitNum Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the supported maximum number of target IP addresses in the access limit function. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

3.6.2. iplimit_func

SetCGI: command/iplimit.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=iplimit

Parameter Set



. Value Description

IpLimitFunc Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates the access limit function. : activate : deactivate

3.6.3. iplimit_policy

SetCGI: command/iplimit.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=iplimit

Parameter Set



. Value Description

IpLimitPolicy Set Inq 1.0

allow deny

Sets the default policy among all HTTP and HTTPS accesses in the access limit function. : All the other accesses whose settings are not specified by IpLimit<n> parameter will be allowed. : All the other accesses whose settings are not specified by IpLimit<n> parameter will be denied. You can access the camera even from them, if you specify the user name and password set of the administrator by using Administrator parameter. (1 ≤ <n> ≤ IpLimitNum)

3.6.4. iplimit_set

SetCGI: command/iplimit.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=iplimit

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Parameter Set



. Value Description

IpLimit<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ IpLimitNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Specifies the setting of the access limit function as IpLimit<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3.

[Value1] IPv4 or IPv6 address

the target IP address

[Value2] 8 to 128

the subnet mask value which represents the bit number from the left of the IP address The numbers from 8 to 32 can be used for IPv4, and the ones from 8 to 128 for IPv6.

[Value3] allow deny

the policy for HTTP and HTTPS accesses : A client having an IP address designated by Value1 and Value2 will be allowed to access the camera. : A client having an IP address designated by Value1 and Value2 will be denied to access the camera. You can access the camera even from it, if you specify the user name and password set of the camera’s administrator by using Administrator parameter.

3.7. network

3.7.1. network_config

SetCGI: command/network.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=network

Parameter Set



. Value Description

DomainSuffix Set Inq 1.0 0 to 127 characters Sets the domain suffix.

HostName Set Inq 1.0 0 to 63 characters Sets the host name.

HttpPort Set Inq 1.0

80 1024 to 65534

Sets the port number for accesses invoked with HTTP protocol. This setting is common for IPv4 and IPv6. : (default)

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3.7.2. network_dns

SetCGI: command/network.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=network

Parameter Set



. Value Description

DnsAuto Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables the function that the IP address of DNS server can be acquired from the DHCP server. This setting is common for IPv4 and IPv6. : enable : disable

PrimaryDns Set Inq 1.0 IPv4 or IPv6

address Sets the static IP address of Primary DNS server.

SecondaryDns Set Inq 1.0 IPv4 or IPv6

address Sets the static IP address of Secondary DNS server.

3.7.3. network_ethernet

SetCGI: command/network.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=network

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PhyAutonego Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates the automatic negotiation to optimize the transmission speed and mode (duplex) on the Ethernet. : activate : deactivate

PhyDuplex Set Inq 1.0

half full

Sets the transmission mode on the Ethernet. : Half duplex : Full duplex

PhySpeed Set Inq 1.0

10 100

Sets the transmission speed on the Ethernet : 10Mbps : 100Mbps

PhyMdi Set Inq 1.0


Sets the type of MDI. : MDI : MDI-x : AutoMDI

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3.7.4. network_ipv6

SetCGI: command/network.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=network

Parameter Set



. Value Description

AutoIpv6 Set Inq 1.0 on


: The IPv6 address of the camera is acquired automatically. : The IPv6 address of the camera is acquired manually by Ipv6.

Ipv6 Set Inq 1.0 IPv6 address Sets the static IPv6 address of the camera.

Prefix Set Inq 1.0

0 to 128

Sets the static prefix length value.

Gatewayv6 Set Inq 1.0 IPv6 address Sets the static IPv6 address of the default gateway.

3.7.5. network_ipv4

SetCGI: command/network.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=network

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Dhcp Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables DHCP function. : enable : disable When DHCP is disabled, the values of Ip, Subnetmask and Gateway should be required at the same time like ‘/command/network.cgi?Dhcp=off&Ip=’.

Ip Set Inq 1.0 IPv4 address Sets the static IPv4 address of the camera.

Subnetmask Set Inq 1.0 IPv4 address Sets the static IPv4 subnet mask of the camera.

Gateway Set Inq 1.0 IPv4 address Sets the static IPv4 address of the default Gateway.

Mtu Set Inq 1.0

1280 to 1500

Sets the size of MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of the Ethernet port. This setting is common for IPv4 and IPv6.

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3.7.6. network_status

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=network

Parameter Set



. Value Description

CurrentIp Inq 1.0 IPv4 address Shows the current IPv4 address of the camera. When Dhcp is ’off’, the value of Ip is applied.

CurrentSubnetmask Inq 1.0 IPv4 address Shows the current IPv4 subnet mask. When Dhcp is ’off’, the value of Subnetmask is applied.

CurrentGateway Inq 1.0 IPv4 address Shows the current IPv4 address of the default gateway. When Dhcp is ’off’, the value of Gateway is applied.

LinkLocalIp Inq 1.0 IPv4 address Shows the link local IPv4 address.

3.7.7. network_status_dns

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=network

Parameter Set



. Value Description

CurrentPrimaryDns Inq 1.0 IPv4 or IPv6 address

Shows the current IP address of the primary DNS server.

CurrentSecondaryDns Inq 1.0 IPv4 or IPv6 address

Shows the current IP address of the secondary DNS server.

3.7.8. network_status_ethernet

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=network

Parameter Set



. Value Description

MacAddress Inq 1.0 0 to 17 characters Returns MAC Address of the camera.

PhyMdiStat Inq 1.0 MDI MDI-x

Returns the status of MDI type.

PhyStat Inq 1.0

10half 10full 100half 100full

Returns the transmission status of the Ethernet. : 10Mbps, Half duplex : 10Mbps, Full duplex : 100Mbps, Half duplex : 100Mbps, Full duplex

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3.7.9. network_status_ipv6

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=network

Parameter Set



. Value Description

CurrentIpv6Address1 Inq 1.0 IPv6 address Shows the current IPv6 address of the camera.

CurrentIpv6Address2 Inq 1.0 IPv6 address Shows the current IPv6 address of the camera if there is the secondary one.

CurrentPrefix1 Inq 1.0

0 to 128

Shows the current prefix length value.

CurrentPrefix2 Inq 1.0

0 to 128

Shows the current prefix length value if there is the secondary one.

CurrentGatewayv6 Inq 1.0 IPv6 address Shows the current IPv6 address of the default gateway.

LinkLocalIpv6 Inq 1.0 IPv6 address Shows the link local IPv6 address.

3.8. pan tilt zoom

3.8.1. absolute

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ptzf

Parameter Set



. Value Description

AbsolutePTZF Set Inq 1.0

(see Description)

Executes a PTZF movement on absolute coordinates as AbsolutePTZF=Value1,Value2,Value3,Value4. Value4 (focus) can be omitted, if unnecessary. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

[Value1] Pan position defined by PanMovementRange in a signed hexadecimal value

[Value2] Tilt position defined by TiltMovementRange in a signed hexadecimal value

[Value3] Zoom position defined by ZoomMovementRange in a signed hexadecimal value

[Value4] Focus in an unsigned hexadecimal value

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3.8.2. absolute_pantilt

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

AbsolutePanTilt Set 1.0

Executes the mechanical pan/tilt movement to the specified position as AbsolutePanTilt=Value1,Value2,Value3. See the “4.1 Definitions of Coordinate System” also.

[Value1] 0000 e020 to 1fe0

Pan position defined by PanMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value) : origin : counterclockwise rotation 180 deg. from origin : clockwise rotation 180 deg. from origin

[Value2] 0000 e48d to 0b83

Tilt position defined by TiltMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value) : origin : 155 deg. from origin to lower direction beyond the bottom : 65 deg. from origin to upper direction

[Value3] 24 1 to PanTiltMaxVelocity

Speed defined by PanTiltMaxVelocity (given by an integer) : (default) : the slowest : the fastest

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3.8.3. absolute_zoom

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

AbsoluteZoom Set 1.0

0000 to 4000 4001 to 7ac0

Executes the zoom movement to the specified position in a signed hexadecimal value for mechanical pan/tilt models. : wide end : optical tele end : digital wide end : digital tele end

3.8.4. continuous

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

ContinuousPanTiltZoom Set 1.0

Executes a PTZ continuous movement indicated by ContinuousPanTiltZoom=Value1,Value2,Value3,Value4. The speed is almost directly proportional according to the absolute value and the direction according to the sign. The next command must be sent after waiting for HTTP response "204 No Content" from the camera or the time value of ContinuousPanTiltZoomInterval [msec]. Except for LAN environment, moving command and stopping command might be reversed and miss camera’s stopping. In this case, wait for the HTTP response from the camera to guarantee an order.

[Value1] 0 -100 to 100

Pan speed Actual speed changes according to the zoom position. When the value is 100 on the Wide edge, the speed becomes 120 degree/sec. When this value and Value2 are omitted at the same time, present operation is maintained about pan and tilt. : stops the pan operation : to the left side at the maximum speed : to the right side at the maximum speed

[Value2] 0 -100 to 100

Tilt speed Actual speed changes according to the zoom position. When the value is 100 on the Wide edge, the speed becomes 60 degree/sec. When Value1 and this value are omitted at the same time, present operation is maintained about pan and tilt. : stops the tilt operation : to the lower side at the maximum speed : to the upper side at the maximum speed

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[Value3] 0 -100 to 100

Zoom speed When this value are omitted, present operation is maintained about zoom. : stops the zoom operation : to the wide direction at the maximum speed : to the tele direction at the maximum speed

[Value4] Image1 Image<n>

the target video codec instance (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

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3.8.5. position

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Move Set 1.0

(see Description)

Executes a PTZF moving operation indicated by Move=Value1,Value2,Value3. When Value2 works as a speed, ‘0’ means the speed according the present zoom position. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

[Value1] left right up down up-left up-right down-left down-right tele wide near far stop onepushaf

The direction or the target operation : to the left side at speed (Value2) from 0 to PanTiltMaxVelocity : to the right side at speed (Value2) from 0 to PanTiltMaxVelocity : to the upper side at speed (Value2) from 0 to PanTiltMaxVelocity : to the lower side at speed (Value2) from 0 to PanTiltMaxVelocity : to the upper-left side at speed (Value2) from 0 to PanTiltMaxVelocity : to the upper-right side at speed (Value2) from 0 to PanTiltMaxVelocity : to the lower-left side at speed (Value2) from 0 to PanTiltMaxVelocity : to the lower-right side at speed (Value2) from 0 to PanTiltMaxVelocity : to the tele side at speed (Value2) from 0 to ZoomMaxVelocity : to the wide side at speed (Value2) from 0 to ZoomMaxVelocity : to the near side at speed (Value2) from 0 to 8 This is effective only when FocusMode is set to

‘manual’. : to the far side at speed (Value2) from 0 to 8 This is effective only when FocusMode is set to

‘manual’. : stops the target operation given by Value2. : executes so-called ‘one push auto focus’ adjustment to set the focus to the optimum position automatically. This is effective only when FocusMode is set to


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[Value2] 24 0 1 to (the value of PanTiltMaxVelocity or ZoomMaxVelocity) pantilt motor zoom focus

The speed or the target operation : (default) : The speed is automatically determined according to the present zoom position. : minimum speed : maximum speed : stops pan / tilt movement when Value1 is set to ‘stop’. : stops pan / tilt movement when Value1 is set to ‘stop’. : stops zoom movement when Value1 is set to ‘stop’. : stops focus movement when Value1 is set to ‘stop’.

[Value3] Image1 Image<n>

the target video codec instance (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

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3.8.6. ptz_define

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ptzf

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PanMovementRange Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the range of pan movement as PanMovementRange=Value1,Value2. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

[Value1] minimum (given by a signed hexadecimal value) [Value2] maximum (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

PanTiltMaxVelocity Inq 1.0 (see Description) Returns the available maximum speed of Pan / Tilt movement.

PtzInstance Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the number of independently pan / tilt controllable instances. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

TiltMovementRange Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the range of tilt movement as TiltMovementRange=Value1,Value2. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

[Value1] minimum (given by a signed hexadecimal value) [Value2] maximum (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

ZoomMaxVelocity Inq 1.0 (see Description) Returns the available maximum speed of zoom movement.

ZoomMovementRange Inq 1.0

(see Description)

Returns the range of zoom movement as ZoomMovementRange=Value1,Value2,Value3. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

[Value1] Wide end (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

[Value2] Optical Tele end (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

[Value3] Digital Tele end (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

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3.8.7. ptzf_areazoom

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

AreaZoom Set 1.2

(see Description)

Executes a PTZ area zoom indicated by AreaZoom=Value1,Value2,Value3,Value4,Value5. If both Width (Value3) and Height (Value4) are set to ‘0’, a simple pan / tilt movement is executed instead of area zoom. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

[Value1] the distance of X-direction from center (pixel) [Value2] the distance of Y-direction from center (pixel) [Value3] Width [Value4] Height [Value5] Image1 Image<n>

the target video codec instance (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

3.8.8. ptzf_cancel

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Cancel Set 1.0

Cancels the running PTZ control task indicated by Cancel=on,Value2.

[Value1] on Here is always on, inevitably.

[Value2] Image1 Image<n>

the target video codec instance (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

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3.8.9. ptzf_status

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ptzf

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PtzfStatus Inq 1.0

Returns the current status of mechanical pan / tilt / zoom / focus movement as PtzfStatus=Value1,Value2,Value3,Value4.

[Value1] idle moving unknown

Returns the current status of pan. : idle : in process of moving : abnormal status

[Value2] idle moving unknown

Returns the current status of tilt. : idle : in process of moving : abnormal status

[Value3] idle moving unknown

Returns the current status of zoom. : idle : in process of moving : abnormal status

[Value4] idle moving unknown

Returns the current status of focus. : idle : in process of moving : abnormal status

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3.8.10. rel

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Relative Set 1.0

Executes a PTZ movement with the relative direction and amount indicated by Relative=Value1,Value2.

[Value1] AABB (0101)

Value1 consists of combined two values, AA (direction) and BB (amount of displacement). [ AA ] 01 : lower-left, 02 : lower, 03 : lower-right, 04 : left, 06 : right, 07 : upper-left, 08 : upper, 09 : upper-right, 10 : zoom wide, 11 : zoom tele [ BB ] Stands for the degree about amount of displacement based on the current video size (100%). 01 : around 10%, 02 : around 15%, 03 : around 20%, 04 : around 25%, 05 : around 30%, 06 : around 40%, 07 : around 50%, 08 : around 66.7%, 09 : around 83.3%, 10 : around 100%

[Value2] Image1 Image<n>

the target video codec instance (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

3.8.11. rel_focus

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

RelativeFocus Set 1.0

00000000 ffff2000 to 0000e000

Executes a focus movement with the relative direction and amount from the current position (given by a 32-bit signed hexadecimal value), for mechanical pan / tilt models. This command is effective only when FocusMode is set to ‘manual’. Actual movement range is also affected by the value of FocusNearLimit parameter. : the maximum amount to focus far direction : the maximum amount to focus near direction

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3.8.12. rel_pt

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

RelativePanTilt Set 1.0

(see Description)

Executes a pan / tilt movement with the relative direction and amount from the current position, indicated by RelativePanTilt=Value1,Value2,Value3. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

[Value1] Pan (given by a signed hexadecimal value) [Value2] Tilt (given by a signed hexadecimal value) [Value3] Speed [Value4] Image1 Image<n>

the target video codec instance (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

3.8.13. rel_zoom

SetCGI: command/ptzf.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

RelativeZoom Set 1.0

(see Description)

Executes a zoom movement with the relative direction and amount indicated by RelativeZoom=Value1,Value2. * Refer to the “Supported CGI Commands and Parameters” for details of values.

[Value1] Zoom in a signed hexadecimal value [Value2] Image1 Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

the target video codec instance : (default)

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3.9. preset position

3.9.1. call

SetCGI: command/presetposition.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PresetCall Set 1.0

Calls one of the registered preset positions as PresetCall=Value1,Value2.

[Value1] 1 to PresetNum

the registration ID number of preset position

[Value2] 1 to PanTiltMaxVelocity

the movement speed defined by PanTiltMaxVelocity (given by an integer) : the slowest : the fastest

3.9.2. clear

SetCGI: command/ presetposition.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PresetClear Set 1.0

1 to PresetNum

Clears the preset position corresponding to the specified registration ID number.

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3.9.3. set

SetCGI: command/presetposition.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PresetSet Set 1.0

Registers the current PTZF position as a preset position In the form of PresetSet=Value1,Value2,Value3.

[Value1] 1 to PresetNum

the registration ID number of preset position

[Value2] 0 to 32 characters the name of the preset position

[Value3] on off

whether to use the current camera image as a thumbnail : use : non-use

3.9.4. preset_name

SetCGI: command/presetposition.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=presetposition

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PresetName Set Inq 1.0

Sets the names of registered preset positions in sequence as PresetSet=Value11,Value21[,Value12,Value22,…].

[Value1] 1 to PresetNum

the registration ID number of preset position

[Value2] 0 to 32 characters

the name of the preset position

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3.9.5. home_property

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=presetposition

Parameter Set



. Value Description

HomePosProperty Inq 1.0

Returns the information of PTZ home position as HomePosProperty=Value1,Value2,Value3.

[Value1] (See Description)

Pan position defined by PanMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

[Value2] (See Description)

Tilt position defined by TiltMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

[Value3] (See Description)

Zoom position defined by ZoomMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

3.9.6. preset_conf

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=presetposition

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PresetPos Inq 1.0

Returns all the information of registered preset positions in sequence as PresetPos=Value11,Value21,Value31,Value41,Value51,Value61[,Value12,Value22,Value32,Value42,Value52,Value62,…].

[Value1] 1 to PresetNum

the registration ID number of preset position

[Value2] 0 to 32 characters the name of the preset position

[Value3] (See Description)

the pan position defined by PanMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

[Value4] (See Description)

the tilt position defined by TiltMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

[Value5] (See Description)

the zoom position defined by ZoomMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

[Value6] (See Description)

the focus position (given by an unsigned hexadecimal value)

3.9.7. preset_define

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=presetposition

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PresetNum Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the maximum number of the supported Preset Positions. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

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3.9.8. thumbnail_delete

SetCGI: command/presetposition.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PresetThumbnailClear Set 1.0

1 to PresetNum

The preset position thumbnails of the registration ID numbers listed in the query will be cleared. For example, PresetThumbnailClear=1,2,5 means that the thumbnails of preset position No.1, No.2, and No.5 will be cleared.

3.10. ptzf control

3.10.1. ptzf_limit

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

FocusNearLimit Set Inq 1.0

d000 1000 to f000

Sets the focus near limit (given by an unsigned hexadeciamal value) whose upper 2 digits are actually meaningful. 1000: Over Inf 3000: 10 m 4000: 6 m 5000: 4.2 m c000: 0.8 m d000: 0.3 m f000: 0.01 m

PanLimit Set Inq 1.0

Specifies the limitation for mechanical pan range as PanLimit=Value1,Value2. Value1 and must be smaller than Value2. This parameter is effective only when PanLimitMode is set to ‘limited’. See the “4.1 Definitions of Coordinate System” also.

[Value1] de00 e020 to 1fdf

the minimum value in the pan coordinate defined by PanMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

[Value2] 2200 e021 to 1fe0

the maximum value in the pan coordinate defined by PanMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

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PanLimitMode Set Inq


unlimited limited

Set pan limit mode. : unlimited : limited to the range given by PanLimit parameter

TiltLimit Set Inq 1.0

Specifies the limitation for mechanical tilt range as TiltLimit=Value1,Value2. Value1 must be smaller than Value2. This parameter is effective only when TiltLimitMode is set to ‘limited’. See the “4.1 Definitions of Coordinate System” also.

[Value1] ee00 e48d to 0b82

the minimum value in the tilt coordinate defined by TiltMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

[Value2] 1200 e48e to 0b83

the maximum value in the tilt coordinate defined by TiltMovementRange (given by a signed hexadecimal value)

TiltLimitMode Set Inq 1.0

unlimited limited horizontal

Set tilt limit mode. : unlimited : limited to the range given by TiltLimit parameter : limited to the horizontal position

3.10.2. rpd_control

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

FocusMode Set Inq 1.0

auto manual

Sets the focus control mode for mechanical pan/tilt models. : automatically controlled by the camera : manually controlled by the user

SlowPanTiltMode Set Inq 1.0

on off

:The active speed of PAN/TILT will be slow and it is easy to shoot slowmoving objects. :(default)

ZoomMode Set Inq 1.0

full optical

Sets the zoom range configuration for mechanical pan/tilt models. : optical and digital zoom : optical zoom

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3.10.3. ptzmode

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PtzfMode Set Inq 1.0

normal step

: When you click the mouse button, the camera starts panning, tilting or zooming, and the operation continues while you hold down the mouse button. To stop the operation, release the mouse button. : Each time you click the mouse button, the camera moves (pans, tilts or zooms). If you keep the mouse button held down for more than 1 second, the operation mode is temporarily changed to Normal. When you release the mouse button, camera operation stops and the Step mode is restored.

RelPanTilt Set Inq 1.0

1 to 10

Sets the transition level for panning/tilting. This parameter is effective only when PtzfMode is set to ‘step’. : maximum transition level

RelZoom Set Inq 1.0

1 to 10

Sets the transition level for zooming. This parameter is effective only when PtzfMode is set to ‘step’. : maximum transition level

3.11. qos

3.11.1. qos_ipv4

SetCGI: command/qos.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=qos

Parameter Set



. Value Description

V4MangleDefaultValue Set Inq 1.0

0 to 63

Sets the default value in DSCP field of the other accesses whose settings are not specified by V4MangleRule parameter.

V4MangleFunc Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates QoS function for IPv4. : activate : deactivate

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V4MangleRule Set Inq 1.0

Specifies the sets of detailed rule about the security function of IPv4. Each set of rule is composed of six values. To set multiple sets (up to 10), these series are to be lined up. (For example, V4FilterRule= Value11,Value21,Value31,Value41,Value51,Value61, Value12,Value22,Value32,Value42,Value52,Value62 [,…,Value110,Value210,Value310,Value410,Value510,Value610])

[Value1] 0 to 9

the number of detailed rule which represents the order of priority to be applied If there are the same numbers in the list, only the last one is applied and the others are ignored. : the bottom of order : the top of order

[Value2] IPv4 address

the network address of the target on which to perform QoS If there are multiple rules for the same target, the one which has the highest priority (Value1) is only to be applied.

[Value3] 0 to 32

the subnet mask value which represents the bit number from the left of the network address For example, the subnet mask for ‘’ is ‘24’.

[Value4] tcp udp icmp all

the protocol : TCP : UDP : ICMP In this case, the port number (Value5) is ignored but still necessary, and the filter is applied to all ICMP messages. : TCP, UDP and ICMP The port number (Value5) designation only works for TCP and UDP.

[Value5] 0 to 65535

the port number for the data traffic of the device (e.g. HTTP:80) : exceptionally means any port : 65535

[Value6] 0 to 63

the value in DSCP field included in IP header of the data traffic

3.11.2. qos_ipv6

SetCGI: command/qos.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=qos

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Parameter Set



. Value Description

V6MangleDefaultValue Set Inq 1.0

0 to 63

Sets the default value in DSCP field of the other accesses whose settings are not specified by V6MangleRule parameter.

V6MangleFunc Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates QoS function of IPv6. : activate : deactivate

V4MangleRule Set Inq 1.0

Specifies the sets of detailed rule about the QoS function of IPv6. Each set of rule is composed of six values. To set multiple sets (up to 10), these series are to be lined up. (For example, V6MangleRule= Value11,Value21,Value31,Value41,Value51,Value61, Value12,Value22,Value32,Value42,Value52,Value62 [,…,Value110,Value210,Value310,Value410,Value510,Value610])

[Value1] 0 to 9

the number of detailed rule which represents the order of priority to be applied If there are the same numbers in the list, only the last one is applied and the others are ignored. : the bottom of order : the top of order

[Value2] IPv6 address

the network address of the target on which to perform QoS If there are multiple rules for the same target, the one which has the highest priority (Value1) is only to be applied.

[Value3] 0 to 128

the subnet mask value which represents the bit number from the left of the network address For example, the subnet mask for ‘ffff:ffff:ffff::0’ is ‘48’.

[Value4] tcp udp icmp all

the protocol : TCP : UDP : ICMP6 In this case, the port number (Value5) is ignored but still necessary, and the filter is applied to all ICMP6 messages. : TCP, UDP and ICMP6 The port number (Value5) designation only works for TCP and UDP.

[Value5] 0 to 65535

the port number for the data traffic of the device (e.g. HTTP:80) : exceptionally means any port : 65535

[Value6] 0 to 63

the value in DSCP field included in IP header of the data traffic

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3.12. sense up

3.12.1. ir_correction

SetCGI: command/ircf.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ircf

Parameter Set



. Value Description

NearIRFocusCorrection Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables the short infrared ray adjustment, which would adjust background light when using the IR lamp or where there is much near short infrared ray, and increase the accuracy of auto-focus in night mode. : enable : disable

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3.12.2. ircut_filter

SetCGI: command/ircf.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ircf

Parameter Set



. Value Description

IrCutFilterLevel Set Inq 1.0

9 0 to 12

Sets the threshold level of brightness to get the IR cut filter becoming Night mode. This parameter is only valid when IrCutFilterMode is set to ‘auto’. : the minimum (darkest) level : the maximum (brightest) level

IrCutFilterManual Set Inq 1.0

on off

Sets the status of IR cut filter manually. This parameter is only valid when IrCutFilterMode is set to ‘manual’. : Night mode (where the IR cut filter is not working) : Day mode (where the IR cut filter is working)

IrCutFilterMode Set Inq 1.0

auto manual

: The mode where AE function measures the illuminance around and decides the status of IR cut filter automatically. If IRLedMode is set to ‘auto’ and the illuminance sensor is available (LightSensorFunc=1), it is used for the purpose instread. : The mode where a user can decide and set the status of IR cut filter manually.

IrCutFilterTime Set Inq 1.0

0 1 2

Selects time to respond the change of brightness. (if available (IrCutFilterTimeFunc=1)) : 0 sec. : 2 sec. : 30 sec.

3.12.3. ircut_filter_info

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ircf

Parameter Set



. Value Description

IrCutFilterStatus Inq 1.0 day night

: The camera works in Day mode (where the IR cut filter is working). : The camera works in Night mode (where the IR cut filter is not working).

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3.13. serial

3.13.1. serial_config

SetCGI: command/serial.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=serial

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SerBaudRate Set Inq 1.0


Sets the baud rate of serial interface. 5: 9600 bps

SerCharLen Set Inq 1.0


Sets the character length (bits) of serial interface.

SerParityBit Set Inq 1.0


Sets the parity bit of serial interface.

SerStopBit Set Inq 1.0


Sets the stop bit of serial interface.

3.13.2. serial_control

SetCGI: command/serial.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=serial

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SerStandard Set Inq 1.0


Sets the standard of serial interface. : RS-422

SerTermination Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables the terminator of serial interface. : enable : disable

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3.13.3. serial_protocol

SetCGI: command/serial.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=serial

Parameter Set



. Value Description

PelcoDZoomSpeed Set Inq 1.0

0 to 3

Sets the zoom speed of the camera with Pelco-D protocol. : the slowest speed : the fastest speed

SerProtocol Set Inq 1.0

visca Sets the command protocol of serial interface. The supported protocol is only VISCA.

SerSrcCamId Set Inq 1.0

1 to 255

Sets a unique ID to control the camera via serial interface.

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3.14. snmp

3.14.1. snmp_inq

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=snmpdconf

Parameter Set



. Value Description

CommunityNum Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the maximum number of the supported community to be used to successfully communicate between SNMP manager and agent. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

SysObjectID Inq 1.0 0 to 20 characters (

Returns the value of sysObjectID defined in MIB-II system group, which shows the vendor’s authoritative indentification.

3.14.2. snmpd_common_conf

SetCGI: command/snmpdconf.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq= snmpdconf

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SnmpEnableAuthenTraps Set Inq 1.0

1 2

Sets the value of snmpEnableAuthenTraps defined in MIB-II SNMP group, which controls authentication failure traps. : enable : disable

SysContact Set Inq 1.0 0 to 255 characters Describes information on the administrator of this

camera. This is defined in MIB-II System group.

SysLocation Set Inq 1.0 0 to 255 characters Describes information on the location of this camera.

This is defined in MIB-II System group.

SysName Set Inq 1.0 0 to 255 characters Describes information on the administration node of

this camera. This is defined in MIB-II System group.

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3.14.3. snmpd_conf

SetCGI: command/snmpdconf.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq= snmpdconf

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Community<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ CommunityNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Sets the community attributes as Community<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3. When deleting the existing entry, clobber it by a vacant entry as Community<n>=,,Value3, where any Value3 is needed as a matter of form.

[Value1] 0 to 63 characters Describes the community name to be set.

[Value2] IPv4 address

Sets the IP address of the host you allow to access. means that any host can be allowed to access.

[Value3] v1 v2c v3

Specifies the SNMP version to be applied. : version 1 : version 2c : version 3

SnmpUser Set Inq 1.0 0 to 15 characters Sets a user name for SNMP v3.

SnmpPassword Set Inq 1.0

0 to 16 characters (in plain-text equivalent)

Sets a user password for SNMP v3 encoded by BASE64.

Trap<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ CommunityNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Sets the attributes to send traps to as Trap<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3. When deleting the existing entry, clobber it by a vacant entry as Trap<n>=,,Value3, where any Value3 is needed as a matter of form.

[Value1] 0 to 63 characters Sets the community name to send traps to.

[Value2] IPv4 address Sets the IP address of the host to send traps to.

[Value3] v1 v2c v3

Specifies the SNMP version to be applied. : version 1 : version 2c : version 3

3.15. ssl

3.15.1. delete_cert

SetCGI: command/ssl-cert.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

DeleteCert Set 1.0

sslcert cacert<n>

Deletes the specified SSL certificate. : server certificate : CA certificate<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ SSLCACertNum)

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3.15.2. generate_cert

SetCGI: command/ssl-cert.cgi?Parameter=Value

Parameter Set



. Value Description

GenerateCert Set 1.0 selfsignedcert Generates a self-signed certificate for SSL.

3.15.3. ssl_client_config

SetCGI: command/ssl.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ssl

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SSLClientCert Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates the function of SSL client authentication. : activate : deactivate

3.15.4. ssl_client_info

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ssl

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SSLCACertInstalled<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ SSLCACertNum) Inq 1.0

1 0

Returns whether each SSL CA certificate has been installed or not. : installed : not installed

SSLCACertNum Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the maximum number of supported SSL CA certificates. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

SSLCAExtendedKeyUsageCert<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ SSLCACertNum)

Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the extended key usage of specified CA certification.

SSLCAIssuerDnCert<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ SSLCACertNum) Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the issuer distinguished name of specified CA

certification. SSLCASubjectDnCert<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ SSLCACertNum) Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the subject distinguished name of specified

CA certification. SSLCAValidityCert<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ SSLCACertNum) Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the validity period of specified CA certification.

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3.15.5. ssl_config

SetCGI: command/ssl.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ssl

Parameter Set



. Value Description

HttpsPort Set Inq 1.0

443 1024 to 65534

Sets the port number for accesses with HTTPS protocol. : (default)

SSLCertMode Set Inq 1.0

auto user

Sets the SSL certification mode. : automatic : normal

SSLMode Set Inq 1.0

Plain SSL SSL-Plain

Sets the SSL mode. : HTTP : HTTPS : both HTTPS and HTTP

SSLPrivPassword Set Inq 1.0 0 to 50 characters Sets a private key password for SSL.

SSLProtocol Set Inq 1.0

SSLv23 SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv10

Sets the SSL protocol. : SSL Ver.2 and Ver.3 : SSL Ver.3 : TLS Ver.1 : TLS Ver.10

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3.15.6. ssl_info

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ssl

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SSLCertAvailability Inq 1.0 1 0

Shows the SSL certification availability. : available : unavailable

SSLCertInstalled Inq 1.0 1 0

Shows whether a SSL certification is installed or not. : installed : not installed

SSLCertExtendedKeyUsage Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the extended key usage of SSL certification.

SSLCertIssuerDn Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the issuer distinguished name of SSL certification.

SSLCertSubjectDn Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the subject distinguished name of SSL certification.

SSLCertValidity Inq 1.0 0 to 128 characters Shows the validity period of SSL certification.

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3.16. streaming

3.16.1. rtp_system

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

McAddress1 Set Inq 1.0 IPv4 address

( Sets the multicast address used on HTTP invoked multicast steaming of ImageCodec1.

McAddress2 Set Inq 1.0 IPv4 address

( Sets the multicast address used on HTTP invoked multicast steaming of ImageCodec2.

McAddress3 Set Inq 1.0 IPv4 address

( Sets the multicast address used on HTTP invoked multicast steaming of ImageCodec3.

McAudioAddress Set Inq 1.0 IPv4 address

( Sets the multicast address used on HTTP invoked multicast steaming of audio.

McTtl Set Inq 1.0

3 1 to 255

Sets Time-to-live value for multicast packets transmitted by the camera. : (default)

Multicast Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables multicast streaming. : enable : disable

RTSPMcAddress Set Inq 1.0 IPv4 address


Sets the multicast address used on RTSP invoked multicast steaming. If a RTSP client explicitly designates another multicast address in its SETUP phase, that multicast address will have higher priority.

RTSPReUserAgentG726ltu Set Inq 1.0 0 to 32 characters


Sets RTSP client’s ‘User-Agent’ string in the form of regular expression so that the camera can select G.726 bit-packing options, either RFC 3551 or ITU-T. If a RTSP client’s User-Agent string is full-matched with the regular expression, ITU-T bit-packing is applied. On the other hand, the other RTSP clients’ whose User-Agent string is not matched with the regular expression, RFC 3551 bit-packing is applied.

RtpExpire Set Inq 1.0

60000 0 1000 to 86400000

Sets RTP data transmission time-out [msec]. The value of ‘0’ means disabling of time-out. : 60000 msec (1 min) : disabling of time-out : 1000 msec : 8640000 msec (1 day)

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3.16.2. rtsp

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

McAudioPort Set Inq 1.0

58000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for HTTP invoked UDP multicast steaming (Audio). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port. The designated port numbers for the video and the audio must be different.)

McVideoPort1 Set Inq 1.0

60000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for HTTP invoked UDP multicast steaming (ImageCodec1). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port. The designated port numbers for the video and the audio must be different.)

McVideoPort2 Set Inq 1.0

62000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for HTTP invoked UDP multicast steaming (ImageCodec2). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port. The designated port numbers for the video and the audio must be different.)

McVideoPort3 Set Inq 1.0

64000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for HTTP invoked UDP multicast steaming (ImageCodec3). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port. The designated port numbers for the video and the audio must be different.)

RTSPMcAudioPort Set Inq 1.0

59000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for RTSP invoked UDP multicast steaming (Audio). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port.)

RTSPMcVideoPort1 Set Inq 1.0

61000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for RTSP invoked UDP multicast steaming (ImageCodec1). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port.)

RTSPMcVideoPort2 Set Inq 1.0

63000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for RTSP invoked UDP multicast steaming (ImageCodec2). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port.)

RTSPMcVideoPort3 Set Inq 1.0

65000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for RTSP invoked UDP multicast steaming (ImageCodec3). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port.)

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RTSPPort Set Inq 1.0

554 1024 to 65534

Sets the port number used for RTSP streaming other than the unicast and the multicast. If the setting is changed, the RTSP server will be rebooted.

RTSPUcAudioPort Set Inq 1.0

57000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for RTSP invoked UDP unicast steaming (Audio). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port.)

RTSPUcVideoPort1 Set Inq 1.0

51000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for RTSP invoked UDP unicast steaming (ImageCodec1). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port.)

RTSPUcVideoPort2 Set Inq 1.0

53000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for RTSP invoked UDP unicast steaming (ImageCodec2). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port.)

RTSPUcVideoPort3 Set Inq 1.0

55000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for RTSP invoked UDP unicast steaming (ImageCodec3). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port.)

UcAudioPort Set Inq 1.0

56000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for HTTP invoked UDP unicast steaming (Audio). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port. When performing simultaneous multi-transmission, a different port number will be used for every transmission, based on the port number specified here. The designated port numbers for the video and the audio must be different.)

UcVideoPort1 Set Inq 1.0

50000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for HTTP invoked UDP unicast steaming (ImageCodec1). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port. When performing simultaneous multi-transmission, a different port number will be used for every transmission, based on the port number specified here. The designated port numbers for the video and the audio must be different.)

UcVideoPort2 Set Inq 1.0

52000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for HTTP invoked UDP unicast steaming (ImageCodec2). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port. When performing simultaneous multi-transmission, a different port number will be used for every transmission, based on the port number specified here. The designated port numbers for the video and the audio must be different.)

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UcVideoPort3 Set Inq 1.0

54000 1024 to 65534

Sets RTP port number used for HTTP invoked UDP unicast steaming (ImageCodec3). Only the EVEN number can be assigned. (Note : Actually the odd number with 1 added to the specified number will be used for RTCP port. When performing simultaneous multi-transmission, a different port number will be used for every transmission, based on the port number specified here. The designated port numbers for the video and the audio must be different.)

3.16.3. rtsp_misc

SetCGI: command/camera.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=camera

Parameter Set



. Value Description

RTSPTimeout Set Inq 1.0

0 to 600

This parameter is used by RTSP transmission and it specifies RTSP session Keep Alive time out. Default value is 0. When it is set to 0, RTSP session will not be regarded as disconnected at any longer even if the camera does not receive the Keep Alive commands (RTSP GET_PARAMETER/SET_PARAMETER etc.). : disabling of timeout : 600 sec

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3.17. superimpose

3.17.1. si_color_area

SetCGI: command/superimpose.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=superimpose

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SiColorArea1Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Sets the colors for superimpose part No.1, indicated by SiColorArea1Image<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3.

[Value1] black gray1 gray2 gray3 gray4 gray5 gray6 white red green blue cyan yellow magenta

the font color of the superimposed text

[Value2] black gray1 gray2 gray3 gray4 gray5 gray6 white red green blue cyan yellow magenta

the background color of the superimposed text

[Value3] off low high

the background color transparent of the superimposed text : opacue : a little transparent : transparent

SiColorArea2Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Sets the colors for superimpose part No.2, indicated by SiColorArea2Image<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3.

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[Value1] black gray1 gray2 gray3 gray4 gray5 gray6 white red green blue cyan yellow magenta

the font color of the superimposed text

[Value2] black gray1 gray2 gray3 gray4 gray5 gray6 white red green blue cyan yellow magenta

the background color of the superimposed text

[Value3] off low high

the background color transparent of the superimposed text : opacue : a little transparent : transparent

SiColorArea3Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Sets the colors for superimpose part No.3, indicated by SiColorArea3Image<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3.

[Value1] black gray1 gray2 gray3 gray4 gray5 gray6 white red green blue cyan yellow magenta

the font color of the superimposed text

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[Value2] black gray1 gray2 gray3 gray4 gray5 gray6 white red green blue cyan yellow magenta

the background color of the superimposed text

[Value3] off low high

the background color transparent of the superimposed text : opacue : a little transparent : transparent

SiColorArea4Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Sets the colors for superimpose part No.4, indicated by SiColorArea4Image<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3.

[Value1] black gray1 gray2 gray3 gray4 gray5 gray6 white red green blue cyan yellow magenta

the font color of the superimposed text

[Value2] black gray1 gray2 gray3 gray4 gray5 gray6 white red green blue cyan yellow magenta

the background color of the superimposed text

[Value3] off low high

the background color transparent of the superimposed text : opacue : a little transparent : transparent

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3.17.2. si_define

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=superimpose

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SiFormatTag Inq 1.0

0 to 60 characters <datetime><silogo><event><codecinfo>

Returns available kinds of format tag.

SiNumPerImage Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the maximum number of available superimpose parts. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

3.17.3. si_enable_disable

SetCGI: command/superimpose.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=superimpose

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SiEnableImage<n> Set Inq 1.0

on off

Enables or disables the superimpose parts of specified ImageCodec. (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum) : enable : disable

3.17.4. si_format_data

SetCGI: command/superimpose.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=superimpose

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SiFormatArea1Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0 0 to 64 characters

Sets the content for superimpose part No.1. Acceptable characters are from 0x20 to 0x7E in the ASCII code.

SiFormatArea2Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0 0 to 64 characters

Sets the content for superimpose part No.2. Acceptable characters are from 0x20 to 0x7E in the ASCII code.

SiFormatArea3Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0 0 to 64 characters

Sets the content for superimpose part No.3. Acceptable characters are from 0x20 to 0x7E in the ASCII code.

SiFormatArea4Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0 0 to 64 characters

Sets the content for superimpose part No.4. Acceptable characters are from 0x20 to 0x7E in the ASCII code.

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3.17.5. si_position_area

SetCGI: command/superimpose.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=superimpose

Parameter Set



. Value Description

SiPositionArea1Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Sets the position of superimpose part No.1, indicated by SiPositionArea1Image<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3.

[Value1] 0 to 1000

Sets X permil about screen width. left most side is 0, right most side is 1000. But if the superimpose area is out of screen, it is automatically adjusted fit inside screen.

[Value2] 0 to 1000

Sets Y permil about screen height. top most side is 0. But if the superimpose area is out of screen, it is automatically adjusted fit inside screen.

[Value3] left center right

Sets the horizontal position of the superimpose part. : ‘Left’ begins from left most and top most. : ‘Center’ positions at the middle point of superimpose string width. : ‘Right’ begins from right most and top most.

SiPositionArea2Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Sets the position of superimpose part No.2, indicated by SiPositionArea2Image<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3.

[Value1] 0 to 1000

Sets X permil about screen width. left most side is 0, right most side is 1000. But if the superimpose area is out of screen, it is automatically adjusted fit inside screen.

[Value2] 0 to 1000

Sets Y permil about screen height. top most side is 0. But if the superimpose area is out of screen, it is automatically adjusted fit inside screen.

[Value3] left center right

Sets the horizontal position of the superimpose part. : ‘Left’ begins from left most and top most. : ‘Center’ positions at the middle point of superimpose string width. : ‘Right’ begins from right most and top most.

SiPositionArea3Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Sets the position of superimpose part No.3, indicated by SiPositionArea3Image<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3.

[Value1] 0 to 1000

Sets X permil about screen width. left most side is 0, right most side is 1000. But if the superimpose area is out of screen, it is automatically adjusted fit inside screen.

[Value2] 0 to 1000

Sets Y permil about screen height. top most side is 0. But if the superimpose area is out of screen, it is automatically adjusted fit inside screen.

[Value3] left center right

Sets the horizontal position of the superimpose part. : ‘Left’ begins from left most and top most. : ‘Center’ positions at the middle point of superimpose string width. : ‘Right’ begins from right most and top most.

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SiPositionArea4Image<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ ImageCodecMaxNum)

Set Inq 1.0

Sets the position of superimpose part No.4, indicated by SiPositionArea4Image<n>=Value1,Value2,Value3.

[Value1] 0 to 1000

Sets X permil about screen width. left most side is 0, right most side is 1000. But if the superimpose area is out of screen, it is automatically adjusted fit inside screen.

[Value2] 0 to 1000

Sets Y permil about screen height. top most side is 0. But if the superimpose area is out of screen, it is automatically adjusted fit inside screen.

[Value3] left center right

Sets the horizontal position of the superimpose part. : ‘Left’ begins from left most and top most. : ‘Center’ positions at the middle point of superimpose string width. : ‘Right’ begins from right most and top most.

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Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.18. system

3.18.1. led_conf

SetCGI: command/system.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=system

Parameter Set



. Value Description

NetworkLed Set Inq 1.0

on off

Turns the LED which indicates the network status on or off. : turn on : turn off

PowerLed Set Inq 1.0

on off

Turns the LED which indicates the power status on or off. : turn on : turn off

3.18.2. sysinfo

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=system

Parameter Set



. Value Description

ModelName Inq 1.0 0 to 32 characters Returns the model name of the camera.

Serial Inq 1.0 0 to 9999999

Return the serial number of the camera.

SoftVersion Inq 1.0 0 to 32 characters Returns the software version.

3.18.3. sys_opt

SetCGI: command/system.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=system

Parameter Set



. Value Description

ModelForm Inq 1.0 RPD Returns the model form type

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3.18.4. system_authen

SetCGI: command/system.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=system

Parameter Set



. Value Description

CgiAuthen Set Inq 1.0

on off

CgiAuthen defines whether to enable authentication functionality towards CGI commands. It is highly recommended that this parameter should not be turned off except for an evaluation purpose.

3.18.5. wd_level

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=system

Parameter Set



. Value Description

WideDynamicRangeLevelList Inq 1.0

(see Description)

Returns list of available values for WideDynamicRangeLevel. When list contains more than one level, each value is separated by a comma. (For example, WideDynamicRangeLevel=Level1,Level3) level1 : least effective level2 : moderately effective level3 : most effective

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3.19. system capability

3.19.1. capability

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=system

Parameter Set



. Value Description

AudioInFunc Inq 1.0

1 0

Returns whether audio input function* is available or not. (* for getting audio from camera) : available : unavailable

AudioOutFunc Inq 1.0

1 0

Returns whether audio upload function* is available or not. (* for sending audio to camera) : available : unavailable

AudioOutSupportedCodec Inq 1.0

aac16_64 aac48_128

Returns list of available codecs for audio upload function (sending audio to camera). When list contains more than one codec, each codec name is separated by a slash. : AAC 16 kHz (64 kbps) : AAC 48 kHz (128 kbps)

ContinuousPanTiltZoomFunc Inq 1.0 1 0

Returns whether ContinuousPanTiltZoom CGI command is available or not. : available : unavailable

ContinuousPanTiltZoomInterval Inq 1.0 (See description)

Returns integer value indicating available shortest interval in milli-seconds between each ContinuousPanTiltZoom CGI command.

FanCtrlFunc Inq 1.0 1 0

Returns whether built-in fan is available or not. : available : unavailable

FocusFunc Inq 1.0 1 0

Returns whether powered optical focus function is available or not. : available : unavailable

IrCutFilterFunc Inq 1.0 1 0

Returns whether either true or electronic Day/Night function is available or not. : available : unavailable

PanTiltFunc Inq 1.0 1 0

Returns whether built-in mechanical pan/tilt function is available or not. : available : unavailable

PtzDataFunc Inq 1.0 1 0

Returns whether “PTZ Data Streaming (G6TG011)” function is available or not. : available : unavailable

ZoomFunc Inq 1.0 1 0

Returns whether powered optical zoom function is available or not. : available : unavailable

PresetPositionFunc Inq 1.0 1 0

Returns whether preset position function is available or not. : available : unavailable

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ThumbnailFunc Inq 1.6 1 0

Returns whether thumbnail preset position function is available or not. : available : unavailable

SerialFunc Inq 1.0

1 0

Returns whether serial interface function for controling peripheral device(s) is available or not. : available : unavailable

SuperImposeFunc Inq 1.0 1 0

Returns whether superimpose function is available or not. : available : unavailable

VBRModeFunc Inq 1,0 1 0

Returns whether VBR mode is enabled or not. : enbled : disabled

WhiteBalanceOffsetFunc Inq 1.0

1 0

Returns whether setting the offset value of White Balance B gain and R gain is available or not. : available : unavailable

WideDynamicRangeLevelFunc Inq 1.0

1 0

Returns whether View-DR* function is available or not. (* wide dynamic range) : available : unavailable

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Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.20. user

3.20.1. auth_mode

SetCGI: command/user.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=user

Parameter Set



. Value Description

AuthMode Set Inq 1.0

basic digest

Sets user authentication mode. : Basic Access Authentication : Digest Access Authentication

3.20.2. define

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=user

Parameter Set



. Value Description

UserNum Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the supported maximum number of registered users. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

3.20.3. list

SetCGI: command/user.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=user

Parameter Set



. Value Description

Administrator Set Inq 1.0 11 to 45 characters


Sets Username(5 to 16 characters) + “: (colon)” + Password(5 to 28 characters), which are encoded by BASE64.

User<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ UserNum)

Set Inq 1.0

0 to 45 characters (:)


00000000 00010FFF FFFFFFFF


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3.20.4. nonce_duration

SetCGI: command/user.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=user

Parameter Set



. Value Description

DigestAuthNonceDuration Set Inq 1.0

300 1 to 3600

Sets the effective duration of the Nonce value in Digest Access Authentication. : 300 sec (default) : 1 sec : 3600 sec

3.20.5. viewer_authen

SetCGI: command/user.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=user

Parameter Set



. Value Description

ViewerAuthen Set Inq 1.0 on


ViewerModeDefault Set Inq 1.0

00010FFF 00000000 to FFFFFFFF

3.21. user auth

3.21.1. referrer_check

SetCGI: command/auth.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=auth

Parameter Set



. Value Description

RefererCheck Set Inq 1.0

on off

Activates or deactivates the referrer check function to check if the web page which requires access is authorized when the camera is accessed. If the web page is not authorized, the camra denies access of the web page to the camera. : activate : deactivate

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Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


3.21.2. referrer_check_exception_info

SetCGI: command/auth.cgi?Parameter=Value

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=auth

Parameter Set



. Value Description

RcExceptionHostname<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ RcExceptionNum)

Set Inq 1.0 0 to 63 characters

Sets the host name or IP address of the PC that supplies the wab page you want not to be targeted for the referrer check.

RcExceptionPort<n> (1 ≤ <n> ≤ RcExceptionNum)

Set Inq 1.0

80 1 to 65535

Sets the port number of the PC that supplies the wab page you want not to be targeted for the referrer check. : (default)

3.21.3. user_auth_define

InqParam: command/inquiry.cgi?inq=auth

Parameter Set



. Value Description

RcExceptionNum Inq 1.0 (see Description)

Returns the maximum number of registerable hosts that are not targeted for the referrer check. The value is an integer and depending on the specification of a model.

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Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


4. Appendix

4.1. Definitions of Coordinate System

Mechanical Pan/Tilt

The following figure shows the coordinate system of absolutes for mechanical Pan/Tilt cameras.

Figure 4-1 Coordinate System for Mechanical Pan/Tilt

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4.2. Zoom ratio and Zoom position (designed value)1

Value Zoom Ratio

Optical Digital

0000 16A1 2063 2628 2A1D 2D13 2F6D 3161 330D 3486 35D7 3709 3820 3920 3A0A 3ADD 3B9C 3C46 3CDC 3D60 3DD4 3E39 3E90 3EDC 3F1E 3F57 3F8A 3FB6 3FDC 4000

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9

x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x16 x27 x28 x29 x30


4000 6000 6A80 7000 7300 7540 76C0 7800 78C0 7980 7A00 7AC0

x30 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9

x10 x11 x12

1 The value is unsigned hexadecimal.

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Technical Guide | SRG CGI Commands


Revision History

Date Revision Description

2015/1/27 1.0.0 First edition.

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