technical englsh 1 part a questions

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  • 7/30/2019 Technical Englsh 1 Part a Questions


    Subject: 186101- Technical English - I


    PART- A

    1. Put the form of words in the given blanks:Verb noun adjective

    a) ------------- application applicableb) Experiment ----------------- --------------c) Conclude conclusion ----------------d) ------------- extraction ----------------e) ------------- labour laboriousf) Intensify ---------------- intensiveg) ---------------- operation operativeh) Industrialize -------------------- ---------------------i) -------------- season -------------------j) Systematize ------------------- systematick) Close ----------------- ----------------l) Signify ----------------- --------------------m)------------- vibration vibratoryn) Inform -------------------- -------------------o) Require requirement ------------------p)

    Dispose ------------------ disposable

    q) -------------- production --------------------r) -------------- ---------------------- motivateds) Speculate ----------------- ------------------t) ---------------- explosion ---------------u) ----------------- simplification --------------------v) --------------- ----------------- reliable

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    ---------------- --------------------x) Generate ------------------ ------------------y) ------------------- --------------------- restorative


    a) Applyb) Experimentation, experimentalc) Conclusived) Extract, extractablee) Labourf) Intensificationg) Operateh) Industry, industriali) Season, seasonalj) Systemk) Closure, closed/close/closer/closestl) Significance, significantm)Vibraten) Information, informativeo) Requiredp) Disposalq) Produce, productiver) Motivate, motivations)

    Speculation, speculative

    t) Explode, explosiveu) Simplify, simplev) Rely, reliancew)Stagnate, stagnantx) Generation, generativey) Restore, restoration

    2. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B:A B

    a) Objective i) severe

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    c) Spell iii) dangerd) Stringent iv) charm

    a) Stimulus i) choiceb) Perspective ii) something that rouses people to activityc) Option iii) disadvantaged) Drawback iv) view

    v) mean

    a) Estimate i) commandb) Stimulate ii) recollectc) Dominate iii) rouse suddenlyd) Reminiscent iv) make worse

    v) Calculate

    a) Paucity i) wild imagination

    b) Jeopardy ii) attempt

    c) Fantasy iii) scarcity

    d) Endeavoriv) enormity

    v) Danger

    a) Contaminated i) simple

    b) Facilitate ii) unclean

    c) Initiative iii) make easy

    d) Sophisticatediv) refined

    v) Enterprise

    Ans: 1. a) ii b) iii c) iv d)i

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    3. a) v b) iii c) i d) ii4. a) iii b) v c) i d)ii

    5. a) ii b) iii c) v d)iv

    3. Fill in the blanks sentences with the comparative forms of the adjectives

    given in brackets:

    a) The weather in this year is ------------- (bad) than last year.

    b) This movie is -------------- (dreadful) than the precious one.

    c) Cast iron is --------------- (durable) than aluminum.

    d) The summer is --------- (hot) than the winter.

    e) a day on mars is slightly ------------ (long) than a day on earth.

    f) a wise enemy is ---------------- ( good) than foolish friend.

    g) Liberty is ------------- (important) than food.

    h) Petrol is ---------- (costly) than kerosene

    i) The tiger is --------------- (ferocious) than other animals.

    j) Diesel costs-------------- (little) than petrol.

    Ans: a) worse

    b) more dreadful

    c) more durable

    d) hotter

    e) longer

    f) Better

    g) more important

    h) costlier

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    j) less

    4. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice;

    a) China produces thousands of electronic devices every year.

    b) NASA has used a robot to explore oil spurts.

    c) The auditors are checking the accounts.

    d) The crew found the meteorological information very useful.

    e) Plastic engine components consume less power.

    Ans: a) thousands of electronic devices are produced by china every year.

    b) A robot has been used by NASA to explore oil spurts.

    c) The accounts is being checked by the auditors.

    d) The meteorological information was found very useful by the crew.

    e) Less power is consumed by plastic engine components.

    5. Rewrite the following sentences in the active voice;

    a) The art of coin making was developing by the Greeks.

    b) Many faults have been ascribed to dams by people.

    c) This pump can be maintained by the users themselves

    d) The laboratory was being cleaned by the workers.

    e) The blueprint has been prepared by the engineers.

    Ans: a) the Greeks developed the art of coin making

    b) People have ascribed many faults to dams

    c) The users can maintain the pump themselves.

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    e) The engineers have prepared the blueprint.

    6. Change the following into impersonal passive.

    a) Avoid cell phone while driving.

    b) Save enough money for future.

    c) Place the beaker on the desk.

    d) Apply science to solve human problems.

    e) Treat water chemically.

    Ans: a) cell phone should be avoided while driving.

    b) Enough money should be saved for future.

    C) The beaker should be placed on the desk.

    d) Science should be applied to solve human problems.

    e) Water should be treated chemically.

    7. Add prefixes according to the meanings given:

    a) ---------- argument : against my argument.

    b) ----------- social: person harmful to society.

    c) ---------- natural: which cannot be explained by law of science.

    d) ---------- impose: to put ones image on the top of another.

    e) ---------- chancellor: next in rank.

    f) ---------- load: too much of things.

    g) --------- arrange: doing anything again.

    h) ---------- humanize: take away human qualities.

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    ---------- : .

    j) ---------- scope: small objects look large.

    Ans: a) counter b) anti c) super d) super e) vice

    f) over g) re h) de i) under j) micro

    8. Add suffixes according to the meanings given

    a) Construct ----------: art of constructing.

    b) Require -----------; art of requiring.

    c) National ----------: government takes over.

    D) Reliable ------------; act of relying

    e) Submerge--------- being place under water.

    f) Deforest ----------; clearing the forest.g) conserve----------: process of preserving.

    h) Speed -------------: instrument for measuring.

    i) spoon-------------: full of

    j) advantage------------: having advantage

    Ans:a) construction b) requirement c) nationalized d) reliability

    e) submerged f) Deforestation g) conservation h) speedometer i) spoonful j)advantageous

    9. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense forms;

    1. The factory ----- ----- (close) for the last six months.

    2. The temple ------------- (build) during the 12th


    3. It began to rain, while we ------------ (play) cricket yesterday.

    4. Aarty ------------- (go) to bed, when I called upon her.

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    . -------- .

    6. No, he isnt here; he -----just -------- (go) out.

    7. she-------- (clean) the room when the doorbell rang.

    8. They------- (lay) the road by next June.

    9. They ---------- (live) in that house for five years.

    10. The prime minister --------------- (meet) the president tomorrow.

    11. A team of experts ---------------(visit) the flood hit areas now.

    Ans: 1. has been closed 2.was built 3. were playing 4. Had gone 5) had 6) has

    just gone 6. wascleaning 7. Will have laid 8. Have been living/ have lived

    9. meets/is meeting 10. is visiting

    10. Fill in the blanks in the following passage with appropriate tense forms:

    a) In 1950 and 1970, most of Americasenergy ----------- (come) from coal, oil

    and natural gas. But in their twenty year- period, the amount ----------- (produce)

    from coal ------- (fall) from 38% to 18.5%, while oil ------------- (rise) from 36% to


    b) Kamala ------- (be) a teacher. In 1970, she --------- (start) her career in Sri

    Lanka. She ---------- (migrate) to India in 1995. Presently, she -------- (work) in


    c) SrinivasaRamanujam ---------- (be) a great mathematician genius. He -------

    (accept) a clecrical position in the Madras Port Trust Office. While he ------- (work)

    as a clerk, he -------- (write) to G.H. Hardy of Cambridge University a letter that

    was to change his life.

    d) Thinking ahead ------- (be) the privilege given to man alone. Man ------

    (learns) from past experience -------------- (analyse) the present and -----------

    (plan) for the future.

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    ------ . . . ------------degree, I ----------- (intent) to join MBA as I --------- (interest) in managerial service

    in big companies.

    Ans: a) came, produced, fell, rose. B) is, started, migrated, is working

    c) was,accepted, worked, wrote d) is, learns, analyses, plans.

    e) am studying, completing, intend, am interested

    11. Expand the following compound nouns:

    a) Copper wire b) heat transfer c) cylinder head d) air supply e) circuit diagram

    f) petroleum products g) water source h) the machine operator i) power cable

    j) temperature drop k)concrete structure l) wooden box

    Ans; a) wire made up of copper

    b) Transfer of heat

    c) Head of cylinder

    d) Supply of air

    e) Product that come with petroleum

    f) Source of water

    g) The operator of a machine

    i) Cable for carrying power

    j) Drop in temperature

    k) Structure made up of concrete

    l) Box made up of wood

    12. Punctuate the following passage:

    a) coal still provides almost 30% of the worlds energy needs two thirds of the

    worlds reserves are in china russia and the usaindia and australia are major

    producers too

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    b) we want to provide more access points of credible agents for students who

    want to study in singapore says Magdalene lee director education services

    division of the singapore tourism board

    c) BHAVANI a public sector undertaking of the department of atomic energy is

    charged with the construction operation and the maintenance of the fast breeder

    reactors in the country

    d) Misbah said if we can survive this match we will definitely play better in the

    next match at banglore

    e) what do you know about a bats ability to fly at night some animals have a sort

    of kinesthetic sense which helps them to move about at night

    Ans:a) Coal still provides almost 30% of the worlds energy needs. Two- thirds of

    the worlds reserves are in China Russia and the USA India and Australia are

    major producers too.

    b) We want to provide more access points of credible agents for students who

    want to study in Singapore says Magdalene Lee, Director,Education Services

    Division of the Singapore Tourism Board.

    c) BHAVANI, a public sector undertaking of the Department of Atomic Energy, is

    charged with the construction, operation and the maintenance of the FastBreeder Reactors in the country.

    d) Misbah said, If we can survive this match, we will definitely play better in

    the next match at Bangalore.

    e) What do you know about a bats ability to fly at night?Some animals have a

    sort of kinesthetic sense which helps them to move about at night.

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    13. Make the statements into interrogative forms:

    a) He comes from Avadi.b) No, he didnt attend the meeting.c) The party begins at 7.00 p.m.d) My son studies well.e) Yes, I got the message.f) Here is my smart card.g) Yes, I have taken all my certificates.h) He is my friend, Dinakar.i) I want to go the library.j) I like pink color.


    a) Where does he come from?b) Did he attend the meeting?c) When does the party begin?d) How does your son study?e) Did you get the message?f) Where is your smartcard?g) Have you taken all your certificates?h) Who is he?i) Where do you want to go?j) Which color do you like?

    14. Define the following terms: (definition)

    a) TransformerAns: Transformer is a piece of electrical equipment, which changes the

    voltage of current

    b) RobotAns: A robot is a machine which can perform some of the actions of a

    human being or an animal.

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    Ans: A library is a place, where a collection of books is kept for public


    d) BatteryAns: A battery is cell like device that is used to supply electrical energy to

    an equipment.

    e) PrinterAns: A printer is a machine for printing especially one attached to a

    computer, word, processor, etc.

    f) FlowchartAns: A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of the steps involved

    in a sequence process.

    g) Screw driverAns: A Screw driver is a tool with a handle and a blade that fits into a

    slot, etc. in the head of a screw to turn it.

    h) SensorAns: A sensor is a device that detects the presence of light, heat,

    humidity, etc.

    i) JournalistAns: A journalist is a person who writes for newspaper or magazines or

    prepares news items or features to be broadcast on radio or television.

    j) ThermostatAns:A thermostat is a device which automatically regulates the

    temperature by cutting off or restoring supply of heat.

    k) TourAns: A tour is a journey taken for pleasure during which various places of

    interest are visited.

    l) AuditoriumAns: An Auditorium is a place where various events and functions are


    m)DynamoAns: A dynamo is a device, which is used to convert steam power or

    water power into electrical energy.

    n) CalculatorAns: A calculator is a small electronic device for making mathematical


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    Ans: A computer virus is a hidden code within a computer programme

    intends to cause errors and destroy stored information.

    p) Computer programAns: A Computer program is a set of instructions given to the computer

    to perform an operation.

    q) CapacitorAns: A capacitor is an electrical device used for storing electric charge.

    r) RadarAns: Radar is an equipment used to detect the presence, position ormovement of solid objects within its range by sending out short radio

    waves which reflects.

    15. Use the correct modal verb:

    a) ------------- ( might, may, will) heaven protect you.(wish)b) You ----------- ( must, dare, may) finish this work before going to

    bed.( necessity/compulsion)

    c) He ------------- (ought to, can, dares to) stand alone. (ability)d) ---------------- (may, can, will) I borrow your book? ( permission)e) The film --------------- ( ought to, could, will) be a great success,

    (Strong probability)

    16. Fill in the blanks with correct verb forms;

    1) Churchill, statesman and writer, --------- (is/ are) no more.2) Ram, along with his parents, ------------ (is/ are) going to Singapore.3) The North Pole and South Pole ------------- ((is/ are) distant from the

    equator.4) Nothing --------- (has/have) yet been decided.5) The tiger ---------- (is/ are) our National animal.6) Sheela with her friends ----------- (was/ were) at the theatre.7) A pack of cards ----------- (is/ are) missing.8) One of my friends ---------- (is/ are) going abroad today.9) Some of the music ----------- ( was / were)boring.10) Either of the two books -------- (is/ are) not sufficient.11) Neither shoby nor her friends ---------- (has/ have) come.12) Half of the cake ----------- (was/ were) eaten by raju.13) Any new vehicle ------------- (has/have) to be registered.

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    --------- .15) Hundred miles -------------- (is/ are) not a long distance.16) A volley of questions ----------- (was/were) put forth by the quiz


    17) This information -------------- (is/ are) not correct.18) The Governor and the vice- chancellor -------- (has/have) come for the


    19) Your scissors ---------- (is/ are) very sharp.20) Many an artiste ----------- (do/does) not gain stand for more than one

    film.21) A great many students ---------- (has/have) been declared successful.22) The number of girls in the hall ----------- (is/ are) very small.23) Plenty of works ----------- (is/ are) to be done.24) The public -------------- (was/were) moved by spectacle.25) None of the candidates ------------ (has/have) field their nomination.26) People --------- (do/does) not care to segregate the non-

    biodegradable by all the friends.

    27) The girl who ----------- (have/ has) scored the highest marks isappreciated by all the friends.

    28) The General Manager as well the area managers ----------- (is/ are) onofficial duty.

    29) Neither the students nor the teacher ------------- (has/have)understood the purpose.

    30) Each of the boys ---------- (has/have) to get a prize.31) Two and two ----------- (make/ makes) four.32) Bread and butter ---------- (is/ are)ahealthy food.33) The poet and philanthropist ---------- (is/ are) coming for the function.34) Every man and every woman ---------- (is/ are) prone to death one


    35) Honesty is the best policy ----------- (is/are) a saying.17. Combine the following sentences using words to show casual relation:

    1) The price of petrol has gone up. The essential commodities havebecome costlier.

    Ans: The essential commodities have become costlier due to the rise

    in the price of petrol.

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    .warming faster than the planet as a whole.

    Ans: As Polar Regions are warming faster than the planet as a

    whole,the earths ice cover is melting at high rates.

    3) Safety precautions were not observed. There were many accidentsin the factory.

    Ans; Safety precautions were not observed consequently there

    were many accidents in the factory.

    4) Several new blocks of buildings have been built there. The hugecanopy of trees has disappeared.

    Ans: Several new blocks of buildings have been built there as the

    result the huge canopy of trees has disappeared.

    5) The total installations of multipurpose industrial Robots around theworld will dramatically increase. There is an acute shortage of

    required multiskilled man power.

    Ans; the total installations of multipurpose industrial Robots

    around the world will dramatically increase since there is an acute

    shortage of required multiskilled man power.

    6) There is an increase in combustion of fossil fuels. The levels of thegreenhouse gases in the atmosphere have risen substantially.

    Ans: As there is an increase in combustion of fossil fuels,the levels

    of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have risen


    7) Exhaust gases poison the air we breathe. People who are exposed tosuch gases can suffer from diseases.

    Ans: Exhaust gases poison the air we breathe as the result people

    who are exposed to such gases can suffer from diseases.

    8) The steel tray is painted black. The black paint prevents the heatfrom escaping.

    Ans: The steel tray is painted black because the black paint

    prevents the heat from escaping.

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    Ans: Newspaper will survive as They are a cost efficient way of

    providing information.

    10) Pakistan has become a haven of terrorist outfits. She warnedPakistan.

    Ans: As Pakistan has become a haven of terrorist outfits. She

    warned Pakistan.

    18. Complete the following sentences.

    1) If the Nano car is available, all middle class people will buy it.2) If more vehicles were available, there would not be enough space

    on the roads.

    3) If I have money, I can lend it to you.4)

    Ifyou completed the work, you could go.5) If I have known your address, I might have visited.

    6) You might win the race, if you participated.7) If he communicates effectively, he will be successful in marketing.8) If he had performed well, he would have passed.9) I would have informed the results, if I had known earlier.10) If I got the phone earlier, I would contact all my friends.

    19. Edit the following;

    1) What is the effect of the delima. I have adiquate authority toclinch the deel but my partners wont let me to exercise it. I dontknow what should I do?

    2) Desparate to generate fresh competetion , the soviets came withforth option. They proclaimed that the rights to televice the

    Olympic now belong to an abscure American trading company.

    3) A semestar have passed since that embarrassing day atorientation and I felt I had made transition from adolecent to


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    , ,new group of freshers will be wonder around the campas. I, as a

    sophomore, will be the one will give them the directions.

    5) There are many ways of communicating without using speech.Signs, symbals, gestures may find in every known culture. The

    basic function of signs is to impinge upon the enviranment in

    such way that it attract attention.

    Ans:1) What is the effect of the dilemma? I have an adequate authority to

    clinch the deal but my partners wont let me exercise it. I dont know whatshould I do?

    2) Desperate to generate fresh competition, the soviets came with

    a fourth option. They proclaimed that the rights to televise the Olympic now

    belong to an obscure American Trading Company.

    3) A semester has passed since that embarrassing day at

    orientation and I felt I had made transition from adolescence to adulthood.

    4) Perhaps the best feeling of all, however, is known that next year a newgroup of freshers will be wander around the campus. I, as a sophomore, will be

    the one to give them the directions.

    5) There are many ways of communicating without using speech.

    Signs, symbols, gestures may find in every known culture. The basic function of

    signs is to impinge upon the environment in such way that it attracts attention.

    20. Insert the suitable adverbs in the blanks;

    1) She danced ------------ at the function.2) I have done the problem as it was ------------- easy.3) Mohan ------- visits her house. He ---------- comes to my house.4) He speaks very -----------5) They shot the people ------------ the shrine.6) I --------- expect to pass in the examination.7) The ------------- help rendered by friends was very valuable.8) I looked for him ------------.9) Ram arrived ------------ in the morning.10.Your answer is ----------- right.

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    1) Grateful / beautifully2) Quite3) Frequently / seldom4) Loudly / softly5) Inside6) Surely7) Timely8) Everywhere9) Early / late10) Partly

    21. Rewrite the following infinitive forms in the sentences as gerunds:

    1) To plan before a work is very essential.2) It has become easy to send and receive messages today.3) Children like to watch POGO channel.4) It requires practice to speak in public.5) To do aerobics is good for health.6) To imitate nature is the backbone of all technology.7) Switch off the lights before you leave the hall.8) Always check the oil before you start the car.9) He started to experiment on leaf fuel as a teenager.10) He prefers to participate in social service activities.Ans:

    1) Planning before a work is essential.2) Sending and receiving messages have becomes easier


    3) Children like watching POGO channel.4) Speaking in public requires practice.5) Doing aerobics is good for health.6) Imitating nature is the backbone of all technology.7) Switch off the lights before leaving the hall.8) Always check the oil before starting the car.9) He started experimenting on leaf fuel as a teenager.10) He prefers participating in social service activities.

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    PART- B

    11. Attempt a process description for taking printout from the

    Printer. [16]

    12.Write a paragraph on Environmental pollution. [16]

    13 Write a letter calling for quotation for the purchase of toolsSuch as pipe wrenches, hammers and screwdrivers for your

    Workshop.Write imaginary address . [16]

    14Write letter to weld flues India Ltd, UBE house, 33, vijaypuri

    Colony Tarnaka, Secundrabad- 17 clarifying the change inthe price of items in the quotation sent by them. Assume

    Yourself as the Manager, Saptanishi Industries Ltd, 15, first

    Avenue, Sastrinagar, Adayar, Chennai - 20 [16]

    15. Write a letter to Asphalts India Ltd,3rd

    floor, Vikas

    Palace, Front Bay Decora, Benguluru, Stating that

    the lathes sent by company have certain mechanical defects.

    Assume that you are the proprietor of Vignesh industries,Vijay Nagar, Chennai. [16]

    16 Write an application to Kothari Dalal Consultant Ltd,

    63, Mahatma Gandhi Salai, Nungabakkam, Chennai- 34

    For the post of Mechanical Engineer with your Curriculam

    Vitae. [16]

    17 Write Eight of Instructions for maintaining houses in good

    Condition. [16]

    18 Prepare a checklist of eight important items that have to be

    Checked for attending an interview in Benguluru. [16]

    19. Imagine that a cotton mill met with a fire accident. Write anIndustrial accident report. Assuming yourself as the manager

    of the company. [16]

    20. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

    The latest buzz word in the continuing debate about the environment is 'sustainable management' -

    that means using plants and animals for our own benefit, but ensuring that enough are left alive toguarantee the survival of the species. This sounds good, but is it


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    practical in reality? In spite of years of scientific research, no-one really knows how much damage

    human beings are doing to their environment. We know that they are responsible for many problems

    ranging from global warming to ozone depletion, and there is no doubt that they have a devastating

    effect on animal and plant life on Earth.

    About 50,000 animal and plant species are becoming extinct every year. All species depend in some

    way on one another for survival. If you remove one species from this complex web ofinterrelationships, we have little idea of the repercussions on the ecosystem in general.

    What makes things more complicated is the fact that unlike global warming - which, if the political

    will was there, could be reduced by cutting gas emissions - preserving bio-diversity remains a

    difficult dilemma.

    There are also questions about whether sustainable management is practical as far as protecting areas

    of great bio-diversity such as the world's tropical forests are concerned. In theory, the principle

    should be the same as with elephants; i.e. to cut a number of trees, but not so many as to completely

    destroy the forest.

    Sustainable management of trees requires controls on the number of trees which are cut down as well

    as investment in replacing them. Most tropical forests exist in poor countries which depend onlogging to make money. For most loggers in these countries, making money means cutting down as

    many trees as possible in the shortest time. The prices of trees remains stable, varying by 4-5%

    annually, whereas interest rates in most developing countries can create 15% or more in returns. It

    therefore makes little sense, and certainly no economic sense, to delay tree-felling.

    One solution could be to insist that wood comes from sustainably managed forests. In theory,

    consumers would buy only this wood and force logging companies to go "green" or else out of

    business. Unfortunately, unrestricted logging is more profitable than wood from sustainably managed

    forests which would cost up to 5 times more to control. Consumers would not be prepared to pay the

    extra sum just to protect the environment.

    The sad fact is that there is no practical solution to protecting vegetation and wildlife of tropical

    forests in the future. It is estimated that these forests contain anything from 50 to 90 per cent of all

    animals and plant species on Earth. In one study of a 5km square area of rain forest in Peru, for

    example, scientists counted 1,300 species of butterfly and 600 species of bird. In the entire USA only

    400 species of butterfly and 700 species of bird have been recorded. Sustainable management

    represents a gigantic experiment. If this doesn't work, we can't move to another planet to escape. It's a

    case of one planet, one experiment!

    A. Complete the following statements choosing from one of the given alternatives.(6 x 1 = 6)

    1. The extent of the damage being inflicted on our environment...a. can be estimated by years of scientific research.

    b. is being calculated by scientific research exactly.

    c. is impossible to assess despite years of scientific research.d. is, thanks to years of scientific research, on the decrease.


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    2. The term 'sustainable management' means using plants and animals for our own benefit,

    but..a. assuring none are left alive to guarantee the survival of the species.

    b. making sure that enough are left alive to guarantee the survival of the species.

    c. take care of the survival of the species.

    d. make certain they are not all used up.

    3. If a particular species becomes extinct...a. we know exactly what effect it will have on our ecosystem.

    b. we have little knowledge about its effects on our ecosystem.

    c. it has no relationship with other species in our ecosystem.

    d. its removal from the ecosystem will have no repercussions.

    4. Preserving bio-diversity in our ecosystem...a. is less complicated than reducing global warming.

    b. can be resolved politically, just like global warming.

    c. is not simply a political dilemma to be resolved like global warming.

    d. can be resolved only by cutting gas emissions.

    5. Applying the theory of sustainable management to the protection of tropical forests...

    a. is creating worries and doubts in people's minds, especially as regards its feasibility.

    b. means you can cut as many trees as you want without destroying the forest.

    c. is a practical and economical way of protecting them.

    d. is exactly the same as that applied to protecting elephants.

    6. It is vital to protect the wildlife of tropical forests...a. because there are over 700 species of bird recorded in the whole of the USA.

    b. because sustainable management offers a real, practical solution.

    c. because scientists couldn't find as many species of butterfly or bird in the Peruvian rainforests.

    d. because of the wide variety and quantity of species of wildlife that inhabit them.

    B. Choose the option that best represents the meaning of the following words as they are sued in the

    text.(6 x 1 = 6)

    1. depletiona. fatigue

    b. reduction

    c. deficiency

    d. emptiness

    2. repercussiona. sequence

    b. purposec. consequence

    d. conclusion

    3. dilemmaa. predicament

    b. hesitation

    c. status

    d. contingency

    4. returns

  • 7/30/2019 Technical Englsh 1 Part a Questions


    a. grant

    b. inheritance

    c. acquisition

    d. gain

    5. devastatinga. extreme c. disastrous

    b. diverse d. dangerous

    6. complex

    a. difficult c. hard

    b. intricate d. tough

    C. State whether the following statements are true or false. (4 x 1 = 4)

    a. Most of the tropical forests are located in economically backward countries.

    b. Tropical forests house less than half of the plant and animal species on Earth.

    c. Human beings are not really responsible for the damage to the environment.

    d. Wood from sustainably managed forests is cheaper than wood from forests where unrestricted

    logging is permitted.

    21. Write a set of eight recommendations to preserve underground water resources.

    22. Write a set of eight instructions to protect the ozone layer.

    23. Respond to the following advertisement with your CV enclosed.

    (b) Write a letter to the Editor of your local newspaper about the problems in using city

    public transport buses. List out different problems you have encountered while travelling in

    buses and give few suggestions to improve the travel.


    Engineering graduates (Mechanical / Electronic / Electrical / Civil) preferably with few years experience inproduction would be preferred.

    Candidates should have good communication skills with leadership ability. They also should have sound technical

    knowledge in their subject area. Salary is not a constraint for deserving candidates.

    Interested candidates should send your application with CV to

    The Personnel Manager




  • 7/30/2019 Technical Englsh 1 Part a Questions


    24. a. Choose any One set of the following jumbled sentences and rearrange them in the right

    sequential order:i. The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling

    waste were built just outside the city.

    ii. All these ideas are already being made use of, but what is new is the idea of combining them onsuch a large scale in a single plant designed to recycle most types of waste.

    iii. A new concept of recycling waste is taking shape in the form of a project.

    iv. This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubberas well.

    v. The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what

    raw materials go into it and what goes out.

    vi. Methods have been discovered for example for removing the ink from newsprint.

    vii. This would enable the paper to be used again.viii. Also through these methods, valuable oils and gases can be obtained from old motorcars and

    tyres from these methods.


    b. i. Human beings can walk, run, swim, and so on, but robots are usually confined to one place.ii. Another advantage human beings have is the way the same person can do jobs as different asmaking a cup of tea or designing a new machine.

    iii. It is a known fact robots have many advantages over human beings.

    iv. Taking into account all these factors, it should be remembered that robots owe their existence, to

    human beings.

    v. However, it is also true that humans can do many things that robots Even if the robots are able to move, they can do, only in a very limited way.

    vii. For example, humans can carry out a task without having to be told exactly how to do it; they

    dont have to be programmed.

    viii. And unlike robots, people can know whether what they are doing is good or bad, and whether it

    is boring or interesting.

    25. Write an essay on any one of the topics in 300 words:

    Comment on the need to develop communication skills in the fast changing and competitive

    world we live in.

    26 Advantages and disadvantages of using internet.

    26. Assume yourself to be the purchase officer of Nirmal foundations pvt ltd., write a letter

    inviting quotations to buy certain computer peripherals from Danish technologies pvt Ltd.13,Jawaharlal Nehru Marg. Anna Salai, Chennai. Mention clearly all details you expect from the


    27. Imagine that you have quotation from Danish Technologies pvt Ltd., but you have certain doubtsin the quotation letter. Draft a letter to the sales manager, seeking clarification.28.Write eight instructions that can be followed in the chemistry lab.29. Imagine that you are a team leader in a company. Send an e- mail to all your team members

    congratulating them on the success of the project.

    30.Write eight set of recommendations to keep city clean and green.31.A memo report on an accident that took place in a leading car manufacturing unit.

  • 7/30/2019 Technical Englsh 1 Part a Questions


    32.Assume that you have decided to establish a shoe manufacturing unit in your town. You wish toavail the loan facility from the industrial Development bank under self employment scheme of

    the government of India. Draft a technical proposal for the same. Invent the necessary details.

    33.Write an essay on the topic pollution and its types and how to prevent it.34. Imagine that you have to go to Mumbai to attend an interview. Make an eight item checklist

    with a proper title for your own reference.

    35.Write eight set of recommendations to maintain rules and regulations in traffic.

    36.A memo report on an accident that took place in a leading car manufacturing unit.37.Assume that you have decided to establish a shoe manufacturing unit in your town. You wish to

    avail the loan facility from the industrial Development bank under self employment scheme of

    the government of India. Draft a technical proposal for the same. Invent the necessary details.

    38.Write an essay on the topic pollution and its types and how to prevent it.39. Imagine that you have to go to Mumbai to attend an interview. Make an eight item checklist

    with a proper title for your own reference.

    40.Write eight set of recommendations to maintain rules and regulations in traffic.41.Read the following advertisement published in a newspaper dt.29.01.2011 and apply for the

    post of Deputy Manager, Design and development with resume India auto , a 50 crore plus

    company, the leader in the automobile industry requires the following personnel:

    Deputy Manager, Design and Development.

    Requirements: B.E/B.Tech graduates with 10 to 12 yrs experience in an industry.

    Apply to: Human resources department

    India auto limited, 10 new street Bharathnagar Chennai(Write a letter of application and Resume)

    42.Describe the barriers to communication in 250 words.43. Imagine that you have to go to Bangalore to attend an interview. Make an eight item checklist

    with a proper title for your own reference.

    44.Read the following advertisement published in a newspaper dt.29.01.2011 and apply for thepost of Deputy Manager, Design and development with resume India auto , a 50 crore plus

    company, the leader in the automobile industry requires the following personnel:Deputy Manager, Design and Development.

    Requirements: B.E/B.Tech graduates with 10 to 12 yrs experience in an industry.

    Apply to: Human resources department

    India auto limited, 10 new street Bharathnagar Chennai

    (Write a letter of application and Resume)

  • 7/30/2019 Technical Englsh 1 Part a Questions


    45.Describe the barriers to communication in 250 words.46. Imagine that you have to go to Bangalore to attend an interview. Make an eight item checklist

    with a proper title for your own reference.

    47. Imagine yourself placing orders to Danish Technologies Pvt Ltd.48.As the purchase officer of Nirmal Foundations Pvt Ltd., Write a letter of complaint to the sales

    Manager Of Danish Technologies Pvt Ltd., on the discrepancies found in certain items supplied

    by them.

    49.Write eight set of recommendations to maintain your computer in good working condition.50.Explain in about 250 words the different levels of communication.51.Write an essay on the topic English as a universal medium of communication.

    Part B

    52. Imagine yourself placing orders to Danish Technologies Pvt Ltd.53.As the purchase officer of Nirmal Foundations Pvt Ltd., Write a letter of complaint to the sales

    Manager Of Danish Technologies Pvt Ltd., on the discrepancies found in certain items supplied

    by them.

    54.Write eight set of recommendations to maintain your computer in good working condition.55.Explain in about 250 words the different levels of communication.56.Write an essay on the topic English as a universal medium of communication.