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ISTE A.B.I.T CHAPTER 16 TH ANNUAL STUDENT CONVENTION IGNITING GENIUS WITHIN EVERY PROFESSIONAL STUDENTS.” Presentation on- “Updated curriculum, nourishing talent & extra curricular on relation augmenting genius in professional students” -Presented by Vivek Srivastva,2 nd year , cse, A.B.I.T.

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Presentation on-

“Updated curriculum, nourishing talent & extra curricular on relation augmenting genius in professional students”

-Presented by

Vivek Srivastva,2nd year , cse, A.B.I.T.


“India has one of the largest education systems in the world and also one of the most complex”.

Aim to link academic knowledge with practical experience.

Thereby leading to a better understanding of their own abilities.

Talents and reduce performance goals.To develop the quality education is one of the

major responsibility of any education system and it’s curriculum.

National Curriculum Frameworkstates- “That learning has become a source of burden and stress on children and their parents is an evidence of a deep distortion in educational aims and quality”. Five guiding principles of curriculum development:

Connecting knowledge to life outside school.

Ensuring that learning doesn't rely on rote methods.

Enriching the curriculum to provide for children's overall development rather than remaining textbook-centric.

Making examinations more flexible and integrated with classroom life.

Nurturing an overriding identity informed by caring concern within the democratic polity of the country.

Education system in 21st century:

India’s education system in the 21st century faces some fundamental questions:

How do we reduce the poor performance of students?

How do we improve the quality of teaching and teachers?

How do we improve the quality of curricula and teaching materials?

How to ignite genius within every professional students?

How do we reduce the poor performance of students?

How do we improve the quality of teaching and teachers?

How do we improve the quality of curricula and teaching materials?

How to ignite genius within every professional students?

Curriculum for excellence:

A curriculum is the instructionalprogram through the pupilsachieve their goals .

Raising Standard

Improving knowledge

Developing skills

The challenge:

Equipping students with the knowledge and skills we believe they will need to accomplish:

to succeed in a future we don’t yet know

to secure jobs yet to be inventedto build self-esteem and resilienceto harness knowledge yet to be


Why change?Preparing young people for an ever

changing world

Nurturing them to be:– successful learners

– confident individuals

– responsible citizens

– effective contributors

What’s different? A curriculum should give students an

understanding of what must be accomplished in order to obtain a degree.

Improved learning and teaching

New qualifications

• More rigorous assessment

• Provides skills for learning, life and work

• Learning more relevant to the modern a world

Role of extra-curricular activities:

Extracurricular activities provide opportunities for students to interact with and create bonds with different peers and adults.

It increase particular skills, such as :Task persistenceIndependenceFitting in with peersEducational attainmentOverall academic performance.

It provide a unique opportunity for students to play a larger role in their school community as well as form stronger bonds with teachers, staff, and peers

Extracurricular Promotes:Improve academic achievementAlleviate behavioral problemsFoster identity

Extracurricular effects :AttendanceMotivationAcademic achievement

Opportunities and Threats on Indian education system:

OpportunitiesIT tools are becoming

available for technology enhanced learning .

Distance education possibilities especially for continuing education.

Networking of colleges ,universities at different level for mutual benefits sharing for resources undertaking major project.

ThreatsQuality concerns

need to be addressed urgently.

Competition from international standards.

Poor IT skills in Indian students.

Lack of interest among our youth to pursue science as a careers.

Needs and expectation:

Employer- Immediate application of knowledge and skills acquired.

Students- Both Immediate employment a long term employability.

Parents- Prosperous careers for theirs wards.

Faculty- Effective learning by students.

Suggestions to update curricula:Introducing vocational training .

Value-standard for open universities.

Importance of Distance education.

Inter- college Tie-ups.

Global- Inter college competitions

Industry academia interaction with colleges.

Introduction of ICT and interactive learning through IT .

Percentage  of persons who received vocational training in Rural India (per thousand person) (duration of training wise)

Percentage of persons who received vocational  training in Urban India(per thousand person)(duration of training wise)

Vocational Training

Requirement for future education:Practical requirements of teaching in the Indian academic context with the need to observe high standards to provide knowledge in the frontier areas of their disciplines.

PastGraduateProduct –centricStatic content Industry led



FutureSkillLearning centricCustomized

contentLife –long learningActive participationSelf directedKnowledge