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ISTA User instructions for the BMW Online Service System for BMW Service and MINI Service (OSS) Release 1.0 Release 1.0 Release 1.0 Release 1.0 Technical documentation and diagnosis

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ISTA User instructions for the

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Technical documentation and diagnosis

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1111 IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4444

1.1 Meaning of the symbols used...................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Important safety information ........................................................................................................ 4

1.3 Chapter overview ........................................................................................................................ 5

1.4 Marque separation ...................................................................................................................... 5

2222 General operation of the ISTA workshop systemGeneral operation of the ISTA workshop systemGeneral operation of the ISTA workshop systemGeneral operation of the ISTA workshop system .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6666

2.1 Toolbar ........................................................................................................................................ 6

2.2 Header ......................................................................................................................................... 7

2.3 Navigation area ........................................................................................................................... 7

2.4 Working range ............................................................................................................................. 7

2.5 Hint Line ...................................................................................................................................... 7

2.6 Action line .................................................................................................................................... 7

2.7 Options for text entry (on-screen keyboard) ................................................................................ 7

3333 Installing ISTAInstalling ISTAInstalling ISTAInstalling ISTA ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9999

3.1 Starting the ISTA workshop system ............................................................................................ 9

4444 Overview and quick introductionOverview and quick introductionOverview and quick introductionOverview and quick introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11111111

4.1 Starting the ISTA Client ............................................................................................................. 11

4.2 Selecting a vehicle via "Read out vehicle data" ........................................................................ 11

4.3 Start vehicle test ........................................................................................................................ 13

4.4 Show fault memory .................................................................................................................... 14

4.5 Editing a test schedule .............................................................................................................. 16

4.6 Printing process report .............................................................................................................. 18

4.7 Terminating a process ............................................................................................................... 18

5555 Menu structureMenu structureMenu structureMenu structure .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20202020

5.1 Start screen ............................................................................................................................... 22

5.1.1 Displaying new items ...................................................................................................... 24

5.2 Identification .............................................................................................................................. 25

5.2.1 Operation list ................................................................................................................... 26

5.2.2 Vehicle identification number .......................................................................................... 28

5.2.3 Read out vehicle data ..................................................................................................... 30

5.2.4 Basic features ................................................................................................................. 32

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5.2.5 Operation information ..................................................................................................... 34

5.3 Vehicle test ................................................................................................................................ 39

5.3.1 Control Unit Tree ............................................................................................................ 40

5.3.2 List of control units .......................................................................................................... 45

5.4 Activities .................................................................................................................................... 46

5.4.1 Information search .......................................................................................................... 46

5.4.2 Guided troubleshooting ................................................................................................... 53

5.4.3 Programming/encoding ................................................................................................... 64

5.4.4 Service functions ............................................................................................................ 64

5.4.5 Workshop/ operating fluid ............................................................................................... 65

5.5 Service schedule ....................................................................................................................... 67

5.5.1 Hit list .............................................................................................................................. 68

5.5.2 Testing schedule ............................................................................................................. 75

5.6 Toolbar ...................................................................................................................................... 80

5.6.1 Start screen ..................................................................................................................... 82

5.6.2 History ............................................................................................................................. 82

5.6.3 Administration ................................................................................................................. 83

5.6.4 Connection manager ...................................................................................................... 88

5.6.5 Mode ............................................................................................................................... 90

5.6.6 Feedback ........................................................................................................................ 90

5.6.7 Status display.................................................................................................................. 91

5.6.8 Printing ............................................................................................................................ 91

5.6.9 Help functions ................................................................................................................. 93

5.6.10 Minimising the workshop system .................................................................................... 97

5.6.11 Terminating the workshop system .................................................................................. 97

5.7 Operation ................................................................................................................................... 98

5.7.1 Terminating a process .................................................................................................... 98

6666 AppendixAppendixAppendixAppendix ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 99999999

6.1 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 99

6.2 Glossary .................................................................................................................................. 101

6.3 Error messages and error resolution ....................................................................................... 102

6.4 Index ........................................................................................................................................ 103

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1111 IIIIntroductionntroductionntroductionntroduction Meaning of the symbols usedMeaning of the symbols usedMeaning of the symbols usedMeaning of the symbols used

The symbols below used in this User Manual have the following meanings:


The "Warning" symbol is used to highlight actions which may give rise to personal injury

or property damage.


The "NOTE" symbol denotes text passages which are assigned particular importance (e.g. with regard to the procedure) in order to rule out the occurrence of an unexpected result.


The "INFORMATION" symbol refers to further documentation. Important safety informationImportant safety informationImportant safety informationImportant safety information

Before using the ISTA workshop system, you should familiarise yourself with the relevant safety regulations and then read and comply with the notes contained in these instructions.


Certain functions in ISTA can trigger off activations of components in the connected vehicle. Before activating components, make sure that there are no persons in the

danger area. Read and comply with the general safety provisions.

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V 1.5 / 2014-03-24 Copyright © BMW AG 2013 Chapter overviewChapter overviewChapter overviewChapter overview

The operation, display masks and functions of the installed ISTA workshop system are all described in these instructions. The user manual is addressed primarily at service technicians working in the workshop environment. Some of the screen views shown have been taken from pre-series versions

and can deviate from the existing system. Marque separationMarque separationMarque separationMarque separation

The user interface for the BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce marques is identical. Marque separation – depending on the authorisation of the dealer – is identified by different colours of the highlighting for active objects. A highlighted object is therefore shown on the screen in the respective marque colour.

Depending on authorisation, the marque is additionally output in text form in the header of the start screen.

The allocation of the colours to the marques is shown in the following table.

Brand Colour

BMW Group

Multi-marque dealer


BMW Blue

BMWi Blue

MINI orange

Rolls-Royce Chamoix

Table Table Table Table 1111----1111 Marques and coloursMarques and coloursMarques and coloursMarques and colours

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2222 General operation of the ISTA workshop systemGeneral operation of the ISTA workshop systemGeneral operation of the ISTA workshop systemGeneral operation of the ISTA workshop system

The graphic displays on the monitor are referred to as "screens". These contain information and

control functions that enable the user to operate the ISTA workshop system.

The screens normally have a standard structure. They are divided into the following sections:

◊ Toolbar

◊ Header

◊ Navigation area

◊ Working range

◊ Hint Line

◊ Action line

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 2222----1111 Control and display areasControl and display areasControl and display areasControl and display areas ToolbarToolbarToolbarToolbar

The icon bar is shown in all display screens. The functions that can be called via the individual icons are described in chapter 5.6.



2 1

6 5

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The vehicle identification number and the basic details of the identified vehicle are shown in the

header. The vehicle identification number is only displayed if the vehicle has been identified by entering or reading out its vehicle identification number. Navigation areaNavigation areaNavigation areaNavigation area

You can navigate to the individual functions of the workshop system via

◊ main menu (first line),

◊ submenu (second line) and the

◊ the tabs.

The selected menu items or tabs are marked in the appropriate brand colour. Working rangeWorking rangeWorking rangeWorking range

This is where you will find further selection options and information. A white arrow pointing up or down identifies the column that is used for sorting a selection list. Hint LineHint LineHint LineHint Line

The bottom part of the workspace may also contain a comment line in which you will receive additional information. Action lineAction lineAction lineAction line

Buttons are shown here depending on the workspace. Options for text entry (onOptions for text entry (onOptions for text entry (onOptions for text entry (on----screen keyboardscreen keyboardscreen keyboardscreen keyboard))))

In various screens, it can be necessary to enter text or characters. In general, this can be done using the PC keyboard. By clicking on the "Keyboard" button you can fade in the so-called "on-screen

keyboard". Only keys that are necessary to make valid entries at the respective function step are enabled on the on-screen keyboard. Impermissible characters cannot be selected with the on-screen keyboard.

A second click on the "Keyboard" button hides the on-screen keyboard.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 2222----2222 Example of onExample of onExample of onExample of on----screen keyboard: Entering search termsscreen keyboard: Entering search termsscreen keyboard: Entering search termsscreen keyboard: Entering search terms

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3333 Installing ISTAInstalling ISTAInstalling ISTAInstalling ISTA

Before ISTA can be used from the OSS, the ISTA Client must first be installed. The latest installation

package is available at the bottom of the transfer page in the Download area. Java and Microsoft .NET 4 Framework must also be installed. Links to the relevant installation sites are also provided in the Download area. Starting the ISTA workshop systemStarting the ISTA workshop systemStarting the ISTA workshop systemStarting the ISTA workshop system

ISTA is started via the Start link next to the green square. A dialogue box opens in which the user must confirm that they wish to open the file. On certain browsers this may also occur automatically.

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4444 Overview and quick introductionOverview and quick introductionOverview and quick introductionOverview and quick introduction Starting the ISTAStarting the ISTAStarting the ISTAStarting the ISTA ClientClientClientClient

After selection the start screen appears (chapter 5.1). A list of news is displayed. You can set the display period in the Administration menu (chapter

Fig.Fig.Fig.Fig.4444-1111 Start screenStart screenStart screenStart screen

If the date has changed since the last time the system was activated, the "ISTA usage notes" is displayed. After reading the note, close the pop-up window by clicking the "Continue" button.

You can initiate an identification operation from the start screen.

� This is how to initiate an identification operation for a vehicle:

◊ Select the menu "Identification". Selecting a vehicle via "Read out vehicle data"Selecting a vehicle via "Read out vehicle data"Selecting a vehicle via "Read out vehicle data"Selecting a vehicle via "Read out vehicle data"

The most reliable way of identifying a vehicle is described in this quick introduction. Identification can be achieved by reading out the vehicle data from a connected vehicle. Further information relating to the "identification" of a vehicle can be found in the chapter 5.2.

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After you have selected the menu "Identification" from the start screen, the workshop system switches to the "Operations list" tab. You can obtain more detailed information on the Operation list in chapter


� This is how to identify a vehicle by reading out the vehicle data and automatically create an

operation to do this:

◊ Click the main menu item "Identification" in the navigation area.

◊ Select the "Read out vehicle data" tab and follow the instructions provided.

◊ Click the "Start vehicle test" button.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 4444----2222 Preparations for reading out vehicle dataPreparations for reading out vehicle dataPreparations for reading out vehicle dataPreparations for reading out vehicle data

The Connection manager opens. The ISTA communication devices (ICOM) from the workshop are entered in the working area of the connection manager..

� This is how to select the ICOM:

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◊ Determine which ICOM is connected to the vehicle to be identified. With some series, the vehicle identification number of the connected vehicle is displayed in the "Vehicle identification

number" column.

◊ Select the appropriate components in the connection manager and click the "Set up connection" button.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 4444----3333 Connection managerConnection managerConnection managerConnection manager

After the "Make connection" button is selected and clicked, the connection to the vehicle is

established. The workshop system performs an identification of the vehicle. To do this, it reads out the vehicle identification number and additional data from the vehicle. The progress of the identification operation is displayed on a progress bar. Start vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle test

If vehicle identification was called up via "Read out vehicle data“ and "Brief test starts“, the brief test

starts automatically following vehicle identification (chapter 5.2.2), followed by the vehicle operation and service data transfer and analysis. The "Control Unit Tree" mask is displayed during the brief test. (chapter 5.3.1)

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Fig. 4444----4444 Brief testBrief testBrief testBrief test

Here you can observe the ongoing determination of the control units that are fitted. If no control unit tree is available, the "Control unit list" screen (chapter 5.3.2) is displayed automatically.

The control unit tree contains all the control units identified in the vehicle and displays their allocation

to the relevant bus system. While the vehicle test is running, you can observe the progress on the screen. The control units are identified in succession and their fault memories are read out. The colour then changes to display of the detected state. An explanation of the colours can be found in the lower section of the displayed screen (Fig. 4-4 Brief test).

From this screen, if required you can restart the vehicle test or also call up control unit functions so that you can read out measurements or activate actuating elements.

Before you can access a test plan you must first display the fault memory.

� This is how to view the fault memory:

◊ Wait until the vehicle test is completed.

◊ Click the "Display fault memory" button. Show fault memoryShow fault memoryShow fault memoryShow fault memory

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After the brief test, click on the "Fault memory" button in the "Control Unit Tree" to be taken to the "Fault memory" mask (chapter The fault codes that are read out and the associated

description are listed here.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 4444----5555Displaying the fault memoryDisplaying the fault memoryDisplaying the fault memoryDisplaying the fault memory

You can find more details of this screen in chapter

You run the function "Delete fault memory" on terminating the guided troubleshooting.

For guided troubleshooting, calculate the test schedule.

� This is how to calculate a test plan:

◊ Click the "Calculate test schedule" button.

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V 1.5 / 2014-03-24 Copyright © BMW AG 2013 Editing a test scheduleEditing a test scheduleEditing a test scheduleEditing a test schedule

The test plan (chapter 5.5.2) lists the components and functions that might be the cause of the fault. The documents and test modules corresponding to the components and functions are displayed (in the "Type" column, identified with "ABL"). In the "Type" column, documents and test modules are

identified with an abbreviation (Table 5-1). Test modules are identified with the abbreviation "ABL".

Procedures localise a fault and give advice on rectifying it.

� This is how you start a procedure:

◊ Select the required procedure from the test plan.

◊ Click the "Display" button.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 4444----6666 Test planTest planTest planTest plan


The priority in the test plan does not necessarily specify the call-up of the processes. The priority is to be regarded as a recommendation for processing.

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A test module is primarily designed to identify the cause of a fault. Furthermore, service functions can be performed via procedures. Information can be displayed within a test module, as well as

measurements read out or entered. Furthermore, queries can be made available in procedures via selection screens.

After a test module has been carried out, additional information is added to the test schedule if this turns out to be necessary for further troubleshooting or fault elimination. In the test plan, you can

select and start another procedure.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 4444----7777 Example of a procedureExample of a procedureExample of a procedureExample of a procedure

After the test schedule has been completed, you should run the "Delete fault memory" function


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V 1.5 / 2014-03-24 Copyright © BMW AG 2013 Printing process reportPrinting process reportPrinting process reportPrinting process report

If you require a process report or an abridged process report, you can print it directly (chapter 5.6.8).

� This is how to print out a process report:

◊ Click on the "Identification“ menu and select the "Process report" tab.

◊ Click on the "Print" symbol in the symbol bar.

◊ A message appears. Specify whether you want to print the complete process report or an abridged version. Terminating a processTerminating a processTerminating a processTerminating a process

You can terminate a process by clicking in the "Vehicle selection" menu for example. A message

appears; confirm the termination of the process by selecting "OK" (chapter 5.7.1).

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 4444----8888 "Terminate "Terminate "Terminate "Terminate operation" message"operation" message"operation" message"operation" message"

� This is how you terminate the operation:

◊ Click on the "Vehicle selection" menu.

◊ Acknowledge the "Terminate operation“ message with "OK".

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The Operation list is displayed. The operation is now included in the operations list. If required, you can reopen it there (chapter 5.2.1).

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5555 Menu structureMenu structureMenu structureMenu structure

This chapter describes in detail the menus, screens and buttons. The sequence is largely based on

the menu structure. The functional sequence is created via cross-references to the chapters.

The following table provides an overview of the menu structure of the ISTA workshop system. The structure numbers appearing before the menu items correspond to the chapter numbers. Functions in

square brackets "[…]" and italics are not available in OSS mode.

Main menu Submenu Tab Selection in the workspace

5.1 Start screen


5.2Vehicle selection

5.2.1Operations list

5.2.2Vehicle identification number

5.2.3 Read out vehicle data

5.2.4Basic features

5.2.5Operation information details details history report

5.3Vehicle test

5.3.1 Control Unit Tree

Call up control unit functions Identification Diagnosis request Component activation

5.3.2 Control unit list

Call up ECU functions Identification Diagnostic query Component actuation

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Main menu Submenu Tab Selection in the


5.4 Activities

5.4.1Information search structure structure structure search

5.4.2 Guided troubleshooting 1)► memory

Display fault code Description Details (ambient conditions) System context

Delete fault memory

Filter fault memory

Calculate test schedule pattern Input fault code


5.4.4 Service functions Service functions

5.4.5Workshop / operating fluid equipment Operating resources Text search

[Measuring devices]

5.5 Service plan

5.5.1Hit list

5.5.2 Test plan

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Main menu Submenu Tab Selection in the


5.6 Toolbar

5.6.1 Start screen


5.6.3 Administration

5.6.4Connection manager

5.6.5 Operating mode

5.6.6 Feedback

5.6.7Status display

5.6.8 Print

5.6.9Help functions of contents

5.6.9 Help for mask of abbreviations converter

5.6.10Minimising the workshop system

5.6.11 Terminating the workshop system

1)►Not for series E21 to E31. Changeover to BST mode. Start screenStart screenStart screenStart screen

When you call up the ISTA workshop system, initially the start screen appears (Fig. 5-1). When the system is booted up, a window also appears displaying "ISTA usage notes".

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----1111 Start screenStart screenStart screenStart screen with ISTA usage noteswith ISTA usage noteswith ISTA usage noteswith ISTA usage notes

After reading the note, close the pop-up window by clicking the "To close" button..

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----2222 Start screen with newsStart screen with newsStart screen with newsStart screen with news

In the start screen you can:

◊ read new items (chapter 5.1.1),

◊ access standard functions via the toolbar (chapter 5.6),

◊ access the main menu "Identification" and initiate an operation (chapter 5.2),

◊ access the main menu "Activities" and search for vehicle-specific information (chapter 5.4.1).

When working on a vehicle, run through the main menu with the menu items "Identification", "Vehicle test", "Activities" and "Service plan", normally you work from left to right. Displaying new itemsDisplaying new itemsDisplaying new itemsDisplaying new items

The working area of the start screen contains a multilingual list with news. The columns have the following meanings:

◊ NewsNewsNewsNews: shows the titles of all available news items.

◊ DateDateDateDate: shows the date on which the news item was last edited. When the start screen is

opened, the news items are sorted by date; the newest entry is at the top. You can hide older news items to make the list shorter.

� This is how to change the sorting sequence:

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◊ Click the column header with an arrow symbol in the start screen.

� This is how you change the order according to another column:

◊ Click another column header. The arrow symbol jumps to the corresponding column.

The new order is retained until you quit the start screen.

� This is how you access a news item:

◊ Click a news item. The selection bar jumps to the corresponding line. The "Display" button is activated.

◊ Click the "Display" button. The selected news item is displayed.

◊ Click the "Close" button to return to the start screen (Fig. 5-2). IdentificationIdentificationIdentificationIdentification

A vehicle can be identified with any of four approaches. To ensure clear allocation of the diagnosis session, a process is created during identification as soon as an information search or a brief test has been carried out. You can find detailed information on how to manage processes in chapter 5.7.

Before you can work with a particular vehicle or search for information about a vehicle, you must initiate a process. The first step is to select the vehicle.

There are four options for initiating vehicle identification via vehicle selection:

◊ By selecting a process from the Operation list (chapter 5.2.1),

◊ By entering the vehicle identification number (chapter 5.2.2),

◊ By reading out the vehicle data (chapter 5.2.3) or

◊ By selecting basic features (chapter 5.2.4).


A brief test can only be carried out when the identification was started via the "Read out vehicle data“ methods or input of the vehicle identification number.

� This is how to start the vehicle selection:

◊ Click the main menu item "Identification" in the navigation area.

◊ When you do this from the start screen, the "Operation list" tab is displayed automatically.

◊ When you do this from an open process, you must also select the "Vehicle selection" menu.

You will be asked to terminate the open process by acknowledging the message with "OK" (chapter 5.7.1). The "Operation list" tab is displayed.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----3333 "Terminate operation" message""Terminate operation" message""Terminate operation" message""Terminate operation" message" Operation listOperation listOperation listOperation list

The operations list is automatically brought to the fore if the "Identification" menu is selected from the start screen.

The Operation list shows a table of all previously completed processes depending on the filter settings and the time period elapsed. The table columns have the following meanings:

◊ Basic featuresBasic featuresBasic featuresBasic features:::: shows the basic features that are saved with the operation. Depending on the product type, different characteristics are shown in the columns of the list.

◊ Vehicle identification numberVehicle identification numberVehicle identification numberVehicle identification number:::: shows the vehicle identification number read out of the vehicle.

Reading out the vehicle identification number is part of the vehicle identification procedure.

◊ Date/timeDate/timeDate/timeDate/time:::: shows the date and time at which the process was saved.

◊ Status:Status:Status:Status: Shows the status of the transmission of the vehicle description module report to Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft. You can find more details in chapter 5.7.

The table is sorted by default according to the "Date/time" column.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----4444 "Vehicle selection" submenu,"Vehicle selection" submenu,"Vehicle selection" submenu,"Vehicle selection" submenu, "Operation list"Operation list"Operation list"Operation list" tab" tab" tab" tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Filter Operation list: Filter Operation list: Filter Operation list: Filter Operation list: In the field "Input filter criteria" you can enter a basic feature, a vehicle identification number orororor a date. You can display the on-screen keyboard for to make entries

(chapter 2.7). If you wish to enter several basic features, separate them from each other using space characters.

◊ SeSeSeSet standard filter:t standard filter:t standard filter:t standard filter: This button resets the filter to the default settings. All current processes are


◊ Accept:Accept:Accept:Accept: Opens the selected operation. The process is located in the "Operation details" tab

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----5555 "Filtering operations list""Filtering operations list""Filtering operations list""Filtering operations list" windowwindowwindowwindow Vehicle identification numberVehicle identification numberVehicle identification numberVehicle identification number

If you select the “Vehicle identification number“ tab, you can identify a vehicle by entering the Vehicle identification number. Only the last seven characters are required when entering the vehicle identification number. You can display the on-screen keyboard for to make entries (chapter 2.7).

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----6666 "Vehicle selection" sub menu,"Vehicle selection" sub menu,"Vehicle selection" sub menu,"Vehicle selection" sub menu, "Vehicle identification "Vehicle identification "Vehicle identification "Vehicle identification numbernumbernumbernumber" tab" tab" tab" tab

Confirm the input by clicking the "Accept" button. The workshop system changes over to the "Operation details" screen (chapter You can then carry out targeted information searches for this vehicle.


If the entered vehicle identification number is unknown in the system, a corresponding

message appears. Please check whether the vehicle identification number entered is correct.

If it was entered correctly, carry out the identification in online mode. Start vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle test

You can start a brief test

◊ by selecting the "Connection manager" symbol in the symbol bar (chapter 5.6). The "Connection manager" mask appears. Select the ICOM that you previously connected with the identified vehicle and select the "Make connection" button. The brief test starts automatically.

◊ or when you select the "Start vehicle test" button in the "Operation details" mask. The Connection manager opens. Select the ICOM that you previously connected with the identified vehicle and select the "Make connection" button. The brief test starts automatically.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----7777 "Process information" sub menu,"Process information" sub menu,"Process information" sub menu,"Process information" sub menu, "Operation details"Operation details"Operation details"Operation details" tab" tab" tab" tab Read out vehicle dataRead out vehicle dataRead out vehicle dataRead out vehicle data

You can read out the VIN directly from the vehicle by using "Read out vehicle data". First of all the requirements are displayed.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----8888 "Vehicle selection" su"Vehicle selection" su"Vehicle selection" su"Vehicle selection" sub menu,b menu,b menu,b menu, "Read out vehicle data" tab "Read out vehicle data" tab "Read out vehicle data" tab "Read out vehicle data" tab

If only an information search is to be carried out, you can select the "Start identification" button at this point. Alternatively, you can start the identification with attach vehicle test using the "Start vehicle test" button. Start identificationStart identificationStart identificationStart identification

� This is how to start the identification:

◊ Click the "Read out vehicle data" tab.

◊ Connect a vehicle interface (ICOM) to the vehicle.

◊ Switch on the ignition.

◊ Click the "Start identification" button.

◊ The request begins with an examination of the existing connection and continues with the vehicle identification via the read out VIN. To determine the control units fitted in the vehicle, additional data are read from the vehicle. During this time, a progress bar can be seen on the


After the vehicle identification number has been read out, a new process is automatically created.

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Product type motorcycle:

Motorcycles with a classical vehicle network do not contain a vehicle identification number that can be read electronically nor can they be identified with "Read vehicle data". One of the other methods of vehicle identification is to be used for these vehicles. Start vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle test

� This is how to start the identification with vehicle test:

◊ Click the "Read out vehicle data" tab.

◊ Connect a vehicle interface (ICOM) to the vehicle.

◊ Switch on the ignition.

◊ Click the "Start vehicle test" button. The request begins with an examination of the existing connection and continues with the vehicle identification via the read out VIN. To determine the control units fitted in the vehicle, additional data are read from the vehicle. During this time, a

progress bar can be seen on the screen.

◊ The Control Unit Tree is displayed while the brief test is running. The Control Unit Tree shows the allocation of the control units to the relevant bus system. The control units are identified in succession and their fault memories are read out. If no control unit tree is available, the

"Control unit list" screen (chapter 5.3.2) is displayed automatically. Basic featuresBasic featuresBasic featuresBasic features

If the vehicle identification number is unknown, you can use the "Basic features" tab. For passenger cars and motorcycles, there are different options at "Basic features".

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----9999 "Vehicle "Vehicle "Vehicle "Vehicle selection" sub menu,selection" sub menu,selection" sub menu,selection" sub menu, "Basic features"Basic features"Basic features"Basic features" for passenger cars tab" for passenger cars tab" for passenger cars tab" for passenger cars tab

� This is how you identify a vehicle via its basic features:

◊ Click the main menu "Identification". The "Vehicle selection" sub menu is displayed.

◊ Click on the "Basic features" tab.

◊ Define the contents for the basic feature by selecting an entry from the central list. All basic features must be selected.

◊ Click the "Accept" button.

◊ The display switches to the "Operation details" menu (chapter

After the individual basic features, the workshop system only offers such items which are compatible

with the previously selected ones. This excludes contradictory entries.


It is not possible to manually select the features for security vehicles. Security vehicles can only be identified via the VIN.


Only information searching is possible following identification via basic features.

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V 1.5 / 2014-03-24 Copyright © BMW AG 2013 Operation informationOperation informationOperation informationOperation information

"Operation information" is automatically called up after vehicle identification. This is where information

on the current operation and the identified vehicle is displayed. Operation detailsOperation detailsOperation detailsOperation details

If you have completed vehicle selection or if you access the menu Vehicle selection from an ongoing operation, the workshop system automatically displays the "Operation details" tab.

This is where you can view general information to identify the vehicle, for example:

◊ Basic features of vehicle,

◊ Technical Campaigns including status, special defect code and title for the identified vehicle.


◊ Vehicle identification (chapter 5.2).

◊ Before the Technical Campaigns can be displayed, the vehicle identification number must be known and an online connection must be established to Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----10101010 "Process information" sub menu, "Operation details"Process information" sub menu, "Operation details"Process information" sub menu, "Operation details"Process information" sub menu, "Operation details" tab " tab " tab " tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

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◊ Start vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle test :::: Appears if no brief test has yet been carried out in the opened process. The vehicle test (chapter 5.3) is started and the user is taken to the view of the control unit tree.

Information for the model series E21 – E31: The BST mode is called up! You can find more information on this mode in chapter

◊ Display vehicle testDisplay vehicle testDisplay vehicle testDisplay vehicle test: : : : Appears if a brief test has already been carried out in the opened process. The user is taken to the "Control unit tree" screen and the result of the already

completed vehicle test is displayed.

◊ Searching for information:Searching for information:Searching for information:Searching for information: See chapter 5.4.1

You can flag an operation to indicate whether it arose due to a "breakdown".

◊ Click an option in the "Breakdown" area. The selected value is adopted into the report data on interrupting or terminating the operation. Vehicle detailsVehicle detailsVehicle detailsVehicle details

If you click on the "Vehicle details" tab you will be shown detailed information for the selected vehicle, such as details regarding optional equipment and retrofitting. This information is requested by a central database. Not all information is available for vehicles made before 1992. This means that valid values

cannot be displayed in all fields. Such fields are displayed without a value.


◊ Vehicle identification via "VIN" (chapter 5.2.2).

◊ There must be an online connection to Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----11111111 "Process information" sub menu, "Process information" sub menu, "Process information" sub menu, "Process information" sub menu, "Vehicle details" tab"Vehicle details" tab"Vehicle details" tab"Vehicle details" tab


The optional equipment listed in the "Vehicle details" mask correspond to the state of the vehicle upon delivery and may deviate from the present vehicle condition! Repair HistoryRepair HistoryRepair HistoryRepair History

You can obtain a list of previously performed workshop jobs on the vehicle by clicking the "Repair history" tab


◊ Vehicle identification via "VIN" (chapter 5.2.2).

◊ There must be an online connection to Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----12121212 "Process information" sub menu, "Repair history""Process information" sub menu, "Repair history""Process information" sub menu, "Repair history""Process information" sub menu, "Repair history" tabtabtabtab


The function is unavailable for the product type "motorcycle".

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Display:Display:Display:Display: Access the window "Repair history detailed view" for the highlighted repair job. The

detailed view lists all job items for the selected workshop visit. For every job item, the following details are shown: item number, flat rate unit number, flat rate unit text, flat rate unit value, local flat-rate unit number, part number, local part number and part designation.

◊ Start vehicle test : Start vehicle test : Start vehicle test : Start vehicle test : The brief test is started (chapter 5.3) and the Control Unit Tree is displayed.

◊ Searching for information: Searching for information: Searching for information: Searching for information: See chapter 5.4.1

The buttons in the action line of the “Repair history detailed view“ window have the following functions:

◊ Display all:Display all:Display all:Display all: adapts the widths of all columns to their maximum text lengths. If you click the button a second time, the workshop system returns the columns to their initial widths.

◊ Close:Close:Close:Close: closes the window "Repair history detailed view". The "Repair history" tab is displayed.

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By clicking the "Operations report" tab, you receive a report on the ongoing operation with the dealer data and the data on the respective vehicle. The report is constantly updated during the execution of the operation.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----13131313 "Process information" sub menu, "Process report"Process information" sub menu, "Process report"Process information" sub menu, "Process report"Process information" sub menu, "Process report" tab" tab" tab" tab

If you want to print out an operations report, you can choose between a complete or a shortened

operations report. The shortened operations report does not contain the individual test steps of the procedures that have been carried out. This means the total number of pages can be significantly reduced in most cases in comparison with the complete report. The shortened operations report is sufficient for warranty documentation.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----14141414 Selection for printing a process reportSelection for printing a process reportSelection for printing a process reportSelection for printing a process report

� This is how you print out an operations report:

◊ Click on the "Print" icon.

◊ Select the "Process report" or "Abridged process log“ option.

◊ Click on "OK".

� This will prompt a process report to be printed after the process has been completed:

◊ Open the Operation list (chapter 5.2.1).

◊ Highlight the process.

◊ Click on the "Printing“ symbol.

◊ Select the "Process report" or "Abridged process log“ option.

◊ Click on "OK". Vehicle testVehicle testVehicle testVehicle test

The vehicle test determines the control units installed in the vehicle and their variants as well as their special equipment. Furthermore, in the context of the vehicle test, diagnostic and service-related data

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are determined from the control units. The workshop system uses these data to generate a test plan and provide context-related information. Vehicle-specific vehicle operation and service data transfer

and analysis data is also determined and logged.

Requirements for the vehicle test:

◊ Vehicle identification (chapter 5.2)

When carrying out vehicle identification via "Read out vehicle data“, the brief test can be started with the "Start vehicle test“ button (chapter The brief test is carried out directly after the identification of the vehicle.

When carrying out vehicle identification by entering the vehicle identification number, the brief test can be started by selecting the "Start vehicle test" button in the "Operation details" mask.

The Control Unit Tree mask is shown with a progress display while the brief test is running.

Where required, for example following a repair or modification to a vehicle, you can start the brief test again from the "Control Unit Tree“ or "List of control units“ mask (chapter 5.3.1).


For the model series E21 to E31, there is no vehicle test available. Clicking the "Start vehicle test" button in the "Operation details" screen (chapter5.2.5.1) takes you to BST mode (chapter Furthermore, the menus "Vehicle test" and "Activities – Guided troubleshooting" are inactive. Control Unit TreeControl Unit TreeControl Unit TreeControl Unit Tree

The "Control unit tree" screen presents the layout of the control units in a diagram. During the brief test, the control units fitted on the connected vehicle are identified. The vehicle test reads the fault memory and control unit data. If the brief test has been completed for a control unit, the colour of the

symbol changes according to the test result and the brief test continues with the next control unit. The colours of the queried control units mean the following:

◊ Green:Green:Green:Green: Control unit is responding,

◊ Yellow:Yellow:Yellow:Yellow: Control unit is not responding,

◊ Grey:Grey:Grey:Grey: Status unknown.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----15151515 "Vehicle test" menu, "Control Unit Tree"Vehicle test" menu, "Control Unit Tree"Vehicle test" menu, "Control Unit Tree"Vehicle test" menu, "Control Unit Tree" tab (following brief test" tab (following brief test" tab (following brief test" tab (following brief test))))

� This is how you repeat the vehicle test:

◊ Click the "Start vehicle test" button. In the "Control unit tree" screen, the control unit symbols are updated again according to the

completed vehicle test.

The buttons in the action line do not become active until after the brief test and have the following functions:

◊ Start vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle test:::: Repeats the vehicle test.

◊ Call up ECU functions:Call up ECU functions:Call up ECU functions:Call up ECU functions: Changes over to the "Control unit functions" screen (chapter The button only becomes active when a control unit has been selected.

◊ Display fault memory:Display fault memory:Display fault memory:Display fault memory: Switches to the "Fault memory list" screen (chapter ControlControlControlControl unit functionsunit functionsunit functionsunit functions

The control unit functions become accessible if at least one vehicle test has been completed for the ongoing operation (chapter 5.3).

� This is how you call up the control unit functions for a control unit:

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◊ Click on a control unit in the control unit tree or

◊ Select a control unit in the List of control units (chapter 5.3.2).

◊ Click the "Call up ECU functions" button in the action line. The "Identification" mask is displayed. Control unit functions can be displayed and carried out in the three different tabs:

- Identification - Diagnostic query - Component actuation

◊ The "Close" button takes you back to the original screen. IdentificationIdentificationIdentificationIdentification

The "Identification" tab is selected when you click on the "Call up control unit functions" button.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555-16161616 "Identification" tab"Identification" tab"Identification" tab"Identification" tab

The "Identification" tab contains the following data:

◊ ECU name:ECU name:ECU name:ECU name: Name of the control unit version.

◊ ECU status:ECU status:ECU status:ECU status: Communication status ("ECU responds", "ECU does not respond").

◊ ECU information:ECU information:ECU information:ECU information: The read control unit data is listed here.

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

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◊ Control unit testControl unit testControl unit testControl unit test: Reads the control unit data and the fault memory again. A progress display keeps you up to date with progress. If there are new fault codes, these are displayed and

taken into account. The system context is determined again

◊ To closeTo closeTo closeTo close: Closes the display of the control unit functions and returns to the original screen. Diagnostic queryDiagnostic queryDiagnostic queryDiagnostic query

The "Diagnosis request" tab shows a split display:

The table "Control unit functions" lists the sensors belonging to the control unit, the area "Function and status display" indicates the current signal status.

Depending on the control unit, several sensors may be combined in groups. You can open their entries by clicking, enabling you to reach the individual sensors. Multiple selection is possible.

FiFiFiFig. g. g. g. 5555----17171717 "Diagnosis request"Diagnosis request"Diagnosis request"Diagnosis request" tab" tab" tab" tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Undo all:Undo all:Undo all:Undo all: Deletes the existing selection and returns to the uppermost level.

◊ Undo:Undo:Undo:Undo: Undoes the last selected step.

◊ Query status:Query status:Query status:Query status: Switches the cyclical update of the display on or off.

◊ Close:Close:Close:Close: Closes the display of the control unit functions and returns to the original screen.

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V 1.5 / 2014-03-24 Copyright © BMW AG 2013 Component activationComponent activationComponent activationComponent activation

The "Component activation" tab shows a split display:

The table "Control unit functions" lists the actuating elements, the area "Function and status display" indicates the current status of an actuated component.

Depending on the control unit, several actuating elements are possibly combined in groups, whose entries can be opened by clicking so that you can reach the individual actuating elements. Multiple selection is not supported.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----18181818 "Component actuation"Component actuation"Component actuation"Component actuation" tab" tab" tab" tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Undo all:Undo all:Undo all:Undo all: Deletes the existing selection and returns to the uppermost level.

◊ Undo:Undo:Undo:Undo: Undoes the last selected step.

◊ Actuate component:Actuate component:Actuate component:Actuate component: Displays the associated function name and the execution of the function in the area "Function and status display". If the control unit is activated, only the "Actuate component" button is active. To terminate activation of the control unit, select the button


◊ Close:Close:Close:Close: Closes the display of the control unit functions and returns to the original screen.

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V 1.5 / 2014-03-24 Copyright © BMW AG 2013 List of control unitsList of control unitsList of control unitsList of control units

The control unit list is only another way of presenting the control unit tree. You can call it up by clicking

on the tab as soon as the first brief test has been completed. The individual columns the following meaning:

◊ Status:Status:Status:Status: This is where the status of communication with the control unit of the vehicle test is updated.

◊ Abrev.:Abrev.:Abrev.:Abrev.: The abbreviation for the respective control unit.

◊ Control unit name:Control unit name:Control unit name:Control unit name: A short description of the control unit appears at the beginning. When the

vehicle test is performed, the control unit name is replaced by a complete description.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----19191919 "Control unit list"Control unit list"Control unit list"Control unit list" tab" tab" tab" tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions after completion of the brief test:

◊ Start vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle testStart vehicle test :::: Repeats the vehicle test.

◊ Call up ECU functions:Call up ECU functions:Call up ECU functions:Call up ECU functions: Changes over to the "Control unit functions" screen (chapter The button only becomes active when a control unit has been selected.

◊ Display fault memory:Display fault memory:Display fault memory:Display fault memory: Changes over to the "Fault memory" screen (chapter

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V 1.5 / 2014-03-24 Copyright © BMW AG 2013 ActivitiesActivitiesActivitiesActivities

The "Activities" menu offers a choice of comprehensive possibilities for information searches and

diagnosis. Information searchInformation searchInformation searchInformation search

The "Information search" menu offers three different structure searches (Product structure, Function structure, Component structure) and a Text search.


◊ Vehicle identification (chapter 5.2). Product structureProduct structureProduct structureProduct structure

In the "Product structure" menu, you can search for information in the main and subgroups. In the left-hand column, you select the required product group. The elements already selected are again listed in a clearly arranged form in the "Selected structure elements" column.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----20202020 "Information search" submenu,"Information search" submenu,"Information search" submenu,"Information search" submenu, "Product structure" tab"Product structure" tab"Product structure" tab"Product structure" tab

The elements in the comment line have the following functions:

◊ Hits:Hits:Hits:Hits: As soon as a search has been started, the field in the hit list indicates how many elements are fulfilled by the current search criteria.

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◊ Filter:Filter:Filter:Filter: displays the filter status. If you have not changed the filter setting, "Standard" is displayed, or otherwise "User-defined".

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Undo all and Undo:Undo all and Undo:Undo all and Undo:Undo all and Undo: You can reverse individual or all steps selected so that you can enter new

search criteria.

◊ Filter:Filter:Filter:Filter: You can call up the "Filter settings" mask with which you can limit the search to certain time periods or information types, e.g. wiring diagrams or repair instructions. (chapter

◊ Start search:Start search:Start search:Start search: Starts the search using the selected criteria.

� This is how you search in the product structure:

◊ Select one element in the left-hand selection list. Depending on the item chosen, further selection lists with additional options are displayed. You can use these to further refine your search criteria.

◊ Further restrict the search criteria in the left-hand list. The previously selected items are clearly

presented in the column "Selected structure elements".

◊ You can refine the selection using the "Filter" button.

◊ Click the "Start search" button.

Following the search, the view switches to the Service schedule and the Hit list is displayed (chapter 5.5.1).


As no repair documents are available for BMW Motorcycles in ISTA, the "Product structure" tab is disabled for BMW Motorcycles and cannot be selected. Function structureFunction structureFunction structureFunction structure

In the "Function structure", you can search in several levels by selecting the function groups and functions.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----21212121 "Information search" sub menu,"Information search" sub menu,"Information search" sub menu,"Information search" sub menu, "Function structure" tab"Function structure" tab"Function structure" tab"Function structure" tab

Operation is analogous to that for "Product structure" (chapter Component structureComponent structureComponent structureComponent structure

Under the "Component structure" tab, you can search for documents that relate to a specific electrical component.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----22222222 "Information search" sub menu,"Information search" sub menu,"Information search" sub menu,"Information search" sub menu, "Component structure" tab"Component structure" tab"Component structure" tab"Component structure" tab

Operation is analogous to that for "Product structure" (chapter Text searchText searchText searchText search

As an alternative to searching in the structures, you can also use a text search with a freely selectable search term.


◊ Vehicle identification (chapter 5.2)

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----23232323 "Information search" sub menu,"Information search" sub menu,"Information search" sub menu,"Information search" sub menu, "Text search" tab"Text search" tab"Text search" tab"Text search" tab

� Proceed as follows to search for information via the text search:

◊ Select the menu item "Activities" in the main menu.

◊ Select the menu item "Information search" in the submenu.

◊ Choose the menu item "Text search" from the tabs.

◊ Limit the search to a search of document titles, a search within the text of a document or a

search for the document number.

◊ Enter the text string in the field "Search term". Use the display keyboard where required (chapter 2.7). You can refine the selection using the "Filter" button.

◊ Start the search with the "Start search" button.

Following the search, the view switches to the Service schedule and the Hit list is displayed (chapter

5.5.1). Additional information on the text search in generalAdditional information on the text search in generalAdditional information on the text search in generalAdditional information on the text search in general

The text search is not case-sensitive. For example, entering "Engine" or "engine" produces the same result in the hit list.

If several terms are entered separated by space characters, these are linked in the search by the operator AND. Only those hits are displayed that contain all search terms that had been entered.

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Text search in the title

If for example you search for the term "Engine" in the title, all documents whose title includes the term "Engine" are listed. Furthermore, all documents are added to the hit list which contain the term anywhere in their title, for example "Petrol engine", "Engine mounting", Electric engine".


Text search in the document

Specific information for individual markets is contained in the data packages in the form

of pdf files. These can be displayed in ISTA. It is not possible to perform a text search in these pdf files. However, a title and document number search is supported for these documents.


The text search cannot be used to search for procedures. Search for procedures in the

function structure or in the service functions. Additional information on the text search by documentsAdditional information on the text search by documentsAdditional information on the text search by documentsAdditional information on the text search by documents Part designationPart designationPart designationPart designation

In the wiring diagrams, short descriptions are used for components such as "A149a" for a control unit or "X1108" for a ground connection. The text search can only be used to find these codes in the title. All the documents that contain the entered code in their title are displayed in the hit list, for example

"A149a" or "X1108". Searches by part designation within the document are not possible. The same applies to searches for engine codes such as "M54". Special tools Special tools Special tools Special tools

You can start the search via the document numbers by specifying the number of the special tool (for

example: “513180“).


Enable "Special tools" in the filter. Special tools are not included in the standard filter (chapter

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You can open the "Filter settings" window from the tabs for the information search, the service functions (chapter 5.4.4) or the test schedule (chapter 5.5.2) with the "Filter" button. Here you can change the default settings for information types and/or define a time frame for the latest update of the documents.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----24242424 "Filter settings" screen"Filter settings" screen"Filter settings" screen"Filter settings" screen

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Cancel:Cancel:Cancel:Cancel: The window is closed and the changed filter settings are not adopted. The filter status does not change and remains on the previous status ("Default" or "User defined").

◊ Keyboard:Keyboard:Keyboard:Keyboard: Shows or hides the display keyboard.

◊ Default settingsDefault settingsDefault settingsDefault settings: Resets the filter to the preset values.

◊ Select all:Select all:Select all:Select all: Marks all information types.

◊ Selecting nothing:Selecting nothing:Selecting nothing:Selecting nothing: Removes all markings from the information types.

◊ Accept:Accept:Accept:Accept: Starts the search.

� This is how you change the filter settings for information types:

◊ Click an information type that you would like select or deselect or clicking the "Select all"

button or click the "Select nothing" button.

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◊ Select or deselect individual information types as required.

◊ Click the "Accept" button. The workshop system adopts the selected filter settings and closes the window. The number of hits is adapted accordingly, the filter status in the comment line changes from "Default" to "User defined".

� This is how you define the period for the last update of the information type:

◊ Define in the field "Time period from:" a date as the lower limit. If appropriate use the display keyboard. The date must comply with the order stated in brackets under "Last date change".

◊ Define in the field "Time period to:" a date as the upper limit. The date entered has to be later

than the one entered in the field "Time period from:" "

◊ Click the "Accept" button. The workshop system adopts the selected filter settings and closes the window. The number of hits is adapted accordingly, the filter status in the comment line

changes from "Default" to "User defined".

If you click the "Select nothing" button, the entered period is deleted.


The text search cannot be used to search for procedures. Search for procedures in the function structure or in the service functions.


With the product type motorcycle, the number of options in the filter setting is lower that

with the product type passenger car. Some document types are not available for selection. Guided Guided Guided Guided troubleshootingtroubleshootingtroubleshootingtroubleshooting Fault memoryFault memoryFault memoryFault memory

The "Fault memory" tab displays the fault memory entries read out from the control units in the vehicle test (chapter 5.3). There are several ways to reach this tab:

◊ On completion of the brief test, in the tabs "Control Unit Tree" or "List of control units", click on the "Show fault memory" button or

◊ Select "Activities - Guided troubleshooting - Fault memory" in the navigation area.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----25252525 "Guided troubleshooting" submenu, "Guided troubleshooting" submenu, "Guided troubleshooting" submenu, "Guided troubleshooting" submenu, "Fault "Fault "Fault "Fault memory" tabmemory" tabmemory" tabmemory" tab

The fault memory list contains the following columns:

◊ Code:Code:Code:Code: The fault code or the fault number appears here in hexadecimal form.

◊ Description:Description:Description:Description: This column contains a description of the fault code.

◊ Kilometre reading:Kilometre reading:Kilometre reading:Kilometre reading: This column contains the kilometre reading at which the fault code occurred. You can use the "Filter fault memory" function to specify the kilometre reading as a criteria.

◊ Class:Class:Class:Class: This column contains the fault classes. These describe the type of fault, "Undervoltage" for example. You can use the "Filter fault memory" function to specify fault classes as a criteria.

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Display fault codeDisplay fault codeDisplay fault codeDisplay fault code: : : : The button becomes active when a fault code has been selected. The button provides access to further information (description, details and system context – see chapter5. regarding a fault code.

◊ Delete fault memoryDelete fault memoryDelete fault memoryDelete fault memory:::: This function is only active after a completed vehicle test (chapter 5.3). In a first step, the fault memories of all identified control units are deleted. The fault memories of all control units are then read out again.

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◊ Filter fault memoryFilter fault memoryFilter fault memoryFilter fault memory:::: You can use this function to filter the displayed fault memory entries according to fault classes, such as "Undervoltage" and/or "Km reading (mileage)".

◊ Delete filterDelete filterDelete filterDelete filter:::: A set filter is stopped and all the read fault memory entries are displayed again.

◊ Display all:Display all:Display all:Display all: adapts the widths of all columns to their maximum text lengths. If you click the

button a second time, the workshop system returns the columns to their initial widths.

◊ Calculate test planCalculate test planCalculate test planCalculate test plan:::: Starts the calculation and display of the test plan. The calculation is carried out on the basis of the existing, possibly filtered, fault memory entries and the selected fault patterns (chapter 5.5.2).


Under certain circumstances, a number of individual faults are merged to create a so-called collective fault. If a collective fault is involved, the fault memory entries on which this is based are not displayed individually. Diagnostic fault codeDiagnostic fault codeDiagnostic fault codeDiagnostic fault code

Selecting the "Display fault code" button (Fig. 5-25) prompts a window to appear with the following tabs:

◊ Description

◊ Details and

◊ System context

This functionality can also be called up from some processes that provide the possibility to investigate fault codes more precisely. DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescription

The "Description" tab is only enabled if a document is available for the selected fault code. It contains useful information on the fault code and supports you in troubleshooting.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----26262626 "Description" tab"Description" tab"Description" tab"Description" tab

For buttons in the action line, see "Details" tab. DetailsDetailsDetailsDetails

The "details" tab provides supplementary descriptions for a fault code.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----27272727 "Details" tab"Details" tab"Details" tab"Details" tab

The "Details" tab contains details of:

◊ TypTypTypTypes of faultes of faultes of faultes of fault The types of fault are displayed here.

◊ Ambient conditions:Ambient conditions:Ambient conditions:Ambient conditions: If there are several results, the first and last entry of ambient conditions

are displayed. If there is only one entry, only this is displayed. If there are no types of faults and ambient conditions, only the fault code and fault text are displayed.

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Return:Return:Return:Return: The user is returned to the previous fault code in the fault code memory list.

◊ Next:Next:Next:Next: The user is taken to the next fault code in the fault code memory list.

◊ Update:Update:Update:Update: The detailed information is reread and displayed.

◊ Close:Close:Close:Close: You return to the "Fault memory" screen. System contextSystem contextSystem contextSystem context

The "System context" tab shows so-called global ambient conditions as of the model series F01. These are determined from the diagnosis master in the case of the F01. They apply to the displayed fault code across systems.

The system context is updated when the control unit is queried again.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----28282828 "System context" tab"System context" tab"System context" tab"System context" tab

The "System context" tab contains details of:

◊ Global ambient conditions:Global ambient conditions:Global ambient conditions:Global ambient conditions: The global ambient conditions are listed here in table form.

For buttons in the action line, see "Details" tab. Filter fault memoryFilter fault memoryFilter fault memoryFilter fault memory

Depending on the individual customer complaint, it can be helpful to limit the scope of the faults stored

in the vehicle for the diagnosis. For example, for an individual, sporadic problem, only the faults stored within a certain part of a journey might be relevant.

You can filter the fault memory list with the part of the journey (kilometres, miles) and with the fault class.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----29292929 "Filter fault memory" mask, "Kilometre axis" tab"Filter fault memory" mask, "Kilometre axis" tab"Filter fault memory" mask, "Kilometre axis" tab"Filter fault memory" mask, "Kilometre axis" tab

The cursor can be controlled using the following button:

◊ CursorCursorCursorCursor:::: After activation of the button, the cursor bars appear on the left-hand and right-hand border of the display area. You can use the arrow buttons to move the two cursors ("from", "to") and limit the number of fault memories. If the arrow buttons are pressed for longer, the speed of the cursor movement increases. All the fault memories that are outside the cursor are filtered away (colour: grey), whereas the fault memories within the cursor remain on

display (colour: black). Activating the button again disables the cursor.

� Information on the individual fault codes can be displayed as follows:

◊ If you activate a fault code, the corresponding fault code description remains on display directly below the selected hex code in the form of a note until the next time the touch screen

is touched.

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ CancelCancelCancelCancel:::: Without changing the filter setting, the user is returned to the "Fault memory" mask.

◊ Accept: Accept: Accept: Accept: The current filter setting is accepted and the user is returned to the “Fault memory“ mask. The list is prepared based on the current filter settings.

◊ Zoom in: Zoom in: Zoom in: Zoom in: The scale is enlarged.

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◊ Zoom out:Zoom out:Zoom out:Zoom out: The scale is reduced.

In the workshop system, fault classes are used to filter fault codes. To this end, the workshop system evaluates existing ambient conditions and only shows the fault codes that correspond to the specified class. Fault codes without ambient conditions cannot be filtered.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----30303030 Filtering fault memoryFiltering fault memoryFiltering fault memoryFiltering fault memory,,,, "Class" tab"Class" tab"Class" tab"Class" tab


After filtering of the faults, only the filtered faults are used for the diagnosis to calculate

the test plan. The faults stored in the control units are not changed. Fault patternFault patternFault patternFault pattern

In the "Fault pattern" tab; you can select fault patterns from a function structure in many levels. They supplement the read-in fault memory entries and are taken into account in test plan calculation. You should select the fault patterns independently of the customer's complaints about the vehicle. Especially for complaints outside the vehicle electrics system, the selection of fault patterns is

especially important for assuring a successful diagnosis.

Select "Activities - Guided troubleshooting - - Fault pattern" in the navigation area.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----31313131 "Guided troubleshooting" submenu, "Fault pattern" tab"Guided troubleshooting" submenu, "Fault pattern" tab"Guided troubleshooting" submenu, "Fault pattern" tab"Guided troubleshooting" submenu, "Fault pattern" tab

In the left-hand section of the workspace, you can select the fault pattern from a hierarchical structure: You start with the uppermost, most general level and work your way down to an exact description of the fault pattern. On the right side of the screen, the path through the selection levels is logged.

Define the fault pattern as precisely as possible, otherwise the test plan (chapter 5.5.2) generates an unnecessarily high number of test suggestions.

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Undo all:Undo all:Undo all:Undo all: Deletes the existing selection and returns to the uppermost level.

◊ Undo:Undo:Undo:Undo: Undoes the last selected step.

◊ Accept fault pattern:Accept fault pattern:Accept fault pattern:Accept fault pattern: The previously selected path (at least one level) is saved to calculate the test schedule from it later. The tab then returns as the "Undo all" button to the uppermost selection level.

◊ Display fault patterns:Display fault patterns:Display fault patterns:Display fault patterns: When you click on this button, a message appears containing all the previously saved fault patterns (Fig. 5-32).

◊ Calculate test planCalculate test planCalculate test planCalculate test plan:::: Starts the calculation and display of the test schedule with the existing fault patterns (chapter 5.5.2). Selected fault patternsSelected fault patternsSelected fault patternsSelected fault patterns

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The message in the "Fault pattern" mask shows the previously saved fault patterns.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----32323232 "Fault pattern" tab with "Selected fault patterns" message"Fault pattern" tab with "Selected fault patterns" message"Fault pattern" tab with "Selected fault patterns" message"Fault pattern" tab with "Selected fault patterns" message

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Cancel:Cancel:Cancel:Cancel: The message is closed, any changes made are not applied.

◊ Delete:Delete:Delete:Delete: Deletes the selected entry.

◊ Close:Close:Close:Close: The message is closed, any changes made are applied.

� This is how to save a fault pattern and include it in the test plan:

◊ Compile the desired fault pattern in the workspace by navigating through the available levels and selecting the suitable terms or phrases.

◊ Click the "Display fault patterns" button as a check and confirm with "Close". All entered fault patterns are taken into account on calculation of the test plan.

◊ Click the "Calculate test schedule" button. Input fault codeInput fault codeInput fault codeInput fault code

You can enter fault codes or P codes manually in the "Input fault code" tab.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----33333333 "Guided troubleshooting" sub menu, "Input fault code" tab"Guided troubleshooting" sub menu, "Input fault code" tab"Guided troubleshooting" sub menu, "Input fault code" tab"Guided troubleshooting" sub menu, "Input fault code" tab

� This is how you enter a P code and trigger the display of the assigned fault codes:

◊ Enter the P code.

◊ Conclude the input with "Return".

◊ Close the display keyboard if you entered the P code using the display keyboard.

◊ The table shows the fault codes of the control unit versions that are determined.

◊ If the P code is not known in the system, a corresponding message is displayed.

Conversely, you can also enter a fault code manually. The fault codes of the control unit versions that are determined are then listed in the table. Please bear in mind that the fault codes have to be entered as hexadecimals.

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Display fault code:Display fault code:Display fault code:Display fault code: The button becomes active when a fault code description exists for the

selected fault code. The fault code description is displayed.

◊ Keyboard:Keyboard:Keyboard:Keyboard: Shows or hides the display keyboard.

◊ Delete fault code:Delete fault code:Delete fault code:Delete fault code: Deletes the selected fault code from the table.

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In contrast to the fault patterns, the manually entered fault codes are not taken into account when calculating the test schedule. Programming/encodingProgramming/encodingProgramming/encodingProgramming/encoding

The "Programming / Encoding“ sub menu is deactivated in this version of ISTA. Service functionsService functionsService functionsService functions

The "Service functions" area embraces all service-relevant jobs. Service functionsService functionsService functionsService functions

You can search for service-relevant jobs under the "Service functions" tab; e.g. when searching a

function description.


◊ Vehicle identification (chapter 5.2)

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----34343434 "Service functions" sub menu,"Service functions" sub menu,"Service functions" sub menu,"Service functions" sub menu, "Service functions"Service functions"Service functions"Service functions" tab" tab" tab" tab

Operation is analogous to that for "Product structure" (chapter

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The search functions in the "Workshop / operating fluid" area are vehicle-dependent, i.e. you can use

these functions without previously having to identify a vehicle. Workshop equipmentWorkshop equipmentWorkshop equipmentWorkshop equipment

Under the "Workshop equipment" tab, you can search for general information on workshop equipment.


◊ none

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----35353535 "Workshop /operating fluid" sub menu,"Workshop /operating fluid" sub menu,"Workshop /operating fluid" sub menu,"Workshop /operating fluid" sub menu, "Workshop equipment"Workshop equipment"Workshop equipment"Workshop equipment" tab " tab " tab " tab

Operation is analogous to that for "Product structure" (chapter However, no filter functions are available in this case. Operating fluidsOperating fluidsOperating fluidsOperating fluids

In the "Operating fluids" tab, you can obtain non-vehicle specific information on approved fuels, lubricants, coolant additives, antifreezes, cleaning agents as well as information on special tools.


◊ none

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----36363636 "Workshop / operating fluid" sub menu,"Workshop / operating fluid" sub menu,"Workshop / operating fluid" sub menu,"Workshop / operating fluid" sub menu, "Operating resources"Operating resources"Operating resources"Operating resources" tab" tab" tab" tab

Operation is analogous to that for "Product structure" (chapter However, no filter functions are available in this case. Text searchText searchText searchText search

You can enter character strings for vehicle-independent information via document title, document contents or document numbers.


◊ none

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----37373737 "Workshop / operating fluid" sub menu, "Workshop / operating fluid" sub menu, "Workshop / operating fluid" sub menu, "Workshop / operating fluid" sub menu, "Text search" tab"Text search" tab"Text search" tab"Text search" tab

� This is how you search for a random term:

◊ Limit the search to a search of document titles, a search within the text of a document or a search for the document number.

◊ Enter the text string in the field "Search term". Use the display keyboard where required (chapter 2.7). Filter the search as required using the "Filter" button.

◊ Start the search with the "Start search" button.

Following the search, the view switches to the Service schedule and the Hit list is displayed (chapter 5.5.1).

You can find additional information on the text search in the title or document in chapter Service scheduleService scheduleService scheduleService schedule

The "Service plan" menu enables the display of results from the information search or test plans from the diagnosis.

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The hit list shows the results of the search performed in the following menus: "Information search"

(chapter 5.4.1), "Service functions" (chapter and "Workshop / operating fluid" (chapter 5.4.5). All matching documents are listed. You can select and display a document from the hit list.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----38383838 "Service plan" menu,"Service plan" menu,"Service plan" menu,"Service plan" menu, "Hit list" tab"Hit list" tab"Hit list" tab"Hit list" tab

The individual columns the following meaning:

◊ Job number:Job number:Job number:Job number: Indicates the flat rate unit number, where present.

◊ Type:Type:Type:Type: States the information type, e.g. "REP" for "Repair instruction". All information types are listed in Table 5-1.

◊ Title:Title:Title:Title: Shows the title of the documents found.

◊ Status:Status:Status:Status: The status shows whether the document has already been called up once during the process:

o White: Document or test module not called up.

o Green: Test module performed or document called up.

o Yellow: Test module minimised.

o Black: Procedure cancelled.

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o Blue: Procedure that was included in the hit list from the result of a procedure that was run beforehand.

There are procedures in ISTA that do not propose repairs as their result but rather another procedure to run more detailed diagnosis. If such a procedure is started from the hit list and completed, the resulting additional procedure is automatically included in the hit list. The hit list thus contains another procedure that was not included in the original search result. This is indicated by a blue dot.

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Return:Return:Return:Return: Go back to the previous screen.

◊ Filter:Filter:Filter:Filter: Calls up a menu for setting a filter. The filter determines which objects are displayed and which suppressed.

◊ Display all:Display all:Display all:Display all: adapts the widths of all columns to their maximum text lengths. If you click the button a second time, the workshop system returns the columns to their initial widths.

◊ Display:Display:Display:Display: Shows the selected document.

The following table shows the possible information types in the hit list with their abbreviations:

Abbreviation Information type

ABL Procedure (service program)

AZD Tightening torque

EBO Installation location

FEB Fault elimination

FTD Vehicle engineering diagnosis

FUB Functional description

KFA Function changes to vehicle

MSM BMW Group Mobile Service

PIB Pin assignments

REP Repair instructions

SBS *) Operating fluids

SIT Service Information Engineering

SPI Vehicle software information

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SSP Wiring diagram

STA Connector view details

SWS *) Special tool / device

Special tools Special tool

TED Technical data

Table Table Table Table 5555----1111 Information typesInformation typesInformation typesInformation types

*) only via Workshop/Operating fluids (chapter 5.4.5).

� This is how you view a document:

◊ Select a document in the hit list.

◊ Click the "Display" button. The required document is displayed.

The special features of displays for various document types are described below: Text documentsText documentsText documentsText documents

Besides text, text documents can also contain graphics, videos and hyperlinks.

When you click on a link, another document related to the link is displayed.

When you click on a graphic, the view of it is magnified.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----39393939 Text documentText documentText documentText document

The button in the action line has the following functions:

◊ Close:Close:Close:Close: By clicking this button, you return to the hit list. Wiring Wiring Wiring Wiring graphicgraphicgraphicgraphic

Sometimes the displayed wiring diagram may contain hyperlinks. Via hotspots you can access detailed information such as installation position, connector view or pin assignment for one of the

components. The additional information is displayed together with the scaled down wiring diagram.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----40404040 Wiring diagram with hotspots and BirdView functionWiring diagram with hotspots and BirdView functionWiring diagram with hotspots and BirdView functionWiring diagram with hotspots and BirdView function

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Documents:Documents:Documents:Documents: Calls up a list of wiring diagrams that contain the selected component. To do so, select a part designation and then click the "Documents" button. A list of the wiring diagrams is displayed in a window. Here you select and display the desired wiring diagram.

◊ Move:Move:Move:Move: activated during selection. In this mode, you can move the document around the screen. To do this, click the document and drag it in the desired direction. If you click the "Move" button a second time, this function is switched off again.

◊ Zoom inZoom inZoom inZoom in:::: enlarges the display is staged. The "BirdView function" is active from the first magnification level. It facilitates navigation within a wiring diagram. At the top right of the workspace, a window appears displaying the small-scale wiring diagram. You can move the square framed in red in the desired direction; the excerpt of the wiring diagram in the workspace moves accordingly.

◊ Zoom out:Zoom out:Zoom out:Zoom out: zooming out from a magnified view step by step until the original size is displayed.

◊ Full display Full display Full display Full display screen:screen:screen:screen: is active, when several documents are simultaneously displayed on the screen. It magnifies the view of the active document to fill the entire screen width. If you have accessed detailed documents via a hotspot, clicking on this button closes the detailed document and magnifies the view of the wiring diagram to the full screen size.

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◊ Close:Close:Close:Close: By clicking this button, you return to the hit list. Display several documents simultaneouslyDisplay several documents simultaneouslyDisplay several documents simultaneouslyDisplay several documents simultaneously

Several documents can be displayed in the workspace. This option is only available for wiring diagrams and the documents that can accessed from them via hotspots. The following example shows the split display. In the right-hand window, you can switch between the documents via the tabs.

Remember that the functions that can be reached via the buttons only apply for the active window. You can see which window is active by the colour-marked tab.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----41414141 Displaying several documents at once, exampleDisplaying several documents at once, exampleDisplaying several documents at once, exampleDisplaying several documents at once, example Full dispFull dispFull dispFull display screenlay screenlay screenlay screen

You can use the "Full display screen" button to expand the active document to fill the entire screen width. A second click on the "Full display screen" button deactivates the full screen display and returns the user to the split display.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----42424242 Full screen display, exampleFull screen display, exampleFull screen display, exampleFull screen display, example Zoom functionZoom functionZoom functionZoom function

If the user clicks on a graphic, the graphic is shown enlarged in a window.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----43434343 Zoom function, exampleZoom function, exampleZoom function, exampleZoom function, example

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Zoom in:Zoom in:Zoom in:Zoom in: Magnifies the view in several steps. You can configure the desired window size via the scrollbars.

◊ Zoom out:Zoom out:Zoom out:Zoom out: Zooms out the picture in several steps back to the original size.

◊ OK:OK:OK:OK: Closes the window. Testing scheduleTesting scheduleTesting scheduleTesting schedule

When first opened, the "Test plan" tab contains the test plan that has been calculated on the basis of the most recently read fault memory entries and/or selected fault patterns. The component or function to be tested is displayed in the test schedule, with the corresponding documents and test modules shown underneath.

The comment line on the left states the number of hits. The filter status states whether the default setting of the filter has been changed. The legend for the status is shown next to this.

You are automatically taken to the "Test plan" tab when you click on the "Calculate test plan" button in the "Fault memory list" screen or in the "Fault patterns" screen. Provided at least one fault memory

entry and/or a fault pattern is present, you can also get to the screen manually by selecting "Service plan - Test plan" in the navigation area.

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In the standard view, the screen only states the test suggestions for components/functions to be examined sorted according to priority.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----44444444 "Test plan"Test plan"Test plan"Test plan" tab in the standard view" tab in the standard view" tab in the standard view" tab in the standard view

In the workspace, the following information is displayed in the sortable columns:

◊ Job number:Job number:Job number:Job number: Indicates the flat rate unit number, where present.

◊ Type:Type:Type:Type: Information type (Table 5-1). For example, "ABL" stands for the German "Ablauf"

(procedure) and indicates a service program. After selection and clicking the button "Display" the procedure starts to localise a fault in the operation of the suspicious component/function.

◊ Title:Title:Title:Title: Description of the component/function to be checked, with symptoms; title of the document or procedure.

◊ Status:Status:Status:Status: :::: The status shows whether the document/the test module has already been called up once during the process:

o Colourless: The procedure has not been started yet or performed or the document has not yet been called up.

o Green: Procedure performed or document called up.

o Yellow: Minimised. This condition shows that a procedure is running in the background. It can be shown again via the "History" symbol. Only one procedure can be active at a time. It is possible to switch to the "Control unit functions" screen and to

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start the functions there if the currently running test module is not using the vehicle interface.

Test modules that are displayed in BST mode (chapter cannot be minimised.

o Black: Procedure cancelled.

o Blue: Test module that was included in the test schedule from the result of a test module that was run beforehand. There are procedures in ISTA that do not propose repairs as their result but rather another procedure to run more detailed diagnosis. If such a test module is started and completed, the resulting additional test module is automatically included in the test schedule and identified with the colour blue.

◊ Priority:Priority:Priority:Priority: The calculated priority determines the order of the object in the test schedule.1 represents the highest priority. There is the possibility to call up test modules in the test schedule in any order. However, it is recommended to run the test plan in the displayed order. A two figure code, e.g. "1.1", is displayed for objects / functions determined by a test

procedure to be possible causes of the fault.

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Return:Return:Return:Return: Go back to the previous screen.

◊ Filter:Filter:Filter:Filter: Calls up a menu for setting a filter. The filter determines the information objects that appear in the test schedule and those which are not displayed (chapter

◊ Display symptoms:Display symptoms:Display symptoms:Display symptoms: The button becomes active when you select a component or function to be checked. When you click on the button, the causative symptoms (fault code entries with prefixed fault code, fault patterns) are displayed underneath the selected entries (Fig.... 5-45). When you click a second time, the symptoms are displayed again.

◊ Show/Hide:Show/Hide:Show/Hide:Show/Hide: With this button, you can show or hide the documents and procedures assigned to a component/function to be tested.

◊ Display all:Display all:Display all:Display all: adapts the widths of all columns to their maximum text lengths. If you click the button a second time, the workshop system returns the columns to their initial widths.

◊ Display:Display:Display:Display: With this button, you start a test module or display a document.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----45454545 "Testing schedule"Testing schedule"Testing schedule"Testing schedule" tab with symptoms displayed" tab with symptoms displayed" tab with symptoms displayed" tab with symptoms displayed

� This is how you start a procedure:

◊ Select a procedure (Type = "ABL") in the content area of the "Test plan" screen.

◊ Click the "Display" button.

� This is how you display the symptoms for a component/function to be tested:

◊ Select a component/function to be tested in the workspace of the "Testing schedule" mask.

◊ Click the "Display symptoms" button.

� This is how to return to the test module running in the background:

◊ Select the list entry with the status "yellow" in the workspace of the "Test plan" screen.

◊ Click the "Display" button or

◊ Select the “History“ symbol from the symbol bar at the top of the screen edge.

◊ In the displayed list, click on the title of the minimised procedure and then on "Displays".

� Proceed as follows to show or hide displays of documents and procedures:

◊ Select a component/function to be tested in the workspace of the "Testing schedule" mask.

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◊ Click on the "Fold in / out" button. Displaying and editing a procedureDisplaying and editing a procedureDisplaying and editing a procedureDisplaying and editing a procedure

A "procedure" corresponds to a service program that starts and runs automatically in a number of partial steps or runs with user interaction. A procedure may contain dialogues (messages, questions), measurement instructions and procedure steps with vehicle communication. Depending on the objective, a procedure can be used to localise a fault or to execute a service function. The test steps

and procedures contained in the sequence always relate to the performance of a certain task. The following section shows an example of the display of a procedure step. The procedure step might require an input or selection. You then switch to the next procedure step by clicking the "Next" button.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----46464646 Example of a procedureExample of a procedureExample of a procedureExample of a procedure

Further documents can be displayed in the right-hand side of the procedure window. If several

documents are hidden behind a tab, this is shown via highlighting on the tab.


Please always terminate a test module with the "Next“ button. If the performance of a procedure is terminated, important information may be lost. If a procedure is terminated, the warning "Diagnosis termination" is displayed.

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V 1.5 / 2014-03-24 Copyright © BMW AG 2013 Displaying and editing a procedure in BST modeDisplaying and editing a procedure in BST modeDisplaying and editing a procedure in BST modeDisplaying and editing a procedure in BST mode

Test modules for the series E21 to E31 are displayed in BST mode. These are service programs that were created for the predecessor system BMW Service Tester (BST) and which have their own screen layout. Operation under procedures in BST mode differs from general operation. Other buttons are displayed in the action bar for navigation within the BST test modules.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----47474747 BST procedureBST procedureBST procedureBST procedure ToolbarToolbarToolbarToolbar

The following table provides an overview of the functions that can be directly accessed via the toolbar.

Icons Function

Start screen

Clicking this icon opens the start screen. The ISTA workshop system then terminates the ongoing process (after confirmation).

You can find out more in chapter 5.1.

Display previous document

Clicking this icon takes you to the previous entry of the history list and

displays the corresponding document. The icon is only available if the history list contains a document which has previously been selected.

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Icons Function

You can find out more in chapter 5.6.2.


Clicking this symbol displays the History.

You can find out more in chapter 5.6.2.

Display next document

Clicking this icon takes you to the next entry in the history list and the

displays the corresponding document. The icon is only available if the history list contains a document which has previously been selected.

You can find out more in chapter 5.6.2.


Click on this symbol to call up the administration.

You can find out more in chapter 5.6.3.

Connection manager

Click on this symbol to call up the connection manager. Connections to the vehicle interface (ICOM or PTT) can be made or disconnected here.

You can find out more in chapter 5.6.4.


The operating mode controls the transfer of data during vehicle identification.

If the connection is disconnected, no data is transmitted from Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft during vehicle identification (ISPA Broker inactive).

Feedback signal

Clicking this icon calls up the screen for feedback. Here, for example, you can write a problem notification to Bayerische Motoren Werke

Aktiengesellschaft regarding a test module or document.

You can find out more in chapter 5.6.6.

status displays

Click on this symbol to call up the "status displays" window. This displays data such as connection quality or battery charge status.

You can find out more in chapter 5.6.7.


Click this icon to access the "Print" function.

You can find out more in chapter 5.6.8.


Clicking this icon calls up the "Help" function.

You can find out more in chapter 5.6.9.

Clicking this icon minimises the application window.

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Icons Function

Minimise You can find out more in chapter 5.6.10.


Clicking this symbol closes the current process or closes the ISTA workshop

system after a security prompt and the appropriate confirmation.

You can find out more in chapter 5.6.11. Start screenStart screenStart screenStart screen

The start screen is in the home screen for the ISTA workshop system. You can obtain more detailed information on the start screen in chapter5.1. HistoryHistoryHistoryHistory

While performing a process, the ISTA workshop system creates a list of all

documents and test modules accessed during this operation. This list is called History.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----48484848 HistoryHistoryHistoryHistory

The History works on the same basis as the history function in a web browser. The list flexibly adapts to the sequence in which the documents were accessed. The most recent document always appears

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in the last position. You can use the "Display previous document" and "Display next document" icons to switch between the documents that have previously been accessed. The "History" symbol opens a

window in which specific entries from the list can be selected. AAAAdministrationdministrationdministrationdministration

The Administration menu shows information and settings relating to the workshop system. Client settingsClient settingsClient settingsClient settings

The "Client settings" tab is displayed by default when "Administration" is opened. Here you can set the language of the workshop system, the brands for which you have authorisation and the display period for news items. The selection applies to the currently used client.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----49494949 "Client settings"Client settings"Client settings"Client settings" tab (available settings depending on market languages and " tab (available settings depending on market languages and " tab (available settings depending on market languages and " tab (available settings depending on market languages and brand authorisation)brand authorisation)brand authorisation)brand authorisation)

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Cancel:Cancel:Cancel:Cancel: Closes "Administration" without changing the settings.

◊ OK:OK:OK:OK: Closes "Administration" and saves the selected settings.

� Proceed as follows the change the language of the displays in the workshop system:

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◊ Click an option in the area "Selecting language".

◊ Click the "OK" button. The "Administration" window is closed. The change to the language becomes effective the next time you access the start screen or reboot the workshop system.


The languages settings vary from one country to another and are determined by agreement between the respective market organisation and Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft. The diagnostic content in ISTA is not available for the product type 'motorcycle' in all languages. This can mean that the passenger car diagnostic content is available in the foreign language, whereas the motorcycle diagnostic content are

displayed exclusively in the substitute language.

� This is how you select the make(s) for which you have authorisation:

◊ Click an option in the area "Select brand".

◊ Click the "OK" button. The "Administration" window is closed. The change to the selected brand(s) becomes effective the next time you access the start

screen or reboot the workshop system.


If a dealer has the authorisation to work on BMW motorcycles, "BMW / motorcycle" is also offered as a separate brand in the brand selection. If this dealer also has the

authorisation for BMW passenger cars, on starting up the ISID "BMW / passenger cars" will be activated first in the brand selection. In this case, BMW motorcycles cannot be identified or treated initially. If the ISID is to be used to work on BMW motorcycles, "BMW / motorcycle" must be selected first in the brand selection.

� This is how you select the display period for news items:

◊ Specify under the menu point "Limit display time period for news", how old the oldest displayed news item should be.

◊ Confirm your selection by clicking the "OK" button. The "Administration" window is closed and the workshop system returns to the most recently displayed screen. The change to the display period becomes effective the next time you access the start screen

or reboot the workshop system.

� Proceed as follows to select the period that process data will be stored before being deleted:

◊ In the "Delete process data" menu, select the number of days after which process data is to be deleted.

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◊ Confirm your selection by clicking the "OK" button. The change to the period becomes effective as soon as you restart the workshop system. Dealer dataDealer dataDealer dataDealer data

Click on the "Dealer data" tab to view the dealer data.

The data is centrally compiled by BMW. It is not possible to edit the dealer data in ISTA. Such changes are carried out via the respective market organisation.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----50505050 "Dealer data"Dealer data"Dealer data"Dealer data" tab" tab" tab" tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Cancel, OK:Cancel, OK:Cancel, OK:Cancel, OK: Closes the "Administration". Version statusVersion statusVersion statusVersion status

Clicking the "Software status" tab displays information on the installed software packages. The names of the packages, information on their contents, version number, release date and the package size are shown.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----51515151 "Version"Version"Version"Version" tab" tab" tab" tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Cancel, OK:Cancel, OK:Cancel, OK:Cancel, OK: Closes the "Administration". Problem handling.Problem handling.Problem handling.Problem handling.

Clicking the "Problem handling" tab enables to activate an additional reporting function. Only activate this reporting function at the request of First Level Support.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----52525252 "Problem handling"Problem handling"Problem handling"Problem handling" tab" tab" tab" tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Cancel, OK:Cancel, OK:Cancel, OK:Cancel, OK: Closes the "Administration".

◊ Start reporting:Start reporting:Start reporting:Start reporting: Starts the reporting function.

◊ Stop reporting:Stop reporting:Stop reporting:Stop reporting: Stops the reporting function.

◊ Run connection test:Run connection test:Run connection test:Run connection test: The ISPA Broker System attempts to reach BMW AG.


Switching on the additional reporting function has a negative effect on the operating speed of the ISTA workshop system and it should therefore only be switched on if

instructed by Support.

If the user does not switch off the logging after activation, it will automatically stop after 30 minutes. VCI configurationVCI configurationVCI configurationVCI configuration

Click on the "VCI configuration" tab to change the vehicle communication settings.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----53535353 "VCI configuration"VCI configuration"VCI configuration"VCI configuration" tab" tab" tab" tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Cancel:Cancel:Cancel:Cancel: Closes "Administration" without changing the settings.

◊ Keyboard: Keyboard: Keyboard: Keyboard: Shows or hides the display keyboard.

◊ OK:OK:OK:OK: Closes "Administration" and saves the selected settings. Connection managerConnection managerConnection managerConnection manager

If you click on the "Connection manager" symbol, you can initiate communication

between the workshop system and the vehicle (via ICOM). This function is automatically called up before communication with a vehicle is required.

The devices used in the DO workshop such as ICOM and IMIB are listed in the workspace.

The individual column entries have the following meanings:

◊ Designation:Designation:Designation:Designation: The name of the available device is displayed.

◊ Colour:Colour:Colour:Colour: Colour coding of device to facilitate a visual distinction.

◊ Type:Type:Type:Type: Short description of the device.

◊ Vehicle identification numberVehicle identification numberVehicle identification numberVehicle identification number:::: Shows the VIN of the vehicle connected to the respective vehicle interface.

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◊ Connection:Connection:Connection:Connection: Shows the connection type (LAN: wire-based workshop network, WLAN: wireless workshop network)

◊ KL15[V]:KL15[V]:KL15[V]:KL15[V]: Indicates the current terminal voltage.

◊ Status: Status: Status: Status: Shows the availability of the device. Free and reserved devices are displayed.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----54545454 "Connection manager" mask"Connection manager" mask"Connection manager" mask"Connection manager" mask""""

� Proceed as follows to establish a connection between the workshop system and vehicle:

◊ Identify a vehicle either

o by entering the identification number (chapter 5.2.2) or

o via "Import the vehicle data“, "Start identification“ (chapter or

o by opening the "Identification" tab without opening another process.

◊ Click on the "Connection manager" icon.

◊ Select the vehicle interface (ICOM) that is connected to the vehicle to be diagnosed.

◊ Click the "Establish connection"(Fig. 5-54) button. Wait until the connection is established.

◊ The workshop system carries out the identification of the vehicle.


If you identified a vehicle by entering the vehicle identification number and this vehicle

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identification number does not correspond to the number read out from the vehicle, you

will receive a message. Acknowledge this message and connect the correct vehicle. ModeModeModeMode

The operating mode controls the transfer of data during vehicle identification. If the connection is disconnected, no data is transmitted from Bayerische Motoren Werke

Aktiengesellschaft during vehicle identification (ISPA Broker inactive). FeedbackFeedbackFeedbackFeedback

When you click on the "Feedback" icon, a window with input fields is displayed. If required, a keyboard for convenient text input can be called up.

The fields are for the specification of name, telephone number and e-mail address as well as for feedback of a problem with the information shown in a screen. A reference to the displayed data is

entered automatically in the "Context" field.

The feedback is added to the vehicle description module report and forwarded with it to Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----55555555 "Feedback" mask"Feedback" mask"Feedback" mask"Feedback" mask Status displayStatus displayStatus displayStatus display

When you click the "Status display" icon, a window opens showing the status values of the connected hardware (ISID, ICOM and IMIB) as a colour bar diagram with percentage display. The display also includes the connection quality and the charge status of the batteries.

The respective bar can appear in the following colours, depending on the percentage value:

◊ Green: > 75%

◊ Yellow: 25 % - 75 %

◊ Red (critical): < 25%

If one of the status displays enters the "critical" range, the "Status display" icon is coloured red.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----56565656 "Status displays" message"Status displays" message"Status displays" message"Status displays" message PrintingPrintingPrintingPrinting

The print function is available in all screens and can be accessed via the "Print" icon. A

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message appears with selectable print options.

The option "Print screenshot" is available in all screens and can be used to create a printout of the current screen. Other options depend on the displayed screen.

Examples of other print options:

◊ List of contents

◊ List of news

◊ Hit list

◊ Document

◊ Wiring diagram

◊ Operation details


Printing on the ISID takes place in accordance with the print settings made in the WSM.

Via the workshop PC client, printing takes place on the standard printer set in Windows.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----57575757 "Printing" message, example"Printing" message, example"Printing" message, example"Printing" message, example

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For a better overview, wiring diagrams can be printed out in their original size over a number of pages. Help functionsHelp functionsHelp functionsHelp functions

You can call up a help function by clicking on the relevant symbol in the symbol bar or the

top bar. Help provides information on screens and functions. No operating instructions are included in the help function.

The help window can cover parts of the screen. However it never covers the symbol bar or the header.

When the help function is accessed, a help text is always initially displayed that relates to the most

recently displayed screen. However you can access the following other help functions from here:

◊ Table of contents (chapter5.6.9.1)

◊ List of abbreviations (chapter5.6.9.2)

◊ Units converter (chapter5.6.9.3)

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----58585858 "Help for screen" tab"Help for screen" tab"Help for screen" tab"Help for screen" tab

The "Help for screen" tab describes all elements (icons, buttons, selection lists etc.) of the screen from

which help can be accessed. In the field "Screen" (at the top of the workspace) the name of the

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corresponding screen appears, e.g. "Operation details". Under this you can select an element from the available graphic overview, e.g. "Toolbar". The workshop system then displays the appropriate help


The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ OverviOverviOverviOverview:ew:ew:ew: The workshop system returns from the overview of help functions to the screen.

◊ Close:Close:Close:Close: The help window is closed. List of contentsList of contentsList of contentsList of contents

You can select the help text for all masks and screen elements of the ISTA workshop system in the table of contents.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----59595959 "Table of contents"Table of contents"Table of contents"Table of contents" tab" tab" tab" tab

� This is how you access a help text from the table of contents:

◊ Click on one topic in the "Content overview" area.

◊ Depending on the selected topic, the help system may be subdivided in further subsections.

After selection, the active window shows the appropriate help text.

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V 1.5 / 2014-03-24 Copyright © BMW AG 2013 List of abbreviationsList of abbreviationsList of abbreviationsList of abbreviations

In the list of abbreviations, you will find an alphabetically arranged explanations of all abbreviations used on the workshop system.

In the workspace of the screen, the abbreviations for the selected letter are displayed. If required,

select another letter at the top of the content range or scroll the display down with the scroll bar.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----60606060 "List of abbreviations" tab"List of abbreviations" tab"List of abbreviations" tab"List of abbreviations" tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Overview:Overview:Overview:Overview: The workshop system returns to the letter "A".

◊ Close:Close:Close:Close: The help window is closed. Units converterUnits converterUnits converterUnits converter

With the units converter you can convert physical units for various categories (e.g. lengths, volumes, temperatures) into other appropriate units.

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----61616161 "Units converter"Units converter"Units converter"Units converter" tab" tab" tab" tab

The buttons in the action line have the following functions:

◊ Keyboard:Keyboard:Keyboard:Keyboard: Shows or hides the display keyboard.

◊ Delete:Delete:Delete:Delete: Deletes the entered value.

◊ Select category:Select category:Select category:Select category: Selects a unit category such as length or volume units.

◊ Close:Close:Close:Close: The help window is closed.

� Proceed as follows to convert physical units:

◊ Click the "Select category" button. A window opens. It contains a selection list of the available categories.

◊ Select the required category in the window and close the window with "OK".

◊ Select in the unit in the left-hand column in which you want to enter the value.

◊ Select the unit into which the entered value should be converted in the right-hand column.

◊ Enter a value in the field "Input". If appropriate use the display keyboard. The converted value immediately appears in the field "Result".

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V 1.5 / 2014-03-24 Copyright © BMW AG 2013 Minimising the workshop systemMinimising the workshop systemMinimising the workshop systemMinimising the workshop system

When you click the minimise symbol in the symbol bar, the ISTA workshop system is


� You can maximise ISTA again in the following ways:

◊ Via the Windows taskbar on the PC client.

◊ Via the ISTA symbol on the ISID start page.

◊ Via the "1" button on the ISID. Terminating the workshop systemTerminating the workshop systemTerminating the workshop systemTerminating the workshop system

Click this symbol to terminate the workshop system. A message appears; acknowledge this

message to proceed with terminating the application. If you are currently running a process, a message also appears asking you whether you want to terminate the process (chapter 5.7.1). Acknowledge this process by pressing "OK" and then click on the symbol for closing the workshop system again.

Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5555----62626262 "Close program" message"Close program" message"Close program" message"Close program" message

The buttons in the message have the following functions:

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◊ Cancel:Cancel:Cancel:Cancel: The message is closed with no other effects.

◊ Terminate operation and OK:Terminate operation and OK:Terminate operation and OK:Terminate operation and OK: The current process is terminated. The Operation list is then shown.

◊ Close program and OK:Close program and OK:Close program and OK:Close program and OK: The workshop system is terminated. OperationOperationOperationOperation

All data generated during the stay of a vehicle in a workshop are compiled in an operation. These are identification, vehicle and work data.

An operation is always linked to a specific vehicle when vehicle identification is performed using the vehicle identification number: It accompanies the vehicle from initial identification via the vehicle test, the guided diagnosis performed in the workshop and the info search for the repairs to the conclusion of the repair and service work. Within an operation, ISTA only provides information relevant to the vehicle identified in each case.

Processes are terminated and can be relaunched within a set period. However, an ISTA client can only ever process one operation at a time.


Complete or interrupt the opened operation before you disconnect the ICOM from the

vehicle and connect it to another vehicle. Terminating a process Terminating a process Terminating a process Terminating a process

� There are a number of different ways to terminate a process:

◊ Click on the "Start screen" symbol in the symbol bar (chapter 5.1) or

◊ Access the "Identification" main menu and begin a new process by selecting the item "Vehicle selection" in the sub menu (chapter 5.2) or

◊ Click on the "X" (End) in the symbol bar (chapter 5.6.11).

A message – "Terminate operation" – appears. To terminate the process, acknowledge the message

with "OK".

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6666 AppendixAppendixAppendixAppendix AbbreviationsAbbreviationsAbbreviationsAbbreviations

Term Explanation

BST BMW Service Tester (former BMW diagnostics system)

DIS Diagnostic and information system

FBM Vehicle description module (repair history and vehicle details)

VIN Vehicle identification number

GSM Global System for Mobile Communication

GT1 Group Tester 1

dealer organisation

Dealer organisation

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

ICOM Integrated Communication Optical Module

IDES Integrated diagnosis development system

IMIB Integrated Measurement Interface Box

ISAP Integrated Service Access Point

ISID Integrated Service Information Display

ISIS Integrated Service Information Server

ISPA Integrated Service Processes Application

ISTA Integrated Service Technical Application

KFA Function change to vehicle

LAN Local Area Network

OBD On-Board Diagnostics

PC Personal Computer

PDF Portable Document Format

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Term Explanation

SG Control unit

SPI Vehicle software information

SoWu Individual equipment for vehicle details

SVG Scalable Vector Graphics

TA-DB Technical campaigns - Database

VIN Vehicle Identification Number

WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

WSM Workshop system management

XML Extensible Markup Language

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Term Explanation

Administration Displays and enables general settings, displays dealer data and the installed versions.

Mode The operating mode designates the application options for ISTA.

BST mode The BST mode is the name of the mode of the predecessor system for the E21 to E31 model series. The associated diagnostic software has been

imported to ISTA. Within ISTA this is recognisable by another layout of the masks.

Vehicle identification Contains all functions that are required for vehicle identification via input

of a vehicle identification number, via reading out the vehicle identification number from the vehicle, via selection of basic features or vehicle selection from an Operation list.

Vehicle test Contains all functions that are required for performance and display of the vehicle test. In the vehicle test, the status of the installed control units is

determined and graphically presented.

Fault pattern selection The identified fault patterns can be selected via the fault pattern selection.

Information display Contains all functions that as a result of an information search deliver and

display a document.

Information search Contains all functions that as a result of a query deliver and display a hit list.

Installation/Update Installs and updates the content and system packets in conjunction with other components (WSM, JETStream).

JETstream System for controlling installations and updates on ISIS.

Measuring devices Measurement and signal functions are made available via the measuring devices. The measuring functions are on the one hand intended to

measure current, voltage etc. on the vehicle and on the other to generate signals. Usually additional auxiliaries are required before the measuring devices can be used such as adapters, for example. The measuring devices are used by instructions from a procedure. Furthermore, the user can also use measuring and signal functions independently of a

procedure in the "manually controlled measuring devices" mode. In this

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Term Explanation

case, the user must make all settings and evaluations himself.

Testing schedule The test schedule provides a test proposal with a recommended priority

for test objects for selection on the basis of the fault statuses read out from the vehicle and the optionally selected fault patterns.

ISPA System for support of service consulting. Might not be used in all markets.

ISPA Broker Interface service for querying data from Bayerische Motoren Werke

Aktiengesellschaft, e.g. Technical Campaigns. This service is not available if there is no connection to Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft. There is no dependency on an installation of ISPA.

Control unit functions With the aid of the control unit functions individual control units can be

identified, interrogated and actuated.

Operation All work on one vehicle is compiled under one operation. Operations can

be created, terminated and logged.

WSM The Workshop System Management (WSM) helps to administer ISIS. All

administrative tasks are executed here. Error messages and error resolutionError messages and error resolutionError messages and error resolutionError messages and error resolution

If a function cannot be performed due to an error, a fault message is displayed. If a fault message appears, please proceed as follows:

◊ Execute the desired function again.

◊ If a fault message is issued again, please note the displayed fault code and contact your local administrator. He will initiate suitable measures or send a message (via WSM) to Support.

Where possible, to report a specific problem, please always make a printout of the screen menu.

You can obtain a description of the procedure for reporting errors in the WSM documents.

If you find errors in an information object in terms of content or technical details, please report these errors using the "Feedback" screen "in ISTA (chapter 5.6.6). Examples of such errors can be a missing description in a set of repair instructions, incorrect wire colour in the wiring diagram, a graphic showing the place of installation that does not correspond to the vehicle in question or similar.

If the system needs more than approx. 10 s to execute a function, a progress bar is displayed. With longer periods, a message with options may be displayed. The message reads:

"The service call has exceeded the permitted run time. You can choose to continue waiting or exit the program."

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This is not an error. The message signals that the execution of the function is ongoing. You can continue the action by selecting "Wait" or close the program with "Exit". If no entry is made when the

message appears, the process continues running in the background. IndexIndexIndexIndex


Accept 33

Activities 21, 24, 46

Administration 11, 22, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 101


Basic features 20, 26, 32, 33, 34

BirdView 72

BST mode 22, 35, 77, 80, 101


Client settings 83

Component activation 44

Component structure 21, 46, 48

Connection manager 12, 13, 22, 81, 88, 89

Content overview 94

Control Unit Tree 14, 20, 32, 40, 41, 42, 45, 53

Cross-references 70


Date 24, 26

Dealer data 38, 85, 101

Delete process data 84

Detail table 54

Diagnostic query 42, 43

Display keyboard 7

Display next document 81, 83

Display previous document 80, 83


Fault code

Description 55

Details 56

System context 57

Fault memory 15

Feedback signal 90

Filter 52

Filter fault memory 58

Filter settings 52, 53

Full screen 73

Function structure 21, 46, 47


General settings 83

Guided troubleshooting 21, 40, 53, 60


Header 6, 93

Help 81

Help for mask 93

Help functions 22, 93

History list 22, 80, 81, 82

Hit list 21, 47, 50, 67, 92

Hotspot 72


Identification 20, 24

Information display 101

Information search 21, 46, 50, 52, 68, 101

Information type 52

ISTA usage notes 11


JETstream 101


Keyword 50, 67


Limit display time for new items 84

List of abbreviations 22, 93, 95

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List of contents 22, 92, 93, 94

List of control units 14, 20, 32, 45, 53


Measuring devices 21, 101

Minimise 81

Mode 81, 101


Navigation 6

News 24, 83, 92


Operating fluids 21, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70

Operation details 14, 20, 29, 33, 34, 40, 92, 94

Operation information 20, 34

Operation list 12, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 101


Print screenshot 92

Printing 81, 91

Process report 20, 38, 39

Product structure 21, 46, 65, 66


Quick delete 15, 17, 54, 55


Repair History 20, 36, 99

Repair history, detailed view 37


Score Broker 102

Service function 21

Service functions 21, 64, 68

Service schedule 21, 24, 47, 50, 67

Sorting 24

Standard 47

Start screen 5, 11, 12, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 80, 82, 84, 98

Start search 47

Status display 22, 43, 44, 81, 91


Terminate operation 18

Testing schedule 14, 15, 16, 17, 52, 55, 61, 62, 75, 76, 77, 78, 102

Text documents 70

Text search 21, 46, 50

Toolbar 6, 80, 93


Units converter 22, 93, 95, 96

User-defined 47


Vehicle data 11, 12, 20, 25, 30, 31, 32

Vehicle details 20, 21, 35, 38, 99, 100

Vehicle identification 13, 25, 26, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 40, 46, 49, 59, 64, 80, 98, 101

Vehicle identification number 13, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 88, 98, 99, 100, 101

Vehicle selection 20, 25, 34, 98, 101

Vehicle test 14, 15, 20, 24, 35, 39, 40, 41, 45, 53, 54, 59, 101

Version status 85, 86, 87, 88


Wiring diagram 71

Workshop equipment 21, 65


Zoom function 74

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