tech_leaflet guideline sg iso20022 sepa direct debit branches.pdf

Corporate Cash Management SEPA Direct Debit Order ISO 20022 STANDARD pain.008.001.02 Guideline to SEPA DIRECT DEBIT Instructions transmitted to Societe Generale France and to Societe Generale’s branches (SEPA Core Direct Debit and SEPA B2B Direct Debit) Version: February, 2013

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  • Corporate Cash Management

    SEPA Direct Debit Order

    ISO 20022 STANDARD pain.008.001.02

    Guideline to SEPA DIRECT DEBIT Instructions

    transmitted to Societe Generale France and to Societe Generales branches

    (SEPA Core Direct Debit and SEPA B2B Direct Debit)

    Version: February, 2013

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 2/24


    1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 3 2 GENERAL PRESENTATION OF SDD ORDERS IN ISO 20022 FORMAT................................................ 3

    2.1 SEPA DIRECT DEBIT ORDERS...........................................................................................................................3 2.2 CHARACTERISTICS.............................................................................................................................................3

    2.2.1 General characteristics common to SEPA transactions.............................................................. 3 2.2.2 Data specific to SEPA Direct Debit orders.................................................................................. 3

    2.3 FORMAT ISO 20022 "pain 008.001.02" ..............................................................................................................3 2.4 AMENDMENT OF MANDATE DATA....................................................................................................................3

    3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF "SEPA DIRECT DEBIT ORDER" MESSAGE.......................................... 3 3.1 PRESENTATION OF DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................3 3.2 OPERATING RULES.............................................................................................................................................3 3.3 CONTROLS PERFORMED ON RECEIPT OF ORDER........................................................................................3

    3.3.1 Controls of compliance with PAIN 008.001.02............................................................................ 3 3.3.2 Banking controls......................................................................................................................... 3 3.3.3 Characters used......................................................................................................................... 3

    3.4 SEPA DIRECT DEBIT ORDERS UNDER ISO 20022 FORMAT ("pain.008.001.02") ........................................3 3.5 EXAMPLE..............................................................................................................................................................3 3.5.1 Example with matrix template ............................................................................................................................3 3.5.2 In XML format .......................................................................................................................................................3

    APPENDIX 1 LIST OF SEPA COUNTRY CODES............................................................................................ 3 APPENDIX 2 LIST OF BIC CODES FOR SG FRANCE, SG MONACO AND SOCIETE GENERALES BRANCHES...................................................................................................................................................... 3 APPENDIX 3 COUNTRIES SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS................................................................................ 3

    Additional information can be obtained from the following websites:

    ISO 20 022:

    ISO (country codes):

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 3/24


    This guide describes the rules of use governing SEPA Core Direct Debits (CORE SDD) and SEPA Business-to-Business Direct Debits (B2B SDD) under the ISO 20022 standard. for direct debits initiated on accounts held: - with Societe Generale France and Monaco included, - with Societe Generales Branches within Europe; SG Amsterdam, SG Brussels, SG Frankfurt, SG Madrid, SG Zurich

    The message that must be used for these transactions is "CustomerDirectDebitInitiation", referenced as "pain.008.001.02" based on version ISO 20022 of April 2009 and applicable as from 1 November 2010.


    To prevent messages from being rejected due to failure to comply with ISO 20022, it is important to use standard, proven applications that automatically generate strictly ISO 20022-compliant messages in XML format using an ISO XSD processor.

    Please note: Specific agreements must be entered into prior to the initiation of SDD Core and SDD B2B direct debits.

    This guide complies with: the rules of use applicable to the ISO 20022 standards and their XML format, version 6.1 of the European Payment Council's SDD Core Rulebook and and version 6.0 of the Implementation

    Guidelines version 4.1 of the European Payment Council's SDD B2B Rulebook and version 4.0 of the Implementation


    For direct debits initiated from SG France or SG Monaco, this guideline also draws on the following CFONB brochures: the "Remises informatises d'ordres de prlvement SEPA ISO 20022" (Guide to electronic initiation of SEPA ISO

    20022 direct debit orders) published by the CFONB and the GUF (French SWIFT users group), available at, pathway: documentations/publications/SEPA/Guide d'utilisation du standard ISO 20022.

    - "Prlvement SEPA" (SEPA CORE Direct Debit), - "Migration du prlvement national vers le prlvement SEPA" (Migration from the national direct debit scheme to

    the SEPA CORE direct debit scheme) brochure. These brochures are available at, pathway: documentations/publications/SEPA/

    There are two parts to the document:

    1. The general presentation of SEPA direct debit orders in ISO 20022 format, with a description and explanation of how to complete the order.

    2. The detailed description of the ISO 20022 format for SEPA direct debit orders transmitted to SOCIETE GENERALE, with an example provided first in table form and then in XML format.

    Socit Gnrale offers the following tools for issuing SEPA Direct Debits : - International cash management tools, available in France and in other countries : SWIFTNet FileAct, FTP, SFTP, Sogecash Web - Cash Management solutions available in France : EBICS T, EBICS TS, Pe SIT

    Files are processed identically regardless of the transmission protocol. Subscription to the SEPA Direct Debit service is done on the basis of the corresponding teletransmission contract.

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 4/24


    2.1 SEPA DIRECT DEBIT ORDERS The SEPA direct debit is an automated method of payment initiated by a creditor, which can be used to pay recurring or one-off invoices. Before the initiation of the SEPA direct debit order by the creditor, the debtor must sign a mandate beforehand, authorising the creditor to collect payments from the debtors account and also authorising the debtors bank to debit the debtor's account to pay these collections.

    The European authorities have defined two schemes of SEPA direct debits: - the SEPA CORE Direct Debit: it can be used by any type of client and will eventually replace the national direct

    debit schemes. - the SEPA Business-to-Business Direct Debit allows companies, professionals and associations to pay some or all

    of their transactions according to specific operating rules.

    Both models can be used for recurring or one-off payments.


    2.2.1 General characteristics common to SEPA transactions SEPA Direct Debits contain the following general characteristics:

    - amount denominated in EUR - amount ranging from EUR 0.01 to EUR 999 999 999.99 - creditor and debtor accounts located in the SEPA area* and identified by their BIC and IBAN - end-to-end reference number assigned by the creditor and transmitted to the debtor - reason for payment (maximum 140 characters) assigned by the creditor and transmitted to the debtor

    The SEPA area currently consists of 32 countries (see Appendix for a list of SEPA countries and related codes).

    2.2.2 Data specific to SEPA Direct Debit orders

    Identification of SDD models (index 2.12) "CORE" for SEPA Core Direct Debits "B2B" for SEPA Business-to-Business Direct Debits

    Sequence Type (index 2.14) The transaction sequence codes are applied to SEPA Core Direct Debits and SEPA B2B Direct Debits.

    Type of payment Sequence Type

    Definition "FRST" First transaction of a recurrent collection "RCUR" Subsequent transactions Recurring "FNAL" Last transaction of a recurrent collection

    One-off "OOFF" One-off direct debit

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 5/24

    SEPA Creditor Identifier (index 2.27) The creditor must have a SEPA Creditor Identifier (SCI) to issue SEPA Core Direct Debits and SEPA B2B Direct Debits. The general structure of the SCI was defined by the EPC.

    Data Content

    Maximum number of characters

    Country code

    ISO code of the country which assigned the identifier. See ISO Code Countries in appendix 1

    2 characters

    Control key This key is determined using the country code and national identifier 2 characters

    Creditor business


    This code, managed by the creditor at its discretion, is used by the creditor to identify different business activities. If the creditor does not wish to use the business code, the characters "ZZZ" are assigned. The business code is not used to determine the control key.

    3 characters.

    National identifier

    This national identifier is defined by each community. An overview of National Identifiers taken of each SEPA country is published on EPC web site:


    28 characters maximum

    Unique Mandate Reference For a given creditor, this reference identifies each mandate signed with the debtor. The Unique Mandate Reference embodies the commercial agreement signed with the debtor.

    2.3 FORMAT ISO 20022 "pain 008.001.02"

    There are three levels in the ISO 2022 "pain.008.001.02" message:

    1. GroupHeader This building block is mandatory and present once. It contains one or several PaymentInformation blocks.

    2. PaymentInformation This building block is mandatory and repetitive:a set of transactions (or direct debit orders) concerning a single account to be credited, a single sequence type (index 2.14), a single execution date (index 2.18) and a single creditor identifier, a single scheme (index 2.12).

    3. CreditTransferTransactionInformation This building block is mandatory and repetitive. This block is a set of elements providing specific information to each individual transaction(s) included in the Payment Information block

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 6/24

    The message is structured as follows:

    CustomerDirectDebitInitiation ISO 20022 Standard

    Message item Occur.


    MessageIdentification M CreationDateTime M + Authorisation N NumberOfTransactions M ControlSum R + InitiatingParty M + ForwardingAgent N B. PAYMENTINFORMATION [1..n] PaymentInformationIdentification M PaymentMethod M BatchBooking N NumberOfTransactions R ControlSum R + PaymentTypeInformation R RequestedCollectionDate M + Creditor M + CreditorAccount M + CreditorAgent M + CreditorAgentAccount N + UltimateCreditor O ChargeBearer O + ChargesAccount N + ChargesAccountAgent N + CreditorSchemeIdentification R

    C. DIRECTDEBITTRANSACTIONINFORMATION [1..n] + PaymentIdentification M + PaymentTypeInformation N InstructedAmount M ChargeBearer N + DirectDebitTransaction R + UltimateCreditor O + DebtorAgent M + DebtorAgentAccount N + Debtor M + DebtorAccount M + UltimateDebtor O InstructionforCreditorAgent N + Purpose O + RegulatoryReporting N + Tax N + RelatedRemittanceInformation N + Remittanceinformation R


    The + sign appearing in the first column indicates a composite element consisting of a set of sub-elements.

    Elements shaded in grey are not used for SEPA direct debit orders (status "N").



    M = Mandatory O = Optional D = Dependent R = Required A = Advised N = Not Used

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 7/24

    2.4 AMENDMENT OF MANDATE DATA For amendments of one or more elements in the mandate, the data entry rules are as follows for the ISO 20022 format:

    - the amendment indicator positioned in index 2.50 "AmendmentIndicator" must be set to "true". - the original mandate data must be entered in specific indexes. The list and indexes which must be completed are

    indicated below. - The new mandate data are entered in the corresponding indexes.

    Original data New data Mandate data





    Unique Mandate Reference



    Original mandate identification number


    Name of creditor



    Original name of creditor




    Original SEPA creditor identifier


    SEPA Creditor Identifier 2.53

    Proprietary Value = "SEPA


    Case 1 change of account within the same bank




    2.73 (IBAN)

    Debtor Account

    Case 2 change of bank


    OriginalDebtorAgent Value = "SMNDA" (Same Mandate with New Debtor Agent) In this case, the SEPA direct debit must be associated with a sequence type set to "FRST"

    2.70 (BIC) 2.73 (IBAN)

    In the event the amendment indicator "false" is entered and amended data are present, the amended data will be ignored. In the event the amendment indicator "true" is entered and no amended data are present, the value of the amendment indicator will be changed to "false".

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 8/24


    3.1 PRESENTATION OF DESCRIPTION The detailed description is provided in paragraph 3.4 in the form of a table with nine columns and as many lines as elements of information.

    The table shows the presentation adopted by the ISO 20022 (except for the selection indicator "Or", which is not shown because it does not pertain to any of the items used in this guide).

    Index: ISO 20022 index of the element (element = information) Level: hierarchical level of the item "+": Level 1 element, "++": Level 2 element, etc. Message Item name of the item as indicated in ISO 20022 standard : name of the XML tag of the element Mult.: minimum and maximum number of occurrences of the ISO 20022 standard, presented as follows [x..y]. If x = 0, then the element is optional. If x = 1, it is mandatory. Format: type and length of the element (Text = alphanumeric) Amount format: the maximum length contains fraction digits and the decimal separator. Decimals are separated by a decimal point. External code tables: the tables and values that can be used are available on the ISO's website at the following address: Code format: always uppercase Indicator format: always lowercase

    Status: indicates whether or not an element is mandatory or optional for a SEPA direct debit order sent to Societe Generale

    Code Meaning Comments

    M Mandatory

    Mandatory in the standard ISO 20022 message. R Required Item required by this guide but optional under the ISO 20022 standard. D Dependent Mandatory under certain conditions, depending on other data in the

    message. A Advised Usage strongly advised (the information is useful for one of the intermediaries or for the beneficiary of the transaction). O Optional May be useful for the beneficiary but is not required to process the transaction.

    N Not Used Not used by Societe Generale to process the transaction.

    Name and definition: description of the item Comments: additional information on using the element. Information provided in quotation marks indicates the value to be indicated for this item.

    3.2 OPERATING RULES The matrix only shows the elements recommended by Societe Generale for issuing SEPA direct debit orders. For any specific questions not covered by this document, please contact your regular Societe Generale contact person.

    The inclusion of items not indicated in this guideline, but which are compliant with "pain.008.001.02", will not prevent the transaction from being processed. In such case, these elements are ignored. The same is true for elements with "IGNORED" indicated in the Comments column.

    If an item used is a Composed element (group of items), it is mandatory to fill in at least one of the elementary item that is part of the composed element..

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 9/24

    An individual element in a composite element marked M for mandatory must be provided if the composite element to which it is attached is present.

    Example: element 2.65 "Code" (M) is part of the composite element "Purpose" (O). Users who do not wish to complete element 2.65 must not complete element 2.64.

    If an element can be indicated at the "PaymentInformation and at the "Transaction" levels, it is advised to choose the PaymentInformation level if possible. Example: index 2.23 and 2.69 "ultimate creditor".

    3.3 CONTROLS PERFORMED ON RECEIPT OF ORDER Three levels of controls are carried out:

    - Syntax: compliance with pain.008.001.02 and with XML syntax - Banking: compliance with Societe Generale recommendations (see Comments column of table 3.4) - Characters: use of authorised characters (see 3.3.3).

    3.3.1 Controls of compliance with PAIN 008.001.02 For the purposes of automated order processing, the message must observe the rules of the "pain.008.001.02" message under the ISO 20022 standard, independently of the presence and relevance of the banking data provided. Otherwise, the GroupHeader, the PaymentInformation and/or Transaction will be rejected, even if the error is not related to data that is required to issue the requested SEPA direct debit order.

    The controls examine the following: - accuracy of tag names - the hierarchy of the XML marker - consistency of tag arrangement - appropriate use of a closing tag for every opening tag - validity of codes used - use of mandatory characters (or dependent characters where necessary) - etc.

    The level of rejection depends on the positioning of the anomaly.

    Positioning of anomaly Rejection level

    GroupHeader Entire message

    PaymentInformation The related PaymentInformation is rejected. The remaining correct PaymentInformations are processed

    CreditTransferTransactionInformation The related transaction is rejected. The remaining correct transactions are processed)

    3.3.2 Banking controls (*) These controls examine the banking data that must be provided when the "S" (Status) column of the table indicates:

    - "M" (Mandatory) - "R" (Required) - "D" (Dependent), i.e. the information is mandatory if the given condition is met.

    The data must be present and accurate. As for the syntax control, depending on whether the anomaly is found in the GroupHeader, at the PaymentInformation level or at the transaction level, the rejection will be related to the GroupHeader,,the PaymentInformation or the transaction.

    (*) Regarding uploaded files through Sogecash Web, wherever is the anomaly positioning (GroupHeader level, PaymentInformation level, Credit Transfer TransactionInformation), the whole file is rejected.

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 10/24

    3.3.3 Characters used The characters accepted by the European clearing systems are those listed below (see list of authorized characters). However, Socit Gnrale does not always reject the messages containing characters that are not listed. If specific XML characters are used (see list of forbidden characters below) the message will be rejected. Other non listed characters will be accepted by Socit Gnrale but they may be changed through the processing.


    a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 / - ? : ( ) . , + Espace


    < > " &

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 11/24

    3.4 SEPA DIRECT DEBIT ORDERS UNDER ISO 20022 FORMAT ("pain.008.001.02")

    Index Level Message Item Mult Format S Name and definition Comments

    1.0 GroupHeader [1..1] Composite M Message Header

    1.1 + Message Identification [1..1] Max35Text M Message reference no. IGNORED

    1.2 + CreationDateTime [1..1] ISODateTime MDate and time the message was created in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss format (T is used as a separator)


    1.6 + NumberOf Transactions [1..1] 15 numbers max., no decimal

    M Total number of transactions in message

    Rejected if inconsistent with the number of transactions in the message

    1.7 + ControlSum [0..1] Decimal Number fractionDigits 17 totalDigits :18

    R This total is an arithmetic sum of the amounts given for each transaction (instructed amount) in the message

    Rejected if inconsistent with the total amount for the transactions in the message

    Decimals are separated by a decimal point.

    1.8 + InitiatingParty [1..1] Composed M Issuer of message IGNORED

    1.8 ++ Name [0..1] Max140text R Name of party issuing the message IGNORED

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 12/24

    Index Level Message Item Mult Format S Name and definition Comments

    2.0 Payment Information [1..n] Composed M PaymentInformation level

    To be repeated as many times as there is Payment Information (a)

    2.1 + Payment Information Identification

    [1..1] Max35Text M Reference assigned to idenftify the PaymentInformation block

    Provided on the creditor's account statement

    2.2 + PaymentMethod [1..1] Code M Payment method "DD" for Direct Debit

    2.4 + NumberOfTransactions [0..1] Max15Numeric Text R Total number of transactions of the PaymentInformation

    Rejected if inconsistent with the number of transactions in the paymentinformation

    2.5 + ControlSum [0..1] Decimal Number fractionDigits 17 totalDigits :18,

    R Total amount for transactions of the PaymentInformation

    Rejected if inconsistent with the sum of the amounts for the transactions in the PaymentInformation

    2.6 + PaymentType Information [0..1] Composed R Group of information identifying the level of service associated with the direct debit

    Type of direct debit

    2.8 ++ ServiceLevel [0..1] Composed R Processing method

    2.9 +++ Code [1..1] ExternalService Level1Code M Code of processing method "SEPA"

    2.11 ++ LocalInstrument [0..1]] Composite R Indicates the SEPA direct debit model

    2.12 +++ Code [1..1] ExternalLocal Instrument1Code


    The possible values are:

    "CORE": SEPA Core Direct Debit "B2B": SEPA Business-to-Business Direct Debit

    2.14 ++ SequenceType [0..1] Code R

    Indicates the sequence.type The possible values are - for a recurrent collection: "FRST" "RCUR" "FNAL"

    - for a one-off SEPA direct debit "OOFF"

    Note: if the value of the OriginalDebtorAgent element is "SMNDA", the value "FRST" must be used. (see explanation in section 2.4)

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 13/24

    Index Level Message Item Mult Format S Name and definition Comments

    2.18 + RequestedCollectionDate [1..1] ISODate YYYY-MM-DD M Requested collection date

    Any past date is replaced with the best possible collection date. Maximum period accepted: 60 business days

    2.19 + Creditor [1..1] Composed M Creditor, holder of the account to be credited

    2.19 ++ Name [0..1] Max140text R Name of creditor Name of account holder, limited to 70 characters

    2.20 + CreditorAccount [1..1] Composed M Creditor account

    2.20 ++ Identification [1..1] Composed M Account ID

    2.20 +++ IBAN [1..1] IBANIdentifier M IBAN of creditor account IBAN of the account to be credited

    2.21 + CreditorAgent [1..1] Composed M Creditor bank

    2.21 ++ FinancialInstitution Identification [1..1] Composed M Bank ID

    2.21 +++ BIC [0..1] BICIdentifier, 8 or 11 characters

    R BIC of creditor bank "See Appendix 2 for the list of BIC Codes

    2.23 + UltimateCreditor [0..1] Composed O Ultimate party (if different from the holder of the account to be credited) particularly where a collection factory is involved.

    2.23 ++ Name [0..1] Max140text R Name of the ultimate Creditor

    Provided on the creditor's account statement, Limited to 70 characters

    2.24 + ChargeBearer [0..1] ChargeBearer Type1Code O Specifies which parties will bear the payment charges "SLEV"

    2.27 + CreditorSchemeIdentification

    [0..1] Composed R SEPA creditor Identifier Elements

    2.27 ++ Identification

    [0..1] Composed R

    2.27 +++ PrivateIdentification

    [1..1] Composed M

    2.27 ++++ Other

    [0..n] Composed R Only one occurrence is authorised:

    2.27 +++++ Identification

    [1..1] Max35Text M SEPA creditor identifier (see structure in section 2.2)

    2.27 +++++ SchemeName

    [0..1] Composed R

    2.27 ++++++ Proprietary

    [1..1] Max35Text M The value "SEPA" must be used

    (a) : In the web site Sogecash Web, only one Payment Information sequence is allowed.

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 14/24

    Index Level Message Item Mult. Format S Name and definition Comments

    2.28 + DirectDebit TransactionInformation

    [1..n] Composed M Transaction level

    The level must be repeated the same number of times as the number of transactions (= direct debit orders)

    2.29 ++ Payment Identification [1..1] Composed M Transaction Identification

    2.30 +++ InstructionIdentification I

    [0..1] Max35Text O Transaction reference. for the creditor

    Provided on the creditor's account statement in case of reject/return/refund iissued by the debtors bank (unitary batchbooking)

    2.31 +++ EndToEnd Identification [1..1] Max35Text MEnd-to-end reference transmitted to debtor

    Provided on the creditor's account statement in case of reject/return/erfund iissued by the debtors bank (unitary batchbooking

    2.44 ++ InstructedAmount [1..1] 12 num maximum M

    Currency and Amount of payment, from EUR 0.01 to EUR 999 999 999.99

    Amount in EUR > 0 Where applicable, decimals are separated by a decimal point.

    2.46 ++ DirectDebitTransaction

    [0..1] Composed R

    2.47 +++ MandateRelatedInformation [0..1] Composed R

    Information pertaining to the mandate

    2.48 ++++ MandateIdentification

    [0..1] Max35Text R Original mandate reference number

    2.49 ++++ DateOfSignature [0..1] ISODate R Date on which the mandate was signed

    2.50 ++++ AmendmentIndicator [0..1] TrueFalse Indicator O Indicator of amendment to mandate data

    Indicator referring to any modifications to one or more data in the mandate. Value: "true" if amendment "false" if no amendment (default value)

    2.51 ++++ AmendmentInformationDetails [0..1] Composed D

    2.52 +++++ OriginalMandateIdentification [0..1] Max35Text O Reference of the original mandate

    Must be completed if an amendment is made to the original mandate.

    2.53 +++++ OriginalCreditorScheme Identification

    [0..1] Composite O Original creditor data

    Original data pertaining to the creditor

    2.53 ++++++ Name [0..1] Max140text O Original name of creditor Limited to 70 char. Must be completed if the creditor's name is changed

    2.53 ++++++ Identification [0..1] Composed O

    2.53 +++++++ PrivateIdentification [1..1] Composed M

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 15/24

    Index Level Message Item Mult. Format S Name and definition Comments

    2.53 ++++++++ Other [0..n] Composed R Only one occurrence is authorised

    2.53 +++++++++


    [1..1] Max35Text M Original creditor identifier

    2.53 +++++++++


    [0..1] Composed R

    2.53 ++++++++++


    [1..1] Max35Text M

    Value = "SEPA" in most cases. See appendix 3 for migration rules in France

    2.57 +++++ OriginalDebtorAccount [0..1] Composed O

    Original debtor account number

    Only needs to be completed if there is a change of account number within the same financial institution

    2.57 ++++++ Identification [1..1] Composed M

    2.57 +++++++ IBAN [1..1] Max 34Text M IBAN

    2.58 +++++ OriginalDebtorAgent [0..1] Composed O

    Only used if the debtor changes financial institutions. In this case, the SEPA direct debit must be associated with a transaction sequence set at "FRST" (index 2.14) Also see paragraph 2.4.

    2.58 ++++++ FinancialInstitution Identification [1..1] Composed M

    2.58 +++++++ Other [0..1] Composed R

    2.58 ++++++++ Identification [1..1] Max 35Text M "SMNDA" = Same Mandate With New Debtor Agent

    2.69 ++ UltimateCreditor [0..1] Composed O Third party creditor (if different from the holder of the account to be credited) particularly where a collection firm is involved.

    2.69 +++ Name [0..1] Max140text R Name of third party creditor

    Use index 2.23 unless there is more than one "ultimate creditor" in the batch. Limited to 70 characters

    2.70 ++ DebtorAgent [1..1] Composed M Bank where debtors account is held

    2.70 +++ FinancialInstitutionIdentification [1..1] Composed M Bank Identification

    2.70 ++++ BIC [0..1] BICIdentifier 8 or 11 characters

    R BIC of the debtor bank

    The BIC code must be in the SEPA area (see list of SEPA countries in Appendix 1) The debtor's bank must have adhered to the SEPA direct debit model used by the creditor

    2.72 ++ Debtor [1..1] Composed M Debtor (name of account holder)

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 16/24

    Index Level Message Item Mult. Format S Name and definition Comments

    2.72 +++ Name [0..1] Max140text R Name of debtor Limited to 70 char.

    2.73 ++ DebtorAccount [1..1] Composed M Debtor Account

    2.73 +++ Identification [1..1] Composed M Account identification

    2.73 ++++ IBAN [1..1] IBANIdentifier M IBAN of ot the debtor Properly structured IBAN

    2.74 ++ UltimateDebtor 0..1] Composed O Third party debtor, if different from debtor

    2.74 +++ Name [0..1] Max140text R Name of third party debtor Limited to 70 char.

    2.76 ++ Purpose [0..1] Composed O Type of payment

    2.77 +++ Code [1..1] External Purpose1Code MCode defining the type of payment

    2.88 ++ Remittance Information [0..1] Composed O Reason for payment to the debtor

    2.89 +++ Unstructured [0..n] Max140text R Text describing reason for payment

    Payment Identification elements expected by the debtor

    (Only 1 occurrence) 2.90 +++ Structured [0..n] Composed R

    2.110 ++++ CreditorReferenceInformation [0..1] Composed R

    Reference no. given by the creditor. If this element is used, the Type and Reference elements must also be used.

    2.111 +++++ Type [0..1] Composed R Type of reference

    2.112 ++++++ CodeOrProprietary [1..1] Composed M

    2.113 +++++++ Code [1..1] DocumentType3Code M "SCOR" = StructuredCOmmunicationReference

    2.116 +++++ Reference [0..1] Max35Text R

    Reference no. of SEPA direct debit given by creditor. There is no control key.

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 17/24

    3.5 EXAMPLE Message issued by TELECOM S.A. Date: 4 February 2011

    PaymentInformation Scheme = CORE, two recurring transactions

    Collection date: 8 February 2011 PaymentInformation identification.: Remittance 20110204 No. 000132 Name of creditor: TELECOM FIXE BIC: SOGEFRPP IBAN. FR7630003012340001122334489 Creditor identifier: FR26ZZZ666999

    SEPA direct debit No. 1 Name of debtor: MRDEBITEUR1 BIC: BANKFRPP IBAN: FR7612345123450123456789006 Amount: EUR 60.29 Unique Mandate Reference : Mandate NO1234 Instruction Identification. REFOPE1246 End-to-end Identification. FAC20080100348 Remittance Information: fixed invoice January 2011

    SEPA direct debit No. 2 Second transaction to an account in Germany. Amendment to the Unique Mandate Reference. Name of debtor: MRDEBITEUR2 BIC: DRTJDEFF IBAN: DE89370400440532013000 Amount: EUR 58.10 Unique Mandate Reference.: Mandate NO 4567 Instruction Identification.; REFOPE1247 End-to-end Identification FAC20080100349 Remittance Information: fixed invoice January 2011 Original Mandate Identification.: Mandate NO 4467

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 18/24

    3.5.1 Example with matrix template

    Index Level Message Item Mult.

    S Example

    1.0 + GroupHeader [1..1] M Group Header

    1.1 + MessageIdentification [1..1] M MESS2011-123456

    1.2 + CreationDateTime [1..1] M 2011-04-02T09:07:00

    1.6 + NumberOfTransactions [1..1] M 2

    1.7 + ControlSum [0..1] R 118.39

    1.8 + InitiatingParty [1..1] M

    1.8 ++ Name [0..1] R TELECOM S.A

    2.0 + PaymentInformation [1..n] M

    2.1 + PaymentInformationIdentification [1..1] M

    Remittance 20110204 No. 000132

    2.2 + PaymentMethod [1..1] M DD

    2.4 + NumberOfTransactions [0..1] R 2

    2.5 + ControlSum [0..1] R 118.39

    2.6 + PaymentTypeInformation [0..1] R

    2.8 ++ ServiceLevel [0..1] R

    2.9 +++ Code [1..1] M SEPA

    2.11 ++ LocalInstrument [0..1] R

    2.12 +++ Code [1..1] M CORE

    2.14 ++ SequenceType [0..1] R RCUR

    2.18 + RequestedCollectionDate [1..1] M 2011-02-08

    2.19 + Creditor [1..1] M

    2.19 ++ Name [0..1] R TELECOM FIXE

    2.20 + CreditorAccount [1..1] M

    2.20 ++ Identification [1..1] M

    2.20 +++ IBAN [1..1] M


  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 19/24

    2.21 + CreditorAgent [1..1] M

    2.21 ++ FinancialInstitutionIdentification [1..1] M

    2.21 +++ BIC [0..1] R SOGEFRPP

    2.24 + ChargeBearer [0..1] R SLEV

    2.27 + CreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] R

    2.27 ++ Identification [0..1] R

    2.27 +++ PrivateIdentification [1..1] M

    2.27 ++++ Other [0..n] R

    2.27 +++++ Identification [1..1] M FR26ZZZ666999

    2.27 +++++ SchemeName [0..1] R

    2.27 ++++++ Proprietary [1..1] M SEPA

    2.28 + DirectDebit TransactionInformation [1..n] M

    2.29 ++ PaymentIdentification [1..1] M

    2.30 +++ InstructionIdentification [0..1] O REFOPE1246

    2.31 +++ EndToEndIdentification [1..1] M


    2.44 ++ InstructedAmount [1..1] M 60.29

    2.46 ++ DirectDebitTransaction [0..1] R

    2.47 +++ MandateRelatedInformation [0..1] R

    2.48 ++++ MandateIdentification [0..1] R Mandate NO1234

    2.49 ++++ DateOfSignature [0..1] R 2010-11-02

    2.70 ++ DebtorAgent [1..1] M

    2.70 +++ FinancialInstitutionIdentification [1..1] M

    2.70 ++++ BIC [0..1] R BANKFRPP

    2.72 ++ Debtor [1..1] M

    2.72 +++ Name [0..1] R MRDEBITEUR1

    2.73 ++ DebtorAccount [1..1] M

    2.73 +++ Identification [1..1] M

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 20/24

    2.73 ++++ IBAN [1..1] M FR7612345123450123456789006

    2.88 ++ Remittanceinformation [0..1] O

    2.89 +++ Unstructured [0..n] R fixed invoice January 2011

    2.28 + DirectDebit TransactionInformation [1..n] M

    2.29 ++ PaymentIdentification [1..1] M

    2.30 +++ InstructionIdentification [0..1] O REFOPE1247

    2.31 +++ EndToEndIdentification [1..1] M


    2.44 ++ InstructedAmount [1..1] M 58.1

    2.46 ++ DirectDebitTransaction [0..1] R

    2.47 +++ MandateRelatedInformation [0..1] R

    2.48 ++++ MandateIdentification [0..1] R Mandate NO 4567

    2.49 ++++ DateOfSignature [0..1] R 02/11/2010

    2.50 ++++ AmendmentIndicator [0..1] O true

    2.51 ++++ AmendmentInformationDetails [0..1] D

    2.52 +++++ OriginalMandateIdentification [0..1] O ORIGINAL Mandate NO 4467

    2.70 ++ DebtorAgent [1..1] M

    2.70 +++ FinancialInstitutionIdentification [1..1] M

    2.70 ++++ BIC [0..1] R DRTJDEFF

    2.72 ++ Debtor [1..1] M

    2.72 +++ Name [0..1] R MRDEBITEUR2

    2.73 ++ DebtorAccount [1..1] M

    2.73 +++ Identification [1..1] M

    2.73 ++++ IBAN [1..1] M DE89370400440532013000

    2.88 ++ Remittanceinformation [0..1] O

    2.89 +++ Unstructured [0..n] R fixed invoice January 2011

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 21/24

    3.5.2 In XML format MESS2011-123456 2011-04-02T09:07:00 2 118.39 TELECOM S.A Remittance 20110204 No 000132 DD 2 118.39 SEPA CORE RCUR 2011-02-08 TELECOM FIXE FR7630003012340001122334489 SOGEFRPP SLEV FR26ZZZ666999 SEPA REF OPE 1246 FAC20080100348 60.29 Mandate NO1234 2010-11-02 BANKFRPP MRDEBITEUR1

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 22/24

    FR7612345123450123456789006 fixed invoice January 2011 REFOPE1247 FAC20080100349 58.10 Mandate NO 4567 2010-11-02 true ORIGINAL Mandate NO 4467 DRTJDEFF MRDEBITEUR2 DE89370400440532013000 fixed invoice January 2011

  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 23/24


    Germany DE Iceland IS Austria AT Italy IT Belgium BE Latvia LV Bulgaria BG Lichtenstein LI Cyprus CY Lithuania LT Denmark DK Luxembourg LU Spain Malta MT

    Including the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla

    ES Monaco MC

    Estonia EE Norway NO Finland FI The Netherlands NL France FR Poland PL

    Guadeloupe GP Portugal PT

    French Guyana GF

    Including Azores and Madeira

    Martinique MQ Czech Republic CZ

    Mayotte YT Romania RO Reunion RE

    United Kingdom GB Saint Barthlemy BL

    Gibraltar GI Saint Martin MF

    Slovakia SK Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM

    Slovenia SI Greece GR Sweden SE Hungary HU Switzerland CH Ireland IE


    Name of Societe Generales outlet BIC Code







  • Guide to SEPA Direct Debit Orders in ISO 20022 format V05 2011 P 24/24


    FRANCE: principles of data input in ISO 20022 format for the first post-migration SDD order

    Migration refers to the transition from the national direct debit scheme to the SEPA direct debit scheme.

    The CFONB uses the following principles of data input in ISO 20022 format for the first post-migration SEPA direct debit:

    - association with a transaction sequence with the value "FRST",

    - means of identifying the first migrated SEPA direct debit:

    Case 1: the National Identifier Number incorporated in the SEPA Credit Identifier is the same as the identifier used in the national direct debit scheme.




    2.14 SequenceType Value = "FRST" 2.50 AmendmentIndicator Value = "false"

    Case 2: the National Identifier Number incorporated in the SEPA Credit Identifier is different from the one used in the national direct debit scheme.




    2.14 SequenceType Value = "FRST" 2.50 AmendmentIndicator Value = "true" 2.53 Identification

    Original NIN



    Proprietary Not entered after migration to SDD